#Derek did NOT deserve to die like that
Fix it for the teen wolf movie but I haven’t seen it. And I don’t plan too. This is all based off of what I gathered from fanfics and tumblr.
So Lydia comes back to town and Derek doesn’t know that her and stiles broke up. He hasn’t really stayed in contact becuase he can’t handle the thought of stiles with someone else
Cue him running into Lydia and trying to be causal, “oh where’s stiles” acting like his heart is not a second from stopping. She tells him they broke up and he has to act all sad like he’s not fighting a smile. “Oh how terrible”
The minute he gets home he calls stiles and is like “can I visit you?”. Stiles gives him the quickest yes ever. He skips town with Eli (getting away from the demon). Eli is so confused on what is happening but Derek is like “I’m trying to get you a second dad, he owned the jeep before you” and Eli is even more confused but so down, because the jeep is awesome.
He meets up with stiles and confesses immediately “I let you get away from me once and I’ll be damned if it happens again, I can’t lose you to someone else.”
Volia happy ending of sterek and Eli. Eli fucking loves stiles, thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Peter is crying with joy because stiles is officially family. That creep, he just would. Cora is immediately making fun of Derek for being a loser.
And Derek doesn’t die in a fucking fire in front of his son. Like what kinda ending is that honestly.
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i was rereading bits of lsodm because i needed to know if skug spoke french for a. thingie. and i forgot how feral ghastly was at times
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i love him. i love him so much. also i joke about him being skug's moral compass and/or impulse control but. that is barely true they are two halves of a whole idiot
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riahreadz · 6 months
Anyone else feel like they love a fandom more than they love a show/movie/etc. ? Teen Wolf, for example, loved the show growing up and then discovered Tumblr and AO3 side of the TW and loved the connon on fics more than the show itself 🤣 I'm a huge fan of Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Peter, and Peter/Chris, Stiles/Peter/Chris. Used to love Scott in the show but enjoy reading bad-friend/alpha-scott better. I stopped watching the show after Derek left, so at the point, Peter was more villain than anything but in fics? Favorite character. Love the trope of Good-Peter, Peter deserves nice things, hell I even love the trope of murder husband's Peter and Stiles. Never cared for Chris in the show until I started reading fics about him and Peter. Didn't really care for Malia but gimme Dad Peter and I'll read that shit everytime. Hated Allison in the show but Chris mourning his daughter and Stiles saving the day by getting her back all the while Peter holds them all together as pack alpha? YESSS.
When the movie came out obviously did not like it but the fix it fics that followed? I'll read Stiles saving his husband and son all day everyday.
However, it is important to note that I love all the actors and actresses - they are all amazing. The show was beautiful and even the movie (if it had better material anyways and obviously Derek didn't die).
But the fanfics in the Teen Wolf fandom are top-tier. I will smile, I will laugh, I will throw my phone across the room, and I will cry. It also helps that Tyler Hoechlin supports Sterek fanfics which makes it so much better. And the friendship between Ian and Tyler? Ian ans Jr? I love them.
Okay, that ends my rant for the day ✌🏻 thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I'll see yall during my next batch of pain meds that make me emotional 🤣
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boldlyvoid · 11 months
prompt: reader (or another character) taking care of spencer during a depressive episode
Home is where ever I'm with you
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tw: depressive episode, Spencer going non-verbal/one-worded when he needs to speak, mentions of spencers anxiety/depression, his past trauma with maeve, case talk, food mention
wc: 1.8k
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Morgan drives him home and walks him up the stairs to his apartment, “can I have your keys?” He asks, reid just nods and hands them to him. 
He unlocks Spencer’s apartment and turns on the lights, waking up Spencer’s girlfriend who’s sleeping on the couch. “Hey…” she rubs her eyes, thinking it’s just Spencer. He didn’t know she was over, she came over when he said he was on his way home, and she failed to wait up for him. 
“Hi?” Derek answers, “who are you?” 
“Y/N,” Spencer finally speaks, he’s been nonverbal since the case ended. It was a bad case. He got a little hurt. All he wanted was to see her and it’s like she knew that. 
“Oh,” Derek knows this is the person Spencer’s been talking to for a while now, he remembers all the times he caught Spencer staring at his phone with a smile. This was his new love. 
He drops his bag on the ground and rushes over to her, burying his face in her neck and holding her impossibly close. She wraps her arms around him, “I’m here, I’ve got you, baby.” 
“Thank you,” Derek shoots her a smile, backing up towards the door. “Have him text me later when he’s feeling better?” 
“Will do, thank you, Derek,” she shoots him a smile, knowing him from all Spencers stories. She gives him a little wave as he closes the apartment door, and then they’re alone. “Do you want to eat, have a shower or go to bed?” 
“Shower,” he whispers, pulling back he looks at her with such sad eyes. “I’m tired.” 
“So we’ll get in the bath,” she whispers, cupping his face in her hands. “I’ve got you.” 
She gets him into the bathroom, helps him strip down and she puts a towel over the closed toilet seat. He takes a seat while she runs the bath water, he has the coolest bathtub. His apartment is so old yet a lot of it is newly renovated, his tub is one of those old claw-foot tubs, it’s pretty big and they’ve fit in it together before. 
She reaches into the cupboard under his sink and gets the pail she uses to wash his hair when he’s sitting down in the tub. This isn’t the first time she’s done this, it won’t be the last either. The first time she had to take care of him, he felt so awful, he felt like a kid… but from what she’s heard about his childhood, even as a kid, he didn’t have someone to take care of him like this. 
She helps him into the tub, she sits on a little stool outside the tub for a moment and then he looks at her with pleading eyes, he wants her to get in too. So she carefully strips and gets into the water right behind him, letting him rest against her chest. She has a washcloth and she covers it in soap, she runs it along his chest and his shoulders, washing the case off him. She kisses his head and right behind his ear, “You can talk to me whenever you’re ready…” 
He hums, he knows. He’s just unable to get any words out yet. That’s completely okay. It must’ve been really bad. The last time that this happened, he had to kill someone. That’s the worst part about the job. He hates it. He firmly believes that no matter what someone did, they don’t deserve to die. People can be rehabilitated, they may not be able to change, but you can learn more from a killer when they’re alive than when they’re dead. More people get saved with their prison interviews. 
“Scoot forward,” she requests and he does. She gets the pail and fills it with water, “tilt your head back for me?” 
He listens again, letting her run the water over his hair so she could wash it for him. He reaches out for the shampoo and hands it back to her, she lathers it up in her hands and starts to run it through his hair. It lathers up… fine but his hair was greasy, she knows if she washes it out and does it again, it’ll actually work this time. So she rinses it out, reapplies the shampoo and watches it bubble up a lot more. He leans his head back even more, clearly enjoying the way she’s managing his scalp. She keeps going just so he can feel some semblance of peace today. He deserved it. 
When she does rinse it out again, he sighs, “Thank you.” 
“You know I’d do anything for you, Spence,” she whispers before pressing a kiss to his shoulder. 
“Nothing happened,” he whispers back. “I’m just low… I think I need to go back on my meds.” 
“We can call and make an appointment with your psychiatrist in the morning,” she suggests. “Is it just depression or is there also anxiety?” 
“Both,” he says with a nod. “I listened to my meditations on the way home but it’s still bad.” 
“Do you want me to order you that good salmon rice bowl and get you some more magnesium supplements?” 
“Would you mind?” He worries. 
She leans over his shoulder and turns his face to the side. “Spence, I’m never going to mind.” 
“Thank you,” he says with tears in his eyes. 
She simply kisses him, “Do you want to get out?
He nods moving away from her so she can get out of the tub first. She’s quick to dry herself and then hold open a towel to wrap around him once he stands up. She picks up her clothes from the floor so he can step out and not get them wet. “I’m going to the bedroom, I’ll see you in there?” 
“Okay,” he agrees, taking a moment to brush his hair in the mirror. 
She sets out his favourite comfy clothes and gets into a pair of her pjs that stay in his room for times like these. She changes first and then heads back out to the living room to get her phone so she can order them some food. It’s not too late, so it’ll be no problem getting a delivery. When she makes her way back into the bedroom, Spencer has all the lights out except his little fairy lights, he’s changed into the outfit she picked out for him and getting into bed. She smiles at him, “Comfy?” 
He nods, “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, love,” she says again, never tiring of all his appreciation. She hops into bed with him. “The food will be here in half an hour… did you want to watch something or read? Maybe listen to some music?” 
He sighs, thinking it over. “You can pick the show. I just want to sit with you.” 
“Okay,” she understands that. “I love you, you know?” 
He nods, smiling building, “I know… I love you.” 
She leans over and shares a kiss with him, she cups his cheek and runs her thumb over his prickly facial hair. When she pulls back, she keeps rubbing his cheek with her thumb, “You’re okay, you’re safe, I’m not going anywhere.” 
Those are 3 things she knows his anxiety and likes to tell him lies about. His brain convinces him she won’t stay if he’s ‘hard to take care of.’ His brain makes him think that he’s constantly fighting for his life… the adrenaline in his body is too strong, so a simple “you’re okay” or “you’re safe” can change his whole mindset. She’s sat in with him at therapy, she’s learned all the things that set him off and what makes him comfortable, and she’d do anything to make sure that he stays safe. That he stays alive and with her. Even if one day he decided he didn’t love her anymore, there’s nothing she wants more than for him to keep living. 
He snuggles into her side, she opens up his laptop and heads right to Netflix, resuming where they were in Grey’s Anatomy the last time she was over. Sure, this shows intense, but the plot is fun to follow, he can tell her what medical facts aren’t true and even try to guess the endings. He loves how she’s already seen it all yet she won’t ever tell him if he’s correct with his guesses… but he’s good at his job, he can tell when she’s trying to pretend he isn’t right. It’s fun for them. 
And then their food arrives, they both head out to the kitchen to put it on plates, get real silverware and put their drinks in a glass with ice. They put the laptop on the tiny kitchen table, sit side by side and eat in silence while their show is on. She watches him eat the whole plate, she sees the colour return in his cheeks and his eyes start to get heavy when the carb dump starts to rush through his veins. He’s tired. But she makes him stay up another hour so the food can digest before they head back into the bedroom. 
“Can you text Derek,” she suggests, handing him his phone. “Tell him you’re doing better and thank him for the ride home.” 
“Okay,” he takes the phone from her and does just that. “Derek says thank you for taking care of me.” 
“It’s my pleasure… maybe we can go out for lunch with him this weekend?” She suggests. 
He nods, “Yeah… if I’m feeling better.” 
“Of course,” she would never rush him. “I’d like to meet everyone at some point.” 
“I like that you don’t know them,” he admits. “Then you can’t get hurt.” 
There’s another anxious thought. 
“I’m not going to get hurt,” she assures him. She wraps her arms around him and looks up into his eyes, “I promise, I’m not going anywhere. I will kill someone with my bare hands to come home to you.” 
He manages to smile a bit, “Me too… maybe we could live together? For real?” 
She lights right up, “Yeah, yeah I would love that. I mean, maybe not here… this place is already crowded when I visit, but we could start looking for a new apartment together?” 
“I’d like that. I’d like to start something fresh and new with you. I think we deserve a happy little place just for us,” he explains, its the most he’s said tonight. He must be feeling better. “I love being with you. I wish you were here all the time.” 
“Me too, Spence, that’s why I ran over here tonight,” she shares. “I felt like you’d need some us time.” 
“You’re too good to me,” he wraps her up in his arms. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“Me either.”  
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
The idea of Derek being present in season 5 and being supportive of Stiles intrigues me because of the potential contrast to Stiles & Malia. Malia knew about Donovan but didn't care in the way that Stiles needed her to when he was struggling. Which isn't her fault - she's not human, didn't grow up human, and thus has no understanding of WHY Stiles would be upset.
Malia is definitely one of the characters I think JD mishandled the most.
The potential Scott vs Derek is delicious, because they both went through the Nogitsune ordeal, and because Derek also trusts Stiles implicitly, whereas that trust between Scott and Stiles is frayed.
Derek and the sheriff would 100% destroy any and all evidence against Stiles. It wouldn't even be a question in their minds.
do not get me started on malia tate and how badly she was mishandled. i know she isn't the most popular character but i love her and she deserved so much better than what they gave her.
derek in s5 would've been so intriguing. i was actually making a list of why derek couldn't be in s5 because it'd just break everything.
he'd take one look at theo and called him a great value version of peter and theo would have to no choice but to die of shame
would help and support malia with killing corrine because corrine is trying to kill her.
also it'd be really interesting for derek to have to confront the idea that talia hale forced someone to carry a pregnancy they didn't want in addition to removing peter's memories of it which removed peter's agency in the situation.
he would definitely been able to help liam with his control and be someone liam could actually turn to for advice and help when he felt like scott wasn't listening.
if liam bonded with and grew to trust derek it would've been a great echo of the situation with isaac back in s3. scott could've felt jealous and threatened over it.
he also probably could've been useful with helping kira find control over her fox thereby rendering the skin walker plot useless.
derek would've figured out jordan was a hellhound.
the scott and derek dynamic would've been interesting as fuck because scott was failing as an alpha in the way derek did and scott wasn't very understanding of derek's failures and short comings.
he would've been such a great support system for stiles which would've undermined theo's entire agenda. derek would've never doubted stiles not after everything they'd been through together.
i would've loved to hear his thoughts about the whole le bête situation and how he would've handled that with the argents. like fuck off and die already gerard.
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thearcherprentiss · 1 year
Criminal Minds as things my friends have said
Emily: "Derek you have beautiful eyes. No homo though."
Derek: "What?"
Emily: "No homo, but in a straight way."
Reid: "I think she deserves to be happy."
Cat: "I think she'd make a good rug for my room."
Reid: "w h a t t h e h e l l ?"
JJ: "I don't drink caffeine. If there was enough caffeine in the world to make me happy, I'd drink it... I have nothing to live for."
Luke: "Don't you have kids?"
JJ, dejectedly: "Right, yeah, them."
Rossi: "I should probably be more professional... unfortunately for you people, I'm not going to be. Sorry. But not really."
Emily: "If you're not dragging everyone else down with your uselessness, you're doing it wrong."
Morgan, as Reid is bleeding out: "If you die, I'm going to drag your soul back into your body. You don't get to leave us here. Not with Emily."
Emily, to JJ: "I'll ride with you, if you don't mind."
Morgan: "When have you ever been polite enough to say 'if you don't mind?'"
Emily: "Shut up bitch." *turns back to JJ* "is that okay? :)"
JJ: "I don't know what it is about Hotch, but I can't look at him for more than like two seconds. For the first few months I worked here, I didn't know what he looked like, because I couldn't look him directly in the face."
Emily: "Where would you have a blood fluke?"
Morgan: "The liver, I think."
Reid: "Guys, I love you, but you are SO stupid."
JJ, pointing at Will across the room: "That's my new boyfriend."
Emily, trying not to laugh: "One word. Drugs."
Hotch: "Emily, be nice. JJ likes him."
Emily, shamelessly laughing now: "Tell me you can't see the meth in his eyes."
*everyone talking about Spotify wrapped*
Morgan: "What about you Reid? What was your top song?"
Reid, quietly: "...the periodic table of elements song."
Rossi: "If you say you like oreos, that isn't self-disclosure. But if you say you like to do kinky stuff with oreos, that is."
JJ, stunned: "How did he come up with that highly specific example on the spot?"
Emily: "It's Dave, do you really want to know?"
Emily: "Wait, guys, if the toxin from the mushroom gets people high, how does it not get the mushroom high?"
Reid: *becomes catatonic for a whole minute because of her stupidity*
Morgan: "Hey Reid, how did they walk on the moon? Wasn't it too hot?"
Reid: "No?"
Morgan: "But it literally glows."
Reid: "It doesn't produce its own light, it reflects the sun."
Morgan: "Ha! I know that isn't true, because the sun isn't even out at night!"
Reid, sighing: "Derek, no, the--"
JJ, placing her hand on Reid's arm: "They made special moon shoes. That's how."
Morgan: "Ahhh, now that makes sense!"
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fairytalegumiho · 1 year
Spoilers ahead!!!!!!
Never have I ever been this happy about seeing the spoilers of a movie.
Why did JD do that? Why? Why does he hate Derek so much?
So from what I learnt from the spoilers
Derek ' the punching bag of the show' Hale is dead.
Derek 'most happy ending deserving' Hale is dead
Derek 'my whole family burned in fire' Hale is killed because of fire in front of his own son( So now Eli has to go through the same amount of trauma like his father).
Derek 'I killed the love of my love- Paige- with my own hands to relieve her of her pain so at least she can die peacefully even though I lose my innocence and acquire a lot of trauma' Hale is dead at the same place where Paige died.
Derek 'always been nerfed' Hale is dead.
This is so stupid and wrong on so many levels. It is totally disrespectful for Derek, his fans, Derek × oc/Stiles/Braeden shippers.
I love the 'divided by ships but United by the movie' trope running around almost all of the shippers( sterek, stydia, thiam and so on) as they seemingly agree with Headcanon that the movie doesn't exist.
The minute I learnt that Derek died, i thought of not watching the movie but now I want to at least for Eli and cure my depression after watching the movie with fix it fics
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blackbird-brewster · 15 days
CM Unpopular Opinions
Just a couple of weeks out from the new season, the new trailer just dropped, and people are getting hyped. For last season, I made a CME predictions post (which mostly came to pass, bc this show is so predictable) -- but this season, I'm going to post some unpopular opinions going into S17. Don't like, don't read.
WILL. Since we know Will won't be in this season, there have been speculations that JJ/Will will be getting a divorce, or that Will is going to die. I do NOT want Will to die. I hate that guy, I've never liked his character, but you know who I do love? JJ. She has already been through SO much, I do NOT want Hotch 2.0 in S17. I don't want Will to die, because that would be like ripping half of JJ's soul out of her chest and she deserves better. What I actually think will happen -- is just that Will is going back to being an off-screen partner like he was for most of the series.
JEMILY. I've already written my thoughts on Paget's Jemily hints on social media and why I think that's simply queerbaiting. There's no way Jemily is going to be canon, and I am HAPPY about that. I don't want Jemily to be canon!! Look at how this show treats canon relationships!! How many female romantic interests have been tortured and killed???? Why would I ever want Jemily in that crossfire? Also, as a fanfic author who has been writing Jemily for the past decade -- I don't want them to become canon, because that will squander so much creative potential. Fic authors fill in the gaps and subtext of canon, that's our job, when a relationship becomes canon it really loses it's appeal. That being said, I would love to actually see Emily and JJ interacting again. S16 really ignored their decade-long friendship altogether. Shit, I would love to just see them in the same fricking scene again.
REBECCA. All I want is for Rebecca to survive this season. As mentioned above, the way this show treats romantic interests of main characters is HORRIBLE. I'm forever furious with how the show handled Tara/Rebecca's relationship last season. I know fans hated Rebecca for getting pissed at Tara, but I still don't agree. What I do hate is how as soon as Tara's queerness served it's plot point (getting the inmate to admit he's gay too) -- the show nuked Tara's relationship altogether. I seriously love Rebecca, I think she adds a lot to the show. And since we already know Rebecca is in S17, I would LOVE to see Tara/Rebecca sit down and actually talk through their issues (like real adults!). I would LOVE for them to get the happy ending they deserve.
GARCIA'S ROMANCE. For real, I do not care about any of this love triangle bullshit with Garcia between Tyler and Luke or whatever tf is happening. I seriously hated what they did to Garcia's character in S16, it felt like they completely erased the prior 15 years from her character and replaced it with the most basic hetnormative romance plot. I don't ship Garvez (nor her and Tyler), so I don't really care about that side of things. But I would LOVE to get our Garcia back. I miss her so much.
RETURNING CHARACTER RUMORS. If one of the past cast members comes back in S17 I do not want it to be MGG. CME already focused an entire season on Rossi's man-pain (literally the only reason they killed Krystal was for him to be angry 🙃). I do NOT want another season of white-male centric plot lines (even though that's clearly what's gonna happen with Voight) If anyone actually comes back to guest, I want it to either be Matt or Derek. Alternatively, I do have a crack theory that the unsub/Gold Star is actually Elle Greenaway. A trained government assassin, she became a vigilante after leaving the BAU and she's been operating for all these years without detection. Now THAT would be a good twist.
Listen, overall, I'm not looking forward to another season of Evolution. I think they're trying way too hard to turn CM into some edgy, gritty, Norwegian-type crime drama and in doing so, they've ruined some of my favourite characters irrevocably. I don't have high hopes for S17.
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aloneatpeace · 15 days
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 19
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The ancient looking book sits on your bed untouched, grams given you saying it will help you discover about yourself but something about it doesn’t seem right like you can’t just open right now, you can but every time you try you feel like it’s not the right time, maybe you should just give it back to grams let her do the work but again the startled look…the fear in her eyes makes you hesitant, is what ever you’re really bad.
Your door opens and grams comes in with smile on her face “how are you doing my sweetheart?” She sits on your bed her eyes fall on the book. “You haven’t open it?”
“No. it doesn’t seem the right time” you sit up and position yourself laying your head in lap fingers tracing the book.
“Is that so?”
You nod looking up to her “and…. when I touch someone, I see something I can’t explain.”
She hums running her hands through your hair “tell me some”.
“Sometimes it’s their past, their memories I guess…….and I saw you…...I saw you dying” you whisper the last bit.
“You can see the past, present and future. Isn’t that amazing” she said with a smile.
You sit with frown “did you not hear grams; I saw you die”
“Everyone dies in the end, dear. And I’m sorry you had to see that” she takes your hands in hers. You turn away making her sigh. “If that’s my future you can’t do anything about it”
You turn to her with your jaw set in anger at her nonchalance in the matter of her life. “But your death doesn’t seem right. it was pointless. I felt it”
“I don’t fear dead”
“But you fear me. Why?” you quickly close your eyes in anger at the slip of your tongue.
The smile vanishes from her face and you curl yourself into you scotting away making grams heart clench “I don’t fear you; I know you could never hurt me or anyone who you love”
You look back at her sensing a but coming “then what is it?”
“My dear girl” she scoots over taking your hands in her “you don’t know what your capable of, and what you harness is something bigger than anything I ever known”
Your eyes held uncertainty “you’re afraid of what I’ll become. Am I not supposed not have this chaos in me”
She shakes her head “No. from what I’ve understand there is only few across the multiverse who can harness this power.”
“If you think, I don’t deserve it or capable of this power can we get rid of it?”
Grams see the fear in your eyes now mind going to dark places, you mind become ocean of wild waves, the thought of someone fear you for what you are is something she known.
She takes your face in her hands “don’t be scared, the power you harness choose you because it deemed you worthy. You can control it you already have. You never ever should be scared of yourself. You hear me”
You nod with teary eyes she smiles at you kissing your forehead and settle back in the bed.
“How do I do it?”
She thinks for a moment before standing up “get ready we are going somewhere”.
“Where?” she doesn’t give any answer hurry to get dressed. “What about my class?”
“Like you actually prefer going to class.” She raises her brow at you.
“Fair enough” shrugging you send quick texts to stiles and scott saying you won’t be coming and to derek to lay low.
You settle yourself in the passenger seat as grams starts to drive, she had asked you to take few things with the book which is seated in the back seat. You been driving for few hours yet you didn’t reach where you are going grams didn’t tell you where the both of you are going.
“Okey we are almost at the edge of the town. Where are we going?”
She hums “somewhere you can let yourself go without fearing anyone”
Your eyes widen “But I needed back home. My friends need me”
“And when they do you will be back. It will only take few hours” she comforted “beside I told bonnie to stay with her dad tonight”
“We won’t make it back evening?” your voice get high.
“So, how exactly we do that?”
She checks her phone a message pop up on her device “first I need to know what exactly you can do, to see what you can and can’t do”
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Once you’re out of town you both drive for a couple of hours before she stops at the front of the motel only few cars on the parking lot.  Grams get out the car and you follow her; she stops and turn to look at the other side “I didn’t know. you two would come”
Confusion settled in you and your eyes follow her direction, two guys stride towards you both. They both are tall, one of them is a little bit taller than the other. The tallest one had brown hair and light green eyes there is little bit of brown hue, puppy dog eyes with broad shoulders and slender body. The other had green eyes, muscular frame a cheeky grin on his face that decorated with light freckles with dark blonde hair.
“Well, I couldn’t just sit when the Bennett witch, asked to wanted take a case near” the short one said with smug smile on his face. He turns to you “hi sweetheart, dean Winchester” he put his hand forward you glance at grams she doesn’t seem to annoyed by them its like she knew that they would be here you shake your hands with him saying your name dean gives you wink.
The taller one glare at dean and an apologetic smile on his face “don’t mind him. I’m sam Winchester” you shake your hands with sam nodding.
You then turn to grams “can you please tell me what’s going on here”
“The Winchester brothers are hunters” your eyes widen “not the mindless one who kills every supernatural being. Don’t worry. I asked they have any hunting nearby”
You glance at the brothers and sam give you soft smile while dean give you smug one its adorable actually but you cannot say it out loud or express it.
“And we do, not one but two actually a wendigo few miles ahead and a vampire nest” dean said
You nod wondering what does this has do with you and remembering how stiles would have found this terrifying but also amazing.
“And where are here to assist them?”
Grams look at the brothers then you “I was planning to send you alone”
  “What? you were sending me to die!”  your voice gets high dean and sam exchange looks of concern.
“You will not die, I wanted to see what you’re capable of how your magic works” grams said calmly “beside I will be there to if anything goes wrong”
“Is she not a witch?” dean asks
Gram sighs “I’m not exactly sure, she does harness chaos magic but there is something else”
Dean looks confused while sam seems intrigued looking at you “I didn’t think chaos magic exists” he said.
“I thought too, but here we are” grams said “which hut is near?”
A serious look comes over dean face “Wendigo but are you sure sending her alone is safe?”
“Boy her best friend is a newly turned werewolf and she already had encountered an alpha and if I’m correct two vampires” grams explain.
Dean close his mouth turning to you “I don’t know how I did it” you said quickly after seeing deans questioning glance.
“Wait grams, are you sure it’s good idea. I barely lived last time.” You lean towards her whispering “With them”
She nods “Yes. Do you not trust me?” and turns to the boys “and I’m guessing you boys won’t sit one this out” they nod agreeing. “Then this what we are going to do. She will do this alone and if only if she needs help you will intervene and I will be connected to you to see what you are exactly do when use your ability”
Everyone agrees and set out the first location. You wonder what is going on back home.
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While you were asleep on the other side stiles and scott along with derek just got away from the argents and police.
“What part of ‘laying low ‘don’t you understand?” scott yells while driving, they are almost out their reach.
“Yeah, be lucky it was us, if she is the one coming to save your ass. You’ll be hearing a lot” stiles add with scott agreeing with him silently. “She literally told you to stay low few hours ago”
“I almost had him!” derek hiss shifting in his seat
Stiles eagerly lean over “who the alpha?”
“Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up.” Derek grunt impatiently.
Stiles faced is offended on the behalf of his father “Whoa! They’re just doing their jobs- “he gets cut off by derek scoffing “Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!”
 “Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it” scott speaks, finally calming down after shaking of them.
Stiles sighs “all right. how did you find him?”
Derek stays silent for a moment making scott look at him in annoyance “We talked about this. You have to trust at least if you expect us to help you”
“Yeah. y/n, she would not like it if you keep secret from us” stiles said nonchalantly making derek look at with a done face.
“Look, last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
 “Our chemistry teacher?”
“Why him?”
“I don't know yet.”
“What’s the second?”
“Some kind of symbol.” Derek shows it scott his eyes narrowing when he sees scotts face “What? You know what this is?
“I’ve seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace.”
Stiles slumps in his seat “that just amazing.” He takes out his phone “I’m tell y/n about all this”
“NO” derek and scott yell together the three looks at each other
 Stiles squint his eyes at them “I like to hear the reason why not”
“we will tell her. not now because one she might be sleeping and she will be pissed when she knows we were involved in freaking chase. “
Stiles nods and turns to derek who roll his eyes “same reasons”
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You taken in the sight of tall tress standing packed though its morning the cloudy day hides the sun, the plan is simple you along sam and dean would go in and you will take down the wendigo while grams who had done a spell that connected her with you. she said she needed peaceful atmosphere without anyone disturbing the spell. The identical charm you are wearing would act as medium that would foam the connection.
You three walk through the woods the brothers were a little behind you the tall one is carrying a bag.
“What do you guys wanna know?” You know their inching to ask you something, sam and dean look at each other.
“Well even though your grams said you are familiar too the supernatural. You seem pretty well put together, for someone who doesn’t know about her powers” dean said you stop walking and turns to them.
“Oh, I’m actually terrified to be honest, but grams believe in me and though I don’t fully understand what I am. My powers actually did save me when thought I was going die” you confess looking at your hands. “And grams trust you both to aid me and I trust you as well” you glance up sam give you reassuring smile as dean give you an understanding nod.
Sam walks up to you “do you know anything about wendigo?” he asks dean catch up and three of you resume walking.
“I know they know as the evil that devour human / mankind. That’s they were thousand-year-old was once human turned to cannibal in order to survive. They feed on human flesh and oh they use mimicry to make their prey vulnerable to lure them in and super strength and speed and that we can kill it using fire, silver bullet” you think missing how the brothers looks astounded as you speak.
Sam was hoping to share his wisdom on supernatural beings maybe even show you his dad’s journal to educate you more on the matter. Looking at dean, sam realizes his brother is equally shocked and impressed to be honest.
“And why you both look surprised?” they snap out of their trance and see you glance at them self-consciously.
Sam was quick to answer “how do you know all these? Did grams teach you”
“No. me and my friend stiles are part of online gaming community that battles mythical creature” you sheepishly say in front of the real hunters.
Dean open his mouth but nothing comes out. “Anything else I need to know?”
“Anasazi symbols. Its protection circle wendigo can’t cross over, just like simple salt circle” sam said gripping his bag tight. “Three people had gone missing few days ago around here, and only one made it alive barely he’s still in the hospital, and we did our research it’s likely the wendigo”
 “Do you think they’re alive?”
Dean nod to your question “a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. when its awake, it keeps its victim alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants”
“Not to be skeptic, but what if its something else? What did the guy said about what happened” All though you trust their verdict as they are far more experienced than you there is chance that there might be something else behind the missing people.  
“Well, why don’t you just hear what he said” dean said and turns to sam “Sammy”
Sam rolls his eyes at the name before bringing a bag to the front and take out a recoding device, you three circles together.
“Hi, we’re special agents investigating your friends missing case. Could please tell us what exactly happened” sam voice heard through the device first.
A moment pass “we were just having a good time. it’s been while since we get together, joe’s birthday was coming up and he loved camping so we planned it. everything was going great until….  it was the night. We heard someone call for our help. It spooked us bit but James one of my friends wasn’t scared. He’s not the type to get sacred easily…… we had already called the police. when he had gone to take a look it when it silent. He called out but no answer came then…. we heard some sound where James had gone and next thing, we hear is James’s voice calling out for help he sounded like he’s in pain. We both run towards him but Erik stopped suddenly I don’t know what he saw I was behind him. then he screamed at me to run…. I kept running when stopped Erik wasn’t behind me either I called for them…but something else came it slashed me across my chest, it looked like hum…. I don’t know…... just please find my friends”
“The guy was lucky police come quickly” dean said sam nodded.
“I wanted ask, while I was looking up here. I saw there is so many murders happening in your town” sam said looking at you with questioning glance.
You nod sighing “yeah. Well, there is alpha going around killing people and there are two vampires in town. One is killing people left and right. they are brothers as well. I don’t know if you know them the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and damon “
“The ripper?” sam voice come out loud, the name he had read so many times, you stands confused at the name.
“Sam quite we don’t want it come out to us” dean hiss
Sam eager eyes finds yours “you’re saying the ripper is in your town and you meet him?”
“Who is ...the ripper?”
Dean intervenes “sam we don’t have time for history class”
Sam eyes doesn’t move from you “which one’s the ripper stef- “You cut yourself off when you feel someone’s presence making you alert.
Sam and dean also realize that they’re being watched. Then a blood curdling scream echoes from the side.
Dean take out his flare gun along with sam, you glance at them “are you ready?” dean whispers to you.
You take a deep breath, trying to tap in your power the thing is watching you, analyzing from the darkness of the cloudy day and dense trees. Nodding you walk towards the sound the Winchester brothers just behind you.
The screams for help echo around the woods, but you suddenly halt a sudden feeling of hopelessness hit you raw and painful.
Eyes turning purple and you see the two missing guys tied up in cave. Without a thought you run towards the direction the brothers follow. 
“The people are in there” you say looking down the slope that led to a abandon mine.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
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So, yesterday, I encountered a story (at that point it was untagged, and to give the author their due, they tagged it afterwards), and the thing that jumped off the page to me is that they have Scott purposefully luring the Argents to the police station in Fury (2x10). This was a new one on me, so I wondered if the author had just missed the part where Matt had taken Scott's (and the sheriff's and Stiles's) phone and that Allison had correctly identified that Scott wouldn't have done that. I pointed this out.
The author replied that they were tweaking canon because they thought it would be interesting to see Stiles and Scott have a 'discussion' about it.
What they also thought would be interesting would be repeating every big idea that the Anti-Scott parts of fandom have ever had. Scott told Derek his family deserved to be burned alive! (He didn't say that). Scott didn't ask Stiles about his injuries in Master Plan! Scott was obsessed with Allison! Scott neglected Stiles for Isaac!
Such a variation on Teen Wolf might actually be interesting to me as an alternative, too, if I hadn't read it 15,000 times before (not an exaggeration). One of fanfiction's purposes is to give us alternatives to canon, but the trouble is when it comes to Teen Wolf, it's always the same alternatives. I pointed out that as a Scott fan who reads Sterek, it bothers me that they always try to justify the relationship by making Scott the bad guy.
They replied that they tweak canon in a lot of ways, not just to make Scott a bad guy. And they're right. Beyond that ...
They tweaked canon to make Deaton an Evil Sinister Black Man! So unique! He is plotting against Derek with Scott because he thinks Derek should die and Scott should be alpha. Unspoken is why he didn't straight up murder Derek after Peter's resurrection or still supply him with ketamine for the plan to stop Jackson, but if Evil Deaton had been competent, there wouldn't be much of a story would there?
They tweaked canon to make Stiles -- you guessed it -- a Spark! Ground-breaking, like florals in spring! And Deaton was lying to Stiles about the strength of it because Stiles is going to become Derek's Emissary! Because of course he would!
They tweaked canon so Derek is super angry about Scott's remark about the Argents having a reason to attack his family in Magic Bullet (1x04), but doesn't even remember that Stiles directly accused him of murdering his sister out of jealousy of the full wolf form in Second Chance at First Line (1x02).
They tweaked canon so Derek can't trust Deaton because the veterinarian is plotting against him for some unknown reason, and it's definitely not because Derek kidnapped and almost killed him in Heart Monitor (1x06).
They tweaked canon so that Stiles obviously did care after Scott was poisoned with wolf's bane by Victoria, even though we didn't see any of that on the screen but assumed that it happened, just like we should have assumed Scott asked Stiles about what happened in the Argent basement.
They tweaked canon so that Stiles never wanted Derek dead and that he can't believe Scott would be so, so cruel to widdle-baby Derek, who didn't lie to Scott about the cure or break into his house and threaten to kill him or did nothing at all ever to earn Scott's distrust.
I could go on. In other words, to them it's interesting to rehash every single Sterek Trope that has been written in meta and stories so often that it's become accepted reality. They "tweak" canon in only certain pre-set ways and always to the same ends. Because I do believe in alternative stories, I would accept this if, for every Sterek story where Scott is a Bad Lying Friend and Unworthy of Stiles's regard, so he turns to Derek, there's a Sterek story with different "tweaks," such as where Isaac tries to kill Stiles to get Scott to join the pack or Scott rejects Stiles because he's too mean to Derek which makes Stiles see the error of his ways. But there isn't. And that, of course, is my point.
It's the Big Lie. Everyone complains about discourse and why people would waste time arguing over trivial matters such as these, but ten years have passed and now I encounter multiple people entering the fandom who literally believe that Scott was OBSESSED over Allison, that he didn't put her to the side to save Derek and/or his pack on multiple occasions and that she was his necessary anchor. Who believe that Stiles was neglected and treated badly, not by the guy who bounced his head off a steering wheel or tried to kill the girl he loved or sent one of his betas to kidnap him, but by his best friend who literally ripped a locker door of his hinges in an attempt to find him. Sterek has become synonymous with Scott is a Bad Friend, and I dare people to argue that it hasn't.
And thus, a non-white heroic protagonist has been transformed, probably forever, into an unworthy inadequate simpleton who treated his mega-genius best friend and a (phenomenally rich, good-looking, and well-loved) orphan werewolf so badly. It's happened. Right in front of the fandom's eyes. And lots of people are happy about it for some reason.
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
The teen wolf fandom hates Scott McCall:
Honestly, I love teen wolf but the fandom pisses me off to the core because of their hatred for Scott McCall.
(It doesn't surprise me though, it always happens with shows that have POC as the main character)
And listen to me, Scott doesn't have to be your favorite (he's not my favorite character) but the things people say about him are ridiculous.
The amount of videos people make about Scott and Stiles' fight and the comments blaming Scott exclusively baffle me.
Let me tell you about the amount of bullshit people make up about Scott. I've heard the following statements (I'm sure there's more but I'm only thinking about S5 right now):
1. Scott should've Believed Stiles instead of someone he just met:
Scott didn't just meet Theo! The show clearly states that the three of them were childhood friends so why do people insist on believing that Theo was a stranger. HE WAS NOT. And even if he was, Theo was looking for a pack, Scott was just trying to help someone who was in danger for not having a pack because lone wolves are in danger of dying in the Teen wolf universe. Did you see the show? That's why the alpha twins were so desperate to be accepted by Scott!! Scott didn't want someone who he met in his childhood to be left alone and die.
2. Scott should've Believed Stiles, he's always right:
Contrary to what a lot of Stiles Stans believe, he's not perfect or invincible, he's not right all the time either. He's the same character that accused Derek of being a murderer, he's the same character that thought Liam was cheating in Lacrosse. He's the same character that kept making insensitive jokes about Isaac's abuse.
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that STILES IS AN AWESOME CHARACTER WITHOUT BEING PERFECT?
His flaws make him interesting and realistic (and before you come from me, Stiles is in my top 3 of favorite characters so no, I don't hate him, in fact I LOVE HIM).
3. Scott should've understood Stiles because he had Killed before so there's nothing to blame Stiles about:
Believe it or not I saw someone saying that Scott had KILLED someone when the fight happened and their comment had 300+ likes from people who clearly didn't watch the show.
Let me clarify. I will never, NEVER blame Stiles for killing Donovan because he was defending himself and my poor boy was scared, he didn't have another option.
Yeah, that's clear... BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE suddenly saying that Scott killed?
One of the reasons why Scott kept his status as a true alpha is because he refused to kill (even when they deserved it).
I saw some people calling out the person for saying that bullshit and they proceded to say that Scott has indirectly killed someone.
4. Stiles was going through a lot so Scott should've just understood:
Scott was going through a lot as well. His girlfriend at the time (Kira) was loosing control. His asthma came back, his beta with anger issues was loosing control as well.
HE WAS KILLED THAT SEASON! SCOTT LITERALLY DIED and his mother had to bring him back!!
I think people forget that Scott was a TEENAGER trying to do his best.
That fight was originated by poor communication skills projected by BOTH characters (Scott and Stiles).
Scott asked!! He asked and Stiles kept being secretive so why is it only Scott's fault? Scott was trying, Stiles was trying, everyone was but somehow you guys blame Scott only.
And, ultimately it was THEO'S FAULT!! He's the villain in that season NOT SCOTT (And I'm saying this as someone who loves Theo).
If you dislike Scott that's your problem, your opinion and it's fine. We all dislike characters, but stop making up bullshit to fit your twisted narratives about him.
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lucky-bishop · 8 months
Now I'm curious what you would say about Peter's position in the narrative? (and I'm totally on board with what you said about Derek btw.)
I mean, yes he was kind of the tragic villain in S1 but especially later?
Okay, strap in, because I have a lot of feelings about Peter Hale and it's gonna take me a while to talk through all of them. Thank you for this question though! 💖
I believe that Peter is a tragic villain in S1 and S2, a reluctant ally for S3 and part of 4, a straight up villain/antagonist late in S4, absent in S5, and back to a reluctant ally for S6. I'm just putting this up here to refer to because Peter does not have a single role in the narrative that is consistent throughout the series (he's a slippery little shit like that).
So let's start at the beginning: S1. Peter is pretty clearly the villain in S1 and S2. S1 - there's a little more sympathy for him (not expressed in the show, but from an outside perspective). He was the victim of a horrific crime, and then abandoned to die by his remaining family. He is not sane. If that happened to anyone, I don't think they would be sane afterwards. It's not made incredibly clear, but it seems that Peter's level of consciousness in the coma varied a lot (especially as related to later events). To have no sense of time, to only know pain both physical and mental (his body burned, the loss of his entire family and pack) and have no release, no way to express it - yeah. Peter's a hell of a tragic villain.
What he does in S2 is...less tragic, and more villainous, even though he's not the primary villain of this season. This is where we start to see more of how manipulative Peter is (though we definitely catch a glimpse in S1 where he's trying to get Derek and Scott both to join him). What he does to Lydia is unforgivable. He's already assaulted her physically, but he then, in parallel to his own suffering, assaults her mind. I wish we had a better understanding of how magic worked in TW because it's difficult to assume how much of this is directly Peter's choice. He glimpses Gerard Argent with the kanima and nopes the fuck out of there purely out of fear and self-preservation.
S3 with the alpha pack and the nogitsune is where we finally start to see a more complete picture of Peter - and it isn't pretty. He's manipulative. He's a liar. He's sarcastic and petty to a bunch of teenagers. But he is their ally, even if it's reluctant. He shares information - for a price. He helps - when it benefits him, or at least doesn't inconvenience him. The only time he seems to help without these things is when Stiles is possessed by the nogitsune, and even that can be interpreted as a continuation of self-preservation.
S4 is where things get complicated and also they fucked up with Peter for me. Not with the benefactor storyline - I think that turning out to be related to his coma madness was actually incredibly interesting. Even an unconscious Peter is a manipulator. But working with Kate - even if he was going to double cross her in the end - and trying to kill Scott didn't make sense. It's pure villainy, yes, and maybe that's why they did it, but it doesn't fit the Peter that we know. He would never have agreed to work with Kate. He dedicates his entire life to killing everyone involved with the fire - but especially her - in S1. He's willing to die just to kill her. And then they team up? Nah. Trying to kill Scott for his alpha spark is more reasonable, but I still don't quite buy it. He knows he wouldn't have taken over the pack, or escaped, or accomplished whatever other goal. That's where it's unclear - what, exactly, is his motivation for wanting to become an alpha again? Just...power? Peter loves power, don't get me wrong, but
S5: my man is imprisoned in Eichen and then immediately gets kidnapped by the wild hunt when he gets out. Nothing for his character arc but handing him a fat L honestly. He kinda deserved it.
S6: now this is where things get complicated again but in a better way. Awesome that it only took them the entire show to get to this version of Peter (I guess that's the point of the character arc. but I wanted more of this Peter). Peter has fully succumbed to the wild hunt until Stiles shows up (and I have a lot of Steter thoughts about this but that's not what this post is about. anyway.). That magic is strong, since the Peter we've seen clings to life so desperately that he tears it apart with his claws all the time, but he is docile here. At least until he wakes up - then it's back to fighting to the death to escape and to live. He's - surprise, surprise - manipulative here once again. The clearest example of this is when he encourages that guy to try his plan just to watch him fail and die. But when he gets back - he tries to help Stiles and the others. His selfishness makes a return when he goes to get the fuck out of Beacon Hills (which, honestly, fair) but it is an interesting turn that he tries to convince Malia to come with him, is it not? The narrative has told us Peter doesn't care about other people, family more than included. Seems he didn't get the message, in the end. And speaking of 'in the end' - he stands by the pack. He very nearly dies (again!!!) because he stayed to help. It's an interesting end for a character as complicated as Peter, for sure.
Peter is selfish and self-serving and manipulative and honestly just kind of a dick to a bunch of teenagers for little reason (teenagers are annoying, yes, but dude. you're a grown man cut the sass a little). And he's my favorite special little guy, even if the narrative doesn't really care about him until the end of the series and only barely then. Peter is, if I had to sum it up in one term, an infrequently justified villain with some hinted at soft spots that I would've loved more exploration of. Let's pretend that's one term. Like I said, he's my favorite, and I had a lot to say. I hope this sums it up well!
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iguessivedrawn · 1 year
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Did I watch the dumpster fire that was the TW movie?
But I did see enough spoilers to know what happens to our sweet boys. I’ve also heard that many of the characters were a bit ooc in the movie so I’m good. I did however feel nostalgic and decided to draw the boys plus Eli bcus Eli also deserved better than watching his dad die and then going to the person who’s literally the reason he’s dead. It just left such a bad taste in my mouth and I didn’t even see the thing!
It just felt like watching a poorly written fanfic where Scott got all that he wanted and everyone else got shit on…
That being said Coach is spectacular as always and I did love the little Dad!Derek moments he had with Eli
(“Did you see you’re eyes!? 👁️ 👄 👁️”)
Also Peter on his hands and knees bloodhounding the f* out of a pile of blood and saying “yeah that’s def blood” fking killed me. the second hand embarrassment omg it was hilarious.
Sorry for the rant for a movie I didn’t see and am still salty about from what I do know…
Enjoy my doodles!
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a chance to make it right
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54516802 by Comiziale The boy must have felt the stares, because before he could get into the Sheriffs police cruiser he snapped his head and looked over to where Derek and Laura were standing. Derek quickly avoided his gaze. Stiles didn’t deserve to get pulled back into this world, where things tried to kill him every couple of days. Derek started to follow Laura when he heard it. “Sourwolf.” He stopped for a second and then shook his head and kept walking. “Sourwolf, I know you can hear me.” This time he knew it wasn’t just wishful thinking. Laura kept sending him questioning looks, but Derek just kept on walking. “Sourwolf. I swear to everything that is fucking holy in this god forsaken town. If you don’t stop ignoring me and come back here, I will shove so much fucking wolfsbane down your throat you will still taste it at Christmas.” - also known as the story "When Derek saves the child of a witch and gets the chance to save Laura and maybe even some other people" as well as "Laura really wishes she knew what the fuck was going on and since when did her little brother know how to smile and why was he smiling at this little brat" Words: 6871, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Laura Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Mates, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Past Chris Argent/Peter Hale, but they also get back together yay, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, True Alpha Derek Hale, Laura Hale Lives, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John (Teen Wolf), Spark Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski, no beta we die like allison, First Kiss, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54516802
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usermischief · 10 months
That scene in Galvanize really went:
Aiden and Ethan: So like, we’re going to be Omegas soon, let us join your pack pretty please. You’ll get stronger and considering the track record in this town, you need all the strength you can get
Isaac and Stiles: Go fuck yourself with a branch of mountain ash drenched in wolfsbane, you killed two members of our pack and we would like nothing more than to see you die.
Scott, desperately praying two of his friends don’t commit homicide in front of dozens of people: Well, they’ve spoken, looks like you can’t join
(I like to think that everyone present knew damn well that even if Scott agreed to let them join the pack, Isaac would’ve started planning their deaths and Stiles would’ve been right there beside him)
Isaac deserved to kill them, as a treat. And so did Derek. Stiles would've gladly joined them because fuck the twins.
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Does anyone else ever just think about how absolutely WILD season 3a was? I totally understand how the alpha pack and the Darach were intrinsically connected to each other, but holy crap! Scott and the others had to deal with so much in such a short time. Literal human sacrifices, a dark Druid, the history of Beacon Hills itself coming back to haunt them, a DEMON alpha wolf, and all the other alphas. I know that there’s essentially two Big Bads for every season (I’m differentiating between the a and b seasons too), but 3a did probably the best job (or at least my favorite) at showing how the pack was literally besieged on both sides. And even by two sides who mostly just wanted to destroy each other by the end of the season (Darach v Demon Wolf). Maybe it’s just because I’ve been rewatching 3a most recently, but I think that this season is probably the most effective at telling the story of two separate Big Bads while simultaneously connecting them to each other. It could be the history behind the season lending itself particularly well to connecting the alphas and the Darach, but I’m also of the opinion that if the story was focused mainly on anyone else besides Scott, there wouldn’t be as equal a focus on each Big Bad (yes yes, I know the alpha pack’s backstory is literally cobbled together on the back of a napkin, I’m more referring to the pack Summit organized by Talia Hale). Because on one hand, Scott’s got the Hale pack getting him involved with the alpha pack (yes, I know, Derek didn’t directly involve him from the start, but it’s the principle of the thing and besides, Scott McCall literally couldn’t ever leave his friends/allies to die when he could help), and on the other, he’s got Stiles working the human sacrifice angle while Lydia is repeatedly finding the bodies. Something something Scott being the bridge between what will become the two sides of his pack (and goddammit, I don’t care if Boyd is dead and Cora is gone by the time Scott really steps into his True Alpha role - they ARE part of the McCall Pack). I have so much love for season 3 as a whole, and I think that we as a fandom should appreciate 3a more because 3b gets a lot of (deserved) love, but 3a is literally like my Captain America: Civil War. It’s not perfect and some parts make me want to tear my hair out, but it’s really just so good, and it’s the season our lil Scott becomes an alpha!!! How can you NOT love it just for that?
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