#Destination wedding
bladesrunner · 1 year
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Destination Wedding (2018) dir. Victor Levin
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cinematicsource · 1 year
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Destination Wedding (2018) dir. Victor Levin
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dilfgifs · 1 year
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KEANU REEVES as Frank DESTINATION WEDDING (2018) dir. Victor Levin
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boredth · 1 year
If you haven't ever seen Destination Wedding (Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder), I feel like it's a very silverv situation. At least, it's definitely got the potential to be.
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Johnny doesn't shut up even in his sleep
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awhalesrider · 7 months
Destination Wedding but silverv
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This part in Keanu and Winona's movie Destination Wedding is soo perfect for Johnny and Val, so...
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
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Vino Veritas - Part III
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. NSFW. Angst. Grump/sunshine trope. Loosely based on the movie but I'm not that smart. Or bitter. 😆 chapter map.
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III. Just what the world needs, Another Fucking Sunset Wedding
It’s almost sweet. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Frank had been waiting for you to catch the shuttle to the wedding venue, dallying in the lobby pretending to look at an atrocious modern art print while keeping one eye on the hallway.
“You look nice,” he grumbles, taking in your white A-line sundress printed with big red roses.
“Thanks,” you say, admiring his navy blue suit unabashedly, since he brought it up first. “You look very handsome.”
This makes him stand up a little straighter, clearly not sure how to take the compliment, but you dare to think, he liked it.
When the shuttle drops you off at the base of the vineyard you look up the steep hill planted with curling grape vines in their nice neat rows with a sense of dread.
“I am not wearing the right shoes for this.”
He looks down at your platform heels. “It said in the itinerary you’d have to walk up a hill.”
“Ok, but what was I supposed to wear? Hiking boots? The unfair standards of women’s dress clothes don’t allow for that.”
He holds out a hand, albeit begrudgingly. “Come on. I’ll help you.”
“I swear, these shoes are actually usually the sensible option.”
“Sure they are. Wearing anything that elevates your feet four inches off the ground is a sensible option.”
You sigh, and take his hand, trying to ignore the thrill running through your bones as you feel the strength in his fingers and his arm, as he helps propel you up the incline.
“I can’t believe they don’t have…stairs, or something? Did the old people have to do this?”
“Presumably not.”
“Then what the fuck?”
Men’s dress shoes aren’t exactly made for rough terrain either, and at one point you both almost slip, clutching each other in a bid not to tumble back down the hill. It’s…nice, you have to admit, to be held close by this man.
He looks at you with wide eyes, for a moment for all the world appearing as though he’s drowning, before that thunderous frown appears. “Fuck this.”
You yip with surprise as he sweeps you up into his arms, and marches determinedly the rest of the way up the hill. Before you can even think about taking it as a romantic gesture, he practically drops you back to your feet at the top, releasing you as though you’d burned him.
You sit together in the back, as usual, though Frank very pointedly crosses his arms and is careful to keep a respectable amount of distance between you.
That shouldn’t make you feel sad, but it does.
The excruciatingly drawn-out bullshit Reception
“I used to like this song,” you muse, watching the dancers on the floor with an odd mixture of wistfulness and distaste. Keith dips his new bride, and a mean little part of you really wishes he would drop her.
“Do you…want to dance?”
Frank could have knocked you over with a feather, after how he’d behaved earlier. It definitely colors your answer, the knee-jerk impulse to push him away too.
“I said I used to like it.”
Then, of course, you feel bad. And maybe you feel…a sliver of hope, however stupid.
“Why, do you want to dance?”
“Of course I don’t want to dance. It’s moronic and ridiculous. No one wants to fucking dance.” There is more venom in this statement, than perhaps the situation calls for.
After a moment, a bit softer and with a hint of apology, he qualifies, “I just thought it might take your mind off things.”
If you looked miserable, it’s ironic that for once, Keith was not the cause of it.
Perhaps this should send you running in the opposite direction too.
“Do you want to take a walk?” you ask instead.
He looks pointedly down at your questionable footwear, but you point at the basket behind you bearing what are professed by a whimsically written sign: Walking Shoes. They’re some kind of slide on deal that will do in a pinch. Honestly you’re willing to go bare foot, if it gets you out of that tent.
The meandering and pointless Walk
“You know, I was actually diagnosed with PTSD after the whole Keith thing?”
Frank snorts at that, the farthest reaction from sympathy he can manage. “Rich people’s PTSD.”
“I’m not rich.”
“Fine. Privileged.”
That’s probably true. Goddammit.
“Well…am I not allowed to have problems?”
“Sure, just no one wants to hear about them. Anyone who doesn’t have to worry about food, housing, or getting shot by the police should just keep it to themselves.”
“That’s not very healthy.”
He shrugs. “It’s not just you. No one should care about my problems either.”
“What if I care?”
He snorts. “Then I will feel even sorrier for you than I already do.”
“Ok, fine. Maybe not me specifically. But what if…say, you find someone else you actually like. Isn’t it ok to talk about your problems with friends?”
“Isn’t that a terrible thing to do to someone you like? Making friends or a significant other listen to your problems for free, when you should be paying a shrink for it?”
“It’s just a thing people do who are close to each other. They talk.”
“People who aren’t close too, apparently.” He says all this with a surprising amount of cheer in his tone, either enjoying himself, or the walk, or the view…or maybe even your company.  
He changes the subject as you round a bend. “So, are you glad you came to this thing? You made your show of strength, you’ve got your closure now that the knot is tied and they’re legally bound to be miserable together, and you’ve fled the scene with his half-brother, whom he despises, which the family surely will gossip about. You could almost chalk it as a win, if you squint just right.”
You huff, breathing a little heavy as you walk up a hill on the ridge the path follows. It truly is beautiful in the backcountry of the vineyard, rolling mountains planted with nice neat rows of green vines.
He makes a good point, but strangely…you don’t feel satisfied. “I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not sure how I feel,” you admit, pausing to incline your head up at him. He pauses too, looking down that straight nose at you, and he is standing very close. You fancy you sense him tense, as though about to take some great leap, and he looks at your mouth with something like consternation, when a god-awful yowling roar travels down the path at you.
You both turn to see a very big, very unhappy cat displaying its impressively large and sharp canines at you.
“What the fuck is that?”
“I think it’s a mountain lion.”
“What the fuck do we do?”
“I don’t know. We’re too far away, no one will hear us scream.”
“Is it a bobcat?”
“It’s not a fucking bobcat. Look at the tail.”
“You should run. It’s going to eat me anyway.”
“Because I’m smaller and slower.”
“I wouldn’t presume about the last part.”
It roars again, and you clutch at his arm.
Suddenly Frank charges the thing, making that god-awful hissing sound from earlier with his finger in his ear. They both sound like demons from hell, and with shock you watch as the predator backs away.
“Now, we run,” says Frank, grabbing your hand and booking it down the hill.
You run what feels like a long way. Your legs are burning, and the stupid little slide-ons are not made for athletic activity. And the thing about running downhill is…sometimes gravity gets the best of you. Like now, when you trip over a rock, and take Frank with you. Suddenly you are both tumbling down a steep grassy incline, locked together in a death roll.
When at last you come to a stop you are utterly stunned. “Y/n?”
You just lie there, unable to move.
Are you even alive?
Suddenly, Frank grabs your arm, hauling you around. “Ah!”
He looks…so worried, that if he hadn’t wrenched your back, you would have been touched.
“I’m fine! Jesus!”
“Ok. Sorry.”
You lie there for another moment looking up at him. He has grass in his hair; it’s endearing somehow, seeing this put-together grouch of a man just a little undone.
“You saved me,” you tease, sitting up beside him.
“I saved us.”
“Yeah right. It would have eaten me anyway. Why’d you save me?”
“Because I’m an idiot.”
“Oh, come on.”
“Just trying to spare myself the guilt.”
He reaches up to pluck grass out of your hair. His light touch gives you a thrill down your spine. Again, you are aware that you are very close, and his dark eyes have gone wide again, that slightly panicked look he gets. His gaze flicks to your mouth, then back to your eyes, and you are completely taken by surprise when he grabs the back of your head and pulls you swiftly into a hard kiss.
He retreats from it just as quickly, and now he does look like he’s seen a ghost. “Fuck. Sorry.”
Before you can say anything he’s grabbed you again, and this kiss is less forceful, though maybe no less desperate. You’re able to reach up to cup his cheeks before he shoves you away again, this time hard enough that you topple back in the grass.
“Sorry,” he pants again, looking for all the world like a horse that would like to bolt. “I don’t—it’s been a long time. Heat of the moment. Near death experience. Fuck. I’m sorry.”
“How long?” you ask, incredulous. Because, this man is so…so. Fucking. Good looking. How has he not been with anyone?
He scowls at the grass. “I don’t think I’ve felt real pleasure since 2006.”
This admission makes your eyes go wide. You sincerely hope he’s exaggerating, but then again, the way he behaves towards people…maybe he’s not.
“It’s just…” he mutters, more to himself than to you. “If it all sucks, then fuck it, but if it doesn’t? Then there’s so much pressure.”
A part of you wants to snark at him. Well well well, welcome to the human race at last. But another part of you…another part of you just wants to kiss him senseless and fuck him silly, and make him feel all the things you’ve both been missing out on because he’s been such a goddamned coward this whole time and you’re not much better.
 Maybe he reads the pity on your face, because he feels the need to defend, “Not that I haven’t been with anyone. Just…”
“You weren’t that into it?”
He looks away, glaring at the world again. “Yeah.”
“It’s been a while for me too,” you admit.
“Please don’t say it was Keith,” he snarks. “I’ll kill myself.”
You laugh. “No, your brother was incredibly, monumentally selfish in bed. I literally could have had better sex with a lamppost.”
He looks at you sideways. “That really shouldn’t make me as happy as it does.”
Your lips twist as you try not to smile. Frank, however, is back to frowning at the vineyards again. “We can’t have sex right now. I don’t have any protection. It would be irresponsible.”
You’re a little amused, that his brain has leapt immediately to sex, while you are sitting in the dry grass together. Apparently just kissing was not enough—or maybe he’s been thinking about it for a while. You’d be a liar, if you said you haven’t.
“What if I said you’re in luck?”
“I would say that’s highly improbable.”
You feel bold enough to cup his cheek, bringing his attention back to you. It doesn’t take much persuading this time, when you press your lips to his. He kisses you back, his fingers digging into your ribcage, and you’re not really sure who’s more desperate to feel alive after defying death at the claws of a tiger or whatever the fuck that thing had been.
“That’s not helping,” he pants when you part.
“Why? Are you actually into it?”
He pulls you closer with hands on your waist. “Pretty into it,” he admits begrudgingly. You smile against his mouth, suddenly feeling electrified from head to toe. The colors of the world around you seem brighter, somehow. You take him by surprise when suddenly you straddle his waist, perching on his legs and pushing him back down into the grass, your pretty skirts spread around you.
You unbuckle his belt and undo his pants, freeing him to the desert air. “Oh…” When you bend over to lick his tip and take him into your mouth you get an even more emphatic, “Oh…”
“What about now?” you ask him as you withdraw with a pop.
He blinks, for the first time since you’ve met, speechless. At least, for a few long moments.
“I think I’d like to be inside you.”
“How’s your health?”
“Fair to middling, for a man my age.” You give him a look, and damn if he doesn’t soften for you, even if just for a fleeting second. “Clean,” he answers quietly. “You?”
“Clean. And fully armed with IUD.”
He blinks. “Like they use to blow up humvees in the Middle East?”
You laugh, throwing your head back, your curls bouncing around your shoulders. You haven’t had this much fun in a long time. “Like, an intrauterine-device?”
“That definitely makes more sense.”
You watch as he licks his fingers, reaching under your dress to push your panties aside and find your center. The saliva is appreciated but not necessary. You are drenched, and his big fingers rubbing your clit feel like magic. “Is all that for me?” He sounds genuinely surprised, like this was a gift from the universe he did not expect to receive. Usually it’s more inclined to deliver a kick to the balls.
“Who else would it be for? The lynx?” He snorts, and in a softer tone you confess, “I have been a wet little mess for you since…the moment we started arguing in the airport.” He blinks at this, dumbstruck for a moment, before kissing you with an edge of desperation you both feel keenly in your bones.
He guides you onto him with his big hands on your buttocks. That feels like magic too, his thick tip at your entrance sinking in. It’s your turn to say, “Oh,” with your head thrown back, his big cock sliding deeper and deeper inside you, until he’s filled you to the hilt. For a moment you just sit like that together, joined, wrapped up in each other’s arms. It’s wonderful.
You imagine how ridiculous you must look, to an outsider looking in. Two people tangled in the dirt, grass in your hair, dust all over your nice clothes. You giggle a little to yourself.
“Something funny?”
“Just…do you ever think about how silly humans look, doing the things we do?”
“All the time.”
You laugh joyously, but you feel him withdrawing from you, that subtle tension returned in his limbs. You realize he thinks you’re making fun of him. It’s like this man expects he’ll have to defend himself from the world at any given moment. Then, from what he’s told you about his life, you guess he has. You don’t let him get too far, pulling him closer. “But fuck it feels glorious. I don’t care. Fuck me, Frank. I need you.”
 You feel him relax, and maybe even surrender. He moves for you, and you with him, his thumb on your button and his mouth on your neck as you ride him out…it’s the fastest you’ve ever orgasmed, with another person involved, that shining pleasure ambushing you in the cradle of your hips and spreading outwards. It’s almost embarrassing, except he’s right behind you, holding you almost desperately with arms locked around your waist, his face buried in the bend of your neck. Neither of you are quiet about it, your yells echoing across the empty hills.
“Oh my god…” you pant, resting your forehead against his.
“Can’t say…I believe much in god,” he informs you, out of breath.
“Me neither,” you admit. “But that was fucking fantastic.”
“Yeah. That was pretty damn good.” He sounds so surprised about it.
He kisses you, more softly this time. There is a long moment of eye contact between you; it is vulnerable, and electric, and raw. He is the first to look away, almost flinchingly. Then he focuses on the business of disentangling yourselves.
“I’m afraid we’re about to make a huge mess.”
“You don’t have a handkerchief?”
“What am I, a nineteenth century dandy?”
“Okay, relax, Romeo. I’ve got it.”
You rather cleverly, if you don’t say so yourself, use the petticoat of your dress to avoid staining his trousers as you uncouple, in a way that won’t leave you an embarrassing mess when you return to the tent either.
“I like that dress even more now,” he quips, looking at you with something almost akin to tenderness as you right yourselves. He reaches up to pull another sprig of straw out of your hair with a smirk.
“Frank…” You’re not really sure what you want to say. There’s a pent up ball of something in your chest, and it kind of actually hurts, and you’re not sure you like it at all.
“No,” he answers resolutely, but he cranes his neck down to kiss you anyway. “Want to go back to my room?”
ahhhhh I didn't have the courage to make it as awkward as the movie 🤣🤣🤣 but I feel like I need to make a note here bc i'm always writing wildly irresponsible sex practices: always use protection with a new partner. It's just a good idea. And ALWAYS use some kind of birth control, or you WILL get pregnant. mother nature is a bitch.
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texaschainsawmascara · 3 months
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Winona & Keanu
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keanumancrush · 7 months
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Keanu & Winona...
Destination Wedding (2018)
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discoscoob · 6 months
Characters I want to try and make bots for in the future:
Ted Logan - specifically Bogus Journey Ted though. I love him in the first movie but he’s just a baby in high school. I only wanna make bots for characters that are adults. Unfortunately this means I don’t want to make bots for any of Keanu’s characters that are under 18
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Johnny Utah - the kind of man you’d save from drowning then immediately exchange your voice for legs just to be with him and spend 3 days trying to kiss idk
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Frank - I rewatched Destination Wedding the other day all I want is a grumpy Frank bot
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Don John - he so pretty
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Donnie Barksdale - controversial maybe but he just looks too good I can’t help it I have a thing for the mullet
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Marlon - Genuinely my favourite character Keanu played even though he only has like 5 minutes screentime. He’s like the old dog at the shelter with patchy fur that no one wants to adopt. I just wanna take him home and cook him something
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I already have bots for Jack Traven and Constantine but I would like to make some more for them eventually too
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pageofair · 2 months
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Tess & Massi, Rome, July 2024
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faithlike-mustardseed · 9 months
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
this was so cute the appearance of mr smiths theme.........
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comingupforblair · 2 years
Enid: Don’t you want to secretly have a romantic life that confirms your hopes instead of your cynicism?
Wednesday: No. I’m fond of my own cynicism. It’s very comfortable
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
A very happy birthday to Winona Ryder!
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
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Vino Veritas - Part IV
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. NSFW. Angst. Grump/sunshine trope. Loosely based on the movie but I'm not that smart. Or bitter. 😆 chapter map.
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IV. Showering Together To Conserve Water
You are both tired as you return to the hotel, and maybe a little giddy from what you did in the backcountry of the vineyard. You certainly didn’t drink enough wine at the reception to be stumbling the way you are, and when you nearly trip over your tall shoes again Frank sweeps you up into his arms for the second time that day.
When you look at him with surprise he qualifies, “If you break an ankle, it will ruin my night.”
You chuckle to yourself, and rest your head on his shoulder. It’s a very nice shoulder, broad, solid. If you were braver than you are, you might even dare to think it feels…dependable. It doesn’t escape you, that he carries you like a bride over his threshold, on this day when you watched your ex-fiancé marry someone else.
Frank would be a much better prospect than Keith—but you are not thinking about that.
You’re trying not to, anyway.
The shine doesn’t even diminish while he curses as he fumbles to get out his key. It’s all highly entertaining, and very sweet, and that cloyingly painful ball in your chest only feels like it's growing.
He sets you down on the bed, and immediately sets about unbuckling the ankle straps of your shoes. “These things are an accident waiting to happen.”
“But they make my calves look amazing,” you defend.
He pauses to assess the body parts in question, nodding begrudgingly. “They’re quite nice on their own though. You’re a very attractive woman.”
This hits you a bit like a shovel to the head. You guess he’d complimented your clothes before, but it wasn’t quite the same thing.
“I think you’re very attractive too,” you confess, though you’re sure he already knows it.
The fleeting look on his face isn’t exactly surprise—but you dare think that maybe it moves him too.
“Excellent. We’ve had sex and now we admit we’re attracted to each other,” he deflects with a smirk. “However, I also think you’re dirty after our roll in the hills, and I am too. Want to take a shower?”
You can only presume he means together, and you nod.
At first you focus solely on washing, which is nice when he lathers his big hands up with soap and runs them all over your body. You’re all too happy to return the favor, which yields the inevitable arousal for both of you.
“I know it’s how it’s done in the movies,” he says between kissing you, “But if I pick you up to fuck you the odds are excellent I will slip and fall and we will both get hurt.”
You’re not entirely disappointed to hear this. You’ve always thought it precarious and awkward anyway. In answer you turn to lean on the shower wall. “How about this?” you suggest, standing on tiptoe to offer your ass up in the air, looking back with a mischievous smile.
“Maybe if we could get you a footstool,” he snarks, before engulfing you with his body behind yours, his front pressed to your back. He grumbles with appreciation as he kisses the back of your neck, his hard member pressing into your spine. “I think we can make this work,” he muses, his voice gone low and gravely with desire. That alone is enough to make you gush between your legs, and when he touches you he finds your slit slick and ready for him. It’s almost embarrassing, really, how much you want it with this man.
When he bends his knees to enter you the both of you moan, the wonderful pressure of his beautiful cock filling you up making you see stars.
It’s also embarrassing, how fast you cum on his fingers with his cock inside you like this, the hard clench of your walls bringing him right along with you again.
“Oh my god,” you pant, pressing your cheek against the cool tiles. You can feel the hot drip of his seed running down your thighs—it’s marvelous, if you’re being honest. It’s wonderful and you’re afraid you never want it to end.
“Yeah,” he agrees, leaning above you, leaving you feeling surrounded by his body and strangely secure in the shelter of his larger form.
“I never—” You stop yourself short, thinking that maybe it’s too much to confess this soon in your budding relationship, if this can even be called yet. Leave it to you, to scare him off straight out the gate.
“Tell me,” he says, almost gently, his throbbing manhood still inside you.
Fuck it.
“I never cum this quickly. I usually get freaked out that I’m taking too long, and it’s a nightmare, and I just end up faking it to make it stop. You are…” You evacuate the breath from your body, so that you don’t say something insane, like you’re a dream come true.
You tense, waiting for the inevitable snide comment that will shatter the moment, but it does not come. He just kisses the back of your head and slides out of you, so that he can stand upright again. However, he does not let go of you, holding you snug against the shelter of his body with an arm still looped around your waist. 
“That sounds crushingly disappointing,” he says against your ear.
“Yeah.” You’re not sure why your throat is suddenly tight, and that’s all you can get out at the moment. You guess before Frank, you weren’t that into it either. 
He turns you in his arms and kisses you again under the warm stream of the shower, so sweetly one would find it hard to believe he’s the same man from before. “I’m honored. And…same.”
“You’ve faked orgasms before?” you ask, incredulous.
“No, but you—this is the best I’ve had in a long time. So…same.”
You nod, and resolve not to pick at it anymore, happy with what you have for now. You rest with your head against his chest, catching your breath, your knees–and your heart–feeling like they’ve turned to jelly.
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sturmsucht · 5 days
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Let's get this party started by Sturmsucht
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