#Eat Your Kids Illustration
a-story-teller · 9 months
Seriously one of the most confounding things in the world is pop-Christian moralizing.
"Is ASMR ok for Christians?? 🤨🤔😧" I'm not sure in what world it would be sinful to listen to soothing brushing, ocean sounds, and tapping, yet someone felt the need to ask the question, and someone else felt the need to make a YouTube video answering it. (I didn't watch it, so I don't know the verdict, but somehow you're trusting the verdict to a rando on YouTube and not Discernment from God?)
"Christian facials" because having a hot towel on your face and putting on serum is in any way aligned with a religion or lack thereof, and therefore needs to/even Can be made Christian?
"Christian-friendly sex positions" and the only difference is it's stick figures instead of realistic drawings, and instead of male/female or penetrator/receiver, it's husband/wife. Because you know those goofy health-book illustrations were distracting you from the righteous goal at hand: eating your girl out. But you can't call her your girl, you have to make it clear to everyone seeing you have sex (which... is just the 2 of you, right?) that you're having Good and Not Sinful sex, because you, a Husband, are Married to your Wife. Side note: the stick figures actively make it harder to figure out the intricacies of any of the positions and therefore are objectively shittier at doing what they're made to do.
Christian soap, christian mints, christian calendars, christian music, christian curtains, christian fiction, christian restaurants, christian news, christian shops. There are things in the world that are OK being secular. The fact that your soap does not have an icthus sign etched in that washes away in 3 days anyway does not make you a bad person, or even a bad christian. Your home does not need something Christian™️ in every room for people (or yourself!) not to forget you're christian... I assume?
The king who must say he is king, etcetera. This kind of mindset is so boggling to me, and reeks of nominative faith and deeeeep insecurity. Retail therapy but instead of buying temporary happiness you're buying temporary grace. Being so beholden to the dogma of organized religion that you go to any person feigning authority on the subject rather than using your own brain to make a decision. The idea that things can only be okay to interact with if they're explicitly christian, as though interacting with it as a christian doesn't inherently put it through a christian lens; as though you can only get things trickled down to you from church authority figures with robust enough constitutions to judge what's ok for you because you don't have the ability to think critically; as though you should stay away from what's "sinful" rather than, LIKE JESUS, be able to go into it and be a good example; as though instead of learning to be capable of handling it, you should be as weak to sin as possible; as though you have to go through the world with kid gloves because touching something dirty would soil your soul (which, of course this implies, is sparkling - impossible, arrogant, and kind of denying God, lol [actually, not lol, I'm expanding on that. Denying God by refusing to admit your own sin. Denying God by refusing his grace because you won't admit your own sin. Denying God by acting like his power couldn't absolve something as simple as being exposed to sin, let alone if you did end up making a miatake. Denying God by keeping yourself in Good Christian spaces and not being there for people who need outside help. There's more but I digress]).
Also, the childish áffect of refusing to say things as they are because that would be bad, but referring to it in euphamism is fine - or, transversely, that using colloquialisms is bad, but medical speak is fine, depending on what breed of crackpot christian you're dealing with. "Hanky-panky" just say sex. "Adult drinks" just say wine, beer, liquor. "Flower" for the love of all that is holy just say vulva/vagina/virginity. "Breasts" is fine to describe your chest but "boobs" is not. You can say "buttocks" but not "butt". Discussing bathroom activities is decisively not cool but if utterly necessary you must say "urine" and "feces" because pee and poop are too pedestrian.
Like, entire side tangent, but the weirdly widespread christian-ism of not discussing things frankly or discussing them super detachedly, but both preferring to never discuss them at all, regarding anything "potentially sinful" or "not spiritually uplifting" (usually boiling down to "anything physical") is so whack to me. Do not discuss your period, even in female spaces, because it's tmi. Don't talk about your health issues if they're not Clean enough subjects, even as something to pray about (like breast/prostate cancer, shitting diseases). Don't ever talk about your sex life except to wiggle your eyebrows at your kids when they're old enough. Don't hug your male friends, daughter. Don't play with your little cousins, son. Sex is so so bad but everything is about it, actually. Sex is so so great which is why you should feel guilty about ever wanting it. All nudity is sexual. Dress so they know you're a woman but also that you're a lady. Fart jokes are not allowed. You must remember that all men are looking at you with lust at all times but you can't hold that against them. All things that get you sweaty or muddy are bad. Hair on women is unnatural but just dandy for men, except we can't talk about pubic hair so you're just going to have to figure out on your own if it's less sinful to not think about your vag enough to do anything to it or to ensure you're free of all sinful hair. Here's how to do makeup in a god-honoring way, because you couldn't know on your own, and you must both jump through this hoop to be acceptable to your men but not have enough fun and personal expression with it for it to become anything other than a chore. It is wrong to kill, which is why we support the troops. We are supposed to help the poor, which is why I drive past the beggars that are dirty and ragged and smelly. We are supposed to celebrate God with our bodies, which is why my most spiritually moved state equates to slightly raising my arms.
I can't close this post without including my oft-quoted favorite example of this weird-ass pop-Christian phenomenon translating to real-life people in real-time thoughts: my mom saying she had to take into account "which ice cream flavor is most glorifying to God" at a froyo shop. Either it's raspberry, or she chose sin that day.
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kodasea · 4 months
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Summer Mariner's Festival (2021)
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riversonsaturn · 9 months
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nicoleallin · 1 year
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The horror! The horror! The....PEAS!!
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stars-tonight · 2 months
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oikawa tōru
word count: 410
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“are you sure you know how to babysit, tōru?” you ask suspiciously. “this isn’t going to be like babysitting takeru. she doesn’t know you like she knows me.” you had babysat for your neighbors multiple times before--their six year old was the cutest little girl--but oikawa had never met her, and for some reason you had a sinking feeling that he wouldn’t be the best babysitter.
“of course!” he assures you. “takeru says i’m the best babysitter he’s ever had. i’m practically a professional.”
“takeru always goes to sleep when i tell him to,” oikawa mutters.
you sigh, rubbing your temples. oikawa had spent the last fifteen minutes insisting he could get the little girl--akari--to fall asleep. out of curiosity and amusement, you decided to let him try.
his efforts had been wholly futile.
“tōru, let me do it,” you begin. he had originally tried singing akari to sleep, but he was wildly out of tune and actually started annoying her. that, paired with the fact that you always read akari her favorite story before bed, has resulted in a very unhappy six year old. now you’re starting to see the telltale signs of a meltdown--quivering lower lip, crossed arms, whiny tone of voice.
he huffs, pouting. “i thought bedtime was supposed to be quiet time,” he insists, as you push him out of the chair and onto the ground.
you clamp a hand over his mouth before he can say anything more. you sit down on the chair yourself, next to the bed. “hey, sweetie,” you say to akari. “how about a bedtime story?”
she perks up immediately. “beauty and the beast?” it’s her favorite one, partly due to all the colorful illustrations in the book, and partly because belle is pretty.
you grin. “you remember which part we’re on?”
within minutes, you have her quiet and sleepy. you end the story and close the book softly. oikawa is also quieting down. he’s sitting on the floor, resting his head in your lap and arms wrapped around your waist.
“[y/n]?” akari asks suddenly.
you brush some hair out of her eyes and smile at her. “what is it?”
“is this your boyfriend?” she asks curiously. she looks at oikawa, scrunching up her face. “you’re too cool for him. he’s an idiot. you should date my friend instead. he’s way cooler.”
oikawa’s jaw drops open. “so rude!” he whines.
great. now you have two children to take care of.
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sugawara kōshi
word count: 789
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“is it normal for him to climb the curtains?” suga frowns a little, studying the screaming toddler who’s clinging onto the window drapes.
“yeah,” you say. you had been at your wit’s end for the last thirty minutes, finally deciding to call your boyfriend for help dealing with your little cousin. suga is an only child like you, but with his personality you expect him to be great with kids. “normally i just wait him out, but i’m worried he’ll fall and hurt himself.”
he nods thoughtfully. “not a bad idea in this state. when kids get really upset, they can become physically inconsolable.”
“how do you know that?” you ask, surprised.
he shakes his head and chuckles. “remember what i want to do in the future? i’ve taken so many classes on early childhood and developmental psychology. . .”
whatever information he’s learned from those classes, it must have worked. suga asked your cousin why he was so upset--he had a paper cut--and promptly gave him a bandaid. now your cousin is sitting happily at the kitchen table, kicking his feet as he eats the mac and cheese you microwaved. you and suga were originally going to sit with him at the kitchen table, but he wanted independence, so you’ve been banished to the living room couch. at least you can still keep an eye on him this way.
you shake your head. “i don’t know how you do it. with how he’s acting, we might be able to get him into bed and asleep by seven. he normally doesn’t calm down until an hour after that.”
“kids get upset for a lot of reasons,” suga says. “and younger kids cry because they don’t know the words to express why they’re upset. it’s important to understand their feelings and empathize with them. the more you know about their situation, the more effectively you can deal with it.”
you nod in understanding. you realized pretty early on that you don’t have the patience to babysit your cousin by yourself. but suga is so gentle and patient with him, and he makes it look so easy. “hey, he’s almost done,” you say. “he’s usually pretty calm after dinner. i can get him to work on some coloring pages or a puzzle.”
suga nods approvingly. “good things to be doing,” he agrees. “i’ll wash the bowl if you get him started on that.”
you hug him. “what would i do without you?”
"die,” he says honestly. you roll your eyes, but don’t move away when he hugs you back and kisses your head.
your cousin can be extremely loud and obnoxious--you’ve never seen another kid climb the curtains like an actual cat before--but when he’s calm, he’s actually pretty good. he’s laying on the living room floor, calmly coloring some drawings you had made for him. he’s picking clashy colors and scribbling outside the lines, but he looks happy with himself, so you don’t have a problem with it.
suga comes into the living room with a mug full of warm milk. “you should drink this before bed,” he says to your cousin, and despite the fact that you have never successfully given him milk before, he drinks it without a peep.
you shake your head. “he likes you better than me,” you say. “you’ll make a great teacher, kōshi. kids love you.”
he smiles at this, but you see a proud little blush on his face. “can you help me get him to bed?” you ask, as he sits on the ground next to you.
he drums his fists on your back. “i think you’ve got this. he is your cousin.”
so you try to convince your cousin to go to bed. at first he doesn’t agree, and you’re starting to worry he’ll freak out and climb the curtains again, but then you remember some advice suga had given you. you offer a bedtime story, he asks for a simple story about a dump truck, and then you’ve convinced him to go brush his teeth.
bedtime is a breeze after that; he falls asleep soon after the story. you turn on the fan to circulate the air, leave the door cracked open with the hallway light on, and head back to the living room, where suga is calmly reading a book.
“he’s asleep!” you whisper-cheer, a big smile on your face. a quick look at the clock tells you it’s only seven fifteen--a record.
“there you go! proud of you.” suga gives you a quick peck on the lips. “i’ll make dinner. what do you want?”
you run a hand through your hair and shake your head. “what would i do without you?”
“die,” he says smoothly.
he’s not wrong though.
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kageyama tobio
word count: 562
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“why is there applesauce on the ceiling?”
“she likes to fling it,” you respond.
kageyama frowns a bit. “and she does this often?”
“any time i take my eyes off of her,” you respond.  “do you think you could distract her for a bit while i scrape it off?”
you’ve been babysitting this little girl--who is barely four years old--for almost a year at this point. you had invited your boyfriend, kageyama, to come visit you after his volleyball practice. to be honest, you liked to see him suffer just a bit, and the bewildered look on his face right now is completely worth the applesauce on the ceiling.
kageyama frowns. “how do i do that?”
you shrug. “i’m sure you can come up with something. she’s easily entertained.” you pull out a chair and get a spoon and a bowl.
he stares at the toddler, before stepping closer to her. “do you like to play volleyball?” he asks bluntly.
you stifle a laugh and take out your camera, taking a quick picture of the two. the camera prints the photo out, and you slip it into your pocket to save for later.
the toddler looks up to see him towering over her and bursts into tears. kageyama’s face scrunches up a little in confusion. he reaches his hand out like he wants to touch her, but hesitates at the last second. “get eye level with her,” you suggest. “so you don’t intimidate her as much.”
he takes your suggestion, bending over and resting his hands on his knees. “volleyball?” he repeats.
you shake your head and get onto the chair, scraping some of the applesauce off the ceiling and into the bowl. one problem at a time, you think to yourself. at least if she’s still crying it means he hasn’t accidentally killed her.
and then she’s not crying anymore. the silence strikes you as deafening. you jump off the chair and set the bowl of applesauce on the counter, staring in shock and horror at the empty chair where she had been sitting barely a minute ago. you’re alone in the kitchen.
then you hear laughter coming from the living room. curiously, you walk toward the sound.
kageyama is laying on the floor, calmly setting a volleyball to himself. plopped on the floor next to him, giggling and clapping happily, is the little girl. you doubt kageyama is even aware of her, but she’s fascinated by the volleyball going up and down in the air.
you sigh, shaking your head to yourself. that’s your boyfriend, unintentionally inspiring new volleyball players everywhere he goes because he’s too cool. you head back into the kitchen and clean up the rest of the applesauce.
the sight you set your eyes on upon reentering the living room is part hilarious, part awkward, and all wholesome. kageyama is sitting on the floor, eyebrows creased in confusion with the toddler in his lap. she tries to climb on him like a koala as he stays completely still. you quickly snap a picture of flustered kageyama, the toddler settled in his lap as she reaches up to pull at his hair. his face is pink, lips pushed into a subconscious pout as he holds her, unsure exactly of what to do.
the camera prints the photo. you take it and hold it up to the light.
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akaashi keiji
word count: 556
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“please stop putting spaghetti in your hair.” akaashi frowns as your little brother drapes long strands of pasta on his head, laughing wildly as he does so.
you fight back a smile. you’ve been wanting to see serious, calm akaashi with your brother for the longest time, so you offered to host a study date at your house as long as he agreed to help you babysit your brother. needless to say, he had agreed immediately, and now here you are.
“haruto,” akaashi says sternly. “i’ve asked you to stop doing that three times now. i’m going to count to three. if you don’t stop putting your food in your hair, you’re getting a timeout.”
whoa. how does akaashi know how to deal with your brother? it had taken you weeks to figure out that haruto understood actions, not words. timeouts and proper consequences were pretty much the only way to get him under control.
haruto obeys akaashi once he counts to two. akaashi thanks him for stopping and offers a trip to the playground to burn off some steam, to which your bother excitedly agrees. akaashi plays a game of i spy with haruto while he puts sunscreen on him. you don’t have to do anything as you walk to the playground together. akaashi quietly stands by the slide, watching your brother as he runs around the jungle gym. he agrees to push haruto on the swings and even offers to push you as well. (you agree happily, excited to be the one being pushed for once, which hasn’t happened since you were ten.) when it’s time to go, akaashi gives haruto a five-minute warning, and then a three-minute warning, and then a ten-push countdown. and your brother, who usually throws a fit when he has to leave the playground, agrees more smoothly than you’ve ever seen.
all in all, the day passes by extremely smoothly. when you get home, akaashi makes dinner--you didn’t even know he knew how to cook--and helps haruto with his shower. he gets haruto into bed and fast asleep by nine. throughout all of this, you only have to step in a couple of times, and you can tell by the smile on your brother’s face that akaashi has been a huge hit.
after haruto is asleep, you two settle down on the living room couch together. you brew some of akaashi’s favorite tea for him, and you finally have the chance to do some homework together. “i hope you don’t mind that haruto had so much energy,” you say. “i know you wanted to study.”
he shrugs. “i didn’t mind. he’s a pretty good kid. and i know this was just a test to see how well i would get along with him. so . . . how’d i do?”
you chuckle, surprised he saw through you. “i’m impressed, keiji,” you say truthfully. “haruto can be pretty wild. i didn’t expect him to listen to you that well. you did good.”
“did i?” he fidgets with his fingers. “i was worried he wouldn’t like me. last night i read a bunch of articles about how to interact with kids. i don’t have siblings, so i was worried he’d think i was mean, or not cool, or--”
“keiji.” you take his hands in yours and kiss him on the cheek. “you were perfect.”
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A/N: inspired by @saraswritingtipps, did some research and got information from the awesome @chloiyoomi (i've never babysat before so i needed help lol)
i don't know how much i like this tbh, i love the idea but because i have no babysitting experience i feel like it still came out a bit weird
shoutout to all the babysitters out there, you don't get enough appreciation 💪
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wherethefireliliesgrow · 10 months
Make Me Happy
Huh Yunjin x Reader
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GENRE: fluff
TYPE: One Shot, Long Fic
INSPIRED BY: Make Me Happy-WheeIn
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"And Zeus, with his mighty thunder in hand, ruled the sky and Olympus," you read, flipping to the next page of the storybook and showcasing the colorful pictures of Zeus.
It was a Saturday morning, and you were immersed in reading stories for the children at the hospital. As a child psychology major, you relished the opportunity to connect with different children each Saturday. Your love for children made spending time with them while earning extra credit a win-win situation.
"Zeus has a wife named Hera, the Queen of Gods," you continued, pointing to the illustrated photo of Hera on her throne.
"Sometimes Zeus made mistakes, like having other friends. Hera didn't like that, but they still ruled together on Mount Olympus."
“Ms. Y/N?” a cute voice squeaked from the circle of kids in front of you. It was a small girl with short blonde hair and thick glasses.
“Yes, Kayla?” you smiled at her.
“What is M-I-S-T-R-E-S-S-E-S?” Kayla squinted, trying to read from the book you were showing. The rest of the kids leaned forward, curious about the illustrations.
“M-I-S-T-R…” The word clicked in your head, and you looked at the little girl in shock. “Where did you learn that word?”
“There,” Kayla pointed at the bottom corner of the book with her small finger.
You quickly turned the book around to check the illustration. There, at the bottom, was a scribble of words written in black marker.
Friends? More like mistresses. LOL
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath.
This was one of the children’s books you brought from your department’s lounge, where they keep all materials used in class.
A chorus of oohs broke out around you at the sound of your mild exclamation.
“I mean, what the fuzz?” you hastily changed your choice of words, hoping the hospital staff didn’t hear what you just said. “What the fuzzballs.”
Luckily, the children giggled at that, immediately distracted when a boy named Jake decided to share the story about how he swallowed his cat’s fuzzballs and ended up in the hospital.
The storybook took you longer to finish reading as you made sure to check every page before showing the kids the illustrations. Thankfully, there wasn’t any more writing in the rest of the book. You covered the words with a Post-It before returning it to the lounge.
It happened again after a few weeks. You were reading a Dora the Explorer book to the children, and there it was, in the smack middle of the book, a sentence scribbled in the same scrawly, obnoxiously bolded handwriting.
“Can you find the chocolate tree?” you read before staring at the page in horror.
This chick is blind, FR.
The kids whispered, trying to understand what the handwriting meant.
“C-H-I-C-K…chick!” Carter, a red-haired boy, exclaimed loudly, proud of himself for being able to read it.
“There aren’t any chickens in Dora,” Kayla chastised him, shaking her head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“There is too,” he huffed, pressing a smudgy finger onto the page. “It says here! C-H-I-C-K. Chick.”
“Well, there’s only the big red hen. No chicks,” Kayla insisted, standing up to grab the book from your hands. The situation was about to get worse in a few seconds as you saw Carter’s face redden in frustration.
“Okay! That’s enough story time for today,” you quickly stood up, snapping the book shut. “Who wants to play Monopoly?”
“ME! ME! ME!” The kids screamed in excitement, forgetting the book altogether. It was a relief that kids forget about things so easily.
You, on the other hand, did not forget about this.
“Someone keeps leaving nasty comments in the children's books,” you huffed, dropping the Dora book in front of your best friend, Chaeryeong.
You had found her sitting in front of one of the long tables, peacefully eating her lunch in your department’s lounge. The room was slightly crowded, filled with students doing their projects or chatting with each other before classes.
Narrowing her eyes at your rude entrance, Chaeryeong slowly took off her headphones and dropped her chopsticks.
“No hello beautiful?” she asked, rolling her eyes playfully. “Why are you reading children's books anyway? Are you seven years old or something?”
“I’m reading them for the kids at the hospital,” you said impatiently, flipping open to the page where the messy handwriting was located.
“See? This person keeps writing in these books! The kids keep reading them out!”
“This chick blind, for real?” Chaeryeong snickered after reading it aloud. “Well, this person has a good point. Dora IS blind as fuck.”
You huffed, annoyed at how unserious the raven-haired girl was. But before you could open your mouth, a soft chuckle came from the table next to yours. You turned your head to come face to face with the queen bee and the captain of the volleyball team, Huh Yunjin. She grinned at you as she casually leaned on her elbows, not hiding the fact that she was eavesdropping on your conversation as the rest of her friends were engrossed in another conversation.
“See? Even Yunjin unnie agrees,” Chaeryeong said, slyly bringing Yunjin into the conversation.
She knew about your little crush on the captain ever since freshman year. You were just too chicken to strike up a conversation with her, and she was flirty by default, breaking hearts left and right. You just didn’t want to go through the heartbreak, after seeing so many girls crying in the bathroom over her.
Your eyes met Yunjin’s chocolate ones, her bright gaze felt like it was penetrating your soul. People weren’t kidding about her beauty; she really was a sight to look at. You felt your face flush as her gaze never left yours.
“Yeah, she definitely needs to get herself some glasses,” Yunjin pushed her headband a bit higher to keep her orange hair out of her face. “But I support an unbothered queen.”
Yunjin let out a little laugh, her nose scrunching adorably. You couldn’t help but stare, mesmerized by the way her full lips pulled back to show her glistening white teeth.
“Stop being gay,” Chaeryeong whispered, nudging you with her legs to wake you out of the trance.
Huffing in embarrassment and annoyance, you grabbed the Dora book and the rest of your stuff and started to put them into your bag.
“Where are you going?” Chaeryeong asked.
You could see the volleyball captain staring at you from the corner of your eye, and your ears flushed a deeper red.
“I’m going to find someone who understands how serious this situation is,” you ignored the soft snickers coming from both of the girls and turned around to walk out of the lounge.
“Let me know if you found someone who managed to get that chick a pair of glasses,” Chaeryeong called from behind you, laughter in her voice.
Cute. That was the first thing Yunjin thought when she saw you during the freshman orientation.
She was there to recruit people into the volleyball team when she noticed you, sitting in the second row, eyes barely open, mouth slightly agape as a few wisps of hair fell into your face when you started to doze off.
Ignoring the knowing looks of her teammates, she intentionally tried to get close to you, all but failing drastically. She ended up recruiting all of your close friends into the volleyball team, all but you. You were definitely not a land animal; that was all that Yunjin could say after watching you fall face-first onto the ground at any given chance.
But at least her efforts weren’t all gone to waste. Having recruited Chaeryeong and your roommate Yeji onto the team meant that she could see you in the bleachers in every game and often see you swing by during practice. Her delusional self convinced her that you were there to see her, but deep down she knew that you never even spared her a second glance.
Like today, you had once again rushed away from her as if she was the most menacing thing in the room, and you wanted nothing but to end the conversation with her. Was she really this scary? Or had you found out about her obsession with you?
“You should try to talk to her more, you know?” Chaeryeong said, raising her eyebrows as she watched her captain gaze after you leaving the room.
“Huh?” Yunjin quickly composed herself, leaning back in her chair. “With who?”
“Y/N. I know you like her.” The raven-haired girl said with a grin. “And I approve.”
“Pfft, I don’t even know her that well.” Yunjin whispered, lowering her voice to make sure her friends didn’t hear this conversation.
“I’m not Dora. I see how you look at her,” Chaeryeong pushed.
“I—I don’t look at her differently.”
Yunjin stood her ground, staring at Chaeryeong, ready to deny everything that came out of the younger girl’s mouth. But Chaeryeong wasn’t intimidated, shrugging nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“She finds your jokes in the books funny. Don’t let her reaction fool you.”
Laughing at Yunjin’s expression, Chaeryeon added, “I know your ugly handwriting.”
With that, the slender girl slipped her bag onto her shoulder and stood up, smiling mischievously at the blushing captain in front of her.
“Can’t believe it took you two years to make a move.”
Unconvincingly as it sounded, it really started with boredom.
Yunjin was alone in the student lounge last semester, skipping her least favorite class from Professor “Dead-Eye” Yoo and taking the liberty of finally having some alone time. Yunjin knew she was quite popular, being the captain and all, but sometimes she just wanted to go back to being that shy gamer girl she once was.
The lounge was deserted, and Yunjin flopped onto the sofa she sometimes saw you sitting on in the far-right corner. A couple of bookshelves were situated next to the sofa, completely filled with children’s books.
Scrunching her eyes in confusion about why there were so many books for kids when it was a university department lounge, Yunjin decided not to question it and got to read to kill time. But being attentive was not her strongest trait, so she soon relented to her immaturity and boredom.
Grabbing a sharpie from her bag, she started to leave dumb comments here and there in different books, as if she was the biggest book reviewer in the world. It was an immature and stupid thing to do, she knows. But at least it somehow managed to catch your attention, albeit months later.
God must’ve taken pity on her, watching her suffer through countless blind dates that her friends had arranged her to through her first two years of college, finally giving her the chance to know you better.
It was a few days after her encounter with you at the lounge with Chaeryeong, and she found you scribbling down in a brown notebook on the sofa next to the bookshelves again, this time alone. Deciding to brave herself just once, she took her breath and mustered all of her confidence before making her way towards you and flopped down onto the empty space next to you. She was going to take a chance and take Chaeyeong’s words as advice.
“Hey Y/N.” Yunjin gave you a boyish charming grin, her orange hair tousled perfectly across her leather jacket. She was effortlessly cool, and her sudden close proximity made your face heat up.
“Uh, hi, Yunjin-ssi.” You quickly bowed in respect.
“Please drop the honorifics.” The captain waved her hand, giving you a wink. “Just Yunjin is fine.”
You nodded, eyes flittering from Yunjin’s mesmerizing large ones to the record book in your hand. Unsure of what to do, you decided to awkwardly continue writing.
“What are you doing?” Yunjin slightly leaned towards you, her vanilla perfume invading your senses.
“Um... I-” You shook your head to gather your thoughts, “I’m keeping track of the books that were written on. We would have to replace them.”
“Ahh… the Dora book?”
“Yeah. I also found a new one this week, in the Ice Age books.”
“Really? What did it say?” Yunjin asked, trying to keep her face casual.
“It simply just wrote LIA next to Sid’s face.” You said, biting your lip to hold in your smile.
Yunjin, on the other hand, let out a booming laugh, enjoying the joke way too much.
“I’ll let Lia know she’s famous.” Yunjin said, after taking a few minutes to finally come down from her laughter.
Even though she was the one who wrote it, she still found it funny that her roommate, Lia, looked exactly like Sid the sloth when she was sleeping.
Trying to hide your grin, you said, “It’s not funny. The kids keep reading out the comments.”
The sight of your smiling made Yunjin’s heart soar. She was proud of herself for succeeding in making you smile, despite you not knowing it was her who left the comments. With this affirmation, Yunjin continued to make jokes with you as you talked for a bit. She would do anything to charm you, and she already had a plan hatched in her brain, something to do with your notebook.
“I’ll talk to you later, Y/N.” The captain squeezed your hand as she saw her friends calling for her.
You were disappointed to see her go, but you knew that she had better things to do than talk to you. She was, after all, one of the most popular and busiest students in your major.
“See you.” You muttered, ears red at the feeling of her hand on yours.
The captain walked towards the door, before turning back and raising her hand as a goodbye in a goofy boyish way that made your heart flutter.
It happened again, but this time, it was in your record book. Again, in obnoxiously bolded and capitalized letters, the mystery person managed to annoy the hell out of you, but you couldn’t help but find a bit of amusement in them.
HI :)
They had written this in the smack middle of a new page in your notebook, wasting the entire page. Deciding to write back for the first time, you took out your pen and wrote a small line under their loud greeting.
Don’t write in my notebook :)
Thinking this was able to stop the culprit from writing anything else, you shut the book satisfied. Oh, how wrong you were.
The next day, you found a light pink post-it stuck on top of the original page.
Annoyed at the culprit, but also at yourself for finding them cute for using a post-it instead of just writing on your book.
You wrote back, slightly hesitating before slamming shut the notebook altogether. Although intrigued and wanting to know who was behind the writing, it was probably best that you don’t encourage them.
“Getting ready to dive deep into another children’s book of yours?” A familiar voice broke you out of your thoughts.
Your heart couldn't help but lurch at the sight of the orange-haired captain smiling at you, her nose scrunched adorably.
“Yeah, any recommendations? I know you love these books.” You teased back, already comfortable with her presence.
Despite not really getting the chance to talk to her that much, she had this aura that made you feel calm and relaxed, as if you could trust her with anything.
“I’ll recommend one only if you read it to me.” Yunjin flirted easily, giving you a charming grin and wink.
Caught off guard at her response, your face turned a slight shade of pink. “I-”
“I’m just kidding, Y/N.” The taller girl laughed at your flustered state. “I used to read ‘The Jungle Book’ to my sister when she was a kid, and she loved it. Maybe the kids at the hospital would love it too.”
"You have a younger sister?” You asked. This was new information to you, but then again, you and Yunjin never really talked before this semester.
“Yeah, we have a really big age difference though. She’s 10 years younger than me.” Yunjin’s eyes glinted at the mention of her sister.
“She must be really happy to have you as a sister.”
“I hope so." Yunjin said with a sad smile, “I haven’t seen her in a couple of years. She’s still in the US with the rest of my family.”
“It must’ve been hard for you to move here all alone.” You hesitantly reached out your hand to squeeze the Captain’s forearm in comfort.
She gave you a grin at your touch, and your heart fluttered at how her eyes seem to twinkle whenever she met yours.
“I’m fine now.” She said, putting her other hand on top of yours. “I made a lot of friends, and also, I got the chance to meet you.”
The flirty queen-bee you knew was back. You cleared your throat to shake off the nerves she managed to give you and pulled back from the trance she pulled you into.
Quickly checking your watch as an excuse to avoid looking into her eyes again, you noticed it was almost five p.m., the time Chaeryeon left for practice.
“Don’t you have practice?” You asked.
“Nope.” Yunjin made a pop sound at the P, which you found adorable. “We have a game next week, so I gave the girls a two-day break.”
“You’ll be watching us, right?” She asked, her eyes hopeful.
You nodded, “I never missed a game. I’m Chaeryeon’s and Yeji’s number one fan.” You grinned, proud of yourself.
Yunjin merely pouted at this, “You should cheer for me sometime. I’m playing too, you know.” She nudged you.
You laughed, trying to shake off your nervousness at her blatant flirting. “You already have a lot of fangirls.”
Yunjin whined, begging, “I don’t know them, but I know you. None of my friends wear my number because they’re on the court with me.“
“I’ll think about it.“ you laughed at her antics. Although she was a year older than you, she managed to act like a little kid sometimes.
After talking (more like flirting on Yunjin’s side) for another while, Yunjin left to go to her part-time job at the diner, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The feeling she gave you messed up your thoughts, and you were worried that your old crush on her will be reignited.
She was just friendly. She thought of you as a friend. You convinced yourself. You needed to see her as a friend too, before you get your heart broken.
“Maybe I need other friends than Yunjin.“ you muttered to yourself before opening the notebook once more.
You crossed out the word and wrote.
Fine. What’s your name?
Turns out, the person behind the obnoxious block letters was worth talking to. You’ve been texting the mysterious person for the past few weeks, and they managed to entertain you and connect on a deeper level. Never getting a reply to their name, only with a doodle of a snake, you exchanged numbers without knowing each other's names, and it was better like that. To talk about your day anonymously.
You were, however, curious about the person behind the texts and writing. They were considerate, easy to talk to, and extremely funny. You honestly felt that you could be really good friends with them. From books to life goals, you could talk to them about anything and everything.
It was a bit unnerving how someone in your major knew all this about you, but at the same time, you felt that they were someone you could trust, and they felt the same way about you after sharing some of their family problems with you.
You noticed you were developing a sort of attachment to this person, as if they were your soulmate. You found yourself instantly texting back whenever the snake contact popped up on your phone, and when you were texting, you were re-reading your past conversations. They were a great way for you to get Yunjin off your mind, which you found to get harder every time she stopped by to say hello.
“You’re late, Shin.” Chaewon, the co-captain of the volleyball team, chastised a wind-swept Yuna as she slammed open the door to the locker room and hurried to change into her team uniform.
Yuna was the newest addition to the team and was also the cousin of Y/N. (As soon as Yunjin heard of this, she immediately treated Yuna with patience and additional care, not that she liked you or anything, just her showing affection to her juniors).
The volleyball team was getting ready for the final match before the semi-finals. They had an away game with a nearby school, and Yuna, being Yuna, had overslept and missed the bus to the game. Yuna quickly bowed her head in apology, and Chaewon simply patted her head in assurance and ushered everyone to warm up.
“What took you so long?” Yeji asked, “I thought Y/N said she would drive you instead.”
"She did. But it took her half an hour to get ready because she was busy giggling at her phone like a love-sick schoolgirl.” Yuna said, exasperation in her voice.
At that, Chaeryeon, who was standing near the two girls tying her hair, let out a laugh. “Yeah, she’s been doing that pretty often. She must have a crush or something.”
“You think so?” Eunchae, one of the tallest yet youngest players, chimed in, exposing the fact that she was eavesdropping.
“That’s new; I thought she would just end up being a single woman and adopt all of the kids in the hospital.” Yeji mused, happy that her roommate is finally interested in someone. Throughout the two years she lived with you, you seemed to show zero interest in love.
“Must be nice to be liked by unnie.” Eunchae said dreamily, causing the rest of the girls around her to fake gag and give a round of protest.
“Wish it was me instead.”
“Who are you dreaming about dating?” Yunjin suddenly appeared, wrapping her hands around the tall girl. “My baby manchae is off limits until she’s 40.”
The captain had returned from a quick discussion with their coach and had gone into the locker room to usher the girls out for warm-up.
“40? Do you want me to die single?” Eunchae furrowed her brows and pouted, “And besides, we were talking about Y/N unnie’s love life, not mine.“
“Y/N? What about Y/N?” Yunjin tried to ask nonchalantly, leading the girls out of the locker room.
“She has a crush on someone.” Chaeryeon said slyly, paying close attention to Yunjin’s reaction.
The orange-haired girl kept her face composed, but in reality, her heart was beating at the thought of you liking someone, that wasn’t her. A sense of hollowness and jealousy crept into her skin.
“That’s nice. Do you know who?”
The girls shrugged, and Yunjin decided not to push anymore. The way Chaeryeon looked at her was obvious enough to blow off her cover and reveal her affection towards you, and she was not keen on letting others know.
Putting on a smile so bright that could make any of the people in the crowd swoon, Yunjin tried to push back her thoughts and jealousy, waving to the people in the stand as the team entered the court.
Cheers came from all around her, cheering her name every time she sent the ball flying at deadly speed toward her rivals. She wasn’t called the Ace of SNU for nothing. Yet, as she scanned the crowds after every point earned, she hoped you would also be there yelling her name.
“Good game.” Chaeryeon whispered in Yunjin’s ear as they gathered together in a group hug to celebrate another victory.
The crowds were wild around them, chanting their names as they celebrated their ticket to the semi-finals.
“But you better step up your other game before it’s too late, captain.” The raven-haired girl gave Yunjin a grin before sauntering off to the stands, where you were hugging Yeji in celebration.
You were wearing Chaeryeon’s spare uniform, proudly displaying the Lee on your back, while waving a self-made Yeji and Yuna flag. You looked so cute with your hair in a ponytail, with two lines of blue drawn horizontally across your cheeks to represent SNU.
At that moment, Yunjin wished nothing more than to see you wearing her uniform instead.
She better step up her game.
So…have you ever been in love before?
You were late at night studying in the school library a few days after the game when your phone buzzed, indicating a text message. It was from your mystery friend. 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at their sudden question, before typing out a quick response. 
No, I don’t think so. Have you?
As their text bubble indicated typing, a full minute passed before their response came through.
Followed by another long pause. 
But I wish I did. 
Biting your lip in thought, you were unsure of what to make of this sudden confession from your friend. You were developing an attachment to them, which seemed foolish when you didn't even know what they looked like, let alone their name.
It was truly pathetic; the two people in college for whom you had feelings were the queen bee of the school, with a long line of admirers, and the other was some random faceless stranger about whom you knew everything and nothing.
What got you thinking about this? You typed back. 
A girl. But she has feelings for someone else. 
So your little mystery friend does have someone on their mind. You tried to push down your disappointment and the slight burn of rejection as you replied. 
Have you tried telling her how you feel about her?
No, I would probably scare her off or something. 
I’m sure you won’t. 
It took them another five minutes before they finally responded back. 
What about you? Is there anyone on your mind?
Yunjin, the fiery-haired girl, instantly came to mind. Recent interactions with her had given the impression of growing closeness. She took the time to chat with you in the student lounge, held your bag, walked you back to your dorm after study sessions, and even brought treats from the diner when her shift ended. Though it felt like more to you, the realization struck that she viewed you simply as a friend.
Yeah, this girl. But she sees me as a friend.
Yunjin's heart skipped a beat upon reading your reply. It confirmed Chaeryeon's statement – you had your eyes set on someone else. She pondered the possibilities, considering potential candidates. Was it the charming Shin Ryujin from the softball team? Perhaps someone from the hospital where you volunteered? Or could it be one of your close friends, like Chaeryeon or Yeji? The uncertainty left Yunjin feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Did you tell them how you feel?
No, I would probably scare them off or something. 
Despite her heartbreak, your text made her smile a bit. There you were again, teasing her by copying her sentence. 
I’m sure you won’t, pretty girl. 
How do you know if I’m pretty or not?
I just do. 
You couldn’t help but blush at their compliment. They always managed to say something earnestly that made your heart flutter, similar to the way Yunjin always seemed to have an effect on you. 
You should take this confidence and confess to the girl you like before it’s too late. What’s there to lose?
You have a valid point…
I’ll work on confessing to them before the end of the year, but only if you be my wingwoman. 
Your wingwoman? How? I don’t know anything about them. 
Just share with me the little things you like as advice. 
So…better start listing. 
Hmm, I’d say start with flowers. 
Oh, and little notes are pretty cute, too. 
"The Ultimate Checklist to How to Get That Girl? Seriously?" Chaewon read over Yunjin's shoulder incredulously.
Flushing a deep red, the captain quickly slammed shut her notebook and pushed the short-haired girl away.
"Stop snooping!"
"You know you can just ask her out, right? Y/N." The shorter girl reached over to snatch the book from Yunjin, quickly scanning over the checklists.
Yunjin had managed to devise a checklist incorporating all the things you mentioned in your previous text conversations with her about your preference as her 'wingwoman’. She had compiled recommendations on what someone should do to win over someone's heart, hoping to win over yours. 
"I can't. She likes someone else." Yunjin said defeatedly, her shoulders sagging.
"Who can resist the Huh Yunjin charms? I'm pretty sure everyone would love to date you." Chaewon snorted, amused by how her seemingly always confident friend was so hung up on you. This was a first.
"Not Y/N."
Although teasing her friends was in her DNA, Chaewon couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. Yunjin looked lost (kind of like a kicked puppy, but she wasn't going to say that to her face), and as co-captain of the team, it was a rule that she would need to support their captain whenever they needed help.
"Find, I'll help you." Chaewon sighed, looking at the long list and preparing herself mentally. It was going to be a long few months.
"Let me call the girls for backup."
“Another gift from your secret admirer?” Yeji teased when she saw you enter the shared dorm with a tray of hot coffee.
You had just returned from the library, preparing for your final exams, and found yet another gift waiting in front of your door.
You shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but your ears betrayed you by reddening. “There’s one for you.”
Yeji jumped up in excitement and went straight for the coffee, sighing contentedly as she sipped on it. “I’d just date them already.”
You had been receiving these little gifts for the past few weeks, and it was driving you crazy. Initially sweet, the mystery person never revealed themselves, making you suspicious of everyone. Additionally, you were concerned about how much they were spending on you. Although seemingly insignificant, the little gifts added up.
The first gift was a single rose and a typed note in front of your dorm room, a bit like a ransom note. The note included a cheesy pick-up line that you found endearing, despite yourself. Soon after came cute accessories, a new hair tie, and even a cute hippo plushie. Your admirer seemed to know a lot about you, even the things you lost. 
They gifted you things you had listed out to your mystery friend. Could your admirer and your friend possibly be the same person?
“Oh, by the way, Yunjin and the team are coming over to discuss our strategies for the championship game, is that okay?” Yeji mentioned casually, trying to hide her grin.
Chaewon had called her earlier, letting her in on Yunjin’s huge crush on you and the plan to sweep you off your feet.
Panic filled your eyes as you looked up from your phone. You were still dressed in your "bum outfit," as Yeji would call it, consisting of old sweatpants and an oversized Nike hoodie – definitely not presentable.
“What? When?” You quickly surveyed the room, noticing a small pile of clothes and rushing to stuff them in the laundry basket.
“In about…”
Knock, knock, knock.
At that moment, you pulled your hair out of its messy bun and ran your fingers through it in a rush. Leave it to Yeji to embarrass you in front of Yunjin.
Before Yeji could open the door, it was slammed open, revealing a snow-covered Chaeryeon with her cheshire grin, followed by Chaewon, Lia, Yuna, and Yunjin. Your eyes met hers, and you got lost once again in her warm brown hues.
She looked particularly good today, with her fiery orange hair tucked into a gray woolen hat and dressed in a red leather jacket. She gave you a toothy smile before closing the door behind her.
“Hey, stranger, it’s been a while,” Yunjin said, pulling you into a hug, engulfing you in her sweet lavender perfume. “I missed you.”
You immediately blushed at this, still not used to her flirty nature.
“We had lunch together last Saturday.”
“Yeah, three days is way too long,” she sighed dramatically, her arms still wrapped around your shoulders. Her eyes scanned your features, as if she was trying to memorize every freckle and blemish.
“If you two are done flirting, we would like to start discussing tactics,” Chaewon said, her lips curled into a teasing smile as she saw Yunjin immediately pull her arm off of yours and turn beet red in embarrassment.
“I…” Yunjin muttered, before giving up coming up with an explanation and plopped down onto the sofa.
You busied yourself with schoolwork as the girls squeezed into the makeshift living room and focused on their strategy plan for the upcoming games. You watched them with adoration; it wasn’t often that you saw them together except for their games, and you loved how sweet their dynamic was. Chaewon was the one who kept everyone focused, Lia and Yeji were the encouraging ones, and Yunjin was the planner. She led the gameplays and tactics, ensuring everything was on track. The older girls also babied Yuna and Chaeryeon, making sure they understood everything.
You didn’t know Chaewon and Lia that well; they were Yunjin’s friends. Still, you could tell that they were just as sweet and caring as the captain was. However, you couldn’t help but think of the comment your mystery friend left in the Ice Age book whenever you looked at Lia. She did look a bit like a sloth, but the cutest one ever.
Hence, you decided to text your mystery friend.
Lia does kind of look like a sloth. But cuter. 
As you sent out the text, a small buzz came from the living room. 
Cuter as in your type?
No. But you did her dirty by writing her name next to Sid. 
Another buzz. You furrowed your brows and looked toward the direction of the living room. 
Who IS your type then?
Someone funny, I guess. Goofy but smart. 
Buzz. It felt too coincidental. Your palms started sweating at the thought that you might finally discover who was behind those texts that accompanied you through long nights and motivated you.
Hmm…is there someone like that in our school?
Yeah, there is. 
As soon as you sent out a text, another buzz came from the living room. At that moment, you were convinced that your friend was one of the girls in the room.
Is it the person you mentioned you liked?
You silently leaned forward on your bed to peek at the girls obscured by the sofa, lying on their stomachs in front of a strategy board. You froze at the sight of Yunjin biting her full lip and looking at her phone, engrossed in whatever she was reading. The rest of the girls were talking with each other, none of them looking at their phones. 
Could it possibly be the orange-haired girl all along? The girl you've been texting about was the one receiving your texts. If they were Yunjin, then she would possibly be the one sending you your gifts.
The pounding in your heart was so loud, engulfing you in erratic thumps. You couldn’t even hear the girls talking; all you could focus on was the possibility that Yunjin was the person behind the texts. 
Deciding to leap in faith just this once, you texted back.
Yes. The captain of the volleyball team, do you know her?
Another buzz followed by the screen of Yunjin’s phone was enough to prove that she was indeed the person all along. Eyes scanning through the sentence you sent to her, Yunjin’s brown eyes widened, and she immediately threw her phone to the side, covering her face with her arms. She let out a muffled scream and kicked her legs in excitement, startling the rest of the girls.
You couldn't help but laugh at her adorableness. Putting on your headphones, you pretended to be studying while trying to calm your erratic heart. Muffled shouts and laughter could be heard from the girls, probably picking on their captain.
For the first time in her life, it seemed that fate had taken favor in Yunjin. Having dedicated all of her time to school and volleyball, she never had the privilege of starting a relationship with someone. Volleyball itself took up most of her time, with her parents and her personal coach insisting on her becoming the best player in the league and eventually joining the national team of South Korea. She wasn’t unhappy with her life, but she wouldn’t call herself happy.
Sure, her friends set her up on several blind dates, but she never liked them enough to want something more. She was only interested in being the best at volleyball and being the best captain for the girls, nothing more.
That was, until, she met you.
She was enamored by you right from the start, with your shy smile and soft features. She wanted nothing more than to get to know you. After finally getting the chance to talk to you after two years, she had fallen for you, deep. All those late-night talks through text made her understand that you were more than a mere crush, more than any of the girls on those blind dates. The way you viewed the world made her want to become something more to you. She wanted to be included in your world.
Life started to mean more than just volleyball, and she noticed that you made her happy, actually happy. 
She hoped that you would give her the chance to do the same for you. Now, with the revelation that the person she worried so much about you liking was her, she was beyond the moon. She just hoped you wouldn’t be disappointed that she was the one behind the texts.
It was the Saturday after the eventful day, and Yunjin was nervous. She blamed it on the finals game they had tomorrow, but in reality, it was the first time she was alone with you after knowing that you liked her.
After running to you during her lunch break from her shift at the diner two months ago, she had established a weekly routine of getting lunch with you every Saturday. The diner she worked at was near the hospital she volunteered at, so grabbing lunch together before visiting the kids was another highlight of your week.
"Did something happen?" You asked as you sat across the captain.
You had arrived at the booth a while ago, and the captain hadn’t said much but to order. She was fidgeting with the straw of her iced coffee, bending it over repeatedly as she looked at anywhere but you.
"What? No!" Yunjin’s eyes flitted to yours, before quickly looking away again.
"Nothing’s wrong."
"Then how come you’re avoiding me?" You asked, slightly pouting.
Yunjin nearly kissed you on the spot at the sight of you pouting cutely.
She had been refusing to meet your eyes because she knew that the second she did, all defenses would fall, and she would just confess her love to you. It has been like that for the last few days, ever since she knew that you liked her back; she wanted nothing more than to have you in her arms. But she hadn’t thought of a plan on how to ask you out yet; she also had to confess to you that she was the one behind the texts. This scared her, worried that you would hate her for lying to you about not knowing who you were.
"I-I’m not." Yunjin stuttered, still refusing to look at you in the eye.
Before you could reply, the waitress brought over your food. You always got the same thing, blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs on the side, while Yunjin always had her protein lunch filled with eggs, chicken, and tofu. It didn’t really look good, but Yunjin made sure her body was in the best shape for volleyball.
Today’s meal was slightly different. The waitress had also brought in a plate with two gingerbread cookies, both with cute red buttons and frosty smiles.
"We give out gingerbread cookies to our customers every year around Christmas time," the waitress explained, her eyes twinkling mischievously, "Enjoy!"
Yunjin watched you from the corner of her eyes as you excitedly took a few photos of the cookies.
"Look Yunjinnie, they’re holding hands!"
Yunjin wished she could hold hands with you.
"This one looks more like you." You giggled, moving the plate forward to show her.
The restaurant workers seemingly did not put their heart into decoration because the one you insisted that looked like Yunjin had lopsided eyes and a way out of proportion mouth, so wide that it went higher than the eyes.
"Are you saying I look ugly?" She said, pretending to be offended.
"What? No!" You interjected, blushing a deep red and pulling back the plate to inspect the cookies. "I meant that you always have a big smile like this, meeting your eyes."
That’s because I only smile like this when I’m with you, Yunjin thought.
"Here, try one." You broke the cookies apart and raised one of the cookies towards Yunjin’s face.
"I can’t. I have to stay in shape for tomorrow's game." Yunjin was taken aback at your forwardness. She was normally the one flirting, and you were the shy one. It seems that the roles have reversed today.
"C’mon. Just one bite wouldn’t hurt." You wheedled. "Please?"
Yunjin’s eyes finally met yours. Big mistake.
Your eyes, every so bright, were staring at her pleadingly, with a hint of something that Yunjin couldn't quite put a finger on. Was it affection? Adoration?
Nevertheless, the captain immediately gave in and took a bite of the cookie in your hands. She would always do anything for you.
"It’s…It’s good." Yunjin managed to say, her gaze still locked with yours.
You let out a satisfied grin and brought the same cookie to your lips, pausing slightly before taking a bite.
Yunjin’s brain went into a full system shutdown. YOU JUST ATE THE COOKIE SHE HAD. IT WAS AN INDIRECT KISS. I REPEAT. INDIRECT KISS.
“Mhmmm… It’s so good. Tastes like Christmas.” You said, finally breaking eye contact and looking at the rest of the cookies in front of you.
“It’s almost the end of the year.” You said softly, before looking up again at the flustered girl.
End of the year.
Yunjin’s heart went into rapid speed, and her blood went cold. Could you have possibly known that she was the one texting you? How else would you know the importance of the end of the year to her? She had promised you that she would confess to her crush before the end of the year if only you would become her wingwoman.
Shaking her head slightly to push out the possibility, she tried to forget about her ‘delusions’. You didn’t know. There was no way.
Thankfully, you changed the topic to her games tomorrow, saving her from embarrassing herself.
“Will you be at the game tomorrow?” Yunjin asked as she walked you to the hospital after lunch.
“Of course.” You said, gently holding onto her arm to keep yourself from slipping on the icy roads. (Yunjin’s heart still stuttered whenever you did that).
“I never miss a game, remember?”
“Will you-Will you be cheering for me?” Yunjin asked hesitantly.
“Hmm? I always cheer for you girls, pabo.” You laughed, nudging the taller girl.
“No, I mean,” Yunjin looked at your hands clutching tightly on her arm. Deciding to brave herself for the first time today, she asked, “Will you wear my number?”
She watched as your cheeks turn pink at her words.
“I don’t know…you have quite a lot of fangirls already.” You answered, hitting both of you with déjà vu.
“But none of them are you.” The orange-haired girl stopped walking, gently pulling you around to look at her.
To say you were in deep was an understatement. You had fallen hard for the captain, in love even. Her beauty and confidence were what had drawn you to her at first, but after getting to really know her through those texts, you had started to fall in love with her. Her mind, the way she thought, and her endless patience… she was something that was too good to be true.
“What are you trying to say?” You asked, searching her eyes for any hint of hesitation. You found none, only determination and softness in those honey-brown hues.
“I’m saying…” Yunjin paused, composing herself before she stared back into your eyes, “I like you, Y/N, a lot.”
“And it would be nice if I can take you out on a date.” She continued, her eyes gleaming hopefully.
“But only if you want to.” She hastily added.
You laughed at the last sentence. She was always so considerate, worried that she would be doing something without your consent. And that was what you loved about her.
“I would love to.” You said, before standing on your tiptoes to kiss the tip of her frozen nose. Yunjin froze at the feeling of your soft lips on her skin.
“But only if you win the game tomorrow.”
Yunjin let out a sigh of relief before gently wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you closer. All those sleepless nights dreaming of you were worth it.
As the captain got ready for bed, a familiar buzz came from her phone. It was from you.
I better see your jersey in front of my door tomorrow, Huh Yunjin.
Yunjin let out a scream, scaring Lia, who was already passed out, and causing her to fall off her own bed.
"What the hell?" Lia groaned from the floor, looking up at her roommate.
"She knows it’s me. And she’s okay with it!" Yunjin said, giggling like a schoolgirl and dancing around. "She likes me back!"
Sighing, Lia slowly dragged herself up from the floor and laid horizontally back on her bed, too tired to crawl back under the covers.
"Go to bed, Yunjin."
Giggling to herself, the captain quickly texted you goodnight, receiving another sweet message from you.
As she went to turn off the lights, she looked at her roommate, sleeping with her mouth open and dressed in her greenish-grey fuzzy pajamas.
Lia did indeed look like a sloth. A cute one.
“Why does Yunjin-unnie have a sunburn?” Eunchae whispered, not so quietly.
“That’s not a sunburn, that’s the glow of love, manchae.” Yeji laughed, patting the taller girl’s head affectionately.
“Love? What?” Eunchae furrowed her brows, clearly out of the loop.
"Someone in the stands is rocking her jersey," Chaeryeon added, grinning mischievously, despite Yunjin shooting her a disapproving look as they continued warming up for the game.
“One-third of the crowd is wearing her number,” Eunchae whined, scanning the crowd again for Yunjin’s possible lover.
You waved shyly to the girls (mostly to Yunjin) as you moved to sit on the bleachers with your friends. You had found a box containing Yunjin’s jersey and a light blue bandana, along with a single rose in front of your dorm room when you woke up in the morning.
You had put on the jersey and decided to tie your hair with the silky bandana, and adding a dash of sparkling highlighter. You wanted to look your best for the captain.
Unable to resist herself, Yunjin made her way towards the railings near the bleachers, ignoring the teasing hoots coming from her members. You walked down a few levels to meet her at the other side of the railing.
“Hi,” she said cutely, her eyes sparkling in happiness as she checked you out. You looked so good in her jersey.
“Hi, Yunjinnie.”
“You look good.” She bit her lip and reached over to hold your hands in hers.
“You better win this game, Yunjin. I’m looking forward to our date.”
“Of course. I play better when I’m in a good mood.” Yunjin leaned over and pressed her lips on your forehead.
“And you make me happy.”
“Aw man...” Eunchae said sadly, watching her captain and you cuddling up together. “I wanted to date Y/N-unnie.”
“You’re too young for dating, Hong Eunchae.” The rest of the girls said in unison, before grabbing the maknae away from the scene.
It's a long one!
A bit of fluff for Christmas :)
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malaierba · 2 months
Thoughts on Toshiro’s eating behavior, restrictive ed/disordered eating habits, and ARFID (obvious warnings apply).
Been thinking about how Toshiro’s eating is described in the manga. Especially when you consider the context within which he snaps — which is jokingly referred to as “he has hangry”. Interestingly enough, emotional deregulation IS a common symptom of EDs. That, alongside all the symptoms that Ryoko Koi chooses to illustrate in him… it’s done too accurately for it to be dismissed as him simply choosing not to eat and starve, as if it were that easy.
Basically, I think Toshiro’s inability to eat is ARFID-coded, and that’s symbolism in itself. I also think food is one of the few areas in his life where he exerts control effectively.
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Assuming that he was under the influence of the dungeon (not necessary for this analysis to work tbh), his behavior is a quite accurate depiction of how desire works for people who are chronic ascetics in general, and ED'd in particular:
According to Maizuru, he’s a person who's denied themselves all their life (“saving Falyn was his first selfish request“),
Who seems to only experience a sort of self-agency when it's linked to deprivation (not really eating food from anyone who wasn’t Maizuru as a child, turning down her food as an adult even though he’s otherwise easy to pull around),
Who's actively reaching towards something for the first time in their lives (so he doesn’t know how to work towards it without burning himself out).
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A common trigger (perhaps the main one) in EDs is the desire for control. The logic often goes, what's easier to control than what you eat? what do you own more fully than your body? It tracks in Toshiro’s case: when he is picky that's one thing he can fully control, no one could force him to eat not when he was a child nor as an adult. Toshiro's “whims” are most indulged when he restricts or rejects food, rather than when he reaches for it.
The reason why I’m getting ARFID vibes from him is Maizuru’s wording. On the screenshot I shared, she said “he never ate much, but he ate plenty of what I made”, making it sound like he’d try stuff made by other people, but in the end, Maizuru was the only one who could tailor it to his tastes the best (and made it with love). Rather than fighting him or forcing him, he worked with him, which is the best course of action for parents with kids who are being picky eaters.
There’s also the wording used by Maizuru: I think he's ARFID and perhaps ortho coded, or some other restrictive ED. Here we have to note that EDs aren't exclusively or even always about weight, weight is often a secondary effect of the behaviors that are motivated by the ED. In layman terms, they're eating disorders not weight disorders.
With the established, I do see a narrative relevance to giving Toshiro this type of relationship with food:
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It sets him in obvious opposition to Laios: You need to eat and take care of yourself to succeed, neglecting yourself equals not taking your goals seriously vs. I’ll sacrifice everything recklessly, myself included, in the pursuit of my goals.
Tangentially related but lol, can’t help but think of Laios getting SO mad when Toshiro’s reaction to his plan (admittedly thought of on the spot) to get back Falyn is “you aren’t even EATING” which, SO fair, you can strategize and make detailed long term plans all you want, but as they say the secret to your future lies within your daily habits.
It makes him a mirror of Falyn, her passiveness reflecting Toshiro’s own. Falyn explicitly says at the end of her adventure, while she’s turning down Toshiro’s marriage proposal, “I’ve always wanted to travel; I’ve always just done what my bother and Marcille want, I want to try doing what I want now”, which is reminiscent of Maizuru saying “He was always such a well-behaved, reasonable boy, so much so that it worried me sometimes. The only time he ever made a personal request was for this task” <- person disconnected from their desires. (More on this idea here, I love it as a narrative choice).
And then (here’s where I get suppositional). It could be an extrapolation of the way his upbringing has permeated so deep within himself that he overtly controls what he eats even under normal circumstances. This extreme exertion of self-control, this constant self-monitoring, would be unsurprising in the guy who’s a little too good at following social scripts and masking (fun fact, did you know that ARFID is often co-morbid with autism?).
I often think of him in this scene, where he seems to be telling Senshi that he’s had enough / he doesn’t want something (featuring the other Weird With Food character, my beloved Kabru, maybe trying to help him? or maybe hassling him too lol):
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Looks like some habits are hard to break. But, Laios does get through to him when he kicks his ass, and Falyn seems to have reached him too with his words, so perhaps there’s hope.
Look at him forcing himself to eat a burger while holding so much distaste in his heart. Did he and Laios order for each other? At least Laios seems to like his meal.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Mentioned in a Post a while back about a Jttw/LMK AU I had regarding the "Yellow Robed Demon" Arc when Tripitaka got turned into a tiger.
Book Summary;
Tripitaka manages to escape his capture (for once) and passes on a message to the King of Baoxiang from his daughter, Baihuaxiu, explaining that she was kidnapped and made the forced bride of a demon (ironically making it a magical version of what befell Tripitaka's mother when he was a baby).
Kui Mulang rolls in with a human glamour and goes: "Nu-Uh! I'm but a humble human hunter. THIS guy is a tiger demon who attacked a girl some time ago. I save her and we've been living a simple life for the last 13 years!" (Lie)
So the dude pulls an Uno-Reverse and transforms Tripitaka into a tiger (or in some versions, glamours him into one). The King and his subjects believe this 100% since Tripitaka and the Pilgrims don't look so great without Wukong there to act as PR (he was exiled at the time for the White Bone Spirit incident).
Tripitaka is apparently aching-beautiful no matter his form though;
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Wukong even feels kinda bad for his Master, since the transformation is so good that he can't even see through it with Gold Vision. Also imagine a sad giant kitty, that would bum anyone out.
Of course things are resolved by the end of the arc; the gang reunite with their monkey, Ao Lie gets his own badass chapter, the Princess is saved, Bajie kills the couple's two half-demon wolf children, the Yellow Robed Demon is revealed to be Revatī - the Wood Wolf of Legs after Wukong catches the demon commenting on his performance during the Havoc (Wukong has a few Columbo moments in the book like this), and Tripitaka is transformed back into his squishy monk self.
Bonus - Tripitaka as a tiger from a book illustration + the 1999 cartoon.
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The book illustration + description suggests he's a rare Pseudo-melanistic "Black Tiger" seen in India, possibly an Indo-Chinese Tiger, or a South China Tiger with a darker back.
So here's where the timeline shifts...
The Wood Wolf of Legs ain't happy to be dragged away from (what he believed to be mutual) his true love on earth + his two kids, so he curses the Tang Monk to not only retain part of the glamour he imposed upon him, but to transform him fully into a carnivorous feline demon. Also as an extra "F-k you!" to the Jade Court he and his past love fled from, since the Queen Mother is a celestial tigress herself.
The Pilgrims freak out, obviously.
Guanyin is called up and is like;
Guanyin: "Well, you did unjustly punish and exile your best bodyguard because you didn't trust his judgement, seeing him only as a murderous beast... so *your* punishment is to deal with the rest of your Journey as one of the very same creatures you see as mindlessly bloodthirsty." Tripitaka, now cursed to stay a catboy: "Dang it." (≽^╥⩊╥^≼)
He still gets to wear the robes and walk upright -think Master Tigress from Kung Fu Panda but as a wimpy, twink-shaped, monk.
Tripitaka aint' having fun. He's a life-long vegetarian who's suddenly an apex hypercarnivore. He tries his best for the longest time to stay on the veggies (and durian weirdly enough since tigers like those), but eventually he will need to chow down on some bleeding protein.
And his team literally consists of the main diet of a tiger...
Wukong, a monkey: "Master isn't looking too good." Zhu Bajie, a pig: "I don't like the way he's been looking at us. I burnt my finger making the campfire and he looked ready to pounce!" Sha Wujing, a fish: "I'm not surprised. Cats are of few beasts that absolutely require meat protein to survive." Ao Lie, currently a horse: "If he goes feral, I vote we sacrifice the pig first." Wujing & Wukong: "Agreed." Zhu Bajie: "HEY!!" (₍•̀ ⚇•́ ₎) Tripitaka, meditating hard: "Perhaps if I eat a watermelon, it would sustain my desire for flesh?"
What worse?
Tripitaka is still considered smoking hot. Now by demon standards too!
The Trio of Lion Camel Ridge prepare to attack the Pilgrims when;
Azure Lion: (*sees that the Great Monk is actually a beautiful tiger.*) Azure Lion, lowering his sword: "Guys, do not mess this up for me." Peng & Yellow Tusk: (*annoyed groans!*)
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forthetwins · 6 months
fred weasley — between wit and wisdom.
fred weasley was known for his mischievous grin, his quick wit, and his penchant for trouble.
it was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the great hall buzzed with the usual chatter of students enjoying their lunch. amidst the noise, you sat quietly at the table, flipping through a book while absentmindedly picking at their food.
fred chuckled softly as he approached you, admiring your ability to multitask — eat and read at the same time.
"looks like you could use an extra hand," he remarked with a playful grin. "mind if I feed you while you read?"
"that would be lovely," you accepted his offer, letting him feed you soup as if you were a baby.
"i can't wait for her to find out it's him at chapter 3," you say, not taking your eyes of the book.
"isn't this the book you read twice?"
"thrice," you correct. closeing the book unintentionally loud, "and did you read the book i gave you?"
"oh yeah...yeah that book i — i,"
you watched him suspiciously as he struggled speaking with your stern gaze at him. he sighs. "sorry, i forgot,"
you feel a pang of disappointment at his forgetfulness, your enthusiasm dampened by his lack of attention. "it's okay," you say softly, the disappointment lingers in your voice, "stay. i'll be right back," you declare before getting up and leaving.
meanwhile, george comes up and sits in front of him. "so," george starts.
"so?" fred questions, looking puzzled by his twin's sudden appearance and tone.
"you've gone soft, mate,"
"you always listen to her. like you're following every advice she offers, every book she lends. plus, it's not only me who says it," george admits.
fred's brows furrow in confusion. "says who then?"
"hmn. that only girl from the ravenclaw quidditch team, katie bell from our quidditch team, those second year griffindors we met in the common room, nigel, granger, ginny, mom, and me,"
"well, i don't care,"
you returned to the table, a stack of books in your arms, and plopped them down with a little thud. fred looked up, a little startled by the sudden noise, but his expression softened as he saw you.
"sorry for the wait," you said, flashing fred a small smile. "it was difficult to find the wizard's version of these books. but i finally got them,"
"what's all this?" george questions.
"books i think fred will like,"
the 7 books titled 'diary of a wimpy kid(wizard version)' in which the pictures would move like a gif.
you grinned, "i thought they might be a fun change of pace from all the magical textbooks."
as fred delved into the book, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. despite the earlier disappointment, you were glad to see him enjoying himself.
meanwhile, george leaned in to inspect the books. "not a bad choice, y/n. looks like you know my brother pretty well,"
"just trying to keep things interesting," you shrugged modestly, "by the way, madam pince called me. she needs help, i'll see ya later,"
before you left to assist madam pince, fred glanced up from the wizard version of 'diary of a wimpy kid' and caught your eye with a grateful smile. george watched the interaction with a knowing look.
"you're lucky to have her, you know," george remarked, his tone softened.
fred nodded, his gaze following you as you disappeared to the library. "yeah, i know," he admitted quietly, a warmth spreading through him at the thought of your thoughtfulness.
with a newfound appreciation for your presence in his life, fred returned his attention to the book, chuckling at the animated illustrations dancing across the pages.
and as he read on, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was more to his mischievous grin and quick wit than met the eye.
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˗ˏˋ Arthur Morgan Modern!AU Headcanons ´ˎ˗
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To answer this ask from the lovely @crystalofmoon19 , I got to think a bit more deeply about what a modern!AU Arthur could be. This absolutely stunning Arthur pic is from @arthurmorgan-vp!
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JOB ´ˎ˗
Has a job that means a lot to him and is totally dedicated when doing it.
Arthur flourishes when helping others. I saw a Chartur fanart that portrayed him as a nurse and god I love this idea. He's emotionally VERY tough, making him efficient even in difficult and stressful times when a patient's life is in his hands. He's also a practical person who needs to have a concrete, manual aspect in his work. On top of that, we have the whole "service to society" aspect.
Police officer could also fit this dynamic. (I know it's pretty ironic considering he's a criminal in the canon but it's one of these jobs where he could put his strength into action to help others).
Also, without the need to survive and do criminal acts, with a caring family who could push him in the right ways, he also could have a job in arts. Arthur canonically is a curious and inventive person, he draws every little thing he finds interesting around him and cares for places, characters and events most people wouldn’t. I could picture him as an illustrator/concept artist. Or tattoo artist too? Why not.
Sooooo artsy.
If he works at the hospital, he needs to have a sketchbook to just write and draw like in the canon. With other mediums being way more accessible nowadays, I think he could also paint and even sculpt from time to time.
Art helps him to get dark thoughts out of his head and focus on something when life gets hard.
However, if he already works in an artsy field, I think he would need to get up and move after a whole day sitting and would love to just go jogging, hiking, and taking long walks in nature. A combat sport could also do the work, as Arthur has an important code of honor: a discipline like Judo or Wrestling could help him get all his pent-up energy out while respecting his opponent; boxing could work too.
100% have a Polaroid and takes pictures of good times and his close ones every chance he gets. His bedroom/apartment is full of objects that carry an emotional value to him.
Would wear the ugliest apron and cap while doing them btw. And doesn't see what the problem is.
Classical rock music and vinyl. Thinking about Led Zepplin, The Stones, The Doors. Vintage music all the way. Has a secret soft spot for Lady Gaga though. Don't tell John. And (not-so) hot take, it's Hosea who introduces him to his old blues and rock records (Dutch prefers Jazz music.)
Camping and long hiking trips. Trekking when he feels really adventurous.
Going to the cinema. (100% eats salty popcorn and messes with John during the film if it's a family outing.)
In modern days Arthur would have been born in 1988. This means he was a '90s kid: he fondly remembers VHS tapes, baggy jeans, his old PlayStation One, maybe watching the first episodes of Pokémon, too. He's canonically such a nostalgic.
Would 100% make his own mix on cassette tapes btw
Flannels. I picture him with comfy rather than fancy clothes. He would also have a big leather jacket or vintage bomber for winter. And a leather bag like this one where important work papers are mixed with random trinkets found on his hikes.
Arthur is so messy (I mean look at his tent). His car (Hosea's old one) is also a complete mess, cups, leftovers from meals, CDs, work stuff and random objects cover every possible inch of it.
Talking about it, looooves to drive. Totally do it with one hand on the wheel. And with good music ofc. (He would put his other hand on your thigh)
Has a dog. Or wants one deeply. A big one. And he definitely wants a lot of animals once he has a bigger house with you.
I said he could be a tattoo artist. I think he would have a tattoo, of an animal. Of course, we as a fandom thinks of the deer, but it has to be something meaningful to him. Maybe the animal who inspires him the most, or one they have seen in the wild with John during a walk in the woods.
Arthur is not a good cook. Buys a lot of food telling himself this time, he will succeed at making this damn dish. Biggest mess ever, ingredients everywhere on the floor, the walls, his body and hair. Pure chaos. Everything burns. Kitchen ends up on fire. Uses the internet as last hope, tries to watch as many tutorials as possible but it doesn't help+his phone ends up covered in egg white, flour, and wet ingredients. Throws away the food and gives up, orders a pizza.
Repeat previous paragraph every time he wants to try a new dish he saw somewhere.
(The phone is okay because he has the strongest and largest phone case ever. The kind of enormous one made to protect phones in building zones, for his hikes. It's pitch black.)
Overall I'd say a Modern!AU Arthur would probably be a bit happier even though still very nostalgic and melancholic at times (without the constant need to run away and kill people, his mental health would be much better.)
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Important disclaimer: these are my personal thoughts, they could totally be shitty, I'm not at all claiming this is the absolute truth about him. A character is always subject to a personal interpretation, therefore anyone could picture him differently! Btw, I would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my silly little ideas.
I'm thinking about doing a part.2 where we could dive into his habits, his relationships with family, friends and s/o and other little fun facts. Let me know if I should! -Pine 🌱
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dadsbongos · 11 months
5.1 K words
warnings - i borderline refused to proofread this, suguru wears a skirt and it awakens something in you, also suguru's anti-non sorcerers agenda, dumb timeline doesn't make sense (get over it), filler arc fic
summary - crack that i decided to take seriously, you and the gang go on a beach mission! and some things don't turn out as expected...
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“Woah, ‘Toru, check out this yellow!” you jab a finger into the cold, hard plexiglass caging the many frozen flavors from onlooking civilians, “It’s, like, traffic sign yellow!”
“Who would eat that?” he grumbles, glaring at the engraving below the tub - advertising that specific hideous color as a special new taste, “For 4,000 yen?”
“Get me coffee, kay?” Shoko shoots you a glance from over her phone, thumb dancing across her cramped keypad, “And keep it down, you’ll piss off the vendor.”
“Yeah,” Suguru slips up beside you, nose wrinkled and chin tucked close to his chest to avoid the obnoxious scent of sweaty, huffing people, “You’re both making a scene,” his brows furrow over at your accomplice, “Didn’t you just get scolded by Yaga yesterday, Satoru?”
Suguru knows he did, actually, because who else would’ve been the one that held a bag of frozen peas to the hot red lump in Satoru’s forehead for thirty whole minutes?
“Hey,” but you’ve paid neither any mind, pointing at the other end of the display bay to a red-and-white swirled tub. The edges have browned together and its melting points have re-frozen in an unattractive slime, “Gross!” taking Satoru by the hand, you drag him over to the far corner, “Let’s check it out!”
“Hm, we’re way too early,” Shoko pokes her head through the turquoise and cream-striped tent flaps as you order.
“And one coffee scoop,” Suguru calls to you and Satoru when the clan heir beside you finishes demanding two cups of the red velvet cheesecake, pointedly ignoring the baggy-eyed, slouching teenager behind the steel counter.
“On it,” the boy grumbles, scooping up each order in hurried, jerky swings.
Satoru swings a lanky arm through one of yours, head leaning onto yours as he pathetically whines, “My blood sugar is crashing… Won’t make it much longer…”
Two plastic cups in illustrated covers of the stall’s logo slide to another awaiting couple as Satoru sets his card down in preparation to pay. You turn back to Suguru and gesture to the tubs of ice cream, frowning when he merely shakes his head. Shoko inches between you and Satoru, breaking your chain, and you take that as an opportunity to huddle into your broodier friend.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
Satoru turns back at the sound of your voice, abandoning his credit card on the counter, and Shoko watches silently.
“No, you enjoy it,” Suguru insists, smiling despite your puppy-eyed pout.
“But I don’t want you to miss out!”
“I’m happy enough that the four of us can go on a mission again.”
“How sweet,” Satoru wrangles an arm over Suguru’s shoulders, sighing with all the dramatics of a tantrum throwing toddler, “It has been too long since our last mission altogether.”
Shoko nods, moving next to you with one hand jammed into the pocket of her skirt, “It doesn’t help that you two,” she points at the boys, “decided to pick up a couple problem children.”
“Aw, c’mon,” you chirp, “That’s not fair to the girls, and Megumi’s really nice when you know him!”
“Ehh,” she waves her hand loosely, rolling her eyes, “I’ll cross those bridges when they get to high school; I’m no good with kids.”
Shrugging, you think of how well-behaved and kind both Tsumiki and Megumi are (well, Megumi has his moments), “Neither is Satoru and the Fushiguro’s seem fine.”
“Hey,” Satoru is quickly shrugged off his friend’s shoulder when he wails into Suguru’s ear with abandon, “Not fair! I’ve really improved over the months!”
“You still make him stir fry with bell peppers!”
“It’s delicious!”
You glower at his defense, “Doesn’t matter how tasty it is - Megumi’s not gonna eat it!”
Suguru can’t help but ignore the shouting in his ears in favor of appreciating the sight before him. You and Satoru and Shoko. Knowing Nanako and Mimiko are safe and happy at home. With your perfume and even Shoko’s natural nicotine cling working overtime to mask the scent of every monkey crowding this beach. Ignoring the monkeys got easier over time, keeping the real reasons he’s decided to carry on fighting in mind instead. Satoru and Shoko and Nanako and Mimiko and Haibara and Nanami and Yaga and, of course, you.
Two hands slam into his back, the rest of you just barely peeking out from around Suguru’s broad shoulders to glare at Satoru, who’s slung his tea shade sunglasses to the pad of his nose in a vague, blue-eyed threat.
Suguru claps a hand harshly against his friend’s shoulder, jostling the boy’s body, “Put them away, Satoru.”
Shoko bounds out of the small parlor with both hands in her pockets, murmuring something about needing a smoke break.
Satoru pulls his glasses entirely from his face, grinning at Suguru, “Aw, trying to be the big, brave knight?”
“Satoru,” Suguru calls lowly, impatience only thinly veiled.
Effectively cutting off the altercation, a hand cuffs the backs of yours and Satoru’s uniform collars and drags you both towards the open tent flap. Suguru curls his hands into fists at the sight but staves off a retort, even as both you and Satoru are thrown into the sand. A taller man with thicker arms, but the same sunken eyes and tight frown as the teen behind the counter squints down at the both of you, “And stay out!”
“Aw, we didn’t even get our ice cream…”
Shoko tosses her head back, melodic laugher ringing sweetly into your ears before she snaps forward, pinching at your cheek, “Sorry your boytoys couldn’t complete their mission.”
Quirking a brow at her, you don’t even bother to swipe away her fingers on your cheek, “Boytoys…?”
Satoru gasps, ‘tsk’ing at Shoko while covering your ears, “Hey, keep her innocent!”
Shoko removes her hand from you just to knock Satoru’s off the sides of your head. She looks over her shoulder, lips pursing as she surveys the cramped line of tented and umbrella’d stalls, “We should split up. You two are just causing trouble,” she grins at Satoru’s offended look, “As usual.”
Suguru hums, testy and wholly argumentative, “I think we should lay low for the next couple of hours and come back. The curse is more likely to come out at night.”
You frown at the thought of being stuffed into a yellow-walled, vaguely blood-stained, two bed hotel room.
And Suguru backtracks, “Nevermind.”
Snagging you by the arm, Shoko jerks you into her side and jabs a thumb over her shoulder, “We’ll be investigating some swimsuit tents, get a sense of any residuals or smaller curses,” then she points at the duo before you, “You two should find your own thing.”
You’ve given no say before being dragged off to a snowy white tent, sand kicked up and sticking to the flowy drapes. Even small shops for clothing can carry lingering, bothersome curses with anxiety over fat that naturally rolls and jiggles or peeking scars and colored splotches. And despite only having about two years of official sorcery under your belt, you’ve noticed that lingerie, typical underwear, and swimsuits were especially troublesome for gathering curses.
That’s especially noticeable when flyheads and low grade spirits crawl along the tarp, crinkling, unpleasant floor and clawing into the legs and necks of unassuming women. But Shoko has taken no interest in any of them.
Instead, she shoves another wood hanger into your face, “What about this one?”
“Mmm,” clicking your tongue, the sight of a neon orange with lemon yellow lining inspires no particular sparkles or electricity under your skin, “nah.”
Shoko nods and clinks the hanger back onto the rod, “Agreed.”
“Hey, Shoko?” you tilt your head at her, holding out the two swimsuit sets already dangling off your fingers, “How’re we paying for these?”
“Ah!” she snickers, fingers dipping into a skirt pocket before proudly displaying a black, plastic card in her palm, “The Strongest left his card out, so I’m teaching him a lesson,” tucking her hand back into hiding, she grins at you, “So rack up as many as you want.”
“He’ll hardly even know the money’s gone.”
“Isn’t that stealing?”
She shrugs, “No.”
Your lashes narrow at that response, brows furrowing, before beaming at Shoko with an enthusiastic nod, “Okay :D”
“That’s the spirit!” she claps you on the back, like a father after his son’s first little league championship.
And like a bushy-tailed young child unburdened by popularity contests and pinching pennies and needing to press the best words into the best order to feel adequate, you gaze out at the seven, stunted racks with wonder. Golden wheat fields that sway in long waves under the wind that whistles through pokey tree branches. A land all yours.
And like every conqueror before, you’re eager to feed on the dancing wheat you don’t yet own, “I wonder which one I’ll wear first.”
“I wonder if they’d want something…” Suguru mutters, only for his own ears.
Satoru blows a raspberry from behind his friend, chin settling onto Suguru’s shoulder and staring down at the wiry, iron shelf with painted, glazed shells and tiny red-lipsticked ladies with thick black curls and wooden curves on plastic, circle podiums and chunky plastic beaded necklaces.
“You’re so obsessed.”
Suguru grunts, slamming an elbow into Satoru’s gut and making no contact, “You were thinking it, too.”
“Not like you,” Satoru waves off, patting himself down for the thin outline of his credit card. When the first search comes up entirely empty, he looks over at Suguru, “Uh,” then returns to his pockets, hands dipping into the gaps, “Huh.”
“I don’t have my card,” Satoru taps his foot once, then twice, then shrugs, “Oops.”
“‘Oops,’” Suguru snickers, “Are you gonna cut it off?”
“It’ll turn up somewhere,” stretching his hands above his head, Satoru yawns, “Sorry we can’t get your girlfriend anything.”
“And Shoko. And she’s not my girlfriend… We really should’ve just gone to a hotel, all the smaller curses will be attracted to the dock.”
Satoru can’t even be bothered to deny Suguru his natural right to feeling smug, just turning and waltzing out from the cheap, tacky souvenir stand under a peachy umbrella. Sweat beads miserably down his back and forehead from under his black uniform, shoes sinking into the sand with every step towards the coast.
It was something that nagged at the both of them, honestly. The surface-level pointlessness of this mission, especially the early nature of your group’s settlement. And especially especially because it was so immediately easy to feel where the strongest cursed energy was coming from. Like this buzzing, tender freeze that washed over the both of them - pulling towards one spot on the cluttered beach.
A lone dock by the crashing shore. Splintering, crooked pillars with a deflated, banana yellow ducky floatie dangling between two planks. Likely yet another test of courage spot, popular among vacationing families with young siblings and cousins; eight children of varying ages missing.
“It is weird,” Satoru lowers his glasses along the bridge of his nose, “that all four of us were sent out. Nanami probably could’ve taken this out by himself if it’s just another grade two.”
Suguru shrugs from behind his friend, “Must be a good reason we were all sent out. Maybe the eight brats.”
“Jeez,” Satoru bats a hand backwards in an attempt to smack his friend, he misses completely, “At least sound sympathetic!”
Just before Suguru can reply, your voice is singing out their names. The two turn and Suguru is a little ashamed in the way his body stiffens at the sight of you in a cherry-print bikini. Shoko lingers at your back, texting who you all silently agree to be Utahime. You bounce into the spot before your friends, hands behind your back and a blinding grin curling into your cheeks.
“You look nice,” Suguru’s own voice is lost on him, heart beating so loud in his ears that he can’t quite hear himself. He hopes he sounded suave. He hopes it makes you forget every time he’s embarrassed himself in front of you, and all you see is the charming Suguru that your mom would just love.
“Aww, thanks!” you giggle, holding your bundled uniform tighter to your chest. And he’s even more humiliated over the hope that you’re trying to hide the pounding of your own heart.
Satoru nudges Suguru with an elbow and the favor is returned with a foot jamming down on Satoru’s shoe.
“Shoko and I both agreed,” you unknowingly interrupt their spat, “that before we all totally die, we should have fun on the beach!”
“You shouldn’t say it like that…” Suguru sighs, but the smile is still plain on his face. That question from earlier rises in him - why were you all sent here?
“I think that’s a great idea!” Satoru extends an arm towards you and gladly allows you to tug him towards the water, only releasing hold to let him reactivate his infinity.
Shoko watches from the shoreline with Suguru. She looks up at the man, flipping her phone shut, “You never complimented me, you know?”
“Huh?” Suguru looks first at Shoko’s twisted simper, her raised brow, her low hanging eyelids that let her lashes flutter against her cheeks. Then he notices - a black bikini hugging her own body. He flushes, not over the sight - but because he was caught, “Sorry.”
“You’re such a sucker,” she snickers.
He was caught with that familiar lump in his throat and lethally beating in his chest that only you could cause.
“Hey!” and, of course, it’s you again who calls to him, “C’mon, we wanna play chicken!”
And he’s caught again, red-faced; stripping off his shirt and shoes and socks while Shoko laughs at him. She holds out her phone and watches as he carefully wraps it in his uniform overshirt before trudging down the sands towards you and Satoru. Shoko wades through the crashing water towards Satoru, her hands find his shoulders when they all notice he hasn’t yet joined.
You’re pouting at him and Satoru is groaning, “Just get in! They’re pants - they’ll dry!”
“Easy for you to say,” Suguru huffs, squirming at the feeling of water sticking his pants to his shins as he slowly creeps into the chilled ocean, “Just use infinity for everything…”
“What was that?!” Satoru cups a hand over his ear, neck craning outwards as Suguru approaches, “Didn’t catch that last bit.”
“You’re annoying,” Suguru declares, latching to your side and crouching down just enough for you to scramble up onto his shoulders yet still keep his boxers dry. He feels your arms wrap around his neck, then your thighs bracket shakily around his waist. Suguru palms your thighs and helps lift you to sit up on the broad expanse of his shoulders.
Meanwhile, Satoru yawns, hands on his hips, as Shoko tries yanking herself up onto his back.
“Hey!” she snaps, pounding a fist into his back knowing full well he wouldn’t feel it, “Bend down, would you?!”
“Huh?” Satoru turns to stare down Shoko over his shoulder, sticking his tongue out at her, “Oh! Oops, sometimes I forget how short you are!”
Suguru tilts his head back to look up at you, both arms secure around your legs, “You okay up there?”
You nod slowly, fingers gently brushing the stray hairs of his bangs from his face, “Uh-huh.”
“See,” Satoru gestures out to you and Suguru, “even our favorite bubble-brain got it done. You’re just not trying hard enough.”
And once again, Shoko digs a fist into his back (and then another when he mockingly hisses and whines).
“Don’t be long,” Shoko exhales, noxious smoke rising from her lips with a cigarette perched between two fingers and, in that same hand, texting Utahime once again.
“It’d be quicker if you weren’t slacking off,” Satoru ‘tsk’s, already heading down to the creaky dock with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His cheeks are flaring red from hours prior in the sun, even after the four of you had crawled into a hotspot restaurant to change and cool down.
“Thanks again,” Suguru still clings to your side and you let him, even leaning into it.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Sugu,” you grin.
You hadn’t been concerned with how civilians would perceive Suguru in your uniform skirt when he changed out of his soaked pants - not that he’d really care how non-sorcerers think of him anyway. But some bizarre part of you can’t stop looking at his legs in your skirt.
He insisted that you keep your leggings, so his skin is bare to the moonlight past his mid-thigh.
It’s bizarre, most definitely, the part of you that keeps staring at the flex of his thighs beneath your skirt as you both soldier through the sand dunes. Your hand finds Suguru’s and you cradle his arm against your chest, Satoru nowhere in sight. The both of you shuffling under the dock, eyes narrowing in search of your little white-haired friend. You shift closer to Suguru the longer your search goes, hand winding tighter within his.
Wind blows under Suguru’s stolen skirt and chills against your skin, the waves lapping at mushy sand. Your blood beats in your ears, Suguru already peering up at the midnight sky through the gaps in the dock.
Hot air puffs against the side of your face, pale skin bouncing moonlight into your peripherals in a flash, “Boo!”
“Ah!” you squeal, jumping somehow closer into Suguru, glaring at the cackling man through narrowed lashes, “Gojo!”
“Aw,” Satoru pretends to wipe a tear from his eye, flicking the nonexistent tear at you, “So formal! Aren’t we friends?”
“Not after that!”
“Satoru,” Suguru’s resilience is quieter than yours, the hand not entwined with yours is firm on his hip, “You really scared her,” you nod with a ‘hmph!’, “She was already on edge, looking for you no less.”
Satoru drapes himself over you like a frail Victorian woman in shock, “I’m sorry,” he wraps both arms around your neck and squeezes you into his chest, “Will you ever forgive me?”
A creak shutters just ahead. The deflated, wrinkly duck floatie shivers. All three heads turn into the abyss.
You tuck your chin close to your chest, wringing your arms around one of Suguru’s as you call, “Hey, Shoko?!”
“What?!” but her call is undeniably still in the direction where you three left her.
“Here it is,” Satoru murmurs, turning to grin at you, nudging his head towards the darkness just ahead, “Let’s go!”
Begrudgingly, you allow Suguru to guide you into the creaking, inky space under this dock.
“You’re making the curse stronger, you know?” Satoru turns to face you, walking backwards with both hands in his pockets.
You groan and go to argue back, but a blobby, brown, mucky curse plops in front of your group. The three of you pause and the little thing blinks up at your group.
It throbs.
“Ew!” you stomp down onto the curse, sand poofs up around your boot and the muddy body pops, splattering around your group’s feet.
“Didn’t even need a technique,” Suguru looks up from the scene of your crime, glaring back down into the darkness, “We weren’t sent here for that.”
The wind brushes past you again, your shoulders bunching up in a vain attempt to keep you warm with too-thin leggings. Suguru’s stolen skirt lifts and he pulls you tighter to his side. Satoru stares down the dock with a tight wound face, glasses slipping down his nose and eyebrows scrunched together with a scowl. You hadn’t seen him like this in a long while. Since Fushiguro, Toji had cut you down. Since that single, echoing shot in the dimly lit tomb’s main chamber.
“Ah…” Satoru switches the weight on his feet, snagging you and Suguru by the fronts of your uniforms and drags you both far to the right. Sand sloshes up in big, cloudy puffs; opaque, turquoise tentacles crash into the spot where your trio once stood, “This could actually be troublesome.”
“Stop being mysterious!” you pop your palm against the side of his head despite knowing his infinity is raised, “What’re you talking about?”
“This curse,” he rolls his eyes with all the annoying arrogance possibly mustered when you and Suguru tilt your heads at his pause, “This curse definitely has one of Sukuna’s fingers.”
“That would explain the loose ofuda,” Suguru notes.
You shiver at the mere idea of the King of Curses aiding your opponent, “How would that even happen?”
“Dunno,” Satoru shrugs and releases the both of you, flexing his fingers of the remaining tension, “We definitely need to take it back though.”
“Definitely,” you nod curtly.
A bulbous head sinks into the moonlight, shiny and smooth and thin, wiry purple webs spread across the surface. The gelatinous skin ripples, entire head jiggling before the turquoise splits and gives way to an eyeball - it bulges wide and the pitch black pupils darts around the surrounding area before settling, shakily onto you, Suguru, and Satoru.
Two big, clawed hands latch onto the back of your uniform top, retching you back. A look up confirms it to be one of Suguru’s more beastly stored curses. Your friend himself stares up at you, “Try and get the eye. Satoru and I will distract the tentacles.”
You nod eagerly, showing off a thumbs up before jamming your arms straight to your sides, “You got it!”
And like the most impressive cartoon clown, you explode out towards the curse. Thrown from Suguru's strong arms ( :D ).
You rip your hands away from your sides and throw them out in front of you, fingers stretching wide as you hurdle towards the fleshy eyeball. Your fingertips are mere inches from grazing the eye, when the pupil turns onto you. A loud crash through sand rings out behind you, two calls of your name, and your heart shoots into your throat.
And the eyeball sinks back with another round of grotesque, rippling skin. You slam into the round head and bounce back off with a freshly punched-out gush of air.
“I got you!” Satoru calls from below, arms out wide to catch you before you could plummet into sand.
“That was such a dirty trick,” you huff, steadying back onto your feet and glaring at the curse. The eyeball peeps out, bumping from the top of its head.
With a teasing hum, Satoru finally tucks his glasses into his pants’ pocket, “It’d be a lot easier if you could just hurry up and learn Domain Expansion.”
“You can’t do it either, Satoru!” Suguru comes to both of your sides.
One of the forefront tentacles flicks up violently, crashing through the unstable, weak wood of the dock. Slats and splinters rain down as the tentacle flies towards your spot on the shore. Satoru and Suguru split from your sides while you remain firm in the sand.
Your arms fly out wide, grinning as you cheer, “Come in for a big hug!” wrapping your arms around the heavy limb, you squeeze and squish your hands down into the fleshy tentacle. The cursed energy of your mother and your mother’s mother and her mother and so on, courses through you in a raging fire. Your nails dig into the curse as you shout once more, “Snip!”
And the tentacle goes limp.
Sliding out from under the weight, you spot Satoru wringing a hand back - some invisible, evolving mass heaving in his palm and drawing the large octopus head forward.
Satoru calls out, “If you wanna swallow this one, you better hurry up and do something, Suguru!”
Rolling his eyes, Suguru watches his Rainbow Dragon untangle, sand flapping out with its tail and tearing up a lonely palm tree. He sweeps you up and seats you in front of him while flying forward on the creature’s back.
“Try and keep it busy for now,” he sets you back down on relatively even sand, “Satoru, make it puke out the finger! I’ll get it from behind!”
You eye the two special grades with a groan, “I’m not a diversion, ya know?!”
But Suguru is already behind and beneath the curse’s line of sight, drawing his own ball of mass into his palm.
And, unfortunately, this pseudo-plan is one you’re already familiar with.
You attack the limbs and divert attention with Satoru as back-up while Suguru condenses and consumes.
But, also unfortunately, this pseudo-plan isn’t usually employed against special grade curses post-swallowing Sukuna’s finger. A special grade (post-swallowing Sukuna’s finger) with the intelligence to avoid your Cursed Technique.
“This isn’t working!” you shout at Satoru after having yet another tentacle shot out of grabbing-range.
He lets one of the remaining tentacles bash close against his infinity, using the force to get to your side.
“Then how ‘bout a change of plans?” Satoru takes no feedback before shooting you up and towards the creature's head, snagging and yanking tentacles to twitch the head upwards.
A gaping, drooly maw is exposed; gnashing, gummy walls in place of teeth. And beneath layers of squishy pink, is a lashing gray tongue. And where there’s a tongue, there must be a stomach.
“Woohoo!” you flail out your arms, squishing between the gums to dig your nails into the creature’s tongue (“The radula!” Shoko would tease, if she were watching). A shaky, ugly groan comes from the creature and it hangs its mouth open, trying to slip you off its organ - the sand is far below. You squeeze tighter when a gush of saliva drips down the tongue - fire rushes through your veins, scorching at your fingertips as you chant, “Snip!”
From above, a loud retch, and the deep purple roof gapes with a single, fleshy finger falling out.
You reach out hurriedly, hands clapping around the cursed object before the sudden effect of gravity takes precedent. The sand begins rushing upward, wind whipping rudely at your hair as the curse above you is sucked into an ugly mauve ball in Suguru’s palm. Not seconds after absorbing the curse, he sends his Rainbow Dragon down after you.
One arm swings around you, pulling you over in front of him, while the other holds the grotesque orb. He holds it less gingerly than you hold Sukuna’s finger, cradling the item to your chest.
“Yay! Thanks, Sugu’,” you lean into his chest, hands still tucked to your chest as you both come back down onto the uneven, pitted sand with scattered, rooted palm trees laying around carelessly.
“Are you hurt?” Suguru scans the skin he can see, “It’s saliva wasn’t venomous, right?”
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” you shrug, “I’ll be okay!”
“And you, Satoru?”
“Don’t worry about me, I just got to be your pretty distraction.”
Suguru nods, turning away all the same to swallow his newest curse.
Satoru comes in front of you, white button up on display with his uniform jacket held out, he nods in the direction of your hands, “Here, we can wrap it in this until we get back.”
Dumping the finger into the center of his jacket, your attention is quickly stolen away by the way Suguru gags around the cursed orb. Satoru cradles the freshly wrapped finger to his chest, settling a hand against his friend’s quivering shoulder. You pat Suguru’s back, leaning your head against his arm as he shudders down the taste, watching his face stretch into a grimace.
But he quickly overcomes it when he notices how you and Satoru are preening over him, clearing his throat and shaking out his tense shoulders.
Another throat clears, further up the shore. A lithe, dainty hand waves, Shoko’s lips grinning around an unlit cigarette - her wave turns into a single finger, pointing up at the clear sky, “None of you put up a veil!”
“Oops…” you pout under the stars, they flicker as if winking just to tease you.
Satoru groans, flinging out his arms in exasperation, already wandering towards Shoko, “It’s nighttime, what does a veil even matter?!”
Suddenly, you perk up, nodding, “Yeah! Exactly!”
Suguru sighs, “Someone’s getting punished for this.”
You take his hand, dragging him through the sand, “Who do you think Yaga will choose?”
“It was her!”
Both Satoru and Suguru point over at you, brows furrowed in determination. Your hands squeeze tighter around your skirt (which you freshly got back from a re-pants Suguru), fists pushing into your thighs as the three of you kneel before Yaga.
Stubbornly, you shake your head, “No way, that’s really not fair! It was on all three of us!” when Yaga maintains his stern, crossed arms, you continue, “Shoko could’ve done it! I didn’t even really notice- “
Yaga unfolds his arms, waving you up into a stand, “You don’t have to give credit to save your friends when you’re who found Sukuna’s finger.”
Once again, you try to refuse, but Suguru beats you to the punch, “She was vital in obtaining the cursed object, we couldn’t have retrieved it without her.”
Satoru nods twice to his friend’s point.
“You can join Ieiri,” Yaga’s brows somehow wrinkle even more, a finger pointing in your face, “You’re free because you found the finger. Don’t forget a veil again.”
“Yes, sir!” you chirp, the back of your uniform collar being tugged upward by Shoko. She’s already dragging you out of your teacher’s (now principal’s) office, but you spare the time to turn and wave to your friends, “Good luck, ‘Toru and Sugu’ - I’ll get nice flowers to send your moms!”
Satoru squirms from where he’s kneeling, hand shooting up as soon as you’re out of the room. He can see it perfectly now, a big red welt on the back of his head and a matching one for Suguru, “Actually, she couldn’t have gotten the finger without us, so maybe this punishment isn’t necessary!”
Suguru glares at his friend, “You can’t undo a good deed like that, it’s embarrassing.”
“I could let you off,” Yaga hums, “But you forget, Gojo, this isn’t your first time refusing to put up a veil.”
“It’s not refusing!” he honestly just forgets sometimes! He swears!
Suguru would hit Satoru himself if he weren’t trying so hard to stay still, “You’re making it worse!”
“I hope they’ll be okay…” you murmur, hugging Shoko’s arm to your chest as the both of you head down the long steps from Jujutsu Tech, “Yaga didn’t seem too mad, right?”
Shoko watches your step down the stairs for you (your stare now focused on a gaggle of birds singing overhead), “We’ll see if white mums are on sale - take that as our omen.”
And when you both see that banana yellow sign in your favorite old lady’s flower shop advertising bundles of white chrysanthemums for only 1,000 yen a piece - you send a prayer to Satoru and Suguru’s souls.
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nateconnolly · 7 months
What Does the Lion Turtle Chant Mean?
A podcast episode about the spirituality of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Transcript Preview:
Many people have told me they struggle to take Sozin’s Comet seriously because they would have killed the Fire Lord without hesitation. And, look, as far as I’m concerned — if you’re willing to kill a genocidal colonizer, good for you! Many blessings upon your journey! And the show isn’t trying to dissuade you. 
Aang is not the only voice of wisdom in Avatar. He’s not a puppet through which the text articulates its meaning. Avatar is about cultural exchange. When one character says what they think is true, that isn’t necessarily the moral of a story. That’s one voice, and the story is a conversation. So, I don’t think that Sozin’s Comet is using Aang to say “Hey, you, you, looking at the TV, you personally should never support violent revolution!” Water Tribe culture doesn’t seem to have any problem with killing on the battlefield. 
When Sokka lops off the Melon Lord’s head, there’s some very clear indications that we’re supposed to be troubled. The musical cue, Momo eating the melon, he lingering focus on Aang’s reaction … But I don’t think this scene is meant to communicate that Sokka is a bad guy. Or that soldiers are inherently bad people. I assume that Hakoda, Bato, and Tyro killed people. These figures are portrayed as admirable, and even as mentors. 
The scene in which Sokka kills the Melon Lord is there to illustrate the difference between Southern Water Tribe culture and Air Nomad culture. Sokka’s journey is about embracing and reclaiming all the parts of his culture that the Fire Nation tried to destroy. He wasn’t able to go ice dodging or to train as a wolf warrior, but he has found a way to become a strong, protective man anyways. And that does mean that he’s willing to kill or die for a cause he believes in. This scene doesn’t communicate that Sokka is a bad person. It communicates that Sokka is walking his own path, and that Aang is walking a different path. But the show doesn’t try to tell you one of them is wrong and the other is right. 
At the same time, I think we need to remember that Aang is saying something he believes. It’s not just an emotional problem for him. 
Aang gives multiple related, but different reasons not to kill the Fire Lord.
“I didn’t feel like myself.” 
The Fire Lord “is still a human being.”
Killing goes against “everything the monks taught me.”
“All life is sacred.”
In Southern Raiders, he also makes a more general claim that “violence is never the answer,” but I think that the writers had to use the word “violence” as a euphemism. In our normal usage of the word, punching somebody would be a “violent” act. Aang clearly has no problem whacking people over the head or shooting wind at them. I think this is a way of making the show more kid friendly, and that what Aang actually means is 
“[Killing] is never the answer.”
Some of these claims are about Aang as an individual. He’s saying he doesn’t feel like he, specifically, can kill someone. That it goes against the values of his culture. And some of these are universal claims. He’s saying no one should kill, not ever. 
But he also believes in a separate ethical mandate. As the Avatar, he has to protect the world. In this lifetime, that means preventing the Fire Lord from burning the Earth Kingdom. 
This is a story about moral standards, and they seem impossible to live up to. There’s no easy answer. If you believe that murder is wrong, and you believe in the duties of the Avatar, then you have a conflict of values, not just emotions. In order to understand the Buddhist themes of Sozin’s Comet, we have to understand Buddhist ideas of morality. 
This podcast episode
Nate's short story about Buddhism
Transcript with Citations
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vavoom-sorted-art · 9 months
SURPRISE! Of Kings and Kids - Bonus Chapter!
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Neither @gaiaseyes451 nor I could get enough of this story, so here we are, wrapping up some loose ends and reflecting a bit about the events that went down, along with 5! juicy illustrations in this chapter! Enjoy!
Read on Ao3
Crowley sighed and softened his tone, beseeching him to understand. “Aziraphale, there wasn’t even a real choice here.” He continued to wear tight circles into the grass. “There was no plausible world where you chose the innocents over the Messiah. Hundreds of lives over, eventually, billions? I know you, making that decision would eat at you,” but I’m a demon, I condemn souls regularly. “Even if it was the right choice by Heaven’s standards, there wasn’t a good choice.” So I took the difficult part, so you wouldn’t have to hold the guilt. “I think this is as close to ineffable as you get.”
“That’s deceitful! You came to me under false pretenses!”
Crowley stopped abruptly. “Oh come on, do you really believe that?” Aziraphale’s fists clenched when Crowley spat the words at him.  
“We’ve been working together –” Crowley paused, fluttering his hands in a vague circular motion between the two of them, looking for the right term for this. “Well, not together but, but with each other-”
“Around each other.” Aziraphale was scowling, but couldn’t help but interject. “Orbiting one another, in a way.”
“Yes, exactly!” Crowley strode toward him, “we’ve been orbiting one another for millennia and you still don’t trust me?” He made no effort to disguise his incredulity. “For Satan’s sake, Aziraphale, I helped you with your Messiah. I got a Satan forsaken commendation for the massacre of children and I haven’t said shit about it to keep it a secret- to-!” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s just like you spying on me with the magi. I understand, Aziraphale, I know what I am, but what more can I do to prove you can trust me?” He threw his arms out wide and dropped down onto the boulder, exasperated.
Across from him, Aziraphale seemed to be wrestling with his thoughts. “A commendation? Hell gave you a commendation for the massacre?” Crowley kept silent and listened as Aziraphale stammered half-formed thoughts.  “I know – even Hell must know how you are with children – you would never – why would they….” 
Understanding crept across Aziraphale’s face and he refocused his eyes on Crowley. “They suspected,” he whispered, his anger smothered by the weight of the risk Crowley had taken. 
Crowley made no reply, keeping his eyes stubbornly focused on the fields. Aziraphale sat on the boulder next to him. As Crowley stared at nothing he could feel Aziraphale’s eyes on him, after a few moments a timid question broke the silence.
“Did you use any miracles on the magi, that night?”
Crowley jerked his head to look at Aziraphale. He had expected any number of questions about what Hell had wanted to know, why he’d accepted the commendation, maybe even a bit of sympathy. The question about the magi, about his methods was deeply personal, an unspoken boundary. “...What?”
Aziraphale, to his credit, didn’t look away. “Just answer the question, please.” Crowley narrowed his eyes behind the lenses. Aziraphale had never been present to witness Crowley at work, at least as far as he knew. While he did take a certain amount of pride in his skills he didn’t like talking about them – especially with Aziraphale – but now he didn’t feel he had a choice. Well, here we go.
Read full Chapter
Click here to see all related posts of this story!
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Thanks for reading! Signing off!
and thanks to @goodomensafterdark for the support!
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clawsdevour · 1 month
 ۪,  ⊹ ˑ daichi dad hcs
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wc: 0.5k content warning: post-time skip, fluff, daddy daichi, not proofread
ᱸ♡︎𓈒݂݂ 𐬏
-Daichi, the type of dad to buy the kids sweets behind your back if you've restricted them from having a sweet treat. When he's feeling like getting something good to eat, he feels like the kids should too. This means he's gonna scan the house to see if the coast is clear before taking them with him to get that dessert.
-Daichi, the type of dad to just love carrying the kids around. Especially the little ones. He'd have them sitting on his shoulders all the time. He lets them sit on his shoulders so much that they don't even want to walk anymore and just want their Dad to carry them.
-Daichi, the type of dad to fall for the kids' little pranks. Definitely when your kids fall asleep in the car so they can get carried into the house. He'd always think about how the kids must be tired instead of how he's getting played because they were too lazy to walk out of the car.
-Daichi, the type of dad to read the kids' bedtime stories. He'd let them sit on his lap while he's reading and pointing out the book's illustrations, teaching them the plot's significance till they get sleepy.
-Daichi, the type of dad to see his kids run up to him with arms open for a hug when he gets home from the police station. He's always so happy to see his children excited to greet their Dad getting back home after a long day of work.
-Daichi, the type of dad to always show up to your children's school events and games. He's proud to be a father of your children and he will show it through his actions and how he cares for them. Daichi definitely cheers the loudest for them and always rewards them after the event with something the kids would like to eat for dinner or just a treat.
-Daichi, the type of dad to definitely introduce the kids' first sport as volleyball. He'd occasionally play with them as well if he's off of work and feels like teaching them some new tricks or helping them improve. He also talks about his high school volleyball days for sure when the kids ask him why he loves volleyball so much.
-Daichi, the type of dad to have your kids know his friends as their uncles. They favor Uncle Sugawara for sure since he'd be over at your house the most to just hang with your husband and the kids. They’d call him the cool uncle. They'd also just love Asahi and think he's the super nice uncle, sometimes Asahi would fall for their pranks if he’s babysitting them.
-Daichi, the type of dad to give up a few hours of his day to help the kids on their school projects. This even means staying up late to help them with homework as well, making sure they understand the material for their next day of school .
-Daichi, the type of dad to loves taking family photos for memory's sake. This would for sure root before you even met him. Ever since your children were born he's literally the family photographer, dad, husband, and a cop.
masterlist here
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 6 months
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 1 Translations
To celebrate My Hero Academia reaching one hundred million copies worldwide, Shonen Jump is releasing special illustrations in the newspapers of Japan's 47 prefectures, calling it "U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan." It's being rolled out daily across one-week.
The schedule is:
April 4th, Day 1: Hokkaidō & Tōhōku regions
April 5th, Day 2: Kantō region
April 6th, Day 3: Chūbu region
April 7th, Day 4: Kansai region
April 8th, Day 5: Chūgoku & Shikoku regions
April 9th, Day 6: Kyūshū & Okinawa regions
April 10th, Day 7: Nationwide release
You can see the illustrations on their website here, where they are released digitally the day after their newspaper release, so Day 1 and Day 2 are available right now.
The illustrations depict charming scenes between Class 1-A about something related to each prefecture's culture or history, so I thought it would be really fun to translate them and share a little bit about Japan.
Here we go!
Note: As I mentioned, the illustrations are available on the official site, but they are all rather small, which makes them hard to read, so in this post I have included photographs from fans which I used for my translations. Every photo was available publicly on twitter and I have credited the posters, but please be respectful and don't draw undue attention to these fans. If anyone contacts me wishing for their photo to be removed, I will do so.
Hokkaidō Region
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Photo credit: twitter user URix0307
Iida: "Heroes! Be ambitious!!' Aizawa: "I'm leaving you behind."
Iida is standing in front of the statue of William S. Clark at Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill, a scenic spot in Sapporo. Clark worked with the Japanese government to found Sapporo Agricultural College (now Hokkaidō University) in 1876; he is a very famous figure in the history of the region. The statue is inscribed with a quote attributed to him as he left Japan: "Boys, be ambitious!"
Tōhōku Region
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Photo credit: twitter user redaotkrsn
Dark Shadow: "Fumikage!! I GOT ONE!!" Tokoyami: "The allure of forbidden fruit which tastes so sweet..." Dark Shadow: "One simply cannot resist!" Asui: "Tokoyami-chan sure likes apples, huh?"
Agriculture is huge in Aomori, and specifically they are famous for their apples, contributing about 60% of Japan's entire apple production. Raw apples, jams, juices, desserts, etc., they are everywhere in Aomori, and fyi, they are all absolutely delicious. The sweetest, richest, freshest apples I've ever had in my life were the ones I had here! Dark Shadow is right, one simply cannot resist!!!
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Photo credit: twitter user bakkk_17
Todoroki: "I can have as many bowls as I want, right?" Endeavor: "SHOUTOOOOO!!!" Kouda: "Todoroki-kun!! Your dad said he wants to eat with you, too!!" Todoroki: "Check, please."
Todoroki is eating wanko soba, a specialty from Iwate where it's basically an all-you-can-eat. The soba is served in many small bowls, and you slurp them up and immediately get served more. The verb he uses, ikeru, is one people also use for "holding your liquor well," which I personally found hilarious. "Oh yeah, I can hold my noodles."
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Photo credit: twitter user Abino_Haru_Maki
Ashido: "Teacher, what's wrong? You keep lollygagging about!" Aizawa: "Kittykittykitty..." Shouji: "Anybody suspicious around? Nothing has come up in my search for enemies." Iida: "We're leaving you behind, teacher."
Miyagi is famous for being home to Tashirojima, the so-called "Cat Island" where cats outnumber people. Iida gets revenge!!
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Photo credit: twitter user kado0730
Hagakure: "Namahage faces are so scary!!" Kaminari: "Looks just like Bakugou, don't it." Bakugou: "THERE'S NO RESEMBLANCE AT ALL, I'LL SEND YOU FLYING!!" Sero: "He's a rotten kid who looks just like a Namahage!"
Namahage are frightening folkloric figures from Akita's New Year's festival. Men wear big demon masks and straw coats and wield a (fake) weapon; they march through the streets or knock on doors to scold misbehaving children, asking if there are any "warui ko," (naughty/rotten/bad kids), which is what Sero calls Bakugou.
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Photo credit: twitter user ha_n_a_0
Yaoyorozu: "Oh, tranquility! Penetrating the very rock, a cicada’s voice." Kaminari: "Jirou! How about you put your earphones on that rock?" Jirou: "Are you stupid?"
Yaoyorozu is reciting a famous poem by Basho Matsuo written when he visited the Buddhist temple, Risshaku-ji (also called Yamadera, meaning "mountain temple"). This translation is by Helen Craig McCullough. Risshaku-ji, a National Historic site, is home to a number of beautiful buildings and statues built into the mountainside; temple history claims a lineage back to the 9th century. The trail up to the temple consists of 1,015 steps; I visited in winter, which made it quite the precarious climb!
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Photo credit: twitter user kingyo0927
Kirishima: "This right here is what I should be aiming for!!" Aoyama: "A fateful encounter~!" Bakugou: "When I said 'just being able to keep standing through anything makes you crazy strong,' this ain't what I meant!!"
Kirishima is looking at rows of okiagari koboshi, which are traditional papier-mâché dolls popular in Fukushima's western Aizu region. They are weighted so that no matter what you do to them, they pop right back up to standing!
That's all for Day 1! I'm still translating Day 2 and collecting Day 3's as they roll in, so please look forward to those. :D
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miniskirtmods · 4 months
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parings ˚ The Umbrella Academy x sibling!oc x Tom Hansen
warning(s) ˚ mentions of death, oblivious crushes, nicknames: gorgeous, sweetheart . . . (please tell me if I missed any!)
synopsis ˚ Ruby Hargreeves locks up her shop and and decides to spend some time with one of her co-workers, Tom. They both enjoy their evening of strolling in the park and eating at her now favorite Italian restaurant until they take a look at the news that’s playing near their booth: “Moments ago, police reported the death of the world’s most eccentric and reclusive billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves”.
word count ˚ 2.1K
authors note ˚ might create a mood board of little miss Ruby Hargreeves sooner or later and I may even introduce her powers 😼
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Tom raises an eyebrow, him and Ruby stepping off of the curb and waiting and waiting for the walk signal to cross the street. “Wait. Wait, so. You were homeschooled your whole life? What about other people, you just— never talked to other people as a child?” His gaze was curious, the look of someone who’s already trying to piece together the puzzle for himself.
“Do my siblings count?” She questioned before displaying a straight smile, tilting her head upwards in order to look at his face. 
A chuckle escaped his lips, a small smirk resting on them quickly after. The walk sign blinked to the simple illustration of a person walking colored in bright, white led lights, indicating to the pedestrians on the other side of the street to cross safely. The pair followed, stepping out onto the street, taking strides down the crosswalk.
“No, I mean— other than your siblings. You’ve never had playdates with other kids in the neighborhood?”
Ruby looked ahead, hands in her coat pockets to keep them shielded from the cold breeze that whistled through the streets of New York. She brought her shoulders closer to her ears in an attempt to make her scarf cover more of her face. “I wish. My dad kept us secluded unless we were needed on special occasions.” Special occasions as in missions. Missions that her father had sent them on when “the world needed us most”. His exact words. We were young, naive, and super powered — most of us at least —, we believed everything the man would seep into our brains.
However, Ruby hadn’t told him the entire truth when it came to talking about her past. Only allowing small fragments of it escape her lips, gracefully leaving out the huge factors that made them the Hargreeves. She felt guilty for lying to him sometimes, but they weren’t going to come back to her..right?
Tom’s expression turns concerned as he walks alongside her, eyes fixed straight ahead. He knew a thing or two about a shitty life and a shitty father. Maybe that's what made him so empathetic to your situation. He’d always been an open ear to your stories and now was no different.
“Damn..” He muttered, shaking his head gently. The next question is on the tip of his tongue, and it takes him a moment to decide whether or not it was too personal to ask. Maybe it’d be best to leave it at that— leave it for another day, but curiosity got the better of him and he just couldn’t shake the thought.
“I, uh… I don’t wanna, like.. push your buttons,”
He muttered, his flicking to her and then returning to the sidewalk in front of them. “But… I guess I’m just wondering y’know.. why your dad kept you all isolated like that.”
Her eyes widened at his question. It felt like she couldn’t let a word out of her mouth, feeling a large knot form in the center of her throat, “I—” She stammered embarrassingly, avoiding making even a second of eye contact with him. Her eyebrows frowned as she was trying to think of something to say, I need to come up with something. Tom had expected her to push the question away, feeling a bit too personal now that he’d asked it. He can’t help but notice the strained look that crossed Ruby’s face, the way she paused for a moment— how she suddenly looked a bit like a deer in headlights.
“..I don’t really know, maybe— he wanted to keep us safe?” It sounded like she was asking him a question about her own lie. A lie that only felt true for a couple of years in the academy. 
He nods gently as she responds, but a part of him knows that there’s definitely more to your past than you’re telling him. Perhaps now just wasn’t the time to find out. “Yeah. I uh.. I guess that makes sense.”
Ruby gently nodded her head. There was silence, it wasn’t awkward but she felt like she had to say something at this moment. Her eyes darted from store to store until a bright red sign caught her eye: “SUPPER: Italian Cuisine”  She tilted her head to the right, noticing that the restaurant looked like it could handle a walk in and a smile grew on her face.
“So.. you have an appetite for some Italian? There's a restaurant just down the street.” Ruby lifted her gloved hand and pointed to the brightly decorated area just across the street. She looked up at the brunette to grasp a reaction, catching an immediate smile finding its way onto Tom’s face at the mention of Italian food; his stomach seemed to have the same reaction as well, a low rumble escaping from his belly as he perks up at the mention of it. 
“Oh, yeah! We should— we should definitely check it out. Y’know, I’ve been meaning to go for ages. I’m starving now just thinkin’ about it.” He grinned; a laugh escaping his smile soon after.
Not even a moment later, a wide smile crept onto her face once she heard the low growls of his stomach at the mention of food, dimples on full display for the whole world to see. “Guess that’s our sign to go! What else is going on tonight?” I ask rhetorically..”
“Nothing else going on. Just each other”, he thinks as the words escape her lips.
He smiles, gesturing his hand out to allow you to take the lead. He’s quick and happy to follow after you; the walk down the sidewalk to the restaurant seeming to only fuel the duo's excitement.
“Lead the way, gorgeous.”
.       .       ☂︎       .       .
The pair soon arrived at the Italian place. Ruby’s gaze darted over the interior of the booth they were seated at and then to the menu that hung out front. Her eyes scanned over the options before they flicked over to Tom, taking note of the way his hand dangled so close to hers. His fingers so slender and his skin so pale, contrasting with hers beautifully. They would look perfect intertwined together.
Thinking of their hands together, an almost nervous smile rested on her lips as he gently brushed his fingers against hers.
“This all looks so good.” Ruby muttered.
“Mm.. it does.” He hummed in agreement; his fingers brushing against hers in a teasing manner this time. 
The gesture was lighthearted, and he couldn’t help the almost-flirtatious smile that teased his lips. His eyes brightened up for a moment, a look of confidence behind them as he gestured out to the restaurant.
“Maybe.” Ruby giggled, imitating the movements of his fingers onto his own hand. The sound of her giggle sent a shiver down his spine, making his smile grow ever so wider. She slowly trailed her eyes up from her menu to the brunette sitting in front of her, catching his gaze already on her. Her breath caught in her throat as she couldn’t help but stare deep into his dirt colored eyes. The eyes that carried a remaining glimmer, his teeth gently raking over his bottom lip in an attempt to hold back all of the flirtations he so wanted to throw at you. 
“Save some room for me,” He quipped. “It’d be a real shame if you started eating without me. Might even have to take a bite from your plate.”
She playfully rolled her eyes at his comment, “Fine.” Adding a dramatic sigh at the end. “Whatever your majesty requires.” She rolled her wrist theatrically as she attempted a British accent, slightly bowing towards him with a snort.
Tom shook his head at her attempt at a British accent and the excessive bow. “Ohh,” He snickered. “Watch out. I like it when you get sassy.” God, he loved this. He loved how it always felt second nature between the two of you to flirt and play off each other. It was natural— and every time you took each other on, neither of you could get enough of it.
Soon enough, the waiter made her way to the table and introduced herself to us before asking us what we would like to order. We started with our drinks and went ahead to order our meals. 
“We’ll take one order of Fettuccine Alfredo, and a Chicken Alfredo, thank you.” He finished, his gaze moving from the waitress to the menus, picking them up in order to hand them to her. The waitress nodded, writing it down on her notepad before giving a smile and a polite nod before taking the menus and walking off to grab our drinks. Then, in a flash, she was setting our drinks down onto the table.
Tom shifted back in his own chair, returning his gaze to you once again as a playful look returned to his eyes. 
“Shirley Temple, huh?”
Ruby picked up her drink and brought it to her lips for a sip. “Mm.. “ She hums in contentment as she swallows the drink, her eyes flicking over to his face with that familiar gleam in them. “What’s wrong with my order? Do I have too much taste for your liking?”
Tom’s gaze flicked once again as she took a sip from her own drink, the red hue of the Shirley Temple staining her lips ever so slightly. His eyes took a moment to study the faint stain, the sight drawing his attention once her words finally registered in his head. A smirk spread again, the man shaking his head as he let out a small scoff.
“No way, sweetheart. You can drink whatever you damn well please.”
.       .       ☂︎       .       .
By now, Tom had already taken several fat bites out of his Fettuccine, the sight causing his stomach to ease almost instantly. A quiet groan of satisfaction escaped him between bites, the taste of the Italian food feeling like heaven in his mouth. With the taste of the food still on his tongue, his eyes drifted up away from his plate and over towards the woman in front of him. “How ‘bout you? This new place got the Ruby stamp of approval?”
She frantically nods her head, swallowing the creamy pasta in a heartbeat after letting her taste buds dance against the tangy cuisine. “They’ve got more than my stamp of approval..” She paused and took another ball of pasta into her mouth, taking a moment to swallow before speaking once again. “If I had to, I would give my soul away just to eat this.”
Tom chuckled, the sound still slightly muffled from the food in his mouth. Swallowing his food, he rested his chin in his hand and stared across the table at you.
“Your soul, huh?”
He joked, resting an elbow on the table casually to lean closer into the conversation. “Y’know, if food is all it takes, there’s a few other things I wouldn’t mind having from ya’.”
The fork clanked against Ruby’s front teeth as she paused mid-mouth stuff, eye flickering to his face moving just a bit closer to hers.
There it was: the opening he’d been waiting for. The playful look in his eyes shifted slightly— the glint now becoming a little more mischievous as he leaned in forward a little more. “Well..” He murmured. “I have a few ideas.” His eyes moved down to your lips, even covered with white alfredo sauce, a sight he knew was enough to make the atmosphere between the two of you that much hotter.
Before Ruby could react, the TV to the right of their booth played the obnoxiously loud news intro, allowing for the entire restaurant to hear whatever was going on in the city recently. The entire restaurant had fallen silent now, all eyes focused up at the TV screen that hung above. On the screen, a reporter sat inside of what appeared to be the news studio. The headline of ‘Sir Reginald Hargreeves Is Dead’ was displayed in all caps at the bottom of the screen.
The reporter began to speak: “Moments ago, police reported the death of the world’s most eccentric and reclusive billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves.”
In a matter of moments, the atmosphere changed. What was once playful flirting suddenly made way to shock and concern. Ruby’s eyes grew wide at the sight on the screen as she took in the news. ‘Hargreeves’ 
Tom’s gaze then flipped over to Ruby’s, his expression shifting once again at the look on her face. One word left her lips:
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