#Dental Surgery/Wisdom Teeth Removal Joke
eoieopda · 5 months
If you’re interested in writing it, I would love to read a part two of “the one with Chan and the promotion”! It’s so sweet and cute and I go back to it when I feel sad or sick and just want someone to take care of me lol.
aw, i’m so glad you liked it! here’s part two ✨
the one with chan and the promotion pt. ii
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you needed a ride home after getting your wisdom teeth removed. chan just so happened to be free.
pairing: bang chan x gn!reader type: drabble (fluff, hurt/comfort), ongoing au: fuck buddies to ? rating: 18+ — minors do not have my consent to interact with me or my work. wc: 1.3k cw: reader’s pov this time!; no smut but it’s referenced due to the nature of their relationship; reader had outpatient dental surgery (not depicted); reference to blood/swelling, no gendered language used. a/n: this is a continuation of this drabble, which @moni-logues requested last year. in order for things to make sense, please read pt. i first! as of 8/5/24, part iii has been posted, per request. navigation. skz permanent taglist. multi permanent taglist. request rules.
Upon waking up, the first thing you do is take inventory.
The list of things you don’t have is the longer of the two: four of the teeth you initially left home with, a blanket on top of you, your bearings, or any substantial memory of the how and when you got back to your apartment.
What you do have is a pair of slippers on your feet where your shoes used to be and a hand in yours, warming your palm. Bleary-eyed, you stare down at the five fingers interlocked with yours while your brain scrambles to load. It doesn’t. You swear you hear the Windows XP error noise sounding off in the back of it when your eyes flick up and find Chan’s closed, fluttering ever so slightly as he sleeps.
You don’t mean to voice your surprise out loud, especially not above a whisper, but it slips past lips still buzzing as sensation returns. “Christ!”
Chan doesn’t startle, which doesn’t necessarily surprise you. His roommate, who you’ve heard tell of but never met, is apparently prone to sudden shouting, apropos of nothing. He does stir, though, just slightly. 
“No,” he mumbles without opening his eyes. Though he doesn’t witness the quizzical look you give him, he must suspect your confusion, nonetheless. Stifling a satisfied, albeit sleepy chuckle, he jokes, “My English name is pronounced Chris.”
It’s then that his eyes crack open, taking you in immediately and softly, pupils dilating. He’s never looked at you like that before. You don’t know what to do with it. 
Flustered, you divert your gaze to your hands the way you always do, only to find that one of his is still holding one of yours. You don’t know what to do with that, either. To cover the fact that you don’t know what to say, you clear your throat, hoping the words will materialize after a bit of stalling. They don’t.
Chan, noticing your preoccupation, interjects and sits upright next to you on top of your still-tucked-in comforter. “Oh.”
He retracts his hand. A sheepish smile spreads in tandem with a flush of red across his cheeks and neck, so heated with embarrassment you can almost feel it from several centimeters away. 
“Had a hell of a time getting you through the door and getting your shoes untied,” he starts, laughing awkwardly.
Oh, indeed.
You’d asked Chan to drive you; called him specifically for that singular task because your other, closer friends — the ones who haven’t seen you naked — don’t. On top of their collective lack of licensure, you know them all too well to trust any one of them with wrangling a highly medicated person on public transit. You’d be a liability in and of yourself; your chaperone couldn’t be a disaster, too.
Going into this, you’d believed that Chan had his shit together well enough to get you from Point A to Point B in one piece. You were right. He did, and even though he could have, he didn’t stop there. Not only did Chan get you inside, but he also swapped your shoes for slippers to avoid dragging dirt into your apartment.
He rubs the back of his neck, continuing, “You — uh — well, you wouldn’t let go after I corralled you in here.” The hand fussing with the hair at his nape gestures vaguely around your bedroom, which he’s seeing in sunlight for the first time ever, not unlike the way he’s witnessing you.
Once again, you search for words and come up with none. 
There was no expectation of gratitude motivating his powerfully quiet act of kindness. Clearly, he didn’t expect to still be here while you napped off the lingering fog from the anesthesia. But he is here.
“I must have quite the grip when I’m high,” you manage to offer. 
A way to ask without truly asking: Why are you still here?
Chan snorts, then he shakes his head while he answers, “Nah, you moved like you were made of jelly. I just didn’t want you to cry again.”
Somewhere, a record scratches. Your eyes go wide, expression otherwise withheld to keep your shock and mortification to yourself. 
Vulnerability isn’t a thing you do. It took all you had to ask for his help in the first place. You’d rather drop dead on the ground than cry in front of anyone, let alone the person you keep at arm’s length and still sleep with on a recurring basis. Absolutely not. There’s no fucking way. 
“What?” You croak. Almost as embarrassing as the crying, your dried-out throat and the hoarseness of your voice leave your face burning. You clear your throat again. It doesn’t make a difference. “Why did I cry? Pain?”
Fuck, you hope so. You pray for some yet unknown, minor surgical complication that would justify this uncharacteristic crack in your armor. For some excuse you can lean on.
“Worms,” Chan chirps with a shrug, as if that explanation truly explains anything.
You balk. “I would never cry over seeing a worm. It didn’t even rain this week; there wouldn’t be any on the sidewalk.”
He clamps his lips together for a moment, like he’s steeling himself, trying not to laugh in your face. You appreciate the gesture, kind of. Rather, you would — if he had a better poker face. The one looking back at you instead looks fully endeared, which makes you more embarrassed than his laughter ever could.
“I ran into the pharmacy to grab your pain meds, and when I came back to the car, you were sobbing. I was freaking out, thinking you were hurt or something, but no.” His grin comes at full force. “You were scared that worms may not have best friends.”
Oh, my god.
“Oh, my god,” you groan, this time out-loud. Instinctively, you drop your burning cheeks into your hands, hissing in pain the second they settle. You jerk backwards, yelping, “Oh, my god.”
Proving his attentiveness in real time, Chan shifts closer quickly, like a starting gun has been fired. His hands encircle your wrist gently, prompting you to look at him. Once he has your attention, his eyes scan your face in search of visible injury. A triage of sorts. Worry evident, he checks in: “You good?”
Yes, and no.
Yes, your gums are especially sore now that you’ve put excess pressure on them; but no, there isn’t a mouthful of blood hiding behind your tightly pursed lips.
Yes, you feel safe and cared for with him here; but no, you’re not fucking used to it, and it’s making your blurry brain spin. 
How are you supposed to answer that question? You don’t even know which one he’s really asking. Before you say a word, you take inventory again.
What you have is Chan in your bedroom while the sun is still up, fully clothed and above the sheets. He’s here because when he tried to leave, he gave into your small act of subconscious resistance, too afraid of upsetting you. He stayed. He’d witnessed you cry about worms, and he stayed — perfectly still at your side long enough to fall asleep.
What you have is medication to deal with the pain you just exacerbated because Chan went out of his way to pick it up from the pharmacy.
What you have is heart palpitations, a different type of nerves blooming when you realize that dispelling his worry now will result in him taking his reactive touch away.
What you don’t have is the strength of will to lie to someone who looks at you the way Chan currently is, like he may not be able to breathe correctly unless and until he knows you’re okay.
“Yeah,” you eventually sigh. “I am. I’m good.”
In fact, you’re even better when he and his hands choose — once again — to stay.
pt. iii
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while likes are appreciated, comments/tags/reblogs with your thoughts are really what make my brain go brrrtt.
skz permanent taglist: @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sourkimchi @stayceebs97
multi permanent taglist: @jihopesjoint @bahng-chrizz, @notevenheretbh1
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
helloo could you do mcyt's (preferably tommy, tubbo, freddie, and max but you can add whoever else!!) having to take care of the reader because they got their wisdom teeth out and their all delusional and out of it from the drugs 😭😭 have a good day!
omg YES OF CORURSE !!!! ; this sis so cute also sorry if this is like dumb cause I've never gotten wisdom teeth removed but I have gotten a cavity removed if that counts idk ; also it's 1am and I've been working on a double wattpad special project all day and I'm just like brainrotted LMFAOOOO ; anyways I'm super happy to get that like worked on and also do these reqs cause irs been like over a month atp I'm sorry
MCYT ; wisdom teeth removal
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu & maxggs
warnings ; language, substances (laughing gas), me not really knowing how this works ig
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absolutely cackling everytime you speak
"I wanna listen to gay music, tom" you whine
"what is gay music?!??!"
offers to get you yogurt on the way home
"i know the soft pretzel addiction is tough, but they're too hard for you right now"
"what the fuck, mate"
you proceed to only say mate for an hour cause it doesn't sound like a real word anymore
pain in the ass
good for content!
his first video to reach 1m views in months LMAOOOO
has to get the whole crew in to help you
like whole crew as in harry, molly, tommy, and jack
"stand up in 1, 2, 3-"
you crash immediately to the floor
"i don't think that's standing"
"i don't think so either, harry"
literally loads you up on milkshakes
feels so bad about how you're complaining about being uncomfortable but he can't do anything so... suffer ig
he's just nodding along to the dumb shit you say
very embarrassing to be on the public bus though
everyone's quietly giggling trying to not laugh up a storm as you mumble about harry and something about vapes
you might as well be on crack
literally like teaching an infant how to walk
baby gloves are on, asks the dental surgeon what he needs to do and writes it down
constant hugs cause you ask for them every 3 seconds
actually laughing like hell when you say something weird/dumb
just hands you your earbuds and let's you play music if it helps the woozyness at all
"listen to megan with meeeee"
"okay, well I need an earbud, pal"
"oh, yeah"
takes a picture of your swollen mouth while you're taking a nap on his shoulder on the bus
"I'm convinced this is what raising a toddler is like"
"I'm a cool toddler though, right? cause I'm awesome and cool and awesome, right?"
you actually confuse him for tubbo and it was over (he was streaming w tubbo for tubbothon)
"okay, bye. get home safe-"
"mAx-" voice cracks are insane what
was worried that they performed surgery on your vocal chords while they had you out
nah your jaw wasn't used to being so strained for so long
loads you up with milkshakes and ice cream
you're mostly only getting around on his back cause you're too woozy
like taking care of a drunk person
"i have to change the towel-"
"what towel?"
"the towel in your mouth, y/n"
he's literally never laughed so much in his life
made a joke about being pro getting high on laughing gas
"whatever makes you happy, gang"
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
may I ask…you to go on about crocodile’s dentist office?? omg, oral surgeon crocodile?!? wisdom tooth removal?! screaming
Haaaa, yes you may 😳 Thing is, I don't write him without the hook/prosthetic hand - and that is tricky in that field. I personally know someone who suffered an amputation injury (idk if that's the correct translation, in German it's Amputationsverletzung, so simple lol) of two distal phalanges of the left hand and he can't practice anymore. He works for a dental implant company instead - that's why I mentioned Crocodile as a sort-of businessman in the tags of that Doffy/Law dentist shitpost. But....
tags: crack treated seriously, suspend your disbelief bc we're turning baroque works into a fucking dental mill in this jdfksjsk, using the german system bc it's all i know (regarding specialist training etc)
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He's a little... difficult. He may not be able to practice anymore but he didn't stomp this office out of the ground only to hand it to some greenhorn surgeon with a fresh-off-the-press certificate - after all, he still has the license. He still has that knowledge and experience - and he knows how valuable all of that is. No, he's smart about it: hires a capable team of dentists, oral and oms surgeons - and retains the status of 'boss', expands what he already has and pretty much doubles down on work, only this time around it's more behind the scenes. Oversees procedures, advises his employees, does a whole lot of paperwork (and tax evasion), keeps the place extremely well-running and profitable. His business strategy is to cover all dental fields with his operation, so people can have a one-stop shop for everything they could ever get done... orally. Robin is the newest addition to his little roundelay - she's an oral surgeon, yes, but she has just finished her training. She has learned an awful lot during those four years of postgraduate training, but she still lacks a lot of finesse that comes with age and experience. She's one Crocodile's top-earners and he hovers an awful lot - guiding her, monitoring her surgeries, trying to help her get better - and most importantly, faster. (If you were to ask Robin - it's almost stifling but she appreciates the effort) So when you come in, an uncomfortable case of denitio difficilis with one of your lower wisdom teeth terribly close to the inferior alveolar nerve, of course he'll hold his head right into your mouth next to Robin's. He's intimdating, that's for sure - you had expected the very clinical young woman with the prim hair and cool smile coming in on her own. But there he is, right next to her: taller than average, tired but observant eyes, dressed entirely in white scrubs, with a tilt of his head that just screams 'in charge'. One look at him and you just know he doesn't joke around. You can't glean if his presence means good or bad news - and you don't care, you're in too much pain. In the end, he does very little - him and Robin lord over you from up above, that clinical light shining around their heads like a halo while you sweat and cramp and shake on the chair, the bitter taste of anesthesia on your tongue and the cracking of your own bone in your ears. He mutters instructions to her while she performs a coronectomy on you, holds your tongue to the side with the surgical hook, tells you to 'open' and not much more. It isn't easy - the anesthesia doesn't work well due to the inflammation in the area and the pain mixed with your own anxiety has you crying fat tears while the two labor - but you somehow survive it. Robin delicately weaves her stitches into your flesh and crinkles her eyes at your perseverance, just a tad out of breath. Crocodile leaves the second she's tied her last knot, not even telling you goodbye - you pay him no mind, you're just glad you're finally done with this torture. All that's left is to get the time slot for a follow-up appointment. You shuffle back to the front desk, to the skittish man sitting behind a computer, and slur out your request, tongue still numb and jaw sore. He pulls up your digital file - and almost falls off his chair. You don't quite understand what the ruckus is all about until he tells you you're no longer Robin's patient, at least not when it comes to consultations, that you'll be seeing the boss himself next time around. (And a few days later you get to brave the presence of Crocodile all on your own while he takes a long and proper look at the state of your wound.)
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Need Oral Surgery in Brooklyn? Don't Stress, We Got This!
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So, you're facing some serious dental work. Are wisdom teeth acting up? Are Dental Implants on the horizon? Deep breath, It can feel overwhelming, but finding the right oral surgeon is KEY. Let's break down how to choose the BEST one for you in Brooklyn:
We break down the key factors to consider in our latest blog post. Read more here:
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1. Know What You Need:
Figure out exactly what procedure you're looking at. Wisdom teeth removal? Implants? Something else?
This helps you find a specialist who's a pro at precisely what you need.
2. Qualifications Matter:
Oral surgery is no joke! Go for a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
Check out their experience and any extra certifications they have.
Dr. Anton Moskalenko at Parkside Dental NY has over 18 years of experience and specializes in implants and jaw surgery.
3. Location, Location, Location:
Brooklyn is HUGE. Find a surgeon whose office is easy to get to, especially if you'll need multiple visits.
4. Check Those Reviews:
What are other patients saying? Google, Yelp, Healthgrades... do your research!
Look for comments about the surgeon's communication style and how comfortable people felt.
5. Vibe Check:
Seriously, the office atmosphere matters! You want to feel relaxed, especially for surgery.
Clean office? Friendly staff? Calming music? All good signs!
6. Communication is Key:
Your surgeon should LISTEN to you and explain everything clearly.
You should feel comfortable asking questions and raising any concerns.
7. Money Talks:
Oral surgery can get pricey. Make sure they accept your insurance or have payment plans.
Parkside Dental gets it – they offer flexible options so you can get the care you need.
8. Emergencies Happen:
Ask about their emergency care protocol. It's good to know you're covered if something unexpected happens.
9. Second Opinions are OK:
Get a second opinion if you're unsure or facing a complex procedure. No shame in that!
Need an oral surgeon in Brooklyn?
Dr. Moskalenko and the Parkside Dental team are here to help. They offer everything from wisdom teeth removal to jaw surgery and ensure you're comfortable every step of the way.
Don't wait for a dental emergency! Schedule your checkup today!
Remember: A healthy smile is worth it. Take care of those pearly whites!
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why-what-no · 2 years
Morpheus Headcanons: Bad Sleeping Habits, Wisdom Teeth, & Car Accident
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Pairing: Morpheus x Reader
Warnings: Car Accident, Anesthesia, Bad Sleep Schedules
Notes: Get Some Sleep, Wear Your Seatbelt, And Make Sure To Film Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Under Anesthesia And Send Me The Video For My Entertainment (Joking)
Requested by: @cocomashy @northmansvamp & “” On Wattpad
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Morpheus's Lover Having Bad Sleep Habits:
He first noticed that your sleep schedule was messed up whenever he would wait for you to arrive in the dreaming while you slept
 But you never arrived at a time that he expected, always showing up at the most irregular and late times
He decided to do his own investigation, timing your visits and when you were sleeping.
As the literal King of Dreams, Morpheus knew exactly how much sleep was healthy for people to have. And he know that the amount that you got wasn't nearly enough.
Hinting his worry didn't work when he next saw you, so he had to resort to speaking to you plainly. Telling you that you needed more sleep
You tried to brush off his worry, but he refused to budge. All he wanted was for you to be healthy, knowing what sleep deprivation can do to the mind
He won't let it go, and you'll definitely have to improve your sleep schedule if you want him to stop stressing about it.
There will be an entire plan made by Morpheus, giving you advice on how to sleep better, how to have healthy amounts of sleep
He'll try and remove and distractions or stressors that might keep you awake.
If you have a project due, he'll get someone to deal with it. If something in your life went wrong, he'll make it right.
Anything as long as you're taking care of yourself (and the fact that it means you spend more time with him in the Dreaming makes him happy as well)
Morpheus's Lover Getting Their Wisdom Teeth Removed:
Morpheus can't believe how messed up the human body is. Growing teeth that you have to pull out because they're bad for you? He can't imagine the purpose for that
He didn't like the idea of the dental surgery at first. Anything involving you getting hurt made him extra cautious, even if you were under anesthesia
Of course he would go with you, side eyeing the dentist to make sure he didn't do anything bad. Keeping an eye on you to make sure you were safe while drugged
Although he wouldn't admit it, it was deeply amusing to see you all loopy. Saying things that you wouldn't usually say when you were in your right mind
Matthew had jokingly suggested that he filmed you like that, but Morpheus refused. Wanting you to keep your dignity.
But he did regret not documenting what you said, especially since it was so loving toward him. Telling him how much you loved him at how attractive you are.
"Like, how are you so hot?" You'd say, stumbling as you grabbed his arm. "Like, how...?"
He'd just chuckle and shrug at your words, secretly feeling extremely flattered.
When you were done, more or less passed out with your wisdom teeth out, he'd carry you back to the dreaming. Laying you in bed, making sure that you had everything you needed to get through your post-surgery safely
Morpheus's Lover Getting Into A Car Accident:
The one time, the one time that Morpheus wasn't carefully keeping an eye on you whenever you're separated from him, of course something bad would happen
Of course a car would come out of nowhere on the street and slam into yours.
And to his horror, he only really learned about it once you were already on your way to the hospital.
Hating himself for not looking after you properly, for taking his eye off you and letting it happen
It doesn't matter what you tell him when he comes to find you in the hospital, that you let him know it wasn't his fault and that accidents happen. He is still going to blame himself
Morpheus considered tormenting the driver that hurt you, but you talked him out of it. After all, all those guilty nightmares that he knew the driver would have was punishment enough according to you
And he listened, simply transporting you to the Dreaming where one of his subjects could look after you instead of a doctor that he didn't know or trust
Barely leaving your side while you healed, Morpheus vowed to make sure not to slip up again. The realization that you might have died during that accident filled him with fear.
So don't be surprised if there is a raven following you the next time you're in the Waking. Morpheus making sure that you're safe through the bird's eyes
Making sure that nothing like that accident will ever happen to you again.
And you wouldn't admit it, but you did feel so much safer knowing that your powerful partner was going to make sure you were alright.
Safe, and also loved
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93 @witchthewriter @dangerousdreamkitty @endlessly-entertaining @stygianoir @minetticatinwonderland @fangirlmary @absbdbshhs @kiki13522
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thegirl20 · 3 years
WFF Prompt #19 - Owl
From @bamf-jaskier‘s list of prompts.  
All filled prompts are on AO3.
"Where're we going?"
Tissaia glances away from the road briefly to look at her passenger. Yennefer has her forehead pressed to the window, looking at the passing scenery. Which, given they've just left a dental surgery in the middle of town, isn't all that attractive. She reaches over to stroke her back.
"We're going home, darling."
Yennefer slowly turns in the seat so that she's facing Tissaia. Another glance to the side reveals a creased forehead and large, awe-filled eyes. Tissaia braces herself for whatever's to come next.
"I live with you?" Yennefer whispers.
Unable to contain the laugh that erupts, Tissaia shakes her head. She takes Yennefer's left hand in her own and turns them so their rings are both visible. "We live together, Yennefer. As most married people do."
"Who are we married to?"
"Each other, dear," Tissaia says, grateful for the traffic light so she can wipe away the tears of mirth.
"I'm married to you?" Yennefer shakes her head, slumping in the seat. "I can't believe I have a gorgeous wife and nobody told me! Why didn't you tell me?" she demands.
"You knew, Yen," Tissaia says. "You've just temporarily forgotten because of all the drugs in your system. They're making you a little confused."
"I took drugs?" Yennefer is clearly aghast. "Why?"
"You didn't take drugs," Tissaia assures her. "They were administered before you got your wisdom teeth removed earlier this afternoon."
"Oh, good." Yennefer pokes her cheek with a finger. "I can't feel my face. Is it still there?"
"It's still there," Tissaia says. "Still beautiful."
"Awwwww." Yennefer grins as much as the swelling and cotton wool packed into her cheeks will allow. "I thought it was maybe like that song. I can't feel my face when I'm with you…but I love it!"
Tissaia sighs. "No, it's not caused by proximity to me. Just the drugs."
"S'good," Yennefer says. "I like feeling my face."
"Yes, it's quite useful," Tissaia agrees, looking both ways at a busy junction.
"I know a joke," Yennefer says. "Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"An owl."
"An owl who?"
"Just an owl," Yennefer says, waving a hand dismissively like Tissaia has completely missed the point of the joke.
"I'm not sure that's how it goes," Tissaia says. "I think it's…Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"An owl!"
Tissaia shakes her head, resting a hand on Yennefer's thigh. "Yes, darling. An owl."
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androgynousberry · 4 years
Wisdom Tooth Surgery (Part 3)
12 Jan: Removal of the left upper and lower wisdom teeth
I wasn’t so frightened of this one as I was with my previous. Perhaps it was because I was psychologically prepared, and knew I was going to be in for. 
Or so I thought. 
Things didn’t quite start off so well though. The torrential rain in Singapore caused a few traffic accidents on the road that I didn’t foresee. Dr Hong had very kindly scheduled me to be his first patient as he was doing walk-ins that day, so I didn’t have to wait so long, but the heavy traffic caused me to arrive late. JY was driving me, and I had to sheepishly text Dr Hong before that, and ask that he see other patients prior to my arrival. Upon my arrival, the receptionist told me off for being late, but I was really fortunate that Dr Hong was kind enough to see me still.  
After the usual signing of T&Cs, I informed Dr Hong that I was on my period, and to see if he could provide me with a different cocktail of medications. (This doesn’t seem important, but apparently plays a role later). After we worked out the different medications to consume, the surgery began. Like how it previously was during my first surgery, it went without a hitch. As usual, Dr Hong’s gentle, non-threatening presence was a huge help, since moments when the needle was piercing the gum were still flinch-worthy. 
“We’re done now! Just going to unwrap you and be careful, the light’s quite bright,” Dr Hong coaxed, as I felt the tugging and loosing of cloth over my eyes. “You can come over here and have a look at the tooth if you really want to see it,” he continued, turning away from me and back to his table.  
Groggily, I opened my eyes. The world seemed more sepia-coloured than usual, and the room seemed to swim. Pulling myself into a sitting position, I lamented my decision almost instantly. I was sure I was sitting upright, but the world seemed to be tilted somehow. I remember burying my face in my hands, willing the world to right itself. All of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “You alright?” a voice asked. It was Dr Hong. “Yea, I’m very dizzy,” I muttered. “Take your time yea? Don’t worry” he replied. I remember nodding, and glancing to my right. The tray of tools - the ones that plagued my dreams were there, neatly packed. Light glinted off the metallic bodies. They were rolling... very quickly, towards the left. Why... what’s happening... I tried to think, my brain clouded by my own confusion. 
All of a sudden, I felt a firm hand grab my forearm. I remember what seemed like a few seconds. “I’m okay,” I uttered on instinct, even if I wasn’t okay. I remember hearing the shuffling of feet as the room seemed to move into action around me. One moment, I was sitting up, the next, I felt like I was being pushed backwards on to a chair. I struggled to open my eyes, but they felt glued together. “Don’t worry, it’s okay, “ I heard Dr Hong’s voice. It cut through my fog of confusion like a hot knife through butter. I opened my eyes, and found 3 worried faces gazing down at me. “Vasovagal syncope,” I heard someone say. “Momentary blackout... fainted... “ I heard other voices say. I could only remember feeling very cold, but perspiring. And I remember myself gasping for air. 
The next few moments felt like a dream. Not because it was perfect or ideal, but because I can’t seem to recall them with much clarity. I recall him elevating the dental chair, I remember nurses and other doctors (?) bustling in and out. I heard Dr Hong calling for a female nurse, and I remember him commenting about the lack of a fan in the room. I also remember making an awful joke about how adding a few additional fans meant that he’d be surrounded by his fans in the future, which got a dry laugh. I remember Dr Hong telling me that he’s almost fainted himself in the past from standing too long, and that he’s seen many types of patients, included those who have cried and screamed in his room. I admitted that things sometimes get complicated during that time of the month, and it was a particularly heavy day. He asked if I had plans to see the ob/gyn, but when I hesitated and said I wasn’t sure if that was necessary, he mentioned that he understood. He shared that it was worrying that I’d faint from this, because he had seen patients faint in dangerous situations and end up with fractured noses and jaws. 
Then I remember being ushered out of the surgery area into another nurse’s room. I remember the nurses hoisting me by one arm each and Dr Hong grabbing my hand so that I didn’t topple over. On hindsight, I couldn’t have been more grateful to all 3 of them. I wish I knew the nurses’ names, but I only managed to get one (Thank you, Staff Nurse Cuilan!). I was incredibly embarrassed by the commotion I caused, but eternally grateful they were there to catch me and ensure I was safe. 
A little more lucid now, I recall all 3 asking me to pick between the bed or the chair, and I can’t quite recall my answer; something along the lines of going with the bed because I could decide whether I wanted to sit or lie down. I seem to remember Dr Hong asking me to move back to the chair because there was a lower risk of falling, and asking me to lie down. I remember a warm blanket or towel. I also remember Dr Hong asking whether I wanted a sweet drink, to which I turned down as I didn’t think I needed it. Dr Hong left me in the nurses care, as he had to return back to the clinic. 
JY came in shortly after. He had missed all of this, but bless the nurses who went to get him from the waiting room. He suspected something had happened, given that I had taken a very long time. In between offering me water, and heading out to make payment (using my card xP), I lay on the bed, staring at the tiles on the ceiling. I couldn’t believe that this entire sequence of events had happened. It was disconcerting at best and life-threatening at worst. When I eventually left the hospital, I knew that even if things hadn’t gone according to how I hoped, and that even if I wasn’t lucid about a lot of it, one thing remained the same - my dentophobia had been cured. 
And I had the team of surgeons and nurses at NUCOHS to thank for it. 
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losingmymindtonight · 5 years
Trope: Sleepy
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There were a lot of perks that came with being a billionaire, but the ones Tony Stark ended up appreciating the most were nearly always the things other people wouldn’t even consider.
Sure, he liked being able to leave large tips on small checks. He liked being able to buy clothes without checking the price tag. He liked knowing that no matter what college Peter chose, the tuition wouldn’t be an issue.
But the thing that he was grateful for now was the fact that since the MedBay was his, and because he employed everyone in it, he got a lot more leeway that he would’ve in a general hospital.
For one, he’d been able to hire the best pediatric dental surgeon in the country to do Peter’s wisdom teeth surgery. He’d also been able to demand that Helen Cho worked beside him. She was partly there to advise him on Peter’s enhancements, and partly there because there were very few people Tony trusted with Peter’s safety, and she was one of them.
He was also allowed to stay right beside Peter as they prepped him for the surgery, and had Helen’s distinct promise that she’d fetch him the second they were done. He could’ve stayed for the whole procedure, even, but Peter had scrunched up his face at the suggestion, murmured a lazy ew, and made Helen promise to kick Tony out before they started.
Now, though, as Cho and the anesthesiologist bustled around his hospital bed, Tony could see that the kid was shamelessly grateful for his steady presence at his side.
“Are you even sure I need the IV?” Peter asked, eyes darting between the elastic tourniquet the anesthesiologist was fastening around his bicep and the needle on the tray beside her. “Can’t you just, I don’t know, wack me over the head?”
Tony snorted. “You’ve got a thick head, kid. Wouldn’t work.”
Cho joined in his amusement, patting Peter’s other arm gently. “It’ll be alright, Peter. I even brought out the numbing cream we usually use with little kids. You don’t feel a thing.”
Peter cringed away when he saw the anesthesiologist prep the needle, and Tony gently tipped his chin up and away, forcing the kid’s gaze onto his face rather than the imminent poke to the back of his hand.
“Why is it,” Peter murmured, “that the older we get, the more pain people think we’re cool to tolerate? Like, shouldn’t everyone get the numbing cream? Is suffering, like, a right of passage or something? I don’t get it.”
“Hm.” Tony entertained the rambling partly because he adored the kid, and partly because it was a fantastic distraction. “You make a solid argument, squirt. Maybe you should grow up and be a doctor like Cho, here.”
“Technically, Tony, I’m a geneticist.”
“You’re also a doctor.”
“In my spare time.”
Peter gave her a lopsided smile, Tony’s hand still pressed against the side of his face. “Well, I think you’re a great doctor.”
Cho smiled back. “That’s just because I stitch you back together again after you’ve done doing something foolhardy.”
“Isn’t that a valid reason?”
“All done!” The anesthesiologist declared, taping down the kid’s cannula. “Everyone ready to get started?”
Peter started twitching nervously. Even when Tony let go of his chin, his eyes stayed locked on his face. “I, uh, this is gonna suck, right?”
“No,” he reassured, keeping his voice calm despite his own nervousness. “You heal quickly, and I made opioids that work on you for a reason. You’ll be fine.”
“It’s a very easy procedure, son.” Tony bristled at the way the dental surgeon (Doctor Rhine, maybe? He hadn’t really been paying much attention during the introductions) addressed the kid, despite knowing that it was all done in kindness. “And you won’t remember a bit of it.”
Tony shifted a little, trying to relieve some of the stress on his back from perching awkwardly on the edge of the kid’s bed. Peter’s IV-free hand shot out and latched around his wrist.
“Wait, don’t go,” he was blushing, but didn’t let go, “not, uh, not yet. Please?”
“Easy, I’m not leaving until you’re too drugged to notice.” He patted the kid’s shoulder gently. “We talked about this, remember?”
Slowly, Peter’s grip eased. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“Hey, no apologies. Just relax.”
“Alright,” Cho gave the anesthesiologist a quick nod, “you ready, Tony?”
“Mhm.” He cupped the side of Peter’s neck, firm and steadying. Part of him wanted to crack a joke about filming the kid and uploading it to YouTube later, but he held back. He knew the kid was nervous about the whole thing, and he doubted it’d help. Instead, he just swiped a thumb over his cheek and smiled encouragingly. “Hey, what’d you do on patrol last night?”
“Um, I stopped a robbery on 77th. Then I helped out with a fender bender a few blocks down. On 150th, I think? ‘N then I went to, uh, to, uh... to Delmar’s.” Peter blinked rapidly. “Whoa.”
“Strong, isn’t it?” Cho touched the small of Tony’s back, out of view of Peter. A barely-there reassurance.
“Yeah. Whoa.” The kid’s eyes wandered up to meet his. “Mis’er Stark?”
“Hey, buddy. You’re alright, just let the drugs to their thing.”
He brushed his fingers through the kid’s bangs softly as he dozed off, heart warming at the fact that he never once looked away from Tony’s face, even as his gaze got glassy and unfocused.
“You can go now, Tony.” Cho patted his arm. “He won’t remember any of this.”
“Yeah, of course.” He made sure Peter’s head wouldn’t roll uncomfortably when he relinquished his hold on his face, then rubbed his cheek to catch his admittedly drowsy attention. “Hey, kid. I’m gonna let them do their thing. You alright if I go for a bit? I’ll be right back as soon as they’re done. You won’t even notice I left.”
Peter just let his eyelids droop shut. “M’kay.”
“Good boy.” He didn’t know why the kid’s easy acceptance of him leaving made him feel just the tiniest hint of rejection. After all, the whole point of the drugs were to chill him out. Tony had helped design them with that in mind. But... still. A part of him wanted the kid to ask him to stay. “I’ll see you in a bit, alright?”
He didn’t get a response. Peter's eyes were closed, breaths deep and slow.
“He’ll probably just nap now.” Cho pulled him away and pushed him towards the door. “Go on, Tony. The sooner we can start, the sooner you can help him wake up.”
Back in the waiting room, he found himself envying the kid the drugs. He’d have given just about anything to get to check out during the hour and a bit he spent loitering in the halls. He drank three cups of coffee, ate a bagel, counted every ceiling and floor tile in sight. All the while, he had to force himself to studiously ignore the fact that just a few rooms away, someone was pulling his kid’s teeth out of his skull.
And, okay, logically he knew he was being a drama queen. Peter was fine. Wisdom teeth extractions were, like, the most mundane procedure of all time. Nearly everyone had it. Hell, he had had it, far enough back that Jarvis, the human Jarvis, had been the one taking care of him in the aftermath. He knew that his parents must’ve been alive, but they hadn’t been there. He remembered that, even through the haze of painkillers.
Peter wouldn’t experience that, at least. He’d come back to himself with Tony at his side, and it would only be a few hours before May arrived. Peter had adamantly declared that he’d rather have her see him once he was fully conscious and recovered, and nobody had argued with him.
Tony felt a little touched that the kid had been fine with him seeing him drugged off his ass. Then again, they’d been through this kind of thing before, with countless broken bones and gushing lacerations, courtesy of reckless patrols.
The doors to Peter’s room opened, and Cho and the dental surgeon walked out. Cho was already giving him a thumbs up before she’d fully emerged, aware of his tendency to work himself up during waits.
Bless her.
“All good, Tony.” She smiled, coming to a stop in front of him. “Textbook surgery, not a single complication. Two of them were impacted, which we already knew, but they weren’t difficult to remove once we got in there. He was perfect, too. A real trooper.”
“So he’s alright?” He felt a little ridiculous for needing the extra reassurance, but not ridiculous enough to avoid asking. “You’re sure?”
Doctor Rhine (Tony decided he was sticking with it) glanced at Cho briefly before nodding. “As Doctor Cho said before, Mister Stark, he’s perfectly alright. A little out of it, but nothing you wouldn’t expect after a wisdom tooth extraction.”
“He slept through most of it, which is what I was hoping for,” Cho added. “He woke up a little near the end, when we were inserting the gauze.” She grinned. “He asked for you.”
His heart clenched. “Was he upset I left?”
“No, no. He wasn’t distressed. He just asked where you went, and then said he wanted you to come back.” She nodded behind her, in the general direction of the kid’s room. “And on that note: you’re welcome to go grant him his wish. Just because we’re not sure how his system is going to react to the painkillers you synthesized, I’d like to keep him in there for his first dose. As long as he doesn’t have a reaction to that, we’ll just wait until he’s awake enough to head up to the penthouse. There’s a nurse in with him now, but you’re welcome to take over.”
The idea of Peter asking for him soothed the piece of him that was still chafing over the kid’s easy acceptance of him leaving earlier.
“Yeah, right.” He made a beeline for Peter’s door, barely pausing to turn back. “Thanks, Helen. Thanks, Rhine.”
He hoped he got the man’s name right.
If not, whoops.
The kid was exactly where he’d left him, although someone had removed most of the monitors and other equipment. The IV was still in the back of his hand, probably for easy administration of pain meds later, but nothing was attached to it. He looked asleep, face peaceful and eyelashes brushing his cheeks. A curly-haired nurse was standing at the kid’s shoulder, talking to him gently. She looked up when Tony stepped in, smiling.
“Hey, sweetheart, look. Dad’s here. See? I told you he was on his way.”
He thought about correcting her, then didn’t bother. He kept most of the details about Peter confidential, even from the medical staff, but he knew that they extrapolated, made assumptions. He didn’t even blame them. It was just human nature.
It would take to long to explain the truth at this point. And right now, he just wanted his kid.
“Hey, Pete.” He kept his voice hushed, setting his palm over the kid’s forehead in greeting. “How’re you feeling?”
Peter’s head lolled slightly in his direct, lazy smile forming around the cotton in his mouth even as his eyes stayed shut. “Mis’er S’rk.”
“That’s me.” He glanced up to the nurse, who was watching him with a knowing smile. “How’s he doing?”
“Perfectly.” She matched his quiet volume, and he made a mental note to give her a raise. “He’s been waking up a little these past few minutes. He tried to sit up a few times, which went about as well as you can imagine. He should settle down now that you’re here, though. Most kids do once their parents are in the room.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth around the gauze lazily, eyes cracking open just a sliver. “Di’ you leave me?”
Tony forced himself not to flinch. Man, this kid really knew his soft spot.
“Just for a bit, squirt.” He used his sleeve to wipe a bit of drool off of Peter’s chin, careful not to jostle his jaw. “They had to do the surgery. I was right outside, though.”
Peter’s face scrunched up in thought. “I… I don’ remember that.”
“Good.” It was good, too. He’d been having nightmares about the kid remembering the surgery for weeks. Sure, it wasn’t the same as having a metal reactor screwed into your chest, but Tony’s brain didn’t make the distinction. “You’re not supposed to.”
“W’s I sleepin’?”
“Kinda, yeah.”
Peter hummed in response, turning his face into the palm Tony pressed against his cheek.
The nurse nudged his arm to catch his attention. Man, he’d forgotten she was even there.
“I’ll step out, now. Doctor Cho’ll be back in a bit to check on him and see if he’s ready for some pain relief. Don’t be concerned if he falls back asleep, that’s very normal. Most kids are happy to nap once they realize that they’re with someone they trust.” She paused. “If you need to leave to do anything else, just hit the call button and I can sit with him for you.”
“No, I’ll stay. But thank you.”
“Of course.”
Once they were alone, he hopped up onto the bed, tapping Peter’s ear until he recognized the change of positions and started a series of clumsy attempts at octopusing his way into Tony’s arms. He helped him along, eventually settling the kid against his chest. He rubbed soothing circles over Peter’s back as he grew loose and heavy against him.
He was glad that the bed had already been raised into a semi-reclining position, because he wouldn’t have been able to fumble with the controls and also keep cradling his armful of limp teenager. After a little shifting, he found himself decently comfortable, and settled in for the long haul.
Cho came in about a half an hour later, took one look at his position, and started laughing quietly into her sleeve.
“Yeah, yeah,” he massaged the back of Peter’s neck as an apology for the noise, although the kid slept on, oblivious, “we’re very cute. Just take the picture for blackmail and move on.”
“I would never.” To be fair, he believed her. “Has he been sleeping since you came in?”
“He was awake at first, but then he conked right out on me. Nurse said that was normal.”
“It is. He’s still got the sedation in his system, and his body is probably trying to heal.” She moved to their bedside, checked Peter’s pulse on his wrist. “Do you think you could get him to wake up for me? I want to see how coherent he is, and ask if he’s in any pain.”
“Yeah, sure.” He shook Peter’s shoulder. “Hey, Pete. Wake up, buddy.”
“Hm.” The kid’s brow furrowed in displeasure. “Don’ wanna.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I know. Just for a bit though, squirt. Cho wants to talk to you.”
“Hey there, Peter.” Cho bent to look at his face. “How are you feeling?”
The kid dragged his eyelids open, blinking rapidly to try to orient himself. “Tired.”
“Are you in any pain?”
“Hm. Yeah. Ow.” Peter fumbled up a hand to poke at his cheek, but Tony caught it before he could. “Ow. M’ face hurts.”
Tony’s gaze snapped to Cho, and she was waving off his concern before he could even voice it. “Relax, Tony. The sedation is pretty limited in the analgesic department, and I guessed he’d go through the lidocaine quickly.” She held up a syringe. “I came prepared.”
He let out a genuine sigh of relief. There was nothing he hated more than Peter in pain. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” She injected the painkillers into Peter’s IV port. “The pain should be better in a second, Peter. You just keep cuddling with Tony.”
“Oi,” he glared, “we’re not cuddling.”
“Looks like cuddling to me.”
“Well, it isn’t.”
“What is it, then?”
“It’s... physical reassurance.”
“It’s cuddling.”
“Shut up.”
She laughed, turning her attention back to the kid. “Do you feel better now, Peter?”
“Mhm. Does Mis’er Stark have t’ leave now?”
“No, buddy,” Tony rubbed his back, “Mister Stark’s staying right here.”
“F’r the surgery?”
“You already had the surgery, kiddie. You’re all done.”
“Oh. Di’ I do good?”
“So good. A model patient, I hear.”
Cho walked towards the door with a smile on her lips, waving goodbye before slipping out silently.
“Mis’er Stark?” 
Peter blinked up at him heavily, little grin on his face. Some of the gauze had come loose, and Tony pushed it back into place carefully. Once he was done, he smoothed a few curls away from the kid’s forehead, soft grin coming unbidden. “Yes, Mister Parker?”
“D’you... D’you know h’w much I love you?”
His heart stilled. No, seriously, he swore he could feel it falter.
“No, bud.” The words felt numb in his mouth. “I... I guess I don’t.”
Do you love me? He thought. Do you really? Do I even deserve that?
“I... I love you... uh...” He watched Peter struggle for a unit that made sense, and some of his shock was swept away by the wildfire of his own love raging through every inch of his chest. “I love you ‘s far ‘s I c’n reach.”
There were times when Tony was struck by how young Peter was, how much the kid was still very much immersed in childhood, even if he liked to play at being an adult. This was one of those times, and it hit him out of nowhere with the full force of a speeding train.
He hugged him closer, voice rough. “I’m taller than you, kid. I can reach higher.”
“‘S not a... a compe-competi-comp’tition.”
Tony physically held back the laugh that rose at Peter’s absolute butchering of competition. “Of course it’s not,” he soothed.
Peter seemed to ignore his own declaration, trying at another clumsy metaphor before Tony could even finish. “I-I love you ‘s high ‘s Spider-Man c’n climb, Mis’er Stark. ‘S... ‘S really high, y’know.”
Peter’s head slipped forward a little as he spoke, so Tony gently repositioned him so it was resting on his collarbone and brushed the bangs out of the kid’s face. “The suit can go to space, kiddo. Got you there again.”
If he was being honest, he’d expected the kid to have lost his train of thought long before now, but he was determined, it seemed. “I love you to... to...” He blinked slowly. “Love you to... Antarctica. ‘N the North Pole.”
“The South Pole’s in Antarctica, kid.” The whole conversation was ridiculous, and it was making him feel gushy and gross, but in a way that was actually kind of nice. “Santa’s on the other side of the world.”
“‘S... ‘S not.”
He smirked at the kid’s drowsy stubbornness. “Australia’s farther than Antarctica. So I win once again.”
Peter twisted himself so he could slide further down Tony’s chest and gaze up at his face. He rushed to support him.
The kid shot him a dopey grin. “‘M gonna win. I got one.”
Tony ran a finger over his temple, right along the hairline. “Oh?”
“Mhm.” Peter’s eyes closed, then opened. His stubborn determination to finish their little game seemed to be just about the only thing keeping him conscious. “I love you t’ the Kuiper Belt ‘n back.”
If this went on for any longer, Tony was going to end up crying.
“Well,” he swallowed back a wave of emotion, “that is a really long way, huh?”
“Mhm. I win. D’... D’d I win?”
Tony dropped his voice to a whisper, smiled softly. Screw his reputation. It’s not like anyone could see this, anyway. “Yeah, buddy. You won.”
Peter seemed contented by the words, and Tony waited for the kid to relax against him before dropping his forehead against the crown of his head and letting the final layers of his armor shed, leaving him exposed and vulnerable and frighteningly adoring.
“You know, kiddo,” he breathed slowly, fully aware that this was the cheesiest thing he’d ever done and not caring in the slightest, “I love you to the edge of the universe and back. And just for reference, there is no end of the universe.” He shifted his precious bundle closer to his chest. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anybody.”
Peter stretched, fingers tangling in the hem of his shirt and voice barely audible. “Mm. M’kay. You win.”
He’d expected to be more horrified that the kid had heard him. Instead, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction, like he’d just fulfilled an innate need without even recognizing it. 
“You know,” he whispered, “I hope you remember this.”
“‘Course I will,” Peter mumbled back, “‘M... ‘M Spider-Man. Spider-Man ‘members important stuff.”
He chuckled. “Yeah? Well, good. ‘Cause this is very important.”
And so are you, he thought, smiling like the world was in his arms.
(And, in a way, it was.)
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butwhyduh · 6 years
I am a sucker for some peter Parker or Tom Holland getting his wisdom teeth out, and he’s all funky and wonky and clingy on y/n cause he wuvs her and accidentally confesses his love for the reader, and she’s just blushing and nervously laughing. And then showed him the video she took of him confessing a week later and he was like “uhhh. Well- uh” but not denying it and then just fluff and ughhhh. If that’s too much- just ignore lil ol me request lol
I’ll do write about Peter with Stark!reader
Peter had to have dental work but he was nervous. May was nervous too. No one knew how his body would react to pain medicine and the wisdom teeth being removed. So your dad, Tony Stark, flew in the best dentist money can find.
So a week later Peter and May were in a very well stocked bedroom at Stark tower. Tony had placed everything that he had gathered from a frantic call to Harley Keener on popular things with teenager boys. May had brought things peter had found comforting at one point or another including a very old stuffed aardvark.
Tony had also taken super precautions and had invited Thor to stayed the night. Thor has taken it as a great honor and had to be persuaded to not bring the barrel of Asgardian mead for afterwards that he had packed. He didn’t understand human laws but did understand that he might need to restrain a superhuman teenager on pain medicine.
“You got enough clothes for 2 whole days,” you teased. May had packed enough for weeks.
“Yeah, I think so,” Peter smiled with his hands on the bag. May have him a look before smiling. “What time am I getting my teeth removed?”
“In an hour. So relax with Y/n but no food or drink. I’m going to talk to Happy,” May said before leaving the room.
“They are super dating,” you said laying on the bed. Peter glared at you.
“Ugh. Don’t say awful things like that,” he said flopping beside you. Your heart clenched at his nearness. You had a huge crush but were too scared to say anything. “You’ll be there when I wake up?”
“Yeah of course. I mean, I live here,” you said pushing his shoulder. He looked mock offended.
“Be nice. I’m going to be getting my teeth out. I am delicate,” he joked.
“Peter Parker, you are Spider-Man. I could hit you as hard as I can and not hurt you,” you said. He laughed.
“My feelings.”
“What. A. Nerd,” you said. You two talked and it felt like no time at all that May was saying for Peter to get ready. You gave him a soft hug before leaving the room. You sat in the hallway next to the room where he was getting his teeth removed. 2 of his wisdom teeth were growing in sideways and was giving him frequent headaches.
“You okay,” May asked sitting in a chair next to you.
“I’m good. Nervous,” you said. May nodded.
“Yeah. He’ll be fine.” She sat with her hands in her lap and waited. A worn paperback book lay beside her on a chair. “Can’t really read,” May said smiling weakly.
A while later Tony came out of the room. “He’s fine. Everything went great. Took more pain meds than a large horse but that’s what we expected. Not sure exactly when he’ll wake up but he’s got 2 less teeth.”
May relaxed visibly. “Great. That’s great,” she said.
“Can we see him?” You asked.
“Only if Thor is in the room. If he starts acting weird, you’ll have to leave,” Tony warned.
You hurried in the room as May and Tony talked. Peter lay asleep in a bed. An IV was in his arm. He slowly breathed and had puffy cheeks. Thor sat in the corner and smiled before going back to his magazine. You took a chair next to the bed. Peter looked so peaceful. His hair curled and a small piece fell on his forehead.
You reached over and moved it back. Peter stirred slightly. A minute later he opened his eyes and immediately closed them again. He started moving a bit and Thor put down his magazine.
“Hmmm,” Peter said before opening his eyes and leaning his head up.
“Hey,” you said. Peter didn’t react and leaned his head back to fall asleep. You giggled a little. He opened his eyes and began talking but nothing made any sense.
“And Mr Harrington said it was due Friday but it was- it was Monday and I forgot. My goggles,” he said waving his arms around. You laughed and Thor smiled.
“Hey Peter. You awake?” You asked. Peter looked at you funny before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He tried to stand up but his legs wobbled. You caught his weight and Thor placed him back on the bed.
“Are they going to do it yet?” He asked groggily. “The surgery?”
“They’ve already done it,” you said.
“I’m in love. This girl- she don’t know. But.. I love her,” Peter said to no one in particular. You looked at him in surprise. Who does he love? It would be crazy if it was you. Peter suddenly caressed the side of your face. You jumped slightly at the sudden movement.
“She’s so pretty. She’s got.. cheeks and a nose. And 2 eyes,” he said. You smiled a little but wanted him to say who. “Her hair,” Peter said petting your hair. “Like this,” he gasped suddenly. “I love Y/n. You know you look like her?”
Your face flushed and you heard Thor snicker a little. Peter stared at your face in adoration. “Y/n! I love you,” he sang. Peter pressed his face into your chest before whimpering and pulling away. He held his swollen cheek and pouted.
May walked in with Tony. “How is he?”
“He’s declares his love for Stark’s daughter,” Thor announced. May laughed and Tony scowled.
“Alright, kid. Time to go,” Tony said shooing you from the room. But that didn’t stop you from having the biggest smile.
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besnouted · 5 years
@charmander omg no dont apologize, its fine!! i feel EXACTLY the same way and whats funny is youll hear people make jokes about british people having Crooked Teeth which is like...ok if by Crooked you mean, natural teeth that werent painfully brute forced into growing in a superficial definition of “”””perfect”””” sure
also loooooool i had two infected molars that i had to put off getting pulled (that ended up putting me in agonizing pain down the line) because the original dental surgeon i contacted about it like, INSISTED i get my wisdom teeth removed in the same procedure and i couldnt afford it, didnt want it, etc...despite the fact my wisdom teeth have never caused me pain or discomfort in my life
and then finally when i went to a low income dentistry clinic they were like “oh yeah theyre kind of trying to grow in but if they do, theyll just come in naturally now that youve removed the two infected teeth” like so...weird how the community based, low income clinic had a completely different opinion than the Large Dental Surgery Center (THINKING EMOJI x 10)
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scionofloki · 6 years
Well, save for a few missing teeth, I’d say that went rather well...
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xyanblue · 7 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by: @killslay thanks!!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Drink: Snoberry Iced Tea Phone call: Telemarketer Text message: Best friend Song you listened to: Dreams by Beck Time you cried: maybe 2 months ago
Dated someone twice: nope Kissed someone and regretted it: nuh uh Been cheated on: no Lost someone special: not yet Been depressed: currently :’( Gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink Made new friends: kinda? Fallen out of love: yeah Laughed until you cried: at some SBFP and GMOD videos Found out someone was talking about you: no? Met someone who changed you: in some ways, maybe Found out who your friends are: possibly Kissed someone from your Facebook list: no Kissed a stranger: no.... Drank hard liquor: never Lost glasses/contact lenses: never lost glasses, some got broken Turned someone down: yes :( Sex on the first date: no Broken someone’s heart: I hope not... Had your heart broken: once (´ω`*) Been arrested: never I am a good boy Cried when someone died: yes, David Bowie Fallen for a friend: uh huh  Kissed on the first date: nope
List 3 favorite colors: electric blue, lime green, coffee brown How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: all Do you have any pets: a yorkie named Cocoa Do you want to change your name: nah What time did you wake up: noon What were you watching at midnight last night: Panoots stream Name something you can’t wait for: Half Life 3. honestly, no joke When was the last time you saw your mom: 10 min ago What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: be able to move out and support myself What are you listening to right now: Vinny Vinesauce playing Tomodachi Life  Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no? these are weirdly specific :/  Something that is getting on your nerves right now: my inability to donate tons of fucking money to ppl who need it Most visited website: Twitter, probably Mole/s: none Mark/s: I have a weird red line on my nose Childhood dream: make it big as a filmmaker  Do you have a crush on someone: I can’t tell :( What do you like about yourself: my eye color is fucking weird and is like, 4 colors at the same time Piercings: not yet but I want Rohan Kishibe’s pen earrings Blood type: not sure... Nickname: none Relationship status: alone (o´_`o) Zodiac: Sagittarius  Pronouns: boy  Favorite TV show: Twin Peaks Tattoos: none yet. I want to get the Blackstar album artwork somewhere and maybe a lambda, too Right or left hand: right Surgery: dental. wisdom teeth removed Hair dyed in different color:  no. although my hair is dark brown and I have a natural blonde patch on the side of my head Sport: I like boxing and golf but I don’t actively do them. Vacation: Japan Pair of trainers: hah?
Current and all-time best friend name: steben
Eye color: I can’t tell, it’s all of them at once somehow
Favorite movie: Evil Dead 2
Hugs or kisses: :( Lips or eyes: eyes Shorter or taller: shorter Nice arms or stomach: I like athletic, well-toned arms Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Yourself: I want to... Miracles: don’t think so... Love at first sight: it can happen Santa Claus: abso-fucken-lutely
i’ll tag @snidelywhiplash @sunbunni @makinbaconbot
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thespian-wallflower · 8 years
Will meets Portia (SR! Fanfic)
(Something Rotten! Frat Boy AU fanfic. Will Shakespeare meets young Portia Brooks after an accident during her hockey game. Will is fond of her, but he’s worried about what can’t be controlled.)
If there was one thing Will hated, it was finishing English homework in his otherwise empty dorm room. He didn’t have the attention span for assigned reading, especially with a frat party scheduled for tonight. He had flopped on his bed, and had unsuccessfully tried to read it from all different angles: on his stomach, flat on his back, on his back with his legs propped against the wall, curled up on his side, hanging off the bed upside-down. Nothing was working. He finally sat up, cross-legged, wishing he could be writing or doing anything else. He was about three sentences in when his phone buzzed, breaking the mundane silence.
Will let out a yawn before lifting his vibrating cellphone. Bea was on the other end.
Her tone was calm, but he could tell that she was tense.“Hi, Will. You busy?”
“Not at the moment,” Will said, glancing down at his book. “Why do you ask, darling?”
“One of Nigel’s classmates had a tooth knocked out during her hockey game today.”
He straightened up attentively. “Oh, shit. Is she alright?”
“Well, she’s holding up. She just finished her root canal.”
Will shook his head. “Poor kid. That must be awful.”
“If she’s in pain, she’s not showing it.” Bea paused for a moment before getting back on track. “Can I ask a favor of you?”
“Ask away.”
“Could you please pick up some chew-able takeout for her? Italian or Chinese food or something? We’d really appreciate it.”
Will paused, thinking about it. He hadn’t left his dorm room all weekend, and he was itching for something to do before the party. He’d never met this girl, but he wanted to help. “Aren’t you going to take her home?”
“No, her father is out of town. We need to figure out who she’ll be staying with for the night.”
“Should I pick up enough for everyone?”
“Just enough for her is fine.”
“You sure? It wouldn’t be any trouble.”
Bea smiled at his generosity. “I’m sure. Meet us at the dental office.”
“Will do. Bye, dear.”
Will hung up and checked the clock on his phone screen. It was five-thirty. The party would be starting around ten. Plenty of time. Hastily, he threw on a light blue hoodie and stuffed the cell phone into the pocket of his jeans. Usually he dressed in nicer clothes before going out in public, but he was in a rush. Will grabbed his car keys and quickly strode out the door.
Half an hour later, Will pulled into the parking lot of the dental office. He shuddered as he remember his wisdom teeth removal, which had taken place here during his Sophomore Year of college. He remembered very little, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience. He had survived on canned soup and jell-o, and the pain was almost unbearable. He had spent hours on the couch in Nick’s apartment, crying silently as he tried his best to ignore the physical torment.
That had been only last year. He winced at the thought of this young girl going through the same thing. Maybe it would be worse. A root canal. God, he could only imagine…
The aroma of the Italian food in the bags next to him was enticing, even though he didn’t eat takeout much anymore. Even though Bea had suggested otherwise, Will had purchased enough food for all of them. He wanted to do something special for the girl (Portia was her name, apparently), so he had texted Nigel and asked him if she liked garlic bread. Portia did, in fact, like garlic bread. So Will bought an order of it, just for her. Even thought he would have to leave right away, the least he could do was buy dinner for everyone.
There was an empty spot at the far end of the lot. It was a Saturday, so it was relatively full. Will parked the car, grabbed the bag with Portia’s order (which included the bread and baked ziti, per Nigel’s recommendation) and walked across the lot toward the front entrance. The November air was chilly enough that a thin trail of steam gently rose from the takeout bag. Whoever Portia was, he hoped this would cheer her up.
“I hope our team won the game.” Portia mumbled, pressing the ice pack to her mouth again. Her front tooth had been successfully replaced, to the relief of the Bottom brothers and the med student.
Nigel held her hand. He hadn’t let go of it since they left the ice arena. Well, he had to during the surgery. But other than that, he was determined to keep her company. He had only known Portia for about a year, but she was his best friend.
“That should be the least of your worries,” Nick said. He did his best to stay lighthearted, but he was petrified. Bea was in the corner of the waiting room, on the phone with Jeremiah again. The surgery had to be approved by him, and he was furious when he found out about his daughter’s accident. The med student took full responsibility for it and was doing her best to keep him calm.
Bea walked over, solemnly. Nick glanced at her, waiting to hear what Jeremiah had to say, now that the procedure was over. Bea took no notice of him, and instead focused on Portia.
“Is Dad mad at me?” Her blue eyes were wide.
“No, sweetie. It’s not your fault. That puck flew in out of nowhere, remember?”
Portia frowned. “Barely. I blacked out.”
“We know. You just kinda collapsed.” Nigel nodded, as if agreeing with himself. “I jumped out of my seat, it was so scary. But now you’re better, and everything’s alright.” He smiled, and Portia smiled back.
While Nigel and Portia talked, Nick pulled Bea to the far end of the waiting room. “What did Jeremiah say?”
“Well, he’s angry. He can’t come home until tomorrow morning. But he says Portia can stay with me for the night.”
“Did you tell him I was at the game?”
Bea raised an eyebrow. “No. Not that a detail like that would matter. What’s he going to think, that somehow you and Nigel caused that puck to hit her?”
“You know that we never go to Portia’s games, because he’s almost always there. The one time we can watch her play- BAM! Her teeth get knocked out. He’ll find some way to blame us.”
“We can’t waste time worrying about it right now. All we can do is be there for her, and hope for the best when Jeremiah comes home.” She smiled when she saw Portia and Nigel laughing and joking about something. “She’s a fighter.”
“She is.” Nick smiled, admiring Portia’s strength from afar. For someone who constantly had to nurture his sickly little brother during their youth, an encounter with a girl who didn’t complain after an accident was surprising.
Without warning, Will strutted into the waiting room, giving Nick a two-fingered salute and his usual vibrant smile. Nick returned the smile and rushed over to meet him. They kissed briefly. They could feel disapproving stares from the other patients in the waiting room, but they didn’t care.
“Will, what are you doing here? Not that I’m not thrilled to see you.”
Cleaning his throat and putting on an act, Will suddenly held up the bag of takeout as if it were a very important package. “I have a delicious delivery for a young lady by the name of Portia. Is she here?” Will pretended to scan the room, looking for her, even though he knew she was sitting with the Bottoms and Bea.
Confused, Portia let go of Nigel’s hand and gently raised her arm. Her other hand supported the ice pack.
“Ah, so this is Portia. It’s a pleasure to meet you, dear. I’m Will, Nick’s boyfriend.” He bowed slightly, giving her free hand a kiss. Nick rolled his eyes, and Portia turned bright red.
“Nice to meet you, too,” she said with a shy smile. “Sorry you have to see me like this. I got hit by a hockey puck during my game today.” She shrugged, a hint of pink still visible on her cheeks.
“I heard all about it. Bea asked me to cheer you up by bringing you some food.” He held the bag out, and Portia took it gratefully.
Her eyes gleamed as she peeked inside the takeout bag. “Is this baked ziti and garlic bread?” Her stomach growled, and she remembered that she hadn’t eaten anything since before the game.
“Nigel told me it’s your favorite.”
“It is!” She smiled at Nigel, and looked back at Will. “Thank you so much for this!”
“Only the best for you, love.” He gave her a charming smile and kissed her hand again.
Portia looked like she might faint. Instead, she turned away, hoping to hide her blush. Satisfied, Will walked over to Bea and whispered, “There’s food for everyone in my car.”
“Will, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Too late. I did. Now you can all have dinner together.” He smiled, waiting for a sign that he had done the right thing.
Bea gave Will a hug in thanks. “Why don’t you join us?”
“Yeah, c’mon!” Portia smiled, exposing her replaced teeth.
Will smiled back, even though he was mildly disgusted by the sight of her teeth. “I’d love to, but there’s a frat party in a few hours that I really don’t want to miss.”
He jumped suddenly as he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind. He turned to face the culprit, only to be greeted by a kiss from Nick.
“Come with us,” Nick said softly, playfully rocking his boyfriend back and forth. “You drove all the way out here. Just stay for an hour or two.”
Will shrugged. “Alright. But it’ll be a brief visit.”
“We’ll have a big, sorta-kinda family dinner,” Bea said with a chuckle. She turned to the kids and said, “Guys, we’re having dinner at the Bottoms’ apartment.”
“Sounds fun!” Portia said happily. She and Nigel stood, and followed Bea to the parking lot. Will followed close behind, until Nick gently pulled him back.
“I need to tell you something about Portia. It’s important.”
Will tried to smile, but Nick’s eyes were serious. “Is it bad?”
“Sort of. I’ll explain later.” Nick paused before rubbing Will’s shoulders flirtatiously. “You should wear this hoodie more often. It matches your eyes exactly.”
Will’s heart fluttered as he took Nick’s hand and followed the rest of the group. “Duly noted. I’ll drive.”
Nick motioned for Will to follow him into his bedroom. He closed the door as Will flopped onto his bed. They could hear Bea and the kids clattering around in the kitchen, “preparing” dinner. Not that much preparation was needed.
“Haven’t been in your bed in ages,” Will said, giving Nick a flirtatious smirk. “When was the last time? Last week?”
Nick folded his arms. “Can you be serious for five seconds?”
Yawning, Will stretched out until his body occupied the entire surface of the bed. “That’s pushing it. Maybe two seconds.”
With no warning, Nick decided to drop the news. “Portia’s last name is Brooks.”
“Brooks?” Will anxiously scratched at the stubble on his chin. “Why does that sound familiar?”
“Jeremiah Brooks. He’s her father.”
Will’s eyes went cold as he sat up and stared at Nick, looking for some sign that he was joking. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.
Nick nodded. “I knew Jeremiah had a daughter, but I didn’t think she and Nigel were this close in age. They’ve been classmates since last year.”
“That little girl is the offspring of that religious headcase? You can’t be serious.”
“Hard to believe, right? She and Nigel have been best friends since they met. They’re in the same English class, and they hit it off on day one. It’s crazy.”
“She’s nothing like her father.”
There was a pause, before Will asked, “Think she’ll ever become him?”
Nick lowered himself onto the mattress and sighed. “Only time will tell. She’s a nice girl, though. It isn’t likely.” There was a faint glimmer of hope in Nick’s voice, but Will could tell that he had been wondering the same thing. “We should treat her well, and hope for the best.”
Will flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.
Nick smiled down at him reassuringly, and played with a lock of his hair. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Not wanting to talk about what was really on his mind, Will brought up a less important concern. “Should I stay for dinner? I don’t want to miss this party, but…” He paused when he heard Portia and Nigel’s laughter coming from the kitchen. He smiled, and Nick got the picture.
“Well…” Nick flopped beside him, also staring at the blank ceiling. “You only just started your Junior Year. There’ll be other parties, right?”
“I suppose.”
“And the food you bought is really gooooood,” Nick said teasingly, scooting over and bumping Will with his shoulder.
Will playfully shoved him away. “You know I don’t eat that stuff anymore.”
“You could. When was the last time we had a big, sorta-kinda family dinner like this?” he asked, repeating Bea’s words.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me,” Will said with a smile, rolling over to face his boyfriend.
“Good,” Nick replied, pressing his forehead to Will’s. “And even if Portia does change as she grows older, she’ll have fond memories to look back on. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
Will wrinkled his nose and backed away. “Ew, that’s such an overused expression. Even for you.”
Nick chuckled. “Shut up. You know what I mean. We can’t control how she’ll turn out, but we can make her happy now.”
“Good point.” There was another moment of silence before Will flashed a flirtatious smile. “Know what would make me happy?”
“What?” Nick asked, inching closer, knowing exactly where this was going.
Will pulled him in, and they shared a few open mouth kisses before Bea knocked on the door and said “Dinner’s ready, lovebirds.”
“We’re having a meeting!” Nick called, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Will was a great kisser, but a bit sloppy sometimes.
“Is that what it’s called?” Bea asked sarcastically. They could hear Nigel and Portia giggling outside the door.
“Be right out,” Nick replied, as he and Will slowly rose to join them for dinner.
“My favorite role, by far, was the Cat in the Hat in Seussical. I’d just turned eighteen, and it was my Senior Year. When I tried on the costume for the first time during tech week, I almost cried.”
“Why?” Portia asked, completely engrossed in his theatre story.
Back on campus, the frat party was in full swing. In the Bottoms’ apartment, Will found himself nearing the end of an intense game of Monopoly. Nick, Bea, and Portia had already gone bankrupt, and were surrounding the final showdown between Will and Nigel.
Nigel leaned over and moved his battleship piece across the board. He landed on the Go square and collected two-hundred Monopoly dollars from Bea, who had agreed to be the banker. Will took a sip from his large glass of orange juice and continued.
“Well, it was a role that I had only imagined myself playing. A dream role. And when I finally put on the costume and officially became that character, it was overwhelming.” Will smiled nostalgically as he rolled the dice.
“That’s the perfect role for you,” Bea stated. “I can totally see it.”
Portia’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “Yeah, it sounds cute! Was it as fun as you hoped it would be?”
“Oh, it was so much fun. They painted cat whiskers and a black nose on my face and everything. Good times.” Will picked up a Community Chest card and smiled. “I’ve won second prize in a beauty contest.” He winked at Nick, and showed the card to Bea. She nodded and passed him ten dollars.
Portia sighed. “I wish I could do theatre. My dad won’t let me.”
“No?” Will asked, pretending to be surprised. He moved his Scottie around the board, and groaned when he landed on the Go to Jail square.
“Nope. He says theatre is unnatural.” She shrugged. “I don’t understand it. He loves the stories in the Bible, and theatre is just another way to tell stories. There’s nothing wrong with it.”
Nigel’s eyes lit up. “Hey, you should join the writing club at school! We write the spring play for the drama club every year.” He bounced a little in his seat as he spoke. Everyone else was listening. “That way, you can still be part of the show, even if you aren’t allowed to perform.”
When he realized everyone was watching him, Nigel lowered his eyes. “Never mind, it sounds stupid,” he mumbled, rolling the dice again.
“It’s not stupid, Nigel.” Nick ruffled his brother’s curly hair. “Stop being hard on yourself.”
Portia grinned. “That’s a great idea! Maybe I can ask my dad.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to try.” Will rolled the dice, and his Scottie was still stuck in jail. “Damn, I’m gonna be in here forever. Anyway, yeah. Nigel’s full of great ideas.”
“It’s part of the reason why he’s my best friend.” She rested her head against his shoulder, and Nigel shrugged with the other.
“Aw, Portia. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy.” She smiled at everyone around the table. “Only you guys could make a root canal this much fun.” Everyone laughed.
She rested her chin in her hands, and grinned admiringly at Will. “Any more theatre stories?”
    Time passed quickly as the game progressed, and Will was happy, for the most part. But he couldn’t help but wonder how Jeremiah had produced a girl like Portia. He found himself worrying about her, and her life at home. What was Jeremiah teaching her behind closed doors? Would she somehow evolve from a caring child into a hateful bigot?
After a few more turns, Will ended up landing on Park Place. “Oh, I’m done.” He started clearing off the few houses and hotels he had left.
Nigel glanced down at the property card. “But the rent is-”
“More than I can afford.” He smiled. “Good game, kid.”
“It was fun to watch,” Portia said before letting out a yawn.
Bea stood and started to pull on her sweatshirt. “Ready to head out, Portia?”
“Head out? Where?”
“You’re spending the night with me. Your father said it’s alright.” She pulled her car keys out of her pocket. Portia didn’t move.
“Already?” Portia’s eyelids fluttered, but she tried her best to stay awake. “C’mon. I’m not even tired.”
Will chuckled, and Bea raised an eyebrow. “You’re a lousy liar.”
“Okay, so maybe I’m a little tired.” She glanced at Nigel to see if he was still awake. His head was resting on the table, and he was starting to drift off.
Bea started to say goodbye to everyone around the table. “Goodnight, Nigel,” she said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
Portia rose from the table and joined Bea. “Bye, Nick. Bye, Nigel.”
Nick smiled and gave a little wave. “Feel better soon.”
She giggled. “I’ll do my best. Thanks for the pasta, Will. It was nice meeting you.”     “You’re welcome, dear.”
And as the door closed, the evening was over. The room was silent, aside from Nigel’s gentle snoring. Nick gave a sigh of relief before he truly took notice of his sleeping brother.
He gently lifted him from the chair until he could feel Nigel’s curls brush his neck. Nigel was thirteen and close to being fully grown, but Nick wanted to carry him for as long as possible. “I’m gonna get this guy to bed,” he whispered.
“Have fun,” Will smirked, clearing the board game and pieces off the table. As he put everything away, it dawned on him that he hadn’t thought once about the frat party. All that had mattered to him was the here, and now. Will hadn’t had a real “family” dinner in a long time, and he was grateful that he wasn’t expected to control any rowdy children this time around. He loved his family, but the pressure they put on him was unbelievable. It was one of the reasons why he decided to attend school away from home.
The whole evening seemed too good to be true. Maybe it was.
Nick came back a few minutes later. “Nigel may be tall, but he’s light as hell. Hopefully I’ll be able to carry him for a while.” He collapsed on the couch, and Will sat beside him.
“The boy doesn’t gain weight. You don’t need to worry.”
“I’m his older brother. It’s my job.”
“Fair enough.” Will scratched at his stubble, which he only did when he was nervous. Nick picked up on it immediately.
“What’s wrong?”
“Portia’s a sweet kid.” His stare was blank, completely void of emotion.
“And that’s a problem because…?”
“I don’t know.” Will shook his head slowly, and his voice cracked. “It seems a little too good to be true.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, look at her father.”
Noticing that Will was getting increasingly upset, Nick attempted to lighten the mood. “I try not to.”     That was enough to set him off. “This is serious, Nick! I don’t want her to turn out like him!” Will’s eyes welled with tears.
Nick eyed his boyfriend, concerned. Will hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol all day, so these sudden emotions were far from ordinary. “Will, what’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve seen what parents do to their children, Nick!” He stomped his foot for emphasis, and Nick jumped. “Whether they try to or not, they shape them. And if Jeremiah keeps using hatred around Portia, and teaching her that it’s alright...then…” He broke down.
Nick wrapped his arms around Will, hugging him from behind, and pulled him down until they were both staring up at the ceiling, worrying about Portia. Will’s gentle sobs were the only sound in the small apartment.
After a few minutes, Will impatiently wiped his tears away with the back of his hand, and spoke in a shaky voice.
“I can’t sit by and let it happen.”
“Oh, Will…” Nick leaned down and kissed the top of his head. “Who said we’re sitting by? Nigel says she’s the best friend he’s ever had.”
“That’s Nigel.” Will sniffled. “What about us?”
“Y’know, Jeremiah doesn’t have to be the only adult figure in Portia’s life. And he isn’t.” Nick ran his fingers through Will’s hair as he listed a few examples. “She has her teachers, her hockey coaches, and us.”
“I just met her today.”
“And she loves you. I know that was an intense Monopoly game you were playing with Nigel, but did you see her expression when you were telling her stories about theatre? She admires you. It’s not like her father can provide stories like that for her.”
Tears continued to run down Will’s face, creating familiar black streaks of eyeliner.
“And I’m glad you decided not to take off and go to your frat party. That alone means a lot to her.” Nick wrapped his arms around Will a bit tighter. “Think of it like this. Jeremiah’s out of town for the weekend, right? He wasn’t there for Portia’s big game.”
“You had the opportunity to go to a party. Instead, you chose to have dinner with us, and make her feel better.” Nick wiped away one of Will’s tears and smiled. “The little things matter. Who is she more likely to idolize, you or him?”
Will reflected on Nick’s words, and found himself agreeing with him. By staying with her and showing how much he cared, he made her unfortunate accident a little brighter. Fond memories, even small ones, were bound to last longer than any hateful teachings her father would dish out. He sniffled again. “Well, when you put it like that…”     “Exactly. And she’s fourteen. If she’s like any other teenager, she’s starting to develop ideas of her own.”
“Right.” Will pulled out a tissue and wiped his nose with it. “I hate crying in front of you.”
Nick rocked Will back and forth playfully. “You do it often.”
Will rolled his eyes, half at Nick, and half at his own emotional outburst. “That doesn’t make it any less embarrassing when it happens.”
“Don’t worry about it. It shows that you care.” Nick checked the time on his phone’s lock screen. “It’s past Midnight. You heading home?”
“Um… could I stay here for the night?”
Nick raised one of his eyebrows teasingly.  He pretended to think about it. “Hmm, I don’t know…”
“Please, Nicky?” Will batted his eyelashes, and Nick was relieved to see that he was feeling better.
“Oh, alright.” Nick started to push himself up, but Will rested a hand on his thigh, signaling that he should stay put.
“Let’s sleep here. I want to savor this evening. And what you’ve taught me.”
Nick reached up to turn off the nearby lamp. As the apartment was enveloped in darkness, he planted another kiss on his boyfriend’s head. “Goodnight, Will.”
“Goodnight, Nick.” Will sighed before slipping into slumber. This alone was a small moment he was sure to remember.
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andyridgeley · 3 years
My coworker had to get her wisdom teeth removed but she didn’t have good dental insurance.
A one week trip to Puerto Rico for the surgery including her mom, dad, sister coming along (and the cost of her dad taking a week off work) cost her less than getting her teeth removed right at home.
absolutely hate to hear it, health care in the us is a darn joke
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bamanamilk · 6 years
Just a little venting here to get it off my chest.
Just as quick back story: I’ve lived with my friend of 10 years and his wife for about 2 years. I pay more than half of the rent. I have a bf that I am with every single day to the point that I may as well be considered to be living with him. I am at my friend’s (my actual home) for about less than 24 hours a week at this point. 
Recently, my friend/roommate, we’ll call him N, and I were having a conversation about my current situation. He stated that he’s charging me too much since I’m barely there and if I wanted to adjust the amount of my rent then it was something we could do. He told me he does not even need my money to get by so it wouldn’t be an issue for him. 
Last month the decision has been made for me to get dental work done. To start, I’m to have 5 teeth removed; all four wisdom teeth plus one that my sideways growing wisdom tooth broke. I had my dentist appointment, oral surgery consultation, and on the 30th I’ll be going through with the procedure. It’s gonna cost me a pretty penny and although I’m certain I’ll be able to make monthly payments, it’s gonna leave me in quite a bind but it needs to be done asap. So I thought perhaps I could ask N to either work something out to make my payments to him less or if I could even possibly skip this month’s rent to get a boost on paying off my upcoming dental work and so maybe I won’t be so broke. I especially thought that since he had previously, literally the last time we had had a conversation, told me that he was charging me too much money for how little I am there and the like, that perhaps he would be savvy to the idea of helping out his friend who desperately needs this procedure done. Oh how wrong I was. 
We’re sitting in his car and goes on about how he cares about me and how he wants me to be able to take care of my health. Says that he’s glad it’s finally gonna happen because I’ve been wanting to get this done for years now. Well then he says, “I’m willing to FORGIVE (he emphasized the word) you for skipping this month’s rent so you can get a boost towards your dental care. Starting next month however, I will be RAISING your rent by $40.” I sat there quietly ingesting his words and trying to make sense of his logic. First of all... “FORGIVE me??” Excuse me? The only reason I even thought to maybe ask in the first place was because he was JUST saying how he was charging me TOO MUCH to live there. I pay MORE than half of the rent of the apartment and now he expects me to pay $40 more? I could easily understand the logic of, “to make up for not paying for this month” however, based on what he previously told me and even after I had said to him that I’m basically going to be broke as it is... Not only have I been working 10 hours less a week than I used to due to my one manager being so incompetent with scheduling lately (he uses this auto-scheduler and it’s been really screwing over a lot of people both with hours and tons of close/open shifts), I’ll be missing an entire week’s pay due to my upcoming procedure, and I’ll be dealing with the dentist bills. I’m SOL for a good while no matter how I look at it. After telling me about the raise in rent and how much he cares for me and such, he asked me how I felt about it. Honestly I was so exhausted after work that night and so perplexed that all I could come to say was, “It seems I don’t really have much of a choice. I don’t have an opinion on the matter.” I was just so done talking at that point.
 I talked it over with my bf later that night and we both decided F that and I’ll just pay him my usual monthly rent when I get paid next. It’s gonna suck majorly for a bit but less sucky than if I paid that extra $40 tbh. I’m not letting him take advantage of me and RAISING my rent after he had just said I pay too much. F that! Who’s to say it wouldn’t happen again too? I’m not giving him all of my money for a room I’m barely in. 
 The thing is too, I truly feel like he’s trying to keep me there for as long as he can. It’s the way he talks to me and about me. He once even said, in front of his wife, that if he wasn’t already married he would pursue me. Mind you, he’s about 12 years older than me. He’s made plenty of “joke” passes at me. Also, about a month or two ago I was in my room getting ready to pack up for my bf’s when I had noticed this smeared stain on the foot-end of my quilt. Look dude... I’m not dirty. I wash and I certainly don’t sit on my bed with no pants on. Both he and his wife bathe MAYBE once or twice an entire month. I wish I was exaggerating. I’ve seen when we’ve gone out to do laundry before too... Look man.. It freaked me right the hell out. To think that he was in my room, sitting with his pants down on my bed, doing who knows what (I don’t even want to know). It’s bad enough when that day, I had asked him to find this invoice that I knew I had sitting on or near the table along with something I needed to return, he had said to me he could never find it and made jokes about how he went all throughout my room and touched all of my clothes and underwear. He’s made further jokes about calling me “nee-san” (sister) and has “joked” that he’s, “only doing what a good nii-san (brother) would do”. In reference to those brother/sister type hentai...
I’ve come to feel rather trapped there and wish so badly I could move out sooner than later but I really don’t have a choice right now. I’m so uncomfortable both when I’m there and even when I’m not there because I don’t know what he could be doing in my room when I’m not home. What I hate the most is that someone who I regarded as a good, close friend or even like family for years, is now someone that disgusts me and I almost fear being around. 
I’ve thought about other ways for me to get out but they’re just not possible at the moment. I’ve thought about renting a storage unit to keep my things in since I usually stay at my bf’s but the fact of the matter is, I need a stable and reliable place to live. My bf and his brother live with their mom and they all take care of each other. His family really likes me and I honestly have never felt so at home anywhere else before. Apparently, he and his mom have talked about me moving in but she wants to wait for his brother to move so I can have a room of my own to keep my things in. I’m not sure what the future holds but I can only hope things get better. I’m just so tired of being held back in part by someone else. I finally have something truly wonderful in my life and I want for nothing more than to fully enjoy it without being under someone’s thumb. 
This is the year I heal and blossom into the me I’ve always craved. Some way I’ll make it through all of my worries and I’ll keep on smiling. 
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a-lveolate · 6 years
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery
If ya’ all have been googling “wisdom tooth pain”, “wisdom tooth extraction experience”, “is it painful”. You came to the right place!! I did the same googling and found information that have been really helpful, and i just wanted to share my experience, in case u needed the extra info. (in details)
Background information 
I felt some pain at the right side of my jaw and told the GP clinic doctor, she did a thorough examination of my mouth and asked some questions and proceeded to make a referral letter to National Dental Centre. 
Had the referral letter appointment in early July 2017. due to busy schedule and exams in school, I kept “deferring” the appointment and pushing it to a later date. Finally in Oct 2017 I went for the appointment and by then the pain didn't even existed anymore. The doctor seems like a new university student, joke around and was friendly! Did an oral examination - he said there weren’t any infection, and couldn’t even see signs of any wisdom teeth HAHAHAHAHHAHA. then took an x-ray of my mouth so that he could see whether if it was impacted and may have impacted wisdom tooth complications in the future. My bottoms were impacted wisdom tooth and the upper would be ok. He said i could take it out early but at the moment i do not need to take it out yet. 
I didn’t want to “waste money” so i didn’t proceed with the procedure!!!!!!! AM I SMART?????? HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA NOPE.
Fast-forward to April 2018
Lying down in bed, eating bread, suddenly felt the pushing of the tooth on my right side???? freaking painful, i thought i was teething. I thought it was nothing, that the wisdom tooth was coming out of the gums???????? but seriously super painful. feels like a toothache. 
Mum called up the NDC clinic again, booked an appointment within 2 days. Went back to the clinic, different dentist this time round. 
“so you are 21, you are ready to make your own decisions huh?” 
“it seems a little infected around that area”
“i know u came back this time round is to make a decision whether u want to do the surgery anot, but it seems like u dont have a choice right now”
“the infection comes and go away, itd be better for you to remove it asap” 
“i can ask for an earlier surgery date for you because urs is an urgent case”
“is friday the 13th okay for you?” 
“you need to prioritize whether ur weekend plans are more important” 
are you sure u want to remove the teeth that are not impacted? just because you are removing those out of convenience” 
“patient has a small mouth, she is also dental phobic!” 
“do u need me to prescribe a stronger painkiller” 
ME: “dont worry, i can tolerate pain!” :D  
Dentist: *turns around and sly smile + wtf look “how ironic....”
So basically he flushed out the gum area, he said its gonna be alittle uncomfortable....... what a LIAR!!!!!!! hurts like shit. wanted to beat him up already. kidding. 
Had a syringe and blue solution to wash the gum area. 
Booked a surgery date on 18th April 2018.
The REAL DEAL! Surgery day 
So basically you can choose “local” anesthesia or general anesthesia. Duh! I chose general anesthesia because im a coward, i hate the tugging and drilling noises. I hate opening my mouth so widely and the smell of latex gloves. 
- Check into the day surgery hospital at 10am
- brought the necessary documents e.g. NRIC + medisave form 
- put on the hospital wristband tag for identity purposes
- nurse check for your temperature, blood pressure etc. (I had a low graded fever of 37.3 degree Celsius) 
- change into hospital gown. (remove ur bra + keep on ur panties)
- chill and rest in ur hospital bed!! (just chill and relax.....pretend its a resort cuz u pay money liao)
- wait
- waiting game
- the surgeon comes and explain to you the risk of complications, ask about your medical history, tells you what may go wrong during the surgery etc. Sign the consent form.
- waited until 2pm 
- another nurse comes and question you with a checklist. Make sure that you are the right person for the surgery, medical history, when the last time you ate, what is your weight. 
General Anesthetic “how it feels and how it works”
Basically, you lie down on the operating bed, your anesthesiologist will be your guardian angel. She makes small talks with you, check your weight, your medical history again, ask if you have done general anesthesia before in previous surgeries.. while the nurse would put on this electro pads on ur chest to monitor your vital signs. you hear beeping sounds because your heart is beating, if you dont hear it means u ded. 
then she proceeds to insert a cannula into your hand veins, poke twice, fails because my vein keeps collapsing hahahahaha, poke thrice on another stronger vein and she say sorry. and my hands kept shivering/shaking because the room was extremely coldddddd brrb.r.b.r.b.b.r.brrr...oh ya they brought in this machine that blows hot air because my blood pressure kept rising LOL and i was super cold. 
then the nurse places an oxygen mask over your face and ask you to breathe normally. and then your anesthesiologist will start injecting the sleeping drug to make u fall asleep and out. 
or or kun. 
unaware, state of blissfulness, peace, relaxed, composed, nothing, blank, darkness. this is probably one of the best time of your life because you are unconsciously alive and you are not dead either. 
2 hours of surgery feels like a 10 minute power nap!!!!!!! 
“the surgery is over” 
“do you know where you are?” 
“can u point to me where you feel pain at?” 
“points to throat” 
“oh its normal after surgery because we place a breathing tube after you sleep” 
inner head thoughts “shivers shivers” *can’t feel my legs* *wtf it fucking hurts in my mouth*
*im going to change the gauze for you, dont bite me arh! hahaha* 
OKAY super terrible writing but i am kinda tired of explaining hahha i hope that the information that i provided is useful and that you are entertained by my experience in the hospital. Feel free to drop me a DM or a message if you need to ask any questions! 
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