#Don't Starve: Reign of Giants
uniebog · 1 year
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Seasonal bosses :]
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vgbossthemes · 2 years
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ketchup112 · 1 month
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Molly Wheel Lavender Blood.
"Hello there, hmm do you need some help?"
Motto-Adapt or die?
Health 160
Hunger 150
Sanity 200
Birthday-April 10
Curio Cabinet Bio- Molly went into the constant just to save her siblings. No plan, no idea how to get out.Only her wit and her survival skills as a hunter. Maybe it was a little luck finding her siblings and finding a new home
Odds of Survival-Slim
Perks & Quirks- Arrows and bow
Favorite Food-Jerky
That means also fish small or big portions.
Bow and arrow.
Magical mask.
Dislikes armor.
“I will make a different post for her special tools later.”
Lose insanity.
She slightly loses her sanity as she kills a baby animal. Insanity -10
Eating raw meat will also make her lose her sanity. Insanity-11
There is a weight limit on the. Pseudo armor itself. She's perfectly OK wearing the grass armor; she doesn't take any sanity.
Where in the wooden armor would take away -1 of her sanity. Terror tolerable?
The rock armor, she doesn't even put it on. She denies it. 
In her general outfit, she is wearing a red sun dress who's been turned in the bottom of years running into the forest. Or leaving hidden clues where she's at to her siblings. Her magical mask was a gift from her mother. She has blue in purple. Hair ribbons of her brother and sister. We're a. Black this who's been altered. It was her father's. Her hair is shaped like a W. But it also looks like Wolverine from the X-Men.
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agoodflyting · 3 months
Why Aziraphale is completely ridiculous in the Bastille scene (and I love him so much for it)
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A while ago I posted a comparison of Aziraphale and Crowley's costumes in the 1793 flashback in Good Omens and I wanted to add these little tidbits. (Because they haunt me.)
I feel like most people know this but IF YOU DON'T, Paris in 1793 is right in the middle of something called La Terreur.
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HISTORY LESSON If you didn't learn this in school the French Revolution was when, after years of escalating social tension, a coalition representing the working classes of France revolted against the monarchy, violently overthrew King Louis XVI, and declared France to be a republic.
The new National Convention governing France ruled that King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were traitors to the people of France because of how they had spent ridiculous amounts of money on luxuries for themselves while vast numbers of the lower classes were literally starving to death. (keep the bold in mind - wealth and class disparities were one of the key causes of the whole-ass revolution)
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In 1793 (year of the flashback) both the King and Queen were executed by guillotine for their crimes.
This kicks of something called The Reign of Terror (La Terreur if you want to be French about it). A multi-year-long period in which the National Convention goes on a bloody witch hunt for any and every member of the middle or upper classes who could even possibly be considered a traitor by those same standards.
If you A) had money or privilege, and B) had ever used your money or privilege to treat yourself, you were getting executed. Over 25,000 people died during the Reign of Terror, half of them by guillotine. In fact, the iconic guillotine was used because it was physically impossible to keep up with the sheer number of people they were executing in Paris every single day.
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Some things that could get you killed (actually and completely seriously) during the Reign of Terror:
Implying in any way you were sympathetic to the monarchy
Having a noble title
Having expensive things
Wearing expensive, luxurious clothes (*cough* AZIRAPHALE)
helping or sympathizing with anyone who did any of the above
a working-class person saying you were mean to them once
And then there's this bitch...
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I AM NOBILITY PLEASE KILL ME So we have established that Paris in 1793 is in the middle of a frenzied, state-sanctioned bloodbath in which the working classes are massacring everyone even remotely nobility-adjacent. And in the middle of this frenzy, Aziraphale proceeds to roll up in Paris in this outfit:
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How will this outfit get him killed? Let me count the ways...
First off- at this point everyone with even the tiniest shred of self- preservation is hiding the fact that they are in any way associated with the monarchy. The wealthy are straight-up abandoning mansions. The middle-class are plastering over decorations to make their house look 'poor'. The only people dressed remotely decent are the guys leading the National Convention and that's just because nobody can stop them. Everyone else is in 24/7 peasant cosplay or else they are covering themselves in cockades and sashes on to show they're pro-Republic.
Aziraphale is basically a giant shiny white sign saying I AM NOBILITY PLEASE KILL ME.
First off the lace jabot and lace cuffs are both associated with the old-school wealthy in the 1790's.
His coat is also decorated in gold braid and silver buttons, which are both marks of wealth and luxury.
He basically looks like he works for Louis XIV - not just rich, but old school rich.
We know it's his natural hair color, but hair powdering (with clay and starch) had been a big trend with the rich all throughout the 18th century to get that clean white venerable look . To someone who doesn't know it's natural, it would very much look like he's wearing hair powder.
He's wearing shades of cream and white, which are very hard to keep clean and clearly states that the wearer is rich and can afford the upkeep necessary to keep an outfit like that stain-free.
He's wearing white knee-breeches and stockings, also called culottes. See above about laundry and how rich you had to be to wear white, but also working-class men wore long pants like this:
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A large faction involved in the Revolution were the Sans-Culottes (no-culottes aka we wear long pants LIKE GOOD OLD WORKING MEN). Culottes are specifically associated with everything the revolution hated. That's right - Aziraphale is literally wearing The Fanciest of Fancy Pants in a city where a group called The Men Against Fancy Pants are running around murdering people.
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And then there are his shoes.
Oh god his shoes
I could do a whole post about Aziraphale's blessed little white satin pumps and how ridiculous they are.
Actually I might just do that because this is getting so long and I still have to talk about the brioche.
So I can't remember if it's in the script book or if it's from Neil Gaiman's tumblr, but it's apparently canon (?) that Aziraphale was going around in that outfit asking people where he could get crepes and brioche when he was arrested.
The Affair of the Brioches
So... uh... we've all heard the line attributed to Marie Antoinette- how when she was told that her people were starving because there was no bread left in Paris, she famously said...
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It's morphed into 'let them eat cake', but the line is first recorded as, "Then let them eat brioches."
While it's unlikely she ever actually said it, the important thing is that... people in 1793 would have thought she said it. It was used as political smear to show how arrogant and out of touch the monarchy was. Marie Antoinette in particular was reviled by the people of France, who thought she was the main cause of their economic problems. That's why she was executed too.
Bread and brioche and the lines between poverty and privilege were a big thing in Revolutionary France. There was a lot of political connotation to what you ate. The French Revolution came about because of decades of suffering among the lower classes of France. It wasn't something that some dudes just decided to do. The people of Paris have been through years of the absolute worst, most oppressive poverty and starvation you can imagine, all while watching the rich throw money around crazy.
So let us recap.
Aziraphale is dressed so ridiculously posh that he looks like a joke parody of a nobleman... and he is bumbling around Paris during the Reign of Terror. Asking people. For brioche. How I imagine everyone looked at him:
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It is so astoundingly tone deaf and tactless. He is basically cosplaying as Marie Antoinette and then going around asking the poor for cake.
I just.... Aziraphale. babygirl. no. oh no. You're lucky they even bothered to take you to prison. I am amazed Crowley ever let him live that down.
I have no conclusion other than this. Aziraphale is ridiculous and I love him so much.
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aubigney · 1 year
am i really bad at crossposting my videos or is it a genius marketing strategy to stagger your attention? you decide
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paulmamuad · 1 year
Don't Starve ROG Band
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"Reign of Giants" survivors playing their own voice/instrument. Not that accurate
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spinosaurusenjoyer · 1 month
Being into Don't Starve in its earlier days, like around the era of Reign of Giants dropping, is extremely funny because looking back you really feel the year 2015 when you compare the male characters that were paid attention to:
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To the ones that weren't:
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You can feel the tumblr sexyman archetype enjoyers separating the wheat from the chaff...
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ultrone · 1 year
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⋮ 🎯 ⌗ 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐱 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠
synopsis. click here (request)
cw. none
wc. 1.6ish k
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It was a Thursday afternoon, and you and your friends had nothing to do after school, which rarely happened during the week, so you decided to go to an arcade nearby to have some fun.
As you and your friends walked into the arcade, the sounds of beeping machines and loud music filled your ears. You looked around and saw rows of flashing arcade games and ticket dispensers, each one beckoning you to come and play.
Chad and Mindy immediately rushed to the Whac-A-Mole machine, both trying to impress their girlfriends by winning the big teddy bear.
As Tara heads over to the claw crane, you and Amber join Wes at the photo booth. You all cram into the small space and start snapping pictures. You can't help but notice the discomfort between your girlfriend and your best friend. It's not like they hate each other, but you've always known that there's been some underlying tension between them. Wes has always thought that Amber is too possessive, and Amber, on the other hand, gets jealous easily when you spend time with Wes rather than with her.
"Come on, Ambs, smile!" you say, trying to get her to loosen up, as she seemed a bit stiff.
"I am smiling!" Amber retorts, her expression serious.
Wes looks awkward and uncomfortable, not sure where to put his hands. You, on the other hand, are goofing off and grabbing both of them, trying to make the picture as silly as possible.
"Hey, don't be so tense, Wes," you say, teasing him. "Just pretend Amber isn't here."
Amber shoots you a look, clearly not amused by your joke. You all manage to take a few more pictures before the machine spits out the strip of pictures.
You quickly grabbed the strip and examined the pictures. As you looked at them, you burst out laughing. Amber and Wes looked awkward while you looked all cute and happy in the middle. 
"Wow, we really know how to make an awkward photo look good," you teased, holding up the photo strip with a grin.
Amber rolled her eyes playfully, "Speak for yourself, I look like a total dork."
Wes nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I don't know what's going on with my hands in that last one."
Amber rolled her eyes jokingly as you snapped a picture of it with your phone and uploaded it to your Instagram story. "Of course, you have to share it with the world," she teased.
"Well, it's not every day we take such a stunning family portrait," you joked with a grin, putting the photo strip back in its sleeve.
As you all walked around the arcade, you could hear the competitive shouts of Chad and Mindy as they continued their Whac-A-Mole match.
"Take that!" Chad yelled triumphantly as he hit yet another mole.
Mindy rolled her eyes and tried to catch up, but Chad was too quick. Liv and Anika cheered them on, but you could tell they were secretly rooting for their respective partners. 
After a few more rounds, Chad emerged victorious, proudly claiming the giant teddy bear as his prize, and handing it over to Liv. Mindy pouted for a moment, but then a mischievous grin crossed her face.
"Fine, you win," Mindy grumbled, holding up her hands in defeat. "But don't get too comfortable, I'm still the reigning champ at air hockey." She grinned slyly at Chad, challenging him to a rematch. Chad grinned, accepting the challenge, and the group headed over to the air hockey table.
As you kept playing different games for the next hour, you began to feel hungry. You looked around at your friends and noticed that they were starting to get a little restless too.
"Hey guys, are you getting hungry?" you asked, “All that gaming has left me starving,” you said, rubbing your stomach.
"Yeah, I could go for some food," Chad replied.
"Same," Mindy chimed in. "I could really go for some fries right about now."
Liv, Anika, and Tara nodded in agreement, and you all decided to head towards the food court.
You made your way through the arcade until you finally reached the food court, and you all split up to order your meals. Chad, Amber and Mindy went for burgers and fries, while Liv and Anika opted for some sushi. You, Tara and Wes decided to try out the new pizza joint that had just opened up.
As the three of you sat down at a table with your steaming slices of pizza, you couldn't help but take a big bite of your slice, moaning in satisfaction. "Damn, this pizza's good as fuck," you said with your mouth full. Wes nodded in agreement, his mouth also stuffed with pizza. Tara followed suit, agreeing with the both of you.
Just then, you noticed Amber and the others approaching your table with their food. "Hey, babe, try this," you said to Amber, offering her a bite of your pizza.
Amber hesitated for a moment before leaning in and taking a small bite. Her eyes widened in surprise as she tasted the pizza. "Wow, this is really good," she said, giving you a kiss on the cheek in appreciation.
You grinned, reaching over to grab one of her fries without asking. She rolled her eyes at you in a playful way, clearly used to your antics.
As you all sat at the table enjoying your meals, Mindy brought up the topic of the Stab movies.
"Okay, but can we talk about how shitty Stab 7 was?" Mindy said, shaking her head.
Chad nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, I couldn't even finish it."
Wes spoke up. "Yeah, Stab 6 is still the best one out of all of them."
Amber looked at Wes with a serious expression. "No, it’s not. Stab 5 is clearly the best one," she argued.
Wes raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? Stab 6 had a way better plot and the acting was way better."
Amber chuckled, almost teasing, "No way, Stab 5 had better character development and a more interesting storyline.” She continued, "Come on, Wes, you can't seriously think Stab 6 was better. It was so predictable and cliché," Amber said, “Besides, it-”
You kicked Amber under the table as you noticed she was getting a bit too heated. Giving her a look, you signaled her to calm down a bit.
"Whatever," she muttered, taking a sip of her drink.
Anika spoke up, trying to ease the tension. "I think all of them are good in their own way." 
Liv nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're all pretty cool."
Mindy chimed in, "All except Stab 7. That one was a disaster."
Chad nodded in agreement, "Yeah, second that. They should have stopped after Stab 6."
You all laughed, relieved that the debate had ended on a humorous note. The group then started discussing their plans for the upcoming weekend, debating between a beach day or going to the movies. As you all finished your meals, you continued chatting and joking around, enjoying each other's company. The arcade hangout had been a great idea, and you made a mental note to plan another one soon.
After finishing your meals, you all decided it was time to head home. As you walked out of the food court, you and Amber made your way to her car. You got into the passenger seat and she started the engine, pulling out of the parking lot.
As she began to drive, you noticed the way Amber's hand instantly found its way onto your thigh, something that had become second nature to her by now. You smiled at her and leaned your head back against the headrest, enjoying the feeling of her touch. You placed your hand on top of hers, interlocking your fingers. 
As you sat in the car, you couldn't help but ask Amber about the debate earlier. "Hey babe, what was that about with Wes and the Stab movies?" you asked curiously.
Amber rolled her eyes, "Well, it's not my fault he has such bad taste." She replied sarcastically, a slight grin on her face.
You knew there was more to it than just the movie, though, so you pressed on. "Come on, you just did it to mess with him, didn't you?" You said, giving her a knowing look.
Amber denied it, but you knew better. "Babe, you literally made me watch Stab 6 two days ago because it's in your top 3," you pointed out.
Amber chuckled, "Well yeah, but 5 is still better."
You sighed and said, "Baby, you have to stop being so mean to Wes. He's actually trying to get along with you, you know?"
Amber relented, "Fine, I'm sorry. I'll try to be nicer to him from now on."
You couldn't help but notice how cute Amber looked when she was being stubborn. You knew that apologizing didn't come easy for her, so you smiled at how adorable she looked when she finally gave in. As she stopped at a red light, you turned to face her, gently grabbing her chin and turning her head to look into her eyes.
"I really do appreciate it, babe," you said, your voice filled with sincerity. "I love you, you know that?" you said, looking deeply into her eyes.
Amber's cheeks flushed as she smiled back at you. "I love you too," she replied softly.
You leaned in and pressed your lips against hers in a sweet kiss. It felt like time stood still as you savored the moment, feeling the warmth of her lips against yours. When you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against hers and smiled. As the lights turned green, Amber shifted the gear and continued driving into the night. The streetlights illuminated her face, casting a warm glow over her features. You leaned back in your seat, feeling content and at peace, as the city passed by in a blur outside the car window
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rhymeswithchronic · 10 months
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Art by my sister-in-law and one of my best friends, plebianplant! I realized that, while I post a lot of art and chapter updates for this story, I never actually explained what What This World Has to Offer was! So, here's an introduction post for it! I'd like to do it for some of my other fanfics, too, but we'll have to see :3
“The Reign of Giants will come and go Shipwrecked will he, we'll never know When finally, the end of lives Begins with the fall of five”
A world fraying apart from the seams would do anything to save itself. If that means damning innocent souls to a neverending Hell, then so be it. The Host, The Young Heir, The Martyr, The Sister, and The One True Heir. The Host of Their Master The Young Heir to a Throne of Shadows The Martyr Who Gave Up Everything The Sister of the Monster in the Dark The One True Heir to a Kingdom of Bones Don't be afraid. This is what is meant to happen. This is what you're meant to be. After all, it's all happened before, and it will all happen again.
Part 1 - Reign of Giants: Chapter 1-50 Part 2 - The One True Heir: Chapter 51-67 Part 3 - The King’s Gambit: Chapter 68-? Part 4 - ?
What This World Has to Offer is posted by Pokemaniac5000, Moonweaver50, or Pokemaniac7000 depending on which site you read it on. It is a Don't Starve longfic with an estimated 109 chapters in all. At this point in time, 90 of these chapters have been written and posted, totaling roughly 294k words. Each part in this story has a different set of plotlines, but all follow the same characters, the same timeline, and the same story. Part 1 - Reign of Giants is largely episodic, focusing on events that only span a few chapters at a time instead of anything that requires longer sections of writing to cover. In this part, you can expect a lot more of the game elements to be explored such as sanity, seasonal changes, and of course, as the name implies, the Giants! This section also features the least content warnings, although the later chapters lean much closer to the darker subjects of the later chapters. Expect to see a whole lot of Webber, Wilson, and WX-78, and just a little bit of Winona at the tail end. Part 2 - The One True Heir features Webber and Wilbur almost exclusively and explores a bit of Shipwrecked and the Archipelago. This is when many of the content warnings lean towards mental health issues. This is the shortest part in the entire fic. Part 3 - The King's Gambit introduces and explores Adventure Mode, with a twist to the formula to make it unique from your own playthrough of it. While this is the darkest part of the story, this section also focuses a lot on concepts like love, friendship, and found family. Expect to see the worst angst but the lightest fluff. Part 4 - Dust, The Void, and Them is the current arc. Details I can reveal are sparce as I have just begun posting it :3 The original story was written back in 2015 and finished in 2016 by a plucky 13-year-old with no concept of story or character growth, so many may recognize it from its original version. The rewriting process started in 2017, and as such, earlier chapters tend to be shorter with less descriptive writing. I expect to finish the rewrite by the end of 2024, although it might be earlier than that if my intense excitement for the story continues the way it has. If you are new to WTWHTO, welcome and I hope you enjoy! It is certainly a bit of a commitment, but I hope you find it worth your time nonetheless. Expect lots of random art, a writer who is so scared of drawing humans that she avoids drawing them like the plague half the time, and a story filled with angst, hurt/comfort, and found family. If you are one of the poor souls who read the original version back in 2015, welcome back! I assure you, much of this story has changed in the past several years and there is so much more for you to explore as you reread. Also, uh, yeah, Winona's in this now! Enjoy! My inbox is always open for any questions or comments you may have! Read on Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net, or the Don't Starve Forums! Archive of Our Own Fanfiction.net Don't Starve Forums
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brewed-pangolin · 2 years
After playing both the campaign and warzone, I have come to the simple conclusion that there are two very different sides to Mr MacTavish. Something that I am lovingly referring to as...
The Highland Coin Toss
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How he reacts and treats you is purely dependent on the relationship and what he's more comfortable with you calling him. And if you are lucky enough to gain access to both sides, flipping his coin turns into an all out 'spin the bottle', color me horny fuck fest. So, without further ado, let us begin....
18+ MDNI under the cut
CW: Just some personal headcanons sprinkled on a giant heap of smut. Sub/Dom Soap. P in V, Fem receiving.
AN: This is the first anything I have written in over 5 years, so apologies if it's absolute shit. Honestly, though, had so much fun with this double-sided Scottsman! Much Love 💛
'Heads' Johnny MacTavish
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Walls? Yeah, he's got 'em. More to protect himself from those around him. But patience will prevail. Give it time, and you'll begin to see those barriers slowly crumble down.
Honesty goes a long way with Johnny. He can generally read people like a book (please don't bring up Graves, he's still sore after that traitorous bastard) If he does catch you being untruthful to him or any of the 141 or Voqueros, good luck getting back on his good graces. Book's closed, done.
Beneath that hardened exterior, Johnny is incredibly affectionate. And not just in a romantic aspect. He doesn't see 141 and Voqueros as soldiers or troops, they're his brothers.
Don't try to get in between him and his missions. Johnny is a military man through and through, and nothing is more important to him than the completion of the task at hand.
Loyal to a God damn fault.
Johnny is the fighter of the coin toss. Calculated, thorough and eyes on every detail, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
Once those walls are dust, this man will be nothing but putty in your hands.
Now, on to the fun stuff...
Johnny is 100% a switch! If you want him to be in control, he'll gladly take the reigns. But if you're feeling a bit more frisky and want to be in control, this man will be in absolute heaven (he won't deny it, Johnny loves watching you ride him)
Is absolutely obsessed with your body.
No matter the time, place, or scenario, he's going to have a hand on you (leg, thigh, arm, hand, neck, ass, foot, head...) And those hands like to wander...simple caresses turn into deliberate touches with one goal in mind.
And Johnny knows ALL of your pleasure zones. Will either focus his fingers on them or dance around them entirely just to drive you wild. Once his touch has been satiated, his mouth will go to work.
Kissing Johnny is an experience in sexual nirvana. His hands will cradle your head as his tongue explores and tastes you. Only when you're a breathless mess will he give you reprieve and move on. Every inch of you will be peppered in starving kisses. Loves your neck and inner thighs the most (mainly due to the reaction and moans you elicit in response)
But his main prize is the deliciously warm cavern between your thighs. Is nothing short of methodical when eating you out. Torturously so at times.
Starts with long, languid draws of his tongue along your folds. Quickly followed by precise and deliberate attention on your pulsing clit. Loves to oscillate between these two maneuvers, purely out of satisfaction as you all but lose your mind beneath his salacious mouth.
Johnny knows exactly where that special bundle of nerves is, he knows how much you can take and will push you to your limit. You'll be on the verge of insanity, and all you'll see between your legs is victorious glacial eyes beckoning you to break and come apart on his tongue.
He is so atuned to your body it almost makes you wonder if soul mates are a reality or just a long told fairy tale. This thought always creeps into your mind as he enters you. So slowly, you feel ever inch of him, and once he's fully seated, you swear you can feel his rapid heart beat within your welcoming cunt.
Slow and steady wins this race in his mind. Johnny is fully aware that it is not the pace that gets you off, and is willing to spend all night getting you to the ecstasy you both so desperately desire.
Don't count those determined hands out when he's thrusting balls deep within you. He'll find that pulsing bud and match his determined circling fingers with the pace of his hips.
Speaking of hands, Johnny never keeps them in one place for too long. His fingers will traverse and explore your curves like meandering, sexually driven pilgrim.
King of Priases! "Y'So beautiful hen." "Good bonnie. Feel so fucking good." "C'mon, I know ya can give me another one."
Will talk you through your orgasms.
"Keep your eyes on me, bonnie."
"That's it. Cum for me. Cum for me, hen."
His voice will be soft, slightly above a whipser with just enough strain in it to send you over the edge.
You'll know when Johnny's close. He'll hold you tight, desperately so, to the point you'll feel like he'll suffocate you. His pace will stammer and with one last thrust you'll feel him empty himself within you.
Johnny is in heaven when he cares for you post romp. He'll pepper you in soft kisses while his fingers dance across your still trembling skin. And he's always prepared; damp washcloth within arms reach because he knows you both can get quite messy.
You'll fall asleep first, because that's what he wants. Soft whispers of how beautiful you are, how good you make him feel will echo into your ears. The last thing you'll remember is strong arms wrapping around your waist and the slow beating of his heart as you let sleep take you over completely.
'Tails' Soap MacTavish
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Walls? Yeah, no. Try fucking skyscrapers. Only way you're getting to this side of the Scot is by proving you're not a complete waste of time and flesh. Even if he has opened himself up to his more accepting side, don't push your luck trying to figure out what he hides behind closed doors. Soap will read through those lines within seconds and shut it down. And he'll be a locked vault from then on.
Assertive. Especially during and immediately following missions (it takes Soap a day or two to get back to civilian life).
Bit of a control freak, particularly when it comes to his routines. (Yes, he has a very specific hair regimen. So if you value your life, don't touch anything. And no, he's not going to talk about it)
Patience. Patience. Patience. Let Soap open himself up to you. It may take a few months, maybe even years. You may need some help from his brothers in arms to get to this man (Gaz especially, he's such a softie). They're truly the only ones that know Soap for who he really is.
Complete trust is necessary to gain access to Soap, and once that element has been reached, you'll have your own personal body guard at every beck and call.
Soap is the protector of this flip of the coin. Think of a 200lb, military trained pitbull. God forbid anyone looks at you the wrong way.
Smexy time!!
Soap can be a bit aggressive at times, especially if he's been without any release for a long period. But make no mistake, Soap is a pleasure Dom to the absolute max! He'll get off, no doubt about that. You on the other hand, depending his mood you'll have either one mind blowing orgasm or several. (Good luck trying to walk after those nights)
While Johnny has a routine while being intimate with you, Soap is all over the place. He may start by fucking you relentlessly for hours, followed by eating you out and finish with devouring your mouth. Then start all over again in a different rhythm, and will probably throw in some shower sex just for good measure. Soap's unpredictability is what drives you to insanity. You can't keep a handle on him, and in that, your mind goes blank and purely enjoys everything he gives to you.
Ultimate grabby hands. Can get a bit carried away at times. Don't scold him for leaving bruises, consider them ultimate fleshy love notes.
Formidable make-out extraordinaire. While Johnny is affectionate and somewhat desperate, Soap is aggressive and all-consuming. And he won't give you a break from his mouth until he's had his fill. (Cue your grabby hands so you don't fall to the floor)
Hickeys. Hickeys fucking everywhere. Obsessed with leaving them in the most random places. Your calf has become his new favorite, and you strangely enough can't get enough of it.
Three words: Teasing. Fucking. Bastard.
Loves to watch you squirm beneath him, whether it be to his mouth or to his hardened and precise cock. And his hands, God damn his hands! You've started calling him your 'Clitoral Beethoven" since he can make you sing by the sheer power of his fingers alone.
Soap is ravenous with his mouth on you. This fact is proven time and again when he is buried between your thighs. His vigorous workings are only magnified by his vibrating groans that tantalizingly work their way up your spine.
Soap is the epitome of messy when he's eating your pussy. He'll all but swallow you whole, covering his stubble and chin with your juices. Those gorgeous blue eyes disappear between your thighs, replaced by darkened orbs filled with needy hunger. Your breaking point is when he begins to seesaw his head from side to side, the friction of his mouth combined with his determined tongue will having you screaming his name within seconds.
No flat surface is safe with this man. Can and will bend you over at any moment, especially if you're alone. (If not, expect a fair amount of borrowing stares and even a firm grab of your ass if he's feeling extra horny, which is pretty much always)
Speaking of horny, Soap is so needy for your pussy he can't always wait for you. But this man is resourceful, and almost always prepared. You don't know where he keeps it, but somehow he's got lube in his hand and already stroking his cock and you've barely pushed your pants down for him. And there's nothing gradual about how Soap enters you, he's balls deep first thrust. But he does hold and let you get used to him, purely for the feel of your cunt quivering around his cock.
Loves, loves, LOVES doggie style! Not only does it give him the most perfect view of your ass, but let's him have complete control of the pace. And whoa mama you're gonna need to mentally and physically prepare yourself, cause Soap is gonna fuck you senseless!
Have a mattress warehouse on speed dial. Just do it!
Mentioned that Soap is assertive. That's an understatement when he's having his way with you. He's strong, Godlike when he so desperately wants to feel your pulsing cunt around him. So expect a fair amount of man handling and body contortions (cue you turning into a human pretzel fuck toy; yoga may become a necessity before any Soap sexathon)
And that Scottish accent will only thicken as he pounds himself in your molten core.
"Be a good lass and scream fer me. Want e'eryone to know yer MINE."
"Takin me so well, aren't ya?"
"Can't get enough, can ya bonnie? Always so fuckin hungry fer my cock."
"So fuckin wet fer me. Yer a dirty girl, aren't ya?"
You're going to either have a strong hold on him or anything with a firm base, because Soap is going to completely ruin you. The room will be a cacophony of skin slapping, pleading moans and reverberating growls. The sounds will tempt you to poke the bear, but do so at your own risk...
"Harder, Soap. Fuck me harder."
His calloused hand will firmly grib the back of your neck, and the other will give your ass a hardened smack. You'll feel his body weigh down against yours, hips contuing their assault as his mouth ghosts the cusp of your ear.
"Fuckin needy little thing, aren't ya lass?"
Consider the bear, poked.
Soap will undoubtedly fuck you through your orgasms. He may be talking, but it will probably be some overly gratified Scottish that you don't understand. It's the growl of his words that make you go over the edge, blissfully cock drunk as your body convulses around him and your mind goes completely white.
Aftercare with Soap will almost always end in a bath. One to clean the excessive amount of fluids, and two to help soothe your blissfully overused body. As rough as he can be during the act, Soap is incredibly tender and gentle afterwards. Only thing on your mind will be when he came during the deed. His repsonse is always the same...
"Non of that now, bonnie."
Want to give some massive kudos to @yeyinde, @irnbru32, and @mvtthewmurdvck for their inspiration to get me back to writing. Y'alls fics are so unbelievably well done and immersive, I honestly can't get enough! Glad to be back and part of the Soap Squad 🧼 💛
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webberaccount · 7 months
intro post
name: webber age: spider gender: spider sexuality: spider...? Webber is one of the two playable Characters exclusive to the Reign of Giants DLC. He's the only one of the two that is not unlocked via Experience. He's also one of the playable Characters in Don't Starve Together. Webber looks like a humanoid spider, though he's actually a child that was fused with a spider that tried to eat him. He received a character refresh exclusive to DST in June 2021. likes: spiders, monster meat, cannibalism dislikes: non-spiders
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azol-otl · 2 years
So I don't think dc does enough with the fact that Jason and Dick canonically look similar*. Like you can't tell me it would be that hard to use it as some sort of set up or as a joke.
Like imagine this.
Some atlantean bullshit goes missing and y'know usually Garth deals with it because he deals with surface bullshit. Except this time someone pointed that out in front of Koryak who decides 'Fuck Garth I'll do it' because he has issues and as much as he hates the surface he hates Garth more and will take any excuse to show him up and maybe get some validation from Arthur**.
Except Koryak is a fucking mess and absolutely will cause an international incident and while Garth gives 0 fucks about Koryak making a fool of himself he does care about having to deal with the fallout of whatever mess he creates. So he tells him to talk to Dick so there's someone who can act as a buffer between Koryak and everyone else and to make the mission smoother.
Except Koryak doesn't do that because Fuck you Garth.
Instead he does what he wants until his patience snaps and I don't know what happens but he's two steps away from murdering a bunch of people and hey Jason happens to be there, and while he isn't against some killing, what Koryak is about to do is like five steps above that and Jason doesn't want to deal with that shit.
So they fight for a second and Koryak remembers Garth talking about his friend Robin or something. Except he wasn't paying attention because Fuck you Garth. All he remembers is that he had black hair, is obnoxious, does flips, is handsome, is taller than Garth, and he used to be called Robin (does Koryak know that Robin is a title? Maybe. But it is funnier if he doesn't because Fuck you Garth I'm ignoring you.)
So Koryak is like, "Are you the one who used to be called Robin?"
And like Jason has his walls all the way up and is like, "What's it to you?"
And Koryak doesn't want to admit shit but he also doesn't want to be on the surface any longer so he's like, "Garth told me to contact you."
And Jason's confused because his reputation is shit and he hasn't seen Garth since before he died. So he's all like, "Why would Garth tell you to talk to me?"
And Koryak is just like, "I don't know he just said you'd be the person to contact because you were smart and well connected" or maybe Koryak just unloads all of the annoying gushing he's had to hear (from a distance because he. Does. Not. Care. Garth) from Garth about Dick. But Koryak has 0 clue on anyone's names and Jason is so starved for praise he's basically bright red and that crush he used to have on Garth apparently didn't die when Garth called him a giant nerd***.
And it's just this comedy adventure where Jason has to deal with Koryak because I love putting him in groups where he has to reign everyone else in. And Koryak still doesn't realize he got the wrong bird but they get along well enough and they're still getting the job done.
I just thought of a scenario where they need an Amazon and Koryak still thinks that Jason is Dick so he assumes that he just has an Amazon on speed dial or something, he doesn't know how the hero world works. And Jason does! He calls Artemis and Koryak is confused because he thought Garth's Amazon had black hair. But instead of thinking he's wrong he has one of two thoughts:
Fucking Garth told me the wrong hair color to make me look like a fool but he is the fool because I am onto him.
Fucking Garth doesn't even know his own friend's hair color.
But yeah I'd eventually want there to be a confrontation that Koryak was actually looking for Dick (Koryak is so confused because he's rude as shit but even he's pretty sure you're not supposed to call people Dick) but in the end it doesn't actually matter because Koryak found Jason and they were able to do what they needed to and it wasn't even horrible! Barely anyone even died! (There would have been so many more deaths if it was up to Koryak and Artemis. Jason is tired.) Maybe they even become friends!
This started as a joke but hey dc I just gave you a pitch for connecting these two fools and making an unintentional comedy.
*I recognize that Brother's in Blood exists but blob monster Jason disgusts me on such a visceral level that I physically can't read it. I refuse to acknowledge it ever.
**I don't know shit about Koryak besides Angry, Daddy Issues, Rude as shit, and that he really really wants to hate fuck Garth.
***You can't tell me Jason didn't have a crush on all the Titans when he was Robin. I remember being a teenager. I remember everyone finding everyone attractive and the amount of nonsensical crushes there were. Jason's crushes that I can acknowledge as very short lived are the one he had on Hank, who straight up hated Jason, and the one he had on Wally, who used to be the kind of person to praise anti homeless architecture to the previously homeless Jason. (Wally grew out of it but I will not ignore Wally's amazing character development as Flash because that's a disservice to him).
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unitygamedevlopment · 7 months
Don't Starve Together: Console Edition
Don't Starve Together: Console Edition" brings the beloved survival game to consoles, inviting players to brave the wilds and test their skills in a harsh and unforgiving world.
In this multiplayer adaptation of the critically acclaimed "Don't Starve" series, players must work together to explore the eerie wilderness, gather resources, and craft tools and shelter to survive the dangers that lurk around every corner. From vicious creatures to unpredictable weather, players must use their wits and teamwork to stay alive and thrive in this hostile environment.
"Don't Starve Together: Console Edition" offers a wealth of content for players to enjoy, including the original "Don't Starve" game along with the "Reign of Giants" and "Shipwrecked" expansions, providing endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. With its atmospheric visuals, haunting soundtrack, and challenging gameplay, the game delivers an immersive and unforgettable experience that will keep players on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
I saw that Don’t Starve is one of your fandoms and it reminded me that I used to play that game! I redownloaded it on my phone and was inspired to play it again (albeit with very limited content as it’s just the mobile version)
Funnily enough, I first played Don’t Starve a few years back because a yandere writing blog I liked wrote something about Wilson and Charlie. I had not context for that blog’s imagines on the game but seeing a character named “Charlie the Night Monster” really intrigued me
That is such a fun story haha!! And yeah, Charlie is really special 🤭 One of my favorite facts about her is that her presence smells like roses... Sooo many cool fic possibilities hehe
If you like Don't Starve you should give Don't Starve Together a try!!! It's on sale on Steam sometimes and I love the hell out of it... 😭💕 I got into DST in 2020 after some basic DS experiences and it consumed me for three months straight. It's the only online game I am actually good at. I still play it and I usually go solo - it's all doable, even if it's supposed to be a multiplayer and soloing bosses can be really fun if you pick the right character for your run (don't play Wendy if you aren't cave basing bc she's weak and you'll spend HOURS soloing bosses lol). Playing with friends or just random people is fun too, but tbh voice chat is best for quick and easy communication - trust me you don't wanna stop and type while you fight Deerclops lmao.
But: there is a massive learning curve. DST is very different from DS and you'll definitely have to invest some hours on YouTube watching either experienced players game or looking at guides/advice videos. I usually did the dishes while I watched guides and watched challenge vids before bed haha. One of my favorites is Joeshmocoolstuff, they don't talk during videos but I could watch them play all day. And I learned so so much. Really cool.
Also, consider getting Don't Starve and all the DLCs either via gog (more sales, really cheap, drm free) or Steam!! Especially the DS Hamlet DLC is incredibly fun, if a little short-winded, but it's so different from the base game, it's like starting all over. Especially the normal DS runs on pretty much any PC - and I think I've seen it without any DLCs (although I'd tell you to get Reign of the Giants at the very least, it adds a lot to the base game) for like 2.30€?? That's cheaper than the mobile version in my country haha
Also, the lore drops over the years (via DST and YouTube) have been sooo good. I have multiple wips in my docs that I'll probably never finish but I am down BAD for triumphant!Willow and have had so much fun playing around with Wigfrid's back story. The cast is amazing and fun and the lore gets deeper and deeper as you get better at the game... It just sucks you in 💕
Haha this reads like a total sales pitch but I'm just so excited to talk about DS lol thanks for giving me the opportunity!! (And I hope you get to try out DST one day, it really is so fun)
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midnite-enjoyer · 11 months
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Y'all thought I was done with the Don't Starve dragons? NOPE. GOING ALL IN BABY. Presenting the Reign of Giants character dragons!
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kinmusics · 2 years
hello! this might be the strangest don't starve request, but could I get something for a moose/goose? like, anything at all. preferably with the vibes of Spring Cleaning (the spring "doing stuff" song from reign of giants). thank you :] -@electricnest
Sure thing! I’m really sorry about the wait but hey, you’ll have this next spring if you want to use it! - Mod Sundrop
1. I Saw A Ship A-Sailing - Sandra Kerr, John Faulkner
2. Spring Cleaning, Don’t Starve Reign of Giants OST - Alex Jeflin
3. Mouse Round (Mending Song) - Sandra Kerr, John Faulkner
4. Ragtime - Vince de Vera & Jason Garner
5. O Bella Fusa - The Mirandola Ensemble
6. Tarantella Napoletana - Orchestra Italiana Napoletana
7. SHUM - Go_A
8. Matryoshka (Club Mix) - Jubyphonic
Here’s the Spotify playlist!! - Mod Sundrop
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