evilmagicwarlock · 8 months
for those of you sending me asks that like genloss, y’onow where you should send those asks.. TO ENCOREVERSE ASKBLOGS!!! please
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distant-velleity · 2 months
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chrysos is definitely canon guys trust me
to be honest this was supposed to just be a doodle inspired by elena's twst manga imitations but i got carried away as per usual
taglist (ask to be added!): @thehollowwriter @casp1an-sea @theleechyskrunkly @nahelenia @boopshoops @elenauaurs
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simplywarriors · 2 years
i totally, one hundred percent, fully honestly believe that the only acceptable abusers to the warrior cats fandom are the female characters that are abusive and the male characters aren’t like i cant even begin to describe the way this fandom bends over backwards to uplift male characters just so they can tear down a female one. like what was with calling appledusk, the known canon cheater who only rejected mapleshade when it suited him, a great father and making up au’s where mapleshade was terrible to him?? what’s with people constantly making these sad posts about spiderleg and constantly using the excuse about his poor, wittle littermates dying (did he even have a reaction to their death?), what’s with no one hating stormtail?? what’s with people constantly shoving the “nightcloud clawed crowfeather scene” in everyone’s face but turning a blind eye to the way he hit his son on the ear in one scene and was never shown to be vocally / physically kind to him… ever… until his super edition?? why do people always make up terrible headcanons about her so that it matched the mental image they have of her?? EX: saying she is a helicopter parent (only mentioned in a field guide that little of the fandom actually read and most of the stuff in that book isn’t even canon anymore) or treats breezepelt like her therapist, or was controlling over crowfeather. why is it that absent fathers are always given the benefit of the doubt but if a mother says something wrong like curlfeather (she didn’t say anything wrong actually people just love to hate moms) they’re hated on so harshly?? what is with this fandom and constantly infantilizing the male characters?? why don’t people ever give lizardstripe the benefit of the doubt for having to raise a kit she didn’t want to raise?? why doesn’t curlfeather’s actions get chalked up as ‘bad writing’ like every male character does?? why is sparkpelt dragged through the mud for not connecting with her children for only a month when characters like crowfeather, spiderleg, stormtail, and so many other male characters who NEVER bond with their children (unlike sparkpelt, who did.) are just… not hated?? bramblestar is literally the ONLY male character i have seen get the appropriate amount of hate for but why is he the only one?? why does this fandom always gets so close to loosing their internalized misogyny ways only to never follow through with it?
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verflares · 2 months
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hitting her with the same chicken beam that got falin or something like that
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mittenlady · 10 months
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in which simon goes to whole foods and is not at all melodramatic about it and klavier is being VERY brave about his migraine (very strong headache instead of the actual neurological condition).
link here :)
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i really do not often write fluff because i rarely see it as "meaningful" and i always feel the need to try and say something suuuper "profound" with my writing. but i could not sleep a few weeks ago and the idea came into my head and it was the fastest 1k i had ever written (which then snowballed into 4k but let's ignore that).
anyway there are 47 fics (including two of mine) for klavquill so i do not care if it is particularly meaningful i am simply on the grindset
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twilightarcade · 4 months
If these "other people using my computer" didn't want to lose their saved work maybe they should've reconsidered using my computer
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sethdomain · 1 year
u ever just recover a bad memory and like erm wtf?!
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santaclaushohoho1 · 4 months
santa for chrostmasd can i have ermmm a cd player i guess and also another thing that i would say but i have an irrational fear of getting doxxed and i'm afraid saying a date would lead someone to figure out what city i live in so i dont wanna say the second object anyway thanks what you favorite type of cookie???????????/ for the milk and cookie part ? anyway cd player please have i been good enough this year? in a way one could say that even though it's a semi-religious holiday in and of itself, Christmas and the whole Santa mythos can form a mini-religion. Do good "nice" actions and you will receive gifts from the Christmas god (santa). Leaving milk and cookies is like a sacrifice that makes him be more likely to bestow presents. However, being bad "naughty" only nets one a few pieces of coal, or worse, Krampus. anyawy i should get back to my essay about Aum Shinrikyo... give the reindeer carrots for me! love you and i will forever strive to be at least a somewhat okay person (dm me and i will tell you about that second object btw). sorry btw it's 3 am and i'm procraistinating but i wanna get at least two pages done before i go to bed (assingment is 3 pages and due sunday), finish the other tomorrow for a first draf,t do the other homework for the week [there's a discussion this week so I have to actually read the chapter :(], then edit it. At least this is better than starting on sunday??? anyway. cd player. favorite cookie type? btw are you vegan should i get soy or almond milk or something? goodnight and also i forgor but yeah give the reindeer carrots or whatever they eat. bye fr this time
fortnite ballsixhjsdfhjfgdfghdfhgfghdfgIdjfhdfhWfdjsdfhjdfjkjkfTdfsdjfjfhgjhKdsyufhsdfhshjfdhfhjMdhfhjgfhshghhj
hope im good and that you don't find the cryptic message byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
christmas was 2 months ago
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xtealx · 1 year
WHAT R UR BRUSHES I ADORE UR ART + any tips on doing your style? (yes i am stealing it)
hi thank u!!!
i use the GvW ELDER P4 brush from the GvW Ink brush set (free). and i also use the Dry Ink Pen from the Rayna Brushes set (also free).
as for replicating my style ERMMM i’m not very good at explaining stuff but i’ll do my best!
• Do loose but sharp pen strokes, don’t worry about it looking good, you can fix that later. pretend you’re one of those weird crazy artists like in the movies
• For hair dont add too much detail, a few spiky triangles do the job just fine
• MAKE USE OF YOUR PEN PRESSURE make your first line super thin and the next one super thick, this is a lawless land
• add weird little zig zags on hair
• When doing lineart, fill in dark objects it saves a lot of time during the coloring process cuz 50% of the drawing was technically already colored during the lineart process . we love saving time in this house
• Don’t use the undo button, just loosely erase your lines with the eraser. i like it when art looks messy
• I try to make my art look a little ‘flat’ like in childrens picture books or those old cartoons so just throw all perspective rules out of the window
• For brighter/livelier colors try to color on a dark grey canvas instead of a white one it makes picking harmonizing colors very easy idk how that works but it does (a dark canvas is easier on the eyes as well) (change it back to white when ur done)
I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE LMAO just go with the flow ….. the goal is to have fun ok……. peace and love forever … u can ask for clarification btw i know i didn’t explain this very well
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 21 days
Ugh. Sorry for random rage everyone, I just need to rant about my creepy, manipulative neighbour. Seriously, the fucking joy of meeting this man, it's exhausting. He is a creep, okay. I know his type, I am no spring chicken, I have had stalkers before, I have met people like him, I can see the red flags.
Yes he's a creep, he leeches onto the women he gets interested in, that is his fucking mode of operation - stalking. Really, he met me like once, it was just some casual small talk with a neighbour, and this brief chat had him thinking I'm his future wife.
Yep, he met me once, and took out his jet-pack, flew into lala land, head full of pink clouds. I talked with him because I like to be nice to my neighbours, and he thought this 'meant something', and started acting like a creep.
I quickly realised what was going on because suddenly this guy was everywhere and acting like we had known years, coming up with "sweet" nicknames for me, trying to act like he, a fucking stranger, was actually my boyfriend.
So I tried to make it obvious that I am not interested in getting to know him. I would not stop to chat, I would not give him any rope. This of course had no effect because the guy is a creep who does not get hints, so this whole circus went on for some time. Until one day I just ended up biting his head off, just done with him not getting the repeated hints that I am not into him.
But will he learn? No. No he won't. I already knew he wouldn't when I blew up on him. No, this guy is a creep and he will remain a creep. He thinks this was just a bump in the road and he'll charm me yet.
So he pretended to back off, and be sorry, and I already fucking knew this peace would not last. He won't give up. These people never do.
He is btw so very obviously someone who is to his damn core manipulative, a liar, and imagines that he's absolutely oozing charm and cute vibes while he tries to sell people this bullshit he invents.
But the thing is, the gaslighting is actually pathetically obvious once you notice it.
So here I am again. He is trying to get me to talk with him, he pretends to be soooo remorseful and sorry for his previous creepy behavior.
And it's just all about gaslighting, him trying to get what he wants.
Like today. I ran into him and couldn't immediately leave so... oh what fun, he tried to fucking neg me into accepting him into my life!
This "apology" he had come up with was pretty much "Look, I am so sorry, I am a smart man and I can see that I freaked you out, I am sooo sorry. And I am uhhh.. sure.. that you are ermmm.... intelligent enough... too... To see how sorry I am and come around, and forgive me!"
Ah yes. Nothing in fact makes me more eager to forgive someone than watching them try to gaslight me by trying to make me feel insecure in my worth, and doubt my fucking manners and intelligence, so that they can create and use a soft spot in my armor, to slither their way into my heart?!
Are you for fucking real. Yes, I am intelligent enough to smell the absolute bullshit, thanks for the great "compliment", creep.
Yes, I am intelligent enough to see what he is trying to do here, indeed. So I'm just getting more and more convinced that this man is a fucking plague and I will have to move. Like wtf, this man seriously just tried to fucking neg me as he pretends to be sorry for having been a creep?! Guess what, the party isn't over, you still are 🥳!
Ugh... Really. "Are you smart enough to forgive me 🥲?"
I am indeed smart. Smart enough... to see that this guy is a freaking veteran gaslighter. Yes, I saw the dots he presented and connected them... just not in the order he hoped. Way ahead of you here, creep.
This is who this man is: A mask. A liar. A manipulator. A creep behind a fake face.
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if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog (no pressure!)
Ooc!! Wow what do i. What do i say.
1: im?? A writer and a poet?? I guess?
2: i play the double second steel drums (mostly these, but also..), the marimba, the xylophone, the glockenspiel, a bit of snare, a bit of kalimba, and used to play clarinet
Yall i am not that interestint what do i even say
3: i study classical latin (LITURGICAL LATIN SUCKS ASS AND IS. WRONG!!! THEY PRONOUNCE THE V WRONG. BTW) and spanish?
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pepprs · 8 months
also btw back to all the building the courage to move out stuff. last night i stayed up late (lol) reorganizing my building-the-courage-to-move-out playlist so that the lyrics tell a chronological story abt what this journey has been like for me and it’s still kind of messy but im proud of it and strengthened by it. i feel like it’s cringe to share it but i want to in part bc it’s another accountability thing so yeah ermmm i hope if anyone chooses to listen to it you’ll take something away from the juxtaposition of it all. here are the different sections / chapters
independent accident (c418): instrumental opener with a relevant title bc i like to start chronological story playlists that way
when will my life begin (tangled) - much more (barbra streisand): describing my home situation. going from kind of innocently being like “hey what if i could be more independent” to “hey what if the dynamics in this house are crushing me slowly. i need to not be in this situation i have to move out”
every single night (fiona apple) - i want love (elton john): more concertedly looking at the state of my life / my mental health situation and realizing how much living here is the source of that and always has been. lol 🤪 and also trying to convince myself that i deserve better and building the courage to ask for it
bloodline / difficult things (orla gartland) - nothing changes (hadestown): telling my family (especially my mom) that im unhappy living at home and want to move out but it blows up in my face. i get guilt tripped / gaslit out of it and it’s agonizing but i entirely lose my ability to remember how much i need this and i accept defeat
the hurt of happiness (hey ocean) - tales of dominica (lil nas x): the headspace ive been in for the last year or two of being depressed out of my mind and sinking in quicksand and losing all sense of hope that i will ever become an independent adult and not live here <3
need 2 (pinegrove) - new person, same old mistakes (tame impala): the chapter (i hope) im in cureently of realizing like… hey. i do have the strength. i am an adult and i choose my life. i will do this and be strong and it will be very hard and destructive but it will be okay. (i feel like the song im currently “on” is new person, same old mistakes lol. where i know i need to do it but have my familys voices in my head telling me i can’t)
quiet (matilda) - goodbye yellow brick road (elton john): AUGHHHH the most emotional part of the playlist. every song in this section makes me want to cry and sometimes has. this is when i will finally build the courage to actually say im moving out and act on it for real and the absolute wound that is going to rip me open and destroy my entire world <3 i feel it all (feist) is the OK IM GOING TO DO IT NOW AND ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES song and tactics (japanese breakfast) is me like… actually beginning to tell my family. aughhhhh ahghhhh augghhhhhhh.
when will my life begin reprise (tangled) - wildewoman (lucius): the aftermath where im hopefully happy and thriving and growing into my independence! :~D
this playlist (which i made specifically abt my experience of moving onto campus in aug 2021) + this playlist (which is kind of a messy look at like.. learning how to drive and having experiences of independence etc etc) also overlap a lot with the last 3 bullet points so i need to go through them and add more songs to this one too lole. they’re not organized to tell a story iirc but they’re also worth a listen (maybe on shuffle) and those songs may change what this playlist looks like when i add them but yeah this is the playlist as of rn :~D thank u for reading / listening if u did i am going to be late for work now but it was worth it to type all of this up
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k4t-11 · 2 months
lotsa text under cut ⬇️
theres like. a voice in my head which i cannot control. it never talks. i can barely feel its presence. 98% of the time it's quiet. BUT. ITS LIKE. OMNISCIENT.
when i ask myself a question in my head, itll occassionally just whisper an answer and if i google it ITLL COME OUT CORRECT.????
ok have an example:
i have these like weird bumps on my thigh that dont itch or anything and theyve been there for a long time. and i asked myself in my head "ey what are these man."
and my head said quietly, "skin lesions."
(keratosis pilaris if you're curious)
and i was super confused because i didnt even know what skin lesions were how did i come to that conclusion. and i did not voluntarily think that. hueh
anotha example:
there's a tree outside my house. i was just wondering, "hmm what kinda tree is this"
it replied, "peepal."
lo ans behold when i searched it up it was EXACT MATCH. SAME LEAF SHAPE N ALL.
i was confused again because i did not know what peepals looked like how did i get that answer and from where.
ermmm i dont know what this is. am i a system. is this an alter that just never fronts and barely speaks?
or am i just mentally ill 😎😎😎
or am i dumb and over-analyzing.
btw just for more info i do not know what this voice looks like or its identity or anything. its just.... empty. void. IM SO CONFUSED ❔❔❔
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cemetery-drive-sys · 3 months
Hi ok I'm gonna ramble about an idea for a video game I came up with in two hours at school
(It's a LOT and tw for gore stuffs)
Anyway so the plot is that there's a group of staff who work at a hotel, but five people been murdered in the hotel and one of the staff is responsible. Everyone has to work together to figure out who it is, but since it's all of them they work with the killer too. The hotel is haunted and they have to communicate with ghosts to get clues. The hotel's security malfunctioned and they're all trapped inside with no electricity or internet, and they have to survive off of old food scraps. There are a few people who were in the hotel that got stuck as well, they found the secret basement room and made a camp there, but became starving and went insane and started eating each other. If you run out of food, you unlock a way to get to the basement room and you have to either starve or survive off of eating the bodies. There are 8 staff members and you can choose out of three of them to play as, there are 6 endings, so two for each of the playable characters. Half are bad endings, and half are good.
Uhhhhh idk what to call it teehee but ermmm yeah
I also fleshed out the 3 characters that you can choose from so I might make a post about them but idk
- 🕸️
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quaiids · 1 year
mate you are one of the few still very interested The Boys blogger i know so i am very sorry for filling your inbox,,, (you Can tell me to Stop) but ohhhmfm my god, Hughie and Butcher's relationship in S2 makes me want to weep. Hughie trying so hard to get close to him, even admitting he's constantly contemplating suicide--(weeping into my hands)
suicidal ideation discussion cw right here if ur uncomfortable with that then keep on scrollin zzz
GOD THE SUICIDE THING MAKES ME SO VIOLENTLY ILL (keep sending me asks btw its good filler while i procrastinate drawing)
tbh i wish they had put more emphasis on hughie’s suicidal mindset instead of just having him offhandedly be like “ermmm i wanted to kms after robin died… and i still do” AND THEN JUST NOT BRINGING IT UP AGAIN HELLO???? LIKE WYM U STILL DO)??? its like Lowkey implied with his actions but i really wish they had made it more visible instead of just. Small details
something i never really see anyone talk about is his tendencies to put his life in danger and get hurt and it makes me Sad. like the scene where he punches the wall until his knuckles are bleeding (and then keeps doing it anyways) or just generally doing stupid dangerous stuff. i think the scene in the whale was so good at showing it too. like bro was so ready to just Die and at the hands of the seven at that . really bleak shit
and. god yeah i know he has this admiration for butcher and Wants to be closer to him but butcher just SUCKS AND I HATE HIM doesnt let him And i think its like nearly entirely because of the lenny thingALSO ALSO ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED
it had to be so fucked for butcher to hear hughie talking about wanting to kill himself Especially after its been stated and implied that butcher sees his dead younger brother (who LITERALLY KILLED HIMSELF) in hughie. its not even just butcher who sees it either like even his aunt was like “butcher who does he remind u of??? spittin image of lenny” AND ITS SO SO SAD I LITERALLY CANT EVEN. ugh i do think butcher has a reeeeaaaaaallly teeny tiny soft spot for hughie but he just absolutely Sucks at showing it/doesnt really want to show it
and then seeing how much MM cares for hughie and hearing it come from jack quaid himself that MM is everything hughie wants butcher to be. Like okay thanks jack youve ruined my life now!!!!! ughhh yeah everyone in this show makes me horribly depressed
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Hey folks! My name is Ted 🐊🐊🐊 Welcome to my blog! Some basic info to start out with:
I am 17 years old 🤯🤯🤯🤯
I am TRANSGENDER (he/him pleasey)💥💥💥 I am a gay 💥💥💥💥 and I’m autistic💥💥💥
I love drawing though I usually have long gaps between posts🐊🐊🐊
^^ In regards to that, I draw mainly. Fandom stuff. It used to be just TF2, but lately it's been everything 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ euhh whatevs...
Some Extra Cool Fun Facts:
Me and my buddy @fru1tt0ast are the #1 Beefy Sniper historians
MY BESTEST BFFS OF ALL TIME ARE @fru1tt0ast and @protocolghost
I’ve seen American Psycho 65 times. My friend and I have a tradition to watch it every day of October. Feel free to ask me about it 🥶🥶😈😈
Avid emoji user AND abuser as you might,,, be able to tell,,,
I have a whole slew of hobbies (drawing, sewing, whittling, sculpting, growing plants, etc)😎😎😎😎  
ermmm i really like rdr2, killer7, rdr2, moral orel, resident evil, reanimator, evil dead, rdr2, music in general, euhmmm english teacher-ass books like Slaughterhouse Five (MY FAVOURITE BOOK OF ALL TIME BTW) or Frankenstein or Dracula,,,,, im a hgay homsezxueall,,,,, rdr2, star trek, the PRISONER 1966, uhmm brokeback mountain n westerns...
^^ not everything i like btw this is just off the top of my head as im writing this :''']
Tag Guide:
(💥💥💥 JUST SAYING, these are all fucked up and disorganised and i also forget to follow my OWN TAGS LMAO💥💥💥)
#My art yo → all posts that are my own art 😎😎
#Not my art yo → art reblogs that are NOT my art 😎😎
#Just chit chatting → posts/reblogs where I’m giving my two-cents or just chit chatting! Sometimes for when I'm talking about something without it being an infodump. Being silly 😈
#Ted out and about → for posting pictures!! mostly of cool and silly animals I see, though theres sometimes a few plants 💥💥
#goblin 1 → gotta be frank, this one is all jucked up 🐊🐊🐊 it’s a tag I use when interacting with my actual bff of all time @/fru1t0ast and also for answering asks from my BFF BUDDIES !!!
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