#Dixie boy truck stop
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Horror Cards set 6- pencil
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chaos-chloe · 7 months
A helping Southern Hand
Summary: Kris Statlander isn't available? Don't worry AEW's Southern Belle is always available to help.
OC: Dixie Fae/ Scarlette Price
TW: Descriptions of wrestling, country drawl, possible cursing (I don't remember) hook x oc {if I'm missing anything lmk}
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I’m rushing, running my way to the curtain after Kris texted me that she got stuck in traffic, and needs a cover in the match. She definitely owes me a good dinner for working my night off. I catch my breath as I signal the sound guy to play my music to cut off Anna.
“Aw, did Orange and Hook not find a pretty enough partner?” Anna Jay teases while Angelo and Matt laughed.
“I guess it a handi-” Anna jay gets caught off by music
“I’m a Buckle Bunny
Drive my own truck, got my own money
Bangin' with the chaw, so I talk funny
Rhinestone hat says, "Kentucky"
I'm a buckle bunny.”
I come out around the corner with my hands holding my big buckle that is a floral background with a ribbon in pink text saying “COWGIRL UP”. I stopped at the top of the ramp, to tip my hat to the crowd while they were cheering. I sauntered my way down the ramp, slapping some fans' hands, to the ring. I started to climb the steel stairs, but Hook stuck out his hand to help me up the stairs gracefully, I grabbed his hand winking at him.
“Thank ya, Darlin’.” I greeted him and Orange with a small nod, Orange nodded back
“Well, Well, looky there Taz, your boy has some manners with our Southern Belle Beauty here.” Excalibur claims
“He knows how to treat the women roster.” Taz agrees.
I got behind the ropes, taking off my show buckle as Hook wanted to start the match with Matt. As they are circling around the ring Matt decides to scream in Hook's face.
“LOOK AT THIS IDIOT, HUH!? WHAT YOU GOT HUH?! WHAT YOU GOT? YOU WANT A SHOT? I DON'T THINK SO!” Matt has his arms raised taunting Hook, but he looks confused about where this little speech is coming from. Matt backs up to let Angelo tag himself in the match.  Angelo hops in to start circling around Hook, like a hunter scaring its prey. 
“He’s got this, doesn't he?” I inquired about Orange, he just nodded with a little smile.
“Alrighty darlin’, let's get this match started then.” I commented a little cockily.
Then, Angelo steps back to his corner and reaches his arm back towards Matt to tag in. Anna just stands there clapping to the crowd as Angelo tries to mess with Hook, but he turns things around with a hip toss to get Angelo off of him. Hook looks up to see Matt in the corner waiting to charge at him. Matt rushes him but Hook turns it to a drop sayanagi. Matt ends up with his back turned to Hook, redrum is in place but it's too weak to hold Matt up. Matt scrambles to his corner to tag in Anna, Hook backs off of Matt as Anna enters the ring. Hook starts walking backwards as Anna starts walking towards me. I sat on the second rope with my hand held out to Hook with a smile, he slapped my hand and now it’s time for some Cowgirl Chaos.
“Oh here comes our Southern Belle, entering the ring with Anna Jay.” Tony describes.
“Look at the wicked smile on her face, she is ready for something.” Excalibur wearily says.
As I got into the ring, Anna and I started circling each other waiting for something to happen.
“So you’re the pretty belle in the back, who's gonna get her ass kicked by me.” Anna taunted with a sneer.
“Oh, really now hun?” I questioned her.
Anna then kicks me in the stomach with her left leg, I bent down to play as that kick hurt. She grabs my right arm to try to launch me to the corner, I countered it by slamming my feet to the ground in a squatting position. I shake my head with a smile and then toss her in the corner behind me away from her corner accompanied by a yell of “NO!”. 
I show off my non-show buckle with my hip popped out to the side taunting Anna, I try to go for an elbow strike to her face but she moves out of the way. The funny bone part of my elbow ends up hitting the top turnbuckle, with that static fuzzy feeling going up and down my arm. Anna rushes at me hitting me with a spinning high heel kick to the chest over my breast. I winced and tried to leave that corner, from further damage happening. Anna grabs my right arm again looking for her Jay kick, but I grab her leg to reverse the move. I slightly panicked, reversed into a suplex, but without a struggle I held Anna for 6 seconds then let us drop hitting the mat in the middle of the ring. I got back up to my feet, looking out to the crowd waving my invisible lasso; I darted my eyes over to our corner seeing Hook and Orange clapping for me. The referee runs in front of me to the other corner, realizing that Angelo was getting in the ring, causing a distraction letting Jack Hager come out of nowhere and hit Orange in the face. 
I rush over to see if Orange is okay, grabbing the top rope and observing Orange on the floor holding his head. I turned around to Anna superkicking me to the face, I rolled over to our side trying to gain back awareness. I see that Orange is still down and Hook is walking threateningly over to Jack, who is walking backwards around the ring and Anna ends up getting a tag to Angelo. 
Matt jumps off the apron running towards Hook hitting him with a mean clothesline. I slump down off and out of the ring by steel steps. I watch in pain as Matt picks up Hook and throws him into the barricade. Hooks falls down to the ground only to get picked back up and thrown into the ring to Angelo. Angelo grabs his hair forcing Hook to get up, Angelo pulls Hook into a suplex. He tries to cover Hook, thankfully Hook kicks out at 2. 
I finally collected myself and had my arms on the apron watching Hook getting beat by Angelo with some forearms to the head. Parker then hits another suplex on a dazed Hook, holding his back in pain moving away from danger. Parker follows Hook and grabs his hair again with his right hand, dragging him over to their corner, slapping his left hand with Matt. Matt jumps in and hits a back breaker to Hook, letting Angelo rebound off the ropes running drive by to Hooks head with a god awful sound. 
Orange and I jump up on the apron watching this all go down wincing in sympathy for Hook. Matt goes for the cover, Orange preemptively getting in the ring, but Hook kicks out at 2 again. I cheer and whoop that Hook is still alive with us in this match. I see that Hook looked over to us, I reached my hand out to give him a little bit of encouragement to tag one of us in to save him from this onslaught. Matt slaps the back of Hooks head/ neck, he stumbles over to the ropes to gather himself. Matt then grabs Hook, but Hook is fired up now, he delivers a big knife chop to Matt's chest three times. Matt is tumbling backwards but he kicks Hook in the abdomen to throw him to the turnbuckles. Hook’s back smacks the middle turnbuckle so hard that he falls to the ground. 
“Come on Hook darlin! Let's go!” I yelled over Matt's “Yeah!”
Hook hears me and starts crawling over to Orange and I with help of the bottom rope, yet Matt kicks him down. Hook keeps crawling, but Matt decides to hit Orange with an elbow. 
Matt continues his annoying onslaught to Hook, keeping him away from me. I turned half of my attention to Orange to get a good look at him.  I turned my full attention to Anna Jay, and the ring.
“You ain't nothin’ darlin’, bless your heart!” I yelled over the ring to her with my full southern drawl. 
“STOP!” Anna banshees a response to me as Hook gets whiplashed into their corner.
“We are getting a whole new view of our Southern Belle tonight guys.” Tony Comments on my scream.
“I think we are just seeing her natural response to her new friends getting beat down.” Excalibur responds
Hook falls back down to the mat, as Menard slaps his left hand to Parker's right hand. Matt places his foot on Hook's neck and grabs his left wrist to keep him still , as Angelo gets in the ring. Angelo enters and kicks his left hip hard, I walk over to the left side of the ring trying to rally Hook to give him energy to get to our corner. I walk back to our corner and see that Orange is back, I give him a nod to greet him back. We watch as Hook holds on the bottom rope trying to gather some energy. Angelo then copies Orange’s kicks with his hands in his pockets. 
Orange and I try to start rallying the crowd with slaps to the turnbuckle and claps, most definitely out of beat. I tune back into the match as Hook gets thrown into the ropes, rebounding into a dropkick. We wince and cover our face in slight shock. Parker goes for the cover, I stand on the bottom rope looking over the referees shoulder as Hook kicks out for a count of 2. 
“GET DOWN!” I look up to Anna Jay giving me a look.
“Honey, I think you need to fix your face!” I clapped back and Anna made a noise of frustration. 
I step down off the ropes seeing Hook is in some type of trouble, he ends up doing a back body drop on Angelo Parker. It sends Hook to the ground holding his back in pain. Parker grabs his ankle dragging his whole body to their corner and tagging Matt back in, again. Matt starts delivering kicks to Hooks head, Hook is covering his head trying not to get injured from their vicious attack. Matt again throws into a corner and falls to the ground in pain after trying to get away. 
“COME ON DARLIN’! BRING IT ON HOME!” I try to scream encouragement to Hook. 
I start slapping my right hand to the top turnbuckle, rallying energy from the crowd for Hook to make his escape. Matt has a different idea and keeps his nasty attack going on Hook with Jack Hagers watching proudly from the floor. Hook delivers a surprise left hook to Matt's jaw, giving him some breathing room. Hook starts hitting Matt with out-of-nowhere forearms. Matt found a brief pause in Hook's attack to strike back with his own forearm, sending Hook back to the corner.
Hook ends up finding energy as Matt and Angelo are tag-teaming him in the ring, he takes both of them down with a lariat after rebounding off the ropes. Hook uses his last bit of energy tagging Orange in the match, while falling to the mat away from the match. I crouch down with a hand on his back, checking up on his well being after that awful onslaught. I caress his back till he is out of the ring, either on the apron or on the floor. 
“You gonna be okay, darlin’?” I check on his health 
“Yeah, I'll be okay in a few” Hook groans in pain.
I am slightly shocked that he spoke to me, knowing he has a reputation of being silent, not caring, and eating chips. I smile down at him letting him recover in peace while Orange is in the match. 
Orange takes control real easily of Angelo grabbing his arm then moving his hand to his neck and slamming his head to the top turnbuckle causing him to become slightly dazed. Matt tries to attack Orange as Angelo stumbles away but ends up with the same fate. Just like clockwork, they kept coming back for more and more like they were stuck in a loop. Orange climbs to the top rope ready to deliver a dropkick, but Angelo and Matt cowered away. Orange jumped down and the boys turned around to watch him put his hands up and stuff them in his pockets. Matt and Angelo rush him with a double clothesline but Orange dodges them with a ninja roll. 
Orange turns around to meet them both with a dropkick, to the upper body. I stand back up in our corner just as a caution or escape route for Orange. I see that Hook is struggling to get back up, using the ropes for leverage, I came over and grabbed his free arm to walk him over to post to lean on. 
“Thanks Belle.” I heard Hook whisper, I nodded back to him with a smile and an innocent wink. 
As Orange gets back up to his feet, Angelo rolls out of the ring, Matt is struggling to get back up to his feet; Orange makes a decision to rebound off the ropes and run to hit Suicide dive on Jack Hager. Orange, rushed back into the ring meets with Matt, tries for a tornado ddt but gets blocked by Matt as Angelo rushes back in and attacks Orange's left shoulder. Angelo and Matt go for a double suplex but Hook rushes in and pushes Orange's feet back down to the mat. Hook attacks both Matt and Angelos shoulders, to weaken them for a double suplex of their own. Anna tried to be smart and block Hook’s and Orange’s suplex. I rushed in with a hand on both Orange and Hook to find Anna, I wrapped my arm around her and counted to 3, delivering a suplex to all three of them. 
Hook and I hurried out of the ring with each other, I noticed that his hand was on his abc again. My mom-like instincts came over me and I wrapped my arm around his back, letting him lean on me until we got back to our corner. As I helped Hook back to our corner, I watched Orange take off his sleeve going for an Orange Punch. Angelo sidestepped and snaked his arm around Orange's abdomen letting Matt come over and take him down with a leg sweep. Angelo ran from the corner, stepped up on Matt's back delivering an elbow to Orange's back. 
Orange rolls out of the ring, as Hook runs in and carries through a T-bone suplex to Angelo, catching him off guard. Hook turns and launches Matt through a T-bone suplex as well. He then sees Angelo holding on the top rope in our corner, he inflicts another t-bone suplex, but he throws Angelo onto Matt. They both roll out of the way, out of the ring, just as Anna gets in the ring yelling nonsense towards Hook. 
This causes the referee to get distracted again, so Jack Hager hits Hook with a running clothesline over the top rope. Orange pops back up to hit Jack with his famous Orange punch, knocking him down to the ground with a nasty fall. I clap and holler “yee-haw” to my boys for taking control of the ring again.
“Now you know, think of your actions, hun.” I said menacingly to Jack.
Anna then jumps on Orange Cassidys back trying to lock in the queen slayer, but I come in behind Orange to get her legs behind my head and I hold onto her arms to keep her from hitting me. Matt tries to rush at orange but he side steps sending him to Hook, locking him in redrum. I planted Anna down with a new move called “Muck em”, Matt started fading in Hooks redrum. I pushed Anna and myself out of the ring as Angelo rushed in but was hit with the Orange Punch. Orange rushes to cover Parker and counts 3 as the bell rung.
Orange, Hook, and I all gathered ourselves in the middle of the ring, Hook getting his title. Orange reaches for my hand, I let him grab my hand, bring it to his mouth, kissing the back of my hand and pulling me into a hug. 
“Thank you Southern Belle, for coming to our aid.” Orange thanked me as if I was a princess. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders stating that it was no problem. Hook walked over and grabbed my other hand doing the same gesture as Orange but kissing my hand twice. The crowd is going absolutely wild for both vacant emotion wrestlers thanking me in a very emotion based way. Hook pulls me in a hug that lasts way longer than Orange’s hug did.
“Thank you so much for covering Kris and coming to help us. Meet me in the back, in 30 minutes?” Hook asked as we were pulling apart looking into each other's eyes while I was smiling brightly at him. 
“Of course Darlin’, just come by my locker room then.” i invited hook with a wink
Hook and I pull apart so we can raise our hands together with Orange Cassidy, to celebrate our win.
“Look at what a celebration from a very surprising team that came together very easily.” Tony stating the obvious.
“The boys are just showing our Southern Belle the proper amount of gratitude and respect for her to come out and help them.” Taz explains to the world
“Will we see more romance in the future from them? Is the question, look at how Hook looks at her.” Excalibur points out too
“We don't know, but we will see how this builds in front of us.” Taz commented back. 
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Would y'all like a Part 2? Y'all have idea? Let me know!! <3
I don't own AEW, the wrestlers, the music nor the pictures.
I own Dixie/Scarlette and my work of writing.
Re-blog, like. comment and etc.! No Hate please!
Do Not copy my work and repost it as your own.
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annoyangle · 2 months
so if we're all circles and squares which one am I- Also since your mouth is behind (?) your eye, do you ever accidentally lick or bite your own eyeball?
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docrotten · 10 months
MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (1986) – Episode 245 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“You leave here without punching out… and you ain’t never gonna have to punch out again, Bubba.” Who are you calling Bubba, Bubba? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out Maximum Overdrive (1986), Stephen King’s one and only stint in the director’s chair. All the boxes are checked: story by, screenplay by, and directed by Mr. King. This should be good, right? Right?
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 245 – Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1980s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
 A group of people try to survive when machines start to come alive and become homicidal.
  Writer/Director: Stephen King (based on the short story “Trucks” by)
Music by: AC/DC
Selected Cast:
Emilio Estevez as Bill Robinson
Pat Hingle as Bubba Hendershot
Laura Harrington as Brett Graham
Yeardley Smith as Connie
John Short as Curtis
Ellen McElduff as Wanda June
Frankie Faison as Handy
Leon Rippy as Brad
Christopher Murney as Camp Loman
J. C. Quinn as Duncan Keller
Holter Graham as Deke Keller
Barry Bell as Steve Gayton
Pat Miller as Joey
J. Don Ferguson as Andy
Giancarlo Esposito as Videoplayer
Stephen King (cameo) as ATM man
Tabitha King as 1st Woman (uncredited)
Marla Maples as 2nd woman
A cult favorite, Stephen King’s Maximum Overdrive may be remembered more for the iconic “Green Goblin” killer truck and the awesome AC/DC soundtrack than the film itself. Admit it. The film is a mess but in a so-bad-it’s-good sort of way. Goofy hijinks and silly shenanigans abound as Emilio Estevez struggles to save a small group of survivors trapped in the Dixie Boy truck stop. While the film is complete bunk, it remains a fun ride to revisit occasionally. Or, not.
At the time of this writing, Maximum Overdrive is available for streaming from Tubi and PlutoTV, and as PPV from multiple sources. It is also available on physical media in standard Blu-ray format from Lionsgate’s Vestron Video Collector’s Series.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be Nomads (1986), an oft-mentioned, oft-requested movie featuring Lesley-Anne Down, Pierce Brosnan, Mary Woronov, Adam Ant, and a wild, twisting story.This should be a good discussion!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
A few things are happening now that are rather rude and gross but necessary
-we have several Max that are here in punta Gorda and Port Charlotte that are cornered in their houses and they have several areas that they took over and they are pinned and they can't get out it's more than several and then neighborhoods together reinforcements and are waiting and the surrounded by a couple hundred thousand foot soldiers. In total they're probably numbering about 100,000 and they have that many around them at times too and it's not focused on one area so it's about even because these are old timers so with that said we see them looking around and outside their homes and they say boy you pick me up a bad day and they're getting information from each other they've been doing it this morning all morning and they I've seen how many and are waiting for backup and are getting ready as well. Some of them left just in time but most of them are trapped and the reinforcements are driving down the road and we have to be there too so the morlock of calling their people to stop the reinforcements and they're trying and are getting cut down so we have to come in were coming in right now from the south and the foreigners are coming in with us on both sides of the road I'm going to stop traffic and then push to the side and they get out and usually sit behind their vehicle on the ground and wait for us to go by and you don't move and it's several miles long and we're halfway it's only a few cars others were smart enough to go off the road into a different road. It's an excruciating to tell you how rude this has been and we're moving in now and we are going to control the neighborhood and with Force although you won't see us here we will be here. Right up the road a little bit past home Depot and passed Walmart in the 75 and we're sending in sheriff right now. It's a huge bunch of them and they're coming in and their arms and they have some light tanks and light trucks and they are looking for terrorists and they are here and they are seeking you out.
This is turned on by your attacks on them globally I can see you're not ready in the need intel and don't care if you're ready and I'm moving in to grab you right now and large bunches
Molar care seem to be a surprise and some of them are trying to flee heading north and they run into troops up there and they try to get out with fly cars and are told they will nbe shut down. This is no place for their rude behavior and it never has been and it would have been much harder and much slower to do what they're doing but the fact that they did it for so long it gave the clothes time to build up manpower and machine and while taking from the morlok. They're Harvey's slow and lazy and a slobs and it's going on right now that they're yelling at each other while they're rolling in and people are saying they don't need that and such it is going to be a day in history today it's a massive massive day so far. Go into the downtown punta Gorda area which is really from home Depot to the harbor and from Winn-Dixie to the harbor but we do inspect detachments to go in classy civilian vehicles in other words they're unmarked military vehicles I'm usually there's the same type of vehicle in the military you'll see these people trying to imitate them right away to try and capture them and they will be shot. It's not a great day to go roaming around but it's probably something he has to do. We will have instructions for a son and what to do and so forth coming shortly basically it's to stay in his home. There's more of them out there than you think and we need him to stay put and he says for several hours he has to do stuff anyways and we say good and it's true and he's going to charge his phone so beginning now we are beginning to push in along with the foreigners and some Max they are engaged by these clones and need the ships out and can't seem to get them out with the idiots here and it's going to be a solid push coming up shortly FYI 2 hours we are mobilizing all of our troops are going on to active duty all of our civilians are to be aware and alert and on and contacting your Co we are experiencing massive numbers of people moving around mainly it's clones and Max and they're fighting and it is in heavy warfare this is not a drill or a test we are at War and we have a war going on and it is very large you are too contact your Co secretly our way or us in an emergency immediately when you're in trouble we will come and save you. And we need you to be safe. Take precautions stay in your home so don't go anywhere today until further notice we're sending out formal alerts shortly
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Horror/ Sci-fi
😱/ 5
When machines fight back and take lives with them that is what Maximum Overdrive is all about. Majority of this movie takes place at Dixie Boy’s Truck stop ran by a dictator of a cigar smoking man Mr. Hendershott. At this truck stop we meet our main character Billy, who is the cook for the truck stop, along with our mechanics on duty Joe and Duncan. Now at the beginning the employees at the stop think this is a normal day until Andy comes in to fill up his Happy Toyz truck that seems to have a mind of its own. We then find out it's not just trucks going haywire, it's all electric machines which makes this an interesting watch from start to finish. Of course with every good 80’s movie we have to have our love interest and her name is Brett. Billy and Brett break the craziness of this film with their little love moments. Nonetheless, unless it was just to make the main character Billy happy, her character was really not needed throughout the film and doesn't help with the premise of the movie. As everyone is camped in hiding from these killer trucks, Mr. Hendershott was found out to be keeping military grade weapons underneath that help them fight these killer trucks and machines alike.
For an 80s film the plot does keep you interested throughout the entirety and in my opinion was done well for its era. I do reccomend watching this film and would be a good movie for the family to watch together on movie nights as its not innapropriate and the blood and gore is lower on the end.The film had definetly an ending I could see coming and definetly was cliche for its time. But overall for someone who doesnt like killer car movies this kept me intrigued throughout.
Triggers to look out for:
does show blood and some sexual harrassement and cursing.
Director: Stephen King
Cinematographer: Armando Nannuzzi
Streaming on: Pluto Tv
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
23 - Friends Duets
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Everything Changed At 21
Part 24
Tag list @abaker74 @bvbwestfall
Moaning with a pounding in my head I rolled over in the bed of the hotel room. The other side of the bed shifted where I felt an arm wrapping around my waist groaning too. "I can't believe I listened to you. Tequila is terrible idea lukey!" He buried his face into my shirt mumbling his sentence then starting to fall asleep almost completely ontop of me. "Blame Blake for that...he always wants a drink." I closed my eyes thinking that we would just lay in bed all day until the phone started ringing. Rummaging around on the nightstand I thought I had grabbed my phone but I heard Blake's voice through the phone meaning it was Luke's. "Hey brother, I just got the best idea ever. How about you and your girl prefom on stage with me. Oh and her friend can too if she wants." Flipping back over I accidentally knocked Luke almost out of the bed making him groan loudly. "Urgh Y/n...what the hell!"
"Blake wants us to prefom with him, even Chloe!" I squealed jumping up and down iterating my hangover headache but I couldn't care because this was too insane. "You couldn't just say that in a normal tone baby..." Luke grumbled rubbing his forehead pulling the pillow over his face wanting me to stop squealing his ears out. "Yes I'm killing you right now but this isn't an everyday thing for me!" I climbed ontop of him holding the pillow up so I could see his face. He looked disgruntled but he gives me a kiss hearing Blake still on the phone that I had thrown at the foot of the bed. "He's still on the phone darling." Flipping my back to him I pressed the phone to my ear grinning from ear to ear. "We'd love too. Chloe is gonna flip her lid." Hanging up the phone I squealed feeling arms flip me backwards where Luke nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm happy for you...now let's go back to sleep for five hours yeah." Laying my head down I kissed his forehead smiling in my sleep.
Chloe is pacing back and forth in front of me like she might throw up but this time it wasn't because of the baby growing inside of her. "Y/n, this is nuts. You and I are about to - prefom with two country singers." Grabbing her shoulders I sighed hoping to calm her down since I didn't want her to get sick on stage. "Chloe it's gonna be okay. Just imagine it's you and Carter singing in the car and you'll be good." She gulped grabbing the microphone and following me to where we were told to wait. "Well the boys 'round here don't listen to The Beatles. Run ole Bocephus through a jukebox needle. At a honky-tonk, where their boots stomp. All night; what? That's right." Luke walked out onto the stage joining his friend making the crowd cheer even louder. "Yea, and what they call work, digging in the dirt. Gotta get it in the ground 'fore the rain come down. To get paid, to get the girl. In your 4 wheel drive (A country boy can survive."
"Yea the boys 'round hereDrinking that ice cold beer. Talkin' 'bout girls, talkin' 'bout Trucks. Runnin' them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust. The boys 'round here. Sending up a prayer to the man upstairs. Backwoods legit, don't take no shot. Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit. Aw heck. Red red red red red red redneck." Both boys turned to each singing together before I intertwined my hand with my best friends. "Well the boys 'round here, they're keeping it country. Ain't a damn one know how to do the dougie." Luke pointed to his friend asking. "You don't do the dougie?" Blake shook his head singing solo. "No, not in Kentucky. But these girls 'round here yep, they still love me." Squeezing my friends hand Chloe and I confidently started dancing out onto the stage me singing solo first. "Yea, the girls 'round here, they all deserve a whistle. Shakin' that sugar, sweet as Dixie crystal." She smiled squeezing my hand following after. "They like that y'all and southern drawl. And just can't help it cause they just keep fallin'."
Luke holds his hand out for me pulling me away from Chloe so Blake throws his arm over her shoulder watching the two of us. "Hey now girl, hop inside. Me and you gonna take a little ride to the river. Let's ride (That's right). Lay a blanket on the ground. Kissing and the crickets is the only sound. We out of town. Have you ever got down with a...Red red red red red red redneck? And do you wanna get down with a...Red red red red red red redneck?" Luke leaned down like he was gonna kiss me then pointed in my best friends direction announcing to the stadium. "My fiancée best friend Chloe Blake ladies and gentlemen!" Blake spins Chloe around the stage singing to her. "Girl you gotta get down. With the boys 'round here. Drinking that ice cold beer. Talkin' 'bout girls, talkin' 'bout trucks. Runnin' them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust." She blushed raising the microphone up to her mouth singing back to him. "The boys 'round here. Sending up a prayer to the man upstairs. Backwoods legit, don't take no shot. Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit."
"Red red red red red red Redneck. (Ooh let's ride). I'm one of them boys 'round here. (Ooh let's ride). Red red red red red red redneck. (Ooh let's ride)." Chloe and I sang let's ride until the four of us all joined together for the big finish of the song. "Well all I'm thinkin' 'bout is you and me, how we'll be. So come on girl, hop inside. Me and you, we're gonna take a little ride. Lay a blanket on the ground. Kissing and the crickets is the only sound. We out of town. Girl you gotta get down with a...Come on through the country side. Down to the river side." Chloe throws her head in relief getting spun around a few times by Blake. Jumping instantly into Luke's arms he holds me up by legs capturing his lips with mine as the crowd roared with applause. Once we're back stage Carter came up with my phone saying it had been blowing up the whole time. "What is it honey?" Luke asked wrapping his arms around me from behind. Opening the newest email it was from the publisher about my book. "It's about my book, Luke. Oh god..."
Cliffhanger....what should the email say??
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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gothiccremes · 2 years
My Neighbors Dog, Dixie.
Original Work
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I began relocating boxes into different rooms as moving trucks piled boxes outside my tiny house. As I watched many delivery men and women enter and leave my new home, I suddenly heard something from next door. I stopped what I was doing and turned to see what it was. My neighbors' dog was a sizable golden dog with long fur and a silly face. I smiled, securely carrying my box into my new home.
More boxes piled in my house as the sun began to peek over the homes of my town. I smiled and remembered the dog next door, checking the time to see if it was getting late. Noting the time, I decided to introduce myself to my new neighbors. I rushed to the closest bathroom to see if I was presentable. After finding a mirror, I brushed a few light brown locks behind my ear and smoothed out a few wrinkles in my shirt.
"Perfect, I look much better."
I clapped and marched out of my box-filled house onto the left house's doorstep. I shuffled my feet and gave a few soft knocks; an older lady came to the door with a confused look. I twiddled my fingers before saying,
"Hello, Ma'am, I just moved into the room- I mean, the house next to you. My name is Mizzy, short for Mizelle."
I reached my much larger hand out to the older lady with a broad smile. The lady smiled back and took my hand gently,
"Oh, this is fantastic! Hello Mizzy, or is that for your friends?"
"No, no, you can call me Mizzy. I personally think it fits me better than Mizelle."
"Oh, silly! I think Mizelle is a beautiful name for a fine lady like you."
I blushed softly and shook the lady's hand before putting mine in my pockets. The lady waved me inside her house, explaining she would give me some food before leaving. I politely took the offering and thanked the lady.
"Oh dear, I forgot to introduce myself! I am Ms. Ebersode, and the neighbors to your right are Mr. and Mrs. Dee. They are such a homely couple."
"Ah, What're they like?"
Ms. Ebersode snickered and handed me a plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
"They are delightful, though Mr. Dee can be a pain when he drinks. Oh, I don't want to prit and prittle into their business, but they used to be lovely together. Lately, those two sweethearts have been fighting a lot..."
I nodded and stuffed my face with the meatloaf, groaning softly. I swallowed and dug in faster, making Ms. Ebersode giggle.
"Ya' like my meatloaf? Once you're finished, take some with you. Heat it up for lunch tomorrow, sweetie. Put your plate into the sink. I don't want to keep you from meeting the Dees."
I nodded and stuffed the rest of my mashed potatoes into my mouth, putting my plate into the sink. I thanked the lovely lady for the meal and promised to bring her lunch next time. Waving goodbye, I marched to the Dees' house.
In the window next to the door was the dog. Its fur is golden and soft, with its same dopey face. I walked up and rang the doorbell. I heard the faint clicks of heels coming, the door opened slightly, and I came face to face with a much younger-looking woman. Unlike my own, she had a round and kind-looking face, so I smiled.
The woman coughed and brushed herself off. I reached out a hand and began to explain myself.
"Hello, you must be Mrs. Dee. I have just moved in next door to you! I visited Ms. Ebersode, she told me about you guys. Just your names, though."
I laughed as Mrs. Dee smiled and opened the door more, welcoming me in. The home was reasonably sized, and once I entered, I was tackled by a large golden dog.
"Dixie, bad boy! We've taught you better than that. I'm so sorry, ma'am, he can be a bit jumpy meeting new people."
I nodded while being slobbered on by the sweet pup. I sat up and rubbed the dog's face lovingly. I pushed the cuddly canine off and stood up, covered in dog fur.
"Ah, the dog's OK, and um…my name's Mizelle. People call me Mizzy, though. Thank you for letting me in."
"Please slip off your shoes here at the door, and I'll introduce you to our home, Mizzy!"
I slipped out of my shoes and watched Mrs. Dee shut the door behind me. She slipped her heels off and gave a tour around her home. I kept quiet.
The dog was also following. Mrs. Dee told me that the dog's name was Dixie, and it was a very fitting name for it. Once the tour was done, a man came down the stairs in only a wife-beater and some jeans. I figured that was Mr.Dee, so I walked up to him and reached out my hand.
"Ah, hello! I'm Mizzy, and I'd just moved next door. You must be Mr. Dee. Your wife has been giving me a tour, and apparently, so was your adorable dog."
Mrs. Dee laughed a little and bent down to give Dixie a peck on the nose. It was a lovely gesture, making us both smile.
"Well, I'm sad to say that I must go and unpack boxes. Do you care If I come by tomorrow and get to know both of you? It'd be nice to make a few friends next door."
I gave my farewells to the Dee family and left to finish my unpacking. I entered, but I looked up at Dee's home before I did. I saw a mass of golden fluff and a familiar dopey face in the window.
I'd been in my new home for six months, settling into the town and the neighbors around me. I had made good friends with both the Dees and Ms. Ebersode. It was a bright winter day. I sat in the sun on my front porch when next door, I heard arguing.
"Another fight. I hope it doesn't go on for more than a few hours."
I huffed and tried to relax, but suddenly a door swung open, and the screaming had increased in volume. I groaned and began to make my way inside when Mrs. Dee marched out. Her kind face had tears running down it, and her hands white from how strong she was gripping her suitcases.
"I am done! I can't take you anymore, Ozwald! I demand you read those papers and sign them! I'm never coming back, and you can keep Dixie too! He will be the only one that will stand you!"
Mrs. Dee slammed the door in Mr. Dee's face. I was shocked as I watched as Mrs. Dee threw her luggage in her vehicle and left. I was frozen in my skin as I watched the car get smaller and smaller. Loud whining broke me from my ice, and I saw Dixie had squeezed through the door.
I sympathized with the dog and gasped when I saw him take off after the car. I raced inside and quickly slipped my shoes on. I ran outside and began my chase, just before a solum, and the slurred voice stopped me.
"Dixie'll come back, and so Amanda. She always comes back after these fights."
I huff and turn to go back into my house. I called Mrs. Ebersode to explain what had happened. To my surprise, the older lady wasn't shocked about what had happened. It was long into the night when I finally put the phone down. I looked outside and saw Dixie from afar. His tail was sagging, and his fur matted. I quickly put on some slippers and ran out towards him. I gently grabbed his collar, dragging him to Mr. Dee's house. I tried the door, and it was thankfully unlocked. I gently pushed Dixie in and gave him a kiss I mimicked from Amanda Dee.
It was like Amanda had just vanished after that day. It clearly took a toll on both Dixie and Mr. Dee. Until on the news, Amanda's face was shown. They said that she had committed suicide.
I broke the news to Mrs. Ebersode, and she was clearly upset. I mean, who wouldn't, but I also had to tell Mr. Dee. Since she left, Mr.Dee had become a total bum. He drank in the morning till night, and it was irritating.
Amelia's death was sudden, but I couldn't feel pity for the horrid man. So after mourning with Mrs. Ebersode, I strode towards Mr. Dee's house. With slight hesitation, I beat my knuckles against the wood of the door. I waited, and I listened; Mr. Dee's slow footsteps finally reached the door.
"Ye...s? Who is it?"
"It's me, Mizelle."
"Ah, come in, come in."
I hesitated, but I entered anyway. When I passed Mr.Dee, the smell of alcohol filled my nose, and I coughed. I look around and spot Dixie sitting down. The usual happy dog looked very rugged. Yet his dopey face remained.
"Dixie, c'mere good boy!"
Dixie looked up, his eyes now rich and his tail wagging softly. He stood up, shakily, and hobbled over to me. I bent down and petted the dog, darkening fur. Dixie yelped and snapped at me, which made me fall back.
"Oh, Dear! Dixie, I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"
"Stop that, Mizelle"
"Stop what?
"That dog is not a child. Don't treat him like one. He is fine."
"Clearly, Dixie isn't OK! He doesn't just snap at people! Ugh, I don't have time to argue...The reason I'm here is that I have news about Amanda!"
Mr.Dee stopped his huffing and turned to look at me. His face is severe and lonely.
"What about Amanda?"
I stood up, giving Dixie a gentle pet before looking sadly at Mr.Dee.
"She was found dead. Amanda committed suicide, but they didn't give specifics before I turned my TV off."
"Get out."
"I was expecting good news! I was expecting that Amanda would be back!"
"Well, she's not, and it's because of you. Asshole! If you would'-"
"Just get out! I'm sick of this!"
Mr.Dee grabbed my arm and began to drag me out. His grip was tight and forced out a pained whine.
"Let go of me!"
"Then, get out!"
I was suddenly thrown outside, and my side hit the boards of the porch. I groaned and sat up. The door was now closed, and Dixie was sitting at the window. His face looked sad before he was dragged away by the collar. It was miserable to watch the poor dog and know that I was no longer a welcomed guest.
I got up and walked up to my house. Upon entering, I knew it was going to be a long day.
With that, I stopped visiting Ozwald and continued with my life. So just as I got home, I could hear Dixie barking from outside. It brought a smile to my face and reminded me to visit the golden dog. I decided to secretly call Dixie after the fight Ozwald and I had. So, I walked inside and grabbed a dog treat from a jar I had bought a few weeks ago. It had been a month since I last visited.
The breeze jostled my brown hair and made my eyes water just slightly. The weather became colder, and the leaves turned to bright orangey shades. It was almost Fall again.
Another bark stopped my thoughts. Smiling, I made my way to the back of Mr. Dees' yard and stood on the other side of his barred fence. Dixie was rolling around in the grass, and when he noticed me, Dixie hobbled over.
Dixie was plumper and had more meat on his bones from when I saw him. He was weak and fragile; it was sad to see. Dixie was directly in front of me, his tail sloping, and drool dripped from his snout. I fit my hand through the fence and gave Dixie the treat.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could do something for you."
I gave Dixie a pet before leaving to go back home. I had to work soon.
It was now dark, and I had just gotten home from work. I was spent, but I saw Dixie staring at me intently in the corner of my eye. Something was different about him, something in his eyes, his posture. It was oddly disturbing. Something about him was...wrong.
I tried to ignore it; for, heat the time being, I didn't look at Dixie; I; I couldn't. I walked hurriedly into the kitchen, searching through my fridge to find a snack. I carefully drew out the baggy of baby carrots and ranch. Sitting them down, I almost felt afraid to move, terrified from Dixie's unending gaze. I tried to think of anything else except Dixie's stare, but his eyes wouldn't let my mind go.
I walked to my bedroom, flicking on the light and closing my door. I flopped down on my bed and tried my best to fall asleep, passing out in time.
The next night it happened again. I was getting a drink of water after waking up in total darkness. I looked up, and there was Dixie. I stumbled back and gasped. The water in my hands was long gone, the glass on the floor along with the water. Dixie was staring at me, his face not dopey, not innocent; it looked like he was smiling. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. It was just me being tired.
I yawned and made sure I didn't look up at Dixie for the time I was in the kitchen. In my mind, I had decided that Dixie wasn't smiling; it was just his jowl that was stuck in his teeth. It boggles me, but I crawled under the covers and slept.
The following day, I heard muffled sounds from next door and made my way to the kitchen. I made some waffles and sat in silence.
It was then night, and I worked on some papers in the kitchen. A chill ran down my spine, and I looked up. I screamed and fell out of my chair.
There he was, smiling. Dixie's jowls were gone. All that was left were his gums and teeth. His face was stretched abnormally into a smile.
"Stop it! Stop smiling!"
I stared in fear as the golden fur disappeared from the window. A male's; wild scream then came; I got up and raced outside.
I ran out and stepped on Mr. Dee's porch. My knuckles rapidly banged on the door. When no answer came, I opened it. The sight I saw made me freeze.
Mr. Dee was crying, his face contorted with fear. He was in a fetal position, and his eyes stared down the long hallway. Mr. Dee's voice shook as he repeated,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am sorry!"
My heart raced as I followed Mr. Dee's gaze. There was Dixie, or what was left of him.
I watched as his back broke open, and something struggled to push through the golden fur. I couldn't look away. The lump of fur pulsed, and a slight noise came. The sonance was soft, sounded almost like a giggle. Yet, as the thing inside Dixie shed the golden fur, the giggling turned to laughter. It was distorted, nearly as if it was mimicked. At the same time, I heard the skin peel and rip.
As Dixie's corpse stretched, I could see wet black fur. Until suddenly, a dog's head peeled out and took a breath. The cackling was louder, and the black creature whipped its head to face me. Its' eyes were crazed and sinister.
I backed away, fearful of this creature. A broad, sharp toothy grin stretched across its muzzle and, a long purple tongue hung between its teeth. I muttered,
The laughter stopped, and the monster stepped out of the mass of golden fur and blood. I covered my mouth, hiding my gasp. Dixie's eyes were on me before turning to the cowering man in the corner.
"What did he do to you….?"
Dixie steps forward, and with the shine of the moon, I see how skinny he is. His ribs stuck out, and his spine arched with a layer of skin barely covering it. I looked at Mr.Dee and then back to Dixie. I stepped forward, my palms facing ahead. Dixie snapped his jaws at me and stepped forward. I saw his smile stretched; he lifted his head and laughed.
I stepped back and let out a scream when I felt a strong hand grab my ankle. Dixie fastened his eyes onto Mr. Dee's hand, who was holding my ankle. A growl emerged from the black dog's chest, and his teeth were bared.
I panicked and shook the hand off my ankle. Mr.Dee pleaded, and Dixie lunged towards the man when I did that. I screamed while backing out of the way. I then watched as Dixie dug his canines into the man's arm and dragged him into the dark of the hallway.
I raced through the door and ran to my house. I stumbled into the house and reached for the phone. I called the police, and in quiet sobs, I told them,
"I-I just watched my neighbor get murdered. M-my neighbors dog, Dixie- he killed him."
"Ma'am, can we have the address?"
I told the operator all I knew, and I stared into the yard out front, waiting. Minutes passed, and I heard police sirens. I ran out and pointed to Mr. Dee's house. They checked everywhere and only found bloodstains leading into the night, with Dixie nowhere in sight.
I was interviewed and had to go to court. I was found innocent. A year has passed, and I put posters up in the search for Dixie. It was like he vanished along with Amanda and Ozwald, Dee. I turned from the light post and entered my home, passing the jar full of dog treats. I paused next to it, reaching for one. I held it for a second before heading outside again; I sat the dog-treat down on my outside chair.
It was gone the following day.
Made my Sophmore Year
By 🌸🕷GothicCremes🕷🌸
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💗A03: https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/users/GothicCremes/works
🌸Wattpad: @gothiccremes GB
🕯Instagram: GothicCremes
🐌Discord: GothicCremes#6533
🦇Twitter: GothicCremes
🕷spotify: GothicCremès
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tvandenneagram · 3 years
Hart of Dixie: Wade Kinsella - Type 9w8
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Wade is jovial, caring and insecure. While he may appear to be a reckless bad boy at first, Wade has a great heart and cares deeply about the people in his life.
At his best, Wade becomes more driven and wants to be a better person for Zoe. He works towards his goal of owning the Rammer Jammer and his business is quite successful.
At his worst, Wade is insecure and sabotages himself. He has little self-worth and reads negative intent into people. Wade is shifty and believes that Zoe is going to leave him because he isn't good enough for her.
In direct contrast to Zoe's sophistication, Wade is a fairly simple person. He finds comfort in the simple pleasures of playing video games and watching monster trucks. When we meet Wade he is fairly content with his life and does not feel a strong desire to move forward in his career.
While it is not immediately apparent, Wade is a very stable individual and handles his life circumstances quite well. We learn that Wade had a difficult childhood, as his father was the town drunk. As his brother Jesse went off to pursue his degree, Wade felt responsible for Earl and had to act as a caretaker of sorts to him. This led Wade to feeling a sense of resentment towards Jesse as he feels like he is always the one who has to stay behind. I think that Wade feels somewhat abandoned by Jesse and hates that he is bearing the brunt of the responsibility for Earl.
Wade tries to project an image of not caring about anything. I believe this is a defence mechanism he uses to avoid being vulnerable to being hurt. However, we see as the show continues that Wade does care very deeply. For example, every month Earl threatens to jump off a building unless Wade sings him off the ledge. Every month Wade does this without fail despite pretending not to care about Earl.
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We also see something similar in his relationship with Zoe. Wade is initially very scared to show how he feels for Zoe because he is afraid that his feelings will be rejected. When they are in the scavenger hunt together Wade is very happy and he thinks that Zoe is reciprocating his feelings. When he realises that this was a ploy to get to George, he is deeply saddened and his walls are built up again. I think that because of this, when Wade and Zoe are dating in season 2 he tries to play it off as casual. I think Wade downplays his feelings because he is so insecure that Zoe will pick George (even though she has told him that isn't the case).
Wade sees how smart and successful Zoe is and feels inferior when he compares himself to her. He is convinced that he is just a pitstop and that she will leave him. I believe that the reason Wade cheats on Zoe is because he wanted to sabotage the relationship. I think that he thought that if he is the one to ruin it he won't get hurt along the way.
I think Wade and Zoe bring out a lot of good qualities in one another. As I touched on earlier, Zoe’s ambition rubs off on Wade and he is motivated to better himself because of her. Likewise, Wade brings out a sense of community and connection in Zoe. She also becomes less elitist and more attached to the town.
Wade shows his wing 8 as he is more rebellious and laid-back than a wing 1 would be. I also think that his conflict with Zoe over the battle of the bands shows his wing 8, as I think he felt like Zoe was trying to control him.
Tri-type: 9w8 - 4w3 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe Wade’s traits and motivations:
“Maybe I'm not 100 percent sure that you [Zoe] wouldn't hurt me if we started things, but I know that I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. And I guess that I realized it's worth the risk.”
“Maybe I wasn't happy being a - a placeholder for George Tucker.”
Wade: “I know it's not fair, but you wrecked by heart, Zoe, and I can't do this again.” Zoe: “What if I promise that I won't hurt you?“ Wade: “I guess... I don't trust that you know how to stop yourself.”
Zoe: “What is our son gonna think? That he can shirk all his grown up responsibilities by batting his lashes and getting some woman to do it for him?“ Wade: “Well it is the Kinsella way.”
Zoe: “Do you think all small towns are like this one?” Wade: “I'd like to think so, but something tells me probably not. I know I love ours.” Zoe: “Me too.” 
Wade: “Sometimes I just think you're just the saddest person in the world. You're always looking over your shoulder wondering what life should be instead of taking it for what it is. You're not honest about what makes you happy. You what I'm going to do tonight, I'm going to go home and play video games for two or three hours.” Zoe: “Oh, good for you. Dream big.” Wade: “What I'm not going to do is beat myself up for playing video games instead of saving the world. If I wanted to save the world, hell, I'll do it tomorrow.” Zoe: “If you have time between video games.” Wade: “EXACTLY! Cause it's my choice. Just like it was your choice to stay in Bluebell, just like it was your choice to be a G.P. instead of a super sonic space surgeon or whatever. And it was your choice to go to bed with me. Clearly and something about everyone of those choices make you happy. The problem is they don't match up with the picture you made up in your head about what your life should be.”
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paversandplatters · 4 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (5/20)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 5: A Flock Found
They pack a wheel barrow to the brim with the newly acquired supplies they find not botheringing to leave behind much of anything, making sure to cop the twenty five gallon container of gasoline from the tool shed out back behind the building... Lord knows they'll need for the grand task ahead of them. By the time the light in the south western sky began to fade from a light gray to pink over the backwaters of the panhandle they're ready. They slip outside through the rectory's side door and creep single file along the edge of the property. Y/n takes the lead, periodically glancing over her shoulder for any sign of the herd that had crossed the highway or any sign of the group that occupied this space all too recently. She carries a glock with a full magazine just in case. The dusky air gets clammy and cool on the back of the stranger's neck as he follows them to the car. They climb in hurriedly, stowing their provisions in the rear cargo bay. Y/n kicks the engine on as the newcomer clambers into the passenger seat next to her- much to the dismay of the other two- unfolding an old dogeared map.
"They usually stick pretty close to the ocean." He says almost to himself, silently calculating the mileage between them and the gulf. "Probably should start down by Perry or Carwfordville." He senses movement ahead of them through the windshield and glances up in time to see a couple of jagged shadows emerging from the woods about a hundred yards away, drawn to the sound of their engine. Garbled growls can be heard over the drone of crickets. The trace smell of garbage on the breeze, the light and space of the outdoors is almost overwhelming to him. He feels like he's been asleep for a hundred years, locked away in that dank and dirty church- he starts to feel dizzy.
Y/n gooses the accelerator and the SUV lurches away. He sinks into his seat as they roar down the road, swerving to avoid the half dozen or so biters now skulking out of the woods blocking their path. They sideswipe one the creatures, ripping a chunk of its shoulder, splattering fresh gore across the glass of his side window.
"You get used to it." she states after he flinches in disgust. He just stares at the splatter, flecks of bone chips, and a long trail of black bile.
"I don't think anyone can get used to that ..." Nick mutters from the back seat.
Night falls and the darkness deepens behind the trees on either side of the road. Most of the streetlights in this part of the country have gone the same way as the internet or cable TV, so the road only gets darker and darker as they head south towards the steaming thickets and festering swamps of the coastal lowlands. The going is slow, most of the two lanes are crowded with rusted out wreckages ,the carcasses of cars and trucks so old now that the weeds and switchgrass have begun to grow up from their metal endoskeletons. The two young men in the rear breathe heavily, thickly, half asleep while Y/n drives and softly hums some forgotten tune. They had passed the jerky and water around a few minutes ago- their standard fare of supper- and now their bellies growl and their eyelids droop with exhaustion.
"You never gave your name..." His hushed voices rings out from the shotgun seat.
"Hadn't crossed my mind at the time, sorry about that... It's Y/n" She chuckles softly. "The one with the headband is Nick but goes by Sapnap, don't ask i don't know- the other one with the accent is George." he just simply hums in reply.
"What about you big guy? What do they call you?"
He takes a moment to regard the woman seated next to him; his head still trying to wrap itself around this complete stranger who's shown him nothing but kindness. On the one hand, she seems trustworthy enough, friendly, a good listener, courteous and capable of single handedly taking out an entire chapel full of reanimated corpses... On the other hand she seems like a walking time bomb. He'd seen her type before- they type that's too kind until something or someone breaks that trust. A hairline trigger. The sad fact is he doesn't have a large array of options. Staying in that hellhole of a church with those enslavers, listening to the groans of the dead, waiting for whatever those bastards would do next quickly loses its charm... Seeing the aftermath of her cleaning house with that knife had given him an odd charge- a cathartic release. He's also aware that he'd never be able to find the caravan on his own given the sorry state he's in. He really has no choice but to go along with her and her scruffy ass men and hope for the best.
"I don't have a name.. that is, one that I can remember.."
She desperately wants to pry, how could he not remember his own name? But the thousand yard stare and glassy gaze is enough to stop her from inquiring any further. "Well we've gotta call you something big guy." She's met with silence in response. "Alright, I guess Big Guy it is then." He offers only a meek hum in response. In an attempt to silence his own raging thoughts his eyes landed on the red bandanna tied to the rearview mirror for what was probably the hundredth time since he started on this way too long car ride.
"... What's that about?" He points to the red scarf.
"It belonged to a friend of mine a long while back, before Sapnap and George were a thing." Her hands tighten their hold on the wheel. "I was caught by 'traders' and he was stuck in the same hole as me... Couldn't have been any older than fourteen at the time. One night the compound was under attack, their front gate was breached- luckily we were kept at the very back end, so when the opportunity came we managed to escape our holding cell and I hoisted him over the wall. Told him to keep running, to not look back. He got away but I was caught again," She takes in a deep breath before resuming her story.
"I was quickly sold off to some asshole who had these two chained up for breaking into their stores... one thing led to another and we snuck out and snagged this ride... we've been moving around since." It was obvious by her tone there was a lot she was leaving out and probably for a good reason. Notably the two in the back seat were dead silent, so much so that it made the air feel heavy and dense enough to cut with a sharp enough knife. Suddenly he was wishing he hadn't bothered to ask in the first place
"That sign back there," He manages, desprate to break the heavy air "Said 'Cross city 12 miles" He glances up from the map in his lap, gazing out the side window at the stewing darkness of Dixie County Florida. "Got a feeling we're getting close."
The vast patchwork of wetlands passes in a blur on either side of them. The land oozing a low blanket of methane as gray as mold, clinging to the shadows of pine thickets and gullies like dirty lace. The air smells briny and rotten with dead fish. Every few minutes they pass the ruins of a small town or wreckage strewn trailer parks. No sign of survivors in these parts, though only the occasional silhouette of an upright corpse shambling by, it's eyes like twin yellow reflectors in the darkness.
"We can't just keep burning gas all night." Sapnap says from his place in the rear, his voice all cranked up with pain and panic "and we can't just go off of what you overheard those traders talking about- Much less go off of feelings.." Big guy just keeps a neural face.
"We're in the ballpark" He persists "Believe me they'll be hard to miss." Y/n grips the steering wheel, her jaw working overtime on a piece of gum, snapping and chewing complusively as she drives.
"How many vehicles do they have in this convoy?" George questions between wheezy breaths.
"No idea... but it's quite a few ."
"That's pretty general."
"They'll be easy to spot." He replies once more, gazing back out at the darkness. "Our best bet is to follow the coast, they like to keep close to the water.."
"Why's that?"
He shrugs. "According to those 'traders' they keep their eyes peeled for ships or any possible way they might get their asses the hell out of here. Most of the bigger boats around here have been destroyed by the hurricane that hit a couple years ago, so it's a long shot that they'll find anything..."
They're about to give up the search when they start to climb the gentle slope- at first so gradual it's almost unnoticeable - up the side of a vast malodorous landfill- the barren trash-strewn scrubland to their left reaches across miles of sandy berms, all the way down to the deserted ghostly boardwalks that wind their way along the beaches. The sky has begun to bruise pink with predawn light and Y/n has just started to say something when the Big Guy sees the first faint streaks of red dots in the distant haze.
"LOOK!" He points his large gnarled hand down at the far dunes of ashen white sand winding along the coast. The surface is so pocked and windswept it resembles the dark side of the moon.
"Where?" She cranes her neck, slowing the vehicle down to a crawl.
"I don't see anything."
"About Half a mile up there... Look at the tail lights!"
She takes a deep cleansing breath as she finally sees the caravan chugging along the coastal road in the predawn light, it looks like embers throwing up puffs of smoke in their wake.
"Holy shit, I see it." A big smile washes over her face, Glad she decided to follow through with this insane plan.
"What do you think of those boys?" The two young men in the rear lean forward, transfixed by the sight, each of them rapt and silent as they gaze at the convoy.
"What are you doing?! Blaster your horn at them," George stutters anxiously. "Don't let them get away !"
Y/n smiles to herself, in her former life she used to be fascinated by the wildlife shows, often catching them in the late night showings after work before she turning in for the night. She remembers one episode in particular, on the behavior of sheep vs the behavior of wolves. She remembers the flock mentality; the sheep moving almost as one, easily managed by a single sheepdog. She remembers the instinct of the Wolf, stealthy, patient as it and its pack creep up on the flock. She shoots a glance across the dark interior at the larger man sat next to her before turning her head to face the two sat behind them.
"I have a better idea."
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@the-wandering-pan-ace @hvrcruxes
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topsytervy · 4 years
Rented ~ Rafe Cameron
Part 2
Blurb: After getting rented out to Rafe for midsummers and falling for him, the next week seems like a fairytale...until its not.
Word Count: 6,418
Warnings: swearing, like one sexual line, mentions of drugs, mentions of drinking, canon Rafe (sorry), age gap (16 and 19), mention of injury (the arm burn that Rafe gets from Barry),  poorly edited, not as well written as part 1 and a bit (okay a lot) all over the place, I think thats it
This definitely wasn’t written as well as part 1 and I feel like each little part is their own separate blurbs but hey, it happens.
If you haven’t read Part 1, Here it is.
I just want to say that it’s not okay to rent out your friends or family members without their consent or just in general so…don’t be Barry. Also, google told me age of consent in North Carolina is 16 but THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. I DO NOT CONDONE A RELATIONSHIP WHERE ONE (OR MORE) OF THE PEOPLE IN A RELATIONSHIP IS A MINOR AND THE OTHER (OR OTHERS) IS AN ADULT. I DO NOT CONDONE IT AND DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. THIS IS PURELY FICTION AND FOR THE STORY.
Rafe held his arm as he walked up to the door of the chateau, tears pricking his eyes as he raised his fist to knock. He looked at the burn on his arm as he waited for the door to open.
"Please, Please, Please." He pleaded silently, holding back tears.
If you told him 3 months ago that he'd be pining after a pogue and then invite said pogue to midsummers, he would've laughed at you and told you to piss off.
If you then added that he would be dating the pogue he was pining after and now waiting on John B's porch, praying that she was in there,  he would've had you in a padded room because you were clearly delusional.
But now, here he stood, a couple of days after midsummers, doing exactly that.
Kiara opened the door, looking Rafe up and down.
"So now you’re invading the chateau?" She asked him.
"Please tell me Y/N's here."
JJ rolled his eyes as you stood up from the couch, touching Kies’s shoulder and nodding that it was okay.
"What’s up, handsome?" You smiled.
"Y/N. I-I need some help...please." He whispered, showing you his arm.
You looked down at his arm and your eyes widened. "Shit Rafe." You whispered, grabbing his arm gingerly to get a better look at it before dragging him into the house and towards the bathroom.
JJ glared daggers at Rafe the entire way until you two disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind you.
"You're jealousy is showing." Pope sang, not even looking up from his book.
"What jealousy?" He asked, his voice low as he kept his eyes on the bathroom door.
Pope rolled his eyes before turning the page, ignoring the cluelessness of his friend.
You turned on the bathroom faucet, making sure it was cool before taking your boyfriend’s wrist in your hand before placing it under the water.
"Keep it there while I find the first aid kit okay?"
Rafe nodded as you rummaged through the bathroom, mentally cursing your friends for not putting the kit in the same place every time.
You finally found it underneath some towels and opened it up, finding some ointment and gauze. You pulled out the supplies before going to the medicine cabinet, Rafe moving so you could get in there. You pulled out the ibuprofen and grabbed a small dixie cup from the stack in the corner, filling it with water.
You turned off the faucet and handed him the pills and the cup. Rafe took it without complaint and you went to work on his arm.
"Rafe," you whispered as you applied some ointment to the burn and began wrapping his arm.
He looked up from your hands working on his wrist and into your eyes.
"Who did this?" You asked, concern lacing your words.
Rafe sighed, looking away from you in shame. "Barry." He muttered.
You paused your action as you looked at him. "Barry. Why the hell would he burn you unless…" You trailed off and his face gave him away. You tied off the gauze since you didn’t have any tape and sighed. "You said you quit."
"I said I’m trying to quit but it’s hard. You should know this, angel." Rafe whispered.
He seemed so broken.
"How many lines did you do?"
 “Just half a line, I swear. The withdrawal was getting to me so I did half a line to ease it a bit. Then your brother came by asking for his money and I didn’t have it and-and-"
You placed your hands on his face. "It’s okay. It’s okay. C'mere." You slid your hands around his neck, standing on your toes as you hugged him.
His arms went around your waist and he buried his face into your neck, letting the tears fall. You stayed like that for a while until JJ banged on the door.
"I swear to God, you two better not be fucking in there! You wanna go to pound town, you go somewhere else!"
You rolled your eyes and Rafe pulled away from you. You wiped away Rafe’s tears before giving him a kiss.
"You wanna go somewhere else for a while, handsome."
Rafe smirked. "Why? Wanna go to pound town?"
You smacked him lightly. "No. I wanna make sure you're okay and I  doubt you and JJ can be in the same room together for a couple of hours without one or both of you going to jail."
Rafe chuckled before grabbing your hand, nodding in agreement as he headed towards the door but you stopped him by not moving.
"Let’s go to the place you took me after midsummers. Get some food and we can hang out there for a while." You suggested.
Rafe grinned. "That sounds like an amazing idea, angel."
 It was around 9 PM when Rafe dropped you off at home. You waved goodbye to Rafe before he pulled out of the driveway.
You walked into the trailer, closing the front door behind you quietly before leaning against the door. A smile adorned your lips as you touched your cheek where Rafe kissed you goodnight before touching the necklace that he gave you.
You heard a whistle and whipped your head towards the kitchen, your brother standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face.
"I never thought I'd see the day where my sister would be all done up like a doll. Looking like a full kook now." He walked over.
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever Barry."
"No. Not whatever Barry. For someone who despises the kook life and looking like a kook, you're sure smiley after coming home looking like that and being surrounded by kooks." He observed.
"Yeah. I had good liquor,  not cheap shit." You told him, rolling your eyes before walking towards your room.
"Nice necklace. Don’t leave it out or I’m trading it in." Barry hollered.
You slammed your door shut and sighed.
"Don't be slamming doors in my household!" You rolled your eyes at Barry’s words, too tired and on cloud 9 to deal with your brother.
You took off your jewelry, minus the necklace Rafe gave you, and kicked off your heels.  You grabbed your pajamas before stalking off into the bathroom and turning on the shower.
While you waited for the water to heat up, you stripped out of your clothes before checking the waters temperature. You hopped in shortly after, doing your usual shower routine which took longer than usual thanks to your mind reminiscing on tonight’s event. It wasn’t until Barry started banging on the door that you were snapped from your thoughts.
"Come the hell on! It’s too late for this and I gotta piss!"
"Alright, alright!" You hollered back, turning off the water and grabbing the towel so you could dry yourself.
You pulled on your sweatpants and tank top before opening the door.
"God damn Y/N, taking 20 years," Barry muttered, rushing into the bathroom as you pushed past him.
You closed your bedroom door as you entered, immediately crawling into bed and under the covers. You touched the necklace once more, a small smile on your face before you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep for a few hours.
Rafe wasn't so lucky. He was so ecstatic that he couldn’t fall asleep. He was giddy as if he did four lines and drank two monsters right before bed.
He really did try to fall asleep but it wasn’t working. By 1 AM, he was still wide awake, so he did the only thing he could think of.
He pulled on his sweatshirt and grabbed his shoes before opening his bedroom door, making his way downstairs soundlessly 
Once he was out the door and in his truck, he put on his shoes, starting the truck afterward, and driving towards your home.  Rafe got out and pulled out his phone, sending you a quick text.
You walked back into your bedroom with a glass of water, yawning as you closed your bedroom door once again. Your phone vibrated on your nightstand and you grabbed it, seeing a text from Rafe.
You up angel?
 You smiled at the message, immediately setting down your glass.
 Yeah. What’s wrong?
 Nothing. Can't sleep. Wanna join me on a little drive?
 You looked around and grabbed a hoodie.
 I'd be honored.
 You pulled on your hoodie and opened up your window, climbing out of it with ease. You walked towards Rafe, who's hair was messy for once, and he smiled.
"You work fast. What is this in your head? Date number five. " you joked when you got close enough.
"I don't know if I’d consider driving around and getting a bunch of shit for midsummers a date." He responded. 
You kissed his cheek as he opened the door for you, closing it before walking over to the driver’s side and getting in himself.
"What about the day we had that picnic on the dock?" You buckled your seatbelt before leaning against the center console, arms crossed and head resting on them as you stared at the blue-eyed boy next to you.
"I'd consider that me trying to swoon and win you over. You know? Try to get you to like me." Rafe told you.
"Okay. Then what would you consider earlier tonight?" You asked.
"Now that is what I'd consider the first date." Rafe grinned, looking over at you as he pulled put of the driveway.
"It is quite the event to have a first date."
"I know."
"And I'll admit that seeing you in that suit was the final nail in the coffin." You admitted.
Rafe looked over at you. "Oh, really? Maybe I should've tried wearing a suit sooner."
"Maybe you should've." You nudged his arm lightly. "Where are we going?"
"Good question. Do you have anywhere you wanna go?" He asked you, making a random turn.
You chewed on your lip, trying to think of someplace but couldn’t. You shook your head and Rafe laughed.
"Alright. I know a place."
"Do you now?"
He looked at you. "Oh, angel. Do I know a place that is gonna knock your socks off." Confidence lacing his words.
"Well, we will see, won’t we?"
Rafe smiled as you brought your legs up onto the seat and threw your hood over your head.
Within 10 minutes, you were in a wooded area, the road a little bumpy.
"There should be some blankets and a pillow in the back. Wanna grab them?" Rafe said as he made a turn.
You nodded, turning around in your seat to grab them before stopping. "What exactly have these blankets been exposed to?"
Rafe laughed. "They're freshly washed and they're the blankets I use whenever I need to get away from my dad for a night. I'll come out here and sleep in the bed of the truck."
"I never thought you’d be the camping type." You commented, reaching back and actually grabbing the blankets and the pillow this time.
"I wouldn’t call it camping. Just getting away from the crazy." He parked the truck and turned off the ignition, taking the keys and shoving them in his sweatpants pocket.
He grabbed some of the blankets from you before getting out of the truck, heading towards the bed. You followed Rafe’s actions, stopping when you got to the bed.
"How the hell did you find this place?" You asked, taking in the little clearing amongst all the trees. It was complete with a little pond and a nice view of the sky.
"Fight with Rose and Ward. Took a little drive. Made some random turns and the next thing I knew, I was here." Rafe took the blankets from your arm, leaving you with the pillow.
"It’s so peaceful." You breathed out.
"I know." He said, sitting on the bed of the truck as he took his shoes off.
He crawled over to the little window that led into the backseat and opened it, throwing his shoes through it. You tossed him the pillow before hopping onto the bed to take your own shoes off, doing the same thing as Rafe.
Your Y/E/C eyes met his blue ones and he opened his arms as he laid his head down on the pillow. You made your way over to him and rested your head on his chest as Rafe pulled a blanket over the two of you. He wrapped an arm around your waist as his other hand went to play with your hair.
You two stared at the stars for a while before you spoke.
"Wanna know a secret?"
You reached up and ran a hand through his hair. "As much as I like the slicked-back greaser look, I like it a bit better this way. All messy and whatever."
"Mhm. You don't look so stuck up this way."
Rafe laughed a bit, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"I bet."
You both ended up falling asleep like that. You with your head on his chest and curled into his side; Him with his arms around you and his cheek pressed against the top of your head.
You sat in the bed of Rafe’s truck again, you leaning against the cab as Rafe leaned against you, his head against your chest. Your fingers played with his hair as you two basked in the silence.
Rafe could've fallen asleep like that but his mind was racing.
"Y/N, angel,"
You hummed in response, looking down at him.
"Can-can you try to convince Barry to give me until the weekend?"
You sighed. "You know Barry doesn't like me sticking my nose in his little drug empire. Chances are he won't even listen to me."
"Please," He whispered.
You stayed quiet for a few moments.
"I’ll try." You kissed the top of his head. "You have to promise me that you go to urgent care to get that burn checked out tonight though. Okay? It looks bad and I don't want it getting infected or anything."
"I promise,"
"Nah. Country club was late on a payment. He doesn’t get his bike back until it’s paid off." Barry told you, bringing his beer to his lips.
"Okay. I know that you had to take his bike since it was his collateral, but burning his wrist? Barry, that was horrible." You scolded him.
Barry shrugged. "Don't care."
"You should care! Rafe is trying to get his life back on track and for all I know, that might set him back. He might go a snort a couple of lines to deal with the pain!" You retorted.
Barry ignored you, setting his beer down and standing up. "It’s weird how you suddenly care about him and his well-being."
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes and Barry walked towards you. "You also haven't taken that necklace off since you got home from midsummers. JJ couldn't have bought it, he ain't got the money for it so that answer is off the table. So either you swiped it from some rich bitch or some rich dick bought it for you."
"You do know JJs a klepto, right? He still could've given it to me."
 "And then, there's you saying Rafes trying to get his life together. Weird considering you don’t talk to his friends or his family. I'm pretty sure the last time you talked to him was midsummers and Rafe isn't the kind to have a little sit-down public pity party. He likes looking like he'll beat the shit out of you if you even breathe his way. He likes looking like the alpha."
"What are you? A fucking profiler?" You started backing up until you hit a wall.
"All this bullshit can only mean one thing," Barry cornered you, "you're messing around with Rafe Cameron."
You swallowed as you glared at him and Barry laughed.
"My little sister is getting it on with Rafe Cameron. Holy shit. That’s why he paid me so he could take you to his little kook event. Oh my god. Country club caught feelings for a pogue! I kinda wish you didn’t like him back cause maybe he'd keep paying me to take you out." Barry grinned.
"You're disgusting. You would pimp out your little sister so you can make a little money." You shook your head in disgust.
Barry narrowed his eyes before grabbing your wrist. "Don’t you ever say that ever again. I may have let it happen with Rafe but if Luke or someone else walked in and handed me money and told me that it was so they could have their way with you, I'd beat them bloody. So don’t you ever, ever, say I'd pimp you out. You should be thanking me considering you have a rich boy toy now."
You wrenched your wrist from his hand, rubbing it a bit. "Don't touch me, Barry."
You pushed Barry out of the way and walked out the front door, immediately calling JJ.
"Come pick me up. I can't stay here tonight.”
"Okay. Okay. I got it. I'll be there in like 15. I'll steal the twinkie."
Within 20 minutes, you were seated in the passenger seat next to JJ.
"So...you gonna tell me what happened or am I gonna have to beat Barry up with the only defense being he sells coke to mt dad?" JJ broke the silence, glancing at you.
"He said he wishes I didn’t end up liking Rafe back cause then he probably would've made bank off of Rafe paying him to have a date with me or something like that." You sighed.
JJ looked at you in disgust. "Like pimp you out?"
"That’s what I said. That he was disgusting for that. All he said after that was that if it was anyone but Rafe, he'd beat them bloody. He even said I should be thanking him cause I have a rich boy toy now." You let your head rest against the glass.
"Well, I don’t thank him," JJ muttered.
You lifted your head to look at him. "What?"
"You and Rafe are kind of a thing now, right?" JJ glanced at you, turning on the blinker. 
"I mean, I don’t think we're like...exclusive or whatever. I think it’s just we're seeing each other and seeing where it goes."  You answered, feeling a bit shy all the sudden.
"Well, your brilliant brother Barry got you seeing a cokehead who has some slight anger issues when he's sober and they are possibly worse when he's high," JJ stated.
"J, I-"
"Don't J me, Y/N. I'm being straight with you, okay? Rafe doesn’t have the best track record. He can be a bit...unpredictable."
"He's trying to get himself off coke." You defended him.
"I get that but listen to me. There’s going to be some trip-ups. He’s going to relapse at some point and if you confront him while he’s high or do one thing that sets him off when he's high, he might hurt you." JJ looked at you before looking back at the road, "I don’t want you to get hurt."
You placed your hand on his forearm. "JJ, I have faith in him and I know it’s going to be a bumpy road. But you know me. I want to help people through their toughest times. I believe Rafe genuinely cares about me and that I can help get him through this."
JJ looked at you before holding up his pinky. "Promise me that if he lays a hand on you in any threatening way that you'll dump his ass and tell me."
You took your hand off his arm and linked your pinky with his. "Promise. "
After finding out that Ward had the gold now, you couldn’t help but tear up a little and there was one person who you knew could help cheer you up.
"I can't tell if your eyes are red cause your high or cause you've been crying," Rafe commented as he set the bong on the table in front of him.
"I only had a hit off JJs blunt so it’s gotta be the latter." You admitted, heading over to the little couch to sit on.
Rafe felt his jaw clench at JJs name but unclenched it within seconds and caught you in his arms, pulling you onto his lap.
"Awe angel. What’s wrong?" He cooed, giving your jaw a little kiss.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "Let’s say something my friends and I really looked forward to getting is now gone. And Barry tried robbing my friends but that’s a whole different story."
Rafe nodded, hearing about his sister’s break-in the day it happened so he focused on the first part. "May I ask what this something was?"
Rafe rubbed small circles on your back as you thought about it.
"Not really but if I had what we were going to get, I would be on my way to getting emancipated and getting the hell out of here." Rafe leaned back and you placed your head on his shoulder. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
You shot Rafe a look. "Don’t play the dumb card."
"I’m fine," Rafe told you.
"Don't lie to me. Barry has been raging to me ever since your dad beat him and Whe-"
Rafe’s eyes widened, grabbing your chin and lifting your head so you were looking at him. "He's not hurting you for what my dad did, right? Cause I'll- I'll fucking kill him if he is."
"No, no, no. He's just been bitching about it." You reassured him, seeing him visibly relax, "but Wheezie told me you were here and that Ward kicked you out."
Rafe sighed, throwing his head back. "Blabbermouth."
"Rafe, why didn’t you tell me?"
"It’s my problem, not yours. Unlike Sarah who can’t do any wrong, I do everything wrong. That’s probably why he's taking Sarah to the Bahamas."
"What are you talking about?" You sat up.
"He's taking an impromptu trip to the Bahamas with his favorite kid even though I know way more about business than her." Rafe fumed.
You kissed his temple and played with his hair before stopping.
"Rafe, I have to go. I-I just remembered I’m supposed to be helping JJ with his English homework." You told him as you got off of his lap.
"What? It’s summer." Rafe pointed out, a confused look on his face.
"Well, yeah. But it's JJ so summer school, ya know." You laughed lightly before giving him a peck on the lips. "I’ll text you later, okay?"
And with that you left, leaving Rafe alone. He felt jealousy course this his veins before sighing. If JJ wanted him out of the picture and to take his place, he would've made up some lie about Rafe already that would've had him out of your life already.
He had to get used to the fact that JJ and you were close, always looking out for each other, making sure each other didn't get into any trouble.
And as hard as it was for him to swallow, you wouldn't drop JJ. Rafe had to share you with others.
And if there’s one thing he wasn’t the best at, it was sharing.
After Rafe had told you about Ward and Sarah’s trip to the Bahamas, you rushed to find your friends, running into Pope on the way, exchanging information as you guys made your way to your friends.
"So Ward killed Big John?" Disbelief laced your voice as you approached the dock.
Pope nodded his head, both of you panting as you came to a stop, the other three members of the group staring at you two.
You sat down on the ground as you placed your hands above your head and Pope stood, bent over with his hands on his knees.
JJ walked over to you and crouched down, rubbing your back as he looked between you and Pope.
"You guys okay?" Kie asked, eyebrows raised.
You both shook your heads.
"We ran all the way here." Pope panted.
"Why?" John B asked.
Pope pointed at you. "You first."
"Well...I-I went Tanneyhill to visit Rafe and um… Wheezie told me he wasn't there. Ward kicked him out after catching Rafe going through his safe to pay off Barry. Ward paid him off or whatever. He said some things about how Rafes a liar and a thief-"
"Wow. I'm so shocked." JJ deadpanned with an eye-roll.
You stared at him and he raised his hands in surrender, letting you continue. "So I went to check on him. See if he relapsed or anything. I asked him what was wrong and he-he said something about Ward and Sarah taking a trip to the Bahamas. Popcorning it to Pope."
"My dad said something about having to cut down some trees for Ward to extend the runway for his jet. Why would he need to extend his runway unless something heavy was in that plane?" Pope rushed out.
"We still have a chance." John B looked at everyone.
"To the twinkie!" Kie hopped up, taking off in a sprint.
JJ pulled you up and you groaned,  running after them.
"He's hurting her." John B said.
"What?" JJ looked over at his best friend.
"You guys watched as John B stormed towards the van.
"John B! Hey, man!" JJ hollered.
He slid into the driver’s side before slamming the door shut.
"JB! Think about this" Kie tried.
The van started and he charged the fence. JJ grabbed you and pulled you off to the side as you all watched him take off towards the plane.
"Oh my god. What is he thinking?" You whispered.
"I don’t think he is." JJ breathed out.
It wasn’t long before you heard police sirens.
"Come on. We have to go." Kie told you guys.
"Are you kidding me? We have to help him!" JJ shouted.
"JJ, listen to me. You are on probation. You, and I can’t stress this enough, cannot be here right now especially when that gun is in your bag. And don't say it’s not because I know it is." You attested, holding JJs shoulders.
JJ sighed, grabbing his hat from the ground and pulling it on his head before you all took off running.
Rafe’s hand was running through his hair as his other held the gun. Sheriff Peterkin laid on the ground as Ward spoke to him, showing his son that he had the Sheriff's walkie talkie.
Rafe looked past his dad to see John B walking backward.
"Hey. Hey! Where do you think you're going?" He shouted, lifting the gun again.
"John B, run." Sarah told him.
John B took off as Sarah and Ward stopped Rafe from going after him. Only one thought ran through his head as the curly haired boy ran off.
John B was going to tell you, which meant Rafe might lose you.
"Who's blood is that John B?" Kiara asked.
You were sitting next to Pope before you were standing up.
"Sheriff Peterkins." He answered numbly.
"What? How did her blood get on you?" JJ asked.
"Rafe shot Peterkin."
Your eyes widened. "What?"
"Rafe shot Peterkin, Y/N. She was going to arrest Ward and he shot her trying to protect his dad."
Your fingers immediately went to your necklace and you shook your head, tears in your eyes. "He wouldn’t."
"Y/N. Listen to me. Why would I lie about something like this? Rafe shot Peterkin in the back. I swear to you, on god, he did." He crouched down looking at you.
Your arms wrapped around your waist. "I think I'm gonna be sick." 
Popes immediately put his hand on your back. "We're sorry, Y/N." He mumbled.
"I didn’t think he'd murder someone." You whispered.
"No one could've known. Okay. Don’t beat yourself up over." Pope reassured you.
"I should've stayed with him."
Pope looked up at JJ and nodded towards you. JJ sighed, walking over to you and sitting down, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
"Y/N listen to me. It’s over, okay. It’s done. Its happened. Do not blame yourself because he decided to do something irrational."
Your fingers ran over the word ‘angel’ as you spoke. "I’m a fool. Getting involved with him."
Kie immediately shook her head. "No, you're not. He's a charmer, okay. A smooth talker. It’s fine. He told you he was going to change his bad habits and instead, he ended up doing something way worse than what he usually does."
Silence hung in the air for a minute before John B spoke. "We have to go to the police."
The four of you nodded, JJ turning his attention to you. "When’s the last time you ate?"
You shrugged.
"Let’s stop somewhere quick and get her something to eat. Something to-go."
"I’m not really hungry, J." You mumbled.
"Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you need to eat before you pass out or something. Even if it’s just chips."
JJ’s eyes bore into yours and you sighed, nodding, still messing with the necklace Rafe gave you.
"Can you drop me off at the beach on the way to the police station? And you can pick me up when you're done. I'll text one of you where I'm at." You asked.
Everyone looked at each other before nodding and heading towards the twinkie. Once in the van, you pulled out your phone and texted Rafe.
Beach. 15 minutes.
Rafe has been texting you since he got home and none of them had received an answer. Not even a read receipt which he would've taken at this point.
So when he finally got a text from you saying to be at the beach in 15 minutes, he wasted no time in throwing on some shoes and grabbing his car keys, practically sprinting to his car and speeding towards the beach. 
When he got there and stepped out of the car, he sent you a text.
Where are you?
 You were quick to reply.
 He made his way towards the dock and you sat on the edge, legs swinging as your hands gripped the wood.
"Hey, angel. You haven’t replied to any of my texts. I was getting worried that something happened to you." He greeted, the sight of you easing his nerves a little.
You stood up and ran a hand through your hair, looking out at the water. "I'm going to be blunt and ask you flat out... did you kill Sheriff Peterkin?"
Rafe hesitated for a second before letting out a light laugh. "What are you talking about, Y/N?"
You turned around, blinking back tears. "Did you kill Peterkin?" You asked slower. "And don't lie to me, Rafe. John B already told me but I want- no. I need to hear it from you. So, did you kill Peterkin?"
Rafe scratched the tip of his nose with his thumb, sighing. "I...I shot Peterkin. Yes."
You felt the tears threatening to spill so you dug the heel of your hands into your eyes. You gathered your thoughts before speaking once more. "Who did you and your father pin it on?"
"Rafe. Don't play fucking dumb with me. I know you're not stupid. We both know Ward wouldn’t want his family name being dragged like that so who the hell did you pin it on." You seethed.
"John B." Rafe whispered after a minute.
You shook your head in disbelief as Rafe grabbed your hands. "Listen, Y/N, angel. The first week of a relationship is always a little rocky. We'll work through it.”
You snatched your hands away from him. "It’s one thing to be there for your partner when they're going through a problem like addiction or something and to work through those issues. It’s an entirely different thing when your partner commits a murder. There is no way to work through it, Rafe. You killed someone. I knew there'd be ups and downs but I didn't think this would be one of them."
"Y/N, listen to me. Okay? I need you to listen to me. It's going to be fine. I can get two tickets to wherever you want to go. Belgium, Argentina, Greenland, Canada, London, New Zealand, wherever. Just tell me where and we'll go. Leave. Start fresh. Only bring a bag and a carry-on and we'll fly the hell out of here. Yeah? How does that sound, angel?"
You stared at him, mouth agape. "I cannot in good conscience flee the country with you or even be with you unless you try and be a better person."
Rafe licked his lips. "What do you want me to do? Recycle. Give to the poor. What?"
"Rafe. Doing all that doesn’t make up for the life you took."
"She was going to kill my dad, Y/N. What did you want me to do? Stand there and watch!"
"Despite what you think Rafe, you're dad isn’t a saint. He wasn’t going to get shot unless he tried something stupid, he was going to be arrested! Sheriff Peterkin found out that your dad killed Big John and possibly some other dirt on him. You and I both know you probably wouldn't be this way of he didn’t treat you as if you were dog shit on the bottom of his new Italian shoes. What do you think is gonna happen if the truth comes out? Hmm? That John B didn’t kill Peterkin but you did. You think your father is still going to be there and picking up the pieces. No! He'll sit there and let you rot in prison as long as it’s not him. As long as he's in the clear, he's not going to do shit. All he cares about is his image and if you get thrown in jail, he’ll just disown you. Say you're not his son when they ask for a comment from him. He will find a way to avoid going to prison, even if it means throwing his own son under the bus. We both know this Rafe. I’m sorry but it's the truth."
Your Y/E/C eyes bore into his dull blue ones that were once bright. You reached behind your neck and unlatched the necklace as you saw headlights pull up.
Rafe shook his head. "No."
"Take it, Rafe."
"I’m not taking it back Y/N."
"Rafe, just take the damn thing."
He shook his head as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I said no."
"Why not?" You asked trying to keep your voice from breaking.
"Because if I take it back then that means you're not mine anymore." He answered.
"Whether or not you take it back, I'm not yours until you right your wrongs cause this is a really big wrong that absolutely needs to be righted."
"Y/N!" You heard JJ call as footsteps made their way towards you. 
"Please, Rafe." You whispered, taking his wrist and prying his fingers open, laying the necklace in his palm. "It was a fun week." You whispered once more before running towards JJ, the tears finally falling.
"Y/N! Please don't leave me! Y/N! "Y/N!" Rafe screamed after you, but it was too late.
Rafe fisted his hair as he walked off the dock before taking his hand and punching a nearby trashcan.
The one motivation he had to change for the better had run away from him.
You sat next to JJ, head on his shoulder as he had an arm wrapped around your shoulders, your phone vibrating every 2 minutes.
"You get that thing you needed to do done?" He asked.
You nodded.
JJ desperately wanted to ask what the thing was that you needed to do. However, between John B being on the run from the cops and Pope and Kie being in the van, he knew he shouldn't ask considering everyone would tell him its none of his business.
So, he used his eyes to try and figure out what it was that you needed to do. After all, he's watched some Criminal Minds with you so he should be able to do this.
His eyes trailed over your body to figure it out. When he got to your neck, he noticed that the angel necklace that once adorned it was gone, leaving your neck bare.
Between that and what seemed like constant messages and calls, JJ figured you broke things off with Rafe.
Your phone started vibrating again and he gave you a small smile as he reached over and grabbed your phone.
He saw Rafe’s name and picture flashing across the screen before it stopped, a number five next to his name for the missed calls and twenty next to texts.
And then Rafe’s picture was back on the screen, staring at JJ. The blonde sighed and rolled his eyes, turning off your phone before putting it in his pocket.
He looked down at you to see the tear stains on your cheeks and your eyes dull, half-open as you blankly stared ahead of you.
"Why don't you sleep for a bit, Y/N/N? You look like you’ve had a rough day." JJ whispered into your ear.
"Mkay." You mumbled closing your eyes as JJ rubbed your arm.
JJ moved around so you could be a bit more comfortable, laying your head on his chest as he played with your hair to help you fall asleep faster.
Kiara looked at JJ.
"She okay?" She mouthed.
He only shrugged as he turned his attention to you.
"It's a lot to process." He mouthed back to Kie as he glanced back at her.
The curly-haired girl nodded as she watched JJ's gaze return to you. Your eyes were slowly closing as you worked on falling asleep, only focusing on JJs heartbeat and his fingers running through your hair as you tried to forget the last week.
But it’s hard to forget the last week when it felt like you were living in a fairytale. And for pogues, it was a nice change to feel like you were.
But I guess this goes to show that not all fairytales have happy endings. And that not all handsome princes are knights on steeds ready to be a hero.
Sometimes, they're the worst villain in the story.
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softboywriting · 4 years
Fight For You | Part 1
Summary: Your whole adult life you’ve dated mixed martial arts fighters, it comes naturally with working and living in and around the fighting circuits. After a fallout with your now ex-boyfriend you find a new place to start a new life where you find someone who is willing to fight for you as much as you are for him. Will you be able to build something beautiful or will your past come back to haunt you? [fighting] [asshole ex]
Word Count: 13k
Authors Note:  None of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics on any platform.
|Masterlist In Bio|
Moving to a new town in a new state is a fresh start for you. After a rough year dealing with an asshole boyfriend, leaving said boyfriend and losing your job, you have to find a new place in life. The world is a clean slate for you and Red Lake is where you’re ready to put down some roots and start over. Your best friend Jodi and her wife live there and they’re the closest thing to a real family you have left so choosing Red Lake was a no brainer.
"So, how's the apartment?" Jodi asks as she unlocks the back door of the gym where she works. Her wife Harlow is the owner and a former female MMA fighter. "It's not too shitty I hope."
"Oh I didn't get the apartment. I got the house on Garden Plaza. The one Harlow said her friend was renting out."
"Oh yeah! Fuck, I totally forgot." Jodi holds the door open for you and you wander into the back storage room. It's full of old mats and various pieces of equipment in need of repair. "When does the truck arrive with your stuff?"
"This week. The drivers said tomorrow but I'm not counting on it."
Jodi pushes open the door to the main hallway to the gym floor and nearly smacks into someone. "Holy shit!" She leans on the door and you step forward to see who she hit or just got scared by.
"Are you okay?" A voice says from beyond the door and a head pops out. "Sorry Jodi."
"God! Why are you here so early!" Jodi asks, ushering you out into the hall. She closes the door and you see a guy in a fitted black shirt and a pair of grey sweats standing behind the door. He's oddly familiar.
"Harlow asked me to come in and...wipe down the mats." The guy stares at you and you stare back. You know him. Those chocolate curls, soft eyes, and sharp jawline are unmistakably familiar. You just can't put your finger on it.
Jodi waves her hand in front of his face. "Shawn? Earth to Shawnie boy!"
Shawn Pierce. Shit, yeah it's coming back to you. Tate trained with him about a year ago when he was trying to get into the western region MMA championship circuit. You were never properly introduced but you did talk a few times. Tate didn't bring you by the gym a lot, he claimed you distracted him.
"You're Tate Greyson's girlfriend right?"
"Ex." Jodi snorts and you shove her shoulder. Shawn raises his eyebrows.
"I was, yes. We're not together anymore." You chuckle and shake your head. "Not that we were ever that together in the first place."
Shawn narrows his eyes at you and you shift uncomfortably. "Did he hit you?"
"What?" Your eyes go wide.
"The bruise on your collarbone."
Jodi leans in and pulls your shirt aside a little bit. "Oh shit, what happened?"
Suddenly you remember the bruise in question. You had fallen off the step ladder in your apartment back home while taking down your plant hangers. "I fell while packing up my apartment." You pull your shirt back to show Jodi more of the yellowing bruise. "I swear Tate never hit me. It's been months since I've seen him."
"Oh thank God." Jodi sighs and pulls out her keys. "I'd kill him myself if he touched you."
Shawn steps back and rubs his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
You lean against the wall as Jodi walks up the stairs to her office door. "No, it's fine. Tate is a bit of a loose cannon, but he never hit me."
"Yeah, he was a tough one." Shawn folds his arms, stretching the tee across his chest and you can't help but stare. He shakes his head. "He never did like to listen, always just wanted to swing hard and fast, no finesse."
"Should have seen him in bed. Same tactic."
Shawn's eyes widen and you realize you didn't really need to tell him that. You flush and he just laughs. "Man he must have pissed you off if you're out here dragging him like this."
"Yeah he did." You roll your eyes at the thought of Tate. Everything he did pissed you off. Silence falls between the two of you and you push off the wall. "I'll see you around?"
"I'm here just about every day." He puts his hand out for you awkwardly and you take it, giving an oddly formal shake. "Are you going to be here a lot?"
"Dunno. I got a job at Dixie's down the street but I work nights. So I might come around a bit."
Shawn drops your hand and runs his hand over his hair. "A waitress?"
"Bartender." You smirk and he grins. "You can stop by, I make a good gin and tonic. I'm allowed discounts for family and friends."
"I'm a friend then, eh?"
"Oh I'm sure you'll be a friend." You look him over and bite your lip. "Maybe more."
Shawn grins and you can't miss the pink that spreads across his cheeks. "You're bold. I like that." He steps back and turns to go out to the main floor. "I should get back to those mats now."
"Mmmhmm." You wave him off. "See ya."
Jodi clicks her tongue and you steps out of her office. "You are so predictable." She says from the top of the stairs.
You jog up to meet her and give her a look. "What? Because I think he's hot?"
"No, because he's a fighter." Jodi rolls her eyes and sinks into her chair as you follow her into the large room. "You only date fighters."
"Says the woman who married one!"
"Hey, I don't count. Harlow is the only fighter I ever dated and I didn't even know she was a fighter when we started going out."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever. So I got a type. Whoopty do."
"At least Shawn's a good one."
"You saying I have poor taste?"
Jodi picks up a few large envelopes and stares at you over them. "You're joking right? Tate? Remember that hot garbage of a few months ago?"
"Yeah but Chase before him wasn't garbage."
"Chase was a two month fling while you worked the circuit with me. Was he ever anything?"
You flop down onto the couch under the window that overlooks the gym. "I guess not. So what, Shawn's a fighter and I like fighters. Maybe he'll be a keeper."
"Ex fighter."
"Shawn's an ex fighter." Jodi types aways at her computer and you wait for her to continue. "He doesn't fight anymore. What?"
"He doesn't? Why? He looked healthy."
"Personal choice. Harlow has been trying to book him on the circuit for years. He keeps in shape and trains other fighters for Harlow but he's not getting in that ring for anything. It's a shame, he was a two time champion."
You look out the window to where Shawn is running along the mats on the far side of the gym with a towel. You wonder what made him stop competing. A guy like him could take out anyone his weight. No doubt. You'd seen him spare with Tate once when he trained with him. Shawn has the skill, what would drive him to waste it?
Dixie's is a hole in the wall kind of place. Definitely a local spot and everyone in town goes there. It's a bar and restaurant that serves your classic American staples, burgers, fries, steak and sandwiches. Nothing fancy, but the food is good and homemade. The day time crowd at Dixie's is mostly families, regular customers on their lunch breaks or afternoon meetups, occasionally a truck driver or two since it's on the edge of the town. The night time crowd at Dixie's is much different, very adult orientated. They didn't let kids in after eight since that's when most of the drunks and party goers start showing up. Most people know to avoid Dixie's for a late dinner lest you be caught up in a fight or have to listen to some guy babble on about the good ole days for four hours.
You work the night shift at the bar. You don't mind, you tended places much worse. Hell, you lived in Vegas for a year after graduation and that's where you learned to bartend. When you're raised in hell, the rest of the world doesn't seem so bad.
"Hey! You made it!" Carrie says from the door to the kitchen. "I was worried you wouldn't come back after last week."
"What? Greg? Please, I've dealt with a lot worse then having a drink thrown at me and being called a raging bitch." You place your purse under the counter behind the bar in a little safe. Carrie didn't fuck around when it came to safety and personal belongings in her bar.
"Oh thank God. Greg is an asshole but if you made it through the night with him I think you'll be alright."
"I worked in Vegas, Carrie." You grab your apron off the wall beside her. "I've seen shit. Greg, ain't shit."
Carrie looks incredibly relieved. "I've had four bartenders walk out because of him."
"Yeah, well, they weren't me." You wave to one of the waitresses, Sammy, coming in for her shift. The two of you hit it off really well last week so you're excited to work with her tonight."Besides, I'd like to stick around."
Carrie pushes open the kitchen door and you follow her in. "Oh yeah? Find a love interest?"
"I don't think I'd call him that yet. But I'm definitely interested." You grab a few plates off the warming table to help Carrie serve them. "We've met before."
"Oh wow, coincidence huh? You just moved here right?"
"Yeah. It's so weird, but he's a fighter who trained with my ex boyfriend a year ago. I guess I'm bound to meet people from the same circuit."
Carrie chuckles and leads the way with her arms full of plates. "You like those fighters huh? We got a lot of those type around here."
"I do." You fall silent as you help Carrie serve the large group of middle aged people at the front of the seating area. As soon as you're done Carrie walks with you to the bar.
"Anyway, those fighters are always coming in here. I don't mind the business of course, they eat a lot. But some of them also drink alot and bar fights between fighters is a nightmare."
"Don't worry, I can handle them." You wipe out some glasses on the drying station and Carrie starts going through the liquor stock to see what she needs to bring out of the back for the night. "I swear, I'm sticking around."
Carrie pauses and looks over at you. "You seem pretty set on it."
"Yeah, I am. Things are good here. I have my own place, I'm near my best friend, there's a hot fighter who I wanna get to know. It's good. A fresh start."
"I'm happy for you dear." Her hand comes down on your shoulder and you look over at her. She's smiling, her big round glasses sitting too low on her nose. She blows a stray curl out of her face and pats your shoulder a few times. "You're a good kid."
"I try to be." You chuckle. "Anyway, looks like it's kicking off early tonight." You point at a group of guys who have just walked in, some fighters by the looks of them. Out of circuit fighters, the kind who drink too much and let their bodies get weakened by alcohol. You scoff to yourself. Frat boys with too many muscles and big dreams but no dedication. A bunch of Tate Greysons'. It's gonna be a long night.
"Pierce! Focus!" Harlow yells from the office doorway at the top of the stairs. Shawn is standing in the ring with his client for the day but he keeps looking over at you where you're talking to Jodi near the bathrooms.
You look over and bite your lip, knowing you got him in trouble. "Anyways, as I was saying," you turn back to Jodi and she's grinning. "What?"
"Harlow is gonna kick his ass if he doesn't stop gawking at you." She looks up at her wife through the window and she's pacing the office, watching Shawn like a hawk. "You're quite a distraction."
"I don't mean to be. I'm just standing here for fucks sake." You gesture to your jeans and plain tee shirt. "I'm not even dressed up!"
Jodi laughs. "Shawn's just soft, he's got your attention and he doesn't want to lose it. I don't know the last time he had a girlfriend."
"Really?" You look back. "A guy like him has been single for-" Shawn gets clocked in the head. "Oh shit."
Jodi sighs. "Moron."
You jog over to the ring and hold onto the cage, staring at Shawn on the ground. "Are you okay?!"
"Dude, you went down like a sack of bricks." The other fighter says, kneeling on one knee beside Shawn. "Dude?"
"Is he knocked out?" You ask, walking along the ring to climb the stairs at the open entryway. "Shawn?"
"I haven't been hit that hard in years." Shawn groans, eyes closed. "Good left hook, Connor."
"Thanks, but for real are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Shawn sits up and holds his head. "Y'know no matter how many fights you're in, and how much training you do, getting hit hurts worse when you're not expecting it."
"Getting hit hurts in general." You laugh and help him up on his feet. "And you would have expected it if you weren't staring at me."  
Connor snickers.
"I was not staring." Shawn stretches his arms and shakes off the hit.
"Yeah? Why'd you get hit then?"
"We're sparing."
"Uh huh." You look to Connor. "Did he seem distracted?"
"Mmm thought so." You turn and walk out of the cage with a glance back with a small smile.
Shawn calls out to you as you cross the gym floor. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!"
"Stop staring at me and actually talk to me is what it means!" You laugh and meet up with Jodi outside the office. "God he's ridiculous."
"He hasn't asked you out yet?"
"No! It's been a week since we met. He just stares at me when I'm here and occasionally says no more than four words to me." You glance over and Shawn and Connor have changed positions so Shawn is with his back to you. "I think he's shy."
"Shawn? Nah. He's sweet, always has been. I think he's just cautious because he knows you just got out of a relationship, and one with a former trainee of his too. I'd be cautious."
"Well light a fire under his ass for me will you?"
Jodi gives you a thumbs up. "I'll get right on that boss. Matchmaker Jodi Price is on the case!"
"Oh shut up. Just talk to him?"
"I will." Jodi grabs her keys from Harlow as she steps out of the office. "We'll be back later honey."
"I'll pick up dinner." Harlow looks out at Connor and Shawn. "If I'm late it's because I've got two man-children to deal with."
"Easy on him. He's got feelings for our girl here."
Harlow rolls her eyes. "I don't pay him to have feelings."
"You're such a hardass, Harlow." You laugh and she smirks. "I promise I'll try not to stop in too much when he's training Connor."
"Yeah yeah." Harlow waves you off. "Get out of here, go have fun."
"Picking up furniture at Ikea isn't fun." Jodi says in annoyance.
"Mmhmm. Sure its not. Bye bye." Harlow walks toward the window to the gym floor and you wave goodbye.
"Come on." You put your arm around Jodi's shoulders. "Let's go build some skeptical furniture and relive the good ole days."
Jodi laughs. "Yeah, the good ole days of duct taped chair legs and book balanced tables. God I hope these Ikea things will be better than our crap back then."
"I'm sure it'll be fine."
Building furniture is a nightmare. You and Jodi spend an hour putting together a dresser that you end up abandoning in favor of Chinese take out and a rerun of Chopped you hadn't seen before while sitting on the boxes for your nightstand and kitchen cart. You still have both of those items plus your bed frame to build. You'll get to it eventually.
Eventually leads to three days later and you still have the boxes propped against the wall of your living room where you and Jodi abandoned them after dinner. Every day you walk past them and think, maybe that day, but then you keep going. It's not until today, Friday, your day off, that you might actually get them built.
"Hey, what're you doing tonight?" Shawn asks as he steps down out of the cage. You've been watching him spar with one of the other trainers for an hour now after stopping by to help Jodi read over some paperwork for the gyms lease.
He grins. "Yeah, you."
"Building furniture for my house."
He chuckles and sinks into the chair next to you, observing two fighters now sparing on the mats nearby. "Sounds like a wild time."
"Oh it will be. I'll probably decide to get drunk halfway through and just say fuck it again." You laugh to yourself. "Drunk lonely furniture building on a Friday night. I've reached my peak at age twenty four."
"Need some help?" Shawn looks over and you raise your eyebrows. He is really making a move. Finally.
"You sure you don't have some floors to clean or something?" You ask, referencing the last time he tried to get out of your attempt to instigate a date. He is a weird one, definitely interested but hesitant for some reason. You get what Jodi said, about him being cautious because of your past with Tate but it's been almost five months. You're ready to move the fuck on. You gotta make it clear to this man you're ready.
Shawn smiles and looks away. "Okay, fair enough. Just call me out why don't you?"
"Yeah? You realize you've been dragging this out?"
"Yeah yeah. So can I come over?"
You grin and cross your arms. "I guess. What do you drink?"
"Tequila?" He says with a smirk as he starts unwrapping his hands.
"I'm not buying tequila. I don't know about you but tequila fucks me up and I will make some bad decisions."
"Me too, maybe we should go for it then."
"Absolutely not." You reach over and grab Shawn's hand as he picks at a piece of the fabric that's tucked too tightly under another. "How about we just start with some hard lemonade or something?"
Shawn smiles and closes his big hand over yours. "It's a date then?"
"Is it a date?"
"Could be."
"Let's just call it hanging out for now." You place the coiled up wad of wrapping fabric in Shawn's hand. "Now, I'm going to get lunch at Dixie's. You want something?"
"Nah, I brought lunch." Shawn looks over at the sitting area where Harlow has set up a refrigerator, a stand with a microwave and a few little tables with chairs. "Leftover chicken and rice."
You stand and Shawn stands with you. He flexes his hand a few times to work out the stiffness of it being bound too tight in the wrapping. You head for the office stairs to see if the ladies want lunch too. "I'll let you know when I'm heading home so you can follow me."
"Works for me."
"Oh, and don't wrap your hand so tight next time." You point at his hand. "You should know better."
Shawn grins sheepishly. "Maybe someone else should wrap it for me?"
"Maybe." You smile and he just grins.
"Hey Jodi have you seen- oh." Shawn leans against the door as he looks between you and Jodi on the couch in the office. It's almost seven and you had completely lost track of time.
"Whatcha doing?"
Jodi holds her half wrapped hand up to show Shawn. "Teaching her to wrap."
Shawn smirks. "Your ex never taught you?"
"Tate didn't like having me around too much when he was fighting. He said I distracted him. So I didn't get to wrap his hands but once or twice."
"What a dick. Well I'm done cleaning up for the day, are you ready to go?"
Jodi raises her eyebrows. "Y'all have a date? And you didn't tell me?"
"It's not a date." You roll your eyes. "He's just going to help me with the furniture."
"So he's gonna be at your house with you alone?"
"Yes." You stand and Jodi unwinds her hand. "Now don't say another word missy." Jodi just snickers and you grab your purse. "Let's go Shawn."
An hour into furniture building and you're sure you're going to combust. Shawn is so big and thick, and close. He's in a pair of tight black jeans and a black tank top, having forgone his shirt almost as soon as you started working. He is just...he's too much. You thought Tate was big, you thought Tate was ripped and he was but not like Shawn. The way Shawn is built and the way he moves so fluidly is just...it's enough to stop your heart.
"Hey, hello?" He waves his hand in your face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine?"
"Did you hear me?"
Shawn chuckles and leans back on his forearms. "What'd I say?"
"Nope. I asked you if you wanted to get dinner."
"Oh." You push your hair back out of your face and look up at the clock over your kitchen table. "It's almost eight. Shit."
"So? Do you work tomorrow?"
"Yeah in the evening, but I didn't mean to keep you this late."
"It's not late?" Shawn laughs. "It's no big deal. I'm off tomorrow. I'll order something and we'll keep putting together this bed frame, sleeping on a mattress on the floor is bad for your back."
"Mmmhmm. Sure you don't just want to stay late to get me on this bed after we put it together?"
Shawn sits up, leans forward onto his hands and knees, face close to yours as he pushes himself up off the floor. "Oh I'll be much more upfront when I wanna do that." He pulls out his phone and you flush hot. "What sounds good? Pizza? Wings? Chinese?"
"Don't you need to eat healthy?"
"I do." He smiles over at you. "It's alright to indulge now and then."
"None of this is going away because I eat some pizza now and then." He gestures up and down himself. "I know that sounds incredibly pretentious but I worked hard for this strength. I'm having pizza." He puts the phone up to his ear and walks around the room aimlessly as it rings.
"Tate never wanted to get dinner. He said it'd ruin his diet." You stand and look around at the scattered pieces of the bed frame and your stomach rumbles loudly.
"Yeah because he was an idiot." Shawn says softly before answering the phone and placing an order for a medium taco pizza.
You raise your eyebrows and he grins. How did he happen to know your favorite pizza? There was no way he could have known or guessed. Taco pizza was not an every day order.
"Thank you bye." He pockets his phone. "Anyway Tate was obsessed with his eating habits. I remember sitting him down and explaining that he actually needs to eat real food and not protein shakes and supplements for every meal. He didn't ever listen though."
"Yeah he was an idiot, okay, but how did you know I like taco pizza?"
"Wild guess."
"Uh uh. Who told you?"
Shawn holds his hands up. "Honest to God, you want the truth?"
"Yeah. Who was it?"
"No one. Seriously, it was a wild guess. I like taco pizza and I noticed you have little taco magnets on the fridge and a taco pillow on your couch so I figured maybe you like them too. Seriously, it was a shot in the dark."
You stare at him slack jawed. He had been in your house for an hour and he noticed your taco magnets? That was...just so...weird? What else did he notice? You look around your room suddenly very self conscious of everything you have sitting on the dresser and nightstand. "I...I don't know what to say about that."
"About what?"
"About how observant you are."
"Oh. Should I not be?"
"N-no, I mean, it's fine? I've just never had someone pay attention to my stuff I guess."
Shawn chuckles and gets down on his knees to start taking the rest of the bed frame pieces from the box. You definitely don't miss how his ass is perfectly accentuated by the dip of his jeans. "Well, I like your place, it's interesting and cozy. Sorry if that's weird, I don't mean it to be."
"It's fine." You get down next to him, eyes still on his butt and he hands you a bag of screws. "It's just different. You're different." He leans forward to grab a bar from the frame and the way his back curves makes you want to grab his ass so bad. It's perfectly round and you just want to feel it so badly.
He glances over with a smile as he sits back on his knees. "Is that good?"
"W-what?" You feel a flush on your cheeks. Was he talking about your staring? Was he good? Because yes, a thousand times yes he was.
"Is it good that I'm different?"
"Oh! Yeah, very good." You smile and look down with a chuckle as you dump the bag of screws into a little Tupperware bowl he hands you that you've been using for small parts so nothing gets lost. "I like different."
"Me too." He grins and you meet his eyes. "Let's get this bed together so we can relax when the pizza gets here."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Busy night?"
You look up from the back of the bar and see Shawn sitting a few seats down from you. He's smiling, hair pushed back looking like a damn angel in his white tee. The bar has been crowded for two hours now, a huge bachelor party of some sort taking up most of the space in the building. You and Sammy have been working double time to get food and drinks out as quick as possible. Big parties of guys meant big tips, keep them happy, keep that tip growing.
"Yeah." You glance over to the loud crowd nearby. "Bachelor party."
"I see. Must be fun?"
"For me or them?"
You chuckle and walk down to stand in front of him. "Is it fun making drinks? Yes. Is it fun watching a bunch of twenty some year olds get hammered while getting hit on by every one of them? Not so much."
Shawn waves off a drink offer as you gesture to the bar behind you. "I just came by to see how you were doing. You haven't been by the gym in a few days."
"Oh, you noticed." You lean back and smile. "I've been working doubles. Carrie has had a cold and I didn't want her to push herself. I'm a lot younger, I can't handle a few days of work."
Shawn cracks open a peanut from the bucket on the counter for customers. "You're a sweetheart." He grins and pops the peanut in his mouth. "Glad you're alright though."
"Did you think I was avoiding you?"
"Nah. Well, a little?" He chuckles and hangs his head. "Honestly I thought I fucked up the night we put together your bed."
You step forward and fold your arms on the counter in front of him. "I'd tell you if you fucked up. Trust me, you haven't done anything to put me off."
"Good. What do you say to lunch Wednesday?"
"I'd say I hope you like Dixie's pulled pork special because that's where I'll be."
"You work dayshift again?" He shakes his head.
"Yep. My last double."
"Okay, alright. I'll stop by?"
"I'd love it."
Shawn looks over at the party of guys getting loud again. "I'm gonna head out before that gets too wild. Stay safe honey."
"Bye Shawn." You roll your eyes at his ridiculous pet name and he waves as he heads out.
"How's Connor doing?" You ask as you watch the young fighter spar with one of the other guys while Shawn is taking a break in the office.  
"The kid is insane. He's fast, strong, smart too. He reminds me of myself when I was nineteen."
You look over and Shawn is tossing a stress ball up at the ceiling casually. "Connor is nineteen?"
"Yeah." He looks over with a grin. "Why? Thought he was cute?"
"Shawn! God, no. I'm just surprised Harlow took on a guy that young."
"I was too. I remember when Connor walked into this gym. He was a short little sixteen year old with no intention of doing anything but bulking up a bit."
"He didn't wanna be a fighter?"
"Nope." Shawn chuckles. "He came to take some HIIT classes and some CrossFit bullshit Harlow had let a trainer do for a few months. I think once he saw me and Mike in the ring he caught the bug."
You watch as Connor takes down his opponent, pinning him to the mat. Shawn's right, he is fast and strong for his size. His practice opponent is easily twenty pounds heavier than him and he is taking him down like it's nothing. "You think he's gonna make it to championship finals?"
"He going to make it to nationals if I have any say in it. He has what it takes, he's got the heart and soul of a fighter. You don't see that everyday. I've trained a lot of guys in the last few years and they just don't have what Connor has."
"Has any of your trainees made it to the championship circuit?"
"No. Not yet." Shawn looks over and you chuckle. "What? You think I'm not good at training?"
"Not that. I'm just laughing because your last trainee was Tate right?"
"He definitely didn't have what it takes."
"He didn't. He couldn't listen, just wanted to do what he thought was right. You'd think when a two time western champion and two time national finalist takes the time to train you, you might try and give a fuck." Shawn sits up and squeezes the shit out of his stress ball. "Tate honest to God pissed me off like no other."
You raise your eyebrows and giggle. How funny it was that the two of you shared the same distaste for Tate. "He was something."
"No. He's nothing and he's never going to be until he gets his head out of his ass."
"You think so? I'm sure you've thought the same thing."
You smirk. "I've definitely thought worse."
"And I'm harsh?"
"I haven't said it out loud." You scoff and lean back in Jodi's chair. "But someone should."
Shawn stands and walks over to the desk. He leans forward and smirks. "I'd tell that sorry piece of shit every single thing you wish you could say to him. I'd hand deliver it to him right in his smug fuckin jaw."
"Easy tiger." You run your hand up his arm, fingers curling against bicep and he drops his head. "No need for the violence. Fighting is an art not a brawl."
"I'm using your own words against you?" You smirk and stand up, checking a message on your phone from Sammy about stopping by for tips from last night.
Shawn straightens up with a grin and shakes his head. "You remember me telling Tate that?"
"It's the first thing I ever heard you say to him."
"Tate is a dumbass for losing a woman like you, y'know?"
"Yeah." You walk around and past Shawn toward the door. "But if he wasn't, I wouldn't have ever found a man worth fighting for."
Wednesday afternoon is a shit show. For some reason there are a couple day drinkers in at the bar and they won't stop bugging Sammy. She's covering a shift for one of the other waitresses, Megan, since it's her birthday and she's seriously regretting it. Day shift is supposed to be easy. The worst part being an occasional kid throwing food around. Poor girl.
"I just can't do it," Sammy hisses as she stands beside you at the end of the bar at the wash station. "That guy over there has been harassing me non stop. I've tried everything to get him to fuck off."
You take a look over at the end of the bar and you know exactly which guy it is. He's in his thirties, probably an insurance broker or real estate agent by the looks of his tailored suit and gray temples. He looks older than he should. There's a glass of whiskey in his hand that you served him about ten minutes ago. He's the one you were about to cut off and send packing anyways.
"Want me to make him leave?"
"Do you have a bouncer?" Sammy glances over your shoulder. "Because I don't think he's going to leave so easily."
"Well, how about we make him realize you're not into him?"
"By doing what?"
You smirk and set down your dirty glasses into the sink. "I can stage kiss you. I used to do it all the time with my friends back in Vegas." You look down at the guy. He'd definitely fall for it, he was too drunk to see straight. "We'll make a show of it."
"I don't know." Sammy twists her hands in her apron. "Maybe he'll just leave?"
"Sammy. He's not gonna leave if he thinks he has even an inkling of a chance." You pull Sammy down the bar closer to where the creep is sitting. "It's up to you. He's watching us right now."
"Okay, okay." She shakes her hands out and puts her hand on your shoulder, going up to your neck. You can see her glance over at the guy. "It's working he's watching intently."
"Good." You cup her cheek and bring your other hand up to here jaw and cover her mouth with the side or your palm as you pretend to kiss her. "Is he looking?"
You pull back and give Sammy a hug before going down the bar to the creep. "Do you need a refill on that?" You ask, pointing to his nearly empty glass. You weren't really going to give him a refill, he'd had more than enough.
"No." He grumbles and stands up. "I'm going home." He passes you his credit card and you settle his tab. "Thanks."
Sammy beams from her spot by the liquor shelves. "I can't believe that worked!"
"Almost every time." You walk over and hand her the ones the creep had left as a tip under his cup. "For you dear."
"Thanks." Sammy pockets the bills and smiles. "I wish I had you years ago."
"Well I'm here now." You ruffle her hair and she ducks away. "Do me a favor?"
"Keep an eye out for Shawn? He is supposed to be coming in for lunch."
"Ohhh." Sammy smirks. "You got a little crush on the big boy?"
"Obviously." You toss your bar rag over your shoulder and head for a lady who's just walked up at the end of the bar. "How couldn't I?"
"He's a good one!" Sammy laughs and heads off to check on her tables while you get back to bartending.
Shawn never showed up for lunch. You can't say you weren't a little disappointed since you had made plans, but you understand that he may have gotten busy at the gym. Things happen. It isn't a big deal.
You stop by the gym the next day to help Jodi with registration for the fall championship circuit for the western region. She had to have all of the fighters from Harlow's registered and ready to go by Monday. It is a ton of paperwork and you know what to do, so you volunteer to help out before work.
"Can you go get Jack for me? I need to talk to him about getting me a copy of his physical."
"Yep." You push away from her desk and head out the door. The locker rooms are to the right of the main floor of the gym and you head there first.
"Dude, I saw her kissing Sammy."
You freeze and listen to the conversation you've walked up on. It's clearly Shawn.
"So? What's the big deal?" It's Connor.
"I thought she was into me. We've been flirting and stuff and then I walk into Dixie's for lunch and she's kissing the waitress! I thought she was into guys!"
Connor laughs and sighs. "I dunno dude."
"I can be into both." You say, stepping into view and getting a good look at Shawn in nothing but a towel. He's dripping wet and it's so hard to focus on the conversation at hand, you have to look away. "Maybe if you wanted to know what was going on, you should ask me?"
Connor's eyes go wide and he looks between the two of you before ducking his head and squeezing around Shawn to make himself scarce.
"I know you can like whoever you want...I just thought..."
"Shawn." You walk over to him and lay your hand on his chest. He's warm and damp and oh Lord when he shifts you can feel the muscle flex. "Relax. I pretended to kiss Sammy so a guy at the bar would stop harassing her."
"Is that why you didn't show up for lunch?"
"Yeah." He rubs the back of his neck. "I walked in and saw that kiss and I didn't know what to think. I'm sorry, I should have asked you."
"It's fine. I probably would have been really confused too." You look him over and he smirks. "I swear I'm still very much into you."
"Yeah? Enough to go on a real date?"
"Mmm I think it's time we did. Any plans?"
Shawn grins. "I have a few. How's this Saturday night sound?"
"I'm off. What time?"
"Six? I'll pick you up. Wear something comfortable and not too fancy."
You raise your eyebrows and he just keeps smiling. "Alright. I'll see you then. In the meantime, have you seen Jack? We need a copy of his latest physical for the registration."
"He's probably out on the floor. If you didn't see him, check the backroom because he might be resting on the spare mats."
"In the storage area?"
"Yeah." He chuckles. "He likes to meditate and listen to his audio books back there to relax."
"Oh. Well thanks." You pat Shawn's chest and he traps your hand under his, curling his fingers around yours. "Yes?"
He bites his lip and shakes his head before releasing your hand. "Nothing. Go on."
"See you in a bit."
"Do you still do photography?" Harlow asks you Friday day while you, her and Jodi sit in their living room while going over travel plans for the out of state fights in this year's competition.
"A little bit. I don't do anything professionally anymore."
"But you have your camera?"
"Yeah of course and my lenses. Why?"
Harlow grins. "If I hire you, will you do the photography for the website? I need pictures of all the guys for the brackets this year."
"Sure I can do that. I think I have a my backdrop stuff still as well."
"You'll probably get to photograph Shawn too." Jodi pipes up from where she's typing away at the laptop. "You could take a few just for yourself."
Harlow groans and shoves her wife's shoulder. "I'm hiring her for a professional shoot, quit teasing her."
"Yeah yeah."
"What time do you want me to stop by? I'm free this weekend and next Thursday all day. Otherwise I work after six."
"Stop by whenever you want. I'm sure it'll take a few days to get all the fighters done and we have a few weeks before fights start. We'll start with Connor when you do get set up. He's my headliner. I'm banking on him hard so I want his photos to be really good."
"Yes ma'am."
"So you're doing photos for Harlow?"
You look over at Shawn from the passenger side of his truck. He'd picked you up at a little after six and still wouldn't tell you where you're going. He did make you change into an old pair of jeans instead of the black skinnies you had on and promised you wouldn't regret it. You're almost convinced he's taking you mudding outside of town because you've been driving for twenty minutes and you're still not sure where the hell you are.
"Yeah, I'm doing photos for her? Why?"
"No reason, I was curious."
"You want me to take pictures of you too?"
"I'm not a fighter in the circuit."
Shawn looks over and raises his eyebrows. "So why would you take pictures of me?"
"Because you're gorgeous." You look out the window away from him, heart racing at your admission. "I'd die to photograph you in action. You're a rarity, perfect from every angle. It'd be a treat."
"I had no idea you were so into photography. That's awesome." He bumps your leg and you look over. "I'd love to see what kind of photos you take at matches."
"I've taken some good ones. But like I said, I really want to photograph you."
He chuckles. "Sorry sweetheart. I'm retired." He turns the truck down a dirt road toward a big sign that says Pierce Ranch.
"You have a farm?"
"No, my uncle does."
"Why are we going to your uncle's farm?"
"Because I'm taking you horseback riding."
"What? You're serious?"
Shawn turns the truck into a long driveway in front of a big sprawling house. "Dead serious. My uncle is out of town for a few days and he said we could come out and spend some time out here."
You sit stunned in silence. Horseback riding as a first date. Who thought of that? It's so off the wall and incredibly romantic.
"Should we go back?"
You snap out of your thoughts and look over at Shawn as he kills the engine in front of a set of garages. He looks worried. "No, why?"
"You're really quiet. If you don't want to do this we can just go to dinner or something. I know it's kind of different and-"
"I want to go horseback riding."
"Oh." He smiles big and you can see the relief on his face. "Okay good. I'm really looking forward to having you meet my favorite horse."
You put your hand on the door to get out. "I can't wait."
An hour later and you're set up on a horse named Butters, his favorite, and you're strolling along side Shawn on a well worn path around some trees behind the barns. You were nervous at first, needing Shawn's help to stay on the horse but eventually you got the hang of it.
"So, you must really like horses then?" You giggle, looking over at Shawn during a lull in conversation.
"Yeah. I used to spend every summer here with my Uncle Carlos. I still come out here pretty often when I need to relax and get away from it all."
"Ahh, I can see why. It's nice." You bite your lip and glance over. "Can I ask you something?"
"Yes?" He chuckles. "Usually that's how dates go."
"Why don't you fight anymore?"
Shawn is quiet. You know it's a sore subject, seeing as no one really wanted to get too in depth when they talked about Shawn's past. You're curious though. A man like him with his skills and experience could still be in the ring.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."
"No, I-I knew you'd ask eventually." He sighs and guides the horses to a clearing in the trees. He slides off and hitches his horse and then yours to a tree before helping you down.
"Seriously, you seem uncomfortable to talk about it. We don't have to."
Shawn stuffs his hands into his pockets as the two of you head for a bunch of rocks. There's a stream nearby and you can hear the water trickling along the rocks you're walking toward. This place is incredibly serene and you feel bad for bringing up such a tense subject when the date has been going so well.
"So, three years ago I won my second championship." Shawn drops down onto a large flat boulder. "But, the fight was so intense I almost killed my opponent. Now I know, fights get rough and tension runs high in the ring when there's a lot of money and a title at stake. It wasn't about that though. I kicked my opponent so hard he dropped, he just went down, lights out. It wasn't until after everything was said and done I found out he had serious brain trauma from the fight, particularly from my kick."
You sit down next to Shawn and grab his hand. He rubs his thumbs over your fingers gently before continuing.
"I found out he had a newborn baby. I accidentally almost killed this man and took him away from his child because of a sport. I had to stop after that. I couldn't do it anymore."
"Oh Shawn." You squeeze his hand and he looks at you. "You didn't kill him though. He's fine, he's alive and with his child. It is part of the risks you take as fighters."
"I know. I just couldn't deal with that sort of thing happening again. I've made my peace with it and with fighting."
"I understand." You scoot a little closer and he runs his free hand over his hair. "You're a great trainer. Maybe being a fighter isn't for you anymore, but your skills aren't wasted this way. Do you want to fight?"
"To be completely honest, yes. I want to fight every single day, I itch to compete and I think that's why I push Connor so hard. I'm living vicariously."
"Maybe you could do some small time stuff? Not such high stakes?"
"I can't." He shakes his head. "When I'm in the ring I don't stop, I fight hard until I'm out or I win. It's all or nothing."
"Yeah. But anyways, I'm happy training." He smiles, soft and small but genuine nonetheless. "I'm proud to be training a fighter like Connor."
"Good. That's what matters." You bite your lip and giggle to yourself. "I much rather see you like this then all beat up anyway."
"Oh yeah? Not into the black eye and busted lip look?"
"Not on you." You reach out and tenderly turn his face to you. "You're too gorgeous to see damaged."
"I'm gorgeous?" Shawn smirks and runs his hand over your hair. "I think you're mistaken. You're the gorgeous one here." He cradles your face in his hand and just stares at you lovingly.
"No, definitely not." There's a moment where you're both staring at each other's lips and you both know that you want to make a move but it's too soon. Or is it?
Shawn's hand slides away from your face and he stands, offering to help you up. "Let's go back. I've got stuff to make dinner."
"You're making me dinner?"
He hauls you up against him. "Mmhmm. You can help if you'd like." He holds you steady by your hips. "How does spaghetti and meatballs sound?"
"Really good."
"Good." He puts his arm around your shoulders and starts walking back to the horses. "Because when we both have garlic breath the rest of the night won't matter."
You laugh and he just beams at you. "You're something else." You run your hand over his back and he leans his head on yours. "I like it, I like you."
"I like you too."
Wednesday night comes around again quicker than ever and Dixie's is crawling with people. All the fighters from Harlow's have showed up to celebrate the announcement of the western circuit championship bracket. Shawn shows up a little after nine and you can't help the smile that spreads across your face. He smiles back and makes your heart beat faster. Things have been going incredibly well with him since the date at the ranch. You're falling hard and fast and you don't really want to stop.
"Hey darling," Shawn says over the loudness as he leans against an empty spot at the bar. "How's it going?"
"Packed! Harlow brought all the guys and their friends and families in! It's crazy."
"Good for business though."
"Very. Carrie is moving faster than I've ever seen her go. We've had to pull Dave from the kitchen twice to help me catch up with drinks. We're gonna need to restock." You laugh and point back at the bar. "My tips are racking up fast too."
Shawn looks you over in your required black tee and apron. It's nothing special, but you know it looks good on you and so does he. "You deserve every dollar you get tonight. You're working hard."
"I am. Can I get you something?"
"Just a diet coke is fine. I'm taking it easy in case anyone needs a ride home tonight."
You turn around and fill a glass from the soda guns attached to the counter. "Enjoy yourself, you got most of these guys to this competition after all."
Shawn raises his drink to that and smiles. "I'm going to go hang out with Connor and Jack. I'll check in later?"
"I'll be here."
Two hours later and you are pushing through the kitchen doors to find Carrie. There's a guy who's harassing you and he's way more wasted then he should be, you've only served him three drinks and they weren't that strong. You suspect he may be taking something along with his drinks and Carrie won't have that sort of activity in her establishment.
"We've got a problem." You state angrily, gripping the doorway to the walk in cooler. "It's that asshole who's been trying to get my number since he sat down."
"Yeah?" Carrie turns to look at you as she hauls out a box of burger patties for the cooks. "Is he tweaked out?"
"I think so. He just grabbed my chest when I leaned over to hand some drinks to a guy beside him."
Carrie is livid, her eyes look like she could kill a man with her bare hands and possible has before. "Oh he's gone, I'm gonna-"
A loud crash from beyond the kitchen stuns you both and not a second later Dave, the line prep cook, throws open the door to the backroom and says there's a fight in the front area. Carrie drops the box of burgers in the cooler and closes the door as she hightails it to the front with you on her heels.
The scene before you is not pretty and immediately you think that it's one of the fighters involved. You're right. It's a fighter. But not a current one. It's Shawn and he is standing in front of the bar squared up with the drunk grabby handed guy. There is an overturned table and chairs and you think Shawn's already knocked the asshole down once, or he stumbled into the table and fell.
"Shawn!" You try to yell over the crowd but it's way too loud.
Carrie pushes past you and shoves her tiny frame through the crowd. You decide to go around to get behind the bar and as soon as you do you see a mess of shattered glass and ice on the floor.
"Shawn!" You shout, hands cupped around your mouth. "Shawn stop!"
He isn't listening or he can't hear you. Either way he's swinging at the drunk guy again in defense and before anything can get worse, the cops show up. You watch as the crowd separates and drunk grabby hands gets cuffed while Shawn tries to talk to the cops. It's no use and you watch them walk Shawn out of the bar as well.
You lean on the counter with your back to the door as the two guys get escorted out. Great. You can't help but feel like this is your fault. Shawn must have seen the move grabby hands pulled and approached him. You run your hand over your hair and look to Carrie as she steps behind the bar.
"God damn fighters. This is such a mess!"
"Yeah it is." You chuckle dryly to yourself. "It sure is."
You didn't think you'd ever be waiting in the lobby of a police station at three in the morning but here you are. Harlow was going to come with, in fact she was going to go alone and bail Shawn out but Jodi was absolutely trashed and you know she needed to take care of her over Shawn, so you said you would go. Besides, you wanted to talk with him one on one about the fight and why it happened.
You hear Shawn before you see him. He's coming down the hall behind the check in desk. "What do you mean my girlfriend came and-"
"Hey," you wave and he walks over to you quickly and hugs you tight.
"Thank God you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay. What would have happened to me?"
Shawn pulls you back and holds your face. "I couldn't find you after that guy put his hands on you. I was worried you left Dixie's or he did something."
"Shawn, he was wasted. What was he going to do to me? He could hardly stand."
"I don't know. I approached him after I saw what happened and he was talking all this shit like what he wanted to do to you. God it was disgusting, and then I didn't see you around and I panicked."
You cup his face and he has a bruise blossoming on his left jaw. "So your instinct was to fight him?"
"He came at me. I was just going to get some of the guys to help me escort him out but he started swinging as soon as I said he needed to go."
"Well it's done and over with now." You turn and head for the doors. "I'll take you to get your truck at the bar."
The ride to Dixie's is quiet. The dark streets are empty, illuminated only by the soft yellow street lights that have been there for far longer than they should be. Seriously the light is so dim it hardly lights up the road. You turn down the street you live on to take a shortcut to Dixie's and as you pass your house you glance at it instinctively.
You slam on the breaks just past your driveway. "What the fuck?" You put the car in park and squint at your darkened front door, or lack thereof. The door is open, gone by the looks of it.
"Don't get out of the car." Shawn warns, flipping the lock button. "Someone could still be in there. Call the cops and back up out of sight."
You fumble with your phone and put it up to your ear. You report the break in and your street name. As soon as you're done you reverse down the street until you're a few houses away.
Shawn reaches over and lays his hand on your shoulder. "Do you know anyone who might have done this?"
"No. I have no idea. I don't even have anything worth stealing!" You lean your head on the steering wheel. "I don't understand. Could this night get any worse?"
"Don't say that." Shawn rubs up and down your back. "It's not the end of the world. We'll find out what's going on."
"What if I had gone home from Dixie's? What if I didn't come pick you up?" You look at the darkened house. "What if I was there?"
"You weren't. That's what matters. Look," he points to a police car coming down the street. "Here comes the cops."
"Will you go in with me?"
"Of course. You think I'm gonna just stay in the car?" Shawn grabs your hand and kisses it gently. "Come on, let's go talk to the cops."
An hour later and you've filed a full report with Officer Jones. There was nothing stolen as far as you can see. The house is fine, completely in order except for your room. Your dresser had been torn through and your closet emptied out, bed sheets and blankets torn apart too. You have absolutely no idea what someone was looking for and Officer Jones kept asking if you were completely sure you didn't know who could have done this.
It's nearly five in the morning and you are exhausted. The sun is coming up and the sky outside is getting brighter by the minute. You need to sleep and you don't feel safe in your house with the door broken and your bedroom torn apart.
"Grab some clothes, I'm gonna take you to my place." Shawn says, walking around your mess of a bedroom. "We'll take care of the broken door frame and stuff later."
"You're sure?"
"Yeah. Come on. I know we're both exhausted so I'll drive and we'll pick up my truck tomorrow. We need to rest, it's been a long night."
You grab a tote bag from your closet and throw a few shirts and jeans in it with some underwear. "I could stay with Jodi."
"I really would feel better if you stayed with me." Shawn takes the bag from you as you grab a pair of shoes and socks by the dresser. "Are you okay with it?"
"Of course Shawn." You join him by the door and lay your hand on his shoulder. "I trust you. We'll go to your place. If you want to take that stuff to the car I'm going to grab my camera gear. I told Harlow I'd start doing photos tomo- today." You sigh. "Well, I'll try and get everything set up after we get a few hours of sleep."
"I'm sure she'll understand." He rubs your back and you lean your head on his shoulder. You're absolutely at your limit, body ready to collapse on the next available soft surface. "I'll be in the car. Don't take too long."
"I won't."
When you wake up you have no idea what time it is. Shawn's room is bright and you look around for some hint that he is there. He had insisted you take his bed and he'd sleep on the couch. His bed smells so good, like fresh laundry and his cologne. Warm and spicy, it is absolutely perfect. You reach for your phone on the nightstand and see it's just after noon. There are three missed texts.
Harlow: are you coming by to do the shoot today?
Shawn: I'll be at the gym, take it easy and help yourself to the fridge.
Harlow: nvm please rest I talked to Shawn
You close your eyes and flop back onto the pillows. You promised Harlow you'd be by to take some photos, at least some of the ones for the gym website. You turn over and curl up with Shawn's spare pillow, pressing your face into while opening Shawn's text to reply.
You: is Harlow mad I didn't make it?
Shawn: no. I explained the situation and she's more worried about you than anything
You: tell her I can still make it in to set up at least
Shawn: okay. If u are coming by bring me an extra shirt? I forgot to bring one for post workout.
You: okay no prob.
You glance over at his dresser and then back to the window opposite you that over looks the tree line behind his house. It looks like a nice day, it'd be a shame to waste it but you aren't feeling like going out. You just want to stay curled up in his bed forever. Yesterday was so draining with everything that happened and you don't know how much you can handle without snapping at someone. Rest had definitely helped but you still feel uneasy about the break in. It just seemed so targeted like Officer Jones said, but you can't imagine what someone would want from you.
Eventually you get up and make your way down stairs to the kitchen. Shawn's place is beautiful, it truly is. It's very much like a modern cabin and you're not surprised since it's just outside of town in the woods. He's got a few neighbors but it's not like a usual neighborhood setting.
You grab a protein bar from what you assume was once a fruit basket. It looks good enough and you grab your purse from the living room, stuffing one of Shawn's tees into it before you head out. You pause, looking down at the white shirt hanging out of your purse. You go back into the bedroom and take a blue shirt from Shawn's dresser before stripping off your top and pulling the white tee on over your head. It's a little big but it fits well enough and you smile to yourself in his mirror. You grab your purse and head for the front door.
The drive into town is quiet, a little long, but it's nice. It's one long road that winds around the woods in a circle and then turns out on to Main St that you take all the way into town. It's basically a cul-de-sac but in the woods. The whole time you wonder if you should stop by the house and check on it, or if you should call Officer Jones and see if they have anything to go off of. You're really banking on one of your neighbor's having a security camera or something that spotted the intruder. Though your street is so dark at night it's hard to see anything anywhere.
You turn into the lot behind Harlow's and park beside Jodi's Jeep. You unload your backdrops and stands, carrying everything in the back door. You're met with Connor whos grabbing some tape for a mat from the storage room and he offers to help.
"Look who I found," Connor announces as you walk out onto the gym floor with all your stuff in hand.
Shawn walks over from boxing with a stand up bag. "Hey darling," he takes your camera bag and stand case. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yes." You smile softly. "Your bed is very comfortable."
"I'm glad." He rests his hand on your lower back. "Is this my shirt?"
He grins and kisses your cheek. "It's all yours now. Looks good on you anyway. Any word from Officer Jones?"
"Not yet. I'm sure he'll call tonight or tomorrow."
"You can stay at my place as long as you need to."
You stand up on your toes a bit and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."
"Alright love birds break it up." Jodi says loudly, clapping at the two of you. "Before you start getting set up I wanna talk to you about what happened, I need to know who I'm going to skin alive."
"We don't know anything yet Jodi." Shawn says with an eye roll. "I told you that."
Jodi snorts. "I'm still going to kick someone's ass."
"I promise I'll let you know who to hunt when we hear back from the police." You say softly and Shawn gives you another kiss on the head before heading back over to the cage with Connor. Jodi puts her arm around you and the two of you head to the backroom that isn't full of old equipment to set up your camera.
Photos go well, you manage to get all the guys done in a few hours. You'll go home later and look them over to decide if you need to reshoot anything. But for now you are finished and starting to pack up.
"Hey, you forgot one."
You turn and look at Shawn standing in the doorway to the backroom where you're set up. "I did?"  
"Yeah. Me." He grins and steps in, closing the door behind him. "I thought you couldn't wait to get photos of me."
"Well, I figured I could get them any time."
"Oh? You think I'll pose for you whenever you like?"
You smirk. "You might, but I want to take candids of you."
Shawn wraps his arms around you and you lean back into his chest. "Candids huh?" He noses against your ear, hand going over your stomach. "Like private candids of me in my bed, laid out on the sheets holding my-"
He chuckles deeply and you can feel your body get warm, heat pooling between your legs. "Is that not what you want?"
You turn around in his hold and run a hand over his hair. "I want so much more from you then a couple of photos."
"Yeah? Tell me what you want."
"Oh you know...all the good stuff."
"The good stuff?" He walks you back against the backdrop and you bring his head down, foreheads rolling together. "This kind of good stuff?" He asks lowly before he kisses you softly.
"I know why you came in here." You whisper between kisses, hands going up and down his back. "You're jealous."
He lets out a growl as he kisses along your jaw. "You think I'm jealous of my fighters?"
"Your fighters hmm?"
"Mmm. I'm partnered with Harlow." He pulls back to look down at you. "I own the gym with her. I thought you knew?"
"No, I had no idea. She seems so bossy and it's called Harlow's so..."
Shawn plays with the ends of your hair, twisting his finger around bits of it. "She already had the place, I just bought in with championship winnings to keep it open. She runs the business side with Jodi and I run the gym floor as you can tell."
"Wow. So Connor and the other guys in the circuit this season is a huge deal for you."
"Yeah. A win from one of them could mean we expand Harlow's, new equipment, more fighters. With four guys going this year we have a good chance, and with Connor, we have the odds in our favor, I think."
You grin and shake your head. "Our first kiss and here we are talking business. Y'know if you were anyone else I'd have left by now."
"But I'm not anyone else." He leans in and bumps his nose to yours. "I'm special huh?"
"Oh you're special alright."
Shawn gives you one more kiss before he laughs and pulls back. "Let me make it up to you. I told Connor I'd go to dinner with him at Dixie's to talk about his first fight and what to expect. We can go a little early and have some time to ourselves first. How does that sound?"
"Sounds like a date."
"Oh it's not necessarily a date, but it could be."
You smile and he just holds your hips looking down at you. "Come on, enough staring like weirdos. I'm hungry."
Dixie's is packed when you arrive but you manage to get a table near the bar that's a small two seater. You see Carrie running around like a mad woman and two of the day time waitresses are running around behind her. The place is popular this time of year with fighters and their crews moving into town and nearby during the first part of the western circuit. That's what Carrie told you anyway during her briefing on what to expect and how she deals with the increased number of fights during this time of year.  
"Is that Connor?" Shawn asks, pointing to a table behind you. "What's he doing here so- oh I see."
You turn and look over at where Shawn is pointing to a corner table where Connor is and leaning on the table in her work clothes is Sammy. You smirk, it's about time they talked. Sammy has been eyeing Connor for weeks but she's hesitant because he's a fighter and she knows what the lifestyle entails.
“They’re kids, leave 'em be.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sammy is a good girl. I’m not worried about it.”
“She is. She also knows what it’s like to live with fighters. She told me her brother was a fighter.” You shake your head. “I think she said he went north to try for the canadian championship but he didn't win and ended up settling down up there”
“I knew her brother Devin, we fought a few times.” Shawn smiles over his drink. “The guy was really good, he gave me a run for my money.”
“Oh yeah? Did he train at Harlow’s?”
“No, no it was way before then. When I was nineteen he was twenty one, we went a few rounds in my first championship entry. I didn’t win that year, I got too cocky and big headed. He was a tough dude though, if Sammy is anything like him she’ll keep Connor in his place.”
You chuckle. “Sammy is very shy, I’m not sure she’s like her brother at all.”
“The shy ones are the ones you gotta watch out for.” Shawn smirks and you roll your eyes.
"Anyways, you said I could stay at your place again?"
"Mmhmm." Shawn smiles and chews on his straw. "I definitely don't mind."
"Good. I'm nervous about going home until we find out more from the police. It's feels like such a personal attack since they went through just my bedroom and didn't even take anything." You shake your head and lean you chin on your hand on the table. "They didn't even take jewelry. Someone wanted something from me."
"Maybe they thought it was someone else who lived there?"
"I don't know. I hope there is video footage from one of the neighbors that shows us something."
"They're gonna check with the neighbors for you?"
"Yeah, Officer Jones called while I was photographing Gauge. He said they're gonna canvas the area, ask for surveillance from anyone nearby and see if they can't get a suspect or even a car or something."
Shawn leans back and crosses his arms. "Y'know I was actually thinking, do you think it could be Tate? I didn't want to say something about him to the cops but is there something you have of his?"
You raise your eyebrows. You hadn't thought of Tate being a suspect. Hell, you were two states away from him now and it's been months since the break up. "I don't think I have anything. I gave him everything back, all his clothes and anything he ever bought me. I left it all in a box in our apartment."
"It was just a thought."
"No, it's a good one. He is crazy enough to do something like that." You roll your eyes and flag down Carrie to pay for your drinks. "Maybe I can call him, or I could try his sister Maggie."
"I'd try Maggie if you have a good relationship with her. If it was him he probably won't want to talk to you."
Carrie stops by the table and hands you your bill. "Have you seen Sammy?"
"She's over there with..." You look around for her and Connor but neither are at the table in the corner anymore. "Well she was here. Is she working tonight?"
"Yeah. Her shift starts in five minutes." Carrie takes your cash and you wave her off for change. "You say you seen her?"
Shawn chuckles. "She was with Connor."
"The fighter?"
"Yeah, my champ." Shawn stands and gives you a look and you nod, letting him know you don't mind if he goes looking for the two of them. "I think I know where they are."
Carrie raises her eyebrows. "Well if you find her, tell her to get her ass to work."
"Yes ma'am." Shawn smiles. "See you at the house." He squeezes your shoulder and heads for the front door.
A minute later Sammy comes walking in very flushed and you can't help but smile to yourself. She's got a flower tucked into her hair and you think her and Connor must have been sitting out on the patio since the flower is definitely from the pots out there.  
You get to Shawn's place a little after eight. His truck is in the driveway so you know he's there. The sun is starting to go down and you are tired from working on photos and stress from the break in. Your brain is absolutely taxed. All you want is some dinner and a soft bed. You turn the handle to the door and walk into music blasting from the kitchen. It's some eighties hair band and you chuckle to yourself as you walk across the living room to find Shawn around the corner shadow boxing at the stove shirtless.
"What's for dinner?" You laughs and he looks back around with a grin. "Smells good!"
Shawn turns and shuts off the music on his phone. "It's chili. I figured it's pretty easy to throw together since I got home just a few minutes ago."
"Why not order something?"
"Eh, I like homemade." He stirs the pot around. "I haven't had it in a while, I thought it'd be nice."
You walk around the island and take a look into the pot. It's not chili. Well, it is, but it's not what you were expecting. "What kind of chili is this?"
"Chili Verde. My dad's recipe. Wanna taste?" He spoons some out to cool in a little bowl on the counter.  "I promise it's good."
You smile. "I'm sure it's very good. What's in it?"
"Pork, onions, green chilies. I cheated and used a bottle of premade chili verde salsa for a starter since I don't have time to stew tomatillos and green chilies for hours." He spoons some up for you and you take a bite. "Good yeah?"
"Hot." You cover your mouth. "It's kinda spicy but I like it. It's good."
Shawn beams and scoops out two bowls to cool. "I'll finish getting dinner ready, go change and relax."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for making me dinner."
"Of course." He kisses your nose and your heart skips. "Go on."
Post dinner you're sitting on the couch with Shawn watching some ghost hunter show. He's got his arm around your shoulders and you're tucked into his side snugly. It's comfortable, being with Shawn feels incredibly natural. He's warm and safe.
"What're you doing next Sunday?" Shawn asks as he tucks his feet against yours where your legs are outstretched on the ottoman. "I was thinking if you're available we could go out."
"I work the late shift but I can see if one of the guys can cover for me."
"I don't want you to miss work. We can go another day."
"No, I want to go. It'll be a nice escape from the stress around here." You run your hand down his forearm and slide your hand into his. "Are we going to go horseback riding again?"
Shawn squeezes your hand. "Nope. I have another idea."
"What is it?"
"I'm not telling." He grins at you and you narrow your eyes at him. "I can surprise you again can't I? It's more fun that way."
"I'd like to see what tops horseback riding."
"I have a few ideas. Don't worry." He glances at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. "I should go to bed, I have a seven o'clock session with Jack tomorrow." He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs. "Do you mind if I take the bed?"
"Nope. I don't mind sharing."
"Sharing? You're ready for that?"
You push off of him and stand up, putting your hand out to him. "I'm ready for anything with you."
He takes your hand and stands, pulling you against him. "Anything huh?" He runs a hand over your hair. "Falling a little fast aren't we?"
"I don't mind." You wrap your arms around his middle. "We work well together. I've never felt this comfortable and free around someone before."
He hums. "It feels natural. I completely understand."
You scratch at his back gently and he smiles down at you. "Let's go to bed. You need to be up early."
"Mmm I could always reschedule if we wanted to stay up late." He runs his hand down your back and over your butt. "I'm sure Jack won't mind."
You shake your head and laugh. "No, you're not cancelling work because of me. We can sleep together any time."
"Well don't make it sound like we're an old married couple, jeez."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss him quickly. "Maybe it's good practice for the future."
"Wh- oh." He grins. "First kiss and you're planning our future all in one day? Damn."
"Oh shut up." You pull away and head to his bedroom. "Come on, chop chop. The bed awaits."
You wake up in the middle of the night and you're freezing. It doesn't even feel like there is a heater on in the house. You roll towards Shawn and slide your arm around his middle, spooning him from behind. He shifts. A soft grunt followed by a mumble of incoherent sleep laden words. He's like a furnace, body radiating into yours.
"You okay?"
"Mmhmm." You press a kiss to his hair. "All good now."
"I missed this." He places his hand over yours on his chest. His heart beats in time with yours, a cadence of comfort in the night. "I missed being held."
"It's been a while?" 
"A long while. I didn't like to date when I fought. I only wanted to focus on my work." He chuffs. "I'd deprive myself to be the best. Stupid huh?" 
"No. You thought it'd help. It must have, you did win." You flex your fingers against his skin, blunt nails scratching him lightly. "Do you like being the little spoon?" 
"Love it. There's something about having someone smaller than you curled up and wrapped around you that I just love. I do like being the big spoon too, but I really enjoy being held sometimes." 
"I'll hold you any time." You give him a squeeze and he tangles his legs with yours. "You're like a big teddy bear."
He chuckles and that's the last thing you hear before you fall asleep to the sound of his soft breathing and the beating of his heart under your fingertips. 
End Part 1
Thank you for reading! Part 2 will be out sometime in the future as I have to write the ending still, but it’ll be another 13k at least. Thank you all again.  - A
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all1e23 · 4 years
Between the Stars [Pt.3]
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Pairings: Past!Steve x Reader, Bucky x  Reader
Series warnings: CHARACTER DEATH. Grief. Overall sadness. Depression. It’s pretty angsty if I’m being honest. Things mellow out as the series goes on. TW: Military/Spouse death
A/N:  Each chapter is a month since steve has been gone as a reminder because this chapter does pick up the morning after Bucky arrived home. Big thanks to my pizza love @moonbeambucky​ for looking it over for me. As always for this series, flashback are italicized. If you like it write a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me. Remember not to judge everyone too harshly till all the secrets come out. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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“What’s missin’ in here?” 
Bucky stood in the living room, surveying the 420 square feet, coffee in hand, and squinting. You were both tired even after finishing off a pot of coffee between the two of you. Last night ended much like it started; in tears. You weren’t sure how long you cried or how long Bucky held you. There was a lot you needed to get off your chest, a weight you let Bucky carry for a few hours. This morning the burden was back resting heavily on your heart. It was your hardship to carry after all, not Bucky’s. 
He had his own you suspected. 
You stayed quiet as you watched his eyes move around the open floor plan, glancing from the dining to the living room. His eyes flicked along the bookcases lining the staircase, the tan leather sectional, and the two cream color chairs that Steve hated. You had a massive fight over those chairs, a real knock-down-drag-out. Steve didn’t want them. “Why would we buy white furniture when we are going to have kids? They will be covered in stains.” You had argued they weren’t white, they were cream. Things only escalated when you told him you wouldn’t have kids for a few more years anyway, and by then, they would be old enough that a few stains from sticky hands would be okay. Steve had thought kids would come along much sooner, it seemed. You simply couldn’t see how that would work while he was enlisted, and he thought the two of you could get through anything together; lack of communication and assumptions. Steve slept on the couch that night. If only you could go back and say sorry, beg him to come back to bed instead of being stubborn and staying mad to prove a point. 
What you would give to be able to go back and relive it all again, even the bad moments because they always turned into the next good ones. 
Bucky took a step towards the empty space by the front window, the sound of his boots on the hardwood made your heart clench. It was hard to miss now. The whole room looked uneven, looked off. Bucky spun back around to face you and asked gently, voice barely above a whisper, “What happened to your piano?” 
You’ve been waiting for the shoe to drop since Bucky showed up yesterday evening; he spotted the change faster than Sam had. 
“I sold it.” 
Bucky didn’t move or make a sound at your admission. His face stayed impassive, and after a few moments of silence, he simply nodded. The subject was dropped. Sam had flipped his lid when he saw that you had really gone through with selling it, “You loved playing! You shouldn’t be making big decisions like that right now, ones you might regret later.” You didn’t understand why Sam was so shocked, you made it clear that you were done with that life. It didn’t bother you, so it shouldn’t worry Sam. At least, Bucky didn't care. Perhaps he was only better at hiding it; if Bucky was disappointed in you, he made no outward show of it.  
“What plans do you have today?” 
You regarded Bucky with a blank stare over your steaming mug and shrugged a shoulder. You couldn't remember the last time you made plans or filled your day with something over than hiding away in your house. Over the previous two months, your days have consisted of avoiding everyone that you could and staying locked in the safety of the walls you built with Steve. It was the one place no one could judge you for still loving your husband. 
“All right. All right.” Bucky blew out a breath and rested his elbows on the kitchen counter, immediately going into fix-it mode. “Here’s what I was thinkin’ for today--”
You couldn’t help but take in the way Bucky was leaning against the white stone as he talked about the plans he had in mind for the day, what he thought the two of you should try to accomplish today, but you weren’t listening. It wasn’t that you were actively trying to ignore him, but there was something about his hair cut that short, and the way he was watching you as he spoke made you think of times that had long since past. When you were just a bunch of kids with no idea how the world worked or what it meant to be in love. 
“Hey, Trouble.” 
The deep voice calling you made you jump, you turned to see who the culprit was and narrowed your eyes when you saw Bucky holding back his chuckle. The scowl you were giving him looked menacing enough to scare most men off, but it only made the hold Bucky had on his laughter break. You dug an elbow into his ribs, and the groan that slipped from his lips was for your benefit, you were sure. Stupid cute boy. Bucky leaned against the railing, resting on his elbows and doing everything he could to keep his eyes focused on the water rippling under the wood beneath your feet. 
You weren’t sure what reasons Bucky had when he came looking for you because he was actively avoiding meeting your gaze now that he was by your side.
“Sorry,” Bucky said, soft and unsure. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
You smiled at the sincerity in his voice. Bucky rarely let himself be soft and vulnerable when everyone was gathered together like this, in party mode, but that was the side of him you saw more often than not; a secret piece of Bucky only you got to see. 
“It’s okay. I’ve seen one too many horror movies. I feel like Jason is going to come up out of the lake or something,” you said with a shiver and instinctively slid closer to Bucky, letting your arms brush against his. This time you only glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, and he was grinning as if he found something so funny about the situation the two of you were in. 
He wouldn’t find it funny when a swamp monster trudged through the mud and ate you both. 
Bucky leaned his head towards your, still eyeing that same dumb piece of wood bobbing in the rough motions of the lake, the proximity of his lips to your ear made your skin tingle, and he whispered in your ear, “I’ll protect you, Y/n. I promise I’ll always protect you.” 
You turned to face him, and he finally pulled his attention away from that ugly log so he could stare into your eyes. How could they look so blue when it was this dark outside? You swallowed the lump in your throat, worrying your already reddened lip between your teeth and whispered so softly you were scared he wouldn’t hear you, and you wouldn’t find the courage to repeat it.
“Always saving me. How’d I get so lucky to have a friend like you, Buck?”
You have no idea why you said that. It was so stupid! Yes, you were friends, and if you kept saying things like that, things would stay that way. At this rate, you were never going to get a chance to find out if there was something beyond this silly little crush you’ve developed. 
Why didn’t you tell him? Your brain hissed at you. You’re just a big scaredy-cat. 
The firmness in Bucky’s voice brought you back, you shook your head to clear it of the times past and quickly followed it with a nod as if you were answering a question, but you had no idea what was said. Bucky didn’t mention your momentary blackout, but he did take the cup from your hands because your fingers were trembling, and you had yet to notice. You wrung them together to stop them from shaking, but they continued on.
“Have you been by to see Sarah?" Bucky asked again, picking up where he left off without missing a beat.  
You cleared your throat and shifted from one foot to the other, your guilt was shining through loud and clear. No, you had not been by. You had intended to and even tried a few times, only ever made it to the end of the driveway before you retreated back inside and crawled into your bed. It was too hard, and you didn’t think you could face her after everything. It was as if Steve was staring back at you, and that hurt more than your heart could handle. Bucky sighed and pulled your jacket off the hook hanging in the kitchen, holding it out for you to take and gently urged you, “Come on Trouble. I’ll go with you.” 
You grumbled something snarky under your breath that Bucky couldn’t make out, but it made him smile regardless. Your jacket was still hanging off his fingers, so you yanked it off and tucked it under your arm, refusing to let him win every battle today.
“I was thinkin’ we could stop in at Dixie’s on the way.” 
“I’m not hungry,” you grumped, a sour face and firm pout in place.
Bucky held the screen door for you and raised a brow with a smirk curling up the edges of lips, “I didn’t say you had to eat. I’m starving, and I’ve missed their stuffed french toast.” 
Your frown deepened at Bucky’s words and trudged across the yard through the snow to Steve’s truck. There was that stomach sinking expectation that he was trying to force you to eat, the same way everyone else did when they saw you. As if they were trying to cure your grief with casseroles and baked goods, not Bucky, though. He opened the door, and you climbed up into the passenger seat without second-guessing the action. Bucky made his way into the driver’s seat and pulled Steve’s keys out of his pocket; you never even saw him grab them.
It was quiet in the cab as Bucky fiddled with the radio, leaving it low once he had found a song he liked. You turned your gaze towards the window, and after several minutes of silence, you rolled your eyes, admitting with a huff, “I do like their french toast. They do that thing where they put the caramelized bananas on top, and the one with the cream cheese in the middle is pretty good.” 
A small smile formed, but Bucky didn’t say anything. He was smart enough to stay quiet. 
Despite having to face your mother-in-law for the first time in two months, you surprisingly felt better than you had this morning. All that sugar from Dixie’s helped. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, it felt good to do normal, everyday things again. Things you would have done with Steve or even before him. It didn’t make you a bad wife to go to breakfast with a friend or to order Steve’s favorite instead of avoiding it. It was okay to laugh a little when Bucky dribbled syrup down his grey Henley and missed the bit in the stubble that was beginning to grow back. Spending time outside the darkness didn’t mean you loved Steve any less or that you had to move on if you weren’t ready to. It simply meant the world continued on, and it was okay for you to do the same when it was time. 
That was a nice reminder, though, standing in front of your mother-in-law's door made it feel as if everything was at a standstill once again and the high from all that sugar was fading fast. You raised your hand to open the back door four or five times, but you couldn’t force yourself to touch the handle. Sarah had her own mourning to work through and didn’t need to add yours on top of it. She shouldn’t have to comfort you, and you were in no shape to console her.
Bucky’s knuckles ran up and down your spine to soothe the jitters you were emitting, he encouraged gently, “Go on, Trouble. She loves you. I know she’ll be excited to see you.” 
You took a deep breath and pushed the backdoor open, it creaked which made you smile. Steve would have complained about adding a little something to grease the hinges, so it wasn’t so loud. Sarah would say no, she liked to hear it squeak when you came in. Sarah’s eyes widened when you stepped through the door, but they quickly lit up with excitement. She was in the same spot as always, sitting at the kitchen table with the newspaper in front of her, thin blonde hair pulled into a bun on the top of her head, and you might have been wrong, but it looked like she was wearing one of Steve’s old shirts. Sarah pulled her glasses off, rising from her chair before you could tell her to stay. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I didn’t expect you to drop by…” 
Her words died off, and her smile quickly fell when Bucky stepped through the door, dusted off his boots on the mat, and smiled at her. It was obvious she was excited to see him, but there was a shake in her hand and a mist in her eyes no one could miss when he spoke, "Hey, Mama R." 
“I-I spoke to Winnie this morning. She didn’t think you would be stopping by right away,” Sarah stopped to give you a hug and whispered she loved you before she reached for Bucky and pulled him into a hug only a mother could provide. Bucky seemed happy to be on the receiving end, “Are you kiddin'? I had to come see you. I’m not home till I do.” 
Maybe it was what Bucky had said or the tenderness in his voice when he said, but it broke whatever glue Sarah was using to hold herself together. You took a few steps back and let your weight sag back against the counter, Bucky stood in the doorway holding Sarah, and you heard her choked whispers from where you were hiding, “Did it-- Were you there? Was it--” 
He shook his head, answering her unspoken question, was it bloody and painful. Bucky assured her, “Yeah, I was there. It was quick, and he wasn’t in any pain. I promise.” 
You met Bucky’s eyes over her shoulder, and he quickly dropped your gaze, his focus back on Sarah and comforting her the best he could. Bucky was lying. You knew him well enough to know when he was telling tall tales and right then was the tallest he’s told. Either he wasn’t with Steve when it happened, or it wasn’t as quick as he was claiming. 
Sarah was quick to wipe her eyes and pretend it never happened. She offered to make lunch, and despite your efforts to stop her by informing her you just came from breakfast, she began cooking anyway. You wanted to protest, but Bucky shook his head, so you let it go. Sarah was only trying to fix what she could, she couldn’t bring Steve back, but she could make ridiculously good turkey Reuben. Steve wasn’t mentioned the rest of the five-hour visit, and you had a feeling it was done for your benefit. It should have been a relief because the last thing you want to do is breakdown in front of Bucky or Sarah, but it only made you angry. 
Would they talk about Steve if you weren’t around? Would they share secrets and memories? Would Bucky have told her what happened to Steve if only you hadn’t come? It wasn’t fair of you to be angry with either of them, but nothing was fair about any of this. 
The ride back to your house was silent. You barely spoke five words to Bucky through lunch, and even though you promised you would soon, you weren’t sure when you would go back to Sarah’s. It wasn’t as hard as you expected, but today had been exhausting. Bucky never turned the radio on, and you were grateful. The quiet gave you a chance to hear the whistle in the wind as the trees rustled and listen for leaves blown by your window. It was a pretty whisper that made your skin prickle, you had forgotten how pretty spring could be. 
Bucky gave you space you so desperately needed once you got home. You bolted towards your bedroom the moment the front door opened. It wasn’t him you were running from. You hoped he knew that, so you left your door cracked. The stale air of your bedroom felt like you were suffocating, and the sight of your blankets in a heap on the top of your mattress only added to your unease. With the window cracked and one of Steve’s shirt now replacing yours, you slowly started to untangle the sheets and gathered your throw pillows off the floor in the corner of the room. Baby steps. That was what Sam was always telling you. So, maybe you start with making your bed. It wasn’t like anyone would know if you gave up. You were all alone. There was a soft knock on your door, and you looked up to find Bucky standing awkwardly in your doorway. 
“Everything okay?”
Bucky cleared his throat and gave you a curt nod. There was something dark in his hands, and he was gripping it so tightly you thought for sure it would rip in two. The stiffness in his frame made you stop, drop the throw pillow in your hand onto the end of the bed, and you took a step towards him. You inspected the hand he was holding out, and your chest tightened when you realized what it was.  
“I wanted to make sure you got this back.” 
Bucky brought your scarf back home. 
“He would want you to know it was with him when it happened. He had you with him when it happened.” 
You ran your fingers along the frayed threads and the new holes that were littered throughout. You could see spots where the sun had faded it, the darker pieces where he tucked it into his shirt. “I, uh, I didn’t wash it. I kept it wrapped in one of his shirts. I didn’t know if...” 
You brought it up to your nose to take a breath and smiled at the familiar earthy citrus scent. When they told you Steve was lost during a mission, you assumed you would never see it again. It was nice to hear Steve wasn’t lying all those times he told you he took it with him, it never left his side just like he promised and it was nice to have that piece of him back.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Bucky shrugged his shoulder and gestured towards the end of the hall, where he would be if you wanted him. You weren’t going to say anything. The plan was to stay in your room for the rest of the night and wallow, but now… you didn’t want to be alone and holding that thin fabric between your fingers; you had to ask. With Steve’s scarf resting on the corner of your bed, you called out for Bucky before he could leave your sight. 
Bucky stopped short and leaned against the doorframe as if he was preparing himself for what you were about to ask. You’ve always been able to read each other, there was no doubt he knew what was coming. 
“It wasn’t quick, was it?” 
Bucky only shook his head in response. It wasn’t an answer to your question, he wasn’t going to answer you right now. He didn’t want to talk about it. Maybe that was for your benefit, or perhaps he simply couldn’t talk about it yet. Either way, you wouldn’t push him.
“W-would you want to, um, have dinner with me?” Your voice cracked when you asked. He caught it, but you pressed on, ignoring the concern darkening his eyes, “I don’t have any groceries. I haven’t been getting out much. There was a thing with a pie--” 
“Thing with a pie?” Bucky interrupted with a curious tilt of the head and playful smirk forming. 
You rolled your eyes and brushed it off with a wave of your hand. 
“It’s not important. People are nosy, and sometimes baked goods make you emotional, okay? It’s normal… Just-- nevermind. I was thinking we could heat up one of those stupid frozen dinners everyone keeps bringing by and stuffing in my freezer.” 
Bucky chuckled and waved his hand, silently telling you to lead the way, “Yeah, let’s go see what we’ve got, but I’m handling the stove.” 
“It’s just warming it up, Buck.” 
“Still,” Bucky whistled lowly, wearing that silly smirk. “I don’t wanna risk it, Trouble.” 
As hard as you tried to fight, you found yourself smiling for the first time in a long, long time. 
The next four weeks continued to drag on like every week since Steve has been gone. The hours crawled by, the minutes took forever to pass, and you counted the seconds until you could hide away in your room. Bucky didn’t smother you, but he did hover. He liked to check-in by walking by your room, never saying anything, just glancing towards your bed where he often found you. Bucky didn’t crowd you the way Sam had, but you knew he was taking notice of your lack of sleep and your poor eating habits from the moment he arrived. It wasn’t that you were purposely skipping meals; you had no appetite and forcing yourself to eat felt like torture some days. Your appetite had improved some since Bucky came home, but you still rarely venture out of the house or do much of anything.  Most of your days were spent hiding in your room, and your nights were spent on the back deck. 
It was the best place to stare at the stars.
That’s where Bucky found you yet again, you heard the sliding door rolling along the tracks and Bucky’s bare feet getting closer and closer with each step. Bucky was getting a glass of water like he did every night. He wasn’t the only one paying attention. Bucky slowly sat down next to you, letting his legs hang off the deck like yours but didn’t say anything. It was becoming somewhat of a nightly tradition, and most nights, you didn’t talk. Sometimes you didn’t even mind having the company, other nights weren’t so giving. You turned your head after several silent beats and looked at the man sitting next to you. Bucky gave you a small inquisitive smile, and you shrugged your shoulder. Bucky grinned and leaned his own arms on the railing, mimicking your stance and followed your gaze to the sky.
“So, why are you always out here? I come down every night, and I see you sitting in the same spot.”
It was a fair question, but the answer wasn’t so easy to give. 
“I don’t sleep much anymore.”
Bucky understood that better than most. He really did. Bucky had once told you between the things he had seen and the things he had done, he found it hard to close his eyes and rest. Sleep often meant nightmares, and lately, you had a feeling those were filled with images of Steve. Bucky gazed up at whatever set of stars you were trying to spot through the tears in your eyes, the ones you tried to hide when he came outside. 
Thankfully, Bucky would never bring them up.
“The house feels confining sometimes, but I’m not ready to leave it. It’s quiet, and my bed is cold. Empty. I don’t like it. And…” You sighed heavily and quietly admitted, “I like looking up at the stars. I feel like wherever he is, maybe he’s looking down at the same time I'm looking up. Feels like he’s not fully gone when I do that. It sounds stupid, I know.” 
“It doesn’t sound stupid, Y/n.” 
Bucky tore his eyes away from the sky and looked back at you. He shook his head and let out an amused sigh, "He used to say the same thing. A lot actually. Which didn’t make a lot of sense because our night was usually your day, but he said he liked to look up at the stars hoping you were doing the same and thinking about him." 
You smiled at the thought.
“Why are you downstairs every night? Checking up on me?” You nudged Bucky with your shoulder, and he gave you a gentle nudge back before answering.  
“Hmm. Nightmares. Things I’d rather not see a lot of. I try to avoid them if I can.” 
You hummed in understanding. Even if he hadn’t confided in you years ago about the things that haunted him when he closed his eyes, you knew about nightmares. You were constantly running from yours. The bags under your eyes and the constant yawning was the first sign that sleep no longer came easily. 
“Come on, Trouble,” Bucky urged you as he slowly stood and held his hand out for you. You looked up at him, brow furrowed with a question burning in your eyes; it was three in the morning, where could he possibly want to take you?
“Come on?” you repeated, hoping he would elaborate. 
“Let’s go lay down.” 
Your face went dark, and you looked back up at the stars, shutting down the offer. You couldn't sleep. Bucky tucking you in wouldn't change that. The bed was far too big now, with a cold side that never felt right and left you with an empty chest when you woke. 
"I’ll hold you until you fall asleep. I’ll stay with you, so it doesn’t feel so empty,” Bucky whispered as if he knew all the thoughts bouncing around your head. You slowly reached out and took his hand, letting him help you to your feet. He didn’t let go. Bucky held your hand as he led you through the house. He paused at your bedroom door and waited. It was the space you shared with Steve, and he wasn’t going to step into that territory unless you made it clear it was okay to do so. 
“Can you wait a second?” You whispered. 
Bucky nodded and released your hand so you could slip behind the door. A few minutes later, you stepped into the hallways wearing a baby blue tank top and matching cotton shorts, holding a pillow to your chest. It was Steve’s. You both knew it was. There was no reason to dwell on it or make an outward admission. You waited for Bucky to grab your hand and lead you back to the guest room that he had moved into, staring at his bed covered in more than enough pillows you’re filled with a bit of embarrassment and remorse. 
Bucky was only trying to help. 
“I’m sorry--” 
Bucky quickly pulled you into his arms and shook his head, soothing you with all those pillows bearing witness, “Don’t. You have nothing to be sorry for. Some wouldn’t understand, but I do. I get it. We’re okay, Y/n."  
You nodded even though you didn't feel any better about it, and glanced at his bed. It was the same size as yours, but this one looked much smaller now that you were sharing it with someone else. It’s been nearly two years since you shared a bed with someone else, and you weren’t sure if it was better or worse than sleeping alone.
Steve was always the big spoon. Always. There were rare moments when he would let you carry his troubles and let you hold him, but those didn’t come along often. You didn’t want to do that. It felt wrong even though there wasn't anything indecent about Bucky's offer. The offer was derived from his love for Steve, and for you, he was worried about you, and it was plain to see despite his best efforts to show you otherwise. You could give him an inch, and sleeping didn’t sound so bad after all the nights you have spent struggling to rest. Bucky waited for you to get comfortable; finally, you settled on your side, facing him with Steve’s pillow resting comfortably behind your back as if Steve was holding you, and he gave you a small smile. 
You were stiff when he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you towards him, so your head rested on his chest. It felt odd to let someone other than Steve hold you. Not that you haven't curled up next to Bucky on the couch during a movie or held his hand at Coney island. You’ve felt his lips on your forehead more times than you could count. That was a long time ago, though. Back when you all were just friends, and you thought maybe Bucky had feelings for you. Before that night, the night that changed everything, before vows had been exchanged and the Army, Bucky always seemed to be buzzing around you. He would walk you to class, bring lunch by your dorm whenever he could, Bucky would stay long after everyone else went home and held your hand whenever it was free to hold. 
There was a second, a fleeting twinkle when you thought he was finally going to admit he had feelings for you but, Bucky never said anything. 
Then Steve happened. 
Things between you and Bucky changed fairly quickly once Steve kissed you. Bucky no longer reached for your hand when it was bare. He was quiet. Distant. It took a few months before Bucky finally seemed to be himself again when the three of you were together. Things had changed, you didn't blame him. Steve had, only a little before you talked some sense into him and assured him it would take time for everyone to get used to the new dynamic. Steve had said, Bucky better get used to it because this, you and him, was forever. Forever wasn't quite as long as you or Steve thought it turned out.
“Did Steve ever tell you about the time I caught him fighting two guys double his size behind that old Pizza Hut, holding nothing but one of those red plastic trays as some sorta shield?” 
You chuckled through your sniffles and shook your head as best you could against his chest. The tension in your shoulders lifted enough that you began to relax, and Bucky ran a hand up and down your arm to help take the rest of the weight you were forcing on yourself.
“No, what happened?” 
Bucky snorted, and you knew the look he was wearing. The same look of indignation he wore every time Steve ran headfirst into trouble without thinking of the consequences. 
“Nothin’ good. Little punk ended up with a broken nose, and I lost most of my paycheck tryin' to cool them off enough to leave before they pummeled him into the ground. Then he gets mad at me for stepping in.” 
You tucked your head further into his chest to hide your smile and mumbled against the soft cotton of his shirt. “Lemme guess, he had it under control?” 
Bucky gave your arm a squeeze and confirmed, “Yeah, he had it under control.” 
“Tell me more stories.” You begged quietly, “Please?” 
Bucky was quiet for a few moments, and then his chest rumbled under your ear, “Let’s see, all right. All right. I got one. In fifth grade--” 
Bucky talked until your breath evened out, and soon you were snoozing soundly against his chest. He hoped tonight your nightmares would give you both one night of peaceful sleep, but he wasn’t counting on it. 
The night was coming to an end, and you spent most of it watching Wanda attempting (and failing) to stop Pietro from flirting with every girl present, Clint and Nat making out by the fire all night long and Sam having several serious conversations with Bucky. Dot was still fawning all over Bucky after she got her claws in him and pulled him off the dock and away from you. Not that, that was unusual when everyone got together. She was always all over Bucky. Everyone seemed to have someone and that someone wasn’t you. Even Steve was avoiding you tonight for a reason you couldn't begin to understand. Maybe it was time to throw in the red Solo cup and head home. 
You spun around to see Steve standing behind you, looking out of sorts and a little nervous.  “Hey, Stevie.” 
“Hey. Hi...” Steve gnawed his bottom lip and stared at the fire in front of you, trying to process something by the look in his eyes. He was struggling with something, and you were starting to worry something was seriously wrong. 
“Are you okay, Steve?” 
“Am I okay?” Steve echoed your words. You giggled at the way his brow crumbled, and his nose scrunched up while he thought your question over, making him grin.
“Screws this,” Steve whispered. 
Steve tossed his cup in the fire and took two long strides into your space, cupping your face in both hands, and his lips were on yours before anyone knew what was happening. There were a few whistles and shouts from your idiot friends, but you didn’t notice any of them. All you could see at that moment was Steve. His lips were softer than you pictured, and your heart jumped in a way you didn’t think was possible from one silly kiss. It wasn’t anything indecent, but it was enough to make your knees go weak, and your breath stutter when he finally pulled away Steve pressed his forehead against yours, still cradling your face in his hands when he apologized. 
"Sorry. I really love that laugh." 
Your heart fluttered, and your fingers tightened around his wrists, hopeful it would be enough to keep you standing when the ground drops out from under you a second time.
"You kissed me because you love my laugh?" 
Steve’s cheeks turned a pretty rosy color. His embarrassment wasn't enough to make him let you go just yet. "Yeah, I guess I did.” 
You paused for a beat. 
“How long have you wanted to do that?”
Steve smiled in that sweet, shy way you’ve always liked and whispered just loud enough for you to hear over the noise of the party and the fire raging next to you, “Pretty much from the moment I met you. I mean, It’s you, Y/n. Who wouldn’t want to kiss you?” 
A bright grin stretched across your face, and you stepped back out of his hold, holding your hand out for him to take. Steve took your hand but pulled you back into his arms, this unusual display of confidence coming from him was disarming.
“I was thinking about heading home, but I’m suddenly starving. Wanna go get some cheese fries and drive me home?” 
“Yeah, yeah, we can do that.I’ll go anywhere if I get to go with you,” Steve promised with a grin.  
Your eyes snapped open, and you stared up at the guest room ceiling, trying to catch your breath without waking Bucky. You hated that thinking about that night, let alone dreaming about it and having to see it all play out.  It used to be one of your favorite memories. You would beg Steve to replay the details as if he was reading from the pages of some silly storybook and now you couldn’t stand the slightest hint of that night. Your breath wasn’t steadying, it was only getting worse, and you could feel the panic building, clawing at your throat. You slowly slipped out of bed, leaving Bucky sleeping soundly and retreated to the safety of your room. Closing the door behind you, you flipped the lock, and your legs finally gave out from under you. You slid down the wall, unable to stop your tears you’ve been holding in since you woke.
Sam kept telling you to give it time. It would take time, lots of time to heal, but you didn’t think you could keep going on this way. Not when your own memories are there to torment you. You would give everything you had to simply forget. Forget it all -- his death, the phone call, all of your fights and the makeups, too. The bad and the good. You’d trade the memory of all his kisses if you could just let go of this hurt. 
This wasn’t how fairytales were supposed to end, maybe it was all a lie from the start. Perhaps you were never meant to end with a happy ever after. 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We need people to help us. We need consumer goods made and distributed and we don't have the manufacturing to do it and we have to and we don't it wasn't enough and it's still not enough and we're manufacturing like madness they're harassing us and that's their plan but boy is it nasty. And we need to get out there and recruit ours but consumer goods is a huge sector but it is the most important and we mean to retailers too so far we only have 50% of it in the perimeter areas and it's not enough and we need to distribution the trucking we have 50% of that and that is not enough and Walmart's a disaster this is hardly anything there you can buy now we need to take it over they're a bunch of pissy freaking retards too a little higher high school students and college students and they can work different shifts this is ridiculous what's happening here and retired people too people on disability who are not idiots and people in wheelchairs and things like that and our son says it people at the door and so forth and people can help with questions who have wheelchairs or be managers and we're going to do that and we'll have a society and the max don't care cuz they think we're going to be easy pray in the midwest good.
retail centers are huge and I do mean it, they require a lot of manpower and a lot of factories to build the things and we need the factories in the perimeter to start up again and as soon as pointing it out and is angry and it's getting us to do it I guess it works pretty good and we're not done in the midwest but we have to do both and he pointed out why it's kind of a very important reason and they don't want us in the perimeter but tough crap we're coming out here. We're building everywhere we got crews telling us we should do it and they put in a petition that we should do it and start hiring and I said okay good and I wanted them to talk to other people and they are and it's helping and Zeus says he thinks you for your initiative and you need to spur it on and others we have our hands full of Olympus and he said good God we're needed and moved it. A lot of them are now saying it too cuz people here are suffering with him and he's a he says it's prison and they know it and they're stuck in it they don't say it they're proud so they got it out of them and they're saying this it's easier than there this is a nightmare these people are nightmare so we're moving out but we need this covered and it will help save people
Several companies we need to staff Walmart Sears Target stater Brothers Kroger stop & shop Publix Winn-Dixie and similar all of the globe the different company names in different countries their own by the same company Sam's BJ's which is still in business and he's a liar huge liars all sorts of restaurants chains all sorts of grocery stores and we need that those things fields we need tons of consumer goods from appliances to small appliances to construction items and kitchen items and school supplies clothing for children and adults all of that is a huge sector of the economy it's half the economy and it's tons and tons of stuff and we need essentials and he says let's move on the essentials and let's move on the water and the food because that will of course be an impression after we start doing it and it is necessary now water filtration water treatment bottled water any type of food or drink and basically you can go through the store any suggest we go and close the Walmart down and take everything off the shelf that's not edible and send the video out and I'm going to do that same thing with all the other departments and I got to find a test store now.
We need trillions upon trillions of hours to sign on right now these people don't want to work if there's more luck and think they have the money I can buy stuff and the max too think of their perimeter plan is the winning plan and who wouldn't their shield is going off and all sorts of stuff like that so we're moving on it now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera good
0 notes
quentineliot · 3 years
Country music. Everybody's favorite. Right? ;P
I grew up in the Southern US. "The South" people from the area would more affectionately call it. I've moved, and done a lot to separate myself from not only the so called culture there, but also it's music.
And I LOVE music. Sang in the car to every song that came on the radio from the age I could make sound, to 21. My mom always tells this story about how I would cry as a baby unless Vince Gill was playing on cassette.
It's been around 7 years since I've turned on a country radio station. But because I grew up on the music (and classic rock like zztop) occasionally a country ear worm will stop by. And being a fully realized transman, it makes sense looking back at the lyrics of many of these songs, why I didn't notice sooner. And why telling my parents was incredibly terrifying.
Not EVERY song uses the "sweet girl with an overprotective dad that just a good ol boy wants to marry and raise a family with" formula. But it's a Lot of them. And if it's not a song about a guy just wanted to settle down with a pretty girl who can cook a good meal, it's about jealousy. And how (typically) women act in these songs is sung at the top of your lungs, about how she'll fuck up his car, steal his dog, or murder him and his mistress.
Miranda Lambert has a song about burning everything down and lighting it on fire. Which, is honestly a mood. But having been In The South, people don't think it's hyperbolic. There are a LOT of people that, if they were willing to bring Dixie Chicks back into their hearts, would be doing some Goodbye Earl's of their own. (Though, this song is a better example of justice taken, and of all the references so far, I think I'm most comfortable with this one.)
Take a look at these lyrics from Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine"
"Any man of mine better be proud of me
Even when I'm ugly, he still better love me
And I can be late for a date that's fine
But he better be on time"
Okay so I'm with you on the first two lines. Great start. But you're saying you don't want your man to be late but You* can be late. Double standard and not okay. This was music I absorbed as like, idk, a 6 years old? I'd need math and Google and I don't feel like it. Moving on.
"Any man of mine'll say it fits just right
When last year's dress is just a little too tight
And anything I do or say better be okay
When I have a bad hair day"
First two lines, personal preference I suppose. I'd rather be told if I don't look good and change my clothes. Not everyone is me, a lot of people would much rather get "yes baby you look amazing!" always. Top two lines, good.
I mentioned Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats earlier. All you really need is the chorus. I don't need Google for this one.
And I dug my key in to the side of his pretty little suped up four wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
TLDR: he cheated on me so I destroyed his car. And while this song was a fucking Anthem when it came out, any woman who exhibited even slightly agressive behavior was Shut the fuck Down. Make it make sense. The song is about criminal activity so, clearly, anyone who does this should be charged. So why wouldn't people let women and girls show anger in a productive way?
Trisha Yearwoods "She's in Love with the Boy"
Is literally just romanticizing getting married at 16 or 18 or to your first love.
Faith Hill's "This Kiss" gets a pass but only because of "Cinderella said to Snow White, how does love get so off course?" And I thought they were in love with each other 😂
I can't even begin to unpack Fancy by Reba McEntire. And Reba is legendary, she's been making music since before I was born and I love her. It's just, that song.. Eugh. Yikes.
I've been trying to find other songs that absolutely put "go find a nice boy and have babies" into my brain at an early age, and I stumbled on George Strait and I know a few of his songs by heart. Oceanfront Property. All my exes live in Texas. Check yes or no. Amarillo by morning. I can't find anything wrong with any of his music. So it CAN be done.
I'm just salty about the amount of redneck inspiration porn I was made to sing as a child. (my mother made me sing at parties. I preferred singing alone) No other genre of music does this. Rock music isn't over here all "look pretty, shut up, and find a good husband" 🤨
I feel I should mention that there have been recent songs that defy this formula. ",This ain't my momma's broken heart" by Miranda Lambert. Taylor Swift has a unique writing style so I'm sure she's written SOMEthing that's not just trucks beer women muddin or whatever else today country is about? There's a couple about whiskey I think. It's always whiskey or beer..
Country music is like all about family, or something sad and mourning that loss. Heaven, angels, wings, gods watching over you, memaw is watching over you, you're not alone I'm there with you even tho I'm on a truck 100 miles away, think of me when you hear the wind blow kiddo🙃
Finally, to be clear, I don't hate any of the songs Ive referenced or pulled lyrics from. They were my entire childhood. Lonestar was my shit, I choreographed a dance to Shania Twain's "Man I feel like a woman" and did it in front of an auditorium of people, I still know every word of Suds in the bucket by Sara Evans and anything Martina McBride I've sung hundreds of times. It's beautiful music. But dang does country music and the south know how to brainwash people. It's scary.
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medleymisty · 4 years
Knock Three Times
Rusty Jenkins sat in a rocking chair on the porch of the general store. The chair was almost as old as he was, and he was getting on up there. Nigh about eighty now.
He rocked back and forth, listening to the floorboards creak. A man could sit out here all day, chewing tobacco and rocking.
Shame about that Sutphin boy. He’d been sweet on that pretty young thing, that Thomas girl. Well, weren’t gonna be no wedding now.
The screen door flew open and Farmer Brown stepped out onto the porch. The door, worn out by all this activity and excitement, slammed shut behind him.
Rusty spoke. “What you think ‘bout this weather?”
Farmer Brown looked up. Rusty followed his gaze. The sky burned a bright hard blue. The air smelled of smoke and dead leaves.
“Killin’ frost comin’. Reckon I oughta go down to Tate’s, help him cover his pumpkins.”
Rusty reached down and picked up his Dixie cup, spat a stream of sticky brown tobacco juice into it.
“You be careful out there. Boy got his head tore plumb off out that a way t’other week. They found his body on Ol’ Knocky’s grave. Ain’t found his head yet.”
Farmer Brown nodded and stepped off the porch. Rusty watched him get in his brown pickup truck and pull out of the gravel parking lot, headed down to Tate’s.
Sure was a shame about that Sutphin boy.
Farmer Brown turned left on Redbrush Church Road. The Pleasant Rest cemetery came up on his right.
The spikes on the cemetery’s wrought iron fence leered at him as he drove by.
They found his body on Ol’ Knocky’s grave.
The grave was in the far southern end of the cemetery, down by the edge of Tate’s land. Folks said that if you knocked on the gravestone three times at midnight on Halloween, Ol’ Knocky would knock back.
He’d been down there a few times on Halloween with his friends as a boy. None of them had ever had the gumption to knock more than once. He’d gone back when he was older. He and Mae had left Ol’ Knocky in peace, but they’d sure had some fun.
He drove past the end of the fence. The sun tipped the trees with gold.
He parked his truck in Tate’s driveway and jumped out. The house was small, only two bedrooms. Tate had built it himself thirty some years ago.
He walked up the path of square stone blocks to the concrete porch. Leaves crunched under his shoes. When he reached the door he stopped for a moment, inhaling the smell that clung to the house. It was musty, closed-in, the smell of dust motes in a slanted sun beam.
The doorbell was dead. The wires hung loose where the button used to be.
He knocked once on the door.
He stood for a while and waited. A breeze sprang up.
He knocked again, louder.
The breeze shook the branches of the trees surrounding the house. Leaves spiralled to the ground.
Farmer Brown knocked a third time, as hard as he could.
He heard movement inside. Something squeaked, a door closed, and heavy footsteps came from the back of the house. The front door swung open. Tate stood there, silent. Farmer Brown spoke.
“Good afternoon. How are you?”
“I’m doing all right. Can’t complain. How about yourself?”
“Fine, fine,” Farmer Brown answered.
Tate was lying. He was not doing all right. His eyes were bloodshot, the skin under them bagged.
“I’d invite you in, but the house ain’t quite to rights. I ain’t felt too good lately.”
Farmer Brown looked down at Tate’s hands. The thick brown fingers slid across each other, like snakes crawling all over each other in a pit.
Tate noticed him looking. The hands went still, limp.
“You want something to drink? Water, tea? I might have some pop.”
“No thank you, I’m fine. Listen, there’s gonna be a killin’ frost tonight. You got anything to cover your pumpkins? I got a tarp in the back of the truck.”
No answer. Tate deflated, drew back into himself. A crow cawed in the distance. The breeze came again. Leaves skittered across the porch.
Inside the house, something squeaked.
Tate lifted his head. He stepped back into the house, started to close the door. Farmer Brown tried again.
“You got any old blankets in there?”
The door closed. The lock turned. The heavy footsteps receded, a door closed inside the house, and something squeaked.
Farmer Brown walked down to the pumpkin field, carrying his tarp. Wasn’t like Tate to just shut the door on him like that.
The crow cawed again.
He stopped at the edge of the field. The pumpkins were ripe, just days away from harvesting. Normally, this time of year, Tate was crazy about his pumpkins. He’d set up a sign on the side of the road, Tate’s Pumpkin Patch, and sell ‘em for Halloween. Some years he got all up into it, with hayrides and carving contests. Didn’t seem like he had a mind to do any of that this year.
Well, wasn’t his place to tell Tate what to do. He’d just cover up what he could and go on back home. It was getting on towards sunset. Mae’d be wondering where he was before too long.
He put the tarp down on the ground, found a rock nearby to hold it. He set off down the field, looking for more rocks.
He was at the end of the field, close to the cemetery, when he saw a good-sized heavy rock. He bent down to pick it up.
When he stood up, the scarecrow was there.
It had not been there before. He was sure of it. He saw the field in his mind. Rows of pumpkins, grass, dirt, the shadows of the trees stretched long across the ground. Not a straw man to be seen.
Tate had never had a scarecrow, not that Farmer Brown knew of.
He remembered the bloodshot eyes, the coiling hands. Might be a lot about Tate he didn’t know.
The scarecrow was a good six foot. The pole looked weathered, like it’d been standing there in the rain and the snow and the sun for years. A pair of jeans swung in the wind, stuffed with straw. A red plaid shirt was tucked into the jeans, the arms stretched out across the cross pole. Bits of straw clung to the ends of the sleeves.
A fly landed on his hand. He shook it off.
He looked up, past the jeans and red plaid. Saw the white scarf.
It was a fine scarf. He wondered how much it must have cost. Must have been a pretty penny. Too bad about the stains. He stared at them. Listened to the flies buzzing.
In the distance, the crow cawed.
A snatch of song from childhood came back to him.
knock three times three times dead knock three times and lose your head
The scarf uncoiled itself, reared, struck.
It wrapped around his neck and yanked him forward. Dragged him face to face with the scarecrow’s head.
The smell hit him full in the gut. Bile rose in his throat.
Bulging eyes stared at him. Blood dripped from the nose. The half rotted mouth hung open like a tomb on Judgement Day. The swollen tongue twitched.
The scarecrow squeaked.
He pulled hard against the scarf. In response, it tightened around his neck. Cut off his windpipe.
He was going to die and they would find him here in the pumpkin field, stinking to high heaven, and Mae would be alone and he would never see her again.
The scarecrow squeaked again and again, the squeaks rising in volume until the thing was shrieking. Its screams stabbed into his brain.
The scarf cut into his skin and he couldn’t breathe and he felt something hard and rough in his hand.
He was still holding the rock.
He brought his right arm up. Swung it around. Drove the rock right into the scarecrow’s nose.
The thing let out a single high pitched squeak that reached into his bones and turned them to water.
He lifted his arm again, brought it down with the force of a tidal wave. The rock slammed into the scarecrow’s cheek. The scarf went limp.
He could breathe now. He took a deep breath, filled his lungs with the odor of decay and putrefaction. Raised his arm.
Blood flooded through his veins. His muscles burned.
Unable to squeak, its tongue stilled, the scarecrow moaned out a dirge.
His arm whistled through the air and came down like a scythe. The rock smashed into the side of the scarecrow’s head and kept going. Bones crunched. Skin tore and fell away.
The head came off the pole and thudded to the ground. The rest of the scarecrow followed, taking Farmer Brown with it.
The moaning stopped.
All of Farmer Brown’s bits ached. He could feel bruises forming on top of bruises. He was bleeding. But he was alive.
His hand was empty. The rock had fallen and disappeared.
He rolled off the scarecrow and looked up. It was nearly dark now. The moon was already in the sky. He could see every crater, every valley.
He could hear the footsteps when they came. Heavy and slow.
“I didn’t ask you for no help.”
Tate was coming down the field.
“You shouldn’t have come out here. I didn’t ask you to come out here.”
The footsteps stopped. Tate stood over him. Farmer Brown took a breath, a deep sweet breath, and spoke.
“I didn’t know you had a scarecrow.”
Tate’s face twisted with rage.
“I don’t.”
Tate held something in his hand. Something long and thin. And sharp. The knife glowed in the twilight.
Farmer Brown pulled his knees up, braced himself against the ground. Before he could get up, Tate’s boot came down hard on his chest and knocked the breath out of him.
He watched Tate raise his arm and thought Mae. The knife plunged.
Tate put his arms under Farmer Brown’s shoulders and lifted.
He hadn’t asked the man to come down here. He hadn’t done anything.
He walked backward. Farmer Brown’s boots scraped over the dirt.
Tate hadn’t done anything. It was the voice. The voice that screamed and screamed and never gave him any peace.
He hadn’t done anything. It was Ol’ Knocky. It was all Ol’ Knocky’s fault.
Farmer Brown’s head bumped against his chest.
The wind rustled through the trees. Leaves rose and fell in little gusts.
He came to the cemetery fence. Dragged the body through the gap he’d made three weeks ago.
Ol’ Knocky’s grave was in the row nearest his land. He laid Farmer Brown’s body down on it. Knocked on the tombstone.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
He sat on the grass in the dark and waited.
Rusty Jenkins sat in the rocking chair on the porch of the general store. It’d turned cold. Winter was coming on. His daughter didn’t much like him being out in the cold air. He’d have to give up the general store and spend his time at home soon.
The door slammed. Mae Brown stood next to him, shaking and breathing fire.
“They said you was the last person to talk to him. What did he say?”
“Said he was going down to Tate’s. I told him. I said a boy got his head tore off down there t’other week.”
Mae stared at him, wild fear in her eyes.
“He didn’t pay no account. Went down there anyway.”
She didn’t wait to hear more. She ran down the porch steps and out to her Bonneville. She slammed the car door, gunned the motor, and peeled out of the parking lot in a shower of gravel. Headed down to Tate’s, he’d reckon. No one ever paid any account to what old folks said.
Rusty settled back in the chair. Rocked back and forth. Listened to the creak of the floorboards. Maybe he could get his daughter to buy him a rocking chair like this one.
He picked up his Dixie cup and spat a stream of tobacco juice into it.
Sure was a shame about that Farmer Brown.
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