By: Jon Levine
Published: Oct 22, 2022
New York City private schools are pushing woke training on parents in a Soviet-like effort to keep their kids on message — with potentially serious consequences for those who don’t fall in line.
At least five elite schools — where yearly tuitions hover around $60,000 — are forcing parents to undergo both mandatory and “optional” training in “anti-racism” and “diversity, equity and inclusion.” The controversial theories demand a hyper-focus on race and privilege and have been accused by critics of demonizing white people.
Prospective parents at The Brearley School, an all-girls school on the Upper East Side, are informed on their application that “parents are expected to attend two diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism (DEIA) workshops per school year,” and write a 500-word essay demonstrating their fealty to those values.
If their daughters are accepted, parents are then expected to sign a pledge vowing to support the new religion.
“We expect teachers, staff members, students and parents to participate in anti-racist training and to pursue meaningful change through deliberate and measurable actions. These actions include identifying and eliminating policies, practices and beliefs that uphold racial inequality in our community,” it reads, while also enjoining parents to “discuss with your children Brearley’s mission, diversity, equity and inclusion, and anti-racist statements in the student handbooks, and establishing your family’s responsibility to uphold these values.”
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[ A letter to Brearley parents asking them to commit to the school's "core values" including anti-racism. ]
Andrew Gutmann, a former Brearley dad who yanked his daughter in protest and denounced the school in a public letter said the parent outreach existed in order to stifle dissent.
“They want parents indoctrinated the same way they want their kids,” he said.
Grace Church High School In NoHo required children in 2020 sign a pledge promising that they would fight against “racial propaganda” and “interrupt biases.” The school said they had no plans to require the oath going forward, but refused to disavow it.
“Grace makes it clear to prospective parents from the beginning that DEI and Critical Race Theory and anti-racism is a moral imperative and all members of the community must commit to it,” Paul Rossi a former teacher at the school, told The Post.
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[ A pledge Grace Church students were given to sign. ]
“Respect for differing viewpoints is a fundamental commitment of the school,” a Grace spokesman said.
At Spence, another Upper East Side all-girls school, parents are “invited” to take part in “Courageous Conversation equity workshop” put on by Pacific Educational Group, a privately held DEI consulting shop based in San Francisco.
On Twitter, PEG has declared “systemic racism” to be “deeply embedded in the fabric of this nation.”
“To become truly anti-racist, it takes abandoning all sense of ego and comfort,” they added elsewhere in their dogma of the faith. The group has blasted as “racist” the NFL, the Nobel Prizes, property taxes, and the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.
“The opportunity to participate in the DEI program offered by PEG is strictly voluntary for parents. These programs do not involve students,” a rep for Spence said.
Earlier this month, the Upper East Side’s Chapin School held a panel discussion for prospective parents to discuss the school’s “ongoing commitment to equity & inclusion, including our newest community-wide initiatives.” Though the Chapin gathering was declared optional, insiders said it was anything but.“They take attendance, they have name tags, there is someone from the admissions office to keep track of who goes and who doesn’t,” said one mom of her school’s program. “If you don’t go, your child is not going to go very far in the admission process.”Another mom told The Post that she was told to get with the program after her son commented that boys were physically more capable at sports than girls.
“I [was] talked to” she said, adding she was told her son “had to better understand the values of inclusion at the school and I had to familiarize myself with the values of inclusion at the school and be clear with my child as to what they were so he arrived at school prepared.”
In a “family learning session” with Horace Mann in The Bronx, Ronald Taylor gave a presentation lauding the work of Robin DiAngelo, whose book “White Fragility” asserts that all white people are racist.
“How can we take DiAngelo’s message and make it applicable to all communities in the [Horace Mann] community,” he asked, while wearing a face mask reading “I CAN”T BREATHE” and “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”
“I don’t want to be in necessarily white spaces, because when black children were put into those spaces their support and caregivers were taken away and they were put into racially hostile environments,” Taylor lectured as parents listened attentively.
Slides from the demonstration admonish those listening to asses how they might be “upholding racism” in their thoughts and actions.
Taylor, who declined to comment for this article, is a former associate director of the Office for Identity, Culture, and Institutional Equity at Horace Mann.
“The workshop was designed to educate parents about what they were hearing not only in the news at the time but from their children. It was completely voluntary and if a parent rejected this instruction or the content, their children would be welcome at Horace Mann,” a school spokesman said.
So called “antiracists” have an extremely low opinion of black people.
"'Yes we can't' has never been the slogan for Black America and it's not now." -- John McWhorter
Don’t miss the part in the “Commitment to the Brearley Community” document where they require parents to close their ears and eyes to what the school is teaching, and let them go about their program unscrutinized by parents “checking in on classes”/”not listening in on classes.” Given this requirement is demanded as a part of “Remote-Learning Protocol,” it certainly raises questions as to what they’re teaching kids in-person that they don’t want parents to know about.
Adults who want access to children who aren’t theirs, for the purposes of keeping secrets is never okay. History has shown us that.
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ashpkat · 2 months
couldnt get this idea out of my brain
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ellienism · 10 months
i personally think that if the percy jackson series ever make it to season 10 with heroes of olympus, the "you're not my type" line said by nico to percy is going to be even funnier when will solace shows up later looking exactly like walker scobell
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heynhay · 3 months
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the angel
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heartmii · 8 months
TOA 00
✮⋆˙apollo x male!reader
!warnings!: male reader but can be seen as gn, angst, mentions of blood.
✮⋆˙ this was honestly a fic idea i had for a while but since toa isn't really that popular, i figured it wouldn't do too well so instead here's a one-shot! Has been continued !
✮⋆˙ next
"nonono.. beloved..." the god whispered as he dropped onto his knees beside your bloodied body. his hands trembling when he reached out to touch you.
your eyes were shut when he arrived at your spot. an opening deep in the forest behind his temple. after he'd set the sun and, his sister took her shift, he would then meet you here. here, where he learned of your body, and you learned his. here, where the whispers of intimacy stayed between two souls. here, where, apollo, the all-powerful god, submitted to a mortal and allowed his body to be used for love.
now, in the shadow of his love, was only grief. for as long as you love, grief will one day be in its place. a game of chance. it is said love is a fool's emotion as only a fool would jump into a game knowing the outcome would be a loss.
and perhaps, the god was the biggest fool of them all. loving a mortal promised nothing but loss, yet, when your eyes flickered open and connected with his, a fool was what he became once again.
his heart thumped against his chest. grief soon turned into hope. although your eyes were weak, and your skin was paling. you were alive. breathing. death had not claimed you, there was a chance you could live — a chance he could save you.
"apollo." even on your deathbed, his name would roll off your tongue like honey. he was worshipped, and his name was said many times a day by mortals wishing for his blessings or his wisdom.
but, your call for him was different. when you called for him it wasn't for him as a god, there was no expectation behind your words, no secret goal. if you did expect anything, if there was a goal, it was nothing more than simply just the presence of apollo. you would say his name gently as if you didn't want to scare him off, a reminder he could let his guard down around you.
there's a difference in being valued for what you could give versus being valued for who you were. something apollo could not comprehend until he met you. "what is it, beloved?" he murmured, his attempt to be gentle with you in your fragile state as his cheek leaned into the hand you had outstretched towards him.
your thumb rubbed circles against his skin. "I've been waiting for you." apollo swallowed down a sob. he could hear it in your voice, how hard it was for you to speak full sentences. broken breaths in between each of your words.
quickly, he answered before you could speak again. "i know, love, i know. it was my father's doing. he dispatched hermes to distract me... he knew i was coming to see you..." he let out a shaky breath, "my father punished you to punish me."
zeus's cruelty was nothing new to apollo. his father had been cruel to him his whole life. it was the whole reason he began the revolt against him alongside hera and poseidon in the first place. to be liberated from his father's tyranny.
they'd been found out, of course. hera had already received her punishment. she was to be suspended into the sky wrapped in chains. all of olympus winced as she cried through the night but no one dared to help her out of fear of their "mighty" king.
he wasn't supposed to hurt you. never in a thousand years would apollo have done any of this with the knowledge that you could be caught in the crossfire between him and his father. this wasn't how their game went. zeus had never gone after his lovers before. but dammit, he should've known better. he should've known his father would make sure to break him down. come for his every weakness. now, because of his carelessness, you are a pinch close to death. practically drowning in your own blood and only being able to use the tree stump behind you for support to stay upright.
the longer apollo's eyes stayed on your struggling figure, the foggier they became. "oh, im so, so, sorry." he choked out, the sob he swallowed down earlier forcing its way back up his throat. "this is all my fault."
he felt your thumb swipe at tears he wasn't aware he'd been shedding. how could you still be so gentle with him after he had put you in this situation? so attentive even though you were the one who needed the most attention?
And your eyes, they bore into his with the same amount of warmth as always. "hey.. its okay...we'll be okay." you mustered up a smile and, for a second, apollo believed your words, that everything would be okay. because your superpower was making him - everyone - feel like everything would be okay.
reality hit him with a strangled cough coming from you. he jumped, immediately, blinking away the rest of his tears as his hands helped to support you, your blood coating him. his breath quickened. every second you were falling further into the embrace of death. he was wasting time moping instead of helping.
apollo trembled as he went to press a hand over your wound. "let me heal you."
"no," you denied. it was all you could say with the little bit of strength you had left.
a helpless cry left apollo's lips, his tears flowing once again. your answer did not surprise him. in fact, he expected it. in all of your meetings with apollo, you never failed to mention that you cherished the value of a mortal life. to value which is rare, and what is more rare than a mortal life with the only promise that it would one day end.
apollo was a god. he was never born to die but born to continue living and changing as time allowed. life meant little to him, he'd taken many lives without much thought just as much as he created lives.
that was normal in the life of a god but, you were not a god. only a man. a fact that was being painfully made apparent more so now than ever.
power coursed through apollo's body and, yet, he could not get himself to use it. you were just a man. a man who got a god to submit to your will. you taught him the value in life, the value in you. in turn, he could not disregard your wishes as he could anyone else. he hated it. apollo hated how he loved you so much, he couldn't be selfish. how even when you were slipping through his fingers, he stopped himself from healing you because he knew you would be unhappy if he did, and he would be dammed if he was the reason for your unhappiness.
it was childish to believe that at the doors of death would you change your mind, abandon your humanity, and beg him to save you. "is this really what you want..." he asked. a plead, his last attempt to bargain with you.
you didn't answer his question. he preferred that. it left room to wonder, pretend there was a chance at something else. instead, you reached behind his head, pushing it forward until it gently bumped against your own. you didn't speak at first, opting to admire the face of your lover one last time.
“you're so beautiful..." you breathed out through your staggered breath.
apollo scowled at your words. Not finding the humor in your inappropriate timing for a compliment. “really? that's what you have to say right now." he frowned, his lips jutting into a familiar pout.
“it's true," you hummed, bumping noses with him.
he allowed you to indulge in your affections, scrunching his nose in response. a pointless attempt at gaining some type of normalcy within the situation. yet, the reality loomed over him. he could not shake it off as easily as you. “you’re dying and your last words to me are going to be something I hear from everyone.”
your laugh was music to his ears. soft, like your voice, but full of joy. the type of laugh that could light up a room and have even the gloomiest laugh along with you. he needed to savor it. to imprint the sound in his mind for the days he needs the encouragement to keep going. you found laughter even in a moment like this.
"it's only a matter of truth," you said, eyes flickering to his lips followed by a tilt of your head. when your lips brush, you murmur against his lips. "besides, wouldn't you miss hearing it from me the most?"
his stomach flutters at your words. of course he'd miss hearing your praise. not just for his beauty, but for anything. he held you in the highest regard, like you were a god yourself. but, it was easier to pretend he didn't care, and instead leave those words unspoken.
he settled for angling his lips to meet yours and disregarding your previous question. "you're being ridiculous." apollo mumbles, ignoring his aching heart.
then there is only silence as the two of you lean in to close the gap between you. like a magnet pulling you forward. when your lips touch, there's an immediate desire. your teeth smacking against each other, your hand pulling apollo's head in closer, deepening the heated kiss as much as you could. he didn't expect to feel droplets on his cheeks. you had cried. the realization made him want to weep.
you had nothing to lose, so you gave it your all. one last time.
the pull away was hesitant, and even then, your lips still ghosted one another's. forehead's touching, your eyes met. "i love you," you declared as if it was the first time you had confessed.
"i love you too." a silent goodbye hidden behind the desperation of his words.
you sighed contently as your expression softened and your eyes shut with a smile. apollo wanted to speak, to yell at you to keep your eyes open. keeping them on him until you couldnt anymore instead, he chose not to speak. the look on your face didn't let him.
you were happy. happy to accept your fate. you showed no signs of regret, no anger, no guilt, nothing that would keep you on this earth any moment longer. dying happily. who was apollo to take that from you?
his cries and begs would only put stress on you. you didn't deserve that. your death had to be just as beautiful as your birth.
so, apollo continued to sit there, watching your breath. how after a few seconds, it would begin to slow down, and the little tufts of warm air he felt against his cheek gently came to a stop. the cool air of nature taking its place.
your body was heavy against his. cold too. he didn't care, he would hold you until you were warm again. soon, as the hours went by, he would have to bring upon another day. a day that you would not get to be apart of.
until then, he would hold you under the moonlight one last time
they were caught. after making it onto the ship and successfully snagging caligua’s stupid sandals, they were taken by surprise by a horse. It was ridiculous. as piper laid out cold on the steed’s back, apollo made conversation about his demise. It was a nerve racking walk to the emperor’s throne room. caligua wasn’t merciful and apollo wasn’t sure of the whereabouts of meg and jason.
as a god, he thought he saw everything. but as lester, the surprises were never ending.
they made it to caligua’s throne, apollo’s eyes immediately scanning how many enemies were in the room. he wasn’t shocked to see the loyal attendants of caligua, nor was he shocked to see meg and jason trapped beside him.
but when his eyes settled onto the person beside caligua’s throne, apollo wanted to throw up. his heart thumping against his chest making him lose his breath. It was you. how was this possible? you died in his arms. In Ancient Greece.
reading the shock on his face, you dared to give him the smile he loved most as you stood behind the enemy. with a tilt of your head and a wave, you greeted him, “hello apollo, long time no see.”
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rejected3 · 2 months
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"Shadow work" page 28  ᵕ̈ 𓂏 ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ. Patreon / linktree ;>
🤍🎵 🤍 ;3
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fivesslut8 · 2 months
When there fictional>>>
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mo0nagedaydr3am · 1 year
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kaciebello · 3 months
Sibling rivals, sibling allies
Nico Di Angelo x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Nico was aware his sibling loved him, to the point that lectures were inevitable. Warning: Angst, Siblings written by an only child, no use of y/n Author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I am not very good at angst so I hope I did this some justice. I also tried to make it gender-neutral as the request did not specify, however, this is my first time writing like that so I am sorry if I missed anything. All right to the artist of the fanart, I could not find them, but if you do, let me know and I will tag them.  Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) request: Yes word count: 1,3k Song: Lean on - Major Lazer ( ft. MØ, DJ Snake )
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 Sibling rivalry was something everyone expected when having more than one child. And who especially expected it were the Greek gods. They even encouraged it. Sadly, for Hades, his children got along and refused to fight each other.
Usually, Nico would play mythomagic with them or just lazily exist in the camp. Only a few people would talk to him. But he is used to it now. That's why he was confused when they ran into the Hades cabin and suggested training with said two. He agreed nonetheless, not wanting to disappoint his last older sibling, and he also thought Percy was okay-ish.
That is why he was standing in the area, watching them absolutely beat Percy's ass. Annabeth was standing beside him but did not look very happy about what was happening. He can't blame her, he would not be either if the roles were reversed. Also, the Hades children weren't really known for their good temper, so it made sense.
So when Percy tapped out, he wasn't surprised. However, the girl next to him made her way to help her friend up.
“Close your mouth, flies gonna take it as an invite.” They said, slightly tapping his chin to close it. Nico glared at them but did not argue. they were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Nico was sure it was from the sun, not the fight, as he dubs Percy would give it much. If anything they more likely only tickled each other with swords. Although he was warned, that activity can cause accidental stab wounds and immediate visit to the infirmary.
The other two campers joined them. Percy bleeding from his scratches and Annabeth frowns on her face. He knew it was his turn now. That's what they agreed on. He did not think putting him, a child of one of the 3, against Annabeth was fair. Granted, were it a few months back when he thought he had a crush on her, before releasing he had a crush on Percy, it would have been harder to fight her.
“Come on whip, it's our turn.” Says Annabeth and gestures her knives at him. Nico can only tighten his hold on the sword he was holding. He takes a few steps to face her.
“Annabeth.” Sounds behind him warningly. The girl in question just huffs before charging at him. He moved out of the way, but it was like she already knew his steps before him and stuck him in the leg.
He winced but kept on his feet. She charges again, but this time he manages to avoid and block her from sighting him. Annabeth did not like that. Not only she was a fast thinker, but Nico would also forget she had been trained by Luke, one of the best swordsmen in the last couple of hundred years. Annabeth strikes again and Nico has no time to even register what is going on. She slashes his Achilles. Nico yelps and falls, having no strength to put weight on his leg. Annabeth manages to get hold of his sword. She was not standing above him with the tip of his sword at his throat.
“Get up,” she says with a sinister smile. He won't admit it but he was scared for a moment. That was before Annabeth got slammed by his sibling and rolled away. Percy yelped in surprise and went to help Annabeth while the siblings helped each other. 
“What the fuck was that for?” Argued Annabeth once she regained her composure.
“You immobilized him! What the fuck do you mean get up!” His sibling yelled still kneeling next to him. Nico has sat up now, trying to move his leg but when pain shot up he decided against it.
“Monsters are not gonna hold back just because he can't stand!” Annabeth was now making her way to them. Percy was trying to stop her but was very unsuccessful.
“Monster my ass Annabeth. You knew very well what-” A roar cuts her off. All of them freeze in their spots. A rustling in the trees got their attention. A distant yell is what got them moving. Nico felt four arms lifting him.
His sibling and Annabeth were trying their best to get his limping ass away from whatever there was. Percy was surveying the area when he saw it.
“Fuck.” Was all that left him. there stood, an automatic bull, as big as the house. All of their eyes widened as they tried to hurry up. unfortunately, the bull has seen them and charged at them. Nico could feel his weight bearing but only on Annabeth as his sibling went to aid Percy in trying to distract the beast. He wanted to stop them, but he was no use at the moment.
Annabeth stops and props Nico on a tree.
“What are you doing?” He hisses and she just rolls her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” She says making sure Nico is comfortable.
“You can't leave me here.” Nico could see that she took that as a challenge. before she could leave him however they both heard Percy yell. turning their attention to him they can see a giant boulder heading their way. Nico makes eye contact with his sibling before he feels something tackling him on the ground.
“NICO” Was all he heard before the world became black.
 When Nico came to his senses, he thought that perhaps, Dad pulled him aside, that maybe travelledow travelled. And Brehabs a small hope of seeing Bianca was there. However, when he heard his sibling absolutely destroying their vocal cords from the yelling, he knew he was mistaken.
Opening his eyes, above him stood a well-known Apollo kid, his name was Will or something like that. The light from his hands makes Nico turn his face away and to the side. Only to be faced with a comic view. Annabeth sitting on a bed having her hand looked after by a different Apollo kid. Percy is next to her, holding her other hand. And his sibling, going off on both of them, mostly Annabeth by the looks of it.  Annabeth's head was hung low, it was apparent that she got an earful from Percy beforehand.
Nico is enjoying the situation. Not only is he not getting reprimanded, but he is also getting taken care of by a cute guy. His freedom is shored, however, as Percy nudges the other Hades kid and points to him.
His sibling turns to him at lightning speed, when they see he's awake, they rush to him kneeling by the bed. He can see they are worried even when all of them are out of immediate danger. When they saw he was okay they jumped in for a hug. Will jumped back startled and Nico could only groan in pain. Letting him go just as quickly as they hugged him
“Sorry, I just. I just thought I would have to bargain with Dad.” They say with a smile on their face. Although tears were streaming down their faces making them look a little bit hysterical.
Nico smiled at them.
“I'm fine, I did not even see Dad.” He says, trying to reassure them that he in fact did not die and came back. They just chuckled and nodded.
They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Annabeth with Percy walked up to his bed.
“I'm sorry.” She says. Nico expected her to continue but she didn't. So Nico just nodded, taking in that they were all still startled by what happened.
Next to him, his sibling stood up. It was like a switch turned in in them. Manually they made both Percy and Annabeth sit down at the end of his bed. They took a deep breath before starting.
“I am lost for words!...”
And despite being lost for words, they continue to yell at them for the next 45 minutes. Nico would not want it any other way.
Tag: thefallensacrifice
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John McWhorter: The Anti-Science Attitude of the Intolerant Orthodoxy
This is Trofim Lysenko.
Following Stalin’s failed efforts to collectivize agricultural production, causing between 7 and 14 million people to starve to death, the geneticist Lysenko claimed he had the answers to mass produce crops to make it work. Lysenko threw out the established science of the West, dismissing it because it allowed too much of a role to individual actors, contrary to the focus of Communist ideology.
Lysenko told Soviet leadership exactly what they wanted to hear; and as a former peasant and member of the Communist Party, he was exactly who they wanted to hear it from. After gaining the personal support of Stalin, scientists critical of Lysenko were purged and imprisoned as Lysenkoism became state-sanctioned doctrine.
But no matter how much the Soviets wanted Lysenko’s pseudoscience to be true, it wasn​​’t. Famines caused by instituting Lysenko’s theories killed tens-of-millions of people across the Soviet Union and Maoist China.
Ideology twisting scholarship with dangerous consequences is a phenomenon hardly limited to the Soviet Union, it’s happening here, right now, in America in an effort to spread an intolerant orthodoxy masquerading as “antiracism.”
Take the orthodoxy that microaggressions are a grinding problem for black Americans, exerting significant psychological damage upon us.
Nevermind that the academic “literature” undergirding microaggressions is full of holes. It’s based on tiny sample sizes, is never replicated, It ignores the legions of black people surveyed who deny that acts labeled as microaggressions actually bother them, and it doesn’t show that supposed microaggressions correlate with racist sentiment of any kind.
Or take the orthodoxy that every workplace needs a diversity, equity, and inclusion program that teaches people to be more aware of racial differences. Nevermind that scientific surveys show such programs neither further diversify the workplace nor foster interethnic harmony, and in fact, if anything, increase interethnic conflict.
And the “implicit bias” testing often used to justify such programs, which purports to measure people’s subconscious racism, has been demonstrated by psychologists to have low reliability and weak predictors of real world discrimination.
And there’s the orthodoxy that all discrepancies between the races must be because of “systemic racism.” This idea with only the vaguest notion of what a “system” even is is presented as if it were “science”, but it’s quite simply anti-science. It flies in the face of how hard people work to master fields like psychology, sociology, anthropology, and history to explain discrepancies in more nuanced ways.
Of course, believers in the intolerant orthodoxy are not exerting the degree of physical violence and assassinations that Stalinists exerted to enforce Lysenkoism. My comparison is of the relevant frames of mind. However, the intolerant orthodoxy is indeed doing great harm to our society.
If we want to heal the racial divisions in our nation, we need real science and scholarship not twisted by ideology. The Soviets couldn’t feed their people simply by wanting Lysenkoism to be true, and their rigid ideology and purging of opponents prevented them from finding answers that didn’t cause more harm than good.
Believing that being more race conscious in all aspects of our lives can cure our ills won’t make it so. But if we’re willing to open our mind beyond the ideas that are presently popular, we might just be able to find what will.
I’m John McWhorter. For more, read my book “Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America,” and join me at FairForAll.org.
Quack “scholarship,” such as Kendiism, DiAngeloism and the “Microaggressions” paper by Derald Wing Sue are the modern equivalents of phrenology. They do more harm than good because they don’t substantiate their claims and aren’t based on anything empirical, so aren’t aligned with reality.
Their ideologies might be best understood as demands to cure Demon Possession.
You might well ask, “okay, back up a bit - how do you know it’s Demon Possession?” And you would likely be told, “because they’re unwell.” And you might well ask, “that’s it, because they’re unwell? Do you even know what they have?” And you might be told, “we already know what they have, it’s Demon Possession.” You might respond, “but these people obviously have schizophrenia, while these people over here just have the flu.” And you could be told, “no, they’re possessed by Demons.” And you might suggest, “but we should be looking at what each of them has and treating that.” To which you might be told, “that doesn’t solve Demon Possession, what’s wrong with you that you don’t want to get rid of the Demons and have to deflect away from the most important thing, the critical task of exorcising the Demons? We know the Demons are there because they’re unwell. What are you, a Demon Worshiper?”
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ribreadthedisaster · 2 years
Will, about to knock on the door of Cabin 13 at 5 am to coerce Nico into helping him set up the infirmary for the day:
Nico, opening the door before Will gets the chance, coffee in hand: This is the 4th time this week you’ve come to wake me up. You’ve become predictable.
Will: Aw, you woke up early for me!
Nico: I’ve become a morning person against my will.
Will: No, you became a morning person for Will.
Nico: It’s too early for puns.
Will, a bisexual: It’s never too early for puns.
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awkwardanxiousasexual · 5 months
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Look I'd love to be wrong but I'm just trying to be realistic
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 4 months
OK concept. Valgrace mortal au where they're in normal Highschool, but they're not friends nono. they (at least Leo) HATE eachother. like Jason is this popular athete guy and Leo is one of those slacker students who's actually REALLY smart and aces all his classes. and like he has like 4 friends (Piper, Hazel and by proxy Frank & Nico) in total. but he also has the biggest crush on Jason but also utterly DISPISES him. Piper is sick of all the gay ass pining her best friend is doing. and like, people KNOW Leo is smart. but like, Jason also likes Leo, but doesn't tell anyone, and he TRIES to be nice, but like, everyone thinks he's just a straight guy (which isn't true) and Leo thinks Jason showing literally ANY interest in him was some cruel joke, and it was just to make fun of him.
and Leo and Nico kinda bond over both falling for "straight" popular guys (Jason & Percy respectively) (no I don't ship Percico, nor will I ever, this is just the reflection of canon, Solangelo is obvi gonna happen, no matter what, and Percebeth is canon)
(I aplologize if this is all over the place, I was writing this while half asleep in my History class)
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damsnackbar1313 · 9 months
Piper: it's so dark in here, I can't see a thing
Leo: don't worry Pipes, I got this
Leo: *stomps on floor lighting up sketchers*
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7riskye-amazhang · 5 months
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Random PJO meme (mostly TV)
I really like how they rewrite the stars and how new fans on TT being so interesting to observe
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simpleellegance · 6 months
I’m so happy we have age accurate Percy
HOWEVER I am very horrified by the idea that this means we will have to have age accurate Nico and that might actually hurt more than watching 12 year old Percy go though what he’s about to go through.
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