#Developing Freindships
clone high final episode spoilers below! (9 n 10)
holy fuck im so happy. even though im super annoyed how they keep throwing a bunch of really good ideas for relationships and plot in the trash- im just so happy with what we got. 
OK FIRST EPISODE 9??? THE ANIMATION WAS SO FUCKING GOOD AND I HAD TO PAUSE BECAUSE WHEN WESLEY WAS FLAILING IN THE SEA, IT WAS DAMN smooth and pleasant to watch, as morbid as it sounds lol. that whole scene with the comic-esque vibe was so so pleasing. 
and that whole episode was super like, sad but funny. i literally stood up and yelled when Mr. B was getting near the edge. like i probably woke up every single one of my neighbors in like.. a 50 mile radius it was that bad im so fucking annoying about this show. 
ok, episode 10 i have to take a deep breath with. i am VERY happy. and idk if it was because the bar was so low, or if it was because i was so anxious i was vomiting everywhere because i needed content so bad, but i am overjoyed. 
THE ABETOPH CONTENT WE GOT WAS SO GOOD. WE HAVE LIKE... 3 NEW CUTE PHOTOS OF THEM HANGING OUT, AND LIKE A BUNCH OF MOMENTS OF ABE CARRYING TOPHER ON HIS BACK. was it because he was being tophers lackey? fine, sure, whatever. BUT AFTER THAT WHEN JFK BROKE TOPHERS PHONE IT WAS OVER (im upset it wasnt developed on further because people who didnt watch it in real time like us will surely be fine. so fuck you.) 
Also, ABE AND JFKS FREINDSHIP HOLUYDBIUJEWNFJKNF oh my god not to be autistic but i was stimming so fucking hard WHEN THEY HUGGED, I WAS LIKE YES FINALLY. FINALLLLLYYY!!! theyre my sweet boys and THAT WHOLE FRIEND GROUP HAS ME IN TEARS. LIKE abe and Confucius are already bros, as we see them playing in the school yard, and JFK and Confucius are already bros from the sleepover episode, but NOW JFK AND ABE ARE BROS. FUCK. YEAH. oh and tophers there too. i like how they treat topher tbh. like hes just there until he says something out of pocket and they’re just like stfu. 
but with the girls friend group.. oof. i honestly loved them so much, especially with cleo, but NOW ITS FUCKED. and its not even joans fault tbh. like when i was watching the scene where frida dropped joan i was like “damn” but then, JOAN MENTIONS HOW SHE HELPED EVERYONE BEFORE AND I WAS LIKE “DAYYYYYYUUMMMM UR RIGHT” so now im conflicted. But again like??? bruh i would choose cleo too tbh lmao.
Also, i’m glad clone college isn’t real. because jfk mentions about taking shelly to .. biology? which i think is a only 1st year class. and in the original clone high everyone is like “omg u hit puberty over summer” Which i feel is typically something thats potrayed in media AFTER middle school. but i could be wrong so, idk. just really glad they didn’t do the clone college bc i hate change. also theyre 16 lmao. OR MAYBE THEY WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT... in the future when highschools done?? IDK. IDC.
anyway. im scared for joans friend group and i fucking love joan, and i am in love with abe, toph, jfk, and Confucius’s little bromances and augh. im so happy. and THE CLIFF HANGER WASN’T TERRIBLE ALSO, IN MY OPNINON. 
im just glad joanabe wasn’t endgame. i mean, i would be pretty happy because im a sucker for childhood friends to lovers but also NOOOOOO joan deserves better. so. yeah 10/10 
if you read this far, holy crap, im proud of you, and ily 
that is my review on the finale so i’ll be making so much content now that im not on the brink of collapsing everytime i think of clone high. like trust me im gonna try and stretch out this fixation for as long as i can. though im probably gonna draw a surplus of abe and jfk art bc they were my fav in 2020
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dearweirdme · 1 year
"It followed after a period of freindship, but there is an increase in real flirtations and that's ofcourse why people picked up on them in the first place. They were flirty, teens/early twentyers in love and it showed"
What are some taekook moments that you think showcase this behavior?
Hi anon!
Sorry, This took way too long! You were referring to this ask:
It's kinda hard to really show this in pics and gifs, because we're talking about an extended period of time here. And it's only really clear when you watch back a lot of footage. So I recommend watching footage from 2014-2015-2016 to get what I mean. That is when I feel things slowly changed from friendship to crush, to fling, to something more, to something serious. Their serious stage flirtations are way better and way clearer though. Their younger flirtations were, hidden behind friendship a lot. The jealousy is way easier to see, because jealousy of that level does not fit in a platonic friendship, but part of their early flirtations can be mistaken for acts of close friends. I'm going to try and lay things out for you a bit.
So I think Tae and Jk had a really special close bond from… almost the start probably.. from what we can deduce from what they told us and from how they interacted during the early years. I think they were closest of all members and were extremely important to each other’s development and feeling of safety. I think they made being away from home easier for each other. Especially in Jk I’ve seen a sort of… well ‘need’ is maybe too strong a word, but ‘desire’ to be close to Tae. Tae made him feel secure when things were scary, Tae was the one who could catch him when he was afraid to fall. So many instances of Jk searching for Tae with his eyes, of Jk choosing to sit and stand beside Tae, where he knew (!) he could count on him. And he had the others as well ofcourse, but it was Tae he searched for with his eyes. And vice versa, although less clear.. because being in the centre of attention comes easier to Tae as a person, Jk was always there to be Tae’s strongest and loudest supporter. I think moments like this were really important to Jk. I think Tae became his hero, and I think the crush followed really fast.
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I think Jk started the push and pull pretty soon. I think Tae didn’t catch up for a while, or he didn’t want to catch up. Jk being Tae’s only dongsaeng meant something to him and I feel he really wanted to be a good Hyung, but his feelings were just more. Which resulted in real closeness (Tae being a love-bomb and Jk wanting to be love-bombed) but also with an unsatisfied Jk at times. Jealousy came into play. And long laps of Jk pining, Tae confused, and just trying to see where the boundaries lie.
I think the turn came when Jk started to grow into himself more. He was ofcourse very young and he also looked very young. But Jk went from cute to hot and that was when Tae just..
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… started to look at Jk different.
But we also still got the jealousy with moments like this, when Tae didn’t choose Jk and Jk went like..
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While looking for examples I came across this Tiktok. It’s an edit ofcourse, so go to the real footage to see it in context, but I felt this showed the growth between two festa’s really well. Jk at 2014 just mustering up courage to put his hand on Tae’s leg. Feeling all proud about it. And then 2015 festa Jk… those looks!
But before we get into the flirting.. how do boys who see each other all day every day flirt? The classic way of thinking about flirting is, batting eyes, giggling, looking and quickly looking away, teasing maybe. Things that look like this:
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But I think, because Tae and Jk were already so familiar and close with each other, their flirting was less the shy stuff and more the physical, touchy, playfull, wanting to be close stuff. More like, try and act natural, but lets get as close as we can doing it. Like these:
A lot of playfighting
Jk impressing Tae
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Casual hand on knee (with Jk feeezing to hold himself from reacting)
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They started to show physical signs of attraction
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And their onstage interactions were frequently aimed at each other and not at the audience. Checking for the other's reaction instead of playing it out for the public.
A lot has to do with a certain tension that played between them. That they both pulled of. But I really don't know how to show that. It's a bit like, their focus was each other at moments it shouldn't have been. Jk zoning out staring at Tae soo often. Tae really had a hard time hiding his admiration for Jk's body. When they weren't close, they would try to get close, when they were close, they'd try to get closer. The sheer volume of stares and smiles and zoning-outs-and sneeky looks and sneeky admirations is what does it really.
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
I agree with you has anons ever considered the fact that zendaya is a really nice person who is really easy to get along with and the fact in her industry its natural for one to develop bonds and form freindships on set b/c you are in close proximity with them for 1 to 4 months. Zendaya is friends with timmy, josh, mike etc. They are friends all of us have friends that serve different purposes in our life, some we're closer with than others but it doesnt change the fact that their still friends.
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Idk why some people feel like it has to be some kind of competition or something. You can have different variations of friendship with different people.
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flower-boi16 · 1 year
My Tangled the Series Review
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So, recently I finished watching all of TTS, here are my thoughts on it.
Things I liked
Visuals & Animation - This show has some really nice looking animation, I really like this art style it looks very expersive and and colorful, deffaintly an example of how to use flash WELL.
The Songs - This show’s got some fantastic songs. There are so many memorable songs in this show I can just listen to over and over again, I’ll list my favorites here:
Ready As I’ll Ever Be
Listen Up
Let Me Make You Proud (Reprise)
I’ve Got This
Wind in My Hair
The View From Up Here
By My Side
Waiting in The Wings
Crossing the Line
I’d Give Anything
Nothing Left to Lose
Bigger Than That
Stronger Than Ever Before
Cassandra (Until Season 3) - I really enjoyed Cassandra’s character for most of the series, she is a great foil to Rapunzel and I liked Cass’s freindship with her...until season 3 but I’ll get to that later.
Varian (Mostly In Season 3) - So thanks to season 3 Varian kinda became my favorite character in the show. I have some issues with how his villain betrayal was executed, which I will get to later, but I really liked him. He’s a dorky little cinamone roll and his development in season 3 is bassically perfect. 
The New Supporting Characters - Overral, I quite liked the new characters the show added overral, my favorites are Red and Angry, Varian, and maybe Lance. 
Worldbuilding - I like how the series added in some new stuff to the movie’s universe and expand from it, tho some things don’t nessacarily line up with the movie somtimes.
Things I didn’t like
Eugene Getting Sidelined - Ngl it really feels like the series was sidling Eugene, which sucks because he was a main character in the movie. He has some episodes centered around him, but those are few and far between. Aside from that, it really felt like the series just replaced him with Cassandra, which really sucks.
Cassandra’s Betrayel - I can make an entire post on why this betrayal does NOT work, but I’ll just summerize. Cass’s reasons for betraying Rapunzel simply don’t make sense, especially that whole Gothel Twist, where Cass decides to betray Rapunzel because...Gothel chose Rapunzel over her? Ya, I don’t’ get it either.
Parts of Varian’s Betrayal - I feel like Varian going all evil mode because Rapunzel refused to help him is kind of extreme, and it really makes me hard to sympathize with him when he goes to this extreams. There should have been more than one incident for Varian to go all evil mode, you could make the argument that Varian went as extreme as he did becuase Rapunzel refused to help him, so he decides to make her help him by force, but still, there should have been more than one incident to make Varian go all evil mode.
So what are my overral thoughts on this show? Well, I enjoyed it. It had some issues that fruserated me but it also has some really great qualities to it. So, I’d give it a 7/10, a good series with some major flaws in it. So...see ya.
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squeiky · 1 year
Sometimes I get really sad and lonely and then I scroll through tumblr.
I think I have to start making a routine to walk outside, but i keep making excuses not too. The only outside place I want to be is on my porch and a park that’s 30 minutes away.
I’m really lonely apparently. It’s a side effect of having very little of a social life (aside from the few interactions on here. Since I don’t interact with anyone on any other site tbh.)
I think it’s just easy for me to be alone. Like I’m sure I developed some kind of abandonment issues and I’m fully aware of how it makes me feel- and that might be why i keep avoiding irl interactions.
Everything feels easier here. No anxiety no pressure. I know people here are okay and already know my goofy little self. I don’t have to worry about appearances and present how I desire. I don’t feel trapped.
I can scream into the void here. I can keep screaming and maybe one day, someone might just scream back. It’s a good feeling.
I keep feeling guilty for posting or rebloging so much. I look at other people getting asks or interactions as “successes”. I see comments and tags and it’s “success”. At what? Hell if I know. Perhaps some social game like popularity, or the fact that somebody is liked enough to have people talk to them.
Ugh, I used to read my old blog posts from an account long abandoned. Reeked of insecurity. I see myself falling back into that spiral over and over again whenever the darkness creeps up a little to closely. Like I can only eve ignore it for so long, until I’m back to screaming again like I am now.
It’s like that stupid feeling, like someone in the back of my mind is screaming “please be with me.” It’s crying all the time.
I don’t know what freindship is, I only see people in black and whites of “useful” and “not useful” the definition of useful isnt exact and varies person to person, but I recognize this is my thought process.
I guess there’s the guilt of it all too. Some underlying shame or guilt constantly pestering me. I hate annoying things and it’s really annoying.
I’m young, and I’m still figuring things out. Though that doesn’t really invalidate or solve how I feel now. Idk.
At some point in time I forgot how to talk to people in real life. It’s like when I do my soul leaves my body and I just go on autopilot. Only to return to a state of constant evaluation and analysis (which are my saviors).
Sometimes I just want to stay broken. Or maybe I was never broken to begin with. I don’t know. I’m sad and buttnaked writing this at 11:54 because I’m slowly developing a fear of sleeping (technically I just have s very strong desire to stay awake for no reason in particular.)
I fucked up with the alt descriptions for my art. I’m unsure if I’m making excuses not to make alts because it’s too much effort-or it’s something else.all I know is that I feel guilty about it.
I hate guilt (or is what I feel shame? I’m uncertain). I wish I never felt it. It’s a disgusting feeling that only does me bad. Usually I can just determine via logic when ive fucked up. But if what I feel is guilt then I do not like it. I wish it wasn’t there I wish it didn’t exist because it annoys me.
I cleared out my wounds too. I’m hopping I made it better by opening up a covered path that was clogging the infection gunk from getting out- and some dead skin. Getting hurt sucks.I thought I would be stronger. But I am reminded I am frail.
Screaming into the void in hopes of a freind. It’s a strange habit to have. Always screaming never a reply. I wish I could make things like this one person I follow. I’ve never seen them ever sad about their lack of interactions (atleast in this platform). I’m trying to be like that. But it sucks that I can’t register likes Orin the same way I do as reason people’s tags or comments or seeing their reblogs.
Since I’m always reblogging other peoples stuff, there’s always that nagging feeling when ever I make my own shit that it’s never enough.
One day though I think I’ll feel “enough”. I’ll drink champagne on that day and eat a chocolate cupcake. Just like a birthday celebration.
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tansyuduri · 8 months
merlin for ask game :)
Thankies Nonnie! Before I begin I just wanna say I support every pairing in merlin and people's right to pair whoever they want.
otp: Merthur (I'm writing fics for them afterall)
favourite canon pairing: Argwen (I wrote a drabble for them I adore them)
worst pairing ever: I suppose I cannot get behind Arthur/Morgana it just feels icky to me, if you like it enjoy it though!
guilty pleasure pairing: Ummm not sure.... hmmm I dunview any as a guilty pleasure? Er perhap Gwen Arthur and Merlin? I would write some but still learning to write Gwen! Eventually!
a pairing you want to see more: Elena X any knight! Shes my gal! Also Morgana and Gwen.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”  I kinda have two, The first being Freya and Merlin, and the second being perhaps Gwaine and Merlin? IDK? They just have developed in my mind into not my cup of tea over time. The second likely because I enjoy them as friends so much and really want Merlin to have some male good friends even after Lancelot is gone. and think gwaine and percivial is a thing. but if you enjoy them. Enjoy them!
favorite non-romantic pair I have two again, Gwen and Merlin Gwaine and Merlin just really like their freindships.
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youritalianbookpal · 1 year
Book review - Love and Freindship and Other Youthful Writings by Jane Austen
What is it? Jane Austen’s juvenalia, short stories.
Who should read it and why? If you love Jane Austen (like, really love her) this is the book for you.
Which genre(s) is it? Short stories, some extremely short/unfinished.
What is the setting? Most of the stories are set in England, regency period
How are the characters? With such a variety of stories, not all characters are as well developed as others. The most thought-out are definitely the ones of the third Volumes (with longer stories) and the History of England.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the novel? Since we’re talking about juvenalia and short stories, I think that a weakness of this collection is that not everything is at the same level. Some stories will be short and boring and will bring nothing to the table. Other parts will be stunning, especially towards the end. The only way of reading this book is with the hope that it will get better, as young Jane Austen’s writing got better. Nothing really is bad, but it can become a bit repetitive, especially in volume I in my opinion. From volume II things get a lot better. But isn’t it amazing, to see one of the most amazing writers ever develop her style?
Did I cry and/or laugh? I laughed several times, but didn’t cry.
Who shouldn’t read the book? If you like Jane Austen mildly this book will be endless tortute for you. I think. It’s wild. But also so long.
Any random comment? I loved loved loved the introduction, and I have taken note of so many books on Jane Austen that I want to read.
Which quote stuck with me?
'That is a very common Objection I beleive,' said Kitty, 'but for me if a book is well written, I always find it too short.
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the god sexy men and the gods horror. well what could i tell you about them? Once upon a time there was a cult in africa. it was called PATEN, because not too long ago the color of freindship a myth portrayed by the white tetris of slave trade, consumed all africans minds. So they great tircksters of africa gathered, to adopt imgrants overseas. but what they didnt expect was with teh invention of televison, insanity peaking through and thus with him came the risih gods. They developed their own family. A family based on horror. It held PED### serial wendigo ayer ayer silence bliss joy joy yagsothot and candole. they became irish jack, scottish drowned, a very beutiful person, scp dollhouse and magenta. they became teh gods of horror in africa which all follow the vooudon LOLLIE known as SILIBIS. or HOMEWORK. she was a good girl, who was raped her entire life. if this was your america, she would be named sybil or perpaps lilith. LOLLIE was the godess of maps and comapses which is why it holds the term today. she was irish and became all her characters. in teh creepypasta fandom it is clear who she is. in scps she is dollhouse or eyes. eyes is an indiefic but her sister TEENAKA became ICKY or teenager phase, who was the godess of rebellion and lipstick lebsians. alwyas a boy. always a trap. jeff the kilelrs role in this faith as apop culture religion is to deify serial killers as lucifer or sameale, never killing meerly cacusing a heart attack or a chesure smile like yoko ono. i studied here as anasi when zone captor picked me up from teh dollie family of ficiton. ARG's job was detective work, arg had stalk blue hair and was painted very similar to drama from dramatical murder. in shintosim anime is magick where the characters no matter how unique or well written follow the tropes of the kami. sexy man is the head of this family. he is the dedonin HORROR or DRAUL he is the hope that became despair and often takes the form of aladain or junko enoshima.
-anansi walker
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illaine-waterhouse · 2 years
Hi I have a new character (for D&D but I may use him for other stuff at some point maybe) and I’ve spent a lot of time in his head but I’m looking to develop him more so! Please ask me questions about him!
His name isn’t fully decided yet, but for now he goes by Theren.
Theren is a wood elf, about 436 years old. He had a human wife who died of old age when he was 210 and she was 86, and they had a son who died of disease when Theren was 226 and the son was 72.
The son died in an outbreak of plague directly inspired by the historical Plague of Cyprian, which most likely was a hemorrragic fever (same type of disease as ebola). Theren also got sick and lost the last digits of his right hand middle and left hand ring finger to dry gangrene, a symptom of the disease. Dry gangrene means that parts of the body can die and go gangrenous if blood flow to a large area of tissue is cut off, here as part of this particular hemorrhagic fever, no frostbite or wounds required to trigger it.
After he recovered. Theren decided to become a physician so he could maybe hopefully be of some use if something like this plague ever happens again. He studied under a human healer named Galen for many years, and has kept on helping people for the last two centuries. Theren will set up shop somewhere for a few decades before his wanderlust rises and he sets out for somewhere new, but he always tries to take care of people where and when he encounters them.
The village he lived in with this wife and their son is now long abandoned, but every few years he will head back there for some time to clean up the graveyard a little and maintain their two graves in particular. He finds a lot of peace in this.
His player class is Fighter, Arcane Arcer subclass. He has wide, powerful shoulders and calloused hands from years of archery and farm work, but his touch is very light and he is gentle and patient.
He’s got tan skin and long dark brown hair usually kept in a braid that comes to his mid-back. When he’s doing work or fighting, he’ll coil the braid into a bun and stick a long hairpin through it first to keep it on place, so it doesn’t get in the way. His skin is a little weathered so he looks a bit older than he actually is, even for an elf. His eyes are golden like amber or tree sap.
Insults rarely faze him much. In his view, time will catch up to us all, but most likely it’ll catch up to whoever is insulting him first. He is acutely aware of mortality and how ever-present and sometimes sudden death is, and has generally made peace with that.
He most often finds himself dealing with shorter-lived races, so at this point most of his friends are dead. Exceptions exist, like Illiyan; a fellow wood elf who developed a freindship with Theren when his wife was around middle-aged. Illiyan and Theren’s relationship is somewhere between friends and queerplatonic partners, on a couple occasions they have lived together for a time, but they may also go decades without contact, not because of any falling-out but because life takes them in different directions. They are elves. They have time to live this way.
just label any anon questions as “for Theren” for clarity and I’ll answer either as him for from his perspective!
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sweetpickolwarrior · 4 years
The Three Times You Didn't Want Them To Hear You, The One Time You Did (Part 1)
Established fic
Not too apparent but just letting you know in case.
TW - canon-typical violence, description of fighting, blood, gore, swearing, sexist language, description of injury, descrioptions of anxiety/panic attacks
Fic summary:You have been travelling with geralt and Jaskier for quite some time, you had always been told that your voice would take you places before you had no choice but to abandon your previous life. You still loved it though. This fic explores the times you let go and let yourself sing.
Chapter Summary: The first time Jaskier and Geralt heard you sing. This was not planned. Tis a big deal for you.
Jaskier had grown used to Geralt's constant pining for silence, his rumbles of discontent and years of “shut up” and "fuck off" while he plucked away on his lute and let melodies fall from his lips. Though he knew that under all the furrowed brows and bitter growls, the witcher appreciated him.
Truth be told, coin had often been halved, quartered or suddenly 'stolen' away from lords, knights and nobles alike rendering them incapable of paying the witcher even after monsters had been slain...that is until the ballad had started to follow him like flies after shit. Since then, some noblemen would actively seek him out for any twig crack in the woods to then invite the trio to a throwaway dinner party so they could show off the white-haired champion if they caught word of him within three towns.
Naturally, he resented the very idea of lingering about these people any more than he already had to, being talked about, sung about, danced about, treated like some sort of trophy workhand for these tittering idiots. And of course, Jaskier leapt at the opportunity to perform for the more rosy-cheeked, satin clad crowd, and you often just went along with whoever won the squabble, enjoying either a night of Jaskier singing atop a table in a tavern or atop a table in a banquet hall. (Though the latter often left you with a heftier rattle in your pouches and warm beds, baths and linens for a few more nights.)
How you would have wanted that a few months ago.
About six months earlier
It was bound to happen sooner or later, travelling with two men and often having to settle for a bed on the ground. Not that you often minded, but that night, after a longer than necessary altercation with a couple of alghouls, you had crashed into your bedroll, not bothering to clean the blood off your face let alone off your arrows and out of your clothes.
You woke that morning to aching bones and a musty stench you wanted to be rid of as soon as possible.
The grass was dewy and sweet-smelling as you turned to the other side, letting the sun stroke your cheek good morning. You saw roach tied to a nearby tree and had concluded that your companions had wandered to the next town for supplies. You had been running low on a good few essentials for a while now and were grateful that your companions had let you slumber away, knowing you didn't fuss too much over anything they would get from the market.
You opened your pack and grabbed two lumps of soap before heading to the river that had lulled you to sleep that night. The first, a dry lye soap made simply and quickly, good for getting "blood, shit and grit out" as Geralt so elegantly put it. And the second, still wrapped in wax paper, the last few crumbles of a soft, fragrant lavender soap you had made yourself. You had saved so many dried flowers from where you could, hung and dried them on the side of your satchel, scraped the bottom of vials clean for drops of various oils into your little bottle, olive, sunflower, even a little of Jaskier's special coconut oil. Cooking a soap over the campfire was a waste of wood in Geralt’s eyes, but you could tell the soft scent calmed him as it wafted through the air that night.
You smiled to yourself as you finally stepped into the river, the edges warmed by the kiss of the sun.
You peeled off your trousers and walked further in, letting the water lap at your thighs growing used to the cold quickly. Rubbing the soap into your trousers, you watched as the blood slowly swirled out in front of you and saw as your fingers started to go from angry splotches of red and black back to that natural, warm brown. Your shirt stuck to your skin and hair, caked crimson. After all this time, you still could not believe how much things bled. Your mind flashed back to the alghouls from last night as your fingers worked through cleaning your formerly beige overshirt.
It should have been easy. Just two. You were only there to watch how Geralt wielded his sword for a few, usually weak opponents. His silver sword heaved thick strokes through the air, his feet danced around his opponents and you let your arrows loose from afar, aiding your friend as another got too close for your liking. The specially made silver tips slicing through skin and bone, causing a shriek. It turned and caught another arrow in its shoulder, bounding toward you. Frantic, you simply held out your next arrow in your hand, ready to impale it as it drew near enough. But you froze. Was this one of the ones you had to get in a specific place? Drive it through the heart? The head? Why was it still running? Surely two silver arrows should have been enou-
Geralt unseamed the creature through it's abdomen from behind and drew his sword up and through it’s head as its blood gushed over you and the last few gurgles escaped what was left of its throat as it crumpled before you in a horrid mess.
"You're too slow up close. It would have had you."
He was right.
As talented as you were with a bow and arrow, able to get a man in the eye from half a field away, your experience with close combat was laughable. Usually, you had time to think, plan out your shots, you didn't even have to deal with blood until you retrieved your arrows. You probably would have had your face ripped off. Or your throat torn out. Or something.
You place the sopping shirt next to your trousers on the bank and scurry back with the lavender soap in your hand. Once you've thrust yourself back into the gentle river almost chest level, you start to hum a soft tune, trying to ignore the murky red all over, instead focus on the light scent of lavender and the gliding of the soap through your hair. You close your eyes and let your mouth fall open, a melody plucked from a memory now dull and faded, the sound clear and bright.
Losing yourself in the rises and falls in the melody, voice opening and notes falling out as your muscles remember what it is to have sound flow and gush from your belly out into the world. No body, no mind, no cold, no blood-
All of a sudden, a loud brightly coloured heap burst through the foliage and breathlessly plunged into the river, flailing erratically. You attempt to preserve your unmentionables with your hands, your lilting voice turning to shrill yelps. You submerge yourself lower, shoulders barely peeking out over the disturbed waves. In contrast, the intruder, exploding out of the water as frantically as he fell in, spluttering and coughing “Y/N! You can - cough - sing! You can sing!! - cough -”
Oh, thank the Gods.
“But Y/N! -cough - You sounded lovely! I-”
Jaskier slapped his hand to his eyes immediately and scrambled back up the bank, stumbling as he managed to regain his footing and ran off, his back to you whilst still covering his eyes.
You had not expected them to be back so soon. Truth be told you had not known how long they had been gone when you woke but then why hadn’t you heard them coming back?
Not focusing again. Fuck! You know you can’t afford to get lost in your own head again, stupid girl. What would have happened if it had been someone else hearing a-
He heard. Geralt too probably with his enhanced senses.
Fucks sake.
It had just been so long since you had let your voice be free. You hadn’t let your companions hear you so much as hum on your travels as you were sure that it would make you come across as a silly little girl. With Jaskier it was different. He is a poet, a bard. He had been studying it for many years whereas you had pipe dreams growing up like every other lass in the village. You sang in school with a wide smile and a voice that rang like a bell, you sang on holy Fridays with fingers interlaced and the plume of your mothers rouge on your cheeks. Nothing compared to the grand halls and festivals that Jaskier would perform at. Gods you hoped he wouldn’t speak of it again. You were sure that they would take you even less seriously now.
You’ll show them
Just go back to camp and pretend it didn’t happen. Say there was a girl wandering nearby and Jaskier should go and chase her before she is lost to the woods forever.
If this carries on, get yourself killed or someone else hurt. You know that Geralt can’t let that happen. He’ll probably drop you off in the town and wish you luck because you’ve become more stress than your skills are worth. You get it, you do.
It will just be so hard getting used to being alone again.
Your head is spiralling again. You need this to stop. You think of the meditation that Geralt showed you. You can't meditate, you're still naked in a river! Tears escape your eyes as you just can’t organise your thoughts into any kind of action. You can't run naked through the woods, you can't turn up in your sopping wet clothes, you’re no help on hunts, you’ve let your biggest comfort turn into your biggest embarrassment because you just can’t think straight.
“Y/N! I - I’m not looking! I have your clothes you left them back at camp”
You look up to see Jaskier was inching closer, eyes covered by one hand, your dry pair of clothes draped over his other forearm. He was inching closer, his toes probing to see if he had gone too far. Once his foot had felt the sploshy bank he stopped and held his arm out. You were sure that he had not heard you cry but you didn’t want the lump in your throat to give it away. You rose out, plucked the clothes from him and he promptly scampered off, one hand still across his eyes for some reason. You let out your breath, finding it had slowed due to holding it in for so long. You wrung out your hair as much as you could before flinging your trousers and shirt on with shaking hands. You were sure you could sleep right on into the next day.
At camp
Jaskier had fumbled back to camp, drenched and squelching till he could hear the soft wooshing of roach’s breath. Geralt was sat, sorting the things they had brought from market.
Jakier was stumbling giddy from when he had first encountered the river, his mind rushing as he made his way through the trees.
That voice! Hesitant, yet rich and full and resonant. Thick with the weight of being tied inside her chest, it would take some practice to let her voice flourish and fly like he knew it could, but that was no matter! With his brief but busy year being a professor at Oxenfurt under his belt, he scoured through the plethora of exercises and scales that he had stored away. Her warm tone, he thought, would contrast beautifully with his chipper and airy voice.
In his head flashed scenes of the two writing together, performing together, studying together. Jaskier, Poet of the continent accompanied by-
“What did you do Jaskier”
The voice came firm and gruff, as opposed to the often exasperated or gentle (rarely was there anything in between) tone his witcher friend usually employed when he was addressing the bard.
Jaskier’s ear wide grin faltered as Geralt towered over him.
Knowing the flirty way of Jaskier and seeing him dripping before him, hearing the shout of “IM NAKED” and honing in his ear, he was presently hearing the soft gasps of Y/N, he could not help but draw himself to conclusions, knowing that human men, even those whom one trusted could turn to be worse than the monsters in his quests. When the fathers and trusted lovers of innocent women could turn as quickly as the page of a book, what was a loose and often unashamed bard that he happened to know for a few years?
He grabbed the young man by his soaking collars
“What the fuck did you do”
Somewhere between a growl and a roar, the words seethed from Geralt as he heard Y/N’s sharp breaths mix with sobs she was trying to silence.
After that night, he knew his small friend would need some time. They had both been exhausted, his head pounding from the potions he had used, he didn’t speak much to her apart from some abrupt criticism after the last alghoul was taken care of. He didn’t know much about teaching or guiding, or comforting for that matter, but he figured letting her sleep in would do no harm and he had bought some apples for her to feed roach. That helped him. The thought that she should be thrust from one horrid altercation to another at the hands of his first companion filled him with rage. These thoughts raced through his head while he attempted to decipher Jaskier’s words through this sudden wave of protectiveness.
Jaskier was chuckling, almost about to pat his massive friend on the head like an overreactive hound,
“I fail to see why you’re so wound up, dear witcher. I simply sought to find the source of the singing, and it turned out to be Y/N! Marvellous isn’t she?”
“Why are you wet.” Geralt demanded.
truth be told, he was so used to hearing Jaskier’s voice or lute, he simply dumped the noise into that category. Thinking back, it was different. Still musical, but different. Jaskier’s sound seemed to sit on the wind and flit and glide like a bird while this new sound was earthy, full, round, blending with the flow of the river and almost raw, coarse and slightly unsteady like a horse that had run for the first time out of market.
“I was simply mesmerised, Geralt. " he sighed, sagging slightly in the bigger man's grip " I was convinced it might be a water nymph, that I might catch it, steal some ideas for melody and- and then let the poor thing go of course, but”
“Why is she crying Jaskier”
The girl’s sobs had subsided slightly, but her breath was shuddering and shallow. He knew when she got like this, it was hard to get back down. He had expected it sometime today but usually, he could smell the fear rising, notice the scrunching up of her small frame, and make sure the trio were alone, quiet, ready.
“Crying? Whatever do you mea-”
The focused and worried look on Geralt’s face clicked in Jaskiers’ head and he felt a wave of guilt wash over him
“Oh gods, shit. Shes alone. What do I do Geralt? Can you hear her?”
The stream came pouring out his mouth as he paced around the camp, his eyes landing on a pile of neatly folded clothes.
“ Jaskier go back and give them to her. Slowly. She’ll come back in her own time”
Geralt listened intently while Jaskier went to return the garments. It surprised him that the sound of his younger companion trying to catch her breath like it was a feather in the wind was the same person who had made such a pleasing sound not very many minutes ago.
It stopped.
He couldn’t hear her breathe, but Jaskier was calm. He heard the rustling of clothes and the damp footfall of the bard returning. He turned his attention back to her again. He was afraid that after the episode, holding her breath would cause her to topple back into the river. Stupid. He should’ve thought of that beforehand. She didn’t. Strong lass. He heard her breaths less shallow as her hair dripped and her clothes were back on.
He was reassured now and started to take out the apples from the small fruit sack.
“Well if she was crying, she isn’t any more” stated Jaskier, almost reassuring himself that his clumsiness couldn’t have hurt his friend.
He proceeded to look for his woollen blanket, laying it out carefully, waiting for his friend to return.
Thank you so much for reading! Its the first time I've started writing after a long time, if you have any constructive criticism please leave it in the comments :)
I've started a new AO3, Tumblr page and page on Fanfiction.net which will hold my fics too. same username :)
I am very pernickety when writing which is why it's been hard for me to upload anything in the last few years and why it might take a little time for me to upload new chapters but please stick around :D
mwah x
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gar-trek · 2 years
Im being serious right now this is not about shipping at all dont take this as a shipping post: I actually genuinly love the Julian Miles freindship dynamic SO MUCH like peak work friends where you know if they wouldnt have been stuck with each other for hours on end they would have never gotten close or given each other the chance. Also we rarely get to see relationships change or develope that much in the series but the way they go from Miles being annoyed with Julian and wanting nothing to do with him to them choosing to spend free time together is just so real. It wasn't like they chose to be freinds it was more like "well man, we only have each other might as well form a deep bond and loyalty to each other"
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simplysparrow14 · 3 years
Alberto should have been the main character of Luca.
I'm probably going to get murdered for saying this but Alberto really should have been the main character of Luca instead of Luca himself. It felt like Alberto had the most well-rounded personality, being that his love and enjoyment of the human world of Portorosso kept clashing with the knowledge that the humans kill sea-monsters and the fear that at some point they would find out about his monstrous form.
As much as I liked Luca, he felt just a little flat for me. Luca was the Flounder to Alberto's Ariel, if you catch my drift.
It would have been a great character arc for Alberto to go through, especially if we factored in Guilia and her father. Alberto could have really developed a deep friendship with Guilia and her father, and throughout the movie, we could have seen Alberto grapple with trying to keep himself a secret.
Also, it could have lead to some more fantastic interactions with Ercole and his goonies in the whole Vespa storyline. Giulia could have been the one to want the Vespa, but due to her father's poor salary as a fishman it would have been too expensive. So Alberto gets the bright idea to enter themselves into the Portorosso Cup so that Giulia can get a Vespa and also rub it in Ercole's face since he's her cousin and she's had it up to here with his constant bragging about his stupid beloved Vespa.
And then when Alberto falls into the water later in the movie, reveling himself, it would have had a much stronger impact on the story because Giulia and Alberto already had a deep connection with each other and now that connection is shattered because Giulia is afraid of him for being a sea-monster. Also, that's numero due things that Ercole could have rubbed in Giulia's face: her best friend is a sea-monster and she's lost him forever.
Also, Pixar, you cowards, why didn't you make Ercole Giulia's cousin??? Do you know how fucking funny it would have been if during the dinner scene Ercole just barged in while Giulia's father is cooking dinner and he goes to complain to his Zio about how Giulia and the scrawney little kid nearly hurt his beloved Vespa but then he turns around to berate to Giulia, only to find the same scrawny kid sitting down for dinner at his Zio's house??? And now he has to have dinner with the scrawny kid paling around with his cousin who nearly scratched his beloved Vespa??? So then we get to watch as the Pixar equivalent of the dinner scene from Shrek 2 plays out between Ercole and Alberto.
Pixar, this is the funniest villian you've had in a long time and you didn't give him enough of a role to play in his own movie, you cowards!
I know people are going to say that if Alberto had been the main character, the story would have been predictable and a little too similar to a lot of "Monster-can-turn-human-so-monster-must-keep identity-a-secret-from-humans-who-hunt-said-monster" stories but I'm always of the opinion that you can have a predictable story as long as your characters are well-rounded and believable.
Also, I know that the whole theme of Luca is about forging freindship, but pixar, you could have struck gold with the friendship between Giulia and Alberto. We decently need more M/F childhood friendships in animated movies and the story about a sea monster befriending a human girl and falling in love with the world she lived in would have been the perfect foil movie to the Little Mermaid.
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squeiky · 2 years
I had a dream about miraculous where 1. Marinette was very aro (or uninterested in romance)
And the main character was Adrien agreste., and he was very gay.
So in the few seconds I had this dream, I have solved about 90% of all the problems in miraculous ladybug.
1. Due to not have romantic intrst in one another, they have revealed their secret identity and are like best freinds (with Alya and Marinette still being bffs beacuse you can have more than one bff.) So freindship bracelets.
2. Soft boy romcom. I am not kidding. Adrien agreste doesn't understand what crushes are so it's incredibly wholesome with him just trying to figure it all out
3. (Post dream breakdown) I headcannon Marinette picked Adrian's whole shtick up long before he did so she's playing supportive conspiracist. (Aka, trying to figure out w/o is going on inside this guys head. She's got charts, she's gonna use em.)
4. They had 2 battles in my dreams. 1 was against the trident guy (Atlantis man? Aqua man? What ever Ariel the mermaids dad was.)
Ladybug ended up with the cat miraculous and chat noir with the bug miraculous.
Instead of being pissy to chatnoir, lb actually developed some of plaggs personal, so she was a little more sarcastic and wild then usual. While enjoying having cat miraculous, and just being very supportive of her confused freind.
(They're both very jokey on account of being good freinds, so there was a scene where they were floating on something beacuse the whole area was flooded, but they were having some amount of fun.)
And this women who loved painting but idk why but she wanted to turn the whole world black and white (Literally). So ladybug and catnoir had to stop her.
I think I stopped there but damn, I never expected to dream about this. It's so out of the blue, but honestly I'd watch a season of "trying to understand the world outside of his house" Adrien and "fashionista while making conspiracies on the stupidest of shit while her freind Alya knocks sense into here" marinette.
Except everyone is freinds and Adrein is very gay (in the sad puppy kind of way.)
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doublel27 · 2 years
I would actually hate it if Owen were to die, and I didn't even realize that until today.
Is he a favorite character of mine? Not by any stretch of imagination. But he is necessary to the show. Before season 3, I am not sure I would say that.
He was always the center, but on the outside until this season. He feels more connected to the characters beyond just TK and whatever love interest they give him.
Not only would I hate Owen dying for TK, but for Carlos, Judd and Mateo too. They all have very different relationships with him, but are all very important to these men.
His relationship with Tommy is one I enjoy. They have developed a mutual respect for each other, are there for each other in times of tragedy. It was a little odd at first to me in 2x13 when Owen was the one she finally broke down with. However after rewatching, he felt like the exact right person to be there. Just as she was the right person to be with him in 3x04. I hope they keep them platonic (and really think they will), as they have a chaotic vs sane person thing going, and I like it.
I hope we get to dig more into his past, why he is angry. I am actually looking forward to watching the next episode, especially if it gives us more of him acknowledging his issues.
So sorry to not get to this until after 3x16, but I'm kinda glad I did.
Owen has really deep bonds with several characters. I really have enjoyed the deepening of Marjan and Owen's relationship this year. They're both so similar and I really appreciate how Owen actually kinda listens when Marjan talks.
Owen and Tommy make a great team of co-Captains. I really enjoy their freindship and the deep care and respect for each other.
Mateo loves Owen. The hero worship has dimmed since living with Owen. But Owen is so important to Mateo. Owen saw potential in Mateo and is the only reason Mateo wasn't deported. Mateo is a DREAMER and needed a job to stay. If Owen hadn't picked up on the fact that Mateo was talented and investigated to find out Mateo was dyslexic and then put Marjan on getting him to pass, Mateo would be in Guadalajara with his dad. I'm also fairly certain Mateo and his family got separated when he was in high school and when he found out Owen had cancer, he was immediately distraught.
Judd and Owen are very good friends and two men who understand each other on a very deep level. Judd is another person who Owen sometimes sort of listens to. Owen cares about Judd's advice and council. They share the awful reality of losing their whole firehouse. Judd respects the hell out of Owen, even if he thinks he's a bit of a mess. I loved 3x16! It was so good. I really liked how we learned about another terrible tragedy (two) that happened to Owen and how he managed to face his dad. I've said it before, TK comes by his itch to run naturally. Owen is a runner, as was his mother, as was Gwyn. Owen staying and facing it was such a sign of his growth through therapy. So was his calling TK and saying (part) of what he needed to say to his son. Owen hasn't fully changed, but I'm really interested to see the remainder of his arc through season 3. He started the season alone and isolated, even after he came back from the woods, he wouldn't let himself enjoy the party but went upstairs to be alone. I'm hoping to see him integrated into the firehouse even more and a little less secrative. I was so pleased with what we got though. they acknowledged so much I was hoping they would.
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Man it sure is nice to enjoy and be invested in a piece of media that isn't a capitalist money grab shitshow. I truly love not having to look at a male and female character with a close and meaningful freindship and not brace myself for it to inevitably become romance. Being able to actually trust writers and producers to do good with the characters I love and not sacrifice story and their development for the sake of heteronormativity and/or a sequel that will make them more money is so refreshing and lovely, 11/10 would recommend
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curiousb · 3 years
The Steele Family Album: Volume II (aka Love & Freindship)
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William Collins displays hitherto unsuspected talents! Maybe he should have gone into Entertainment rather than The Law?
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Little Catherine gets picked up off the floor long enough to age up! (Why does my game love this hair so much for toddler girls?)
~ Aries 6 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 6
~ Ambitious / Perceptive
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And Lucy continues to demonstrate very little aptitude for parenting - isn’t it lovely to see such a supportive environment for the little ones?!
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Fortunately, Nancy grows up relatively unscathed - even if she is turning out to be one of my least personable Sims!
~ Scorpio 10 / 6 / 8 / 2 / 1
~ Devious / Anxious / No Sense of Humour
~ OTH: Fitness
~ Favourite Colour(s): Pink
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However, at least she’s now big enough to get her own breakfast, which is an essential skill in this household.
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Ah, the exuberance of youth!
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How cute! I didn’t know that adults could play with the dollhouse along with the kids. :)
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A life of crime might not have been Lucy’s first choice of profession, but actually she’s doing rather well in it, and has become chummy with colleague Melissa Fancey (whose attire is certainly most apt).
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Meanwhile, Nancy has befriended Townie kid Orlando Bertino.
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William loves a party, so he gathers everyone that he knows to celebrate Catherine’s birthday. It’s certainly a very jolly affair, with several gate crashers!
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Happy birthday, Catherine!
~ Aries 6 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 6
~ Ambitious / Perceptive / Green Thumb
~ OTH: Science
~ Favourite Colour(s): Blue
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And then it all descends into chaos, when Augusta catches Philip foolishly sneaking a kiss with Caroline in the kitchen!
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For reasons not satisfactorily explained this sparks a full-on fistfight between William and Harriet Smith (who wasn’t even invited)! Come on, you lot, it’s a kid’s birthday party, for goodness’ sake!
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John Willoughby and new acquaintance Melissa Fancey escape the melee in the kitchen for a bit of a boogie in the living room.
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Lucy and Henry Crawford opt for a quiet catch-up in the bedroom - all perfectly innocent, they just decided to hang out together on the bed!
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The kids remained blissfully unware of the drama that ensued at the party, and in the aftermath are more interested in developing their own friendships. Level-headed Clara Dashwood seems an unlikely friend for crazy mixed-up kid Nancy, but we’ll see! Catherine and Gabriel Smith (yet to be introduced) are getting along famously, however.
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Catherine’s also become very fond of stray moggy Moonshine, who is still touring the neighbourhood. But he seems very picky - he hasn’t yet chosen a family to move in with. (Seriously, how do you get strays to move in?)
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William also has a new friend. Townie Marisa Bendett is often to be found hanging around the house, and seems to have developed an unaccountable obsession with William. I’m not sure whether she’s just looking for friendship, or maybe something more...
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Definitely something more! But is William naively oblivious to her intentions, or is he willingly playing along?
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Lucy’s solid friendship with George Wickham remains entirely platonic - and he pops by just to do a bit of gardening for her.
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Unfortunately, there’s no love lost between the girls - Nancy’s favourite pastime is tormenting her younger sister. (And yes, I’ve now realised that I goofed up the placement of the fireplace in the living room!)
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Even though his daughters are quickly outgrowing the dollhouse, it’s still just as popular with William!
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Catherine’s efforts to entice Moonshine to join the family have sadly come to nothing, so she finally gets her birthday wish, and the family adopts a kitten - hello, Tiberius!
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