#Domestic Fantasy
lux-scriptum · 1 year
sometimes i like to dip my toes in indulging Elliot with a silly little novel. Today the question is, would I allow it to be a regular romance? or would i just casually keep up the angel/demon theme of his original universe?
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fredhugesfan · 8 months
Love Amidst Worm Transformation
In the realm of whimsical pondering, envision me transformed into a humble worm – a fanciful notion, perhaps deemed absurd. Allow me to refine my inquiry: Would your affection persist if I were no longer of utility, if I veered from vows and evolved into a stranger unforeseen?
Should the roles of wife and mother elude my grasp, if household duties and intimate connections were but distant echoes, would your love endure? Amidst the shifting sands of identity, would I remain recognizable to your heart, or would I dissolve into an unfamiliar entity?
Does your devotion transcend the deeds I perform? Statistics speak of spouses departing when faced with life's adversities; ominous odds paint a disheartening tableau. I pose a question, devoid of melodrama – if, in a twist of fate, I assumed the form of a worm, devoid of contributions, would love persist?
Picture a terrarium, a sanctuary of mulch within our intimate abode. Would you, with care, mist me like a delicate bloom, nurturing my existence? Or would I be cast onto the harsh pavement of indifference? Contemplating this fanciful transformation, I imagine crafting for you a miniature haven, a domicile of popsicle sticks – a whimsical offering from a humble worm to its cherished companion.
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transcendragon · 2 years
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Pride in a jar #4
Non-Jar-Nary - break out of the in-out of the jar binary. Eat the jam in the jar. My original art made in Procreate. 
[Image description: art of a jar open and pushed to the side. The jam was full of purple jam that still covers the wall of the jar and is not dripping out everywhere. A black lid reading “JAM” in purple letters is set off to the side. A small dragon, covered in jar, is creeping out of the jar licking the spilled jam out of the jar. The dragon is black with purple markings, and has four legs that are crouched over the ground. The dragon’s back is covered in yellow spines down to the base of their tail and they have two small yellow wings. The dragon has bright yellow eyes with purple irises. There is a tiny bit of jam on the dragon’s tongue. the scene is set on a dark surface with a bright window or doorway in the background, spilling through white-golden light which leaves reflections and shadows of the dragon and the transparent wings, jar, and jam on the surface. The art is themed to the white, yellow, purple, and black of the nonbinary flag. End image description.]
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ashipiko · 14 days
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
Cup Of Sugar
Deadpool x Reader x Wolverine
Authors Note: Since Yall finally see the beauty of Poolverine, you finally get some stupid fluff. Here ya go
Sum: You were neighbors with Blind Al, and that chaotic son of hers. Recently you’ve been hearing alot of noise, and figured you check on them both. Like a good neighbor. Seems to have been just the right time
Warnings: Fluff, canon typical violence, Logan and Wade being so gay in their own way, Blind Al being a total wing woman, dogpool aprecitation post, family fluff because god dammit Mama Blind Al and her sons boyfriend with their new dog domestic fluff is needed!
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“Will you two knock it off! I don’t need another damn couch in this house-!” You would hear Al shout. Not the first time, but the noise seemed so much more wild as of recent. Like some kind of badger was joining the party. Couldn’t help it with your worry. She was blind after all. So, here you are. Knocking on her door.
“Get along-! Well, or like STOP GETTING ALONG-!” You heard her snapping, before yanking the door open. “The hell you want?” She asked, before you would clear your throat.
“Hey Miss Althea-!” The moment she heard your voice she had softened into that motherly state she always had for you. Not many people in the complex really enjoyed her company, or her son’s, but you always took the time to say hi to her. Not treat her any less inferior because of her blindness.
“Oh hey baby! Come on in, get in here-!” She just beamed, and laughed. Happy to have someone new to talk to. Can get lonely, after all. From many of your conversations with her, when helping her take the groceries to her apartment, her son Wade was often on business trips. Nice to have some company.
Inside was certainly a chaotic mess. You swore someone ran around like a Tasmanian Devil in there. Pictures asque, cushions everywhere, a couch shredded like it was thrown in a blender. You were wondering what the hell happened. Was it a break in? Had you worried sick, before a bark caught your attention.
“PUPPY-!” You couldn’t stop yourself from squealing, as you knelt to the floor. Right next to the dog in her dog bed. All snuggled with plushies of what you guessed were her favorite heros, and seeming to be the one area of the apartment that escaped this fire. Least whoever attacked the home had some kind of morals.
“That ugly thing? That’s ’Mary Puppins’ as the dynamic duo calls them. She that ugly kinda cute. She always knows when you need someone to cuddle, that’s for sure. I ain’t complaining. Nice having company.” Al would explain to you, as you were hypnotized by her cuteness. Had her cradled in your arms, and giving her all the belly scratches.
“She’s perfect.” You cooed, as you gave her fluffy head a kiss. Had her barking happily at your attention. Seemed said barking finally got the attention of the two rascals in the home. A bickering of panic French was held, before you turned your head. As to see what the French was going on.
“Hey-“ A burly man would wave, before seeming to shove the other person into a bedroom. In some kind of mad panic, as if to hide them from you. For some reason.
“Oh, hey. Uh, hi.” You would stand up, Pup in hand, as you registered what you were looking at. He wasn’t the tallest man around, and honestly? Might be even shorter than yourself. Didn’t take away the fact he was built like a truck. Somehow all tucked away behind a torn up wife beater and jeans. Looked like he had been fighting someone with a set of knives. On top of knives. With more knives.
“That’s Logan. My kids new boyfriend.” Al would brush off casually, as she would find herself towards the couch. Just to sit there, and most definitely keep an ear out for the drama to happen now.
“We aren’t….It’s complicated-“ He tried to explain, before said Wade popped his cheery ass out. Having been in such a rush to join the party, he was wearing his shirt backwards. You would argue his boxers to, but a puppy keeps anyone’s attention.
“Oh hey! Peanut, that’s our neighbor. About time you met the sweetheart. Don’t do anything Logany. Or do, kinda a freak. Just saying-“ He would nudge at the shorter man, as said man rolled his eyes.
“Hey Wade-! When did you get this little girl? And uh, the hell happened here?” You were pretty used to Wades insanity at this point, hence why he called you a freak (in that sweet way endearing way) so maybe there was an explanation on all this.
“Thats Mary Puppens. The sweetest shit stain around. We got her from uh….A cousin. Passed away. Terrible terrible. Can’t have her left alone.” Wade would explain, as Logan would walk over. Gave the pup a gentle scratch under her chin that made her shake her leg just right. She clearly loved her new parents dearly.
“And the mess here?” You would raise a brow, before Wade tugged at his collar. That’s when he noticed it was backwards, and kept himself busy with fixing it. Left Logan to have to bite the bullet.
“….Redecorating…..” Logan offered, as you just stared at the two. A brow raised, as you didn’t buy it for a single second. You weren’t stupid. You weren’t going to fall for the ‘put on a hat and jacket and suddenly you can’t make out a superhero from a crowd’ trope. Something suspicious was going on.
“Just be direct, will ya?! If anyone can be trusted it’s gonna be that there sugar.” Al would practically scold the two little dumbasses. Just like a mother would to her so , and his boyfriend, who were trying to dance around a topic.
“Are you two super humans of some kind? You don’t have to tell me more. Just….Dont wanna worry about little Pup here and Al. Ya know?” That seemed to make Logan pause. As if your kindness, and realness, was a shock to have. A welcomed one, but you’ll still get caught off guard if you ate trash and suddenly had a pallet cleanser of lime sherbet shoved in your mouth.
“Do you mean super human as super human, or super human like mutant powers, or super human like experimented on, or super human like as a-“ And Logan promptly smacked the back of Wades head. Treating him like a skipping record. Had you giggle, since now you didn’t have to worry about the violence. Able to comprehend they just don’t feel pain like others.
“Super human is all that needs to be said, bub.” Logan warned him, as he held up his fist. You thought to punch, but you swore the top of his hand was twitching. Not like a muscle spasm. Way too uniformed. As if three veins were bulging. Maybe it was better not to question it.
“Now, why are you even here?” Logan would try his blunt coldness on you, but living next to the likes of Wade doesn’t really phase you. This was a world of super heros and inhumans. Can’t scare you that easy.
“Came to check on Miss Althea. Heard a ruckus, that was louder than normal, so I came to check.” That had Logan scoff. To hear you being so ‘brave’ and coming over to the source of the noise. A admiring ‘so dumb but in a brave way’ admiring.
“He’s still grumpy from the turbulence, if you will-“ Wade would jazz hands, as if knowing things that no one else shouldn’t. He always did act like that. As if he just knew how the world worked better than others. You found it more so endearing than creepy, like others did.
“Oh! New here? Well welcome! Oh, maybe I can show you around? Wade and I know some pretty cool places. Oh! There’s a dog park that’s built for dogs who need more special care than others. We can all go there with Miss Puppins!” You were rambling like Wade, but had the clarity of Logan. A beautiful combination. One that had the two men smitten.
“Fuck yeah we can go to the dog park. Get dressed, Showman, come on-!” And Wade was running off to get changed. The typical attire of hoodie, face mask, glasses. Just layering. You didn’t find his skin disgusting, but given the world’s issues with pandemic it can’t be helped.
“Great, now you got him started again-“ Logan would complain, yet was already grabbing his leather jacket. Complaining, yet clearly willingly excited all the same. Just in his own way.
“Would you like to join us, Miss Althea?” You asked her, which gave her a bit of a surprise. You wanted her to come along? She normally never tagged along on things like this. Yet, you offered. Even though most times she would say no. Not this time.
“Someone needs to make sure you assholes don’t get into more shit.” She smarted off, but was already standing. With the help of Logan, of course. Just in time for Wade to return.
“Come on disabled gang! Let’s go!” He would clap, as Logan just kept rolling his eyes. You yourself were excited, and leading the charge now. All with Miss Puppins happy in your arms. So happy to have a big family to take her on adventures.
Nothing more sweet than a happy pup.
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yellosnacc · 1 year
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A popular domesticated animal of slomen.
Kula are adapted for grassy areas with lots of small prey. In the wild, they either jump after flying or jumping prey or wait at burrows before smashing their prey with their hooves. If the smash isn't enough they hold it to their beak and finish it. Some species are more specialized to wait while others to jump. The domesticated Kula is speculated to be one of the more energetic hunters, mostly interested in 'insects'.
In ancient times wild Kula were attracted to sloman settlements as they would also attract prey with the slomans' food and light. The slomen would soon learn that Kula were not pests since the wild animals were yet to be spoiled by premium meat cuts and preferred fresh moving meat that the slomen didn't want around.
In current times many cultures keep these animals as pest control on farms and in larger houses. They can be commonly seen in underground rooms that serve as food storage but for a healthy mental state, they need time on the sun.
While in the wild they are usually solitary or in small groups, Kula have a complex body language that they use to express their mood and/or needs. This can be very cute and funny, helping them become as loved as they are. Many owners will grow to care deeply for their Kula but some cultures recognize them directly as pets. In the high-ranking societies of these cultures, pet Kula get even rounder. Often a certain trait is popular in a culture, resulting in localised breeds with different shapes and colors.
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Some little goober possibilities - not entirely canon
In a few places, Kula are also part of a religion and have their own shrines.
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birthdaycakeplate · 3 days
Every now and then, Wade comes back from ‘work’ to track Logan down to a shitty little bar on the same street as their apartment. (‘Cause sometimes he just misses seeing his Logey Bear!)
He wants to hang out, gab about the latest gossip, swaddle the other man in layers of innuendo with the dead end flirting Logan’s becoming more and more accustomed to entertaining, even if only for Wade’s benefit. (Whatever, a merc can dream this is going somewhere, can’t he?) So off Wade goes to collect him and impose his company upon him.
Logan’s just standing up from the bar when Wade walks in and spots those unmistakable kitty ear cowlicks from the back.
“Lo-Lo!” Wade beams, skipping merrily over to deliver the slap of all slaps upon Logan’s unsuspecting rear. Kneading a plush cheek like it’s a delicate cashmere for a moment.
“Hey, asshole! I told you to quit- Oh… You.”
It’s almost affectionate in a way. This kind of resignation that Logan is unfortunately both acquainted with and fond of Wade and his antics when they come assaulting him, a small smile tilting his lips. But Wade doesn’t have the time to let it go to his presumptuous head that he may be getting closer and closer to actually having a chance with this guy some day, because… who has been grabbing Logan’s ass at the bar?
Who the fuck has Logan been threatening to keep their hands to themselves?
Who is touching his Logan.
(Ps. Logan isn’t afraid of sticking up for himself or handling a handsy shithead. He is afraid of fucking things up for Wade and the others, though, so the claws stay in, and the death threats stay mild.)
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 3 months
Love that stupid hairbrushing scene where Padme pretends to brush her curly hair. It's so doll-like, but the doll she's playing with is herself. Putting on a performance for her husband, but really acting out a fantasy for herself.
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soggy-fishsticks · 6 months
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thegreatimpersonator · 7 months
devastatingly hilarious (upsetting) that after YEARS of criticizing slut shaming + media's obsessive focus on taylor swift's exes instead of her art, swifties remain the most hung up on her ex in the vilest most parasocial way
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transcendragon · 2 years
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A Rainbow of Potions - I really liked how the Alloace Potion piece turned out, so I decided to try to make a whole rainbow of potions. I tried to make it in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and I put different backgrounds behind it. I think it turned out alright. 
My original art made in Procreate, please credit me if you re-post. 
[Image description: Two digital paintings that both depict two shelves of rich brown wood set in a window. The top shelf has a small round pitcher with a brown liquid within, a tall sharp hour-glass-esque vial with a bright red liquid, and a short yet broad round vial with a sparkling orange liquid within. The bottom shelf has a tall triangular vial with a smokey yellow liquid within, a tall broad green vial with a thick green liquid within, a dark blue pitcher with a blue liquid within, and finally a tall slim bottle with a sparkling light purple liquid within. Each one has glass themed to the same color as the mysterious potion within. Outside the window, one digital painting shows a light blue cloudy day and the other shows a black starry night. End image description.]
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moongazer71 · 5 months
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ooeygooeyghoul · 1 year
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Thancred hasn't been clean-shaven for a while due to a certain someone's personal taste.
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
Farmers Market
Bill Weasley x Reader
((Can be read as platonic because there needs to be more platonic fics :>))
Summary: You wanted to go to your local farmers market. Get some fresh foods, see interesting things, just have a nice day. That’s when you see a new stand pop up. How could you resist? Not every day you see a gaggle of red heads
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You just LOVED visiting the farmers market. Once a week, you would visit. Given it was in such a close walking distance, it made life easier. Fresh food for good prices. How could anyone refuse such a thing? A favorite routine to enjoy.
With your basket on your arm, and outfit dusted off, you were off to the little slice of heaven. Just walking down the street. Giving a wave hello to your neighbors, and having pep. Was always so nice to just get some fresh air. Was a perfect day. Just the right amount of sun, and just enough breeze to keep the heat low. You just adored it.
When you arrived you visited your favorite farmers. Saying hi to them, and picking out your favorites. With how often you visited, they always made sure to set aside the best for you. Supporting local farmers is the best, and it’s appreciated after all.
As you did your routine, you noticed a new stand. The little pop up was quite eye catching. Bright colors that catch attention easy. Said bright colors being brilliant red hair on each person there. You had never seen hair of such a shade like that, unless dye counts. Can’t be dye, since the smallest of the children had that same wild shade. Had you invested quickly, and you were soon walking over.
“Well hey there-!” You assumed the oldest said, as he was having a little girl on his hip. Cute little pig tails, and snuggling her tightly. Protective of him, and clearly defensive of anyone who got too close. Must be the youngest, and the baby girl.
“Hey. I haven’t seen this little stand before. You knew here?” You asked, as you looked around. It just had so many things. Hand made paper, soaps, fruits and veggies, meats, and many different types of hand made things. Plenty being sweets.
“Yep. Names Bill. Bill Weasley. That guy over there is Charlie, that guy with the book is Percy, those two trouble makers are Fred and George, the one talking to mum is Ron, and this little girl is Ginny. Yeah uh. Mum has a lot of kids.” He chuckled, as the baby sister kept playing with his ponytail. Had you giggle, as she yanked on it. Making him squeak, and her giggle.
“What can we do ya for?” He asked, as he tickled his baby sister’s tummy. Made her squeal in delight, as she kicked her little bare feet. You adored how sweet he was to the little girl. So full of love.
“I was actually interested in those tins. With the sweets-“ You asked. That seemed to catch the twins attention, and they weee quick to be side by side with their eldest brother. Big, proud, smiles on their freckled cheeks.
“Those sweets were hand made by these two. Don’t worry, I made sure none of them will turn you into a newt.” He teases, as the twins have a pout. Regardless, they were quick to pick the tins up. Excited to share.
“This one tastes like grape! Grapes my favorite-!” “And this one tastes like oranges! Oranges are MY favorite-!” The twins would echo each other, as they explained what those candy’s were. The hard candy, the chewy kind, just such confidence.
“Percy is the one to make the hand made paper. He’s pretty proud of that. Ron and Ginny help with the soaps. That leather-? Me and Charlie. Charlie and I would hunt for a bit, and turn the leftovers into soaps and leather. No waste in this family.” Bill would explain, as he would hand Ginny off to Charlie. She gave a huff, but that second sibling was quick to entertain her.
“You are all quite talented. It’s admirable.” You would admit, as you were in awe that people so young were able to create candy. GOOD candy no less, as you were offered a sample. It was like heaven. You couldn’t compare it to any other candy you’ve had before. It was beyond words.
“We all have a talent for something in this family.” Bill would shrug, as if it wasn’t a big deal. You thought it was. You found your new favorite table now. You just had to. These kids deserved to know their hard work wasn’t for nothing.
“I’ll have this, and that, and that-“ You would pick out. Sure it was going to be a bit pricey, but this was your spending money for a reason. Besides, it went to a clearly well deserving family. The way those twins were beaming was just to much to handle.
“MUM MUM-! WE SOLD OUR CANDY-!” They were cheering, as Bill would chuckle. Hardly could count the change, as the twins were jumping for joy to their mother. The woman giving them a tired, but proud, smile.
“Means more than you know. Mum is uh….Complicated about the twins wanting to grow up to be inventors. Like I get it, but exactly a job that can be successful.” Bill would whisper to you, as he would place the items in your bag. You gave a nod, as you watched them bounce in pure joy. So proud, and happy. They deserved the support.
“Will you be here next week?” You asked, as he smirked. With a nod. “Yeah, for sure.” He winked, as you chuckled at the banter you shared.
“Hypothetically-“ “That’s a really bug word-“ “Yeah. Anyway, what would happen to be your favorite flavor?” The twins would ask you, with those big doe eyes. How could you resist? You told them, and they were quick to huddle to a corner to brain storm.
“Be careful. If they like you too much, you’ll be pranked to hell and back.” He warned you, as you brushed it off. What’s the worse they could do?
“Can’t wait to see you again. Those two are going to never shut up about you now. Their ‘first customer ever-!’ They’ll cheer.” He was sounding more proud than the twins were. You admired that greatly. He clearly wanted the twins to succeed at their dreams. Made your heart warm.
“See you soon-!” Ginny would wave, as Charlie would mimic her tiny wave. You would return the gesture, before taking your leave. Still able to hear those twins cheering and bragging to their siblings.
When you finally returned home, and unloaded your things, you noticed something odd with your items. Made you think.
For starters, you swore the candy you had bought had changed color. Somehow brighter than it originally was. The paper you got as well was off. You swore the black specks on it were moving. Made you worry they were bugs, but you touched it to feel nothing. Another odd trait was there was a little note.
“Come to Ottery St. Catchpole sometime. You can’t miss us. Hope to see you sometime. William.”
Suppose you made a bigger impression than you thought. Had you giggling with excitement, that you completely missed the fact that a runt of a gnome had climbed out of your still packed bag. Quick to make itself cozy in your backyard.
Guess that’s what you get for talking to strangers.
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yellosnacc · 8 months
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New year, new creature reveal!
This animal is an Iťalaq, a large creature adapted for the hot and dry environment of the east. Just like some earth desert animals, it has energy storage in the form of its watery bloodstream and of a large fat pocket under its 'pelvis'.
They feed primarily on plant matter. Bushes and grasses are easy targets, while hard or spiky materials will get stomped on with their middle limbs to then scoop up the insides. For food high up, they pick on it using their front limbs and throw it to the ground or insert it directly into their mouth. They do not mind a meaty snack.
As a bonus unpleasant fact, Iťalaq have the contents of their 'ends' ready to protect them from predators (both liquid and bullets), and it gets very stinky if they eat meat before the processing.
You are unlikely to ever see one in nature - at least not the domesticated species that are used all over the eastern sloman cultures (those are better reported to the nearest settlement).
Their history with slomen is not as long as it is with pamuli that evolved side by side with slomen. However, they are considered the first domesticated "arm-jaw" animals and have served people for thousands of years as their main "vehicle". Where they are used, wheels and carts are uncommon, finding most use in cities.
One iťalaq can often carry over 200kg (330 pounds), but it's better to keep the weight lower and let a pamuli take the rest of the cargo.
In this illustration, the rider is a sloman matriarch, likely stopping to stare at a strange phenomenon.
It is often that a northeastern family has at least one iťalaq, and the oldest members are the primary riders (both because of the member's importance and less energy from old age). The matriarch is the oldest and most respected, so it's only expected she's most familiar with the animal.
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the picture with no text
hope the text wall doesn't have too many mistakes man
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crisiscutie · 1 year
It's does remind me this one song, Christmas Kids. Yandere Sephiroth tried babytrap his s/o for not leaving him. Christmas kids represent the triplets. Which is Yan!Sephiroth tried to make his s/o pregnant. They tried best to escape hell away from their own prison house. Even, they're change their name and move other country, Sephiroth will find them no matter what.
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Yandere domestic Sephiroth AU? Yes, please. I've listened to the song, I really like it. Something about sad songs with happy beats always gets to me. I may have heard it before in some YT shorts... Anyways, it fits a domestic Yandere Sephiroth and a Pregnant!Darling very well. Just imagine the darling coming back to her new home and finding Sephiroth waiting...
Companion fic here.
Content Warnings: Slight NSFW, Emotional abuse, Pregnant Darling. Long headcanons under the cut.
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Grocery shopping for the week wasn't easy, but it had to be done. The boys won't be happy that their mother went shopping without them, but school must come first.
Plus, the darling wasn't in the mood to hear Loz and Kadaj arguing and begging for certain foods that week. But regardless of their squabbles, they are her precious gifts. Her Christmas kids, as they were born on that day. The happiest day of her life.
The darling opened the door to her new home, taking a deep breath and feeling the exhaustion from the errand. The ache in her swollen feet, aching back and sensitive milk-filled breasts was overwhelming.
But the pain and discomfort she felt in her pregnant body was a small price to pay for the freedom she and her boys gained.
The young, naïve triplet boys were confused of why their mother wanted to move suddenly, but they obeyed her with little hesitation, anyway.
The darling didn't want them to turn out like Sephiroth. His possessiveness and control were too much to bear. When he took to killing innocent people in the misguided attempt to "protect" her and the boys, that was the last straw. She knew she had to leave that fucked up place called "home" behind...
She grabbed her young boys and left their prison house when the stars aligned...
Despite her unexpected pregnancy by Sephiroth, her journey brought her here. She kept pushing forward, and the reward was a peaceful, cozy home for her and her children. Until today.
As the darling placed items on the shelves, she felt a cold, eerie sensation, as if something was watching her from the darkness.
She forced herself to ignore the eerie chill, opening the window blinds slightly as she resumed her normal stocking pace.
Even though the sun was shining brightly on this beautiful day, the eerie chill still lingered in their new home.
But it has nothing to do with what happened in their past. Definitely not. It's probably just a cold flash from her pregnancy getting so close to the end.
As she tippytoes, she strained her body to place the last few items.
As a response, the backache from her pregnant belly intensified. She could feel her baby's sporadic movements, ranging from gentle kicks to violent jolts. Maybe the darling should've invested in a step stool...
A wave of heat washed over her, a heat that was neither comforting nor from the sun, but a heat that was harsh and oppressive.
Now she's having hot flashes? Oh, the perils of pregnancy. At least this little one inside her should be much easier to have than the triplet boys.
The darling softly smiled as she recalled the adventurous banter among the triplets during their journey to a new home. They were debating the sex of their new sibling.
Loz longed for a younger brother to wrestle and play games with, knowing that he would have a better shot at winning against him, unlike his other brothers.
Yazoo, with his level-headed and composed outlook, predicted it would be a girl, welcoming the possibility of her tempering the wildness of his brothers (what a hypocrite).
Kadaj didn't care either way, as long as they didn't challenge his position as the leader and his status as his mother's (self-proclaimed) favorite.
The darling let out a deep groan as she paused her stocking. Her unborn child ended the sporadic fetal movements with the hardest kick yet. Something just isn't right... Perhaps she will see someone later this week after she and the boys finish moving in.
Suddenly, the dark, icy chill behind her shifted to a menacing heat, like a furnace blazing from the shadows. It felt so familiar, like… No! It's impossible! That chapter was a distant memory.
The darling is just imagining things. It should be no surprise that the human brain likes to play cruel tricks like this.
Like how Loz kept running to his mother, crying about seeing mysterious dark feathers around his school, the grocery store and other places their family would visit. He would complain that Sephiroth was too good at hide and seek.
The darling figured the strange dark feathers were simply a product of his mind, missing his father in his own way...
But it became alarming when Yazoo began to murmur and point out the smallest details of every single dark feather as he brought them to her.
Kadaj was getting frustrated, beginning to wonder why their father wouldn't help them finish moving in.
The darling refused to believe the boys. It could just be the ravens shredding their feathers, right?
With trembling hands, the darling slowly reached out for the final item. When she completes this simple task, she can lie down and relax. All of her stress, and the aching in her back especially, would soon be gone.
Just before she could grasp it, a large, gloved hand appeared and delicately placed the last item on the top shelf.
The darling felt a strange, unwanted sense of relief as she felt the slow and gentle strokes of another hand on her back.
...His presence could not be denied any longer. She felt his chest expanding and contracting against her head, and heard the gentle thump of his heart.
Sephiroth… No matter how many miles they traveled or how many times they changed their names and minds, he still had the determination to find them. He'll always know.
His silver tresses brushed against her skin as he hummed his sinister lullaby, pressing his lips to her ear.
His free hand grazed one of her sensitive, milk-filled teats. His hand then slowly descended, aiming for the treasure below.
His darling's swollen belly, where the new life within her stirred and grew.
He rested his hand on the center of her large belly. Warm, twisted happiness now radiated from him. His plan worked.
His darling refused to turn around. Struggling to contain her sobs, His darling averted her head from him and wept in silence.
His fingers glided over the stretched skin of her stomach, while his other hand moved lower to caress the small of her back.
As he opened his mouth, his warm breath tickled her ear.
"A touching reunion."
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I wasn't sure if the prompt ask had the darling pregnant with triplets or already had them and was pregnant with a spare child, so I just combined a little of both concepts, but regardless, thanks for the great inspiration.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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