#Ecosystem Health
A debilitating parasite that causes a fatal disease in fish has been confirmed in British Columbia for the first time, four months after a suspected case in the Rockies caused several bodies of water to be closed. Emerald Lake and several nearby lakes in B.C.'s Yoho National Park, roughly 175 kilometres northwest of Calgary, were shuttered after a suspected case of whirling disease was found last September. Parks Canada said on Friday that further testing confirmed the presence of whirling disease in Emerald Lake. It also confirmed the disease had spread to bodies of water in the Kootenay River watershed.
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cognitivejustice · 4 months
‘Biodiversity is the foundation of an ecosystem’s stability as the diversity of species creates resilience for a wide variety of livelihoods and (climatic) events. Nature can continue to provide its important ecosystem services in a sustainable landscape in which biodiversity is conserved. Therefore, nature serves as our starting point for integral landscape management.’ Sander van Andel – Senior Expert Nature Conservation
PDF for background paper on Landscape Approaches
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The Urgency of National Wildlife Week: A Call to Action for Biodiversity Preservation
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yardenercom · 1 year
How to create a summer garden that attracts pollinators
Are you wondering how to create a summer garden that attracts pollinators? 🌻🐝 Check out our infographic with simple steps to get started! Save it, share it, and use it to transform your garden into a pollinator paradise.
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Looking for more resources on gardening? Head over to www.yardener.com and browse our collection of resources. We update regularly, so be sure to save our website for future reference. We offer a variety of content, including infographics, articles, and tips to help you create a thriving garden ecosystem. Check it out today!
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expfcultragreen · 21 hours
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oaresearchpaper · 2 months
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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meirimerens · 2 months
don't universities in France provide dormitories? (is praying in an atheist × culturally Orthodox Christian way)
i've never seen a french uni with "dorms" the american college way (not saying they Don't Exist, just that i cannot think of one like at all), we do have publicly owned student housing that's managed by the regional centers for students (CROUS). they're in high demand + they are off the market Fucking Fast and at the time i would have been putting in an application for one there was still so much #Uncertainty i wasn't even sure i could get one. so i didn't. i'm not mad because i had plans to get my own place from the beginning anyways. i just re-started my search a bit late and got scared. APPRECIATE THE PRAYER i fw the smell of church incense in a cultural way i do
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balkanradfem · 6 months
I've been weeding the garden for the last 2 days and my hands look sooo nasty, I maybe should have been wearing gloves. Not only I managed to get dirt stuck so badly under a fingernail that my entire finger got inflamed and upset, but parts of my hands are now permanently black, cannot wash it off, and the skin around my nails is torn, inflamed and messed up, some of it is bleeding.
However I am very satisfied with my work, strawberries are free of weeds and flowering, some tomatoes are transplanted outside, I have space to plant the peas, potatoes have started coming out of the soil, my hands will just have to get over this and grow thicker skin hehehe.
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also just gonna brag about myself for a hot second (because i missed the anniversary in the fall) and say that. it's been 4 1/2ish years since my last attempt and like. look at me go? still here, still fighting. and i very much WANT to be here. that's progress. might not seem like much but i'm proud to have made it to this point. i want to be alive and i've found friends who are glad i'm alive, and that's not nothing
that's not nothing 💖
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Germination and Growth in the Afforestation Areas
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thoughtlessarse · 17 days
Because bats feed on crop pests, their disappearance led to a surge in pesticide use. Research found a rise in infant mortality in areas where the bats had been wiped out In 2006, a deadly fungus started killing bat colonies across the United States. Now, an environmental economist has linked their loss to the deaths of more than 1,300 children. The study, published in Science on Thursday, found that farmers dramatically increased pesticide use after the bat die-offs, which was in turn linked to an average infant mortality increase of nearly 8%. Unusually, the research suggests a causative link between human and bat wellbeing. “That’s just quite rare – to get good, empirical, grounded estimates of how much value the species is providing,” said environmental economist Charles Taylor from the Harvard Kennedy School, who was not involved in the study. “Putting actual numbers to it in a credible way is tough.” The crisis for bat colonies began in 2006, when a fungus called Pseudogymnoascus destructans hitchhiked from Europe to the US. P destructans grows on hibernating bats in winter, sprouting as white fuzz on their noses. It can extinguish a bat colony in as little as five years. When Eyal Frank, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, learned about the disease, called white-nose syndrome, he realised it provided a perfect natural experiment to demonstrate the value of a bat. Bats eat 40% or more of their bodyweight in insects every night, including many crop pests. What would their disappearance mean? In infected areas, he found, farmers compensated for the loss of bats by significantly increasing their use of insecticides – by 31.1% on average. Next, Frank looked at infant mortality – a metric commonly used to judge the impact of environmental toxins. Infected counties had an infant death rate 7.9% higher, on average, than counties with healthy bats, despite pesticide use being within regulatory limits. That equates to 1,334 extra infant deaths.
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expfcultragreen · 22 hours
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pkmncenterguy · 5 months
What’s the most insane Pokémon you’ve ever seen someone bring in?
Uuuh this was a long time ago so I can probably talk about this now - someone brought in a manaphy in the middle of the night in lunar season. just. A whole manaphy. Mythical pokemon rumored to control the ocean’s currents, yeah that pokemon in the middle of the night. They carried it in their arms and sat at a table for a bit while it explored. Its trainer? waved at me but that was as much as they said to me. The manaphy came up to me at one point to say hi and I was trying so hard not to freak out and I was the only person there so sometimes I wonder if that even happened like what. What
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greentechspot · 1 year
Underwater Climate Refuges: Designing Technological Sanctuaries to Protect Marine Biodiversity from Warming
As our oceans face unprecedented warming due to climate change, the urgency to protect marine biodiversity has reached a critical point. With ecosystems and species at risk, innovative solutions are emerging to preserve our oceans’ richness for future generations. Among these transformative ideas are underwater climate refuges—cutting-edge technological sanctuaries designed to shield marine life…
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myriadeyed · 2 months
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I don't need to watch this video to know about the strategy of "produce intelligent, thoughtful and creatively stimulating films that appealed to people who wanted movies that were made to be art and not just entertainment in the late 2010s when Marvel and Star Wars were monopolizing the box office"
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