#Don't fail me hetalia fandom
analviel · 2 years
I dont actually ship ships that aren't canon, or at least I don't write about them, and I'm still at a point I feel really weird shipping my own country wuth others but suddenly want some Philippines x Malaysia just because a spark in my head went 'Mal and Mahal are just a single syllable from each other, literally just an exhale' and now I can't let it go.
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ineffectualdemon · 10 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "ineffectualdemon "?
Ah it's hard to pick my top 10 fics because I'm kind of a fic hoarder. I have over 3,000 bookmarks on AO3 because if I enjoy a fic I want to read it again and once I'm in a new hyperfixation I rarely go back to old ones until the cycle naturally takes me back there
But it's really hard for me to pick my top ten fics because ranking things like that is hard
I will say for Moshang Tossawary on AO3 is the gold standard.
As for my user name it's because my kid when they were little informed me that it seemed like I was built to be evil but I'm really incredibly bad at it. Like an ineffectual demon or something (I said that last bit in response but they agreed)
Like I am meant intrinsically to be evil but I failed so hard at it I'm actually nice
My husband agreed and I couldn't see the lie so I changed my URL to Ineffectualdemon and it fits very well
Kiddo maintains this is still accurate btw (they are 14)
My evil deeds are mostly just explaining what Hetalia and the Omegaverse are to my husband non consensually and wearing mismatched socks around him
Fyi btw on Tumblr itself this showed you as anonymous but in the email this time it gave me your URL so you might want to yell at Tumblr about that
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onlyhereforturtles · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
So, I am brand new to the posting fics online scene and don't have much to back up these questions with. Most of what I've written are personal WIPs I will probably never release if finished, and I don't release much due to my inability to finish stories as well as my writing mostly being personal. So, since I've only got two released fics out due to this, I'm going to use my WIPs to answer some of these.
Thanks so much to @daboyau for the tag! This was fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2 at the moment. Much of what I write is personal or I don't finish it, so I haven't released many.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
29,684, though with all my countless WIPs it's around 500,000
3. What fandoms do you write for?
TMNT, TF2, Creepypasta, MLP, and Hetalia, though I've only posted one of the TMNT fics and the others will never see the light of day!
(They're not finished and won't be).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of the two that are on there, the 2003 Lighthouse AU ranks above Work or Death in kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! But I'm also a bit (a lot) antisocial, even on the Internet. So I know there's going to be comments I want to respond to but don't know how to 😅
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So, I tend to fail no matter how hard I try at writing bad or angsty endings. Somehow everything always ends up going well for the characters, even if I want them to fail. I'm great at giving trauma, just not giving bad endings. I also don't finish a lot of what I write, so there's a small pool to pick from here.
That being said, there is one I know of where both of the endings were planned before I even started writing it, (and no, I'm not finished with it yet), and one of them is a "bad" ending, so to speak. I don't want to talk too much about it, since it is a personal project, but essentially the main character has traveled to a different time and place where an alternate version of her family exists, except all of them are dead but one of her brothers. A lot happens, of course, but it eventually ends up with him being so injured he's rapidly dying. She has the ability to heal him, but he tells her not to because he wants to be with his family again. They have a whole emotional conversation and he dies in her arms. And then she's reunited with her real brothers hours later and won't let the one who died in her arms go for days afterwards. So, like, a bittersweet type of thing.
And that is quite literally the only angsty ending I've ever written. Angsty middles, however, is all I do, and angsty beginnings are a specialty of mine.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The good ending of the one above! After years of battling through several different places on the way home, most of which consisting of alternate versions of people she knew, she finally got to make it back to her real family! They thought she was dead, so the reunion is of course filled with tears and group hugs and a lot of feelings. But that technically happens in both endings. The thing that makes it the good ending is that she was able to save her alternate brother and take him home with her, so he had a new family to love. (Yes I know the new family being his old family is a whole thing that could be psychologically bad. I assure you there's circumstances in place that change that whole perspective, but it'd take forever to explain).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not as of yet, but we'll see what happens! If I do, it's fine by me because I loved it enough to release it and that's all that matters to me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have indeed tried to write smut before. My brain apparently doesn't do that. But that was also a super long time ago when I didn't know as much about that whole subject as I probably should if I want to write it properly, so maybe I'll try again and see how it goes. Not really interested in writing it now though, with all the WIPs I have putting me so far away from that mindset.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never been super interested in crossovers. Official crossovers are cool to see, but I don't usually look beyond that. I've found a small handful of crossover fics I liked, but have never written any. I guess my brain just prefers to stay within the world I'm working with.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! I hope I never do, but I'm aware it's always a possibility, unfortunately.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone ever wanted to, I'd be honored.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I was once writing an original story (that I still hope to finish one day) and was telling a guy I was talking to about it. He came up with his own character to help me beef up the story background a bit, and we had a whole storyline about his character meeting the MC. We were going to determine how he fit into the main plot once I'd developed it more. Sadly, I lost inspiration for that story and fell out of touch with that guy, so that most likely won't happen. But that's the closest I've come to co-writing anything, except for a little back-and-forth with @allyheart707. That was fun!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Uhhhh I'm not really into shipping? I enjoy seeing other people's ships, but I'm not majorly into the romance part of watching or reading things unless it's the main point of the story. So, if a ship isn't canon, then I'm not obsessed over it or looking for or making content for it.
On a side note, I was very happy for Lyra and Bonbon when-
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Every. Single. One of them. There are a couple from my high school years I could care less about now, but all the others are still interests and still things I want to get finished. I have two original stories I already started writing, but got lost in the plot so I had to pause. I've got at least eight that I'm working on right now, all TMNT related except for two, and there's probably a couple more somewhere but I've lost track. But yeah I want to finish all of them. Once I can get them straight enough in my head to do so.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good with dialogue and character/world building. I tend to do a lot of go-with-the-flow with conversations, and I've been told they feel very natural. And I always know everything about who is in my story and why they are where they are and why the world or area is the way it is before I even start writing, which makes everything fall into place a lot easier.
I'm also pretty good at making small points, forgetting about them, and somehow coming up with something later on that connects perfectly with it in a way that makes it seem like that was the plan all along, even if it was done mysteriously enough the reader couldn't figure it out but the clues were all there. I really don't know how I do that, but I'm not complaining.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot. I'm horrible at developing a proper sequence of events or, you know, what we're even doing here. Are we fighting someone? Uh, maybe, but why? What'd they do? What are we trying to to stop them from doing? If we're not fighting someone, what world-saving quest are we going on, and what exactly are we meant to do on it? I have no clue. But everyone here is super developed and has a backstory and detailed list of powers if you need them. My go-with-the-flow attitude is a hindrance here because I can't connect everything if there's no greater picture to weave the threads through. Lighthouse is some strange outlier and I have no idea how it came together so cohesively.
I'm also not the best at describing things in a not straightforward kinda way. I can explain to you in detail how something looks and how the characters are moving and acting in the scene, but I can't do it in a fun way with analogies or flowing descriptions of emotions or any kind of whimsy to fill the scene out and immerse the reader further.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I specifically want the words spoken in the other language for a particular storytelling purpose, I'll do so. But only for, like, a couple words. If there needs to be longer sentences or conversation in another language, I'll clarify that that's happening and just write it in English. Unless I'm trying to make the reader feel like they're in the room but and don't know what the other characters are saying, maybe that'd work. But the couple times I've done it, it was the MC speaking in another language, so it felt more important to see it from her perspective and put it in English so the reader would understand her.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TF2! My main character from one of my original works was originally my TF2 OC, but she ended up having such a complex story built around her that I pulled her out and gave her her own world. However, my first ever story was inspired by my uncle's book, and I believe it was meant to exist in his world. It doesn't have a fandom around it, as far as I know, but it was the first time I wrote within someone else's world. It was the first time I wrote at all, I'm pretty sure.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My favorite one I've released is the 2003 Lighthouse AU, because it features my favorite turtle boys and took a lot of research to develop properly, and I love the way it came out. My favorite one I've written out of everything is the one I mentioned in 6 and 7. It's so complex and takes place at the almost end of a very long journey MC has taken to get home. So emotions are high, back stories are long, characters are tired and don't want to be here but still have to do this thing, and new bonds are created.
There's a lot that happens before the start of that story, but it's a personal work so I don't care too much for writing all that out. But it creates such a cesspool of history and emotion, all negative and positive mixed together, leading to certain character development moments I just constantly come back to and watch over and over again in my brain. And then there's the two endings that create whole separate sets of overwhelming emotions. I just can't get enough of my MC and her relationship with her alternate brother. They're perfect to me.
So it got a little wordy, whoops. I love talking about the stuff I write, and probably a little too much. And I would love to see @wendigomahana or @allyheart707 try this for themselves. Or just ignore it if you want. If anyone else happens to see this and wants to give it a shot, go for it!
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firebuug · 11 months
indirectly not really tagged by(stolen from) @scp-168 because i'm cracyyyy (want to type and ramble)
3 ships:
damian already went off about abc but i need more abel and hokma. you guys talk about old man yaoi but WHEREEEE is the old man x old man yaoi. your coworker aged you 40 years and then he remanifests in his office as a manifestation of his flaws and his trauma and he's old as balls too. tell me you arent all over his ass. also can we have a old woman yuri carmen.
literally all of the ships i've been going crazy over have literally just been oc ships but also i need everyone to know that even if i don't play it anymore gregor x rodya will forever be the bisexual fail ship of all time. they both get no pussy. they beat each other up daily. gregor is used as a headrest and is also boob height. what's more to love? but also gregor and meursault? there's no chemistry here whatsoever other than they were both done dirty by their society and also have a ridiculous height difference. i feel like gregor talks and says shit and meursault takes it too seriosuly or doesnt get it and they both sit in silence for the next 30 mins. i hate them
none of this matters (holds up my oc polycule that consists of a giant centipede a wriggling neurotic mass of wires a giant bird dinosaur beast and the occasional cockroach that needs some love and forces you to like them) (holds up my queerplatonic autistic distortion sex explosion that commits The Pianist 2 and kills thousands and forces you to like them) (holds up my giant centipede kissing the bug from limbus company and forces you to like them) (holds up my bisexual telephone who hates men but wishes the living cymbal piano man and knight butch would kiss her so bad)
First ever ship: ugh i wish i knew, i'm pretty sure it has had to be an oc ship of some kind, but that probably doesn't count since that's just playing with dolls, so my money is on some stupid hetalia shit (i refuse to actually speak the name of the ship but like. it was one of the most popular mlm ships in the fandom so fuckin. guess). although the first ship i actually started making content and reading fic for instead of just looking at pictures of (i have no idea if hetalia came before this or not) is skarso from tos sob
Last song: im currenlty listening to music lel...im listening to Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia by of Montreal one of the songs of all time nglll
Last Movie: Probably a movie i watched at my schools entertainment club, which was..across the spiderverse (it was really good but the ending was kinda disappointing)
Currently reading: I need to start reading again but I keep getting distracted by art and the Evil Devices, but I'm working on continuing Villain VS Villain by Rosalind B. Sterling and recently bought Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories and the first book of part 1 that i'm waiting to get brainrot again to read
Currently watching: i need to finish catching up on major adventure time episodes so i can watch fionna and cake and not be confused. also want to finish steven universe sometime...also need to finish watching madoka w my friends....
Currently consuming: also wateh
Currently craving: watermelon (we only have it when im not craving it like a dehydrated man in the desert)
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auroracalisto · 2 years
aurora's 2022 fic pick
hello, and welcome to my first post of the new year—my 2022 fic pick! i will be compiling some of the fics i read and loved from this past year below!! to make it harder on myself, i've resorted to choosing only three for each month. i guarantee i've read hundreds more.
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included fandoms: marvel, american horror story, the last kingdom, the 100, the witcher, peaky blinders, law and order: svu, the umbrella academy, gotham, stranger things, the princess bride, top gun, hetalia, timewasters, original work
DISCLAIMER: SOME OF THESE FICS MAY CONSIST OF NSFW. please be aware before clicking on them. also, please read responsibly—i have not included all triggers to the fics, only major ones, so please be sure to check those before you read the fics.
there is one month (october) in which i only reblogged two fics, and i checked my ao3 history as well. i didn't read a single fic on ao3 that month. to try and make up for it, i have posted an extra for the month of december.
words left unspoken by adorin on ao3 - doc ock x reader - fluff and angst, character death, gn!reader - this fic was *chefs kiss* no joke i love it and i recently went back to re-read it. it gets better every time. Heartbeat by HanakoSpiritoftheToliet on ao3 - matt murdock x reader - pregnant!reader, fluff - this was so sweet. i am a sucker for fluff. Terrible Two's by writeyouin on ao3 - charles xavier x reader - parent!reader, fluff - like i said. a sucker for fluff. i can't help it.
Soulmark by @dyns33 - matt murdock x reader - a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff; happy ending - i remember reading this for the first time and absolutely crying when i read the ending. it was SO good. Lost In the Shadows by @7-wonders - vampire!michael langdon x fem!reader - part of a collection of fics, kind of spicy towards the end, but nothing serious - the series is seriously so good. i am 100% prepared to re-read it. Chivalry's Death by e_n_silvermane on ao3 - 2p!prussia x reader - hetalia, gore, mute!character - LISTEN. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE HETALIA. this is SUCH a good fic. literally it is so good. there's so much depth to the story itself, and i absolutely love every part of it. like... the description, the guilt the characters feel—it's literally a piece of art and i will stand by that until the day i die.
For a moment by @disasterofastory - finan x fem!reader - hurt/comfort, gore - LOVE. love this fic. all her fics are so good. almost like praying by @imaginearyparties - steve rogers x bucky barnes - gore, gay religious angst - i fell in love with this fic with the first paragraph. i knew i was in for a magnificent piece, and ilana never fails to provide. There are monsters and there are men by silverwolf7850 on ao3 - vampire!matt murdock x reader x werewolf!frank castle - fluff and angst, canon-typical violence, supernatural themes - this fic FUELED my love for both matt and frank. i literally loved every second of it and i wish there was more to it.
Rescuing You by @violetrainbow412-blog - vampire!eddie munson x fem!reader - angst, kind of villain!eddie - bro this was IT. this was the fic that fueled my love for vampire eddie, and i've never been the same since. unnamed by @000ficlets otto x reader - fluff - this fic is literally only five paragraphs long but i loved it so much. like,,, you know how you just read something about you can just feel the love coming from it? yeah. this fic. beautiful. against all odds by @twistnet dmitri antonov x fem!reader - angst, fluff, possible tw due to violence - this was one of the first dmitri fics i read after becoming attached to the character... brb gonna re-read it AGAIN.
A Surprise Guest by JaskiersWolf on ao3 modern!jaskier x reader - first meetings, alcohol - bro. BRO. when i say this fic is so good, i absolutely love it. it's so soft and makes me feel all warm on the inside. 6 Meters Under and Back Part 1 by @onesaltyhunter - vampire!sihtric x fem!reader fluff? bloody vampire stuff - oh my gosh when i found this, i jumped on the opportunity to read it. i love vampires, and i LOVE sihtric. is there a part 3? i don't know if there's a part 3. It's good to see you! by @disasterofastory alfie solomons x reader - technically first meetings, anxious reader, being followed - disasterofastory always has amazing fics and this one,,, idk there's just something about it that i love to read. it's totally alfie and it's written well!!
Scarrification by BruisesAndBuzzaxes on ao3 victor zsasz x fem!reader - fluff, meeting family, character backstory - this is a long fic, but it's *oh* so good. like it's literally worth every last word. i've read it a few times through already. i might go back again and read it one more time. Where Our Pieces Fall in Place by anotherwinchesterfangirl on ao3 - finan x fem!reader x sihtric NSFW, time travel, polyamory - so good. SO GOOD. i love time travel tropes and this one hits the spot, every time i read it. Imagine being chosen to join Wonkru in the bunker before Praimfaya [...] by @fanficimagery roan x reader, past!echo x reader - angst to fluff, typical canonical violence - ohhhh my gosh in a world of so little roan x reader fics, this one is a diamond in the rough. it's so good.
Peanut Butter Cookies by @eddie-van-munson eddie munson x reader - slight angst with a happy ending, jealousy, allergies - jealousy fics are so good and this one was just,,, too good. i love eddie. i love domestic eddie. please don't cry by @sickoherd john murphy x reader - comfort fic - short comfort fic with john murphy <33 it was sweet and simple and so good with just a few words. Selfish Jerk by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord jim hopper x reader - fluff, a little angst, taking place during season 2 - i looove hopper. this was the first fic i read in july that was jim hopper, and it definitely wasn't the last.
IF I DIE YOUNG by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington - finale-based fic; major character death. lots of angst. - this fic is so good. i remember reading it for the first time and i actually cried. multiple times. i loved getting to read how steve may have felt in the days after the season 4 finale. annie's writing is so good regardless. Darling by @no-mercy-bby ralph timewasters x reader - short fluff fic - one of the first fics i read of ralph and i absolutely fell in love with him. bby is an amazing writer and they've definitely captured my attention on more than one occasion. want me to kill him for you? by @froggywritesstuff diego hargreeves x gn!reader - short fluff fic - diego is amazing and the characterization in this fic is just as incredible.
That Guy by YouGotThatWrite on ao3 rafael barba x gn!reader - fluff, meet-cute over coffee - my mom and step-dad watched the entirety of law and order: svu and i just so happened to watch most of the episodes with rafael in them. i already loved him. and then i read this fic. it's so good. The Eddie Munson Collection by Edtease on ao3 eddie munson x reader - blurb collection; somewhat nsfw - these were so good and i loved getting to read about a somewhat domestic eddie munson. some of them are a little on the nsfw side, so please be aware before reading. Imagine finding out that Rafael sometimes worries about your age difference by @svubloods rafael barba x reader - age difference, established relationships - okay so i'm not even gonna lie i love fics that take valid concerns and makes the characters live through it. that being said, i also love rafael. there's no questioning as to why i loved this fic.
City Nights by @thebirdybrigade allen f. jones x gn!reader - possible tw for attempted s/a, violence, etc. slight angst to a bit on the fluffier side?? - oh boy the first hetalia fic i've included on this list. i genuinely loved this fic. it was written well, and i love to re-read this. the ending kills me, every time. goodnight, my love by eliwashere on ao3 original character/reader - major NSFW warning, vampires, original character, pwp - i don't even remember how i found this fic. i think i clicked on the vampire tag on ao3 and came across this. it's so good?? like i fell in love with the plot of the story, and then the smut itself was a bonus. AND THEN the author included a sketch of the character in the next chapter, and boom, i fell in love, AGAIN. i literally do not have another fic for this month. i was off of social media well until the middle of the month. i will include an extra one on december because i know i have enough for that month.
THOSE WHO ARE LEFT BEHIND by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington x gn!reader - platonic, mentions of death and mourning - the second of annie's fics i've listed. it's sad, but it's so good. it's the budding of a relationship and i absolutely adore every bit of it. attention by @imaginearyparties namor x reader - okay but let's talk about the fact that ilana ALWAYS has good fics, and this one just proves it?? it's so good. i hadn't even watched the new black panther yet and i had already fallen in love with namor because of how he was written in this fic. are you thanking me or your god? by @lazypeachsoul uhtred ragnarsson x fem!reader - meeting, budding relationship - uhtred is a babe and the way lazypeachsoul writes him is magnificent. i love him and this fic so much.
Nobody But Me by @ohthatstragic tom "iceman" kazansky x fem!reader - jealousy, established relationship - THIS was the first iceman fic i read after watching top gun maverick for the first time and i fell in love with him. not to mention the writer did well with characterization. gonna come back to this fic at some point and re-read. Concussed by @topgun-imagines mickey "fanboy" garcia x fem!reader - slight angst, injury - fanboy is adorable and this fic (other than the injury he sustains) is so cute. i loved reading it. Dating Westley Would Include... by @bowieandqueen11 the princess bride westley x reader - dating headcanons - i need more princess bride fanfics. i've talked to a few mutuals about it before and i might just do it. this fic is so good, though. i'm so glad it's out there. extra since i only had two for october: Strong people aren't born they're built by meowmeowpumpkin on ao3 jake "hangman" seresin x fem!reader - angst, a bit of violence, major tw for some things; please be sure to read the author's warnings before you read. - bobbbb in this fic. i love it. and the 180 jake does when he realizes that something isn't right with his wife. it was good.
and a reminder for everyone reading:
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petiolata · 3 months
About Me
Welcome! I'm Petiolata 😊 you can also call me Wasps.
My favorite thing in the world is books, and I also like to write. I write everything from fluff to darkfic, in lengths from drabbles to longfic and novels. I write gen, I write M/M, F/F, and M/F, whatever catches my fancy at the moment.
Current fandoms: I'm mostly writing for Hetalia at the moment, but I also enjoy writing DC fics. I don't really write for Danny Phantom anymore but that series is still dear to my heart.
I have chronic fatigue, physical illness + disabilities and I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate most of my writing, and Audacity to record my dictations in case Dragon fails without me noticing. If I complain about editing a lot, it's because Dragon, while pretty good, f**ks up a LOT of sentences. Editing is my nemesisssss.
Stuff I'm watching: House of Dragons, Fallout, Dungeon Meshi, The Last of Us, Classic Doctor Who and modern Doctor Who, relaxing baking shows and nature documentaries
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—I'm very pro-fanon, fuck canon, do what you want. Fandom is for fun.
—I like Death of the Author and reader-response theory. There are multiple ways to interpret a text and no one right interpretation of a text.
—I think canon is about what's in the source material itself, statements made by the directors or actors or writers on Twitter or in interviews don't count as canon.
—I'm staunchly anti-censorship.
I love nature and animals, so I often reblog posts of them, which can include ones that are common phobias (spiders, bugs, snakes). I am a descriptive tagger as my default--spiders are tagged as "spiders", bugs tagged as "bugs", and snakes tagged as "snakes". You can apply this logic to any animal I post--a lizard would be tagged as "lizards" and so on.
Posts about mental health and trauma will be tagged as such.
OP tag - posts where I am the original poster
petiolata reads tag - quotes and musings on things I'm reading
my AO3 account - all my wonderful fics
snippets tag - fics ideas, snippets and drabbles here on Tumblr
my Hetalia side-blog
Anything else you want to know, just ask ✌️
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kenobihater · 7 months
Necessary disclaimer: Obi-Wan is my fave but I find this url really funny
⇒ Len
⇒ 23
⇒ Gay acespec (?) trans man
⇒ White
⇒ Leftist
DNI, fandom list, and links under the cut!
DNIs don't always work, but I'm writing this anyway in the small chance people will respect it. I will absolutely block you if any of the three following non-exhaustive bullet points most common to this site apply to you:
• You’re a TERF, MAP, fascist, zionist, antisemite, islamophobe, transmed, proship (I think anti/proship is reductive but without fail anyone who excessively calls themself proship is a weirdo), exclusionist, anti-abortion, staunch mormon, conservative catholic, evangelist, you believe in transandrophobia, you believe in transtrenders, or you adhere to respectability politics
• You ship clonecest, rexsoka, any master/padawan pairing, family members (INCLUDING cousins, half-cousins, half-siblings, and adopted family members ffs), RPF of underage celebrities, or an adult and a minor
• You’re in the following fandoms: Harry Potter or Hetalia
Fandoms Including But Not Limited To:
• Star Wars (derogatory) - I’m an Obi-Wan devotee, a Prequels girlie, a Clone Wars enjoyer, a Fallen Order lover, an occasional Legends appreciator, and a general hater of like half of the fandom 🫶🏻 HERE is a list of my many SW opinions
• The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Lambert especially! I’m not into the show much anymore
• DnD - Baldur’s Gate 3, Honor Among Thieves
• Disco Elysium
• Lord of the Rings/the Silm
• Les Mis - all adaptations except BBC lol
• Jerma985
• Avatar: The Last Airbender - animated
• Daredevil - partial to the Waid run, though I do post some MCU stuff which is always properly tagged
HERE is a link to my OC page
HERE is a link to my ao3
Thank you for reading this! I'd appreciate you dropping a like to let me know you made it through my bio :^)
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rastea · 2 years
if it's alright to ask, what are your current thoughts on Homestuck? was it spoiled for you somehow? do you still love and interact with the fandom? do you hold it as a fond memory?
Oh boy so... it's a story.
I actually stumbled upon Problem Sleuth when it was reaching its finale. Stuck around and saw Hussies failed flash version of the first couple posts before we got the one everyone knows.
I was never spoiled because well, I was there when it happened. Watched as it went from Hussie using the first comment as the next step to realizing if it was going to go anywhere he was gonna have to curate the prompts and eventually everything got moved to the forums and Hussie got more liberal with the action prompts. It was for the best really youve probably all seen how slow the first act is. Thats why.
Got real confused when suddenly the troll popularity exploded and no one wanted to read the first act and jumped straight to the trolls. Pretty sure that didn't help any story comprehension later.
As it stands now I saw the ending cinematic and was satisfied. I refused to read the epilogue fics and forgot there was extended universe at all in comic and game(eventually) form.
As a whole it was an interesting experience living through. It was different, interesting, and got me back into drawing after being burnt out for two years. I also ended up not liking the fandom. Sometimes it felt like everyone just went insane after the trolls showed up, but that's unfortunately what happens when fandoms get large and fans don't... think (Hetalia, anyone?) And I never liked this weird attitude that you HAD to LOVE it. It was really bizarre. There were plenty of reasons not to like it or any of the formats it presented. And that's not even getting into later scandals.
All in all I suppose it remains a fond memory. There are parts that are awful, but I experienced a lot of horrible things with other fandoms and still hold my time engaging with them fondly. I remember the excitement of refreshing the page and seeing a new post! A new log! And I remember the absolute chaos of Cascade DESTROYING Newgrounds!! Those were fun times. And despite everything that's what sticks with me.
Just don't ask me about the stuff after the final cinematic I have no idea what's happening in game land, lmao. My interest in it has passed. And any comments on the creator and certain things have been discussed by people more eloquent than me.
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sailor-toni · 2 years
Two Friends, One Ski Accident
Fandom: Hetalia | Romano X Canada | 190 Words Read here or on FF.net or on Wattpad
Pin prickles of pain danced through out his fingers, as the numbness faded away, exposing the pain from the night before. Adjusting himself, Lovino moved his arm from one maple-leaf-pillow to the next, trying to alleviate his pain. His face scrunching up into a pitiful frown when his efforts inevitably failed.
“Matthew!” Lovino yelled, slamming his non-broken hand on the end table sealer times, summoning the Canadian. 
“Yes Lovino?” Matthew replied. 
“Get me some pain pills my hand is starting to hurt!”
“You broke your hand not your legs.”
“I-it's your fault i'm broken so, you have to take care of me!”
“My fault?” Matthew left the bedroom, his voice carrying from the kitchen. “I said don't break your fall with your hands.”
“I didn't hear you.” Snapped Lovino, who started to make a tower of pillows under his bright orange cast. 
“Well, next time we go skiing.” Matthew returned from the kitchen with a small blue bottle of Advil. “I'll make sure to yell all instructions at you”
“Ha! As if you could yell.” 
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shukumeinorivals · 3 years
sorry if this has been asked before, I'm new to this account and in tumbler in general, so I don't know how things work lmao. My question is how did yall get into translating?
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay!
I'm the only translator, so I can only give you one answer.
The short answer is, I got into it because I wanted to understand songs and video games related to Pokémon, Vocaloid and Hetalia.
The really long answer would be...
Story time!
When I was very young I heard one of the Pokémon openings in Japanese for the first time and fell in love with the way it sounded, so I asked my mom to get me a dictionary because I wanted to look up the words I heard and translate the song (lol I was kinda naive). I had no idea kanji or any other writing systems existed yet.
Anyway, she got me the dictionary and because it was in romaji, I actually learned a bunch of vocabulary and fixed phrases just by reading it obsessively. Some time passed and I learned a bit more about the language and kinda taught myself the katakana syllabary so that I could spell the names of my fav characters at the back of my notebooks. I was so proud about it.
A few years later, I was introduced to the wonders of Niconico, Vocaloid and Hetalia all at the same time by a friend I made online. She showed me a Hetalia hand-drawn MAD that had one of Luka's songs as BGM; after that, there was no going back for me, my child self was so amazed and wanted to understand those songs more than ever.
Naturally, I joined the fandom, where I got to know of the existence of doujinshi and fangames.
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(Me after watching that video.) So I begged my mom to take me to Japanese classes. At first it was hard to find a school because I was younger than the minimum age some required but we eventually found one. Unfortunately, the courses at that school went only up to lower intermediate level (N3) so I finished rather quick. That was enough to understand doujinshi and pixiv comics but it took me literally hours to read through even short doujinshi and many songs I liked were still out of my league so I was a bit bummed. Around that time, I got super into hetaoni and I was really frustrated because I was struggling to understand all the dialogue but, when one of the translators in the fandom started translating it, I was so impressed and grateful and just wanted to be cool like them and help others understand too. That was probably the moment I decided I wanted to start translating for others as well and pay the favor forward.
Eventually, I grew confident enough to talk to a translator (it took me ages because I was extremely shy, like the kind that gets anxious and can’t even order at a restaurant shy lol) and ask them if they could check a few attempts I had made at translating stuff and I was glad when it wasn't ridden with corrections as I thought it would be.
I wanted to go back to classes but my schedule back then was packed with activities so I was like whatever, I'll teach myself the grammar for the next certification level and so, with the help of very useful webs like japanesetest4you, I did just that and I passed, against all odds. I did the same for the final one but I failed on my first try because my reading speed was not fast enough to finish all the readings, so I hired a tutor who made me read articles like crazy, against time for 6 months... it was torture, but it worked lol.
I'm still learning to this day, because I want to master it, but I basically use the skills I've obtained so far for exactly the same reason I started learning, which is understanding songs, video games, doujinshi and novels, as well as helping others understand them and hopefully encourage them to start their own learning journey.
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chisatowo · 3 years
Hiii new pinned post time babeyyyy
Welcome! My name is Keese and I sure do post things sometimes. I generally try to mostly post fandom stuff, but I fail at that a LOT so be prepared to deal with a lot of oc posting if you follow me fndfbshfb. I generally just like to ramble abt stuff and analyze media and make aus and such, and I also draw sometimes. I generally try to tag basic triggers as cw [thing] and I am willing to tag other things if asked. That being said I am not comfortable tagging healed scars of any variety, so if that's an issue for you I'd advise you don't follow and block me if you need to. (Dni and extra stuff under the cut)
(Also, I have commissions open)
Dni (I'll probably add more later but this is what I could think of at the top of my head):
Transphobes, ace/aro exlusionists, transmeds, and y'know all that other typical dni stuff 
Maps, proship, and whatever the fuck else all you pedos and pedo sympathisers like to call yourselves 
Fans of dmsp, aot, hetalia, south park, and also probably other medias I'm forgetting but you get the idea
If you are against mspec bandori hcs. I promise you citing a rly gross quote from a guy who's barely involved if at all with the writing process for bandori isn't the slam dunk take you think it is my dude.
If you're one of those people who like to call some bandori characters abusers, I'm so so tired man. 
Interests (bolded is what I most frequently talk abt):
My ocs
Ace Attorney
Warrior cats 
Project sekai (I haven't read the stories yet though)  
Some of my basic tags:
#rat rambles (basic talking tag)
#keese draws (art tag)
#rat rants (I try to tag my longer rants with this)
#rat vents (my vent tag. I try not to vent on here too much though) 
#band posting (bandori talk tag)
#oc posting (oc talk tag)
#eternal gales (the tag for my main original story)
#warriors posting (warrior cats tag)
#lawyer posting (ace attorney tag)
#genshin posting (genshin impact tag)
#sekai posting (project sekai tag)
#vocaloid posting (vocaloid tag)
#delta posting (deltarune tag)
#dangan posting (danganropa tag, I don't post abt dr much anymore but just in case)
#cookie posting (cookie run tag, again another thing I don't rly post abt anymore but occasionally I relapse on that previous 2 year hyperfixation of mine that I now hate lol) 
Some of my comfort characters :] :
Moca Aoba
Chisato Shirasagi 
Rimi Ushigome 
Lisa Imai
Yukina Minato
Ran Mitake
Rei Wakana 
Hagumi Kitazawa 
Like every other bandori character lol it's my biggest comfort media
Dodie (oc)
Sier (oc)
Aris (oc)
Tali (oc)
Looser (oc)
Busy (oc)
Dancer (oc)
Softie (oc)
Alpha (oc)
Melody (oc)
Ramp (oc)
Kay Faraday
Trucy Wright
Pearl Fey
Mia Fey
ONE (vocaloid)
Kaito (vocaloid)
Flower (vocaloid)
Fukase (vocaloid)
Gumi (vocaloid)
Rui Kamishiro
Mizuki Akiyama 
An Shiraishi 
Sayu (genshin impact)
Barbara (genshin impact)
Sucrose (genshin impact)
Jean (genshin impact)
Kris dreemur
Some bonus info abt me!:
I'm an acearo lesbian!!! I rant abt aro stuff sometimes 
I love having fun gender hcs for characters, so I use a lot of non canon pronouns for characters. I also hand out aspec hcs to people like free candy fnfndurn
I am autistic and have adhd!!!
I generally prefer masculine terms, but am ok with gender neutral ones :] (Im agender btw)
I love talking abt my hcs and aus and stuff, so feel free to ask me abt them if you want!!
Some of my favorite bandori ships are chisahagu, yukiran, mayaeve, parechu, and polypa :)
There's some character relationships in bandori that I am deeply obsessed with but don't ship as a romantic thing, so know that's not usually me disliking the ship just me not personally hcing them as dating! 
I generally do appreciate tone tags, but try not to overuse them since I'm not that bad at reading tone through text, I just overthink more vague statements a lot. If you do overuse them a bit I won't be mad so don't worry too much abt if you're using them too much, but just try to keep it in mind 
I casually kin characters, with my biggest kins rn being Rimi, Moca and Lisa (Rimi is the big one though)
My endori player id is 7654777
My jpdori player id is 124144091
My jp proseka player id is 136166219262914560
Anyways. Pointy pog
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Also pls like if you've read! Ik people probably still won't but I appreciate knowing if people are actually reading this rnfmdjdmf
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circlique · 4 years
I've been meaning to send this over since you started but my brain's been having a hard time with all the negativity for the past few days, coupled with memories from the yesteryears, but I really want to tell people and to you too. I honestly don't think my life would ever be the same if I've never discovered Hetalia. It helped me understand history better since it helped me see history as over arching narratives that could be pieced together, something that my brain used to have a hard time with since dates and numbers were what they ever teach us and not stories. I always failed history in grade school, but it sky rocketed ever since I found the webseries when I was in middleschool. My classmates would always ask me to help them review for tests and quizzes 'cause everybody knew me as the weird history nerd in class. History became my passion because I wanted to know more. It droved me to want to see the world and I saw it with this fandom sharing their culture and histories. I've met a lot of wonderful and mature people because of hetalia. My sister and I became so close because of it. We'd stay up all night talking about historical events and ancient/precolonial history and making ocs. We had another shared passion other than drawing. Hetalia helped pushed me to do better in art and to learn about all the wonderful folk costumes from different countries. It was my gateway to vocaloid due to crossovers back in the day and has kinda been my gateway to other medias, not just animes. Our fandom had the best MEPs and MMDs that I've ever seen in comparison. I found a lot of comfort here whenever I got depressed in highschool and I was always excited whenever there's an update over at hetascanalation. (I want to thank the team that's also resposible for giving the fandom quality translations and websites like the kitawiki and hetaarchives) Granted, maybe it could have have been possible that I've gotten all that happiness and progress in life eventually down the line without Hetalia. But I couldn't imagine such a world and I could never take this back even with all the ups and downs and all the cringey things 13 yrs old me has done and been through. (God, I hope I'm not making anyone cringe, sorry.) I love you guys and the content creators and fans who make this place special like gnostic-heretic, aph-porty, stirringwinds, tomato-bird, nordickies, neviart, frukmerunning, bombon-14, disaster-fruit, asha-fox, historihet, bubbleteahime, bizarrejelly, pndglcs, okheromun, and so many others that I want to thank and that also includes you! I love your blog and your ocs! Your content gives me so much joy everytime you post something new. You've done more for charity and for educating people than those who keep harassing us and younger fans. I understand other people might have had a very different experience with Hetalia and that's valid but I hope they understand mine too. Ciao, I hope you have a nice day 🌼. Again, I love you all 💕
@hetascanlations @hetarchive
@aph-porty @stirringwinds
@tomato-bird @nordickies @neviart
@frukmerunning @bombon-14
@disaster-fruit @asha-fox @historihet
@bizarrejelly @pndglcs @okheromun
I’m sorry I couldn’t get some of the tags to work but omg anon, thank you so much for sending this!
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I don't really pay attention to who's popular but I recognise your name more easily than others in the fandom. I do consider you an inspiration coz you're really creative and I love your AUs (the game ask blog one especially where Canada keeps breaking the 4th wall and someone can only "talk" using binary code), I can't say I look to your portrayals when working on my own, but I don't look at canon either lol. Can I ask why you're distressed, though?
nod nod I'm the same way I get you.
that makes a lot of sense. Also I'm very flattered thank you very much. /)///(\
I need to get back to that blog but recovering all the facesets I made is taking me for eeeeeever
What distressed me? Well uhm-- it's a long story but multiple ex friends have tried to use me being a 'major hetalia influencer' against me, specficically they would rant at me about me being lucky I get responses when they wouldn't get any and "why do people like your stuff so much anyway"
But in reality, it was only ever like 5 friends in a discord group and they were blowing it way out of proportion. But I suppose hearing it come again tripped that same wire in my brain as in the past, and since I was already upset because my works and aus haven't been getting response or doing well, and my attempts to engage in discord had failed I kind of spiraled.
I guess it just hit a trigger for me, because I get so little activity on what I do. Most posts have no reaction on them at all. No matter where I post discord tumblr instagram I get 0-2 actual responses at best and it really hurts me. So I guess hearing that I might be considered famous really scared me because I do everything I can to try and make it clear that people can talk to me, I'm not scary. I try to know the scope of my influence so people don't try and bend the rules for me or enforce them harder or things like that, which has never happened mind you but I keep myself aware of it in case something were to happen. So the thought of missing such obvious influence scared me I guess.
Part of it is my own mental conditions (general anxiety, depression, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD and others) and part of it was me being scared that if this is what meant to be popular than I didn't want it.
I've never wanted to be Fandom famous I just wanna have a group of people I can talk to about my ideas and hear their honest excitement and feedback and them wanting to engage with me and enjoy it with me. Making content isn't really fun for me without being able to share it and see people reactions. Their feedback their excitement their theories-- when I see people enjoying my works- the world's I build- it makes me feel like I succeeded.
So when I'm left with no response just ♡'s
I just feel mad... mad and empty
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ladyinfierno · 4 years
That last one was delightful thank you I 100% would've sent one sooner if I could make up my mind on what to send in, but yay here I am! However..I don't know what ship to pair with this so good luck: 4[/ 5] and 94 (bonus points for lesbians)
Ahhh thank you! ;w; Don't worry, I'm a bit slow filling these prompts anyway :) Also I'm assuming this is for Hetalia, by the timing of the ask
Coffee shop/Bar/Restaurant AU + Hair brushing/Braiding - SpAus
I've been slowly falling in love with this pairing and they came to mind instantly.
Note 1: I know the fandom has Isabel as Spain's name but I'll call her Antonia too because I want people to call her Toña affectionately, there's no other reason behind this decision, please and thank you. María Isabel Antonia Fernández Carriedo, ajúa :v
Note 2: I know Austria has names from Anneliesse to Lieselotte, I'll call her Ro because I'm not well versed in Austrian names and don't want to spend two hours in baby name pages trying to decide.
- First of all: I always imagine Spain making killer desserts in whatever universe there is, so of course we'll start with Antonia being the proud owner of Malagueña, a small bakery/coffee shop that has the best hot chocolate and torrejas combo in the city. Probably the only one, but still.
- The place is small, with a couple tables outside and a lot of potted flowers. It opens early and the owner can be seen sweeping the front of the store still half asleep but dedicatedly. It's only a matter of time until a small line starts forming at the counter, from all those other working souls seeking caffeine to go through their days.
- There's three other people working there divided on morning and afternoon shifts, since the three of them are students and Antonia is flexible with schedules. A Belgian girl studying photography, a Belarusian maths student whose recipe for nalistniki landed her in cooking duty immediately and the high school punk girl with green eyes and big eyebrows that’s really good with beverages.
- Lunch is always the busiest hour of the day, since they're surrounded by small companies and some schools, so she takes cashier duty while helping make orders between customers.
- Then, like clockwork, through the door enters the most beautiful woman Antonia has ever seen. The dark suit is always a different shade between blue and purple, sometimes pants, sometimes pencil skirt and black thighs, and the click-clack of her modest high heels make the Spanish woman's heart speed up.
- Ro, the music teacher at one of the schools surrounding the café, always with that "better than you" kind of attitude that in reality is just a lot of well ingrained manners and etiquette. Her long hair is always braided in some way, small braids at the top, a big one in a bun, one way or another, her hair is always adorned by them.
- By the time she reaches the counter Antonia is already picking out the pastry of the day and the freshly made vanilla coffee she will order, no doubt. Because the best way to get to someone's heart is through their stomachs, right?
- Ro always smiles gently at her and takes her sweet lunch to a corner table by the window. Cue Antonia smiling stupidly at everyone and everything for the next thirty minutes, and sighing longingly after that when Ro leaves, always thanking and smiling at her before returning to school.
- Everyone knows. Everyone and their mother know how head over heels Antonia is, not only her employees or the regular clients, whoever steps in the café and sees that look of absolute adoration in her face can't really deny it.
- But they have to wonder if the other woman feels the same.
- Hint: in this house we don't do unilateral pining.
- Antonia has a brother, who at some point visits her from Portugal and ends up meeting this beautiful Austrian woman who always comes in at the same time, is very polite to his sister and smiles fondly at her from her corner table, her gaze softening... He just has to smack her little sister in the head for not only being obvious, but oblivious.
- Then one day, as every other day, Julchen is there, eating a hot cuernito and leaving crumbs everywhere while waiting for her girlfriend's shift to end. Alice meanwhile is complaining about the blatant stage of denial her boss is in. (If you thought I couldn't slip pruk in this you're wrong.)
- "Just the other day, she came in, took her lunch, and before going back to her table she asked Tonia if she wanted to go to a music concert, something or another about her school's orchestra, and you know what the boss did? She went all 'Ohh, that sounds nice! I'll make sure to spread the word!' Agh! She even asked the lady if she had pamphlets!"
- And in the middle of her laughing (and making an even bigger mess with her food) Julchen stops and asks: "Wait, like the concert my school's orchestra is doing next week?"
- OF COURSE, Julchen who is also a high school student and plays the flute has Ro as her teacher so YES Austria is teaching Prussia how to play and they still bicker like old ladies but one is 17 and the other is 29, please let me have this.
- So she spends the next twenty minutes talking about her very much lovestruck music teacher, who always seemed to be in a better mood after lunch and how she always attributed that to eating pastries (which is not entirely wrong btw) but now she knows is because of Antonia.
- "Look, I'm not even exaggerating. Once I failed every note of a piece on purpose, so I'm waiting there for rage and thunder, and instead she sighs and tells me to take a break, 'go eat something sweet', and dismisses me from practice for ten minutes. She was smiling, everyone was terrified."
- And... they don't know what to do with this new information. Like, should they help two almost-thirty-year-old women get together? The answer is, most likely, yes. But I don't really see them needing a complicated plan, just casual comments like "Oh, Miss Edelstein? Yeah, she's Jules' music teacher, she told me she loves Edelweiss flowers" or "Yeah, my girlfriend works at that lovely coffee shop down the street, I think the owner loves turtle themed things?" Like... not really subtle but they help.
- The day they finally go on a date everyone cries a bit inside of happiness.
- Everything stays almost the same, with the teacher still coming in for lunch and leaving with a soft smile, the busy boss waving animatedly from her place behind the counter, but now, at the end of the shift, there the teacher is again, waiting to "be escorted to her house", as it was previously agreed, apparently. Natalya is the one recounting this the next day to her fellow baristas.
- Final scene: Warm light comes through half opened curtains, the day begins as any other, and the only sound is the content humming of Antonia while her fingers card through thin dark hair, being careful not to tug too hard while keeping the braid in place; today is a neat, thin one in the middle of a half ponytail. She kisses it once it's finished, to make sure it's made with love, and Ro just rolls her eyes and pulls her down for a proper kiss.
On a final note, I made myself hungry while writing this and can't go buy any of the pastries here, hope it goes better for you :'v
Also wanted to put Francis in here but I kept getting war flashbacks from this trio relationship so, maybe he’s the best friend who offers advice or something.
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radhakawaii · 5 years
Welcome to my blog! You can see attempts of me being funny which fail horrendously, stuff that i like which i reblog with no self restraint, and art... sometimes
I'm Radhika (i go by any variations of that name idrc) and i go by she/they pronouns. My MBTI type is infj-t, and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw
I'm a smol 20-y-o from India
Feel free to talk with me in: (in order of how skilled i am in each language)
Like, kindergarten level japanese
I am a biromantic-aceflux demigirl, and i am polyamorous!
I practice drawing and calligraphy, and you can check my works in the "caffeinated art" tag. Reposting is not tolerated unless i say so on the post itself
Feel free to chat with me any time. I am awkward but i love to ramble about whatever thing I'm hyperfocusing on, and i love to listen!!
Fandoms I'm in/vaguely know about and is interested in
Harry Potter
Sanders sides
Undertale (+AUs)
Hunger Games
Bits of Hindu mythology but don't expect me to be an expert
Sally Face
Fran Bow
Little Missfortune
Detroit: Become Human
Mob Psycho 100
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (+ FMA 03)
Evillious Chronicles (+everything else in it)
Vocaloid in general
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken (anime only)
Welcome to night vale
Bollywood, sorta
The Promised Neverland (anime+manga)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Polygon (is there a fandom for that?)/ BDG / unnecessarily extra video game research
(I'll keep this list updated)
I am @/radha_the_introvert and @/radz_owo on Instagram, and @/salt_bean on Twitter, and rads#5295 on discord
Icon from a screencap by @kemafili
DNI if you're an exclusionist, a biphobe, racist, islamophobe, hindu extremist, terf, "MAP" (or whatever you guys call yourself these days) a.k.a. a pedophile, a bi person hating on pansexual people or vice versa, a supporter of "all lives matter", an asshole, you get the gist. All of that shit isn't tolerated on my blog
That's it i guess, i will update this as i go, enjoy your stay here!
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frukgeneral · 5 years
I had to come back to my roots aka hetalia because of something. I'm into boku//--//no//--//hero//--//academia and i was looking at an rp blog that wasn't accepting applications if a person was a hetalia fan because they say its problematic. Its not like I rp anymore, so it really didn't affect me at all, but it caught my attention and it made me wonder about it because as far as I know, hetalia isn't problematic. Like yeah, there's rabid fangirls, but we're all into it for the shipping and the history. If it has to do with something about Nazis or around those limes, I can't really think of ever meeting anyone that got into hetalia for that. We don't like those kinds of people. We don't accept or excuse that type of content. Its shamed and shameful. So I fail to see how this series or fandom is problematic. If anything, the people running that blog that I ran into were very elitist and problematic If we're going off the fact that they were excluding so many people and their fandoms. Idk it gave me a bad taste in my mouth. I tend to stay in my lane and i don't engage or interact with those people because I don't have the time, the energy, nor the care. It did bother me to see hetalia and problematic in the same sentence, though. I've been in this fandom for 7 years. We're pretty tame at this point. And like every fandom has a problematic side, unfortunately. It just really pained me to see my new fandom being so harsh. So I'm staying away from people like that and I'll enjoy the fanart and fanfiction and ships because that's why I'm in the fandom. I'm not here to fight about stupid shit, but it's a reality I had to bump into.
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