nuroful · 2 months
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sophia-zofia · 2 months
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ana-bananya · 6 days
Yumna Elhdari is raising funds to help her uncle, his wife, and their 4 children to evacuate from Sudan.
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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When the RSF militia overran West Darfur up to 700,000 African Masalit were able to flee on foot in to Eastern Chad given its proximity. In this clip from June is Chadian border guards urging refugees to run to the border as RSF militiamen were still firing on them, towards the end of the clip one of the border guards says they managed to shoot one. El Fashir is no where near the border, if the city falls there is no where to escape to from the militia. I’ve posted a lot on El Fashir today but this isn’t hyperbole the situation is critical!
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newsfrom-theworld · 27 days
Sudanese gfm
These are some Sudanese gfm that need your attention and their profiles; i will update the post if I find new fgm for Sudan.
1: Help Aalaa's family escape to safety
Aalaa's twitter accaunt
2: Help Abudjana rebuild after war
3: Help Mohamed leave Sudan
His twitter accaunt
5: Help Asjad and her Family Escape War in Sudan
Her twitter accaunt
6: Help Randa's Family flee war in Sudan
Her twitter accaunt
7: Help Asala and her family evacuate from Sudan
8: Support a community in Sudan
Twitter accaunt
9: Help support families in Kassab IDP camp
10: Help Jameela and her family escape the war in Sudan
11: Help a family escape the war in Sudan: one member suffers from Dystonia
12: Help Sai's family escape the war in Sudan
Twitter Accaunt
13: Help a family of eight to escape the war in Sudan
14: Support South Sudanese Evacuation from Sudan
15: Emergency funds for a family
16: Support Sakina's Family's Journey to Safety
Twitter accaunt
17: Help a mother and her two children escape the war in Sudan
18: Help-15-families evacuate El-Fashir, Darfur
19: Help a Sudanese family escape from war
Twitter accaunt
20: Help Ahmeds family to escape warzone in Sudan
His Twitter accaunt
21: Help a sudanese family with two autistic children escape war
22: Help a family of six escape Sudan
23: Help a family with two children evacuate from Sudan
Twitter accaunt
24: Help Rama Haran's family escape the war in Sudan
25: Help two sisters escape the war in Sudan
1: Support Families impacted by the war
Twitter accaunt
3: The Save El Geneina initiative which aims to provide services to all Sudanese
4: Help  Eman Abdel Rahman rebuild his life after his home was destroyed (@emooz-8)
Twitter accaunt
5: Help a family rebuild after war
6: Help Displaced Sudanese Families Pay for Food and Medicine
7: Assist a Sudanese family in covering basic needs
8: Support a Community Stuck In Sudan
1: Help Sudanese refugees stranded in Olala forests, Ethiopia
Keep Eyes On Sudan
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sscarletvenus · 15 days
150,000 Sudanese people killed after nearly fourteen months of continuous genocidal aggression and war. two and a half million projected to die by september as a result of manufactured famine. rage and resist on behalf of Sudan! RAISE YOUR VOICE. YOUR VOICE MATTERS. SPREAD AWARENESS AND DONATE TO FAMILIES TRYING TO ESCAPE.
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fairuzfan · 24 days
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Massacres and burning down of buildings and tents that civilians are in lined up both in El Fashir and Rafah.
Remember when I told y’all it was a parallel? Remember when we said the people of El Fashir and Rafah are all trapped there, impeding a genocide?
Now all that remains is ashes and charred bodies.
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anyab · 6 months
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Via NasAlSudan
Swipe through to learn about the ethnic cleansing, historical context, current events, and key factors contributing to the Genocide in Darfur. For actionable ways to make a difference, please it is @darfurwomenaction.
December 18 2023
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Darfur A region in western Sudan, consisting of 5 states and home to around 80 tribes of diverse ethnic makeup, consisting of African and Arab descent. Has a history of enduring social, political, and economic marginalization under past governments. Has been enduring a 20-year conflict known as the Darfur War (2003 - Present).
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What is happening today?
Using the cover of the war in Sudan and the SAF's preoccupation in the capital of 7 Khartoum, RSF forces almost immediately launched a genocidal assault in El-Geniena, the capital of West Darfur, against members of the Masalit tribe.
The brutal massacres and horrific reports of sexual assault and enslavement have prompted more than 500,000 to flee via the Western border to Chad since the conflict's start eight months ago.
Since June, RSF assaults in the Darfur region have led them to capture 4/5 states, with the group now controlling West, Central, South, and East Darfur. North Darfur and its capital of El-Fashir remain under the relative protection of the SAF and its allied groups.
In July, following international condemnation, the International Criminal Court (ICC) reported that it is opening investigations into the RSF on the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Key Alliances
Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF)
Justice and Equality Movement (Gibril Ibrahim)
Sudan Liberation Army (Minni Minawi)
GSLF (Salah Al-Wali)
Sudan Liberation Army (Mustafa Tambour)
Rapid Support Forces (RSF)
Bani Halba
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Darfur: The war in numbers
Humanitarian crisis:
*56 cases of reported rape including minors, male children, and one resulting in death. Sexual violence cases are significantly underreported due to limited capacity, infrastructure, support measures, and willingness to come forward.
At least 29 cities, towns and villages fully or partially destroyed across Darfur.
At least 5 million children are facing extreme deprivation of their rights and protection risks.
Mass abductions and enslavement have been reported, with women forced into sexual acts for basic needs and both genders traded by captors.
1.2 million children under five in the Darfur states are suffering from acute malnutrition. 218,000 of them facing severe acute malnutrition
Over 3,130 allegations of severe child rights violations Since mid-April
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Building historical context
The colonial era (1899 - 1956)
During the period of Anglo-Egyptian colonization, a policy of identity fragmentation was pursued that played on the division of Arab and Muslim versus African and Christian
The hierarchical identity separation was a form of erasure and marginalization of many, including ethnically African Muslims, as most of the population of Darfur is
Furthermore, building on the identity fragmentation policy, land allocation under the British was to ethnic groups rather than on an individual basis
The African tribes of the Fur and Masalit were allocated the largest swaths of land, especially in comparison to Arab tribes like the Rizeigat
This led to a domination of African tribes in Darfur post-independence and continued land and resource-based conflict between the Arab and African tribes in the region
The second Sudanese civil war (1983-2005)
Due to systemic marginalization and the violation of the Addis Ababa Peace Agreement that had ended the first Sudanese Civil War, rebel groups in the South led primarily by the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) rose against the central government in Khartoum in 1983
An estimated 2 million people were killed and 4 million displaced.
Unable to fend off SPLA alone, the central government armed members of the Arab tribes of Darfur (collectively known as the Baggara tribes) to help fight the war, particularly against displaced southerners who had fled towards Darfur and the Nuba Mountains regions of Sudan
The Baggara tribes now held a weapons advantage over African tribes
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Bashir era escalation (1994-1999) Under the government of deposed dictator Omar al-Bashir, a rigorous strategy of Arabization was pursued across Sudan
In 1994, Bashir divided the region of Darfur into 3 states: North, West and South Darfur
Altered the boundaries to make the ethnically African Fur tribe a minority in each state
In 1995, Bashir appointed 8 Arab emirs in West Darfur, which was dominated by the African Masalit, which led to the the outbreak of the Arab-Masalit War (1995-1999)
This was Darfur's second war, with the first being the Arab-Fur War (1987-1989) following the migration of Arab tribes to the southern Fur dominated region due to drought and famine
The rise of militias (1995 - 2003)
Stemming from the Baggara tribes armed by the government in the 80s, the Arab tribes banded together during the Arab-Masalit war to form a new militia, the Janjaweed
In response, the early 2000s witnessed the formation of many ethnically African militias (Fur, Masalit, Zaghawa) to challenge the central government, including:
Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) - 2001
Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) - 2003
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) - 2003
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Declaration of the Darfur war(2003)
In March of 2003, a government helicopter was shot down by SLM/A, marking the start of the Darfur War
Rebel attacks were highly coordinated and army resources were depleted from the fight in the South against SPLA
By May of 2003, the central government realized that it had lost the first 32 of 34 battles
Prompted the Bashir government in June of 2003 to escalate the war through the arming of the Janjaweed to fight as a proxy for the central government
Genocide in Darfur (2003 - 2005)
The Darfur genocide marks the systematic killing of ethnically African Darfuri people at the hands of the Bashir government and Janjaweed, constituting the first genocide of the 21st century.
Typified by systematic targeted assaults, mass displacement, sexual violence, and intentional obstruction of aid, all contributing factors leading to its classification as genocide.
Targeted the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups, of which, over 300,000 people were killed and millions displaced, with 400,000 refugees forced to seek shelter in camps in neighboring Chad.
Ethnic divisions served as fuel for the conflict, exemplified by the derogatory term "abd" (slave) used against the ethnically African Darfuri population.
In 2009, al-Bashir became the first sitting head of state indicted by the ICC for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and was later on charged with genocide
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FAQ - From the Janjaweed to the RSF
Question 01 What happened to the Janjaweed?
The paramilitary group was formalized by al-Bashir in 2013 as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and legally incorporated into the security sector in 2017
Question 02: Who makes up the RSF today?
Today, the RSF is primarily comprised of members of western Arab tribes from across the Sahel including the: Rizeigat, Taaysha, Beni Halba, Habbaniya, Salamat, Messeria, Tarjam, and Beni Hussein
Due to the lucrative pay and benefits offered by the RSF, members of these tribes from Chad, Niger, Mali have all joined the ranks of the RSF in this war
Question 03 What about the rebels?
Though groups like JEM and SLA fought in the Darfur War against the central government and the Janjaweed, today they have allied with the SAF to fight the RSF in its campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Masalit
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How the system works
Systems of oppression
Resource Competition Climate change coupled with competition for scarce resources exacerbated intercommunal conflict. Darfur's arid environment heightened competition for scarce resources, such as water and arable land, exacerbating tensions between herding Arab groups and farming African tribes.
Historical Grievances Historical disparities in land distribution, dating back to colonial times, created resentment between Arab and African communities. The distribution favored African tribes, fostering a sense of marginalization among the Arab tribes.
Government Policies The Sudanese government, historically dominated by Arab elites, pursued exclusionary policies that favored Arabization and Islamization. This contributed to the marginalization of non-Arab ethnic groups, particularly in Darfur.
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Armed Conflict The Second Sudanese Civil War (1983- 2005) set the stage for Darfur's conflict. As the government armed Arab militias, known as the Janjaweed, during the civil war, these militias continued their operations in Darfur post-war, targeting non-Arab communities.
Ethnic and Racial Divisions The conflict took on ethnic and racial dimensions, with the government's targeting of African tribes and creating the Janjaweed against the ethnically African Darfuri population. This fueled animosity and contributed to the genocide.
Resource Competition The Janjaweed and Sudanese government engaged in systematic violence, including targeted assaults, mass displacement, sexual violence, and obstructing aid. These tactics aimed to weaken and destabilize the targeted communities, constituting genocidal acts.
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emooz-8 · 24 days
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Doctors Without Borders: 134 Killed and 979 injured in El-Fashir. The death toll is likely to be much higher. It is difficult to confirm due to telecoms blackout and the difficulty of delivering relief materials and aid.
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world-smitten · 23 days
help 15 families evacuate Darfur
“As fighting and terror ravishes El Fashir, North Darfur, many families are once again displaced and fearful for their lives. 
We’re in touch with 15 families who are looking to evacuate as urgently as possible out of Darfur. These families consist of primarily younger children and women.  
They’ll need about 13-14 thousand USD to make the journey and settle. Any additionalamounts will go towards their accommodations and necessities like food.  
They plan on making the journey to South Sudan but we will keep you updated on if this changes! 
A bit more context:
This will be sent through western union to a friend from Darfur who is currently safe in another East African country who will the transfer the funds to an organizer in Darfur that’s helping facilitate travel for these 15 families.”
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nuroful · 1 month
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ana-bananya · 4 days
Boosting some fundraisers
‼️ indicates that a fundraiser has experienced a decrease in donations or has been without donations for some time
Help my family and I to evacuate from Gaza, organized by Shaymaa Abudalu  ($34,602 CAD/$50,000 CAD) ‼️
Help evacuate Mahmoud's family out of Gaza (€136,040/€150,000)
Help Al Helou family from Gaza ($80,352/$110,000)
Help Save Hassan's Orphans ($21,192/$38,000)
Support Surgeon Serving Gaza City ($154,529/$220,000)
Amal for Women
Help dialysis patients in Sudan
Help Yumna's Family Escape War in Sudan ($3,531/$5,000)
Sudan Emergency Appeal
Help Mehad's Family Fly to Hope ($1,268/$5,000 - VERY low on funds)
Support Emmanuel's Peace African Hope Orgaization ($1,618/$5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
30 Days 30 Hopes for Congo, organized by Focus Congo, Melodie Mutombo, and Team Congo (€13,199/€30,000)
Donate to the Humanitarian Crisis in Congo , organized by Focus Congo and Elvis Katoto (£2,155/10,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($350 CAD/$3,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Care for Congo, organized by Posterity International and Focus Congo ($10,471/$70,000 - VERY low on funds)
Donate to the Humanitarian crisis in northwest Nigeria ($1,927 CAD/$15,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Claire Aid Foundation
See my pinned post for more places to donate
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soon-palestine · 3 days
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A Cousin of mine spoke to a childhood friend of hers today, who just arrived in Libya after escaping from El Fashir with her family. She describes a horrific situation in the city. The RSF’s almost daily shelling is killing countless civilians and neighbourhoods that the RSF have managed to enter have been totally abandoned because they are entering homes and executing entire households if they are خضر (dark skinned). All indications are that if Al Fashir falls then the same genocidal massacres inflicted in El Geniena and Ardamata will be repeated in Al Fashir
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newsfrom-theworld · 19 days
Getting super annoyed with the big Pro-Palestine/ Pro-Sudan accounts with massive platforms who are only sharing the oppression and massacres but not the fundraiser campaigns as well
some campaings for Sudan in urgent need of donations:
Help Aalaa and her family escape to safety ( very urgent)
Help Asjad and her family escape to safety
Help 15 families evacuate El Fashir, Darfur
some campaings for Gaza in urgent need of donations:
Help Muhammad Al-Naffar and his family in their struggle to survive
Help Mahmoud’s Family Evacuate for Urgent Medical Care
Help Reham Alswaisi get her family out of Gaza
Help Aseel and her family evacuate from Gaza
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip
Even 5$ matters, if we all do our part we will get these people to safety!
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dzthenerd490 · 27 days
Daily News Post
Hundreds walk out of Harvard commencement after 13 pro-Palestine protestors barred from graduating (bostonherald.com)
UK opposition leader supports recognition of Palestine - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
As international support for an independent Palestine grows, here’s what Israelis and Palestinians now think of the two-state solution (theconversation.com)
Putin Wants Ceasefire In Ukraine—Here’s What Russia Gains (forbes.com) (Putin is scared but doesn't want to admit defeat)
Russian jamming of U.S. weapons in Ukraine forces Pentagon to adjust - The Washington Post
Hungary will seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orbán says | AP News
Russia smashes train tracks in a battered Ukrainian border region where children are being evacuated (yahoo.com)
Sudan war: UN expert warns of genocide in Darfur city of El Fasher (bbc.com)
World ignoring risk of Sudan genocide - UN expert (yahoo.com)
Tens of thousands flee as paramilitaries attack Sudan’s al-Fashir, activists say | World News - The Indian Express
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rmechmachines · 3 days
PP Article Scrap Plastic Washing Plant Machinery in Sudan
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R Mech Machines LLP Provides PP Article Scrap Plastic Washing Plant Machinery in Sudan. R Mech Machines LLP is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Plastic Scrap Turbo Washing Machines, Plastic Scrap Grinder Machines, Plastic Scrap Shredder Machines, Blade Sharpening Machines, Screw Press Squeezer Machines, Friction Washer Machines in Ahmedabad. We are a Manufacturer of PP Article Scrap Plastic Washing Plant Machinery in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The Plastic Article Waste Washing Line from R Mech Machines LLP is designed for washing article flakes and chips (article grade material) such as LDPE, HDPE, PP, and ABS in a batch system. This washing plant automates the process of cleaning waste materials. The article-grade material is fed directly onto a conveyor belt, proceeds to the cutting unit, then moves to the washing unit, and finally enters the drying unit. The final product is in flakes or chips form, achieving a cleanliness of 95%-98% and moisture content of 80%-90%. Materials undergo washing with Caustic Soda and clean water. The washing line features SS material for parts in contact with water and MS for the structure. Industries Served: Plastic Manufacturing: Providing recycled materials as feedstock for new plastic production. Waste Management: Supporting municipalities and waste management companies in enhancing recycling capabilities. Environmental Initiatives: Partnering with organizations committed to reducing plastic pollution and promoting circular economy principles. R Mech Machines LLP Provides PP Article Scrap Plastic Washing Plant Machinery in Sudan and various locations like Omdurman, South Darfur, Khartoum, Khartoum North, Nyala, Port Sudan, El-Obeid, Kassala, Wad Madani, El-Gadarif, Al-Fashir, Red Sea, North Kordofan, Kassala, Gezira, Al Qadarif, North Darfur. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: PP Article Scrap Plastic Washing Plant Machinery Read the full article
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