#Danny spins an actual wheel to decide where he is going to live
moonlight-stalker · 11 months
# 13 Mha x Dp
Phantom has lived for hunters of years he has seen the change the world went through, he saw as the World went into war over people with powers, he has been all across the world and has lived everywhere. He had just got done with his last life and now it was time to spin the wheel and see where he was going to spend the next hundred years and what he was going to be, it looked like he is living in Japan now he just needs to figure out what he is going to be
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Time Bomb
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I.  |   II.
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 3.2k Warning: angst, trauma, panic attack Summary: OHSY Chapter 13 rewrite with the trauma we should have had.
A/N: I was going to have this be one long fic but it read just as jumpy as the canon chapter so imma split it up into 3-4 parts. I’ve been sitting on this for weeks and not really happy with it but yolo it’s as good as it’s gonna get! Enjoy 💗
Following an all-too-short lunch with Jackie, Becca reposed in the residents lounge for the rest of the day, alone, save for the somewhat reassuring chime of silence which was suspended throughout the room, and a riveting new journal that she held in her hands as she waited on labs to come back for her only patient, Farley. 
Esme stepped inside the newly renovated room, closing the thick wooden door behind her and spinning a pen anxiously between her fingers. The atmosphere changed immediately - whatever calmness Becca found in this modern solitude vanished with her enigma of an intern’s presence. She moved to sit across from Becca without saying a word. 
The two of them sat there in complete silence for a bit. The only sound was the rattling of the central heating from behind the ceiling panels and the taps of the pen Esme was still spinning between her hands. 
Becca folded the article on her lap. She couldn’t focus on it anyway. 
“Esme? Everything okay?”  
It was impossible to miss the sullen look on Esme’s face - as if the weight of the world was resting on her shoulders and crushing her completely. She looked at Becca for a long moment, never meeting her eyes. Esme’s stare scanned the resident before her; the one resident responsible for her mentorship, the one she’s supposed to trust, the one who’s known to have faced great ethical dilemmas. All Esme could see was the same struggle staring back at her - only worse. 
“Not really,” she huffs, crumpling back into the couch cushion. “It's Levi. His situation... it's really getting to me.” She took a pause to lick her dry lips. Then dove into the guilt eating away at her, “He's in so much pain every minute of every day. He's miserable, Becca. His whole life is agony, and he can't even tell anyone. I put my stethoscope to his chest a few days ago, and he teared up.” 
Becca could tell Esme was trying not to cry, hiding her emotions behind the brick wall her angry tone provided. Trying to be strong. For whom had yet to be determined.   
“Could you live like that?” 
“Honestly…” Becca sighed as she bit her cheek, “I don't know.” 
The last two weeks had Becca contemplating her own existence more than ever - a unwarranted side effect of escaping death. And in all those restless hours she hadn’t settled on a solid statement. She hadn’t found the right words to completely encompass and make sense of the endless agony tearing her apart. 
She wished she could have switched places with Danny and Bobby; it was her fault they got caught in the crossfire. But Becca was selfish. So selfish for not wanting to die. 
Rebecca Carolina Lao did not want to die. She could not die.
She’d worked hard her entire life - devoted her youth to her studies and cultivating the best resume she could. Her life had only just begun. She finally had the career of her dreams and… 
What else is there to live for? 
Those around her. Her friends. Her family miles away. 
She couldn’t leave them. What would her mom be like if she had died without saying goodbye? She was strong but no one is strong enough to bury their child. Would she have her buried, or cremated and kept close to her heart? How would her roommates cope with the loss of another friend? How would they cope with taking on her share of the bills on top of inevitably losing their jobs in a few months? Who would pack up all her stuff and where would it all go? 
Becca didn’t know any of these answers because she wasn’t in that position. 
Through all of her pain, she fought like hell to stay. 
As she sat in front of Esme, Becca’s mind briefly wandered to what it would be like to be in Levi’s position. If she couldn’t hold anyone’s hand anymore, or hold a pen or a book without pain… or kiss Ethan… 
Would she be strong enough to live without everything she holds dear? 
She could not imagine her life ending any time soon. 
“So what do I do for him, Becca? How do I help?”
The pen stopped rotating and the heating system lulled to a dull hum. 
“You try... To respect his wishes,” she said with a resolute nod. “That could mean finding new experimental treatments, or it could mean accepting the fact that he doesn't want any more surgeries, even if you think they might help. He doesn't have any good choices right now. You have to make sure he knows you care about him first and foremost.”
The damaged girls looked at one another. The words settled and the air shifted.   
Esme balled her fists against the loose fabric of her scrubs at her thighs. “Yeah... that makes sense.”
“Levi's been through a lot, and it makes sense that he doesn't want to get his hopes up for no reason. But it's your job to try to get him well.” 
“I just wish I believed we could actually do that. Fix him.” Esme sniffled and wiped her eyes on her sleeve, straightening up resolutely. 
Becca’s eyes softened. She remembered how it felt with her first terminal patients. That absolute helplessness didn’t compare - not any more. 
The thing about being terminal - the silver lining - is foresight. People with incurable conditions have time to come to terms with dying. They have time to make amends. They have time to live the rest of their days on their terms. They have time to say goodbye. 
Unlike Danny and Bobby. 
Esme rose to her feet, wild determination in her eyes. “Levi's an amazing guy. I'm gonna help him... somehow.”  
“He is,” a small smile pricked the corners of Becca’s lips. “I'm glad he has you to look after him.” 
“Thanks, Becca. This really helped.” The standoffish intern smiled back and headed off towards her mission. 
And once again Becca was left alone in eerie silence.  
Stir crazy and mind bouncing too much for the walls of the small lounge to handle, Becca decided to make laps around the hospital. She spent the rest of her afternoon reacquainting herself with the wards and spending time comforting premature babies in the NICU. 
How can you be sad around babies? So full of life and promise... 
Becca was walking past the E.R. on her way to check on Farley when she ran into Ethan. 
His face lit up when he saw her; she looked better. She had pulled her hair back into a neater bun and there was a ghost of a smile present among her features. Looking up at him there seemed to be a glow about her, glowing in the faint way that only someone with a new lease on life could. Maybe Ethan was wrong. Maybe she did need to come back to work and face her fears head on. Maybe what was best for her was the distraction and promise of doing good. For once he hoped beyond all hope that his assessment would be proven wrong. 
The sweet coloring in his eyes sparkled and the small cracks of crow's feet peeping at the corners sent a joyful warmth throughout Becca’s body. Just the sight of him gave her enough purchase to let out a large gust of air and with it most of her reserved tension. 
He was here and she was safe. 
For a fraction of a moment they both forgot they were still in the hospital. 
“I've just been with your landlord,” he said slightly softer than his normal cadence, giving them both reason to stand closer in the busy lobby.  
“How is he?” Becca shoved her hands deep into the pockets of her coat, keeping herself from reaching out to him in such a public place.  
Their eyes never strayed from one another. The sparkle in his azure’s matched the glow of her heart as she gazed at him. 
“A pain in the ass.” The sides of Ethan’s mouth perked upwards just a hair. “Medically, however, I'm waiting to see if any bacteria shows up in his cultures. If he has meningitis, we'll need to-” 
Suddenly, the ambulance bay doors burst open cutting him off. Their heads whipped towards the door where an EMT was wheeling a new patient in.  
With skilled precision the EMT rattled off. “I have a patient here. Unconscious female, 50's.” 
Becca and Ethan took a brief look around the E.R., but the few doctors on duty were busy with other urgent cases. 
“We'll take her,” he says just as Becca’s feet carried her to the gurney in an adrenaline-fueled rush.   
Unconscious woman. Shallow breaths. 
Becca’s muscle memory took over well before her brain could catch up, gently slapping the nameless woman’s deathly pale cheek. Everything happened so fast. Becca’s vision was filtered by a vignette secluding her from the world. The only thing pulling attention at the center was the woman before her. This patient barely breathing and clinging to dear life. This patient with frayed graying hair, soft creases and a pale white face with a structure she’s seen before. 
This woman’s not going to die. 
Becca wouldn’t have it. On the third slap to her boney cheek the darkened edges faded and Becca could finally see the bigger picture. 
The moment she made contact, it clicked. 
Becca’s jaw dropped as she registered the features glaring back at her. 
“Oh my god…” she whispered to herself. 
This can’t be. 
Nervously looking over her shoulder Becca called, “Ethan,” 
He raised his brows, ready to jump in and help at her command. 
Before he could take a step forward Becca quickly elaborated, “It's your mom…” 
Time kept spinning and every second this patient came closer to losing life. 
For the first time in his career Ethan was rooted to the spot. 
Of course this would be how they meet after 25 years. The universe had been playing a sick and morbid joke on him lately - Dolores, Naveen, Becca, and now the woman who was dead to him long ago. 
“Ma'am?” Becca tapped her again, trying to jostle her awake. 
Becca’s eyes further assessed the woman’s state. Blue lips and fingertips. Memories jolted through her on the backs of the numbing adrenaline of her first ever case with Ethan - 
She’s losing life. 
Just like Danny and Bobby and... 
Becca pushed the constricting feeling of paralyzation aside. This woman cannot die on her watch. Another life will not be taken from her. Regardless of who they are.   
Ethan watched Becca move frantically around that woman. The reassuring color she finally found had drained from her face completely. Without having to ask he knew how Becca was feeling, because he felt it too. 
He didn’t want to help this patient. He wanted to turn on his heels and let the powers that be take control. To let whatever power that took her away from them all those years ago to come and take her away now. He couldn’t look at her. The nerve of that woman. But Ethan Ramsey took an Oath and there was a patient who needed his expert care. 
With herculean effort Ethan shook himself out of his trance and leapt into action a split second later.  
“How's her breathing? Listen to her chest,” he instructed.  
“Shallow. Pupils are small and unresponsive…” Becca responds, moving to check their patient’s arms for any telling signs. 
And she finds one. 
Track marks. 
She bit back the gasp threatening to call Ethan’s attention. 
As much as Becca wanted to protect him from this - from the deep seeded, constant pain his mother inflicts - her job came first. Becca was a doctor and her attending needed to know the diagnosis. 
“It looks like an opioid overdose. We need to wake her up.” 
She didn’t take her eyes off of his mother, willing her awake with every fibre of her fragile being. Calling up to that invisible force that spared her life only weeks ago for just one more favor. Just one more delay to the inevitable. She greedily needed her to survive. Needed his mother to open her eyes - there was no other option. 
Death would not come today.  
“Louise?” Ethan finally acknowledged the woman. His voice bellowing, pricking goosebumps on Becca’s skin. “Dammit!” 
Ethan brushed past Becca and ground his knuckles into his mother’s sternum. 
“Hnnng…” Louise whined; her eyes opened for a moment and Becca caught the same baby blues blankly staring at her then rolled back in her head. 
Doe eyes wide and full of diluted terror Becca announced, “I'll get the naloxone.” 
She hurried to find a bottle of the drug in a cabinet by the nurses station, quickly preparing an injection in her unfaltering hands as she moved back towards the gurney in ten steps. Then without an ounce of hesitation, stabbed the needle into Louise’s shoulder. Ethan’s mother drew a deep, shuddering breath, eyes fluttering as she slowly pulled out of her unconscious state. 
Becca’s breath caught up with her. 
She’s alive.
That was all the assurance Ethan needed. 
“Alright, she'll make it.” Ethan pulled his rubber gloves off and stepped away from the gurney and where Becca still rooted beside it. 
“Nurse? Keep an eye on her. We're done here.” 
Becca wasn't done. She was sinking in the feelings surrounding her. She felt like she was drowning in the onslaught of waves overtaking her - waning adrenaline, fear, terror, inadequacy, remembrance. Death looked her in the face again today. She evaded him once more. 
Becca 3, Death 2. 
What quarter were they in? When will this duel finish? 
She doesn’t know. It’s an inevitable prolonging. A battle she won’t win for long. 
When is the end? 
She’s consciously terrified of losing. 
Becca’s rooted in place as the waves began rolling towards her. Everyone moves around her in fluid sweeps. She sees nothing and everything all at once. Her line of sight coated in blanched static. 
When the nurse took over and shook her out of her trance, Becca noticed Ethan promptly striding from the room without another word. This wasn’t the Ethan she knew; he would never leave a patient this soon. And this wasn’t a patient… it’s his mother… who nearly died if it wasn’t for him… 
Becca swallowed her bile of trauma and chased after him through the storm; 
The haunting she felt in her core didn’t matter. The shadow taking tallies over her shoulder didn’t matter. None of that mattered. She had to push past it all and be strong for him now.
He was elusive. She didn’t even hear his footsteps stomping through the hall and rattling through her, not even the vibrations ricocheting off the steel foundations. His long legs couldn’t have taken him too far. Scanning the corridor, Becca noticed the door to the on-call room a second away from shutting. 
She finds Ethan hunched over a cot in the empty on call room. The room is dark - only one clinical light is glowing in the far corner of the cramped room. His hands balled into tight fists, the whites of his knuckles reflecting the little light away from his crumpled face. 
She gingerly sat down beside him and ran a gentle hand over his back. 
“Ethan?” Becca whispered a few moments later “Are you alright?” 
Warm air flowed indignantly between them. 
“She does not get to do this to me.” He huffed in his deep voice laden with the sentiment of a broken child. ”She does not get to make me feel bad for her.”
“I’m sorry.” Becca couldn’t say anything louder than a whisper. Her own despair still gripped into her like a vice.  
“Don't be.” Ethan shrugged bitterly, though not enough for her to let up on her calming caresses. “This has nothing to do with me. That woman isn't anyone I know.”
She rested her head against his shoulder. They let silence hang and their minds clear. It was Becca who asked the most pressing question from their earlier observations: 
“Do you think your dad knows she’s using?” 
“...I don't know.” 
He grinds his hands further into his eye sockets, willing the newest image of that woman from his minds eye. Becca continued soothing rubs up and down his back and placed her chin on his shoulder so she could look at him more closely. 
“It’s okay to be sad,” she mutters. 
“I'm not sad. I'm... I'm…” Ethan dropped his hands and they hung between the gap of his legs. His eyes squeezed shut and she can make out the small droplets trapped against his lashes. “Angry.” 
“That's okay, too.” Her free hand moved to begin tracing nonsensical patterns over the thin, starchy fabric at his forearm. “Anything you're feeling right now is okay.”
His clouded eyes flew open. 
“I'm…” he begins to speak before pressing his lips together tightly. 
He huffed, shoving off her embrace and stands. 
“I have to get back to work.” 
“That was your mom, Ethan. She nearly died. You can take a minute. It's okay--” she began to plead. 
Becca was trying to beg him to stay. To lock the door and let them hold one another for a while. So that they can fall apart and patch one another up with unconditional affection. She needed this just as much as she knew he did. 
But Ethan didn’t give her the chance to ask, to make the all too enticing proposition as he bound across the room. He didn’t even bother to turn around; his eyes shut tightly and hand reached for the metal knob. He inhaled a deep cleansing breath; 
“No, it isn't. There are patients that need me much more than she does.” There was a finality in his tone that frightened her. 
Becca’s jaw slacked. 
Ethan didn’t leave a second for her rebuttal. For her to beg. Not even a quirk of the neck in her direction to see the matching brokenness in their eyes.  
The door shut loudly behind him, his footsteps echoed down the hall. 
She wanted to chase after Ethan. He needed her now more than ever. Another person in his life could have been gone in a swift, unforgiving instant. If the effects of seeing their patient on the brink of death was this bad for her she could only imagine what he was going through. Though Becca couldn't move, couldn’t force herself to run through the halls and break down the barriers he’s just put up sky high. He’s pushing her away again; she can feel it. 
Resigned, Becca gave up the great fight. 
When the rattling of his exit dissipated and all that reached her ears was an unnerving peace, she laid down, hugging the plastic wrapped pillow tightly to her body. It smelt like clean and disinfectant and morbidly hospital-like. She wasn’t able to lose herself in this horrid smell. She ripped off the case with as much strength as she could muster, freeing the mass-produced cushion. The squish of the mildly firm pillow through the hypoallergenic fabric wasn’t helping. It still carried all she needed to forget. Rolling to face the wall, curling into a tight ball and burrowing her face in the pillow she let out a vital, subdued scream. The damn was shattered and her emotions spiraled freely for the first time in days. 
Everything was all too much.
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diinofayce · 5 years
Shadows on the Horizon - 14
Pairing: Winter Soldier! Bucky Barnes x OFC! Layne Hardin | Word Count: 2.5k | Warnings: Language, angst, steamy makeouts, shower times, not quite smut | A/N: This is a sequel to my story Like a Whisper in the Night | Shadows on the Horizon Masterlist
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“You could have died and it would have actually been my fault!”
Bucky was in a total state of distress. Danny had the kids tucked away in the back of the quinjet where they kept the bunks for after missions and long flights so Layne and Bucky could hash out whatever was going on with him in peace. Lucas had bombarded the sullen and moody Bucky with questions the whole drive back to the airport in Bloomington. Susanna and Layne kept them wrangled and out of his hair well enough, but they left Sue back in Minneapolis and Danny wasn’t as well versed with children so Layne could only imagine how crazy they were driving her brother.
“It’s not your fault you hit him in his bulletproof sunglasses. Who the fuck makes bulletproof sunglasses? Do you think Tony’s glasses are bulletproof?” Layne flicked the switches over her head in the copilot seat and her brows furrowed as the scanners didn’t give her the reports she was looking for. “Besides, almost dying is kind of a frequent hazard in this job field.”
“That’s the wrong one,” Bucky mumbled, coming down from his panic for a minute to reach over and flick the switch back and flip the one next to it on the right. “And it would have been my fault regardless. I should have made sure they were dead.”
Layne rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. “Do you think I would have gone back in the van if I didn’t think you were watching and had my back, Buck?”
“I don’t fucking know,” Bucky growled, flicking his own set of switches as they prepared to land back at the compound. “I don’t fucking know anything anymore.”
Layne narrowed her eyes at Bucky, her lips turning down in a frown of disappointment before refocusing on the landing pad that was coming into view below them. “Why don’t you actually tell me what you’re mad about, James?”
Bucky froze and blinked a few times at the terseness in her voice and the fact that the only times she ever uses his real name outside of the bedroom is when he’s done something really stupid.
“I’m not mad, Layne. I feel confused and foggy and I don’t even know what else. I figured in both lives I could point and shoot so this shouldn’t have been a problem, but it’s different now. It’s all different now,” Bucky answered softly, dropping the wheels of the jet.
Layne pursed her lips as they landed the jet. Turning off toggles and switches and then the engines she focused on taking steadying breaths. “Maybe,” Layne started but stopped to chew on her thoughts some more.
Bucky watched her anxiously chew on her bottom lip, her eyes flicking back and forth as she sorted through the thoughts in her head.
“Maybe, if it will make you feel better, Shuri can put your head back to where it was. Maybe Steve was right and I was messing around with things I had no business in,” Layne mumbled softly as she cracked her knuckles nervously.
Bucky turned his head at the sound of small running footsteps, Danny was following close behind and Bucky reached up to flip the switch to open the ramp. Spinning in his chair he reached out and grabbed Layne’s hands, pulling her gently into his lap. She folded up easily, her butt between his legs with her knees folded up under his left arm and her head tucked under his chin resting against his right shoulder. He tangled his vibranium fingers in her curls as he held her close and tight to him.
“As weird as this sounds, I feel better than I ever have. Mentally, I mean,” Bucky responded. “I just thought that I had remembered everything I was going to and I was okay with that, but now I’ve had to process all this extra stuff and I’m trying to decide what to do about it.”
Layne tangled her fingers in the straps of Bucky’s vest, clinging to him impossibly tight her knuckles white from lack of blood circulation. “Together, then. Whatever you decide, we do it together.”
Bucky sighed and she felt him shake his head in refusal. “I don’t think I can bring you along for some of this.”
Layne pressed her hands flat against his chest and pushed herself away from him so she could look him in the eyes. The usual clear blue of them swirling with an icy chill that she had only seen in flickers in the past, but would have to get used to it being a permanent fixture in his gaze.
“We promised, James,” Layne pressed, “We promised everything together or not at all.”
Bucky drug his teeth over his bottom lip, his eyes adverting Layne’s pointed gaze. “There are things I just don’t want you to have to see. I don’t even know if anything is still even there or not. I don’t know how I’ll react when I go to these places or find whatever I hid at them. I don’t know if you’ll be safe from me.”
“Bucky,” Layne’s voice was firm and had zero room for argument. “Shut the fuck up. I’m coming with.”
With that she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Any argument that Bucky was going to come up with was lost when she nipped her teeth into his bottom lip, the soft moan he let out allowing for her tongue to slip in his mouth. His hands slid down to firmly grasp her hips and shifted her so instead of being cradled in his arms she was straddling his lap. Her hands raised to tangle in his hair, tugging at the locks softly to tilt his head back and let her kiss him deeper. He broke away for air and to let out a wanton moan as she ground her sex into his.
“Jesus, baby, we gotta hit the pause button,” Bucky begged, but planted hot and heavy kisses down from her ear to her throat despite his words.
“So I can come with you when you go?” Layne whispered huskily, dragging her nails from his scalp to the back of his neck.
“Course, doll, whatever you want,” he agreed hurriedly, his mouth on a path to her chest but suddenly his arms and lap were empty as Layne stood and straightened out her uniform.
“Great. Straighten up, soldier, we have to debrief.”
Bucky blinked a few times, his hands still in midair in front of him from when he was holding Layne in his grip, a dumb look frozen on his face. He licked his lips as he fought the lust fogging his brain. “That…that was the rudest thing you’ve ever done.”
Layne sent him a cheeky wink and giggled. “I didn’t say I didn’t have plans to finish what I started, Barnes.”
The debrief was quick and easy, which was nice because they rarely are. The children were settled across the hall from Bucky and Layne in Layne’s old apartment, Cheryl was looking to make a quick recovery and would be out to meet them by the end of the week where they would take the three children to upstate New York and introduce them to Charles Xavier. In the meantime, Layne proposed a plan to really see what her nieces and nephew were capable of so they would be more quickly placed at the Academy.
But now, back in her and Bucky’s bathroom, she peeled her skin tight suit from her body and turned on the tap for the shower. Once it was lukewarm she stepped in, lifting her face up under the water stream and letting it soak her hair and plaster it to her skin. She let out a sigh from deep in her gut, the weight that’s been sitting on her chest for the better part of the week feeling crushing.
She ignored the soft knocking on the bathroom door knowing that Bucky was going to let himself in anyway and sure enough the door clicked open.
“Room for one more?” Bucky asked and Layne nodded slightly through their frosted glass door before choking out an okay.
Bucky stuck his hand in the shower first to check the water before reaching down to turn the heat up just a little bit and then stepping in.
“Are you doing okay?” Bucky asked with concern, his hands running up his girlfriend’s back and squeezing her shoulders gently. The difference in temperature made her shudder involuntarily until the vibranium caught up from the heat of the water.
His concern made her feel guilty. She wasn’t the one anyone should be worried about right now, Bucky had literally just gone through hell and back and now here he was trying to make sure she was okay. Little fragile Layne Hardin, falling the fuck apart again. She swallowed heavily and tried to pull herself back together quickly even if she knew it was pointless with him.  
“I guess, now that everything has calmed down a little it’s just all kind of hit me,” Layne answered honestly and leaned back into his broad chest. She twists her head around and leaves a gentle kiss on the scarring of his left shoulder.
“You’re angry.” It was a statement, Bucky knew her well enough to tell when she was barely hanging onto her self control. Even back in the Twin Cities when she basically assaulted her brother it was a rare moment. She was normally very good at keeping her emotions under cloak and mask, but Bucky could feel the frustration radiating off of her like heat waves.
“There’s no point in being angry. What’s done is done and it all worked out well enough in the end,” Layne grumbled grabbing her bottle of shampoo and squirting it into her hand.
Bucky reached forward and scooped it from her open palm to massage into her scalp, Layne let out a pleased hum and another deep sigh this one allowing much of the weight to come from her chest.
“I’m sorry, if it makes a difference, I shouldn’t have gone off on my own.”
“It didn’t just put you in harm’s way, Buck. You had a partner. Fuck the mission, you know? I agree with you that any scientist that was involved with what happened to you to take priority, but you left Sue on her own. She looked up and you were just gone and she still had unfriendlies to take care of.”
Bucky took half a step back and tilted Layne’s head back slightly so he could rinse the soap from her hair.
“I know,” he agreed, chagrined. It hadn’t been his intention to abandon his partner and the mission. He had seen the scientist and suddenly he was back in that bank vault in DC and he was giving chase.
“And seeing that fucking chair in your night terrors is one thing, but goddammit Bucky. How are you even willing to jump back into all of this after that again?” Layne twisted in Bucky’s arms pressing her chest against his and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Bucky’s ice blue eyes bored into her warm caramel ones as he searched for the unspoken question hidden beneath the spoken one. His hands fell from her hair down to her shoulders and finally splayed across her ribs right under her breasts.
“Layne,” Bucky started slowly and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. “I am going to follow you where ever you’re going. You need to spend time in Minnesota, I’m there. You want to never leave the tower again? I’m fine with that. You want to quit this whole thing entirely and go back to working in a lab at some university anywhere in the world. I’m okay with that too. I don’t need anything else but you.”
Layne shook her head with a rueful smile on her face. “That’s dumb as fuck, James. I appreciate the sentiment, but you want things too and pretending that they don’t matter is just stupid. This isn’t a fairytale, or a Disney movie, this is real life and there’s two of us. We’re a partnership, yeah? And if we’re going to be a strong partnership we need to be honest with each other.
“I’m pissed you broke rank and order and left Sue to fend for herself. I’m angry because that caused you to get captured and hurt again. I was terrified, Bucky, more scared than I’ve ever been about anything in my life because I thought I was going to lose you again. But I’m frustrated and angry with myself because it should have always been a possibility on any of these missions that this could happen. I’m mad because I told Steve that he should stay behind because Natasha was coming home and I could handle this on my own and none of this would have probably happened if he had been there because that kid is glued to your fucking hip.”
Layne leaned up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to Bucky’s to stop whatever argument Bucky was about to spit out. “But it’s over now and you’re here with me and the kids are here and we’re going to figure this out. I love you so much.”
Bucky blinked the water out of his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. “I love you too, doll, I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.”
Layne bumped his nose with hers before capturing his lips again and kissing him deeply, a raw heat flaring behind it. When they parted to breath Layne have him a fiery look. “So, do we want to un-pause from earlier?”
Bucky growled low in his chest and slid his hands down to Layne’s waist, lifting her up and pressing her against the shower wall where she gasped at the cold towel and arched into his chest. He immediately dove to press a hard kiss to her throat but she hissed and he pulled away with guilt rising in his stomach.
Layne instantly brought her hands to his face and brought his eyes up to hers. She could see the sself-loathing and cold hatred clouding the blue of his eyes. “Hey. No, not now. Not ever.” She insisted kissing him softly to test the waters.
“No. Shut up and love me.”
That was all it took. Bucky slammed off the water to the shower and Layne squealed, wrapping her legs around his waist as he walked her to the bedroom and threw her soaking wet on the bed.
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bangtan-ballum · 6 years
what i remember from the interactive introverts show in belfast (28.5.2018) SPOILERS
 this is all from memory so quotes and the order may not be completely accurate but close enough.. *pretty detailed spoilers*
- before the show began and the playlist was on, 'dans siri' kept interrupting saying "this is dans siri he left me to go look at some memes i hope you’re enjoying the playlist" and it telling us there’s no recording allowed and to turn our phones off or "ill beat you up only i cant because i’m just an ipad"
- the playlist had bts mic drop and red velvet peek-a-boo and everyone started singing and dancing to it and i was shook so many were fans of kpop omg i was liVING. 
- explaining his tweet "the weirdest thing happened, sorry if you’re here but omg that would be weird, we were sat on a bench and then this little boy wearing a fedora walked by, stopped, looked back and did this *tipped his hat* like was that directed at me?? there was no hello, nothing! and then he waited and did it again?!" he asked phil if he seen him and he said he did. dan said "phew if you didn’t i thought, i’ve just seen god, god just came to me in this form to judge me. and if he did id be going down (to hell). i am not prepared for that" 
- talking about the stage and the amazing graphic design and the two big i's at the side of the stage and dan said "look at those long boys" then called them phallic 
- a photo of dan inspired by my horse prince with the caption "ride me senpai" and phil said it was from his own personal files so he doesn’t know how that got there.. 
- phil saying they want to get to know us better but bc theres not enough time for them to take us all out for a coffee and a chat (how cute, and then everyone became soft for them and said aww) so they decided to try to get to know use all at the same time
- the audiences collective name was karen
- "you’re just not there yet. you need to get inside karen" *dan looks at phil in disgust* "phil...join karen, connect with karen" dan later goes onto say "get inside karen" and phil says "see you’re as bad as me" 
things dan and phil will not be doing tonight: 
- 'erotic role playing': *phil wearing a police helmet and carrying a baton* "officer(maybe captain) phil(maybe philly) here, danny’s been a bad boy" then dan appears holding handcuffs "please be careful with the handcuffs i have sensitive skin" 
- the show will also not be a live viewing of dan and phil in their apartment. they then showed videos of them doing things round the house and phil was eating cereal out of the box and dan was on the toilet. 
- the show will not be a giant party with all their friends and they put party hats on and then the voice said “no because none of the people replied to their messages bc they have no friends. none.” lmao 
- the show will not be them stripping and they ripped their shirts off to reveal they had the same shirt on underneath
- "unleash the bees" then "sting me daddy" by dan ofc 
- they tested themselves and had to say the same thing under the topic of "kitchen objects" and they both said whisk and said that they never say the same thing and that was only the second time they’ve done that and they were so happy about it omg
- when doing the simulation part dan was in his fur suit and had to go to the toilets but the men’s was locked and the options we had to choose from was to "ask someone for the passcode" or "use the lady door" (i know) and dan went on to say that this is why we need to diminish the concept of gender and everyone clapped and cheered omg i love him
- during the how many think we know the real dan and phil bit, dan said something about how we know certain thing (that i dont remember) and how we know some of their kinks 
- dan being v concerned about how we kept cheering for satan and judged the people of belfast for seeming happy to be making a deal with the devil lol. 
- during the sacrifice of dan (what context?) phil came out in a leather apron with gloves and said he is wearing his best serial killer outfit. 
- phil getting ready to shoot a spinning dan with an arrow and says "forget katniss everdeen, this is philniss philerdeen" 
-phil misses the board and hits dans hip and dan said “if that was 5 inch to the left then we would not have been friends anymore”
- dan trying to get off the wheel and phil asked if he needs to unstrap him and dan said "i’ve had enough of you unstrapping me" idk if he actually said that but i s2g that’s what i heard at the time and how i will remember it LMAO 
- dan had to untie phils apron and the audience died and dan was done with all of us. 
- phil saying it was distracting watching dan get out of his padded suit and then dan tried to sexily get out of it whilst phil was talking and phil stopped and stared at dan and said "im just gonna let him do it" and so in the end we all just watched as dan struggled to step out of it and then literally also tripped. then a few minutes later he realised he still had one of the shoe protectors on his foot (he called it a shower cap lol) and then took it off and awkwardly walked to the side to set it down then awkwardly walked by and laughed under his breath.
- according to the audience dan has a stress mushroom, apple and a girls motivation locked in the box under his bed. dan was extremely concerned as to why she thinks he has locked an apple in the box. and everyone laughed when the other girl said her motivation and dan said "i too have my motivation locked in a box and i’ve lost the key" 
- phil saying the key to dans box was v 50 shades of grey bc of the red ribbon
- at some point they both said a word wrong and both times they did The Thing™ they do when they mock each other when they make a mistake.
- 'phantastic phacts' as a title on screen. phil says "like what we did there?" 
- dan saying his phil trash #1 
- phil saying “put your nipples away” (when a photo of a topless man appeared on screen) and said it in some type of accent LMAO i died
- dan saying they are super best friends and soulmates -im dead- 
- wholesome howell and x-rated lester made an appearance (they swapped roles and were given topics and phil had to make good things sound bad and dan had to make bad things sound good) also when dans photo of him as an angel with a halo and a rainbow behind him, he looked at the audience, smirked and said "its very fitting" i would like the think he meant the gay ass rainbow behind him but y’know. 
- dan saying to god "implode me daddy" when he had to make the topic of the world imploding seem appealing. phil laughed under his breath and said “never say implode me daddy again” 
- *phil having to make meeting beyonce sound bad and he said bc hes so clumsy that he'd trip and kill her and was really dramatic whilst saying it and dan was stunned and just looked in shock at phil then us and said "are you as traumatised as i am right now" 
- dan having to make stepping in a puddle while wearing socks seem good and screamed and said "NO that is literally the worst thing in the world..ok you dont appreciate dry feet until suddenly they’re not. once a day we should all put on a fresh sock and go to the kitchen and step in something moist just to remember-" phil interrupts shouting no and dan continues saying "do you ever feel like you need a drink. well, with a wet sock you can just- *lifts his foot to his mouth and everyone dies on the spot* 
- dan and phil struggling to pronounce all the irish names and everyone was screaming how to pronounce it and dan made everyone be quiet and squealed "wAIT. just one person" LMAO and then the one time phil said a name right and everyone cheered for him 
- dan would happily become an amazing dancer even if it meant phil would wake up with 2 left hands and 2 left feet because he says it wouldn’t make a difference in phils life bc hes that clumsy now it’d probably be the same with 2 left feet. 
- phil would save dan from being bitten by a vampire even though it would mean that buffy the vampire slayer never existed. they talked about how the vampire could bite him and he could live forever as a vampire and phil said he would bring him bloody treats (then dan referenced to before when phil was x-rated lester*) and said "what kind of bloody treats?? omg it would be beyonce he killed beyonce and will feed me her corpse" then said "no what if they just want me dead" and then phil decided to save him. 
- dan thinks this phil without the fringe is an impostor and he killed the real phil. he screamed a couple of times throughout the show to ask where the real phils body was and said will get him to confess eventually. 
- "are you really just a lizard in a phil suit..because that would explain a lot" phil is a scalie confirmed. 
- phil constantly squatting/slut dropping to the buzzer sound effect 
- i cant remember the context but phil said something about him having layers and dan stopped and said “layers?? are you shrek? what do you think this is, shrek the musical?”
- phil had to say dans biggest fear and he said moths, and it was wrong so he got an electric shock and dan said "wHAT NO! ok right i have this thing where i hate anything underwater. like imagine you’re in the sea, what are you scared of? sharks? woop no, whales? no. but there’s a boat and beside the boat there’s a buoy and attached to that is sLIMEY CHAIN. EW NO. i’ve got submechanophobia. (i googled it i think that’s what he said idk) so its not moths, phil you know that!!" 
in the deep chat bit: 
-they talked about phobias. someone submitted saying she had a phobia of balloons and asked if she was weird and asked what they’re scared off. phil said "no you’re not weird. everyone has their fears. whats yours dan" and dan said "as we discussed before, things underwater, slimey things! uHH. but yeah i get that, its the anticipation of when its gonna pop and that’s stressful" and asked phil what his was and said "i’ve always had a thing where i was scared of the deep sea ever since i was a kid. also, not that its really a phobia but, horses. i don’t like them i don’t trust their intentions. like imagine waking up one day to a horse in your bedroom" lol 
- they talked about procrastination. talked about how changing your environment, like "doing a very not dan and phil thing" and going for a walk (dan squealed at the thought) could help distract your mind, getting some fresh air and then going back to your work with a different mindset. then talked about how phil has the need to reward himself when he does something and said that he always says to himself that if he finishes a certain task that he will reward himself with a marshmallow. and then said that if you reward yourself with something that it could motivate you to finishing whatever you’re putting off. dan said phil is using the example of a marshmallow but that he really does this and that he tells dan not to let him have the marshmallows until he finishes whatever he needs to do. dan then said that even if your procrastinating school work or whatever to just write the first word, or try writing a few sentences bc atleast you’ve started it and if you start writing that you could get into the mindset and keep writing until you finish. 
- they talked about making a youtube channel. someone submitted that he has started a youtube channel about reptiles and if they had any tips. and dan said "omg stephen. phil is probably already subscribed" lmao. phil praised him for starting a channel about something he is interested in and how its bad to start a channel just for the views and the subscribers. then said that instead of talking about what hes going to do, he should "just do it, show us that lizard" and dan said "yeah dont start off like "hi, so my name is [stephen], nice to meet you. ive always wanted to make videos about reptiles but i never rea-" lmao 
- phil saying bitch in his disstrack oh my god 
- the song at the end: "hey buddy can you give me some editing tips" 
- when dan was playing the piano and phil was singing and said that even though they’ve been friends for so long they’ve never fallen out and then starting listing things they could fall out over eg. phils dying houseplants, how dan never goes outside, phils vision is blurry and dans a furry. 
- for the most inaccurate prediction of interactive introverts someone submitted "2 hours of dan and phil twerking to the teletubbies theme tune" and then dan proceeded to twerk whilst singing it and saying the teletubbies names.. 
- d: "its basically two oscars tied together" p: "oh and they’re naked, look at those butts" d: "wow statues of two naked men tied together may not be the best thing to have when its meant to represent us"
there were some really soft things they said at the start and the end, and how we were there bc were happy(?) (i dont remember the exact context or quote but it was something like that, all i mind is that it was v sweet) and idk i just love them omg it was the best night!! 
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Sleeping Beauty
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Continue Our Look At Disney...
By Talking About Walt's 16th Animated Feature, Sleeping Beauty...
This Film Tells The Sleeping Beauty Tale While Also Including Arrangements Or Adaptations Of Numbers From The 1890 Sleeping Beauty Ballet By Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky...
So, After That Number, Let's Talk About Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty...
The Film Starts Like Cinderella And Snow White Did With The Opening Of A Book, With Our First Song Afterwards...
And It's Short But To The Point As It Shows The Kingdom Celebrating The Birth Of The Princess Aurora..
At Aurora's Christiening, The King And Queen Are Visited By King Hubert And Prince Phillip (Who Is Betrothed To The Just Born Aurora) Before The Arrival Of The 3 Good Fairies, Flora, Fauna And Merryweather
Or As I Like To Call Them Disney's Animated Version Of The Golden Girls...
Anyway, The Fairies Have Come To Give Gifts To Aurora On This Day Of Happiness...
(Start At 1:48)
But Before Merryweather Can Bestow Her Gift Upon The Child, She Is Interrupted By The Arrival Of One Of Disney's Best Villains, Maleficent, Who Is Upset To Have Not Been Given An Invitation To The Party, But Bearing No Ill Will, She Bestows Her Gift Upon Aurora...
(Start At 1:23, End At 3:09)
Fearful Of Aurora's Life, King Stefan Decrees That All Spinning Wheels In The Kingdom Shall Be Burned Immediately, But Knowing That That Will Not Stop Maleficent, The 3 Fairies Decide To Take Aurora To Live With Them In The Forest Until Her 16th Birthday, Changing Her Name To Briar Rose To Keep Her Identity A Secret...
Over The Years, Maleficent Has Had Her Men Searching For Aurora While Also Working On Her Main Goal To Find The Seven Princesses Of Heart In An Attempt To Take Over The Universe...
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But That's Not Important Right Now As Maleficent Discovers That All Those 16 Years Her Men Have Been Looking For A Baby The Entire Time...
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Blasting Her Men For Their Incompetence, She Decides To Leave It All Up To Her Raven...
To Find Aurora...
And Speaking Of Aurora, She Has Grown Into A Very Beautiful Woman While Being Raised By The Fairies Who She Believes Are Actually Her Aunts And Are Planning A Surprise Party On This Day. So, They Send Her Out To Get Berries...
While Doing So, She Sings To Entertain Her Animal Friends, Which Grows To Gain The Attention Of The Now Grown Up Prince Phillip, Who Is Out Riding In The Woods Eventually This Leads To Our Next 2 Songs, Starting With I Wonder...
(End At 1:13)
And It's Okay...
While Not The Best Song Of The Movie, I Do Like It For It's Soft Tone But Unlike The Next Song It's Not Very Memorable...
And Speaking Of The Next Song...
And This Is The Song Most Connected With This Movie...
It's A Lovely Song And You Can't Help But Sing It, It's Probably My Favorite Song Of The Entire Movie...
Realizing She Has To Return Home, Aurora Flees Without Even Learning Phillip's Name...
But Back At Home, Things Are Not Going So Well As The Cake The Fairies Made Is A Disaster And The Dress They Made Is Even Worse, This Leads Them To Get Their Wards Out Of Mothballs So They Can Make A Proper Cake And Dress...
But When An Arguement Of Color Leads To A Magic Fight Between Flora And Merryweather, It Causes Magic To Appear Through The Roof Which Gains The Attention Of Maleficent's Raven...
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Hearing Aurora Singing, They Stop Fighting And Get Things Back To The Way They Were. Seeing The Outfit And The Cake It's A Wonderful Surprise But It Goes To Hell When Aurora Mentions Meeting A Guy...
Maleficent's Raven Watches As The Fairies Tell Aurora The Truth, Saying That She Can Never See That Boy Again (Despite Being Unaware That It Was Phillip That She Met)
Meanwhile At The Castle, King Stefan Awaits His Daughter's Return While Celebrating With King Hubert, This Leads To Our Next Song...
(Start At 0:59)
While More Of A Funny Drinking Song, I Do Like It And The Scene During It Is Hysterical At Times..
Hearing That Phillip Has Returned, Hubert Goes Out To See Him Only To Hear About The Peasent Girl He Met, Who He Wants To Marry Now, Despite Being Engaged All These Years To Aurora (And Being Again Completely Unaware That It Is Aurora That He's In Love With)...
Hubert Tries To Talk Phillip Out Of Marrying The Peasent Girl And Instead Marry Aurora But It Fails As Phillip Rides Off To Go Find Her...
Taking Aurora To The Castle, The Fairies Leave Aurora In A Room Only For Her To Continue Crying Her Eyes Out Like A Sieve (It's A Miracle The Whole Room Doesn't Flood From Her Tears) Until The Sun Sets...
Using Her Magic, Maleficent Lures Aurora Away From Her Chambers...
And Up To The Tallest Tower Where A Spinning Wheel Is Waiting For Her, Touching The Spindle And Pricking Her Finger, She Is Put Under The Sleeping Curse As The Fairies Arrive Too Late To Stop Her...
Placing Her On A Bed With A Red Rose In Her Hand, They Cause A Deep Sleep To Fall Over The Entire Kingdom Until They Can Find A Way To Break The Curse As Our Next Song Plays...
(End At 2:25)
Realizing That They Have To Get To The Cottage, The Fairies Race Back There In A Hurry But They Arrive Too Late Again As When Prince Phillip Got There He Fell Into...
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Set By Maleficent In An Effort To Prevent Him From Waking Aurora. Going To Maleficent's Fortress At The Forbidden Mountain, The Fairies Help Phillip To Escape By Giving Him A Enchanted Sword And Shield To Help Him Get Through Maleficent's Forces So He Can Escape Her Fortress...
Climbing The Tower Into Aurora's Chambers, Phillip Goes To Kiss Aurora To Break The Curse...
And That's Sleeping Beauty And It's One Of The Best Disney Animated Movies...
The Story Is Well Written, The Characters Are Well-Written, The Villain Is The Best And The Background And Art By Evynd Earle Is Well Drawn....
However, It Does Have 2 Problems One Being Auroa And Phillip Only Talk In The First Half Of The Movie...
Yeah, After Aurora Hears That She's A Princess From The Fairies And After Philip Rides Off For Aurora's Cottage From The Castle That's The Last Time They Speak..
Why? Did Walt Want The Music To Stand Out More? Were The Actors Unavailable To Lend Their Voices? Cause Either Way This Sucks...
I Mean, I Can Understand Aurora Not Saying Anything As She's Under Maleficent's Curse For Most Of The Second Half Of The Movie But At The End Of The Film She Could Have Said A Couple Of Words...
Also You Would Expect Phillip To Have Words To Say To Maleficent In Her Dungeon And Words To Say To The Fairies When They're Saving His Life...
But No, He Says Nothing...
And Second, King Stefan, His Wife And King Hubert Must Be Gods Or Something Because They Don't Age Throughout The Entire Movie...
Yeah, They Look The Same Age As They Did When Aurora Was A Baby Throughout The Movie Which Is Slightly Disturbing If You Think About It...
I Mean Stefan Should Have A Little Grey In His Beard, His Wife Should Look A Little Older Than She Looks And Hubert, Well, With His Age He Should Be Dead
But Despite Those Problems It's A Great Film And I Say See It..
Be Sure To Check Out Duke Reviews Xtra This Week As I Look At Maleficent And It's Sequel, Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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cresendium · 6 years
Running P.25
‘Not smart to do so’. 
“Did you wake up early?” Sam’s voice sounded laced with sleep behind you. You had stood there the whole night, clearing your mind and just enjoying the scenery, “Nah, not that long” you said moving from behind the curtain back to the bed. Sam smiled and got up and changed into her casual clothes. “What do you want for breakfast?” she questioned. “You can decide, I’m good with anything” you stated while moving to the bathroom. Sam arched a brow looking at you, “even uncomfortable changing in the same room with me?” she asked.
Doubt, despicable
You could see wheels spinning behind her eyes. If you said the truth which meant a yes, she would be offended, if you lied with a no, she would wait until you changed. Either way, bad choices, so going with the third option. “Do you mind if I take a shower? I sweat a lot when I have nightmares” you said with half of a smile. It was a low blow, and you knew it all too well, using someone’s guilt in following your pacing.  
“Yeah no problem, you know how it works right? Some people have different models” she said with a gentle smile. “Yeah, thanks” you said before disappearing into the bathroom. A sigh of relieve left your lips. Footsteps outside passed and went off the stairs to the kitchen. With the comfort of being alone you changed and took a quick shower to at least make your excuse legit. After that you joined Sam downstairs for a breakfast of toast and different kinds of spreads.
Sam told you about the coming new movies in the cinema and the plans of going with all of us whenever school and the ghost plagues allows us to. When breakfast was finished you gathered your stuff in your duffle and said goodbye to Sam with a thanks for the stay.
Walking home never felt so good, it was really uncomfortable there.
She is typical, despicable hu- ‘she is a friend’ you kept repeating that thought. Normally you wouldn’t have to do that with real friends right?
Real friends don’t have secrets
You stopped in your tracks, people avoiding a collision with you muttering curses under their breath. With a sharp turn you moved through the maze of alleys and finally ended up at the park. A sigh left your lips while dropping down on a small bench at the lake. Your eyes lazily watched the ducks. ‘I can’t tell them my secret. Either they hate me or they will be in danger or they rat me out’
True possibilities
You stayed a long time. The park was comforting, no one approaching you, yet you were not alone or closed off within walls. When the sun was approaching sundown you decided to go back home, starting diner. Luciel arrived quite late, around 9 pm. “Welcome back” you smiled and got up to heat the food you prepared beforehand. “I am back” he responded and floated over to you. “It smells great” he announced. You hummed in response as you took a seat at the table, waiting for the food to heat up.
Luciel looked you up and down and frowned, “something is up. What’s up?” he questioned standing beside you. “That took a while” you said looking tiredly up at him. He watched you in silence, waiting for you to explain. After a long pause, considering how and what to say, you broke eye contact and stared at the wall. “The voice is back” you stated. “That isn’t that bad right?” Luciel questioned, “it always gave good judgement and rational advice. Even if it was too rational sometimes” he said looking less worried. “It is doubting my friend”. “The ghost kid?” you shook your head, “the goth girl, Sam” you said making eye contact with your brother who didn’t seem to understand the bad thing in the situation. “So you are doubting your so called friend. What is wrong with that?” he questioned. “It is doubting her, not m-” “IT is you (y/n), you should know better than denying it” he looked stern down on you.
Another silence filled the air, only to be broken by the alarm of the food, signalling that it was done. You got up and served the lasagne before eating. Half way into the meal you put your fork down. “Fine, you are right. I don’t trust her” you stated. Luciel looked up, his eyes glinting with joy over the delicious lasagne, “and now? What will you do? Kill her?” he questioned. This time it was your turn to frown, “heck no, I’ll do nothing and see where it takes me. As long as she doesn’t know my past or what I am I should be safe” you huffed and continued eating. Luciel gave a curt nod before returning his attention to the lasagne.
It was refreshing seeing him living up from food. Over the past few months slight changes in his behaviour were noticeable. Not major ones, just small things, like how he smiled more often, how he enjoyed the food you made and how he acted more like a person. The changes were comforting, because you noticed changes in yourself as well. But at the same time it was frightening.
 The annoying sound of something vibrating against wood had you open your eyes and stare at the damned device on your nightstand. “You better be an emergency or I will kill you” you threatened the lifeless device before picking it up and unlocking the screen. When Danny’s name appeared on your screen the annoyance slowly melted away and was replaced by curiosity. You tapped on the notification opening the private chat between the two of you. Danny had one message that felt desperate, considering it was 4 am.
Please, can we meet up?
4 am? You better have a panic attack to wake me up this early XD
You really reacted! Sam and Tucker both didn’t, they are probably asleep. Sorry for waking you up but I really need to talk to someone
It’s fine, in half an hour at the lake spot?
You are a saviour, I’ll see you in a bit!
You sighed, forcing your sleepy muscles to work your body out of the bed. You decided on a thick black hoodie and sweat pants, no one would care anyway, before going out you put some chocolate in the big pocket of the sweater. After a quick flight you waited on the spot you had met Danny a few nights ago on one of your whims. It was actually fair that you listened to his whims as well.
“You are really fast” a warm but tired voice behind you broke the silence. You turned around and smiled at the ghost boy. “I have my ways” you said simply before taking a seat on the damp grass and patting the spot next to you. Danny gave a small smile and sat down besides you. “So, what happened?” you questioned. Danny’s distressed green orbs turned to you. “I came across another half ghost half human” he stated.
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
insert HDHO video embed code here
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it’s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it’s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it’s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it’s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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angelagiles18 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it���s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB May 08, 2020 at 05:53PM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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localwebmgmt · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can’t talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I’m sorry. It’s a train wreck, guys. It’s a train wreck.
It’s over. And that is totally token on himself. We’re all waiting. The screen isn’t setting. We’re all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don’t give up
there you go. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I’m drinking coffee. It’s still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it’s five o'clock here. So it’s five o'clock somewhere, man. That’s right. And I don’t know who said that. Who said that rule. If it’s hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that’s my problem. Okay, that’s a problem to make a drink with this one. I won’t touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let’s start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don’t know. Like I have an open boss. like everything’s pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it’s a bit colder. And I guess it’s is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what’s up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven’t noticed, we’re missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I’m in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I’m doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today’s the sixth of May 2020. And if you’re watching this, and you’re wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you’re starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it’s mind-blowing Lee good. It’s really good. Everything we’re charging enough but we’ll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you’re seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that’s pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it’s 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it’s just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It’s what we use to get results. It’s everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we’re going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don’t want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that’s where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We’ve made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it’s not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It’s not that it’s that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you’re looking past everything that’s offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we’re charging for, I’m glad that we’re raising the price. We’re not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It’s really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It’s entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don’t know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don’t know like if we would have had that document when we started I don’t know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there’s a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that’s why you know, it’s our entry-level product. It’s great. We might we blow people’s mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We’re so super open about it, we wouldn’t have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that’s for the price that we’re charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that’s something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don’t let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it’s a 12-week course you get it all at once it’s not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that’s all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we’ve been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I’ve got a real estate thing I’m trying to close. Oh, let’s keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let’s kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I’ll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I’ve been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it’s built for agencies it’s, I see it like goes like even if you’re a solopreneur or something like that you’re running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That’s literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that’s always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don’t even have an agency or they don’t consider themselves as having an agency. That’s literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we’ll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we’re at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed’s up first, first in line. What’s up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that’s been live for about three weeks now. I’ve been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I’ve noticed there’s still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I’ve only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I’ve come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it’s a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don’t know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that’s occurring right now? No, there’s only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I’m even looking at it right now.
And I’m getting Monday records. So know that there’s nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There’s still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There’s an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it’s going to depend on what kind of market he’s in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It’s just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they’ll start giving you feedback on what you’re getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don’t call it displays that that’s what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it’s in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there’s actually really good information. And it’s Google telling you what information it’s it’s getting from your project. So why wouldn’t you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn’t Google this isn’t Google speak? It’s the bot that’s giving you the data? So I’d pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that’s the thing if it’s new, it could be that it’s not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It’s brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you’re being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it’s also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it’s a domain-wide? You know, it’s in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don’t know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what’s the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don’t want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I’m presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I’ll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don’t get into explaining how everything works because it’s really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they’re their eyes or they’re not going to understand it anyway. So what’s the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I’ll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you’re very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I’ll provide a video email with my monthly report. I’ll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I’ll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it’s important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you’re talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he’s charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you’re going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they’ll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It’s ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you’re going to do. And there’s absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I’m charging you for dumping services. What you’re charging for are results. What you’re charging for is what you’re going to do for these people. They’re paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that’s consultation, and that’s way more than that they can they could ever pay because you’re actually going to teach them how it’s done and how to get results and it’s not something that’s done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn’t talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you’re speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that’s why when I hire an attorney, I don’t want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I’m hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you’re not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we’ve gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you’re going to get what it is that you’re going to do, not how they’re not entitled to how they’re not ever right. entitled to how they’re entitled to their brand. Of course, they’re entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they’re not. That’s part of your house. That’s how you get results. They’re not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you’re charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they’re entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you’re going to create that’s going to trigger the T one branded, they’re not entitled to those logins. Because that’s part of how I never give them that. You’re not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don’t do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn’t go like planned and he didn’t say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that’s almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’re mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you’re going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you’re going to do. I’m going to get your phone to ring I’m gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I’m gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn’t matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that’s just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don’t have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I’m going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don’t have to explain it away because I’m not asking for additional money. It’s all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I’ve been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I’m reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don’t work for them. We don’t have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it’s a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that we don’t have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren’t, they weren’t always working. And we also noticed that they weren’t replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it’s funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn’t changed. We’ve tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that’s the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we’ve tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We’ve tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they’re a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don’t recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that’s the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it’s automated, right? It’s been delegated. And it’s going to get done manually, yes, but it’s being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it’s an automated process because I don’t have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don’t have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I’m sorry, I can’t provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven’t been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you’ve already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don’t even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it’s just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don’t, and not everybody can support a group as we’ve done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that’s been our longest running group that we’re still supporting five-plus years, and we’re still there. We, we can’t force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That’s all they want. I mean, we’re in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we’re in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it’s what it’s all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that’s, that’s pretty amazing. It’s been over six years now. So we’ve been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we’ve been together quite some times, guys, that’s a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that’s a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I’ve had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It’s very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it’s been really it’s worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we’re still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I’ll tell you what I do. Again, there’s there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that’s part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we’ll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we’ll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That’s just my process. Again, it’s probably different for others. But that’s the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you’d like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you’re building the site on, then nobody’s going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that’s working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you’ve done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I’m working on while you know until they’re actually published in live so it doesn’t index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don’t even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That’s absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there’s no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they’d like and all that and it changes nothing. It’ll still be on that domain and you’re actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I’d say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There’s no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn’t go in there, although they might. It shouldn’t index but that’s how you should do it. That’s how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven’t even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that’s how it started. That’s how it should be. There’s no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there’s a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there’s one thing like because I’m also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it’s finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that’s one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I’ll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I’m building the site and that’s one of the things I’ve always done is built the site. But I’ve been working on what I’m about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I’ve spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that’s something I’ve always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you’ve got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it’s an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it’s indexable or not, it doesn’t matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it’s going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won’t read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don’t are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it’s related content, it’s to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it’s not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it’s not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It’s just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that’s just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I’m ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don’t link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here’s an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can’t really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it’s right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can’t scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I’m building out in showing sharing everything that I’m doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here’s basically and it’s just a work in progress. I’m still not 100% done with this I’m probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that’s down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I’m starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven’t checked out process.st, so it’s process Street, but it’s processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can’t share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it’s like, you can take somebody’s green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you’re not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that’s how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that’s more than you’re willing to bite off right now, right, if that’s too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you’re doing something in your business that you don’t already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I’ve just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I’ve read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn’t read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it’s our ego that says I don’t need a damn checklist. I know what I’m doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you’re not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you’re wondering why your results aren’t the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that’s the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it’s another fantastic job. I’ve built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I’m very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you’re on the real estate flipping business, and I’m glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there’s a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn’t fully relevant to you, but it’s very closely related. And so we’ve got some training on that stuff too. So I’d love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I’m planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it’s a two it’s 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it’s still 200 right? It’s 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That’s hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don’t have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what’s the point of putting something that’s not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don’t have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don’t exist that are not I don’t want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that’s that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that’s I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we’re trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you’re doing a local project, you don’t want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you’re ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that’s to again, that’s to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you’re working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that’s fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don’t, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn’t MGYB’s fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I’ve been sharing in the mastermind right now. That’s what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn’t put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn’t, they weren’t the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It’s not a big deal because again, this was a test that I’m doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it’s really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you’re now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you’re doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I’m just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I’m wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we’re working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where’s that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we’re not ready for it. We’re not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that’s, that’s coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we’re close guys. We’re real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn’t realize it wasn’t recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It’s okay if you did it though. It’s not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that’s it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn’t do that just because that’s a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I’m just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it’s so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I’m going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there’s some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that’s your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there’s three, you know, three-second tier networks, you’re going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you’re using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don’t want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you’re going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson’s RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don’t even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It’s we did a promotion with them. And it’s a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people’s content. So that’s something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven’t tested it. All I don’t want to speculate. We haven’t tested it in other languages. We’ve tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don’t want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I’ve never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn’t, couldn’t answer that either.
So the answer is we don’t know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don’t know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it’s your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you’ve done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it’s a client site, and you’re doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won’t have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you’ve done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you’re relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That’s keyword relevant. That’s when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you’ve already done. Now imagine if you’ve done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you’ll be pushing. Whether it’s worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it’s always there’s always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That’s a question that he’s gonna ask and that he’d have to know. Yeah. And that’s when I first started to say was that but if you’ve done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I’m running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That’s
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you’re running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don’t typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we’re trying to tickle like the art, right, that’s for SEO. And so if it’s a no index page, I don’t know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don’t see the benefit of no indexing the page because you’re losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don’t understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don’t understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it’s a lead capture page if it’s the top of the funnel, why wouldn’t you want that to rank? Why wouldn’t you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can’t give a good answer, either, we’re going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what’s up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I’m giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we’ve had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I’m still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that’s okay.
What’s The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I’m sorry. No, I’m sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what’s the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it’s very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don’t directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there’s not a direct link between A and A there’s not a direct link may be up maybe I’m explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it’s simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That’s a co-citation. So it’s a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That’s the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I’m gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It’s an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she’s got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it’s an automated tool. It’s called rank feeder. It’s fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I’ll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you’ll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it’s going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it’s a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we’re gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We’re running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don’t quite understand.
That. Yeah, I’m sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That’s it. That’s it. That’s the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There’s a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we’re coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don’t know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don’t know. I usually don’t know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It’s still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It’s not I don’t have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I’m pretty sure that that that but that you’re talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I’ve got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it’s been simplified. It’s it’s a lot different than the previous versions in that everything’s been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I’m just gonna kill everything. That’s it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it’s in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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semanticmastery · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can't talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I'm sorry. It's a train wreck, guys. It's a train wreck.
It's over. And that is totally token on himself. We're all waiting. The screen isn't setting. We're all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don't give up
there you go. What's up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I'm drinking coffee. It's still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it's five o'clock here. So it's five o'clock somewhere, man. That's right. And I don't know who said that. Who said that rule. If it's hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that's my problem. Okay, that's a problem to make a drink with this one. I won't touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let's start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don't know. Like I have an open boss. like everything's pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it's a bit colder. And I guess it's is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what's up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven't noticed, we're missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I'm in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I'm doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today's the sixth of May 2020. And if you're watching this, and you're wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you're starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it's mind-blowing Lee good. It's really good. Everything we're charging enough but we'll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you're seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that's pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it's 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it's just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It's what we use to get results. It's everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we're going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don't want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that's where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We've made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it's not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It's not that it's that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you're looking past everything that's offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we're charging for, I'm glad that we're raising the price. We're not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It's really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It's entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don't know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don't know like if we would have had that document when we started I don't know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there's a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that's why you know, it's our entry-level product. It's great. We might we blow people's mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We're so super open about it, we wouldn't have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that's for the price that we're charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that's something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don't let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it's a 12-week course you get it all at once it's not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that's all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we've been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I've got a real estate thing I'm trying to close. Oh, let's keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let's kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I'll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I've been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it's built for agencies it's, I see it like goes like even if you're a solopreneur or something like that you're running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That's literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that's always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don't even have an agency or they don't consider themselves as having an agency. That's literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we'll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we're at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed's up first, first in line. What's up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that's been live for about three weeks now. I've been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I've noticed there's still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I've only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I've come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it's a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don't know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that's occurring right now? No, there's only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I'm even looking at it right now.
And I'm getting Monday records. So know that there's nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There's still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There's an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it's going to depend on what kind of market he's in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It's just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they'll start giving you feedback on what you're getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don't call it displays that that's what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it's in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there's actually really good information. And it's Google telling you what information it's it's getting from your project. So why wouldn't you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn't Google this isn't Google speak? It's the bot that's giving you the data? So I'd pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that's the thing if it's new, it could be that it's not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It's brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you're being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it's also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it's a domain-wide? You know, it's in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don't know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what's the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don't want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I'm presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I'll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don't get into explaining how everything works because it's really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they're their eyes or they're not going to understand it anyway. So what's the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I'll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you're very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I'll provide a video email with my monthly report. I'll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I'll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it's important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you're talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he's charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you're going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they'll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It's ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you're going to do. And there's absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I'm charging you for dumping services. What you're charging for are results. What you're charging for is what you're going to do for these people. They're paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that's consultation, and that's way more than that they can they could ever pay because you're actually going to teach them how it's done and how to get results and it's not something that's done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn't talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you're speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that's why when I hire an attorney, I don't want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I'm hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you're not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we've gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you're going to get what it is that you're going to do, not how they're not entitled to how they're not ever right. entitled to how they're entitled to their brand. Of course, they're entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they're not. That's part of your house. That's how you get results. They're not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you're charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they're entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you're going to create that's going to trigger the T one branded, they're not entitled to those logins. Because that's part of how I never give them that. You're not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don't do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn't go like planned and he didn't say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that's almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you're focusing on the wrong things and you're mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you're going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you're going to do. I'm going to get your phone to ring I'm gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I'm gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn't matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that's just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don't have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I'm going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don't have to explain it away because I'm not asking for additional money. It's all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I've been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I'm reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don't work for them. We don't have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it's a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don't have anything that we don't have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren't, they weren't always working. And we also noticed that they weren't replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it's funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn't changed. We've tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that's the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we've tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We've tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they're a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don't recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that's the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it's automated, right? It's been delegated. And it's going to get done manually, yes, but it's being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it's an automated process because I don't have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don't have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I'm sorry, I can't provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven't been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you've already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don't even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it's just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don't, and not everybody can support a group as we've done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that's been our longest running group that we're still supporting five-plus years, and we're still there. We, we can't force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That's all they want. I mean, we're in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we're in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it's what it's all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that's, that's pretty amazing. It's been over six years now. So we've been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we've been together quite some times, guys, that's a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that's a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I've had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It's very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it's been really it's worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we're still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I'll tell you what I do. Again, there's there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that's part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we'll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we'll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That's just my process. Again, it's probably different for others. But that's the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you'd like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you're building the site on, then nobody's going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that's working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you've done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I'm working on while you know until they're actually published in live so it doesn't index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don't even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That's absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there's no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they'd like and all that and it changes nothing. It'll still be on that domain and you're actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I'd say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There's no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn't go in there, although they might. It shouldn't index but that's how you should do it. That's how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven't even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that's how it started. That's how it should be. There's no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there's a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there's one thing like because I'm also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it's finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that's one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I'll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I'm building the site and that's one of the things I've always done is built the site. But I've been working on what I'm about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I've spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that's something I've always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you've got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it's an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it's indexable or not, it doesn't matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it's going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won't read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don't are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it's related content, it's to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it's not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it's not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It's just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that's just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I'm ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don't link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here's an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can't really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it's right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can't scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I'm building out in showing sharing everything that I'm doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here's basically and it's just a work in progress. I'm still not 100% done with this I'm probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that's down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I'm starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven't checked out process.st, so it's process Street, but it's processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can't share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it's like, you can take somebody's green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you're not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that's how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that's more than you're willing to bite off right now, right, if that's too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you're doing something in your business that you don't already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I've just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I've read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn't read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it's our ego that says I don't need a damn checklist. I know what I'm doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you're not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you're wondering why your results aren't the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that's the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it's another fantastic job. I've built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I'm very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you're on the real estate flipping business, and I'm glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there's a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn't fully relevant to you, but it's very closely related. And so we've got some training on that stuff too. So I'd love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I'm planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it's a two it's 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it's still 200 right? It's 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That's hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don't have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what's the point of putting something that's not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don't have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don't exist that are not I don't want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that's that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that's I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we're trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you're doing a local project, you don't want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you're ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that's to again, that's to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you're working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that's fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don't, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn't MGYB's fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I've been sharing in the mastermind right now. That's what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn't put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn't, they weren't the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It's not a big deal because again, this was a test that I'm doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it's really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you're now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you're doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I'm just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I'm wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we're working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where's that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we're not ready for it. We're not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that's, that's coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we're close guys. We're real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn't realize it wasn't recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It's okay if you did it though. It's not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that's it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn't do that just because that's a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I'm just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it's so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I'm going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there's some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that's your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there's three, you know, three-second tier networks, you're going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you're using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don't want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you're going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson's RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don't even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It's we did a promotion with them. And it's a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people's content. So that's something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven't tested it. All I don't want to speculate. We haven't tested it in other languages. We've tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don't want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I've never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn't, couldn't answer that either.
So the answer is we don't know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don't know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it's your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you've done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it's a client site, and you're doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won't have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you've done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you're relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That's keyword relevant. That's when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you've already done. Now imagine if you've done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you'll be pushing. Whether it's worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it's always there's always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That's a question that he's gonna ask and that he'd have to know. Yeah. And that's when I first started to say was that but if you've done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I'm running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That's
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you're running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don't typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we're trying to tickle like the art, right, that's for SEO. And so if it's a no index page, I don't know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don't see the benefit of no indexing the page because you're losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don't understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don't understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it's a lead capture page if it's the top of the funnel, why wouldn't you want that to rank? Why wouldn't you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don't get it. So that's why I'm having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can't give a good answer, either, we're going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what's up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I'm giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we've had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I'm still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that's okay.
What's The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what's the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it's very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don't directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there's not a direct link between A and A there's not a direct link may be up maybe I'm explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it's simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That's a co-citation. So it's a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That's the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I'm gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It's an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she's got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it's an automated tool. It's called rank feeder. It's fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I'll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you'll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it's going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it's a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we're gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We're running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don't quite understand.
That. Yeah, I'm sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That's it. That's it. That's the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There's a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we're coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don't know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don't know. I usually don't know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It's still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It's not I don't have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I'm pretty sure that that that but that you're talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I've got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it's been simplified. It's it's a lot different than the previous versions in that everything's been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I'm just gonna kill everything. That's it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it's in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn't work. It doesn't work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
0 notes
oasisoptimization · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 286
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Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
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The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey everybody. Hernan is eating so he can't talk.
to at 600
he wants to go I'm sorry. It's a train wreck, guys. It's a train wreck.
It's over. And that is totally token on himself. We're all waiting. The screen isn't setting. We're all wondering what the fuck
yet and yet our shit still works, so we don't give up
there you go. What's up, everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. Um, I got to do. Danny, what do you got there Marco?
Yeah, I gotta have a beer my cut though Lanka. Thanks, guys. I'm drinking coffee. It's still too early for beer. So, at five o'clock. Well, it's five o'clock here. So it's five o'clock somewhere, man. That's right. And I don't know who said that. Who said that rule. If it's hot and humid and you to cool off have a beer. exactly the problem is when that beer leads to 1000 more and that's my problem. Okay, that's a problem to make a drink with this one. I won't touch another one for a couple of weeks a month, three months. Who knows when the next one?
Let's start over Chris. Do you want to say anything? Go Yeah, I don't know. Like I have an open boss. like everything's pretty clear. The weather is nice. Even it's a bit colder. And I guess it's is everybody because I see everyone here in polar.
Except Marco is usual.
How are you doing Bradley?
On peachy? is happy to be here. Awesome.
All right, what's up everybody? Welcome to Hump Day Hangout. If you haven't noticed, we're missing a really important team member of the crew because otherwise, we do this in a much more linear, much more professional fashion, but I'm in charge of emceeing now and I know how to do what I'm doing. So, with that being said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, today's the sixth of May 2020. And if you're watching this, and you're wondering what the hell is going on, what we do here is we try to answer all of your digital marketing questions. If you have any SEO, digital marketing, how to grow your agency, how to how to get better results with your rankings, go ahead and go to semanticmastery.com/humpday to actually ask all of your questions drop your questions in the comments below. Now, with that being said, and before we jump right into questions, we are really honored to get a lot of support from people in our lesson in our community for the new version of the Battle Plan.
Unfortunately, the launch price and the launch deal and everything is done but you can still get the newest version which is version four of the Battle Plan by going to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And the Battle Plan is a step by step blueprint a system that will allow you to go from zero to getting results within the search engines and that applies for new websites. If you're starting out a brand new project for age websites if you have a website that has been going on for a while, but you want to give it that extra oomph if you work for YouTube channels as well and for a lot of additional stuff to go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Now if you want to take your agency if you serve clients in any digital capacity, right you do SEO for them, but you also do PPC, web design, graphic design, social media management, whatever that is, and you want to get more clients you want to get more free time and you want to get clients that are worth coming to you then go to 2xyouragency.com that is number two, letter X, your agency com to actually get access to double your agency and get all of those tools. It started as a project but then Bradley, as usual, is over-delivering with value. And it's mind-blowing Lee good. It's really good. Everything we're charging enough but we'll keep it like that for a little bit.
And again, if you like what you're seeing, go ahead, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Make sure that you like that you subscribe so that the YouTube algorithm keeps on showing you the good stuff. We have a Facebook group as well, SEO tutorials, and digital marketing by Semantic Mastery. So you can search on Facebook, and I think that's pretty much it. Did I miss anything? Yeah, speaking of over-delivering on value, like the Battle Plan is is stupid, low priced. I mean, just to me, because it's 100 times more happy people. Some people see it and they say, well, it's just a full of links, all its links to what we use to rank. It's what we use to get results. It's everything that we do. To get results. Of course, we're going to show you where we go for the result, we go to mgyb.co. If you don't want to get the Battle Plan, go look at mgyb.co cuz that's where you have to go to get results anyway. Or else you got to you have to figure it out on your own. We've made it. dead simple, like you, follow the instructions. And it's not just that because some people just see a PDF with links to our stuff.
It's not that it's that PDF is full of information. Not only that it includes a bonus area, right? Bonuses are included. So you're looking past everything that's offered in that. It leads to a video that we recorded, right, where we talk about all of these different aspects of what it takes to rank today. And I mean, what we're charging for, I'm glad that we're raising the price. We're not raising it enough. If you want to get in getting as I always say get in when you fit in or not. It's really what it comes down to is. Are you an action taker? Or do you just enjoy sitting by the sideline and butting your head against the wall? And I mentioned it yesterday. I hear the song spinning wheels. spinning wheels got to go around. I see that. Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to go get results? It's entirely up to you. Action takers.
Go make money. So all I got to say comes down to like, how many years? Or? I don't know like you more than yours on the do you want to shave off of your learning curve like I don't know like if we would have had that document when we started I don't know about you guys but I would have shaved at least three years of my learning curve at an absolute minimum yeah 100% 100% so with that being said go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you want to learn more about it one of the reasons why we sell it so cheap and you know people are saying hey, this is too cheap what can you guys give me for that cheap? And the reality is that we over-deliver because there's a small number of people that will decide to take it up a notch and join our mastermind or join the heavy hitters club with Marco and Rob as well. So that's why you know, it's our entry-level product. It's great. We might we blow people's mind with value because a small portion of them will end up in our anger province. We're so super open about it, we wouldn't have any issues with that. So with that being said, and unless we have anything else, we can jump right into questions.
Speaking, what the fuck is Adam? He was out running in the woods today.
Speaking of value, the other super valuable course two extra agency training guys, that's for the price that we're charging, which I think is ridiculous. It is an enormous amount of content about how to double your agency.
Starting with how to fill your pipeline full of prospects. The second part of it is how to get consistent, reliable, repeatable results. And the third part of it is how to scale your operations. And so that's something else that I would highly recommend. Those of you that are looking for, how to grow your consultancy business or your agency that you would pick up to x your agency go 2xyouragency.com, you can check that out as well, because again, that we, once again, don't let the price for you. We put a ton of work into that for it's a 12-week course you get it all at once it's not stripped out. But it took me 12 weeks to record all the training for that because we really wanted that as a way to kind of help people jumpstart their agencies or to grow their agencies without having to double their time investment as well. And so I would highly recommend you go check that out because that's all of our knowledge kind of from the last many years that we've been together kind of boiled down or condensed down into the two extra agency training so I would encourage you to check that out as well.
With that said let me grab the screen
Sorry guys, I've got a real estate thing I'm trying to close. Oh, let's keep it PG 13 please and Bradley so close all of the year, let's kill that.
other stuff. Sorry. I'll be hitting edit. I noticed a closing that was falling apart. I've been trying to recover all day long. So anyway, go ahead. Sorry, Chris. I just wanted to say like that the two extra agency, even it's built for agencies it's, I see it like goes like even if you're a solopreneur or something like that you're running your kind of smallest your business and just do client work. That's literally how you can automate things and like how you put the systems into it to actually scale the whole thing. The thing that's always like something that nobody mentions, and because the whole thing is called 2xyouragency, there are people who don't even have an agency or they don't consider themselves as having an agency. That's literally how you can grow your business.
At least I see it that way.
Sweet. Well, let me grab the screen and we'll get into these questions guys. Go.
All right, you guys see my screen correctly.
Yes. All right, here we go. Let me find out where we're at
Any Tips On How To Improve Web Search Activity Of An eCommerce Site?
Mohammed's up first, first in line. What's up, Mohammed? Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce store that's been live for about three weeks now. I've been sending traffic from Facebook, but I also ordered a power shield for the store. I've noticed there's still zero action on Google and Webmaster Tools. Even though the site is indexed. It has absolutely no impressions. Am I just impatient? I've only been in local SEO until now. So maybe I've come to expect a faster start. My syndication network has done the RAS got delivered today. So maybe it's a matter of time. It could also just be a reporting delay. I don't know. Sometimes that occurs and with all the shit going on, now, that very well could be it. But Marco, do you know of any, like sort of reporting delay that's occurring right now? No, there's only a two-day delay in Search Console now, on performance, because I'm even looking at it right now.
And I'm getting Monday records. So know that there's nothing going on in there. Mohammed is just being impatient. Yes, three weeks is nothing and he just now got the SEO partially delivered the still link building to be done. There's still press releases to be released and link building to that does embed runs to be done. There's an entity validation to continue and entity solidification to continue because that it's going to depend on what kind of market he's in what kind of niche right to see what kind of results he gets. It's just now a matter of time. Just keep an eye on search console and analytics. And they'll start giving you feedback on what you're getting.
What do you call displays for I know that they don't call it displays that that's what I call it on impressions, right? In, in search, and you can start making decisions off of that. In fact, I shared a video in the heavy hitter club. I think it's in the members-only group where I showed how I get data out of search console and how you target money from Search Console. Because there is a lot of information in there that people are not aware of, or people may interpret incorrectly. I hear a lot of people knocking it. And yes, it does have its drawbacks. But there's actually really good information. And it's Google telling you what information it's it's getting from your project. So why wouldn't you pay attention to what the bot is giving you? This? Isn't Google this isn't Google speak? It's the bot that's giving you the data? So I'd pay special attention to that.
Yeah. So and that's the thing if it's new, it could be that it's not receiving a lot of impressions yet because like Marco just said, It's brand new. So I think what he said is true. Just be just you're being a bit impatient Mohammed. If you still have it's also how to.
Did you add the site? Did you do it via DNS record? So it's a domain-wide? You know, it's in the domain, did you submit the domain via DNS records or submitted via URL because that I think has an effect too. I try to do everything using DNS records now. So I don't know I would check into that also.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Wants To Know How You Get SEO Results?
The second part is next question from Ahmed says, Hey, guys, what's the proper response when someone via a client or another SEO wants to know how I get results, I don't want to mention RYS, select the ID page and other secrets of the Battle Plan. My strategy so far has been the show than past successes and leave it at that but my downfall is when I charge the done for your services, and they ask what the money is for how can I better my approach?
Well, alright, so the way that I handle it is the only time that clients see anything or prospects when I'm presenting a proposal and my proposal I will, you know, put some of the entity assets down and as part of the overall deliverables that are going to be delivered with the setup process, and then for my monthly ongoing monthly services, you know, I mentioned like link building traffic.
So because I run Google ads for traffic, you know, display ads and such. But typically, I very rarely ever get any questions about what they are specified when they do then I'll just show them an example of what like a done for you, or what I would Google Drive stack looks like from another client or from a lead gen project that I have or something like that, but I don't get into explaining how everything works because it's really none of their business like honestly as long as I can produce them produce results for them. It would be like asking, you know, any other industry, any other professional in another industry, for what their proprietary methods are for doing whatever their job is, whatever their profession is, and so, you know, I typically will try to provide enough information to satisfy their curiosity without giving away the farm because otherwise you know it as most of the time they're their eyes or they're not going to understand it anyway. So what's the point in wasting your breath? So typically what I'll do it as I said on the proposal side of things, I explained through a video email Mohammed, I know you're very familiar with that. But I explained through a video email an explanation of what the proposal was, what the deliverables are, and what an expected timeframe for results is, and then from that point forward, all the other stuff that I continue to order through MGYB to get clients results is just part of the monthly retainer, so it never comes up again. Does that make sense?
Occasionally, I do provide monthly reports and not every month but most of the time, or at least every other month. I'll provide a video email with my monthly report. I'll kind of go over the reports and show them you know, where progress has been made, where I see new opportunities, where maybe some things have slipped a little bit. I always try to be real honest. And I like to use video emails to do that, which usually satisfies any questions so that I very rarely get follow up questions. And when I do, then I'll try to explain it a little bit further. But like I said, I think it's important to be able to explain what it is, to show that you can produce results without showing exactly how. Marco, maybe you can articulate this in a way that is a little bit more clear than the way I am.
No, I mean, that what you said is clear to me, but let me put it this way. When I give a client a proposal, and they give me something like that, say you're talking to an attorney. I mean, are you gonna ask him to break down how, why he's charging you 50% of whatever the lawsuit settlement is, for example, or when you walk into a car showroom, and you're going to purchase a car, do you ask for a breakdown of what all the auto parts come to and the labor the expenses and every year do you ask the dealer all of that information? Do you go into the negotiation for that car on the price? Okay, they'll charge you 20, you offer 18, five, or whatever. And then you meet somewhere in between.
How I see this is. It's ridiculous for a client to expect you to give them a breakdown of everything that you're going to do. And there's absolutely no way and no reason for you to be saying I'm charging you for dumping services. What you're charging for are results. What you're charging for is what you're going to do for these people. They're paying you for your expertise in the matter as far as getting results. Now if they want how that's consultation, and that's way more than that they can they could ever pay because you're actually going to teach them how it's done and how to get results and it's not something that's done overnight.
I was just talking to an attorney the other day, and I wasn't talking, I emailed and what she wrote back, say you're speaking a foreign language to me. And I say, that's why when I hire an attorney, I don't want to know or learn the law regarding whatever it is that I'm hiring an attorney for justice. When you hire an SEO or a marketer, you're not expected to know everything that the SEO or marketer is going to know. Otherwise, you spend all of your time learning, marketing, and SEO, instead of concentrating on what it is that you do best, which is the law.
So Mohammed, again, and we've gone over this before with you, you have to focus your presentation on the results that you're going to get what it is that you're going to do, not how they're not entitled to how they're not ever right. entitled to how they're entitled to their brand. Of course, they're entitled to tier one branded, although we call drive stacks, Gsites, part of tier one brand, they're not. That's part of your house. That's how you get results. They're not entitled to that, or anything else for that matter, press releases. It depends on how you're charging for them and how their focus Yeah, they're entitled to that media page, but nothing else as a matter of fact that IFTTT profile that you're going to create that's going to trigger the T one branded, they're not entitled to those logins. Because that's part of how I never give them that. You're not entitled to my recipes or whatever the fuck they call now because I don't do them I just hire MGYB to but this is really important and why you should guide the information. I have a call that we recorded with someone we had to get permission from that person. I think and from all of the people involved so that you can he can listen to them to go the negotiation and listen to me go through an actual attempt at closing the client. It was the first-second call with the client and I try to close them right there. Unfortunately, it didn't go like planned and he didn't say no, he said he thinks about it.
But that's almost like a no. Anyway, Mohammed, I hope that helps but you're focusing on the wrong things and you're mentioning the wrong things, definitely bring them back in one, if they get off six success, you bring them back. If they get off what it is that you're going to do for them, you bring it back and you bring them back to what it is you're going to do. I'm going to get your phone to ring I'm gonna need your phone to fill a form fills. And I'm gonna get people on your in your website, anything else that I have to tell you, I have to charge him for and then you set your hourly price 502,000 It doesn't matter you make it high enough so that it hurts if they have to pay you consultation.
There you go.
So yeah, just to kind of follow up like I said, you know, the this done for you services that I continue to purchase for clients, you know, that's just part of the monthly retainer, and I factor all of that is when I first present the proposal so that I don't have to go back to them and charge them for additional items. Unless they ask for additional stuff if that makes sense. So I typically, you know, I work right into my monthly retainer fee when I'm going to be spending on link building and embed gigs and press releases and my blogger to publish posts for the project. So all of that is factored right and right off the bat so that I just continue to order the services and pay you to know, vas and things like that to fulfill my obligations as per our agreement, but I don't have to explain it away because I'm not asking for additional money. It's all part of the original agreement. So okay.
Is Curation Suite Still Working?
All right. The next question is I've been trying to reach the curation suite Help Desk and Scott Scanlon, but no one is returning my requests. I watched Bradley on one of their videos, so I'm reaching out to you. I was wondering if the curation street suite was still working. As far as I know, now, I don't work for them. We don't have any relationship with them other than the fact that for a brief period of time, they had a really killer system. And I know that we had used it for a bit I believe we even did a promotion with them. But that was shit three, four years ago now. And within several months or within a year or something like within a year of us doing a promotion with them or whatever, kind of fell off the map. And I know Adam and talked about that, like, Man, that was several years ago. So it's a little bit foggy even for me, but unfortunately, I don't have anything that we don't have anything to do with curation suite Other than that, like I said that one time, we did use their tools for a while, but when they start started to intermittently work, in other words, they weren't, they weren't always working. And we also noticed that they weren't replying to support requests and everything else. We dropped it. We took the curation suite out of all of our processes. And it's funny because it might have even been you asking this question in the Facebook group, but that questions come up recently in the Facebook group, and somebody was asking about curation suite and they asked, Well, what am I using for what does my team use for curating blog content. And you know, the same thing that I teach in content kingpin guys. That hasn't changed. We've tried different curating tools. But honestly, I taught all my bloggers how to curate by organizing content using Feedly, feedly.com. And they, and they post or they curate posts manually in WordPress. And that's the same process that I teach in content kingpin is the exact same process that my team has been using. Since 2012. Again, we have tried different tools, but we always have come back to just doing it manually curating organizing content in feedly.com and then manually curating blog posts, it just works that way. And the reason why I say that is because a lot of the tools that we've tried have had issues where support they stop continuing development or supporting their product. We've tried multiple plugins that have gone, you know, gone under, that the developers stop supporting it.
Curation Suites, another example. And so instead of always trying to rely on the fancy shiny objects, the new shiny and fancy objects out there that are supposed to make everything so much easier, right? The problem with that is you invest time and resources and energy and money into trying to implement new tools or apps that there should help but those kinds of things. And unless they're a very well established company, that has been around with a long-established history of support and updates, and all of that kind of stuff, I don't recommend using any tools, you can do it manually. And that's the beautiful thing about virtual assistants and outsources, you can teach them a manual process. And then in my eyes, it's automated, right? It's been delegated. And it's going to get done manually, yes, but it's being done by somebody else. So in my mind, it's an automated process because I don't have to do it anymore. And then again, as I said, we don't have to rely on tools and apps that may or may not be around in six months.
  Once a year, year and a half, whatever. So again, I'm sorry, I can't provide you some more assistance with the curation suite. Nothing I can help you with. We haven't been in touch with Scott Scanlon in years. So I recommend that you just continue trying to find some way to contact him. You know, sometimes you got to stop these people, man, Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever you can find information and try to get support, especially if you've already spent money. Any comments, guys?
No, I mean, it was fantastic. When I was first working. It kicked ass. Yeah, it was fantastic. You could put it pull a whole lot of content, right that to curate. And then all of a sudden it started being buggy. And then I moved on to other things because I was using it. I don't even know where I have it installed. Now. I probably have it installed somewhere. But yeah, it's just buggy. And guys, not everybody has that. You know, the years in the business like we don't, and not everybody can support a group as we've done. For example, in our free SEO group, which is I think our longest when we had to move from Google Plus, right, that's been our longest running group that we're still supporting five-plus years, and we're still there. We, we can't force everyone to be like that. Some people are just gonna come in, make some money, and leave. That's all they want. I mean, we're in this, but at least from my perspective, and I know you guys feel the same way. But I can only speak for me that we're in this to try to help people make money. And the only way that you can help people make money is by being there for people when they have a question about making money, which is what this forum Hump Day Hangouts, which is our longest-running forum, it's what it's all about helping people who have problems solve those problems, so they can make money. Yeah.
And by the way, just as an aside, I had to look at our corporate documents today for something I was working on. And I looked at our LLC and you know, like, articles of incorporation or whatever like that showed the date that is that Semantic Mastery was born. And it was in February of 2014 is when we actually incorporated. So that's, that's pretty amazing. It's been over six years now. So we've been together for shit. We were together for a year, year and a half prior to us, you know, incorporating and starting the actual company. So we've been together quite some times, guys, that's a lot longer than that because it was the end of 212. I think when we started meeting, yeah, and the other mastermind, that yeah, it was at about a year and a half prior to us cooperating.
So that's a pretty, pretty, pretty amazing because I've had many other partnerships that have all fallen apart. It's very difficult to work with partners in my opinion, but it's been really it's worked really well for us at Semantic Mastery. And, you know, six years later, we're still together and we still like each other.
Can You Share Some Basic Steps In Building A New Website?
Anyways, Mike says, Hello kings of SEO, can you share some basic steps when building a new website? Number one, especially about what to do when the site eight ready to publish I just lookup. I'll tell you what I do. Again, there's there may be differing opinions between my partners and me. But I just always publish the site but set it to no index. So I go to settings, reading. So in WordPress, go to settings and then reading and then I set it to ask Google not to index the site now whether they choose to do it or not whatever, but I always just do that right off the bat, that's part as soon as the WordPress installation is completed from the server, then, you know, I just immediately go in and now I have VA s do but go ahead and click the button to no-index the site and then we just build the site out however long it takes.
And then once the initial site is done with the initial pages and sometimes, to be honest with you, we'll even uncheck it so that you know uncheck that box to allow the site to index prior to it being 100% complete. As far as like all the pages or the widgets and that kind of stuff. What we do is get the main structure of the site in place, the main top of silo pages, we get the content in places. Sometimes not even have the images on there. But you know, the structure of the site, the graphics, the theming, the main content pages, at least the text was on the pages. And then we'll go ahead and publish the site or allow it to be indexed. From there, go in and make some tweaks to try to finalize the site. That's just my process. Again, it's probably different for others. But that's the way I do it. You could do like a maintenance mode, or one of them coming soon, plugins if you'd like. But honestly, if nobody knows that have the domain name that you're building the site on, then nobody's going to go visit the site anyways, besides you and your team that's working on it.
So in my opinion, having one of those coming soon, pages is only important if you've done some sort of pre-launch marketing and people could be potentially going to the actual domain. But for the most part, as I said, nobody knows that the sites that I'm working on while you know until they're actually published in live so it doesn't index, and I start driving traffic to them. So I really don't even bother with that anymore. Any comments, guys?
That's absolutely how I do it on a brand new website, there's no reason to hide it in here, put it anywhere, because that the client can come in and look at it. And anybody else is going to look at it, you can come in and look at it and then send you the feedback on what they think and what they want and what they'd like and all that and it changes nothing. It'll still be on that domain and you're actually ahead of the game. Instead of putting it in like a development server, which is what you should do with a redesign. I'd say that you can leave the existing site alone, you go into the dev site, create the website, and that development, then you migrate. There's no need for that. This is a new project WordPress, no index no follow. So Google doesn't go in there, although they might. It shouldn't index but that's how you should do it. That's how land solutions was done, by the way. All right, the case study and I haven't even talked about how that was created. It was totally done on WordPress, we just set it to no index no follow until it was ready to go live that we took it off no index no follow submitted it to a search console for indexing. And that's how it started. That's how it should be. There's no other reason to hide it. We used to do it to hide it, I put it in a maintenance mode. But there's a reason for that if you set it to no index, no follow.
Yeah, there's one thing like because I'm also reading further, I would not use analytics or any Google tools on the new page yet until it's finished. And they would also not link syndication network or anything like that until there is at least one or two posts up there. Because that's one of the prime reasons that there will be errors. So like, I'll put out use those things only once the page is actually ready and I can actually roll it out.
Well, I will differ slightly on that question. Only because when while I'm building the site and that's one of the things I've always done is built the site. But I've been working on what I'm about to show you guys inside of process Street, which is the tool that I use now or the app that I use for developing SLP standard operating procedures. And I've spent the last month or so working on developing the processes for the site builds because that's something I've always done myself. But what I was about to say was, when you publish a new WordPress site, you've got the Hello World post. The hello world post is just a placeholder basically, but it's an item in your RSS feed. And so I always order the syndication network immediately. Once I have the site published, whether it's indexable or not, it doesn't matter to me, once the site is published, I have an RSS feed but the Hello World post in it so I can order the syndication network so that that can be built because it's going to take two weeks or whatever for it for me to have it delivered.
So I build out the site while the syndication network is being built as long as at RSS test feed has an item in it, they can still plug it into IFTTT to create the network. Because remember, when we build a network, we plug it RSS feed into it, and it has to have an item or it won't read the feed, and it will give you a connection error. But they don't are our network builders will go find related content and kind of and post the first couple of posts on primary on the blog sites, blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. So that it's related content, it's to season or to seed the network sites with, you know, related content. And so the content is published but it's not being syndicated yet from the WordPress site. In other words, it's not content being syndicated from the WordPress site. It's just content that our builders put onto the site. So that once the site is ready to be indexed and ready for blog posts, then then you know, the syndication networks already in place. So that's just my process.
It makes it so that the network can be ready when I'm ready to start publishing posts. I totally agree with that. I don't link it together. I will do it exactly as you said. Okay. Here's an example of you were asking about some of the most important things I can't really scroll through here guys because a lot of this stuff has as you know, this is the standard operating procedure for setting up entity assets for a new client you can see it it's right up there and this is for a multi-location client but this is the process I can't scroll through here guys and show you the processes if you want this kind of stuff you got to join the mastermind I share this stuff in the mastermind. In fact, this project specifically, is a project that I'm building out in showing sharing everything that I'm doing in the mastermind so again, another reason to join a mastermind, but here's basically and it's just a work in progress. I'm still not 100% done with this I'm probably only about 60% of the way through getting my process completed for this. But this is all the stuff that I do, right. And again, just, you know, go back and watch the replay or take a screenshot. These are some of the these are the plugins I like to use Google Tag Manager, all of that once I agree with.
I agree with what Chris said, typically, I will wait to add the Google Tag Manager and from tag managers when I connect Google Analytics Search Console. Also, Google Ads for remarketing tags, conversion tracking, all of that stuff gets done through Google Tag Manager. So I usually wait to do that until after I have the site live published ready to be indexed as well as the syndication network back and preferably the SEO shield back so that I have the ID page URL, ready to go and all of that so that when I add structured data, which again, that's down here, JSON LD structured data, organization, schema, local business schema, all of that stuff, you can see this is all the stuff that gets done. Whenever I'm starting a new project, that makes sense, by the way, guys, if you haven't checked out process.st, so it's process Street, but it's processed This is a fabulous, fabulous application for developing processes, or standard operating procedures. For years, I primarily just use Google Docs and YouTube videos. But this is so much better. And so you can see like I, again, I can't share, scroll down through here, but I get super detailed in these. And it's like, you can take somebody's green, like code off the street and plug them into one of these processes. And they could build a WordPress site to my specifications by just following a step by step procedure. So I would encourage you guys to start using this look even if you're not going to build out full-on well detailed standard operating procedures for the operations that you execute in your business, which I recommend that you do because that's how you start to delegate the shit that you that only you do right now. Does that make sense?
It is to buy by documenting what it is that you do. But even if that's more than you're willing to bite off right now, right, if that's too much, I would encourage you just to start creating simple checklists for absolutely everything that you do. Whenever you're doing something in your business that you don't already have a checklist for just take a few moments and just make you document the main points of the things that need to be covered or completed in order to complete that task. Because what I found and again, I've just recently kind of bought into this kind of mindset or this methodology because I've read a really a couple of really good books, the Checklist Manifesto was really good. Another one was called BlackBox. Thinking to really good I didn't read them, I listened to them on audio audible, to be honest with you, but they were really really good books that kind of woke me up to the idea of having a checklist is not you know, a lot of times it's our ego that says I don't need a damn checklist. I know what I'm doing. Yeah, but sometimes we get in a hurry or we get distracted. And we might miss steps or we take shortcuts. And so just having a checklist can kind of help you to be more efficient, make sure that things are done, always consistently, right so that you're not missing steps on some projects that were completed on other projects. And then you're wondering why your results aren't the same. And then also from checklists, as I said, that's the really starting point for being able to develop standard operating procedures that you can then pass off or delegate to somebody else so that you can remove yourself from the process entirely. So I would encourage you to check out process Street, they have, I think, a free option that allows you to develop just simple checklists, and I would start there if I were you. Okay. Any comments, guys?
Nope. Okay.
So that was the must-have step. So there you go. Alright, the next question is, Austin says, Oh, this is more of a comment. He says I received the second part of the SEO power showed yesterday and it's another fantastic job. I've built many of these stacks Gsites by hand and I'm very particular on how I like them to look since many do rank, your team exceeded all expectations, excited to see the idx page next Austin dawn, I know you're on the real estate flipping business, and I'm glad you like them. And honestly, like I keep telling you got to come to join a mastermind buddy. Because there's a lot of stuff in there, we could go over.
And I was teaching the land flipping business, which isn't fully relevant to you, but it's very closely related. And so we've got some training on that stuff too. So I'd love to see you in there sometime.
Should The 400 Keywords Required In The SEO Shield Be Available On The Website Or It Could Be Related To Its Niche?
Next is Hello everyone I am planning to buy I'm planning to buy the SEO shield. So I came to know that I also have to submit the 400 keywords with actually it's a two it's 200 is what we recommend. Unless that changed in the last 24 hours. I was just in there yesterday again and it was 200 keywords, it's still 200 right? It's 200 or more. You have 200 right and the or more is for that key. Do the keyword research that we  at mgyb.co. Right? That's hundreds of thousands of keywords sometimes that we find to, to push into that branded drive stack for keyword relevance. So yes, by all means, submit as many as you want. And the second part of that is now they don't have to be on the website, they do they have to be related to the niche. I mean, they have to be or else you breaking the road. Why what's the point of putting something that's not relevant? Right, right. So yes, please for the keywords. They don't have to be available on your website. In fact, your website will get impressions for keywords that are not on your website. How incredible is that? Google finds the relevance between the GSR and drive stack and your website to the point where you get impressions for keywords that don't exist that are not I don't want to say physically that is not on your website. That to me that that's that just shows the power you can generate from these drive stacks and Gsites.
Yeah, and that's I totally agree I, as long as you know, the keywords absolutely should have to be relevant. The goal here is, especially with the first drive stack, when we're trying to create the Association, the brand association plus your primary keyword, you want to use market-level keywords. And I want to be clear about that if you're doing a local project, you don't want to include your keywords plus location modifiers not for this when you're ordering the drive stack, which is the branded drive stack, right? So that's to again, that's to build the brand solidify the entity and make that keyword association with whatever your top primary keyword is the number one most important keyword to your business or to the project that you're working on. Now once that that has been delivered, so so hold on back up. So those should be market-level keywords. So keywords that are not including location modifiers. Okay, they should all be relevant. You can add long tails here that's fine. But also I do want to make a note of this, make sure that when you place the order that you have at the top of the keyword list that you upload it as a notepad file txt file that you have your most important keywords at the top of that list or you make a note of that in the ordering comment, like the comments or additional instructions section of the order form at the bottom of the page, you make sure that you make a note of these are my most important keywords, five or 10, or whatever they are. Because if you don't, and I made this mistake and I learned the hard way, which it wasn't MGYB's fault, it was my fault as I had submitted a long list of keywords that had for Tree Service project the same one that I was just that I've been sharing in the mastermind right now. That's what that process doc was we were looking at just a moment ago.
I had ordered a location shield so in it but anyway, I added the keyword list that had a bunch of keywords. But they did I didn't put my most important keywords at the top of the list and so that the drive stack got built out to the G site got built out with just the top-level keywords was like the primary keywords because they were listed at the top of the text file. And it wasn't, they weren't the best keywords, right. They were like Tree Service cost Tree Removal cost, you know, tree trimming cost, like there was a lot of cost keywords that just happened to be at the top of the text document that I submitted. And so I learned a lesson and that was to always make sure that you specify what your top-level keywords are either, like I said, add them to the top of the list or make a note and I would recommend that you always comment and add in your additional instructions. These are the most important keywords, please use these. And that way you make sure that the primary pages on the G site and everything is going to be built out around those types of keywords. It's not a big deal because again, this was a test that I'm doing anyways for this location shield. But I just wanted to point out that it's really really important to use market-level keywords. Now once you get that spec back and you do the theme mirroring, and the drive stack expansion to where you're now covering like individual silos within the site. Now there if you're doing a local project, you can start to sprinkle some location modifiers into the keyword list that you add for like link building campaigns, for example. And as an aside, kind of its related, and I'm just going to tease this a little bit. But we have started, again, as mastermind members, possibly heavy hitter club to market can correct me if I'm wrong, but we have started beta test allowing a few beta testers to come in and test our drive stack expansion service, which will allow us to like we're working on trying to roll that out to the general public to you guys, but we always offer our mastermind members the first crack at those kinds of things and the drives to that stack expansion service is the theme mirroring service done for you and MGYB. Marco, do you want to chat about that just briefly? Where's that still supposed to be?
No, yeah, because we're not ready for it. We're not ready for anything except what we posted in the groups and paid membership has its privileges. You get to test these this stuff out first, you get a big discount coupon so you can take advantage of it, but you have to be in on the inside to be able to take advantage of that.
Well, there you go. So it was a little tease more coming as the beta testing. You know, we work out some bugs and kinks which is always the case. You know, that's, that's coming. Marco and the team. His team at MGYB been working on this for months and months and months. And well shipped probably for well over a year now actually, and we're close guys. We're real close.
What Is The Best Way To Continue Using The Battle Plan V3?
Alright, the next question is I just recently read the Battle Plan 3.0 that I got last year I didn't realize it wasn't recommended to do a multi-tier syndication network for a blog. It's okay if you did it though. It's not going to hurt provided you add additional content feeds to your second-tier triggers. We talked about that a lot. We have helped files on our knowledge base. So anyway, since I had already purchased it, and I had it connected, what is the best way to continue using it disconnected to syndicate other content to the additional tiers, that's it right there. syndicate other content to the
Additional tiers? Should I just curate other content and post it to the three blogs of tier one and they will syndicate out to the other tiers?
I wouldn't do that just because that's a lot of manual work. Unless you got somebody doing it for you. I would just recommend, again, you can go to, in fact, I'm just going to walk you through this real quick go to I think it's so yeah, it supports dot semantic mastery calm. Right. I'm going to show you where you can find help files about this. Go to the knowledge base. And if you go into Syndication Academy right here, and you take a look at the multi-tiered, can I, there are several different help files in here that talk about like, for example, how does syndication work with the tiered networks? How do tiered IFTTT networks work? You can go through here and there's some really detailed training that I put in here about how to do this like for example, an explainer video and all that kind of stuff. Long story short, just go add some realism.
Content feeds to your second-tier trigger points. Right. So that's your second-tier IFTTT accounts that are going to publish to or that are going to publish out to the second tier network. So essentially, what you want to do is find related content feeds, you want to add additional applets in those IFTTT accounts that trigger to publish the second tier networks, and you want to put them in what I recommend is a minimum of two additional content feeds per network. So if there's three, you know, three-second tier networks, you're going to want a minimum of six additional feeds two per network, or two per syndication ring. Does that make sense? However, you got to keep in mind that remember, depending on what types of content feed you're using some content feeds publish an excessive amount. You don't want to do that because you could possibly have your second tier networks, you know, especially the blog accounts terminated for over publishing. So there are ways to throttle that down a little bit. For example, you can add in on an IFTTT, when you create an applet with using an RSS feed is the trigger, you can add a filter that only allows items that have contained a particular keyword for example for to publish or for to pass, in other words, trigger the syndicate, trigger the applet to fire, okay, so you just have to be careful, make sure that they related content feeds that you're going to use to trigger the second tier networks to add additional content to them. Just be aware of what types of content are publishing on those feeds how often they publish that kind of stuff so that you can throttle it down if needed to. Okay, also one other thing very briefly is Damon Nelson's RSS masher is a fantastic tool for that kind of stuff. So and again, I don't even have an affiliate link for that just go look up RSS master and check it out. It's we did a promotion with them. And it's a great, great tool for creating spliced feeds that give you so much more control over what the output side of the fetus So in other words, you could splice you know, five or six really related feeds in.
But then you can use the RSS masher to actually strip out parts of, you know, strip code out or insert code into the feeds and do all kinds of really cool marketing things that make beautiful syndicated posts from other people's content. So that's something you should look into. Okay. Comments, guys.
Does The SEO Shield Work For Non-English Websites?
Okay, next question. And Hi, two quick questions here after reading Battle Plan 4.0. Does the whole SEO shield work for websites in other languages Spanish, German, etc? Can you answer that Marco or somebody?
We haven't tested it. All I don't want to speculate. We haven't tested it in other languages. We've tested all of our stuff previously in other languages, and yeah, you can work English to other languages like link building and all that, but I don't want to speculate.
Okay. Yeah, and I've never done anything outside of the, you know, US-based English SEO, English based projects. So I honestly couldn't, couldn't answer that either.
So the answer is we don't know.
Can The Money Site URL Be Transferred To A New Domain In Battle Plan 4.0?
Number two is can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain if needed? Ie if the client stops playing, stops paying, excuse me, how much work is involved? Thanks, a can the money site URL be transferred to a new domain, I don't know what you mean, other than if you have control over the domain, and a client stops paying, then it's your domain, you can do whatever you want with it. Right? You could redirect it, so that all of the off-page work that you've done, still get directed to where you want it to go. But you have to have control over the domain. So again, if it's a client site, and you're doing all the work to a client site, directly to their domain, then you won't have the ability to do that.
An SEO shield, you could change that out. It would be a, you know, a manual process of going in and actually changing out the URLs that were built within the stack. But the easiest thing to do would be to just I mean unless you put a shit ton of off-page work, like link building and such to it, the easiest thing to do would be to just, you know, remove or actually, I would say, if you, especially if you've done a lot off-page work would be to go in and actually edit the file, the drive stack files and everything. What do you say, Marco?
I say set the dissector to private, stops to do slow. I mean, it stops it dead in its tracks. Yeah, then you capture it. Yeah, hang on, hang on. So then you add it and point it wherever else you want it to go. So and you do the same thing with the G site. You go in and you and you change it if necessary, you build a whole new g site because all the G site should be is just some content with iframes. people miss the point of the iframe old point behind all this is the iframe, getting those iframes in there, getting all of that relevance into that main drive stack so that you're relating the niche, and the brand to all of the keywords in the niche. And that should go with the breath. So so what we say at local is a brand, plus keywords plus location or brand plus location plus keyword relevance in that main drive stack that has been the foundation since day one in RYS Academy, you build all of that relevance. And then when you find that that top market level category that you really want to go after where the money is, then you take that as keywords and add it as a page to the G site and build a new drive stack. That's keyword relevant. That's when we start focusing solely on the keywords because the brand relevance would come from all of the work that you've already done. Now imagine if you've done all of that work, how long it would take to edit all of that out? So it depends on how much power you built into it, and how much power you'll be pushing. Whether it's worth editing. All of it. Yeah, it's always there's always has your work versus RYS, how much work do you have to do? And how much money? Is that good? Is there going to be worth to you? Or should you just turn it off? Kill the G site and startup?
That's a question that he's gonna ask and that he'd have to know. Yeah. And that's when I first started to say was that but if you've done a ton of off-page work as link building embeds, and such, if you push a lot of power into the drive stack, then yeah, absolutely. In my opinion, it would be worth the manual like Marco said, you go in and you set it to private to where it basically stops the juice flow right away, you have everything edited, to point to the new destination, and then you turn it back to the public. So I totally agree with that. You did a much better job explaining what I was trying to say, Marco. So thank you.
Does The Ad Traffic To A No-Index Lead Capture Page Consider As An ART Activity?
Santiago says if I'm running Google and YouTube ads to a page on my money site, but to a page marked as no index because it is a lead capture page for a funnel, does that traffic count as activity for ART? That's
Good question. I mean, as far as I know, Google should still see that activity. If you're running ads to it, especially if you have Google Code on the page, like, you know, for example, conversion tracking, remarketing tags, analytics, all of that kind of stuff. But I don't typically run stuff to no-index pages for Marco. Because I mean, if we're trying to tickle like the art, right, that's for SEO. And so if it's a no index page, I don't know, is there a benefit to that?
No index page on it. Yeah. Like I don't see the benefit of no indexing the page because you're losing an opportunity to rank organically. Your lead capture page should be good enough to display them to people or to have Google come in and take a look and index. I don't understand Santiago and nothing against you personally or anything. I just don't understand why in the world, you would no index something.
Where you could potentially take up cert real estate?
Yeah, and even if it's a lead capture page if it's the top of the funnel, why wouldn't you want that to rank? Why wouldn't you want to capture organic leads?
Yeah, that question is kind of throwing me off. I don't get it. So that's why I'm having trouble with it.
Okay, well, since I can't give a good answer, either, we're going to move on. We only got a couple of minutes left.
Can We Use An English Press Release To A Non-English Site?
Anyways, BB, what's up BB? This time, there are only three questions as opposed to the typical five or eight or 10. So I'm giving you a hard time baby. Now, I appreciate you coming in and asking questions. So it says Hey, guys, can we use a press release in English sites with English posts to a non-English site? As far as I know, yes. Because I know we've had a lot of people that have done that. Am I correct in that statement?
I'm still trying to figure out like in other words, yeah, yeah, link building to a non-English site but the PRs are all in English, obviously.
Yeah, yeah, that that's okay.
What's The Difference Between Co-Citation And Co-Occurrence?
Number two is that Oh, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. Some people have had success with that. Okay. Number two is what's the difference between co-citation and co-occurrence? Also, can you define cite well, okay co-occurrence is keywords that are in my understanding of CO occurrences it's very similar to like LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, related keywords, synonyms, that kind of stuff. But co-citation is basically like if you got three different pages that don't directly link to each other so, for example, A links to B links to see and see links to a well all three of those pages now even though there's not a direct link between A and A there's not a direct link may be up maybe I'm explaining this wrong. This Alan had really good excellent.
Have co-citation Marco, maybe you can take over this one if I can try to find that that would be great. All right, I can just give him the technical definition. I guess it's simply the frequency or the amount of time that two documents are cited by another document. That's a co-citation. So it's a mention to other documents by and by a third document. That's the simplest definition that I can give you.
Okay, so look at that. I just went to Google and search Lisa Allen co-citation and semantic mastery videos right there.
In that cool, funny TV, funny LS SEO stuff works. Anyways, I'm gonna just drop this link in the chat for you. Go watch the first part of you know, by the way, her tools are incredibly powerful. It's an SEO tool. It is not a content syndication tool like what RSS masher is, which I also recommend, but she's got a great RSS tool for creating automate magically co-citation it's an automated tool. It's called rank feeder. It's fabulous for that stuff. Anyways, go I'll post this in the comments here in just a moment. But if you just go search for lease Allen co-citation you'll see that video right there how to create co-citation plus authority sniping for massive whatever the title was. Go watch that the training part of that webinar before she gets to the pitch, by the way, by the product if you think it's going to be helpful for your business, which it likely will be, but it's a great tool she does a great explanation of what co-citation is and how it helps to give you a much thorough x more thorough explanation that what we can do right here right now. Okay.
And can we move on because question two of his questions is a five-part question? Yeah, we're gonna have to because we only got a couple of minutes left anyways. Sorry, baby. We're running out of time. Is there any limit on how many 301 redirects some domain you can have to do on the syndication prop redirect domains Can you to do on the syndication properties? I don't quite understand.
That. Yeah, I'm sorry. Hi guys, I just bought the Battle Plan super excited to get started. My question is how do I get an XXL Semantic Mastery t-shirt? During the mastermind we That's it. That's it. That's the only place you can get them or be a Semantic Mastery partner. Yeah, we send all new mastermind members we send them a T-shirt and then they also get books for the first several months we send a book per month and blah blah blah. There's a lot of benefits. So come join a mastermind we're coming to you live when whenever the next one in which the Coronavirus might have killed ours this year. We don't know for sure.
But anyway, was there a Google update today? I don't know. I usually don't know until somebody mentions it on Hump Day hangouts or in one of our groups. Yeah, right to support@Semantic Mastery.com and Chris Green. How will you give you the download link? It's still available for the free one. The free version is still available. It's not I don't have crispy, updated that.
And, of course, the pro version of that is only available to mastermind members. Right. But I'm pretty sure that that that but that you're talking about the plugin. I was talking about this up here was there a Google update and then you answered this question. It threw me off. Sorry, I heard an update. Yeah.
No, that was it was an update. There was. Yeah. Okay. May the fourth be with you update?
Okay. Yeah, but just contact support about the RSS plugin. And guys, we got to go. I've got to wrap it up. So is the new Battle Plan a big improvement? Yeah, it's been simplified. It's it's a lot different than the previous versions in that everything's been simplified to make it a lot easier for you guys to apply it to your projects.
He wants to know if RYS stacks are still working. Can you Google DC plumber real quick? Sure.
Cuz we just had an update, right and I'm just gonna kill everything. That's it right? Oh, look at that. And look at number one organic. Yep, it's in the map number one. organics that g site right there. It didn't work. It doesn't work. Work.
Yeah still works. entity-based, worry less SEO for the win.
I gotta go guys. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will see everyone next week.
0 notes
furederiko · 7 years
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My 2nd and last Random-News-Digest for the month of November!
(Images courtesy of Disney Pixar Studio, Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, and CAPCOM. Taken from Official Trailers and/or Official Sites)
Pocket Monsters
This was actually a news from earlier this month. But since I was more focused on the launch of "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" on my previous R-N-D, I've decided to put this on hold.
Variety reported that young actor Justice Smith has been cast as the male lead of "Detective Pikachu". Smith will be playing the human companion of the titular character, who was seemingly a brunette-haired white boy in the video game. I'm not that much familiar with Smith, but the change on the race angle is acceptable because it shows that Hollywood is being proactive in casting POC actors as lead. Of course, the main question in everyone's mind, is WHO will be voicing Detective Pikachu himself. Will Danny DeVito, the actor that seems to be on every fans' wishlist get the part? We'll see...
Disney Animation
The much awaited and demanded sequel among Pixar Studio's roster, "The Incredibles 2", delivered its first poster and official teaser. The teaser might be really brief, as it only features Craig T. Nelson's character and the little baby Jack-Jack showcasing his numerous superpowers. But it didn't stop it from snatching every attention and breaking record along the way. According to various sources, the story will focus on Holly Hunter's Elastigirl and their older kids, while Mr. Incredible is stuck babysitting. Will that be a good storypoint for a sequel? Can this one be better than the likes of... I don't know, "Monsters University", "Finding Dory", or at the very least this year's "Cars 3"? We'll see when the movie arrives in Summer 2018...
Thankfully, at the same time the studio's "Coco" also captured the Thanksgiving holiday buzz, and gained an immense positive reaction from families. The A+ Cinema Score result was a solid win, as the hispanic-themed musical easily defeated the might of DC superheroes to be the number 1 movie over the weekend. It also proved that Pixar still has what it takes to churn out original stories, and not rely on sequels. I strongly hope this movie will have a strong leg going forward, and becomes a financial success as well. Even if to encourage the studio, and other animation studios to work on more originals.
Disney Live Action
If you think the teaser for Ava DuVernay's "A Wrinkle in Time" was weird, then wait till you see its full official trailer. It doesn't look A BIT like DuVernay's previous work, "Selma", that's for sure. LOL. This feels like what you'd get if "Doctor Strange" is combined with an equal dose of bright colors and wackiness from "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", with a mixture of a "Chronicles of Narnia" movies and James Cameron's "Avatar" in the story department. I might be scratching my head hearing all those pseudo-science mumbo jumbo, but I also really want to see Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis, and particularly Michael Peña being weird deities or something like that. My only concern, is that this also reminds me of Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland". With a POC female director behind the wheels, I genuinely want this movie to succeed. So let's just hope it does NOT end up like that Disney movie. March 9th, 2018 can't come soon enough.
Niki Caro's "Mulan" reimagining has found its lead actress. Crystal Liu, or Liu Yifei has been selected over 1000 candidates to portray Fa Mulan. In case it's not obvious enough, Liu is 100% Chinese, so there's no whitewashing this one. She's a very popular name in her home country, though honestly this is the first time I have heard of her. Not surprisingly too, she has had experiences with Hollywood having been part of action movies like "The Forbidden Kingdom" and 2014's "Outcast". So... not exactly an unknown name, huh? Disney is not taking any chances, I suppose. But oh well, at least we won't be hearing whitewashing complains anytime soon. Now if only Godfrey Gao could be cast as Captain Li Shang. He IS, around the same age range to Liu, right? Mmhmmmmm *nods* *grins*
Jurassic Park
"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" had shared its first official image. Coming straight from writer Colin Trevorrow's twitter account, it portrayed Chris Pratt's Owen Grady with his son... er, I mean a baby Velociraptor. Hmmm... those who have seen the first "Jurassic World" and possess a logical brain, would quickly question one thing: WHY ON EARTH do these guy still mess around with the dinosaurs, instead of leaving them be?! Seriously, Owen might be a Raptor trainer, but these creatures almost killed him too!
Trevorrow's name has been painted rather 'negatively' thanks to his departure from "Star Wars", so many people have been watching this title closely whether it will get the same effect of his "Book of Henry" or not. Of course, J.A. Bayona is the director for this one, but who can really tell what kind of influence Trevorrow brings, right? "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" roars into theatres on June 22nd, 2018. You might want to wait a little longer to see a trailer...
DC Films
When filmmakers keep on using lame excuses like "This movie is made for fans and not critics" to explain bad reviews, then... well, that's exactly what you get. Only fans... in fact, just half of them and not all, came to see "Justice League" on opening weekend. I'm not trying to throw a shade or being sarcastic here... (or am I, you decide), but the first weekend performance for the movie? It was NOT good. It even didn't reach the minimum expectation number. Great goodness, where did all those so-called devoted DC fans go?! #SARCASM
I know this news has been reported pretty much everywhere, but let's have a quick recap of what happened. Signs of trouble were already apparent when the movie had a somewhat 'troubling' start on Thursday, November 16th. Comic book adaptations, and in particular DC properties tend to be massively frontloaded, because unlike other studios, Warner Bros usually opened their movies on the same dates worldwide. So the fact that it had a dismal Thursday night was quite a surprise. But it was still a higher number than critically received Wonder Woman, giving it a glitter of hope. Then Friday sum came along, and it was another disappointing number. Again, still better than Gal Gadot's solo movie. But then the overall weekend estimation came out, and the concern was justified. "Justice League" 'only' took $96m domestically, which was a 'disaster' for a movie featuring not one or two, but SIX of DC's iconic superheroes. Some folks were still spinning a positive point of view, saying that it at least had passed the lowest speculated number (which was $95m, by the way). Oh no, it got bett... er I mean, worse. The ACTUAL revenue wasn't even inline with those numbers, as the movie merely achieved ALMOST $94m. OUCH!!!
As I've talked about in an earlier category, last weekend the movie quickly fell down from its top spot, thanks to "Coco" dominating the Thanksgiving holiday. The movie might have passed $480m worldwide in its 2nd week, but judging from the family power of that Disney Pixar movie that has yet to open in European countries, combined with the wonders of "Wonder", and strong leg of "Thor: Ragnarok"... can we even expect "Justice League" to perform much better compared to previous titles on its kins? I doubt. The movie is still on the path of 'biggest bomb' of 2017 if not all time, and is prone to inflict loss for the studio. Of course, should we even be surprised about it, when even the underestimated "Power Rangers" fared better than this movie?
Say what you will to defend this movie, but to WB it all comes back to nothing but business. You can even call this, an unmitigated disaster. This low number would totally influences the executives' upcoming decision regarding their Movie Universe. Seriously, because this is NOT the first of its kind (already the fifth, in case you forgot), yet the opening numbers of each movies continue to decline. It's an ambitious ensemble movie that the studio boldly expected to perform as big as Marvel Studios' 2012 "The Avengers", but wasn't able to even achieve the same response to an obscure team of "Guardians of the Galaxy". Compared to WB's own DC catalogue, even the oft-ridiculed campy had "Batman Forever" opened higher! That might be acceptable in the eyes of 'fans' or average moviegoers, but for a studio as big as WB? Likely NOT. Especially when they still can focus on other more beneficial franchises like "Kong: Skull Island" or... the next category *grins*.
Could we be heading towards another Dark Universe situation here? Really though, I think I can actually agree with a reboot or some sort, so the universe can keep the good parts (like Gadot's Diana Prince) and pretty much ditch or change everything else. Ben Affleck is on his way out anyway, and Henry Cavill's prospect to continue with his version of Superman has become very dim because he has completed his obligation. "Aquaman" and "Wonder Woman 2" will still be released. "Shazam!" is set to start production early next year, but its script might be reworked to safely exclude the character from the continuity. An idea that I'm totally ALL IN! *grins*. Matt Reeves' "The Batman" will be set in an entirely different Bat-Family-verse, possibly alongside Joss Whedon's "Batgirl" (no, Whedon is NOT fired or anything like rumored. Seriously, what is wrong with you DC Fans?!). And that R-rated "Deathstroke" movie might still see the light of day, even if because its lead actor is desperate keen to have it made. But the rest of the movies planned or talked about? You might not want to get your hopes up for them too soon, to avoid disappointments. Unless... the studio decides to resort to "Flashpoint" for a soft reboot.
Anyway, back to "Justice League" for a bit before I wrap up this category. Apparently some fans are already hilariously campaigning for the studio to release a Zack Snyder 'Director's Cut' version of the movie. Not surprising, considering WB had indeed DONE that TWICE already with the garbage that were "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Suicide Squad". Three times the charm, huh? To the point that they are desperate enough to do practically ANYTHING to get what they want... as reported by a movie critic whose name has been illegitimately used for 'the cause'. *sigh* Here we go again...
No offense to those 'over-passionate' people, but this is EXACTLY the problem with these fraction of DC fans. They are quick to act without properly thinking about things first. Why? 1) As Batman-News has pointed out, WB did NOT like Snyder's cut. He screened his unfinished version, like 10 effing months ago. So naturally, Snyder could NOT have his 'version' done considering WB immediately handed over the job to Whedon, who took over the entirety of the movie's post production. If a 'Director's Cut' these fans are asking, then that would be Whedon's and not Snyder's. 2) Despite the fact Snyder showed support in one, or how his cinematographer is dying to see one, his Director's Cut version would obviously require additional funding to finish. Don't forget that despite the worldwide response that leans towards positive, the movie's theatrical release might end up as a financial LOSS to WB. That pretty much prevents WB from spending extra money for another retool. They would be crazy to shower more money into this already-expensive movie just to please fans (for as much as they say they make movies for them, they don't actually give a damn). Unless of course, Snyder pulls a Ridley Scott and finished his version with his own money. Meaning, he probably would need to buy the movie's rights, and pay for all the visual effects, etcetera etcetera. 3) This petition proves that instead of going to the theatres to see the movie again to... I don't know, boost its revenue number, these fans would rather whine and demand for a HOME VIDEO release. No wonder the opening weekend was low! 4) I'll have to repeat my previous criticism here. If WB will indeed release an 'Ultimate' or 'Extended' home video version, then... well, the more the reason to NOT see this in theatres now, right? No kidding, why would we waste money on a half-baked product?! Just wait a few months, and we can see the whole thing with just a bit of extra money, right? That's the easy logic right there, and precisely the method I took to see these DC Films titles until now. The fact that WB had done it twice, is also the reason why some folks I know blatantly REFUSE to see the movie in theatres. After all, nobody would want to be fooled more than TWICE, right?
Fans be fans, and expecting them to change would be beyond comprehension. But at the very least, I hope on the other side of the table, both WB and DC Entertainment are learning the correct lessons from this outcome. Things as general as... don't rush into things, don't put too much stuff without proper payoffs, focus on telling a good story, or don't treat audience like they are stupid, to the most philosophical one like stay humble, be nice to others (whether its fans, critics or other studios), and stop trying to best a rival who's already waaaay ahead in their game *sigh*.
I'm not rejoicing or being rude or anything, but I believe DC direly needs to hit the reset button on the movies. And if it's possible, ditch WB completely if they want to do this right. Much of the DC Films ordeal actually have gotten to do with the studio execs meddling too much and demanding so many things that has continued damaging the properties. DC fans DESERVE better movies, and I don't think this flawed universe can hold it up anymore. Much like how Rebirth 'deleted' New 52, time to create a clean slate for the movie universe as well! If it works in the comics, why not, right? In the end, I think DC should just stick to what they do best, or better than the competitor: TELEVISION. FYI, this is what they get from not utilizing or banking in the same actors from those successful CW shows. Told ya so...
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Bring on "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald"!
Yes, I might be the odd man out, but I'm genuinely more interested to see what the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise has to offer next instead of DC Films. I admit, my favorite part of the first movie was Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander Pokede... I mean Private Zoo, so I felt pretty disappointed that the sequel will focus on Johnny Depp's Gellert Grindelwald. But the words of executive producer David Heyman has made me highly intrigued. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, he said that the sequel will have "a very different feel than the first. It’s got a thriller quality. And it’s also a story about love and passion and all its forms — paternal, romantic, political. And it’s just a thrilling and very fun adventure.". That 'thriller' aspect is enough to catch my attention. Can we expect to see a darker turn, possibly involving Jude Law's young Albus Dumbledore? How will Scamander and his Scooby-gang be properly integrated into this situation without sacrificing the things that made them interesting?
Heyman also teased that the movie will look more 'dynamic' with "contemporary cinematic approach". Despite the time setting being maaaaany years prior to "Harry Potter"? Now THAT is what I'm curious to see too. I hope the end result will not mirror the issue with "Star Wars" or "The Lord of the Rings" franchise. Remember how their prequel stories look waaay more advance (in visual and also... actor's age LOL) than their original stories? "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" opens on November 16th, 2018.
X-Men Universe
According to a very fresh report that just came in yesterday, apparently talks between Disney and FOX about the latter's movie and TV division have resurfaced. It's still rumor for now, but I'm not surprised if it's true. Other corporations, including SONY and Comcast have approached FOX for the same proposition, so it makes perfect sense that Disney will up their game and pursue the deal more rapidly. After all, FOX had some movie copyrights that would benefit Disney greatly. As I've mentioned before, there will be pros and cons if this acquisition becomes a reality. Naturally, fans everywhere are already filled with logical and occasionally pointless concerns over the fate of FOX's Marvel movies. A bit premature, if you ask me, but I guess that's what makes the internet such a fun and... crazy place. Let's just see how this turns out, okay!
Meanwhile, actress Lizzy Caplan has entered negotiations to play the lead female actress in Channing Tatum's "Gambit". It's still unclear if she will be portraying Bella Donna Boudreaux, considering actress Lea Seydoux had previously been attached to the role. Assuming the script has not gone through massive alteration, that could very well be the character Caplan has been offered. At least, that's the general notion in many people's head for the time being. Of course, things could have evolved since the movie was first promoted as a sexy thriller heist, so it's not yet a sure thing until it is confirmed. Directed by Gore Verbinski, "Gambit" will arrive on February 14th, 2019.
Marvel Studios
This here is the main reason why this R-N-D got postponed a few days to the end of November: the first trailer of "Avengers: Infinity War". Yes, OFFICIALLY available worldwide around 8,5 hours ago (following the 08.00AM EST premiere on Good Morning America), it's Marvel Studios' answer to the crazy buzzing cries of demand that got many people... uhm, emotionally riled up. It has gotten to the point that people have been shamelessly leaking actual footages from the movie itself. Not cool people, NOT cool.
I personally didn't really need to see a trailer for this movie. But I'm not gonna lie, the HYPE machine was tooo strong, that well... a not-so-strong-on-the-inside guy like yours truly would easily got swept away. I think ANY fans of the Marvel Studios release would be weak for this kind of thing. LOL. Is the trailer any good? You're kidding, right? Of course! #MINDBLOWING. It teases that the movie lives up to its somber title, and... that's all I'm going to say, as you need to see it yourself to have the full experience (I almost had a heart attack when I first saw it... Oh, Vision T_T). Beside, every entertainment sites will surely be talking about it, excessively analyzing every details that will decorate their pages. For at least two weeks ahead (if it hasn't started before... LOL) until its Disney-cousin "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" comes knocking on everyone's door. "Avengers: Infinity War" arrives on May 4th, 2018. But I'm sure you're already aware about that... XD
True to what Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige had promised, said trailer arrived in November. Timed perfectly just a few days after Vanity Fair unveiled its special coverage (published on November 27th, to be precise) to that much-talked-about exclusive photoshoot that took place in Pinewood Atlanta Studio last month. A grand celebration to the studio's 10 years of enduring success. For the record, Vanity Fair held their own separate photoshoot featuring only 32 out of 83 people involved in the event (a small percent are likely directors, writers, and producers), so the actual result of said event is still big question marks to any of us. Thankfully, the magazine's coverage is a marvelous substitute. It details the studio's journey and rise to fame from an independently-funded team into a billion dollar maker. It also pushes Feige's hidden personal story to the spotlight, exposing the key ingredient to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's success and global domination: FANBOY FEIGE himself. Go ahead and visit Vanity Fair to read the entire coverage, alongside its coupling stories about the superhero looks and look back to "Iron Man". Those are really good and highly recommended reads!
"Ant-Man and the Wasp" has officially wrapped on November 20th. This one was finally confirmed by director Peyton Reed himself and lead actress Evangeline Lilly. Lead actor Paul Rudd on the other hand, had some fun on HBO's "Night of Too Many Stars" benefit show, flaunting his latest Ant-Man suit while making a joke about his previous movie "I Love You, Man". I personally loved this comedy, so I fully understand what he's saying. The end of production also filmed a rather spoilerific scene in Hawaii, featuring Michael Douglas' Hank Pym and Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne. You might want to avoid that link if you don't like spoilers. Anyway, with "Infinity War" trailer out on the market, the greedy question now is: When can we get one for this movie? LOL. "Ant-Man and the Wasp" opens in July 6th, 2018.
On the "Captain Marvel" side of things, the one and only Jude Law has entered talks to portray a key role: the original Captain Marvel... Dr. Walter Lawson a.k.a. Kree Warrior Mar-Vell himself. Mar-Vell is an important figure in the Marvel universe, because not only he's partially responsible for Carol Danvers' powers, he's also the father of another superhero, and a Guardians of the Galaxy member. Having this character in the MCU is inevitable, because I'm sure his involvement will bleed into the next 'Phase' paving way for new characters. And of course, if Law agrees to accept this role (which I think he will), then we'll have two pair of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in the MCU! If there's one thing Marvel Studios' movies are always good at, it's in their choice of picture-perfect A-list casting. To think that Law wasn't even the first big name who was approached for this part...
The Hollywood Reporter coverage of the same story, seemingly confirmed that actor Ben Mendelsohn has officially become part of the movie's ensemble. Although many have speculated that he could be playing a Skrull Commander, it looks like he could be portraying another key role in Brie Larson's Carol Danvers' ascension to hero: the super villain Yon-Rogg! Not that I'm surprised, of course, regardless of the source's... uhm... lack of credibility. Lastly, a report stated that the movie's production has undergone another schedule change. Apparently, production for the movie is now expected to begin early March to mid-July. However, casting process have already begun because several key roles are expected to film earlier in January. Are they needed for "Avengers 4" then? Quite possibly. Larson herself has already been confirmed to be part of it, which also explains the swift progress the studio is taking with Mendelsohn. With the same reason, I think we can expect follow up regarding Law's status in the near future as well. "Captain Marvel" might be released on March 8th, 2019, but her buzz is already getting louder and louder everyday!
As for what's next? Well... this is where things get rather startling. In a fascinating mysterious way. In the Vanity Fair coverage, Feige confirmed that the May 3rd, 2019 "Avengers 4" will indeed bring a finale or some sort. "There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting.", he stated. But about that 'everything after'? He revealed that the studio has already mapped not one, not two, and definitely not just three movies after the UNTITLED Avengers movie... but TWENTY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONES. Calling that as a 'big plan' would be a huge understatement. Okay, assuming the pattern of releasing 3 movies per year goes on, that means we'll be getting around 6 more years of MCU after 2019. Feige wasn't kidding (he's a man of his words) when he said the studio have plans until 2025. But what will they be?
We know that a sequel to "Spider-Man: Homecoming" is set to be the third 2019 release. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" from James Gunn (who was recently generous enough to share his first draft while providing details regarding the second movie) will spearhead 2020, while paving way for more cosmic branches. Scott Derrickson probably had already signed up a directorial return to do a sequel of "Doctor Strange" in the same year, opening the portals to more multidimensional journeys. Both "Black Panther" and "Captain Marvel" will most definitely get sequels. Perhaps, we'll get another bromancing Thor and Hulk by Taika Waititi as follow-up to his "Thor: Ragnarok", while Tessa Thompson unites with the other female heroes for an "A-Force" adaptation. And then a cosmic movie featuring Adam Warlock because he might NOT be in "Vol. 3". That's EIGHT... what about the remaining DOZEN then? LOL. A solo movie for the popular Ms. Marvel, or a live action version of "Young Avengers"? Those would be DOPE. Not to mention, that number most likely does NOT include Marvel characters currently under FOX and/or SONY. Imagine what would happen if Disney ends up merging with FOX!
One thing for sure, Marvel Studios' movies are here to stay! Meaning we'll still some great fun times at the theatre for several years ahead. So what are you waiting for... celebrate the 10th year, and speculate on!!!
Marvel TV
The 5th season of Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." will premiere in just a few days from now on Friday, December 1st 2017 08.00PM EST. In order to amp up the hype and anticipation level, Marvel TV had released an official extended trailer to give audience a glimpse of what to expect. And if that's not enough, they have also published the debut episode's first 17 minutes on Youtube. In case both clips weren't obvious enough, the setting is in space, and all but one (Fitz! Who else?) active members of Clark Gregg's Phil Coulson's team are trapped in a galactic prison or some sort. Fans of the show only need to wait a bit longer for their beloved characters' return.
As for me? That extended trailer has totally convinced me... to SKIP this season entirely. No, this is not a drill. Hmmmm.... I don't know how, but I guess because this looks... redundant? The prospect of going interstellar felt engaging and promising when the previous season ended. But things have changed in the months after, when new space-themed series like "Star Trek: Discovery" and "The Orville" debuted and gained attention. Including yours truly. I admit, in AoS' case it felt more like "Firefly" or "Star Wars", but my point remains: it's a space opera or any of its variations. And being not much of a fan to the genre, I'm already good with following just one of it this season. Care to guess which one?
Besides, good reviews and/or words of mouth don't instantly mean everyone is going to like it. Take for instance... Marvel's "Runaways". People everywhere are praising this Hulu show, yet only two episodes in, and I'm already feeling utterly... BORED by it. Many said that this show is unlike or even better than CW's "Riverdale", but I say... it's more or less the same thing (but with superpowers) or even worse. I'll give it the benefit of doubt and continue watching for a few more episodes (possibly until episode 4 or 5 out of 10), but only out of obligation to a personal quirk. Come on Hulu, just release more episodes for "The Tick" already! Anyways, the same goes for AoS. People have been saying good things about its two hours premiere, but my gut is telling me that... it's not working for me. Call me back when Mr. Lance Hunter returns, okay! *winks*
Over on the Netflix side, Marvel's "Luke Cage" has wrapped filming. That's what the production staffs seemed to be hinting at. At the very least, it's nearing completion to pave way for other Marvel-themed shows. LOL. Considering this could be the last season for Mike Colter's Luke Cage on Netflix (with that Disney streaming service and all), this could be a bittersweet news for its fans. Oh well, let's move on...
DC Television
Speaking of dedicated streaming service, DC is already ahead of Marvel (See? DC's forte is on television, so they should just totally focus on it). Aside from the highly demanded new season for "Young Justice", and "Titans" that has gathered almost all of its core cast, a new original title has been added to its roster. Yes, coming from the producers of the short-lived "Powerless", an animated "Harley Quinn" series has already scored a 26-episodes first season! This series will be a half-hour adult action-comedy, written by the same set of guys: Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey.
According to Deadline, actress Margot Robbie is the desired candidate to voice the titular character. She might not be reprising the same incarnation from the live action "Suicide Squad", but banking on her popular name would totally give benefit to DC. Of course, I personally prefer Arleen Sorkin or Tara Strong to reprise their roles from "Batman: The Animated Series", but who am I to argue. The story will focus on Harley, who after breaking up with The Joker, wants to become the criminal 'Queenpin' of Gotham. Her bestie Poison Ivy will naturally be part of the show, alongside other DC heroes and villains. Can Harley carry a whole series on her own? We'll see.
Do you want a new season for "Justice League Unlimited" in the service too? Well... keep asking DC about it, and you might get what you wish for. Hey, it worked with "Young Justice", right? Especially when voice actor Kevin Conroy himself is up to do one. Come on DC, make it happen! I just hope that it doesn't involve cancelling "Justice League Action", because it IS close to ending its first season...
Marvel vs. Capcom
Those three leaked DLC Marvel characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" have been confirmed! Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Natasha Romanova / Black Widow, and Eddie Brock / Venom will be available starting next week on December 5th, 2017. Each can be purchased separately, or directly available to those who own 2017 Character Pass. PlayStation 4 players have been given exclusive opportunity to test out these characters through a free demo during the weekend. You can check out the official announcement trailer on Youtube.
As I said last month, these characters are pretty much... redundant. However, all three have devoted fanbase thanks to the live action movies, so perhaps CAPCOM is trying to attract their attention? I must say though, seeing Bucky's cybernetic metal arm changing from left to right in between scenes is pretty disturbing. It's excusable for a 2D fighting game (because developer would refrain from creating different data for left and right sides of a character), but this is supposed to be 2,5D right? Can't they do it proportionally in this method?
Naturally, the snowball didn't stop with these characters and has continued to roll. As soon as they are confirmed, talks and rumors regarding MORE characters have begun surfacing. Claims on Reddit and other outlets have brought variety of names as potential 2nd Season DLC characters. They include: Star-Lord, Ms. Marvel, Green Goblin, Wolverine, Cyclops, Psylocke, Magneto, Storm, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, and Daredevil from the Marvel side; Asura, Lady, Gill, Rashid, Captain Commando, Nina, Deis, Regina, Gene, Vergil, Akuma, and Apollo Justice from the CAPCOM side.
Many of those names have been openly thrown around, but among them are several characters who have been reported by multiple sources. According to Youtuber Maximilian, there are 5 names with a solid match between various sources, with 1 other one in question. So yeah, just like the first line of DLC, it might be 6 characters... but in an opposite pattern, as this one will contain 2 Marvel character and 4 CAPCOM ones. The Marvel side is said to herald Star-Lord and Ms. Marvel, while the CAPCOM side will bring fan-favorite Asura, "Street Fighter III" big boss Gill, and "Devil May Cry" Lady. The last character might be either "Street Fighter V" Rashid, "Dino Crisis" Regina, or "Ace Attorney" Apollo Justice, because the sources didn't seem to be in agreement about it. This report came along a potential 2 vs 2 co-op gameplay rumored to be available in Summer next year.
Just for the sake of speculation, let's talk about them! Star-Lord? Another pretty redundant Marvel character. But I understand if they want to bank on him due to his popularity on the big screen. Ms. Marvel is a fantastic choice, even if she's pretty much the Marvel version of former MvC roster, Dhalsim. Asura is also a great choice, considering the fans already went wild over that "Asura's Wrath" DLC that pitted him against Evil Ryu. Gill is an interesting addition that makes good sense, since it's pretty unlikely to see him showing up in "Street Fighter V". Rashid is similar to Ms. Marvel, because he works by adding much needed diversity to the game... aside from being a cool wind-powered fighter. Apollo Justice, and Regina will be a clone version of Phoenix Wright, and Black Widow/Jill Valentine respectively, while Lady practically serves as the female versions of Dante and/or Vergil. Personally, I would rather the last character be Rashid, but Apollo will bring his unique style that (similar to Phoenix) separates him from the other fighters.
In the end, these are just rumors with no certainty that it's going to be accurate or not. For now, let's just enjoy the three DLC characters already available in the game, as we wait for three more to arrive very soon. Don't forget that CAPCOM can always stretch the second set for almost a year after... *sigh*
Street Fighter
Yeah, you did catch the jabs I threw CAPCOM above right? Because we all know the both seasons of DLC characters for "Street Fighter V" took an entire year to release, eventhough there were only SIX each. The last one for Season 2 has only arrived last month, even if we probably have been teased about it since last year.
Of course... when the dust settles, a new wind blows. The topic of the game has since shifted towards... "Arcade Edition" and 3rd Season DLC. Inline with its half-brother in the category above, a slew of rumors regarding 6 more characters have begun dropping throughout message boards. The same leaker who posted the potential characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite", stated two things that some people have found to be... rather conflicting.
The first one headcounted Sagat, Sakura Kasugano, Cody Travers, Sodom, and two newcomers (who could either be "Final Fight" Roxy, or a Shadaloo member). This one COULD be considered credible because many other sources have been singing similar tune. For example, dataminer X-Kira claimed that Sagat, Sakura, and Neo Shadaloo (Ed's team member on his Story Mode) are three of the DLCs. Flowtron (the user who successfully leaked the entire Season 2 characters) mentioned a somewhat different set: Sagat, Sakura, Blanka, "Mayor", "Another Bae", and "President". But the user also warned, that they no longer had connection with CAPCOM, that even they couldn't be sure of their own statement. LOL. At the very least, if the Red Bull Battle Grounds was any indication, then Sakura has pretty much been officially confirmed.
The second part of the leak claimed that four characters; namely Crimson Viper, Q, Necro, and Oro; will be available as free characters for the Arcade Edition's free update. Flowtron has debunked this, saying it's not true. Youtuber VesperArcade commented that while the previous names made sense, these free ones sound rather unlikely. He argued that to pull this off, it would require CAPCOM to make all four character available when the update is launched on January 16th, 2018. And the company doesn't really have a good track record in developing things quickly. Remember when the first set of DLC mostly ran out of its initial schedules? Beside, CAPCOM would have announced this kind of update in advance, to ensure that players who have purchased the vanilla "Street Fighter V" be pleased... and not complaining. But there's no such thing about it until now.
To be honest, I'm merely talking about this because I'm excited about the probability of seeing my champ Cody back in a Street Fighter game. If he IS part of the 3rd Season, that gives me more reason to purchase the game... as soon as I get a PlayStation 4 or a strong enough PC. LOL.
Moving on from rumors, CAPCOM have also released official information. Eventhough there were some concerns about the promised secondary V-Skills and Critical Arts, the company confirmed that every character will indeed receive one among other new stuffs. And to prove that, they even released an official trailer (available in Japanese as well) to showcase them in action, with a note saying "Street Fighter V players will receive the free Arcade Edition update. In addition to an all-new Arcade Mode and new monthly challenges via Extra Battle Mode, every character will receive a second V-Trigger attack. These are but just a few to get you thinking of new possibilities for 2018 and beyond…". Here's hoping this update will boost or rekindle interest for the title among fans and gamers in general.
Meanwhile, "Puzzle Fighter" had launched for iOS and Android last week. The free for download puzzle game should be available worldwide with a new look and new features. If you ask me, it actually feels more like a "Capcom All Star" game, because of those other characters from non-"Street Fighter" titles. I guess that is expected to appeal wider demographics, huh? You can download the App game on your smartphone right away to try it, or you can watch the launch trailer on Youtube to get a visual taste.
The King of Fighters
Looks like we'll be getting another update for "The King of Fighters XIV". Following the result of a social media design contest that took place last month, SNK Corps will soon add two things. A Saudi Arabian-themed fighter named Najd, created by designer Mashael Al-Barrak from Saudi Arabia, and a modern day Masmak Fort stage, created by Oman designer Zainab Al-Lawaty. It's currently unclear when they will be added to the game, but I hope SNK will also expand the roster with more characters. Now if only SNK would hold a similar contest in my country...
To wrap up this month's final R-N-D, we have some happy news from Nintendo. The company's popular and highly praised "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", has scored several wins at the Golden Joystick Awards in UK. The open world RPG won 'Ultimate Game of the Year', as well as 'Best Audio', 'Critic's Choice Award', and 'Nintendo Game of the Year'.
While the alternate reality "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" hit the market, its original titles "Pokemon Sun & Moon" also won the 'Handheld/Mobile Game of the Year'. These titles could be the reason why the game developer itself got crowned as 'Studio of the Year'. This award relied exclusively on public votes, which means Nintendo has gained a truly positive buzz this year. And that's before the equally praised and critically acclaimed "Super Mario Odyssey" could take part in. Could we see the Zelda and Mario game pit against each other in future Awards? I believe that would be the case.
0 notes
illnameitlast-blog · 7 years
OMG it’s been more than a week since I’ve started this personal project.
I’m going to retry calling as much as I can remember up to today.. 9/11/2017. Might not finish. 
the original plan for that Thursday was to connect two friends in the music industry at 2, clothing photo shoot w a Postmates driver, L, who I quickly befriended at work (a cafe in Brentwood) at 5, and then around 8pm I was going to sleep over at a coworker’s house so that she could bleach and re-color my hair. 
..here’s what really happened. 
I woke up somewhat early, maybe around 9:30/10am. Currently my long-time high school friend Kristine is going to move in with me into the small studio I live in. Her lease ends the last day of August, & that’s today, Thursday. The night before, my friend Taylor said last-minute she needed a place to couch surf after all & will be putting her room up for Airbnb. [Taylor lives in a master bedroom by herself in a large apartment right next to The Grove. The last time I saw her a few months ago I told her I would be down to move in with her and she agreed it would be cool. We agreed she’d Airbnb her room for extra money for September, while I saved rent money to move in with her in October.] 
I walked less than 10 minutes to get a bunch of breakfast for myself. I’m talking about pancakes, toast, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and sausage. When I come back, I eat about 3/4 of what I ordered and eat half of an acid-laced sour patch kid, roughly equivalent to half a tab (I’d like to think). It’s about 12:30. 
Alright, now I need to start getting ready as fast as possible before the acid hits. First I talk to house owners Danny & Tara about Taylor moving into the studio with Kristine & I. A little unsure at first, they eventually agree. I go back to getting ready. 
The acid doesn’t hit until about an hour later, when I’m about to leave for my 2pm froyo meeting with friends Yael & Josephine. After getting Pressed Juicery’s matcha “froyo” w almond butter, pineapple, & extra pineapple, we walk withYael to some place she knows of where we can hang out. We’re on Abbot Kinney and arrive at the TOMS store. As you walk in, there’s a coffee bar. Past it, a seating area with tables on the right side and shoes for sale on display on the left side. Past THAT, you go down a few stairs onto grass turf with tall, stair-like seating all against the right side with a couple tables & chairs on the floor against the wall across the entrance of area. We all sit & talk for a bit, where I find out that Yael will be at the Anaheim House of Blues the next day, Friday, where I’ll also be to support a friend’s band that’ll be performing. We agree to try to see each other the next night. Around 3:30/4, we leave to walk back towards our cars. On our way back, we pass the Wheel of Fortune that seems to be some type of known landmark? I spin the wheel, first getting WISDOM but then it quickly switched over to FUN. currently, I do not disagree. maybe later in life I might. 
I get back to my car. right before meeting Yael & Josephine, L texted me asking to rain check the photo shoot. since I was free & I knew Kristine needed some help bringing things to my place, I decide to go over to her apartment in Westwood. when I get there, I’m feeling amazing. I had just linked two amazing people in the music industry and that was the first meeting I’d ever scheduled. I was ecstatic! earlier in my day I had come up w the idea that instead of Taylor putting her room up for Airbnb, Kristine & I could just move in instead. I was going to move in October anyways. I needed to check with Kristine first, & she was for it. So I called Taylor & told her my idea. Taylor loved it! In the span of about a 5 minute phone call, we were moving to West Hollywood. Because of that I was also able to help another one of my friends that was looking for a place to stay for the month of September! ***side note about the weather, during my phone conversation with said friend, that was the day when there was like, apocalyptic weather going on, where it was very warm & humid, but pretty windy & even started raining at some points during the day. I say this because I was observing the weather from the open window at the moment***  during my time there I created this tumblr on impulse. eventually Kristine’s roommate finally left for home & it was just the two of us. it was starting to get late & nothing had been put away in the car yet. WE NEEDED TO BE OUT & DONE BY SUNRISE.
I start packing things in the car. We need to start moving. Once we finished, we drove to Kristine’s home home, about 1:15 hour drive away. We got back to the apartment around 4am I believe. I’ve never mentally pushed myself that hard before, I was so freaking EXHAUSTED moving everything to the car while Kristine cleaned, back & forth, from the 3rd floor (but thankfully had an elevator). We didn’t finish til 7am. I ordered food around 7:30 for pickup on my way home. 
I leave Kristine around 8am. She’ll meet me at my place for food & a shower soon. I get home, scarf my breakfast sandwich down, eyes-closed, hoping to simulate resting. As soon as I finish I hop in the shower right away. I get ready, tell Kristine how to lock up, then leave. I go to work from 10am-6:30pm. 
I’m EXHAUSTED. I magically make it on time. Work is rough. After about an hour, I use the bathroom & check my messages for anything important. Tara is very upset about Kristine leaving her burrito leftovers & the dog got to it, after just telling me the other day to make sure the rules about food in the studio were known. I don’t have time to reply, so I just go back to work & go back to cutting the watermelon up for juice, since we didn’t have any ready. I’m extremely stressed at that point & start tearing up. My coworker/big brother figure Isa sees me, takes over, & sends me to the bathroom. I’m crying. The only 2 bathroom stalls are occupied. I’m crying. A woman on the phone walks into the bathroom & is in line now. I’m still crying. One of the shift leaders Val comes in, hugs me, & takes me to the office in the back. She’s had enough breakdowns to know what was happening with me & I’m thankful for the care she showed me. FINALLY, I’m done crying. I go back to work, feeling better, and finish the rest of my shift. 
As soon as I clock out, I change outfits & head to the House of Blues Anaheim to see birthday! I saw birthday @ SXSW earlier that year, where I also met the frontman, Duran. Although I was DEAD & exhausted, I had this show in my calendar for about 2 months, had told them I would be going the same day they announced it, & refused to flake on them. Their last show I’d missed their set, but I’m so glad I saw this one. The energy was amazing, & it made me want to introduce him to Yael even more for potential booking purposes. Unfortunately, Yael was in a different room than me & couldn’t leave, since she was there as Production Assistant for the show. After birthday’s set, Duran & I catch up a little & watch a few songs of the next opener. It was very interesting. 
Duran says there’s a band he wants to see in a different room & is going to find the stage hand to see if we’d be able to go check it out. The guy gives us two shiny pink wristbands & we head outside towards the entrance to the Foundation Room. This is the room Yael is in! I’m STOKED. We go past the door, it’s immediately an elevator. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Exit, walk across the catwalk above/between the stage downstairs & the ramp entrance to the room I saw birthday perform in. 
We enter the room, which is in the shape of a rotunda. Very nice. Duran is standing behind my shoulder. I ask the girl at the front desk if we just walk in. 
Girl: “Do you have tickets for the show?” 
Me: *shows wristbands* 
Girl: “Oh! You’re a member?” 
Me: *quick pause of hesitation* ... “Yes! :D” 
Girl: “Would you like a glass of champagne?” 
Me: “If you would like to pour it for me, thank you so much!!!” 
Duran & I walk in, both holding a glass of champagne. Eventually I introduce Yael & Duran to each other. Towards the end of that show I run into Alexa / Plexxaglass! Shortly after, Duran & I dipped. we went back to the first room we were in. He gets me backstage, into the green room. I help the boys put away their things to leave. In the next room over, Bro Safari is playing.. & Duran has 4 tickets. It’s about 11:30pm. As much as I really wanted to go, I knew I couldn’t let myself, unless I wanted to LITERALLY die of exhaustion. Also, I worked the next day 8am-4:30pm. Duran offers to walk me to my car, except we actually literally walk down the ramps instead of take the stairs to the floor I needed lol. Long story short, I lost my car, we looked for it for about 20 minutes including one of the other boys in the group, then found it on the floor beneath the floor we were looking all over. 
I get into my car, & check my messages. Turns out my friend had moved into the studio already, meaning to me that I couldn’t sleep over there that night. Kristine was at her old apartment where her friends had moved into, but there was no furniture yet meaning there was only hardwood floor to sleep on. Taylor’s place wasn’t an option yet, as she was still cleaning her stuff for us to move in. On my way to Anaheim I’d seen a sign to Riverside & thought about sleeping over @ my best guy friend’s house. Except he’s in Vegas for the weekend. I didn’t wanna go back home home to Rancho/Fontana bc that was way farther than Riv & I know I was already so tired.. So I texted my coworker Bekah, who was supposed to color my hair the other day, to see if I could sleep over for the night. I got to her place at about 1. Her cute ass bought me granola bars & milk in case if I wanted cereal in the morning. (’: We talked a bit, drank wine in bed, then I FINALLY passed out. I woke up the next morning, left around 7:30, and there was ash on my car bc apparently that day there was a fire nearby. Nature is being hella crazy as of lately. 
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