#Danny's freaking the fuck out
regonold · 1 year
Ok so i was listening to the tornado by owl city and thought of this
Portals to the realms should never be opened long for if they are the area around them gets corrupted a filled with ectoplasm burnt up from sustaining the Portal now the Fenton Portal has had this happen but it was unnoticeable due to danny cleaning the ecto filter
But slowly a pool of corrupted ectoplasm was building under the town of amity and oneday after yet another fight with one of his rouges it starts swirling now amitys natural ghostly ness has kept it contained within it's boarders
But the amount of "lazerus waters" here is enough to fully consume the city above it and it's started swirling growing up to encase the city above it
Far away from amity in the watch tower john constantine had called a meeting about a small town in illinois due to rising death energies there due to this they think that the ghost king is attempting to use a herald to summon him to this relam to reak havoc
So they go to try stop it and reach there in time to see a swirling green forcefield of sorts coming the town upon closer inspection they see a teen with snow white hair stinking of death magic with his hands in the force field john saus that must be the herald of the ghost king so superman flies to pull him away from the swirling green field
Danny on the other had is panicking his family his fright his people and his haunt are all in there he has to stop it he has to and now some asshole in blue is telling him to stop this? Oh hell no he'll save what's his thank you very much
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 204
Danny is on a bit of a roadtrip. An accidental roadtrip and might be getting chased by some sort of assassins or whatever they were. Look, it’s not his fault, he was injured and out of it! How was he supposed to know that the Pits or whatever the people were yelling about were important. Or sapient. 
Actually, he should like… “How do you even know how to drive if you’re like, thousands of years old??” That was not what he was going to ask his current roadtrip buddy, but maybe he had a concussion. 
Ectoplasm-green eyes turned towards him from the road, framed by a mixture of black and white hair that shifted like his own. “You most likely don’t want to know the answer to that, actually.” Okay, but what if he did, huh? 
“Okay, but where are we going, because I don’t think this is my dimension…”  
They shrugged, their clothing shifting with the motion. Ha, ninja clothing for a sapient pool of ecto, or whatever it had been. “I am, not exactly familiar to things that were not known to those thrown into my blood, so we’re, I believe the saying is going in blind?”
“Oh. Okay. Y’know you’re kind of nice for an ecto-death pit thing.”
“... I am going to pretend I didn’t hear that, child.”  
“Okay. I’m going to go to sleep because my head hurts.” 
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Short DPXDC Prompts #864
Duke sees Danny as an ungodly eldritch horror that expands beyond time and space. He wouldn't have it any other way <3
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Return to sender (dc x dp)
There was a box set right in front of his door. That was already pretty unusual, since Danny had just moved in, and and gotten done with boxes and he knew he hadn't had anything delivered here.
"Let's get you inside," Danny muttered as he got his key out of his pocket.
Unlocking the door, he picked it up and made his way in. He set the box down on the small kitchen table before grabbing a knife from the cabinet. He sat down and set to cutting the tape along the opening.
Peeling back the flaps, he took a peek at the contents only to be faced with a mound of yellow and black sparkly tissue paper, with a letter on top.
"What do we have here?" he muttered to himself, as he took the envelope out of the box.
Ripping it open, he got a small greeting card out. It had a yellow smiley face on it with the word "Smile!" printed above it. He flipped it open, and his eyes fixed on the printed text that said "Because today is your day!" Underneath it, written in chicken-scratch was written the following: "Looks like the bat has a new signal. At least mommy and daddy won't know how fast you replaced them!" it was signed with a simple J and yet another smiley face.
Danny frowned. "Weird."
Then, he peeled back the paper to find a taxidermied yellow-and-black bird Danny couldn't recognize, with its wings broken.
"This is definitely not mine," Danny said as he looked at the bird. Hopefully the real owner of this wasn't going to be too disappointed it had been this damaged in transit.
Danny took up the box to look at the delivery address, only to find that while this was for his apartment, the name of the receiver was marked as "Duke Marlon Thomas". It took one quick google search to find a phone number. Danny thanked whoever the sender was for including a middle name as it narrowed the search greatly. Dialling the number, Danny got up to get himself a glass of water. As he got the glass out, the line connected.
"Hello?" he heard a surprisingly young voice say. Well, assuming apparently made an ass of Danny. Maybe taxidermy really did appeal to all ages.
"Hi, my name's Danny. I think I got your package by accident."
"My package?" The guy on the other side asked, perplexdely.
"Yeah, a big box with a bird in it?" Danny answered. "Listen, man I'm sorry, I think the wings broke during transit, I swear it was already like that when I opened it-"
"What bird?" Now the guy sounded even more confused.
Well now, Danny was starting to get confused. "A taxidermied black-and-yellow bird?" Danny sounded out, then he grabbed the note and let his eyes go over it again. "There was a note too, I opened it, sorry about that." Danny winced, before trying for a joke to hopefully get the guy to soften up on him. "Whoever that J- friend is, he's got a weird sense of humour."
"J- friend?" the voice on the other side of the phone said. Guess, the joke hadn't gone over well, because his voice had gone tense.
"Yeah," Danny answered withholding a sigh, damn his curiosity. Opening other people' letters was not only a gross invasion of privacy but also a federal crime. Hopefully the guy wouldn't stay mad too long. "It was signed with the letter J and a smiley face."
"Whoever you are," said the guy, and the urgency in his voice had Danny straightening up. "You need to get out of here right now."
Just then, the door to Danny's apartment was blown open.
"I hope you're ready, birdie," a voice outside sounded, before a spindly man in a purple suit, green hair and sickly-looking skin walked in.
"Because you and me are going to have so much fun."
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skellagirl · 1 month
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Hey, guess who's just dropped several thousand dollars on my cat because she randomly stopped eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom 🥰
We have insurance for her, but I still have to pay for all of this up front and insurance doesn't cover 100%. And my hours at work just got DRASTICALLY cut 🥲 AND I'm still paying off the costs I put on my CareCredit card from my sickly cat Alistair 🥲🥲
I am super duper down to draw shit for you! I've got commissions listed on my ko-fi and I'm down to do other types not listed there with some discussion! I can also do commissions through paypal if you'd rather do it that way!
I also have:
venmo @ hm_jole
cashapp @ hmjole
any help is greatly appreciated 🥲 thank you
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radiance1 · 1 year
The Justice League summon the ghost king for something something something like idk think of something.
Instead of the powerful, fear inducing, hardened being that practically screamed other, but that wasn't what they got. The being that stood atop one of the highest peaks of the Infinite Realms, one of the strongest ghosts in the hierarchy and was said to be a tyrant.
What appeared before them was not a being that looked like it belonged to the other side, no, what appeared before them was a small children's toy.
A Teddy Bear.
A sentient and sapient Teddy Bear at that.
A starry cloak tied around its neck, an ice crown that blows faint mist and has a constant, ever shifting constellation atop it, and what was most undoubtedly a ring- that looked more like a bracelet- around its stubby forelimb.
It blinked.
The Justice League stared incredulously.
It looked around.
One of the members cleared their throat.
It walked to the bounds of the circle.
Constantine light up a smoke.
It prodded at the invisible walls of magic keeping it contained with a few light pokes.
Constantine considered the summons a failure, for while it did summon a king, it seemed more like a king from some far-off child's paradise.
With a flicker and then mass spread of flame that rose and condensed into one giant, otherworldly entity. One dressed in medival armor from head to toe, a flaming crown hovering over his head, and a green ring around his finger.
[Pariah Dark entered the chat]
Quickly, yet gently pulling the fall smaller being into the palm of his hand, the league was met face to face with a glare that could give even the Batman a run for his money.
Either the Ghost King had a very weird taste for having alliances or Constatine fucked up the summoning.
[In fact, it twas neither. Danny was the to-be-king but is waaaaaay to young for that role, even though Pariah did in fact anoint him king on a whim after not checking his age, and decided to force his way into each and every summon so that his successor-to-be does not get taken advantage of.]
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nelkcats · 2 years
The Banshee, a JL mystery
A foreign case was being discussed by the Justice League, in general it was not bad, just rare.
It began a couple of months ago, a tourist had come to Star City, but he did not visit the city, he did not even register, he just pop out of nowhere, went to the cemetery, and apparently the cameras recorded him placing flowers in all the tombs and talking with the air or with some of the people engraved in the stones, they were not sure of it.
The strange thing was that the cameras around him were always corrupted, they needed the JLD to even stabilize the image, and ¿was that not worrying? They assumed that something supernatural was following him, the boy looked strictly human, but even the trackers that they tried to put were damaged around him.
Unfortunate for the entire league, although they had the guy features, the image was not clear enough for facial recognition.
The corrupted sound of the camaras sounded like a wail, or a cry, Constantine commented it remembered him to a banshee, so they started to call him "The Banshee" even if Zatanna told them Banshee were strictly women, it stayed.
The wave of visits continued, the boy went through Central City, Metropolis, Washington, Gotham, but it was later where something relevant happened again.
Jason was visiting his own grave when he noticed the boy, he tells, he cared because the young man seemed disconsolate looking at the graves, even yearning if that had some sense.
"Did you know him?" It may be the case of B, but it still had him intrigued. Also, the guy was looking at his grave, he felt like he have the right to ask.
"No, but you could say I already did" the boy sighed, stroking the stone of the tomb "I would also like it-..." Danny stopped, he should not be telling his problems to the owner of the tomb "Ah, no matter, it's good to know he was loved"
Jelousy, the reason why Danny visited the cemeteries was to calm himself, surrounded by what he wants but can not occur, to cry as no one cried for him, Clockwork always said that a part of him died at the moment nobody pay attention to his death, and ¿wasn't that funny?
"¿How do you know?" If someone asked Jason, he would affirm that it was uncomfortable to talk about himself as if he was still dead, but he couldn't do anything about it now.
"Well, he's buried and has a proper resting place, they keep bringing him flowers even though the inside of his grave is empty, you can see the recently removed earth; Many of the dead don't have that luxury, their bodies left somewhere, the missing people were never given a proper burial, I don't know man, ghosts can't build their own graves ¿you know?" He was probably ranting and he knew it, but Danny was tired, he wanted that too, and it was such a stupid rule not to be able to give himself his own resting place, but he wasn't going to burden Jazz, Sam, or Tucker with giving him a funeral.
It was the reason he did this, why he visited cemeteries, laid flowers and talked to the resident ghosts, he wanted to know the feeling, wanted to know what he had lost, wanted to be mourned too.
"Anyway, nice to meet you Nosaj Ddot, be a little grateful for what you have, ¿okay? I know some who would kill for it" he smiled ruefully, starting to pick up his basket of flowers, he had already made his rounds anyway. It was probably time to go back to Amity Park.
"¿Nosaj? What are you talking about-" but the boy was already gone, disappeared into thin air, his communications re-established at the same moment that he noticed his damaged tracker right next to the grave, a short circuit.
"The banshee ¿uh?, he sure is an interesting guy, maybe the League is really onto something this time."
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tofuingho · 2 years
What if Danny and Jason met in the infinite realms when Jason was dead and started a relationship?
Jason gets brought back to life, with or without memories of what happened while he was dead, and Danny has no idea where he's gone.
Jason is going through his whole training for vengeance thing. Danny is searching high and low, calling on all of the ancients and all of his rouges, doing whatever it takes to get his boyfriend back.
Jason meets up with the Bats. Does his whole 'kill Joker if you actually care about me' thing. Heads in a duffle bag and what have you. Danny still can't find Jason, but is starting to figure out that Jason was Robin. Like, actually Robin and just a concept spirit like Clockwork.
Jason starts making amends with the Batfam, but his "pit madness" is still a massive issue. Tucker and Sam help Danny figure out that Robin was Jason Todd and he lived in Gotham.
Jason wakes up one morning and feels like crap. He keeps having random sharp pains in his chest. He goes to the Batcave to get Alfred to check him out. Danny gets to Gotham and starts searching for Jason when he senses something odd. It's like someone is calling out to him, so he follows the feeling.
Danny arrives just in time to see Jason "giving birth" to their child.
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Schrodinger's Human: The Star Child
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Halfa's aren't natural by any stretch of the imagination and they certainly were never supposed to come into existence. Yes, you could come come back as a zombie or a revenant, maybe even return as good as new or the complete opposite, but never truly return so... cleanly split.
Despite being the balance of both the living and the dead, Danny Phantom was never truly supposed to come to pass and was a happy accident, a one in an extremely rare umpteenth chance, rather than Danny Fenton dying in the unfortunate lab accident like in all the other timelines and multiverse.
Despite the truly miraculous odds of his survival, the young Halfling realized something was wrong somehow, when he awoke in the hospital. At first he thought it was because of the lab accident causing the scarring on his body and face that made people look away, but that wasn't it. It has been months and yet nobody looks his way.
Not once since the accident has his parents, sister, or his friends (or anyone, really) have looked him in the eyes. He just suspected that they must've felt guilty for getting him hurt...but then even his rouges seem to have always averted their gaze when they fight, so what gives!? Was the damage that severe? He likes to think he healed up pretty nicely with just a few prominent scars.
As Phantom, they weren't even visible! Then one day, he snapped after a particularly rough fight and demanded an answer, pinning the ghost and demanding, screaming, that they look him in his watery eyes.
"We can't! We physically can't look at you without adverting our gaze. Even the humans you call friends and family are unable to so much as look at you. We don't know why!"
It made Danny stop and think. Did...did he get a meta gene awoken from the lab accident? For his sanity, he deduces that it was some form of attention repellant power, that had to be it...right? After confronting his friends and family, they told them the same thing. At least the explanation was there. It made the pain bearable when he was around them.
Then the fight with Pariah Dark happened and everything went down hill from there (he just didn't know it yet).
It made Danny glad that the Ghost King couldn't see him properly (he stuck to the side with the eye patch) and continued his assault on the blind spots with gusto. It took a while but he eventually felled Dark and took the title of King of the Infinite Realms, much to his shock.
With the Ring of Rage and Crown in his possession, he returned to Amity Park exhausted, muttering to himself a desire before he let sleep take over.
"̸̙͐M̷̫̕a̶̯͗ỳ̸̲b̶̙͆e̵̳͋ ̸̹͆n̴̗̏ó̴͙w̸̖͂ ̵̢̀a̶̳͛ş̷̈́ ̴̡̒Ķ̵̊î̷̝n̸̻͌ĝ̷͕,̴̤̈́ ̵͓͗I̴͇͌ ̵̙͑c̸̣̀á̴̮n̷͕͝ ̴̫͐ơ̸̱r̷̮̆d̵̜͗e̷̲̊r̶̞͐ ̸̘̉g̵̖̈́h̵̝͊o̶̦̓s̷͎͂ț̷̂s̶̢̐ ̶̰̚t̵̠̐ỏ̵̺ ̷̘͋g̸̩̕o̷͉͝ ̵̣͋b̶̮͋ā̵̩c̸̨͆ǩ̵͍ ̴͙͘t̴͈͛ǫ̶͊ ̷͇̓ṱ̸̚h̴̞̀e̸̱͋ ̸͖͋R̸̲̀ë̸̪́ả̷̺l̸̙͝m̷̡͘s̶̢͒.̴̮̓.̵̤́.̸͖̈́ȁ̵̡t̸̖͂ ̵̺͐l̵̙͐e̴̢͘a̴͙͆s̶̼̔t̶̢̔ ̷̭̑ú̸͇n̸̗͗ť̷͖ǐ̷͜l̸͇̄ ̸̛̬I̶̺̾ ̶͔͂c̷̫̿a̸̟͊n̶̺̓ ̴̻͝f̶̦̒i̴̥͗ň̶̡i̸̡̊s̷̗̄h̶͖͐ ̵̝̒a̵̧̓ĺ̷̮l̷͍͐ ̶̤͠m̵̲̆y̷͎̐ ̸͙͌s̷̘͛c̵̯͋ḣ̵̖o̴͔͂o̶̫͝l̶͕͛ī̴̼n̴̝͋g̵͝ͅ ̷̨̿f̵̤͆ì̸͈r̸̥̆s̸̠̎ť̶̞,̶̧̑ ̸͈̅i̵̠͌n̴̻̉c̵̩̈́l̷̳͌ǘ̷̲d̵̟͂ĩ̸̳n̴͓͌g̴̪̈́ ̸̲̈c̸̗̿o̶̪͆l̴̤͋l̵̹͋ë̶͍́ä̸̼́g̷̼̑ủ̶̝e̷̩̿.̶͕̂.̸͈̾.̵͖͂I̴̞̽ ̵̣͘w̴̙͝i̵̯̚s̸̼̈h̸̦̉ ̸̟̓t̶̡͒h̵̨͊á̷̖t̵̛͕ ̷̨̿ĩ̴̡t̵̳̐.̷̫̄.̷͙̔.̶͎̃w̶̲͊a̶̳͝s̶̨̋ ̷̫̓t̴̜́h̵̢͌a̵̗͌ṯ̷̾.̵̠̕.̶̤́.̷͓̍ḛ̷̈́a̵̙͘s̷̭̔y̴͈͂.̵͉͂"̴̼̍
(Maybe now as King, I can order ghosts to go back to the Realms...at least until I can finish all my schooling first, including colleague...Yeah right...I wish that it...was that...easy.)
And like a true wish upon a star, it overidded all logic in the universe to the Boy King's whimsy. The ghosts left over night and all natural portals sealed themselves shut with no means to open themselves back up anytime soon.
And across the planet it vanished as well, stray pools of fermented ectoplasm, medicines that used it and even machinery powered by the stuff went missing, with the exception of the Fenton Ghost Zone Portal, that sealed it self with no means for anything to enter or exit.
The young Boy King's actions were far from subtle.
Many are now without their precious magic, Gods have llst their powers, the Speed Force had been stripped away, and Lanterns across all the emotional spectrum found themselves on their homeworlds with rings that failed to respond, their lights snuffed out. Two birds are now sound asleep, unable to open their eyes.
But before Nabu had been pulled out of his Helmet, he told his wearer one cruical message.
"The Source has been sealed away by a being powerful enough to possess all Sapient life in Multiverse, The Anti Life Equation has been unleashed."
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#Anti Life Equation!Danny#Danny: Can't I catch a break!? 😔#Infinite Realms: Sure thing Short King#The Infinite Realms is the Source#Everyone who uses Divine/Otherworldly power: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?#Nobody can look at the Anti Life Equation so that means nobody can look at Danny and now he has depression#Obtaining the Ring and Crown has elevated his powers to bend the sentience of both the Mortal/Spiritual planes#The Leauge memebers are freaking out because they think it's Darkseid#While Darkseid thinks the Earthlings may have discovered it and is preparing to invade#Jason and Damian are in comas because the Ectoplasm in their bodies was ripped out by the wish#Ras al Ghul and many of his ninja has been bathing in sewage for so long that it sent them to the Realms and is executed for cheating death#When the Leauge eventually finds out about Phantom they're gonna demand he fix everything#Bruce wants his boys back and will probably threaten if nobody gags him first#Danny will be beyond pissed because he has struggled to keep Amity Park safe for years and got zero help from the “Heroes”#Only for them to barge in and start chastising him#He's gonna fix the issues first and then beat them into paste for their lack of empathy and ban them from Amity Park#It's like they forgot that he didn't know he some unstoppable force and is actually a teenager who needed so much help#Darkseid shows up in the middle of the fight and Danny erases him and every evil being on Apocalypse with a snap of his fingers
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leprosycock · 2 days
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slutty drew shots from a vine comp i watched before bed if any of you go here
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regonold · 1 year
Ok kinda funny/a bit angsty idea danny has a soulmate mark that shows how your soulmate is doing in the alive injured critical dead sense when the soulmate dies the mark goes black
Now Danny's mark has been through most/all the phases he was a bit worried about the dead part but they came back so he's not that worried
Danny's soulmate on the otherhand a batfam member is freaking the fuck out every single day his soulmate dies amd comes back to life what the hell if wrong with his soulmate that he can keep coming back to life
Basically when danny transforms to phantom his mark registers him as dead and the bat family are freaking out because one of their members soulmate has died like 63 times this week what the hell is up with him
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songbirds-sweet · 1 year
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Mermay Special Prompt 2
Jason? Displeased right now. Incredibly upset even. He’s near certain that he’s gotten kidnapped by some sort of fae creatures, and he is not happy about it. Not to mention everything is greenGreenGreen like the Pits. 
And now, either he’s tiny, or these things are huge, and he doesn't have legs. He keeps getting picked up by these massive horned ones that he would say looked seal-like, but like, to the left? Something like the legends of merfolk but Other. Wrong and right, terrifying and comforting and horrible in how he found himself relaxing. 
Hopefully the rest of the bats realize he’s missing and- um, that is a child? That is a child with scales of starlight, fins of the very cosmos, hair like a bursting nebula growing closer- He blinks and the ever-expanding form is back to a teen chatting in horrific warbling-howl-screech-crack-electrical hum noises to one of the big seal-ish creatures. 
Fuck, he’s definitely gotten stolen by some sort of lazarus siren things hasn’t he?
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DPXDC Prompts #624
Jason is shaking. He hasn’t felt real for the past few hours and the sensation has been intensifying over the last thirty minutes. He’s had his fair share of dissociation but this is so so much worse. He went to grab the Manor’s doorhandle to let himself in and his hand went through the fucking door.
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coockie8 · 1 year
shout out to the commenter on Core Connection who pointed out that my design for Plasmius looks like an Aztec God 'cause that prompted me to do research and I found Mictlantecuhtli, and honestly?
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Yeah, a little, huh?
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gorepill · 3 months
having th world's calmest and quietest panic attack right now
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