#Dryden Fassa
mirimiramiri · 3 months
Escaflowne Color Wheel Challenge
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This was fun!
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I had my doubts, especially with the poses and that it would turn out to be too boring.
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But I think each character got something fun to do and isn’t restricted to its color area.
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Folken is really hard to draw. Hitomi looks like a leprechaun 🍀
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Allen is suspicious… and also Folkens vampire coat is blocking the view.
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A first version.
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Hitomi as a little green alien… I mean, she kind of is…
Thanks to @eireanness and Julia for inspiration and motivation, as always!
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visarcana · 4 months
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Vis Arcana
Chapter 9
A Tenkuu no Escaflowne fanfiction by Rinjou
“Fine!” Dryden announced jovially, even if he was getting just as angry as his father. Meiden talked to him like he was a foolish child, and he had always, always despised that. He picked up the envelope, sticking it into his robe’s pocket. “I don’t need your heirloom, father. We can have a purely business relationship. I just hope you will let me at least see my siblings from time to time.”
Meiden looked at him as if he didn’t recognize him anymore. That disappointment hurt, no matter what he said. It was just that he would rather disappoint his father than himself.
“Don’t count on it! You are a bad influence,” the older man snarled.
“And proud of that! Farewell, Lord Meiden.” Dryden left him with long, determined strides.
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gifsrescatables · 9 months
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coyotedraws · 4 months
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Dumb half-hour sketch because I got the idea in my head and it wouldn't go away.
Dryden Fossa - er, Fassa.
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riafunnel · 11 months
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Merchant Prince, a Dryden shrine by Sarah-neko that was listed on Anipike (now defunct) and accessed through the Wayback Machine.
Check out the link, you can (sort of) navigate the old webpage! Most of the links are dead but some parts of the site are still accessible.
They even wrote a fic of Dryden and Sylvie the mermaid!
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eireanness · 11 months
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Finally finished coloring this in! Trying to play with lighting and filters. Hopefully this looks semi spooky~~ I have one more Halloween themed illustration I am working on. Hopefully I will post it before then... I have just been super busy @__@
The hubsy bought me the Moderoids for Escaflowne and Alseides. So I'll probably take some time after Halloween to assemble those with him.
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pethfics · 8 months
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*This fountain is a crucial set piece.
Title: Aston Captives
Dryden Fassa finds an unlikely kindred spirit in the former Strategos of Zaibach as they realize they have both been enchanted by an Aston princess.
Musical Inspiration: 1, 2, 3
I've had the idea for this fic since at least 2018.  Here is the Dryden and Folken buddy story that grew from a one-shot to a trilogy. Such fun to write though. Dryden is one of my favorite characters because he is such a cool cat and a refreshing contrast against the brash and serious major male characters. He is always fun to write and I think he and Folken would get along swimmingly so it was great to write a scene for them to just hang out and discover what they have in common. This is my favorite piece for this week. I finally get to indulge in my ships and it is glorious.
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labeckinator · 1 year
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danykha · 1 year
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heavenlydragon · 2 years
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“Escaflowne Bible” scans [page 10]
You may (or may not) remember the scans/translations of the tiny Escaflowne Bible artbook. This is the second to final part to be posted, called Character Profiles (or Character Biographies). Many thanks again to @legendofthesevenstars for the proofread!
This will be posted page by page, with translation, updating every week or so. Translation of the whole page below the cut!
Height: 189cm Weight: 75kg A/N: For some reason, he is the only one who has these in this book. They match the data stated in other books, though (where other characters are included). 
Wealthy merchant Meiden’s eldest son, Dryden Fassa, 21 years old in Earth age, is a peddler traveling around the world. Seven episodes before his first appearance in episode 14, he was already mentioned in the conversation around King Aston’s dinner table. Aside from commerce, he pursues research of Atlantis. Looking impulsive at first sight, he shows a surprising amount of resolve and generosity. Is his ignorance to everything else once he has focused on something just a chip in an otherwise perfect diamond?
Question of Interest
Millerna or research? Which is more important?.
Until episode 19, knowing that Millerna liked Allen, he did not make any forceful move, even if he had a reason to. But he was so engrossed in reading the travel journal, he did not even notice Van fighting outside. For him, both Millerna and Atlantis are serious concerns, and maybe he is just acting according to his own desires.
Pic Descriptions
Dryden, son of a wealthy merchant. 
Look cloooosely at his feet – for some reason, he is wearing modern shoes. Where and how did he get his hands on those? 
Dryden looks hip in his round glasses… but unkempt..
Keeping a lazy stubble, he looks a bit dirty, but he does quite humorous and magnanimous deeds.
The jacket down and hair down look. Looks somehow even more unkempt.
To become a strategist of the imperial army, he sold his fatherland to Emperor Dornkirk. Equivalent to 25 years of Earth age, he is the creator of the Intensified Luck Soldiers Naria and Eriya and planner of the Golden Rule of Love strategy that was meant to break the relationship between Van and Hitomi. Why did he betray his country and became a subordinate to Emperor Dornkirk? He is a man of many mysteries...
Question of Interest
Did Dornkirk make the artificial arm?
The arm was made by scientists according to Dornkirk’s instructions. The particulars of it will be revealed after the 20th episode.
Pic Descriptions
Since he’s a military strategist, I wish he would think more on the operation name.
Young Folken. Will Van look like him in ten years?
Dilandau is equivalent to 15 years old on Earth. Because of the wound he got from Van on his right cheek, he is determined to hunt him down. He was the captain of the Dragonslayers under General Adelphos, until the squad was annihilated by Escaflowne in episode 14. The horror of that scene caused him to have a mental breakdown and he is shown in episode 15 in the state of a screaming, crying child. Somehow it seems that his past hides a huge secret.
Question of Interest
Are all Dragonslayers prettyboys by Dilandau’s choice?
After Dilandau took the head of the enemy general in his first campaign at the age of 14, he was awarded his own unit, the Dragonslayers. He was even entrusted with the personnel selection. He hates the belief that only those with a successful track record should pilot guymelefs and focused rather on the talent of the individual. It seems as a result, handsome youths were gathered by the selection coincidentally.
Pic Descriptions
What will become of Dilandau from now on? 
Miguel, protecting his captain even from beyond death.
<<ESCAFLOWNE TIDBITS>> (on top of the page)  
In episode 14, the Dragonslayers met their heroic end. On one hand, the squad of handsome youths won ardent fans for themselves, but the truth is, they are quite an enigma. Not much else is known about Dragonslayers besides having 15 members, and being around 15 years of age. For most of them, we don’t even know their name, let alone background. The names we know, besides Miguel introduced below, are Guimel, Dalet, Chesta, Gatti, and Viole, 5 in total. Protecting their captain against Escaflowne’s attack even from beyond death, their loyalty is admirable. Prayers for their happiness in the other world.
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dancing-coyote · 4 months
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mirimiramiri · 8 months
What are the odds?
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coverteyes · 1 year
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gifsrescatables · 10 months
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katiajewelbox · 11 months
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The couple Dryden Fassa and Princess Millerna Aston from the anime Vision of Escaflowne have a very complicated shared path in life thanks to royal politics as well as Hitomi's interference with fate. Are they too opposite to ever attract, or are they really a strong match due to their differences complementing each other? This pair go through a lot of changes in their relationship over the series, but I hope they get a happily ever after one day whether it is together or apart.
My Picmix portrait features official animation stills from the series along with a painting of Venice by Canaletto.
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luinfanel · 2 years
¿Qué dijeron? ¿Que no terminaría? Pues estaban en un error 🤭🤭🤭 lo termino justo a tiempo para que esté en línea para mi onomástico 🥰🥰🥰
8. ¿Cuál es tu escena favorita? ¿Qué emociones experimentaste la primera vez que la viste?
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Las escenas que más ilusión me causaban, creo que siempre fueron las del Escaflowne volando por el cielo.
Las tres veces que vi la serie, mi tía Cecy no paraba de decirme sobre lo loca que estaba porque casi me mordía las uñas en persecuciones diciendo "¡Más rápido, Van! ¡Córrele, córrele! ¡VUELA MÁS RÁPIDO QUE LOS ALCANZAN!"
Yo quería ir ahí, sujeta a la camisa roja de Van, mirando Gaea desde el cielo y sintiendo el viento a mi alrededor... Peeeeero el Escaflowne no existe... Al menos no en esta dimensión y dudo mucho que el Rey de Fanelia querría ser mi Uber particular 🤭🤭🤭
Ahora bien, de entre todas las escenas de vuelo, mi más favorita es la escena donde cruza el cielo, el puente dimensional se abre para él y al llegar a la pista de carreras, Hitomi sonríe (con la misma ilusión que yo), salta llamando a Van (cómo lo habría hecho yo) y luego de ser atrapada y abrazada por Van (nop, noup 🙄 not me. Yo le habría dado un beso bien intenso... La verdad).
Creo que es una de las escenas más mágicas y emotivas de toda la serie. Cómo mal que bien, ambos están deseosos de verse, ambos han aceptado que están enamorados del otro y sienten una alegría y un alivio tan puro y tan sincero... 🥰🥰🥰🥰 ¿Cómo podría no gustarme esa escena? La amo con todo mi corazón... Aunque no se besaran... Y terminarán en medio de un campo de batalla... 😅😅😅 Claro que eso sucede después.
9. ¿Qué opinas de un redoblaje? ¿Cuál actor de voz del casting original en japonés y/o español fue tu favorito?
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Siendo sincera, no me gustaría un redoblaje. Me encantan las voces que usaron en ambos doblajes, todo lo que esas voces transmiten, la forma en que les queda a los personajes... Es parte de lo que les da vida, así que no, gracias, dejenlas cómo están.
Ahora bien entre Tomokazu Seki y Pepe Vilchis... Perdón Tomokazu Sama, pero he descubierto que amo los trabajos del señor Vilchis, digo, dobló a Loki en Avengers, dobló a Kristoff en Frozen... Y CANTA!!! 😍😍😍 por su culpa puedo imaginar a un Van adulto, sentado junto al fuego, con algún pequeño Ryuujin en brazos, ¡mientras le canta algo para dormirlo! 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍 ¿Tienen idea de lo tierno y perfecto de una escena así? O si no, Van, recostado en la cama, junto a Hitomi, susurrándole una canción de amor en tanto pasea sus dedos por el brazo de Hitomi... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 ¡Atrápame, San Pedro, que con eso sí me muero!
10. Anota los nombres de tu top 5 de los personajes usando sus nombres completos.
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1. Van Slanzar de Fanel... Me ahorraré sus títulos 🤭🤭🤭
2. Dryden Fassa... ¿Qué? Me cae bien desde que se presentó como asombrosamente inteligente, increíblemente guapo y asquerosamente rico... ¡Es el tipo de persona con el que me llevaría increíble.
3. Folken Lacour de Fanel... Yo sé, al principio parece malo y malagradecido y traidor... Pero nunca dejó de preocuparse por Van. Quería un mundo de paz. Un mundo tolerante donde las personas bestia fueran reconocidas cómo iguales por sus habilidades (sus subordinados favoritos y a los que encomendaba las misiones más difíciles o complejas eran personas bestias, era en los que confiaba) y si, tomó el camino incorrecto y creo que en parte fue debido a su honor. Si los fanelianos lo hubieran encontrado y salvado, él habría sido la mano derecha de Van y entre ambos, Fanelia habría prosperado. No tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas.
4. Hitomi Kanzaki... A pesar de que me desesperó un poco que tardará en apreciar al diamante en bruto que es Van... Era una adolescente con un comportamiento normal con el valor y la fortaleza suficiente para no matarse luego de las espantosas visiones del futuro, incluso volvió para apoyar a sus amigos en la guerra luego de tener tiempo para reevaluar todo. De verdad creo que hizo lo mejor que pudo para enfrentar su realidad, sobreponerse y crecer. Ella podría haberse tirado a llorar, podría haber sido un incordio durante todo el viaje, pudo haberse lanzado del Cruzade o ponerse en el camino de un guymelef para acabar con todo... Pero siguió adelante, hizo lo que pudo por ayudar y cuando consiguió volver a casa para descansar de toda la locura sucediendo a su alrededor... Decidió volver para ser un apoyo. Si ella no hubiera vuelto, no creo que la guerra hubiera terminado, o al menos, no pronto... ¿Han leído Vis Arcana de Rinjou en fanfiction.net ? Sospecho que en serio algo así habría pasado.
5. Merle ¿Fanel? ... No sé, pero para mí, ella es una Fanel... Una que no está en la línea de sucesión, pero parte del clan. Al igual que Hitomi, es muy resiliente, fuerte y valiente. A diferencia de Hitomi, es más perspicaz y observadora. Si, puede ser irritante al inicio, pero es una niña hyperactiva en mi opinión. Su perspicacia le da un tipo de sabiduría poco usual. Puede leer a las personas. Se preocupa por los otros aunque no se lleve bien con ellos y, en mi opinión, va a convertirse en una parte esencial de la corte de Fanelia. Pienso que la guerra, la reconstrucción y el tiempo la volverán más confiable y responsable.
🥳¡Y con esto he terminado!🥳
Me divertí mucho respondiendo y buscando las imágenes. Muchas gracias a la persona que ideó está dinámica y ojalá se sumen más fans 🥰🥰🥰 siempre es fabuloso saber que han vivido y experimentado los demás.
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