#EB Fusion
emoncoder · 10 months
EB Fusion Review: Revolutionize Your eBook Business
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Introduction- EB Fusion Review
In today’s digital age, the demand for ebooks is on the rise, and for good reasons.
Ebooks are not only easy to carry, store, and read, but they also offer advanced features that enhance the reading experience.
Now, more than ever, it’s the perfect time to start your own online ebook store.
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123whistler-blog · 11 months
EBFusion Review, Bonus, OTOs From Rick Ng
EBFusion – AI Ebook Stores
Posted on November 3, 2023 by Andrew Larder
AI Ebook Stores
EBFusion Review, Bonus, OTOs From Rick Ng – A Brand-New AI-Powered Software Auto-Creates A Fully-Functional Ebook Store In Seconds And Instantly Loads It With 10,000 eBooks
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nickpeppermint · 2 years
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My very very very VERY old drawings of the fusion between Ness and Lucas, that i will redraw and slightly redesign later
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shoutout 2 the twins who split for 24 hours and left immediatley. hope they doin well
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cloudshinepro · 4 months
The Path to Becoming an Oracle Fusion Consultant: Skills and Challenges | Oracle scm cloud training
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Learn how to seamlessly transition from Oracle EBS to Fusion Cloud while maintaining consistent reporting practices. Discover the best strategies and tips for a successful migration in this all-in-one guide
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sonalchawhan · 8 months
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grey-space-computing · 8 months
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Take your business to new heights with Oracle ERP Cloud! 🚀 Dive into the perks of making the switch – unlock efficiency, gain valuable insights, and ignite innovation. Ready for a game-changing transformation? Explore the benefits now! 🌐 Website: https://greyspacecomputing.com/oracle-erp-solution/ 📧 Email: [email protected] 📱 Phone: +91-98602 56990 #OracleERP #BusinessGrowth #greyspacecomputing #reducedcost #productivity ##cloudsolutions #clouderp #cloudapplications #oraclepartnerindonesia #oraclepartner #odi #optimadatainternasional #odilife #oracleodi #oracleerpcloud #oraclehcm #oraclehcmcloud #Saudi #Dubai #India #Kuwait #Qatar
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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The past two months had been a relentless parade of dreams for Marc Spector, dreams that twisted through the labyrinth of his fractured soul. His thoughts have long been adrift in the sea of uncertainty that had become his life. Nightmares have always haunted him for most of his life, but it recently came to a point where they had intensified to an unsettling degree. Night after night, his subconscious mind became a battleground for the ever-present specter of his past.
The latest of his living nightmares have been his own death at the merciless hands of Arthur Harrow. He should have been used to the sound of a gunshot by now, but apparently it didn’t prepare him enough for when he was at the receiving end. His fractured soul had been unceremoniously cast into the Duat, the realm of judgment for the ancient Egyptian afterlife. He and his alter, Steven Grant, have stood before Taweret’s watchful eye as she weighed their hearts in the scales on their journey to the Field of Reeds.
Steven made a comment back then of how it should have been Anubis, Marc thought. 
To balance their scales and hopefully come back to life, Marc was forced to confront the darkest corners of his past: Randall’s death that spiraled Wendy Spector’s slow descent to madness. The abuse he had suffered during his childhood at the hands of his mother continued to haunt him - the once happy memories of him and his family shattered by his mother’s twisted way of expressing her ‘love’.
But amid the shadows of torment, there was a glimmer of salvation. Steven Grant has finally understood the need for his creation at the dark corners of Marc Spector’s accursed room, having realized that it was Marc’s way of coping with all the combined strong emotions that a small, innocent child wouldn’t have been able to go through. Steven was Marc’s secret joy - the living embodiment of what his younger brother, Randall Spector, could have been had life been kinder.
Through all of their shared history of pain and survival, Marc Spector’s bond with Steven Grant had deepened. They were no longer just two sides of the same coin - they were brothers transcending the boundaries of blood and forever bound in ways that defied explanation. Their connection was no longer a mere confluence of minds; it was a fusion of souls, two halves of a fractured whole. They had weathered death together and returned, their fates irrevocably intertwined.
After rising from the dead and helping to stop Arthur Harrow and Ammit from wreaking havoc in this world, Khonshu fulfilled his end of the bargain to release both him and Steven Grant from their servitude as his avatar - his Moon Knight.
To Marc’s displeasure, however, the nightmares never stopped. Among the myriad dreams that plagued him day after day, one stood out above all others— a dream that seemed more like a forgotten, distant memory.
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In this dream, he watched as Steven Grant raised his arms to the heavens. The sky itself yielded to his will, shifting and swirling as if bowing to a higher power. Marc could feel his own life force ebbing away, his connection to Khonshu, the ancient Egyptian god who had granted him his powers, dissipating like grains of sand in a desert storm. Yet, even as he felt himself slipping away, he also felt a divine presence, a heavenly female voice that reached out to him from the depths of his foggy memories.
“It cannot end like this. I will not let you die - any of you” 
Marc then felt soft lips descending upon his, a passionate kiss that carried the divine breath of life as it flowed into his lungs. The kisses he shared with Layla couldn’t even begin to compare with the mysterious woman of his dreams. It rendered him breathless as a warm, euphoric sensation seemingly boiled his blood with pure longing for someone he never even recalled meeting. 
"Arise, Moon Knight. With the power of the moon, I grant you half of my life."
Marc’s eyes fluttered open, abruptly ending his dream as he bolted upright in his bed. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, his eyes darted wildly around the dimly lit room as he felt his own heart pounding strongly in his chest. He then reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on, allowing a soft, warm light to fill the dimly lit hotel room where he’s currently staying. 
That dream again? Steven asked in Marc’s head, his reflection on the nearby mirror wearing an inquisitive, sleep-deprived look.
“The very same”, Marc shook his head, finding himself chuckling in disbelief. Every night that ended with that shared kiss under the moonlight left him with more questions than answers. 
Why did these dreams haunt him? What do they actually mean? And who even was the enigmatic woman appearing in his dreams for the umpteenth time in a row now?
Marc glanced at the nightstand clock, reading 5:58 AM of today’s time. He could no longer sleep after the unsettling dream he had, so he decided to get ready for the day ahead. He busied himself with the mundane tasks -  taking a long, hot shower, the steam and warmth helping to clear his mind, at least momentarily, of the enigmatic dreams that had plagued him. Brushing his teeth before the bathroom mirror, his eyes narrowed at his own reflection as he caught a glimpse of a crescent moon tattoo inked into his jugular notch. How did I even get this tattoo? Marc questioned in his mind, prompting Steven's reflection to shake his head, having no recollection whatsoever of the tattoo's mysterious origin.
I honestly don't know, mate. Steven sighed. It might be from Khonshu - may be the residue of his magic when he freed us. Marc accepted Steven's theory for the meantime, effectively taking his mind of his own endless questions as he finally dressed in a crisp, charcoal-gray suit, trying to appear composed and confident for what was sure to be an emotionally charged day.
The Motorola flip phone on his bedside table pinged, prompting Marc to open and check his latest message. Layla’s text greeted his eyes, abruptly reminding him of today’s agenda in the first place.
See you in the courtroom today. I’m on my way.
Marc sighed, lamenting how it had all come to this. Their divorce had been a mutual decision, born out of a recognition that their romantic love had faded, wilted by the melancholy of distance and the weight of their shared history. They both have decided to part ways on amicable terms, to seek their own paths and find happiness on their own terms. He would be lying if he said the whole ordeal wasn't painful for him, but he recognizes the necessity to conclude a chapter between him and Layla that had already run its course. 
Two hours later, Marc Spector finally entered the premises of Chicago Family Court. While waiting patiently in the hallway outside his assigned courtroom, he couldn't help but revisit the dreams that had plagued him. He fiddled with his tie, a nervous tic that betrayed his inner turmoil. He wondered if these dreams and nightmares he’s having were mere manifestations of his trauma—the trauma of dying and coming back to life, of shedding the mantle of Moon Knight, the vigilante avatar of Khonshu.
Steven's voice whispered in his mind, a soothing presence amidst the chaos of his thoughts.
Don’t overthink it too much, buddy. Steven suggested, reassuring him that perhaps they were just processing their past in their own unique way.
Marc nodded inwardly, grateful for the reassurance. They were no longer avatars, no longer bound to the whims of Khonshu. They were free, and yet, the mysteries of their shared dreams remained. It left a lingering unease in his soul as he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to them than met the eye.
A yawn escaped him, a reminder of his sleepless night. He took a seat on one of the benches, suddenly overcome with exhaustion. He leaned against the cold courtroom wall and slowly closed his eyes against his better judgment, hoping to find some respite from the weight of his thoughts. Exhaustion washed over him like a tidal wave, and he drifted into an uneasy nap. 
"Morning, Marc" 
His name was called, gently waking him from his restless slumber. He blinked and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Layla El-Faouly stood before him dressed in a white blouse, black pencil skirt and gray flats, her dark eyes weary but kind. In her hands, she held two cups of coffee, the aroma of freshly brewed beans wafting through the air.
"Layla," Marc greeted, his voice raspy from sleep.
“How are you holding up?" she asked softly, her tone tinged with a mix of concern and empathy as she handed him a cup of steaming coffee. 
"As well as can be expected, I suppose”, Marc managed a weary smile. "Thanks for the coffee."
She offered him a small smile, a hint of sadness in her toffee-brown eyes. "You looked like you could use it," she said. "Are you ready for this?"
Marc nodded, his gaze fixed on the steaming cup in his hands. "As ready as I'll ever be."
“We both know it’s for the best”, Layla spoke in a serious tone. “With everything that has happened, this will put everything behind us”
He nodded slowly as he let her last words fly by. They exchanged small talk, avoiding the weightier topics for the moment. Soon after, they both heard their names called by the court clerk.
“Mr and Mrs Spector, please come to the front”
As they entered the courtroom, Marc couldn't help but steal a final glance at Layla. Her beauty had always captivated him—the way her raven-black hair cascaded down her shoulders, the warmth of her eyes, and the grace with which she carried herself. She was a striking reminder of what had drawn them together in the first place.
Finally, their case was called. Marc and Layla sat side by side, their hands barely touching as they listened to the legal formalities. It was a somber affair, with a judge presiding over the dissolution of their marriage. Both of them answered the necessary questions with a solemnity that matched the occasion. They signed the paperwork, their signatures sealing the end of their shared lives and setting one another free.
The judge’s words as he delivered the final ruling in their divorce case brought a semblance of peace in both Marc and Layla’s hearts. There was no sadness, anger or regret of any sort - only happiness in its melancholic yet empathetic form. It was the end of an era, the closing of a chapter in their lives.
With the court proceedings behind them, the two walked out of the courtroom and into the corridor, their steps slightly heavy with a sense of finality. Of all the divorced couples in the family court, only Marc and Layla hold hands with a rueful smile on their faces. Outside the courthouse, the two hailed a taxi to take them both to the airport, albeit in separate flights. The taxi ride was a quiet one, the city passing by in a blur of buildings and people.
They may not have worked out as lovers, but they can surely live with being each other's best friends.
"It's time," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly as the closing distance of the airport loomed before them. Marc nodded, his throat tight with unspoken emotions. 
"Yeah," he replied in a hushed tone. "It's time."
A few hours later, the newly divorced couple finally found themselves at the boarding gates. Going their separate ways have never felt so bittersweet.
“Take care of yourself, Layla”, Marc said as he pulled his now ex-wife in for one last hug.
“I was supposed to say that”, Layla chuckled, returning the embrace as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Don’t be a stranger - you and Steven”
Tell her to not skip any meals, Steven piped inside his head sadly. His British alter’s brief infatuation with Layla didn’t really help to dampen his already melancholic mood.
“Steven said you shouldn’t skip your meals”
“Tell him I appreciate the thought”, Layla nodded, smiling serenely as if looking directly at Steven himself. “Goodbye, you two. See you around”
With a final, lingering look, Layla turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd of other airport travelers. Marc watched her go, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief. The weight of their marriage had lifted, but it left behind a profound sense of loss and emptiness that he wasn't yet sure how to fill.
Marc still has a few hours left before his own flight, so he decided to pass the time at the nearby airport bar. The departure board above displayed rows of cities, each with its own departure time, a digital countdown matching the frenetic rhythm of the bustling terminal around him.
Nursing a lukewarm coffee and absentmindedly flipping through his passport, he suddenly heard the announcement over the intercom, crackling and distorted but crystal clear in its message.
"Ladies and gentlemen, calling all passengers for flight BA294 to London Heathrow. The boarding gates are now open"
The overhead announcements ceased, and the travelers, like Marc, turned their attention to the departure board. In bold, digital letters, the gate number for his flight to London illuminated.
"Flight 294 to London Heathrow: Gate B13."
See you around, Layla’s voice echoed in Marc’s head once more, prompting him to mildly chuckle to himself as he stood up and went on his way to the boarding gates. He knew it would take a long while for them to meet again. Layla has new responsibilities as Taweret’s new avatar - the Scarlet Scarab as dubbed by the people of Egypt. He, on the other hand, will have to pick up the pieces of anything he recalls as a semblance of his old life. 
London was their home now, and Marc and Steven were eager to return to the familiarity of its streets. This time around, it’s up to them to figure out how the next chapter of their new lives will begin. But one thing is for sure - finding out the true meaning of their collective dreams would be the first step.
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caperingcryptid · 1 year
Fires and Fabric
@fallenlondonficswap @the-insouciant-scientist @artisanoftheredscience @finerandbonnier @sparingiscaring (Notes: This is, unsurprisingly, for the group event, and for a couple people I saw on the list with a Veils or BaL interest. Hope you all enjoy!
(Additional Notes: It's my first time writing the Masters, so they may be a bit OOC.)
Fires and Fabric
Mr Veils, Mr Fires, other Masters mentioned, Vake/BaL content, brief and off-handed reference to a certain betrayal
(1,016 Words)
Veils was not so often satisfied, but tonight, its bottomless hunger had ebbed...if only, again, for tonight. It was no matter, of course. Tales of the Vake and promises of the fortune placed upon its head drew aspiring hunters in like flies to honey, and as the number of Echoes climbed ever higher, so did Veils' prospects of returning to the Bazaar well-fed and well-amused. 
It picked its teeth with a shard of bone as it ascended the steps, working some of the sinew out from between its fangs. Its latest catch had been some poor, hopeful fool with dreams too big for his head: not unique in the slightest, but still a nice little morsel to feast on until something more fascinating came along.
A hunter was only as good as the prey that they sought, after all. Someone with more gumption would make a fine meal for the Vake, indeed. 
It was ready to return to its lodgings in a good mood (as good a mood as Veils could ever be in, at least) when it sensed, rather than heard, a presence join it on the stairwell. It turned in a whirl of velvet, eyes burning a hole into the creature that had dared disturbed what was otherwise a lovely night.
And that creature was-
“Fires.” Veils glowered, teeth glinting like needles beneath its robe. “What purpose?”
“Temper, temper. I am not so easily frightened as your pet seamstresses.” It held in its hand a lantern, which cast harsh, flickering shadows on the walls around them. It was not so bright that it lit the face beneath the hood, but that was of no interest to Veils anyway. There were far fewer secrets between them than the rest of the city.
“I wanted,” Fires went on, in that strange, honeyed voice. “To have a word about your little...amusements. You were out hunting again, weren't you?”
“Foolish question.”
Fires sighed. ”Perhaps. No, no. It was. But I needed to hear the answer from you. Perhaps I thought there was a chance otherwise, which would be quite foolish of me, indeed.“
”To the point.“
”Never one for small talk, were you? It makes me wonder, sometimes, where that spark of plotting in you came from. Words are what pluck the strings of man, after all, and you are of few.
”And yet, here you are.“ Then, somewhat mockingly, Fires added, ”Veils, the Intriguer.“
Veils scowled. It wasn't in the mood for whatever this was, and already it could feel the sweetness of the night souring. It wanted to return to its chambers, curl up, and sleep away the weight of its meal. It had no interest in hanging around a stairwell like some shifty-eyed urchin while Fires relished in the sound of its own voice.
When it replied, it wasn't in the debasing and irksome words of man. It was somewhere between a snarl and a lick of Correspondence, a fusion that, though brief, was still enough to make the sigils in the walls alight and the tiles shudder beneath them. The closest translation to human tongue, for those curious, would be a particularly colorful suggestion as to exactly where Fires could take its commentary.
Fires calmly adjusted its footing, then raised a single claw in a gesture of peace. ”I'll be on with it now,“ it said. ”The others and I have come to share an opinion: you are getting out of hand. We could forgive your little excursions when they were occasional. But now? Nearly every night? Do you have no self-control?“
Veils puffed up. ”I do not meddle in your affairs, Fires,“ it hissed, begrudgingly picking up speech once more. “You have no right to meddle in mine.” 
“I think we do. I think it is in our best interests to ensure that we're all behaving ourselves. To an extent, of course.”
“I fill my role. My trade is flourishing.” Then, pointedly, “Can you say the same of yours? I have heard word of the Docks.”
Fires didn't rise to the bait as Veils hoped it would. Instead, it went on. “There are less of us than before, when we first came to this place. You know this fact better than anyone.”
It did. 
“Your hunger could very well become your ruin one day, Veils. If not, then it could lead trouble to our doorstep, and none of us are interested in spending our time cleaning up your messes.”
“It's handled.” Veils bristled up. How dare Fires and the rest make such accusations? How dare they think so lowly of it that they think a human could harm it? Humans, with their dull teeth and their flat faces and their stubby little fingers. It was a born hunter. The humans were the soft and succulent prey. London, the city, was its hinterland. 
“It's handled,” Veils spit again. “It is Wines that agrees with you. I know how it thinks. I know its softness. Tell it what I told you: to keep out of my affairs.”
“It worries.”
“Then it is weak.”
They stood there in silence for a moment, Veils' eyes seething and furious, Fires' unreadable. It was Veils who ultimately broke their stand-off, snarling as it turned away from the other Master.
“I am older and stronger and sharper than any little rabbit that could hop to my door,” said Veils. “If they dare, I shall feast on them, and leave their bones as my message. These cities have poisoned you all with softness. I am the only one that remembers what we are.”
Veils ascended a few steps towards its lodgings, paused, then turned again, brushing past Fires in a whirlwind of silks and spite. It needed to shed blood. It would hunt again, and again, and perhaps when it had glutted itself on all it could stomach, it would drop whatever was left of its latest play-hunter through the roof of one of Fires' workshops. 
In its haze of fury and bloodlust, it didn't notice- or care to notice- the somber, knowing way that Fires watched it go.
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senjutsunade · 2 months
Tsunade-sama's thoughts on seeing her dearly beloved grandfather's face grafted into his once-good-friend's pectus. I have attached a picture for both reference and visual stimulation. ^^
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Tsunade's heart pounded in her chest, each beat a deafening drum against the encroaching silence of the battlefield. Her breath hitched, caught somewhere between disbelief and the raw, visceral horror that clawed at her throat.
There, emblazoned on Madara’s chest, was the unmistakable visage of her grandfather, Senju Hashirama. For a moment, she couldn't process it, her mind refusing to accept the twisted reality before her. This couldn't be happening. It had to be some kind of cruel genjutsu, a nightmare woven from the darkest threads of her fears. Right?
But the image remained, unwavering and real. Her eyes, wide and disbelieving, took in the grotesque spectacle of Madara standing there, defiling the legacy of her clan in the most obscene manner imaginable. Hashirama's face, contorted in unnatural stillness, mocked her very existence.
Her pulse raced, each throb a painful reminder of the sacredness that had been desecrated. Clan practices, DNA—these were not mere scientific curiosities but sacred bonds, the essence of one’s heritage and pride. And here was Madara, wearing Hashirama's legacy like a trophy, an abomination that shattered her very core.
The realization dawned with the force of a sledgehammer. Madara, with his own formidable power, now wielded Hashirama's abilities as well. The implications were staggering, a nightmare made flesh. She knew Hashirama's capabilities intimately—the power to reshape landscapes, to heal wounds that should be fatal, to bring forth life from the very earth. And now, those gifts were twisted in the hands of the most fearsome Uchiha in the history of the shinobi world.
A cold sweat broke across her skin. How could she, Tsunade, hope to stand against this monstrous fusion? Her abilities, impressive as they were, paled in comparison to the towering legend of her grandfather. She was a pale shadow of Hashirama’s greatness, a mere mortal in the face of a god-like adversary. She knew her limits. How? HOW?
Her knees felt weak, the strength she prided herself on ebbing away like sand through her fingers. She wanted to scream, to cry out against the sheer wrongness of it all, but no sound came. Her throat constricted, a silent scream of despair lodged there, choking her.
The image of Hashirama’s face on Madara’s chest burned into her eyes, an indelible mark that seared her soul. It was a defilement beyond comprehension, a sacrilege that tore at the very fabric of her being. She could almost hear her grandfather’s voice, gentle and wise, twisted into a mockery by Madara’s malevolence.
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip: 27/11/2023
Electromeme Adventures
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by ChickenSuitGuy, Jack the Ripper, Lil Hairline
Man, collabs of this scale just always make me happy. Be it fusion collabs, or just collabs of any sort, or just one ripper having fun - or somewhere between it all like this rip, its hard not to adore rips that just throw all caution to the wind for the sake of maximizing the volume of jokes. Electromeme Adventures is a fantastic celebration of Geometry Dash as a whole, and is easily the game's best rip on the channel.
Though I haven't kept tabs much with the game itself, Geometry Dash always felt like the sort of game that really embraced and rewarded the creativity and dedication of its users with its user-created levels. It feels sort of like the Friday Night Funkin' of the 2010s, if I were to put it one way - and Electromeme Adventures is but one of several thousands fanworks that have kept the game going for so long. The bar of quality is so immensely high given just how talented many of its level creators are, yet ChickenSuitGuy and company matched it with an excellent display of quality. It's such a classic Season 3 rip with jokes like Despacito and Sean Kingston ebbing in and out with jokes from the early days like Soulja Boy and Grand Dad - yet those old jokes never rest on their laurels, and are polished to an absolute sheen. Jokes intersect and blend with one another in absolutely insane ways - the vocals of Beautiful Girls and Boulevard of Broken Dreams will be alternating in harmony with one another, as the instrumental carrying over from 10 seconds prior is built on the drums used in We Are Number One - the amount of layers that joke stack to in Electromeme Adventures is frankly absurd.
Its the kind of rip that, even as I'm sitting here cross-referencing the wiki's list of jokes whilst listening to it in real-time, there are so many small things I'm still only just noticing hidden in the mix. Like, at about a minute in, the vocal sample of MatPat introducing the Game Theory channel seems to at first just be a silly form of beatdrop/transition - but the actual Game Theory intro theme then begins playing quietly in the background, arranged with samples from Scatman's World! None of the jokes are left-field turns or sudden new jokes either, it's a barrage of jokes and themes you're already familiar with yet overlaid with one another in absolute sensory overload.
The appeal of "meme mashup" rips like this such as, say, Memey Hell, does absolutely feel a bit limited in just how dense they are - you've given so little time to actually process a joke or appreciate a harmony before things move on, and I feel like the currently ongoing series of Fusion Collab do a better job letting individual ideas shine for longer. Yet few of those have been looped on my playlist for quite as many times - its impossible for me to listen to Electromeme Adventures just once at a time due purely to how much damn STUFF is crammed into it, and the excellence its all pulled off with. The finishing segment, melody-swapping the backing synth into The Flintstones before switching to Brain Power, really does just close the rip out in the most perfect way possible. Electromeme Adventures is SiIvaGunner operating at FULL Brain Power.
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7ndipity · 2 years
"As the Moon"
Vampire Namjoon x Reader
Warnings: supernatural themes, angst, implied death, blood drinking, suggestive moments, Joon's a lil obsessive
A/N: this is kinda all over the place but idk, I literally can't get my brain to focus anymore rn. Inspired by "Not by the Moon" by GOT7.
Spooktober m.list
"Swear to me not by the moon, for to love something as the moon is a terrible fate. Ever changing, ebbing and flowing with the tides. Never able to fully hold it, grasp it in your hands. It's kiss is not kind, soft and fleeting as falling snow. You will only ever be lonely."
Namjoon closed his book, staring out the window as the last rays of sunlight faded out behind the silhouette of the city.
'Finally.' He'd been waiting anxiously for it to grow dark enough to be safe to go out. Pulling his shoes on, he quickly made his out onto the street.
He pulled his ballcap lower as he passed through a particularly crowded area, keeping his head down to avoid giving faces to the passing figures, the neon glow of the city lights splashing them with artificial vibrancy. It was easier to ignore the need in the pit of his stomach if he didn't make eye contact.
That was how it always started; accidentally meeting someone's eye, the brief glimpse into their soul triggering the hunters reflex in him, flicker over his vision, canines sharpening.
He didn't mean to be that way, it truly was involuntary. Vampires were incredibly instinctual, driven by an ever present thirst.
Feeding was about far more than just satiating hunger. It was like a complete and total fusion of souls. When he fed from someone, he could feel everything they felt, be everything that they were. In those moments, he was filled with pure euphoria.
In all the years since he had become this way, he had become certain that there was nothing, no drug or liquor, that could ever compare.
But it was a drug he couldn't handle. it was too strong for him, too easy to overindulge in, and that had come at too high a price for those he took from, often costing them their life.
If he didn't care it would be easier, but he did. So now he had learned to control the hunger, surviving on tasteless blood bags. He didn't let himself get close to anyone anymore, moving about in a silent, colorless blur, living only for his work, denying himself any indulgence.
Until you.
It had seemed random at the time, but now, he believed it to be fate, when one evening he had wandered into a small, unassuming bookshop and there you were. Soft, bright, so full of color, a goddess reincarnate in his eyes.
He had tried not to be obvious at first, trying focus his attention on one book after another, only for his gaze to be continually drawn back to you. The yellow glow of the steetlight through the window caught in your hair, creating a golden halo around you as you carefully rearranged one of the shelves, somehow so ethereal in something so benign.
You had a relaxing air about you that was intoxicating, your eyes a youthful honesty that he envied. Being around you brought back a warmth he hadn't known in a long time. He felt it seep through him, like ink through paper, staining him with you.
He started coming by more and more often. The two of you would spend hours talking about favorite books and interests. You were independent and unafraid to speak your mind, making it clear that you were equally into him.
When he finally got up the courage to offer and walk you home one night, you'd immediately said yes.
It was like he'd been brought back to life again, a withered rose bush revived by the summer rain.
But just as roses had their thorns, his darkness loomed just below the surface, threatening to crack through the controlled exterior he had carefully constructed.
His attraction for you was a double edged sword. As you grew closer his hunger grew. Everything about you drew him in, your voice, your scent, your touch.
The first time you kissed, his fangs had slipped out. When you'd let out a gasp at the feeling of them scraping against your lips, he had tried to turn away, ashamed, but you wouldn't let him.
You had seen him for his true self and loved him anyway. Rather than making him more cautious, his addiction to you had only intensified.
Some nights he would just sit outside your building, staring up at your window. He understood now how Ambrosio must have felt for Selene in the Greek tale. He knew it was dangerous to get so close to you, but he couldn't let you go. You were his sunlight. To live without you was an agony he couldn't bear to face.
So, he stifled his impulses down even further. He made sure not to go too long in between feedings. It wouldn't be like the others with you, he swore to himself, he could control it, he had to.
But his resolve was tested when you invited him in one evening, removing the last barrier between him and you.
He tried to keep his composure, but could he barely focus, his hands refusing to submit to him, following your instruction rather than his.
"It's okay." You whispered, ghosting you lips over his.
"Don't say that." He groaned. You didn't know what you were saying, what you were promising, if he started-
"It's okay." You whispered again, tiling your head to the side, the bare expanse of your throat open to him. "I trust you."
He crumbled.
He pulled you in, close enough that your heartbeat replaced his, shivers of heat creeping up his spine, your scent clouding his mind.
"Just a taste." He breathed out against your neck, not sure if it was a promise or a plea, his fangs aching with need. Finally, sinking his teeth into soft flesh of your neck.
Everything that was you flooded his senses. He could feel your breath spread through his whole body as you sighed. Blinding light seemed to seep into every inch of his heart and mind, filling himself with you til he almost ceased to exist.
Your heart fluttered desperately, like a bird in a cage. He knew he needed to stop, he had to, but he couldn't. It was too much, he was drowning in you. He felt your hand slip from his as you fell limp in his arms.
He wrenched himself away, breathing heavily, freezing at the sight of you.
You were still and pale, your eyes closed.
No, no, not again. His hands shook as he held you, panic rising in his chest. He couldn't lose you. He pressed his ear to your chest, listening closely.
For several long seconds, he could hear nothing, but then there it was. A faint flutter, barely audible, but there nonetheless. The little bird lived still.
Working quickly, he dragged his teeth across his wrist, pressing it to your lips. Just a few drops, that's all he needed. Not enough to change you, just enough to give your strength back.
For several minutes, it was unnervingly quiet, then a weak gasp as your breath returned to you.
Weak with relief, he collapsed next to you on the floor.
He would find a way to apologize to you once you woke. For now, he was content with listening to your breaths even out, thankful to the Fates for being kind enough to him to let him keep you.
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talesofsonicasura · 9 months
Glitch in the Relics Shenanigans
Hey there everybody. I'm back with FE Reader shenanigans and this time we're dwelling into the world of Knack. Gonna be quite a doozy as our heroes have more than just technology to contend with. Simple or unconventional weapons tend to be used a lot in this particular franchise. Let's get started.
Between the three iterations, Fatal Error Reader here remains mostly chill in temperament. They are still snippy and a bit snide about the situation. It leads to counter snark whenever someone says or does something stupid. Mostly and harshly at Viktor.
The entire team didn't fully trust FE Reader at first. Understandable when the human now virus had hack and emerge from Viktor's security drone. I can imagine they have a very advanced firewall to handle viruses. Something Doctor is aware of since he does have history with Viktor.
There were definitely questions when Reader says they used to be human. Ones that wouldn't have much answers since the living virus is still confused about the situation. Viktor doesn't care about it though.
The billionaire already saw FE Reader as an unwanted pest even moreso when it comes apparent that their abilities expand further than crashing programs. Doctor, Ryder, and Lucas are willing to give the virus a chance. Knack is a mesh of friendly curiosity.
FE Reader's strange abilities doesn't really faze him since he's just as abnormal. Also it is quite obvious that they have no idea about their potential powers either. Like the general freakout upon realizing virus' stomach turn out to basically be a pocket dimension when they had accidentally lost the communicator inside.
He does his best to make sure FE Reader doesn't feel alone throughout the entire journey. Even when they both accidentally find out the virus could hitch a ride inside his chest orb. It did feel weird as Knack heard FE Reader inside his head and they can partially merge with his body to assist him. (Think of the CO-OP Knack fusion from Knack 2.)
Everyone obvious freaked out when FE Reader practically became a hooded cape like shroud over Knack's upper body. His face seen inside their jaws akin to him wearing a helm, the viral upper arms entangle around the golem's own that they were now larger while the lower limbs remains normal and their body overlap his in a plasma state without obscuring the relics. It felt even more awkward speaking due to their voices being mixed together.
Doctor: Incredible... Are you two alright?
FE Knack::I- We're fine other than feeling so tingly. Like just had six straight shots of the most intense expresso/black coffee combo strong.
Ryder: That actually sounds worse than what the Doctor makes for his longer projects.
Doctor: Hey! My preference to get enough caffeine to complete my inventions isn't that bad.
Lucas: Not when it's stronger than three energy drinks. -_-
Despite the oddities between each other their kinship is very strong. Reader often storing any relics they find in their pocket space so Knack can defend himself better or communicate vocally if he's small. It isn't uncommon to see the virus napping inside the golem's chest orb, evidence being soft red data 'flakes' ebbing off it. Knack and Reader are protective of each other, moreso the latter who will share their ire if the former is mistreated.
FE Reader: Call him a pet one more time then you'll quickly find a gag sewn inside your throat and a muzzle glued to that sad excuse for a face, Viktor.
Lucas: That's much more extreme than what I had in mind. Any tips?
FE Reader is gonna be quite an influence on Lucas. They are happily willing to hear him out whether it be his ideas or opinions. Even moreso that he's part of the group decisions tends to be sidelined for his age.
Doctor documents any info that revolves around Reader's powers and mannerisms. He is given permission as the former human wants to understand their new body without accidentally hurting anyone. Although they'll pull Vargas back if he goes a bit overboard.
Ryder is there for the ride and hopefully keep things civil in the group. When it comes to FE Reader, he helps in wherever he can. Simple advice and of course warnings on what machinery is fragile to errors.
FE Reader ends up going into the Goblin Village thus separated from Lucas and Knack. Or living virus tries to keep three unarmed people alive throughout a heavily fortified fortress. Not a fun experience especially when said virus loses their temper.
When canon Fatal Error looses his temper, he takes on Critical form. More powerful, more monstrous, and even more eager to tear apart who garners his rage. Same goes for FE Reader albeit with a chaotic buckwild attitude instead.
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You can sum it as a walking hurricane of viral code. They'll need to constantly feed on energy or data in order to sustain Critical mode should their rage wane enough. FE Reader will be exhausted afterwards.
They seem to have a peculiar reaction to Giant Relics or exposure to large quantities of relic energy. One such instance would be immediately going Critical just by touching the giant relic in Viktor's Mansion.
Whatever connection they may have to these particular artifacts are still unknown. It will put Fatal Error Reader and those they care about in the crossfire for those with bad intentions. Whether they be humans, goblins or something else.
It'll take more than crashing a few systems to tackle this particular threat. That won't stop this living virus from trying. It's delete or be deleted.
That's it for now! Untill next time folks, I'll see on the next expedition. Ciao!
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safyresky · 11 months
Hello, I need to drop this in here before Season two of TSCS drop kicks me in a few days.
But I've had Fusion Au on the mind. In the brain. And I just frankly wanna know more about it. Whatever other information you can give I will GLADLY take. (Maybe even drop the fusion height chart 👉👈 if it is to be found)
Steven Universe has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I just wanna hear you talk about this silly little au that has been fluttering around lately.
F E L T. I have been hitting the ground RUNNING for Crystal Springs just to give myself decent AC for when the series picks up again (not sure if I'm gonna post the same day of the new episodes or the day AFTER, but New CS will be there to comfort me and maybe others in my our time of need).
I am not ready. I NEVER will be. I hope and pray that the Council isn't butchered, bc if we've got three confirmed Legendary Figures, I can't see us NOT getting the others. Or, maybe it WILL just be Sandy and Cupid and EB 2.0!! But idk. Idk man. Idk. I really want the snowball that gets thrown in Scott's face in the trailer to be courtesy of Jack. I know it won't be. But I fucking WISH and HOPE and AH.
I have a height chart floating around somewhere, but it is a stick figure doodle, so I will ATTEMPT to give you a proper?? Chart???
I think I said that Berline is about the size of two Elles stacked on top of each other (sitting on her shoulders) so I kinda eyeballed it based on that??? (me retconning so much about heights knowing that I had Berline pick Elle up and seat her in their palm lmao) So here we go, the main line up:
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I eyeballed the SHIT out of this??? I may boost them all a whole ass foot lmao but Richard was liek "DANI. SEVEN FEET IS TALL!" and I was like I GUESS.
Also, as an aside??? The height chart site has a 3D one?? That actually disturbed me??? Thank GOD I was able to switch back! If I find the shitty lil stick figure height doodle I will edit to add it. Or reblog to add it, lol. ANYWAY.
Some info, you request? Okay! Let me marinate it in my head and see what I can do throughout the day:
If the entire frost fam fused they'd be called Frost and they'd be a DELIGHT. They don't talk much except for to be polite and they will throw melty molten rock at you at the drop of a hat, so it's a GOOD THING that Jackie doesn't exists when Frost does! Because they WOULD drop their hat on purpose just to see a fire show
Frost probably freezes in place a lot while thinking since there's 6 whole ass sprites in there having a discussion, which is a very funny mental image--just this blob of ice and fire BUFFERING and then suddenly some asshole gets pompeii'd lol
They're very sweet! Very polite. Always say please and thank you!
When Fino and Fiera fuse, Fire is just the opposite of the THERE'S TWO meme. There's ONE. And they are making it YOUR PROBLEM (they also do unfuse in my head very similarly to the THERE'S TWO meme)
Fire is also the most humanoid looking fusion, for sure!
Diteline really likes flower crowns. She will make you a flower crown or a lil grass bracelet if she's left alone with no threats and a bunch of nature. She's a big old sweetie, an absolute delight
Diteline kids, meanwhile, are a pain when they learn about fusion, and incredibly hard to keep track of once they master it. Those three lil buggers will bounce from fusion to fusion, going from helping to causing trouble to wreaking havoc to trying to fix something as simple as "oh shit, mom and mater will be home soon and we DIDN'T CLEAN THE KITCHEN LIKE THEY ASKED"
Inter season squabbles take on a whole new meaning when it's "shoulder season" time, as 9/10 times it's because the two seasons have fused and are still doing their jobs 😂😂
Of all the Frosts, Fino is the least likely to fuse! It's fun but not like, a big deal, y'know? Orc Friend (who's name is, in fact, Ken, and then I saw Barbie and. Well. But I can't not see him with any other name! It's short for Kenothy) was tres relieved about this, had a whole crisis about if they'd have to fuse at all and of course, overthought it in leaps and bounds 🫠🫠🫠
Fiera and Normal Man (His name is Norm bc I am a SUCKER for a PUNNY NAME) probably would equate to the Stevonnie plotline lol. Like, they'd fuse and Fiera would be like "I DIDN'T KNOW ORDIBEINGS COULD DO THAT! WOW!" And they'd be so excited and have a regular time, bc the normal and absolutely unhinged wild crazy balance out :)
I think their fusion is named Norma lol
Blaise and Pyros never fused, ever. They were not allowed to bc it "wasn't proper" for royalty to resort to something like that
(King and Queen Frost had a very hands-off approach with...messier conflicts. There's a reason they managed to scrape by when The Call happened)
If a redemption arc ever happened for Pyros, it A) wouldn't be one like Jack's, it'd be a more "oh so this was a fucked up upbringing and I need to stop blaming others and confront myself and maybe fix my shit or maybe get worse, who's to say" kind of thing, and B) there'd deffs be a fusion related plotline in Fusion AU, potentially involving murder of parents and/or falling into a volcano.
I think, somehow, of ALL the fusions, Elline (Elle and Jacqueline) are the most chillest one. She is SO chill. She probably always has sunglasses on or on her person. She's got great advice. She'll go with you for ice cream any day! She has such good vibes it's unREAL.
I want to/am in the process of giving the inter-season fusions names. So far we've got:
Flora: Spring/Summer
Fauna: Spring/Autumn
Mud: Spring/Winter.
She's very insistent on this name presently, but I think a wintry plant would be cuter, like Winterberry or Poinsettia or Snowdrop (my personal fave tbh) but NO. She's like "I make Mud therefor I am mud."
Everyone calls her Snowdrop and she's like "No, just Mud for short is fine" It's like. None of those letters are even IN "Snowdrop" Mud, the FUCK? CAN'T YOU CHARACTERS BE NORMAL. TO A POINT.
Evergreen: Autumn/Winter
Sunflower: Summer/Autumn
(I was torn between something plain and obvious like "Harvest", or a silly crop related pun like "Melony", then I remembered that in SDV Sunflowers grow in Summer and Autumn, you know, like they do in IRL and went OH THAT'S PERFECT!)
Summer/Winter fusion is definitely the poster fusion for vacations, lmao. Probably I'll think of something like THAT for their name. Maybe Snowbird? Bc that's what they call people who fly south for the winter on vacations? Lol
(smacks head of Season sisters) These ladies can fit SO MUCH PUNS in 'em
Blaise and Winter I don't think really fuse with the kiddos, not until later years. I know for sure Winter and Jacqueline on occasion have! She's called Flurry and has the MOST energy ever always and is a sentient storm's WORST NIGHTMARE
Blinter the fusion. Can deffs. Pull other fusions apart. They can just pick up a fusion and be like "nope" and separate their asses. They do not abuse this power; it is just something they can do and it came in handy a LOT during the War of Succession
Which is probably actually when they first appeared! Trauma bonding 🥰🥰
So that's what I managed in a day! The heights are...average, I'd say. Not gospel, but like, the differences between the fusions? Solid. I eyeballed it 100%. I'm like MAKE EM BIG but then I'm like I WANT THEM TO BE SNEAKY AND BLEND IN WHEN THEY CAN AS JUST VERY TALL PEOPLE HUEHUEHUE. For some of them. SO YEAH. I HOPE THIS SATISFIES THE LIL ITCH? THE LIL TICKLE? THE LIL FUSION BUG??
I gotta like. Tidy Fusion AU up now that I've got Crystal Springs tidied up, too! It'll make it easier to write the Jackie Frost instalment, lol.
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problem-pals · 9 months
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Hi! I’m Bobta⸘‽l! (Could be simplified to Bobta¿?l!) I use She/They pronouns, and I live in Glitch City!!
Here are my Pokémon: - Skipper the Herdier - Hero the Missingno - Mask the EB/ゥ¥4MN ゥ (fusion ^_^)
here’s to having fun and being silly :3
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grey-space-computing · 8 months
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