#Don't laugh at my para title
violetmuses · 2 days
Phoenix - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Phoenix - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: An unexpected bond may never fade out.
Tag List: @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @nobodygetsza @peaxhygirl @superstar-t20 @adoresmiles @klssngss @deja-r @hyper-trash-panda @amethyst-loves-bucky @planetblaque 🏷
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“Stay out of my way.” Your joyful personality vanished at the Miami Police Department.
Wearing this Bud Light shirt, Armando chose one trucker hat that veiled his brown eyes. Jeans covered both legs and boots stepped along.
Shit! Upon realization, Detective Mike Lowrey scrambled into this precinct once you crossed paths with previous criminal Armando Aretas.
After facing many questions or encountering secrets over time, even Mike took responsibility and now stood as Armando's biological father.
“Don't panic. Armando has joined our team.” Mike buffered each stance in the hallway.
“Keep him away from me.” You then stood ground this time.
“He's your partner.” Mike offered reality, but still cringed.
“What the hell, Mike?” You immediately turned around.
“I've pulled strings for Armando and we'll explain everything.” Mike continued speaking.
To cut down time in prison, Aretas would help the AMMO squad.
Given no other option, you moved forward and headed to the briefing room.
Here we go.
Intelligent agencies whispered that late Captain Conrad Howard muddled with the cartel for years, but Mike and his partner Marcus Burnett would hustle and prove Cap’s innocence right away.
Soon enough, you discovered that Armando could identify whoever framed Captain Howard in the first place.
“Dorn has files we need, but our department is compromised.” Mike offered this truth and your heart dropped.
“Rats in the walls.” You repeat that warning from Cap's footage. This inside job could change everything.
“Yeah. Let's go.” Mike nodded, leading everyone out of this precinct.
Radio silence grounded that commute when Mike Lowrey parked near this boathouse located on the waterfront.
“Stay outside.” Mike instructed Armando regardless of circumstances and exited the well-known Porsche beside Marcus.
“Still hate me?” Offering slightly accented English, Armando taunts while sitting next to you.
“Shut up.” You clipped right back. “I'm leaving when this case ends.”
“What?” Still wearing that trucker hat, Armando faced your direction.
“You heard me.” You wouldn't repeat that phrase this time. “I'm only here for the mission.”
“I barely know who you are.” Aretas revealed this truth over your presence.
“So what?” You then scoffed near Armando. “Mike is your father, but I'm not staying around the same person who hurt my friends.”
Armando turned silent, definitely puzzled with emotions.
“Siento haberte asustado.” Using his native language of Spanish, Aretas apologized to you.
“No eres un maldito fantasma.” Snipping in return, your partner is not a ghost.
“Lo sé, pero no luches conmigo para siempre.” Armando didn't want you to keep fighting against him.
Fed up, you leave this Porsche and sit by the dock instead, but Aretas follows your every move.
Sooner than later, nightfall crossed sunset as both of you still waited to enter Dorn's house.
“What's your name at least?” Giving English back, Armando faced you without jokes.
“Doesn't matter.” You defended yourself through privacy.
Before Aretas could respond, extra footsteps creaked on the dock as Mike walked close.
“Everything's set up. C'mon.” Lowrey didn't play around and you head inside, joining the team as planned.
“Kelly's with Dorn?” You whispered to Marcus despite everything, shocked for a moment.
“Found Kelly leaving the bathroom.” Burnett chuckled, shrugging.
“Ooh!” Humored, you laugh for the first time in quite a while.
Tech genius Dorn and weapons expert Kelly dated each other now.
“Did you kick his ass yet?” Marcus gestured near Armando while digital screens lined up the culprit search.
“I would've broken the dock into pieces to fight him.” You defended your skills.
“No.” Aretas clipped without turning away from his search.
“Uh-uh.” Mike intervened once more. “Don't start anything else, you two. Focus.”
Sitting down, you shook your head toward Kelly, but Armando trailed with materials anyway.
James McGrath: Former Army Ranger turned DEA agent. Tortured before joining the cartel himself.
Grounding this abandoned alligator park located in Florida, Mike pulled his trigger to kill McGarth and the mission exonerated Captain Howard.
Before Marshal Judy Howard, Captain's grieving daughter, gunned down Armando with revenge, you walked forward.
“Don't!” You lifted both hands and stood as protection.
“Get out of here before I change my mind.” Judy holstered the firearm despite grieving and you helped wounded Armando move until further notice.
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This crowded terminal helped Armando Aretas return to Miami without drama. Even traveling the world pulled different strings for quite some time.
When you stand near “Baggage Claim,” Armando wouldn't even hold back this opportunity to smile.
“Hi. Sorry I'm late….” Your path stepped closer, but Aretas dropped luggage and hugged you, just thankful to be alive here.
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paperboy-pb · 1 year
"A Very Special Day" [Life Story]
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[TW for: ableism against kids, internalized ableism, and mentions of suicidal ideation.]
9 years ago today, in the state of New York on September 5th, was my second day of 6th grade. Being a Special Ed kid, I was upset; my school, a K-8 that I had been with since the start and stayed with until the end, had always treated us so differently. And the world around me had promised that things would change once middle school began. But they hadn't. In fact, barely anything was new at all.
Same old baby talk from adults who saw me every day, but willfully ignored how big I had grown.
Same old bullying from my peers, disabled children who spent their days as pots calling kettles black, because no one had any intentions of teaching us better.
Same Adapted Phys Ed, getting ready to interrupt my morning reading every Monday, Wednesday, Friday; even though they'd promised to let me play in Gym with the rest of my class years ago by now.
Same old kids from the neighborhood filling up the rest of my grade, coming in smiling and laughing and oh so free in their new groups of 30. 30-something of them. 12 of us.
They'd even gotten some new kids from the K-5s around town. All of which seemed really nice. Man. Lucky them. Meanwhile, everything was so same-y that I'd considered running away from the school bus when it pulled up.
September 5th, 2014. Still kinda hot in Brooklyn. Sunny out there.
The day had gone bad. My classmates were talking FNAF, and being mean about things I don't remember. They flicked food at me during lunch while I tried to read and mind my own business. We weren't allowed to change seats, even though the rest of our grade got that privilege. It was supposed to be for all of us middle schoolers, but when I'd asked the day before, our lunch aide had no idea what I was on about. She suddenly insisted it was never a thing! While the rest of our grade was splitting into cliques behind her back, paying us no mind, knowing they'd somehow earned it and we didn't.
10-year-old me couldn't wait to go home.
By the end of the day, I was drained like no other. Head down on the desk and all. I was thinking, 2:20-something. Just a few more minutes.
God, why are things like this? Is it gonna get better later this year? I hope so, it's only the second day. Maybe it just starts bad!
Man, I miss summer already. I wish I spent today home all day eating onion ring chips again and playing Animal Crossi--
"Alright guys, listen up!" Said Mrs. Z, who would pretty much be our only teacher this year. (Meanwhile, everyone else got to have different people for different subjects.)
I don't remember her exact words. But she held up a white booklet with a bunch of kids holding hands and awkwardly smiling at us from the mostly-white cover. She said something about it being very important. And she ended her little stanza with, and I quote, "DON'T read these, alright? It's for your parents."
I think that one line changed the trajectory of my life.
As our para handed them out, my bookworm ass couldn't help but furrow my little brows. I'd had teachers assume certain books were "too hard" for me when they weren't, and get upset at me whenever I summarized the plot of them correctly. I'd had teachers tell me not to read other books during class, which was fair enough, I guess. But a teacher telling me not to read something at ALL?
Now THAT'S a new one...
It felt plasticy, not like paper. It's a packet, not a book. Six kids in a row, but none look like me, as usual. The cover said, "Family Guide To Special Education Services for School-Age Children. A Shared Path to Success." ...I don't think a title should be that long. Why not parentheses that end bit?
After that, we were dismissed. Me & some peers headed into the hallway down to the first floor to wait for our bus, and we chatted about it a little bit?
One was like, "Is this a report card or something?"
Another was like, "I guess?"
The first boy skimmed it, though, and saw nothing about him. Which eased his nerves.
A third asked me what I thought it was since I was the only kid who'd hit a Z-reading level. They figured I could make sense of it. And my first thought was boring adult stuff, or some sort of... after-school? Program? Thing? But I didn't really answer. I was too preoccupied with what Mrs. Z said.
What kind of teacher tells me not to read something? Give it to my parents is one thing, but specifically, "don't" read this? Dude! What doesn't she want me to see?
Everyone else had tossed the damn thing into their bookbags and zipped 'em up by now. We headed downstairs, and I couldn't help but notice that our 6th grade class was on the third floor; with a lot of grades 2-4 around us.
Meanwhile, the rest of the big middle school classes came down from higher up. It turns out that they all had their classes high up on the top floor. A bunch of bright minds floated down from above like they were that summer's fireflies, and we were the tips of night grass. Or maybe even worms, burrowing into the dirt and calling it a day.
By the time the bus was moving, I still had the packet in my hands. I was wondering why they all got to be up there and we didn't. We lived pretty close to Coney Island, after all: it must be cool seeing the parachute jump from the hallway window on your way down every day.
I barely had time to stuff the packet in my hands once we pulled up to my apartment.
If you've ever wondered what Kid Jonah was like, imagine some sort of hybrid between a miserable little nerd & the most optimistic goody-goody you've ever met. Like, yeah, I'd been in a few fights by this point, broken some rules behind their backs, but I was also... 10. And known for being "THE good kid" in front of teachers. I didn't like to defy them, you know? Even if they did always make me feel weird, or on-edge, or like I was a part of something bad.
So when I made a beeline for my room, I was like, Oh my God, I'm actually gonna do this...? And I didn't tell my parents a thing. I've kept the packet all this time and they STILL haven't read it!
But I did. I think I hesitated, but I remember opening it on my bed.
Dear families, we've come a long way since our special education reform initiative, A Shared Path to Success, was launched citywide in 2012... we've also been changing hearts and minds as our core belief- that special education is a service, and not a place- has taken hold in our schools...
Section 1... Children learn at different speeds and in different ways. Some children have physical and/or intellectual disabili..."
It was a really dense packet for a kid. Long, boring, seemed endless. But I understood the words. Especially that D one. And at the time, 10-year-old me knew it was a bad one.
I'd crossed the point of no return by then. I kept reading. And I didn't dare skip a word. "Intervention," "Special," "Disability," "Meeting," "Evaluation," "Eligibility," "IEP,"-- Hey, I know that word! IEPs are the dense things stapled to my report cards!
I remember the anger flaring in my heart, out my nose, widening my eyes once I got to the Eligibility bit. I thought, and I quote, "THEY THINK WE'RE DISABLED?!" I don't think words can articulate how insulted little 10-year-old me was!
...I don't think I can articulate how sad that is now, either. How do you instill such heavy ableism into a little boy like that? How do you live with yourself?
But I couldn't throw the book at the wall or take one of my mom's lighters to it like I initially wanted. Because I realized pretty quickly... Oh my God. This is it. These are THE ANSWERS! THIS IS WHY IT'S ALL HAPPENING!
I couldn't believe my eyes as I took it all in. The 13 disabilities that landed me and my friends in this mess, some of which matched up with certain kids I knew right away. But what really caught my attention were the services. Terms that I KNEW about. Things I engaged with. Things I... hated.
"Occupational Therapy." That nice older lady who takes me out of class every few days so I can play memory games, or play with this hand-gripper, or yank pegs outta this bright green putty.
"Paraprofessional Services"; those weird second-teachers that annoy us and only us, but never anyone else in the other classes. They're so stuck-up sometimes! And they never really seem to know how to leave us alone. Especially certain kids.
The stories I could tell about them all now... good fucking lord.
Physical Therapy; That's the one where the lady is always making me feel bad about things and do sit-ups or run drills in the hallway and stairwell... and do embarrassing stretches like people aren't walking by.
And she got upset with me because I brought a lunchbox every day for years; she told me, "You'll never be a big kid if you keep bringing food from home, Jonah!"
And I told her, "But my mom doesn't even make the sandwiches anymore! I make them for myself!"
And she was like, "But still!"
She also measures her footstep, saying it was a foot of distance. Like, 12 inches. But nuh-uh, it was never a foot! Her sneakers aren't that big. Rulers are longer. Why didn't she just get a measuring tape? What's this lady's problem?
The one that sunk my heart, though, was Adapted Phys Ed. The packet said it was "A specially designed program of developmental activities, games, sports, and rhythms suited to the interests, capabilities, and limitations of individual children who may now safely or successfully participate in the activities of a regular physical education program."
And I thought: ...That's the watered-down gym class I do three times a week.
The one where we do "challenges" like stepping into each hole of an agility ladder mat and doing a squat before moving to the next.
The one where we never play sports like everybody else gets to do.
The one that makes the gym teacher sit me out on the bleachers by myself, and watch literally everybody else I know have fun. And when I ask why, nobody tells me anything.
The one where I ask how I can improve in order to go play with everybody else, but nobody tells me anything.
The one where Mrs. D keeps promising me that I'll get to play with the rest of my class soon... but it never comes true.
This is why everybody acts so weird around us.
This is why we can't even talk to the rest of our grade.
This is why nothing ever changes...!
It all made sense. 10-year-old me couldn't feel the floor or the bed anymore. The back of my mind buzzed like shaken soda, fizzling against the back of my skull. I didn't cry. I didn't have tears. But I did sink down, down into the depths of I-don't-even-know-where.
I went time-traveling back to May of last school year, where a Special Ed kid the grade above me was saying to his classmate, "We're all just the kids nobody wants." But I didn't have context. Was this the context? He sounded like he was about to cry.
I went back to 4th grade when I headed into the bathroom and saw two kids from my grade walk by with papers promoting the talent show to everybody. I saw the text written on them clear as day! And I got excited; Our school's having a talent show? COOL! We must be getting those later today, too!
The papers never came.
I went back to 3rd grade, where paras would hover over our class during lunch, but nobody else's. They always stood tall above and between us, like they were a scarecrow keeping the birds of our grade away.
And there was so much. More. Than that.
I still wonder why Z didn't want me seeing that. Maybe she knew I would spiral or label myself. But at the same time... that's a learned behavior. Ableism is a hatred, and hatred is learned. From ADULTS. One that she and the rest of the school could at least try to curb if she noticed.
Z wasn't a bad lady. I think she was trying to protect me? But... we already knew we were being treated unfairly. Why would keeping this secret protect me?
The anger only lasted a little while. Because something else dawned on me.
I can't stay here.
This place had been upsetting me for YEARS. And now I knew that it was happening for a reason. A shitty one, but still... a reason. It's not just bad luck. And that it wasn't going to change unless I removed that reason from their minds.
I had to leave. Sound familiar?
The next day we had school? I was completely shaken up. Kinda surprised no one noticed. I was finally seeing just how deep this all went. The teachers smiling in my face, baby-talking, getting reallll close while having this sense of disgust in their eyes.
The staggering difference in numbers between "normal" classes and ours.
Our class locations.
I even found this board on the first floor that had a picture of every teacher and what they taught. Sure enough, "Special Education" was specified in the label for every teacher I'd ever had. I was even able to find the next teachers I'd have for Grades 7 & 8. And my blood went cold because I knew those two particular ladies were pretty mean.
My school was DEFINITELY failing that, "Special Ed is a service, not a place!" shit the state allegedly wanted to accomplish. It was a place. And I... was trapped.
And I couldn't stay trapped. Because as far as I knew, education was everything. I was a very academic little boy back then. And I didn't know what staying in a place like this could mean for my education later down the line.
I didn't want to find out.
I also didn't want my social life restricted like this. Especially since there weren't many kids who treated me well. I wanted freedom. I wanted independence. I wanted a chance to actually find real friends!
And this is sad, but... I was already very depressed by that age. Due to the nature of Special Ed at school. Had been since 8. And so... I made a plan in my bedroom the same night I found the packet:
I can't carry this environment with me into high school. I have to do anything-- EVERYTHING I can to get outta here by the time 8th grade starts! And if I fail... I can't finish 8th grade like that.
The Verrazzano Bridge and the walkway by the water, the one with the short fence that I can get right over, are only a fifteen minute walk from home. If I don't get out of Special Ed by 8th grade, then... I have to go out there and throw myself off. I have to kill myself. I have to...! Because I know for a fact I just can't. Stay. Here.
And I was serious. Dead-serious. Because I thought about it every day for the next 2 years straight.
That packet started it all for PB. And as sad as it is that I technically had to go behind adults' backs just to learn something about myself and where I was, I'm extremely glad it happened. Because it's also what kickstarted my interest in disability topics. My journey in learning who we were, what we were, and what we do & don't deserve.
It led to the first drafts of PB just under a year later, which set my life on a completely new path. Paperboy would not EXIST if it weren't for that day. Hell; I don't even know if my OTHER projects (like Weirder Than Usual) would, either!
That wasn't right. None of that was right. But it did give me a story to tell. One that you guys are finally starting to see!
And one that I'm very, very proud of.
Disability conversations are extremely important to me now. I don't think I'm the beacon of anti-ableism or anything like that. I know I've fucked up as I grew up, especially in my younger years. But this entire situation showed me how hush-hush the world likes to be about it. And while it's better now than it was in 2014, it ain't great yet.
And I think I owe it to 10-year-old Jonah to change that shit. Because when he googled "Special Ed makes me feel bad," he barely found anything.
It was definitely an experience I will never forget. And as you saw above, I still keep that packet with me to this day, and I always will, because of just how heavily it changed my life.
I have no idea where or who I'd be if it wasn't for that.
Happy 9th birthday, SpEd packet. Can't wait for the 10th!
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iheartmyspotify · 2 years
The Redfields are sleeping over [Resident Evil Contemporary AU]
Claire Redfield x Chris Redfield x GN reader HEADCANONS
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A/N: there are NO sexual or romantic themes. Enjoy the good time and have fun reading this! The link to the spotify playlist is on the title.
TW: reader and Chris are the same age (19) and both are nic addicts. Slight mentions of alcohol and cigarettes usage, along with swearing from time to time. If ur not comfortable, feel free to skip the paras that mention this. Btw y'all live in Raccoon City and the outbreak had never happened.
⛧ your parents are on a business trip this weekend and allowed Chris and Claire to sleepover as much as they want
⛧ you guys had planned this moment for weeks already
⛧ ''No sleeping bags allowed and NOBODY sleeps on the floor. My bed is big enough for all of us!''
⛧ even if Claire is six years younger than you, her presence doesn't bother you at all. she's actually like a little sister to you and spending the weekend together has never sounded this good!
⛧ using the money you all put up together, Chris went out the night before and bought the snacks. he also managed to sneak in a few beer cans, a whole 34oz bottle of vodka and some other stuff that if Claire finds out about, she'll tell her parents and her big brother is going to be in some big big shit
⛧ the night starts straight wild. The neighbours come by from time to time, but after the third visit you decided to just ingore the loud pounds on the door.
⛧ Chris comes closers to you and whispers ''I had to suck some good dick to get these without and ID.'', then passes you a pack of Dunhill Blues. His words made you laugh your lungs out.
⛧ Just Dance, Mortal Kombat and Karaoke made your whole night
⛧ your and Chris' special song is Telephone by Lady Gaga. No one else is allowed to sing it. He sings Beyoncé's part and you Gaga's
⛧ the music y'all chose is such a vibe i swear
⛧ Chris made the playlist and you sent the songs
⛧ he's a sucker for oldies, especially Modern Talking and y2k europop
⛧ Jill comes over after you told her to and she spent the friday night with you all
⛧ while smoking on the balcony, trying do hide from Claire, she finds you and Chris outside and threatens her big bro she'll tell mom if he won't let her do his makeup
⛧ you locked the doors, Jill cuffs his hand and feet with some scarfs and Claire makes the magic happen
⛧ he's so slay istg😻 claire took the photo and sent it to their family group chat
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⛧ Claire gets bored first and goes to sleep around 3AM the second night
⛧ you and Chris insert the big ass speakers from the living room into the bedroom and blast machinegun sounds to wake her up. She stars crying on the spot
⛧ y'all get hungry and try cooking some fancy meal, but you ended up almost burning the kitchen
⛧ around 5AM the deep thoughts start to kick in, so you go out and things get serious. No laughs, no jokes, just sentimental moments that bond your friendship even more
⛧ ''So? Did you guys had fun this weekend?'' your parents ask.
''Eh, it was alright."
⛧ whatever happened those nights it's in the past and it should never be brought up, especially near your parents.
ㅤIdk about you, but I had so much fun writing this. I always imagine how nice life would be if I had a sleepover from time to time with the Redfields. Also, they've been through so much pain that i hope that in a paralel universe they get to party and relax all of the time.
ㅤI hope you enjoyed it and please don't hesitate to request me anything you want. I love recieving ideas.
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Penta: Blackpool Combat Club, hijos de perra, ¿querían tanto títulos de etiqueta de ROH para mí y mi hermano? Podrías pedir un partido, no diríamos que no, pero tuviste que atacar a mi hermano por la espalda, así que BCC la próxima semana lanzaré un desafío abierto para cualquiera de ustedes e incluso les daré la oportunidad de ganar el Campeonato NAD solo para vengar a mi hermano y patearles el trasero.
Alex: Penta says...Blackpool Combat Club you sons of bitches, you wanted the Lucha brothers ROH Tag Titles so bad? You could have asked for a match, we wouldn't say no but you had to attack my brother from behind, so BCC next week I will offer an open challenge to any of you and even give you a chance for the NAD Championship just to revenge my brother and kick your asses.
*the BCC appears on the big screen*
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Mox: Penta... you're more tough than i thought...that match is what i call a good fight..but..
Bryan: But we aren't over with you 2 yet..or i should say..only with you..since we don't even know if Rey is still able to fight.
*Bryan laughs*
Mox: Oops my fault.
Bryan: I was the first NAD Champion and i would love to get another chance...but i will let my dear friend Claudio accept that challenge.
Claudio: Penta get ready to lose that title!!!
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The situation between the Luchas and the BCC is getting heated!! With Rey still in the hospital, Penta surely wont go easy on Claudio!
Will Penta be able to win against another BCC member or will we have a new champion soon?!
Don't miss out another great match!!
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wmufranniefabray · 7 months
coffee&a cheers → frannie/cody para.
TITLE: Coffee &A Cheers DATE: Thursday 15th February. PEOPLE: Frannie {@wmufranniefabray} and Cody {@wmucody} SUMMARY: Frannie and Cody meet the morning after Valentine's Day to delve a little deeper into their pasts.
OOC: The first part of this para (approximately 4 messages) got rudely deleted by Chatzy, which we have now sworn never to use again out of total distrust. To summarise, both characters arrived at the cafe and greeted one another.
As Cody spoke, Frannie nodded, slowly, taking another look around the cafe - taking in her surroundings. Part of her felt grateful that they were sitting in a darker, more private cafe. Another part felt tentative about being left alone with Cody in a small, darkened corner like this. She had assumed being in a cafe would have meant that their flirting, as much fun as it was, would have been momentarily. But, now? She wasn't so sure. "Everything is right with the world, obviously." She corrected with a grin, "I mean, both of us are here. It's an adorable cafe. We're more than likely to have an amazing time. How much more right can things get, really?" Although her words were laced with a sarcasm, there was a small part of her that felt free. Happy. Intrigued. Perhaps even a little bit excited to see the potential with Cody. "Cheerleading was fun. I think Coach Sue had an awful Valentine's Day, considering how grouchy she was, though. She clearly needs some action in the romance department ASAP." Frannie gave a small chuckle and eye roll, noticing in an instant as Cody's eyes dropped down to her body, causing the flutter of butterflies in her stomach to return, briefly. "How about you? Have I distracted you from some studying again?" She teased, crossing one leg over the other before sitting back in her seat slightly.
Cody laughed in harmony with Frannie. "Coach Sue, what a lady to have in your face at six in the morning, huh? I'm sure we could get her sorted with the right man, or whoever can brave that megaphone". His eyebrows raised up and down, almost in a flash. "I don't think there's a time when you're not distracting me." A mischievous smirk made it's way across his face. Cody couldn't quite put his finger on how he felt in the other's presence. There was some sort of excitement intertwined with apprehension swimming around in his gut. There was a warmth in his soul but also a hint of unease. The waiter approached breaking his train of though. "I'll have another white mocha please, with a pump of hazelnut this time," he said kindly while sliding the menu towards Frannie. "It's my treat. Pick absolutely anything, and everything you want."
Frannie let out a small chuckle, nodding quickly. "She is the worst. The best, obviously, but simultaneously the worst." There was something about being part of the cheerleading squad that filled Frannie with a lot of joy. She absolutely loved it. "Still, it keeps all of us in line. And it keeps our egos in check. Some of us need that kind of brutal honesty." At the sight of Cody's smirk, she rose an eyebrow slowly, almost challenging Cody. His energy was almost infectious. "Oh, really?" She echoed, tilting her head to the side as she looked across at him. "You see, I'm all for academics being your priority. Being smart is an absolute turn on. Especially when you're talking academic to me." A ghost of a grin was finding its way across her lips again, the playful flirting coming almost naturally when she was around Cody. Her gaze rose when she noticed the waiter approaching and her eyes glanced slightly at the menu. "Anything?" She repeated quietly to Cody with a raised eyebrow, trying not to raise too much suspicion from the waiter who was still watching the two of them. "I'll have an iced latte with oat milk, thank you." As soon as the waiter had left, Frannie folded her arms across her chest and stared across at Cody, a small smirk beginning to form. "What's to say your presence here, with me, isn't the treat I'm asking for?"
Cody nodded understandingly. "There I was thinking you were just putting yourself in a cheerleading outfit to turn me on.' He mirrored the tilting of the head while staring at Frannie, full of want. "It's a good thing that I'm just a fountain of knowledge then. I will talk the ears off you and you will be regretting even saying anything," he replied. Nodding the head as a way of thanks to the waiter he drew his attention back to his date. Leaning forward onto the table, he balanced his head onto the curve of his left palm and dropped his other hand to his rest on his knee, slightly brushing against Frannie's leg while doing. "Guess we'll just be each other's treat then".
Frannie gave out a small laugh at Cody's comment, giving a small, playful eye roll. "I'd be wearing a lot less if I was trying to turn you on, don't you think?" She murmured, lowering her voice slightly - painfully aware of every single person that could possibly be sitting near to them. As much as she tried to limit the amount she cared about the perception of others, it was still something she was painstakingly cautious of. Lima was a small place. "So, talk to me." She answered simply, running her tongue along her lower lip. "I know you mentioned how external factors or environments might impact a person's development. Tell me more about what you know. I'm curious." Her eyes watched with interest as Cody leaned forward, almost narrowing the gap between the two of them sitting opposite one another, while her breathing hitched - slightly - when she felt his hand brush against her knee. Almost by instinct, her body shifted in her seat, moving forward towards the table so that their bodies were closer.
Cody hung his head laughing. "Mmm, I would hope so," he countered, his teeth creeping through his slightly wet lips. Cody looked around and quickly dismissed his surroundings so he could be completely captivated by the female sitting so gracefully in front of him. "Nature, nurture debate simply isn't it? Your genetics can make you who you are, but with the influences of secondary socialisation it can catapult a person into someone completely different. I think the family, who are primary socialisation, have the biggest influence on someone's life however," Cody rambled, his hand waving in the air as to summon more thoughts to himself. "Like there's parts of me who I will always be, but they could have been either flattened or inflated in a different family. I also read this interesting study that everyone is born with all the same trauma triggers however it takes the external factors to switch them on, which is," he took a pause, finally letting some air into his lungs. "The depth behind it is something I will always strive to know more of." His hand dropped again, but this time his fingers traced soft swirls around Frannie's thigh. "Do you ever think about if your family has impacted you in ways that they could potentially prevented?" Cody laughed softly. "In the least invasive way possible."
Frannie watched, silently, while she listened to Cody speaking. While her area of interest was linked to the biological physical elements of the body, she had always found herself intrigued by the psychology and cognitive side of research. It was no where near her area of expertise - Cody was definitely the expert in this area - but she listened, captivated, to what he was saying. Call her selfish, but she couldn't help her thoughts wandering slightly about the impact her upbringing had on creating the person who she was today. Every single day spent in her household - every word shared, every argument screamed, every tear that had fallen - surely must have had some kind of impact. "So, you're saying here that human's are born with the same bodies. Everyone has an even playing field when it comes to the brain they've been given, let's say. Yet the minute they step outside of that hospital, the rest of their life and psychological health is determined by every second that passes after that?" She mused, letting the thoughts run over inside of her head, slowly letting it all sink in. Her thoughts felt fuzzy, disorganised and unstructured - memories flashing in and out of her brain like an unregulated cosette player of her childhood. A hand placed on her thigh dragged Frannie - much to her relief - out of her thoughts. It felt oddly comforting to find Cody's hand there - a distraction, absolutely, but one that felt oh, so, good. His question was honest and it was a question she had been expecting - hell, she had even offered to give information. Yet now that they were here, in front of each other, she could feel herself freezing up, ever so slightly. "I..think every family is complex." She offered, realising straight away how vague her answer was. She scrambled in her brain for something - anything - to say. Being vulnerable about these kind of memories was something she had planned for in advance but right here? Right now? She felt scared. "The Fabray family were no exception to complicated, I suppose." Her gaze shifted, away from Cody, to a photo frame hanging on the wall. Choosing to ignore his gaze felt easier, somehow. "Invasive is fine. I think I just need warming up a little with the deep talk." She gave a small smile, a somewhat apology.
Cody squeezed Frannie's leg softly. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away and just dove straight into the deep side there. I'm working on my impulsiveness. We don't need to talk about the deep, deep stuff. We can keep it non relative to us," he reassured. His body retracted ever so slightly. Working on his impulses was a main focus for himself, which is why he has such a rigorous morning routine. It keeps the impulse and intrusive thoughts at bay. His mind flashed back to the question he asked Frannie but directed it to himself this time. His body tensed as he remembered the walls of his house, and the quietness of it. How he could determine what mood his father was in just from the sound of his steps, and he thought about how constantly walking on egg shells has sky rocketed his fight or flight in everyday life. "We don't need to talk about it. I know we said therapy session and all, but we can stick to the surface level stuff. That was rude of me to jump in like that." Cody's face looked regretful, not wanting to give Frannie any reason to back away.
Frannie let out a shaky breath, nodding quickly, noticing in an instant that she wasn't the only one whose body had altered, slightly, since the start of their conversation. Her thoughts had been so absent that she had only just noticed how Cody's body, while on the surface looked relatively normal, looked tense and on edge. It reminded her that she wasn't the only one here with a family - and with families, comes a lot of emotional baggage that is hard to talk about. "You don't need to apologise. It's my fault - I was the one who offered to talk about this." She reassured, her voice a little softer as she leaned forwards in her seat, reaching out and giving Cody's hand that was resting on the table a small, gentle squeeze. The last thing she wanted to do was to make Cody feel guilty. "You're not rude at all. Let me think..." She trailed off, allowing her tongue to run along her lower lip as she thought. "How about we talk about our families in general, first? Surface level kind of information. That might be a safer way to start."
Cody relaxed his body after feeling the small squeeze. His eyes followed the movement of her tongue on her own lips, the feeling of desire came back over him. "That seems like a reasonable way to kick start things." Clearing his throat, he allowed space for the waiter to place the cups on the table top. He pushed Frannie's drink towards her, allowing his fingers to tangle with hers before reverting them back to his own cup. He took a small sip, wincing slightly at the scolding temperature. "Fucking, nearly burnt the tongue right off me," Cody spluttered, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
Frannie let go of Cody's hand when she noticed the waiter arriving, pulling back slightly from where she was sitting to make room for the drinks to be placed down. Instantly her body craved to reach out towards Cody again, but she held back, watching to see if Cody showed any signs of still feeling on edge. The feeling of their fingers intertwining within the cups made her smile towards Cody, though, a quiet chuckle coming out. It looked like the atmosphere was starting to feel more comfortable again, which helped her to feel more at ease again. Her face burst into giggles when she watched Cody's reaction to sipping the drink. "Who knew a hot drink could be so hot?" She teased, wrapping her two hands around the mug to feel the warmth. "So...Tell me about your family. What are they like?"
Cody rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah." Swallowing the remaining brew in his mouth, Cody sat the cup back down on the table. Resuming his previous position of his head on his hand, his other arm falling down again inviting Frannie back into a warmer engagement. "My family," he whispered, sucking his teeth. "Where to begin? First of all. My dad is what you would deem as your standard American high money businessman who works 24/7 and my mother is a neurosurgeon. So, first of all there's some serious points deduced for parenting skills due to having such high demanding jobs. I was mostly raised off my grandmother." Cody began to worm his hand into his back pocket to pull out his beaten wallet. Opening it up, he showed Frannie a polaroid photo of himself and his gran. "She's my guy, man. She's the best." He stared at the photo for a few more seconds, a sudden sadness hitting his gut as he reminded himself what he had to leave behind for his own wellbeing. "She's gucci, best way I can describe her." Sliding his wallet back into his pocket he reverted into his original position. "They weren't horrible to me. They just didn't have the emotional skills to be parents. And when Louie was born, I thought, Yes, now is the time for you to be parents. And still nada. I wish I knew their brain types maybe it would make more rational sense." Cody suddenly realised how much he was rambling. "Your turn, pretty girl," he whispered, nudging Frannie ever so slightly.
Frannie listened carefully, watching Cody silently as he spoke. She had questions - so many questions - yet she was also painfully aware of how tentative this subject was. Likely, for both of them. The last thing she wanted to was push too much. It was nice to hear Cody speak so positively about his grandmother, and she shuffled forward in her seat to take a look at the polaroid picture. A small smile graced her lips as her eyes traced the image, feeling the warmth radiating from Cody as he spoke about his grandmother. "Sometimes they don't have to be awful to you. A lot of the time, it's the things that they neglect to do or neglect to say that impact us the most." She spoke quietly, giving a small shrug. "How old is Louie now?" A sudden overwhelming urge to reach out again - whether that was to hug or comfort Cody in some way - washed over her. Instead, she took another sip of her drink, trying to imagine what it must have been like with parents that were never there. If anything, she may have preferred that. This time, she felt more comfortable speaking about her family. "So, it's always been Quinn and I. We've been inseparable, really, ever since we were small." She let her eyes drift across the cafe, before landing back to Cody again. "You could say my parents are well known in our part of town. My Father, especially, is quite a well-known name. Everyone loves Papa. He's funny, you know? He works within a law firm just outside of our town. My Momma has always been at home, taking care of us or taking care of Father." Pausing to take a small breath, Frannie reached into her pocket for her mobile. Her lockscreen showed a picture of her family, standing just outside of their local church several years ago. She showed the photo on her lockscreen to Cody. "They were always busy, but I wouldn't necessarily say they were absent. They were strict and had high expectations for us. Especially me, as the eldest, but really both Quinn and I were held to a high standard." The unspoken words were about Quinn being kicked out, but that wasn't Frannie's secret to tell. "They had their fault's, I guess. A lot of them. It doesn't mean I wouldn't do anything for them. Especially Quinn."
Cody couldn't quite put his finger on how he was feeling. The vulnerability that he was displaying in front of Frannie was saved for pep talks in his mirror. It felt so natural though, he didn't have to think about it. He also didn't have an overwhelming gut feeling of danger like he's so used to. Cody hadn't so much as whispered about the nature of his family, not even in his own class work to better his understanding of psychological development. He was his own walking case study. "Louise is coming on 8 in the next couple months," he answered, a full smile creeping on his face at the thought of his younger brother. He began to wonder what Louie was up to at that moment in time, was he okay? Cody took a mental note to facetime him later in the day. Listening to Frannie, he took everything in. Trying to separate his psychologist head to someone who genuinely just wanted to know more about the person sitting in front of him. Cody budged towards Frannie, taking in her photo. It was exactly how he pictured the Fabray family to look. "They must be proud of you both then, yeah? I mean I don't know Quinn; however, you're thriving and studying, and your energy is something that would make any parent proud". His eyes wandered between her left eye, then her lips, then her right eye. Taking in everything.
Frannie had never expected to be opening up about her family like this. It was almost...freeing, in a way? "Eight is such a fun age." She replied with a grin, "Do you miss him while you're at college?" She liked being able to see Cody like this. It made him more real to her. Although she would never outwardly admit it, flirting was easy. It had become like a second nature to her now. If in doubt, it was easy to flirt and escape anything genuinely real. This, though? This was new territory. The word proud made Frannie let out a small, low chuckle. It was never a word she had considered when thinking about what her parents thought of her. "I'm going to have to get it in writing, first, that you promise you'll never tell anyone anything I tell you about my family. They're...quite concerned about public perception. More than quite. A lot. It's a massive deal to them how people perceive our family." Her words tried to keep light, but there was a slight glitch in the way that she spoke now. A small tension in her tone. "So...if you lived with your grandmother, what made you want to go to Thailand?" Her question was light, but her tone shifted, now more gentle and tentative. "Not that I blame you. I'm still a little jealous that you went there." She added with a small smile, trying to lighten the tone again.
Cody nodded slowly. "Fuck, yeah. I miss him like mad. I just hope he's doing okay. He didn't deal with it the best when I left." He took another small gulp of coffee. Listening to Frannie, he ripped a small piece of paper from his notebook laid next to his laptop. "Here," he slid the paper towards Frannie. In small, neat handwriting it said 'This is my written promise to you that your words with me are always safe and locked within the walls of my body" with his signature printed at the bottom followed by a love heart. "You keep that safe." Cody wanted Frannie to know she was safe with him and nothing would go any further, he wouldn't dare. He knew how hard it was to show that vulnerability and it was nothing he would ever take advantage of. He placed the piece of paper into her hands and clasped them shut with his own. "Safe space, always." Naturally someone would remove their hands immediately after but he lingered on to Frannie's touch for as long as he could. "She lived in the house with us, so it was still under my dad's roof, if that makes sense. And I just didn't match up to what they wanted from a son and they made it very well known. They had my whole life planned out. So I simply, for better words, fucked off." He dropped his head and laughed. "Can't make me do something when I'm at the other side of the world."
Frannie couldn't help but wonder, momentarily, whether their conversation was one that Cody had ever spoken about before. In a way, tucked in the darkest corner like this, it made the secrets that they revealed to one another feel more sacred. She already knew that anything spoken of would never leave her lips to anyone else. Not to Quinn, not to her Momma, not to anyone. These weren't her secrets. Her eyes fell to the note being handed to her, lingering on it while an eyebrow rose at the love heart. Either Cody was just as much of a romantic as she was, or he knew exactly how to make a girl feel special. It was working. My God, was it working. "Thank you." It wasn't as though she felt distrustful of Cody - if anything, it was the opposite. There was no reason to distrust him. And his hands against hers? His touch was lingering, teasing; lasting for so much longer than she would expect. She shifted her thumb on top of his hand, deliberately making small patterns on his hand softly, running the touch back and forth. "I hope you know this sentiment is always returned." She spoke quietly, her gaze trying to meet his eyes. "You can talk to me about anything. It will stay between us. I promise." The shift in her tone - from arriving at the cafe with a light hearted, flirty tone - to her tone of voice now, low and serious, was stark. Cody's answer to her question made her shift in her seat, feeling an overwhelming wave of empathy towards him. His honesty and bravery were something she was envious of. Moving away from the situation was something Frannie had never been able to do. "I'm sorry." Her fingers, still laced and intertwined with his, moved so that hers were now clasping Cody's, giving his hand a small squeeze in an act of comfort. "What were their plans for your life?"
Cody appreciated the soft squeeze of comfort. Though his body language and presence was warm, on the inside he was battling a conflict of emotions. He felt safe speaking to Frannie, something that he never experienced with someone else so quick. His lack of opening up and ruined his relationships in the past - platonic or romantic - being vulnerable was not something Cody was fond of doing. In fact he saved those vulnerabilities for his grandmother and his little brother. As a benevolent child with closed off parents growing up was harsh for the boy. He was a high energy soul, even more so than he was now. His attempts to show his parents his drawings, his stories, any act of creativeness was always shut down and replaced with a lecture on how his focus should be towards the more core subjects of education: maths, science, and English, English without the stories. There was a wall around his heart and because of that, he may have many friendships and flings, but Cody has never experienced something real. Experiencing something real means giving your total, raw self. "They wanted me to go into business work. I'm not destined to wear a three piece suit all my life. My legs are just too nice to that," he joked, brushing off his immense thoughts. His body's response urged him to sit back, put more space between himself and Frannie. He fought against it, and forced himself to be open. "You're intriguing, Miss Fabray. I yearn to learn more about you."
Frannie quirked an eyebrow at the mention of Cody wearing a suit, leaning back so she could take another sip from her drink. "You know, I'm on their side in this debate. Only because I would pay to see you talking serious and stern to me about business while wearing a three piece suit." She joked teasingly, a smirk lacing and dancing on her lips, before quickly adding, "I'm kidding, obviously. My parents had similar ideals about the kind of path they expected us to take." Who knew their parents could be so vastly different, yet so evidently similar, all at the same time? The only reason her academic path had found a love in biology was because her parents - well, her Father in particular - had carved the way for it. All other subjects or interests just weren't a serious, legitimate option. In a way, Frannie felt lucky that her interests always lay with learning about the natural world and science had always been her favourite subject. "What would you like to know?" She asked, moving away a few strands of her hair behind her ear, almost internally mentally preparing herself for whatever questions came her way.
Cody softly laughed, his head dropped taking in the compliment. He looked up to Frannie from below his thick lashes. "You can see in me anything you want. Or, in nothing." He hid his smirk with his mug, taking a sip. And then once more as the caffeine started to kick in again. "I want to know everything." He wasn't lying when he said everything. He was truly consumed by the individual and her aura, even if it was against his body's will. "Like, how you even had the chance to squeeze me into your diary. I'm surprised that I'm not fighting people off as they try to shower you in roses and all other sort of love gestures. Surprised no-ones officially took you off the market". Cody wanted to go deeper into understanding Frannie however he had to remind himself that maybe they weren't quite there yet. She wasn't a case study that he had to spend hours analysing. His psychologist hat was off.. for now.
Frannie bit down on her lip, watching him with challenging eyes, his words echoing in her mind. "My parents DO have an annual gathering every few months. It's mainly for family, friends, associates, fellow Church goers...but it is a black tie event. The next gathering is next week." She quipped quickly, trying to ignore the offer to see Cody in nothing and the light blush that was starting to form on her cheeks. "I'm sure I could get you invited. It's quite the fun affair, especially after a long, long glass of wine." She wasn't sure whether inviting Cody to such an event, jokingly or not, was a little too serious, too quickly. Likely, it was, but her family played a major role in her life. It wasn't something she was able to tip-toe around or to pretend they didn't exist. There was something incredibly attractive about a guy just...plainly, simply and openly being interested. Cody hadn't bothered to pretend or play any kind of games to disguise that he wanted to know her. And not just know her physically, which had absolutely been a problem in the past - but know everything. She liked it. "Everything?" She repeated back, slowly, almost unbelieving. "I think that the busiest person in the whole world is able to make time for people if they truly want to. It's all about prioritising. And meeting you had been playing on my mind a lot." The more words that were shared between the two of them, the more confident Frannie felt to answer his questions with more openness. "My turn for a question. Have you ever been in love before?" It was blunt, but the curious part of her mind had won this time round.
Cody felt what could only be described as a small butterfly fluttering it's wings around his stomach. The invitation, though appreciated, had taken him back slightly. Meeting someone's family felt rather intimate in a way that Cody has never been before. His experience only went as far as undressing someone, only to leave them like a gust of wind after the night succumbed to the morning sun. "I'll be there". The words escaped his mouth before he could stop himself and think rationally. If he was to dress up so elegantly, it also meant that Frannie would, too, meet the same dress code. In a nice, tight dress of some sort, he wished. "Everything," Cody repeated with a soft reassurance in his tone. He nodded his head as Frannie answered his question. Cody's thoughts occupied of meeting Frannie from the moment they first interacted. There was something about the blonde hair and puns that drew him in, no matter how hard he tried to fight against it. Taking the question in, he thought for a second. Wanting to avoid coming across as heartless, which he wasn't, he wanted to choose his words wisely. It's not that he was incapable of love. His heart was full of it. But as an impressionable boy watching his parents relationship growing up it impacted him. They weren't horrible to each other, not anymore. The Totelino family went through a brief separation with his father leaving for a short month after what seemed like a lifetime of evening, after-dinner arguments with his mother. Then one day, his father returned as if nothing happened. They don't fight anymore, but overall they just don't speak. It was fine at first but the silence of the relationship ate Cody up. In his older years he's came to conclusion that they have both settled for each other because it was easy, convenient which installed a new type of fear within Cody. He would rather be alone than be with someone just because it was easy to settle, or be with someone which then turns into a relationship of convenience. "I haven't. I guess I've always just been too busy for it," he responded, covering the real reason with a fabricated truth. It was true in some sense. Cody's routine was busy and demanding however there was always a lingering space for someone. "Have you?"
Frannie watched Cody silently, wondering whether her question had thrown him off. Something Quinn had always teased Frannie for was her unrelenting honesty in the most uncomfortable situations, and Frannie wasn't quite sure here whether she had read the situation wrong. If anything, as she waited for a reply, Frannie almost regretted saying anything at all - she felt the unfamiliar feeling of sudden vulnerability creeping in. Letting someone else have the power over you was not something she had ever been encouraged to do. His answer, therefore, surprised her, although she tried not to let that alter her expression at all from neutral. A Fabray party - or 'gathering' - was not one to be missed, after all. They were perhaps one of the biggest perks of being in the Fabray family. "That's amazing! Please don't stress about meeting my parents. I'm aware that's a little intense. My main priority here is seeing you in a suit." She reassured him with a cheeky smile, before adding. "They're usually quite easy to avoid. I've spent the majority of my life perfecting it." The words had flown out of her mouth before she had realised. A part of her still felt overwhelmingly guilty whenever she spoke poorly of her parents in public. Only a small part, but it was a part, nonetheless. She couldn't help but feel a little surprised when Cody explained how he had never been in love before - perhaps, even, a little wary at his answer. Being too busy for love felt...wrong, somehow. Especially for someone as likeable as Cody. Still, Frannie wasn't here to dig into his past or question him if he wasn't comfortable completely. "I have." She confirmed truthfully with a nod. "Once before. I think opening yourself open to someone enough to allow yourself to fall in love is extraordinarily hard, especially trying to find the right person to trust, to do that with. Perhaps this links back to your question regarding why I'm single. Some would say I have high standards, but the truth lies more with a genuine desire to find someone to trust completely. I haven't found that yet."
Cody traced the outline of the mug top with his fingertip. His body felt it's calmest when it was moving in some sort of way. Keeping still felt like suffocating in ways that he could only understand. His fidgeting was an annoyance for others but a sense of control for him. He struggled with impulsiveness in all senses of the word and the slight movement helped with oppressing it. "Are you kidding? I can't wait to meet the Fabrays". Meeting Frannie's parents was the gateway to understanding her more, something that was burning inside of him. He needed to know all of her in ways that not everyone else did. "Anybody can love anybody. Not everyone can trust everyone," Cody agreed with Frannie's statement. Would he ever be able to trust someone fully, he thought. It seemed like such a far-fetched idea. Cody couldn't trust himself so how could he trust someone else? "Well, here's to trust," he declared, holding his mug up in a toast-like manner.
Frannie watched him silently, taking in each movement, each trace, each outline of his fingers. "And you have a suit to wear?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, a small smirk beginning to form on her lips. Her mind was beginning to consider what Cody would look like with a suit on and her eyes slowly shifted down to his body. Shaking her head slightly, trying to focus on what the two of them were discussing, Frannie quickly added. "They're kind people. I'm sure they'd love to meet you." Although her family were...an interesting group of people, Frannie was absolutely certain that they would like, or maybe even approve, of Cody as her date. While she wasn't entirely sure what kind of questions would be thrown his way, she was certain he could handle it. His confidence was one of the main things she found attractive about him. Well, one of the many things. A small chuckle fell from her lips as she watched him raising his mug as she mirrored his actions, lifting her mug in a cheers-like salute. "To trust." She toasted with a beam, clinking her glass with his before taking another small sip.
Cody held himself back from smiling cockily as he watched Frannie's eyes divert to his body. "I can look one out". His thoughts cut to a visual image of his wardrobe in his room. Not one hanger held the weight of a suit. Jeans, Dickies, hoodies, sure. A suit, however, was not in his outfit rotation. He had to make sure he looked at peak calibre so he took added the task of going to buy an outfit on his mental to do list. He had worked more shifts in Scandals this month which allowed him to hold a little more savings, enough to get him a well-polished suit that would impress Frannie. "I'm excited to spend more time experiencing you," Cody stated, a soft but wide smile plastered on his face. He swirled the last of his coffee around the mug. The reflection of the cafe lights reflected off his watch revealing the time. Shit. A great deal of time had passed since the conversation started and Cody's afternoon class was starting in 17 minutes. He couldn't be late for Content Creation class again or Miss Raduk would have him in an academic choke slam. "I need to head to class now as much as it kills me to pull myself from you. I hope that I see you again real, real soon," Cody said, putting himself in a state of vulnerability as he awaited Frannie's response. To hide the impending feeling of doom within him he slid his laptop into his over-worn Carhartt tote bag and squared himself up, ready to leave for class once Frannie answered.
Frannie was more than pleasantly surprised with how meeting Cody had gone. After their message exchanges, as well as their brief meeting at the carnival, she wasn't entirely sure how their coffee date would have turned out. This, though, she had enjoyed, even if it had been more than a little eye-opening at how much her childhood clearly still impacted her. It had given her a lot to think about. "If you need help suit searching, I have quite a few that you could borrow." She responded flippantly with a small shrug, suddenly aware of her assumption that everyone should automatically own formal clothing - which may not have been the case. Picking up her bag, Frannie stood up and zipped up her jacket, placing the small note Cody had written her beforehand inside her pocket. A small smile formed when Cody admitted that he would want to her see again accompanied with a light flush on her cheeks. A small, cynical part of her brain gave a quick reminder that he could be simply being polite, but she tried to ignore that. "I've really liked spending time with you. A lot." She replied honestly, raising her gaze now to try and meet his eyes. For a brief, fleeting moment her eyes trailed down, lingering slightly on his lips. A part of her was almost tempted to to be bold, but she resisted, instead running her tongue along her lower lip before presenting Cody with another smile. It felt too soon. Too tentative. "I'll see you around, Cody."
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
TftW: A Hero For Weirdos Everywhere.
This is an origin story to Dan the Were-Aykroyd and how he became who he is, this story uses a horror anthology aspect to it to help get in the right mood. Featuring Dan Aykroyd as the title character and as himself.
Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality, but there is unseen by most an underworld, a place that is just as real but not as brightly lit…a dark side. And with this dark side come morals we have to learn and we are about to learn that for ourselves, meet Daniel…or Dan, Dan was obsessed with horror movies and monsters, especially ones that could transform people, his dream was to be able to transform and he loved werecreature lore in particular, he often believed his co-workers had powers as well.
He worked at the Mystic Museum in Burbank, specifically as a character actor playing the part of a video store clerk, he had experience as a character actor because he had worked at Universal prior and was a big hit with the parkgoers for his upbeat personality, he was viewed as somewhat strange and unusual because of his interest and some even viewed him as crazy for believing monsters were real. But he knew for sure they were real, every night when he slept he heard voices speaking to him in his mind, one voice being that of his idol Dan Aykroyd. He loved Dan for embracing his weird side and he approved of it, he spent a great deal of time writing a screenplay for a project he was working on.
One evening he was sorting out the videos including the slasher movies when someone came up to him. 'Is it true you really did hear Aykroyd's voice in your head?' 'Yes, yes I do…' 'How?' 'I just do, I think it's telepathy.' Thomas Sheppard smirked and laughed at him…'You're telling me you believe in this stuff?' 'Oh yes, I do. Got a problem with that?' 'Why yes, you're a freak.' 'Being a freak is not something that should be condemnable.' 'To me it is.' 'Thomas, you are going to get it one of these days.'
"Really? Are you going to go all Carrie on me?"
"You are going to wish you never came here."
Thomas thought nothing of this…he lived to put people who were different down, but Dan looked over at him for a bit, he reached for him and grabbed by the shoulder…and suddenly as if he had been given super-strength, he threw Thomas onto the ground. 'Okay okay i'm sorry, hey…wait a minute, you weren't super strong before.' 'I don't know how I did it but…I did it, oh well…let this be a lesson to you.'
The overly confident athlete ran off, exiting the attraction and leaving him alone. 'How did you do that? Was that one of your special effects?' 'I don't think so, I don't believe getting superhuman strength was part of the sfx package.' He shrugged before going for a bit of a walk, and he then adjusted his uniform's badge in the mirror, and as he did something unusual happened.
His reflection shapeshifted in appearance, taking on the appearance of Dan Aykroyd himself only with long hair and an outfit resembling a cosplay of Bob from Twin Peaks. 'We sure taught Thomas a lesson, you should have seen him.' 'Hang on a minute, is my reflection talking to me?' 'I sure am, anyway…hi, i'm your inner Aykroyd. I know it may be hard to believe, but I am going to be your personal spirit guide. And to do this I am going to tell you that you are going to be one with me.'
"So are these what my powers are for?"
"Oh yes, you are going to be the hero this city needs."
'Me? A hero? Well the weirdos in this world need someone to protect them and that person will be mine.' 'That's what I like to hear.' Dan's inner 'Aykroyd' that served as his reflection, reached out for him and gave him some more of his attributes and powers, which of course resulted in his DNA altering, giving him paranormal attributes. 'You've heard of a parasocial relationship with your idol, how about a para-NORMAL relationship?'
A couple of hours later he started having visions, visions of turning into Dan Aykroyd in numerous ways, visions that included homages to David Lynch and David Cronenberg, and one such dream even had him looking in the mirror and seeing he had the same eyes as Aykroyd's character from Neighbors only as a Thriller homage too. He never understood why some people were afraid of the video when it came out, he also chuckled since he remembered being partially afraid of that video but now he loved it.
He remembered people having the same reaction to the Lou Reed music video 'No Money Down' in which a statue of Lou peeled its skin off to reveal a robot underneath, he understood that the reason Lou made this choice was because Lou didn't like music videos or having to be in one. He remembered how the song 'The Worms Crawl In' was creepy since it was essentially about what happens to your body when you die, or specifically if you choose to get buried, yet it was often labeled as a 'kids song'. 'Oh well, there's no wrong age to get into horror I suppose.'
An hour later he noticed something unusual when he looked in the mirror, he saw what appeared to be brown hairs growing on his arms, and he opened his shirt up a bit to reveal the same hairs growing on there as well, he noticed his arms and hands were broadening with a few crunching sounds which was always a bit disconcerting, his stomach also broadened a little as and he noticed that he was growing a bit taller, specifically to 6'1. He had a dream about this prior and he did understand how that went.
Dreams seldom make sense and there is a reason for it, sometimes…those dreams are real, he remembered reading a bunch of transformation tales and being upset by the loss of identity part of it, he thought it didn't make sense. He felt his rear for a little and blushed..he knew there were some people that had a thing for plus sized characters and he could use this to his advantage as his back broadened and his feet shifted in size, also two of the toes fused on each foot on the knuckle making him look like had webbed toes, an unique feature for sure.
His shoulders broadened a little bit as his hair darkened and his eyebrows thickened, his eyes widened, one turning from brown to green as the other remained brown and his features contorted taking on an Aykroydian appearance, his nose broadening as a cleft materialized in the middle of it, his voice shifted a bit…giving him a deeper voice and also eventually giving him Aykroyd’s voice and that is when he decided that if anyone is going to keep the strange and weird people of the world from being targeted it would be him.
When his transformation was completed, he was his new self…and he dubbed himself, Dan…the Were-Aykroyd, also known as the Aykroydian Knight, defender of the strange and unusual. He saw Thomas walking down the street and decided to get his own back on him by taking on a spectral form and entering his house before possessing him by going down his throat and turning him into a Were-Aykroyd like him.
After that he decided to leave Thomas’s body but Thomas remained as a were-aykroyd after that, but our hero’s work was not yet done. ‘You must find someone to share a body with and to protect.’ ‘I know who my choice is.’ Ae looked through the virtual database until he found someone named Monstermaster13 who was a Dan Aykroyd fan. ‘Perfect, he’s the one.’
And so with that, he used his powers to teleport himself over to where Nathan lived and used some of his abilities to communicate with him through telepathy and also through dreams and visions, these dreams and visions would lead to Nathan getting hooked on Dan Aykroyd and getting into the idea of wanting to do tfs into him, and the rest is history.
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onlyfreds · 2 years
El Amor De Mi Vida | F.W.
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Title: El Amor De Mi Vida
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Visiting your family over spring break motivates Fred to learn Spanish.
A/N: I don’t really know much Spanish. These are all from Google translator. So I apologize for any inaccuracy.
Having to speak a second language is hard enough in itself, but you deem yourself lucky to be fluent in both your native language and your second one - especially since you go to an English school.
“Morning love.” Fred greeted, pecking a kiss to your cheek before sitting down on the empty space next to you.
“Morning.” You smiled back before returning to your attention to the book you were reading.
“Did you really just go out to the black lake to read?” Fred asked, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Maybe.” You shrugged.
Moments later, you could hear someone calling your name from afar.
Turning around, you could see your best friend running towards you.
“Tienes una carta.” She said, holding the envelope out to you. She was one of the few other students at Hogwarts who also spoke Spanish.
“Gracias.” You smiled at her once you took the letter from her hands.
“What did she say?” Fred asked, giving you a puzzled look.
“She told me that I had a letter.” You answered as you ripped the envelope open.
“From who?”
“My mom, apparently.”
“Is it all in Spanish?” He asked.
You nodded, eyes still trained on the letter, “My mom is not so fluent in English so she usually prefers to speak in Spanish.”
“Can you read it to me?” Your boyfriend asked shyly, “You know if there’s nothing too personal in there and all, wouldn’t want to intrude. It’s just you sound so adorable when you speak Spanish.”
You smiled, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks, “Sure.”
Clearing your throat, you started reading.
Mi hermosa hija,
(My beautiful daughter,)
¿cómo estás? Espero que la estés pasando muy bien en la escuela con tus amigos.
(how are you? I hope you are having a great time at school with your friends.)
Tu prima, Michelle, nos está invitando a su fiesta de cumpleaños número 16. Y se supone que se llevará a cabo justo en medio de tus vacaciones de primavera.
(Your cousin, Michelle, is inviting us to her 16th birthday party. And it's supposed to take place right in the middle of your spring break.)
Pero entendería si no quisieras venir. Sé que el resto de la familia puede ser un problema a veces.
(But I'd understand if you didn't want to come. I know that the rest of the family can be a handful sometimes.)
Bueno, si decides ir. Sería increíble si trajeras a ese maravilloso novio tuyo. Para que finalmente todos podamos conocerlo en persona.
(Well, if you decide to go. It would be awesome if you brought that wonderful boyfriend of yours. So that finally we can all meet him in person.)
¡Ten cuidado cariño! ¡No te estreses demasiado con tus clases!
(Take care honey! Don't stress too much with your classes!)
Mucho amor, mamá
(Much love, Mom).
“Translation?” Fred asked once you were finished.
“My cousin invited us to her birthday party which would be happening right on our spring break. And if I go, they also want you to come so that you can meet my family.” You said.
Fred paused for a moment, “Well, are you going?”
You shrugged, “Do you want to come along?”
“Yeah, I would love to meet your family.” He smiled, “Especially since you already met mine.
“I’ll tell them I’ll go then.”
Later that day, a knock came on your dormitory door.
“Come in!” You said without looking up from your homework, thinking that it was just one of your dorm mates.
And it was safe to say that you were surprised when your bed suddenly dipped at the weight of someone.
Upon looking up, you weren’t surprised when you were met with the familiar grin of your boyfriend.
“And what can I help you with?” You asked with a smile.
“Can I ask you a favor?” He grinned shyly.
Raising a brow at him, you answered, “Depends on how crazy the favor is.”
Fred jokingly rolling his eyes at you before flashing back to his shy demeanor, “Fine. But promise you won’t laugh at me?”
“I won’t.” You promised.
He looked cautiously at you before saying, “I want you to teach me Spanish.”
You tried to hide the surprise on your face as you blinked, not knowing what to say.
Fred groaned, hiding his face in his hands, “I knew it was a stupid idea.”
“It’s not!” You insisted, prying his hands away from his face, “It’s actually adorable.”
“Really?” He asked, peeking through his fingers.
“Really.” You smiled at him, “I’d be honored to teach you.”
“What do you want to learn?” You asked.
“Maybe some basics?” He said, “Just so I don’t look like a complete fool in front of your family.”
You giggled, closing your textbook and putting it away, “So, hello is hola.”
“Hola.” Fred repeated, completely focused on your every word.
“And when you introduce yourself, you say, mi nombre es Fred Weasley.”
Fred repeated the phrase, though you had to do a little brush up on his pronunciation later.
That’s how you basically spent the rest of the afternoon, teaching Fred how to speak the language you grew up with.
“Are you sure you’re fine with this?” You asked as the two of you arrived at your house. 
Although your family was originally from Columbia, your mother had came to England when she was 20 and that’s where she met your father. 
And the rest was history.
“Of course I am.” Fred grinned as he placed a kiss on your cheek to try and reassure you.
“Mi hija!” Your mom said as she caught sight of you with a smile, bringing you in for a hug.
“Mama.” You grinned, kissing her cheek, “I missed you so much.”
Once she let you go, turning to Fred and cupping his face in her hands, “Debes ser su novio, ella escogió bien - eres tan guapo.”
You were about to go and translate for your boyfriend when he smiled and responded, “Gracias. Tengo mucha suerte de tener a tu hija.”
You were surprised, to say the least, you recalled teaching Fred the basic stuff but you were happy that he was getting along with your mother just fine.
“Vamos, Michelle está emocionada de verte.” Your mother said.
You nodded, “Bueno.” before you and your boyfriend followed her inside. 
Throughout the whole party, various members of your family talked to Fred and it didn’t seem like he had any trouble communicating with them - except for a few harder words you had to translate for him.
Once everyone else was busy, you pulled him aside.
“I’m happy with your little surprise. But do tell me how did you manage to talk almost so fluently in Spanish?” You asked.
Fred smiled, “Turns out the Hogwarts library had an English to Spanish dictionary and let’s just say that I studied it more than I ever studied in my life. Also I kinda had a little help from both Hermione and Harry.”
Your heart melted at the lengths he took just to be able to learn your language, your heritage and maybe make his connection with you stronger.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a brief kiss to his lips, “Eres el amor de mi vida.”
“Translation please?” He said.
You smiled, “You’re the love of my life.”
@lumosandnoxwriting @ssathoma@fandomhideout@nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff@pandaxnienke@daedreamss@catching-the-train-to-hogwarts@thefallengodesse@cupids-crystals@madelieneorionswan@holyheadharpies99@posteyymaloney(Send a Message/Ask if you want to be added!)
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March Day 16
I have past the middle of the month. So lets go with another gift. This is for @meloingly.
It's a bit special because we have Carlos talking Spanish having fever.
Title: Speaking tonges... about love.
Summary: When he has a high fever, Carlos only speaks Spanish, and he talks about marriage and children, but TK doesn't understand almost a word
TK sighed as he heard Carlos coughing in bed. He slept, slept the three times he had heard him with the coughing fit. But the fever had spiked enough to have him sleeping the whole time, almost unconscious.
"Damn flu," TK thought.
With how quickly he had passed it. Carlos always laughed when TK told him that he had a very strong immune system and defenses and a simple flu was nothing to him. Two days in bed and then good as new. Carlos was going through his third day, the worst day of the fever. He had not been able to get out of bed, he had barely woken up in the morning; he had hardly eaten anything and what little he had managed to get into his stomach he had ended up throwing up almost immediately.
His fever had spiked so high that for a moment TK thought about calling the emergency room. He wasn't happy about spending the rest of the day in the hospital at Carlos' bedside, but his fever was bordering on extreme.
In the end he had called Tommy. He hated to bother her on her day off, but seeing her show up with the twins, worried about Uncle Carlos, ready to fix something to eat for the two of them as their father had taught them and to be nurses for one of their favorite uncles, so endeared TK to her that she couldn't tell them they'd better stay home to avoid catching anything.
"The fever is high," Tommy said as they left the bedroom. "But we're going to monitor him, if he has no lung problems, no trouble breathing and the vomiting only happens when he eats something, he should be fine, for the time being."
"Sorry to bother you on your day off, Captain."
"We're off work, so please call me Tommy. Besides, I care about you guys and the girls too. When they heard me talking on the phone with you, they went crazy saying they wanted to come with me."
TK sighed and plopped down on the couch. He hadn't slept much during the night. Every time he closed his eyes he imagined something horrible happening to Carlos because he was asleep, so he'd spent most of the night awake watching him, searching the internet for fever-reducing home remedies and the like to keep himself entertained, though he'd ended up watching a couple of series on Netflix on his cell phone with his headphones on.
"Why don't you try to get some sleep? The girls and I will stay as long as it takes."
"No need. Andrea, Carlos' mom, just told me she's on her way. She's bringing us food, which means we'll have a full fridge for two weeks." Tommy smiled and nodded. "I'm not complaining, cooking isn't my thing and while it's bad I don't want Carlos doing anything, let alone spending hours cooking."
"TK..." Carlos' voice made them both alert.
The paramedic approached the door to the room. Carlos had his eyes open, he was looking at him and his hand outstretched towards him to get his attention. TK walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Good morning, my sleeping beauty." He moved to his boyfriend's forehead and gave him a kiss. He was burning and would give anything to notice that he was coming down and slowly getting better, but Tommy had told her, with a fever this high, it would take time for improvement to come. "Would you like me to make you some tea to settle your stomach a little?"
"¿Te he dicho ya lo mucho que te quiero?"
TK wondered if he was the one with the fever now, because he had just heard Carlos speak to him in Spanish. of which he had only understood "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Es nuestro fin de semana libre y tines que hacer de enfermero para limpiarme el vómito."
TK understood even less of what his boyfriend had just said. He understood Spanish words and had studied it in school. Carlos had said he'd be happy to teach his whenever he wanted, but they didn't have that much free time together to get into studying and practicing a language.
"Hold on, I'm going to need help. Don't move."
Keep reading on AO3
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beyaux · 4 years
Title: When the Storm Found its Serenity
The spine-chilling CEO of the Medline Field Company also known as Mr. Leo, has this intimidating and daunting aura that could make everyone shake with fear in just a single glance. His oustanding name and masculine posture are screaming wealth and power. Every employee suffered his great terror that no one dares to stab him at the back. He's the example of a perfect man that every woman is craving to have for. He doesn't have some weaknesses. No one can bring him down that he's the only one who can tamed himself. That was his thoughts until Beauteous Anallevaj a psychiatrist came to his life.
Ang kaniyang madilim at tahimik na mundo ay tila nagsimulang magbago. The joy that he thinks he had before has no equivalent to the joy that Bea brings to his present life. She thought him a lot of things. Leo felt something new inside of him that only Bea can make him feel. She opened a new side of him. Slowly and slowly he realizes that he already found his own serenity.
Palabas na ako ng aking opisina nang lumitaw ang pangalan ni Raw sa screen ng cellphone ko.
Raw's calling...
Naglikha ito ng ingay sa gitna ng pasilyo nitong Ospital, dahilan kung bakit napahinto ang iilang nurses  na nakakasalubong ko.
Mabilis na nanlaki ang mga mata ko bago mabilis na sinagot ang tawag. Hindi na ako nagkaroon pa ng oras mag-isip kung bakit bigla siyang napa-tawag saakin.
"Hello? Bea? It's me, Raw."
Hindi pa ako nakakabawi mula sa pagkakabigla nang marinig ko ang malalim niyang boses. I shut my eyes tightly. Ramdam ko ang mabilis na pag-init ng aking pisngi. I forgot to silence my phone! Dang it.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
After months of not communicating with me, he's suddenly here? Calling my name? Ano kayang kailangan nito?
"Raw," I called.
"Bea! Kamusta na?"
His voice sounds hoarse, maybe he just woke up? Pero anong oras na, a? Ala-una na ng hapon.
"What do you want? Last time I checked, wala na akong utang sa'yo, a?" Pagbibiro ko.
I smiled to the other nurses who heard my ringtone minutes ago. I even bowed a bit.
"Pasensya po... pasensya na."
Nagpatuloy na ulit ako sa paglalakad palabas ng Ospital. I heard him chuckled.
"Wait... why are you apologizing?"
"Hindi ikaw kausap ko. Mga nurses 'yon." Tumawa ako.
He laughed again. "Oh, you got me there. Ang bait naman ng Doctor na 'to!"
Umalingawngaw ang malakas niyang boses sa kabilang linya. Natatawang napapailing ako.
"So... what's new? Bakit ka napatawag?" Pag-iiba ko.
"Hmm? Nothing. I just missed you."
Ang kaninang malalim niyang boses ay mabilis na nagbago. Tila may kausap akong maliit na bata ngayon.
My eyes turned into slits, hindi naniniwala sa sinasabi niya.
"Raw Arthur..." I warned.
"What?" Natatawang tanong niya.
"What do you meant for 'what'? Come on, spill it!"
I can't help but to smile. Imbes na mapikon ako ay napapangiti pa ako sa pangbibitin niya.
Nakarating na ako sa parking lot at nakita ko na rin ang aking montero. Pinindot ko ang susi sa kaliwa kong kamay bago ko iyon tuluyang binuksan.
"Bea..." He sighed, "I have something to tell you."
Tinapon ko ang aking itim na hand bag sa passenger seat bago ako tuluyang pumasok at kumportableng umupo sa driver's seat.
"Tell me what?"
Sinirado ko na ang aking pintuan. Naglikha iyon nang panandaliang kalabog mula sa pagkakasirado ko. I heaved a deep sigh.
"Tell me what, Raw?" Ulit ko.
Hindi ko na inalintana ang init sa loob ng sasakyan. Wala na akong panahon pa para buksan ang aircon at ang makina dahil mas nakatuon ang buong atensyon ko sa kung ano man ang balak sabihin saakin ni Raw.
"I'll tell you, just promise me one thing."
I nodded immediately even though he's not here. Lalo lang nadadagdagan ang kuryosidad ko sa mga pinapahabol niya.
"Yeah, yeah. Alright, I promise."
I didn't think much about the promise. Ang gusto ko lang ay sabihin niya na agad.
"Bea, seryoso ako." His voice thundered.
"I'm serious! Anong akala mo saakin?"
"You're not taking the promise seriously!"
I blow a loud breath.
"Okay, fine. Ano ba 'yon?"
Pansin ko mula sa kabilang linya na panandalian siyang natigilan. Silence crept our atmostphere. Mukhang may pag-aalinlangan pa siyang sabihin saakin.
Now that silence enveloped us, I finally realized that my heartbeat is not beating normal. Parang tumakbo ako ng napakalayo dahil sa bilis ng pagtibok nito.
"Ipangako mo saakin na hindi ka iiyak. 'Cause I know you too well. You'll even hate me for this." He let out a shaking laugh.
My brow creased. Sa bawat segundong dumadaan ay mas lalo pa akong kinakabahan. Nagsimula na ako magbalik tanaw noon, nagbabaka-sakali akong may makukuha akong ideya mula sa nakaraan. But nothing!
"Raw, what is it?" Tanong ko. Nauubusan na ng pasensya.
"I'm... getting married."
Nahigit ko ang aking pag-hinga. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. Tila huminto ang pag-ikot ng aking mundo. There, he finally said it! But my mind still won't sink it in and finalize everything.
"A-Ano ulit 'yon? You... what?"
"I'm getting married, bestfriend," Ulit niya. Mas malinaw na ngayon kaysa kanina.
That's when it sinked in. I felt my heart throbbed painfully. Hindi ko napigilan at kusa na lamang tumulo ang mga luha ko. I was cursing him on my mind repeatedly.
"Oh my god, Raw Arthur! No, no, no. You've got to be kidding me!" Hagulhol ko.
"Fuck. You promised-"
"You jerk! Ang tagal mong hindi nagparamdam. Tapos ngayon, malalaman kong ikakasal ka na pala!" Putol ko sa kaniya.
"I know, I'm sorry. I was with her. I'm fine, don't worry."
Sunod-sunod na nalaglag ang mga butil ng luha mula sa mga mata ko. Marahas ko din agad itong pinapaalis gamit ang malaya kong palad.
"Who's the girl, Raw? Kailan ang kasal?"
Pakiramdam ko 'ata mababaliw na ako. My feelings were mixed and fucked up. I should be happy for him- I am happy! It just that, ako ang bestfriend niya, he should tell me about the girl first! Hindi yung bibiglain niya ako ng ganito. I've never felt betrayal this much in my whole life. Ngayon pa lang. Nakakatampo.
"I met her in London. The wedding is on friday. You should be here in my place, para masukatan ka na."
Tila lalo pa 'atang nagulo ang pag-iisip ko sa sinabi niya. Natataranta at gamit pa ang nanginginig na mga kamay ay inabot ko ang maliit na kalendaryo sa dashboard.
"Wednesday na ngayon, Raw! Are you telling me na this friday ka na ikakasal?" Tanong ko habang binabalik ang kalendaryo sa itaas ng dashboard.
"Yeaaap..." He muttered the 'a' slowly.
Biglang huminto ang kaninang mga traydor kong luha. Napalitan ng inis ang nararamdaman ko para sa kaniya. Napapikit ako ng mariin. Hinilot ko ang aking sentido.
"Why?" I asked him in a calm voice.
"What do you meant 'why'?" Natatawang tanong niya na para bang na-wi-weirdo-han sa tanong kong iyon.
Oh, no, no, I'm not in the mood for your chuckle, right now, Raw. Dang it.
"Why? Ang tanong ko, bakit? Bakit ngayon mo lang sinabi? Raw, naman!"
Padabog kong nahampas ang steering wheel. Naubos na 'ata ang oras ko kausap siya. Kailangan ko pa agad bumalik sa trabaho, pero mukhang hindi mangyayari iyon.
Raw is such a lunatic! Sinong matinong lalaki ang mag-iinvite, 2 days before the wedding? Siya lang!
"You should have tell me earlier, Raw! A days after your proposal o kahit months na nga, e! Hindi yung ganito. I'm your bestfriend for fudging sake! At ako pa ang nahuli sa balita?"
"You're not the only one, so calm down. Galing ka kasing states noong nakaraang buwan. Madami na rin kaming inasikaso para sa kasal noong nasa states ka kaya nawala na sa isip ko."
So its my fault now, huh? Wala na akong magagawa dahil nandiyan na. At least he told me about it. Ayos na 'yon, makakapag-handa pa ako.
Natapos ang buong paguusap namin sa paulit-ulit niyang pag-hingi saakin ng tawad. I hate myself for being too nice, napatawad ko siya kaagad.
Raw and I are best buddies. We've met at the same university when we were at our senior years. Sa lahat ng mga nakilala kong kaibigang lalaki, siya lang ang tumagal sa tabi ko.
He's with me when I had my first ever boyfriend and also my first heartache. He was there. He's always there.
Pagkatapos ng trabaho, hindi pa agad ako umuwi sa condo. Dumaan ako sa pinaka-malapit na Mall. Titingin-tingin ako kung may makikita akong p'wedeng i-pang-regalo para sa darating na biyernes.
I parked my car before turning off its engine. Tsaka ko pa lang din napagtanto na suot-suot ko pa rin ang aking doctor's coat. Hinubad ko iyon bago maayos na nilagay sa passenger seat.
I flaunt my black and white striped cami jumpsuit. Lumabas na ako ng sasakyan at diri-diretso ang lakad patungo sa entrada ng gusali.
I was greeted by expensive restaurants and cuisines. Inilang hakbang ko ang paglagpas sa mga iyon. I should not be threatened, 'andito ako para bumili ng regalo.
Tumigil ako sa isang boutique na mayroong naka-display na malaking teddy bear. Nakuha nito ang atensyon ko. Now that I realized I'm at the baby store.
Wala na akong pagaalinlangan at pumasok na ako sa loob. The sales lady greeted me immediately with a huge smile on her nude lips.
"Goodevening, Ma'am!"
I smiled back. "Goodevening."
Mabilis kong pinasadahan ng tingin ang kabuoan ng loob. Samu't saring mga gamit ng pambata ang bumungad saakin. Maaliwalas at maluwag ang nasasakupan. Nahahati sa dalawa ang shop, kulay blue ang nasa bandang kanan samantalang kulay pink ang kaliwa.
Well, I know Raw too well. Baka nga'y naka-score na agad iyon bago pa ang kasal. I'm just so advance, well, maybe quite excited too.
Ramdam ko ang paninitig saakin ng iilan pang mga sales lady. I'm not that numb for not to feel anything. Mula sa likuran ko, pansin ko din ang pagsunod ng kaninang sales lady na bumati saakin.
"Ano po bang gender, Ma'am? Lalaki po ba o babae?"
Nilingon ko siya bago nginitian ulit. I noticed her stilled for a seconds.
"Hindi ko pa kasi alam. I'll buy the unisex one," Sagot ko.
She wasn't listening at all, just staring at me mesmerizingly and pretending to listen. Lalong lumawak ang ngiti ko.
"Could you help me, please? Nagmamadali na rin kasi ako baka mag-sara na kayo. P'wede namang balik na lang din ako bukas." Nahihiya akong aamba na sanang lumabas ulit.
"H-Hindi, Ma'am! Ayos lang po. Sige po, tulungan ko na kayo."
Nilagpasan niya ako at siya na ang nangunguna sa daan. Iginiya niya ako patungo sa pinaka dulo kung saan nagkalat ang mga damit ng pambata. Halo-halo ang kulay at tamang-tama lang sa batang hindi pa nalalaman ang kasarian.
"Dito po, Ma'am."
Ngumiti ako sa kaniya bago nagsimula nang saliksikin ang mga damit. Hindi ko mapigilan ang matuwa habang pumipili ng mga damit pambata. Iniisip ko pa lang na tumatakbo saakin papalapit ang anak ni Raw, suot-suot ang damit na binili ko ay tumataba na agad ang puso ko sa galak.
"Heto po, Ma'am, baka gusto niyo."
Inabot saakin ng sales lady ang isang onesies bodysuit na may design na mukha ni pikachu.
My eyes glinted with so much fascination. Napaka-liit no'n, mukhang mas gusto ko ipasuot sa magiging anak ko kaysa sa anak ni Raw. I like pikachu so much!
"That's cute! Salamat, a?"
Kinuha ko sa kaniya yung damit bago ito sinampay sa bisig ko. Bibilhin ko na lang ito at itatago hanggang sa magka-anak na rin ako.
"Ilang weeks na po ba, Ma'am?"
Nilingon ko siya. "Hindi ko pa alam, e. Kaya... baka kahit ano bilhin ko na lang."
"Nako, Ma'am! Panigurado akong magsisisi si Sir, bakit ka niya iniwan. Ang ganda-ganda mo na, Ma'am, e, tapos ang bait pa. Paniguradong swerte ang magiging anak mo, Ma'am." She giggled.
I stop mid way. Gulat at nanlalaki ang mga mata kong bumaling sa kaniya. I didn't see that coming.
"Ahh.." Tumawa ako nang makabawi. "Para sa kaibigan ko ito. Hindi ako yung buntis."
Mabilis siyang natigilan mula sa kakatawa. Ngayon ay siya naman ang tumingin saakin nang nanlalaki ang mga mata.
"Nako, Ma'am! Pasensya na po!"
I chuckled. "Ayos lang 'yon."
"Kadalasan kasi ang mga pumupunta dito, Ma'am, may mga kasamang asawa. Kaya akala ko... pasensya na talaga, Ma'am. Baka magalit boyfriend niyo."
Kinuha ko ang napili kong kulay pulang long sleeve bago siya hinarap.
"Wala akong boyfriend, Miss." Nahihiya ko siyang ginawaran ng ngiti.
Hindi ko mapigilang matawa sa nakitang reaksyon mula sa kaniya. Bakas sa mukha niyang hindi siya naniniwala saakin.
"Seryoso, Ma'am? Pero ang ganda niyo po!"
"Oo. Kaka-break lang namin nitong latest boyfriend ko."
Pinakita ko sa kaniya ang napili kong pulang long sleeve.
"Eto? Maganda ba?"
"Opo, Ma'am. Ang sabi ng lola ko noon, mas nagugustuhan daw ng mga sanggol yung kulay pula, e."
Tumango ako sa kaniya bago naghanap pa ulit. Naglakad-lakad ako at nilibot ko pa ang ibang clothes rack. Nakasunod pa rin saakin yung kadaldalan kong sales lady.
"Pero... Ma'am? Gaano katagal na kayo break nitong Ex niyo po?"
Bumaling ako sa kaniya at nakita kong naghahanap din siya ng damit para saakin.
"5 months na."
"May third party ba, Ma'am? Nako, pasensya na po, Ma'am. Napaka-daldal ko po."
Nasilayan ko siyang napakamot sa kaniyang batok. Natatawang napailing naman ako. Nakakatuwa siya.
"Nako, ayos lang. Natutuwa nga ako kapag mayroon akong kadaldalan."
Bumalik ako sa pamimili ng mga pang batang damit. Panandalian kaming nilukob ng katahimikan. Tumikhim ako.
"Wala namang third party. Iniwan niya ako, para rin naman iyon sa kapakanan ko. Kaya naiintindihan ko naman."
"Mahal mo pa ba, Ma'am?"
Tinanggap ko ang inaabot niya saaking damit. Tumawa ako.
"Hindi na."
Hindi na, pero hindi naman na maaalis ang pagmamahal na binigay ko sa mga dating inibig ko noon. I loved and it failed but at least it taught me to grow and I learned the lessons very well.
'Cause growing always revolves like that. If it means to grow is falling apart, even if that person is your greatest love, then so be it.
Natapos ako sa pamimili at hinihintay na lang na mabayaran ko ang mga ito. I was humming a song when I saw my sales lady friend interacts another customer. The woman was pregnant with his average husband.
I saw how the husband would always caressed his wife's waist, supporting her, I suppose?
Iniisip ko pa lang na magiging ganiyan din mag-alaga si Raw ay nakakalubag loob na saakin. He'll definitely do more than that. He's the over-reacting type of a guy pa naman.
"Next po, Ma'am."
Bumaling ako sa babaeng nasa cashier. I smiled at her before moving forward. Kinuha niya isa-isa ang mga napili ko. Naglabas ako ng isang itim na card at ibinigay sa kaniya.
Nang mabayaran ko na lahat, isa-isa kong binitbit ang tatlong paper bags. Then I took my card back.
"Thank you." I smiled again.
"You're welcome, Ma'am. Come again."
I nodded before moving through the exit.
"Thank you, Ma'am! Balik ka ulit! Sana sa susunod na punta mo, anak mo naman, Ma'am."
Bumungisngis saakin ang naging kaibigan kong sales lady. Bumaling ako sa kaniya bago kumaway. Hindi ko maiwasang mapangiti sa narinig mula sa kaniya.
"Mauuna na ako. Salamat," Paalam ko.
Huli kong nasilayan ang pag-ngiti niya saakin pabalik bago ako tuluyang nakalabas ng shop na iyon.
Pagod at padaskol kong inilapag ang aking mga pinamili sa passenger seat pagkabalik ko sa sasakyan.
Ngayon ko pa lamang naramdaman ang uhaw at gutom mula sa buong araw na paglilikot. I'm afraid of eating outside alone, so I think I will just order a food when I get home.
Aksidente kong natapunan ng tingin ang kalendaryo sa itaas ng dashboard. Now that I remembered! I also need to free my sched for tomorrow and this upcoming friday, dahil plano kong bisitahin si Raw bukas para sa pagsusukat ng damit.
Hindi ko alam kung paano niya gagawan ng paraan iyon na ihahabol ang damit ko sa pagpapagawa isang araw bago ang kasal. Walang problema iyon para saakin dahil magsusuot lang naman ako.
Maingat kong pinindot ang numero ng Ospital sa screen ng phone ko. It took me three rings before they finally answered.
"Hello? Yes, po? Goodevening, this is wellHue Hospital," Sagot ng kabilang linya.
"Hi, goodevening. This is Dra. Anallevaj, I would like to take my off for tomorrow and this upcoming friday. Just tell Dr. Mon about it for me. Thank you."
Monstreak Adams is the Boss of the Hospital where I am working. He's one of my closest friends and I'm glad about it.
"Oh, Dra. Anallevaj? Yes, Doc, I will do it immediately."
"Alright, thank you."
Binaba ko na ang tawag at inilapag ang cellphone ko sa dashboard. Tsaka ko pa lamang binuhay ang makina ng sasakyan ko bago pinaharurot na ito pauwi.
(Check my profile for the continuation of my story, or just kindly follow me on Wattpad for much better access! :)) Wattpad: Beyaux)
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mulanzhou-blog · 8 years
Coming Out (of my cage) // Nita & Mulan
Everyone warns that seventh year with NEWTs were going to be incredibly hard, and Mulan was feeling that that was no lie.  The course load was ridiculous not to mention quidditch practice still took place, so she hardly had free time.  Which was probably a good thing after the disaster last semester with her falling out with a couple of friends.  But there were still a couple of things Mulan really hadn’t yet addressed and she knew at some point, she might have to.  Quidditch being one and well... the other was a little more confusing.
Mulan had kissed before but lately, her last few kisses were all girls.  It’s not that she had anything against those people or against kissing girls, but did that make her... not straight?  She knew she definitely was attracted to guys as she had kinda experienced with Shang (she still remembered the butterflies she felt when they kissed but she tries to shove that away) but also the confusion with how she felt about Grace.  Either way, it was something she wholeheartedly wanted to avoid...
As she finally returned back to her room after a long session of studying, Mulan saw Nita on her bed.  Once she dropped her things off, she pounced onto her roommate’s bed and leaned onto Nita dramatically.
“Nitaaaaa! I’m dying!”
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hello Marya :) I would like to request a headcanon or a prompt regarding our beloved couple referencing a song...~but, there's a catch...It's in a different language so that may be a bit of a challenge. Too bad I can't give you the English translation but the title of the song is "Kathang Isip" by Ben&Ben...I don't know why it reminds me of them every time I listen! We all know Amy would never give up but I just :'( *Sobs* (doesn't really matter if its Boom! or Modern!)
This was a little tricky, not gonna lie, but the song is lovely! As I read the lyrics, I could totally see moments where this was Sonamy, a good chunk I could even say was Sonic’s feelings, so I thought that really cool.
Song: (x) Lyrics: (x)
‘Di ba nga ito ang 'yong gusto (Isn’t this what you wanted?)
Amy is packing a suitcase, placing some things in before looking behind her, seeing with her glossy eyes the picture on top of the fireplace shelf.
O, ito'y lilisan na ako (Here, I’ll be leaving now)
It’s a photo of her hugging Sonic, remembering the moment as the picture comes to life. Sonic smiles and leans his head away from her on-coming affections. She nuzzles in close before laughing as he looks back to smile towards her. It’s a friendly scene… before she turns back with no expression, eyes half cut from the shot, and closes the suitcase. She storms out of the house.
Mga alaala'y ibabaon Kalakip ang tamis ng kahapon (I’ll burry the memories Along with yesterday’s sweet)
She covers her crying face with her arm, looking clearly upset as Sonic enters the scene from the opposite side, having walked up the road and stops to see her leave. No expression, just watching… steadily following her figure at a distance.
Mga gabing di namamalayang Oras ay lumilipad (On nights when I don’t notice Time flying by)
He opens the door, before looking around and walking in. He sees a faded memory of Amy preparing dinner, welcoming him in as she dusts off her hands on her apron and jumps into his arms,. He rubs the back of his head before stumbling a little back as she tackles into him, but nods in agreement at having dinner with her.
Mga sandaling lumalayag Kung sa'n man tayo mapadpad (Moments sailing away Wherever we go)
The image fades back to a dreary, dark dinner table in the other room, before he closes the door behind him without looking away from it, and walks up the stairs.
Amy is on top of a hill, before she stops, holding her suitcase in front of her, and turns to look back at the house.
Bawat kilig na nadarama(The excitement that I feel)
Sonic sits on the bed, holding his hand with his thumb in the center of the palm, and then closes his open hand and turns away, squinting his eyes closed. Camera pans right from close up.
Sa tuwing hawak ang iyong kamay(Every time I hold your hand)
Ito'y maling akala(It was a misinterpretation)
Amy close up too, her mouth forms down and to the side of her muzzle, before tears fall and she covers her face as she cries. Another Camera pan.
Isang malaking sablay(It was one huge miscalculation)
It flashes between Sonic getting up, Amy racing sloppily down the hill. Sonic kicking the ground, gripping his head as he rests his elbows on the dresser. Amy stumbling to the ground and her things falling out.
Pasensya ka na (I’m sorry)
Split screen of them crying, faces covered, but mouths panting through sobs is revealed.
Fade to black instantly.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by)
Fade back to Amy on a bus, it rocking her back and force a bit as her eyes look soulless, void of light. Sonic walking out of the house, looking off in the distance Amy took off in.
Pagmamahal sa iyo (My love for you)
Sonic’s glossy eyes stare at the top of the hill, as her image appears instantly, dropping her bags and rushing to him before disappearing just as fast as he saw it.
Ako'y gigising na (Now I will wake up)
Sonic wakes up in trees with a startle, an arm up over his head, before his eyes slowly close in grief. Camera zoom up and away.
Sa panaginip kong ito (From this dream of mine)
Camera fades to black, then Amy setting her suitcase down in an empty apartment.
At sa wakas ay kusang (And finally, I will willingly)
There’s an image of Sonic’s hand that reaches to her own on the suitcase, holding it a moment.
Lalayo sa iyo (Walk away from you)
The image of his hand fades instantly, and she bundles her hand into a tight, grieful fist.
-Lalayo sa- (turn away from)
Her eyes are locked on her hand upon the suitcase… before swishing her head and having the camera quickly skim with another side-swipe pan to blur out until stopping on Classic Sonic and classic Amy first meeting.
Gaano kabilis nagsimula Gano'n katulin nawala (What started so quickly As it had vanished)
They both are seeing each other for the first time.. then that image vanishes into the wind.
Maaari ba tayong bumalik sa umpisa Upang 'di na mawasak ang pusong nag-iisa (Can we go back to the start So as not to break this lonely heart)
Side-wipe camera affects again to show more shadowy figures of Sonic and Amy. Amy leaning forward towards Sonic, hands behind her back, hair and dress moving in the wind. Sonic with a hand on his hip, slowly looking her way, with the wind on his quills.
Pasensya ka na (I’m sorry)
The image crumbles away.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng Pagmamahal sa iyoAko'y gigising na Sa panaginip kong ito sa wakas ay kusangLalayo sa iyo -Lalayo sa- (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by My love for you Now I will wake up From this dream of mine And finally, I will willingly Walk away from you turn away from)
Flashbacks to memorable Sonamy moments through Sonic x era and Canon games, but all in shadows. Quickly returns to Sonic and Amy at present. Amy walking down a city street, most likely Station Square, and moving her hair back as she turns to look off in the distance. Camera angles and moves up before quickly passing the sky and showing Sonic in an intense fight with Eggman. Looking like he’s taking it seriously as he blasts a robot through, dodges the explosion and missiles through the smoke, and charges back at Eggman’s laughing face before Eggman wobbles back in his Eggmobile.
Sumabay sa agos na isinulat ng tadhana Na minsan siya'y para sa ito (Going with the flow that destiny wrote That sometimes she’s the one for you)
Cuts from their to Sonic picking up a note left by Amy, opening it to see the tarot card for Destiny. He picks it up to look at how faded it is, before frowning.
Pero minsan siya'y paasa Tatakbo papalayo (But sometimes she’ll just lead you on I will run away)
Amy opens her door to find the tarot card on the ground outside it. She falls to her knees, covering her mouth as she slides against the door, overwhelmed with sorrow.
Kakalimutan ang lahat (I’ll forget it all) Ohh, Ohh, Ohh.
Sonic adjusts his gloves in the city, looking up at the big screens, seeing happy couples advertising some commercial, and walks on across the street.
Amy working, before leaving at night walking down the road and tieing her coat on. A car’s light flash on and approach her rapidly, as she turns with frightful, widened eyes to it.
Pero kahit sa'n man lumingon Nasusulyapan ang kahapon (But everywhere I look I see moments of yesterday)
Sonic stands at a grave, holding flowers, seeing images of her all around the place. Playing hopscotch on stones, spinning through open spaces, and leaning over to smile and laugh as though enjoying herself next to him before fading.
At sa aking bawat paghinga Ikaw ang nasa isip ko sinta (And with my every breath Darling it’s you who’s in my mind)
He falls to a knee, then the other, and lays the flowers down. Before leaning his head up, then crashing a fist down to the ground, crying out tears you can see for the first time. All this is on beat with the music.
Kaya pasensya ka na (So I’m sorry)
Sonic slowly breaking down for not going after her when she left. crying and prostrating himself on the ground. He opens an eye for a moment, before rubbing his head back against the ground near her grave.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng Pagmamahal sa iyoAko'y gigising na Sa panaginip kong ito sa wakas ay kusangLalayo sa iyo -Lalayo sa- (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by My love for you Now I will wake up From this dream of mine And finally, I will willingly Walk away from you turn away from)
A montage of Sonic going through daily things in his life, but Amy’s image always right beside him, turning ghostly and see-through, fading as he continues to live his life.
'Di ba nga ito ang 'yong gusto (Isn’t this what you wanted?)
Back at the grave sight, he’s back to crying on the ground, before looking up at the tombstone.
O, (Here,)
He drops the flowers.
ito'y lilisan na ako (I’ll be leaving now)  
He walks away from her grave, as her image is holding the flowers, watching him go off screen.
(this hurt. Actually, it hurt a lot. but the song was beautiful~)
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delightfulfacedaze · 3 years
As I am walking, I know that they are staring. But I didn't even glance them as seconds.
I look at the register and didn't even give her a smile. Wearing my white off-shoulder, and short-shorts with my white shoes is catching their attention.
I know that's this is prohibited in this school! But who cares? I rolled my eyes and automatically cath my eyes a guy who wearing glasses with his weary eyes. He look.. dumb.
I rolled my eyes, again.
"Miss, what's your course?" I look at the register, oh!
Sunny, why did you fucking forget to write your chosen course..
I shyly slight smiled at her. Embarrassed.
"Architecture.." i whispered.
She nodded, so i automatically leave without warning. At last! Natapos din.
It took an hour to enrolled at this school! Kakainis talaga.
I decided to call vaughn.
"Fuck you Vaughn! You said, it would took only minutes to fucking enroll with this school!" I yelled at my cellphone. I hear some background noises at him and he laughed loudly.
"Sunny, kalma!" Vaughn chuckled again. And said i should go home, because our mom looking at me.
This vaughn, is my fucking older brother. 1 year older than me. Nakakairita talaga ang araw na 'to.
"Miss.." tumaas bahagya ang kilay ko sa tumawag sa akin.
"Do I know you?" I strictly replied at him, and I know i sound rude..
"Naiwan mo.." I look at his holding, and felt embarrassed again. Kinuha ko 'yon. Just a papers, my schedules and classroom number.
Akala ko i-email nila 'to. I scratch my eyebrow and said thanks. I look at him, he looked paled. He is the one who look dumb earlier.
Messy hair, weary eyes, paled skin and got a broad shoulders.  
Okay. I would be honest, he is good looking.. but definitely not my type. First glance at him, I know that he is a nerd.
Ang tagal ni Vaughn, my god!
"Do you want to snitch? In my car?" What? I know he is a nerd, and not an asshole. His weary eyes changed and paste his wide eyes. And i saw his hears got red.
"I didn't mean to.. it's just wanted to--" i stop his talking.
I'm rude, yes.
"I don't like you.. I'm sorry. I'm not into a nerd.." and look at vaughn's car, he rolled down his window and look at me, frown face paste at his face. And look at the guy beside me who still stunned.
"Bye. Mr. Nerd!" And waved my hand, and open vaughn's car. I got in and said drive, so as he. I look at him. The nerd earlier, and saw him took out his phone and capture this car. I scoffed.
"Who's that guy?" Vaughn suddenly ask and interrupt my thought that murdering that nerd.
"Nah.. don't ever think to scared him! He's not my type, okay?" And rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled.
"Sunny, i didn't scare your boys okay? Their just such a pussy.." and laugh loudly.
"Whatever Vaughn, si gavin na mismo nagsabi sa akin na binantaan mo siya! How dare you!" I yelled at him.
"Tsk.. that Gavin guy isn't worth your time.. he's an ass.." he said with his eyes browed.
Gavin is one of my long time fling, almost 7 months. But he ghosted me! Kahapon ko lang nalaman ang dahilan. Vaughn threaten him to back off, and or else. Sayang! I enjoyed our night pa naman. Ang funny niya kausap at magaling.
Magaling magpakilig.
"Sunny.. I'm sorry okay?" Vaughn's with his puppy eyes. I wanted to laugh but i would let him to think that I mad at him.
To add my acting, i rolled my eyes at him and scoffed. Sakto we are here in our house so lumabas na ako sa kotse.
"Sunny!" He shouted and i smirked.
"Hello mommy!" I saw my mom and dad watching together in living room. I kissed both of their cheeks.
"I'll go na po sa taas, mag rest na po ako..." I smiled sweetly at them, so as them.
My rudeness earlier is just my self-defense mechanism. My family knows me well, so i really love them much.
Every authority's and orders they have is sinusunod ko. Kahit ano pa 'yon ay sinusunod ko, opposite to my brother. He is the one who rebel everytime but hinayaan nalang 'yon ng family namin since nag-aaral ito ng maigi.
He looks an asshole but he's better than me when it comes to academic. And i really love them so much, and i would tressure them as my own star.
Pag-kapasok ko sa kuwarto ay naririnig ko na agad ang katok ni Vaughn. Tsk. Baka hindi pa 'to makatulog, knowing Vaughn. He's sweet and at the same time asshole.
I opened the door, with bitch rest face. Napaatras ito sa pag-sama ng tingin ko sakaniya. He look sad while staring at me.
He's holding a whole pizza, my favorite! Okay! That's it.
"Thanks my brother! You're the best!" At kinuha ang hawak at walang sabi na sinara ang pinto.
"Sunny! Bati na tayo ah?" He shouted in front of the door and i shouted back that 'yes'.
I would watch nalang netflix, while eating a pizza. While scanning a movies or series I am planning to watch, nag ring ang phone ko.
Si gavin.
Excitedly, i answer the phone. I hear some noises in the background. A moan. A fucking moan of a girl!
I stunned. Surprise. What?
"Gavin.." a girl voice while moaning. And for some reasons, i felt sting in my heart.
I end the call.
For a fling, why I am crying? Suminghap at pinunasan ang mga luha na na parating sa pisnge ko. Unknowingly, I sobbed.
Why I am hurting this bad...
The night filled my silence cried that night. And realize that I like him, without even realizing. But still he hurt me..
That moment i feel loss. The thought of that girl moaning with the one i love is so fucking unbearable.
I heard of knocks. I know that it is one of the maid, probably would tell that it's time to eat a dinner with my family.
And for the first time in my life, i said that I'm sleepy. Ayoko sila sabayan sa pagkain.
My eyes probably swollen because of my cries. I sighed.
"Sunny!" Napabangon ako sa katok na 'yon. Si vaughn.
"Sunny?" He asked.
"You good?" with a concerned voice.
I didn't replied, because i feel weak even to talk. I pretend na I already sleep para hindi na niya ako guluhin. And because of my silence, I hear his footsteps fainter.
I am hoping  na Vaughn wouldn't notice that i cried. Thinking of the thought the he would notice.. i feel scared! Baka mabugbog niya pa 'yung dahilan ng pag-iyak ko..
If you are interested to read the story, you can check my work in wattpad.
My username in wattpad is : DumySami
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blazefleming · 12 years
Let's Go To The Beach || Elijah and Blaze
Blaze had never been on a date, and she didn't count the times she had hung around with Esther as dates. An actual, proper date was something Blaze had never been a part of, and she was scared that she was going to mess it all up. She was going to say or do something stupid and Elijah was going to think she was crazy. Which was probably accurate, but he didn't need to know that.
She finished braiding her hair into a sort of crown around her head and she fixed the fold that had appeared in the back of her sundress. Blaze took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her things and heading out to her car.
It didn't take long to get to the beach, and Blaze pulled into one of the spots. It wasn't very busy at that time of night, but it was still nice out. She got out and rested against the hood of her car, nervously waiting for Elijah to get here.
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