#Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
apacnewsnetwork0 · 7 months
“Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti”: The 5th edition of Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain campaign kicks off with women at its helm
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New Delhi: Union Minister for Jal Shakti, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat recently inaugurated the fifth edition of the “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” campaign, at the NDMC Convention Centre in New Delhi. Themed “Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti,” the campaign focuses on women’s pivotal role in water conservation and management. It operates under the National Water Mission, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation in collaboration with the Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation.
He also appreciated their potential to bring positive change in water resource management and viewed the “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” – 2024 as a “transformative movement towards a water-secure and sustainable future.”
Secretary, DoWR, RD & GR, Debashree Mukherjee, reminded attendees about the burden of water collection on women and stressed the importance of clean water sources for community transformation. She commended the central and state governments’ efforts in addressing water-related challenges.
Read More Here : https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2024/03/nari-shakti-se-jal-shakti-the-5th-edition-of-jal-shakti-abhiyan-catch-the-rain-campaign-kicks-off-with-women-at-its-helm/
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townpostin · 17 days
185 Development Projects Inaugurated by Health Minister Banna Gupta
In a ceremony held in Kadma, Jamshedpur, Banna Gupta initiated 185 new projects. – Banna Gupta inaugurated projects worth ₹5.67 crore in Kadma. – Projects include drainage and road construction, and water tankers for Mango. – Several local officials and senior Congress leaders attended the event. JAMSHEDPUR – Health Minister Banna Gupta inaugurated 185 development projects in Kadma. In a ceremony…
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batboyblog · 4 months
Welcome to Infrastructure Week, Biden edition.
For the 4 years of the Trump Presidency it felt like every other week was gonna be "Infrastructure Week" but some piece of chaos derailed the Trump White House's plans.
well Yesterday, May 13th 2024, The Biden Administration declared this week Infrastructure Week to highlight ALL the major work they've done in the last 3 years.
Under the 2021  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law $454 billion in funding has gone to over 56,000 specific projects across all 50 states, the territories, DC, and tribal communities.
The White House launched a Map of all the projects you can look at
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The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is part of President Biden's wider Investing in America agenda, and together with the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, the American Rescue Plan, all passed by Biden and Democrats in Congress has brought $866 billion dollars in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments.
They released a State by State factsheet to show projects in all 50 states, all the territories and DC
Roads & Bridges: The Biden Administration has launched improvements on 257,000 miles of roads, and repaired 13,000 bridges. This $300 billion investment in our roads and bridges is the biggest since President Eisenhower’s interstate highway system in the 1950s. The Administration has given special attention to addressing historic injustice in our infrastructure. Many minority communities have been divided by highway bypass projects from the 1940s forward, such as the Sweet Auburn neighborhood of Atlanta Georgia. The Biden-Harris Administration is now helping reconnect divided communities and righting historic wrongs. The Department of Transportation put out a video highlighting the story of Philadelphia's Chinatown, how being split in half and have a multilane highway in the middle of their community effects them, and how the Stitch project will positively impact the people who live there who have fought for years for such relief.
Rail: The Biden Administration has invested  $66 billion for rail, the largest investment in passenger rail since the inception of Amtrak. The President recently announced $16.4 billion for 25 passenger rail projects on the Northeast Corridor. This will improve service for riders from Boston to Washington DC. President Biden has also announced $8.2 billion in new funding for 10 major high speed passenger rail projects across the country. These include a high speed rail project to connect Los Angeles with Las Vegas, which broke ground April 22nd. Planned to be finished in 2028 in time for the LA Olympics, the train will take 2 hours to get from Rancho Cucamonga, California to downtown Las Vegas making it the fastest way between the two cities.
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Transit and School Buses: The Administration has invested $90 billion in public transit, the largest in American history. To date the DoT has helped replace 3,000 public buses with low or zero emission buses while the EPA has replaced 5,000 school buses with clean buses.
Electric Vehicle Charging, EV Batteries & Critical Materials: The Biden Administration is the first to directly invest in electric vehicle charging. the number of publicly available charging ports on America’s roads has surpassed 182,000, over a 90% increase since President Biden took office. The President has also invested in domestic manufacturing of batteries, already five manufacturing plants have broken ground.
Clean Water: The President invested over $50 billion government-wide for the largest upgrade to the nation’s water infrastructure in history. This funding places us on a path to meet the President’s commitment to replace every toxic lead pipe in America and works to close the wastewater gap for 2 million people who lack basic sanitation. These funds have already financed over 1,400 drinking water and wastewater projects across the country, including over 800 projects that will deliver clean water for Tribal communities that lack basic water services. To date, the Administration has deployed funding that will help replace up to 1.7 million toxic lead pipes. 
High-Speed Internet: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $65 billion to help ensure that everyone in America has access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet—regardless of their income, race, or zip code.  Over the last year, all 56 states and territories have developed their plans for how they will spend more than $40 billion in funding to connect every unserved location within their borders. That funding comes atop $1 billion for middle-mile infrastructure, which will build more than 12,000 miles of fiber across 370 counties. These projects, will connect 10,500 people, 1,600 farms, and 295 businesses directly to fiber networks. The Department of Commerce has also awarded 148 Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) grants, serving over 280 Tribal Governments, which will connect more than 65,000 Tribal households, subsidizing thousands of devices, and funding digital inclusion activities for Tribal communities. 
Deploying Clean Energy: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes more than $62 billion in funding at the Department of Energy to advance our clean energy future by investing in clean energy demonstration and deployment projects, developing new technologies, and modernizing our power grid. This includes an investment of over $20 billion to upgrade the nation’s grid—a critical component to achieve President Biden’s goal of delivering a 100% carbon-pollution free power sector by 2035. 
Legacy Pollution: Thanks to funding in the The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law the EPA has been able to cap 8,000 orphaned oil and gas wells, with tens of thousands more to be plugged in the years to come. Over 100 Superfund sites have also been cleaned up or started with funds from the Law as well.
And More!
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theramseyloft · 17 days
What do you think is an unnecessary amount of birds for a breeder/fancier ect like could someone keep over a hundred birds comfortably and not be considered a hoarder
The short answer is: Yes. One person could potentially keep over a hundred birds comfortably.
Could every person? Or even most people? No.
That requires a LOT of space and resources.
In order to provide adequate care for 100 birds, one first and foremost either needs a very large loft, or multiple small ones.
The long answer is a lot more nuanced.
I don't think I could set a "specific number of birds over X is automatically a hoarder", simply because of how widely variable the capacity and resources range between individual care takers.
What needs to be considered to identify a hoarder is the physical condition of the animal, the amount and quality of food and water, the cleanliness of their environment, what enrichment is available to them, and whether or not they get medical care when they need it.
Are the animals present healthy and active? That requires there be sufficient space, food, and water available.
Are they able to engage in natural behaviors? This requires sufficient space and enrichment.
If any get injured or fall ill (frankly, an inevitability in living things), is that one separated and do they get any kind of medical treatment?
Birds in particular are naturally messy, but absolutely not naturally dirty!
While there are good reasons one might be (New arrival just uncrated, elderly individual who struggles to preen unaided, or a sick individual being treated), that should not be your overall impression of the flock!
Since you specified a breeder, it does need to be said that outbreaks happen.
No quarantine is 100% bullet proof, however anyone may try.
But if multiple birds are ill, that facility should be closed to the public while they get the issue IDed and treated.
If you see sick birds on the property, leave, for the sake of your own birds' safety, and report it to the Department of Agriculture.
A breeder performing their due diligence will have records to show diagnostic efforts and treatment.
There should be enough space for every bird to have a comfortable perch when the entire flock is off the ground.
Many breeders feed and water once a day, typically early in the day, so scattered seed should not be a concern, but waterers should not be big enough to bathe in and should be changed daily.
Separate places to bathe, offered frequently, will help keep drinking water clean, but even if the bathing places are all put away, you should be able to look at the plumage and drinking water to gauge how clean both are.
Pigeons in particular cannot climb and do not like cluttered flight or walking spaces, so their enclosures can look somewhat barren when compared to a parrot or song bird's.
Shelves, swings and floor space are all used as social spaces.
Look for furniture like caves or nest boxes, mirrors, forage pans, or bath tubs.
Pigeons most like to play with things that feel like sticks, shine, or make a neat sound, so twigs, pine straw, bread ties, blunted tooth picks, q-tips with the cotton tips removed, jingle bells, crinkle mats, wind chimes, bells, or any toy combining two or more of those things should be evident in the living space.
Poop is going to happen.
There is no aviary free of it for any length of time.
But it should not crust surfaces other than a nest box. (babies poop where they sit. It's intended to cement their nest material together into a cohesive pad that can't slide or be blown out of the cliffside crevice they nest in.)
(They are not birds built for high humidity.)
However many birds there are: If they have free access to clean water and feed that meets their nutritional needs, enough space and enrichment to keep themselves clean and engage in natural behaviors, their envoronment is regularly sanitized, and they receive medical care when injured or sick, then the breeder, rescue, or care taker you are visiting is not a hoarder.
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beguines · 27 days
Conditions were especially bad in company-​owned towns, where a majority of the country's miners lived during the 1920s and 1930s, and remained that way to a large degree into the 1940s. Brian Kelly notes that in Alabama, epidemics caused by unsanitary conditions and unsafe drinking water ended up affecting productivity Hevener describes conditions in Harlan County, Kentucky, an important coal mining area. While housing varied considerably from camp to camp, "the county's provisions for sanitation, disease prevention, and health care were generally poor". Few of the outdoor privies were sanitary. Since these towns were controlled by coal companies, the responsibility and decisions were theirs. Hevener notes that it was only during World War II, when one-​third of Harlan County's military draftees were rejected because of venereal disease, that the county became the last in Kentucky to form a health department.
However, the biggest grievances of miners and their families were over company control of all facets of non-​working life. Company stores and payment in scrip rather than cash were major issues, especially in West Virginia and Alabama mining towns. Boyd notes that they played only a small role in Ohio and Illinois, places where mining camps tended to be closer to established towns. Although company stores were illegal in Pennsylvania, Rochester claims that many companies there got around the law by setting up subsidiaries. As John Brophy relates in his description of his upbringing in Pennsylvania coal country, prices were considerably higher at the company stores, "and if a miner got caught bringing in things he had bought out of town, he might get fired".
Company housing was also a central issue, even in those rare instances when its quality was good. Shifflett, whose work leans heavily on company-​sponsored oral history, misses the point when he describes the physical conditions as often superior to those that rural families had experienced before they came to the mines. Yes, and slaves before the Civil War often ate better than northern urban workers—​a "fact" that apologists for slavery often asserted in defense of the institution—​though this did little to diminish slaves' desire for freedom. Company leases were draconian, although judges always ruled that they had been signed freely. If a worker went on strike, had visitors (especially unionists), died, went looking for another job, or did not buy enough at a company store, he was liable to eviction. The company always knew where you were. Occasionally, company agents and thugs pulled sick miners out of bed and sent them to work. In Alabama mining towns, they were called "Shack Rousters".
In virtually all mining towns, the control by the companies was absolute. The political offices of the towns, including that of the police chief, were almost always controlled by the mine owners. Policemen themselves were often subsidized by the mining companies. Police and company guards would force any stranger who could not explain his or her business sufficiently to leave town. In Verna, Harlan County, Kentucky, for example, the sheriff pistol-​whipped a job applicant because he came from an adjacent union community. Companies also often controlled the post office. During a 1931–​32 Harlan County coal miners' strike, owners cut off the delivery of "the miners' favorite newspaper, the Knoxville News-​Sentinel, because it was critical of local operators". Companies also often selected the teachers, social workers, and ministers. Many company towns were surrounded by barbed wire with a single gate manned by guards. Union organizers when discovered were occasionally murdered. Needless to say, prominent among the stated demands of many mining strikes were the abolition of this pervasive control and the mine-​guard system.
Michael Goldfield, The Southern Key: Class, Race, and Radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Baltimore garbage collection worker Ronald Silver II died last Friday while working under extremely unsafe heat conditions. The mid-Atlantic region of the United States has been suffering through a series of intense heat waves throughout the summer. The Friday that Silver died, the city of Baltimore had been placed under a Code Red Extreme Heat Alert as temperatures reached 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Sharp pains plagued Silver throughout the day. The route through Barclay neighborhood where he worked often required that he work without air conditioning, water, nor breaks. Department of Public Works (DPW) management ignored concerns and pleas related to the heat, a practice that some in the workforce had become dangerously used to. One of Silver’s coworkers was quoted as saying, “he thought he was just being lazy and didn’t want to work.” Late in the afternoon, Silver, now in a heat-induced sickness, knocked on the nearest home, asking for some water. Gabrielle Avendano gave him some and doused him with it to shake him out of his symptoms. Silver then collapsed and stopped breathing, prompting Avendano to administer first aid and call 911. Silver would be rushed to the nearest hospital and was pronounced dead, the result of “overheating of the body.” According to news reports, Avendano had believed Silver’s coworker was calling 911 to seek help for the distressed man. The Banner notes that Avendano and another neighbor who had witnessed the incident “observed Silver’s coworker in the truck on his phone. They claim to have learned afterwards the coworker was talking to a DPW supervisor and not emergency services, like they assumed.” -Avendano decried the failure of DPW to save this man’s life: “I’m shocked and so sad that he died because I think it could have been prevented if they had just called 911 sooner in the day. He had been complaining for most of the day about the pain that he was in, and nobody called for help except for me.” The Democratic mayor of the city Brandon Scott and DPW immediately went into damage control, giving phony “heartfelt” condolences which scrupulously avoided any assignment of blame to the city and management. “Our hearts are first and foremost with him, his family and loved ones, and his DPW colleagues as we grapple with this loss,” the city declared in a joint statement of the mayor’s office and sanitation department. In fact, a report last month by the city Inspector General singled out the Cherry Hill location where Silver worked out of as an egregious offender of worker heat safety. A July 10 detailed inhospitable working conditions ranging from “broken air conditioning, inoperable water fountains and nonfunctional ice machines…[which] violate federal laws around safe work conditions, specifically one that requires employers to provide potable drinking water to workers.” 
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hummerous · 1 year
sunk-cost fallacy but it's just being in your twenties.
like. yeah. I could go and keep track of my blood sugar and my cholesterol, start working out every day—really get to stable footing.
but at this point, the entire nyc sanitation department couldn't wrangle the cholesterol out of these veins. when the days start getting long, and the sun a little too bright— there's a burnt smell in my general vicinity: radiating inside out.
I'm all in now. I need to tamp down as much fat and sodium and extraneous Calorie down my gullet as I physically can— so that my end is in a bang, and not a whimper. I want to drink a glass of water and hear a muffled musket shot
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tieflingkisser · 8 months
Lack of access to clean drinking water is a death sentence for the people of Gaza
The catastrophic lack of clean drinking water sources in Gaza City and the northern areas of the Gaza Strip has left Palestinians there facing a horrifying tragedy akin to a death sentence, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued Monday, citing the war crime as further evidence of the genocide Israel has been carrying out against the Strip’s civilian population since 7 October 2023. Distress is engulfing Gaza City and its northern regions in alarming ways—a result of Israel’s cutting off of the water supply in the Gaza Strip, systematic and intentional Israeli bombing of water sources and wells, and a lack of fuel required to run water conversion and distribution facilities, said Euro-Med Monitor. The human rights organisation warned that the lack of drinking water in the Strip has become a matter of life and death. It noted that residents are currently forced to drink unclean well water, which is contributing to the spread of transmitted and infectious diseases, especially amid the power outage and overall water supply shortage. Prior to Israel’s 100-day-long genocide, the Gaza Strip—one of the world’s most densely populated areas—was already experiencing a crippling crisis in clean drinking water supplies. More than 90% of the population, or more than 2.3 million people, were living in a declining economic environment with the barest necessities. Gaza City’s main reservoirs, Al-Balad and Al-Rimal, were completely destroyed last weekend during an Israeli bulldozing operation in the area, the Euro-Med Monitor team confirmed. Al-Balad Reservoir, which houses a water well, a warehouse for water line maintenance equipment, and administrative offices for the city’s water department, and Al-Rimal Reservoir, which includes the sanitation department’s offices and a warehouse for sewage network maintenance equipment, have both been bulldozed during the Israeli ground incursion.
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capybaracorn · 8 months
Geneva - The catastrophic lack of clean drinking water sources in Gaza City and the northern areas of the Gaza Strip has left Palestinians there facing a horrifying tragedy akin to a death sentence, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued Monday, citing the war crime as further evidence of the genocide Israel has been carrying out against the Strip’s civilian population since 7 October 2023.
Distress is engulfing Gaza City and its northern regions in alarming ways—a result of Israel’s cutting off of the water supply in the Gaza Strip, systematic and intentional Israeli bombing of water sources and wells, and a lack of fuel required to run water conversion and distribution facilities, said Euro-Med Monitor.
The human rights organisation warned that the lack of drinking water in the Strip has become a matter of life and death. It noted that residents are currently forced to drink unclean well water, which is contributing to the spread of transmitted and infectious diseases, especially amid the power outage and overall water supply shortage.
Prior to Israel’s 100-day-long genocide, the Gaza Strip—one of the world’s most densely populated areas—was already experiencing a crippling crisis in clean drinking water supplies. More than 90% of the population, or more than 2.3 million people, were living in a declining economic environment with the barest necessities.
Gaza City’s main reservoirs, Al-Balad and Al-Rimal, were completely destroyed last weekend during an Israeli bulldozing operation in the area, the Euro-Med Monitor team confirmed. Al-Balad Reservoir, which houses a water well, a warehouse for water line maintenance equipment, and administrative offices for the city’s water department, and Al-Rimal Reservoir, which includes the sanitation department’s offices and a warehouse for sewage network maintenance equipment, have both been bulldozed during the Israeli ground incursion.
According to the Palestinian Water Authority, the ongoing Israeli military attacks have destroyed the water infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, including at least 65% of the water wells in Gaza City and the northern areas of the Strip.
Due to Israeli bombing, at least 12 wells in the area have been destroyed, resulting in an extreme and unprecedented water crisis in Gaza City. Prior to the Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, the Gaza municipality was pumping approximately three million cups of water per month. Israel’s state-owned Mekorot company provided 700,000 cups per day, or 25% of the total amount. The desalination plant provided 10%, and the city’s local wells provided roughly two million and 200,000 cups. Almost all of these sources have since ceased production.
The situation is made worse by the fact that the Israeli authorities are still placing tight restrictions on the flow of aid into the Gaza Strip, particularly into the northern areas and Gaza City; this includes the fuel needed to run the water and sanitation facilities.
Since the beginning of its unprecedented military assaults, Israel has imposed a complete blockade on the Gaza Strip and stopped the flow of food, fuel, water, and other basic human necessities. Later, Israel’s military began methodically and willfully destroying water tanks and stations.
Under international pressure, Israel has allowed the daily entry of 100 aid trucks into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah land crossing into Egypt. This is a far cry from the average load of 500 trucks that entered the Strip prior to 7 October to meet humanitarian needs.
According to Euro-Med Monitor, the lack of clean drinking water in the northern Gaza Strip is resulting in increasingly dire consequences and severe suffering for residents of the Jabalia refugee camp, who have not had access to it since the start of Israeli military attacks. A 73-year-old resident of the camp’s “Block 4”, Alian Fares Abdel-Ghani, told the Euro-Med Monitor team that residents are forced to drink salted water, which is necessary for daily survival but difficult to obtain. According to Abdel-Ghani, Israel’s army destroyed the camp’s two desalination plants, the Tiberias and the Shomer plants, shortly after the start of its ongoing attacks.
Abdul-Ghani stated that the cost of a gallon of water initially increased from one Israeli shekel ($0.27 USD) to four shekels ($1.08 USD) as a result of the Israeli bombing and the lack of fuel required to run other stations farther from the camp. After a few days, he continued, Israel shut off the water supply entirely. Many Jabalia families have tried to sterilise water and make it somewhat drinkable by boiling it over wood fires, he said, especially after diseases started to spread among them and children started getting diarrhoea and colic on a regular basis.
Euro-Med Monitor warned that excessive consumption of undrinkable salt water will lead to high blood pressure; kidney disease; increased risk of stroke, intestinal, and stomach diseases; constant vomiting; and diarrhoea. These side effects ultimately result in excessive dehydration of the body’s tissues, particularly brain tissue. Drinking water drawn from wells without treatment could result in an imbalance in the body’s salt content and cause dehydration, with children and elderly people being the most vulnerable due to weakened immune systems, and the potential for gastrointestinal infections to cause fatalities.
Given the scarcity of drinkable water, particularly following winter rains and floods, worries about waterborne and infectious diseases like cholera and chronic diarrhoea are high.
Euro-Med Monitor conducted an analytical study last month that included a sample of 1,200 people in the Gaza Strip in order to ascertain the impact of the humanitarian crisis experienced by residents of the enclave in the midst of Israel’s genocidal war, ongoing since 7 October. Sixty-six per cent of the study sample reported having experienced diarrhoea, skin rashes, or intestinal diseases within the past month. According to the study, the rate of access to water in the Strip, including drinking, bathing, and cleaning water, is just 1.5 litres per person per day. This is 15 litres less than the minimum amount of water required for survival at the level required by international standards.
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor stressed that international humanitarian law forbids attacks, destruction, or disruption of vital facilities necessary to the survival of the civilian population, such as drinking water facilities and networks. The rights organisation further emphasised that international humanitarian law strictly prohibits the use of starvation as a weapon. As an occupying power, Israel is obligated under international humanitarian law to provide basic needs and protection to the Gazan people.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides that intentionally starving civilians by “depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies” is a war crime, added the Geneva-based rights group.
Euro-Med Monitor stated that Israel has been committing acts of genocide against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip since 7 October according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and pertinent international judicial rulings. Israel’s crimes include depriving the civilian population of enough potable water, which has caused serious, intentional harm and trapped them in living conditions meant to destroy them.
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Pandora's Shop (or, Bodega Triangle)
I’d decided to shed my skin, which had been flaking off for years, in a place of nightmarish liminality. Where the only variables are expiration dates. The neon mermaid bade her tail and winked at me as I shook dandruff from my scalp in a snow of powdery crust. A chill overcame me and my dry skin cracked further, an artificial breeze constricting my pores. The palms of my hands clammed, something that hadn’t happened since a childhood incident with a bullfrog who’s piss gave me warts between my fingers so big they couldn’t close. Leaving the quarry that day was a kid who didn't shake hands and his butterfly net of sun-dried tadpoles.
Chipped paint on vestibule walls. Nothing is less appealing to a customer than last year's eggshell under this year's ivory. How hard is it to slap a layer of varnish to wood panels so dry even the termites have gone? It would give the sticky handles of carts and baskets some justification; oh their money is being used on aesthetics rather than sanitation, can’t have both that’s for sure. The soggy coupon ad in the basket I grabbed plopped onto the trashcans rim and slid to the bottom of the bag with a squelch. The radio above reminded me, in the words of Sheryl Crow, “all I wanna do is have some fun.”
Shattered stained glass like that which belongs in a cathedral cracked under my fingers and scathed the wax floor that led to aisles of superfluous inebriation. I’d have stayed home if not for my inability to function without room-temperature vodka in my stomach. And knowing myself as well as I do, the half-fifth I had at home was full of water. Drunk-me had stopped putting my vodka in the freezer because most mornings I’d shakily wake up to it frozen. My ironic humor led my eyes to watch the shelves for new drinks I’d never try. Whenever my work friends and I go out to the bar they order seltzers, something their wives said would quell a beer gut. Frankly, carbonation and vodka sound as appealing as children and pedophiles, but as one might justify his pedaracy, what was the harm in looking?
NEW! Newman’s Own Hard Seltzers: Have you ever been drinking and thought to yourself, ‘I could really go for a salad right now?’ Look no further than the liquor department at your local grocery store for such a convenience. Newman’s Own is elated to bring to you the latest in refreshing alcoholic beverages with its own line of hard seltzers. Try our raspberry vinaigrette flavor for a tangy and crisp addition to your carbonated vodka. If you’re in the mood for something classic our ranch flavor is sure to satisfy. You bring the lettuce, and we’ll bring the dressing. Please drink (Ir)responsibly. 
With a handle of the most acetone-like vodka tucked under my arm, sloshing a foamless tide, I was ready to pull a swig. To pickle your insides was the most common cause of death in my genealogy. Most of us died pre-embalmed. I told my mom before she passed that I wouldn’t turn out like her brother, my uncle. Who bisected himself and his car on a telephone pole while on the run from a townsworth of sheriffs who were called to chase the violent bank robber that smelled like cinnamon whiskey and could hardly stand, let alone point a gun.
She croaked, and out came the bullfrog; a warty beast of sebaceum so viscous that most flies were caught on him rather than by him. And fed from a stagnant pond with mosquitoes so bountiful they outnumbered the people that lived in the apartments below. Nests of eggs were laid at the pond's edge and under a mountain of muck at the bottom the bullfrog lay masked, waiting for the buffet of hatchlings. From that hill rooftops seemed like asphalt ground and trees like bushes that lined an infinitely expansive blue front door. What I’d always wanted was to knock and ask for directions home.
The cashier behind the till stared at a vacant wonderland ahead of him. If there was a dollar in that till for every zit on his face he’d have enough to break a day’s worth of twenty’s. A haunting atmosphere became of him and the white noise emanating from the humming soda coolers. Fluorescent light is a killer of organic energies, shattering the bone under the skin. Nothing about the cashier felt less than uncanny; human cartilage.
Breakfast was a meal I routinely skipped. In favor of a mug of black coffee and a glass with a raw egg, hot sauce, vinegar, salt, and pepper in it which, along with a shot of vodka, was the only cure for the gale winds and dead fire I awoke to every morning. With more skin left to peel than time I had I wandered with the hurriedness of a molasses snail. Cereal changed little after all these years. A shiny new logo, a thinner mascot, and forgoing box tops for education. 
Post Honey Bunches of Toes: For the kid who hates corn chips but loves the smell. Never has breakfast been gamier. Enjoy our new sock fuzz edition! Watch the strands of fuzz swirl in your milk and forget the days of yawns at the breakfast table. Once you’ve finished, fish around the bowl for loose toenails and satisfy that childlike oral fixation! For every ten boxes sold we’ll donate toes to a child in need. Coming soon: new blister flavor!
Even before the hangovers, waking up in discomfort was as regular as morning dew or an oily nose. To remember falling asleep was to beg for memories that weren’t there. After a while of asking I’d just accepted that it was impossible for me not to fall asleep on the couch and have my step-dad carry me to bed. Food was a distant thought in my waking mind. Water was in orbit. But to rectify the pain was as immediate a concern as an asteroid barreling through the atmosphere. My step-dad was the kind of tough that you’d only come to realize was a farce after he succumbed to the hurt. Enough times of seeking help and only getting a fistful of painkillers was a lesson in complacency.
My childhood woes often lost themselves amongst my boundless imagination. Playing with action figures, who could be heroes, villains, cops, or teachers all in one day was my favorite pastime. Hesitancy overcame me in the toy aisle of the store. Although their heroes were more plastic than mine, and although their eyes drooped the way cheap paint runs, I couldn’t fight the melancholic nostalgia that made me bite through my gummy lips. I might not see a hero in Strongarm Mike or Daredevil Nick. But I do see the opportunity to create for them a life beyond their toxic Chinese parts. 
Two princesses, in royal blue and purple gowns dance a waltz in a glittering ballroom. From them emanates a hue of sparkling magic which guides their dancing feet and tosses the tulle of their gowns in a dramatic flair. Under the glass floor two heroes’ barrel through the raining debris of a falling skyscraper, each with an unconscious construction worker thrown over their shoulder. A figure-eight of the princesses' wands invites the men into their realm and sets the workers in pumpkin-shaped ambulances. Mike grabs the hand of the blue princess who, with a wave of her wand, clothes him in a teal suit. Nicks’ purple princess bestows him a lavender colored ensemble. The pairs break off and sway with each other to the sound of fluttering piano keys. 
New! Hasbro Lolita Doll. Finally! A doll made to be played with by the veiny hands of old predators- oh, excuse me, Humberts. Nothing strange to see here! You can now own your own nymphette doll. Lolita comes equipped with a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and pre-broken hymen! Who said toys are just for kids? Now the kid is the toy. Feel free to take Lolita across state lines and into innumerable hotel rooms where she’s just begging to be statutorily raped! Watch your wallet! As our new Lolita doll is built with a special A.I. that will find your cash and build herself a nest egg in hopes to run away. Coming soon: Brolita, because women can be predators too!
A tactic in self-preservation I’d learned early on was to piss in a drawer at the corner of my room. There was a book I’d read in second grade that taught me about pheromones, about the way animals secrete fluids that can invite or deter others. Like a sort of implicit instruction that finds itself teaching from the subconscious. The bullfrog hated the drawer. My experiment started once my fear of crossing his path overwhelmed my need to piss. On the precipice of an infected tract, I awoke one night to a strained throb in my bladder. While half-asleep I wandered over to the drawer which presented itself to me as a porcelain latrine. In a frothy gush like that of a breaking dam I flooded the drawer. And went back to bed. The next morning the bullfrog wasn’t standing over me nor did I wake up with the pains. After a few more weeks of using the drawer, I’d figured out the correlation. 
I ran my nose up and down the cleaning aisle in marathon laps. Like some scentless apprentice I could distinguish clean linen from lavender serenity from April fresh from blossom and breeze from Hawaiian aloha from fresh lemon. They worked in harmony to create an environment that left my skin itchy and my lungs ablaze as the chemical compounds worked their way into my already clogged bronchi. And remembering the time I poured bleach into my piss drawer and created a gas so noxiously overwhelming it did the bullfrogs job for him I hesitated as I made my way. 
Cotton fabric is a particularly absorbent material. My clothes always had a musk of cigarettes and nap sweat from my jackets to my boxers and socks. Yet, I was olfactorily unrecognizable. The ecosystem of sanitizing elements that watched me like birds on telephone wire, without trying, hid me in a drape of anonymous scent. Into the mirage of frost, I disappeared. And cried. Bees attacking my eyes with their sharp thoraxes. Gushes of salivation clawed my sunny eyes and bled onto my face. Into the freshly peeled skin of my cheeks, dry and raw, ran a tidal of abstract, toxic compounds. Underfoot the ground disappeared and became a crunchy and brittle surface. My blue toes, numb to thought, squelched in the swamp at the soles of my shoes. Fire engulfed what nerves were left to sing a song of damnation. Shaking so violently the world crumbled from its trembling axis. Fell into a clear void of thick fog which hissed from every point possible in the third dimension. 
Try the holiday favorite, available year-round! Gregg Nog: Nog gathered from the spunky nuts of a bachelor named Gregg. We’ve got him hooked up to a machine out back that milks the boy dry day in and day out, so you don’t have to worry about harmful additives or chemicals. Notice the faint yellow hue and taste the eggy goodness. Kids love Gregg Nog! Don’t wait till Christmas for that other, less impregnating beverage; and switch to a healthy, proteinated alternative, it’s Gregg Nog! The only beverage that you can feel moving on your tongue!
The price of milk is only getting more expensive- I mean what is the deal with inflation? Whoever is behind this must be the same ladies working on my husband's tits. And it’s not just because he has a baby on the way- no ma’am. It’s because he has two babies on the way. If you’d have told me that my husband getting pregnant would make him horny and well-endowed I’d have stopped masturbating in the bathroom after he fell asleep years ago. No, no- I’m serious. Nothing makes me feel uglier than looking up into the mirror stained with his popped pimples and toothpaste spit and seeing the face of the gal who just came into her toilet to Three Latina Death Row Inmates Play Strip Euchre. Anyone seen any good movies lately? No? Sorry I forgot it was the great depression. Let me roll my eyes and exhale from my nose dramatically real quick. Anyway, I just got back from seeing that Everything Everywhere All At Once flick- It’s the movie about a dimension hopping mom and her evil lesbian daughter. Whatever, I got to thinking… I wonder if there's a universe out there where my husband is not such a bitch? Look I’m glad we got men's rights, but what about men's wrongs?
I tried to drown myself in that drawer full of piss. By the time the bullfrog was gone to another pond, it had become a murky, autumn colored liquid that seeped through the thin tile at the bottom and dripped onto my floor. But once I’d started pissing in there I couldn’t stop. Everything about that house scared me even after I knew, consciously, it was safe. But some tickle in the back of my mind kept saying it would be back. But I’d seen him hop over to the pigs and play in the mud; last I heard he was living with some birds in a steely nest. And the day came when I learned that it doesn't take much for a lilypad to sink. 
The world is ending inside my head.
Find that fuse, which grows from the earth
like a juvenile sprout.
If we were in a hotel I’d say avoid the stairs
and the active shooter. 
And when my dog was a duck 
I still loved him.
While ants' lap spilled vodka from the couch.
This is like the third kid I’ve killed this way.
If you walk a little farther
you’ll save some money
and make sense of roadkill
and their absent eyes.
and I’ll never be on stage again.
Yet the world persists.
Horridly the presence of asparagus became on me. I’d never wanted again to smell piss so pungent. Artichoke and spinach danced a dip as one.  The apples removed layers of caramel seductively and stroked their wooden sticks. Gleeks, sung a mashup of songs that swung and just barely missed a spot in the top 40s. Harmonizing ambiently was the chime of bell peppers. It was midnight all the time. Spicy germ chimed against the membranous wall and echoed toward the tall ceilings and their waning light. Words from languages foreign to human ears, ginger root communicated with a bug-like discourse. Belly laughing pumpkins. An assault of melon seeds against any thick, echoing surface: stone for a bass-heavy thud, metal made a rattling clang, and wood made for a thin, clapping instrumentation. But in a band all parts are made equal; it's the sheet music which permits bias.
Those tomatoes in the corner creating martyrs of themselves, by Florence, they call to me. I’m at the front of the classroom being pelted by spitballs from bullies who might just yank my underwear by my autographed waistband. A match held just under my nose takes hair in sulfur wisps; melting that thin septum of mine to a drippy goop. I believe in protein powder for its glamorous-physique- inducing milk chocolate goodness. Granola makes for too harsh a meal; no yogurt can dull the stalactite-sharpness of any grain. I believe they are coming and I shall light another match and put my nose back in place. Spuds on the floor hear me when I say to you, “por que no los dos?”
Old! From Eddie Bauer, The Kings Robe: hate the burden of fashion and the threat of a public indecency charge? Try The Kings Robe! A multifunctional statement piece that says, “yes I have money, and no my penis is not that large in the cold.” With The Kings Robe by Eddie Bauer, you too can be your own hubris. Gone are the days of pseudo-intellectualism. What lay before you on a pea-dented mattress is the absolute humiliation of the working class knowing you’re no better than them.
Forsaken by my skin and now as fresh as a newborn chick. Where my feathers are dangling stems of chewy nerves and I am dressed in a clear-orange sauce of fluid. The shelves no longer behold themselves to merchandise and the only light is that which comes in from the moon and street lamps outside.
My cashier exploded, like pressurizing a can of tomato paste there are streams of meat that cover every-inch of in a six-foot-radius from where he stood. I suspect the bills in the till are still fresh and crisp, however. All I can audibly distinguish is the whir of machinery that keeps fridges cool and freezers frigid.
“Underdog, underdog.” Croaks an appalling voice. “Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,” it continues, “stare directly into the sun and see how clean that makes your clothes. Stains do not a good boy make. Your mother would be so disappointed in you. Those scuffs on your white shoes would send her reeling. You know I could clean them up for you. Go ahead and take off your shoes.”
I step from my formerly white tennis shoes, the color of their underside. 
“That’s a good boy.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you, what?”
“Thank you, sir.”
“That's better. Now let's get that shirt and those shorts into the washer, I thought you hated playing in the mud? That was the first thing your mom told me about you, and something I never forgot, ‘this boy of mine hates to get dirty,’ she said.” 
I stepped into near-nakedness by taking off my shirt and shorts, left in my underwear, socks, and forsaken knees. 
“There we go. Oh you must be so cold. Why don’t you go upstairs and take a warm shower? Wash some of that dirt off your face and get yourself clean before dinner.”
“Yes, sir.” 
I abandoned my briefs and cotton socks on the bathroom floor where they became fabric mush; abstracted by sprinkles from the cool shower water. Shampoo de-greased my hair, conditioner made it soft, no soap was strong enough to rinse from me the oil of hands that caressed my up and down and smoothed my skin from the roughness made by the peach fuzz of a fawnlette. And I’d always been grateful that in a shower there were bountiful excuses to dismiss what looked like crying. And what may be blood washed down the drain never to be seen again. And what was pain could be dulled by making the water hotter.
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attud-com · 2 years
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travocation · 2 months
Making the Most of Your Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi: Tips and Tricks
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Embarking on a Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi is a captivating journey through India's cultural and historical tapestry. This iconic itinerary, encompassing Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, offers travellers a glimpse into the heart of India’s rich heritage. Here, we provide an extensive guide, laden with tips and tricks, to ensure you maximise every moment of your Golden Triangle Tours from Delhi.
1. Planning Your Itinerary
Day 1: Delhi - The Capital's Charms
Delhi, the starting point of the Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi, is a city where the ancient and modern coalesce. Begin your exploration with a visit to the Red Fort, a symbol of Mughal grandeur. Nearby, Jama Masjid, India’s largest mosque, stands as a testament to architectural prowess.
Travel Tip: Engage a knowledgeable local guide to gain deeper insights into the historical significance of these landmarks.
Day 2: Delhi to Agra - The Mughal Marvels
Depart early for Agra, home to the magnificent Taj Mahal. En route, consider a detour to Sikandra, the mausoleum of Akbar the Great. Upon reaching Agra, allow the ethereal beauty of the Taj Mahal to leave you spellbound.
Travel Tip: Visit the Taj Mahal at dawn or dusk for the most stunning views and to avoid the peak crowds.
Day 3: Agra - Beyond the Taj
Agra’s allure extends beyond the Taj Mahal. Explore Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site, and the exquisite Itimad-ud-Daulah, often referred to as the 'Baby Taj'.
Travel Tip: Purchase a combined ticket for the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort to save time and money.
Day 4: Agra to Jaipur - The Pink City Beckons
On your way to Jaipur, stop by Fatehpur Sikri, the abandoned Mughal capital, known for its stunning palaces and mosques. Arrive in Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, in the evening.
Travel Tip: Ensure your vehicle is well-maintained, as the drive can be long and arduous.
Day 5: Jaipur - Royalty and Romance
Jaipur's attractions include the imposing Amber Fort, the regal City Palace, and the astronomical wonder, Jantar Mantar. Don’t miss the Hawa Mahal, with its intricate façade.
Travel Tip: Hire a rickshaw or cycle to navigate the narrow streets of the old city for an authentic experience.
Day 6: Jaipur to Delhi - Concluding the Journey
Return to Delhi, completing the Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi. Use this day to visit any missed landmarks or indulge in last-minute shopping at Connaught Place or Chandni Chowk.
Travel Tip: Keep some buffer time in your schedule to account for any travel delays.
2. Essential Travel Tips
Packing Smart
Clothing: Pack light, breathable fabrics suitable for the varied climates. Include a shawl or light jacket for cooler evenings.
Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes are a must, as you'll be on your feet exploring historical sites.
Health Essentials: Carry a basic first aid kit, prescribed medications, and hand sanitizers. The varying weather and food can sometimes cause minor ailments.
Navigating Local Cuisine
Delhi: Relish the street food, but ensure it’s from a reputable vendor. Try the chaat, parathas, and kebabs.
Agra: Petha, a sweet delicacy, and Mughlai cuisine are must-tries.
Jaipur: Indulge in Rajasthani specialties like Dal Baati Churma and Ghewar.
Travel Tip: Drink only bottled water and avoid raw salads unless you're dining at high-end restaurants.
Cultural Etiquette
Dress Modestly: Especially when visiting religious sites. Women should carry a scarf to cover their heads if required.
Respect Traditions: Remove your shoes before entering temples and mosques. Always ask for permission before taking photographs of people.
3. Accommodation Insights
Luxury: The Leela Palace, Taj Mahal Hotel
Mid-Range: Bloomrooms, Hotel Hari Piorko
Budget: Zostel, Smyle Inn
Luxury: Oberoi Amarvilas, ITC Mughal
Mid-Range: Hotel Clarks Shiraz, Crystal Sarovar Premiere
Budget: Moustache Hostel, Friends Paying Guest House
Luxury: Rambagh Palace, Fairmont Jaipur
Mid-Range: Alsisar Haveli, Pearl Palace Heritage
Budget: Jaipur Jantar Hostel, Zostel Jaipur
Travel Tip: Book accommodations well in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.
4. Transportation Tips
By Road
Hiring a private car with a driver is a popular and comfortable option for the Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi. Ensure the vehicle is equipped with air conditioning, especially during the summer months.
By Train
The Indian railway network offers a convenient way to travel between Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Consider premium trains like the Shatabdi Express for a more comfortable experience.
By Air
While not commonly preferred due to short distances, flights are available between Delhi, Jaipur, and Agra. This can be a good option if you’re short on time.
Travel Tip: Always book tickets in advance and keep digital copies of all travel documents.
5. Best Time to Visit
Winter (October to March)
The most popular time for the Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi, winter offers pleasant weather, ideal for sightseeing. Festivals like Diwali, Christmas, and Holi during this period add to the charm.
Summer (April to June)
The summer can be scorching, especially in Agra and Jaipur. However, this is also the off-season, and you might find fewer crowds and better deals on accommodation.
Monsoon (July to September)
The monsoon season brings relief from the heat but can also cause travel delays due to heavy rains. This period is marked by lush greenery and fewer tourists.
Travel Tip: Carry an umbrella or raincoat during the monsoon and stay hydrated throughout your journey.
6. Local Experiences
Heritage Walks: Explore the lanes of Old Delhi with a guided heritage walk.
Cultural Shows: Attend a classical music or dance performance at the India Habitat Centre.
Shopping: Visit Dilli Haat for handicrafts and souvenirs.
Mehtab Bagh: Enjoy a view of the Taj Mahal from across the Yamuna River.
Marble Inlay Workshops: Learn about the intricate art of Pietra Dura.
Local Markets: Sadar Bazaar is perfect for shopping for leather goods and handicrafts.
Block Printing Workshops: Try your hand at traditional Rajasthani block printing.
Hot Air Balloon Ride: Get a bird’s eye view of the Pink City.
Folk Performances: Enjoy a traditional dance or puppet show at Chokhi Dhani.
7. Safety and Security
Personal Belongings: Keep your valuables secure and avoid displaying expensive items openly.
Local Scams: Be wary of common scams, such as overly friendly strangers offering unsolicited help or taxi drivers taking you to specific shops for a commission.
Emergency Contacts: Save local emergency numbers and the contact details of your country's embassy.
Travel Tip: Travel insurance is a wise investment for peace of mind during your journey.
8. Sustainable Travel
Eco-Friendly Choices: Opt for eco-friendly hotels and use reusable water bottles.
Local Support: Support local artisans by purchasing authentic souvenirs directly from them.
Respect Nature: Avoid littering and be mindful of the environment at all tourist sites.
9. Cultural Festivals
Diwali: The festival of lights, celebrated with grandeur.
Republic Day: Witness the grand parade showcasing India’s military and cultural heritage.
Taj Mahotsav: A ten-day festival celebrating art, culture, and cuisine.
Ram Barat: A grand procession depicting the marriage of Lord Rama.
Jaipur Literature Festival: The world’s largest free literary festival.
Teej Festival: Celebrated with great fervour, marking the onset of monsoon.
10. Practical Tips
Language: While Hindi is widely spoken, English is understood in most tourist areas.
Currency: Carry a mix of cash and cards. ATMs are widely available.
Connectivity: Buy a local SIM card for uninterrupted mobile and internet access.
By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi is a memorable and enriching experience. From historical landmarks to cultural delights, this journey offers an unparalleled glimpse into the soul of India. So pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and immerse yourself in the splendour of the Golden Triangle Tour from Delhi.
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townpostin · 3 months
Jharkhand Launches Diarrhoea Prevention Campaign In Jamshedpur
Officials Flag Off Awareness Chariot To Educate Public On Disease Prevention Free treatment offered at district hospitals and health centers during campaign. JAMSHEDPUR – Rajesh Sharma, Secretary of Jharkhand’s Drinking Water and Sanitation Department, and District Magistrate Ananya Mittal launched a Diarrhoea prevention awareness campaign. "Many illnesses, including Diarrhoea, often stem from…
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drchandrashekar26 · 4 months
Expert Care in Navi Mumbai: Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri, General Physician with 22+ Years of Experience
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri is a distinguished General physician in navi Mumbai and the esteemed Director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at NEW ERA Hospital in Navi Mumbai. With extensive experience and expertise in critical care, he leads the ICU with precision and compassion. Dr. Tulasigeri is renowned for his commitment to patient well-being, employing cutting-edge medical techniques and compassionate care to ensure optimal outcomes. His leadership in critical care medicine exemplifies excellence, setting a new standard in healthcare delivery. 
During an exclusive interview, Dr. Tulasigeri shared his comprehensive understanding of common rainy season afflictions such as viral fevers, dengue, leptospirosis, and respiratory infections. His emphasis on preventive measures underscores the importance of proactive healthcare practices, including vaccination awareness, maintaining hygiene, and avoiding stagnant water breeding grounds for mosquitoes and bacteria.
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The rainy season in Navi Mumbai brings a unique set of health challenges, ranging from waterborne illnesses to respiratory infections and skin problems. Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri's vast experience enables him to offer nuanced insights and practical advice to help patients safeguard their health during this time. From recommending vaccination schedules to educating about hygiene practices and providing timely treatment for common ailments, his approach is holistic and patient-centric.
As the monsoon clouds gather over Navi Mumbai, the city gears up for its annual dance with the rains. Amidst this season of lush greenery and occasional downpours, the importance of health and wellness takes center stage. In such times, having a seasoned healthcare professional by your side becomes invaluable. Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri, a highly experienced general physician, stands as a beacon of healthcare expertise, guiding patients through the nuances of staying healthy during the rainy season.
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri - MBBS , MD. - Director Dept of Critical care Medicine NEW ERA Hospital, Navi Mumbai | Senior consultant Physician in NeuroOne Vashi & Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Dr Chandrashekhar is a qualified MBBS, MD Physician and his area of expertise includes Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Cardiac Illness, 2D Echo, Stress test, Preventive Medicine, Thyroid and Infective Diseases like Malaria, Dengue Preventive Medicine, Pneumonia, respiratory Infection, hepatitis etc.
Patients from all around Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Panvel and Raigad visit Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri with lots of hopes due to his more than 22 years of experience and superior treatment.   
Waterborne diseases pose another significant threat during this time. Dr. Tulasigeri emphasizes the need for clean drinking water and proper sanitation practices to prevent conditions like cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. His proactive approach includes educating communities about water purification methods and advocating for municipal initiatives to ensure safe water supply.
Respiratory issues, such as asthma and allergies, often worsen in the damp and moldy environment that accompanies the rainy season. Dr. Tulasigeri conducts thorough assessments, including lung function tests and allergy screenings, to diagnose and manage these conditions effectively. He also advises patients on indoor air quality measures and recommends appropriate medications and lifestyle modifications to alleviate symptoms.
Preventive Healthcare: Dr. Tulasigeri emphasizes the importance of preventive measures such as vaccination against waterborne diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A, especially during the rainy season when the risk of contamination is higher.
Respiratory Health: Given the increase in humidity and moisture levels, respiratory infections are common. Dr. Tulasigeri educates patients on maintaining indoor air quality, recognizing early symptoms, and seeking timely medical intervention.
Nutrition and Hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration play a vital role in bolstering the immune system. Dr. Tulasigeri offers dietary recommendations tailored to the season and advises on maintaining adequate hydration levels.
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Tulasigeri's repertoire of expertise spans a diverse array of medical specialties, making him a versatile and trusted healthcare provider. Among his areas of specialization are:
Diabetes: With a deep understanding of the complexities of diabetes, Dr. Tulasigeri offers personalized treatment plans to help patients effectively manage their condition and lead fulfilling lives.
Hypertension: As a leading expert in hypertension management, Dr. Tulasigeri employs evidence-based approaches to control blood pressure and mitigate the risk of associated complications.
Asthma Care: With a compassionate approach, Dr. Tulasigeri assists asthma patients in achieving optimal control over their condition, enabling them to breathe easier and enjoy an improved quality of life.
Cardiac Health: Dr. Tulasigeri specializes in cardiac illness management, utilizing advanced diagnostic techniques such as 2D Echo and stress tests to assess heart function and formulate tailored treatment plans.
Infectious Diseases: Dr. Tulasigeri possesses extensive experience in managing infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, pneumonia, and hepatitis, employing a multidisciplinary approach to ensure prompt diagnosis and effective treatment.
Commitment to Patient Care
At the core of Dr. Tulasigeri's practice is a steadfast commitment to providing compassionate and patient-centric care. He takes the time to listen to his patients' concerns, thoroughly assess their medical history, and collaborate with them to develop tailored treatment plans that align with their individual needs and preferences. His empathetic demeanor and unwavering dedication to his patients' well-being have earned him the trust and admiration of the community he serves.
Visit: https://drchandrashekhar-physician.com/
Contact: +91-77381 62020
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summarychannel · 10 months
Egypt is forced to open the Rafah crossing by force after America and Israel agree to displace the people of Gaza, and the Egyptian army is preparing
Updates on the Al-Aqsa Flood operation presented in this episode of Samri Channel. The beginning is from the Palestinian city of Rafah on the Egyptian border, which has become the center of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to a report published by the Wall Street Journal. The United Nations warns that Rafah could soon host half of the Strip’s population of 2.3 million people, and the city currently hosts about half a million displaced people (470,000), in addition to a population of approximately 300,000 people (280,000). Thomas White warned, The director of the Gaza Department at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) told X that the recent evacuation orders would add an additional half a million displaced people to the city.
Hundreds of families fled from the continuous Israeli bombing, as schools and shelters in southern Gaza were full, and the prices of small apartments doubled from $100 before the war to about $5,000, leaving the displaced with few options for camping in parks and empty plots and searching for something to protect them from the cold weather, according to The newspaper. The newspaper noted that the city has witnessed a three-fold increase in its population since the start of the conflict. Rafah, located in the south of the Gaza Strip, is an ancient city dating back to the Bronze Age that extends on the Egyptian border, and includes the only border crossing in the Strip that does not lead to Israel.
Israel began a devastating bombardment on the Gaza Strip in response to an unprecedented attack by Hamas, which was listed on the US terrorist lists, on October 7, killing 1,200 people, the majority of whom were civilians, according to the Israeli authorities. As of October 27, Israel began a large-scale ground attack in the poor and completely besieged Strip. More than 17,000 people were killed, about 70 percent of them women and children under 18 years old, according to the latest toll announced by the Hamas Ministry of Health on Friday.
Relief groups have documented outbreaks of diseases such as hepatitis, rabies and herpes, which resulted from overcrowding and inadequate water and sewage treatment plants, not to mention the lack of fuel to adequately feed and treat desalination plants, which caused widespread cases of diarrhea among the displaced. The displaced have only trees to obtain fuel for heating, cooking food, and boiling water for drinking, while the prices of food and clean water are rising, and supplies of medicines and health products are diminishing, especially for children and women. Food shortages have been a problem throughout the two-month-long war, but have worsened since the end of the week-long truce on December 1 due to a decline in the number of aid trucks entering from Egypt and the intense fighting obstructing its distribution, including in southern Gaza.
 Reuters reported in a report that “Gazan children sleep and wake up to the screams of hungry stomachs in a camp in Rafah,” where “displaced people... resort to desperate solutions such as diluting powdered infant formula in a large amount of water or feeding the children one meal a day due to the lack of enough food.” the food". Thomas White, Director of the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Gaza, said through his account on the “X” platform, “The recent evacuation orders may lead to the displacement of an additional half a million people to Rafah.”
 “The water and sanitation infrastructure will not even come close to meeting the needs of the internally displaced population, which could number up to a million people,” he noted. The World Food Program confirmed that it has become impossible to deliver aid to the hungry in the Gaza Strip as Israel escalates its attacks on targets there in its war with Hamas. “With the collapse of law and order, any meaningful humanitarian operation has become impossible,” Karl Skau, deputy executive director of the World Food Programme, said in a statement after a visit to the sector on Friday. "With the arrival of a very small portion of the necessary food supplies, the stark absence of fuel, the disruption of communications systems, and the lack of security for our staff or the people we serve in the food distribution (centres), we cannot do our work," he added.
The newspaper hinted that the humanitarian crisis in Rafah may have broader repercussions if the Palestinians in the city try to make their way into Egypt, which means that the Egyptian forces may have the choice of using force to repel civilians or accepting the refugee crisis in Sinai. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry explained in Washington, DC, on Friday, Cairo’s position rejecting any displacement of Palestinians from Gaza to Sinai. He said during an event organized by the Atlantic Council, which specializes in research in the field of international affairs on the challenges associated with the war in Gaza, that the continued “displacement and internal displacement” of Palestinians in Gaza constitutes a “violation of international humanitarian law.” The minister repeated, "At the beginning of the conflict, official statements were issued stating that the intention was to displace the people of Gaza to Sinai. This is completely unacceptable."
#Egypt #Palestine #Gaza
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Welcome back guys! Isn't water crucial to us? Doesn't everyone have the right to safe drinking water and sanitation? Yes, without water, livelihoods and way of life suffer.
Today's blog I'll talk about the impact on scarcity of water. Perhaps you guys can recall a moment when y'all turned on the water and nothing came out. When water is shut off, everything and everyone suffers. Water scarcity has persisted in recent years, even in metropolitan areas.
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Millions of people are harmed by contaminated water.
In Malaysia, 92% of Malaysians have access to safe drinking water, and 82% have access to sanitary sanitation. Although these figures appear outstanding, vulnerable populations in Malaysia pay a high price for drinking dirty water.
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According to the Statistics Department, 53% of Orang Asli communities have little to no access to piped water. This has put them at risk, and many, particularly youngsters, have developed water-borne infections as a result.
Water Is A Human Rights Issue Everyone has the right to water, just as everyone has the right to shelter, freedom, and justice. Unfortunately, this is not a right that everyone has.
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Malaysians in the B40 group, as well as those on the margins (for example, Orang Asli and indigenous Malaysians), are the sufferers. Water is critical for farmers and fishermen's businesses and livelihood. When the water supply is blocked, their livelihood suffers and their families suffer.
Landslides and mudslides have an impact on water quality.
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Climate change is more prevalent today than it was a century ago. Landslides, in particular, have an impact on water quality. Mudslides pollute the river, which serves as a natural source of drinking water for many people.
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In conclusion, water shortage will have a significant impact on crop yields and will determine if there will be enough food to feed the globe by 2050.
My little advice to you guys, please save water also never waste even a drop of water because if you pollute water, you pollute life too.
Thank you for reading this blog! Let's save water together!
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