#Do you want to build a snowman
bricktoygrapher · 8 months
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Do you wanna build a snowman? ☃️
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yellowbrickramble · 11 months
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This chapter is based on the latter half of "General Jinjur’s Army of Revolt," but since I already used that chapter title, I named it something else. The illustration has absolutely nothing to do with the story. I thought it'd be fun to draw is all.
Ozma does make a couple of friends, however, as the illustration suggests.
If you love my comics, please support me on Patreon! (link in bio)
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someoneoffthestreet · 7 months
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Remember: this is for fun. Don't take it too seriously! Just pick your favorite between the two choices.
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lawofcollage · 1 month
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Look it's an Olaf! That I made!
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meltthefrozenheart · 10 months
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This is nuts. So much has changed, yet I can still remember clearly how this animated movie captured my attention immediatly. At the time I wasn't much interested in animated movies, so I didn't watch it in theaters. But when I "discovered" it in 2014, it became an obsession. The characters, the story, the themes, even the music. These two sisters, despite their differeces, still longing for each other, yet facing trauma, their separation and the isolation from the rest of the world ... and even the other characters, Olaf, Kristoff & Sven, Hans, they all are so interesting to follow.
Everything captured my interest, as if I was watching not just something aimed for families, but FOR EVERYBODY in a deeper sense: a full fleshed-out movie that talked universaly to the whole audience, indifferently of age or gender.
And here talking is a guy who always loved blockbusters, is obsessed with Transformers, superhero movies etc so this speaks volumes of how special Frozen is, and its world-wide success is a proof of that. And all the time watching the movie, the ending always felt just like the beginning of something, which is why at the time, I was such a big supporter for a Frozen 2.
It's probably the first movie (animated or live-action is indifferent) that I actually analyzed deeper than just "Wow, how cool is that!". In a way, Frozen is what opened the doors for me to the world of cinema, wanting to learn more about the background work to develop a movie, the ideas, the vision and the ultimate goal of what they were or are narrating.
I own this movie so much and I can't wait for what the future will hold for us, knowing we are going to get a two-parter story as what is probably the "final chapter".
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lovewillthaw-j · 2 years
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You built a snowman on your OWN?? After all the YEARS I begged you to build one with me??
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amesscott · 1 year
#PORTWELL: we used to be best buddies x traitor
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arendellequeen29 · 9 months
Obligatory introduction post!
Hi everyone! I'm Sara! And I'm a Frozen fanatic and an avid Disney lover in general. At 28, I probably love Frozen more than the average 6 year old and that's totally okay! I take pride in what I love, because it brings me joy and the purest form of happiness there is. At my age I've unfortunately have had to deal with a lot of unexpected health issues and through it all, Frozen has been one of my comforts that I've just always held on to.
Anna is my ultimate favorite. I've identified with her from day one. We're both redheads (that includes the feisty temper) and our personalities are strikingly similar.
I'm hoping to be able to meet other Anna and Frozen fans like myself and be able to connect and make some new friends! I need some people who want to see pictures of my merch and hear all of my opinions and thoughts!
I'd also like to dabble into fanfiction and roleplay if at all possible and see what kind of magic I'm capable of creating!
Thanks for reading! I can't wait for this adventure to begin! ❄❄❄
That means I have to ask...
Do you want to build a snowman?
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tiger-6e · 2 years
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madmanwonder · 10 months
Do you want to build a snowman
Wendy asks Natsu and Gajeel this.
Natsu and Gajeel look at the younger air dragonslayer with rapid blinking stare.
Natsu: *Grin* Sure Wendy!
Gajeel: *Shrug Shoulders* As long you keep quiet about it between us.
Wendy: *Happy Girl Noises*
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 2 years
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
And here it is! The second in my series of songfics, and was this a punch in the feels to write, lemme tell ya! Artzy, this one goes out to you! As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! Special thanks to Sparky for helping me with some of the dialogue! Our tale begins just a few months after the tragic deaths of Queen Penny and Queen Alyssa of Arendelle…
A solemn and mournful feeling hung in the air in the palace of Arendelle. The deaths of their beloved queens, just months before, still weighed heavily on the hearts of everyone in the palace.
The servants in the grand hall looked up as four-year-old Prince Kiran darted past them, no doubt heading for his older brother’s bedroom. Hesitantly, they smiled. Perhaps some fun would lift the spirits of both boys.
Stopping outside one of the large windows in the hall, Kiran gasped excitedly when he saw the snow falling from the sky, before racing to his brother’s door.
Kiran knocked on the door in the special beat he and Marc had come up with as a sort of passcode. Practically bouncing on his heels, he asked…
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play!
The large mounds of snow outside were perfect for some winter fun, and Kiran just knew that a day of sledding and snow angels would cheer the both of them up.
I never see you anymore
Come out the door!
It's like you've gone away…
With a sad expression suddenly overtaking his features, Kiran slumped downward, sitting with his back against the door.
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not.
I wish you would tell me why!
It had been over a month since he and Marc had last played together, and Kiran missed his brother terribly. Why wouldn’t Marc come out of his room? Had Kiran done something wrong?
Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman...
Kiran pressed his eye up to the keyhole, trying to see what his brother was up to in there.
“N-Not now, Kiran.”, came Marc’s quiet and hesitant reply. The younger prince slumped sadly and turned to walk away from the door.
“Okay, bye...”
Sitting, looking out over the kingdom, that evening, the elder prince of Arendelle jumped back in fright as his windowsill was suddenly coated in a thick layer of ice under his hands.
Alarmed, Marc called for Su-Han, the chief Royal Advisor, who came in bearing a solemn expression. He opened an ornate wooden box, revealing it to contain a pair of dark gloves made of a thick fabric the boy didn’t recognize.
“Put these gloves on. They will help you to control it.”, he said sternly, and Marc quickly obeyed. To the prince’s relief, the gloves seemed to work to stop his magic.
“Conceal it…”, the old advisor prompted. Marc knew what came next, it was an old rhyme meant to help him withhold his magic.
“Don't feel it.”
“Don’t let it show.”, the two finished together. Su-Han nodded, before his solemn expression turned deadly serious.
“Now, you must NEVER take these off. You could KILL someone with that power if you're not careful.”, he told the young prince coldly. With a frightened expression, Marc nodded.
“O-ok. I promise.”
Two years passed since that night, and young Prince Kiran, now six, was once again racing to his brother’s room! Maybe Marc would come out to play today. They had been sharing meals together as of late, after all! Sure, he sat at one of the long table and Marc at the other, and they didn’t really talk, but it was something!
Kiran knocked the cheerful beat of their secret code in Marc’s door, before he asked the question he did about every two days or so.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bike around the halls?
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to the pictures on the walls!
Kiran was honestly starting to go mad with no one to play with! So he hoped with all his heart that this would be the day Marc would say yes!
It gets a little lonely
All these empty rooms
The servants all just went about their business, mostly keeping to themselves, leaving Kiran to wander the halls of the enormous palace with nothing much to do but stare at the time passing.
Just watching the hours tick by...
The young prince flopped down in front of the large grandfather clock in one of the various sitting rooms of the palace, making ticking sounds with his tongue against his teeth.
Sitting on the floor of his bedroom, surrounded by jagged ice stalagmites, tears running down his cold cheeks, was Prince Marc. Looking up, he met the angry, cold and disapproving gaze of Su-Han.
“I-I didn't mean to do it...it-it's getting stronger, no matter what I do...”, Marc stammered out, the icy spires growing larger as he curled in on himself.
“Getting upset makes it worse. Calm down, now.”, the elder man said sternly, making a motion to grab the prince, who jumped back in panic.
“NO! Don't touch me! I don't wanna hurt you!”, he cried, as he took tentative steps back toward the wall. Su-Han shook his head with a look of disappointment.
“You'll only ever hurt people if you don't learn to control yourself and your emotions. THIS is why you can't see your brother. Why the people of the kingdom can't know what you are.”
Trembling, Marc looked at the man, pleading for any answers he could give.
“Wh-what can I do? How do I fix this?”
His expression turning solemn as stone once again, Su-Han answered:
“You must learn to keep your power sealed away inside you at all times, and at any cost. You must master discipline and control, and until you do that, you MUST remain isolated. With this magic of yours, it's simply too dangerous.”
Marc looked at the man in utter despair. At this rate, he would spend the rest of his life alone in this room! And Kiran…
“Just... let Kiran keep seeing me for meals, please? I'lI wear the gloves. I'll stay far away, I won’t even speak. Please, I…I just need to know he's ok!”, Marc pleaded, feeling his spirit start to break once more.
“Once I see proof of you improving, we'll discuss it.”
Another two years passed, and a letter arrived at the palace of Arendelle. The elder prince had been invited to attend the prestigious Francois Preparatory Academy! He would be leaving in only a day’s time. Eight-year-old Prince Kiran now walked solemnly down the hall, having just spoken with Advisor Su-Han.
“There is something…very wrong with your brother. He is going away to get it fixed.”
And so Kiran found himself, yet again, in front of Marc’s door, giving three solemn knocks, unable to even muster their special code.
Marc, please I know you're in there
People are asking where you've been…
Gossip was spreading through the kingdom about the reclusive elder prince. Kiran didn’t believe any of the ridiculous stories the village folk came up with, but he longed to know what was actually going on with his brother. What was this “terrible illness” that made Marc isolate himself?
They say, "Have courage," and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you
Just let me in
Kiran wondered if his brother felt the same sadness he did. It had been years since they had a proper conversation. If they could even spend a moment together, perhaps this rift between them could heal. The deaths of their mothers had hit them both so hard, but they still had each other. If only Marc would open this door…
We’ve only had each other
Now, you’re about to leave…
What am I gonna do?
Even if he rarely ever saw Marc nowadays, just the assurance that he was there was one of the few things that got Kiran through each day. Now, he wouldn’t even have that…
Do you wanna build a snowman?
When he received no response from his older brother, Kiran pushed himself to his feet and walked down the hall to his own room, tears slipping from his silvery eyes.
On the other side of the heavy oaken door, Prince Marc stood with head against the ice-coated wood, tears of his own sliding down his frigid cheeks.
Kiran, I know you're out there…
I hear you every day
Four long years, he had listened to his brother, asking him to spend some time together, his heart breaking a little more with each time he had to refuse. He missed Kiran more than anything.
I want to tell you everything, I really wish…
That I could say…
As far as Kiran knew, Marc had a terrible sickness that required him to stay away from everyone, for their own safety. He longed more than anything to tell him the truth, to let him know that the last thing he wanted was to push his little brother away like this.
I want to be beside you! To help you through…
If only he could just have a moment with his brother, he would give him a hug and tell him that everything was going to be alright. But Su-Han would never allow that, and perhaps he was right in feeling that way. Marc never forgot the…accident for a moment.
Believe me I need you too…
I want to build a snowman…
Marc sank down to sit with his back to the door, burying his head in his knees as a fresh swell of tears overtook him, the ice around him spreading even further.
‘Goodbye, Kiran. I promise I’ll come back better for you…’
I’m not crying, YOU’RE CRYING! Anyway, there it was folks! LMK what you thought in comments and reblogs! Oh, FYI, Marc’s part is Elsa’s Reply by Elsie Lovelock on YouTube!
Link: https://youtu.be/MutnK1UbdRk
Coming up next in this series is Zero to Hero! Keep and eye out! Love and hugs!
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mermaidinthecity · 8 months
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Do You Want To Build A Snowman? by Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn & Katie Lopez
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lawofcollage · 8 months
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Do you want to build a snowman?
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lady-ofliterature · 6 months
Me, writing my characters having issues:
Y/n took a shaky breath, burying their head in their trembling hands.
“I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried so hard, but nothing ever changes! If I can try for this long and not get any result, maybe I should just give up!”
Their shouted words left a stunned audience in the room and they stood up, ignoring the worried murmurs and hands reaching to comfort and soothe.
“Just—leave me alone. Please.” Please don’t leave me, not you too. But no one heard their silent plea, so everyone left. The door clicked shut and y/n released a quiet sob, tears rolling down their face.
“Why aren’t I good enough?” They asked empty air, letting themselves have another second to let it out before methodically wiping their eyes and cheeks and pasting a fake smile on.
Not that anyone would be able to tell it was a facade. No one ever bothered to try to see past the mask anymore.
Me having issues:
nah I’ll pass rn
My brain, simultaneously:
D’you want to build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman (do you want to build a snowman, frozen)
Mama Mia, does it show again, ah, ah, just how much I’ve missed ya (mama Mia, mama Mia)
You will be… popular. You’re gonna be popuuuular. I’ll teach you the proper poise, when you talk to boys (popular, wicked)
Poison, I’m drowning in poison, addicted to the feeling I can’t help but swallow (poison, hazbin hotel)
All the stars we steal from the night sky, will never be enough, never be enouuuuuuugh (never enough, the greatest showman)
Ahh, don’t be modest, I know you’re a goddess, so let’s be honest, you are ATHENA (warrior of the mind, epic the Troy saga)
This is what I get for helping, helping someone lame fit in. Caty Heron, enjoy your temporary win (world burn, mean girls)
Cause I’m tap-tap-tapping on the glass, I’m waving through a window (waving through a window dear evan hansen)
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irenekohstudio · 2 years
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Do you want to build a snowman?
We don't have snow in Singapore, so I never had the chance to build a snowman.
Nonetheless, the weather is getting cooler. My hands and feet are cold at night. Is it the same as where you are?
Btw, this is one of the new designs in my winter holiday collection. Hope you like it. :)
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