#Darcy lewis ff
starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Online dating
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darcy lewis x reader / masterlist
summary; darcy decides to try a dating app, least to say, the guy isn’t anything like his picture. and thus she ditches him, and finds someone else in a hot second / warnings; the oc guys in this fic are dicks, homophobia, darcy being bae, swearing, mentions of sex and cheating, mentions of joy x reader.
he was a polar opposite to what he had portrayed his online self to be, screw the internet! this date was truly tragic, darcy had plenty of things that she could be better using her time for, rather than sitting opposite this oaf, that was licking his unappealing lips, and staring at the waitress when he thought that she didn’t notice.
“huh?” the scientific doctor pulled her phone out, ushering a puzzled expression on her face as she stared at the blank screen. she of course recognised that no one was making any attempts to contact her, but he didn’t know that. “one second.” she held her finger up, bringing the phone to her ear as she blabbered into the speaker that was inherently catching nothing that she was saying.
“slow down jane.” darcy falsely ushered, using her hands to exaggerate the conversation in her head. she put the phone down, a facade of panic elaborating behind her spectacle adorned eyes as she grabbed her belongings in a frenzy, standing upright and out of her seat. “im so sorry, my friend has just hit some guy with her car and she needs some moral support. tonight is going to have to be cut extremely short.”
short was a relief, but the hopeful expression on this dude’s face wasn’t. perhaps it was cruel to leave this guy hanging, and well, she couldn’t blame him for wanting more, she sent him an awkward smile as he began to speak. “we should do this again some time - properly.” darcy wasn’t dumb, she noticed how his eyes sped to the side as the curvy waitress walked by.
“sure...” no, definitely not. darcy was well aware that she was wasting her time with this moron, she didn’t need a man, let alone a dweeb of one. a quick wave was all she bade him as she exited the coffee shop, only to become engrossed in a scene erupting on the local streets. there was a woman, flinging shirts, and a bra within the bundle that looked as though it was not her size, what was she thinking, clearly it wasn’t, at said example of figurative masculinity.
“screw you durkus!” any guy named ‘durkus’ was basically a label confirming that he was a dick. “i don’t need you, nor the next man! i am a well established woman who has done more for this country than you could ever know, you’re dust beneath my feet, a pathetic layer of residue that i want nothing more to brush off.” perhaps she was being harsh, but it sounded like he deserved it.
from the red lipstick, that the woman was not at all sporting, from the random bra that she had flung at her partner, it was a safe bet to assume that he had cheated on her. darcy plodded closer, listening whimsically in, and realising that her life was pretty calm, there were no longer asguardians or dark elves infiltrating her life, nor the work that she had attained to field in.
she had only recently earned herself the title of doctor, and it was frustrating that people would assume that she opted for a profession in a hospital room, or they would forget the professional endorsement all together, and address her as ‘miss lewis’. she was no one’s puppet, she had scaled herself up the ladder of her career to be where she was now, but another thing that she was alongside such a wave of potential was a feminist.
this dick was shouting in the streets, calling her inexplicable names such as a ‘whore’, and a ‘two faced bitch’. having the ability to hear the insults brew anger in her stomach, she couldn’t just stand there. “what are you going to do, turn into a complete lesbian?” now that was the last straw, it had darcy marching over, and promptly she shoved the guy, making him drop all the items that were grasped in the basket of his arms.
a flabbergasted ‘huh’ was riveted from him, and it made darcy smirk as she attuned his attention towards her; the stranger that had gotten involved in his public display of disrespect and homophobia. “how about you watch your damned mouth before i make sure you can’t open it again. and whilst you’re at it, get some new shirts, you’re not a model, unless you’re the kind that are put on prison pamphlets.”
“who the fuck are you?” he spat his saliva on the ground by darcy’s feet, establishing her with the information that her first impression of this dick had been correct. women just knew with this kind of thing, they could sense trouble from a mile away. “you know what, keep that crazy bitch. maybe you can help her store her katanas, and go on double dates with danny rand and his plus one. rather you than me.”
“don’t ask.” the woman shook her head, tired of the drama that durkus always seemed to bring. she had enough trouble, involving work and extracurricular night time activities, without him adding to them. darcy presented her with a sweet smile, picking up the box of random bits and bobs that was on the floor. “that’s just work stuff, i’m moving offices and as i came to collect some things from our apartment, and i found him- well let’s just say he wasn’t alone.”
“that was pretty easy to pick up on. how’d you not realise that you were dating a total sleaze?” she was blunt with her enquiry, though the woman shrugged, a guilty expression cowering upon your features, like an ashamed shadow. a small, attractive smile graced her lips, secrets hidden beneath the span of the expression.
“oh, i knew. i just had to pretend to be happy, so that my ex, or well now, my other ex joy would stop chastising me, claiming that i haven’t got over her. she’s so up her own ass sometimes and it drives me- shit, i’m sorry, you don’t know me, nor do you need to hear about my problems.” the y/h/c haired woman shook her head, stretching her hand out to miss lewis. “i’m y/n, thanks a bunch for helping me out back there.”
darcy accepted her handshake, completing the action as she smiled. “i’m darcy.” this woman didn’t need to know about her doctor title, in fact, darcy was keen on knowing everything about her instead. “so’d how you meet him?” referring to the person that had most recently became y/n’s ex. y/n was relieved that darcy had shown up, she was sure she’d have used her martial art training for more than composition; she’d have kicked durkus’ flat ass.
“on a dating app.” it was a normal answer, she wouldn’t share the intel that before that she had saved his ass whilst wearing a black hood, stopping him from getting mugged in the dead of night. perhaps she should have saved someone else that particular late evening. darcy couldn’t help but let a small laugh out, finding both their circumstances quite amusing. she was sure a similar situation would have unfolded if she had decided to regularly see the date that she ditched.
“online dating man, it sucks, am i right?” it had quite the reputation, for the two of them especially. “maybe we should just date each other.” she joked, though she was being partially serious. it felt right, they had bumped randomly into one another’s faulted situations on the same day, it almost felt like fate, though that subject was too cheesy to say aloud.
“well doctor lewis, i would not at all mind going on a date with you.” darcy frowned at the title that she had been called, pointing at the side of the woman’s jacket, that had a recyclable label stuck upon the material. “so you majored in science, if i am correct?” finally, someone got it! she could get used to that.
y/n did not appear as a deity nor a creature from another realm, she was normal. or so as far as the eye could tell, in fact, she did not suspect a thing from this woman, much less to be a defender of the earth that worked in a small and less know league than the avengers, yet still roamed the us to protect its people.
darcy though had won this battle for her though, giving her a moment of peace from fighting, and had idly sent durkus on his route far away. y/n could get used to not being the hero all the time, more so if this doctor was her knight in shining armour.
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Best part of Darcy Lewis being back in the mcu, the fact that she's got her doctorate and I feel like a proud parent? Nope. The fact she's basically all of us fangirling over Wanda x vision? Cute but still no.
No the best part is that I can expect even more amazing fanfiction centered around the little Ray of sunshine that is Darcy Lewis..... And hopefully shieldshock 🙏😂
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missgraceomalley · 3 years
I need something to write to get my mind off things.
Do you have any suggestions? Any drabbles? Anything you want to see?
Hell, I'll take a one shot.
Let me know because the holidays are fucking hard this year.
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assassin-owl · 8 years
The Sorcerer’s Intern
Darcy Lewis arrives at the doorstep of the New York Sanctum and manages to befriend a reluctant Dr. Strange.
Rated G
Also available on AO3 and FFnet
It has only been a few weeks since the chaos, since Doctor Stephen Strange died repeatedly to stop the world from being sucked into a timeless void. He is just getting his feet back under him and the Sanctums rebuilt when the doorbell rang on the New York Sanctum. He had not been aware he had a doorbell, given that his only visitors had been sorcerers themselves, who had a bad habit of showing up unannounced and letting themselves in.
A woman a bit younger than him with long wavy brown hair and rather attractive curves was standing on his doorstep. 
“Hi,” she said.
“Um… Hello,” Strange said. It came out almost as a question.
She cleared her throat and started speaking in a rush. “Hi. I already said that. Never mind. Stephen Strange? I’m Darcy Lewis. You probably don’t remember me, I mean, how would you. You were in a coma at the time. Which really sucks. I’m Darcy and I was the other driver.”
After everything he has seen in the last few months, Strange is not an easy man to surprise. This managed to stun him into silence. 
Darcy started speaking again. “I don’t know why I came here, especially after all this while. I mean, I checked on you a bit after the accident but it was all ‘family and close friends only’ and I mean, the police report didn’t blame me but I still felt bad about it, especially since I knew you were hurt so bad. And then when I tried to check on you no one seemed to know where you had gone, just that you had left the country. And I moved to London for a little while for my internship and life went kind of insane. And now I’m graduated and figured I should try to look you up again. I’m sure it’s probably really selfish tracking you down like this just to assuage my own… What the hell are you wearing?” she demanded, cutting herself off.
“It’s a tunic,” he said. “And a cloak.”
Then it was Darcy’s turn to be stunned into silence. Finally, she managed “And why are you wearing a tunic and cloak?”
“Because I’m a sorcerer, the Sorcerer Supreme, actually.” He said it as though it were a relatively normal thing, being a sorcerer. “Would you like to come in?” The truth was, he felt suddenly guilty with her here. He had been so caught up in his own pain that the fate of the other driver had never crossed his mind. He stepped out of the doorway to let her in. 
“You’re a sorcerer? Like Loki?” she asked, as though being a sorcerer was only slightly odd.
“Not exactly. I protect earth from magical and extradimensional threats.”
“Cool. Was this a recent career change, or are you allowed to be a sorcerer and a doctor?”
“I am a doctor,” he said, a little sharply. “I’m not practicing medicine at the moment, but I earned a medical degree and the title that goes with it.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry,” she said, looking remorseful.
“And yes,” he said, changing the subject back. “Sorcerer is a relatively new career path for me, within the last year.”
“Is the magic house of magic new, too?”
“The New York Sanctum is at least several hundred years old. I am still learning the details of its history. But it is new to me.”
“So what made you decide on sorcery?”
“I didn’t,” he said honestly. “I think sorcery chose me. Would you like some tea, or something? I don’t have guests here very often. Ever, actually.”
“Yeah, thanks. That would be great.”
He makes the tea but the kettle won’t stop shaking in his hand when he tries to pour. She must have noticed, but doesn’t say anything, and he transitions almost smoothly into using magic and showing off. It’s frustrating that, after everything, he still can’t get his hands to do something as simple as pouring tea. 
“I never did find out how you were after the crash,” he said.
She shrugged. “Probably because there wasn’t much to find out. I was lucky. I walked away with two broken bones, which healed back stronger, and a scar.” She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a jagged scar. “Which I’m pretty proud of, by the way, because I hang out with some kinda badass people and it’s nice to have a tough looking scar. Besides, you had your own crap to deal with at the time, being comatose for example.” She took a sip of the tea and accepted his offer of sugar.
“I’m glad you’re alright,” he said. 
“You too. I mean, sure, I wasn’t hurt as bad, but you turned into a wizard, which is awesome. Anyway, I won’t bug you anymore, I just… I’m still not even sure, just wanted to check in, I guess. It was nice to meet you, Doctor Strange.” 
“You too, Miss Lewis.”
He never expected to see her again, but there she was two days later, standing on his doorstep with a box of cookies.
“Hi,” she said brightly. “I was in the area and thought ‘hey, why not bring some cookies to the good doctor.’”
“I don’t need your pity,” he said, but it was said with weariness rather than heat.
“Pity? Who’s got pity? You’re a wizard. You practically live in Hogwarts. I may have not told you the full truth. What I really thought was ‘hey, maybe if I bring the good doctor some cookies, he’ll give me a tour of his awesome magical house,’ but it would seem less planned if I just gave you the cookies and let you taste them and then decided to give me a tour out of the goodness of your heart.”
“A tour? Of the house?” Strange asked.
“Yes. It’s awesome and the closest thing to Hogwarts that I know where it is.”
He glanced back at the book he was reading. He almost sent her away but decided against it. There was something contagious about her enthusiasm. He flashed her a smile. 
“Well, in that case, come in."
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aenariasbookshelf · 4 years
WandaVision, ep 4
Guys, gals, and all other pals, my queen, Doctor Darcy Lewis is BACK.
If you don’t know why I am excited about this you’re probably new to my blog, and you haven’t ventured by my AO3 page either.  Suffice to say in the years my girl’s been off screen she’s absolutely flourished and is exploring the universe in her own way. *wipes proud tear* 
I’ll save my Darcy delight for fic though, I think, because technically this show isn’t only hers (but yeeeeeeeeeeeee SHE’S BACK).
*coughs delicately*
I really like the dynamic they’ve got going on this joint task force to figure out what’s going on in Westview.  Jimmy Woo, you’ve won my heart, from that dorky little card flip we know you picked up from Scott, but also how you’re willing to be open minded and actually go along with the insanity because that’s the only way to get the real answers.
And Monica freakin’ Rambeau.  I’m in love.  Tough as nails even in the middle of heartbreak (because my god that opening scene of this episode is still absolutely horrifying), and keeping her cool even though she knows that, at least at first, this is a softball assignment that she’s being given because of the whole Snappening thing.
I did like seeing more of SWORD, finally, even though there’s a large part of my brain that thinks “Okay. So most likely SWORD was founded by Maria Rambeau and Nick Fury by association back in the late 90s, early 2000s and has been active since then, and we’ve had a window into the world of the MCU since around 2008-2010 or so...and we’ve not heard of SWORD until now????” Retcon ahoy, methinks. But there’s so much good potential there. 
Hayward is totally sus, though.
After watching all four episodes back to back again, I am more convinced than ever that Wanda’s being manipulated HARD to create this world and, by extension, to create Billy and Tommy.  It’s no coincidence that Agnes is the very first person she sees in this whole world as well, aside from Vision.  Wanda’s not the bad guy, but the gaslighting is there and it is painful, because it’s probably the only thing that’s keeping her from collapsing under the weight of her own grief.
And, finally, in today’s edition of Aenaria spends too much time on YouTube, I’ve watched more than one video saying that this whole SWORD thing (specifically the lines about the astronaut program that Hayward speaks about) is the perfect way to start laying the foundation for the Fantastic Four in this universe.  I fully support this theory, because I am that desperate to see the FF finally show up.
If the series ends with “Agnes” taking on a nanny position somewhere, I really will lose it laughing then.
More to come, possibly.  Depending on if more thoughts come into my brain.  But, regardless of that, it is safe to say that this series is getting more and more enjoyable for me with each episode that goes on, and I really want to see how this mystery plays out.
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imetyouonljpodcast · 3 years
(1/3) hi maggie & v! i was listening to episode 50 and started thinking about my history with fandom and fic. i wasn't a part of any fic archives and almost exclusively read and wrote on quizilla, FF net, and mibba. when it was mentioned there wasn't a lot of jacob centric fic in the twilight fandom it surprised me. when i wrote fic as a teen in the 2000s, i remember quite a lot of jacob (and even some seth, quill, and embry!) fic. the difference was those stories were mostly OC x Canon pairings
(2/3) ... which got me thinking about how there's always been this weird rift in fandom spaces where some fic writers have actively dismissed and mocked Original Character fic, either as mary sues or self-inserts, rather than fans of a thing creating new characters and plots in reaction to unsatisfying canon (like giving Canon characters new love interests, or writing in characters from marginalized backgrounds). Or writing original stories into sprawling franchise sandboxes like star wars or hp
(3/3) just for the fuck of it. like, idk if this is really that important, but thoughts occurred to me and whenever i read or listen to fandom discussions the fandom exhibited tends to be very... one-sided and prescriptivist in definition and can straight up pretend there's only one way to fan in fandom. i know y'all know all of that, and you're only two people with your own fandom histories. don't mean to sound like an asshole, i just don't see this part of fandom talked about much. -- xx
That’s so cool that there was a lot of Jacob fic on those other platforms! And obviously there was a lot of Jacob fic on A Different Forest, because that was (IIRC) a Jacob/Bella-centric platform. I’ve never even heard of Mibba, but I do definitely remember Quizilla fic, and it totally was mostly OC fic.
You’re totally right that fandom tends not to talk about OC fic as part of its history, except when discussing the origin of the term “Mary Sue” and discussing how Mary Sues are good, important, and valid -- which is a pretty new discussion in the history of discussing Mary Sues at all!
While neither of us writes a lot of OC fic, we definitely recognize that it exists and is an important and valid part of the fanfiction community. V’s child character in May You Enjoy Your New Life is obviously an OC and she loved creating her, and for Maggie, well, let’s be real, Darcy Lewis is basically an OC since she was created to be a fandom self-insert for the MCU audience.
In terms of discussing Twific specifically, we both mainly wrote RPF and read Edward/Bella fic, so there’s a lot of breadth that we can’t discuss... but it was SUCH A HUGE fandom, of course there would be lots of platforms and types of fic that we wouldn’t have encountered, and we know that, too. :)
If we ever do an episode about OCs, we’d definitely need to have a guest who writes it more than either of us do, but we’re not AGAINST OC fic in any way. :)
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yexiu · 7 years
johnny storm
i was hoping for a johnny ask :’) love talking about my boy
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: he loves his family so much and would do anything for them, he’s good with kids, a good friend, brave, selfless, doesn’t like it when people fight
worst quality: kind of vain & shallow, reckless, hot-headed, doesn’t stick to things often, downward spirals every time he loses even a little bit of his support system
ship them with: everyone. yes everyone. but mainly peter, wyatt, bobby (in the ultimate universe mostly), reed (only in the married reedjohnny universe), teen johnnycrystal is cute, silver surfer
brotp them with: f4, ff, she-hulk, wyatt, rogue, janet. it is canon, however, that johnny has a lot of trouble making/keeping close friends like he’s friendly with most people but not close with more than like…3 of them (and in current canon i’m getting NO jen/johnny or johnny/wyatt interactions @marvel why do you hate me specifically)
needs to stay away from: medusa (that relationship was a hot mess), lyja (2 fake babies…), annihilus, darcy lewis (WHY IS THIS SHIP A THING WHY ARE THERE 80 FICS ABOUT THIS)
misc. thoughts: stanning johnny is the hill i’ve chose 2 die on
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getseriouser · 5 years
2019 GET SERIOUS State of Origin teams
LONG this column has advocated for the return of State of Origin. But alas, and it’s a strong rebuttal, the logistics of such a revival make for work too hard. 
However, ten-game Big V veteran Garry Lyon last week on football’s preeminent analysis program Front Bar, when asked by the game’s best, hard-hitting journalist Mick Molloy, certainly promoted the naming of a team even if such a fixture wasn’t to be held.
“Answer me this Garry, why don’t they still just symbolically hand out the jumper?” Molloy poised.
“They should,” the five-time All Australian, former Demon captain responded.
“Even if they don’t play,” Molloy continued, “like they do All-Australian, here’s our Big V best 22 of the year, because that would still mean something.”
“It should be on their resume, at the end of their footy career, (for example) Patrick Cripps, he is a Western Australian, he should be a (hypothetical) eleven-time Western Australian player, and I’m (really big on that); and (Marcus) Bontempelli should be recognised as Victorian player,” Lyon suggested.
Mick. Garry. Next time we get a beer the first one is one me. What common sense!
So, without further ado, and to be honest these teams where in the can for this week anyway but the timing from the lads last Thursday is just gravy, let’s name the 2019 teams for the three main states (sorry Tassie), as if they were to actually pull on the boots.
Therefore, unlike the All-Australian team which is constructed for naming-sake only, knowing there are no repercussions for picking players out of position – this is the opposite.
In an ideal world, and anyone who knows this column well, we’d have a game in March to look forward to, so we’re pretending at least that this is the case.
Alrighty, no more dribble, here’s South Australia:
FB: Rory Laird (Adelaide) – Phil Davis (GWS) – Shannon Hurn (West Coast, captain)
HB: Hamish Hartlett (Port Adelaide) – Tom Jonas (Port Adelaide) – Ryan Burton (Port Adelaide)
C: Brad Ebert (Port Adelaide) – Shane Edwards (Richmond) – Jared Polec (North Melbourne)
HF: Lincoln McCarthy (Brisbane) – Tim O’Brien (Hawthorn) – Connor Rozee (Port Adelaide)
FF: Orazio Fantasia (Essendon) – Darcy Fogarty (Adelaide) – Paul Puopolo (Hawthorn)
Foll: Brodie Grundy (Collingwood) – Chad Wingard (Hawthorn) – Lachie Neale (Brisbane)
Inter: Jack Redden (West Coast), Bryce Gibbs (Adelaide), Shaun Burgoyne (Hawthorn), Jack Graham (Richmond)
 Not their strongest side in their history but still an interesting one. Totally bereft of key position talent but O’Brien and Fogarty the last month saved the selectors bacon, otherwise it was picking a ruckman out of position or putting all the eggs in the Justin Westhoff basket.
Onball ain’t super strong but with Grundy and still some decent players its competitive at least, and the backline is pretty robust, not short on talent even if not at the level of the other two teams below.
In truth there were a few too many drafts the last five-seven years without top-end SA talent but the last few drafts have plenty so come back in a few years and this team looks a lot better. Now the Vics:
FB: Tom Stewart (Geelong) – Michael Hurley (Essendon) – Nick Vlaustin (Richmond)
HB: Lachie Whitfield (GWS) – Robbie Tarrant (North Melbourne) – James Sicily (Hawthorn)
C: Jackson Macrae (Footscray) – Dustin Martin (Richmond) – Steele Sidebottom (Collingwood)
HF: Robbie Gray (Port Adelaide) – Tom Lynch (Richmond) – Gary Ablett (Geelong)
FF: Jordan De Goey (Collingwood) – Jeremy Cameron (GWS) – Toby Greene (GWS)
Foll: Max Gawn (Melbourne) – Marcus Bontempelli (Footscray) – Patrick Dangerfield (Geelong)
Inter: Luke Shuey (West Coast), Josh Kelly (GWS), Ben Cunnington (North Melbourne), Travis Boak (Port Adelaide, captain)
 Lots of stiff blokes here. Houli gets pipped by Whitfield, Houli had the better year but we’d prefer Whitfield if we’re actually playing a game next March. Vlaustin picks himself for a pocket. Stewart and Sicily in the same team is bananas 
Treloar, Worpel, the list goes on for stiff blokes in that midfield. But wanted to pick some inside blokes as we’re planning for a ‘real game’ so Cunnington and Boak get a Guernsey.
Lynch demands centre-half-forward and can relieve Gawn in the ruck for all of a few minutes when needed, otherwise it’s a forward line where everyone is the best in their respective position. Now for their equals right now, the Sandgropers:
 FB: Ben Stratton (Hawthorn) – Alex Rance (Richmond) – Brad Sheppard (West Coast)
HB: Lewis Jetta (West Coast) – Jeremy McGovern (West Coast) – Jason Johannisen (Footscray)
C: Mitch Duncan (Geelong) – Nat Fyfe (Fremantle, captain) – Bradley Hill (Fremantle)
HF: Lance Franklin (Sydney) – Rory Lobb (Fremantle) – Michael Walters (Fremantle)
FF: Jack Darling (West Coast) – Josh Kennedy (West Coast) – Liam Ryan (West Coast)
Foll: Nic Naitanui (West Coast) – Patrick Cripps (Carlton) – Tom Mitchell (Hawthorn)
Inter: Tim Kelly (Geelong), Stephen Coniglio (GWS), Elliott Yeo (West Coast) Jaeger O’Meara (Hawthorn)
Right, this team beats the Big V, it just does. And its arguably the state’s best ever team, that we’ll never see. Firstly, yes, Lobb, have to pick him to relieve Naitanui and to be honest, as centre-half-forward, his best footy at the Giants before moving home certainly can’t be scratched at. Plus Buddy at this age is more than happy to dominate the arc 
Midfield is ridiculous. O’Meara as the eighth wheel, Jesus Christ.
And the backline balances shutdown and elite speed of half back with the best contested mark in the country at centre-half-back. 
Insane team.
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 7 years
A Very Specific Skillset
by ChrissiHR
Army Specialist Darcy Lewis has a mission and a very special skillset. The army intends to put her unique, erotic skills to their best use. And, boy howdy, the Howling Commandos are looking forward to the arrival of the newest member of their unit and the comfort the young woman has to offer lonely men so far from home. There's only one problem. It goes by the name of Captain Steve Grant Rogers. The captain is appalled that the army would ask a woman to, to, to ... whore herself for an entire unit. But Darcy doesn't see it that way. Neither does Bucky.
Words: 4419, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types, Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Captain America (Comics), Captain America (1944)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Jonathan "Junior" Juniper, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton, Sam Sawyer, Howard Stark, Chester Phillips, Howling Commandos
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter & Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Howling Commandos, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Prostitution, Sex Work, Sex Work Positive, Aromantic, Eventual Romance, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, resolved emotional tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Menage, Group Sex, Kinks, Old-Timey Kink, Community: femmeslash, FF, fm, mfm, FMF, Darcy is the Commando’s Bicycle and I Love It, World War II, America’s Favorite Pastime is Howling Commando Sport-fucking, Victory Girl au, based on Ghost Crumpet’s Victory Girl series, written with GhostCrumpet’s permission, Smut, did I mention smut?, lots of smut
from AO3 works tagged 'James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis' http://ift.tt/2oX8UPA via IFTTT
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God I feel like I'm imagining this!! It's a shieldshock fanfic that I read on Ao3 and all I can tell you is that darcy snuck in goats for bucky. I think she had them registered as therapy animals but I cannot remember!! Someone help me before I go even more insane.
. Thank you
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missgraceomalley · 4 years
All right, guys. This is me keeping myself accountable for my writing.
As you know, I still have many in progress, mainly on ffnet.
I plan on finishing A Matter of Life and Death soon - I have a definite storyline and I'm getting everything planned out so I can wrap it up in a little bow.
As for A Moment in Time, this one will take a little longer to wrap up, but I have a feeling that it will be my last story inside of the TVD verse. We'll see.
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Onto Marvel - I have one story completely written that is Vampire based. It's awaiting my eyes for editing as I've cast it aside as of late. I'm also working on two other Marvel stories that are in the early stages, but I plan on having them complete before posting.
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As for Harry Potter, I have two stories currently in progress. The first being a crossover with Marvel and the second being a pureblood!Hermione that is a retelling. I'm obsessed and it will take a while before posted.
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And then onto my next Fandom that I plan to tackle - InuYasha. It holds a dear place in my heart ever since 13 year old Grace discovered it. And now I'm 25. I've already written a bit of the first chapter and I plan on it being Sesshomaru/Kagome, but I'm definitely planning on only writing Kagome with others as a main pair. Is there any Kagome pairings you would like to see?
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So, now that we're all up to speed, is there anything you would like to see? Drop me a line and we can see♡
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ao3feed-wintershock · 7 years
A Very Specific Skillset
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oX8UPA
by ChrissiHR
Army Specialist Darcy Lewis has a mission and a very special skillset. The army intends to put her unique, erotic skills to their best use. And, boy howdy, the Howling Commandos are looking forward to the arrival of the newest member of their unit and the comfort the young woman has to offer lonely men so far from home. There's only one problem. It goes by the name of Captain Steve Grant Rogers. The captain is appalled that the army would ask a woman to, to, to ... whore herself for an entire unit. But Darcy doesn't see it that way. Neither does Bucky.
Words: 4419, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types, Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Captain America (Comics), Captain America (1944)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Jonathan "Junior" Juniper, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton, Sam Sawyer, Howard Stark, Chester Phillips, Howling Commandos
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter & Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Howling Commandos, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Prostitution, Sex Work, Sex Work Positive, Aromantic, Eventual Romance, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, resolved emotional tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Menage, Group Sex, Kinks, Old-Timey Kink, Community: femmeslash, FF, fm, mfm, FMF, Darcy is the Commando’s Bicycle and I Love It, World War II, America’s Favorite Pastime is Howling Commando Sport-fucking, Victory Girl au, based on Ghost Crumpet’s Victory Girl series, written with GhostCrumpet’s permission, Smut, did I mention smut?, lots of smut
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oX8UPA
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blessingsuponye · 4 years
Pulling Me Under by ANOGETE
word count: 67k+ // ship: darcy/bucky
summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
tags: asshole bucky barnes, public sex, miscommunication in romance ugh
link: ao33333333
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years
Hello Stranger
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LuSMje
by SuperwholockFangirl67
After almost five month, worth of waiting and searching for Thor, Darcy finds a naked man, with no memories if who he is, at a river in New Mexico. Together with Darcy, Jane, S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers the newly named Clarence starts searching for his past.
I plan to wright the events of the movie into my fanfic, but I can't promise anything just yet.
I'm new here and this is my very first ever puplished ff, so I hope you'll like it :D
Words: 1461, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Castiel, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson
Additional Tags: Amnesiac Castiel, Pre-Avengers (2012), Post-Thor (2011)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LuSMje
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ostatniakropla · 7 years
Cześć, w końcu postanowiłam stworzyć nową zakładkę. Myślałam nad tym już od dawna, ale w końcu nadszedł ten dzień. Moja przygoda z ff trwa już od jakichś sześciu lat i przez ten czas przeczytałam mnóstwo perełek, które były godne umieszczenia na tej liście... Niestety, jestem człowiekiem ze słabą pamięcią (a nawet gdybym nie była, to i tak, wciąż za dużo szukania), co wiąże się z tym, że będę dodawać tylko te czytane na bieżąco. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się sumiennie aktualizować listę i że znajdzie się ktokolwiek, kto od czasu do czasu do niej zajrzy. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Larry: Two Steps Behind - Anne; t Ironia losu - carietta - AO3 Strawberry Moon - t I swear to god this banana HeillEos28- AO3 - t Frog Prince - Marta; t Special Topping - t Zaskakujący obrót spraw - carietta - AO3 Wrong Generation - stylesgryles, AO3 Too Warm or Too Cold - nobodyseenobodyknows, AO3
Ziam: Not Happening - larrie; t Lista - Ann_Marie A03 - t + Larry Fan - Patish_Ravenko AO3 + Larry
Sonety z parkowej ławki - irellway - AO3
Małe jest piękne - donnieDonnie; t Tajemnice - yunne, Formica  t Musi kochać Quidditch - AO3 - Daiquiri t Burza w szklance wody, Martynax, AO3, t Na zawołanie, Aevenin i Kaczalka, AO3, t
To wszystko wina kota - euphoria    Biegnij przed siebie - Disharmony Bramy Avalonu - euphoria, AO3 Życie w Swanage - cocoslash, AO3 Syreni Śpiew - Lampira7, A03 Inny świat - Disharmony (anga971), AO3
Broken as Designed  - arsamandi Rozległa nicość - Martynax Quidditch - euphoria814 30 jardów do celu - euphoria    Dwa plus jeden -   euphoria814   Gdy śpię, me oczy widzą ciebie we śnie - euphoria Spotkajmy się wieczorem, to zrobię ci kawę o poranku - euphoria Spadłeś mi z nieba  - euphoria814
Śpiew Kelpi - euphoria814        Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia’s got to go! - droptheother Ona, On, My - euphoria814, AO3 Niedopowiedzenie - kaslay, AO3
Jeszcze raz z uczuciem - carietta; t Harry wie najlepiej -  Minamoto t  Studium w przybledach - tehanu t, AO3 W rolach głównych - tehanu t, AO3 Zielonooki potwór - Toootie t, AO3 Studium w samobójcach, hiehie, AO3 Ostatnie pytanie - ihadbaddays, AO3 Współlokator podróżnika w czasie - tehanu, AO3, t
Mycroft Holmes/John Watson:
Obietnica życia - Disharmony (ang971), AO3 Ja i ty, i twój irytujący geniusz - Hitomipol, AO3
Obietnice, których nie złożono - euphoria814, AO3
Inne: Louis Tomlinson + Nick Grimshaw - (beginning at the singular beginning of your smile) - Caro t Sirius Black + James Poter - Rogate lewkonie - Kruk_w_Cukrze - AO3 James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers - Wszystko, co najlepsze, chodzi trójkami - LoboBathory - AO3 t Syriusz Black + Remus Lupin -  The Great Golden Gormless Worm of Flobber  t Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade (pobocznie Johnlock), “Po prostu”, toroj, AO3
t- tłumaczenie. tylko błagam, nie zabijcie mnie, jeśli zapomnę tego dodać. Oczywiście kolejność dodawania prac jest przypadkowa :) *ha, zaczęłam dodawać tu ff już jakiś rok albo pół temu, ale jak widać nie udało mi się nazbierać dużo ff, bo ten post zakopany był głęboko w kopiach roboczych, dlatego publikuję go teraz z nadzieją, że uda mi się to zmienić.
0 notes
ao3feed-buckybarnes · 7 years
A Very Specific Skillset
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oX8UPA
by ChrissiHR
Army Specialist Darcy Lewis has a mission and a very specific skillset. The army intends to put her unique, erotic skills to their best use. And, boy howdy, the Howling Commandos are looking forward to the arrival of the newest member of their unit and the comfort the young woman has to offer lonely men so far from home. There's only one problem. It goes by the name of Captain Steve Grant Rogers. The captain is appalled that the army would ask a woman to, to, to ... whore herself for an entire unit. But Darcy doesn't see it that way. Neither does Bucky.
Words: 4419, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types, Thor - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Captain America (Comics), Captain America (1944)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Jonathan "Junior" Juniper, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton, Sam Sawyer, Howard Stark, Chester Phillips, Howling Commandos
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter & Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Howling Commandos, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Prostitution, Sex Work, Sex Work Positive, Aromantic, Eventual Romance, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, resolved emotional tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Menage, Group Sex, Kinks, Old-Timey Kink, Community: femmeslash, FF, fm, mfm, FMF, Darcy is the Commando’s Bicycle and I Love It, World War II, America’s Favorite Pastime is Howling Commando Sport-fucking, Victory Girl au, based on Ghost Crumpet’s Victory Girl series, written with GhostCrumpet’s permission, Smut, did I mention smut?, lots of smut
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oX8UPA
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