lucigoo · 2 months
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So, I'm going to make this a Masterlist of all my Hobbit fics as I write them. I'm also going to attmept to put them in some type of order. Hopefully it's easier for others to anvigate the mess that is my Tumblr lol <3
The Hobbit - All are Bilbo/Thorin unless stated otherwise Active Wips: A Home, A Pack, A Place of Love (Animal Au) Summary: Bilbo is a corgi and he has become the guardian of a traumatised little corgi pup. He has to leave their cosy home and hope for the best. For him and Frodo.
Hopefully he will find a ew place to call home, a new family for him and Frodo, hopefully they will thirve. I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us (Bilbo/Thorin, Sirius/Remus crossover) Summary: Thorin has moved to "The United Kingdoms" with his friends and family.
Follow his life as he ends up an unexpected father, Uncle and husband, and extends his family with wizards, witches, centaurs, goblins and, sadly, elves.
Bilbo stays in Erebor fics:Stop me Fading (Needs major re edtiting) Summary: Its a few weeks since BOTFA. Bilbos running around like a headless chicken, The Company are being plonkers, Thranduil and Dain are being antagonistic, Bards just a cinnamon roll and Gandalf keeps disappearing for long amounts of time (for good causes of course). There's one lonely, sad little hobbit on the plains outside of the Lonely Mountain. Bagginshield-tober (A uncomplete series) Summary: A series of fics spanning from LakeTown until Bilbo's death. Bilbo stayed in Erebor, this is his and Thorin's life. Afterlife Fics: I will join you Summary: MCD!! Bilbo sits with a dying Thorin, knowing he will join him. Dead or not, this will not be the last time he seee his beloved. A Little Drop of Rain Summary: Thorin holds his dying one in his arms. All he can do is hope he will see him again after his life is over. It was a long life and all Thorin wants is to be reunited with his hobbit. Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) Summary: Bilbo has finally died, and now Lord Mandos wants to shove him away to Lady Yavanna's Green Gardens. Well that wont do. After all, Thorin wont be in Yavanna's gardens and Bilbo wont stay where Thorin isnt.
He's a burglar, and if he can smuggle his dwarves out from under Thranduil's nose, he can smuggle himself into Mahal's Halls under the Valar's noses, right?
Reshirement: Changeling Child (Mpreg) Summary: Thanks to his Stone headed nephews, Bilbo now has a new quest. One that needs cleverness and diplomacy. Not the reckless battle tactics of dwarrow. This is the most important quest Bilbo will ever go on, even more imprtant then facing a dragon. For the most important being in his life. Animal Au's: A Pasture Too Small for A Bovine’s World so Large Summary: Bilbo is an odd Highland Bull, so odd that he has had enough and takes Primula, Drogo and baby Frodo to find a new place. A new home.
Thorin and his family are an odd little herd of Bison. An odd herd with room for a few other strange bovines. Wait for me in the Aurora Bearalis Summary: Bilbo is a red panda, he had had a good life. He had managed to make it to 64 seasons (16 years) when most red pandas were lucky to make 40 seasons (10 years).
Thorin doesnt want to say goodbye to his little Orso but he has too, hopefully they can find one another in another life. Ive found Frodo ....and he found you? Summary: Canine distemper has stolen all of the Bagginses away apart from Bilbo and little Frodo. No he has to find his kit, who has wandered off, again, and keep them safe from "The Sick". If only he wasn't alone doing it.
Bittersweet/hopeful ending: The Last Meeting (Until Arda is Remade) Summary: Bilbo is a sad, lonely hobbit in Rivendell. What is left of The Company, his friends, his Family find him there. There are less then there should be.
This is Bilbo's last meeting with the few remaining dwarves he adores. Until they meet again, when the world is remade, hopefully. Sad Ending: The Demented King Under the Mountain Summary: TW MCD, Murder, Thorin did not beat the dragon sickness. Thorin did not defeat the Dragon-sickness and in his rage destroyed the gift he was given to cherish. “How rare and beautiful it truly is that you existed, and that you existed with me, for me" Summary: It is time for Bilbo to leave The Shire, he is going to make his way to Erebor, hopefully.
Before that, he makes his way to his oak tree, the last living thing he has that reminds him of Thorin, it is time to say goodbye. One more hour with you Summary: Bilbo doesnt want it to end, he just wants one more day, one more hour, one more minute with his beloved. He will deny the truth in front of him to get it if he has too. You Never Cared, Why Start Now? Summary: It started with the fires burning through Erebor. It will end with the fires burning through Bag End. The Last Durin Princess returns home (Gen fic, Dis-centric) Summary: The Last Durin Princess returns home, but home is a tomb. A place with ghosts. With her dead borther and her dead sons.
When home is no longer home, all it is is a place of pain and heart break. What is the last of her line supposed to do? How is she supposed to go on? You were to late Summary: Bilbo is watching the eagles fly overhead in victory. With Thorin's cooling hand in his, Bilbo isnt sure what their is to feel victorious over.
Quest Fics: Dwarrow hugs in the dark Summary: The Fell Winter wasnt just a time whe hobbits starved, it ws much worse then that. An entire generation of hobbits traumatised.
For one Bilbo Baggins, on a quest with a troop of rude dwarves, the memories become nightmares whilst on the road. Maybe waht he needs is dwarrow hugs off a dwarrow king? A heart of stone and Fire in his soul Summary: Thorin is but a ghost of a king, desperate and making stupid choices. Bilbo is a hobbit out of The Shire, trying to find his place. But he needs to keep his daft dwarven king alive to succeed. The trials and tribulations of a married hobbit (a bowman's persepctive) Summary: Bard see's a small hobbit amongst a crowd of dwarves clamouring to get on his barge. From that first glimpse he makes a friend, suprised by who his new friend has married. Follow the events from Lake Town until after from Bard's pov. Far over the Misty Mountains:A hobbit with a heart Summary: Bilbo's home is suddenly invaded by a troop of dwarves. He would be bad, should be mad, but that song ....
Modern Au's: "Bring Your Older Gays To Play" at Club Erebor Summary: Frodo had convinced Bilbo to go the event night at his favourite queer club. All Bilbo wanted to do was go home, back to his books and cup of tea. Well, that was until Mr tall, dark and sexy was pushed into him. The reason is you, the reason is him, the reason is me (Dwalin/Nori, background Bilbo/Thorin) Summary: Nori hates himself for the 4 and a half years he spent in prison. For destroying everythig good in his ife. For losing everything he had to live for.
Hes out now and hopefully he can fix his realationships and see his son again. ABC's of Avoiding Bullying and Crying (Gen fic, The Companny are all young children) Summary: Thorin is a big grown up 7 year old dwarf. Frerin is a little 5 year old dwarf who is usally bugging Thorin and his friends to play. So why didn't he bother them on this day, and who was he with? It's a good job I love you! Summary: Bilbo sees that Thorin has once again forgotten to take the rubbish out, bloody husbands, he thinks exasperated.
LOTR Fics: Akmâthu Bask:Song of the Bath (Gen Fellowship fic) Summary: During a bath by the river, Gimli starts singing Bilbo's bath song. Confusing the hobbits. It turns out that isnt the only song of The Hero of Erebor's that they sing in the Lonely Mountain. Between the forest and the sea, I leave my heart with thee - (Gen fic, Elrond-centric) Summary: Elrond is set to sail to Valinor to reunite with his wife when he has a vision. How can he leave when his he sees his precious daughter dying alone, her grief clear through time and space? Two Lives Will Be Spared This Day (Boromir/Theodred) Summary: Boromir looks into Galadriel's mirror and he doesnt like what he sees. Maybe if he makes a different choice he cna save himslef, and the love of his life.
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teddyoverthinks · 9 months
Theme: everyday courage, apology, denial, blame
Sacred reading with fanfiction—you don’t need to be part of the fandom to understand this post. Everything will be explained.
hopeful prayer format
Let me realize and admit when I’ve allowed my expectations to justify my own laziness, to cover my own fear.
self-assuring affirmation format
I can realize and admit when I’ve allowed my expectations to justify my own laziness, to cover my own fear.
willful vow format
I will realize and admit when I’ve allowed my expectations to justify my own laziness, to cover my own fear.
original excerpt
Necessary Context: In this The Hobbit fanfiction, Nori helps Bilbo pick out a betrothal gift. This was an issue because the dwarves couldn’t tell Bilbo of their customs until he was officially betrothed to a dwarf, but he could not become betrothed without initiating said custom. Nori intervenes because he cares about his friends’ love more than respecting the letter of the traditions. Dwalin approaches Nori afterward—basically, he assumed that Nori would propose if he wanted to marry Dwalin, and so did not propose himself. He summarizes what he has done in the following quote.
“‘But now I think maybe I've allowed my expectations to justify my own laziness, to cover my own fear.’”
—Issaro, Affairs of the Heart
[warnings: this work contains (untagged) implied/hypothetical dubious consent, and (tagged) briefly mentioned Fíli/Kíli. My page is not a fic recc page, but I do recommend reading this fic if the warnings don’t put you off. It’s well written, sweet, and the characterization is extremely compelling.]
prayer in practice
Dwalin is one of my favorite characters from Tolkien extended canon. He exemplifies courage and loyalty, but he makes a lot of assumptions and tends to jump to conclusions. The fanfiction Affairs of the Heart explores how that habit can actually disrupt his courage and loyalty in the context of his romantic relationship with Nori. 
We should all consider the way our expectations influence our self-justified behavior. How much of our worldview and actions do we base off of assumption and pre-judgement? How does that affect our relationships with our courage? Our loyalty?
We have opportunities to be courageous and loyal every day. It is not usually related to a life threatening quest. When the opportunities are relatively mundane, they can be harder to view as challenges. It’s less of an ultimate test and more of an ongoing daily choice to be there for the people you care about, to be the kind of person you want to be. It’s about dependability. 
The textual example of Dwalin’s challenge is a marriage proposal. This is one of the biggest declarations of loyalty which the average person might still make. It takes a good deal of courage to overcome the associated fear, and a good deal of willpower. 
I don’t believe in laziness. Laziness is a hypothetical force of negative will, which makes no sense. It is simply that sometimes, the positive will we do have is not enough to complete a task. I don’t think contributing a lack of will to a personal deficit is in any way helpful. 
It may certainly be said that sometimes we perceive our own lack of will as a personal deficit. I believe that his lack of willpower is what Dwalin is concerned with in-text. He takes the burden of his choices upon himself. 
Dwalin doesn’t apologize for the things that scared him, or the things that undermined his willpower. He not only apologizes for allowing himself to ignore his fear and lack of will; Dwalin also apologizes for justifying that ignorance with an excuse that placed all of the expectation for action on his partner.
This apology is really about the blame that Dwalin placed on Nori. That blame had come from a place of willful misunderstanding. In Dwalin’s unwillingness to act, he had relied on stereotypes he knew better than to believe. Dwalin knows Nori better than anyone; he is one of the few people who could realize Nori’s hidden taste for romance. 
It is hard to do what Dwalin did. It is hard to realize that we have been lying to ourselves, and it is even harder to take the next step and rectify it. But it is always important to try to self reflect, to attempt to apologize and—if it isn’t too late—to do the thing we were avoiding. It is my intention that this prayer helps with that.
click for an explanation of sacred reading prayers
In her book Praying With Jane Eyre: Reflections on Reading as a Sacred Practice, Vanessa Zoltan explains and demonstrates how she treats literature as sacred text. I highly recommend reading this book, as it’s incredibly interesting, helped me grow as a person, and (obviously) explains the concept far better than I will hope to, especially in this one paragraph. In short, though, the idea is that sacred texts aren’t accessible to everyone—some of us have religious trauma, for example—but there are other ways to find spiritual expression. In Praying With Jane Eyre, Zoltan references scenes from Jane Eyre, Harry Potter, Little Women, and The Great Gatsby where most sermons would reference the preacher’s chosen holy book. I grew up hearing sermons that referenced Christian bible stories, and I’d get caught up in obsessing over the historical inaccuracies, glossed-over atrocities, and various other discomforts with the text. Sometimes, I’d totally miss the whole point of the sermon, beneficial or no.
I should clarify that Zoltan’s process isn’t about forming religions around books not intended to be religious material. She doesn't pray to Jane Eyre, she prays with Jane Eyre. It’s like, instead of mentioning a story about how David faced Goliath, she mentions a story of how Jane Eyre faced her abusive aunt. And sometimes she prays with a quote from the book, the quote being along the lines of ‘I have what it takes to survive this’. Also, Zoltan doesn’t assume that everything in the text is good— for example, she doesn't assume that the ending is a happy one (which would have troubling implications). She simply assumes that there's a lesson within the text.
Zoltan’s process works much better for me than any associated with the organized religion I grew up with, but I’m not as close to the text of Jane Eyre as she is. I also found myself uncomfortable with treating Harry Potter as sacred, so Zoltan’s podcast Harry Potter and the Sacred Text was, unfortunately, not for me. 
So, I decided to begin collecting quotes from what I do read! I read a lot of fanfiction, and the google doc filled with excerpts got long fast. I wasn’t really sure what I planned to do with the quotes for a while, but I knew I wanted to share them with the world. Ultimately, I wanted to write sermons which pull from fanworks as well as personal anecdotes (and likely various copywrite-protected literature and media, too)—but this took time and practice, and I wanted to start sharing my prayers and excerpts immediately. So, this account has a mixture of prayers, one or two full sermons, quotes with sacred reading in the tags, and discussions on sacred reading and retold stories that I have with my friends.
The prayers Zoltan mentions are typically in the format I call ‘affirmations’. This is, of course, a lovely way to pray, but I found myself translating the language back to something I’m more familiar with. I don’t typically address a deity by name, but I do tend toward the hopeful ‘let this happen’ format.
In my posts, I plan to always include Zoltan’s self assuring ‘I am enough/I will survive’ affirmation format, as well as my hopeful ‘let this happen’ prayer format and willful ‘I will work to make this happen’ vow format. Personally, I cycle through all of them, because I think all three versions of the prayer are important to internalize.
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rutobuka2 · 21 days
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out of nowhere, some metalhead Dwalin and Nori! 🎸
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katajainen · 1 year
Sea-given (842 words) by katajainen
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien), Balin & Dwalin (Tolkien)
Characters: Balin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Selkies, Fisherman Dwalin, Selkie Nori, Female Nori (Tolkien), Protective Balin, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Vaguely pre-modern setting
Series: Part 14 of February Ficlet Challenge 2023 - now with even more Tolkien ficlets
When his brother brought the woman back from the sea, Balin immediately knew she was bad news.
What it says on the tin: day 14 of the February Ficlet Challenge 2023, prompt: Merfolk AU OR Bodyswap.
(Like, this is where my list said Balin & Dwalin, and I wrote a nwalin selkie AU... but who am I to fight the muse?)
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trashcancalicojack · 7 months
The company: So what's for dinner?
Bombur: I can't tell you, it's a soup-prise!
The company: ...
Gloin: Is it soup?
Bombur: I soup-pose it could be! *winks*
Dwalin: Please, enough with the soup puns!
Bombur: Wow, you're soup-per mean
Thorin: STOP
*one hour later*
The company: It's fucking roast beef?!?!?!?
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trashanstuff · 6 months
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have some doodles that turned into a sort of rendering practice
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smolestboop · 9 months
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Bagginshield-tober / Day 4: Company Dialogue transcript below!
Bofur: Now laddie, don't be shy, tell us all about how you got into His Majesty's good graces? Ori: Oh, Master Baggins! So the rumors are true about you and Thorin Oakenshield? Tell me everything in detail if you can. Bombur: With how loving he was hugging Bilbo on the Carrock, I knew he was smitten, Ori! Nori: Bofur, quit teasing the poor thing. He's turning bright red! Dwalin: Master Baggins seems just like your type, Thorin. A gentle fellow, hmm? Balin: Say the word Thorin. Once we reclaim Erebor, I'll have the wedding planned within the week!
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shirefantasies · 5 months
A Headcanon For Each Member of Thorin’s Company
Mini post between full request posts! Just felt like jotting these down hehe
✧ Balin knows a little bit of Elvish, but never lets on to that because, quite simply, it’s infinitely funnier not to. What fun would it be letting the elves shit talk him if they knew he picked up on bits of it?
✧ Dwalin’s dream wife is someone super soft and sweet. He’d die before he admits it, but he loves the idea of being the hero for his princess even if he acts like it’s an inconvenience.
✧ Some of it is natural, too, hardening from many of life’s experiences, but part of why Thorin puts on such a tough act is because he actually feels really awkward in conversations. For example, thus man dwarf cannot flirt to save his life.
✧ Oin hates being dismissed because of his hearing, but also? It can so be used to his advantage. The younger ones are squabbling over something stupid and trying to bring him i to it? Oops, sorry lads, can’t hear ya.
✧ Gloin is the proudest father. He can barely go a few minutes without busting out his locket’s picture of Gimli or telling a story about him…or both! Practically ready to throw hands with Bombur, who isn’t even competitive, on who has the coolest son.
✧ Bifur was quite the heartbreaker back in his heyday. He’s still a great flirt, but less people can understand him now so his lines often go unnoticed.
✧ Bofur quietly envies his brother’s family. He may not want fourteen kids or anything, but being around the wee ones warms his heart and he especially lives the idea of having a little girl someday if Mahal so blesses him.
✧ I of course adore the fanon/cast canon that Bombur has a huge family, but also? By dwarf standards his wife is super hot, so the others may make fun of him, but can’t deny that he scores!
✧ Dori is a way better cook than he seems like he is. The role tends to get passed to Bombur as he loves it the most, but since he grew up taking care of his brothers Dori knows his way around the kitchen!
✧ Nori loves cats. If he sees a stray in a village he offers it food and coaxes it over. The others marvel at how much the creatures love him, too, like some sort of instinctive trust.
✧ The others talk big about the ravishing women they’ve seen and he tries to keep up, but Ori doesn’t really actually get it. That’s how he realizes that, even though there isn’t such a word for it, he is demisexual. He also is more attracted to human women, they just seem softer and sweeter to him.
✧ Part of the reason Fili carries so many blades is because he enjoys crafting them. It’s a skill he learned from his uncle Thorin, standing at his side and helping before taking up the craft himself.
✧ Fili was the one who defended Kili from derision by other young dwarves when he chose to learn archery, an unusual form of combat in their culture. From then on, Kili vowed to become stronger and faster so he could defend those he loves, too.
✧ Bilbo bonds with Ori over sewing and knitting, smiling as he learns he has company because quite frankly he never thought a dwarf would know such arts, let alone join him as they teach each other.
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bluecaeriart · 2 years
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All of the individual full bodies from my piece for The Unexpected Collab!!  I really wanted to post these separately/post them in general cuz I worked so hard on everyone and i’m so so so proud of how they all came out and all of the detail work and O;IAHRO;GIHAEO;RGHAEO;RIGHAO;ERIGH (ALSO BONUS GLOIN BY HIMSELF CUZ HES MOSTLY COVERED BY OIN)
Here’s the full piece with a link to the fic it went to as well!!!
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asparklethatisblue · 4 months
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the first time Dwalin caught Nori sleeping was like getting to see a wild animal sleep near you
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autistook · 2 months
April 27th - Thorin and the Company arrive in Bag End
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For over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold.
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lucigoo · 3 months
Weekly Roundup: 17th MArch - 24th March 2024
Hope everyone had anpther good week. I managed 18,001 words and 3 uploaded fics. So im pretty chuffed with myself. So, as always, recs first -
You Will Bring Me Ruin - al_in_my_head - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - (Geralt/Jaskier, I discovered and fell in love with the WinngFic trope and this one is so, so good)
an endless sky of honey - colgatebluemintygel, pjxckson - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus, a persephone/Hades retelling. The story is beautiful and the art is amazing)
Sansûkh - Chapter 1 - determamfidd - Multifandom (Multiple LOTR pairings, not sure if it eeds any interoduction, other then EPIC!)
Planting a Hobbit - northerntrash - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, The dwarves are adorable and its just a wonderful fic,)
May Your Forge Burn Bright - LordOfTheRazzles - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, once again @lordoftherazzles wrote an amazing fic, the world building and relationship between Bilbo and Thorin is stunning)
Bad Blood - Conkers - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, a clever little What If fic fom @conkers-thecosy, BAMF Bilbo is best Bilbo and OCnkers did it perfectly.) The 2024 reading fest has found me a few new ships im happy to read between Bagignshield and Wolfstar, so yeah ad thank you to them.
Now, ot my fics, we have 3 -
You Never Cared, Why Start Now? (Bilbo/Thorin) Written for both #245 FFF prompt - You Never Cared @flashfictionfridayofficial and the KCAWS 2024 Bingo Prompt - Bag End
It started with the fires burning through Erebor. It will end with the fires burning through Bag End.
2) The reason is you, the reason is him, the reason is me (Dwalin/Nori) Written fir the KCAWS 2024 Bingo prompt - Hoobistank
Nori hates himself for the 4 and a half years he spent in prison. For destroying everything good in his ife. For losing everything he had to live for. Hes out now and hopefully he can fix his realationships and see his son again.
3) The trials and tribulations of a married hobbit (a bowman's persepctive) (Bilbo/Thorin) Written based on a tumblr idea from @meteors-lotr
Bard see's a small hobbit amongst a crowd of dwarves clamouring to get on his barge. From that first glimpse he makes a friend, suprised by who his new friend has married. Follow the events from Lake Town until after from Bard's pov.
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art-by-moosie · 4 months
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And there we have it~! All of the Saintly dwarves of Thorin's Company are finally completed! I ran out of types of cheeses for the Lins and Oins, so I made up some cheese types :p Maybe they're special, Middle Earth-only cheeses.
It only took me, oh...4 years or so LOL And to think, it all started because of a joke on a discord server about Saint Bofur.
Art tag: @sotwk @estethell @ilovedainironfoot
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lonicera-edulis · 11 months
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And I finished them. Species are listed in tags.
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meteors-lotr · 3 months
Thorin: Time sensitive question how flirt hobbit. Nori: Throw rocks at he. Fíli: Hot Dogs. Dwalin: Kill him. Thorin: Thanks guys.
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kaykaytwilie · 3 months
Been working a while on these! Really happy at how they turned out!
Thank you to @lordoftherazzles for an amazing and inspiring Bagginshield Beauty&theBeast!AU !!!
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