#Drarry angst
gryfferin-gaybies · 3 months
Harry: I think I'm in love with Malfoy
Hermione: ya think?
Ron: duh
Ginny: it's about time
Luna: you weren't aware?
Fred & George: there's a shocker
McGonagall: we know
Snape: obviously
Draco: ugh how do I make him notice me
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hd-hurtcomfort-fest · 4 months
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***Announcing HD Hurt/Comfort Fest!***
HD Hurt/Comfort is an 18+ anonymous prompt-based fest that welcomes creations from both the angsty and fluffy ends of the trope spectrum.
This fest was born from the idea that with darkness comes light, and that with hurt comes comfort. We believe that to every yin there is a yang, that every Jekyll has a Hyde. And through this fest we hope to achieve contentment with that balance. To that end, we will encourage and accept the following submissions:
100% angst
100% fluff
A hurt/comfort combination 
The main pairing for all submissions is Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. Participants may include any side-pairings, threesomes and/or original characters, as long as the final submission is still a Drarry-centric piece.
Follow us for fest information! Rules and detailed guidelines coming soon!
Important dates to add to your calendar:
Prompting: Apr 2 - 30 Claiming: May 4 - July 1 Submissions due: Aug 2 Posting begins: Aug 23 Reveals: September
Your HD/HC Mods,
@orangepellets, @peachpety, @vukovich banner art by @basiatlu
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scruppofficial · 3 months
Just an idea that came to me at 4 AM but I actually kinda like it. Should I continue this?
Harry pulls away from the kiss and Draco wastes no time in moving his lips down to brush along the brunette’s jaw, “Dray?” He asks, “How much longer do we have to keep this up?”
“Hmm?” Draco hums in question; his lips tickle against Harry’s skin.
He mouths down Harry’s neck - nipping, sucking and kissing as Harry stutters out, “this whole ~ah~ m-mortal e-enemies charade?” He huffs out a breath as Draco sucks and bites that sweet spot where his neck and shoulder meet. The other boy’s teeth scraping his skin followed by a hot tongue, soothing the sting. Harry’s heart flutters at the thought of seeing Draco’s mark on himself later.
“Ah~ Draco…” He groans, trying to elicit a response from the blonde.
“I said,” Draco pauses to nip the shell of Harry’s ear and Harry shivers, “hush,” and then Draco’s lips are on his again. Obviously unwilling to have any kind of conversation.
He wants to know Draco’s response, he swears he does, but when the man of your dreams is kissing you like his life depends on it while also sliding his hands up your body to hook into your tie… your mind kinda goes blank.
Realistically it’s toxic, it always has been with them, but Harry still wants it. MERLIN does he want it. Anything and everything Draco will give him, and at this moment? With the other boy’s hands now working to undo his cloak? He no longer cares.
Harry - throwing all caution to the wind - deepens the kiss and without breaking away, grabs the blonde’s thighs to hoist him up onto the desk. He slots himself in between Draco’s legs to press closer into his heat. This is all so wrong, but it feels so, so right.
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theserpens · 1 year
Drarry Fic Rec: Set Four
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Love is hard, especially if you hide things from each other. Like for example: your faces. This set includes stories featuring delicious secret identities, captivating casework and people sleeping together without recognizing each other.
The Loathly Worm by Selden 11,947 words, E
When Draco Malfoy is forced to go undercover among the remaining Death Eaters in the aftermath of the war, the last person he expects to find there is Harry Potter.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by @letteredlettered 54,117 words, E
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
The Last Day We Ever Close Our Eyes by @firethesound 43,641 words, E
When Draco Malfoy returns to the public eye by purchasing a run-down little antiques shop on Knockturn, Harry is convinced that he is up to something. It turns out that Harry is both very right and very wrong about that.
Code Name L by GallaPlacidia 32,986 words, NR
Trainees at the Department of Mysteries are kept under an identity-obscuring spell for two years. Harry doesn't even know who it is he's been falling in love with all this time. He's nervous about the Reveal, but really, what's the worst that could happen?
'The Loathly Worm' is a gorgeous and unusual read, it has a spooky castle, true love's kiss and ghost apples. 'The Boy Who Only Lived Twice' is one of my all-time favorites and an absolute classic, with a very intriguing and convoluted dynamic between the two. 'The Last Day We Ever Close Our Eyes' has a clever premise, and I always find it hilarious (and on brand) when Harry is convinced Malfoy is "up to something." Finally, 'Code Name L' explores the inherent heartbreak of falling in love with your childhood enemy without knowing it.
Oh, did I mention there are spies? There are a lot of spies everywhere, spies in all of these stories. So, enjoy!
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accio-sriracha · 6 months
Fight Me - Drarry Micro-fic :)
"Oi, Potter!" Draco called, a smile on his face. He had been trying to goad Potter into an argument for nearly two weeks, he was yet to be successful.
Potter turned, stopping halfway to the Gryffindor table, "Yes, Malfoy?" He asked, his tone resigned.
"Have you heard the news lately? Everyone says that their precious Golden Boy's lost his touch." Draco came to a stop a foot away from him, "That true?"
Potter only closed his eyes, scratching the back of his head, "Did you need something, Malfoy?" He asked. Draco rolled his eyes,
"Obviously an answer to the question I just asked you. Now tell me. Is it true?"
Potter shook his head, his sigh deep, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Of course you do. It's all over the news! Some people are starting to think you can't even do magic anymore."
"Of course I can." Potter replied, his tone detached.
"Prove it." Draco lifted his chin up, sure he was going to get his way this time.
"I'm not going to fight with you, Malfoy." He replied, turning to walk away. Draco caught him by the arm,
"The hell you aren't!" He called, giving him a small shove to the shoulder, "Fight me." He called again, "You know you want to, Potter. I know you're dying to let off steam. Well? Here I am. Fight me."
Potter only shook his head, the eyes Draco had always seen so full of fire had finally gone out,
"People died, Malfoy, don't you get that?" He asked, his voice quiet, "I don't care about our stupid rivalry anymore. It's not worth it."
"News flash, Potter. You're living in a tragedy. You want a spoiler? Everyone dies in the end. You may be one of the greatest wizards ever known, but you can't stop that fact. You can't save everyone. How's that for fucking magic? So stop hiding your tail between your legs and stand up for yourself! You're Harry fucking Potter! Don't just sit there and take it, you need to fight back!"
He knew he was being harsh, but he couldn't stand seeing Potter like this. So lifeless and... empty. He wanted to shake Potter senseless and tell him to snap out of it.
"Don't you get it? Don't you understand just how much they would kill to see you fall? Stand up for yourself for fucks sake, Potter!"
"You're causing a scene." He whispered.
Draco scoffed, "Like you ever gave a damn about who was watching you."
"I do." Potter's eyes flashed with hurt for just a moment, "I always have."
Draco tried to stop the joy that spread through him. He didn’t want to hurt Potter, but it was something. That flicker was more emotion then Draco had seen on his face in over a year.
"Then show them." Draco whispered, stepping closer, taking his chance, "None of them understand. None of them understand the violence, the pain, that it took for you to be this calm. You are not the type to stand still and take it quietly. Do something...Show them you're still just as powerful as you always were. Show them you're still the boy who lived."
He paused, staring at him with the expression he knew always pushed Potter over the edge before,
"Unless you really have lost it." He said, raising an eyebrow, "The rumors are probably true, you've gone soft, Potter. Too good now, aren't you? Dumbledore's perfect little golden boy. The world's hero, above all of us measley humans. You couldn't even hurt me if you tried, could y-"
His words were cut off as Potter yanked out his wand and held it against Draco's throat. Wild fury filled Potter's eyes and Draco did his best not to smile. He'd done it. He finally managed to get Potter riled up again the way that he used to.
He hated seeing the way he dragged himself around the castle, the dark circles under his eyes and the quiet, serious voice. He missed watching Potter laugh with his friends across the Great Hall, hearing the passion in his tone as he hurled an insult back at Draco. He missed Potter's fire.
"You know what, Malfoy? I don't give a damn who you think I am, or what kind of noble savior you all expect me to be. I could tear you apart if I wanted to!" He shouted, pressing his wand harder until it hurt for Draco to breathe. His fist was clenched around Draco's robes. There were collective gasps around the Great Hall.
Nobody had expected him to suddenly react the way he did, but Draco did, he had hoped for it.
"I could be exactly like him and there is nobody who would be able to stop me." Potter spat.
Draco gave a harsh laugh, his head tilting up when the wand pushed further,  "But you won't. Why is that Potter? Why is it that you can't hurt me? Go on. Say it! You can't hurt me, Potter, and you know it."
"I'm not scared of you, Malfoy." He hissed. Draco raised an eyebrow,
"Bullshit!" He called. Potter spun them and pushed him against the wall,
"I died. Nothing scares me anymore. Especially not you."
"You're lying. I can see how terrified you are. Admit it to yourself!"
"What do you want from me?!" Potter shouted, his voice echoing in the now silent room.
"I want you to live Potter." Draco whispered, hoarse now, "I want you back the way you were, before the war. You don't eat anymore, you don't sleep. I haven't heard you speak in weeks. I want you to be a person again."
"I am a person." His voice dropped too, his resolve following with it.
"Tell that to them. You let them push you around, you let them walk all over you. I'm tired of seeing you not standing up for yourself."
Potter opened his mouth to reply, then slowly shut it again, the force pressed to Draco's throat softened slightly, "Why do you care?" He asked instead.
"You know why."
Potter stared silently at him for a long time before lowering his wand completely, "I'm sorry." He muttered, looking down. Draco shook his head,
"Don't you dare apologize. You want to do something for me? Pick yourself up. Stop sulking around the castle like some nobody. You're Harry fucking Potter. If I ever see you let them treat you like shit again I'll kick your arse for real."
Their eyes met, an intensity like Draco had never felt before passing between them.
Harry pushed off the wall, leaving Draco standing there alone, he walked out of the Great Hall, ignoring everyone staring at them.
Pansy walked up to Draco, her eyes darting around the room, "What the hell was that? Are you okay?" She whispered.
He nodded and turned to walk out after Potter without a word.
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halloworhorecrux · 3 months
Let me tell you.
Every slytherin has heard the rant. It's basically a sonnet, depending on the day. Severus Snape is constantly thrown back in time to his best friend ranting and raving about a boy.
"Saviour Potter, with his hair and his broomstick"
"Chosen Seeker with his emerald eyes and his hair"
"Champion Gryffindor with his wand and his hair"
It's always the hair with Draco. It drives him mad. Mad with the want to care for it,never tame it like he has heard people say. Why tame Harry when all he needs is some care? His mother said that's what anything worth loving needs.Just someone to care.
Okay, so everyone Draco has spoken with any length of time knows that he loves Harry. You couldn't know him even as an acquaintance without having heard the fond tone of his voice when he spoke of Potter.
When they start a relationship not known to the public, all of Draco's people just know. This is simply because they all know who could make Draco Malfoy smile so big.
On the other side, no one can figure out why Harry Potter is smiling more. His best friends can't even fathom that it would be Draco Malfoy that has helped him. Why would anyone ever think Draco Malfoy could do anything with his happiness. Sure, they are happy they are done hearing conspiracy theories about what Malfoy is up to. So everyone tries to find the person. They must be attentive and understanding. They're probably beautiful, of course.
One day, people hear Ron laughing after Harry tells him it was Malfoy.
"Don't make me laugh mate, if you want to keep it a secret, I won't bother you anymore about it. "
Coming up behind the group is Draco Malfoy. There is a kind of sadness in his eyes. He had told his parents about his date with Harry. They had simply smiled and said they knew it would happen someday.
It kind of breaks his heart a little that everyone he holds dear has heard Harry's name. Know how he feels and can see the ways the two are good together.The same cannot be said for his partner.
Laughter rings out as George laughs about a ferret boyfriend.
Instead of going into the Leaky Cauldron. he Draco runs. He runs because he cannot handle a fumbled defense by Harry. Who would want their boyfriend to be known as the boy who was turned into a ferret, who was humilated by a giant chicken, that has become even more scared of his shadow after azkaban. Who would ever think Draco is attentive and understanding and beautiful enough for Harry James Potter.
If he had stayed, he would hear the proclaimation of love for Draco and that he is, in fact, all those things.
Harry has never been ashamed to have chosen Ron as his friend until now.
How can the person claim to be his best mate and ignore the signs of his infatuation that turned into love? How could Ron weasley, who has been through years with him, think that Harry had finally lost sight of the person who centered his childhood. And he doesn't count Voldemort. That was a distraction to his rivalry with Draco Malfoy. Has there ever been a person that made Harry react more. Every year any action by Malfoy was noted, the final years of the battle were fraught with scenes he had failed to react accordingly. Myrtle’s bathroom should have never seen so much blood, Malfoy Manor should never left a defenseless Malfoy, The ROR, even his final battle had Malfoy and his wand as his victory.
Hence, Harry's disappointment.
The bags under his eyes were gone thanks to his partner. Draco learned that sometimes he felt suffocated, so he couldn't be too close, but being alone was infinitely worse. Draco would fall asleep on their respective sides, but always holding Harry's hand. This gave him the ability to not scare Harry awake from an outside touch. He would squeeze and release their hands, rub against his knuckles to soothe, and settle Harry.
His food intake had increased through Draco hand feeding anything from his plate. While Harry could hardly stand to share anything off his plate, Draco had no such issue. He would take bites of something and then tell Harry to taste something so divine. Sometimes, the things they had were common, but every once in a while, Draco would surprise him.
Sure, Draco had never had to care for someone other than himself if you measured by his Manor. He did have Crabbe and Goyle, and they were a sort of sibling. They needed help with lessons, directed to wherever they needed to be. Told countless times to pick up after themselves. Draco could chasten Harry for leaving socks and towels on the bathroom floor, but it wasn't a real struggle to merely pick them up himself. Harry is anxious with clutter, yet finds that he was always in a rush to ever really care for his living space. Now, he comes home to a clean living space and home-cooked meals.
Some might think it would be easy to just burn his hand me downs and call it a day. They didn't see how sometimes Harry would itch when wearing new robes to a ceremony. The struggle of knowing he deserved better, having clothes of his own, is a basic need. Given the knowhow of Narcissa, Draco had been able to sew old into the new in discreet ways. The surprise when the collar of his auror robes now didn't chafe against his skin sank into Harry's heart. The love swelled as he didn't have to explain why. There was no shame to voice. Draco knew humiliation, so he didn't make Harry try to explain the feeling of wanting something familiar even when laced with the abuse of his childhood neglect. There is a certain kindness when their eyes meet, Draco fixing his collar in the mornings, attaching a pocket to the inside of his robes made of his old t shirts. That is just his beloved showing his devotion.
Dracos' cunning(slimey manipulative) ways were able to schedule him into training sessions with new recruits instead of paperwork he loathed. Harry now spent the majority of his time in the training rooms with newbies instead of missions. Teaching and aiding other protect themselves is where he thrives and Draco made that happen with just a few letters to the right places. There was no scorn to quit the Aurors or be something he shouldn't, just the ability to there was a place were he had chosen to be that didn't leave him drained.
The past months with Draco Malfoy have proven exactly how he is exactly attentive and understanding.
Blindingly beautiful was a given since he first meet him at Madam Malkins, now it's even lovelier when he can trace the pale neck with a single finger, the smooth skin against his lips as he licks them from ankle to the sharp chin and likes to bite. The blonde hair that can be wrapped by Harry's callused hands, it's softness a wonderful contrast to his. Nibble fingers braid his untamable hair with care. They knead any ache from Harry's body. Long legs wrap Harry up into a warm embrace until he feels loved beyond his status as a hero. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile he is graced with every morning, every noon, and midnight. Whether it rains or shines, there is happiness in grey eyes just looking upon Harry James Potter.
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pepperpaperpopper · 30 days
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Complete (finally 😅)
Seven apologies in seven years.
A down and out Draco is on a quest to become a better man while trying to find his moral compass. Meanwhile, Harry struggles with regret and resentment and is unable to leave the war behind.
Can they find Grace and forgiveness? A story of redemption, food, friendship, love and forgiveness.
(74,412 words)
I finally managed to finish my wip. Yay! The main theme is exactly what the title says. It's about Harry struggling with and learning how to forgive Draco for the past. Initially when I started writing, it was going to be about Draco apologising to Harry seven times in seven years and Harry's journey to forgive. But along the course of the fic, the characters took a life of their own and Harry also messes up quite a bit (thanks war trauma). In the end it's about both of them forgiving each other and navigating that with their feelings.
Give it a try if you like angsty slow burns with happy endings :)
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lunaxart · 4 months
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They got together in their 8th year at Hogwarts, 2 years later on Draco's 21st birthday a letter from his mother arrives informing him it's time to "finally grow up". According to the letter he's supossed to marry Astoria in just 3 months, to carry on the Malfoy name and provide an heir. Everything had been arranged, he only needed to show up on the day.
The scene portrayed above is from the evening before the wedding's supossed to take place, do with that what you will 🙃
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caffeinefics · 2 months
I'm Looking for Affection in all the Wrong Places
When most of the city's asleep, Draco was wide awake.
Harry's hand snaked around his waist and pulled him closer. The warmth radiating from his chest a sharp contrast to the murmured litany of nonsense falling from his sleep addled lips.
"So S'rry Mione, Ron. T'is the Last time. Swear. Wo'n love him. Do'n leave me."
When most of the city was asleep. Draco was wide awake, basking in Harry's physical affection. And the man chased after his friends' familial affection in his dreams.
Inspired by the @drarrymicrofic May'24 song prompt: Affection
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gryfferin-gaybies · 3 months
"I've got you. I've got you." Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's shaking body, holding him tight against his own chest. "Shhh. I've got you."
Draco sobbed in his arms, loud and ugly and unrefined. The sound of his sorrow made Harry's heart break. Harry lowered them to the ground until Draco was sitting between his legs, his back against Harry's chest. His hands went to pull at his hair, a negative response to stress. Harry grabbed his wrists to pull them away so he wouldn't harm himself.
"Draco, breathe. Breathe. It's ok," Harry said into Draco's shoulder.
Draco pulled his knees up to his chest. "I can't," he choked out between sobs, shaking his head. "I-I can't."
Harry felt tears begin to prickle his eyes and he willed them away. "Yes, you can, Draco. Come on. Breathe for me. In . . . Out . . . In . . . Out . . ." He exaggerated his breaths so his chest would move with each one, moving Draco with him.
Draco continued to sob and wail and hyperventilate, but Harry kept talking him through breaths until he seemed to start to try to mimick him.
"That's it. There you go," Harry encouraged, praising Draco for his efforts to calm down. "Just like that, Draco. Just keep breathing with me."
"Thank you," Draco said minutes after he'd calmed down, his voice cutting through the quiet, the only sound in the air their synchronized breathing.
Harry had let go of Draco's wrists to wrap his arms around his waist. "Always. It's what I'm here for."
Draco turned his head to get a glimpse of the man holding him, grounding him. His gaze was met with Harry's. He turned in the bracket of Harry's outstretched legs so they were chest to chest. He searched Harry's eyes and then kissed him, rough and heated.
"Woah," Harry said, breaking the contact. "What're you-" He broke off unsure of how he wanted to finish that question.
"Please," Draco said, peppering open-mouthed wet kisses to Harry's jaw and neck. "I need this. I need . . . something." He sucked on his skin where Harry's neck met his shoulder.
"I—" Harry started, his words lost in a soft groan when Draco dragged his teeth lightly against the sensitive patch of skin. "I—Draco, this isn't—I don't—Draco." He held his hands up awkwardly, unsure what to do.
Draco took Harry's hands and put them on his waist. "Shh. Stop talking and kiss me."
Harry pulled away, removing his hands from Draco's body again. "Draco, we can't."
"Why not?" Draco moved his hands under the hem of Harry's shirt, running his fingers over his abs. "Please," he breathed. His tongue darted out to lick his lips.
Harry couldn't stop his eyes from tracking the movement. He shook his head, regaining his focus. "Draco, why are you doing this?"
"Because I want to be distracted. So please, distract me." He leaned back in to kiss Harry again.
Harry wanted to give Draco exactly what he was looking for. His body was already responding to the touch of the other man—the man he'd been secretly in love with for months. It took more strength than he even knew he had to deny him when it was what they both wanted. "Draco." It came out as more of a moan than it was supposed to. "Draco," he tried again. "This isn't a good idea. Merlin, you make it hard to do the right thing."
"Then don't," Draco whispered seductively. He nipped playfully at Harry's earlobe.
Harry tilted his head to give Draco better access to his throat and felt a teardrop fall on his neck. He moved away again, standing this time to back out of Draco's reach entirely. "Draco, you can't use sex to avoid your feelings."
Draco stood so they were on the same level again. "Why not," he mumbled.
"I'm here for you, Draco. I'm not going anywhere. But I love you too much to let you do something unhealthy that you'll regret. I want you. Fuck, I want you. I have for a long time. But not like this."
Draco closed his eyes and let out a deep breath through his nose. He nodded and ran his hands through his hair. "Fine." He stormed off past Harry.
"Draco, wait. Where are you going?" Harry knew the answer. He wasn't sure why he asked when he knew he didn't want to hear it.
"If you won't fuck me until I forget how miserable I am, I'm going to go find someone who will." His expression was closed off. He turned on his heel to continue making his exit.
It hurt Harry to hear him say it. "Draco, please. This won't make you feel better. You know it won't."
"It will in the moment and that's all I want right now." He didn't even look back at Harry when he said it.
Harry felt tears begin to prickle his own eyes as he watched the man he loved, on his way to self destruct, to sleep with someone else. Harry felt like he might be sick at the thought of someone taking advantage of Draco's grief. He felt like he might be sick at the thought of Draco letting them.
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hd-hurtcomfort-fest · 2 months
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It's time to claim! A few things to keep in mind...
Our cap for writer participation is 60. We've also set word counts at minimum 1k and max 60k.
As this is a first come first serve claiming process, we ask that you list your 3 top prompts on the claim form in the event your #1 prompt has already been taken. CLAIMING WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL JULY 1ST.
Peruse the 160+ entries in the PROMPT GALLERY HERE.
If you wish to create art, craft, or podfic based on an existing fanwork, please submit it as a self prompt during the claiming period.
For our self prompters: please select Prompt #1 and be prepared to provide additional info requested on the form, including a brief description and creation category (angst/fluff/hurtcomfort).
Be on the lookout for confirmation emails soon!
Important Dates! Submissions due: Aug 2 Posting begins: Aug 23 Reveals: September
Detailed fest info in the HD Hurt/Comfort Rules and Guidelines.
Join the HD Hurt/Comfort Fest discord community! Open to 18+ only.
Questions? Drop us an ask, an email [[email protected]] or a discord ping!
Your HD/HC Mods, @orangepellets, @peachpety, @vukovich banner & icon by @basiatlu
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lunamalfoypotter · 1 year
-Harry my Harry
-Draco what happened...?
-Harry you love me right. Tell me you love me
-I love you Draco I love you so so much. But what ... Why are you acting like this...
-You don't seem well
-My…my Harry. You're my everything. Always have been. Since I was 11. I love you darling. I love you. You are my world...
-Draco why are you doing This.... Something is happening to you. Tell me. Pls tell me ...
-my Harry
-Should i call the doctor?
-I should call the doctor
-I love you
-Dravo... Pls tell me what's happening to you
-Harry... My Harry
-Draco...Draco... You are becoming pale. Fuck I've to call the doctor...
-Harry... My Harry. Don't go...stay with me ...
-Draco? Draco...
-Ron! Draco is not talking! He's not opening his eyes. He- he- Ron, what's happening to him... Ron! Hermione? Please tell him to talk to me ! Draco! Draco! Draco !
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theserpens · 1 year
Drarry Fic Rec: Set Three
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Say No to This by @fluxweeed 12,734 words, E
Harry is working late. Draco doesn't know where else to go.
Clear As Mud by scoradh 9,816 words, M
Set post-war and post-Harry’s-conscience…
The Den of So-Called Iniquity by Snegurochka 4,045 words, NC 17
Potter is watching you, as usual, his fingers tight around his glass. You know what will happen if you swallow that potion in such close proximity to Potter – the same thing that has happened every time you've done it so far.
Through His Teeth by @dictacontrion 2,820 words, M
"C’mon then, Potter. Don’t tell me there’s nothing you’ve ever wanted to do to this body.”
What I Do to You by @gracerene 9,114 words, E
These days, apathy fogs Harry's mind. Malfoy's the only one who makes Harry feel anything at all. Harry doesn't really care that the feelings aren't good ones. He deserves it.
This set are all my favorite toxic dynamics, self-destructive romances ft. post-war broken boys, beautifully twisted love(hate)-making and mutually painful relationships. Most of them are all about sex, trauma and the fragile solace of destruction.
'Say No to This', 'Clear As Mud' and 'The Den of So-Called Iniquity' include a fucked-up Draco and morally-grey Harry. And 'Through His Teeth' and 'What I Do to You' feature basically same, just the other way around.
'Say No to This' is actually one of my personal favorite drarry fics, the tired yet so completely charged energy between the two of them is one of the sexiest things I have ever read. 'Clear As Mud' is old but gold, showing a different yet still fitting development for familiar characters. 'The Den of So-Called Iniquity' is low, hot and tragic.
I adore Draco and his very Slytherin mainpulation in 'Through His Teeth', the story is a interesting take on both Draco and Harry and their mindset directly after the war. 'What I Do to You' is sexy but heart-wrenching and I am still wishing for sequel to mend me.
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drarrywords · 2 years
"You said you wouldn't have to leave."
The words were a stab of blade through him. Intense and raw. The sadness, the hopelessness and the desperation in it broke his heart, "Draco, I'm sorry but I have to."
Draco's eyes had become red rimmed and swollen, "We won't be together for Christmas if you leave."
"Draco," Harry spoke softly, a hand on his cheek. He traces his thumb over Draco's cheekbone. Over the tears that slide down his cheeks, "I want to be with you, I do. But the car's outside."
"Harry, I've spent the last four December's without you," He said, "But if you even step towards that car, we're done. No more excuses, no more chances. We're done."
Harry stepped backwards, a knot forming in his throat, "What?"
"Your work matters more, saving the world matters more, sacrificing your life for your work matters more," He brushes off his tears with the back of his hand, "I don't matter. We don't matter to you."
"You do matter," His voice had begun to rise with those words but it turned into a soft whisper because of Draco. He was softer with Draco, "you matter the most."
"So don't step into that car," Draco buried his hands into the fabric of his robes, "you don't have to be the hero if you don't want to be."
But that was what he was.
A hero.
The saviour.
But what good is being the hero when you lose what you love?
The car was outside but he didn't want to be the hero. He would sell his soul to spend December with Draco. He would sell his soul to not lose him, "I don't want to lose you."
"So stay, please."
But heroes can't do that.
Heroes lose, too.
Harry will lose this time, too.
He bushed a kiss over Draco's forehead. The car was outside. He had to leave, "I'll be back home to you soon."
No more chances, no more excuses.
By the time he's back home, it'll become a home that he lost. A home that doesn't exist.
@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ ​@missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @inflation-of-mind @slytherinnbitch @loves-to-read-fanfic @sorry-i-ship-drarry @just-like-that-butmakeitgay
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starlitsilvereyes · 1 year
written for @drarrymicrofic's prompt: New Beginning | inspired by Like Real People Do by Hozier | CW: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Insecurities | Read on Ao3
Soft rumbles of thunder emitted from a sky bruised with purple and dark blues. Draco laid beneath it, his head pillowed on a patch of grass. Lips slightly parted, he breathed in the scent of petrichor, reminding him of the storm that there is to come. 
The first droplet of drizzle landed on his cheek, making him flinch. Yet he remained, unmoving as the lake nearby. 
It didn’t take long until it was pouring. His clothes clung to his skin, the ivory linen uncomfortably cold and wet. He knew it was already ruined, stained by the mud and remnants of dried leaves. He would never have the heart to look at it again, knowing what it looked like before. It looked so perfect, almost unreal. 
The clouds cried and cried, cried as though it were tears of grief. Cried as though they were the ones about to lose everything.
When the first blaze of lightning slashed through the sky, Draco could no longer hold his agony. 
And so he cried. Cried and cried until his mouth was dry and his throat hurt. Cried until his eyes burnt like wildfire, a river of tears flowing yet never eliminating the sting. 
Draco almost missed the sound of leather boots sinking on muddy soil. The storm had started to calmed a bit, but his sobs have only gotten stronger. 
He could feel someone beside him–a familiar warmth and the distinct scent of spices and lilies. 
Draco quieted down, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“S’okay.” Harry mumbled softly. Too soft that it almost made Draco weep again. “It’s just me.” 
Draco wanted to say it wasn’t ‘just’ Harry. It was never ‘just’ Harry. It was his home– all that was left of it. 
A hand–too cold for Draco’s comfort, but he didn’t mind–laid on top of his, rubbing the water that has settled on surface of his skin. 
That was when Draco broke down again. 
Almost no sound had left his mouth, only dry heaves as he frantically apologised. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know I’m not perfect and–” 
“S’okay.” Harry kept repeating, as though it was the truth. “It’s just a ceremony.” 
But it wasn’t just a ceremony. It was supposed to be their wedding. They had it all planned for more than half a year–from the date and venue down to the flowers scattered along the secret garden. 
Draco waited all his life to marry Harry. But as he stood at the end of the altar–looking back at Harry’s handsome face–Draco knew he deserved none of it. 
And so he turned his back before he could fully watch Harry’s fallen expression, running away from everything he has ever dreamt of. Running away from the life he desperately wanted to hold at the palm of his hands. 
“I’m sorry.” Draco kept repeating. Despite his honesty, the words felt like lies spilling from his lips. He hated himself the most. He hated himself for hurting Harry. 
“S’okay.” Harry echoed. “We shouldn’t have rushed into it. I’m sorry.” 
Draco opened his eyes, squinting at the sudden burn from all the crying. He was met by the sight of Harry, handsomely dishevelled. His clothes just as ruined as Draco’s. 
The truth was, they weren’t rushing into it at all. They had been together for four years until they decided– thought– to get married. It was Draco’s idea, because Harry kept telling him of his dreams to be married and start a family he so longed for. Draco didn’t want to keep him away from that. All he ever wanted was for Harry to be happy, and now he was ruined. They both were. And it was all Draco’s fault. 
“It’s not your fault.” 
It was as though Harry had read Draco’s mind–he probably did. 
“You don’t have to pretend it isn’t,” Draco says, his voice hoarse. He couldn’t look directly at Harry’s eyes. He was afraid of what he might see–afraid of hurting Harry even more. 
Harry takes a shaky breath. “We don’t have to get married.” 
“Marriage is just an economical proposition or some shit people made up to get miserable people to stay together.” 
Draco looked at Harry. “We are miserable.” 
“No, we aren’t.” Harry denied, even though they both knew Draco was right. 
They fell silent for a while. The rain finally stopped, light slowly replacing the darkness of the sky. 
“We don’t have to get married now,” Harry says. Draco could tell he was hurting, and all he wanted to do was to take Harry’s pain away and give it to himself. He would take Harry’s pain even if they were sharp knives; even if they were the worse of curses; even if it were the kiss of death. But Draco knew couldn’t, not when he was the one causing Harry pain. 
“But it’s your dream,” Draco replies softly, full of regret. 
“You are my dream, Draco.” Harry’s bottom lip quivered, as though he was just as frustrated as Draco was to himself. “And if you aren’t ready for marriage now, we can do it later. When we’re both a little bit older and wiser…” He trailed off. “Hell, we could never do it even.” 
“Marriage means nothing if it’s not with you.” Harry reached out, cupping Draco’s face with his hands. “And I can wait, I promise. For as long as you want– need– even if it takes me a hundred lifetimes.” 
“And what if I’m never ready?” Draco asked. He thought he’d never been more afraid of saying something until this moment. “What if I’m not fit for marriage?” 
“You are not obliged to marry me,” Harry said, firm as though he had been so sure of his decision all his life. “I mean it when I say we could never get married and I’d still love you.” 
Warmth blossomed within Draco. He loved Harry too, he always will. 
“Whether you’ll ever be ready or not, I still love you.” Harry whispers, as though he was keeping a secret. “And if the time comes, I’ll be here waiting. I’m a patient man, Draco. I would wait longer than forever for you.” 
Draco laughed wetly, pressing a kiss against Harry’s lips just to keep him from promising things Draco didn’t deserve. He kissed Harry harder and pulled him closer, even though he didn’t deserve it. To him, Harry would always be too good to be true, too good to be his. 
He knew he didn’t deserve a lot of things, but Harry deserved everything . Harry deserved to be held, through his worse and better days. He deserved to wake up in a soft bed, his body wrapped in warm blankets, pressed against the one he loves. He deserved a cup of freshly brewed coffee against his lips every morning; his fingertips stained with pigment as he painted the most beautiful scenery there was to exist. 
Harry deserved to be loved . And so Draco loved him– loves– and will love him for as long as he lived, for as long as he could, for far longer than the end of time. 
Draco wasn’t certain about many things, but he was certain that he’d love Harry, even after the last of his breath, even after the last of the stars have finally dimmed their light. Even if he’ll never be ready.
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thomasbrodiesandwich · 10 months
hello tumblr!
anybody in the mood for some ~drarry angst~ in this fine day? i mean don't we all need a bit of HurtTM from our ship from time to time??? (pls say yes)
i present you... my drarry oneshot fic inspired by fleabag the series :D
me, a genius, choosing a title for this fanfic:
Tumblr media
Title: This is (not) a Love Story
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (Drarry)
Words: 1,386
Additional Tags: Infidelity, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Inspired by Fleabag (TV), Fleabag (TV) References, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Harry Potter-centric
Summary: He was alone. And that was a fact, and a fact that will never change.
Until Harry met blue-grey eyes like storm clouds and white-blond hair that glows under the sun, with pointy nose and pointy chin and pointy cheekbones. Pale skin and little freckles under his eyes and on his forehead. Long eyelashes that rest on his cheek beautifully when he laughs from his belly, eyes closing, nose wrinkling, laugh lines visible, and tense jaw relaxed. Draco Malfoy, all grown-up. It gave Harry hope.
And it ruined him, too.
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