#Dragons do Blep || Crack
dragonsxng · 4 years
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‘Thousand year powerful dragon in mage zoo’
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fisherrprince · 2 years
the wildbrain shockwave is so, I am so. it’s ruining my me do you want a tiny oneshot about it
nya retains her dragon form and uses it to take big naps
“Kai,” Jay whispers — wheezes, actually. He sounds slightly strangled, but he doesn’t want to raise his voice. “Help me.”
Kai looks at Jay (on the floor, pinned), down the hallway (fridge that contains alluring little treat with Kai’s name on it), and then up into the hangar (Nya, in huge water dragon form, curled up and snoring gently with her head pinning Jay’s entire body to the floor). “Nah. You’re good.”
“Kai please! She’s heavy!”
Kai leans against the doorframe, very content to watch. “Sounds like a You problem.”
“It is my problem that’s why I need you to move her offa me!”
“Wow, I thought you’d be happier with this arrangement.”
Jay puffs up like an embarrassed Ghibli character. “EYE. am going to kill you— eep!”
There’s an echoing rumble, and Nya snuffles, shifting her head minutely. Jay gets dragged up the floor a solid three feet, and cringes away from her teeth as she bleps sleepily and covers his face in two seconds of solid water. He splutters. Kai snorts, trying not to laugh. 
“Kai. Shes very big and very heavy and swipes at things in her sleep and also her teeth are right there and I can’t breathe I didn’t mean to fall asleep like this please get her off me!!”
“Alright, okay,” Kai relents. And then realizes, suddenly, that he doesn’t know how to do that at all. “Uh… here, try scratching her chin, she hates it.”
“I’m not gonna make her mad when her teeth are in decapitation range,” Jay hisses.
Kai wrinkles his nose. “You think she’s gonna bite you? She’s not a wild animal.”
“N- well. No. But you can have a canine the size of your torso ON your torso if you want.”
“Just try it. It’s like petting a cat backwards.”
“Ooookay.” Jay reaches out as best he can while Kai walks into the room, just in case Nya decides waking up is too annoying. The worst she did when she was little was throw pillows at him, though, so it should be fine. “I can’t— reach. Is uh…” He scratches more or less her cheek, which is not nearly close enough. 
“Haha,” Kai snorts. Nya’s purring sounds like a bunch of rocks in a tumbler underwater. The aqueous plate scales on her neck shake with the vibration. 
“That felt like I was inside the Bounty’s engine,” Jay groans. 
He does it again, though. “H-w-w-o-ah. Ow. I’m gonna give myself a headache.”
“Then stop doing it?”
“But she likes it!”
“What happened to get her offa you?”
Jay stares at him. “I still want you to do that. Kai don’t leave.” 
“Alright.” Kai crouches next to Nya’s crest. He gives her ears a gentle pet. “Nya! Cmon, time to get up. Jay won’t let me leave until you wake up.”
Nya’s ears perk up instantly, and she cracks open one eye to look at her brother. 
“You’re kinda squishing him,” Kai grins. 
Nya snorts, like duh, Kai. I know. And then she wiggles her head back and forth like she’s snuggling back into the ground. The ground, because Jay is just along for the ride, and his shirt has ridden up so his back is just sliding along the metal and the cold kinda-wet of her scales is now directly against his skin. 
“a,” he croaks. 
The dragon lifts her head finally to make sure he’s not actually dying. He is soaked and a little red, and his static-induced bedhead is worse than ever after getting wet, but he’s not dying. 
Jay breathes a sigh of relief. “Good morning!”
Nya’s bubbling laughter echoes through the hangar.
Kai jerks his thumb back towards the hallway. “Can I get my snack now?”
“If your snack is my leftover cookie dough, don’t even think about it.”
“Nya, you should lay on him again.”
“W-wait no—“
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
Sparkling Morning Kisses
or: How to turn your new boyfriend into a blushing mess by Patton.
Being stuck in a car really makes your mind wander, I have no idea where this fluff came from, but alas here it is.
Ship: Logan, Patton and Deceit
Characters: Logan, Deceit, Patton, Virgil, Roman, Thomas is mentioned.
Warnings: none that i can think of.
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Tag list: @thought-u-said-dragon-queen, @philspinkyfinger, @leesacrakon, @cloudedskies29, @totellismert, @huntershollows, @naw2702, @corracii, @wolfoxymy, @winterswishing, @tacohippy56900, @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay, @ambersky0319, @bluethehamildork, @theorizing-puppet
General Fanfic Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko,  @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner,@punsterterry,  @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides, @virgilswritings, @ninja-girl2846, @ninjago2020, @starryfirefliesbloggo, @garecc,  @sympatheticdeceit, @cookiethedevil, @askthesnake,  @all-bridges-will-burn,
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The morning light shone in through the window of the kitchen, drenching it in a gentle golden light. Patton was humming to himself as he danced around in the kitchen while getting the breakfast for the others ready, the had prepared hot water with one sugar cube for Logan’s tea and had the tea bag next to the cup, it wasn’t time to put it in the water yet.
Patton was whisking together the pancake batter, the tea standing ready on the counter, when two slim arms wrapped around his waist and a sleepy hum came from the person behind his as they nuzzled closer. Patton hummed back and leaned his head to the side to rub his cheek against Logan’s dark brown hair.
 “Morning, love.” Patton spoke, gently kissing the crown of Logan’s head as he got a muffled greeting in return.
Patton would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how cuddly and adorable Logan was in the morning before he got his tea. He giggled when he felt Logan kiss his neck before lifting his head to rest his jaw over Patton’s shoulder.
 “Yeah, It’s the kiddo’s favourite,i’m not blind to the fact that they have booth been struggling for a while, so i thought making their favourite breakfast would make them feel a bit better.” Patton put away the bowl of batter and reached for the tea and handed it to Logan. “Here you go, honey.”
Logan untangled his arms from around Patton and gently took the cup smiling into the kiss, Patton placed on his lips, and cheeks before kissing him on the nose and pulled back giggling.
Logan opened his eyes to lean forward and kiss Patton on the nose as well, only making Patton giggle harder and an adorable flush covered his freckled cheeks.
The smell of pancakes filled the kitchen later, and both Virgl and Roman had come down to eat, having finished and gone back to their own thing.
Patton sent a look to the clock and nodded walking over to the coffee machine and made it ready for Deceit’s arrival.
 “Are we asking him today?” Logan asked as he looked up from the crosswords in the replica of Thomas’s newspaper.
 “I- yes? I was hoping so. I’m just a bit anxious about it.” Patton said as he put away the dishes.
 “How so?” Logan put down the newspaper and pen to give Paton his full attention. the moral side rubbed his hands along the cat hoodie.
 “What… what if he doesn’t feel the same way?”
 “From what I have managed to gather from the way he keeps looking at us when he thinks we are not looking, and from what Virgil had told me and I quote ‘he’s so stupidly in love with you two he won’t stop talking about it’. Also I believe it is best to show him what our intentions are and tell him, and if he ends up rejecting us, then… is it not better to know than being left in uncertainty?” Logan reached out and took Patton’s hand, giving it a squeeze of comfort.
 “You’re right Logan… but I can’t help but worry.”
 “And that is okay.” Patton only gave a nod in reply.
Deceit entered the kitchen with a wide yawn making his jaw crack and he rubbed at his closed eye with the heel of his palm as he waddled into the kitchen in his fluffy black and yellow striped morning robe, fluffy pyjama pants and a black t-shirt that had a bigger version of his logo on the chest, and fluffy yellow slippers.
It was to friggin early, despite the fact that it was the middle of the day.
He needed coffee and he needed it now, if he was to have the energy to deal with everything today.
He blinked when the coffee mug was placed in his hands.
 “Here you go, honeydee, just the way you like it.” Patton spoke giving him a peck on the cheek, and not just any cheek, the scaly one.
 “Glad to see that you are awake Deceit.” Logan spoke as he walked up behind him and gave his shoulders a light massage, knowing Deceit tended to get stiff often, despite his increased flexibility due to being part snake.
Deceit blinked again, when Logan kissed his other cheek.
He couldn’t help the squeak that left him at the suddenness of it all, not that he was fully against it. Logan and Patton had been part of his dreams for way to long and this was just one of many things his mind had made up for him to dream about.
 “Your coffee is getting cold, love.” Logan spoke as he gently pushed the cup closer to Deceit who remembered the coffee again. He took a sip and in a slight daze left the space between Patton and Logan to sit down on the table.
Patton and Logan let him leave and Patton moved closer to Logan still unsure.
 “Did we overdo it?”
 “I do not think he is fully awake yet, and therefore have not processed the information. Give him a few minutes after he finished his coffee, my dear.” Logan said kissing Patton on the temple.
It took precisely 10 minutes and 3 seconds before it clicked and Patton and Logan got to watch how the whole human side of Deceit’s face turned red as Roman’s sash and the scales flickering into a bring yellow.
Deceit slammed his now empty mug, held by both hands onto the table and stared at them making a garbled mess of sounds neither of them understood, but from the confused flustered expression it was clear to them both what he was asking.
 “We have talked to each other” Logan started “And we both care about you-” Patton elbowed him lightly in the side “Sorry we both love you very much, and would like for you to join our relationship.” Logan stated, rubbing his side with a pout that Patton kissed away in apology.
Deceit gaped like a fish before he closed his mouth and swallowed
 “A-are you… are you sure… you want me?” he asked slowly.
 “Yes!” Patton said before Logan managed to open his mouth again and moved over to grab Deceit’s cheeks squishing them a bit in the process. “I know we have had our differences and not always seen each other eye to eye in the past, but you’re whole presence here, dear, it made me realise that you’re not as terrible as you liked us to believe at first, and honestly, you are SO CUTE!” Patton turned to face Logan turning Deceit’s face to face him too “Just look at him! He’s an adorable noodle!” Deceit wasn’t sure what in his chaotic confusion spurred him on to blep, but still he did and Patton gasped long and loud as stars grew in his eyes “HE EVEN GOT THE TONGUES!” Patton screeched in glee, only making Deceit blush all over again.
 “Well I do have to agree that he is adorable, altho he has not yet answered our question, so please calm down a bit, love.” Logan said with a warm smile on his lips.
 “Oh! Oh right. sorry...” Patton let go of Deceit’s face and rubbed at the back of his neck with a sheepish look on his face.
 “I… I don’t know...” Deceit started
 “It’s okay, take all the time you need.” Logan reassured, Deceit stared at him before he looked down at his empty coffee cup.
 “I mean… are you guys sure you want this?” he looked up at them both, hesitant and unsure, but they could both see the small glimmer of hope in his eyes.
 “Yes.” Logan said with a nod and Patton was odding so fast and hard his face was getting burry as he repeated ‘Yes’ over and over.
Deceit looked away blushing at how honest they were being, before he rubbed at his scaled cheek and sent them a glance now and again before he swallowed, trying to get the dryness out of his mouth.
 “Then...” he started having to think about what he wanted to say “Then I… I- I would love to.” he blurted the rest of the sentence out glancing up to them afterwards to see if they caught it and from the happy growing beaming grin that grew on Patton’s face it was clear the moral side had heard him and Logan reached out and ruffled his hair, making the mop of already untamed hair a bit wilder.
Deceit gave away a startled yelp when Patton suddenly threw himself at him, unable to hold back his affections, causing them both to fall of the chair and crash to the floor with a audible crash. Logan placed his face in his hands and groaned.
Only looking up when he felt two pair of eyes on his and he turned his head to see how Virgil and Roman watched from the doorway.
 “What’s going on?” Virgil asked
 “Why is Patton and Deceit on the floor?” Roman said staring at the sight of Patton drowning Deceit’s face with kisses and hugs.
 “Deceit has joined our relationship and as you can see, Patton is being Patton.” Logan turned back to his two boyfriends and chuckled “All is good, now i got a boyfriend to save.”
Virgil and Roman could only stare as Logan with unknown strength picked up Patton from Deceit, giving him the promise of cuddles on the couch if he went and got it ready with blankets and pillows. Patton rushed by Roman and Virgil but not before giving them caring peck on the temple and crown of their heads.
Logan helped Deceit back to his feet, the other still flustered and looking dazed.
 “You okay?”
 “He’s gonna be the death of me, Logan.” Deceit looking up at him “And I would have no qualms whatsoever.” Logan only chuckled as he gently caressed Deceit’s cheek.
 “Well, I can not let Patton get all the fun, now can I.” he said and Deceit felt his face heat up once more when Logan pulled him close. “May I?” Deceit gave a nod, not trusting his voice.
Logan closed the rest of the way, letting their lips meet.
Deceit wasn’t sure what to do with his ands and grabbed hold of the front of Logan’s shirt as he melted into the kiss.
If he’d known the morning would turn out to be like this, he would have woken up earlier.
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shewolfofficial · 6 years
Levi x Dragon Rider! Reader
Set in AoT universe
Just to make it easier to think of a dragon use toothless for example
D/N - Dragon Name
Warning: Cursing
Summary: You take Levi out for a spin on your dragon to pass the time and help him relax
Sauntering through the corridors of the HQ you quietly whistled to yourself as your Night Fury also known as D/N padded along behind you. Wings folded his tail swished side to side ever so slightly with each step he took as he followed you. You were going to ask Levi if he wanted to ride with you and D/N to kill some time and show him what it's like to ride a dragon. Probably even teach him if he wanted to.
Arriving outside his office doors you strolled on in without knocking earning a click of the tongue from Levi. Averting his vision from the papers in front of him he looked up to you. Arms crossed with a playful smile on your lips you looked down to your lover, D/N was attempting to get in the small doorway but was failing miserably. Tilting his head to the side to look at D/N who kept trying to budge his way in through the singluar doorway he shook his head "D/N you're not small enough to fit through!" he called out before looking back to you. "What is it Y/N?" Levi asked you watching your smile grow bigger.
"I was wondering if you would want to come out for a fly, just to pass the time... I could show you what it's like to be in the sky" you eagerly say as Levi returns to his paperwork "I'm doing work, maybe some other time, I'm busy" he replies as you sigh. Turning you saw D/N blep "Levi he's giving you the blep! Please? It's gonna be fun! You can relax and have a great time with us!" you try again.
"Fine, just because I know you would never stop unless I do agree.." he muttered as you beamed to him. Watching him stand up and put on his Scouting jacket he rose an eyebrow to you "well? You gonna lead the way or what?" he questioned making you giggle from excitement. Leading him out of his office you gently pat D/N's head and brought them both out of the building onto the training ground where a few cadets were scattered around doing training.
D/N laid down on his stomach allowing you to climb on him, helping Levi on he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ready?" you smirk over your shoulder to him as he hesitantly nods, nudging D/N's side he stands up shaking off some dust before setting into a run. "Running? Really Y/N I thought you said flyi-" Levi's questioning tone was cut off when the three of you sprung up into the sky, subconsciously tightening his grip around your waist Levi dug his face into the crook of your neck refusing to look down at the ground that was inching further and further away.
Smiling you held onto the reigns as D/N began to even himself out as the sun shone onto the three of you, clouds were scattered along the blue sky as trees looked like tiny specs of dust on the grass below you. Levi was still dug into your neck, his grip not faltering. "Levi it's alright, we're not going up anymore... The view is pretty good up here" you attempt to sooth as he slowly lifts his head up from you looking around. "Don't you fucking dare let me fall Y/N" his voice cracked from fright, you've never seen Levi this scared before and it made you slightly guilty.
"Want to go lower love?" you suggested earning a nod from him "alright.. Hold on tight" you warn as D/N drops from the sky, rocketing towards the ground as Levi lets a yelp slip past his lips. Once you're near the ground D/N spreads back out his wings, gliding through the Summer breeze only a few meters above the ground as you flew over it. "Y/N I'm going to murder you.." Levi growls from behind you, loosening his grip on you he looks around in awe. "Imagine if everyone had a dragon.. They'd be so much better than the horses" you whisper as Levi hums in agreement.
Arriving at a glistening lake, D/N skims over the top of it tilting to the side ever so slightly as his wing dips into the water making it splash as he trails along the surface of it. Levi leans over looking down to the lake before flickering his gaze back to you, noticing you're circling back around the lake and towards HQ Levi presses himself up against your back and kisses your neck "thanks for this Y/N, it was better than I thought... Even when you nearly did give me a heart attack" Levi peppers your neck with kisses as you arrive back at thr training field.
Landing on the dirt ground D/N lays back down resting as you hop off his back with Levi. Dusting himself off Levi sent you a gentle expression "I'm going back to get the paperwork done... We should do that more often.." he mutters making you smile "yeah sure! I'll see you later!" waving him off you watch him leave.
A slight nudge was felt on your leg, looking down you smiled childishly at D/N who blepped up to you.
"D/N you're such a lil' baby"
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knightcallie · 6 years
~Lilliana Ilene, Terry Iceheart~
@littleprincessintraining @historical-trash
They were under the table, blankets covering the top to isolate them from the world. Leo was sleeping on top of Terry’s chest, having tired himself from all the running and flying earlier. Terry had visited the apprentice home for Leo’s annual checkup.
It was quick, the usual things to make sure the toddler was healthy. He and Lilliana haven’t seen him in a while, pulling him under the blanket fort. He couldn’t fully fit, his feet sticking out from under the blankets. The two had laughed at that before asking how he’s been since the last time they saw him in the market.
It was nostalgic, the three excitedly prodding for details and giggling at the old memories. It only seemed yesterday when Lilliana and Atem were pranking Consul Valerius. It only seemed yesterday when Terry fell in a stand of oranges.
It, It went by so fast in all honesty.
When did Terry meet the love of his life? When did Lilliana meet hers? When did Terry start taking care of the baby he fondly called little lion? When did Lilliana start growing up into a wonderful woman?
It seemed so long ago, since they have all first met. It seemed like a blur, meeting everyone and being in this home altogether. Well, almost. Terry had his own home with a bunch of strays. He visited enough, they saw him enough in the market.
But it seemed like forever since they really hung out like this, before Leo was born. Simply just talking about whatever’s happening around Vesuvia, whatever was happening in their private lives. They were growing older, finding time like this with just the three was a bit rare.
Terry had Leo and his new partner Ada, and Lilliana had her shop and the Tennyson twins. He himself had his performances and Nato. This was… This was nice. It’s been a long time since he had a sit down with friends like this, under the table, blanket hiding them from the world.
He remembered the days when he pulled Miklos, Amabil, Cirrina, Keir, Wekesa, Tavi, and many, many more under a table. He remembered the days when they would spend hours upon hours talking about whatever came to mind, any gossip within the caravan.
He remembered them well, remembered the most important and ridiculous ones. Though, the ones close to his heart were ones like this: talking without a care in the world, laughing until their cheeks hurt.
“You should’ve seen the courtiers’ faces! We put stinky buggies in their shoes!” Lilliana giggled, a wide grin on her face.
Terry laughed softly. “I guess should’ve been there then.”
“You should have!” Lilliana turned her head towards him, a wide smile on her face. “Do you remember how bad the stink was? We could barely breathe!”
He joined in the giggling. “Everyone’s faces though! Every time they passed by someone, or even close!” He just burst into laughter, unable to continue.
It seemed her memory reminded her of the comical reactions, though she tried to smother it since Leo was sleeping. Though, he had already begun to stir.
“Baba?” the little boy mumbled.
“Sh, shh it’s ok little lion,” Terry whispered, sitting up. Wrapping his arms around him, he began to bounce the little boy. “We’re sorry for waking you.”
Lilliana sat up as well, looking a bit guilty. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, she held out a hand, to which Leo wrapped a hand around one of her fingers. “I’m sorry, Auntie Lilli didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered, leaning slightly against Terry.
Atem’s laughter died down when Leo woke up, propping himself up on an elbow to watch the two. Lips parting, something seemed familiar about this. Tilting his head, the soft looks on their faces and the drowsy baby reminded him of a quiet moment between parents and child. But something was nagging him… What was it…
Lilliana turned to face him, tilting her head curiously. “Is something wrong Tem?”
Crimson red seemed to bleed into vermillion orange, the soft lavender to stormy blues. His heart lept in his throat, the aura also becoming familiar, calming. It’s been so long since he’s felt something like this. The appearance was quite similar, and the aura was much stronger.
Terry turned to look over too, and that completed the feeling. Appearance wise, it was still the clumsy orange, he was still silly dragon noodle. But aura-wise… he has grown to have a peaceful aura ever since he had Leo, becoming more understanding, patient. Perhaps it was because he became a father, his aura softening.
His heart slowed, pooling with soft tranquility. It’s been so long since he’s felt this, his eyes softening. This reminded him of the times back in the caravan, in Keir and Cirrina’s wagon. They were vastly different in there compared to their appearances in the public. So gentle, quiet in there compared to the loud, lively out there.
Atem’s face suddenly cleared, looking between the two with wide eyes. His entire body sagged, ever so slightly quivering. A single tear escaped his eyes, immediately earning the worry of the two.
“T-Tem,” she gasped, reaching a hand to wipe away the tear. “Are, are you okay?”
Terry’s face softened with worry, smoothing down Leo’s hair. “Tomato, what’s wrong?”
More tears fell from his eyes, trying to search for the rights words. Lips parting, nothing came out, heart jumping into his throat. Swallowing, he ducked his head, wiping at his eyes. What was with him? He shouldn’t get this emotional over something like this, but…
“I…” He swallowed, trying to stop crying. “It’s just…”
Lilliana tugged him closer, cupping his face. She wiped away his tears, meeting his watery eyes. “It’s okay Tem, we’re here.”
Terry scooched a little closer, running a hand through his hair. “It’s okay, take your time,” he gently whispered.
Atem sniffed, slightly laughing at his predicament. “I just…” He twiddled his fingers, rubbed his upper arm, a bit unsure. This seemed familiar, trying to explain why he was crying, why he suddenly became emotional at a time like this. Wiping away any remaining tears, he replied:
“Thank you… Thank you for being home…”
It took a moment, a quiet moment for it to settle in, for the weight to be felt in the heart. The touch softly fell away at the realization, eyes wide with surprise. Lillian was the first to crack, tears welling up in her eyes. She pulled him close, rubbing her nose with his as she cried.
Her hands knotted in the fabric of his shirt, hugging him tight. “Thank you for being home too Tem,” she softly sobbed, burying her face in his chest.
His arms instinctively wrapped his arms around her, squeezing as he buried his nose in her hair. He rocked them slowly, gently. He glanced up to meet Terry’s heterochromatic gaze. His eyes softened, adjusting his hold.
“Thank you for being home too Clumsy.” A slight smile graced his lips as he opened an arm.
A soft huff of a smile left the Dragonborn. “Home is where family is,” he replied, moving to lean into Atem’s hold.
Atem softly laughed. “Yeah…” He leaned against Terry, sagging as his eyes flickered down to the stirring little cub. “Hi Leo baby, did we wake you?”
The ashy blonde boy mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
“I don’t think he’ll go back to sleep,” Terry admitted.
Lilliana sniffed, wiping her eyes to look at the little boy properly. “Aw, sorry Leo…”
Terry sighed as she gently brushed away Leo’s locks. “Ah well, it happens.”
Leo sleepily blinked. “Babaaaaaaa,” he whined.
Atem laughed softly. “Sorry baby. Were we too loud?”
Leo pouted. “Baba, Auntie, Tito…” He yawned. “Very loud…”
“This is what happens when you have a home Leo,” Atem grinned. “Are you hungy?” Leo blepped in response, earning chuckles.
“Let’s see what the others made,” Lilliana suggested.
“Puppy, is there literally only going to be tea at this wedding?” Gabelle snorted in amusement.
“I’m sorry, Lilliana has good blends too. We narrowed down two from Nanay Noe though!” Atem sighed, looking over the possible decorations. “I forgot what the color palette was, oop.” There was a shifting fabrics and clattering of wood.
“Don’t lose all of them!” Gabelle called, nose wrinkling at the strong smell of lavender. “Oh, that’s too much,” they muttered, setting the cup aside.
“I’m not that clumsy!” Atem huffed, sitting on top of the table. “You know I would ask your opinion on the colors.”
They sighed dramatically. “Oh what a shame. If only my expert advice on color harmony also applied to non-living things.” The sunflower-colored specks dilated within the cerulean aura as he laughed, their eyes softening. “It seems to me you’ve found the others?”
As his laughter died down, the specks contracted back to their original size, but still glowing with softer tones. “Yeah, you’ve met them.”
“Have I?” They propped their chin on their hands. “Do tell.”
“You’ve met Toci and Clumsy Orange. They’ve… grown so much since we’ve first met.” His aura became soft. “We’ve come so far and… I just can’t believe it…”
Gabelle smiled, admiring the absolute peace his aura has been in for the last few weeks. “I’m glad you feel that way.” They picked up another cup. “You’re so close though, you’re nearly there.”
Atem huffed. “I figured as much.”
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hugs-not-anonymous · 5 years
(Kina) The whelping says nothing as she flits around the kaldorei in her dragon form, tiny hops through the air accented with a small burst of arcane. From shoulders, she bounces up to the top of his head, nuzzling into his hair until it was a mess around her. She stayed there, blepping softly between his horns as her tail swished excitedly behind her, gently slapping against Jasculs’s neck. “Monster!” She yelped out with a full bodied wiggle. “Brain monster! Play!”
fluff? in this dad’s house? its more likely than you think || thank you, @frostwyrmsfury !
Rising from the nest of blankets, pillows, and limbs, Jasculs rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Then he stretches like a cat, letting out a yawn, shoulder popping in satisfaction, and looks around the tent. Much like any other morning, Kina is nowhere to be found.
Placing a kiss on Sol’s temple, Jasculs whispers to him he’s going out to find Kina and prepare breakfast.
The cool wind coming down from Stormheim’s mountains and bashing into the clan greets Jasculs like a freezing winter kiss. A gentle shiver runs through his ginormous body, something that would make any being not familiar with dragons question just how sturdy they actually are. Aren’t their scales and immense magical prosperity supposed to keep them warm, no matter the weather? Well, no matter the size, lizards will be lizards, and all lizards are cold-blooded. Physically, of course; Jasculs is anything but mentally and emotionally cold-blooded.
Regretting his form decision, Jasculs returns to the tent for a brief moment. When he comes back out, he’s wearing a simple, black tanktop, beige cargo pants and is throwing on gray hoodie, now in his kaldorei form. The bandages, blindfold and hair tie are left forgotten on the bedside table.
Gazing around the village, Jasculs looks for a peculiar aura; it’s a mixed color palette of strong pinks and red-ish purples, freckles and splotches of blue scattered across it. In the very middle is a bright yellow light that makes the sun look like a cheap imitation, outshining it by a landslide. It’s like the most beautiful galaxy Jasculs has ever laid his eyes upon, and seeing how much stronger it has gotten after they began their travels together makes him immensely happy- because he knows this strength comes from a healthy, happy relationship with parental figures and other friends who genuinely care.
He calls out to Kina; asks what she’s doing, seeing her enthusiastically gnaw on a stick. Immediately, Kina perks up, starlight in her eyes, and she dashes for Jasculs, stick forgotten on the ground.
Reaching out to hug her, Jasculs is sorely disappointed when she flies around his head instead. A minute later he laughs, though, feeling how his hair is ruffled up into a messy nest for Kina to lie in. And lay in it she does, the gentle smack of her tail against Jasculs’ neck making him laugh softly and wholeheartedly. 
“Brain monster, you say?” he asks, slowly getting down on all four. “Do I eat brains or are you controlling me?" 
"Control! Blaaargh!” Kina responds energetically, pulling on Jasculs’ hair.
He emits a semi-loud, over-dramatic yelp and rolls the direction Kina pulled. “No, what a tragedy! I can’t control what I’m doing, somebody help me!" 
The blue dragonling engulfed in his hair giggles loudly before pulling on his hair yet again. Jasculs stands up on his hind legs and stumbles backwards with a "wooaaaah!”. Kina pulls on his hair again, and he jumps. Laughing loudly, she pulls his hair forward, and Jasculs leaps forward in response. He runs, keeps going for as long as she pulls, which is until there’s a house in the way and she pulls to the right. Jasculs turns, though not fast enough, ending up on the porch and jumping over the porch railing. Kina giggles excitedly and makes Jasculs turn left, into the house’s garden, bolting through the grass, herbs, flowers, and whichever unfortunate plant life happens to be in their path. 
At the end of the garden there’s a fence covered in tight, tall bushes, metal spikes of the fence poking out at top. It’s a dangerous jump to leap above and beyond the fence, yet Jasculs does it without breaking a sweat, his wings enhancing the leverage of the leap. 
What Jasculs fails to notice is the tree-stump at the other side of the fence. His vision betrays him often with things that no longer hold a presence of aura, magic, or otherwise, as that is all he can detect; physical forms are shown through the magical flow, soundwaves, living organisms’ auras, and scents, smells, and aromas. All these things make up for his lack of traditional vision… unless his focus is terrible displaced and the world decides to place an auraless thing into his path, just like now with the tree-stump. 
With a hollering yell, Jasculs’ foot gets caught on the stump. He rolls forward, his own speed launching him ways ahead, snatching Kina who is laughing like she’s having the time of her life off of his head. 
In a flurry of limbs and scales and hair and horns, Jasculs does a series of hilariously failed and forced somersaults. He’s rolled into a tight, protective ball, even tail and wings wrapped around himself in an attempt to shield Kina from the storming fury of the Earth element and mother Ysera’s darling trees. He fails to protect himself, though. 
His rolling is abruptly stopped by a tree. Jasculs emits a loud noise of pain when all the air is knocked out of him, and he falls limp to the ground with a grunt. 
With a burst of energy, Kina jumps out from Jasculs’ protective embrace, leaving him to be a sacking ragdoll on the ground as she giggles and flies around in circles. Her blue scales shimmer with arcane, opalescent horns catching the pink and purple and blue light and cascading it in every which direction. 
“Again, again!” she laughs, spinning in the air. 
Looking up from his place on the ground, only one eye visible from under his armpit, Jasculs blinks slowly. It’s like a cat’s blink, slow and steady and holding trust and love for the receiver, yet also like he’s attempting to process the given information. 
With a snort, Jasculs cracks a smile. “Sorry, pumpkin. Mother Ysera has decided I’m resting here today.”
“But ann'da,” Kina complains, dragging out the a in clear show of her disapproval. 
“It’s out of my power, pumpkin. No more movement until…” Jasculs moves his head ever so slightly, as if listening to the earth. Or the sky, whichever suits you best. “Until… my… belly has been… sated?” Frowning, Jasculs looks back up at Kina. “Well that doesn’t make much sense.”
Crossing her arms, Kina does her best stone-face, something she has no doubt learned from Sol'alore. “Want food?" 
Jasculs nods slowly, hiding his face in the comfort of his arm, the tip of his ears flushed with a blush.
"Svala! Sæunn!” she calls out so loud it will no doubt awaken the entire village. Not that anyone is still asleep after the ruckus they caused not even five minutes prior, and the mentioned clan leaders have no doubt already set breakfast into motion.
Thus, a pair of highly amused Thorignir pluck Jasculs off of his spot on the ground and waltz to the eating hall. Kina doesn’t stop giggling until her face is stuffed with food.
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