#Donate Islamic Charity
pennyappealcanada · 2 years
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The first ever #Fredsgiving with @fredvanvleet and @skcentre905 was a huge success!
In collaboration with @fredvanvleet of the @raptors and @skcentre905, we provided 100 families with warm meals, @fvvshop clothing, non-perishable food items and a turkey for Thanksgiving! A huge thank you to our amazing #TeamOrange volunteers who helped over two days assemble bags and distribute them to families!
Donate Now: https://pennyappeal.ca/
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teal-deer · 4 months
Donate to the ACS Palestinian Scholarships Fund
Hi Tumblr friends, it is my birthday! For my birthday I would like it if people could donate to an institution that is near and dear to my heart, the American Community School of Beirut, Lebanon, in order to support Palestinian refugee youth.
My mother attended ACS Beirut when she was a teenager, and I grew up with the alumni association being a big part of my life. Mom's stories were very important to me, and they're actually how I learned so much about the Middle East, and specifically about the Israel-Palestine conflict. She lived through the Hundred Day's War and has many harrowing stories from that time.
It turns out ACS has a fund specifically for scholarships for Palestinian refugees, which can be found here:
Making sure that Palestinian youth who have managed to flee Israel can get access to an excellent education is crucial during this horrible time.
If you have a few dollars to spend, I would greatly appreciate it if you could throw money at this. While many people in Lebanon are doing their best to support their neighbors in Palestine, the Lebanese economy is in crisis and that makes it VERY difficult for them to provide material support to refugees. This is one avenue by which I know the money will go to helping Palestinian youth.
Here also is ACS on Charity Navigator;
However, if you donate to the first link, you can ensure your donation goes directly to supporting Palestinian youth.
Even if you can't donate, every reblog helps, and so does linking this to other social media sites (I no longer have Twitter, and do not have a presence on BlueSky or Mastadon or whatever).
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Alhamdulillah our water project has come to complition and has been officiated for community use. Thank you everyone that has supported us through this project baraaka lau feekum.
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shivology · 5 months
okay. one day i will stop talking about islam but it's not gonna be today. anyway, to overcorrect on post-9/11 islamophobia, a lot of liberal spaces infested by the types of muslims who will call you islamophobic and disrespectful of their culture when you call them out on their homophobia or transphobia and who will deny the infestations of misogyny and antiblackness and antisemitism in their (our) communities because Um Actually You Don't Get The Full Context, have started to almost . idk the word but like, deify? whitewash? sugarcoat? islam as if it's like. One Inherently Good Singular Ideology Misunderstood By White People For Racism Reasons. when yes, obviously, islam and muslims who live in the west are oppressed, but that's not all islam is. and it's such disservice to act like Islam cannot be oppressive to so many people who do live in the global south living either directly under islamist rule or just in conservative muslim-majority communities, to say that no actually we're a peaceful religion and we WORSHIP women actually! like to gaslight people who have actually been forced to wear the hijab, who have actually been victims of misogynistic honor-based violence, who have actually been pulled out of school to be married off to a 50 year old man because "the prophet did it so it's islamically ok!"
and it's tricky to talk about because you don't want to fuel islamophobia (which, like antisemitism, is obviously a legitimate tangible thing, but also can be weaponized) also it is so fucking ANNOYINGGGGG to watch discourse on islam be led by people who have never experienced oppression fueled by islam like sure you're a good ally to guys like mohamed hijab but also people like sara hegazy mahsa amini etc etc all these people are real people who were tangibly hurt in the name of islam. there is a reason why a man like andrew tate felt it was ok for a man like him to convert to islam and there is a reason why so many Muslim men welcomed him with open fucking arms. you're sure not a good ally to queer people and atheists and christians and jews who have been tangibly hurt in the name of islam.
and we can discuss the doctrine itself, we can talk about the effects of colonialism, we can talk about how no actually islam doesn't say that lets not conflate between ~ real religion and corrupt regimes but the thing issssss. religion is literally what you make of it. it is an idea. there is a book and you take what you take from it. there is no such thing as "the correct way" to practice religion, especially when all Abrahamic religions have the capacity to be peaceful AND the capacity to be violent. what is REAL representation? who are you to say what real representation is, anyway? who decides what is extremism? why do you, personally, get to pick and choose who and what represents a certain religion?
islam, like Every Religion Ever, manifests itself in different ways depending on ur social context. whether you have the means to exact oppression via religion or whether you are disenfranchised because you're an ethnic or racial or religious minority. religion has and always will be used both as a tool for good (community building, etc) or for evil (daaesh, lol) it's not about religion itself. it's about how you use it and its place in the social pecking order.
anyway. tl;dr. i hate oversimplication and i hate overcorrection. quite frankly, it's orientalist and racist, to assume that an organized religion followed by over a billion people in most countries in the world, all believe the same beliefs. even if u think these beliefs are "good." here's over a billion of us and some of us are bound to be cunts! statistically.
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islam-defined · 11 months
Can anyone bring me the better definition of righteousness than this one what has been revealed by Allah in verse 2:177. I think any person who will follow this direction will be the best of the humans on the earth for the sake of humanity....
Allah defines Righteousness as, “Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but righteousness is in one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to (i) relatives, (ii) orphans, (iii) the needy, (iv) the traveler in need, (v) those who ask for help, and (vi )for freeing slaves/captives; and who establishes prayer and (vii) gives zakah (annual charity); those who fulfill their promise when they promise; and those who are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” 
I noticed 2 things. One 'spending of wealth' and other 'patience during fitnah' ( tribulations)
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strangerindunya403 · 1 year
Fundraising For Kids At The Masjid
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
This fundraising page has been set up by yours truly to help the Hifz ul Quran of the masjid madrasa that was built by my own Late Grandfather. The donation will go towards the kids fees (to those who can't afford their Quran classes), their new Eid clothes, food for their families, and other basic necessities for them. Wallahi this initiative means a lot to me and whatever little you can donate, please do so for the sake of Allah swt. As the last 10 days of Ramadan has dawned upon us , giving sadaqah will only increase in your reward.
Those who can donate, please do so even if it's very little. The ones who can't the least thing I would humbly ask is to share and reblog, this still would mean a lot to me.
Jazakallahu Khairan, May Allah swt accept and reward us for our fast and charity on this blessed month of Ramadan, Ameen
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aceduchessdragoness · 5 months
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I am Mona Abu Hamda from the Gaza Strip. I am 25 years old. The number of members
in my family is 9, my mother, my father, 4 brothers, my sister and her daughter. We live in the Gaza Strip in difficult living conditions,We were displaced from our home to the city of Rafah and at any moment we could die and our lives would simply end.
As humans, we have the right to live peacefully, away from wars. I've endured 25 years of destruction in Gaza, where childhood disappears in the blink of an eye. In Gaza, sleep is uncertain—waking up is not guaranteed, and returning home is a question mark. The fear of losing a family member looms. We wish this war were just a nightmare. Please help us leave Gaza and enter Egypt.
Evacuation Costs: 6000$ per person to pass through the border
Your contributions will be allocated towards ensuring the safe passage and evacuation of my family from Gaza, covering the essential costs associated with their escape from the current perilous situation."
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majestyinfo · 8 months
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“Whoever loves or hates a person for the sake of God’s pleasure and gives to someone for the sake of God’s pleasure, then his faith is perfect.” -Ja’far al-Sadiq a.s [Usool-e-Kafi]
For more beautiful quotes please visit:
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pennyappealusa1 · 1 year
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readerswholearn · 1 year
Please donate to the recent Earthquake survivors.
إن شاء الله
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farazhussain · 1 year
Welfarism and Socialism
Charity is highly valued in Islam, and Muslims are taught to be generous and kind-hearted to others, especially to those who are less fortunate. The act of giving charity is seen as a way to please Allah, gain blessings, and earn rewards in the afterlife. To promote welfarism and socialism in the countries where people need help, donate to FGRF and be part of this great humanitarian cause.
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rahmaworldwide · 1 year
Best Islamic Charity Organization in USA - Rahma Worldwide
Islamic charities are non-profit organizations that work all over the world to help those in need while adhering to Islamic teachings. One of the best Islamic charity organizations, Rahma Worldwide, is dedicated to tackling global issues like hunger, poverty, sickness, and other humanitarian disasters, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the lives of marginalized groups. We offer a variety of services, such as community development initiatives, healthcare, education, and disaster relief. Our charity organization in Michigan has had a tremendous impact on the lives of countless people and families all over the world by collaborating with local communities and other relief organizations. Visit our website right away for additional details or to make a donation to our cause.
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be-a-muslim-1st · 2 years
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islam-defined · 11 months
Just 2.5%
Good deeds are those deeds that brings mercy, forgiveness, blessings, pleasure and guidance of Allah. Allah informs that a believer with good deeds will be in the state of eternal bliss after death. Clearly the basic requirements for belief and to remain a successful believer, Allah demands “Good Deeds” to the extent of so much that it must become an IDENTITY of a believer and Allah enforces it upon the believers so much that He ask believers to “run for it” or “compete for it”. Few verses will make it clear:
⦁ Believers runs towards good deeds, and they outstrip others therein [23:61]
⦁ And those whose scales are heavy with good deeds – it is they who are the successful [23:102, 101:06]
⦁ Muslims encourage what is right and forbid what is wrong and run towards good deeds. And those are among the righteous [3:114]
⦁ Wealth and children are adornment of the worldly life. But the good deeds will continue and are better to your Lord for reward and better for your hope [18:46] etc.
One of the good deeds is Sadaqah (Charity) and Zakah (compulsory donation of 2.5% of the valuation of the accumulated wealth in form of cash and kind to be distributed annually to poor & needy under certain terms and conditions)
700 million people live below poverty line on earth. And if only 10 richest upon the earth donates their 2.5% of their wealth (1010 billion) it arrives to 26000 million. Then each poor will get 37 million per year.
My God if all the rich upon the earth donates just 2.5 percent, they can make whole earth millionaire.  
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inhissteps777 · 5 days
ADRA is actively collaborating with partners to deliver vital resources and sustenance to those in need, irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, or religious and political affiliations. Our mission is deeply rooted in principles of justice, compassion, and love, compelling us to aid those facing dire circumstances.
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