#december microfics
regulus-books · 7 months
Glimpse - 190 Words - @jegulus-microfic
Regulus walks into his apartment, it's nearly 22:00 and he just wants to sleep the day away. He throws his keys onto the counter and walks to his room, lazily flopping down face first into his pillow. He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep, but he just can't.
Not until a strong hand works its way all over his back, pushing on the knots slowly working them out with their strong fingers. "Long day?" James asks, his voice honey like in Regulus' sleepy state.
"Hm." Regulus hums back, James' hands moving towards his shoulders and neck.
"Let me get a glimpse of that gorgeous face, lovely," Regulus tilts his head to show James his tired eyes and grown out, tossled hair. James smiles and leans down to peck his lips softly. "Beautiful. Let's get you out of this stiff clothing now." James helps Regulus sit up, then pulls off his black blazer, which is covering a green tie and white button up shirt which James also strips off of him.
James lets him lay back down, kissing his neck gently and letting him drift off to sleep.
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drarrywords · 2 years
The Burrow
(I might've broken some of you w the angst in the last few microfics so here is some fluff!! thank youu so much for the love so far! y'all keep me going 😭)
Draco kept his distance from him tonight.
It bothered him. It left a hole in his heart. It left him desperate for Draco being beside him. But he didn't have a reason why, "He is in love with you, you know?"
"He is," Teddy said from beside him, building the Star Wars lego set with Rose and Hugo, "Because he said he has butterflies when he is with you and butterflies is love."
"You're eight," Harry brushed a kiss to his head, "and even if you have butterflies, it's not a sign of love."
"What is a sign of love?" Rose spoke but she soon became distracted with that miniature stormtrooper in her hand, "What if I gift you this? Would it be a sign of love? Because I love you most."
It elicited a soft laugh out of Harry while Rose held it out to him, "I love you, too, Rose. I love you even if you don't gift me your stormtrooper."
"Rose, you're young, you haven't even seen 'love love'."
"We can't see love love if we're young?" Rose said and turned towards Harry, "Wait, how can you even see love? Is there a sign? A colour?"
"No colour, no butterflies and no signs," Harry spoke softly, a breath caught in the back of his throat and his eyes began to search for Draco in the room, "being in love is more than that."
"Is it more than that with Draco, Harry?"
Harry rested his head on the wall behind him, "Yes, it's more than that with Draco. When has it not been?"
"What if he has butterflies because he is nervous to confess that he is in love love?" Teddy said.
"Oh, you should win the certificate for being such a master on the subject of love even when you're eight."
"I'll be sure to thank you and Draco in my speech, don't worry."
"But he will have to do the c word you said for that."
"It's confess, Rose."
She struck her tongue out, "I'm four, I'm smarter and better at words than you were when you were four."
"Harry, is she smarter than I am?"
Harry buried his head in his hands. He wasn't the best when he had to handle this. Not his strongest suit but it was Draco's. He could do this better than him, "Draco!"
"You wish that you were smarter than I am."
He didn't want to believe that Draco was in love with him. Or that he had butterflies when he is with Harry. But he had hope, "Draco!"
"You're four!"
Draco slid in beside him on the floor, brushing their shoulder together, "Hey, my troubles. Decided to trouble our beloved Harry tonight, have you?"
Our beloved.
"Draco, is Rose smarter than I am?"
"You're both smart, but there is a bit of difference," He said in a soft voice, "I'll elaborate. Harry and I, for instance. Harry is more street smart. He has the best strategies. I'm more smart in the technical side. None of us are smarter than the other. We're equals. But we work the best together. We're stronger together than by ourself. Isn't that what you both would be, too? Smarter and the best together?"
Harry buried his head in Draco's shoulder, "Thank you."
Draco ran his hand through his hair and the rest of the sounds in the house became distant to him, "Whatever would you do without me, Harry?"
"Not much, I dread being without you."
"You're not the worst with them, you handle it well."
"But we're the best together, no?"
Before he could've said more, Rose spoke up, "Draco, why do you have butterflies when you're with Harry? Is it because you're in love love with him?"
Draco's shoulders tensed, "Who said that?"
Harry traced his knuckles over Draco's cheeks. He didn't want to lose hope. He wanted to have more than butterflies with Draco, "You said it. None of them are the best with secrets, learn your lesson."
"Yeah, lesson learnt."
"I'm in love love with you, too."
Draco held a hand up, "I'm sorry, I love love you, too but I'm lost here. What is love love? Why isn't it one love?"
"It's love but with more emphasis!"
Harry brought Draco's hand back down and slid a paper ring onto his finger, "Thank you, both of you but why don't you build your lego sets and leave us both for a bit?"
"I've saved all your paper rings, you know?"
"All of them?"
Draco nodded, "I've saved them since the butterfly ring - the one you gave to me in the burrow - and all of them after that."
"You'll have to save more of them from now on."
"I don't mind, I'd save a million paper rings if those are yours."
"Even the butterfly ones?"
"Oh, especially the butterfly ones."
@phoebe-delia ​ @cluelesspigeons ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ ​@missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @inflation-of-mind @slytherinnbitch @loves-to-read-fanfic @sorry-i-ship-drarry @just-like-that-butmakeitgay
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hellfireloserclub · 6 months
for @steddiemicrofic's prompt "pine"
Forest fire
508/M/content warning drug use. 
“Dude, you're pining so much it's like staring at a forest.” Eddie turned his attention to the joint he was rolling, trying his hardest not to get distracted by his own hopeless one sided attraction. 
Steve lolled his head, snaking his mop of hair into the side of Eddie's neck, tickling at the spot right under his chin. 
“I don't get it?” he blinked up at Eddie, eyes hazy with the last round of weed.
“It's a pun. Pine tree, forest, your pining. Obviously moping over some unrequited love. Did Wheeler turn you down again?” Talk about self sabotage. Eddie wouldn't ever have Steve. He knew that,  but he wanted him to be happy. So he would support him in his romantic endeavours. Cheer him along every step of the way.  Even if it did feel like throwing himself on his own sword. 
“What are you on about Eds?” 
“You've been distant all night, practically tripping over that bottom lip of yours.” 
Steve shuffled his head deeper into his shoulder, it wasn't snuggling.
Eddie had to keep telling himself that.
It was just cold, and Steve didn’t like to smoke joints in the house. The pool house, however, was very much in limits. It had become a regular thing for them both to curl up in the wicker chair and share space, air, breath…
Bad Eddie no, stop it. 
Steve just craved touch when he was stoned, that was all. 
He always seeks you out though. The traitorous part of his mind provided. It didn't help that Steve's breath was ghosting his cheek now as Steve tried to read his expression and understand his words.
The lip reading was also high on the list of things that were out to kill him. 
Steve staring at his lips was sending all the wrong messages to his fragile brain. And Steve would stare all the time even when he was wearing the government issue hearing aids. 
“I don't know why you keep bringing her up?” Steve whispered, eyes narrowing as Eddie lifted the joint to his own lips, lighting it and taking a hit. Without thinking he lowered the blunt to Steve to take a drag. He expected Steve to take it from his hand, but the younger man lent in taking a draw straight from Eddie's fingers, never once breaking eye contact, blowing the smoke back into Eddie's face on the exhale. 
Fuck that was hot. 
Eddie's brain really needed to fuck off. 
“I know. That's why I did it.” Steve was staring straight at him when the smoke cleared, a mischievous grin on his face. 
Brain to mouth filter? Not on Eddie's watch. Apparently.
He quickly pulled another hit trying to hide his flush, but Steve was watching every move. 
“You should try that move on Nance.” Eddie coughed out. 
Steve reached out gently, pulling them together until Eddie could feel Steve's lips ghosting his own.
“I tried it on you.” Steve rolled his eyes. “But apparently you can't see the wood for the pine trees.” 
Oh… oh.. 
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt - Game
@jegulus-microfic December 15 Word count 130
It had all been a game, and Regulus had won, or had he lost. He wasn’t sure. It had been a dare. 
“I dare you to snog James Potter.” Barty had said wickedly, thinking that Regulus, would rather parade naked through the castle's corridors than go anywhere near the boy his brother had replaced him with.
And that’s how he’d ended up in an empty classroom, pushed against the wall by the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team being passionately kissed.
It had been a week since he’d first snogged Potter and won Barty’s dare. But he was definitely losing this new game between him and James. It would help if he knew what the rules were but he was going to play it as long as he could anyway.   
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kiwi2229 · 7 months
Pair of gloves
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 683 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Snow
Regulus closes the book and sights at the sound of his phone ringing. He picks up the phone and hesitates at the name James Potter on the display. James for some reason Regulus was still suspicious about started to spend time with him. He calls him just to talk or texts him random thoughts over the day. Regulus is not sure why. Don’t get him wrong, he likes the boy and the attention he is receiving. He just doesn’t understand why James even bothers with him.
“Yes?” Regulus says as he picks up the call.
“Well hello to you too, Reg,” James answers and Regulus can hear the amusement in his voice. “Are you home?”
Regulus narrows his eyes before answering. “Why?”
James laughs. “That means yes, great! I will pick you up in 10 minutes meet me downstairs.”
Regulus throws up his free hand in the air. Where the good manners of announcing your visit a few days beforehand went. He looks outside and yes, it’s still snowing. The white blanket lies heavily on the ground. “No. It’s cold.”
“So dressed up. Don’t forget your scarf, I know you have one. And gloves, Reg.”
“I’m not going outside, James.”
“You have 8 minutes.” James singsongs and Regulus can hear how the snow crunches under his shoes.
“I’m gonna leave you there standing.” Regulus resorts knowing already that it’s an empty threat. James apparently knows it too.
“Don’t forget the gloves. See ya.” And hangs the phone. Regulus stares at the phone and then looks outside and back at the phone. Unbelievable. He thinks and gets up intentionally omitting the gloves just out of pure spite.
Fifteen minutes later Regulus opens the door to see James waiting for him. He is dressed in a warm jacket and a red scarf around his neck. He is not wearing a hat, so the white snowflakes catch in his dark curls decorating it. Regulus refuses to acknowledge how cute it is. “James.” He greats.
“Reggie, how are you today?” Regulus can see the excitement shining from the boy.
“Cold. Why are we outside, when it’s snowing?” Regulus asks still hidden under the tiny roof over the door. James looks at him as if Regulus have just asked the most stupid question.
“Because it’s snowing? It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Come one, let’s go.” James says and takes a few steps back carefully watching if Regulus follows. When he isn’t he stops again smiling widely like he is enjoying this game too much for Regulus’ liking.
“Where are we going?” Regulus asks. He already made his way downstairs so he will be going, but he would appreciate knowing the plan, thank you very much.
“We are building a snowman!”
“We are not children anymore.” James takes a few steps back standing right in front of him.
“Oh, Reggie. And who said you have to be a child for us to build a snowman? I love it. And Sirius told me you never did it much as children because of your parents, so we are making up for it! Will you please do me the greatest honour and stop stalling?”
Regulus tries very much not to blush at the intensity James is giving him puppy eyes. He is a weak man and scoffs at the fact his legs move against his wishes. He briefly wonders what James would have to ask for Regulus to truly say no. He looks down at his bare hands and regrets not bringing the gloves. He starts to open his mouth to suggest he will just stand there and watch while James builds his desired snowman when James laughs.
“Oh, don’t even try that. I’m having no excuses today.” He buries his arm into his bag and hands Regulus another pair of gloves. “I brought spare ones because I know you are stubborn.” James leans closer, his shoulders bumping against each other and mock whispers. “I have you figured out, Reggie. There is no escaping now, you’re mine.” Regulus fastens his steps in an effort to hide how his breath hitch up at that.
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fuctacles · 6 months
The best date that never happened
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for @steddiemicrofic's prompt "pine". This is part 4 of the accidental AU i only write for random challenges now apparently.
508 | G | no cw | they say the b word!!!
1 / 2 / 3
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Steve was moping. He’s been planning another round of holiday preparations with Eddie, but he ditched him at the last minute, claiming something important has come up. What could be more important than picking up a Christmas tree?
And maybe a cup of hot chocolate while they maybe walk around the stores brainstorming gifts for little shitheads, too.
Okay, yes, he was hoping to turn it into an impromptu date, sue him.
He had this perfect sneaky date day fully formed in his head for a week and now he had to go alone. While he wasn’t angry at Eddie, the bitter feeling wouldn’t leave him. Even the new Wham! couldn’t compare to Eddie's chatter if he was walking alongside him. He would comment on how creepy the nutcrackers on the display were, and how the hot chocolate could use more marshmallows. 
He passes dads with measuring tape and kids whipping each other with abandoned twigs. Everyone is looking for the perfect tree in their own way. 
Except for him. His perfect way would include Eddie. Or Robin, at least. But he wasn’t ready for her opinions right now. 
Over the Christmas chatter, a familiar voice broke out. He whipped his head around to look for the under-conditioned, beloved mop of hair, but all he could see was a Santa hat. Confused, he looked further, but the person in the hat started waving. With no more prompting needed, he jogged over.
The boy’s cocky smile turned into a startled laugh when Steve ran into him and hugged him tightly, lifting him off the ground.
“Did you ditch me to play dress-up?” he asks incredulously after they part, pulling on the white pompom of his hat.
“Yeah, Jeff’s family needed an extra pair of hands at the last minute. I’m sorry for canceling our plans, but…” He perks up immediately, mischief in his eyes, as he pulls Steve deeper into the green maze. “I was told I could pick one tree for myself, but we both know there’s no space in the trailer for this, so I thought, what better way to abuse my newfound power to save a tree for my boy- My- My boy,” he settles on after a moment of stuttering. He squeezes self-consciously on Steve's hand but doesn’t let go. 
They stopped at the back of the fenced-off area, in front of a gorgeous pine tree. Its branches are full and even and the perfect height for Steve's living room. He’s not looking at it.
“Your boy?” he asks teasingly. 
“You are a boy,” Eddie counters. 
“I'd argue that I'm a man, but nobody says ‘manfriend’, do they?”
Eddie is red in the face, and so is Steve, with what he’s about to say.
“So… Boyfriends?”
Their hands are still clasped together, but Eddie smiles down at the ground, kicking stray pebbles.
“Yeah. Do you like it?”
He’s not sure if he’s asking about the tree or the new status of their relationship, but the answer is the same anyway.
“I really do.” 
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the prompt ‘choir’ from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 88
Drarry microfic: mother’s idea
“Oh Merlin,” Harry wheezed between laughter, “you can’t be serious.”
Draco rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “I’m dead serious, Potter. It was my mother’s idea.”
Harry leaned closer to the picture, squinting at a very young Draco standing between many other children, his mouth moving in time with the music they couldn’t hear. “I can’t believe you actually sang in a choir. That’s so adorable.”
With an exasperated sigh, Draco took the photo back from Harry’s hands, ignoring the blush that was slowly creeping up his cheeks.
Prompt from December 23rd
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hinnymicrofic · 7 months
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Heyyy y'all! So happy and excited to share December month's prompts. 🤩 Can't believe that it's the end of the year yet!! 🥹
Thank you, guys, for all the love, support and positivity that you continue to pour into our little Hinny community. 💖
1. Light
2. Snowman
3. Miss
4. State
5. Drink
6. Eyes
7. Road
8. Randezvous
9. Cloud
10. Next
11. Dad
12. Melody
13. Ex
14. Mine
15. Share
16. Save
17. Day
18. Turn
19. Asleep
20. Trip
21. Mint
22. Gift
23. Bird
24. Cake
25. Christmas
26. Same
27. Hoody
28. Rose
29. Sunlight
30. Enough
31. Year
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skepsiss · 6 months
Before the Fire - Steddie Microfic
Getting my microfic in right under the wire...! @steddiemicrofic This month's prompt was pine, and I decided to do something a little "pre-steddie" inspired. Aka, they're not together-together yet, so not only is the practical word "pine" used here, but Eddie is also pining.
Page break/border by @/alderdoodle.bsky.social on Bluesky.
Length: 508 | Rating: G | CW: Suggested danger for a younger party member
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"Watch this," Eddie said quietly, his tone almost conspiratorial as he waggled a pine cone at Steve and then wedged it into the fire pit. 
Steve looked exhausted as he wiped his hand over his face and watched. It didn't look like he had the patience for this right now, but he was entertaining Eddie anyway.
Eddie flicked his lighter on and had to try a couple of times before the pine cone started to burn in a brilliant green flame.
"Where'd you learn that?" Steve asked as Eddie sat down beside him.
"You don't run a five-year campaign and not learn a couple useful things."
"DnD? Really?" Steve asked rhetorically, sounding exasperated. 
Silence drew out between them as Steve watched the fire and Eddie watched Steve. It was chilly tonight and they both seen better days as Eddie took in the layer of grime on Steve's clothes and his hands. 
"We'll find him," Eddie said quietly, tentatively reaching out and squeezing Steve's knee. 
Steve just nodded and Eddie frowned before dropping his hand and staring at the fire as well. Steve was more than a little crestfallen; Eddie understood why, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try and cheer Steve up a bit.
"You ever camp as a kid?" Eddie asked out of nowhere. He folded onto his thighs, and he put his hands out toward the fire to warm them.
"No…" Steve answered unenthusiastically.
"Me neither. Unless you count sleeping out of a car with your old man." 
Eddie felt Steve glance at him, and he tried not to bristle; he had shared for a reason, and he hoped his sob-story was enough to distract Steve for the moment.
"It wasn't like he taught me any survival shit… well, he taught me that you can keep from getting hypothermia if you light a tea candle and put it on your car dash while you sleep."
"Is that true?" Steve asked, sounding vaguely interested.
"I don't fucking know," Eddie laughed, lulling his head and smiling at Steve. "I'm still alive, despite everything." 
Steve huffed a small laugh at that; Eddie was glad his dark humour had cheered Steve up.
"He's just a kid… he shouldn't be by himself," Steve said after a beat.
Eddie pursed his lips and looked back at the fire, feeling his own gut twist with worry.
"You were the same age… when all this started, weren't you?" He asked, trying not to sound accusatory. 
Steve's silence answered his question, and Eddie sat back up, not wanting to shame him.
"He's durable… had some great examples to follow. If I can survive this shit, I'm sure he's okay," Eddie encouraged, not certain if he believed it himself. 
"Yeah…" Steve answered back quietly. 
Eddie stilled as he felt Steve tip his head onto his shoulder, his hair brushing his cheek. He didn't say anything, but Eddie felt a warmth rush through his body at the contact. Steve was seeking out comfort and Eddie attempted to breathe even so he didn't break the spell.
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regulus-books · 7 months
Belief - 187 Words - @jegulus-microfic:
When James and Regulus make their way into their flat, they are met with small giggles and Sirius' exhilarated voice. James smiles and guides Regulus into the room, with a simple hand on the back.
"Papa!" Harry exclaims, standing from his spot on the floor, his chubby legs taking him to his fathers.
"Bonjour, mon amour! How was your day?" Regulus strokes back Harry's hair as he picks the small child up to rest on his hip.
"Uncle Pads told me all about Santa Claus!"
"Is that so?" Harry nods excitedly as James walks towards his uncles.
"Was he good?"
"Very good. Although you might have to buy him a few more presents this year, Pads made sure to convince him that Santa will buy him many more presents than the other boys because of how kind he was this year. I could tell him Santa isn't real, if you'd prefer that." Remus says, taking a sip of his wine as Sirius whips his head towards his husband.
"You murder his belief, I murder you."
"Sorry, love. Didn't mean it." Remus kisses Sirius' cheek, and James snickers.
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drarrywords · 2 years
"You said you wouldn't have to leave."
The words were a stab of blade through him. Intense and raw. The sadness, the hopelessness and the desperation in it broke his heart, "Draco, I'm sorry but I have to."
Draco's eyes had become red rimmed and swollen, "We won't be together for Christmas if you leave."
"Draco," Harry spoke softly, a hand on his cheek. He traces his thumb over Draco's cheekbone. Over the tears that slide down his cheeks, "I want to be with you, I do. But the car's outside."
"Harry, I've spent the last four December's without you," He said, "But if you even step towards that car, we're done. No more excuses, no more chances. We're done."
Harry stepped backwards, a knot forming in his throat, "What?"
"Your work matters more, saving the world matters more, sacrificing your life for your work matters more," He brushes off his tears with the back of his hand, "I don't matter. We don't matter to you."
"You do matter," His voice had begun to rise with those words but it turned into a soft whisper because of Draco. He was softer with Draco, "you matter the most."
"So don't step into that car," Draco buried his hands into the fabric of his robes, "you don't have to be the hero if you don't want to be."
But that was what he was.
A hero.
The saviour.
But what good is being the hero when you lose what you love?
The car was outside but he didn't want to be the hero. He would sell his soul to spend December with Draco. He would sell his soul to not lose him, "I don't want to lose you."
"So stay, please."
But heroes can't do that.
Heroes lose, too.
Harry will lose this time, too.
He bushed a kiss over Draco's forehead. The car was outside. He had to leave, "I'll be back home to you soon."
No more chances, no more excuses.
By the time he's back home, it'll become a home that he lost. A home that doesn't exist.
@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ ​@missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @inflation-of-mind @slytherinnbitch @loves-to-read-fanfic @sorry-i-ship-drarry @just-like-that-butmakeitgay
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up-to-some-good · 2 years
Written for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt - December 7th: Bang Bang
Early December 1981
In previous years, a series of loud bangs emitting from the door would have Remus drawing his wand and blasting his way into the apartment. With the war behind them, however, the noises only made Remus hang his head and sigh, wondering if he shouldn’t just go to Godric’s Hollow and have a peaceful tea with Lily. It had been a tough day, though, and the only person he really wanted to see was Sirius, so he braced himself and walked into the apartment.
Fortunately, nothing was on fire or obviously wrong. The scent of garlic and rosemary was drifting from the kitchen, accompanying the crashing noise and the now-audible noise of Sirius cursing at whatever he was doing.
Remus had to pause for a moment at the kitchen doorway when he caught sight of his boyfriend. Sirius was standing in his socks on top of the counter, reaching for the biggest pot they owned. His hair was tied back haphazardly with his wand, and he was wearing Hope’s bright purple floral apron over his usual ripped jeans and band t-shirt. The source of noise was apparent immediately, as various pots which had previously been in front of the one Sirius wanted were scattered on the floor, having been discarded during his search.
Sirius started as Remus cleared his throat and smiled up at him from the doorway. Recovering quickly, he grabbed the pot and jumped off the counter, setting it down before pulling Remus into a hug.
“Welcome home, love. How was your day?”
“Bad,” Remus answered quickly as Sirius moved away to check something in the oven. “What are you doing?”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No, not even a little,” Remus laughed. “I would like to talk about what you’re doing and why there are pots all over the floor when you could have used magic to get the one you needed.”
Sirius blushed as the other man gestured to the chaos that had befallen their kitchen. He quickly pulled his wand from his hair and sent the pots back to their rightful place.
“I’m cooking,” Sirius answered quietly. “You know I like to do things by hand, so I just kind of forgot to use magic for the pot.”
Still blushing, he quickly turned back to the stove and started adding what seemed like copious amounts of vegetables to the pot with some water and salt. Remus took a step forward to wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s waist from behind.
“Is there a reason that you, a man who just yesterday asked me if you really need water to cook pasta, are cooking enough food to feed the entire Order?”
Sirius turned around and buried his head in Remus’s chest, mumbling something inaudible.
“Can you repeat that, Pads? I couldn’t quite hear you,” he chuckled.
“I’m practising for Christmas!” Sirius burst out, lifting his head enough to make the words audible, while still resting his forehead against Remus’s collarbone to avoid eye contact.
“Pads, why on earth do you need to practise for Christmas? Lily always cooks for everyone, and she’ll be delighted to have guests now that she’s allowed to.”
 Instead of explaining, Sirius pulled away and walked briskly to the living room. He returned before Remus could follow and held out a piece of parchment to his partner.
“I’m not supposed to tell you,” he said. “They were going to do it over drinks tonight, but Lily should know better than to ask me to keep a secret.”
Confused, Remus opened the letter.
Dear Sirius
I have a big favour to ask you, but you’ll need a bit of backstory first, so I hope you don’t mind the slightly long letter.
I haven’t been feeling well for the past few days, just endlessly nauseous and exhausted, so James suggested we go to Poppy for help. She had a suggestion for us, and it turns out that she was right.
I’m pregnant, about one month along!
Harry is over the moon that he’s going to be a big brother, and James is already picking out paint for the nursery, but I have a slightly more urgent concern: Christmas. With how sick I’ve been feeling, I won’t be able to cook the meal this year. Just the thought of the smell of all that rich food makes me feel ill. Do you think you could do it instead?
You can use our kitchen, of course, and any of my recipes that you may need, but I know you have Effie’s recipes too, and I think James would be so pleased to have some of his mother’s cooking.
Let me know?
I do also have a second ask: please don’t tell Remus yet! We’ll see you both for drinks tonight, but we’d like to tell him ourselves and ask him to be the godfather.
All my love,
Remus eyes were stinging by the end of it. He looked up to see Sirius smiling gently at him.
“This is real?” he asked. “They’re having another baby?”
Sirius nodded.
“And they want me to be the godfather?”
“Of course they do, Moons.”
Remus pulled Sirius into his arms, picking him up and spinning him around, both of them laughing and crying.
“What can I do to help? Can I peel potatoes? Carrots? What do you need?”
Sirius tilted Remus’s head down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before answering.
“Do me a favour?”
Remus nodded quickly.
“Just act surprised.”
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star-named-riddle · 7 months
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Our lovely prompts for the upcoming month
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt - Cruel
@jegulus-microfic December 27 Word count 252
Regulus had always had a sharp tongue. James was used to it all the Marauders were. It rolled off them like water. But this. This was beyond anything he’d ever done. It was downright cruel of him.
“You don’t mean that, do you?” James’s voice was hoarse. Regulus narrowed his eyes. 
“I meant every single word of it, James.”
“Nope, you’re just annoyed with me, so you’re saying the cruelest things you can think of to try and hurt me. But I don’t believe you.” James told him, only mostly certain he was correct. 
“Believe me when I tell you again that Remus Lupin looks better on a broom than you do.”
“But he can’t even fly, Regulus.” James was visibly upset. Regulus decided to take another bite. 
“He is also the most attractive out of all of you. Smarter and has better hair.” That last jab was for his brother, who hadn’t actually done anything this time, but Regulus was having fun.
He held out his hand towards Remus, who immediately dropped his book and placed his hand into Regulus’s waiting one. Bringing them to his lips and placing a delicate kiss on Regulus’s knuckles. 
With a victorious smirk, Regulus spun around and pulled Remus with him. 
“Well, I know what I did to piss Reg off. But what did you do to Remus?” James questioned, still a little stunned.
“Oh, nothing. Remus just enjoys Reggie’s drama.” Sirius sighed fondly, watching his boyfriend and little brother walk away hand in hand. 
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drarrymicrofic · 6 months
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Happy No Interruptions Day 🙅🏻‍♂️!
The final prompt of 2023 (!!!!) was sent in by @joonkorre! We hope you are all Satiated!!
Happy Writing, and Happy New Year! The Microfic Mods 📜✨
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 2 years
Want to decorate Christmas tree together?
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Word 6: waffles
This idea came from the most random conversation so here we are.
As soon as the bell rang, Draco hurriedly answered the door although he was pretty sure it was too early for anything and he didn't have anything to be delivered at the place but he went anyway.
He opened the door to a man holding a sheet of paper, "Yes?"
"Delivery for Draco Malfoy?"
"That's me but I didn't order anything." Draco frowned.
"It's a parcel." The man said and handed Draco the sheet of paper to sign it.
"What is it?" Draco asked as he stepped more outside the door to notice almost a 5 feet tall Christmas tree standing erect.
"Do you know who might've sent it?" Draco asked but the man shook his head.
Draco signed the paper and the man's co-workers took the tree inside and placed it where Draco asked them to.
"This came with it." One of the co-worker said as he handed him a small piece of card.
As all of them left, Draco finally opened the small card and immediately recognised the handwriting and smiled.
He took out his phone from his pocket and dialled the number.
"Morning." Draco immediately greeted as he picked up the call on the other end.
"You sound too chirpy for me in the morning." Harry said but Draco could still recognise the smile behind the call.
"It's 9 am, why are you still sleeping?" Draco asked as he looked at the tree endearingly.
"Because it's a Saturday, Draco. But I'm up now." Harry said as Draco heard some shuffling on the other end.
"I got your parcel today. When were you planning on telling me that you bought me a 5 feet tall Christmas tree?" Draco asked.
Harry sighed on the other end, "You said you didn't have time to buy the Christmas tree with everything going around and how the shops are too far away. I just wanted you to be able to decorate the tree on Christmas and since we can't be together, it's hard enough."
"Yes but it's only one Christmas. I could've bought a small one for me."
“Yes but I bought it for you now.” Harry said. 
Draco smiled, “You’re a menace, Harry Potter.” 
“Yes, I know but now tell me do you want to decorate it together?” Harry asked.
“We’re in different places, Harry. How are we ever supposed to do it together?” Draco asked confused. 
“We have internet, Draco, we can always do video call.” 
“You know I suck at muggle technology.” Draco remarked. 
“Well, we can do a call and stay on it while we decorate it together and then send each other pictures.” Harry suggested. 
Draco thought about it for a moment, it didn’t actually make sense to do it together, the process of decorating it while on the call seemed like a time consuming idea even. 
“What would we get out of decorating it together?” Draco frowned.
“That we get to decorate it together? Come on, do you want to or not?” Harry asked. 
Draco was still confused but then there was something in Harry’s offer that made him want to do it together, so he agreed. 
They both agreed to call in the evening after they had done all their work, chores and when nobody would disturb them so they would just be with each other. So, when the evening came they did just that, they started decorating the tree together on a call with wired earphones plugged in to their phones. 
Draco had thought it would be almost odd but they slipped briskly into conversations. Harry kept asking random questions like if the cat ornament would look better next to the dog ornament or licorice ornament which made Draco wonder what the hell Harry was doing but at the same time it was all very amusing. He told Harry about his family traditions and how they used to celebrate christmas together and about how every year he would bake cake with his mum as a Christmas ritual but can't this year because his parents' are arriving late this year while Harry told him about his Christmases especially the ones he spent at the burrow. They also got around talking about how things are going and somehow some old school talks and they both realised how funny it was when Draco used to try to get Harry’s attention. They laughed off most of the call but it was just a beautiful bubble moment Draco never wanted to get out of. Towards the end of decorating, Harry started complaining about how Marco, his dog was eating the Christmas balls which had Draco laughing all the more and then making fun of Marco. 
When it was finally done, Draco clicked the picture of his Christmas tree and sent it to Harry and Harry in return sent two pictures, one of his Christmas tree and the other one of Marco chewing off the Christmas ball which made him smile. 
Draco was looking at both the Christmas trees and then he realised, 
“I’ve never decorated a Christmas tree with anyone before.” 
“Really? What about your Mum and Dad at the Manor?” 
“Nope. They were mostly busy with Christmas invites or holding a Christmas ball and I didn’t even use to decorate the main hall tree even, just the small one in my bedroom hallway.” 
“Well.. now you’ve decorated it with someone, how does it feel?”
Draco thought about it for a moment, then looked at his tree and finally said it, 
“Like I want to celebrate the rest of them with you,”  
There was a pause after that. Harry didn’t say anything so Draco went on, 
“I didn’t think about it before but I want to and I know we haven’t been dating all that long but you know the moment when you just know-”
“Draco, I love you.” 
There was a pause again and Draco continued again,
“I-I never knew I wanted to decorate it with you. I didn’t even know it was a romantic gesture till now but Harry- nobody would ever do this for me, send me a Christmas tree, ask me to decorate it with him- I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you, too, Harry. Merlin, it feels so good to finally say it out loud.” Draco and Harry both chuckled at their ends. 
“I want to decorate all of my mine with you too, Draco.” Harry finally said and Draco smiled. 
“Do you want to bake cake together as well?” Harry asked after a while.
Draco grinned on his side, "Absolutely. Tomorrow at 5?"
In that moment, he realised he's found it, he's found the one man he had been looking his whole life for and he’s never finding anyone better. Ever. He didn't need to find anymore, it was him. It was Harry. All along.
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike @elenaxoxo22 ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic
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