#Definitely not her first rodeo
caliphoria17 · 11 months
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Flirting for Dummies by Aaliyah Amrohi
Goal: Fluster Zara Adid Cruz Manuelos
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
not to get the morbs on main but do you ever just sit with how incredibly sad "Goodbye, Mike" is? that little El is that ready to sacrifice herself?
the fact that she paused to say goodbye means she expected to die, or at least to get incapacitated and recaptured, which is also extremely sad. I lean towards thinking she didn't know she'd disappear to the UD.
I still don't get what exactly is happening when she does That to Henry and the demogorgon, but regardless, she seems to think it's killing ("if you touch her again I will kill you again") so I don't get the impression that she's aware getting transported is a possible outcome (she doesn't remember '79 in '83). she's already drained from killing the agents and doesn't have the option to recharge, and I think she accepts that the exertion necessary to kill the demogorgon will be more than she can survive.
El has spent a week hearing that Will is important, finding Will is what really matters. and of course she gets the idea Will is more important than she is. he is loved. this is El's first lesson in what that even looks like. this boy is sorta like her real-world counterpart - she's occupying his space in his world, and she's getting a glimpse at what it looks like for a kid her age to be a person, loved and missed, and not just a thing with a serial number on it that its owner wants back.
for that week, El is important because Will is important.
nobody has ever valued anything about El except what she can do with her powers, so she thinks her only value to the party and Joyce is in her usefulness in finding Will, or protecting them. tbh they didn't do a ton to challenge that assumption in season 1 in ways that would be clear to her (not that they had any idea of her experience).
"but the hug at the quarry!" yeah I love it, but she had just saved their lives. even though hugs are nice and she never got them at the lab, she still could think it's because she did something for them. "Joyce hugs her at the end of the bath!" one of the best moments in the series, but again, El had just done something for Joyce. that may be the only motive she sees for it. maybe it's all just lab taffy. what affection has anyone given El that doesn't look to her like part of an exchange or a reward for performance?
El's willingness to sacrifice herself isn't just about loving her new friends and wanting to protect them but like. by that time, she'd done all she could on the Will mission. he's Schrodinger'd at this point, it doesn't even matter the outcome. he's either irretrievable or being retrieved, either way, now that she's served her purpose she's of no further value to them.
if that's her impression, is she proven wrong? while she's still vulnerable from submitting herself to a triggering, exhausting experience to help them, Hopper betrays her location to Brenner in exchange for a longshot chance at finding Will.
(Yeah I know his options were limited and of course he's gonna be more committed to helping Will because he has a longtime relationship with Joyce. but. an authority figure handing a horribly abused child back to her abusers after she trusted him for help does not make me a big Hopper fan, even if he planned to try to doublecross them later. "I'll tell you where your little science experiment is" please.)
but as hurtful as Hopper's trade is, the saddest part is that El is willing to make a very similar one herself. it's more important for Will and these people to have each other back than for her to try to have her freedom. she wouldn't want what's been stolen from her to be stolen from anyone else. it's better for her to be the one that goes away, to make it safe for all of them. she has no one to miss her, not how Will does.
I have to wonder if the way she killed the demogorgon ("killed" "the demogorgon") was the only way she could've gone about it. like, she didn't try to snap its neck first or anything. her Plan A is a method that jeopardizes her own life.
does she see a future for herself in the outside world? one where she isn't forever hunted, and a constant danger to her friends? one that doesn't dead end back in the lab, under crueler conditions than ever before? is that a life she hopes to survive for?
imagine if ST really ended up being an anthology, and all she went out with was one resigned little "Goodbye, Mike" and we never found out any more about it. I would be in an institution
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simstoyourdismay · 9 months
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he is my entire world and i would give him everything (i am literally the creator of his suffering)
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bixels · 5 months
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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princesssmars · 17 days
desert eagle
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another rodeo!abby x reader | p.i
seeing the star of the rodeo secretly in the night has been fun, but things start to get tense from miscommunication. but it’s amateur bull night down at the cow belle, and you’ve still got a few tricks up your sleeve.
wc : 2.619
contains : fluff. reader is hard headed. jealousy? fxf smut. strap on sorry to the people sick of it </3
a/n : you thought it was over ahaaaaa. wdym part one was in APRIL i suck at this. why are all of the desert eagle position pictures slightly different its pissing me off.
truly, everything currently going wrong was all abby anderson's fault.
it's a humid saturday night at the cow belle, and you're pouting while nursing a beer as your friends chatter around you. they'd taken you out to your favorite spot to try to brighten your spirits after noticing your sour mood, hoping some alcohol, dancing, and flirting would fix you right up.
but it was hopeless, for a dark cloud seemed to be hanging over your head the whole night. an annoying, sweet-talking, six-foot, blonde braided cloud.
it was established after your first extremely hot and extremely long night together with abby a few weeks ago that you both had an understanding. no strings, no attachments, no labels. you weren't gonna let a big beautiful woman butter you up only to leave you in a ditch, not after the last time. you'd go to the other's house, have rough messy sex, and maybe have some nice conversation, before heading your own way and repeating it the next week. no more and no less.
but god, you should've known it wouldn't last. ever since that first night when her silky smooth drawl convinced you to stay just a bit longer, to sleep in her bed with her shirt on! you might as well have woken up and cooked her breakfast in bed with a 'good morning, honey.'
who could blame you really? ever since you'd set eyes on abby anderson you knew she was something else, a beautiful force of nature that wouldn't budge until she wrecked you so thoroughly. at the time you were as horny as a coyote in may and saw that as just what you needed, a prized golden notch on your belt. a completely different way from what you do now.
right now you were trying to telepathically burn holes into the back of her beautiful head as she flirted with that hussy donna mayfair, an admittedly gorgeous girl with a big personality, big hair, and big...well, y'know. you look down at your chest and slightly straighten your back before roughly shaking your head after realizing this damn woman has you comparing yourself to a mayfair! of all people! the thought only upsets you more and you down the nearest drink to you, ignoring your friend's whine at the loss of her whiskey.
the small and reasonable part of your brain knows you have no right to be upset. after all, it was you who just a week ago insisted to a blushing abby that you truly did want to just keep things casual. you felt bad a little bit, she'd shown up to your hookup flushed and high off of another rodeo win with a tiny bouquet of your favorite flowers, explaining when you asked how she knew that she noticed them on the motif of your favorite pair of figure-hugging jeans. the bastard.
the relaxed but downcast look she wore after your rejection is a stark contrast to how she looks now, pearly whites showing when she throws her head back at some joke donna told, a large hand coming to rest on the redhead's waist. you can see her preening, foot nearly popping up as she swoons over the female goliath giving her all of her attention. it's enough to make you throw up. or maybe it was drinking all that busch light. whatever.
you must not have been very discreet with your glances because suddenly blue eyes are lifting up and focusing on yours, the shock of being caught forcing you still as your finger circles the rim of your next glass. you try to keep normal 'we're two normal people and definitely not recently gone sour fuck buddies' eye contact, but your body betrays you when your eyes flick down to her hand still on donna's waist. when you look at her again the corner of her lip is quirked up, never looking away as she pulls the redhead in closer and whispers something in her ear, the girl visibly going weak in the knees while abby licks her lips-
"well slap my ass and call me sally, come over here hon!" your darling charlize breaks you out of your..whatever that was and picks you up from your stool to drag you over to the event area, a few people drinking while gathered around the brand new bucking machine as one of the bar hands tinkers with the controls.
"what about it char, 'm really not in the mood..."
"oh don't be such a sourpuss, jus look at this!" she gently grips your chin and tilts your head to a nearby wall, a small white poster detailing a month-long mechanical bull contest as soon as the thing was completed, and each winner would get free drinks and $500 cash prize.
"jeez, since when did the belle bring in bucks like that?"
"doesn't matter. in one weeks time you're gonna put on a hot little outfit and win us those free drinks. and hopefully the cash takes your mind off of your situationship."
"oh yeah? and what makes you think I'm gonna be the one to win?"
"honey, ive seen the most hardass women look at you like well-trained pups. you've gotta be the best ride i know.”
so a week later you’re back in the same spot, hair pulled up and donned in your cropped and tied plaid shirt and your cutest pair of daisy dukes as you wrote your name down on the sheet of others trying to win the prize.
your friends are gathered around you, ever the voices of support as they fuss over you and give you words of encouragement. and while you do smile and laugh with them you can’t help from occasionally looking at abby, back with donna as her group hangs around the edge of the bull area.
“y’know i’ve never heard of someone bagging a hot ass woman, rejecting a relationship with said woman, and then pining over and trying to make that same woman jealous.” savannah fixes your hair while judging you, making sure it won’t get in your face so you can see what you’re doing while up there.
“stop questioning me, i’ve already been doing that myself.” your mumble makes the girls laugh before one of the workers comes to tell you that you’re up after the next person. you give them a nod before walking over to the small gate that leads to the bill, right next to-
“hey, looks like our little buckle bunny is gonna ride an actual bull! make sure to give us a nice show, huh bonita?”
you can’t help but smile when manny comes up beside you to throw an arm over your shoulder, nudging your body with his. the rest of his friends are here of course, including she who shall not be named with her new beau at her side.
“you’re gonna ride the new bull? well i hope you know what you’re doing, don’t want you to end up getting hurt now.” donna asks, grasping your hand in hers with a genuinely worried look on her face. damn it, now you were starting to feel bad.
“now don’t you worry, hon. i’ve got quite a bit of experience in riding.” you throw a wink her way before looking at abby next to her, not noticing the flustered look on donna when all you can do is revel in how you caught abby staring at your exposed stomach. before you can try to tease her about it your name is being called up and you're heading into the pit.
you graciously accept one of the workers' help to get you up on the bull, ignoring some of the catcalls that ring out when your shorts ride up an inch or two. you make sure to do everything you've seen others do (and maybe you watched a certain someone's videos to prepare yourself), steadying your dominant hand on the saddle while your free hand is raised above your head.
the experience is fast and hard just like you like it, the bull spinning and bucking so fast its almost enough to make you dizzy. as much as the cheers of fellow patrons make you want to look up and revel in it, you know you need to watch the bulls head to prepare for each time it turns, thighs tightly squeezing its sides. it's only when you hear the timer start to count down from ten that you look at everyone again, blowing a quick kiss to the blonde that's staring you down.
once the machine stops moving you are helped off and guided back to your incredibly loud friends, all happy to hype you up and start planning how much of the expensive high shelf drinks they wanna get. when you're announced as the winner only a few minutes later the night quickly becomes one filled with dancing and laughter.
you wave goodbye to your friends as their truck speeds away from your street, blowing you kisses as they yell for you to have a good night's sleep. you can't help but smile as you place your bag down in your kitchen, ready to wash the sweat from dancing off your body before sleeping through the night. unfortunately, some absolute boar decided now would be a good time to come knocking at your door."
"alright alright, im comin'!" your shouts do nothing to dissuade the steady banging against your door, nearly slipping on your hardwood floors as you rush to undo the locks and see who it is. "i really hope i owe you some money or else i'll"
"or else you'll what?" the sound of abbys voice makes you freeze, the woman resting against the doorway with one hand in her pocket and the other above your head. you need to blink away your surprise at not only her being here but the fact she is now only a few inches from you, close enough that you can smell her signature scent of pine-
"can i come in? or are you gonna keep teasing me like you did at the bar?"
"i did no such thing, you must have me confused with one of your many other flings." you flippantly address her as you turn around back into your home, hearing her quickly trail behind you and lock your door.
"ohh you'd like that, wouldn't you? gives you a reason to be so difficult for no damn reason."
you ignore her words as you head into your kitchen and retrieve yourself a glass from the cabinet, pouring yourself some water and downing it in a few gulps. jesus it's hot, is she hot? she doesn't seem so, minus the fact the sleeves of her shirt are rolled up and straining against her arms.
"no, i was in fact celebrating my win if you didn't notice. although I'm pretty sure you did, it'd be hard to miss my brilliant technique. maybe i can give you a few tips, i watched some of your shows and honestly hon, you're a bit sloppy."
you try to keep your tone cool while she moves closer and closer to you, eventually taking your empty glass and setting it down before placing both of her arms on either side of you, caging you into the counter, and blue eyes darting between yours and your lips while you speak.
"so you've been watchin my videos, huh? i'd invite you to actually come watch me, like I've already done before, but that would require you to stop ignoring me."
"you had donna mayfair to keep you company, i really doubt you noticed i was gone-"
she kisses you to shut you up, and you really wish you could've said you resisted her for long, that you didn't throw your arms around her neck and wrapped your legs around her waist as soon as she set her palms on your ass. you don't have the time to be embarrassed when shes carries you to your bedroom, removes your clothes before she does the same to her own, and reveals the strap she'd been wearing for who knows how long.
"yeah, not so mouthy now, are you?" abby smiles from above you, admiring how fast she's got you fucked out beneath her while you erratically lift your hips up to meet her short and shallow thrusts. the crooks of her elbows are helping to hold your legs in the air, your hands gripping your thighs to help give her easier access as she pounds into you.
"ab's, fuck, please."
"please what? use your words, beautiful."
"please, 'm sorry i won't ignore you again just- just do something, anything."
she puts on a sickly sweet lovestruck smile, and whispers a small 'god, you're lucky you're cute," before starting to fuck you exactly how she knows you like it. it's fast and hard, yes, but there's a hint of something more in the way she stares at you, how you lift your head for a kiss and she gives it to you without a second thought.
your hands start to claw at her waist, gripping the muscle to try to bring her impossibly closer every time her hips meet yours and her strap presses into that spot that makes your eyes damn near cross.
before you know it your orgasm is creeping up fast, unable to say it but of course, abby can tell regardless, how the resistance between your legs steadily increases and how your moans turn into desperate little whimpers.
"c'mon, you can do it. cum for me sweet girl."
all you can do is shake in her arms like a petal on a leaf, moaning and mewling up to the high heavens as abby pushes you through your orgasm, not stopping her thrusts until you weakly push at her arms to signal her to stop.
you fade in and out of consciousness while she takes care of you, the feeling of a rag cleaning your skin and more water being guided to your mouth all seeming to happen in a few seconds. when she finishes you blink your eyes open at her, admiring just how pretty she always seems to look after taking away your ability to walk.
you stare at each other for a moment, her palm coming to fix a few stray hairs on your face before you reach up to grab it and pull her into bed beside you. you pull the covers above the both of you, ignoring her raised eyebrows and know it all smirk.
"well, im not rude enough to send you home after all of that. might as well make yourself comfortable."
she chuckles, reaching over to turn off your bedside lamp before cuddling you from behind, her soft skin like its own blanket against yours.
"whatever you say, bunny."
when you wake up in the morning it's from the gentle rays of the sun peeking through your curtain and into your eyes, the smell of coffee and bacon quickly filling your nostrils when you notice your...partner, isn't in bed with you.
quickly throwing on a robe and padding your way into the kitchen, you can't help the warm feeling that grows inside of you at a shirtless abby pouring two cups of coffee while two plates of a small breakfast are already plated on your table.
you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her shoulder when she slightly jumps at the surprise.
"mmm let me guess, you remember how i like my coffee too?"
"i'll remember whatever you want me to, sweet thing."
and right about now that didnt sound too bad.
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britishchick09 · 2 years
rewrite erik has never been attracted to anyone... except for christine! i joked that he was christineromantic, but i think he might be demiromantic! :o
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Ik I’m just tooting my own horn here (sidenote: can we PLEASE talk about this saying. Why is it like that?) but holy shit my writing. I love how it goes from one character seeing a stray cat and being like ‘free cat’ and takes this feral fluffy creature into his home to massive destruction and trauma in like three pages.
#taks speaks#currently debating on a sweet scene with peace and snow and then suddenly the death of three minor characters#and one character basically losing the entirety of his life outside of his own life#like the only thing he doesn't lose is his wife (shes a main character he's actually secondary to her)#but he's gonna fuckin snap which is necessary for progression bc he's just too nice even tho everything around is shit#when his wife is just there ready to burn down the fucking world even before this whole event#*btw the cat lives the cat is in another place entirely at that time*#*he's still there to bite people dw*#omg but i've been thinking for so damn long as to how to get the two domesticated characters back into the story#and i think this is it#like *this scene is boring* *wow a child* *aaaaannnd kill it off. not working.*#along with taking away this guy's house. aunt. dog. life savings...#i mean he IS the only one who didn't lose EVERYTHING at the start of this whole thing#might as well level the playing field#his wife will definitely have a less drastic reaction. not her first rodeo.#still pretty drastic tho bc he was her ticket back to normalcy even if it led to a boring domesticated life#im sorry but those two can finally be happy later. some shit has to happen first.#i gotta trigger somebody's fight responses even tho 99% of the time he doesn't even trigger flight. it's freeze. boy needs some fight.#his girl already has it. her response to having a child was going back to her destroyed childhood home and burning it down#with her pyro ex bf who gives her a whole motivational speech to keep going while continuing to give her molotovs#he's a *great* influence#*if my characters don't have a sliver of chaotic energy then whats the point*#*SOMEBODY has to change the lawful good guy and I GUESS I'm doing it*#*looks back at their alignments*#we've got a chaotic evil. chaotic neutral x2. true neutral. lawful neutral. chaotic good. and the one lawful good.#and he's married to a chaotic neutral.#how does that even work? it does. this guy is just going to struggle with morality for a while#like most of these characters have a human kill count. except one who'd never be guessed. and obviously. this lawful good.#and he's about to get a tally#the one who somehow hasn't even tho with his character card you'd assume he'd have one. he won't. he's in his redemption arc
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yuwuta · 6 months
cw some kind of college au/boarding school au? this used to be for rodeo station and now just... exists on its own, friends to lovers, megumi has toji and satoru as father figures so are we surprised that he’s a bully and doesn’t really grow out of that phase… anyway, apologies to muta and miwa, 1.3k words
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Nobara makes a poor effort to stifle her laughter as Kokichi stomps up to stand in front of you, hair and clothes drenched in chocolate milk, shoes sloshing with each step, and the bandage on the side of his cheek peeling from the wetness.
When you look up at him, you’re unimpressed, and unsurprised, so you resume annotating your lecture notes as if you weren’t interrupted. If Kokichi wanted to stand in a puddle of dripping milk, then so be it—you should have finished your notes yesterday, and you couldn’t get through your other tasks without catching up first.
“Look, I already said I was sorry. I shouldn’t have kept bothering you for your number when you’d already said no,” Kokichi starts, wiping dripping milk from his chin, “Now, will you please call off your guard dog.”
You don’t reply immediately, focused on finishing the last paragraph of the page, much to Kokichi’s dismay, and Nobara’s amusement. He huffs at your silence, frustrated and humiliated, but there’s nothing for him to say or do until you respond. Maybe that’s something he should have considered when he kept trying to talk to you in class. Still, even now, you’re not ignoring Kokichi to embarrass him or string him along; you just want to finish your godforsaken anthropology homework.
“You seem to be under the impression that I can make Megumi start or stop doing anything,” you sigh, put your highlighter down, and tiredly look up at Kokichi, “But I regret to inform you that you’re wrong.”
Kokichi’s nose scrunches in disbelief, an angered hand coming to wave in front of his face, but his dripping clothes result in splashes to his face—and further laughter from Nobara. He sighs out of frustration, trying to put away his pride, but Nobara’s giggling and your nonchalant attitude are really making it difficult for him to take this in stride.
“Okay, you’re fucking with me—and I deserve it, alright? But, Todo already gave me a fucking lecture, Mai won’t look at me, and Megumi is going to rip and stain every single shirt I own at this point.” 
“That sounds like your problem,” Nobara snickers, rolling her eyes when Kokichi gives her a glare. 
“I'd love to help, Muta, but this is out of my control,” you loll, capping your marker, “Maybe try apologizing to Megumi instead of dripping chocolate milk over notes and shoes.”
“Eh? The hell am I apologizing to him for?” 
“You’re the one who pissed him off—how should I know?” you sigh, sliding your pens and markers into your bag, and closing your folder. 
Nobara pipes in to taunt, “You’d better figure it out soon, though. I hear they’re serving spaghetti tomorrow, and that definitely stains.” 
You swear you hear Kokichi growl, but it only makes Nobara laugh harder. The two of them together is a bad combination—Kokichi is easily aggravated, and Nobara easily aggravates. You’re certain that if Megumi weren’t already on his ass, Nobara would have stepped in to bully him just for the fun of it.
Still, you’d rather not have to testify on either of their behalf, so you bid Kokichi a goodbye, offering him your best advice about cleaning milk stains out of white shirts, and drag Nobara by the arm before she can make another quick quip to finally make him snap. 
She’s still laughing at Kokichi’s expense all the way back to your dorm, “As much as I like seeing Megumi pummel Muta, he’s definitely gonna get written up, at the very least, if he keeps it up. Just tell him you’re not mad about it anymore, and he’ll piss off.” 
You stuff your hands into your pockets, “I don’t control megumi. I didn’t tell him to egg Muta’s car, and pour milk all over him. ” 
“Like hell you don’t,” Nobara scoffs, “Kokichi was right about one thing—Megumi’s a doberman on a leash and you’re his owner.” 
“I didn’t even tell him that Kokichi kept asking for my number. I’m pretty sure Todo told Yuuji, and Yuuji told Megumi.”
“Yeah, that’s almost worse,” Nobara huffs, “He’s just moved to protect you out of undying loyalty—it must be nice to have a knight in shining armor. Does he call you ‘my liege,’ when you’re alone? He might as well bow down and kiss your shoes with the way he worships the ground you walk on.”
You know Nobara is teasing. The rhetoric that you have influence on Megumi isn’t new to you, but it’s always confusing for you to hear. You’ve known Megumi since grade school, and one thing you’re certain of is that he does things of his own conviction, and when he’s decided something, there’s little anybody can do to convince him otherwise. He’s the true definition of steadfast, and sometimes you wonder if his beliefs have inadvertently made him gain masochistic tendencies, because you’ve seen Megumi suffer in pain just to prove a point. 
“Megumi’s his own person, and he’s not easily influenced,” you chuckle, “If anything, he’s more of an attack dog—he bites whenever he sees something he doesn’t like.”
“In any case, he’s your dog,” Nobara shrugs. She pauses for a moment, skipping to catch up to you with a scrunch to her face, “I change my mind though, he’s definitely not scary enough to be a doberman. What are the puffy ones—the really small ones that yap a bunch?” 
She lights up—“Yeah, that’s way more fitting! Plus, he’s got spiky hair like those little mutts, a really bratty, spoiled one too. Gojo probably kept him in his Birkin as a kid.” 
You giggle as Nobara searches for an image to compare to one of Megumi. She goes as far as to make a collage and send it in your group chat for approval, instantly getting a rave reaction from Yuuji, and predictably, no response from Megumi.
Nobara walks you back halfway to your dorm, leaving you on your own to head to the gym to meet up with Yuuji. When you get back to your room, you’re not surprised to already see Megumi inside, sitting snugly on your worn-in couch with a book in hand. It’s Wednesday, so he only had morning classes, and prefers to spend his afternoon studying in solace, usually taking advantage of your larger, empty room to get his work done. He gives you a small wave, enraptured in his reading, and you know better than to try and disturb him, so you take your place on the opposite side of the couch with the remainder of your notes in hand, finally having the peace and quiet to finish your annotations. 
Megumi finishes his chapter before you’re done, but he waits for you, quietly scrolling on his phone so as not to interrupt you. You don’t face him when you speak, keeping your eyes on your notes, and simply stating, “Kokichi apologized.”
You hear him hum. you know he’s looking at you, but you don’t meet his gaze, and do your best to bite back a smile before he asks, “You forgive him?”
You finish your annotations with a final asterisk at the bottom of your page, so you cap the marker, and finally turn to face Megumi. He doesn’t ask a second time, even as you silently observe him, even if your smile is confusing to him.
“I wasn’t ever really upset,” you explain, “It was annoying, but he wasn’t harassing me or anything.” 
He hums again, but it’s not agreeing. “Tsumiki is gonna get mad if you get suspended.” 
Megumi calls your bluff with his hum this time, and you sigh. Tsumiki won’t get mad, because Megumi would never get suspended, not as long as Gojo is around as headmaster.
Megumi turns his body inward, raising an arm to rest his elbow against the cushion of the couch. He lolls his head to rest against his palm, cheek squished, and almost mischievous glimmer in his eye. In this light, you see Nobara’s argument—with sleep-tousled hair and expectant eyes, Megumi looks an awful lot like a puppy waiting for a command. 
It’s cute, until you realize that Megumi is awaiting your command. Is he?—why would he, he’s never been known to listen, and yet, you’re tempted to see if you truly do have him on some proverbial leash, like everyone else seems to believe.
“Megumi,” you call, softly, “He’s learned his lesson, and I’m fine, alright? Leave him alone.”  
Megumi blinks slowly. His features soften, only for a moment, before he’s turned away from you to pick up his book again. He doesn’t respond verbally, doesn’t touch on the topic for the rest of the evening that you both spend studying in your room, but the following day, you walk past Kokichi and Miwa heading into their chemistry lab, and notice a distinct lack of milk or food residue on his clothing or in his hair, so there isn’t anything more to be said.
Megumi is waiting outside of your lecture hall after your last class of the day, offering you a carton of strawberry milk—unopened, and un-thrown. You accept it, reaching up to ruffle his hair as a thank you, and you’re surprised when you feel him move into your touch. He dips his head down a bit further, gently knocking it against yours before straightening up with a sly smile. He nods his head, wordlessly, and turns towards your dorm, ready to walk you back. 
You follow, dazed, as you stab the straw into your milk. You’re a half-step behind Megumi, head clouded with confusing new daydreams about the boy in front of you, and now you can’t help but to wonder if you’re the one left to follow Megumi’s whim, or if he’s just pulling you by his own leash. 
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garfunklefield · 4 months
i just had this idea 5 sec ago and i know you are the best one to do it !!
boxer sukuna X reporter reader
hint ;) she interviewed him after he won the match ,first time he meet her
Got No Ass But She a D Cup!
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18+ viewer discretion advised
Fem!reporter!reader/boxer!Ryomen Sukuna Warnings: dubious consent, cock warming, reverse cowgirl but seated, hookup, pet names [mama, babe] Word count: 1598 DESC: You meet Ryomen and instantly cave
I'm back (I'm lying)
You knew Ryomen Sukuna, but you didn’t expect him to be so forward. He was a famous boxer who was known for beating the ever-loving shit out of every one of his opponents. No mercy, that was his tagline. Every person he went up against instantly went down and ended up in a pool of their blood. It was hot, you had to admit it. He was a girl's dream. Perfect arms sculpted by gods. Veins popping out at every flex, covered in ink. Intricate designs wove back and forth between almost every crevice of Sukuna’s body, trailing up to his neck, stopping just short of his jaw. His chest was known for being rock solid and made of pure muscle mass. Six-pack, or .. maybe it was an eight-pack? Either way, it was obvious he was ripped from the tight shirts he’d sport before a match. The man’s face was even chiseled. With a jawline perfectly accentuating his square and sharp features.
He just finished a match utterly destroying some up-and-coming boxer, tanking his career before the crowd's eyes. It was amazing as you watched it, a few punches, and the boy went down. You were going to interview him, the infamous boxer … and infamous playboy. Ryomen was known for saying the right thing to make girls swoon and he was known for being forward. You didn’t realize he’d be as forward as he was, though. You adjusted your tight outfit and paced a few times in a spare room, waiting for him. There was a table set up, two chairs, your tape recorder set on the table, and your flash cards. Everything would be typed up, so you didn’t need a camera or crew.
Your thoughts soon got interrupted when the door opened. You turned your head and watched as the man entered, pink hair flushed against his forehead. He looked in your direction and raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t expected someone of your stature to be there before him. Usually, when Ryomen would get interviewed it would be some older man. Not a beautiful broad standing before him, with her tits on display. You knew what you were doing, hoping to get his number by the end of the interview. You knew it when you did your hair and makeup, and then picked out a revealing but professional outfit.
“Hey,” he gruffed, closing the door behind him and locking it with a click. Although, you didn’t hear the click. He took up so much space it was insane, just from his height alone. You watched him as he sat down at one of the chairs and spread his legs, sinking into the seat. Ryomen’s shirt was tight, so tight that you could see every muscle and every curve out of his perfect body.
“Hi,” you smiled and pushed a strand of hair away from your face. You introduced yourself and the station you were from, before continuing, “Is it okay if we record this session? I need it if I’m going to be writing an article.” You motioned to the recorder on the table as you went to sit down across from him.
“That’s fine,” Sukuna nodded, and you clicked it on, “I got a question for you though. Are we going to continue this interview facing each other… or shall we do it more intimately?” His large hand then patted one of his thighs. You didn’t expect this. In all of your preparation, you didn’t expect him to outright ask you to sit on his lap. And you didn’t expect him to do it so nonchalantly. It was as if this wasn’t his first rodeo, it definitely wasn’t, and it was as if you weren’t the first reporter he was coming onto, you definitely weren’t.
“Intimately?” You questioned, feigning ignorance.
Ryomen leaned forward in the seat, bringing one of his hands along with him. His elbow trailed along the table and rested his head in his hand. While his other hand snaked around your recorder and pressed pause, “Cut the bullshit, mama. And sit on my damn lap.” Anyone else, you would’ve felt violated. Harassed even. But this was hot. It made your plush thighs squeeze together to try and satiate the throbbing in your pussy. It started quickly and rose in heat at every passing second. What were you going to do? You could say no and end it right there. But you didn’t want to at all. You wanted to sit on his lap and feel his warm breath against your neck.
You stood up and marched over to the man, turning and going to sit on his lap. But you felt a hand stop you, “Take 'em off,” you heard him purr. Your pants? Your underwear? This was totally wrong and totally dubious, yet you wanted to see where it would go. You stripped, taking off your pants and laced panties, presenting your ass for him to see. Ryomen grabbed your hip and squeezed it, palming the skin a few times to get a feel for it. You looked back and he had already freed his cock from his gym shorts. Typical man, couldn’t wait a few seconds. He was large and hot, and it was getting you more hot every second you chose to stare at his dick. His other hand grabbed your other hip and slowly walked you backward, and soon he was aligning his penis with your folds. It tingled, how your genitals met and instantly clicked.
“We’re still doing the interview… right?” You inhaled sharply as he forced you down on his length. A gasp flew out of your mouth as you felt your pussy get stretched very slowly. He gently maneuvered you to sit, cradling your waist so you wouldn’t fall. He was so gentle, making sure this was a pleasurable experience all around for the both of you. Ryomen was good. He was so good at this. A playboy who knew how to fuck women so good and leave them begging for more.
You felt his mouth press into your neck, “Ask away, babe.” You leaned forward, exhaling at the sensation. Two of your small hands interlocked with his large one and removed the recorder from his grasp, turning it back on.
“What.. mm.. Inspired your fighting style?” You leaned back, moaning slightly at the sensation. You were being filled, it was so hot. Was this really the peak of interviewing? Was this really the peak of your life?
Ryomen exhaled and blew some air out of his mouth, responding with a bored answer about a fighter you hadn’t heard of before. The two of you did a good back and forth, about fighting and how his career truly started. He had only been doing this for a few years, so he still had so much to learn. At each question, you felt him get handsier and handsier. Two meaty hands planted on your hips, rocking you back and forth, and back and forth. It was a fleeting teasing sensation. Not enough to make you cum or feel anything, but enough to have you faltering in your sentences and stuttering consistently. You wanted to start bouncing or grinding, but you didn’t want to ruin the sensual air the two of you had created. You could tell he was starting to get restless, though, as his hands tightened on your skin.
“Ryomen…” You finally broke, turning your head to look back at him. Hazy eyes staring back at you, his mouth slightly agape, and a blush forming on his temples, “Why don’t we.. mm.. Pause the h-h.. Interview…? H-huh?” Your voice was fluttery and breathy, brushing against his ear in an arousing way.
“Mm.. I like the sound of that, mama,” a long and lazy smile formed on his mouth as he pressed a chaste kiss to yours. You weren’t prepared for his hands to force you up and then down on his shaft, forcing a pleasurable sting down your cunt. Up and down, and up and down. You gasped and threw your head back against his, moaning softly at the sensation.
“Ry..Ryom-mmm.. M.. h-h.. Hah … harde-e-er,” you rasped at the pleasure, and he didn’t have to be told twice. His hips thrust into your pussy slowly, before speeding up. Sure, he wanted to get you adjusted and content. But he was fiending for release. He was fiending to cum inside your pussy. It was hot and warm, clenching around his shaft in a way most women didn’t. In a way, most women couldn’t. You were different, you were so soft and you smelt like cherries. It sent waves of pleasure through his cock, tingling at his tip.
It was only a few seconds before his arms wrapped around your torso, hips snapping up into your ass. Two meaty hands gripped your breasts through your tight shirt, making you moan in pleasure. It wasn’t long after that, that you felt yourself spill over the edge and cum on his dick. Your juices felt so nice, so sticky, it made him cum a few seconds later. Squelching and plapping filled the air, along with faint groans from Ryomen. You felt the semen shoot into you, instantly snapping you to the fact you forgot to have the boxer put a condom on. The raw feeling of his penis rubbing up against your walls was so.. hot.. you just didn’t think about it.
“Oh fuck,” Ryomen muttered into your ear, slowing his thrusts to a stop, “You’re on birth control right?”
“…Nope,” you replied sheepishly.
“Aw shit.”
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klovesyall · 6 months
Oh my. My brain is full of ideas, but I can't write.
Spencer, but it's his first time showering with his gf? Either she casually invites him to join her, or maybe she's also a member of the BAU and was injured and needs some assistance?
AN: oh absolutely hun. I wasn’t sure if you wanted nsfw or fluff so I went with fluff for a safe option. Also I’m so sorry if this lowkey sucks. This is definitely my first rodeo with writing and I know it’s not perfect but I hope you kinda like it?
OK MORE RECENT AN: im sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long. I don’t even have an excuse. And I’m so sorry because this is ASS. But I feel bad not giving you anything so here you go
Warnings: Fluff, swearing? , talk of nakedness and stuff idk
Spencer had been extra protective of you ever since you got hurt. He didn’t want you to lift a single finger, even though you were perfectly capable. He made you food , carried your bags, hell- he even offered to carry you if your crutches got too annoying. All of this to say , he was willing to do anything to make you comfortable.
“Spence, I’m gonna take a shower.” You say with your back turned as you grab some pajamas out of the dresser drawer.
“What?” His voice was filled with concern, as it often was. When you turned around toward him he had the same amount of concern written on his face
“I have to shower Spencer, my hair is so dirty it looks wet.” You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, relying on dry shampoo and braided hair to get you by.
Spencer was thinking for a moment , you could tell by the way his brow furrowed slightly. He finally answers “Let me help you.”
You were slightly taken aback by his response. Spencer wasn’t usually confident enough to initiate or out right suggest anything intimate. And taking a shower together was definitely intimate. Not to say you were opposed to the idea though
“Are You Sure Spence? You do know I shower naked right?” Your tone was some what joking but also kind of not. Regardless you hear the little chuckle you love so much
“Yes I know. I dont want you to fall and get hurt any more than you already are. If you don’t want me to thats fine I just-“
You cut him off
“That would be really helpful, thank you.”
You see Spencer’s worry ease from his face and it’s replaced with a little curve of his lip
You give him a little smile before returning to grabbing your pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Spencer graciously follows you inside, locking the door behind him. When you turn to the counter , Spencer is quick to slip past you, turning on the shower for you.
“Do you take your showers warm or hot.” Spencer asks as if it’s so incredibly normal
“Uh hot I guess? It’s ok I can-“
He stops you when you begin to walk over
“Let me Take Care of you. Please.”
You sigh “you know I can do it myself.”
Spencer takes a step toward you, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders
“I know, but I don’t want to risk anything. You do so much for me and you deserve to be helped as well, especially when your injured. So please let me do this for you.” His voice is soft but you can tell how strongly he feels about this
“Ok, I’ll let you handle it.” I say
He smiles “can I take your clothes off?”
I Nod “You don’t have to ask.” You said that a lot, and it didn’t matter how many times you did. Spencer always asked
He grabbed the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms. He pulls the shirt off your body and folds it before placing it on the counter. He does the same with your pants. Your standing only in your underwear now
“Do you want me to do the rest?” You ask
He shakes his head “turn around for me.”
You turn so your back is facing him and he unclasps your bra, sliding it down your arms until it hits the floor. He hooks a finger under your underwear on either side of you, pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He smiles when he meets your eyes again
“See something you like pretty boy?” You raise an eye brow in a teasing manner.
“Always.” He replies before walking you over to the shower. Holding his hand, you slowly take a step inside until your under the water. Once inside , Spencer takes a step back and sheds his clothes as well before joining you in the shower.
Spencer had ensured that you had a shower bench installed into the bathroom you shared when you moved in together. He said it was for safety reasons but, you still wondered if it might be for other things.
“Sit.” Spencer says, leading you to the bench.
When you sit down he detaches the shower head and wets your hair. When it’s what he considers wet enough, he lathers shampoo into his hands and begins to massage it into your scalp.
This man has very capable hands, many uses. And washing your hair just got added to the list of them. You close your eyes from a moment letting out a contended sigh
“Feel good sweetheart?” Spencer asks gently
“Mhm, definitely.” You reply, barely opening your eyes.
Spencer rinses out the shampoo and conditions your hair. He helps you wash off and when you finally stand , you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands lace around your waist
“Thank you Spencer, you’re an angel.” You say pressing little kisses to his jaw. You can see the blush creeping on Spencer’s face.
“You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help you.” He says peering down at you.
The two of you exit the shower. Wrapping towels around your selves and getting dressed- well Spencer refuses to let you dress your self so he helps you. He even blow drys your hair for you because he knows you don’t like going to bed with it wet.
You lay in bed on your side facing him as he looks back at you. You reach out and brush a strand of his hair out of his eyes.
“You should stay home tomorrow.” Spencer says breaking the silence.
“Absolutely not. I’m perfectly capable of going into work. Plus Hotch would have my head if I didn’t go.” You say and Spencer sighs
“I don’t like the idea of you out on the field” he says once again with concern
“You’ll be with me. I’ll be fine.”
He sits up “I don’t want you to be fine I want you to be healthy.”
You sit up and scoot close to him “Spencer I’m going to work. If it makes you feel better I’ll stay back with Penelope and help her.”
Spencer relaxes a little “yea. Ok that makes me feel better. But don’t go doing anything stupid. That means no trying to entertain Penelope with” Spencer throws up air quotes “crutch tricks”
You groan and lay back down “whatever you say.”
You can hear Spencer’s little laugh as he turns off the lamp.
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 3 months
This is Her Trying
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sum: she sold out every value she holds dear, even a person. That happens to be you. So, one night after Voit’s little game, she speeds to your apartment in hopes you’ll still want her.
(is there a lot of music references? Yes.)
WARNING: BIG ANGSTY, smoking, some fluff?
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Emily saw this coming, with the way everything was happening. The BAU hadn’t taken up a case they couldn’t solve, it just seems that now they’ve met their match. Emily didn’t want it to be true, no, she just couldn’t accept that. She was too prideful to give up.
That also meant doing everything in her power to solve this case, even if it meant pushing the boundaries of the law. She hated that she even considered doing it, so why do it at all? That was a question she asked herself often. Sometimes she sat in her chair wondering if Hotch would be disappointed in her. Or if he would tell her that she ‘needn’t worry’ even though she should.
In the midst of all this ‘Gold Star’ business happening, she was also pushing you away. Not noticing the hurt facial expression you made at her clearly not wanting your presence. She pushed you away so much that she had forgotten how much peace you’d bring her. Even Rossi had warned her to go home but she never did listen, she did what she thought was best. But sometimes she couldn’t think for herself.
“Shouldn’t you head home to see the Mrs?” Rossi asked, driving them back after Emily had gotten arrested. The truth was, she wanted to go home, she was just too scared that you too would be disappointed in her, and she’d rather not have the person she loved the most think ill of her. “She knows I’m out, it’s fine..” The silver-haired woman grumbled, picking at her thumb nail again. Someday she’d get over the whole thumb thing but now was not the time. All that she was focused on was Brian Garrity being on the top of her list to be killed off if she ever did spiral into madness; which she was already on the brink of.
Dave looked at her with this face, it was his ‘I know you better than you think, please don’t lie to me right now’ face. Emily huffed, groaning as she flopped her head into her hands. “It’s been almost a week and a half, Emily. A hello or hug would suffice” He tutted, even after all these years he still had to teach her fatherly advice.
“She’ll survive, Dave, she’s not going anywhere” Emily seethed, her emotions slightly breaking loose, the Italian took note of her behavior. As he pulled back into the parking lot, he stopped the engine, turning to look at her with a soft expression.
“If I’ve learned anything from my marriages is, never make them wait for you. Because the hardest feeling is choosing whether to wait or give up” He says, exiting the car first to let Emily think.
The Unit Chief sat on the rooftop again, the cigarette she was smoking, balanced between her fingers. She only smoked when she was really stressed, that seemed to be almost every day now. You had told her to stop smoking but, old habits die hard.
Ever since that call she had about being on restricted duty she felt like she was completely under the water, she couldn’t breathe. The feeling on being dragged down over and over again was starting to get to her. This definitely wasn’t her first rodeo but it was starting to feel like her last. She kept telling herself to keep pushing and they’d solve this but maybe, for once, they’ve gotten a case they won’t figure out.
The BAU was crumbling around them, the public was already trampling on the name. But if they didn’t figure this out, what was the point of anything? What was the point of all this work if she couldn’t even save herself?
How could she protect her team when her choices were the ones hurting them? She’d been dying inside since Bailey’s death. She couldn’t give up now, she had to figure this out so he didn’t die in vain. But she wanted to give up, it was so much easier to lay down and die.
This isn’t how she imagined she’d end up. A broken marriage, at least she thought so, a broken team, a broken case, everything was tumbling down and she didn’t have the energy to build them back up anymore. She always wondered how some people could die with so much happiness accepting that they didn’t do everything they wanted to. That was one of the qualities that made you fall for her.
She didn’t stop till she got what she wanted. That’s how you agreed to go on one date with her. She was insistent that she was the one for you. At first you didn’t want to, not wanting to be with someone so ambitious since it could end badly, later she showed you that you were the only one she wanted.
Letting out a shaking breath, Emily looked below, the who-ing of the owls seemed to be her only company that night. The stars were shining above her, she was jealous of them. How could they live so peacefully without worry. They were taunting her with their beauty.
Almost like the first time you and her met. She smiled at the memory, her time of youth escaped her but she never seemed to forget it.
You were one of Garcia‘s friends, she met you during one of her baking lessons, and got to know you during one of her cooking lessons. You were skilled in both, your nimble fingers kneading the dough, your hands holding the sharp knife as you made precise cuts on the vegetables.
Emily could’ve never been prepared for the day you’d given Penelope a visit at work. She practically choked on her coffee the moment you walked in. You were stunning, your eyes soft like the morning rain, your face free from blemishes and impurities, even your hands looked extremely agile. Your presence alone cast an ethereal radiance around the room. “Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you…?”
Your brow arched, signaling her to introduce herself, Emily quickly stumbled to her feet with a goofy smile. She was enchanted by your shining grin. Internally, she was panicking so bad she couldn’t even think about what comes out of her mouth next, she was too busy staring at your tits.
“Prentits, Emily” she said a little too confidently, she slapped a hand over her mouth as Morgan barrel rolled on the floor in laughter. Rossi, JJ, and Penelope were snickering in the background. Hotch and Reid stood with shocked expressions, for once, Aaron had cracked a smile.
”I’m sorry! I meant Emily Prentiss, it’s nice to meet you as well” her voice got more silent with each word, the red hue over taking her face. You laughed, “it’s okay, Emily,” you leaned into her ear, “but next time just ask to look at them.”
Emily snorted to herself, still looking into the dark nothingness below her. A soft chuckle escaped her, even the darkness seemed more peaceful than whatever she had going on. In those few minutes that she had stared into the oblivion, she realized, it wasn’t too late to fix things. At least with you anyway, she just hoped that you’d still want her after everything she had put you through.
The guilt of leaving you alone for so long clawed at her. As she now hurried down the halls, she thought of you. That smile that could make her melt, the laugh that could infect anybody, and those arms that held her close when no one understood her.
Even in the car, the first thing that played was your favorite song. She slammed her fist against the console, the pain was agonizing but that was the least of her problems. Her fingers gripped around the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles turned white and cramped. As she speeded home, she realized that she dearly missed your lips. Your soft, delicate, and loving lips. Even the first time the both of you had said you loved each other, she knew that you were gonna kiss her in a way that was gonna screw her up forever.
At the door of your shared house, she felt a sinking feeling in her chest, her hands turned clammy. It was like she was sent back to when she was ask you out on a date again. Except this time she was asking for your forgiveness.
She brought out her house keys, unlocked the door, and stepped in. The inside was still dimly lit so she knew you were awake, probably staying up late again. “Baby? I’m home!” Emily called out, shutting the door behind her, making sure to lock it before venturing deeper into the home. She heard shuffling from upstairs, it stopped for a moment before the sound of your footsteps made their way down. She was nervous, the smell of smoke on her clothes. It stood out from the scent of the rest of the house.
It smelt of you and your soft smelling vanilla perfume. You smiled seeing her, though the emotions in you remained conflicted. “Em, you’re home, I thought you were gonna be working late again” You chuckled lightly, nothing was funny. She messed up and you knew it, she knew it. So, why couldn’t you just go ahead and scream your feelings out. That’s what you wanted to do days ago, but not now that you see her face…you don’t feel so angry anymore.
“No, I needed to come home. I needed to see you, I’m-” Emily abruptly stopped her sentence to swallow the sound of her breaking voice, she never minded being emotional in front of you. Now, she couldn’t bear to cry in front of you. She felt she didn’t deserve to, you’re the victim here, after all. It was selfish to take that away from you. She was selfish. That’s all she had been for weeks now.
“I’m going insane, y/n. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I’m not alright.” She admitted it, she was scared and confused. She felt like some little kid in the corner after doing something bad and not knowing it was. She didn’t know how to cope with any of this. It was too big to do alone. She couldn’t ask you to help her, not when she’s already taken so much from you.
As Emily’s eyes began to sting, the tears pooling. Yet, she didn’t let them fall. She couldn’t, it wasn’t right. “You smell like smoke again, what happened this time?” You asked, brushing past her and walking into the kitchen. You fixed Emily a glass of cold water, “I messed up some case, I’m on restricted duty. The BAU is Dave’s now. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” She said through a shaky sigh, leaning on the kitchen island, the marble cold to the touch. You were slightly shocked that she would actually tell you, most of the time she wouldn’t tell you anything. You understood that even knowing a little bit could endanger you both so you never pressed. “Have you eaten?”
Emily crossed her arms, sniffling and looking at her with a blank expression. You knew that look, she was trying to profile you. “Emily, if you’re trying to profile me, it’s not gonna work.” You said sternly, getting the ingredients out for beef and broccoli, one of her favorites.
“Okay, I’m sorry…” she replied, biting her lip. “No, I haven’t” she added after a moment of silence. You smiled to yourself, “Good, I haven’t had dinner yet”
The silence was oddly comfortable, it gave Emily a sense of false comfort. She watched you cook as she idly played with her fingers. You could’ve called it a night ages ago and gone to bed not talking to her at all. Instead, you chose to stay and make food. You always stayed silent when you were mad, you came from a home with screaming being the norm. You hated yelling at someone out of anger, you hated it with your heart and soul. Even now if someone yells at you in anger, the tears will pool and won’t stop streaming down your face. Your breathing turns shallow and the tightness in your chest the least of your concerns.
As you finished cooking the food, the steam drifted into the air, eventually filling up the whole kitchen. Both of you quickly ate the food, silently glancing at each ofher when the other ‘wasn’t’ looking. Emily didn’t know what to say, and you didn’t want to say anything.
The older woman went upstairs to change, and hopefully get a shower. It had been a few days since she’s had a good shower. One where she felt relaxed and fresh. You washed the dishes, humming to yourself as you thought about the situiation you were in. You wanted so badly to be angry with her but, there was something that kept you from feeling anything about what was happening. Your face would contort into an expression of anger but you didn’t feel it.
You completed the rest of the cleaning and headed upstairs, maybe you’d be able to get a good sleep tonight. You always slept best with Emily in bed with you, she just gave you a sense of comfort that no one else could give you.
Already in some pjs, you brushed your teeth and washed your face. With a heavy sigh, you pulled your body up to sit on the counter. You had grabbed your phone, scrolling on social media as you flossed with a floss pick. You heard the shower stop but you didn’t look up, too interested in a News article you read. It was an article about ‘Gold Star’. A case Emily was on, he was clearly dangerous and had already killed the spouse of one of his latest victims who was also a cop. That must’ve been why she’s been down at the office, at least, that’s what you heard from Pen.
“Damn it…” Emily muttered, pulling a silk robe over her thin pjs. Her hair was soaking wet, and her face free of makeup, she was looking for something. “Have you seen my towel?” She asked, looking at the rack then back inside the shower. You looked down and saw you were sitting on it, lifting a thigh, you grabbed it and handed it to her.
She smiled at you, drying her silver locks with the towel. Walking over to the sink, she began doing her skincare routine. You stared at her, a blank expression on your face, she looked so focused.
You felt the urge to reach out and touch her face when she finished, she looked like a supermodel in this light. I’m any light actually, she was a timeless beauty you couldn’t get enough of. That was when you felt it, the subtle shake of your hands, the sting of your eyes, the flips of your stomach, the drowning feeling, and the way you bit the inside of your cheek.
Emily looked at herself in the mirror before looking over at you with concern, your eyes filled with hurt. She hummed softly, placing a hand on yours, squeezing it as a way to ground you. “I love you, Emily Prentiss…so much that you piss me off,” You said with a hushed tone, as if you’d be scolded for speaking normally.
“I love you more, my precious girl” Emily kissed each of your knuckles, kissing up your arm as she moved to slip herself in between your legs. She eventually got up to kiss your lips, it was quick, a big dose of comfort, for Emily at least.
“Don’t say things that aren’t true…” You insisted, placing your hands on her shoulders, the robe damp from her wet hair. “You left me, for almost a whole week and a half with minimal to no contact, you didn’t even check in with me so I knew you were alive and breathing.”
Emily looked down in shame, she wished to take it all back. “I had to hold on to the hope that you were okay, and I had to get updates from the team, who you never seem to interact with anyway.” You sniffled, toying with her hair. “I know about this whole ‘Gold Star’ thing. The information went public, most of it anyway. So, please tell me what’s bothering you. Please…” You admitted, holding her face so she would look at you.
“Baby, Gold Star…he’s a dangerous man, after what happened with Don Bertoli” she paused, wiping her tears away, refusing to let them fall. She’s been doing that often now, you noticed since she was always comfortable crying around you. “I couldn’t handle you living in fear, I couldn’t handle us living in fear. A part of it was because I was so focused on this case, I hardly thought about anything else other than the case, and you. I know that sounds weird but, every decision I made was made because I thought I could protect you.” She kissed your palm, looking at you with the same adoration and love she had been for years, “If Don, this big muscular man, can’t stop him from killing his wife. How can I stop him?” She sobbed, hugging you close.
“Ever since this case even started, I changed so much. I hate it. I let a serial killer out of his cage to work among profilers like he meant something. I kept a secret from JJ that I shouldn’t have, I ruled over my team like a tyrant instead of working with them. I’m…turning into my mother, just like I thought I would. But the only question I have is…why haven’t you left me yet?” Emily sniffled, tears stains on your sleep attire. You pulled away from the hug and held her head, wiping away the tears with your thumbs.
She looked so fragile, like could crack of you touched her. You rarely saw her break, Emily was always the strong one even in the relationship. She took pride in opening jars, carrying bags, doing any sort of lifting. She also compartmentalized like her life depended on it because it kind of did.
”You are not going to be like your mother, you are my wonderful, amazing, ambitious, smart, hilarious, stunning, annoying wife. You’re my everything in one and I love you for it. I haven’t left you because I made a very important promise to be yours forever. I intend to keep that promise, no matter what. Also, last time I checked, you have the most awesome team. So, if you fess up and take responsibility, they’ll accept you. Remember that you have to earn that trust back but, I know you care.” Emily let out a choked sob, she loved you more than anything. What did she do to deserve you?
“When you were gone that long, I didn’t mind that much. Until you stopped texting me back, I didn’t hear from you for days. I panicked, thinking you were mad and I spiraled, every possible out come in my head played out beside for this” You said, tucking a piece of damp hair behind her ear.
“What I mean is, I’m not going to tell you that this was okay, what I am gonna tell you is that I love you despite what happened.” You pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, she was hurting, you could tell from her face and mannerisms. You felt like you had spent a whole lifetime memorizing everything about her. Sometimes, it scared you. You knew things about her that even her team didn’t know, for you knew they’d never know.
With that, Emily burst into tears, hugging you tightly, pulling you as close to her as she could.
You’ve missed her dearly, nothing in existence or nonexistent could keep you from loving her. You feel every emotion at once yet none could rival the pure love you felt for the woman. She’s gone through hell & earth to have you. Now, you were ready to do the same for her.
She’s saved you from a maniac serial killer once, the least you could do was be here when you needed her. You knew she’d return the favor, you preferred to have her be alright before returning anything. After all, you taught middle schoolers for a living, you had your moments but thankfully there was never anything much.
“I’m sorry, so, so sorry” She sobbed, her head buried in between the crevice between your neck and shoulder. Her body slotted so perfectly with yours that you were convinced she was made for you. “I forgive you, always”
You felt her arms tighten around you, she sniffled looking up into your eyes. Pressing a kiss to your lips, she played with your hair, twirling it between her fingers.
She didn’t know what was waiting for her in the future, she was unsure of a lot of things. One thing was certain, that you were hers, and she was yours. She’d find a way to cross realities if it meant being with you.
As the night went on, both felt as though they could stay their forever. Intertwined. Sewn together. Forevermore.
This is a nice appetizer for all the fics I’m about to serve to you guysssss. I hope you enjoyed restricted duty Emily :)
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
Cowboy hat rule (Tyler Owens, Twisters)
A/N: Take a guess, what movie do you think I watched recently? I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t Deadpool and Wolverine (I also watched that, but I preferred the man with the swirly winds).
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader.
Summary: In between butting heads with Javi’s team and running a successful YouTube channel based entirely around tornadoes, Tyler Owens is introduced to the most interesting woman he’s seen in a good while - and her sister.
Word Count: 521
Warnings: fluff, kind of suggestive (cowboy hat rule), drinking and minor worries of drink being spiked but it doesn't happen we’re all okay here, very limited knowledge of America (I’m English).
Parts: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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How she ended up drinking with them, she had no idea. But anything was better than dealing with her sister pretending not to make goo-goo eyes at Javi.
Now, she’s up on the top of Tyler’s truck, drinking a shit beer with a peeling label and questioning whether or not these people would drug her. 
The bloke with the camera seems alright, and the tornado wrangler was more focused on whatever he’s messing with than her. 
One of the girls, Lily- maybe, tapped her legs, grinning up at her. 
“So~ which part of New York are you from?”
Maybe the beer is drugged, maybe it’s turning her senses to mush. Or maybe it’s been too long since she had piss-poor beer and decent company.
Lily - again, maybe - blinked up at her and then laughed, standing up on the side of the truck to smack the side of her thigh playfully.
Not only that, but Mr Tall, Plaid and Dangerous finally looked up. 
“Come on— even I know that’s in Texas.”
“And that’s where I’m from, Alpine, Texas. I hide the twang, I’ve been too many guy’s fantasies in bars that it’s just easier.”
Giving a wink before swigging the last of her beer. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she leant back on her forearms, making sure she didn’t lie back on anything. 
Tyler was grinning at her, that stupid grin that pairs a little too well with that cowboy hat for her fuzzy brain to think straight. 
“Not a city girl?”
“Uh huh, daddy ran a ranch, grew up schooling cowboys like you. You’re no different.”
He seemed impressed by that; maybe not impressed. Just marginally more interested now he knows they aren’t a pair of bored blonde women from the city come to chase the storms with the fancy company. 
Nothing worse than someone who doesn’t actually respect the weather they’re chasing - that’s how people die. 
“Me? How am I no different then, Alpine?”
Humming, she passed him her empty bottle, which he took without questioning it. Eyes somehow glittering beneath the brim of that hat. 
She needs that hat, before his eyes, his smile and his goddamn cologne do her in.
“You steal something near and dear to them- make them pay real close attention to you.”
Managing to swipe the hat from his head and place it firmly on her own, fighting the smug grin on her face. 
She knows that he knows that she knows exactly what that means.
Can’t claim ignorance now, she made it loud and clear that this is not her first rodeo. He may wrangle tornadoes, but what the hell is he supposed to do when a gorgeous woman steals his hat and pushes away. 
Getting Lily to help her down and then swinging an arm over her shoulders. 
“Let’s go find more beers, Lils, I love your shirt by the way.”
Turning back around to grin at him as Lily starts talking. Flicking the brim of the cap up so that he could see the way her eyebrow raised in challenge. 
Oh yeah, he definitely has a favourite sister now.
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Want more?! Good!
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in-som-niyah · 7 months
soft!oblivious!Jason Todd x fem!reader on her period
a/n: hey besties guess whos on the bathroom floor again haha its me!!!!! endo is trying to murder me but guess what jason's here to make it all better!!! this is entirely self-indulgent btw i wrote this to make myself feel better and to take my mind off the urge to rip my uterus out with my bare hands🫶🏾🎀🌸💝✨��💗💕
Warnings: reader vomits, reader has a period, reader is in fucking pain, jason todd speaks spanish, reader is weakned, jason todd is a beautiful husband fuck you i said what i said
Note: reader and jason have a system where jason asks the reader what her pain is on a scale from 1-10 (10 being highest)
Jason's key turns in the lock of your shared apartment in Gotham.
To his surprise, the place is dark and lifeless. Upon checking his watch, which read 6:45pm, he noticed the peculiarity of the scene before him.
Usually, you would have started dinner by now, had some sexy 90's R&B playing (which you unashamedly sung along to) and would have greeted him babbling excitedly about what your colleagues thought about your new hairstyle.
But nope, there was nothing.
Though Jason was concerned, he tried to pass it off as a weird occurrence, until he heard a faint retch coming from the other side of the apartment.
Immediately, he parked whatever he was doing and came rushing (sprinting) to you, desperately needing to make sure you're okay.
When he found you in the bathroom hovering over the toilet, the sight clawed a hole in his chest.
You were gripping the edges of the toilet with shaky hands, trying to steady your unstable and shaking body. Your braids were tied back too tight, definitely causing you an uncomfortable and unnecessary headache.
Carefully, Jason stepped in the bathroom and lowered himself to you. He loosened your hair and re-tied it in a more comfortable way and kissed the top of your head.
In your dazed state, you barely recognized his lithe fingers in your hair, too exhausted physically and mentally to focus on anything other than the searing pain in your abdomen.
Finally empty, you reach to flush the toilet when a much bigger, scarred hand takes yours and kisses the back of it before flushing for you.
At this, you look up at him with bleary, tearful and irritated eyes, clearly indicative that you've been feeling like this for a while.
Jason's heart cracks.
Before either of you could speak, Jason pressed his forehead to yours and instructed you to steady your breathing. His hands expertly maneuver you to sit on your bum in front of him; this was not his first rodeo.
Jason was familiar with your illness, and what that meant for you sometimes. With practise, he was attuned to your needs and catered to them willingly. But still, his heart broke a little more every time he saw your body fold in on itself in pain.
When your breathing calmed he kissed your forehead just before another cramp seized your body, and your face crumpled in pain.
"Shit- You're okay sweetheart c'mere. Remember to breathe okay? In. Out."
You nodded lightly as you pushed yourself to move into his lap, the action only making your muscles strain but you were so desperate to feel his warmth you did it anyway.
As you continued to breathe Jason wrapped his strong arms around you and held you to his body, his hands came up to gently rub your lower back where he knew you were hurting.
"What's your number this time, amorcita." Jason asked in a tender voice, as to not upset your headache.
Through sniffles and shakes, you reluctantly surface your buried head from his chest to answer him.
"It was an 8 all day today..." you started, still in pain but able to speak.
"I took the painkillers too late, and they didn't work in time. I'm sorr-"
You're interrupted by Jason pulling you back into him. He would sooner take your pain than hear you apologize for a painful experience you couldn't control.
"Shhhh no sorries, princessa. You know that." He spoke into your hair.
Soon, the wave of pain settled, and you were granted a limited amount of small relief.
"I-I think I should move to the bed now. I don't know how much I have until the next one" you mumbled into his chest.
Through a positive rumble in his chest he agreed, and began to carefully untangle himself from you.
"Can you stand?" Jason asks, his eyes conveying sincerity.
You looked to the floor shook your head in shame. You couldn't believe you had to rely on Jason to help you so much.
"I'm gonna pick you up okay baby?" He says, but his eyes ask for your permission.
Upon granting it, he slips his arms under your body and lifts like you weigh nothing. He carefully walks to the bed, taking extra care in making sure he doesn't hit your head or legs on walls or doorways.
Once at your bedside, he places you down gently and presses a set of kisses to your nose, cheek and forehead. It is then when he notices how frigid your skin is, which worries him. But first, he needs more information.
"How long ago did you take the painkillers, mi vida?" He begins as he crouches to reach your eye level.
With an exasperated sigh, you close your eyes and shrug. Truly you had no idea how long it has been since you've been in such pain, much less since you've taken your last round of painkillers.
Jason returns your sigh, but with one of sadness as he reaches out his hand to absentmindedly rub your sore hips. Remembering your small remedies that help the pain, he stands and begins out the room.
Suddenly your hand grasp his ring and pinky, and he turns to face you again.
You look up at him with tears on your cheeks, silently begging him to stay.
At this, he leans down and captures your lips softly, silently letting you know that he would never do anything you wouldn't want him to.
With your hand still grasping his, he brings your hand to his lips to kiss, before breaking the silence.
"'Tell you what, amorcita. I'm gonna go get you your heating pad and boil some raspberry leaf tea, then i'll climb into bed with you and i'll rub your back as you fall asleep. But you gotta let go of me so I can do it, bien?"
Reluctantly, you took his offer and released his hand before he left a soothing kiss to your hairline and took off.
While he was gone, your were desperately breathing through another wave, trying not to scream or cry out. The pain continued to ebb and flow, but it was pain nonetheless.
When Jason returned with the tea, hot water bottle and a little square of dark chocolate he found you almost asleep, knees up to your chest while clutching your abdomen. He knew you well enough to know that your back is not enjoying the position at all.
He placed the tea and chocolate on your nightstand and carefully took his spot behind you. You slightly woke up at his shifting, but upon Jason's placement of the hot water bottle to your aching abdomen, you relaxed.
Jason breathed a silent breath of gratitude that you're able to rest easier than you were before now that you're comfortable. He moved himself closer to your body, firmly but delicately wrapping his arms around you and stretching out your aching back.
You appreciated this, the pressure releasing on your back and the soothing warmth of your hot water bottle contributing to easing your pains.
Jason retracted one of his arms from your waist in favour of rubbing your sore lower back. A sleepy hum of appreciation followed his ministrations just before you spoke.
"Jason?" you mumbled into your pillow
"Querida?" he replied, semi alert
"Thank you" you finish as you let yourself drift into a light and more comfortable sleep.
A peck to the back of your head is his response.
Jason knows he can't take away your pain. But when it cuts you deep, he'll be your remedy.
a/n pt2: bro im so sorry if this makes no sense im in pain leave me alone im tired its sleepytime
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gothicknightz · 2 years
for her | ethan landry
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notes: ugh. for the LIFE of me i cannot get through a solid lengthy post, so a short couple of paragraphs should do. slightly sexy with a female reader.
“Mindy, you know I can handle myself. I'm a big girl now. No more horses and cowboys and conspiracy theories. We're both over Woodsboro.”
She leaned against the wall outside her roommate's brother's room, splitting a movie with her boyfriend.
“We've already learned from Sam that you can't trust the love interest. Horror rules 101.”
“Look, whatever you think is going on between me and Chad's roommate, it is definitely not a relationship.”
“But you two are fucking, yeah?”
“Hey, look, it still counts, okay! Besides, I've got x-rated dirt on you two from Chad.”
“Fuck you.”
“I think that's Ethan's job. Anyways, I have to pick Anika up from work, so I'll talk to you later.”
Rolling her eyes, she knocked on the door to her boyfriend's room, waiting for him to answer.
It had been a year since Woodsboro.
What could possibly go wrong?
As Ethan opened the door, he greeted her again with a smile, “Who called you this time?”
“Mindy.” She paused, his arm wrapping around her waist as they made it to Ethan's room. “She still doesn't trust you despite her hearing things from Chad. I'm sure the drama queen exaggerates our sex life.”
“Oh yeah?” Ethan asked, picking his girlfriend up bridal style as he sat down on his bed.
Laughing as he spun her around, she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, “Yeah. Mindy says it's all x-rated.”
A small blush creeped onto Ethan's face as a small smile toyed at the end of his lips, “It's not that intense.”
“Its not?” She asked, moving a leg to the other side of his hips, with Ethan taking initiative and instinctively wrapping his arms around her waist.
Ethan softly shook his head 'no' as she was going in for the kiss, as the two earlier almost had a moment before getting interrupted by Mindy's call.
She pulled at Ethan's collar, desperate to pull him closer before grabbing a handful of his curls, which earned a sigh from him.
Despite his shy and nerdy exterior, Ethan was harder to break than a bag of cinder blocks once you got to him.
He grabbed onto her hip, his fingers curling inward as it lifted some of her shirt, the kissing rapidly getting more intense as the seconds ticked on.
At some point, Ethan fell backwards, which impaired their kissing temporarily, only to have his hands sliding up the back of her shirt as his hips bucked upwards.
“Aw,” She groaned, her grinding getting more needy as her hands were all over his body, “Somebody's getting needy.”
Ethan whined in agreement before muttering a soft ‘fuck’ as dramatic gagging noises were followed subsequently.
“Holy shit. I'm gonna get sick.”
“Fuck off, Chad!” She turned around and yelled at Ethan's roommate, who was standing at the doorframe.
“You two have got to see yourselves. You both were at it like animals.”
She threw a middle finger up at him, “Yeah, it ain't your first rodeo, princess. Now, out!”
Chad threw his hands up in surrender and defeat before chuckling, “Okay! I apologize giving you both blue balls. Besides, Tara and Sam need us. It's important.”
Chad closed the door before she threatened another insult at him, Ethan's arms slowly reaching out to her, his face flushed.
“Jesus, I hate your roommate.” She grumbled, still feeling the flush of heat between them.
“I know,” He replied, kissing her head, “But we can't possibly go there like this.” Gesturing to himself, Ethan's lips hung open a bit, his pupils blown.
She turned around and faced him, “I agree. Fuck what Mindy and Chad say.” Quickly pulling her shirt off, her hands found their way to her boyfriend's blue jeans.
“You think you can keep it quiet?”
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: tyler owens x male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: years ago, you broke up with him for his reckless lifestyle. now, when he's come back without changing a bit, you don't know why you let him back into your life.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.65k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: angst, death is mentioned and tyler gets close to it not explicitly, kissing, swearing, baby as a nickname for your lover, lot of made up family members + names
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: cowboy slang vocabulary, yes it's 11pm, yes I wrote this in a day, yes I'm in bed, yes Glen Powells is hot
Tyler Owens likes to live what others might call a dangerous life, although he much preferred to call it a life of thrill.
He started it off as a bull rider for a rodeo, and though by the end of it he was regarded as the star bull rider and sometimes even the star of the show, there was a big learning curve that ended him with a couple (something closer to four dozen, really) kicks on the ol' noggin. Luckily, none of it sprouted within him either physical or mental problems by the time he decided he wanted to move on; his mother always said he had a thick skull, anyway.
After the less dangerous, still excruciating years in university, he came out with a meteorologist degree. And what did he do with it? He became a storm chaser.
A peculiar fact that came with it was that even after landing a more dangerous job, he sustained less injuries than bull riding by a substantial amount. Suppose the thing is that the moment he gets his first serious one, he's likely done for.
You've been through it all.
You met him before he even started this life, in high school; your first kiss was at his bedside after a particularly harsh fall and kick, you persisted through the busier university schedule, and you supported his dreams to be a storm chaser.
But at the height of it all, after the first scare when the anchor mechanism on that old truck of his failed to stop the car from turning onto its side, you decided you two were over.
It was definitely selfish. You didn't want to be close to him when, and you said when, he died. You decided it would be a lot less grief on your end, and you know what? He understood you.
For years, you've been grateful for him. As much as you've been his anchor, he's been yours...but he'd have made you a widower, even if you were married or not, and you just couldn't take that possibility.
If you're caught in the disastrous thunderstorm he'll leave behind, you're not sure you'll ever make it out.
You hope you'll never find out.
"Get your ten commandments out of my soup!"
So why did you let him walk back into your life?
"I'm sorry! Hey, don't hit me with that ladle!"
You're not sure.
You point the utensil at him as threateningly as possible, although it's practically the same thing as pointing a spoon at him. "I don't need you for a taste-tester, Owens, you best take note of that."
"Yeah, yeah," Tyler's body is shaking with laughs, even as he lifts his hands up in surrender. "yes, sir."
You roll your eyes, bedrugingly turning your back to him to keep chopping vegetables. Tonight, you'll be sharing this soup with the whole family, and you're currently trying your damnedest to make it good. That means avoiding whatever seasoning boiled Tornado Wrangler digits will bring.
Tyler leans back to admire you, no he's not looking at your ass, work away. It feels oddly domestic, even if he's sitting down like a useless husband watching TV on his recliner.
That feeling of domesticity is piled on further when he hears the sound of innocent laughing outside.
"You sure that kid's not mine?" Tyler suggests for the second time, gesturing out the back door with his head.
"Haha." You laugh sarcastically, not even giving him the satisfaction of turning his way. "No, my sister just so happened to marry a blonde. Even if she was somehow ours, I would've never kept you from her."
Of course you wouldn't have. You're too good for that.
The kid outside is your niece, a twelve year old girl shipped out of bustling New York City to the backdoor of America for being "too addicted to her phone", as your sister says. Despite her self-proclaimed hatred for the outdoors, she's actually having a lot of fun with the ranch dogs, who indulge her when they're not working.
Even though he's in no way related to the kid, and even if you and him could never biologically create anything together, he swears she looks just like if the two of you had a love child, which makes his heart swell all the more when she sees her.
"If we could've had one," Tyler begins, standing up to begin a slow, silent walk towards you. "would you have rather they be a boy or a girl?"
"Don't ask me that." You say with a laugh, meaning you're refusing to answer only because you don't want to have prejudice.
"Okay, fine, then." He settles behind you, pressing his chest to your back. "Huh."
"Huh, what, cowpoke?"
His hands are settled on the edge of the counter on either side of you, trapping you in. "I thought you'd flinch."
"I learned to expected the unexpected around you, Tyler Owens. Never a day went by that you didn't surprise me, so I decided I'd simply never be surprised."
Tyler sputters out a laugh. "Oh, hobble your lip!"
"It's true." You reply, offhandedly, fully concentrated on chopping some carrots, and Tyler hates that because you're not giving him attention.
So he opts to do something you'll obviously never expect and prove you wrong. He leans down to press his nose against your neck, and you think he's only going to kiss it, but instead...
"Ew, Tyler, you did not!" It's a miracle you have the self-restraint to put the knife down, let alone only push him away and not slap him on the face. You clutch the spot where he just blew a raspberry and instantly regret it, recoiling away from the feel of his saliva like it's acid.
Tyler laughs. Despite your best efforts to push him away again as he approaches, he only dodges your hands and traps you against the counter again. His plan is accomplished, as he now has you facing him.
"You asshole." You snarl.
Tyler only smiles. "Yours, all the same."
He leans down to kiss right where he'd blown that raspberry, collecting most of his own spit on his lips and saving you the trouble of cleaning it himself.
Even when you wipe off the rest of the spit you'd previously touched on his sleeve, he laughs.
"What am I going to do with you?" You sigh, cupping his cheek and tilting his gaze towards yours.
He's a damn bastard, having the audacity to grin at you as if he's won some kind of victory. "Kiss me."
So he's a puppy, then. Licking you like it's a way of kissing and expecting a proper kiss back. "No, you don't deserve that."
He rolls his eyes, though his eyes find yours immediately after. "Yes I do. Kiss me."
You don't know why you let Tyler Owens walk back into your life like nothing happened. You don't know how you let him kiss your neck, or how you let him even ask to kiss you, or how you're even being friendly with him.
Scratch that, actually. You don't know why he kissed your neck, why he wants to kiss you, or why he's being friendly with you.
You walked out of his life, for God's sake. You walked out of his life because you feared dealing with the aftermath of his death.
He's a tornado. Tyler Owens, the tornado wrangling cowboy, is a tornado. He's a fire twister, even, the worst of the worst, a category F5. The damage he'll leave once he dies out won't be devastating, it'll be incredible.
That's what you're trying to avoid.
"What's wrong?" Tyler's smile has faded, his expression sobered up. Of course he can still tell when you're lost in your own thoughts.
"Nothing." You shake your head, wipe your nose to hide your sniffle and thus let go of his face. "Hey, how about you go check up on Sophie? My sister would kill me if she got hurt."
"Right, sure." He can sense something's wrong, but he withdraws anyway, respecting your decisions. He always does that, and you hate him for it, because he's so good.
You watch him head out the back door, and even as he closes it, you watch on.
He's too good for you.
When the distant sound of the boiling soup catches your ear, you inevitably tear your eyes away.
Right, let's make the best soup there ever was.
Tyler had unknowingly picked the right time to show up at your front door when he did.
"Aww, come on, you didn't have to make such a big fuss," Your great uncle speaks with those sloppy dentures of his, but even with the wet sound of his gums and lips, he sounds entirely endearing. "Tyler's back! This party should've been his."
Tyler's always been the life of the party ever since you brought him home for that first Thanksgiving (his "trial", so to speak), and that apparently hasn't changed.
"Oh, no, no, you're kiddin' grandpa!" Tyler only raises his glass from where he's leaning against the punch table. "It's your birthday! Hell, I didn't even bring a gift!"
"Your fine ass is all you needed to bring." Your famously single aunt grins and sends a wink, holding a glass full of wine she snuck in despite all the children around.
Tyler directs his own glass towards her to thank her, his smile never waning. "Oh shush, aunt Delilah."
As Tyler greets the family one by one, all of which clearly miss him, you're in the corner of the room pointing out each of them to your niece.
"Those are your cousins...I think. They're your mom's cousin's kids, and well...whatever, they're Jonas' kids. Becky, Jake, Bean–"
"Sorry, his name's Nick, we just call him Bean 'cause one time as a toddler we found him sitting on a sack of raw beans, shovelling them into his mouth."
"That's crazy."
Even after you've named every face in the room and sent Sophie away with a pat on the head to mingle with her...cousins, Tyler's still talking to everyone.
Your heart burns like you've had some of uncle Dick's famous dripping fried chicken at the sight of it because nobody's ever like this when it's just you.
It's not even about the fact you're forgotten, it's a big family and you have your own close group of cousins in the middle of all of them, it's the fact that they missed him.
While you're distracted, your mom pulls you down to sit beside her on the couch, where your dad is telling another story of his. Many of your aunts and uncles and distant cousins are gathered around him, listening intently, but as you actually hear the contents of his speech, your attention fades away. It's one of those stories he always tells, about how the crop cycle was ruined until he had this eureka idea.
Distantly, you hear Tyler droning on about his whole tornado wrangling cowboy thing, explaining his latest feat like it's nothing but a regular Tuesday. He's got a lot more people gathered around him than your dad; not to discredit your dad, as he's doing his best trying to compete against Tyler in storytelling, but you know how that will end.
You kiss your mother on the cheek and stand up to find your more amicable cousins, only to be interrupted by your aunt Sissy, Delilah's sister.
"Hey, darling! How've you been?" She calls you over and immediately slings an arm around your neck, holding you close and rubbing your cheeks together in greeting.
"Good, good." You say immediately, an instinctual white lie as you wipe her transferred makeup off your cheek.
She doesn't even notice you're lying to her, maybe doesn't care enough to notice, before she's nodding her head towards Tyler and his crowd. "I'm so happy you're back together with Tyler, he must have so many new stories to tell."
"Um, actually, auntie," You try to correct her, then bite your lip, pausing suddenly to think. It'd probably be a lot better if you let her believe you were back together, but you've already dug yourself into saying actually. "we're–"
"Hey, auntie Sissy!" Tyler suddenly appears beside you like he wasn't just across the room, leaning down to gracefully accept the cheek kisses in greeting. He somehow comes out of it without getting stained. "How have things been? The old cat still slinking around the neighbors' yards?"
The two of them exchange a few words before he's slinging an arm around your shoulder, "Can I borrow this one real quick? It'll just be a sec."
"Sure, sure!" Whether an insult to your presence or a compliment to his coercion tactics, she's more than happy to let the two of you go. "Don't let me hold up your fun."
You're grateful for him steering you away from the party and out onto the front porch, but you're also dreading being alone with him after the whole thing in the kitchen.
Tyler doesn't seem too far off.
"Whew, I did not miss being around your family." He breaths out, leaning against the porch's railing.
The whole dread fades into confusion as he says that, and you lean against the spot beside him. "You didn't?"
"No...well," He shakes his head, "I missed hanging out with them. I did not miss having to tell them every single detail about where I've been since I've last seen them."
"I thought you liked telling them stories." You hummed, turning your gaze from the scenery ahead to him.
"Eh...I much prefer intimate crowds." He sends a wink. You flush and try to turn away, but he catches your cheek and stops you.
Tyler knows something is wrong, has known since you discreetly pushed him away earlier today in the kitchen. Looking into your eyes only further convinces him.
"What is it?"
His eyes narrow. His stupidly beautiful blue-green eyes narrow at you, and you know you can't lie anymore...but you can deflect.
"Did you know your eyes are blue and green?" You ask, lightly tapping his hand that sits on the railing.
"Blue rim. Green...center? No, that's not the word, the inner? God, I don't know." You shake your head, and despite the movement, his hand doesn't leave your cheek.
"They remind me of the classic scenery." You hold a pointer finger out. "Blue sky, green lawn, right? Or the Windows default wallpaper. Both are iconic."
His other hand leaves the railing and takes your other cheek. "Baby, look at me."
Baby. You used to hate it when he called you that, you weren't some baby, but now...now, how you've missed it.
You sigh, closing your eyes momentarily to collect yourself. No more deflecting and no more lies. You actually had to talk about your feelings now.
It had taken a lot of courage the first time, telling him: yes, I still love you, I'm just selfish and think that if you die, you'll take me down with you; no, I know you won't actually kill me, but you'll take my soul with you, and that's practically the same thing, isn't it?
"You don't have to tell me anything." Tyler speaks up before you do, beckoning your eyes open. "You just have to tell me to go away again, if that's what you want."
"No," You instinctively say.
"No," You say immediately.
No. No, how could you? You did once, and you're not sure how.
"Stay." You say, because you want it, you want him to stay.
"Okay." He says it easily, and his hands fall to his sides. He's willing to take that, just that, because...you don't know, maybe he still loves you. You're not willing to admit that.
You're not willing to accept that he still loves you after you told him you wanted to break up.
You take his hand before he can walk back into the party. "Why'd you come back?"
"I..." Tyler almost shrinks back, but you intertwine your fingers, and now you're the angler reeling him back in. "My car got flipped onto it's roof."
"Baby." You breathe out, pulling him in, pulling him closer to you, almost like he's not living flesh in front of you and you need to make sure he's breathing by feeling his chest heave against you.
"I was in the hospital for a little while...just some cuts." He assures first, to not worry you. He grabs both your hands, presses his nose to the knuckles, inhales the scent of their sweat like it's that of an apple pie, and it's weird but he needs it. "The glass broke, obviously, all of it, and some of my equipment, and, well, fuck, it was worse than a couple cuts."
"I'm okay, you see? Not scarred. I'm tough." He lets go of your hands momentarily to do a little twirl for you. He looks just the same as you left him.
"You almost died." You say anyway.
"Yeah." He doesn't deny it, he can't lie, because he can see through your lies as well as you can see through his. "I wanted to see you again, because...I wanted to see you in case the next time I got into an accident, I actually died. And you know what? I feel selfish for it."
"What? No." You shake your head, step closer. You're about to say more, but he starts first.
"You told me to stay away, but I came back into your life and I acted like nothing happened. You know, the life you're living? It's kind of what I wanted for us. A little ranch, some cows, some dogs, a farm. We get our own milk, our own eggs, grow our own food, and it's just the two of us..." His fingers climb up your arm like a little spider, and his gaze follows it absentmindedly. "Until we decide to adopt a little girl. You drive her to school, I drive her back home. We're happy, raising her. We teach her not to be like us, and she still turns out an exact replica of us, anyway. She's our princess."
He sniffles. You tear your hand away from his only to cup both of his cheeks with your hands. "I'm so sorry, Tyler."
"No, I–"
"No, shut up." Despite the severity, you laugh, and he does too, until you're speaking again. "I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed right there with you. I'd have been right at your bedside, you know? I'd have kissed you like the first time. Remember what I said?"
He laughs again, "That my breath tastes like cow shit?"
"Yeah, that." You grin at him, and he loves to see you grin like that again. "I was selfish."
"I understood you completely, though. I thought I was saving you the grief." That's why he let you leave so easily, and you realize it now, looking into his eyes. "You were right. You always are."
"I'm not, Tyler. I was wrong." You shake your head, "I thought it worked. Weeks went by when I didn't think about you, because I fought the memories of you back. A year after, it settled in that I wouldn't be seeing you, so I thought I wouldn't even think about you anymore, but...the memory of you, your smile, your kisses, your warmth resurfaces every month, and god, I missed you. And missing you without the possibility of having you is just grieving you."
"...and now I'm here." He leans a bit further away, and you see all of him. You see the way his blue-green eyes are glassed over, and you've no doubt yours are the same; you see the familiar way his hat is perched above his head and how he still wears the top two buttons of his shirt undone and how his smile is just the same.
"And now you're here." You nod.
He places his hands over your wrists, holds them, presses his nose against yours. "I missed you too."
"Mhm?" You hum. Your breaths mingle with his, pressed this close together.
"And I love you, too. Still do."
"Fuck." You laugh, a teary little thing, but it's real and genuine and not a figment of his imagination. "I love you too."
And then you kiss, and he's missed it so much, and you've missed it so much, the two of you. You're slotted together, like pieces of a puzzle. You're not you without him and he's not him without you.
When you part, you wipe a couple stray tears off his cheeks, and he does the same for you.
"Should we..." He chokes a little on his words, then shakes the nerves off. He has you back, and his smile returns. "head back?"
"Yeah. Yeah, we should." You find yourself leaning back in, anyway.
You share another kiss, maybe two. If he'd brought a friend or three along, he'd have signalled them to light the fireworks in his truck to add a little magic to it, even if it already feels like fireworks are going off between your lips.
You could spend eternity like this.
When you've had enough of each other for the moment and finally head back in, your great uncle raises his spoon at you and laughs. "There you are! This soup is amazing, kid!"
Or at least that's what he would've said, had his dentures not gotten stuck in a hard carrot and splashed right back into his bowl.
One of the carrots which you added last, thanks to Tyler's distraction earlier today.
The tornado wrangler of a boyfriend you've regained is laughing his ass off beside you, while you cringe. So much for the perfect soup.
"Come on, (Y/N)." Tyler wraps an arm around you, pulling you close, and you're so happy he can do it casually again.
"Let's get us a bowl."
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marlenesluv · 1 year
hii shawty i have another smau thought/request! max x country girl (like claire monroe/monroe derillo) and people find out about their relationship and social media hates her since shes SO country and so much younger than him
better kept secret. (MV)
hii! i can definitely do that, i love this idea as well :)
pairing: max verstappen x country reader
fc: claire monroe
warnings: some social media hate from maxs fans. not rly a warnings, but age gap! (7 years)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: maxverstappen1, yourbsf, and 32,184 others
y/n.user: what’s more fun than sonic at 2am?
view comments…
user61: sonic > anything else fr
f1.updates: did max like this?…….
|> wagsf1: no- no way….
formula1fans: i will not stand for this, no way max knows her
|> user4: who even cares LOL
yourbsf: you are so beautiful, HELLO????
|> y/n.user: awe, thank you hun🥹
f1.edits: i am not editing her….. ummm
|> formula1fans: who asked you to? LMAO
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 487,104 others
maxverstappen1: great night in monza. excited for this little break for two weeks
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f1fan: who’s the girl….
|> wagupdates: it might be @y/n.user. she liked this and he liked her most recent picture. idk, i could be wrong but it also looks like her in this pic
|> f1fan: bro she’s like 16
|> formula1fans: she’s 18. but it’s legal sooo
|> f1fan: it’s weird, babe
|> formula1fans: idk
charles_leclerc: congrats about monza!!
|> maxverstappen1: thank you!
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liked by: maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 71,294 others
y/n.user: 🍹(it’s a virgin drink lolz)
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f1.wags: don’t tell me that’s max, pls no
|> formula1fans: it rly looks like him….
maxverstappen.fp: theres no way this is the girl he’s dating. this country girl?
mv.redbull: shes way too young for him…
|> formula1fans: pierre and his gf, kika, have a bigger age gap than this… who cares?
yourbsf: my prettiest cowgirl in all of the south 💓
|> y/n.user: ilyyyyy
y/n.fans: these comments are literally not it.
lilymhe: the suit….it looks so good on you
|> y/n.user: ty lily!!!
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liked by: pierregasly, maxverstappen1, and 81,194 others
y/n.user: baes first rodeo 🫶
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yourbsf: SO FUN WOOOOO
|> y/n.user: took his rodeo virginity YEEHAW🤠😭🤭
f1wags: nah, this ain’t it.
user98: i’m so confused, is this max?
|> f1updates: i think soo…….
|> f1wagupdate: soft launch vibes but i think we all know
francisca.cgomes: the fits are givinggg💓
|> y/n.user: thank you kika😊🤍
|> f1.fans: oh, the underage gfs duo!
|> user23: you do realize that they are not underage rt?
user73: okay but, if this is maxs gf, he should stand up for her. the amount of hate is ridiculous
|> user50: fr. and why the hate? cause she’s 18? pierre and kika have a bigger age gap. not to mention that everyone is j mad cuz she’s with max
F1 Wags Updates @f1wagupdates • 7hr
here’s what we know about y/n y/l/n so far, potentially max verstappens new girlfriend:
y/n is 18 and lives in tennessee, and attends college at the university of tennessee. now, fans have not been happy with the recent posts on y/n and maxs instagrams.
we know that max, pierre, lando, kika, lily, carlos, and oscar follow y/n, so far. max has been liking y/n’s photos of her and this new “boyfriend.” just like y/n has liked max’s new picture with his alleged “girlfriend.”
we don’t know anything for certain yet, as nothing has been announced. we assume this is a soft launch for them. throwing hate in y/n’s comments does absolutely nothing. especially because she’s “too country” and “too young.”
*comments have been disabled on this tweet*
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liked by: maxverstappen1, lilymhe, and 99,273 others
y/n.user: ⚠️⚠️⚠️
*comments have been disabled on this post*
User 79 @user79 • 3hr
what are your thought on it? #y/n
User 56 @user56 • 3hr
i think that you guys are mad for no damn reason lol. let the poor girl live, she didn’t ask for this backlash, and for what? because she’s 18, which she can’t control. because she’s country? who cares? being country is so cool. because she’s dating max and you aren’t? stop being so jealous and let them date in peace
Formula 1 Updates @formula1update • 3hr
her making her comments disabled definitely means she knows what’s going on, and being a wag comes with the hate. if she can’t handle it, then she doesn’t need to date max
Wags of F1 @f1wags • 2hr
that’s actually so stupid. she’s not dating max bc he’s famous, i’m sure. so it’s not like she wants the media, hence the soft launch. honestly, you guys are being ridiculous for no reason. there are bigger age gaps with other couples, find a real problem in the world.
User 37 @user37 • 1hr
here’s the real question, why aren’t you guys behind y/n like you are the rest of the wags?
User 61 @user61 • 59mins
the real question is actually why max hasn’t said anything yet…..
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liked by: y/n.user, danielricciardo, and 1,014,194 others
maxverstappen1: my pr manager told me to keep quiet, to keep my relationship off of social media. two weeks ago, i told my girlfriend i was sick of not being able to show her off. at the beginning of my vacation, i posted a picture of us at her house, receiving all sorts of rude comments. then, the comments continued on to her page. “why hasn’t max said anything about the hate?” i couldn’t. i still technically cant, but getting facetimes at 2am because of comments making my girlfriend cry? i’m over it. if you can’t support my relationship, you are not a fan of mine. if you’re a fan of me, you need to understand that i have a personal life, which i rarely share. and the one time i do share, it can’t be an issue. to those that have stuck up for y/n and me, thank you.
*comments have been restricted to only those the creator follows*
y/n.user: thank you, max❤️
|> maxverstappen1: only posting what i should have posted weeks ago❤️
danielricciardo: it’s weird seeing you all emotional, dude. but i hope you guys are doing well ✌️
carmenmmundt: y/n is such a beautiful soul. it’s hard to meet people so genuine and kind. you’ve got an amazing girlfriend, max.
|> maxverstappen1: i know i do, i don’t deserve her
|> y/n.user: thank you carmen🫶 max shut up❤️
*liked by creator*
pierregasly: finally i can post all the pictures i got with you two in them
carlossainz55: congrats!!
|> maxverstappen1: on what?
|> carlossainz55: i don’t know…but congrats on announcing your relationship!!
|> maxverstappen1: right…thanks
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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