whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Reblog so that the creature will come to you. Like to enhance their power.
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spiraleyedlore · 2 years
imagine me as some eldrich deity fucking you. you in my lap, my dick pounding into you, while my hand is around your head, pulling your hair while eldrich runes circle around it, your eyes rolling back in pleasure and madness
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aesstog · 1 year
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warrior’s facade
armour once worn by a great and mighty warrior, now inhabited by a feeble scourge, desperate for purpose.
Just what makes a warrior? their armour, or their strength?
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pestiferouspoet · 6 months
Ok monsterfuckers, I have a “challenge” for you. It’s in quotation marks because it’s probably already been done, and even if it hasn’t, we’re some creative bastards.
How would you dom a tentacle monster? Reader can be whatever gender you want, but the monster is a bit more hard-defined. When I say tentacle monster, I don’t mean the Scylla brand (regular person who happens to have tentacles, like an octopus person). I mean poking through a portal, grabbing onto you, holding you up in the air, don’t even know if it has a face kind of monster. How would you dom that?
I’m genuinely curious, but I don’t really have a reward for you if you do figure it out. I guess your reward could be me commissioning a story like that, but I am not in a place financially to do that.
Bottom line is, I am curious, and want to do research, and this is the best way I know how
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yousadclownofaman · 6 days
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Endless Dungeon - Nebula Witch
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raccoonwiththeknife · 7 months
i wanna fuck an eldritch horror to get an incomprehensible orgasm
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bugsoda · 1 year
something about nature brings out an incredibly dark and violent urge in me
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voided-peach · 4 months
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Ready for the masquerade
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talos-stims · 6 months
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BEQUEATH THESE SEEDS, by Casey Curran | source
ID: a gifset showing several closeup shots of a kinetic sculpture, comprised of several ornate and vaguely floral pods made of thin gold wire and shiny black metal or resin. each pod has several small black petals that move gently up and down, in time with the rest of the petals. the last gif shows the mechanism of gold chain and wooden support beams underneath the sculpture, making it move.
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alexmey-does-an-arts · 10 months
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girlies is it gay to gently hold the hairlike tendrils of the eldrich being you found in the forest
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vreskah · 8 months
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Ref of Chaeros and Satronos
OCs of mine
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Most interdimensional entities that humans consider horrifying demons and eldrich horrors actually consider humans pretty dangerous unless they're actively trained fighters. Your average extraplaner being isn't used to dealing with a species that evolved to hunt in groups, and developed to survive in violent scenarios.
Most final girl situations happen because young entities deeply underestimate that humans have such a strong will to live, and are willing to fight back agasint a stronger foe. Most older entities keep at bay for this very reason, which is why you just see them stranding around being creepy.
That pale long limbed cryptid you spotted in a subway station moved so quickly because it doesn't want to end up near you. That shadow person whose hovering over you in the woods is trying to observe you, but it will teleport away if anyone comes near it for a good reason.
And that doppelganger that's standing by your door at night just wants to observe you too. He was smart to try to copy your roommate's face, but he doesn't realize how good humans are at recognizing eachother's faces, and that his copy will be disturbing to any human who sees it. And he got way to reckless with his movements and bad attempts to imitate human speech. Trying to trick the human who he wants to study into coming to his dimensions is an even bigger mistake, especially since he didn't realize how quickly the human would catch on. He's soon going to learn things he should have read up on before hand: humans will try to attack things they're afraid of if they can't run away, humans can use almost any hard object as a weapon by holding it and swinging, and that those decorations on your wall are called 'swords' and were not originally designed as decorations...
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x-raykinks · 11 months
Wouldn't you want an eldrich pet?
A being you can't tell exactly how many eyes or mouths it has, but you know it looks at you salivating when you undress. It has the strength to crush you with one tentacle, but carefully wraps its winding limbs around your ankles as they pull them apart. A being that can tell your thoughts just by touching you, and truly knows how much you love it, and tells you the same with words sent into your soul rather than your ears. One that literally melts at your touch before reforming and giving you undivided attention. One that is honestly curious about everything about your life and world. One that can't judge you for how monstrous you may feel.
More eldrich pets.
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srutis · 2 years
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OC monstification doodle comm
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aesstog · 1 year
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puerileaccismus · 1 year
I know everyone likes to depict eldritch gods as scary and apathetic to us, but I don't think they'd hurt us or anything. They'd probably just pick us up with a cup and paper and put us back outside. Like a spider.
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