#Desktop Environment
systemdeez · 2 months
GNOME is good.
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mirqmarq428 · 10 months
Switching to Linux hot take:
Recovering windows users shouldn't switch to a "windows-like" DE. Give them something totally alien like GNOME or Budgie. Likewise, we should recommend ex Mac users KDE or Cinnamon.
Reason: Linux is not the same as those OSes. Its imitations of their interfaces are incomplete, so it will feel like a knockoff.
A new GUI paradigm sets Linux apart in the mind and encourages learning. Then once the user is proficient in customizing their desktop, they can bring back the features they valued in those systems.
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posting some more pictures of me trying out NsCDE since the other one did so well, this was before I changed the wallpaper to the puma twins but like, shows my specs a bit better
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papasfilms · 1 month
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sl33py-g4m3r · 2 months
desktop environments~~
how screwed would I be if I tried to rip out all the components of cinnamon just to install xfce or some other desktop environment instead?
like I still want to use linux mint debian edition 6, don't get me wrong; I just kind of want to poke around with other desktop environments instead of just be stuck with cinnamon.
cinnamon is a nice desktop environment tho~~
I just want the kind of feel of older hardware~~ or more specifically that windows 95/98 feel~~ hence why I wanted specifically xfce~~
I thought linux mint debian edition used mate and xfce too back in the day??
why is it only cinnamon now?
where did the other spins go?? of course that might've been a decade ago that was the case~~ idr
how broken would my system become if I did this??
and another problem is I don't want duplicate apps~~~
I want to tinker with my OS~~
but also I don't want stuff to break~~
and (not that it matters cause I could always restart my 19 days of progress) I've got a current cookie clicker save cause I still play that stupid game~~
I'd prefer to use debian edition because I don't like what ubuntu was doing~~ so there's no way I'm going back to standard mint cause it uses ubuntu as a base~~
or is it different and thus ok to use instead of straight up ubuntu?
I also thought that debian was more stable as a whole anyway~~? unless I"m incorrect n assuming this.
I like to tinker with this poor machine too much~~
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jrepin · 7 months
KDE Plasma 6 released!
New major version of the best computer desktop environment ever is finally here. Check out the new overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.
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giphit · 3 months
sorry GNOME i was judging you based on my experience over 5 years ago, you are a good desktop environment now and i will swallow the adwaita pill
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arashtadstudio · 3 months
How to Install Gnome Desktop on VPS or Dedicated Server and Connect to i...
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goodjohnjr · 6 months
Installing Linux With The KDE Plasma Desktop Environment | Talking With TDC & KDC & KC
File:KDE Plasma 6 screenshot.png Dream 1 All that I can remember of this dream is that I was with someone helping them install Linux on a computer while we talked about various things. I am not sure which Linux distribution (distro) we were installing, but I know that it used the KDE Plasma desktop environment (DE). A Quick First Look At KDE Plasma 6 The person told me that this computer was…
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angolcsoport · 7 months
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systemdeez · 1 month
I can't wait for Cosmic Desktop Environment to be complete so I can finally stop defending GNOME.
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pulipuli · 9 months
看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 好想要視窗群組功能 / A Missing Feature: Windows Grouping in KDE https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/12/blog-post.html 視窗群組功能是我認為數一數二重要的生產力功能啊。 真希望能在KDE裡面使用。 ---- # 視窗群組 / Grouping Windows。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IF_YFcSgAc。 什麼是視窗群組功能呢?目前最知名的大概是Windows 11的Snap Groups。 在Windows 11中,當你指定多個視窗的排版、將多個視窗平鋪在整個螢幕時,Windows 11會將它視為一個群組,並在任務列上以一個圖示來表示整個群組。 你可以將整個群組最小化、最大化,就跟管理一般的視窗一樣。 你也可以儲存群組,下次就能一口氣開啟多個視窗,並依照你的需求來排版。 當你需要同時開啟多個視窗的時候,視窗群組的功能就特別重要。 舉例來說,研究生要打逐字稿時,我們可能就是用左半邊的視窗播放錄影影片,右半邊則是打逐字稿。 https://www.l10nsoftware.com/thunderbird/。 日常工作要處理信件時,我會開啟三個視窗,並將它排版成左半邊、右上角與右下角,左邊是Gmail的網頁,右上角是Google日曆、右下角則是待辦事項清單。 雖然很多人可能會說,很多生產力軟體都能做到這個功能啊,例如Thunderbird。 但比起仰賴特定的應用程式,我更希望的是能夠將包含Google Chrome瀏覽器在內的任意應用程式視窗群組在一起的功能啊。 # 視窗頁籤化 / Grouping Windows as Tabs。 https://www.stardock.com/products/groupy/。 在Windows 11的Snap Groups之前,其實Windows已經有很多類似的方案。 其中一個令我印象深刻的是Stardock出的Groupy。 Groupy可以將多個視窗合併成一個視窗,而多個視窗之間則可以用頁籤來切換。 這種視窗頁籤化做法的好處在於每個視窗都可以用較大的畫面來呈現,但缺點就是沒辦法像是Snap Groups一樣,同時將多個視窗以特定排版來呈現。 # 視窗平鋪 / Tiling Windows。 https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-best-tiling-window-managers-for-linux-and-what-they-can-do-for-you/。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 好想要視窗群組功能 / A Missing Feature: Windows Grouping in KDE https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/12/blog-post.html
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I want to try moksha because I like enlightenment de, but the moksha-git aur package keeps failing to build
Its always like "manual intervention is required. Exit code - 4"
Any ideas?
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visgrapplinghooks · 1 year
More linuxposting! See this other post for some context:
After spending a week on Sway, I ended up going back to GNOME due to power management resources. My battery was draining like crazy on Sway and I didn't really know why or have the mental energy to figure things out. Was using power profiles and everything. The battery was really good for a few days, then just started to suck in day-to-day uni workloads.
I'm not entirely sure what happened or what process was eating my battery life, but it was just easiest to switch back to GNOME. Instead of trying to troubleshoot when I needed my laptop the very next day for uni work.
That being said, I do think trying to use a TWM for that period of time for a few days was a very valuable learning experience for me. I learned that I... do not actually like tiling all that much. A lot of what I do feels most natural on fullscreen windows and I mostly have just one or two windows active on a workspace at a time.
However, I really like a lot of the basic workspace management stuff I got on Sway that got me in a workflow where I was using individual workspaces for specific tasks. I can to some extent recreate this on GNOME, with keyboard shortcuts, but things like assigning a workspace to a monitor or getting certain programs to automatically go to certain workspaces isn't exactly something I can recreate. However, I do love the Activities view in GNOME and missed a lot of the visual motifs of GNOME as well as trackpad support for when I'm using my laptop as a laptop.
Anyways, out of curiosity I decided to install the Enlightenment Desktop/Window Manager to see what it's like and it was surprisingly charming. I didn't spend much time theming it, but I'm wondering how it'd feel to use it full time. I'm contemplating giving it a spin for a week to see what it's like.
After that I might hop to Plasma.
I just think it's really fun to switch up my workflow every few weeks. As someone who does a LOT of creative writing, the simple act of changing how I interact with the space I write in (my computer) often feels like it has the same effect as changing your environements, writing in a coffee shop as opposed to a park or in your home, etc. Something as simple as a change of pace in how I use my computer is really exciting for me and scratches that itch for my brain.
I'm not really searching for an "optimal" experience like a lot of distrohoppers, I'm fully aware of what I like. I like using GNOME on Arch and that'll probably be what I use for most of the time. But I enjoy change for change's sake.
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weedsollux · 1 year
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zmyaro · 2 years
I have been working on this on and off for a while, and though it is certainly not done, I am excited to share my progress before I step away from it again. I (uncreatively) called the project Ideal UX, and it is my ideal cross-form-factor desktop environment. I hope to finish refining the unfinished parts and building the interactive version someday, but in the meantime, if you are so inclined, please check out the current iteration at idealux.zmyaro.com.
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