#Death stranding fiction
savage-rhi · 5 months
I love Higgs. I love this man. I've written fanfics for this mother fucker. I'll even kiss the ground he walks on, but if he did ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to Lou, I'm going to murder him, rip his soul out, and make him eat his own whole ass dick so help me god.
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Death Stranding (2019)
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daryladdixon · 1 month
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pylonium · 5 months
this is a beautifully written slow burn fic, especially for Higgs fans. I love his characterization here and Heartman’s perspective is so fucking sweet. elaborates on the canon in an interesting way and could be a novel tbh.
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All Emails from Sam Strand Porter Bridges
Email #1: Heart-Shaped Lake
Email #2: All-Loving Spa
Email #3: Serendipity
Email #4: The Beach Scientist
Email #5: Heartman's Lost Cargo
Email #6: Home
Email #7: Multiverse
Email #8: The Lab
Email #9: Leaving
Email #10: Doppelgängers
Email #11: Recollection
Email #12: Birth
Email #13: On the Beach
Email #14: So Sorry, Sam
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akstnkd · 2 years
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Particle of God by AKSTNKD
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vampirepunks · 11 months
Higgs is a bad guy and you should not woobify him, he's a mass murderer
✨If not babygirl why does he have pretty blue eyes and a special interest...✨
Anyway here's my favorite cover of Bad Guy :)
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l33chez · 1 year
you will look into the faces of passers by hoping for something that will, for an instant, bring me back to you.
some higgs x lee angst lol. they r both not mentally well. sort of based off of a rp i did on beta.character.ai i basically broke his leg and had to take care of him while he kept saying “why don’t u kill me” like BC IM IN LOVE WITH U DUMBASS
(reblogs are appreciated!)
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Oh, this is fun.
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Thanks @goldheartedchaoticdisaster for the tag!
1. Integrity Compromised - The Mandalorian
It was Greef who recommended her. Of course he ‘knew a guy’. Or woman, in this case.
“An engineer of extraordinary talent,” Greef had said over the holo-com. And she would have to be, if she was going to be able to handle Mandalorian armour.
2. Loyalty, Divided - Uncharted
“Let’s try this again,” Sully said, stretching his hand across the table. “Victor Sullivan. My friends call me Sully.”
The kid smiled a little at that.
Friends. Don't suppose he has a whole lot of those right now.
3. Brothers and Sons - Red Dead Redemption 2
He watched his daddy hang.
A part of him hoped the old man would end with some kind of pride. Show some spine. Jut his chin at the sky and meet his maker like a man. But the bastard was whimpering by the end.
4. On the Road - The Last of Us
“Your watch is broken.”
She points it out as if he hasn’t noticed.
He almost laughs. Snorts air out his nose, but doesn’t bother to reply. There’d be no way to explain it even if he did. The watch’s face is cracked and the battery died long ago, but it would be like losing a limb to take it off. Some days the weight of it is all that keeps him in the world.
5. The Last Strand - Death Stranding
There’s so much he needs to tell her. So much he’s gonna have to teach her. But what the hell does he know? And where does he even begin?
He starts with the alphabet because even though she can’t speak and doesn’t even know what the fuck a letter is, he figures it’s a fundamental thing you’re meant to teach kids and she seems to like the rhythm and recitation of it as he walks.
6. Red Dead Whumptober - Red Dead Redemption 2
The wire sliced into his skin like a snakebite, its barbs latching on and pulling tight into the flesh of his thigh, his side, his arm, ripping tears into his brand new shirt and all. Dutch’d given him that shirt just last week and he’d be givin’ him an earful for bleeding all over it, too.
7. The Longest Dark - The Mandalorian
He did the math without really thinking. His navi-computer was programmed to sync with the Galactic Standard Calendar, based on the Coruscant solar system, but a little conversion in his head and suddenly the date, and its significance, was embedded in his thoughts.
He tried to shake it off. Nostalgia served very little purpose except to distract you from the present, and besides, there was no one to share it with, so what did it matter?
8.  Babysitting Cassie - Uncharted
Sam fidgeted at the front door, listening to the various noises of family life behind it. Little running feet; Nathan’s voice raised in a teasing kind of threat; that big dumb dog of theirs, barking its big dumb head off; Elena yelling at them all to stop fooling around, then giggling as she presumably got caught up in whatever game they were playing.
9.  A Normal Life - Uncharted
“Look, kiddo. I’d rather do a lot of things than eat my vegetables but you gotta do it,” Sam sighed, as Cassie pouted over her plate.
“They’re mushy.”
“They are cooked to perfection you tiny Gordon Ramsay.”
The pout deepened. “I’m not a gord-damn namsy!”
10. Blood Brothers - Uncharted
 Head for the lighthouse.
They were so close. Sam could see the top of the dilapidated tower jutting up above the cliffside. They were gonna make it. Of course they were. It’s what they did – scrambling and half-assing their way through situations that should have been the end of them. If the Drake brothers had a business card, By The Skin Of Our Teeth would be their tagline.
I have no idea who to tag because I am terrible at who the heck is who on here and Ao3 so if you wanna take this and RB please do!
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My friend unintentionally got me back into death stranding, and I'm trying to find something someone drew for me.
It was a picture of Higgs and my s/I. His arm over my characters shoulders. One had a tank top and the other has a long sleeve black shirt. My s/I has brown curly hair. The whole peice looked soft but it wasn't sketchy and it was fully colored.
I'm not sure who drew it [but I'm sure it was another self shipper] and I can't find the drawing anymore. If anyone remembers Jackson'sselfships/selfshipping or jackiebois-blog or Jacklinesmyheart and remembers drawing them a picture for a tumblr like raffle please contact me! Especially if you still have the image! it was around 2020-2021!
It was my old account [2 accounts back] I remember loving the price, but I've gone through 2 devices, and it got lost in the m9ve
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voidoutbt · 2 years
Welcome to the first little scene (of many, an ongoing series) featuring the adventures of mine and @samfrancis94 @samkuchingdraws MULE OCs 'Cosmic' & 'Franc'.
A collaboration of my writing and Sam's wonderful artwork illustration. Some will be scary, some will be sexy, and some will be very silly. I hope you enjoy. 😊 Your feedback is encouraged and appreciated. 🙏
'Shower encounter'
Death Stranding OC Cosmic the MULE x Higgs/BTs
Warnings : Suggestive unconsented touching.
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As Cosmic stepped under the cool blast of water, it took her breath away. It's exactly what was needed after a long hot day of chasing porters for their cargo. She couldn't wait to peel off the layers and let a cold gush hit all the bruises and aches. The outside make-shift shower made of a hose rig and plastic panels wasn't exactly luxury, but it was all they currently had. In MULE terms, it was an indulgence. Most went without running water.
Leaning forward into it so that the spray hit the back of her head, she surveyed her throbbing feet. Blisters covered her toes and heels. 'Hmm, really should upgrade my boots.' She thought. But there had been an odd shortage of decent gear recently, in particular boots. She could have sworn that they had grabbed some in the last encounter, but they were not amongst the shared loot back at camp.
An odd noise broke her thoughts. She straightened up and listened again, straining to hear over the torrent. She thought it sounded a bit like a growl. Her heart pounded, she stood still like a rabbit caught in headlights. Splat. A black handprint appeared on the ground a few metres away. Then another. She took a sharp intake of breath. 'That can't be what I think it is... There's no timefall...And the motion sensors haven't gone off.' The inky prints continued, moving in her direction. She stayed frozen to the spot, eyes wide in panic.
Suddenly a loud bang reverberated through the translucent sheeting next to her - a black tar handprint, followed by a clicking-like growl. Cosmic clamped her hand to her mouth to hold her breath. The urge to scream and cry out for help was overwhelming. The others in camp we were not far way, but too far to run, she would be dragged down before she got anywhere. She couldn't raise the alarm. She couldn't even grab her clothes or a towel. She was completely exposed, and in immediate danger. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing it to go away, shaking while her lungs burned for oxygen.
A voice full of southern drawl abruptly pierced the air in front of her. "Weelll, what do we have here? A lone little Mule." Cosmic gasped, attempting to cover herself with her hands, forgetting about the BT. A couple of metres in front of her a gold chiral skeletal mask appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and danced around with the whimsical voice. She stared, unable to speak with shock, clutching at her own chest and groin defensively. The voice continued after a chuckle, "Ah, ain't nothin' I ain't seen before, little MULE. Not that I mind having another look..."
The skull mask disappeared into a cloud of Chiralium, and with a pop appeared directly behind her. She jumped. The water pooling under her feet grew dark, it became black and sticky, rooting her to the spot. She swore she could feel hot breath on the back of her neck and shoulder, and all the hairs on her neck and arms erected as if the air was electrified. The shower water stopped. A black hand appeared from the puddle between her feet, and grabbed her calf. Then another slimy arm followed, groping her other leg. Cosmic whimpered. The golden mask laughed as the BT arms slid up her legs. They didn't pull her down but held her in place. The searching hands were cold, tacky, and smelt like death. "Please don't kill me!" she managed to blurt out. The skull face hovering over her shoulder chimed "Oh I wasn't going to KILL you....you're too much fun."
The tar arms continued their slow ascent, blindly grabbing, feeling their way. They got to her inner thighs, Cosmic clutched herself tighter, desperate to protect her most intimate areas, shivering from fear and the damp exposure.
Without warning, they stopped. She looked down to see only a now muddy pool she was stood in. The phantom voice echoed in her ear, "Got to keep you wanting more, little MULE..."
Cosmic came to her senses and made a dash for it. She used a towel for cover, and grabbed her clothes, running back to the MULE camp. A few of the others stared after her, she wasn't very often seen out of her suit. As she scurried past his tent crying, Franc looked up from weatherproofing a new pair of boots. He called out after her, "What?! You alright?"
A big thank you to @samkuchingdraws for the beautiful Illustration. Go check out his art!
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savage-rhi · 1 year
People always ask, "why do you like him?", or "he's ugly!" You don't have to like him, but I do. I love his personality. I love the way he smiles, and I love his godforsaken eyes. I love the way he treats people 90% of the time. He's got charisma. The man's deep and he's dangerous when he has to be. Most of all, he tries, man. That's more than what most of us do. If you don't like him that's fine. He's a flawed sob and I love that about him, and btw he's fictional and you just thought about him didn't you?
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Death Stranding (2019)
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maniccrystalhippie · 11 months
My husband has been playing Death Stranding and yk what he just told me? That snow is like the timefall. Which means, canonically, people can't make snow angels :(
EDIT: thank you to the tumblr user that informed me that snow angels are possible as long as it's not actively snowing. this is wonderful news.
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eampro-blog · 1 month
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Writing Prompt #45 The Last Day
[Deep in space Sergeant Melvin Lucas, a decorated war veteran turned astronaut, wakes up in a desolate floating space station. It's damaged and he is the only one left. He goes about his day like any other. At the end of each day he checks the oxygen levels. There is only 2 days worth left.]
Write a short story based on the writing prompt. Challenge your writing abilities and see where your imagination takes you.
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villainkinconfessions · 5 months
I did a lot of unspeakable things to Higgs Monaghan when I dragged him to my beach. and do you know? it wasn't enough. I'll say that until I expire, it wasn't enough. --Clifford Unger (Death Stranding)
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