#Ed had to call batman to please get Duke to stop
oifaaa · 2 years
Duke stole and uploaded Riddler's riddles on twitter. Oracle shed a single tear of proudness.
Duke is no longer allowed to fight riddler after accusations of "online bullying" and "harassment"
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side-shawty · 6 years
Ivy’s Daughter
Title: Ivy’s Daughter (pt 1)
Fandom: DC
Type: series
Prompt/Summary: Poison Ivy asks Batman to care for her daughter.
Pairing(s): (eventual) Damian Wayne x Reader (aged up), Poison Ivy x daughter!reader, Batfamily x Reader
Requested? No
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“What is this Ivy?” Batman asked, his voice littered with parental anger.
“It’s a cryo-chamber Batman, it keeps her alive until I can find something to stabilize her growth. That’s why you’re here I need help,” Ivy never took her eyes off of the girl as she spoke.
“And why should we help you and your…spawn?” Robin said, with nothing but malice lacing his tone. He noted that the girl couldn’t have been much younger than him — 15 or 16 maybe.
Ivy finally took her gaze away from her ‘daughter’ to glare at the young man before turning to Batman, pleading with her eyes.
“Batman, I need you to take her with you. She can’t live like this. I want her to be good, especially considering that she might not have a mother soon,” Ivy told him with a new sadness in her voice.
“What do you mean?” Robin asked, instantly curious.
“It took a lot for me to get everything she needed to survive, she was unstable when I first created her so I took a few drastic measures.”
“How drastic Pamela?” Batman said, surprised that he didn’t know about the girl sooner.
“I stole from Joker, Bruce. Penguin too, hell even Ed had some things I needed. But I did it for the right reasons, I did it for my daughter, Y/N,” Ivy told them, putting a palm against the glass where the red-headed girl looked to be sleeping soundly within her confines.
“And I take it the chamber she is in came from Cadmus, did it not?” Robin asked and Ivy only nodded.
“So she’s intelligent, like Superboy, then,” Damian muttered absentmindedly as he took a few steps closer to the chamber.
Ivy stepped back and talked spoke with Batman as the young man took in the girls appearance for the first time that night. She was only dressed in a deep green dress that contrasted nicely with her rich skin — like tree bark, he thought. She had long bright red the same color as Ivy’s but much curlier she had tattoo-like vines half a shade lighter than her skin from her fingers to the tops of her elbows. Damian could see the same markings on her toes and wondered if they stopped above her knees.
There were vines wrapped around her body that would pulse every so often, he guessed they were for nutrition purposes. Surrounding her chamber were human-sized deadly venus fly traps that looked ready to attack at the first sign of danger and turning towards Damian quickly when they thought he was a threat. Damian put his hands up in defense and they stayed still for a moment before backing down when the hero stopped moving altogether.
“Robin,” his father's deep voice broke through his trance-like state and he looked to where the Batman stood with a somber-looking Ivy. “We’re leaving,” Bruce told him and Damian only nodded before they hopped into the Batmobile and took off towards the Batcave.
“What are you going to do about her, Bruce?” Dick asked when he and Damian silently exited the Batmobile. Batman had briefed everyone on the situation during the ride home.
Bruce walked straight towards the Batcomputer and began to type after removing his cowl, not sparing a glance at his other three sons “I’m going to take her in. It’s the only way to make sure she won’t be a threat,” he told them, and they all stared at him with disbelief.
“You can’t be serious,” Jason exclaimed. “This could be one of Ivy’s traps. This girl could kill us in our sleep,” he said, glaring.
Bruce glared back at him, “I’ll be doing some more research using the information Ivy gave me first. Alfred,” he called out to the old butler, and the man came to his side. “Please expect a new house guest within the next week,” Bruce told him.
“I’ll make sure her room has a garden view,” Alfred replied before exiting the cave.
Bruce turned to his sons, who had all drifted towards the bat computer, “Ivy was sincere, I promise you. She wouldn’t keep something so tightly under wraps unless she cared about it more than herself. I have to go see the league, J’onn might need to stabilize her mind,” he told them before placing his cowl back on and heading for the zeta tube.
“So we all agree that this is crazy right?” Tim asked as the brothers lounged in the main living room.
“Yes,” they replied in unison as Cassandra walked into the room, a bowl of popcorn in hand. They told her and Duke about everything once they came upstairs. The two really missed a lot during their night off.
“Maybe there is more to fathers plan than we realize,” Damian said from his spot on the floor where he polished his knives.
“Like what?” Jason asked, “More crazy?”
Damian glared at him before returning to the task at hand.
“Well it’s not like the big bad bat doesn’t have soft spot for kids in need,” Dick stated.
“You can say that again,” Duke said.
“And much like the rest of you, Master Bruce is too far set in his resolve to go back on his promise with Ivy,” Alfred stated after taking a seat in the empty armchair.
As Cass turned on the film none of them paid much attention as they each sat there contemplating the situation.
“Y/N,” Ivy said to the slumbering girl in her chamber, “I need you to know that your mother loves you. Everything I’m doing — everything I have done.” She places both of her hands on the glass,” It has all been for you. I need you to know this, okay? I love you.”
“Ivy,” Batman said from behind her. She turned slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes. He was with Martian Manhunter.
“Batman. What is he doing here?” she questioned, nodding to the Martian.
“I am here to help,” Manhunter answered.
“We’re going to take her to the League HQ. Before I bring her into my home, I need you to swear to me that this isn’t some convoluted scheme to bring down me and mine,” Batman said, his voice harsh as stood towering over her now.
“If I wanted to kill you or any of your brats, I would’ve done it already. From the second you saw her your guard was down,” she let the tears flow freely now.
“I know you have this need to save any child. So I need you to save mine. Please.”
Manhunter walked to the girl and began to work on analyzing her mind.
“I even have a peace offering for you,” she said, “a thank you.”
Ivy walked over to her table and pulled out a case, she walked back with it and opened it in front of Batman. There were vials filled with green liquid inside.
“It’s an anti-toxin, for my poison. Take it. I’m on your side now,” she told him, nothing but sincerity in her voice. Batman nodded and took it from her.
“Batman, we should go. Her mind doesn’t seem to be at ease here,” Manhunter told them.
Batman nods.
“Bruce, protect her, please. Promise me,” Ivy says, she looks ready to break down in tears.
“I promise.”
And with that, they bring the girl to the awaiting Batmobile.
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Rewatching “Gotham” S3E13
Cue all the “Face/Off” jokes for this arc.  All of them.
The rest of these reaction posts I’ll be uploading are not chronological order.  They’re like that because A) college and B) more college.
My sister watched it with me (as well as the other episodes left in my epic “Gotham” reaction series) so my comments will be in bold, and hers will be in regular font.  Author’s notes courtesy of me will be bolded and italicized. 
AN:   I managed to record our reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*both immediately start fawning over Smol Bruce in the Netflix thumbnail*
“Previously on Gotham...”  Some bullshit.
“What you call sanity... it’s just a prison in your minds.”  That is such an edgelord line, Oh my God!
*snaps fingers along with "Papa Oom Mow Mow” by Gary Glitter*
Why are they sampling “Elvira”?
AN:  “Elvira” by the Oak Ridge Boys actually sampled this song.  This version of the song is a cover and the original is by the Beach Boys.
“Three nines, and joker’s wild.”  *rolls eyes*
*sarcastically*  Geez, I wonder whose episode it is...
[Dwight appears]  *in best Christian Bale Batman voice*  Schmiff!  Thomas Schmiff!  He’s a paranoid schizophrenic from Arkham!
*starts mouthing along with song*
What just happened? 
They had to get in.
Yeah, I know, but how did that guy suddenly switch over to their side?
He was working for them the whole time.
*Dwight starts maniacally laughing once he finds Jerome’s body*  Oh damn... that’s a damn good laugh.
That is a really good laugh
*jams along with opening theme*
Does it open up with them stealing the body?  That better be where it opens up.
Yeah, it’s when they steal the body.
*Jim and Harvey find the empty vessel covered with the symbol*  Oh what the shit...
That's their little cult symbol.  Which has been popping up since a few episodes after Jerome’s death in S2, and you see that everywhere and you go “Wait a minute!”
*smiles when Lucius appears*
Is he security for Arkham or what?
No, he’s R & E.  Yeah, he still works for Wayne-
Ohhh OK...
-but he's like back up for Lee at the GCPD.
Oh OK.
And I’m like “Wait?  You’re also an ME?”  Everybody can be an ME in this show!
Everybody’s got like 15 different conflicts of interest on this show.
I know.
Nobody should be allowed to investigate anything.
Where the hell are we?
That’s Wayne Manor.
I know that actor [who plays Cole] somewhere!  I know that voice!
I don’t know that actor.
AN:  He’s played by P.J. Marshall, who was in “Luke Cage” and was the cop that always got on Kit Darling in the first half or so of “American Horror Story:  Freak Show”
Alfred looks like he’s ready to punch a bitch.  *laughs*
He looks like he’s about to lay that guy the hell out.
I know.
And they established in the last episode that they [Bruce and Alfred] really like Selina and her mom coming back together.
Ohhh OK.
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no.  I [Cole] would never hurt a woman.”  *both give a dubious look*
“However, I [Cole] would feel justified in giving the police enough evidence so that your little girlfriend [Selina] could only talk to her mama every other Thursday through a screen for the next 40 years.”  Go to hell, dude.
*whispers*  He’s [Bruce] so much Batman!
“So, you [Bruce] give Maria the money, she gives it to me; I’m [Cole] out of your lives.  Cash, obviously.”  The only thing you’re owed, dude, is a bullet between the eyes.
Now see, look at this pose [of Bruce thinking in his chair].  Look at that pose.  Oh my gosh, that’s a Michael Keaton pose!
That is!
Oh my gosh...
“He [the cult follower Jim and Harvey arrested] should have been taken to a hospital.”  Oh yeah, and Jim and Lee are like *imitates two cats fighting each other while aggressively clashing hands together*
Why wasn’t he taken to a hospital?!?
“James Gordon.  The James Gordon.... wow.  It’s actually you.”  You sure know how to pick ‘em, Dwight.
Y’know, these extras playing the cult members must be having the time of their lives.  It’s like “Yeah!  We get to wear crazy hair and outfits!“
Oh yeah.  They’re gonna be like chewing the scenery within an inch of its life.
Oh yeah!
Look at that dude’s crazy eyes though!
I know!  He could have played Renfield in “Dracula”
I know.
*Dwight sets up his workshop with another cult member*  Looks like Rufio fell on hard times.
*Dwight strokes Jerome’s cheek*  Don’t do thaaattt....
*both laugh*
*Dwight laughs*  Maniacal laugh... maniacal laugh...
GOD HE’S [Dwight] JUST HAVING SO MUCH FUN!  *laughs*
You know they’re getting paid like really well.
Oh I’m sure!
“’Unsurprisingly, there have already been calls "for the mayor's resignation. "The clearly disturbed Mayor Cobblepot-’”  ‘Clearly disturbed?’  HOW LONG did it take you to realize that?
“Mayor Crumblepot.”  *stifles a laugh*
“Is Ed here?”  *rolls eyes*
“Who cares what people think of the mayor?  The city runs itself.”  *chuckles*
You’re a dumbass!
“[Oswald] So get up, take a shower, do that disco vampire thing thing with your hair.”  *both crack up*
“[Barbara] Why are you helping me?”  Because you’re a walking garbage fire, Oswald, who needs all the help you can get.
*laughs*  Yes!
Get your priorities in order, Oswald.
*claps hands*  Duuuuuudde....
His [Bruce] voice is so deep and he’s such a smol bab!
I knowww!  I don’t know how old David is when they filmed this.  I think he’s like 16 or 17.
He’s a smol bab!
“Maybe they [the cult symbols] were here the whole time and we just didn’t notice..”   That’s probably a safe bet.
I’m pretty sure that’s the No Man’s Land map that they’re [Lucius is] using.
“That amount-”  “Would cause a power surge in the electric grid.”  “...I [Harvey] was about to say that would cause a power surge in the electric grid...”  *chuckles*
*chuckles*  Sure you were, Harvey.
“I’ll just... stay here... if that’s OK.”  Lucius, you’re amazing.
Feels like he’s the only person right now at the GCPD, besides Harvey, who has any common sense.
He’s great! 
Because I’m starting to really question what kind of goblins are currently inhabiting James Gordon’s brain.
It’s Season 3, I’m sure there’s a lot.
“Try turning it on and off.”  “I [Dwight] did!  3 times.”  *both laugh*
He’s the IT guy.
*laughs*  Have you tried turning it on and off again?
*pauses when Dwight electrocutes a guy for interrupting him*
Jesus God!  Was that a cattle prod?!?  What was that?!?
I don’t know.  Cattle prods are long and skinny though.
The hell was that?!?
They’re kinda like a fly swatter.
*Dwight starts cutting off Jerome’s face*  :[
Aauuuugghhh... nooooooooooo, we’re not doing this.
The production design and set for this [Dwight’s lab] is pretty cool, I gotta say.
Uh, somebody put that wire out before it sets fire to the whole place.
Oh please God!
“Holy smokes, is that Jerome?“  No, it’s Jeremiah.  *laughs*
Yeah, and they took his face...
*in unison*  Off!
*both laugh*
‘Cause they wanted to take his face...
*in unison*  Off!
*both laugh*
I couldn’t not, I’m sorry!
“Brothers and sisters, I [Dwight] promised you Jerome would return...”  *sing songs*  And I brought you his faaaccee!!
But it’s...
*in unison*  Off!
*both freaking lose it*
“The Prophet is here.”  But it’s just his face!
[breathing unsteadily]  *thumbs up*  Great.
“We are all... Jerome.”  Don’t think that’s gonna be good enough.
*The crowd takes to calling themselves Jerome*  Oh, OK.
“You’re Jerome.  And you...”  *laughs*  And you’re Jerome!  And you’re Jerome!  And you’re Jerome!
Oh, c’mon!  They were going for the obvious “I am Spartacus.”
WE ARE JEROME!  We are Jerome and so’s my wife!
OK, that actually worked better than I thought.
If he [Jerome] just gets straight off that [Lee’s] examination table, I am gonna flip shit!
*points and yells excitedly when Jerome’s hand twitches*
“So, let’s find out who the traitor is, shall we?”  Jesus God...
“Good bluff.”  “Thank you, sir.”  That was awesome!
*softly*  I know...
And that was a bluff?!?
Yeah, there’s moments like that where it’s like “Man, Jim!  You’re a badass!” 
*both chuckle when Barbara dramatically puts a hand to her chest*
“They don’t respect you, Oswald.  In fact, you probably want to kill Tommy Bones and the Duke.  Just clean house.”  *chuckles*
*both start to giggle when Oswald does*
“[Barbara] Do you really think I [Oswald] would be so easy to manipulate?”  YES!
You are not nearly as clever as you think you are, Oswald!  You are the Cersei Lannister of Gotham City!  You were down on the count for God knows how long.
For like an episode.
A lot happens in an episode!
True.  In the span of like 5 minutes probably.  I dunno, maybe like 10 or 15.
*shakes head*
“Your day is done, freak.”  *raises eyebrows in surprise*
“Then Nygma dies.”  “What?!?”  “Walk away quiet.  Maybe we’ll send him back in one piece.  We’ll even let you [Oswald] keep being mayor.”  *shakes head*  Hey look, you are that easy to manipulate.
Can we like take a shot every time Penguin goes into rage spitting mode?
Oh my gosh.  Take a shot!
See, Barbara just played you [Oswald] like a freaking fiddle, dude.
I’m sorry... the schadenfraude of it all.
*both end up discussing the correct pronunciation of ‘schadenfraude’
*mutters*  Freaking Germans...
I’m German [descent], I can make fun of myself.
He’s [the mole] doing a Batman voice.
“No one ever stops being a cop.  You [the mole] were here when Jerome and the Maniax attacked.”  ‘Maniax?’  That’s what they’re calling themselves?
Well, Jerome and his little group [in the beginning of S2] were like *in best Jerome voice*  “We’re the Maniax!” and whatever.
‘Maniax,’ with an X.  Because edgy.
No one can spell!
*Jim decides to switch from good cop to bad cop on the mole*  Oooh!
*Jim punches the mole across the face*  Jesus God!
*both freeze in shock when Harvey takes over for punching*
OH MY GOD, Jim’s just like *puts hands on head*  “Oh my God...”
I don’t think you’re allowed to do thaaat...
I mean, they bring it up in the show.  There’s certain interrogation laws that you have to follow.
Yeah, manhandling a suspect is a no-no!
“Damn...”  Damn instead.
She’s [Lee] like “Yeah, whatever.”  STONE COLD!
“[Jim] Don’t touch me [Lee]!”  *so done*
“Really?  Did I [Lee] not just see Harvey punch him in the face?”  *finger guns at screen in agreement*
“[Jim] You brought a wounded suspect into the precinct instead of taking him to the hospital, because you wanted to interrogate him.”  *claps hands with each word*  GO OFF, LEE!
“Look, you [Lee] want to blame me [Jim] for Mario’s death, that’s fine.”  *so done*
“But don’t let your hatred of me turn you into something you’re not.”  And plus the funeral for Mario was a few days ago.
*claps hands with each word*  It’s way too soon!  It’s way too soon for her to be back at work!
I’m like “Lee, no!”
*sings*  Take a break!
Like I said, all of her character development comes from people screwing her over.
I know!
“[Jim] Don’t ever touch me [Lee] again or tell me what to do.”  You know, it’s your fault, Jim.  This is entirely your fault.
Yeah. It is.
“We’ve got a show to do, people!  And, as you know, the show must go on.”  *starts singing “The Show Must Go On” from “Moulin Rouge”*
*Jerome surprises Lee from behind the door*  Oh Jesus.
It’s allliiiiivveeee!!
“Hey, maybe you’re [Jerome] dreaming.  Try shooting yourself.”  Pfftt!
“Nah!”  *both chuckle*
*mouths along with Jerome saying “Lunatics AND idiots?”*
“You know, I [Jerome] was just reborn.  Last year was nothing but darkness... as far as the eye could see.”  *softly*  God, you’re so edgy.
“Hey, did you and I ever, uh...”  *slightly disgusted, trying not to laugh*
*scoffs in hilarity*  Did he just use the gun-
Yeah, yeah he did.  *ends up giggling anyway*
Oh my God...
AN:  And it was totally improvised at the moment by Cameron.  Because OF COURSE HE DID.
AN:  Hi, welcome to my blog, where we have to keep kinkshaming Cameron Monaghan.
*both make loud disgusted noises when Jerome tries licking Lee*
“How’s it going between you [Lee] and Jimbo?”  It’s not.
“Oh that’s a shame.  I really liked you guys.”  *giggles into her sleeve*
Jerome shipped it.
*absolutely cracks up at Jerome’s reaction when Lee tells him about Jim killing Mario on her wedding night*
He’s like “Whhaat?!?”
Oh my God....
“I see your point.”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“Theo Galavan’s dead.”  *sighs*  For how long?
“Ohhhhh.... who beat me to it?”  “W-Which time?”  *giggles*
Oh just wait until you get into the regular Batman canon.  Death is gonna be about as permanent as a hiatus.
It always looked like it has rained in this city!
They should shoot in Seattle for now on.
Didn’t I tell you [Cole] to go to hell the last time, dude?
“Hey.... smile!”  No.
No!  Bullshit.
“Selina!  Please... don’t.”  Yes.  Do!
*cracks up when the cult members write down Dwight’s speech on giant note cards for him to use*
“The cult will never follow you, Dwight.  I [Jim] saw you... at the theater?  You don’t have what it takes!”  Oh.  Really?
“Well, for the record, you’re doing one thing Jerome never did:  boring me.”  *both lean back in shock*
Whoooooooooo hooo hoooooo!!
Daaammn!  That was pretty great.
Ohhh my God!
See, James, when you’re not being a complete dumbass-
He’s amazing!  He’s great!
“We’ve [Barbara and Tabitha] got Option A:  appeal to their reason, convince them we alone can protect them from Penguin-”  “Seems unlikely.  They are men.”  Pfft!
*both crack up when “Ave Maria” starts playing when Tabitha guns down all the other gang leaders*
“Yeah, yeah, Option B.”  *chuckles*
*Dwight goes on air with Jerome’s face on*  That’s creepy as shit!
That is really creepy, just the [gesture Dwight did when he corrected himself]
“Look at that.  No charisma, no stage presence.”  I dunno, he’s [Dwight] doing pretty well.
*laughs reading the news bulletin bars on the TV being changed to ‘HahAhaHAhaHA’*
Oh my God!
Jesus God, where are all those wires attached to?!?
I don’t know...
If he [Jim] shoots his [Dwight’s] ass on live television, that would be the most karmic thing...
*Jim and the Strike Force infiltrate the studio*  Oh my God!
*Jim tackles Dwight to the ground*  Boom!  Hoo hoo!
That was a great quick panning shot.
*in dramatic voice*  Meanwhile at W Manor...
*raises eyebrows in shock when Selina tries to goad Bruce into fighting her*
“You know, the only reason she [Maria] came back to Gotham, the only reason she tracked me [Selina] down... was you [Bruce].”  Here’s my question:  how did she know her daughter and Bruce were a thing?
Yeah, that doesn’t add up.
How did that happen?  How did she figure that out?
*laughs at all the fans telling Dwight they love him*
This actor is having the time of his life.
Oh, he totally is.
“Where’s Dwight?”  “I saw a uni walking him that way.”  Ohhhh...
*Jim and Harvey find a dead cop*  Ohhh what is that [sticking out of the dead cop’s chest]?!?
Oh my God!
What is that?!?!?
*both yell and reel back in horror when Jerome starts stapling his face back on*
And that’s a prosthetic.
Jesus God.
And he [Jerome] actually sounds different from the first time we saw him because Theo stabbed him in the neck [in S2] and it hit his vocal cords.
“Say... you’re not mad, are you?”  “Mad?  What could I [Jerome] possibly be mad about?”  “Y’know, the whole... cutting off your face...”  Pfft!
“Oswald?”  *leans back in surprise*
*Oswald loses contact with Ed*  Ed’s probably like “Hell yeah!” and snaps the phone.
“Kane Chemicals!  Let’s go!  Move!”  You are walking right into a trap, Oswald.
“Hi.  Some you you may know... I died.”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“Tonight, Gotham, in the darkness... there are no rules.”  You keep pulling out these edgelord lines!  I know you can do better than that, dude.
“I [Jerome] don’t forgive you [Dwight] for my face.”  *tries to stifle a laugh*
“We need a bird [chopper] to go now!”  You guys aren’t gonna make it!  You’re not gonna make it!
*pops hand toward screen when the power plant blows*
*All the power goes*  Ohhhhhh schnap.
Oh shit!
*Closing title pops up*  Ohhh hoo hoo....
*reels back in surprise*  OK...
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gokinjeespot · 8 years
off the rack #1153
Monday, February 27, 2017
 That was a fun opening number for the Oscars telecast last night but I went to bed right after that. I haven't watched an awards show live in years. I can catch up with any interesting bits as folks share them later. Being an old coot is a lot simpler these days.
 February is on its way out and March is coming in like a lion with another cold snap for us here in Ottawa. Did that movie win anything? It hit me that I have three and a half more months to wait before I can go fishing again. Poopypants.
 Elektra #1 - Matt Owens (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Antonio Fabela & Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This one is called "Always Bet On Red" even though her new costume is mostly black. I love the new costume and the art is very nice. I see some similarities to Jamie McKelvie's and Kevin Maguire's styles and they are done well. The story is a little weak and those in the know will spot the villain right away. I'll read more as long as Juann draws it.
 Kamandi Challenge #2 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Neal Adams (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters). This one made me feel like I was back in the seventies again. The distinctive art will do that to you. If you remember last issue's cliffhanger you'll be surprised at how Peter solves the problem. The mention of New Gods gave a hint to how Kamandi was going to get out of this issue's tight spot and it's another cliffhanger on the last page. I don't know if I'm going to read the rest of this 12-issue Challenge because the situations are kind of silly. I am curious to see what other creative talents are lined up to do the rest though. I just have to wait and see as each issue hits the racks.
 The Old Guard #1 - Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). I have been enjoying Greg's work on Wonder Woman and he's got another wonderful woman in this new book named Andy. She leads a team of mercenaries but these battle tested warriors have a very handy advantage. There are hints to this advantage in the first few pages but it's still cool when you finally see what it is during their mission. This one gets added to my "must read" list.
 Uncanny Avengers #20 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Pepe Larraz (art) Dono Sanchez Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Mostly a Deadpool comic as he tries to fight the Red Skull who has control over his teammates. I think the Skull's ego will be his undoing.
 Wonder Woman #17 - Greg Rucka (writer) Liam Sharp (art) Laura Martin (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). You don't want to miss part 2 of "The Truth" as transitions are happening with some major players. That weapon featured on the cover of The Old Guard #1 is called a labrys, a Greek battle axe.
 Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #1 - Elaine Lee (writer) Michael Kaluta (art) Lee Moyer (colours) Todd Klein (letters). Weird futuristic comic books never die either. This creation first hit the racks in 1982 and me being a huge Kaluta fan I bought and read them. I couldn't really keep up with Elaine's stories but I didn't care because Mike's art was so pretty. 35 years later and this story still baffles me. I won't be reading the rest of this because it's too spacey, like far out man spacey. I got to admit though that the art is still beautiful.
 Scarlet Witch #15 - James Robinson (writer) Vanesa Del Rey (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is a book that would benefit from a more consistent look. There have been different artists on this title since it hit the racks and some have been more appealing than others. James's writing is some of his best work and Vanesa tells his story very well visually but I don't think a lot of fans would pick this up just from flipping through this issue checking out the art. It's too bad because this character has gone through some cool changes since this title started.
 Spider-Woman #16 - Dennis Hopeless (writer) Veronica Fish (art) Andy Fish (inking assistant) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This is one of those super hero versus super villains fight where it looks like the bad guys are going to win. You wonder how the good guys will survive and you keep waiting for it to happen and you can go phew. Spoiler alert: no one dies.
 Detective Comics #951 - James Tynion IV (writer) Christian Duce (art) Alex Sinclair (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). Part 1 of "League of Shadows" finds Batman framed for murder. I like this story's villain who we haven't seen for a while. There was a "what the?" moment when Batman gets shot fleeing the crime scene. I thought his costume could prevent bullets from penetrating. I guess they all don't.
 Champions #1.MU - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Ro Stein & Ted Brandt (art) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I have been picking and choosing which Monsters Unleashed tie-in books to read and I picked this one because I really like this new young team. Most of this issue is the team fighting a team of bad guys hired by Roxxon Oil to stop an environmental protest. The monsters only crash land near the end and the two teams team up to save the day. My favourite thing about the Champions is that they're young but have that sense of responsibility that makes them heroes. I would recommend reading this Monsters Unleashed tie-in.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #15 - Robert Venditti (writer) Ethan Van Sciver (art) Jason Wright (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Very few artists wow me almost every time I open up one of their comic books and Ethan Van Sciver is one of them. The detail he puts into every panel is astounding. I tend not to read team books but the solo adventures are keeping me interested. I am looking forward to seeing Guy Gardner duke it out with one of the bad Yellow Lanterns next issue.
 Hulk #3 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Nico Leon (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The tease continues with just one brief glimpse of She-Hulk. I like seeing this slow process of Jen's recovery and the building suspense of the mystery killer. The anticipation of her Hulking out and finding out what the connection is between the killer and one of Jen's clients keeps me reading.
 Action Comics #974 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Patch Zircher & Stephen Segovia (pencils) Patch Zircher & Art Thibert (inks) Ulises Arreola (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Whoa, way to make the mystery Clark Kent creepy there Dan. We're talking crazy stalker guy. This story crosses over with the Superman book so we only have to wait a week to find out what happens next. I like that.
 Spider-Gwen #17 - Jason Latour (writer) Robbi Rodriguez (art) Rico Renzi (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I had to read this for part 4 of "Sitting in a Tree" but I've got to admit that I like the way Jason handles these kids. Add a guest appearance by one of the Champions and it's a winner for me.
 Inhumans vs. X-Men #5 - Charles Soule & Jeff Lemire (writers) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). One more issue to go. I just want to see how Charles and Jeff resolve this conflict. My guess is that Forge and Moon Girl will figure out a way to trap all of the Terrigen cloud and somehow keep it from killing all the mutants. That way nobody dies.
 Amazing Spider-Man #24 - Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils) Cam Smith (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is a "Clone Conspiracy" tie-in. Please make it stop. The world has been saved so I hope they scale things back a little because I am getting jaded about these big events.
 Infamous Iron Man #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). If this doesn't convince you that Victor Von Doom has gone good then nothing will. This reunion of mother and son was very interesting especially when you get to the last panel. I don't know how Brian keeps coming up with these "what the?" moments but I'm glad he does. It's just no fun waiting for the next issue when that happens.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool #14 - Joe Kelly (writer) Ed McGuinness (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Nightcrawler guest stars as Spider-Man has a crisis of conscience. He can't figure out how to beat the mash-up killer Itsy Bitsy except for going all Punisher on her. I don't know if I'll read issues #15 and #16 because they are going to be crossovers with Deadpool. Something to do with Wade's demon wife Shiklah. I'll try to remember to pick up #17 off the racks when the Itsy Bitsy story resumes.
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