perilegs · 1 year
it's again that time of the year when i see these gorgeous american amusement or theme parks have high quality and budget halloween decorations and scare actors and i'm filled with jealousy, yearning, etc.
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hightaled · 1 year
i havent been on tumblr cuz i was in yellowstone ^_^
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the bacterial mats or whatever matched my nails and i did see bison and deer and a bear but didnt take bear pics (sad)
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Jack says so sullen when he says "evening" for some reason
liminal spaces! well, liminal times
"as if some tie were loosened" auuugh making it pretty explicit how Dracula prevents people from speaking. I can't believe there aren't a ton of essays about the use of speech/silence in this book
The way Mina says "dear" is so ......
oh god her voice trembling as she says "you are going to be so good to me"
"There is a poison in my blood, in my soul" the emphasis here is so good
god Mina is killing it here! agonizing to listen to her but also I am so impressed at how well she's managing this conversation.
(but she's so scared oh my god)
the way she says "and go out into the dark" is BREAKING ME
oh but in the midst of this her nerdy adorable "hotch-pot"
the wistful way she says "your lives are God's, and you can give them back to Him" because she can't anymore, she has been rejected. she's trying here but...
the little moment of silence after she tells them to kill her
"what is that time" once again Quincey getting right to the point
the way she goes from almost rushing "drive a stake through me and cut off my head" to trembling and almost losing her voice on "or do whatever else may be wanting" MINA
also. jonathan's silence through all of this is SOOOOOO
oh the music, and Quincey's voice going rough as he says "I swear to you"
Jonathan's voice shaking especially on "oh my wife"
god the absolute love and the tears with which she replies to him
"let it be at the hand of him that loves me best" god this is. agonizing to listen to
oh my god, Mina, telling van Helsing to get Jonathan to a) kill you and then b) look back on it as a happy memory is a pretty damn big ask!
the way Mina uses correcting herself in this conversation is so interesting
AAAAGH Jonathan's reaction to the request for the Burial Service
THE WAY THEY SAY "oh, my dear" and such KILLS ME
the pleading insistence on "it would comfort me, my husband". She knows he cannot refuse to give her comfort like this
and Jack crying this is so awful
Jonathan's crying breaths in as he asks "oh Lord, what is my hope? truly my hope is even in thee" first SO PAINFUL second SO GOOD third what perfect lines to end that segment on because he is trying to put his hope in God but is having great difficulty doing so, and Mina was his sustaining hope when he was trapped by Dracula but now she's the one in such terrible danger and-
his sniffles :((((((
Jack I think maybe Jonathan is as full of despair as ever. Glad you feel a bit better but I suspect it is not all of you.
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poz-oh-legirl · 6 years
checked my grades and I kind of wish I hadn’t
#found an unexpected grade in there so#did even worse than I thought I did#i wouldn't care if I didn't know what's going to happen in regards to probation or whatever they put students on#i don't want to talk to a counselor to figure stuff out because I hate crying in front of people#and I immediately start crying whenever i talk to counselors#i barely held it together in highschool and now it's even worse#i could be talking about the simplest non threatening matter that doesn't even have to do with my grades and I still feel panicky#it's really bad#i have good talking skills except when it comes to school counselors#i feel panicky and I cry constantly even when it's a non tense situation#and that makes them feel awkward and I can't explain why I'm crying#i wish I could just ask them to talk to me over email since I have such a weird overwhelming issue like this#i don't have this problem with literally any other authority figure#just counselors#auuugh#i wonder if it's because of my highschool counselor who would never actually listen to me and respect what I wanted to do#i got so frustrated i hated him#also combine all this with the fact that I'm completely clueless when it comes to college i am so scared because I know nothing#I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD EVEN WITHDRAW FROM CLASSES#I'M A JUNIOR AND I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT#I COULD HAVE SAVED MY GRADE LAST YEAR AND THIS YEAR JUST BY DROPPING THE CLASS#no one has ever told me ANYTHING#so I just keep screwing myself over and I feel like no counselors give me a straight answer so I just keep drowning
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suzilight · 3 years
omg omg...  At dusk, I’m outside watering and I hear a piercing child scream down by the road.  Not the whee-fun-yell, but auuugh-scared-screeching.  My house sits way above the road.  I look down and see a tiny child crying, rubbing its eyes and walking down the country road with no one around.
I take off down the driveway to the road and to my right far ahead of the little one are older kids, backs to me hiking off.   The little one is down the road to my left.  I yell out Hey.. is this child with you?   The older boy stops, shrugs and says, Yea.  Like, so what... 
Me: No.. nooo no.  You don’t do that.  That’s not ok to just leave her.  She’s scared.   Boy: It’s a boy. Me: ummm, ok.. So?  This is a Small Child!  Do you agree?  How old is this child?   Boy: 3 years old Me:  THREE?!!  Do you have a parent with you?   The Dad was even further down the road (!!!)  
Me:  Are you Dad?  These two, pointing to the older kids, left the little one in the middle of the road. I heard the child scream and I’m not going to ignore it.  I can’t ignore that.     Dad: oh. Sorry about the screaming. Me: I don’t care about noise!  That’s not the problem!  The problem is that a 3 year old is scared and walking down the middle of the road alone!   Do you live here?  You do?  ok, so, you know that cars speed down this road because it’s a shortcut, right?   Dad: oh, yeah....   
Fuck.  Left him in the middle of the road.    Good luck little dude. 
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vercopaanir · 4 years
I have SO MANY thoughts!!! Auuugh. But first, Mando definitely came across Corde and HAD to have thought she is what reader was like when she was little??? Brave little girl that wants to do the right thing despite shitty circumstances!!!!! And I see where I was mildly psychic with Mando walking through dead bodies yes, yes, yes. Loved. It. Also when she called the kid "hers"!!! 100/10 that is NOT typo I FREAKING LOVE IT OH MY GOSH!!!! *chef's kiss*. More to follow in another ask. 😘
Next and I CANNOT stress this enough! I LOVE the pride reader feels for Mando. The anger that he shouldn't have to submit to the bad dudes, the anger that he DID submit, the argument over his helmet and the visceral reaction she had when the asshole wanted it. She was ready to throw down RIGHT THERE! The SNAP when Mando asked her to take it off!!!! Also she is definitely ride or die. Taking his secrets to the grave for sure and if that is NOT WIFEY MATERIAL IDK WHAT IS MANDO. SNAP SNAP MY DUDE.
I thought I was done but I'm not. Sorry. Um, the way he holds her???? Heavy breathing, gentle touches, the forehead touch, and shaking to his CORE?!?!👌🏽👌🏽 And how he tried to be very scary Mando that doesn't negotiate but it crumbled when she was in danger!! The stutter when he said stop?? Yes, yes, yes!! I like my men emotionally vulnerable!! 👏🏾👏🏾 God, he was probably pissed as hell and a WRECK seeing her like that. Also that voice description was bangin. Reader was scared I was NOT. 💦
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Mando will have a lot of thoughts about Corde in the next few chapters. What’s even better is she has thoughts about him, and she lets him know it.
Being indentured and enslaved, for so long and from such a fundamental age, has taught the narrator that she doesn’t innately have a privilege to call anything hers. She has always been property and never having something for herself. It’s a rather important revelation for her to understand this child is someone she can call her own, because it’s not cruel or inhumane in the way other people claimed her. Kinda made me upset, ngl.
Oh my God, the absolute territorial behavior she has adopted over the Mandalorian culture. We’ve seen her want to learn the language, understand the Creed, and learn the inner-workings of Mandalorian society. This kind of goes back with how she’s never been in a “clan” before, because she’s never been seen as a person. This type of belonging to someone is sacred and precious, and that’s what Mando-and his entire tribe’s society-has given her in a very short time. There will be a lot more of this in the future.
Every time one of y’all would @ me and say how ready you were for him to be feral, like. I was shaking in my boots, because I knew he’d be like that a little, but the risk is suddenly way too high for him to go in only gunslinging and I was just like “what if they don’t like him basically falling apart uh oh.” 
I took a chance, and boy, am I bad at math.
Also this series of messages was just..............the best way to start my day. 😭
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picmurasaki · 5 years
Tried to play AC Odyssey
I bought AC Odyssey Gold Edition from the PSN Store a few days ago so I can download ACIII Remaster for Aniki cause it was 50% off.
I haven't gotten far but I do agree it's a completely different AC game. It's kinda like an RPG with AC elements...
Now, one more reason why I was too scared to even dare play AC Origins was it's setting. All the Egypt stuff and ruins just creeps the hell out of me (even the ruins from the older games are a nightmare for me. I am a scaredy cat, okay?) So going through some areas in Odyssey is not fun.x_x
For the underwater adventures... Sure it's amazing but also scares me. If I was already jumpy with Edward swimming in the ocean in Black Flag, think of how much I panic in a more graphically enhanced game!x_x
It's a wonderful game, but gosh, facing my fears is not something I can handle! I was in tears whiletrying to get myself out of an Islet and THERE WERE EFFING SHARKS and I was so scared and auuugh I hate and love it.|||orz
Oh, and there's too much effing buttons to press! I am happy with older ACs hud for keeping the buttons on screen and I cannot get lost, but now they disappear and not all the info is there anymore. I am so lost.
I will complain a lot about the game, but I do enjoy it? Got me and my sibs a good laugh when I ran from a higher level wolf, swam to the body of water for safety, and then found sharks. Welp, I guess I'm dead.xD
What else...? I am looking forward to meeting Alexios in my game.♡
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missingrache · 5 years
Watchin the Terror here we are.
It’s been very good about giving me auditory cues for when I need to look away thus far.
Other thoughts:
Karma is a bitch, ain’t it.
Goodsir is!!! Babey!!! (Trying to haul in one of the early eps and falling over, oh no my h e a r t.) ((Telling his scared patient about the radiance and peace that comes with death, auuugh.))
Francis is a goddamn Cassandra even without psychic powers or whatever and it’s cracking me up. Like it’s not even a little subtle.
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junkandgadgets · 6 years
Of Hollow and Empty Love.
A little one shot I did in one hour at 3AM, excuse the low quality angst but I hope you enjoy. This was cross posted on Archive and Fanfictionnet.
Essentially a ‘What-If?’ scenario of the end of DR3 where Kyoko remains dead. I also haven’t seen DR3 in a long while so I apologise if something seems off.
It wasn't uncommon to see Makoto alone now, sometimes staring into a wall with a distant look in his eyes and his brain in a distant slumber, sometimes acting like he wasn't even there and sometimes refused to respond to anything in the outside world.
It pained everyone.
But most of all, it pained her.
Dear, Komaru Naegi. The little sister of the Ultimate Hope. A less than normal girl with a less than normal life.
It pained her because her brother had been in such a state for nearly a month, the brother she desperately wanted to reunite with after all these years. She wanted to see him again, hear his voice just to confirm he was here and not some sick fantasy conjured by the atmosphere of paranoia and despair.
But everything was fine.
The world was healing.
And the haunting's and ghastly shrill laughter of despair was fading like a warm summer breeze.
She couldn't lose him, not now, not when she couldn't even find their parents.
She promised after all.
"Hey, Makoto?"
No response, not even a slight motion to acknowledge her existence. The room was almost silent, the beeping and light breathing being the only thing to break it. The whiteness and the smell of disinfectant only added to her unease, her hairs on end.
She could just barely manage a weak smile as she sat down on a chair next to his bed, setting down a bouquet of flowers on the table next to him. "It's me... Can you hear me?"
A broken laugh escaped her mouth, even as Makoto did nothing but stare.
"I wanted to see you again, its been a week but I wanted to see how you were doing and let you know what's going on." She looked out of a window, it was so bright it felt unnatural. But she was just so used to the hellish red that she forgot what normal even looked like. "Umm... Well, the construction of Hope's Peak is going well still, there still hasn't been any accidents or even any attacks, which is good. I'm also getting to know your classmates!"
"Well, I already know Byakuya... And I'm still not entirely sure what Touko see's in him to be honest, he's kind of a jerk. Mr Yasuhiro is really funny though! He saw me looking down the other day and decided to cheer me up and gave me a free fortune! He said 'Everything will get better soon, just not the way you expect it!' Toko said I shouldn't listen to him because his fortune telling is 'fake and scammy' and even if it was real 'it's only a 30% chance of it being accurate.' Well it's still better than nothing right?"
"I also really like Aoi- Hina! She's so sweet and she's been happily listening to my problems, she even gave me some donuts to cheer me up as well. But..." A hesitant pause. "I... Don't have the guts to tell her about Yuta. I think- I think Touko is going to tell her. I think its better that way, you know?"
"Speaking of Touko, we're going to go on another expedition to Towa City tomorrow! I still haven't given up on mom or dad yet, I know they're still in the city... Somewhere! And- And!"
"...And I really want you to be there for when I return with them, I want us to be a happy family again."
"And I... And I want you to be like you were... Like you... You were..."
Everything was getting blurry, she could feel her cheeks warming up as her tears began to pour down her face.
A family.
That's all she wanted.
Just to be a family again...
She let out a few hiccups, not hearing the door open and a set of footsteps come closer towards her. "I know you miss- miss her. Everyone else misses her too, and she... She must of been so important to you for you to be like- like- Makoto!"
It felt like a dam had burst.
"I wish- I wish I got to know her... As well!" She hiccuped. "She sounded, sounded like an amazing per- person. And to see you like... Like this hurts because... Because..."
She turned towards Touko and immediately hugged her, ignoring her startled hiss and ignoring how ugly she must of looked right now. "If I could bring Kyoko back, even just for a few minutes, just to see you smile-!"
"...Hey, Komaru..."
"I- I know! I know Touko! I just..."
"Come on... I know you'll stain my clothes, but if it'll make you feel better you can let it all out."
"Auuugh... Waaaaaaahhhh!"
Even as she cried, even as Touko held her closest and only friend tight and did her best to comfort her.
"Hey~! What's with all of the commotion? Did we miss something?"
Jack's curious question snapped her out of her deep thoughts which still lingered on such painful memories, Komaru looked up from her gun to see a crowd of people. Most of them were builders and other agents from Future Foundation, others were people she recognised such as Yasuhiro and Aoi. And, for whatever the reason, they were all crowded around the entrance of the academy.
Did something happen?
"Shall we check it out?"
"What, and just stand around like a bunch of Monokuma's without a purpose?" Jack asked. "Go on! I want to see what's happened!"
So they began to walk towards the crowd, and began to hear individual voices that began to occasionally overlap each other like a really bad choir.
"...-Is it possible?"
"-Alright but-
"-He hasn't properly coped."
"Hey Hina!"
Suddenly the crowd was silent, each whisper suddenly died down and sets of nervous eyes fell on her. They all looked at her, startled and almost uncertain. Aoi also shared their look, however her nervousness was more apparent from how she sweated like a child being scolded by their parents.
"Oh, hey Komaru..."
"Hey, what's going on? Did something happen?"
"W-Well... Yes, it's good but-"
There it was. A voice, a very familiar sounding voice that sounded similar, yet very different. A kind tone she remembers him having. A voice that made her heart suddenly pound against her chest like it was about to burst.
And suddenly the crowd made sense. The crowd began to shuffle, splitting at the centre to reveal...
To... Reveal...
He woke up.
Makoto Naegi finally woke up.
"Kom- Ack!"
She couldn't help herself, she couldn't help but run up to him, lift him up and hug him with all of her might, ignorant of the choked splutters and gasps that came from her brother. Some of crowd tried to pry her off in vain, but she was just...
"Oh Makoto... Makoto... You're back!"
"Is it really you? Is it?"
"...Yeah, I'm back. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long..."
She put her brother down onto the floor. "I was so- so scared. I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want to be alone. Augh... Urghh..."
"I'm sorry. I really am." He paused. "Komaru? I know this may be sudden, but can I introduce you to someone important..?"
"O-Oh? Sure."
Komaru weakly smiled, her cheeks turning red once again, her heart now a flutter and her mind trying its best not to overwhelm itself. Her brother was fine, Makoto was fine-
"I'm sure my friends have told you about her before, but she's been out so you've never really met but-"
Makoto motioned towards his side, and Komaru was expecting to see a woman or another close friend-
"This is Kyoko Kirigiri, she's someone special to me."
Only to see an empty space.
Kyoko...? The same Kyoko from his class? One of his important people? The one's who's death broke him?
But... There was no one there.
Makoto let out a nervous laugh, which was when she noticed a pair of blacked studded gloves clenched in his hands. "I'm not entirely sure if I actually introduced you to each other back when I was still a student in Hope's Peak. But this is Kyoko, she helped save our lives back in the Killing Game and is someone close to me." His cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. "She was in a bad state due to the poison, but she's gotten much better now. See?"
He motioned towards the space, this time pointing to somewhere specific. She wasn't entirely sure but...
"Ma... Makoto? What are-?"
"Well? Are you going to introduce yourself?" Makoto asked innocently, seeming unaware of the growing horror growing in Komaru's eyes.
What was going on?
Was he sick?
Was he still out of it?
She opened her mouth, to ask what was going on-
A sharp glare from Byakuya shut her mouth shut.
She's... She's read this before, in a romance manga.
It was the story of a happy couple, who were just like any other. But one day something tragic happened with the girl that killed her sister and was in a coma like state for quite a while. And when she woke up-
She acted like nothing bad had happened.
And despite the fact her sister was dead-
She pretended that she was alive. She pretended, just to keep her mental state intact. She carried a bear toy around, and pretended it was her sister.
And... It was something Makoto was doing, right now.
She didn't want this.
She just wanted her brother back.
But if this was to keep his mental state in check, to stop him from shutting down.
'I'm so sorry Makoto.'
"...Hello, you must be my brother's girlfriend. My name is Komaru Naegi. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kyoko."
She couldn't bare seeing him shut down again.
She didn't want to be alone, even if it went using selfish reasons.
Even if he had to live in blissful denial for the rest of his life.
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nochiquinn · 7 years
episode 100: I’m too tired to think of a joke title
auuugh I'm so excited I literally have butterflies, what has this awful show done to me
(don't LIKE tgwtg, for that matter)
what do I have to sacrifice to the twitch gods to make sure the stream works like it's supposed to, is it an avocado (nobody's gonna get that nochi)
I am loving all the art of Lionel and ducks
only show where you get the phrase "tense your butthole" in the emotional 100th episode speech
"I was pointing to Taliesin"
100 episodes, I still take my headphones out for Sam's sponsor things
laura you can't cry yet the game hasn't even started yet
taliesin's facepalm
oh no
"we're running out of receptacles for soda pop, sam"
matt: how dare you miss an opportunity to plug my old projects
"this will sit in my office and scare my children"
haHA, lavalier mic dick jokes
travis and ashley miming taking their earrings off
I need a gif of Taliesin throwing shade
"even though it's a FUCKING GIVEN" finely-aged half-elven salt
"yeah maybe you SHOULD"
"what's a brothel?" "oh dear?"
how to know you're getting old: "boy" of 22
sort your accent, sam
"spice, hehe"
"daddy issues pouch"
"dad make us roll for it"
mood: everybody yelling "jack off" at travis
stop fucking with lionel
(I've been playing a lot of fallout 4)
horsey speed
"happy little tpks"
"can lionel and I commune together" [lenny]
aesthetic: matthew mercer duck noises
the way they're lit makes it look like the background is a greenscreen, but laura posted a picture on twitter so I know it's not, but it LOOKS LIKE IT and it's fucking with me
"I have the same problem when I try to talk to cows" dat callback
liam being the damn duck hunt dog
"he's going home to his family." "in a way, yes." taliesin
changes sidebar to "maraudering douchebag"
"where's vex?" "oh god" same
is VEX going to have to jenga
"I'm not gonna stick my face in something" for once
"I'm gonna stop, I'm gonna stop" taliesin is making dirty jokes isn't he
oh no lionel's gonna lose his damn mind
"body pillow" p i k e 
turn into a cloud to avoid awkward social situations
100th episode, return of the siggle
aw, pike learned how not to clank
"it's because percy's holding onto my waist" "yeah, you keep giggling"
"maybe in a little bit" famous last words
"percy spread your legs" [lenny]
"it's fun to fuck with you"
laura futzing with liam's mic
lionel no
s a m
rip taliesin
"and an idiot shall lead them"
"everything fun takes a minute" taliesin you said you were going to stop
"it's all salads now" grog jumps back out 
"oh you didn't replace that?" grog
"I found a Critter, can we keep her?!" liam
"you take any one piece away and the tower falls, jenga" goddammit liam
"you're happy! that's so weird."
"bring me a cow" grog no
discord: would you rather fight 1 duck sized skeleton or 1 skeleton sized duck
"maybe I'm just acting like I'm mad" I've been there
"I kind of want to break a few things"
"I'm like the dog staring at the cat who stole it's fucking bed" did u mean my cat and the new puppy
(puppy wanted to sleep on the sofa anyway)
rip the whole entire rest of the cast
"ARE YOU DYING? [lists off everything good about pike]"
"NO! yes. NO!!"
"we should just, tomorrow - " "- kill him."
my angry monstah children
"it doesn't pick up, don't defend this shit"
"like a jojo stand" careful matt we're approaching maximum nerdery
no twitch you were doing so well
scanlan quit being a fuck you know EXACTLY what's going on
"are you drinking it or pouring it all over yourself?" "it's both"
I missed a whole fuckload of stuff, heaven save me from the stubborness of toddlers
"there's gonna be a cadaver and a fern"
my rogue babies, I love them
"it's like a reverse birth" travis no
it's a dickbutt
"like m'dick" sam
"when this is over I'll say my proper goodbyes" DEATH FLAG
"matt what are we gonna do HE'S GONNA KILL ONE OF THEM"
"into silas briarwood" oh shit
it took four hours but the butterflies have PAID OFF
"y'all motherfuckers need sarenrae"
"they were ON THE CEILING"
would anyone blame me if I pictured berserk when he described the blackguard
"matt mercer in drag shitting all over us" "that's all it ever has been"
pike gets feebleminded, entire party is now in Get Shit Done mode
mood: sam crying over not being able to help pike
oh god he's gotta go through all the layers of the sphere
happy pride month y'all
"you can hear the internet" worst superpower
"red dragonnnnn????"
raven queen sent him to voicemail
discord: "that'll teach him to not call me for a year."
we figured it out, guys, pike's secret crush was keyleth
and you have a goddamn morning flight mercer
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tiredcal · 7 years
Silence is The Real Killer Ch. 1
// Fandom: Undertale - Messed up UnderSwap version - turns into my own AU Words: 784 Warnings: Swearing, a whole lot of death, it's pretty depressing // "Auuugh Fuck.... Why? Why are you doing this!?" Sans looked down at his blue hoodie counterpart, who was clutching his side while leaning against a wall. With a calm smile he answered "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE PLEASE! MHEHEHE ISN'T IT OBVIOUS AS TO WHY, SILLY? I AMAMAM SAVING YOU! YOU WON'TWON'TWON'T BE ALONE ANYMORE! YOU'LL BE WITH YOUR BROTHER AGAIN! DON'T WORRY I WON'T LET ANYONE ELSE LEFT BE ALONE ETHER " With one more slash of his bone attack the other Sans turned to dust, much like most of the new Underground he found. Sans thought back to the question, and he remembered. Before.... - Date [REDIRECTED], Universe Swaptale Genocide route- 'Haha... okay this wasn't really funny..' The last thing Sans remembered was his brother telling him to stay in the house until he came back... that was 13 hours ago. He tried calling his orange hoodie wearing brother but no one answered, there was only his voice mail. He even tried calling Undyne after attempting Alphys' phone, who also wouldn't answer... maybe she was helping the guards train! Undyne hasn't answered ether.. she might be busy doing science. He just noticed something. It's never been quite this quiet around Snowdin before. Even with living right on the edge of the small town. The town kids, and sometimes teens who were around, had a tendency to run around playing or do things at an extremely loud volume. He needed to see what was going on. 'Pap's wouldn't be that mad if I left, he's been lazy before but not enough to not come home! I will just have to bring him home! Mwehehee Yeah!... He's going to be in big trouble though, taking forever that lazy bones. Hope that weirdo human I saw earlier is okay they left right before Pappy did...hmm' Sans sat on the floor and pulled on his blue boots and went to see what was going on. Everything looked to be covered in grey snow?... 'how odd.. wait is that snow?' Sans stared at the snow for a minute then reached down and picked up a pretty sizable pile. It didn't melt like the snow usually did.. it just slipped through his hands like... , like sand.. or even dust.......... "no nononoNonoNoNONO" Sans wiped the rest of someones dust off his glove and ran through town looking for anyone! ANYONE! No one was at Muffets, the librarby or the shops! Sans wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what the dust ment. Death and by the looks of it, there had been a lot. Sans searched Snowdin multiple time for other monster, only to be met with dust piles and empty clothes. It was the same in Waterfall, and Hotland. The bright blue fabric around his neck began to feel like it was constricting his non-existant throat. 'New Home, that's where Papyrus must be.. he's there he's there he's there!' Sans thought determinedly as he ran through the royal lab trying not to look at the trail of dust he passed coming from Undyne's bathroom. He made it to a golden hallway just outside the Queens throne room when he first found the first evidence of his brother. Peaking out from right aroun the corner was the orange colored fabric. Sans was so relived Papyrus was okay. Sadly that wasn't true. "PAPYRUS! You scared me you lazy bones you never...." Sans rounded the corner he froze. His brother wasn't there, or he used to be. All that sat there was a pile of orange fabric and basketball shorts all covered in a thick layer of dust. "PAPY... this must be a bad prank yeah... Alphys must be helping out, don't know why though! Yeah it's just a prank! It's not funny at all... This is just one bad birthday joke... but Paps know this isn't funny, so does Alphys.. it it it just has go be one though...." Sans just stared at the pile for what seemed to be hours. He felt empty. A sound was heard from farther down the hall in the throne room, distracting him from his consintrated stare. Hesitantly he began to walk to the room. Slowly walking through the throne rooms doorway and froze again. The whole room was the opposite of how he remembered it. Everything looked to be burned and dug up. There was another noise. Sans followed it farther into the castle right to the barrier room. Right in the middle of the room was a pile of golden armor with a crown on top... and a trail leading through the barrier.. the human making it dissapeared onto the other side of the pulsating white barrier.... 'So it's not a prank.'
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longestnight64448 · 7 years
Love Notes *George Weasley X Reader*
"I will pass, I will pass.." I mumbled to myself as I walked down the hallway!
"Of course you will!" I heard a voice say, I turned around to see Ron Weasley, walking a little ways behind me, and farther back, Harry and Hermione were jogging to catch up.
I gave them all a half-smile, "Seriously though, I HAVE to pass!"
"You will Sierra!" Hermione said, smiling at me, "We've been studying together the whole week, you will pass!" She encouraged.
"Alright, alri--" I satarted to say before I was rudely interupted.
"And how is everyone here today?" Said none other than George Weasley, his twin trailing right behind him.
I rolled my eyes, and turned around to walk forward again. I didn't understand him at all. All he did was annoy me. He does everything he can to bother me. His whole family likes me, and treat me great, but for some reason he doesn't. It makes no sense.
I then felt an arm wrap around me.
"I asked how you are today?" George said, leaning over me with his arm still wrapped around me.
I rolled my eyes again, and pulled away.
"I WAS doing just peachy until someone showed up!" I said, glaring at George.
He looked at me blankly, then said "Jeez, you don't have to be so mean Sierra. Fred's not that bad.."
"Auuugh!" I groaned. I looked at the trio who I was talking to before, and they were all looking away from me, smiling. I raised an eyebrow, shrugged my shoulders and headed into History of Magic. The most boring class in the world.
"Alright class, you have all class to finish." Said our ghost of a teacher. Literally, he's a ghost!
I took a deep breath, grabbed my quill and started to write.
"Okay, question 1, question 1, what year did th-- OW!" I mumbled as something hit me in the back of the head.
I looked over at the teacher seeing that he was occupied with something else, I quickly turned to see what happened. I saw a crumpled piece of paper on the ground. Knowing it wasn't there before, I picked it up, and secretly read it.
I like you.
"What the.." I thought.
"Is there something wrong, Ms.?" Mr. Binns asked me.
Shocking me, I sprang up in my chair, "Oh, no, no, everything is fine!" I said, turning red.
Apparently satisfied, he walked, uhh, floated away.
breathing a sigh of relief, I went back to my test, "Alright, In what year did-- auuugh!" I groaned quietly.
Turning around again, I saw another crumbled piece of paper, upon opening it, I read:
You're amazing.
Turning red, I looked around the class to see if anyone was looking at me, or turning red at least. Seeing no one, I turned around to go back to my test, only to find that it wasn't there anymore.
"What the.." I said aloud. I looked up to see the teacher staring down at me.
"I'm assuming you couldn't see anyones' answers yet, seeing as you haven't answered a single one yet." He said to me.
"What?! No, no I wasn't cheating! I swear!" I said, panicing.
"Really now? I suppose you were just looking around the room for fun?" He said accusingly.
"No, I mean, well, no, but I have a good reason for it!" I said, my face flushing.
"Sorry Ms. No reason will save you now. Please follow me." Mr. Binns said. I sighed and grabbed my materials off my desk.
As I walked down the aisle between desks, my friends gave me apologetic looks. I gave them a sad smile and shrugged my shoulders. Before I left the room, another paper hit me in the head.
Everything will be okay. Just keep smiling the beautiful smile.
My face turned an even brighter shade of red. I turned around again but only saw my friends still smiling at me sadly.
Thankfully, Mr. Binns knows I'm a good student. He placed me in the detention room to write my test. Upon finishing he let me go out to enjoy the rest of the day. I walked up to one of the towers of the school. I loved the fresh air, and the privacy of the tower.
"Alright." I said aloud, " 'I like you', 'You're amazing', and 'beautiful smile'! Who wrote these?! I said, shaking my head in frustration.
"Someone who thinks those things about you." I voice said from the darkness.
I jumped, I turned around but couldn'tsee them.
"Who's there?!" I asked, a little bit scared.
"Don't worry! I wont hurt you." The boy said, sounded embarassed.
"I'll hurt you if you don't show me who you are!" I said angrily.
The man in the dark stood there for a while, silent. I crossed my arm and tapped my foot in impatience. Finally, he spoke.
"Promise you wont get mad at me? Or yell at me?" He asked, timid.
I raised an eyebrow at him, but shrugged my shoulders, "I Promise." I said sincerely.
Again, he waited a little bit, then he shyly stepped out of the darkness. my eyes widened at who it was.
"George Weasley?!" I asked, shocked.
".. Suprise!" he said, not very into it though.
"What are.. are.. I mean, you mean, you.. I.. AUGH!" I growled in anger.
"Sierra! You promised you wouldn't get mad!" He reminded me, frightened. He knows how I can be to people I don't like.
"Yeah, but I never knew it was you!" I answered back.
"Why do you hate me so much?!" He finally asked, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.
"Why do you pick on my so much?!" I retorted.
He stopped and stared at me, "You mean you don't know?" He asked.
".. Know what?!" I asked.
All of sudden he started to laugh, a lot.
I glared at him, "What's so funny?!"
"You!" He said through laughs.
I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to go back to the common room.
"Wait!" I said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into him.
My face turned red, "What are you doing? Let go of me!" I fought.
"Do you know who wrote those notes to you?" He asked suddenly.
I looked up at him shocked. "No.. but, how do you know about them?" I asked.
He chuckled at me, and instead of answering my question, he just kissed me.
Instead of pushing him away like I probably would have done, I kissed him back.
It is true, boys do pick on you when the like you.
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mister13eyond · 8 years
UT got me reading fan fictions again for the first time in over a decade, and one thing I'm noticing is this trend of fics where some character get made into completely and utterly irredeemable scumbags outta nowhere, like this one I'm reading where the fish woman is made out to be this really violent liar with little public approval who kills monsters for getting in her way and tosses the lizard out for trying to do the right thing and I'm like huh what
Oh my god, that’s actually my leaaaast favorite thing in UT fic. I’d say in the game we get a fairly nuanced version of almost every character- they all have some major flaws:Undyne can be kind of hotheaded and doesn’t think before she acts sometimes, Papyrus can be.... kind of a weenie who just does what he thinks will make others like him, Alphys lies so people will like her, Mettaton is kind of self-absorbed, Sans avoids responsibility like the plague- BUT we also get to see a side of them that counters that, especially in the No Mercy route! Undyne truly cares about the underground and wants to protect all of them, Papyrus has an exceptionally good heart and wants to believe the best of everyone, even when he’s scared, Alphys comes clean when it matters and even risks everything to try and save as many monsters as she can, Mettaton genuinely wants to protect both humans and monsters alike and uses his showboating to try and protect others.But fics sometimes just..... ignore all of column B in favor of column A??? They flatten out a well-rounded character with major flaws into a one-dimensional scumbag to further the development of their fave and it breaks my heart. It’s possible to write conflict without demonizing the other side of the argument!!!! It’s entirely possible!Undyne is hot-headed and resorts to punching things before thinking, but she’s also clearly a pretty gentle-hearted person inside. After all, her mentor and idol- Asgore- presents the front of a scary warrior (and did in fact murder several children) but has a soft, at times even cowardly heart. She wouldn’t put Papyrus in the guard even though she knows he’s an excellent fighter, because she can see his kindness and gentle heart from a mile away and doesn’t want to risk harm coming to him. And while she probably suplexes and noogies almost all the dogs in the guard, you never get the sense they’re afraid of her. Mostly just the kind of respect that comes from having a rough and tumble “tough love” kind of superior who cares immensely about you.(Also she admires the living FUCK outta Alphys and her passion and her kindness, she’d never ever turn her away for trying to do the right thing!!!!)Two of my favorites are actually excellent about that sort of nuanced thing (although I haven’t finished either, as it can be hard for me to finish fics sometimes.) One of them- Flowey is Not A Good Life Coach- explores a terrible abusive friendship with a party who doesn’t feel empathy (flowey, obviously) and yet while Flowey is definitely the villain (as he is in the game) you can also see the snippets of the fact that he’s an impossibly damaged child, acting out in the way that only abused children really can- re-enacting his own traumas on Papyrus. (Not that it excuses him, but it’s made clear he’s one messed up kid!)Not only that, but the other conflicts that start in the fic are all of the “no one here is wrong but there is a terrible miscommunication happening” variety- Papyrus winds up with rifts between himself, his brother and Undyne because he’s keeping a terrible secret and all they want is to help him but they don’t know how. No party is demonized- papyrus wants to protect his loved ones, which is why he won’t tell others, and they want to protect him, which is why they end up frustrated.Likewise with the other fave of mine, Feeling Bonely, which is Soriel and a human AU and deals mostly with Sans’ depression. (I cannot recommend this one enough, even though- like the other- I haven’t finished it yet.) Conflicts happen- especially with Papyrus frustrated that Sans is withholding so much from him- but both characters are clearly loved and treated as rounded individuals with lots of empathy towards each of them.I’m exceeeedingly picky with my fic, so I definitely get frustrated by the kind of stuff you mention. I love literally all of these characters, they are so good and lovely and I hate to see them treated bad auuugh
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elementseries · 7 years
EleMenT Chapter 112
Chapter 112: The Great War
  “Three cheers for the Unstoppable Novastars! With them on our side, the war will be over in no time! Hip hip hooray!!” All the soldiers shouted at their base camp as they celebrated their recent victory against the Elemental Buster and raised their mugs full of amber and frothy beer. “Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!” They continued and drank down their beer. “Waha~! Come on guys, you’re making it look like we did all the work! You guys did great out there too!” A young man with a muscular build and spiky black hair said with a big grin on his face, holding a large mug of beer {Dominic Novastar (Age 29)}. “No way! We couldn’t do anything against that thing!” “If it wasn’t for you two, we’d be on the KIA wall!” “Or be their prisoners!” The soldiers said. “Well I dunno about me but Dante’s the man with the powah! He’s the only one who can damage those busters” Dominic said, motioning to Dante. “…it seems their armor isn’t suited to taking pure elemental energy. I’m a very rare case after all…” the young man with shoulder length, slicked, white hair said, having a slimmer build {Dante Novastar (Age 31)}.
  “Yeah, even Halberd couldn’t of make so much of a scratch on it” a soldier said as he looked at a teen elemental with very long, slick, black leaning his back against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked away and said nothing in embarrassment {Dale Halberd (Age 16). “Ah lay off the kid, he’s still a youngling after all!” Dominic chuckled. “Tch!” Dale looked away to hide his blush. The other soldiers chuckled light-heartedly. “Shut up, I was about to destroy it with my Thunder Halberd before you two got there so don’t get a fatter head then you already have!” Dale shouted. “Hey easy there Dale, remember you’re not supposed to be here kid” “Yeah, you’re supposed to be eighteen or older to join the army” the other soldiers said. “Now now everyone…” a very large and muscular man with dark maroon, spikey hair that was beginning to turn white due to his old age. He wore a long open military jacket that commanding officers wore. “It doesn’t matter who defeated the enemy, all that matters is that we won this battle” he said {A General in the World Government Military: Grover Ruspoli (Age 59)}.
  “General Ruspoli!” the soldiers shout and quickly salutes to him. “At ease everyone, we’re here to relax and rest up for tomorrow. You all did very well, and you fought very hard. But remember until this war ends, we all have to keep fighting and give it our all!” Grover said. He raises his fist and shouts, “To ensure peace to both humans and elementals and stop this pointless war between them!” “Hoo-rah!” the others soldiers shout and raise their fists with him, including Dominic and Dale. Although, Dante kept quiet, simply glancing away from everyone before he walks outside of the base. “…?” Dominic watched him leave. Dante stands outside, looking up at the starry night sky. “Right there! That’s where the little dipper is right?!” Dominic suddenly shouts and points up, startling Dante. “!!! …n-no, that’s not a constellation, that’s just a bunch of stars…” Dante corrected him. “Wait so which one’s the little dipper?” Dominic asked him. “…over there” Dante said and points to the correct constellation. “Really? Just looks like a bunch of stars again to me…” Dominic said as he scratched his head. “Trust me, it’s the little dipper” Dante told him.
  “Heh, look at me, a Space Elemental who doesn’t know his stars! Hehehheh!” Dominic chuckled. “Hnn…” Dante looked away with only a faint smile. “Hey what’s wrong buddy? No need to look so glum! …well, ok yeah we’re currently in a huge war where any of us and our friends could die at any time, but this war will end soon and they’ll finally be peace between the two races” Dominic told him with a smile. “…will there?” Dante asked. “Hmm? Why the doubt?” Dominic asked back. “…I don’t know, I just don’t think it could be possible. Humans fear us for our power... they feel threatened… and just like animals, they attack anything they feel threatened by…” Dante said. “Ah come on, we’re better than animals. We’ll just show humans there’s nothing to fear! We’ll also show humans aren’t inferior to us either, we’re all equal. That’s what I believe and that’s why I joined this war, to end fighting so both sides can stop fighting each other” Dominic said. “…aren’t they inferior though?” Dante asked with a whisper, remember back to his orphanage days.
  “Waaah! Dante just killed the bear!” a kid shouts in horror as a seven year old Dante stood over the dead body of a large brutish looking grizzly bear, a large smothering hole through its body. Dante stood over it with his hand out, looking down at the bear in shock. “He shot something from his hand and the bear died!” another child said to the woman who ran the orphanage. “My word…” she said, putting her hands to her mouth. “Could it be…? Dante is an elemental?” she said. “An elemental? What’s that?” “I heard they’re monsters!” “Dante is a monster!” the children shouted in fear.
  Dante remembered the kids staying far away from him, never playing with him, never interacting with him. The adults of the orphanage feared him as well, too scared to give him the affection and attention the other children got. He got sick of the orphanage and left when he was twelve years old. “What was that?” Dominic asked him. “…nothing” Dante simply said. “Well don’t worry about those doubts, you’ll see… soon we’ll bring peace between humans and elementals everywhere!” Dominic said with a smile. “…if you say so…” Dante said.
  Several days later, the troop was once again in the battlefield, fighting off human supremacist, blasting away at their Elemental Buster mech suits. Dominic dodges gun fire from a human soldiers who had a gem powered rifle and kicks him away. The human suddenly got back up. “”Wha-?” Dominic questioned before getting punched in the face, falling to the ground. “Dominic!” “What happened!? How did a human knock you down!?” other soldiers asked. “Heh heh…” the human soldiers grinned, opening his vest a bit to show a gem embedded into his chest. “No… it can’t be…” Dominic said, wiping blood from his nose. “A Meta-Human!?” he shouts. The government soldiers watch as they saw more and more Meta-Humans show up in the battlefield, striking them down. “Meta-Humans… you mean the rumors are true?” Dante asked. “Seems like it…” Dominic said as more Meta-Human soldiers approached the two, backing up their ally.
  “Humans who gain the power that elementals have by surgically implanting a gem into their bodies…” Grover said as he watched the battle. “I’ve only heard stories about a brilliant scientist discovering this process and created a squad of powerful humans for the Human Extremists, and here I am witnessing it with my own eyes…” he said. “Aren’t they amazing?” a voice said from behind him. “My father was truly a brilliant scientist as you said, and even though an illness claimed his life, he shared his secret to me to make a squad of powerful supermen!” Grover turned around and said, “Colonel Alexander Lucardo…” he said. Alexander grinned {A Colonel in the Human Extremist Army: Alexander Lucardo (Age 23)}. “We thought we could even the playing field, fight fire with fire after all…” he said.
  “Enjoying your handy work? You’re just as psychotic as your father…” Grover said. Alexander presses a button and a giant elemental buster lands behind him. “The government’s army of aligning idiots will come to an end today! Especially after I kill their strongest commander!” he boasted. Hmph…” Grover got reader to fight, but suddenly someone spoke from his walkie talkie. “General sir! We need back up! Please send in some reinforcements!” Grover grabbed and then spoke, “Are the Meta-Humans really that powerful?” he asked. Alexander overheard and made a smug smile. “It’s not the Meta-Humans sir! It’s an elemental! He’s too strong and.... auuugh!!” The soldier shouted. “What?!” Grover asked. Suddenly Alexander’s walkie talkie spoke as well. “Colonel! Please help us! There’s a crazy elemental mowing us down like it’s nothing!” “Seriously? Someone is able to fight off my Meta-Humans!?” Alexander said.
  Meanwhile an elemental stood where many bodies of meta-humans and other elementals were scattered all over the ground, covered in blood. “Oh… one left…” the elemental said. He was a muscular man wearing a black tank top and dark green pants. He has dark blue hair that reached down longer on the right side than the left. Dale creates a Thunder Halberd and stares him down. “You’re a Space Elemental like Dominic, if I can defeat you, then I’ll be strong enough to beat Dominic in a sparring match. Thank you for being my next step…” he said and points the halberd at him. “Ke ke keh…” the space elemental glares at him with a murderous smile. Dale charges at the elemental, but he quickly teleports away before he could touch him with his halberd. “I know that trick all too well…” Dale said and waits. The space elemental appears right behind him. “Got you!” Dale swings his Halberd around, but the elemental holds his hand out and the Halberd is suddenly bent away. “My Halberd!” Dale said in shock. The elemental suddenly kicks Dale in the face, sending him rolling across the ground. A soldier on the ground regains his consciousness and watches the battle. He gets out his walkie talkie to report.
  “Grover sir…” Grover’s walkie talkie spoke. “What is your position?” Grove asked. “Halberd… he has engaged the enemy elemental… he is… a space elemental… blue hair… looks very young…” the soldier said. “Space elemental with blue hair? That must be…” Alexander started to say. “Yes, my son is having quite a lot of fun out there” a man said as he suddenly appears near Grover and Alexander. “!!” both of them turn to see the man, who also has dark blue hair but it is cut short above the shoulders and neatly smoothed over. He also had a large mustache, but no beard. “You must be General Royd of the Elemental Extremists…” Alexander said. “That’s right, Royd Nebulous is the name…” the man said with a polite smile {A General in the Human Extremist Army: Royd Nebulous (Space Elemental)}. “My son fighting your soldiers is Lloyd Nebulous, he became a Colonel in the army even though he’s only fourteen years old. Quite the talented young man isn’t he?” Royd asked with a sly smirk. “Only fourteen? And he’s a high ranking soldier!?” Grover thought to himself.
  “So looks like we have the strongest solider from each faction gathered in one spot, this should be interesting…” Royd said, cracking his knuckles. “…” Grover coats his arm in crystal and Alexander got into his giant elemental buster. “Two elementals with one stone, I couldn’t be any luckier…” he said with a grin as the mech suit closes shut.
  Dale was on the ground, heavily injured as he clutched his bleeding arm, his Thunder Halberd on the ground and dissipating. “How boring…” Lloyd said with a frown. “I’d thought you would give me at least SOME challenge…” He walks over to Dale and lifts his foot over his head, getting ready to smash it with his boot. “…” Dale closed his eyes. “Damn it… I never got to tell Veronica… how I…” he thought with regret. Suddenly Lloyd was punched across the face and sent flying to the side as Dominic suddenly teleported to the scene. “D…Dominic…” Dale said weakly. Dante stood next to him and said, “You did well. Leave this to us…” Dominic cracked his knuckles, grinning with anticipation. “Bring it!” he shouts.
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[ Owners of characters in order: @fridaydevils // fridaydevils, @ramonias // ramonias, Skystellations, @bugwizard // Dog, @mintmilk-art // MintMilk ]
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picmurasaki · 7 years
AC Origins is beautiful, but I am such a scaredy cat and all this Egypt thing scares me... I cannot even touch the game...
I might play a bit just to help Aniki collect stuff for upgrades but that's it. I am not stepping foot on a dungeon or ruins or auuugh anything in this game.
It's just... creeps me out...
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