#Data science with R
bootleg-nessie · 4 months
Ty for responding <3
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chiknluvr · 4 months
hi! im a nerd! i would like to do data science! however, it is exceedingly hard to acquire data. so, i ask for just a bit of your time to fill out this survey about characters inspired by those chart templates with silly axes. if i get enough data, I'll make some very nice looking graphs!!
canon characters and original characters are welcome and you can submit multiple per person!
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lake-lady · 8 days
Deep in my love/hate relationship with R.....
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Feb 19, 2024
Day 1 of 100 days of productivity. Went to a local cafe, worked on the data cleaning for my side project in RStudio, got an iced coffee and poppyseed cake slice. Sent some emails, polished an old blog article and posted it. 7/10 productive vibes today.
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I’ve long joked that Python is a slightly demonic programming language, but I just realized — Python, like the serpent of Eden! Python, like Crowley!
Anyway, my new headcanon is that Python is one of Crowley’s demonic innovations, designed to generate low-level discontent and petty bitterness among programmers and scientists around the globe. I cannot be convinced otherwise. (This is possibly the only way I can trick myself into actually appreciating its serpentine wiles.)
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uthra-krish · 9 months
Exploring Data Science Tools: My Adventures with Python, R, and More
Welcome to my data science journey! In this blog post, I'm excited to take you on a captivating adventure through the world of data science tools. We'll explore the significance of choosing the right tools and how they've shaped my path in this thrilling field.
Choosing the right tools in data science is akin to a chef selecting the finest ingredients for a culinary masterpiece. Each tool has its unique flavor and purpose, and understanding their nuances is key to becoming a proficient data scientist.
I. The Quest for the Right Tool
My journey began with confusion and curiosity. The world of data science tools was vast and intimidating. I questioned which programming language would be my trusted companion on this expedition. The importance of selecting the right tool soon became evident.
I embarked on a research quest, delving deep into the features and capabilities of various tools. Python and R emerged as the frontrunners, each with its strengths and applications. These two contenders became the focus of my data science adventures.
II. Python: The Swiss Army Knife of Data Science
Python, often hailed as the Swiss Army Knife of data science, stood out for its versatility and widespread popularity. Its extensive library ecosystem, including NumPy for numerical computing, pandas for data manipulation, and Matplotlib for data visualization, made it a compelling choice.
My first experiences with Python were both thrilling and challenging. I dove into coding, faced syntax errors, and wrestled with data structures. But with each obstacle, I discovered new capabilities and expanded my skill set.
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III. R: The Statistical Powerhouse
In the world of statistics, R shines as a powerhouse. Its statistical packages like dplyr for data manipulation and ggplot2 for data visualization are renowned for their efficacy. As I ventured into R, I found myself immersed in a world of statistical analysis and data exploration.
My journey with R included memorable encounters with data sets, where I unearthed hidden insights and crafted beautiful visualizations. The statistical prowess of R truly left an indelible mark on my data science adventure.
IV. Beyond Python and R: Exploring Specialized Tools
While Python and R were my primary companions, I couldn't resist exploring specialized tools and programming languages that catered to specific niches in data science. These tools offered unique features and advantages that added depth to my skill set.
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For instance, tools like SQL allowed me to delve into database management and querying, while Scala opened doors to big data analytics. Each tool found its place in my toolkit, serving as a valuable asset in different scenarios.
V. The Learning Curve: Challenges and Rewards
The path I took wasn't without its share of difficulties. Learning Python, R, and specialized tools presented a steep learning curve. Debugging code, grasping complex algorithms, and troubleshooting errors were all part of the process.
However, these challenges brought about incredible rewards. With persistence and dedication, I overcame obstacles, gained a profound understanding of data science, and felt a growing sense of achievement and empowerment.
VI. Leveraging Python and R Together
One of the most exciting revelations in my journey was discovering the synergy between Python and R. These two languages, once considered competitors, complemented each other beautifully.
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I began integrating Python and R seamlessly into my data science workflow. Python's data manipulation capabilities combined with R's statistical prowess proved to be a winning combination. Together, they enabled me to tackle diverse data science tasks effectively.
VII. Tips for Beginners
For fellow data science enthusiasts beginning their own journeys, I offer some valuable tips:
Embrace curiosity and stay open to learning.
Work on practical projects while engaging in frequent coding practice.
Explore data science courses and resources to enhance your skills.
Seek guidance from mentors and engage with the data science community.
Remember that the journey is continuous—there's always more to learn and discover.
My adventures with Python, R, and various data science tools have been transformative. I've learned that choosing the right tool for the job is crucial, but versatility and adaptability are equally important traits for a data scientist.
As I summarize my expedition, I emphasize the significance of selecting tools that align with your project requirements and objectives. Each tool has a unique role to play, and mastering them unlocks endless possibilities in the world of data science.
I encourage you to embark on your own tool exploration journey in data science. Embrace the challenges, relish the rewards, and remember that the adventure is ongoing. May your path in data science be as exhilarating and fulfilling as mine has been.
Happy data exploring!
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
Anyone good at data analysis pls give me tips on how to explain the process for an interview bc literally I black out for 6 hours and when I come to the analysis is done and I don't remember how I did anything. This is not something interviewers want to hear.
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hibernationsuit · 3 months
what does it say about me when my study plan is full of methodological studies instead of theory.
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medsocionwheels · 4 months
Data Prep Day!
Finally fully back at work and in R/RStudio today. Today's goal was to set up some basic structural topic models using a dataframe of information about PubMed publications on post-acute COVID-19 sequalae.
No exciting results today, but if you're interested in topic modeling or wrangling data in R, I made a video so you can follow along with me while I code. Not a formal lesson, more of a "come to work with me" thing. Enjoy!
Full Video:
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6ebe · 10 months
no one in my family reps my humanities degree 😞
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imjustheretolearn81 · 2 years
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August 22, 2022 - Monday
My notes on Introduction to Statistical Learning in R. One thing I realised after starting ISLR is that I need to revise basic stats again. And I don't have the time😭 I will have to cram that in somewhere.
On the plus side, studying from a hard copy is so much easier!
This week's podcast: Philosophise this! Target is to complete up to episode 11. Let's see how that goes.
PS: My handwriting changes depending on my mood, the pen I am using, the weather, the time of the year, which table I am sitting on etc. etc. Hence the slanted scrawl
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1o1percentmilk · 10 months
how the hell r u gonna b in ur early 20s with zero goals. pick the craziest most impractical one out there and start grinding
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lake-lady · 1 year
Learning to use rmarkdown and github has been my saving grace...I can't memorize lines of code for my life and have been struggling for like 3 years when I try to reproduce stuff I made in R
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Day 2/100 days of productivity | Tue 20 Feb, 2024
Busy day at work today, lots of general office tomfoolery, but the highlight of my day was my colleague’s vegan pumpkin spice choc chip cookies, so good <3
In my non-office time, today I:
Worked some more on my side project (I’m coding a custom book tracker by integrated my Goodreads and Libby data, plus some manual data on my physical books)
Started drafting another blog article for my blog about using GitHub
I also got these cute hair clips and pins from TJMaxx, my hair l o v e s
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kyannnite · 1 year
i have spent the past 3 hours of my life trying to figure out how to do a unpaired t-test and ANOVA test on rstudio and can i just say. after finishing i do not feel fulfilled
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uthra-krish · 8 months
The Skills I Acquired on My Path to Becoming a Data Scientist
Data science has emerged as one of the most sought-after fields in recent years, and my journey into this exciting discipline has been nothing short of transformative. As someone with a deep curiosity for extracting insights from data, I was naturally drawn to the world of data science. In this blog post, I will share the skills I acquired on my path to becoming a data scientist, highlighting the importance of a diverse skill set in this field.
The Foundation — Mathematics and Statistics
At the core of data science lies a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics. Concepts such as probability, linear algebra, and statistical inference form the building blocks of data analysis and modeling. Understanding these principles is crucial for making informed decisions and drawing meaningful conclusions from data. Throughout my learning journey, I immersed myself in these mathematical concepts, applying them to real-world problems and honing my analytical skills.
Programming Proficiency
Proficiency in programming languages like Python or R is indispensable for a data scientist. These languages provide the tools and frameworks necessary for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling. I embarked on a journey to learn these languages, starting with the basics and gradually advancing to more complex concepts. Writing efficient and elegant code became second nature to me, enabling me to tackle large datasets and build sophisticated models.
Data Handling and Preprocessing
Working with real-world data is often messy and requires careful handling and preprocessing. This involves techniques such as data cleaning, transformation, and feature engineering. I gained valuable experience in navigating the intricacies of data preprocessing, learning how to deal with missing values, outliers, and inconsistent data formats. These skills allowed me to extract valuable insights from raw data and lay the groundwork for subsequent analysis.
Data Visualization and Communication
Data visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying insights to stakeholders and decision-makers. I realized the power of effective visualizations in telling compelling stories and making complex information accessible. I explored various tools and libraries, such as Matplotlib and Tableau, to create visually appealing and informative visualizations. Sharing these visualizations with others enhanced my ability to communicate data-driven insights effectively.
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Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling
Machine learning is a cornerstone of data science, enabling us to build predictive models and make data-driven predictions. I delved into the realm of supervised and unsupervised learning, exploring algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees, and clustering techniques. Through hands-on projects, I gained practical experience in building models, fine-tuning their parameters, and evaluating their performance.
Database Management and SQL
Data science often involves working with large datasets stored in databases. Understanding database management and SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential for extracting valuable information from these repositories. I embarked on a journey to learn SQL, mastering the art of querying databases, joining tables, and aggregating data. These skills allowed me to harness the power of databases and efficiently retrieve the data required for analysis.
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Domain Knowledge and Specialization
While technical skills are crucial, domain knowledge adds a unique dimension to data science projects. By specializing in specific industries or domains, data scientists can better understand the context and nuances of the problems they are solving. I explored various domains and acquired specialized knowledge, whether it be healthcare, finance, or marketing. This expertise complemented my technical skills, enabling me to provide insights that were not only data-driven but also tailored to the specific industry.
Soft Skills — Communication and Problem-Solving
In addition to technical skills, soft skills play a vital role in the success of a data scientist. Effective communication allows us to articulate complex ideas and findings to non-technical stakeholders, bridging the gap between data science and business. Problem-solving skills help us navigate challenges and find innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving field. Throughout my journey, I honed these skills, collaborating with teams, presenting findings, and adapting my approach to different audiences.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Data science is a field that is constantly evolving, with new tools, technologies, and trends emerging regularly. To stay at the forefront of this ever-changing landscape, continuous learning is essential. I dedicated myself to staying updated by following industry blogs, attending conferences, and participating in courses. This commitment to lifelong learning allowed me to adapt to new challenges, acquire new skills, and remain competitive in the field.
In conclusion, the journey to becoming a data scientist is an exciting and dynamic one, requiring a diverse set of skills. From mathematics and programming to data handling and communication, each skill plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of data. Aspiring data scientists should embrace this multidimensional nature of the field and embark on their own learning journey. If you want to learn more about Data science, I highly recommend that you contact ACTE Technologies because they offer Data Science courses and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested. By acquiring these skills and continuously adapting to new developments, they can make a meaningful impact in the world of data science.
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