ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Reales, pieces of eight, doubloones and ducats
Who doesn't know it, in films and books there are always stories about great pirate treasures and lots of coins are shown. But what kind of coins are they? Here is a small overview.
Silver real
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Silver coin: 8 reales Fernando VI, Viceroyalty of New Spain - 1757 (x)
The real was a coin and a currency in Spain for several centuries after the mid-14th century, weighing 0,12 ounces (3,43g) of silver, and these were eight reales to a peso, hence the term " pieces of eight" for pesos.
Silver piece of eight or Spanish Dollar
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Spanish piece of eight, 1780 (x)
Was an early Spanish silver dollar sized coin, with a content of 25.563 g = 0.822 oz t fine silver. As Spanish mints issued silver denominations smaller than eight reales relatively infrequently, these coins would sometimes be chopped up into smaller pieces to provide small change. In the 17th and 18th centuries, so many were in circulation that they were accepted almost anywhere in the world. The American doller sign $ was derived from the figure 8 stamped on the side of the piece of eight, the silver peso (or piaster). They were minted at Mexico City and Lima in Peru, and were common currency in all of England's colonies, being valued at four shillings and sixpence. Often they wre cut into eight pieces for ease of transaction, so that two bits made a quarter. The origin of the American phrase, not worth two bits, is from the days when the English colonies around Massachusetts used this Spanish money. Pieces of eight were produced for about 300 years, in Mexcio, Peru and Colombia, and they became the standard unit of trade between Europe and China. They wre legal tender in the USA until 1857. Before the Spanish started exploiting Potosi in Peru (in today's Bolivia), silver was almost as valuable as gold in the Old World. Such were the quantities taken from the New World, that silver dropped to about a 1/5 of the value of gold. The Spanish exported four billion pesos of silver and gold from the New World between 1492 and 1830.
Gold ducat
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Gold ducat of Venice. Doge Andrea Gritti, Italy, 1523-38 (x)
This was the European gold trade coin, containing around 3.5 grams (0.11 troy ounces) of 98.6% fine gold, during the late medieval and early modern period. The name derives from ducatus, the Latin form of the title of the Doge of Venice, whre the ducat was first issued 1284. Called the ducado, it was worth less than a doubloon, about 10-11 silver reales, and was known to the British seaman as a ducat. The coin was copied throughout mainland Europe, and coins of the ducat standard were struck in several European countries up to the 20th century.
Gold doubloon (doblôn)
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Spanish 4-doubloon, or doubloon of 8 escudos, stamped as minted in Mexico city mint in 1798 (x)
This was an early Spanish gold coin, worth approximately $4 (four Spanish dollars) or 32 reales, and weighing 6.766 grams (0.218 troy ounce) of 22-karat gold (or 0.917 fine; hence 6.2 g fine gold). The name originally applying to the gold excelente of Ferdinand and Isabella. It was later transferred to the two escudo coin issued by Spain and the Spanish colonies in the Americas. It was the largest Spanish gold coin, weighing slightly less than an ounce of gold, and originates from the Latin word duplus, or double. A doubloon was worth about seven weeks wages to a sailor.
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The 100 Escudo - The Most Valuable Coin in Spanish History
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This oversized 100 Escudo gold coin minted by the Spanish Empire during the 17th century in the reign of King Philip III is one of the only known of its kind. This 1609 coin, created in Segovia, Spain, was once part of the Caballero de Yndias Collection, which had once belonged to a Spaniard who lived in Cuba. Spanish Escudos existed in a variety of denominations, typically from 1 - 12, with the common 2 Escudo made famous by pirate sensation through the years as the "Doubloon."
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Measuring 71 mm and weighing 339 grams, the 100 Escudo was sold at auction during 2009 in Barcelona with a starting bid of €800,000 ($882,520.00). A Swiss man, known only as Number 74 ended up purchasing the coin at €944,000 ($1,037,460.72) - making this the most valuable coin in Spanish history. However, despite it's selling price with no one willing to top 75's bid, its true worth was speculated to have been closer to €1.75 million, or $1,923,258.75.
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Some skybound guys doodles
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writing-hat · 8 months
Alright so my last fic, the doubloon one (TW WARNINGS if you decide to read it PLEASE CHECK THE TAGS) may or may not have allowed me to actually look a bit more at the parallels between Harumi and him (as in my hc of him, how I wrote him and all since skybound clearly didn't give enough info on the guy despite how much i want that)
So here's a list of parallels I made for the two! They're kinda far-stretched but all my stuff are that way so. idk what you're expecting kslqfglqzkh
There's the facade, the fact that they're both playing a role to the ones they have called families for a big part of their life. An attachment on Doubloon's side, and I feel like Harumi must have had feelings for her adoptive parents as well, at least a bit
But they both knew their plans were more important then that. Their objectives, and staying alive at all cost.
Then there's the Quiet One stuff. They don't speak, even if they know how to (in my fic Doubloon doesn't speak per say but he signs) and only their current associates are allowed to see their true colors, therefore to communicate with them, while still being lied to (I doubt Harumi said she was the princess to the sons of Garmadon? But I might be wrong this is more of a hc to me)
The whole Double Face thing with Harumi and her make-up / Doubloon and his changing face (which is the only thing in common they have that I mentionned in my fic)
and this is because before their situation in those forced-found-families (adoption for Harumi where she most likely didn't have a choice and the wish cursing and forcing Doubloon to be part of the crew), they knew better. They had another life, and they had another family, people they loved.
there might be more. I know there is. But my brain is already tired thinking of things so I'll leave it here for now.
I actually wanna write more stuff about those two. Maybe they go on an adventure together, and they kill people, spare no one and all that
idk something
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fatmagic · 4 months
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aimeekitty · 8 months
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New preorder! https://aimeekitty.bigcartel.com
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ekster--exotic · 3 months
Oh, look!
Ekster has given you a doubloon!
What will you do with it?
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enyter · 6 months
I haven't had this much fun since the doubloons on Tiktok
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starihero · 2 years
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here's my contribution to dabloontok!
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the-cinnamon-snail · 2 years
Okay. So the TikTok Doubloon trend. I am going to make a DoubloonSona/TravelerSona, and this is the list of all the items and stuff that I currently have due to the shops and other gifts being given from other travelers and quest givers! I obviously can't fit all of this into one Sona, so some may be left out. But it's the thought that counts.
Bunched up sweater with a fabric crossing over the chest and leaning off onto an arm. Bunched up pants going down into footwear with another price of fabric wrapped and hanging down from two belts. Armor piece on left arm.
Lace Up Boots, Lift feet up a few inches off of the ground. Completely Black, Sorta Clunky.
Binder to wear underneath everything. Because I was given it for free and yes my Sona deserves it.
A nice fancy red shirt, with small ruffles on the lower sleeves. A small clasp on the neck where ruffles lower down from. Button up.
Double buttoned black pants that stretch out at the bottom, meant to be easy to run in.
A belt leading to faded dark green pants that scrunch up and end around the shin area, meant to be worn with boots. Chains from the belt for more style, clinking to avoid animals that may not want to be bothered.
A woven witch hat, black with the colors of blue and magenta and teal wove into it. Curls at the top instead of points, provides great shade, and signals a witch who has potential to be great.
Black cloak that goes down to the footwear, with a hood to cloak the face. Silver clasp across the chest.
Armor (leather?) chest piece, completely black, studded silver clasps to keep everything in place. Padded shoulders and a leather belt to fasten it.
A deep green jacket which is a button and clasp up. Woolen on the inside, very insulated for the warmth, 2 button closed pockets.
A dark blue cloak that is buttoned up, meant to be thrown over the head and cover only a bit down the thighs. Brown outlines and buttons, along with two pockets.
A ring where the gem part opens up, a small place to hide small things, perhaps a crystal.
A pair of green fairy wings earrings, looks a lot like wings, pretty small, perhaps hang from top of cat ears?
A small chain necklace around a black heart stone, the stone being set in a metal holding that looks like wings of a demon curled around it.
A necklace with a glass vial hanging off of it, it is filled with a red liquid and has a small chain of metal fangs hanging off of it. It is either blood or a health potion, more likely the potion.
A brown knitted beanie with two fluff balls hanging down from the sides, along with ear spaces in the beanie.
White hand warmers, made to keep warmth around the hands, also with heart patterns on the back of hands, where warmth radiates from.
Blue warm gloves, buttoned at the bottom so they can't be ripped off, small star patterns.
A crown of the wandering forest, a branch crown with green leaves sprouting out of it, allowing one to pass through nervous trees unseen.
A small Doubloon coin bag, always having as many doubloons as needed, if none are needed, the bag is empty. No need to keep track of Doubloons except those given, only to give those away.
A huge leather backpack with 10+ different pockets to keep everything in and secure in place. Straps to go over one's back, and the size of one's back.
A travel bag given by a nice shopkeep, holding food and having a secret compartment for another previously mentioned warm (and dark green) wool jacket.
Another free bag to sling over a shoulder, to hold books and other small items like vials and jewelry.
Dino Nuggets, Unlimited in a cute little snack sack.
A few loaves of bread, always steamy and warm.
A bag of small brownies, including baked in chocolate chips.
Heart shaped biscuits, along with jam and honey for them.
Small meat pies and other actual foods to keep one full for longer.
Two bundles of mushrooms, tasty even when raw.
A couple of bowl containers holding soups and stews.
Travelers Notebook, to document travels and spending. Leather bound Journal with clips and instruments used to bind other books.
Unpolished crystals the size of one's hand. Many different crystals. Protection, blunt objects, and for many different spells (and curses.)
Another Notebook to write down wildlife and any other findings one could come across, along with experiences relating to those findings.
Three small patches of the Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual flags. To sew onto jackets, cloaks, or possibly even a bag or two.
A box of very rare cat crystals, not cat shaped, just Cat/Kitty Crystals. Count: 45 small ones. All colors and shapes, about 10 fitting in a hand?
Plushies, Including: Possum with moss on it's back, A small white bunny with a mushroom hat, a black cat with white around one eye and on it's tail with moss on it's lower back, A deer, A mountain goat with black splotches.
Plushie hats, including: A straw hat, a top hat, and a witches hat.
A very fluffy blanket, light gray in color. Can be very very big or just big enough to wrap around oneself, can block out any snow.
Old books and small papers on wisdom of the old when it comes to herbs, in both potions and cooking.
A book documenting mushrooms, all of those to live among the Doubloon world. Whether it be magical, taste good, or be deadly poisonous.
A witchy kit, including a spell book, parchment with spells on them, herbs, vials, ingredients for potions, crystals, jars, necklaces with fortune telling pendants, and any items needed to brew potions like crushers.
A small but long vial filled with glowing blue liquid, the vial wrapped in black metal. Luck Potion.
A circle vial with a cork at the top, and the top wrapped in a leather strip so it's capable to hang off of bags or belts, red liquid with flowers on the inside, Health Potion.
A pack filled with matches, wooden with green tips, meant to start fire that can't be blown out with wind.
A lantern wrapped in green metal as well as actual vines. Bronze holding a circular thing of glass where the light emits from, unable to be snuffed out accidentally, offers protection from creatures of the dark.
Angel Blade (A sword with angel wings on the hilt. Yellow Runes decorate the blade. Can drain someone's life force to heal another.)
Whip Shredder (Sends slashes through the air that cause minimal damage to anything not the target. Deadly should it touch you.)
Regular silver sword with a metal hilt, and the handel being completely black aside from a gold place where one should put their hand.
An enchanted dagger, with a completely golden hilt. The Blade is made out of pure black stone that glows red when in a fight, deals extra damage.
Regular double knives usually fastened against one's belt, ready at a moment's notice to be drawn, silver and an edge at the beginning of the blade, with gold handles.
A regular small blade with a half circle at the bottom of the handle to wrap your fingers around, leather wrapped handle, and a metal blade sharpened to a point with a small red pattern at the bottom, stored on the inside or in a secret pocket of a boot.
Moon (White Regular Cat with Brown and Black Splotches. Blue Eyes. Doesn't like people much, But Loves Ear Scratches.)
Ellie (A small white mouse with big black ears. Black circle on her back. Loves Climbing All Around.)
Ocean (A small brown mouse with pink ears and a white splotch down the back of his head. Loves swimming.)
Star Dragon: Ups Navigation All The Way, And Gives Sleepy Cuddles. Dark Blue with light purple chest and wings, which have constellations on them. Star on cheek. Small Dragon.
A Ferret, brown with white face markings, can burrow through snow at a face pace, named Noodle.
A very small yellow and white spider that loves to sit on shoulders, can grab small crystals out of the dirt with ease, as well as scout ahead for warnings.
A giant (like very very big) black dog like wolf, a perfect companion to play with and possibly catch a ride on if needed, He is happy to help on adventures.
A small and baby cow, adorable, and prevents any and all robberies.
A rabbit that can fit in a pocket, luck increase by 25%.
A small frog that likes to sit on heads, his name is Greg.
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qhrarte · 2 years
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The adventure awaits...
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fernflowerss · 2 years
Someone please explain to me now how in a couple of days tiktok users invented a currency game AND already got inflations. I started seeing doubloon tiktoks YESTERDAY AND THERE'S ALREADY INFLATION???
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eros-lyssamay · 2 years
Between the Gonchorav movie here on Tumblr and the doubloon market on TikTok, I'm having a great time
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writing-hat · 8 months
raaa doubloon centric story!!!!
this is tied to my BbnB fic! and I've taken some liberty to write that guy (aka inventing him a life and a past)
thanks again oli for beta reading my mess kjgjlgs
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 3 months
Befriending magpies seems like a good idea but then you're woken up at like 5am on your day off by this years chicks screeching for food and their parents yelling at your window.
Fucking trouble and doubloon acting like it's my responsibility to feed their chicks, or that it's my fault the seagull mafia stole the food I did put out. Guys I've seen you attack buzzards, surely you can mob a seagull instead of cowering in the trees.
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jorrmungandr · 1 year
Chapter 99: The Doubloon
Hoo boy, this is a big one. I’ve really got my work cut out for me this time ’round. This is a very important and fascinating chapter, and has been the subject of a lot of study and discussion over the years. It’s not hard to see why, there’s obviously a lot going on here, and I will do my level best to untangle it, and perhaps offer a bit of my own commentary on top of all the others. (more…)…
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