leyyvi · 10 months
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
Object of Affection | Levi x Reader Fluff
Summary: Some may think Levi is whipped or your servant. But acts of service is how Levi shows his love
Word Count: 1.9k
Megans's Note: song correlated: Ridin' by ASAP Rocky ft. Lana Del Rey. btw whenever I say song correlated I dont mean it with the intention to offer to listen to it while reading. It was just the song that inspired the idea or that was on loop while writing. posted: 4/18/24. I'm really glad AOT has sparked me to write again. I need more practice lol. Enjoy.
Eren, Jean, and Armin were the first of your friends to be sitting at breakfast in the dining hall. Sasha was in one of the lines to get food. It was a sunny day and a few ODM drills were available for whoever wanted the practice. Some other classes were going on as well. It was a general casual day for the scouts. For some scout units, there was food preparation for future expeditions, but for you and your friends, you did not have much on the agenda. 
“I think I’m going to do some drills today,” Eren said. “Are you going to join us?” He asked Armin who usually went to Erwin’s office.
“Yeah, I can. I finished the little project with Commander Erwin.” He said then took a bite of his bread. Sasha hurried to the table to sit down. Her plate had a bigger portion than everyone else at the table. “It is a nice day outside too.”
More people started entering the dining area. The morning crowd of scouts was starting to pick up. Jean noticed you and Levi walked through the door.
“Y/N’s coming. Maybe she’ll practice with us,” Jean said. The table noticed Levi say something to you and then you smiled and started going towards them. 
“I don’t know she’s been spending a lot of time with Hange and Moblit doing research and testing theories,” Eren said. 
“Morning guys!” Sasha brightly greeted the table. The line for breakfast was moving a little slower with the incoming scouts. Everyone acknowledged Sasha.
“Sasha, are you going to do drills today? We’re all going to.” Armin asked invitingly. 
“Yeah, and I think Y/N was thinking about it too,” Sasha said. You approached the table and smiled at your friends. 
“Are you not going to eat?” Jean asked.
“Levi’s getting my food.” You said. They look over to see Levi's arms crossed standing in line with the scouts. 
“Why don’t you get your food yourself?” Eren asked
“Levi knows I don’t like standing in lines so he just said he’ll start getting my food.” You said. Jean and Eren laughed. 
“Wow if only I could have the captain serve me food.” Jean joked and you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face.
“He’s not serving me, he just knows I don’t like standing in lines so he offered to get my food from now on.”
“What if he gets you the wrong food?” Eren asked.
“Well Levi knows what I like,” you said. 
“We’re going to do drills today, you should come,” Armin said. Most of your free time has been spent with Hange and Moblit. You looked up to Hange and she liked you. You enjoyed working with her and in general learning more about the titans. 
“Yeah, I’ll come.” You said and your friends were elated you were joining them. “Ugh wait! I forgot my belt and some straps in my room.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s such a nice day out for drills too. Hopefully, it won’t get hotter.”
A few minutes later, Levi put a plate of breakfast in front of you. He softly smiled.
“Do you want water or tea?” Levi asked.
“Water please.” You said and then he walked away. 
“Yeah sounds like a server to me,” Jean said.
“Stop it, Jean. He’s not serving me. When you get a girlfriend you’ll understand that you’ll want to help her and make her feel like she doesn’t need to worry about anything.” You said back.
“I feel sorry for whoever decides to date you, Jean,” Sasha said with a full mouth and you both giggled.
“Whatever I am a catch,” Jean said. Levi came back with water for you and some tea for himself. 
“I have a meeting I’m going to go to now,” Levi said to you. The table greeted Captain Levi and he acknowledged them normally. 
“I’m going to do drills today with my friends.” You said to him. 
“Nice weather for that today.”
“Yeah, but, I left my belt in my room—”
“I can go get it.” Levi offered.
“Thank you that would be really helpful.” You said and he left for his meeting. 
“Y/N’s has him whipped,” Jean said. 
Truly you did. Levi wanted to help you in any way he could. On the last expedition, he made sure you had your own food to take of yourself. Levi always triple-checked that your gear was in top shape. If you mentioned something was sore, he would offer his best to massage you. If you mentioned anything that inconvenienced you he would do his best to find a way to fix it for you. You once mentioned that the drawer to your nightstand kept getting stuck halfway when pulling it out and you would have to tug hard to get it to keep pulling out. Later that day he took apart your nightstand to fix the sliding drawer. All of a sudden it was working and you didn’t think about it anymore. You didn’t even know Levi fixed it until a week later. 
Once, when you and Levi passed by a stationary shop, you mentioned how you have been journaling since you were young. You had eight journals and mentioned a slight fear that they would end up getting damaged or burned in a fire. You treasured your journals that were filled with your memories. He later got you a small perfect-sized fire box that you could keep your journals safe in. 
You and Sasha met up with Mikasa and decided to be grouped for the drills. It was getting a little warmer than expected. But there was still a slight breeze. You three started stretching and getting your gear together. Then you noticed Levi walking up to you with the belt and straps you needed. 
“I got the belt you needed,” Levi said and your heart fluttered. It was so sweet how helpful he’s always been. 
“Thank you,” You said. 
“You look really pretty,” He said and you blushed a little.
“I’m about to get really sweaty.” You laughed.
“It’s starting to get hotter.” He said squinting and looking up at the sky. “Show the dummy titans no mercy.” He said and you smiled while watching him walk off. 
“You two are so freaking cute!” Sasha said making you blush more. “I’m so excited for when I get a boyfriend and we can go on double dates!” That did excite you and you smiled.
“I can’t wait to meet the guy who deserves you.” You said while putting on your belt and straps. “A guy that’s sweet.”
“I think you need someone who loves meat just as much as you do,” Mikasa said. “Or someone who can cook—” Sasha squealed.
“Oh my god that would be perfect!” 
“That would be the perfect guy for you,” you said.
“You guys want to compete for the most kills?” Jean called out in the distance. Connie was now with him, Eren, and Armin. 
“Mikasa is going to win! Back out now while you can!” You yelled back. The drills began. “Mikasa you should give him a head start!” You said and Sasha laughed. Though it was spring and getting greener outside the temperature got hot while everyone was doing drills. It was an unexpected rise. You pulled at your shirt trying to get ventilation whenever you had the time to do so. The heat made everyone work harder because flying in the air gave everyone a slight breeze. After the drills, everyone was sweating. It was a good workout but people were getting tired quicker because of the heat. When walking back to your stuff Sasha was giving Jean crap about Mikasa beating him. It wasn’t a surprise but the competition did make Jean work harder. Jean was a great scout and even gave you some helpful pointers with the ODM gear. Out of everyone doing the drills, he got the second-highest kill count right behind Mikasa. As you approached your stuff you noticed three water bottles that were perspiring because of the heat. 
“Is this not where we put our stuff?” Sasha asked. But then she saw her bag and Mikasa saw her stuff. 
“Whose water bottles are these?” Mikasa asked. You noticed the drenched little note under the water bottle closest to your stuff. The note read: I noticed you guys didn’t have water. Stay hydrated. 
“They’re from Levi. He got us water because he saw we didn’t have any.” You said and Sasha started chugging hers.
“That’s considerate of him,” Mikasa said and the three of you started chugging the cold water. 
“Thanks, Levi it hit the spot!” Sasha said and crinkled her empty bottle. 
“I need to change, I’m so sweaty and probably smell bad.” You said. Many scouts who did drills all had the same idea to take cold rinse-off showers. No one was expecting a spike in the temperature. When you got back to your room with Sasha. You noticed another water bottle and a note near your bed. It was from Levi again. Come to my office for dinner. You smiled and told Sasha. Your heart fluttered because he was so sweet and no one else saw this side of him. He used to be so shy in front of you and you used to think he didn’t like you. Levi would be his normal self to everyone but then he would be quiet in front of you. It made you feel insecure until Hange exposed Levi. She and Moblit told you that Levi talked a lot about you and wanted to get to know you. Hange may have been the one to tell you that Levi thought you were pretty. Which gave you the confidence to approach him.
In the evening you went to Levi’s room, and you were ready for some alone time. When you knocked on the door, Levi opened it pretty quickly. He shut the door behind you and embraced you in a big hug. He smelled nice and then you noticed the smell of his office. 
“Sit down I made us some soup.” He said. “I saw they had that bean mixture you don’t like for dinner.” Your heart fluttered and the soup smelled good. The smell made you hungrier than you were before. “I got some bread and mashed potatoes though to fill you up more. You need the energy from being outside most of the day.” He said.
“Thank you, Levi,” You said grateful for how thoughtful he is. It was so nice how much he tried to help you or thought of ways to make your life easier. 
“Anything for you, Y/N,” He said and you two began eating. The soup was satisfying and Levi getting bread for it was a good idea. Honestly, Levi did a lot for you because he cared for you so much. He had little to no dating experience before you and he did not want to do anything to make you feel like he didn’t respect you. Levi has always been considerate of you since you started getting close and dating. He would listen you to and remember little things about you. You felt cared for and though you and Levi haven’t told one another that you loved each other. You already knew.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Marriage Pact (Erwin x Reader) Part I
Synopsis: To the surprise of the cadets, Commander Erwin is married to more than just his work. Their curiosity brings up fond memories of your and Erwin’s early days in the scouts.
Word Count: 5K
Tags/Warnings: Language, Mild Sexualization, Drinking Alcohol, Gender Neutral Reader, Non-Binary Hange, Fluff
Notes: My favorite part of writing for AoT is that most fics take place in this nebulous part of the timeline due to the years between the season releases (especially between 1-2). Ah, it makes it all the much simpler to be self-indulgent.
Song Pairing: Rumors are Flying - Frankie Carle 
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“Commander Erwin is married?” 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” 
Mikasa delivered a swift swat to the back of Eren’s head, causing him to nearly choke on his rations. Sitting around the wooden table, the group quickly dismissed his complaints, a chorus of playful snickers and jabs drowning him out. After a long day of adrenaline-filled work, the members of the 104th readily accepted any entertainment, no matter how low-hanging.
“He wears a ring on his finger. How could you not notice?” Jean scoffed, pausing with his mug halfway to his lips. His brows furrowed in judgment as he leaned with his elbows on the table. “With your level of observational skill, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got chomped off your horse the moment you stepped outside the wall.” Eren followed suit, leaning forward and circumventing Mikasa’s presence entirely to shoot a pointed glare at Jean. Jean sipped his beverage, pretending not to notice.
“Oh, shut up,” Eren gritted through clenched teeth and an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Why would I be looking at Commander Erwin’s hands in the first place—” Sasha nodded a few times into her bread. 
“Yeah! I always just look at his ass!” Sasha’s admission made any words die on Jean’s lips, his face contorting from self-assured condescension to acutely horrified confusion. Connie let out a bombastic cackle as the table turned their attention to Sasha. She quirked a brow as she stuffed more food into her mouth. “What? Good looking man, good looking ass….”
“That’s a married man you’re talking about, Sasha!” Connie scolded, his tone laced with a comical bite.
“If he’s even married!” She jabbed her pointer finger out in front of her, gesturing wildly to her group of friends. She shrugged, finally swallowing her mouthful of food as she stroked her chin. Sasha cast her eyes downward in thought. “We don’t know that for sure….”
“Like hell we do!” Jean sputtered, finally pulling himself together. He glanced around at the others in hopes that someone else would be on his side. “He is. He literally wears a wedding ring.” He waved his palms in circles in front of himself, growing frantic as no one appeared to back him. 
“That doesn’t mean he’s married.” Connie mirrored Sasha, the two taking greater joy in their posing than the conversation itself. Jean threw up his hands, letting his palms slap against his lap. 
“What the hell else could it mean? What else could wearing a ring on his ring finger mean?” He locked eyes with Armin, who quickly tore his gaze away. Apparently, it was a tough recruitment day for the Coalition of Reason. 
“Well… It’s just that…” Eren trailed off. Jean’s eyes shot up at him, almost daring him to side with Sasha and Connie’s comically stupid reasoning. Eren quirked the side of his lips almost indifferently. “He just doesn’t seem like the type for that kinda thing, you know?” Connie shook his head, tearing the crust off his bread as he did so. 
“I disagree; Commander Handsome is hot.”
“No, no, now you’re talking about two different things,” Reiner interjected, apparently having reached the threshold to have skin in the debate about Erwin’s marital status. His arms coiled across his chest as he sat up a bit straighter. “Someone can be hot and not be married or vice-versa. I rest my case.” He nodded to himself confidently. 
“He’s literally wearing a wedding ring!” Jean exclaimed with exasperation, accenting each of his words as he pounded his fist on the table. No one seemed to notice. 
“It would have to be someone who isn’t in the military,” Ymir told Christa. The pair were having a separate conversation near the end of the table. Reiner leaned forward to catch Ymir’s eye. She narrowed her gaze before he even spoke.
“Why d’ya think that?” 
Ymir rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat to face the rest of the table. She rested one elbow on the table and the other on her bent knee. 
“You know that the only kind of person stupid enough to marry Erwin Smith would be a civilian who doesn’t know about all the fucked up shit that goes on around here.” Ymir cocked her head, her bangs sliding across her forehead. She played with the rim of her empty cup. “Besides, can’t you see that smarmy bastard with a little homemaker to rub his shoulders when he gets home?” The lines around Reiner’s nose wrinkled as a smile broke out across his lips.
“Hey, what’s wrong with that?”
“Guys, you’re all missing what’s right in front of you.” Eren crossed his ankles under the table. He brought his fist down into the open palm of his opposite hand. “Commander Erwin is clearly married to the Survey Corps.” 
“I guess your options would be limited if you’re going into the scouts,” Armin considered aloud, eyes as haunting as usual. A few glances were shared across the table, and with the mention of senseless murder, the conversation quickly moved along.
Jean would almost forget the debate completely by the next day. Whether or not the Scout’s commander had a spouse or not ultimately didn’t hold much weight to Jean in the grand scheme of things. 
He rapped on the large wooden door to your office, only waiting a moment to hear your muffled permission before letting himself in. You stood by the window, still looking out the glass when Jean took his first step in. You turned to him with a smile.
“Ah, Jean! It’s good to see you. How have you been?” 
Jean’s shoulders relaxed at the sound of your voice. He hadn’t even realized how tense they had been. Between expeditions, responsibilities among the Scouts comprised mostly of administrative work and training, the administrative part being more significant than Jean expected. Being a new recruit meant he would spend his fair share of days as a gopher for clerical work. But out of all the offices he could have been sent to, the errand runners in the scouts fought over visiting your office the most. 
“Things are going as well as they can,” Jean sighed, the sides of his lips curling up into a boyish half-smile. You let out a puff of amused air, shaking your head as you motioned for him to come farther into your spacious office. You didn’t even feel like an officer most of the time, let alone a captain.
“You talk like a Scout already,” you chuckled, “Come have tea and show me what you’ve brought me.”
Jean pushed the door behind him as he entered the room, the latch bolt not quite catching in the strike, leaving the door slightly ajar. He sat in one of the chairs in front of your desk, shifting the legs across the modest carpet as you poured two cups of tea. The tea set sat on a metal cart to the left of your desk. Jean tossed the bundle of files he brought on a wooden rack, dwarfing the other papers that required your review.
You handed Jean a dainty, rose-patterned teacup on an equally delicate saucer. The intricate design complimented the similar pattern on your uniform insignia, or at least Jean had always thought so. He held the cup up to his lips and welcomed the sweet flavor. You always knew how to make a good cup of tea. A large enough salary to afford a modest sugar supply didn’t hurt either. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” you mused, grabbing the stack that Jean had just put in your paper basket with one hand. The papers must have amounted to three inches in thickness at least. You let them fall in the space in front of you, causing an audible slap on the desk’s surface. The liquid in your teacup trembled. You locked eyes with Jean, amused. “I can only imagine what’s been going on in your neck of the woods to require this much… debriefing.” You thumbed through the file pages, unwrapping rubber bands when warranted. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Erwin was trying to get rid of me with all… this. He thinks he’s being cheeky.” 
That should have been Jean’s first clue, but his eyes and attention wandered around your office. Frankly, a new recruit remaining in the room while a superior officer reviewed documentation wasn’t common. But with recent internal shifts in the military, you often asked your errand-runners to stay due to the high volume of administrative mistakes. You found it easier to ask a soldier sitting in front of you to return with a needed but missing document rather than putting a formal request in and waiting. Jean didn’t mind the break, and you knew as much.
His attention settled on a wardrobe to his right. Above the three polished wooden drawers sat a pair of glass doors. Jean peered in, studying the display inside. On one side of the wardrobe hung a crisp Scout cloak. Its presentation made it appear like it hadn’t been used in years. The other side of the glass display was lined with three shelves. A horizontal picture frame sat on the second of the three. Jean leaned forward to get a better look.
“Captain.” You looked up at the sound of his voice. He turned to meet your gaze. “You were in the Scouts?” You hummed with a nod of your head, crossing your legs underneath your desk. Your other hand held your place within the stacks of pages. Jean stood slowly, placing his cup and saucer down as he approached the wardrobe curiously. He looked back at you. “May I?” You gave him another nod.
“I was in the Scouts from your age to maybe around four years or so ago.” You shrugged as you continued to review your generous stack of paperwork. Jean tugged open the glass doors, which gave him the slightest bit of resistance. He picked up the picture.
Sure enough, he found you among the cadets in the middle of the group. You looked younger, almost unrecognizable, but something about your face made Jean immediately know it was you. The few familiar faces almost made him chuckle. Hanji hadn’t aged a day. And right beside you stood Erwin.
Jean closed the wardrobe, returning to his chair as he studied the picture. He slouched against the back cushion.
“Not a lot of people in that drawing are here today.” You stared at the back of the frame. Something struck Jean about the quiet sorrow in your eyes. “I try to keep all of them close.”
A light knock sounded at your doorway. With the entrance already ajar, a Garrison cadet stood at the door of your office. She let out a surprised hum upon seeing your company.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Captain. You have a delivery.” You motioned for the cadet to enter with a knowing smile. The flowers in the vase she carried covered half her face, and as she set them down at the corner of your desk, they covered half of Jean’s too. “From your husband.” You thanked her, and the cadet saw herself out, closing the door behind her. 
“Sorry, Jean,” you said sheepishly, sliding the vase across your desk to reveal your guest. “I’ll get you out of here soon.” He shook his head, fingers tracing the edge of the picture frame.
“I’m fine where I am. Take your time.” 
You offered him a content nod as you continued your work. Jean continued to stare at the flowers that were just brought in. The ornate bouquet of mixed wildflowers was arranged neatly in a modest glass vase. A red ribbon wrapped neatly around the neck, tied into a crisp bow. A little cardholder jutted out from among the petals clutching a small note. 
His attention flickered to your wedding ring.
“I didn’t know you were married,” Jean said, more wondering aloud as he recalled the cadet’s last words. It wasn’t exactly true. He had seen your wedding ring the many times he came to deliver papers to you. Jean supposed he had never thought too much about your marital status, just as his friends said about Erwin the night before. Perhaps last night’s conversation sat too prevalently in his mind. 
“When you’re in this line of work, you have to live while you can.” You shut the large collection of files with a thump. You looked at Jean with a sentiment he had never seen before. “Find what makes you feel warm and never let it go until death. At least that’s what I think.” You leaned over the file with a sigh, face suddenly turning exasperated. “It looks like everything is here. Thank you for bringing the monster over.” 
“No problem,” Jean nodded. He returned the frame to your desk as he stood. He offered you a salute, and with your dismissal, he was on his way. 
You plucked the note from the bouquet as he made his way across the room, taking a second to read it. 
“Cheeky…” you smiled with a shake of your head.
Jean glanced back at you just as he closed your office door, wondering if he saw the initials “ES” on the back of your note.
It was the night before an expedition when you proposed it. 
Practically the entire regiment stayed up late after one of you raided a locked-off Military Police closet for booze. Even for the Scouts, morale had been lower than usual. That was probably why Erwin agreed to your little scheme in the first place. You had a way of relating to the squads in a way that was uniquely your own. And while Erwin could give the calm command of a natural leader, only you could organize a night of carefree games and stories as doom and uncertainty loomed over everyone. 
As sleeping bodies lay strewn out across the room, you met Erwin’s blue eyes with a tired sigh. You caught the semblance of a snicker as he leaned back against the stone wall. He shifted on the random cushion you and your squad collected from around headquarters. If Erwin didn’t know any better, he would have thought it was a pew cushion from a church. He shook his head, the corners of his lips causing dimples to appear on his cheeks. You glanced down at Hange, who had fallen asleep in your lap, and back to Erwin with a shrug. Their usual hair tie wrapped around your wrist as you ran your fingers through their hair. The fourth squad leader curled up on a dining table somewhere in the room.
“That was a good thing you did here,” Erwin said, sipping his drink. He had started feeling a rare buzz from the alcohol a while ago, even as carefully as he nursed his drink. Hange kept pouring him more throughout the night despite gentle declines.
“Thank you, but I mean, all I did was rob a storage closet.” You let out a gentle laugh. Erwin’s attention remained on you even as you looked off. The fireplace flicker between the two of you cast a warm glow onto your face. “Actually, you’re the one who broke the lock, so I didn’t really do anything.” You met eyes with him again. He held you in the stark, baby-blue of his irises. Intimate and wordless. Erwin cocked his head to the side in a silent challenge. You let out a snicker with a playful roll of your eyes, and he smiled behind the rim of his mug. 
“I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.” Erwin glanced out into the dark room of sleeping soldiers, each sprawled across your random, borrowed cushions with their cloaks draped over them. Empty bottles of alcohol lay strewn across the floor. 
“Did you?” you asked softly, slowly running your fingers through Hange’s hair. Erwin rolled his cup between his palms, shifting his legs to bend at the knee as he sat back. 
“Yes, I did.” He gave a single nod. He rolled his cup again before coming to hold it by the handle. “It hasn’t been easy to keep everyone’s hopes up. You’re far better at it than me, that’s for sure.” You hesitated.
“I’m glad you had a good time,” you said, downing about half of what remained in your cup. The alcohol made you feel warm and light in the head. But even so, thoughts of the next day’s expedition haunted you. You felt the same about the previous failed missions that everyone else felt, but as a Squad Leader, you pushed yourself to put on a brave face. “I’m glad I could give everyone a little peace of mind before we leave tomorrow. It’s about all I feel I can do.” Erwin frowned.
“Don’t discount yourself.”
“I’m not,” you answered too quickly. The hall's silence took up the space between the two of you. The crackle of the fire popped softly as Erwin studied you closely. He tilted his head as you bowed yours. You braided a random portion of Hange’s hair. “It’s just the truth. If anyone’s going to give them real hope, it’ll be the one making a difference out there. You’re the one the commander keeps in his back pocket.” 
“I don’t connect with the soldiers like this.” Something about his tone made you glance up. Erwin’s face grew serious, not quite angry or upset, but grave. His gaze pierced your spirit, and you hummed complacently. “You know that. I know you do.”
“If anything, all this was for me.” you sighed and shook your head. You took another sip of your drink before returning to your little, random braids. You let out another deep sigh. “They say exactly what I’m trying not to think. And what are you supposed to say?... It fucks with me. Especially when they’re kids.”
“I know.” 
You moved on to another section of Hange’s head, the movements of your fingers growing faster. 
“It’s hard not to get attached. I want them all to be okay, and I just know they won’t all be okay.”
“I know.”
As you finished your second braid, you reached for your drink. Without a second thought, you downed the rest of it. The burn of the ethanol had long gone away. 
“Have you ever thought about marriage and kids and shit?” you mused, perhaps a bit too loud. Erwin’s thick eyebrows shot up, startled but amused by your sudden outburst. Your words echoed through the room, but no one stirred. They stayed suspended in the thick atmosphere as the emotions in your chest darted across your heart. Erwin leaned forward with his elbows on his bent knee, his cup still gripped in one hand. 
“Have I ever thought about marriage and kids and shit?” He repeated, the undertone of a laugh lacing his voice. It almost sounded crass coming from him, and hearing your words over again made you suddenly self-conscious.
“I, uh, I mean—”
“Yeah, I have,” Erwin answered, much to your surprise. He also downed the rest of his beverage, placing his mug on the wooden floor. “With a woman, I knew in my cadet years.” 
Your heart flipped in your chest, caught off guard by Erwin’s sudden vulnerability. The feeling seared like a spear driven straight through you. You knew, logically, that Erwin had to have had a romantic interest in others in the past. Not that it mattered to you in the slightest. Besides, what stake did you have to your fellow Squad Leader? Surely, it was the alcohol.
“Oh,” was about all you could answer. You scrambled to find some other commentary to share that didn’t make it sound like you were too personally invested in Erwin’s romantic affairs. You continued to fidget in an attempt to avoid Erwin’s gaze. A bit of drool poured from Hange’s mouth onto your thigh. Unfortunately, you were not very convincing.
“She’s long been married to my good friend. They’re expecting a second child.” Erwin shrugged. You weren’t sure if the new information made you feel better or worse. 
“I’m sorry,” you offered, unsure what else to say. Erwin shifted on his cushion in your peripheral, his back audibly cracking as he did. The noise made you snort. 
“No need to be sorry. It’s in the past.” 
“Is it?” You observed the orange light that illuminated his strong features. His jaw locked with Erwin’s usual certainty as he nodded. Still, you knew him well enough to pick up the slightest hint of hesitation. “I mean, what happened?” you asked, the alcohol doing away with your filter. Erwin let out a deep sigh, attention somewhat wandering as he debated whether he wanted to say.
“She wanted a family.” He almost sounded resigned with a hint of indifference mixed into his tone. He shook his head as if giving in to a fight he had had many times before. You wondered whose face came to his mind. 
“And… you didn’t?” You pushed, your brow raising as you repositioned yourself. Hange’s head had become heavy, but they didn’t notice as you assumed another sitting position. “It’s not that I didn’t,” Erwin said in a tone resembling playful defensiveness. You glanced up at him briefly, curiosity pushing you to keep digging at him. Erwin stared upward in thought before another slow shake of his head. “You know very well the significance of our role here.”
“And yours is?” He met your eye, and his face scrunched into confusion— something not seen often on Erwin Smith’s face. It was small. It was the slightest crease in his brow and the soft purse of his lip as he tilted his head to the side.
“And mine is what?”
“Your role? What’s the endgame?” You snorted, finding yourself melted into the conversation. The focus wasn’t on you. Between your liquid courage and your fatigue, you let your intrigue guide you. “What’s so important that you’ve sworn off love or whatever—” You gestured dramatically with your hands.
“Okay, I never said I swore off love.” He waved you off as if to physically dismiss the thought from the conversation. Erwin leaned forward to rest his elbow on the knee of one of his crossed legs. He rested his cheek in his hand, officially invested. “You make me sound like a jaded old man.”
“Aren’t you?” Your retort was quick. Erwin’s lip curled in a mock pout. He balled up his cloak, and you shielded yourself with your arm as it hit your cheek. The fabric smelled like him. “Hey!” You laughed, catching the bundle with one hand as you gestured to Hange. Erwin held his hands up in defeat and a playfully exaggerated eye roll. 
You unfurled the cloak. It took a second to orient it correctly before draping it over your shoulders. Erwin’s cloak was slightly longer than yours. You covered Hange’s torso with it as they continued to sleep soundly. Hange could sleep through an earthquake. 
When you turned back to Erwin, he was already staring, a softness in his eyes. You took a quick look behind you, and upon seeing nothing, you turned back to him again.
“So what is it? What’s your role?” You pushed again. Erwin snickered to himself, a silent puff of air escaping his nose, allowing his head to bow as he recovered. 
“To carry out my duties,” he answered, almost unsure. He held himself like you had never seen before. Never had you seen Erwin so relaxed, raw, and playful. You shot back a similar look he had given you earlier in the night: one of skepticism and challenge. Erwin took in a deep breath. “I want to understand what humanity has never understood before. I need to witness truth for myself, I suppose.” He scrunched his forehead, part of him unsure if his words were as diplomatic as he liked.
“And you can’t do that with a family?”
“Well, you were the one who just said stuff about kids and feeling guilty. You said it fucks with you if we’re using your words.” Erwin sat back against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest. He stretched his long legs out in front of him.
“Who said a family means children?” You mirrored him, leaning back on your palms. Hange remained curled on your lap. Erwin bobbed his head from side to side in consideration.
“You’re right on that point,” he conceded. “Ideally—” You groaned.
“All or nothing is so like you.” You rolled your eyes as you nestled deeper into Erwin’s cloak. He gaped for a second, not knowing how to respond to your casually spoken criticism. 
He sputtered. It was cute.
“I feel like I should take offense to that.” He blinked, taken aback.
“You’re depriving yourself of happiness you know you want because you think there are only two options? Please. Just date someone in the military. Another truth-seeker, if you will.” You let your head lull to the left, resting on your own shoulder as you stared out into the dark room. Two soldiers sat slumped over each other a few feet away. They sat with their cloaks draped over one another, illuminated by the fire. “You know, I heard Owens and Murray have a marriage pact. The two of them say if they get through tomorrow’s expedition alive, they’re going to go straight to the courthouse to get married.”
You almost zoned out, lost in the dim outline of the Wings of Freedom. Perhaps you were getting tired after all. With any luck, you could get at least some sleep in before the expedition.
“Was that a proposal?” You snapped back to reality. Erwin stared as you blinked a few times, lips pursed together mischievously as he held back an amused smile. His leather shoulder straps had fallen the slightest bit off his shoulders.
“What? Of course not!” A warm heat spread under your skin. “I was just telling you something I heard.”
“Well, you were the one telling me to date my comrades and form a marriage pact. I just assumed you were insinuating that you meant with you.” You stammered in disbelief, watching Erwin struggle to hold back his Cheshire grin. “That’s what it sounded like.” His brows rose on his forehead, painting his face with self-assurance akin to cockiness.
“You! In your dreams!” You searched your immediate vicinity for something to throw at him. Finding nothing, you took Hange’s hair tie off your wrist and shot it at Erwin with unmatched speed and dexterity. He dodged it, ducking off to the side as it hit the wall behind him. “You’re full of yourself!” Hange hardly stirred. “I wasn’t suggesting anything. In fact, I was thinking of asking Fletcher.” You crossed your arms with a severe pout.
“Fletcher,” Erwin repeated, the name forming in his mouth like a foreign object. Erwin shook his head in disbelief, blinking his eyes a few times as he did. He stuck out a hand towards you in a forward-slicing motion. “Who puts his ODM gear on backward half the time.”
“Which means he gets it right the other half,” you quickly retorted. Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“You could do so much better,” he groaned. He ran a hand through his neat, blond hair. 
“Fletcher is a perfectly suitable partner, thank you very much.” You glanced off into the dark room, lowering your voice. “I was thinking about it, and I… you know, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. You have to take a chance and live a little.” Erwin rubbed his chin, still in disbelief. He yawned. 
“I still think you could do better.”
“Well, it’s like you said; it’s not like you have a lot of options when you join the Scouts,” you huffed. Sure, your companion from your cadet years wasn’t the brightest, but at least you were trying to pursue a life while you still could. “If I gamble with heartbreak and lose, I can at least know I achieved something.” Erwin scoffed.
“A gamble, huh?” He rolled his head from shoulder to shoulder, another tense crack popping from his bones. He stretched his arm to the side. Before you could say a word, he let out a concentrated breath. “Okay.” Erwin shrugged, resuming his earlier position leaning against the wall. Even as he closed his eyes, you didn’t like the smug look on his face.
“Okay… what?” You asked suspiciously. 
“I’ll throw my hat into the ring.” He shrugged again, and you nearly threw your hands up in defeat. 
“What ring?” You nearly exclaimed. 
Erwin’s eyes fluttered open. You stared into them with a frown. The fire had since grown smaller, darkening the already dim room. His irises shone brightly, even in the waning glow of the fire. You watched each other in silence and with bated breath. He leaned forward.
“I’d say, if we make it out of the next three expeditions alive, we marry each other.”
His proposition hit you like a frying pan over the head.
You gaped, your mouth opening before closing again. You stumbled over what to say, the semblance of words tripping incoherently out of your mouth until you found it in you to ask a single question,
“Why three?” Erwin actually chuckled at that one. Sheepishness and acute embarrassment burned harder in your cheeks. Considering how long you had known each other, you had no idea what made you so nervous.
“We can gamble and make it five if you’d like.” Erwin crossed one arm over his chest and held his chin with the opposite hand. An excitement, a certain mischief, continued to blaze in his expression.
“You do like a good gamble,” you noticed with hesitancy. You glanced at Owens and Murray, who still slept curled against one another. You eyed Erwin out of your peripheral. “I like three, though,” you mused. “And if you die, I marry Fletcher.” He hummed.
“I don’t think I’m going to die, though. I don’t think you will either.”
“Yeah… I don’t think so either.”
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: this oneshot will get another part at 50 reblogs!
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
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darklcy · 8 months
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☆ 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧! 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☆
this has been in the drafts for a long, long time and i haven’t posted aot in a while, so enjoy :) | also i feel like some of these may be ooc but this was fun to write! just keep in mind this is how i think they’d act in a modern setting, ofc minus the war & trauma
attack on titan masterlist
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skips class to vape
smokes to thundercat & nirvana
flannels flannels flannels
naturally you steal them. acts coy when you do.
“you didn’t steal it, i just let you wear it and didn’t say anything when you went home with it.”
i feel like he’d be into meditating. idk why. like someone said he should do it so now he does a quick 5-min guided meditation every morning
showers with his chain on and gets green neck
doodles on his converse and yours
writes “hi :)” on your homework, journals, notes, etc during class
has a minecraft server w jean, connie and armin
claims he’s not scared of games like outlast or silent hill but everyone knows he’s lying
ends up hiding behind you in haunted houses
LOVES DRIVE THRUS/FAST FOOD. sonic & in n out specifically
toddler sense of humor, like finds things falling over funny (y’all remember the video of the piece of bread falling over-)
doesn’t know how to work pinterest
leans over people’s shoulders to look at their phones
tried getting his cartilage pierced but it got infected
has a few tattoos on his wrists and bicep
will bite you impulsively
you mean my bf
so this boy DOES know how to work pinterest, and has so many boards
one of them is filled w future pets he wants & another one includes house ideas with you :3
is the best language learner and knows french, spanish, and german
can’t watch gory shows like squid game or the walking dead, but enjoys psychological horrors like black swan
has a billion playlists with like 6 songs each
your playlist is titled “lovey” bc i said so
has maybe one lobe piercing. but only one
he goes so hard to TV girl and mac demarco, but also loves singers like sza & jack stauber
downloaded bumble only for the fun of it once but immediately deleted it when someone liked him
bounces his leg and picks his nails
best. skin. ever. has a good skin care regime
drives a silver toyota prius 
super into journaling & drawing :>
such a gentle bf, but lives for gossip
you text him, “you will NOT believe what i just heard.” and he drops everything he’s doing to respond
coffee dates!!!
you two have a stardew farm together with a dog and a bunch of chickens and cows
his favorite character is crobus
i love him very much
hardcore alison from breakfast club vibes
secretly into girl kpop groups
but loves hardcore women, like björk & poppy
definitely owns a lot of platform shoes: has like three pairs of demonias
shaves her brows to draw them on 
loves online shopping from aliexpress & etsy
into weird chunky jewelry!! has a necklace with a heavy cat pendant & a pair of eyeball earrings
loves to do your makeup! if you don’t wear a lot daily, she’ll do something for special outings like concerts or even for fun she’ll ask you to let her do it :3
has a tiktok specifically for ootds
favorite foods include spicy ramen, mediterranean meals & ice cream
i feel like she’d be in art class! she’d draw you random portraits or cute versions of you two to put in her scrapbook
oh yeah i also feel like she’d have a scrapbook!!! and keeps a lot of mementos from your dates/hangouts
when you come over, you, her and eren play mario kart
no doubt a spiritual girly: maybe not super into spells but has a tarot deck and a few oracle decks as well as a beautiful incense burner
you two go to goth clubs cuz yeah
her lipstick gets on you all the time
dressed up as lydia deetz one year for halloween
makes rings and necklaces and gives them to you, and she debates on opening an etsy shop
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— hope you enjoyed!
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Hi!! Have you had any success stories or know any of someone manifesting superpowers? ♡
Yeah i have one, but my manifestation was just having Supernatural Friends and boyfriend.
And let me tell you that i have manifested this even tho i didn't even discover the Law of assumption 😭, i just knew shifting and i didn't have limiting beliefs about the illogical things.
So what i did is i scripted my WR (stands for waiting room) and i scripted Also my Supernatural Friends and my boyfriend.
I was trying to shift there to meet them..but it didn't work (cause duh i had so much limiting beliefs about shifting believing that i had to do methods to shift🗿).
But since i haven't shifted i just decided that they will Come to this World.
Firstly i didn't know if they did Come here or not until in november 2020 my little sister Saw in the window that my Supernatural Friends and my boyfriend was in the car passing by the street that is in front of our apartment.
And i told her (my little sis) "hey..isn't one of my Friend have telepathic power? Then why don't we try to communicate with Them through our Minds?" And yes it worked so my sister started talking to them with just her mind (if you doubt me and you just Say "how did you know that it worked?" Well there were so many proofs and i will talk about them later on).
We had so much fun talking to them with just our Minds (thanks to my little sis🥹).
But you might wondering if i met them? No i didn't cause they didn't want me to meet them cause of my strict parents (by the way my Supernatural Friends are : 4 guys and one of them is my boyfriend and 2 girls).
Proofs : well when drama was happening in my middle school i would Ask my boyfriend to read their Minds or to know an information about them, and he would told me, i couldn't believe him at first but then when i would Ask some common Friend about that "the rumors" they would Say the same thing my boyfriend said and yup i was speechless and that proved that my friends and my boyfriend were here.
Then i really wanted to manifest my favorite fictional character (eren yeager from attack on titan) cause i had a Big crush on him 🤭, so my boyfriend suggested to bring him here with the Magic wand (yes my Magic wand is with my boyfriend 😥) so he made him Come to this World and he didn't Even told me (cause yeah my boyfriend is jealous), i was Sitting in the Park with my sister and my parents then i noticed a man walking like he didn't Even know where he was (and he was looking exactly like my fictional character "eren" he even was wearing the same clothes and even the hairstyle hsbfkgnidbf😫😩💗) i quickly told my sister "hey don't you think that man looks like eren?" And she told me "oh yeah it true" then i told her "hey Ask (my boyfriend's name) if that man is eren?" She hesistated a bit and told me that yeah it was him but 10 years older (because in the show he's 19 so that means he came from the future), so he started walking then he sat near my Parents my jaw dropped to the roof i was extremely surprised and Also excited, he was holding a black bag and another bag full of bread but suddenly it disappeared 😨 and he started smoking, girl i started fangirling at that moment 🤭😂..and i have so many stories but i would write an essay if i could tell you all of it😂.
Oh and also one day me and my little sis witnessed eren teleported right in front of us. (Yes my eyes couldn't believe what it Saw).
So yeah that it, now i'm manifesting to wake up in the void aware and to manifest my dream life and to live with my Friends.
Sorry for rambling 😅 and yeah that my success story.
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Fighting Words
After recently finishing Attack on Titan, I’ve finally completed my first fanfic for the fandom! Of course I had to start with my favorite character, Levi Ackerman. It might not be the best, but it was still fun to write. As always gif and characters are not mine, and I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Y/N L/N, a newer member of the cadets, believes that they can take Levi Ackerman in a fight. Having despised them for so long, Levi finally decides to take them up on their challenge
Warnings: Mentions of sparring, one curse word, suggestive positions, otherwise none. If I miss something, please let me know!
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Y/N sat in the mess hall of the Scout Regiment’s barracks, savoring the vegetable stew that the cooks served from the kitchen. The new recruits would be coming in today for training, and Erwin gave Y/N the task of watching over their progress. They weren’t thrilled about the job, but with the rise in titan attacks, the Scouts would need to boost their numbers. Sasha, Jean, and Connie joined Y/N after grabbing their own lunches. Jean joyfully hit Y/N’s shoulder with his free hand.
“Promise me you won’t go too hard on the new recruits today? After seeing you during our training, I’m not sure they’ll make it out alive to kill any titans.” Jean and Connie laughed as Y/N also began to smile. No one could beat Y/N in a fight during training, not even Annie or Reiner, and their combat abilities earned them praise from members of the higher command.
All except Captain Levi.
Y/N never understood why Levi hated them more than the others, but their own animosity towards the Captain grew as time went on. Even now as Levi leaned against the entryway to the mess hall, he glared daggers at Y/N. “Oh please, Jean, why beat up the cadets when there are more challenging opponents to face,” Y/N said with a shrug.
“You're seriously not thinking about challenging Levi again, are you?” Sasha asked through a mouthful of bread.
“Perhaps, but I believe the only reason why he hasn’t accepted my offer is the fact that he knows he’ll lose. I beat Erwin no sweat, and Hange too might I add, so fighting Levi would be a breeze.”
“What did you say, brat?”
All of them froze as Y/N looked over their shoulder and saw Levi standing behind them with his arms crossed. His storm colored eyes showed no emotion as he stepped forward and let his arms drop to his sides. “Do you mind repeating what you said? In fact-” Levi's voice raised to a dominating pitch as he addressed the whole mess hall, instantly gaining everyone’s attention. “Maybe you should tell your fellow comrades your idiotic statement!”
Y/N growled as they launched up from the wooden table. Y/N clenched their fists as they shouted at the captain. “I said that you are too much of a coward to accept my challenge for a sparring match because you know deep down that you’ll lose! Then everyone would see that the great Captain Levi is nothing but a whimpering pup!”
The room fell into an eerie silence apart from a few stray gasps. Levi’s facial expressions remained the same, but his eyes burned with rage and something else that Y/N couldn’t figure out. “Oh no, Y/N is in big trouble, now,” Armin whispered to Eren and Mikasa, who were sitting at the table catty corner to the one Y/N sat at before. Levi calmly moved the last few steps towards Y/N. He reached up, grabbing their jaw between his thumb and other fingers. His firm grip kept them from moving their head. Y/N could feel Levi’s warm breath as he leaned down towards their ear. “The only reason why I’m accepting your challenge now is to put you in your place, Private L/N. These weaklings might not be able to knock some sense into you, but I will break you in a heartbeat.”
Levi quickly pulled back with a scoff before exiting the mess hall, but as he turned away from them, Y/N swore that his cheeks were more red than usual. They thought that their comment must have hit a nerve, one that caused Levi to flush in his attempt to keep his frustration from being shown.
The afternoon sun beat down on the new cadets as they fought in pairs with their practice rifles, and Y/N could feel their own sweat dripping down their forehead and back. The second that the training sessions were done for the day, Y/N planned to lay in their cool room and sleep as long as they could. Not to mention seclusion would provide an escape from Levi’s inevitable pettiness. As if he heard their thoughts, Levi nonchalantly approached Y/N and tossed a wooden practice gun onto the ground in front of them.
“Well, you want to fight me, L/N, then pick up the damn gun.” Levi asserted. Y/N wondered how Levi managed to remain unbothered by the heat, as if his cool yet aggressive attitude manifested across his entire body. As for Y/N, they refused to bow down to Levi a second more. If it took fighting the world’s strongest soldier to prove themselves to him and the rest of the Scouts, then so be it. Y/N grabbed the practice gun, the chipped wood planting a few splinters into their palms. They stood in a fighting stance as they glared at the dark haired captain. “Bring it, Ackerman.”
Levi scowled as he dashed towards Y/N, raising his own practice gun above his head and bringing it down with great force. Y/N blocked the shot with their own weapon, but Levi did not let up after the first blow. The sound of wood colliding echoed through the training yard as Levi swung repeatedly at Y/N, refusing to let this low ranking scout make a fool out of him. Despite the brutal assault, Y/N kept their guard up, and they managed to lay a few offensive blows against their opponent. However, Y/N took one step too far to the right, and Levi seized the chance to swiftly kick Y/N’s legs out from under them.
Y/N felt the wind leave their lungs as their body came into contact with the hard, dry dirt below them. Levi straddled Y/N’s body as he maneuvered to a position where he could press the practice gun against their throat. Y/N’s gun prevented him from ending the fight. Levi had to admit that Y/N showed great stamina for a recent graduate, and from this angle he noticed the determination that pooled in their E/C eyes. The sight made his heart beat faster, but Levi blamed it on the adrenaline powering his fighting instincts.
“Just give up now, brat,” Levi snarled, his face inches from Y/N’s. “For weeks I have put up with your bragging, and yet you have nothing to show for it. You’re pathetic.”
“Pathetic? Give me a break! I have fought through hell to become the fighter I am, and I refuse to tolerate insults from an egotistical jerk like you!” Y/N shifted their pinned body to the side, causing Levi to fall forward slightly, giving them just enough time to raise their legs to their chest and shove both feet into Levi’s stomach. He fell over with a groan, and Y/N batted Levi’s practice gun away from him while the pain in his gut worked as a distraction. Y/N used one hand to snatch Levi’s wrists and pin them above his head while the other hand rammed the practice gun against the skin of Levi’s throat. Clearly, the victory belonged to Y/N, but upon realizing the position they were in, they clamored to their feet. Y/N offered a hand to Levi, but he swatted their hand away as he rose from the ground.
“Tch, that last move was a cheap one, Y/N. Hope you feel satisfied with a win based on pure luck.” Levi marched away as relaxed as he had been before the sparring took place. The new cadets crowded around Y/N and showered them with praise, but they took Levi’s blunt statement to heart.
After the sun disappeared below the horizon and filled the sky with a dark abyss flowing with a chilly breeze, Y/N made their way to Levi’s office. They concluded that he would still be working on paperwork, and the lantern beaming through the window informed Y/N that they were correct. Y/N entered the building reserved only for the captains and knocked on Levi’s door.
“Come in, the door’s unlocked.” Levi stated, his stern vocals carrying through the door. Y/N stepped into the room, and Levi only glanced at them before returning his focus to the endless amount of paperwork still piled on his desk. His grip on his pen tightened as his silver eyes conveyed blank emptiness. 
Y/N stopped in front of the desk and saluted Levi. “Captain, I apologize for coming at such a late hour-”
“Stop it. I don’t have time to listen to your half ass excuse for an apology. Leave and go back to the barracks. That’s an order.” Levi clenched his jaw as he scribbled his signature at the bottom of the paper. He moved that one to the side and read through the next paper in the stack. No one, not since Erwin, ever came close to beating Levi in a fight, but Y/N fought him with such grace. He hoped that sitting down to finish paperwork would distract his mind for a while, but Y/N never left his thoughts. He hated their guts, or did he just hate the idea that he didn’t have the guts to talk with them one on one before now?
“What you said to me after the fight today is the truth. I may have won, but it doesn’t feel like a victory to me, so I won’t waste anymore of your time.” Y/N’s confession made Levi raise his head, his eyes softened slightly as he watched them turn back towards the door. Part of him wanted to let Y/N leave, and maybe then the feelings that clouded his judgment any time they were around would disappear too, but his heart won against his logic. Levi rounded his desk and grabbed Y/N’s wrist, his touch lighter than the blows he threw at them earlier.
“I admit, I said that out of anger. You truly are an incredible fighter Y/N, but there are still some things that even you could improve on. Meet me in the lieutenant courtyard at four tomorrow, and I will personally train you myself.” The excited smile that spread across Y/N’s face made Levi’s heart swell with joy.
“Wow, are you sure you don’t have a concussion, Captain Levi? You just offered to train the person that you’ve hated for months now.” Y/N giggled as they raised their arm to jokingly punch Levi, but he caught their fist in his own calloused hand. It was Levi’s turn to smile, something that Y/N never thought they would see.
“I did hate you, but not because of your fighting skills. The truth is, you are the only person who makes me feel vulnerable.”
“Wow, wait till Erwin hears that Levi himself said that I am his sole weakness! I bet Hange will get a kick out of-”
Levi silenced Y/N’s rambling by pressing his lips quickly to theirs. The kiss startled Y/N, but they soon relaxed as Levi placed a hand on their waist and pulled them in closer. When Levi pulled away, his facial expressions turned back to annoyance, but this time his eyes were not angry. They were filled with admiration and amusement.
“You best keep that kiss between us, brat, or you’ll be running more laps than you can count.”
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kenjiro-kun · 2 years
Attack on Titan: Annie Leonhart, Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Braus, Ymir, Christa Lenz, Hange Zoë, Hitch Dreyse, Yelena, Pieck
‼️ Fem Reader ‼️
[Scenario #3] You're a Titan Shifter
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Annie Leonhart: She was a Titan Shifter, so when the explosion came from you she instantly knew what was happening. After that realization, Levi used you and Hange experimented on you, but you were still shocked and scared since that day. Believing everyone you know thought of you as nothing but worthless space she took you under her wing, but to do that she needed to comfort you, in her own special way.
"It's not all bad," Annie said. "You don't know how much you can contribute to your own kind."
"They look at me as if I am a monster, my friends -- my own friends look at me with such HATRED I didn't chose to be this way!" You cried.
"Then join me," She said, her eyes hard.
"Because I am one of you."
Mikasa Ackerman: It was a shock to her as when it was to you, yes she knew Eren was a Titan Shifter as did everyone else, but she was the only one that knew your secret.
"Please," You plead. "I won't hurt anybody, don't tell him please."
She knew you were telling the truth, it hurt her deep down. "I won't."
You smiled. "Thank you, I didn't mean to be this way, it just happened. I-- I didn't hurt anyone, no one!"
"It's okay, I know you won't hurt anyone. I won't look at you any differently nor will anyone else, and if they do they won't for long."
Sasha Braus: She never seen you so frighten after all her time with you, your body was shaking and she went over to you.
"You saved us," She began.
"I'm one of them." You said.
"Yes, but you saved us, you are still apart of humanity and I wouldn't have any of that delicious bread if it weren't for you. So please don't give up."
"I. . . thank you."
Ymir: She saw you fall, the wall not able to catch you, and soon a lightening strike stroke down on your body. She knew what it meant, and arrived your Titan form in all its glory. She didn't expect you of all people to be one, but she wasn't complaining. When you turned back you were crying, holding yourself.
"Why are you crying?" She said. "Someone as cute as you shouldn't be crying."
"Leave me alone, Ymir."
"Come on, Y/N." She sat next to you. "How about we go do something together, to keep your mind off of things? Go around town, y'know?"
"Sure, that seems. . .fun."
Christa Lenz: She saw you in the arms of Hange, being dug out of the huge flesh of the Titan you shifted into. She was in relief you weren't hurt nor did you turn against humanity, but she didn t expect the damage it left you mentally whenever you show of your other form.
"Am I really apart of humanity?"
"What do you mean?"
"I. . .I'm a Titan the very thing that eats you without any mercy. Chasing you down until you are nothing but body parts."
She forwned. "You are still one of us, Y/N. You are still my. . .it doesn't matter you use that Titan for the good of humanity that shows a lot.
"You really think so?"
"Yes." She looked at you. "I know you."
Hange Zoë: She took you in after Levi's orders because of yhe very thing you were, a Titan shifter, another one added to her collection of experiments. She didn't expect to open up to her, the doubts and need for comfort.
"Hello!" She walked in. "Y/N?"
She saw you with a gloom look in your eyes. "Oh hello, Hange. Another test?"
"Not today," She cocked an eyebrow. "What's seems to be the matter?"
"Are you really sure, that I, should be alive? I can be a threat to you, something that can end you in a single second."
"Y/N," She smiled, lifting her goggles from her eyes. "You are a Titan Shifter, an amazing one in fact, but although what you said was true no one believes that you will."
"Nor does Levi -- not even me. You are something that can help us better understand Titans just like Eren. And I like your company."
"Mhm," She hummed.
Hitch Dreyse: The news spread like wildfire, hearing that Annie was one, but not someone like you was one as well. She went to find you, if you were even still alive, and you laid on the ground with your eyes closed and dirt on your clothes.
You looked at her terrified. "Hitch!"
You sat up, and looked down shamed. "I suppose you heard about me."
"Yes," She spoke. "But, it's okay."
"No! It's not okay! They all hate me!"
"Y/N," She frowned. "I don't hate you."
"You should be, I am those damn creatures! Those damn--"
She hugged you. "No, you are still the person I know, and that won't change. Not for a second."
"How do you know?"
"Gut instinct."
"Okay, okay," She smiled. "Because I know you just won't, Y/N. That's it."
Yelana: She was very fond of titans. When she finally saw you shift into your Titan form, she was mesmerized. She would be anything to protect you against those that want you dead for a reason alone: you're a titan shifter. She wouldn't treat you any different, but she would come to find out you can handle yourself quite well in any circumstance. She found that pleasing most of all.
"I don't care that you're a titan shifter. It won't change anything."
"Thank you, Yelena."
Pieck: She was a titan shifter, not the most attractive looking. She didn't want you to see like you had to hide it, the people around you were all shifters, but-- then again, the comfort was all you needed at the moment when coming to realization of your reality. She would show you how to control things.
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admirxation · 4 months
Crossover though that plays in my mind Leon kennedy in attack on titan. What are your thoughts? 🤩
ahhh an anon asking my thoughts?!?!? sorry I'm so used to having radio silence or weird stuff in my inbox so I'm so excited to have an anon in my inbox haha, especially with such an interesting thought. Thoughts below the cut off so I don't spoil people. 🩷🩷🩷
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Leon Kennedy and aot, my two favourite things, honestly if I could draw I would love to see him in a scout uniform and some odm gear (the black one in season 4 would fr make him look like a snack) like I would fr scream (any artists if you wanna make that a reality I beg you tag me so I can see that beautiful creation).
If Leon was in the aot world, I could imagine him being innocent in the cadets but not incompetent or overtly happy (I don't imagine him overtly kind like Historia, and don't imagine him like a Marco character, more a neutral stance of knowing the world is shit but not fully understanding how the world is shit with lack of experience). I mean innocent in the sense he knows the world is dark and how dangerous it is, but he only knows that from what other people have said and what has been taught to him. he hasn't come to the physical realisation of how dangerous it is. Similar to how you can tell someone, 'oh this *insert action* is awful' and they know it's awful but doesn't really come to the grips with the affects of it until they have been face to face with it. If that make's sense.
In Re2r he seems like a bit of an optimist but slowly grows with the realisation that he can't save everyone and only comes to grip with true darkness and corruption with seeing what is around him. I can imagine him wanting to join and being a solider to help people, but doesn't realise how hard it is to help others, especially with the panic everyone is in since he joined where the series takes place with wall maria being taken, and only understands this when he’s put out in the world.
Also just a funny thought, I could imagine him in the early days with Eren and his little "IM GONNA SLAUGHTER THEM ALL" moments and leon is just there sick of the shit just wanting to eat his bread lmao.
I also think as he grows accustomed with the danger, he grows a bit more serious and a bit more realistic in the terms of that world, realising there needs to be sacrifice for humanity. I could also see that bright eyed rookie/cadent slowly fade, a little bit like Eren. In the series you see characters like Connie and Sasha who keep up their characterisations of being comical in ways but can be serious, we see how the world changes them but not too much, whereas for Eren there is obviously a massive juxtaposition to when we first see him and to when we leave him. I feel like there would be some similarly with his character fading but I don’t think his kind nature would completely go; in re4r he’s serious but that kind nature doesn’t completely go, he doesn’t detach, he’s still cares. I can imagine him being serious and getting the job done but obviously having a soft side,and finding it difficult to detach from some things. I can’t imagine him going extremely cold.
Also I'm in such a Levi brainrot, like I have loved that man since 2016 and he was my first anime crush and I will never forget about him (I also found out a month after first watching that he shared the same VA as Leon in aot English dub, so i knew why I fancied the socks off the English dub voice). Omg imagine Levi and Leon speaking and being in a scene together and being a part of the Levi squad, I would FR squeal like a piggy.
I know this wasn’t really in depth, I would love to make a long character analysis (English lit student go brrrr) but obviously I have some exams I gotta do. If anyone is interested, when my exams are done, I would like to have in depth convos about crossover stuff or maybe some head cannon stuff and character analysis.
Bruh I now can’t stop thinking about Leon in a scout uniform ughhh F E R A L.
Thank you again anon for getting in my inbox, means a lot when people actually speak in it haha
Have a lovely day/night *mwah*.
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nanathott · 3 months
Bro I think something in me likes red flags a little toooo much because I JUST CAN’T FEEL ROMANTIC FEELINGS FOR NANAMI. Tried to force it, it just won’t do.
Like— I want him as a dad figure, not a partner. Pleeeease Nanami let’s go make barbecue cauliflower together and then bake bread at night when you come back from work, father and child dynamic. (That would heal me in ways I can’t imagine). But dude, there is ZERO want for me to have sex with Nanami I JUST CANNNNNN’T feel that kind of attraction, it’s nonexistent WHY IS IT NONEXISTENT!!
Maybe it’s cause my heart desires somebody who evokes my savior complex, but Nanami is super independent and not emotionally needy. But Eren I’ll die for and want to love him in every sense possible (not condoning his actions at all, but I feel so bad for him too, like he just needs safety). With Nanami, I wanna finally feel like I can just be somebody’s loved kid for once, and be loved by him like he’s my real parent. I just crave that fatherly love so badly. I need to go psychoanalyze myself rn oh my god 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
that’s valid.. read flags are very hard to resist tbh
nanami does give very protective vibes i just do not see him as a father figure personally BUT i get it, he would be such a good dad too :( he already is with yuuji and all the kids he keeps looking out for, what a man he is
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melishade · 9 months
Number 43?
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This ask game
Minds think alike I guess. Let’s do the TFP Optimus in episode 1 timeline where Eren and Mikasa encounter Optimus and Levi.
Mikasa noticed how much more attentive and caring Eren was since everything happened. Ever since Wall Maria almost fell, ever since Carla nearly died and that Titan saved their mother’s life. But the mindless Titan left Carla paralyzed, and Hannes could only do so much when it came to supporting the woman and the two children. They would ask Grisha for help, but he hasn’t been seen since the attack on Shinganshina. Eren had his key to the basement, but he didn’t know where he got it from.
And the basement. The truth about the Walls and the outside world, the Jaeger family and Hannes were the only ones who knew that truth. But what could they do with that information? Who could they tell? Especially without proper proof. The only thing they could do was keep their mouths shut until a miracle showed up.
They continued shopping for food in Trost. Hannes was kind enough to use his connections to get them a home in Wall Rose. Carla feared another attack would happen again and would rather be deeper into the Walls to survive. Eren didn’t make a fuss about it. All he did was obey. He helped out with getting food, helped out with cooking. He was trying to follow his mother’s advice and be the man of the house. Now that Grisha was gone…
Mikasa hated how sad Eren looked when he collected the bread from the vendor. She hated this. She was so close to losing her family again. She hated it so much.
“Let’s go,” Eren told Mikasa and he tied the bag holding their food. Mikasa followed Eren as they made their way out of the market, but stopped when they suddenly heard chatter. Well, louder than usual chatter. Eren turned his attention over to the source, and gasped at the sight of a Survey Corp member walking past with someone significantly taller than him. The taller man didn’t wear the Survey Corps uniform. He wore a really fancy red jacket with blue pants and dark boots. His hair and beard were black, his skin was fair, and his eyes were so blue. Eren’s gaze fell to the sleeve of the jacket and felt a swell of hope in his chest when he saw that symbol. That same symbol from the Titan that saved his mother back in Shinganshina. It was him! It was Optimus Prime! Like the paper said! It had to be!
"Eren!" Mikasa cried out as Eren bolted towards the two. Mikasa quickly rushed him and grabbed him by the waist, manhandling him across the market to drag him away and not risk them getting into trouble.
"Let go!" Eren cried out to her, "We have to get help!"
"Eren, we can't!" Mikasa pleaded. Why now? Why was the Eren before the fall coming out now?
"We have to be safe!" Eren retorted, "I have to! I have to protect you and mom!"
Mikasa was stunned at Eren's proclamation. Eren took notice at how distracted Mikasa was and quickly threw the grocery bag to the side.
"Eren!" Mikasa cried as she was forced to let him go and grab the food before someone else stole it. This allowed Eren to worm through the crowd to the Survey Corps members. He had helped them before. Maybe they could help them again!
"You don't have to greet everyone that says hi," Levi remarked at the titan's holoform, "Or stop to help everyone. We have errands to run."
"I do not see why not," Optimus retorted as he saw the family waving goodbye, "It has been a long time since I have been in an environment full of life where I did not have to hide."
Levi didn't reply to that. This had to be an act. He had no reason to be nice and kind to any of the humans. There had to be some ulterior motive to his actions. Damn it, Erwin, this was a stupid plan. "Let's just get what we need."
As they approached one of the stalls, Optimus suddenly felt a tug on the holoform pant leg. He looked around to see who it was, but his gaze fell down to the sight of a frightened young boy.
"Hello," Optimus greeted in confusion.
"C-!" the child's words seemed to die in his throat when he realized what he was talking to, "I...-!"
"Eren!" a girl called out to him with a bag of groceries in her hand. They were practically children, but Optimus could tell they looked so terrified. The girl had grabbed the boy, Eren's hand, and tried to pull him away. But the boy remained so strong and steadfast in his decision to stay put as much as he could. The girl was clearly stronger than him, and there was visible strain on his face when she tried to pull him away.
But Optimus could tell that the boy looked desperate.
"We don't have time for autographs. We're running errands," Levi stated.
"W-we need help," Eren begs, "Please."
"Eren!" Mikasa warned.
"Please!" Optimus saw tears beginning to form in Eren's eyes. The boy was really desperate and the girl looked terrified. What was going on? Why were they so afraid? He had to know.
"Captain, we must help them," Optimus informed Levi.
"Excuse you?" Levi demanded in annoyance, "What about our shit? And these kids could-!" Levi stopped himself when he recognized how terrified they actually looked.
"If the children are not in serious danger, then we can contact the Military Police," Optimus proposed before kneeling down in front of the children, "What are your names?"
"E-eren," the boy stumbled with his name, "This is my sister, Mi-! Hmph!" The girl had covered Eren's mouth in response.
"You do not have to tell me your name," Optimus reassured her. Mikasa eyed Eren and Optimus with suspicion before slowly letting go of Eren's mouth.
"Eren, can you safely tell me what you are so frightened of?" Optimus asked him.
Eren shook his head. "Not here."
"Then where would you feel safe?" Optimus asked him.
"Home," Eren replied.
Optimus extended his hand to the boy. "Do you feel comfortable to take us to your home?"
Eren stared at the hand in front of him before slowly extending his hand and placing it in the holoform's own. Optimus gently tightened his grip before standing up. Optimus felt the boy pull and Optimus followed him out of the marketplace. Mikasa looked afraid as Eren took the holoform, but Levi walked up to Mikasa and extended a hand to the girl. She wordlessly took it, and the two ended up following Optimus close behind.
(This was a fun one. I like showing Optimus' kindness to children. Again. You are more than welcome to ask from the list. It's fun.)
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ramen8baka · 2 years
Hey, could you please do a Captain Levi X cadet reader enemies to lovers fic please where the reader is injured and sick and Levi has no choice but to help her. Thanks!
Of course! Enemies to lovers always is a good story. I’ll do my best 😃
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summary: reader gets slight concussion which makes her bedridden for a few days. So Levi has to take care of her. ⚠️WARNINGS⚠️ just slight (i mean verry slight) angst to fluffy fluff. Also i used she/her pronouns.
“Keep going cadets! Under any circumstances should anyone be stopping unless I say so.” Levi shouted. “What if you get injured?” Sasha’s dumbass said. Wow she’s really asking for it, you thought. Levi responded smartly with “unless you’re limbs are hanging off and you’re bleeding to death, no.” You were doing your regular pushups, crunches, sword skills, etc. You were still very sore from yesterday’s training. And the day before that. And the day before that. Annnd the day before that. Levi was known to be strict and if you didn’t follow the rules, you were getting your ass beaten. “Cadets, get in your lines!” You all did as ordered and ran into 2 lines. You knew what Levi was going to say before he said it.
“You’ll be sparring with the person across from you. No fatal injuries, and no complaining.” Yup, sounded about right. You were sparring against Mikasa. You weren’t worried, as you and her were on the same level of skill. You see, that was the problem. Mikasa was quiet but competitive. Connie and Sasha sparred, Connie won. Eren and Jean sparred. Eren won by a hair. Soon it was your turn. “I’ll beat you today, Mikasa.” Mikasa just grunted in reply. You started sparring. The rules were usually whoever gets to the ground (loses their sword, cannot fight back, etc.) first loses. Mikasa was pretty rough today and you tried your best to fight back but the soreness all over your body wasn’t helping. Somehow you’d gotten to the top of a wooden post. It was a few feet off the ground. You planned to use your grappling hooks to go from that tree then steal Mikasa’s weapons and you just might win. You’d have to be quick, though. You jumped from the post and-
“Hmm?” You rubbed your eyes. “what- where… how did i get here?!” You said, surprised. There, in the corner of the room was Hange. “hey, y/n. You got a concussion from training. I know it probably hurts now but-“
“what?! I don’t remember any of that! Now that you say it, my head is pounding. And i’m incredibly parched. What am I supposed to do? When will I be back on my feet? I can’t miss training!” You tried to climb out of bed but Hange stopped you. “Tsk tsk tsk, y/n. You’ll need to rest for a few days. Since you got a concussion, you’ll need special care. Your head will be more fragile and you have gotten sick in general just from dehydration.” What will Levi say? He’s probably mad. No, no, no, no!
“hey, calm down y/n/n! We have someone special to take care of you~” Hange sung. You really didn’t like where this was going. You felt like you’d pass out any second, you had a slitting headache, felt incredibly thirsty, starving, tired, and embarrassed. Just then the door opened. “Levi?!” “You bet!” Hange said. Man, she has too much energy. How and why was Levi going to take care of you?
“Let’s just get to the point. Thank you, Hange.” Hange waved and mumbled a ‘see ya’ before walking out. Levi sat on your bed next to you. “So… why are you taking care of me? What will the other Cadets do? Who’s training them?” “worrying won’t help you get better faster. Besides, none of that is your business.” He sat up and walked to the other side of the room. After a few minutes of digging around in drawers he brought you a bottle of water and leftover bread. “here.” He handed it to you. This was the nicest he’d ever been to you. You munched on the bread and gulped down the water in seconds. You swore you saw a slight smile on his face.
“are you… smiling?” He quickly put on his signature frown again. “No, why would I be smiling?” He blushed a bit. You will admit that you always had kind of a crush on Levi. Ok, you had a big crush on Levi. You never thought he might like you- even just a little- until now. “I think it’d be best if you just rested for now. Even if you just want to lay here.” He suggested. “Alright.” You laid on your side facing him still. “You’re strong, you know.” He said just above a whisper. “W-what? I mean, thank you!” You sat up after hearing that. “shhh. Lay back down. You need the sleep.” He was sitting in a chair next to your bed at this point. “Levi… I kind of… how do I say this”
“You like me, i’m guessing?” You turned bright red. “What?! How’d you know?” You asked the last part quietly. “it’s sorely obvious. Although I do suppose I’m fond you too.” He smiled softly. You were happy. “So you do like me? I can’t believe it!” You said joyfully.
“Calm down, y/n. Don’t get all riled up. Getting more sleep will make you feel better soon. We’ll talk more when you wake up.” You nodded and soon started to doze off. You swore just before you fell asleep, he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Didn't wait for an answer, here's a selection of the funniest random observations I made while reading a terrifying amount of Moon Knight last year:
Werewolf by Night #32:
I shouldn't be shocked seeing how I'm starting on the 32nd issue of an obscure comics character but I have. Zero clue what's going on.
"I've never been celibate when it comes to curiosity" why would you phrase it like that.
"Out to do my job and collect my bread" *thinks of the meme and tries not to scream-laugh in public*
Marvel Spotlight #28
This dude is really calling himself Conquer Lord and has an alligator pit, comics are WILD
Marvel Two-in-One #52
...he...he tried to kill me with a forklift...
Moon Knight #1
Marlene get it together damn
Okay no but actually Marc immediately getting up, rambling cryptic nonsense, stealing a cloak off a statue, and then running to kill a guy is so on brand.
Moon Knight #4:
"The flash blinded me!!" smug matt murdock laughter
Moon Knight 6:
"I don't much like Marc Spector" the more things change etc. etc. etc.
"Kill the Americans" *frenchie voice* EXCUSE YOU-
Moon Knight 7:
"Speaking of your precious pretty boy millionaire" JAKE PLEASE LMAOOO
Moon Knight 10:
Ah yes, a mental breakdown while soaking wet...classic.
"Emotionally turbulent public chauffeur" I am ONLY calling Jake that from now on
Moon Knight 12:
What in the Russian Sleep Experiment is going on here on this day
Moon Knight 16:
Invoking Diana and Charles aged very badly lmao
Moon Knight 22:
How many car crashes has Frenchie been in this run?? Like three or four by now????
Moon Knight 27:
"What's the going price for a cop" JACOB LOCKLEY LMAO
"The Kingpin can wait until another day" *muffled matt voice* NO PLEASE HE'S YOUR PROBLEM NOW COME BACK
Moon Knight 28:
"If you're lucky, you don't wake for a week" PRETTY sure that's called a coma
"You both deserve a kiss" I can promise you, Khonshu does not
Moon Knight 34:
0/10 they made Gena cry
Moon Knight 35:
"The man's determination is both inspiring and frightening." That's it, that's the system.
Moon Knight 37:
"Bottled up hostility and fists, fists, fists." That's why you're not allowed to hang out with Daredevil
Fist of Khonshu 4:
I hate that this version of the mask has lips
Fist of Khonshu 6:
This run was kind of ass, full offense.
West Coast Avengers Collection:
Wait why are they putting Tony in a special tank for the suit...just take the suit???
Moon Knight doesn't show up until almost 80% of the way through, I want my money back.
"Time has split in seven" please stop splitting time...
West Coast Avengers 31-37:
Marc voice: sorry babe, just dissociating and chatting with my moon god
I'm sorry, Doctor Doom Norted a boy?????
Marc: I have a plan *immediately gets beamed in the head by a mace* Tigra: Is...is that the plan?????
Everyone: wow, ain't love grand Bobbi: I'm divorcing Clint
Marc Spector: Moon Knight 9
Okay as much as I like unkillable Marc, it is a little funny when he's walking around complaining about his ribs
Amazing Spider-Man 353-358
Midnight really does look like Eren Jaegar and it's distracting
Did Frank. Did Frank really just risk blowing his cover to make a pun.
Daken: Dark Wolverine 15:
"The fact that I may collapse any second from blood loss begs to differ" Marc I am begging you to get to a hospital.
Moon Knight (2014) - Wood Edition:
Marc showing up looking homeless with a dusting of his own blood = SO ON BRAND
Moon Knight (2016) - Lemire Edition:
I'm sorry but the fact that this IS all in Marc's head and he's remember his friends with such fondness is...I'm emo...
"I'm nothing without my friends, Gena" screaming crying frothing at the mouth etc.
"Maybe my job was just to get us here. Give you a chance to rest." SCREAMING. CRYING. ETC. ETC.
Absolutely hate that his "dying" thoughts are of his friends, Lemire I'm coming for you personally
"I'll see Gena. She'll know what to do." tries not to scream in public
"That's a very specific lead, Crawley" all of his leads are like that my dude
Steven just watching Anput bite that dude's throat like "oof sucks for that guy. anyway-"
Moon Knight (2017) - Suffering in the Bemis Run:
Oh she is about to make this so much worse.
"The inspector holmes of kung fu madmen" what am I READING, what YEAR IS IT???
"Marc Spector can be overly confident" that's the first correct thing you've said all issue, dude
I don't like the use of "psychopath" as an insult but someone (presumably Steven or Jake but MAYBE Khonshu) putting Marlene in his phone as "let it go" IS pretty funny [Note from present me: My theory for this is that it was Steven, since as of the Mackay run only Marc and Jake still seem to have strong feelings for her.]
Kicking his flaming pants onto Sun King was definitely not beneath him. That's extremely on brand.
Guys I'm tired...
Doctor Strange Damnation:
"In, but out of his mind" oh this is already gonna get exhausting
Avengers: Age of Khonshu (oh boy):
Thor with baby! Thor with baby!!
"Consorting with moon wizards" STILL NOT THE WEIRDEST THING HE'S EVER DONE
"quivering chicken-god" HEY only we're allowed to call him that! (there is something weirdly wholesome about Marc taking the lead, though)
I've only had Robbie Reyes for five seconds but I'd commit a felony for him
Okay update, I guess Thor can arrest Khonshu. I hope they go for the punishment of having Loki throw birdseed at him for the next couple thousand years.
T'Challa: You should join up with us now that we're done fighting. Marc, thinking about how everyone called him crazy BEFORE he did some dumb boneheaded shit, and how much worse it'll be now that he beat up Thor: Y'know what i'm GOOD, THANKS-
Moon Knight - MacKay Edition:
Man, Marc is just trying to turn a new leaf, help some people, and people REALLY CANNOT JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE, HUH...militant atheists on one hand, religious extremists on the other, my dude needs a NAP
"You lost me at 'destroy our enemies' but I appreciate the effort" Reese I'd die for you I hope you know that
"And that makes us brothers" Marc this is why you've gotta start hanging out with Jake and Steven again, every other brother you've had has sucked lmao
"You know I can see in the dark, right?" "You know I can't, right?" D&D parties with the token human be like-
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erwinsmissing-arm · 2 years
I'm not dead! And I have returned with content as promised like, 4 months ago 😭. Anyway, currently going feral over Mikasa. So here I am. Being a massive simp. But also throwing angst in there because who am I if I don't add at least a little bit of angst?
Lmk if anyone wants a part 2. I would be more than happy to continue this bc I kinda lost motivation at the end 😭
Genre: angst
Warning: unrequited love, unofficial eremika, jealousy, mentions of suicide, reader being a massive simp basically, early season 1 Eren
What's so special?
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“Ereh” I hear from the table next to me “you need to eat”. Everyone's in mess hall eating dinner and, as always, Mikasa is right by Eren’s side. She's trying to convince him to eat because he's not eating, for whatever reason. Not that I care. What does she see in him anyway?
“why? What's the point?” exactly. What's the point in her wasting her time on you? All you do is complain. Whereas I appreciate the time she gives me. I give her something worth her while. I don't complain about every little thing. I don't complain about how I will kill every living titan. I don't complain about-
“hellooo? Earth to [name]?”
“huh? Oh, Sasha. When did you get here?”
“not long ago, can I have your bread? You haven't eaten it” Sasha’s expression is slightly terrifying
“sure” I slide my plate of bread to Sasha, causing said girl to gasp
“bye!” Sasha runs off to a different with the plate of bread
“Ereh, please. You need to eat”
“for the last time, I'm not eating! Is it that hard for you to understand?”
“...sorry..” Mikasa says quietly. She turns her solemn gaze from Eren to the table, hair in front of her eyes “I'm going to the toilet” she says, barely audible. But I can hear it. Unlike Eren. If he can hear her, he hasn't acknowledged it.
I'd be a way better partner than Eren. My last name even sounds better than his. “Mikasa L/N”. That sounds way better than “Mikasa Yeager”.
It hurts me to see her spend so much time on someone who doesn't appreciate everything she does. Does Eren not realise that he has one of, if not, the strongest person in the training corp under his belt? Willing to die for him if it came to it? Willing to kill herself if he so much as to suggest it.
What am I talking about? He clearly doesn't. If he did, he’d appreciate Mikasa like I do. Like she deserves.
Speaking of Mikasa, maybe I should check on her.
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wiispywitch · 11 days
" A Not-So-Pleasant Reunion "
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Summary: After deciding to stay and continue onward with her training, Cadet Taylor Schuyler catches up with old friends she met in her youth: the three children from Shinganshina. Taylor wishes to catch up with what they have been up to in the last two years that she had last seen them, but as expected running into Eren Yeager wasn’t an enjoyable experience when he talks down about her choice of career.
Word Count: 5,399
Characters: OCs {Mel Oglethorpe, Sam Dossam, Nathanael Schuyler, Tay Schuyler}, Reiner Braun, Eren Yeager, Marco Bodt, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Ymir, Krista Lenz, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman
Warnings: Major changes of canon, heavily implied OC x canon
Divider cred: ghoulbloggerrr
Author's note: Pt. 2 of this one-shot🖤 This fic takes inspiration from ep3.s1 of Attack on Titan with some changes of the dialogue and the scene. I also edited last chapter to where Mel doesn't get into trouble on her first day and so she is more interactive with the characters, if you haven't read it I would recommend so!
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Poor potato girl was still running through the training field as the sun was beginning to set as part of her punishment. It was quite a shock having to witness not only this girl deciding now of all times was an appropriate time to start eating, but to offer Shadis a smaller half than the one she had with a straight face. Shadis was left speechless before he had completely chewed her out with his colorful vocabulary.
Nathanael followed Sam after grabbing some stew and bread, and mug of water. At least the water looked much fresher than the one from the pump he was used to in Windsor Village. As he walked to find a place to sit, he looked around for any sign of his little sister to see if she had decided to stay after all. His eyes had briefly met Mel’s before she went back to eating her food.
“Rough first day?”
Mel looked up from her mug at the big blond guy who decided to sit across from her.
“Not really. Why do you ask?” 
“You seemed tense. Thought maybe the commandant got to you.”
Mel shook her head. “I’m not worried about him. Besides, he’ll learn fast. I tend to have a bit of a mouth on me.”
He chuckled. “Hey, at least you’re honest.” 
Mel couldn’t help but smile. This guy seemed to have some charm to him, despite the scary look he seemed to have on his face. 
“I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Reiner Braun.”
“I didn’t forget. It’s a nice name.”
Mel felt her cheeks heat up. As she took a glimpse at him, she noticed that he had beautiful golden eyes.
Sam took notice of Mel speaking to Braun. He thought he saw Mel’s cheeks a soft shade of pink when he had spoken to her. As he ate his stew, he looked at Sam, then at Mel, and back at his friend.
“Something on your mind, buddy?” Nathanael asked.
Sam looked over at him. “What do you mean?”
“Come on, I saw that look. You know, Mel is going to be talking to other guys unless you tell her how yo—” He was suddenly cut off by Sam shoving his bread loaf into his mouth, making him gag. Nathanael took the load out after taking a bite, and waved it at him. “You’re not getting this back,” he said, his mouth still full.
“Go ahead, I don’t want your diseases,” Sam grumbled. “I don’t know what it is, there’s something about that guy that doesn’t sit right with me. I mean, look at him.”
Nathanael looked over at Reiner, who seemed to be interested in whatever it was Mel was talking to him about. He seemed intimidating, but he seemed to soften up compared to the first time he saw him.
“Are you saying that because you’re jealous or because he’s a tough guy?”
Sam’s face turned as red as a fresh tomato as he stirred his spoon in his stew.
“I’ve been saying it for years and I will tell you again.” Nathanael leaned closer towards his friend. “Tell her the truth!”
“It’s not that easy,” Sam muttered. “I care about Melody, I don’t want to risk losing her.”
“Well, you will if you don’t say something.” Nathanael knew Sam had a huge crush on Mel since the day he met her. He looked around at the familiar faces that he would come to eat and sleep with for the next three years. For a brief moment, his eyes landed on a beautiful blonde girl who had her hair tied back into a bun, whom he had heard was from Sina and seemed to have experience in the medical field. Seeing her up close, Nathanael thought his heart skipped a beat. Her hazel eyes turned to his direction, and he quickly turned his flustered face away, his attention caught on the crowd beginning to form at one of the tables.
To his surprise, in the crowd he had spotted the mousy-brown-haired girl clutching her leather sketchbook tight in her heart that belonged to his little sister. 
“I’ll be damned. She didn’t give up after all.” Strangely, he was glad to see that Taylor didn’t give up after all, yet in the back of his mind he was still uncertain if she could make it far. She was standing behind a couple of other people who were circling around the table with expressions of shock, horror, and awe.
"What's going on over there?" Nathanael asked.
"It’s that kid from Shinganshina. A lot of people have questions about what happened that day when the titan attack happened," Sam answered.
“Oh.” Nathanael fell quiet. The idea of the titans tearing down the one thing that managed to keep them safe for over a hundred years made him suddenly lose his appetite. When the news reached his hometown, he lost sleep for weeks afraid that the titans would break through and devour his family.
Nathanael tried to tune out the questions, but his curiosity peaked. Even Sam found himself listening in to hear about what that kid had to experience.
“Didn’t Taylor and your mother go to Shinganshina?” Sam asked.
“Yeah,” Nathanael murmured, setting his food aside. “A doctor said there was someone who could help him when he got really sick. Mom mentioned she became friends with a couple kids when they were there.”  Nathanael glanced over, listening to some of the questions. He wondered if that person they were talking to was probably one of the children Taylor had met in her time in Shinganshina.
“Yeah, okay? I saw the big guy,” Eren said as though he had told the story many times.
Everyone gasped.
“Whoa, seriously?” asked the blonde guy with sideburns.
“Okay, exactly how tall was he?!” asked Samuel.
“He stuck his head over the outer wall,” Eren replied.
“Whoa, wait! I thought he stepped over the wall completely!”
“So did I!” exclaimed the redhead girl with the short ponytail.
“That was the rumor in my village too!”
“Nah,” Eren said, unphased. “He was big, but not that big.”
“So what did it look like?” Tay asked, clutching her sketchbook close to her chest.
He looked over towards her. “It had a mouth like a corpse, and no skin, just muscles.”
“And the armored titan,” asked another guy, “the one that broke through Wall Maria?!”
Eren looked over after eating some of his stew. “Is that what they’re calling it? In all the panic, it was just another titan to me.”
“No way,” Samuel exclaimed. “So what were they like?”
Eren immediately froze up. His spoon fell into his stew, and he covered his mouth as though he was going to be sick. Everyone immediately went silent when they saw his reaction, each looking concerned for him and some feeling bad for asking too many questions and thus reminding him of everything he had lost.
“Come on,” said Marco Bodt, the friendly guy with freckles, “that’s enough questions, all right? I’m sure he’d rather not relive everything he went through.”
“Sorry,” said Connie. “We didn’t mean to—”
“It’s not like that.” Eren’s demeanor changed as he took a bite out of his loaf; he acted more confident in himself, and perhaps a little cocky as he spoke. “Those stupid titans, they’re really not that big a deal. If we focus on mastering the omni-directional mobility gear they gave us, then it’s titan payback time.”
As he went on to talk about how he has waited years to train to become a soldier, Tay couldn’t help but smile as she listened to Eren ramble on about how he would butcher the titans and drown them all out. It was nice to see he had not changed one bit, she thought to herself. At the other table, Mel couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Eren's big talk; she sympathized with the fact that he had to endure such a frightening attack, yet here he was trying to act big and tough and to her, he just sounded ridiculous. Reiner was quiet most of Eren’s talk, but his eyes caught a glimpse of Mel shaking her head. He couldn’t help but chuckle at Mel having no interest in hearing some small kid try to act so tough. As soon as Eren revealed he was joining the Scout Regiment, Nathanael perked up, looking through the crowd to see exactly what his sister was thinking just as Jean decided to add his own input.
Nathanael felt uneasy at the thought of Tay reconsidering the Scout Regiment despite the promise they had made. He was so naive as a child to believe they stood a chance to go beyond the walls. The thought of even doing so now made him shudder. He had dreams of killing any titan he had faced alongside his father and uncle, two of the greatest soldiers the Scout Regiment ever had in his eyes. As young children, Nathanael was able to lift Tay’s spirits with made up stories about them becoming scouts and defeating the titans together. That used to be his dream up until they had lost their father. Since then, Nathanael realized the real dangers the Scout Regiment had to offer, and so he and Taylor made a promise they wouldn’t even dare to think of joining the Scout Regiment. But now that this guy was here, he worried his sister may end up having second thoughts.
Nathanael came back down to reality when he heard someone standing up, and saw that Eren Yeager kid was staring daggers at Jean, who had decided to add in his own input about the Scout Regiment.
“Are you trying to pick a fight?” he muttered.
“Stop it, you guys,” Marco said, hoping this wouldn’t turn into a physical altercation.
But Jean smirked, and stood up. “All right, sure. Makes no difference to me.”
Everyone turned their attention to them as the two stood face to face. Taylor took a few steps away from them just in case fists did start flying, and Nathanael began to inch up so he could be ready to snatch his sister away from them should this turn violent.
The sound of a bell ringing was heard overhead, alerting them they were to return to their cabins. At that moment, several cadets who shared no interest in watching these two knuckleheads bicker began to take their trays and make their way out of the mess hall. 
The tall dark-haired guy looked over at Reiner, noticing he wasn’t getting up from his seat, then his head turned to the redhead he was sitting across. A look of concern fell upon his face, but he just made his way towards the door.
 Jean sighed. “Hey, I apologize,” he said to Eren. “Sorry for calling you names and dismissing your choice of career.” He extended his hand out to Eren. “Put ‘er there, kid, what do you say?”
Eren didn’t smile. He didn’t appreciate the way Jean was talking down to him and was standing here trying to act all buddy-buddy in front of everyone. This guy was going to be a thorn in his side, Eren could tell right away.
“Right,” Eren said, uninterested. “Yeah, I’m sorry as well.” Instead of shaking his hand, Eren smacked Jean’s hand away, and turned to make his way out the door.
“Well that was very anticlimactic,” Mel commented, eating the last of her bread. She sighed and stood up.
Sam sighed, relieved he didn’t have to witness a fight. He grabbed his tray. “Come on, guys, let’s get going. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.”
“Can’t wait.” Mel got up from her seat, stretching her arms out. 
“Hey, wait.” Reiner stood up. When Mel turned to face him, he felt his chest tighten. The first thing he took notice of was how beautiful her eyes were, reminding him of how the moonlight reflected in a body of water. “You need someone to walk you to your cabin?”
Mel turned her head, her eyebrow raised as she placed her hand on her hip. “I don’t know. It’s a long, merciless journey,” she said as she twirled her red hair. “You think you can handle it?”
Reiner smiled, liking this girl’s wit. “We’ll just have to see.”
Mel smirked, and he followed her.
Tay watched as Eren made his way out. She herself had several questions to ask him about what happened that day and since then, but from that previous reaction he had earlier, she didn’t want to overwhelm him and cause him to spiral. She was just glad to see that he wasn’t so sickly skinny as he was that night she caught him stealing bread from their shop. 
Nathaneal approached her, glaring at Yeager until he was finally gone. He turned his attention back to his sister. “Well, I'm glad to see you decided to stay after all.”
“Hm?” Tay came back down to earth after she was lost in thought, then it had already registered what Nathanael had said. “Oh, yeah.” It was a tough choice, but I didn't want to give up so quickly on my first day.”
“Well I'm proud of you for making that call, Tay.”
His tone said otherwise, Taylor thought.
“You know there’s no shame in doing so if it gets too much,” Nathanael assured her. “That’s entirely up to you.”
“Nathanael.” Taylor turned her head towards him. “I’m okay. Really.”
Nathanael nodded. “I know. Besides, it’d be boring without you around.”
“Oh, I know.”
Nathanael looked at his kid sister as they both made their way out. As they went outside, they spotted Jean standing there, who for some reason had the most dead eyes he had had all night, just wiped his hand along Connie’s back as he was desperately trying to reach behind him to get off whatever was on his shirt.
"What'd you wipe on me?!" Connie asked, annoyed.
"Don't worry...just my trust," replied Jean sullenly.
Nathanael and Taylor looked confused at the two boys, unsurely what had even prompted Jean to even say that.
"Uhhhh…let's just go over here." Nathanael gently pulled Tay's arm and fast-walked away from them.
As the two of them walked the field, they took in the sights of the cabins and the training ground they would be working hard in. 
“Well, at least it won't be boring with the crew finally together.” Nathanael stretched out his arms, trying to crack his knuckles. “It’ll be just like we always talked about when we were kids, huh? Only this time, we’ll be living the high life: Mom can open a much better bakery, the twins will have tons of food in their bellies, and we get to be with our uncle just like old times. Isn’t that exciting?”
Nathanael noticed Tay had no interest in the Military Police like he did. Ever since he made that announcement, she had decided on a whim she would come alongside him.
“You know, you telling Shadis off like that was awesome,” Nathanael told her. “And what Shadis said doesn’t mean shit. I think you could do it.”
Taylor didn’t look at her brother. She knew he was only saying that to make her feel better, but he didn’t mean it. She was the smallest one in the group and the one who needed the most protection out of all of them. Deep down, she hated being seen as the weakingly and being treated as though she was so fragile.
Nathanael cleared his throat when Tay didn’t respond. “Oh, here’s something funny. Mel’s already got herself a boyfriend. Poor Sammy, I can tell the guy is jealous. I tell him every day ‘You gotta tell Mel your real feelings, otherwise someone else will come sweep her off her feet.’ Shame.” He shook his head.
Tay was half paying attention as she watched Eren and Mikasa pass by. Mikasa was holding a bit of her black hair; from the looks of it, she was trying to decide what length to cut it. Nathanael stopped walking when he realized Tay wasn't listening, and saw her looking over at them.
“Is that them?” Nathanael asked.
“Yes, it is,” she murmured. “Apparently, he lost his mother when the titans started coming in. He doesn’t have a clue where his father is, it’s like he just vanished. They've been on their own since then.”
“Damn.” Nathanael couldn't imagine how scary it must have been for kids like them so young to survive on their own. Still, a little voice in the back of his mind was setting off alarms that something about the kid with the scowl on his face, he didn't like it.
“Just be careful with people like them, Taylor.”
Tay furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and glanced at her brother. “What do you mean by that?” she asked.
Nathanael crossed his arms. “There’s something about that guy—”
“Eren,” Tay cut him off, “that's his name.”
Nathanael shook his head. “There's something about Eren I don't trust.”
“Why, because of him talking about killing those things?”
“It's more so the way he said it.” Nathanael tensed up, trying to not remember the pain that he and his family had to endure when they lost their father to those monsters. “Taylor, don't forget we made a promise,” he said,
“I didn't forget, Nat. Besides, me catching up with an old friend isn't going to make me want to join the scouts. I already gave up on that a long time ago.”
“Good. But if I were you, I would stay away from someone like him.”
“You don't know him like I do.”
“You only knew him for a few months. What's so special about that?”
Tay thought back of that rainy night when she encountered Eren once again. Nathanael nor their mother knew of that night when she let him steal some food. She sighed. “He lost a lot that day, Nathanael. You don’t have to like him, but have a little sympathy.”
Nathanael sighed. “Okay. I’ll go easy. The most I’ll do is stay out of his way.”
“As long as you play nice with the other boys, by all means.” Tay perked her shoulders and made her way down the field. Nathanael made a face at her as she walked off, and as he followed her to catch up with her he did an exaggerated slip with his arms waving.
As they reached the girls’ cabin, Taylor approached the steps, and looked up at the night sky. The shades of purple and blue would look beautiful on a canvas, she thought.
“Okay, so you’re sure you’ll be okay for tomorrow?” Nathanael asked her.
“I will be.” Taylor sat down on the steps, opening her sketchbook and taking out her charcoal pencil.
“Good, good.” Nathanael nodded as he leaned against the staircase. “You know there’s no shame in going home if it gets too much.”
Tay stopped drawing. “Nathanael,” she muttered, “ you promised.”
“I know, I know, sorry.” He raised his hand. “It’s a force of habit. I don’t doubt you can do it, I only say that because I don’t want you to get your hopes up if things don’t work out.”
“Then I’m just gonna work hard and prove to Shadis that I can do it and that I’m not the weakingly everyone thinks I am.” Taylor began scribbling in her sketchbook. 
Nathanael looked at whatever it was she was drawing, noticing she was making it take the shape of a circle before shaping it into a head.
“Well, whatever ends up happening, just know I’ll be proud of you, Tay, just as you make sure to give them hell.”
“Oh, trust me, I will.”
Nathanael smiled, happy to see her give her smile at him. “Are you staying up?”
“I’m just waiting for Mel to get back.”
“Okay. Just get plenty of rest. It's gonna be a tough day tomorrow.”
“Oh, don’t I know it. It’ll be the start of the first three years of hell.”
“Damn right. Well, goodnight, kiddo.”
Nathanael waved at his sister. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, not paying attention as he had bumped into a small blonde kid who was walking by and seemed to be staring off in the clouds, and he ended up stumbling back and falling. 
“Sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going,” said the shaken blonde guy.
Nathanael, who was still standing, waved his hands and shook his head. “No, no! That was my fault, I kinda zoned out there.” He held his hand out towards him and helped the blonde kid back on his feet. “Sorry about that,” he said, patting his arm.
“Ah, it’s no problem. I’m fine.”
“You’re…Arlert, right?”
“Yes. Armin. Schuyler?”
“Nathanael.” He smiled. “Well nice to meet you directly instead of getting screamed at by the commandant.”
“Tell me about it.”
Back at the girls’ cabin, Tay found herself sketching what Eren had described the titan to look like when he spoke of it in the mess hall. “It had a mouth like a corpse, and no skin, just muscle.” Taylor had never seen a corpse up close before. She never even got a chance to see her father’s dead body since there was nothing to bring back on that final mission, aside from his cloak that was stained with red at the bottom half.
“Hey, move over.”
“Huh?” Taylor looked up, meeting the brown-eyed glare of the freckled-girl. who was carrying Potato Girl on her back. Potato Girl was just sleeping on her back, just snoring loudly with drool rolling down the side of her cheek. The petite blonde girl was trailing behind, carrying an empty shack that had water.
“Sorry.” Taylor scooted over.
Freckles didn’t say anything as she walked by. Taylor glared at her.
“Bitch,” she grumbled, hoping Freckles didn’t hear her. She did, but she didn’t pay her any mind.
“S-sorry about her, she’s just tired,” Blondie said.
“She could ask a little nicer,” Tay grumbled, going back to her scribbling. She realized she sounded harsh to the small blonde girl, and she felt a bit bad. “Sorry. It’s been a long day, and I don’t want to deal with anyone's attitude.”
“I understand.” Blondie smiled softly. “What’re you drawing?”
“I don’t know yet. I just kinda scribble until it turns into something.” She showed her the base of the head she was doing
“Wow, you have quite a talent,” she said, sweetly. “My name is Krista. You’re…Tabitha, right?”
“Taylor,” she said, chuckling.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Krista exclaimed. “Trying to remember names all night, everyone just blurs together.”
“It’s okay! I know it’s going to be a nightmare trying to remember everyone here.”
“Well I already know that we’re going to become great friends.” 
Tay smiled, surprised to see that tiny blonde girl in a place like this. Perhaps she had the same goal as she did. Then she noticed Mel approaching with the blonde brute. Taylor closed her book and stood up, feeling a bit intimidated by that big guy. His face had scared her the first time she saw him, and she was afraid he would probably be mean.
“Well, this is our stop,” Reiner said.
“Thanks for walking me to my cabin,” Mel said, smirking. 
“Anytime. You ever need an escort, I’ll be there.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“So I’ll see you tomorrow for the altitude test?” 
“I’ll be there.”
“Great! I’ll see you tomor—” Reiner walked backwards, bumping into a couple of barrels behind him. Reiner managed to turn around fast and stop it from falling over, making Mel and Tay giggle as he held it for a minute. “Stay!” he said when he removed his hands. He looked back at the girls with a nervous smile. “I, uh, I’m…I’m gonna go.” He pointed behind him and began to make his way to his cabin.
Mel shook her head, laughing at that big dork. He was not what she thought he would be, and something about him made her heart warm.
“Oooooh, you got a new boyfriend?” Taylor asked, leaning on the rail with her hands on her cheeks.
“Hah!” Mel said. “That’s rich coming from you when you were blushing at Yeager’s story!”
Tay’s eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. “What?!” she said. “Are you saying what I think you are?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” Mel confidently walked up the steps.
Tay shook her head. “He’s just a kid I met years ago. There is no way I feel anything like that for him.”
“Mm-hmm.” Mel could read her best friend like an open book. She saw the look in her eyes when she heard Eren speak about his experience in the titan attack. “Well if you say so. I’m heading to bed,” Mel yawned. “You coming?
“Later,” Tay said. “I’ll be a moment.”
“Okay.” Mel watched as Tay gently lifted her skirt to make her way down the steps without tripping, and began to take a walk with her sketchbook in her hand. Mel shook her head, but she couldn’t help but smile at her friend. She was so proud to see that she stayed after all, and she was more than confident that her best friend would be able to achieve her goals.
Taylor looked around as she passed by several other cabins housing the other cadets. As she looked, Mikasa was beginning to pass by. She kept looking at her hair and was thinking about deciding on what length to shorten it.
“Hey, Mikasa?”
Mikasa looked in her direction.
“I, uh…didn’t really get a chance to speak to Eren earlier. Can you tell me where he went?”
“He went for a walk over that way.” Mikasa pointed in the direction at where she would find him.
Tay smiled. “Thank you.”
Mikasa gave her a slight nod, and Tay made her way towards the direction where Mikasa pointed her to. 
As she predicted, Eren was standing by one of the trees and looking over the training field. Those memories of when they were children and his big talks about how he wanted to join the Scout Regiment came flooding back. Now that time has finally come. Despite the circumstances that led him here, Eren was glad he was much closer to getting his chance at revenge against those beasts.
Eren turned around to see a short brown-haired girl approaching her, holding her journal close to her chest.
“I didn’t get a chance to say hello in the mess hall,” she murmured, smiling.
“Oh, it’s you,” he exclaimed. “You know, I never thought I would see you in a place like this.”
“Shocking, isn’t it?” Tay agreed with a slight chuckle. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it has. Your hair is shorter.”
Tay habitually ran her fingers through her hair. Despite the breeze on the back of her neck, she definitely preferred it to be a much shorter length. “I thought it would be easier to maintain. I like it a lot shorter.”
“Smart. It’ll make working with ODM-gear a lot easier. How’s your brother?”
“Clovis is doing much better nowadays.” Tay’s smile faded. “Eren, I…I’m really sorry to hear about what happened.”
Eren tensed up at the mention of it, and Tay immediately felt bad at reminding him.
“Oh, I didn’t mean—”
“I know you didn’t,” Eren snapped, immediately making Tay go quiet. “What happened happened, but I’m not gonna let it hold me back. I’ll take back my home and I’ll butcher every last titan that comes my way. I swear it.” 
“Nice to see you haven’t changed at all.”
“Hmph. Funny you say that when you’re interested in the MPs. I never expected someone like you to even be interested in them.”
“You and me both.” Tay’s face reddened as she rubbed the back of her neck. “But it's for a good reason. At least I can do my part to at least try to make a little bit of a difference.”
“I guess.” Eren didn’t smile as he crossed his arms. “But I gotta ask, of all the places you had to choose, it just had to be the Military Police?”
Tay looked up at him in confusion. “Well, yeah. I mean, I’m no fan of them, either, but I’m only doing it for my family and to get stronger.”
“Is that what you've been telling yourself?”
Tay was taken aback by that remark. “Excuse me?” 
Eren was caught off-guard by Tay’s response. The first time he met her, she was so meek and quiet, more so than Armin. The only thing he ever saw her get mad was when those three bullies snatched her sketchbook and dropped it into some mud, but even then she didn't really do much to defend herself when he, Mikasa, and Taylor beat them up—Mikasa was the only one who came out without a scratch.
“Well I just mean that…you know, you really think you have what it takes?”
“Oh, you don't think I can't work hard enough to get into the interior?” Tay put her hands on her hips.
“I never said that,” Eren muttered.
“That's what you insinuated.”
“I just mean you were never the best at fighting back.”
“Yeah?” Tay crossed her arms. “What about that time I kicked you down when you tried to steal from me?”
“That's completely different.”
“I managed to knock you down.”
“That's because I haven't eaten in days, I didn't have much strength, so that was your only advantage.” Eren was growing more agitated. Normally Tay would clam up when someone got angry at her. Not this time.
“You know, I was really looking forward to catching up with you and us becoming good friends, but now I think my biggest goal is to get stronger enough to kick your ass.”
“Hah!” Eren laughed. “Get real. You expect me to believe you would change your mind about the MPs after you compared them to a bunch of lazy pigs?” 
“Times change.”
“Come on, Taylor. What are you really hoping to fight for?”
Come to think of it, Taylor never really thought to ask her that. Anytime she was asked why wanted to join the Military Police, it was a different response each time: For the sake of giving her family a better life, to become a stronger person who didn’t need to hide behind her friends for protection, to dedicate her heart to the king. But deep down, Taylor could feel there was always something missing. She wanted more than just the simple life. If it was any different, she would hope to see a new world, to paint something beautiful and to do something worthwhile.
“I have plenty of reasons, thank you,” Tay replied with snark in her voice.
“Hmph. Thought you would say that.” Eren could tell that what she was saying was bullshit. “Well don’t act so shocked when Shadis screams at you again and you go crying to your m—” Eren suddenly stopped talking.
Tay felt him tense up. “What?” she asked.
Eren’s fists trembled. He was fighting back his emotions so hard. Then he scoffed. “Forget it. Have fun with your little friends in the interior for all I care.”
“Yeah, good luck getting through the first week, you suicidal bastard.”
Eren stopped walking and turned around as Tay began to storm off. He was actually stunned that she, the girl who froze up like a deer in the woods, told him off the way she did. Eren didn’t even consider that what he said was out of line, but in his mind the Military Police were full of people who just wanted to cheat their way through life. And that’s exactly what Tay was doing, he knew what she was saying was absolute bullshit.
But Tay wasn’t going to give up so easily. She would show Eren, Shadis, and Nathanael that she was capable of earning her spot in the Military Police. At least it was better than spending your days not knowing whether or not it would be your last stepping outside those walls. As the moon began to rise over the camp for the 104th Cadet Corps, the first day starting the next three years of hell had ended.
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starraxxtra · 2 months
Attack On Titan Oneshots
meeting them for the first time!! <3
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(GN Reader) here btw! ^_^
posted on: Tumblr, Wattpad
💥 - EREN
- At first it was just like, "yeah whatever, their weak like everyone else."
- but then he saw how strong you were with ODM gear and how good you were with your blades!!
- he did a little '😯' when you did your badass hand-to-hand combat & ODM stuff c:
- after a while he finally got the courage and attempted (keyword: attempted) at making casual conversation with you!
- it failed tremendously and he fainted.
- however he was pleased when he had learned you had been the one making sure he was okay 😌
- the both of you immediately clicked (seeing as you two were the only mental bodybuilders in the room)
- you guys just communicated with looks at first, like you and him had a psychic connection or something
- eventually he got wayyy comfy with you and now you guys are best friends!!
- funnily enough, you two met when she wouldn't stop staring at you during training, resulting you being a bit worried about her!
- turns out she was zoning out, but she did admit to watching you for a while.
- still with a poker face of course.
- but overtime she warmed up to you (in however way she does that) and one day walked up to you and said quite literally:
- "we're friends now."
- then she walked away. strange, but who were you to judge?
🐴 - JEAN
- you met when he tried to flirt with you during dinner, of course.
- you didn't mind (or tried not to mind at least)
- eventually you noticed that he started to stare at you more than Mikasa...
- you tried to think nothing of it though, taking it as simply the way he attempts to make friends.
- now you and Jean are just simply friends, perhaps even best friends? yes his staring was slightly creepy but it's okay. his hair is soft that makes up for it
- you've just promised yourself to start fake flirting back if this happens constantly.
- when you met him, he was just being same ol' Connie, class clown n shit
- eventually you decided to mutter a sarcastic joke about how jean's hair looked like a mop.
- of course Sasha heard this (because she hears everything apparently.), and started wheezing laughing like an elderly person who vaped too early in life and has shit lungs, but is attempting to yell.
- Connie asked what the hell was funny, and you repeated your joke
- he immediately started banging his fist on the table and started dying or some shit.
- (nevermind he was just laughing)
- then Connie looked at you with that "we should be friends because your funny but I have no idea who you are" sorta look
- so now you two have non-verbally decided that your besties (including Sasha ofc, its mandatory)
- you saw the whole time during training how she just seemed to spawn food out of thin air, and so you thought "hey, why not be friends with her, that's too funnily comical not to be entertained by"
- and turns out she wanted to meet you too. why? because you gave her half of your bread during lunch.
- soon she forced you to meet baldy, but you told her that you liked her better.
- and then the three of you (sometimes including Jean if he wasn't being a bitch) just came together to be the most unserious friend group of the century.
- you two met when he was trying to defend you from eren being a bitch, such a sweetheart 😭😭
- so yes, you did call him a sweetheart and thanked him, because why not?! it's not a y/n moment it's just manners 🤨🤨
- afterwards the both of you decided to stick together as you both are pretty chill compared to... other people.
- (hi yes, i'd like to say that i think Bertholdt hugs are absolutely amazing, author out)
- you met when you were attempting to stop him from hitting on Krista, ft. Ymir
- he was really shocked about it, but how noble of you to do that, right?
- pretty much everyone but him realized he was staring at you more than Krista, but you thought it was just a glare.
- eventually you decided to just approach him to stop the staring because, like hell, it was annoying
- you forced him to be your friend. that's it. not that he minds, but it was just the simple;
- "dude if you wanted to be friends I really wouldn't mind" trope
- you met him at the stables, you were both assigned stable cleaning duties 🫶🏽
- eventually he got curious, and came over to ask out a few questions, the norm y'know.
- for example "how'd you get assigned cleaning duty?", "What's your horses name?", and "hey your cool, wanna hang out sometime?"
- the both of you appreciated each others calmness, seeing as everyone else was extremely loud.
- (the exceptions Armin, Bertholdt, and Mikasa)
- whenever you 2 hang out it's like a breath of fresh air for both of you lmao
- you guys met during training, because you got partnered up 😎
- surprisingly, you were able to (slightly)beat her, not many others were
- (besides Mikasa of course)
- which lead to her thinking she should befriend you!
- (just for the mission, totally. 🤨)
- to be honest, the two of you are so scary together, even Reiner is slightly intimidated.
- don't think she'll go easier on you just because your friends though. she's still finna beat your ass when you least expect it.
🧚‍♀️ - YMIR
- Ymir was really mean, no sugarcoating needed to describe her.
- she was jokingly mean with you, so you got used to it and knew not to get offended too quickly.
- she was mildly surprised at you not really caring about her insults, so she stuck around you.
- (not that you minded, of course.)
- and yeah, maybe she's mean and calls you a crybaby and messes your hair up and wakes you up in the middle of the night to go on walks with her, but you can fix her!!! we believe in u :3
- being completely honest with you, she just came up to you because she was dared to.
- then she realized that you were the only person there who wasn't overwhelming.
- after a while krista started coming up to you on her own
- just for "advice" on people ofc
- (im sorry but this girl is adrien 2.0)
😾 - LEVI
- you were introduced to him thru your promotion (your rank was moved to captain)
- he already was glad you weren't loud as shit and a blabbermouth like SOMEONE...
- (don't take this sentence wrong hange is my bbg)
- he found himself coming to you for assistance in tons of things
- totally just so his ears could rest
- and totalllyyyy not because he was a little fond of you...
- (bonus points because the tea you make hits hard asf)
- they met you when you volunteered to help with one of their little experiments when Moblit was out sick ❤️
- and ofc they were ecstatic, you had actually volunteered for this and hadn't been forced to do it!!!
- turns out you were really really smart, close to their level of smart!
- so with that, they decided to keep you around just in case, you becoming their favorite assistant
- also their favorite coffee runner. you make that brown morning mixture slap harder than Eren when he was getting that fly.
🦾 - Erwin
- you were the nurse taking care of him when he lost his arm (GOWITHITOKAY)
- and hey, let's face the truth, you looked forward to seeing him everyday because LOOK AT HIM
-bro looks forward to you visiting to do checkups too, your the "fun nurse"
- (he's on HM anesthetic.) (hange made anesthetic, not to be confused with home made.)
-he does not look forward to the day he has to leave the infirmary, he'll miss you :(
- and the times you'll kiss his wounds better 💔
🛌 - Moblit
- bro was eepy and needed a replacement for the day so he could get some sleep and a break from hange
- you took up the offer because you felt bad for him tbh 😢
- and yes you might've had to actually fill in for him for a few days because he accidentally slept too long
- but you didn't mind bc your just cool like that ❤️
- now you guys just do favors for each other on the daily, fair and square :3
- you also get to play with his hair to your liking. AND IT IS SO SOFT OH MY GO-
PLEASE lmk if you liked these! it’s my first time uploading an x reader thing and im scared :3
if there are any characters I should add to this list pls tell me!!
next chapter: ok so like basically then starting to crave your company, not really jealousy just missing you 😿
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st4rbwrry · 3 years
constant bullshit.
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━━━━━━━━ eren yeager.
ャwarnings; angst, quiet sex, broken relationship, eren’s really in love with reader, impact play, oral (m.received), floor sex, unprotected sex, fem!reader.
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“Hey, baby.”
That sly smirk on his face he does after winking, innocently whisking the bowl of corn bread batter next to your mother in the kitchen who shares somewhat the same smile, but hers is more pleading-like. It reads 'for the sake of the holiday, please get along.' Your face on the other hand? It reads nothing but irritation. Your red sweater is balled into your fists on the side of your hips, sending Eren a straight hard glare. Only one question remained; what the fuck is he doing here? You broke up three months ago. Done. Nothing is there anymore—at least on your side of it. Why is he spending time with your family on thanksgiving like you're a happy couple? Putting on a fake act as if he's the victim. He wronged you. Not the other way around.
   "Mom?" You raise an obvious eyebrow, waiting for a proper answer to a question you never asked. Your face did it for you.
   "I invited Eren because he's on break and figured it'd be nice to have him over. We love him."
   I don't. "With no reconciliation of me, huh?"
  "Don't be like that, baby," Eren sighs, coming around the marble kitchen island, height towering over your own.
   "No," you sternly state, shaking your head. "Cut that."
   "Sorry, it's a habit," he clenched his jaw, running his wide palm over the top of his head to brush back some of his chocolate hair.
   "Half the families already here. Let's just eat and enjoy the night, okay? I'm pretty sure you can be cordial."
   Your mothers words fly over your head. Cordial? Eren didn't know the definition of the word. He's the type of person to eye-fuck you across the table during prayers. That's why you couldn't even be friends if you wanted. Surprisingly, he keeps his head bowed when you're all wrapped around the family table hand in hand. It's when you're eating that you feel his eyes burn into your face every time you try to avoid him. Those damned green eyes of his, like pretty jewels stolen from a hidden cave. He himself is the epitome of pretty. It sucks you had to let go of such a mesmerizing man. One who made your face hurt when you smiled too much. Who kissed you until your lips were bruised. A man who fucked you dumb and ruined practically any other man of having the chance to top him. It's true, as much as you dread to admit.
Clean up is usually left to your mother and her tipsy friends, so while the kids are playing the PlayStation down the hall, and the men are lost in football, you take this chance to drag Eren up to your room. He spills some of his liquor from how roughly you tug on him, setting his glass down on a nearby table, swiping his wet chin clean with his hand and obliviously disappearing behind you. Part of him knows what's going to happen. You're going to complain about him accepting your mothers offer of being here, cuss him out about some other bullshit, maybe even cry if you still have it in you. Anger tends to sit inside you for a while.
   Truth be told, he genuinely wanted to have a conversation with you. It's been so long since he's seen or spoken with you, and deep down inside, it pains him. Aimless had been a form of symbolism for you and Eren's relationship. Arguments were consistent, attempts to improve yourselves were pointless, and even cooperation skills were off balance. No matter how many times you tried to help Eren overcome his fear of commitment, he'd find a way to make it seem like you were forcing him into something he didn't want to have. Never wanted to have. The two of you had been on and off spouses for the past three years, and yet, he still couldn't accept the fact that someone was trying to love him as best as they could. He was ungrateful for it. He had this lucid indication of having nonexistent relationships with any and every one that tried to be apart of his life. He was terrified of being rejected, therefore, he was terrified of being hurt.
   He found relationships a waste of time as well as a source of therapy two people join just so they could help each other pick one another up and erase all the trauma from their pasts. And then, once they were healed, they'd take everything they learned from that person and move to the next to give someone else the better version of themselves, leaving behind the person that stuck with them through thick and thin torn apart. It was a game. A sick one. Though, you didn't see it that way, and that wasn't your intentions at all. Far from, actually.
   Eren had been the only man you had ever truly loved. You went through hell and back to keep him in your life and show him that you were someone who cared for him no matter what shit ruined him in the past. It was hard, to say the least. Trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with him that made him act this way toward you. It's like he purposely didn't want to see that you were a good woman. One last argument was all it took for you to realize that the one who'd really been wasting their time was you. Configuring a valid point that he was ungrateful, stubborn, and unable to see you for who you were had been thrown at his face in heated streams of shouts as he kept his distance from you as he sat on his bed with his arms folded and tears falling down his face.
   There wasn't anything left to say, or do. You had given every single aspect of yourself to him and yet Eren didn't return the favor. The only reason why you stayed and decided to try was because of this burning love you had for him that you couldn't contain and help but express. You watched him silently cry as you gathered your things in duffle-bags and called an Uber to your house since your car had been in the repair shop. He couldn't find words to say. There was a lot he wanted to speak his mind about but he knew that everything you yelled at him about—you were right. He threw his phone at the door you slammed on your way out, heavily stomping down the stairs and heading out the front door, the object shattering to pieces as he cursed at himself. What hurt you the most was him not making the effort of running after you to bring you back which meant that he really didn't care about the damage he had caused.
   He regrets it all.
   Eren stands before your nightstand with his hands tucked into his dark jean pockets, muscles shifting in the cotton gray long sleeve clinging to his skin. His hair is half tied into his signature bun on the back of his head, a few strands dangling over his sad face. Sad. It's so vivid in his eyes that he looks upset. You swallow, keeping your distance and staying leaned against your locked door.
   "I miss you," is what he starts with.
   You scoff, rolling your eyes. "You don't miss me."
   "Don't tell me how I feel," Eren grits his teeth. "You've no idea the shit I put myself through because I hated how I treated you."
   "Why do it in the first place?" You arch your brow.
   "Look, me and you have been with each other since we were kids. Relationship aside, you were my best friend first. As a lover, you meant the absolute world to me—"
   "Even if I didn't express it the way you wanted," he finishes, ignoring your attitude. He understands you're trying to barricade your feelings so you don't grow attached to him again. But, he doesn't care. He wants you to love him again. Deep down he knows you still do. And he wants you to understand that he loves you more than anything.
   "I love you," Eren fixes his posture, saying it as if he released a fresh exhale of air. You blink. "And I'm sorry it took me so long to express it fully. I can admit I have heavy trauma when it comes to past relationships, you know that. You know everything about my past. My fears, my triggers. What I'm sorry for mainly is not giving you the credit you deserve. You put your all into me and I acted like it didn't mean shit when it did. I just couldn't find the words to say it."
   Eren fixates on the way you swallow, breaking eye contact and staring at your feet. "Why wait now to say this? Why did it take you all these years to realize that I wanted you to be loved? Why put me through the constant bullshit? The tears? The panic attacks when you'd go days without speaking to me? When I'd find you drunk inside bars at three in the morning?"
   "Because I was fucked up. I’m telling you now that I’ve changed. I’m not that same asshole, promise you. I just need you with me again. Not to feel sane, not so I’m another project for you to fix—but because I can’t imagine life without you apart of mine.”
   It’s hard to hear this now. If only he’d said this a few months back, you wouldn’t be here now. It’s too late. “I don't want to put myself through that pain again. I can't be with you, Eren."
   "You don't have to put up an act for me. You don't have to be the strong one anymore. Just let me carry you. Let me make up for all the shit you dealt with alone."
You turn your head as he stands before you, his hand coming to hold the side of your cheek, his warmth making your heart spark with something you haven’t felt in a long time. You inhale deeply, turning your body completely and reaching for the door, ready to leave. You were done with this conversation. But, Eren beats you to it, locking the silver knob and pressing you up against the door, hands resting on your thighs, slowly trailing up.
“Come on, baby,” your body tingles as his breath hits your ear, swallowing as he pries your stocking covered legs apart, the black skirt you wore riding up your ass. “Don’t be like that.”
“Eren, don’t,” you whimper as he drags your stockings down to your knees along with your panties, gasping when his heavy hand hits your ass.
“Stay there,” and then, he’s lowering to his knees, delicately spreading your cheeks apart before burying his face deep in your pussy, kissing it slowly and groaning to himself. “You know you miss me.”
You ball your fists up by your mouth, moaning as quietly as possible as your eyelashes flutter, the butterflies in your stomach flying rapidly as you listen to the way his tongue tastes you, the pads of his fingers denting the flesh of your thighs, bringing you closer to grind onto his face as he grunts and spanks you again, too loud this time. Your heart thumps erratically, terrified of one of your family members finding you in this state, although the doors were locked, that doesn’t mean the walls were soundproof.
“Eren, please. We can’t,” tears well in your eyes, hating your body for being so fucking submissive to him. A trader.
“We can’t. Yet your fucking my face like we can,” he chuckles, the sound so deep it makes your skin crawl. The green-eyed bastard licks his lips, tugging you down with him, immediately pinning you down on the floor.
“You know, baby. One things for sure,” you cling to the red sweater balled into your palms for dear life, unable to change what was to happen. Neither of you wanted to. It was best to just go through with it. As he kneels behind you, unbuckling his belt and pulling out his cock he taps on your ass, hiking your ass up so your arch is slanted, Eren sinks into you, releasing a deep side with his head thrown back, brown hair flowing prettily. “No matter how many times we separate—your pussy remembers its home.”
You cry into your sweater as he fucked you deep, not needing to be animalistic about it, because no matter what pace he chose, the feeling of him stretching you was just enough to satisfy you. He hisses like a snake behind you, fondling your ass, infinitely enamored by the way your flesh clapped against his hips. Your whines are symphonic, surging him in like a music box. Eren leans over you, locking his arm around your neck while pressing his palm flat to the wall before you both, face between your neck, his scent intoxicating, soft hair brushing over your forehead.
“My girl,” he kisses your temple, hastening his hips as he fucked you harder, mouth wetly panting onto his forearm as your eyes roll back, biting your lip to keep your voice down, feeling yourself dripping down your inner thighs, hearing the lewd noises of your slick squelching and covering his neatly trimmed pubic hairs. You choke, palms red from how hard you dug your nails into them, his body heat on yours driving you mad. “My baby. My wife.”
That ruins you, and the tears flood even more. Eren promised you from your first anniversary that he would marry you. He always called you his wife, gifting you a promise ring as reassurance that he meant what he said. You still had it tucked away in your jewelry box. You found it hard to believe considering his lack of commitment, but that ring somehow always gave you hope that he’d follow through with his promise.
“I love you,” you sigh, sniffling and closing your eyes, nodding as he repeats what you say as a question, kissing your face and hugging you tighter as if you’d slip away again. Not again. You couldn’t. Not when you loved him too much. Missed him. Craved him. Needed him.
“I got you, baby. I swear I’ll do better,” and it’s genuine, the shakiness in his voice tells you so as he continues to kiss you, snuggling his face into your neck as you turn your head to press your lips to his, Eren clutching the back of your head to hold you close, gently moving his lips with yours.
He shuffles you both closer to the wall, your chest pressed to it while his free hand reached between your thighs and stroked your clit delicately with his fingers, detaching your lips as your mouth parts. You moan his name as he moves his hips, slow stroking into you, making love to you like he’s dreamt of doing for months. You breathe into each other’s mouths, his piercing eyes focusing solely on you, your pleasure, your comfort. And when you reach your high, he kisses you even more, whispering how much he loves you over and over.
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© 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.
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