#Elr writes about writing
maize-is-lost · 1 year
Magolor getting isekai'd into the Kirby Clash universe provides an opportunity to say "okay but what if Magolor specifically got isekai'd into 'x' universe" while he is both at his most powerful but still a sopping wet creature coming off a traumatic experience. Like you could do that. Imagine all the situations you could put him in.
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pingnova · 1 year
Generative "AI", American copyright, and fanworks
Many folks have questions about what generative "AI" tools mean for copyright - and fanworks like fanfic and fanart. I've compiled here a list of basic reading on the status of fanworks in the copyright world and what AI is, as well as an evolving list of legal coverage of machine-made works.
The short and dirty:
Fanworks are not legally derivative, they are transformative, which you might recognize from the name of Ao3's parent org the Organization for Transformative Works. Generative "AI" content is derivative, which is not legally allowed without proper licensing. Fanfiction and AI output aren't the same thing, but corporations would like you to think so. They'd like you to think anything if it meant they could once again gain the momentum to change copyright law in their favor, whether that meant scrapping it or expanding it to their tastes. The articles I include can hopefully help elaborate.
The basics of fanwork and copyright law:
Rebecca Tushnet, Legal Fictions: Copyright, Fan Fiction, and a New Common Law, 17 Loy. L.A. Ent. L. Rev. 651 (1997). https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/elr/vol17/iss3/8 (full text, pdf)
Fanworks rely on fulfilling the transformative portion of the fair use test in copyright law. They also shouldn't make money, in order to not compete with the original work.
Can generative AI output or training material be fair use? Overview of case law as we wait for the outcome of multiple lawsuits addressing this question. (Sep 22 2023)
What is the "AI" we keep hearing about anyway?
Statistics, machine learning, and artifical intelligence are the same thing - but "AI" rakes in more cash and acclaim
Generative AI is derivative and can only create what it has been fed, which perpetuates social ills but also illustrates what it really is - not human "intelligence", but a statistical machine
For example, fanfiction generated by a number of the free big name tools somehow manages to be straight and confusingly narrated
Why are corporations so invested in generative AI? AI in general?
An interview with an AI engineer who uses AI to generate endless patent applications - to profit from ideas before they are even invented
If corporations all use the same AI to fix housing prices as a cartel, they want the feds to agree its the machine's fault, not theirs
Even if generative AI improves to the point that it is totally unbiased and can write just as well as a human, it is still a machine. A tool, not a person. Corporations will try to scapegoat it by confusing the conversation.
Recent coverage on AI and copyright:
DC copyright court strikes down machine ownership: copyright protection is only for humans (Aug 18 2023)
Generative AI use core issue in Writer's Guild strike and eventual studio agreement (Sep 27 2023)
Thompson Reuters suit against AI company that trained on TR's content goes to jury trial (Sep 26 2023)
Official links
US Copyright Office homepage for their coverage on AI investigations (continuously updated)
Congressional research report on the issue of AI use and copyright law (Sep 29 2023)
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yazthebookish · 2 years
Since I haven't written a long post on here in a while I'm just going to sort of a refresher post on how the narrative supported Gwynriel from my reading experience while reading ACOSF.
I would also put a reminder here that I wasn't a hardcore shipper in the fandom before ACOSF and wasn't really involved in the fandom pre-ACOSF, so I was pretty much a casual reader and wasn't motivated by a certain ship or something to push an "agenda" to spite other shippers, because as I said I wasn't a hardcore shipper of any of the ACOTAR characters I was happy with Rowaelin so I already won.
But fun fact, I always had a gut feeling a new character might be Azriel's endgame. I loved Azriel but I wasn't convinced of any of the current options. I didn't think Elr*el had much because a lot of their interactions were open to interpretation and 3 brothers and 3 sisters is just very convenient and uninteresting. I have to give it to them the fanart was pretty and made them more appealing (I even had a few Elriel and Elucien art saved on my old Pinterest ACOTAR board) this was before I shipped Az with anyone.
I've always been the type of reader who will go with whatever SJM will write because I enjoy everything she writes despite their flaws. Her books give me so much comfort.
Moving on.
I read purely for Nessian but I was also looking forward to how Azriel's journey would be set up. I think even in one of my older Instagram posts before ACOSF I mentioned how excited I was to see how SJM is going to set up Azriel's journey because she gave him a bonus chapter from his POV and that alone made many readers assume the book after ACOSF is his.
I adored Gwyn from the moment I met her because it was so fun to see someone just be a tad snarky with Nesta. Gwyn wasn't all that friendly with her they were still testing the waters around each other but the more we read about her the more we saw an amazing character. I can tell Sarah enjoyed writing Gwyn because she got a lot of moments of spotlight in ACOSF and we will get back to that.
Now let's talk about Gwynriel.
I think one of the most important things people need to remember is, this is not a ship that came out of nowhere. If some casual readers say they didn't see much of it then that's valid (it's true Gwynriel are not romantically involved at this stage) but when there are other casual readers like myself who brought it up and said it's clear to us SJM is setting them up, why is that invalidated?
Eventually I wasn't just a casual reader I got heavily involved in the fandom and became an active Gwynriel fan. I was pretty thrilled about it after ACOSF and their future potential and was starving for more content from other fans.
I personally find it silly when people claim that Gwynriel is a crackship or made up. Its totally valid to prefer other ships and not be fan of it, it's not cool to invalidate what readers picked up on what the author put in her own book. Interpretation will differ and people will have different meanings for those crumbs, but regardless they are right there in the text.
Let's remember that this is an unfinished series. The author can throw in new crumbs that could establish something in the next book. We will know for sure in the next book.
In time it can be proven true or false, but Sarah has a pattern and her writing style can be predictable sometimes. She is not a subtle writer and she confirmed while talking about Azriel she threw in crumbs in ACOSF and in his bonus chapter and was looking forward to see what theories readers will come up with. That is confirmed by her, but readers will have different interpretations to what those crumbs mean. Me, as a casual reader that went into this book with no expectations, finished it thinking she is setting up Gwyn and Azriel (and at this point I still haven't read the bonus chapter. Now, after reading the bonus chapter it confirmed to me what I suspected while reading the book itself and I thought they were likely be mates). The bonus chapter to me was more in favor of Gwyn than it was for Elain because when the reader finished reading that chapter they are left with how it ended: Azriel burying the image of Gwyn's joy in his chest.
But the popular argument is the bonus chapter is not accessible for everyone and that's true. The bonus chapter gives us a hint to what's going to come up in the next book. Now, people have different interpretations to what the bonus chapter is hinting at but it still made people talk about Gwyn. Whether readers think they're mates, whether she's a Lightsinger, it just proves how the narrative placed Gwyn within Azriel's circle and this doesn't apply to the bonus chapter alone this applies to the book itself.
Now, we need to remember that ACOSF was narrated through Nesta and Cassian's POVs and so it won't focus on developing a romance off-page because no one wants that but it can still establish a connection or a future set up for certain characters. The narrative repeatedly paid attention to Azriel and Gwyn's interactions. It doesn't matter if it's romantic or platonic, Azriel was around other priestesses and Emerie (who we never saw interact with on page) but what the narrative kept bringing up is the interactions between Azriel and Gwyn even if they were subtle.
Sarah is known to leave subtle crumbs that she can build on later and it makes sense because Gwyn is a new character but I would dare say among the secondary characters in Nessian's book, she got more development than the other characters and Sarah left quite a few threads that she can connect Gwyn to (The crossover, Autumn court, Valkyries/Illyrian conflict, mysterious parentage, etc.) and she also established her healing journey and left it unresolved (her wanting to leave the library, her saying she still feels guilty over Catrin's death despite training, her not wearing the priestesses stone yet). This is why Emerie was a bit more in the background because Sarah did not put her in the spotlight as much as she did with Gwyn and we definitely want to see more of her and hope we do n the future books.
There would be an argument on why would Sarah dismiss potential ships that were there since ACOWAR and go for a new character. Let's remember that ACOWAR was published in 2017 and ACOFAS in 2018 while ACOSF was in 2021. Plenty of time passed and this is the reason Sarah herself explains why she never confirms ships—it's because she gets surprised where her characters take her on their journeys and there was even one interview where she said a new ship could pop up and she could go for that even if she had a different ship in mind originally. And to be frank, we can argue endlessly about what she had always planned but in reality no one knows anything. She's an author that could change a ship on a whim and still make it make sense and write a beautiful story for them. Even Gwynriel is not safe, Azriel could have an entirely different romantic partner in the next book that isn't Gwyn or Elain only because Sarah liked that option better.
So I feel like invalidating something based on what she wrote pre-2018 especially for ships doesn't really hold up. She already retconned two events from ACOMAF and ACOWAR in ACOSF so what she wrote in the past could not be that relevant in what she writes in the present day (and that depends). Azriel had shown romantic interest in Mor in ACOMAF, ACOWAR and ACOFAS. His interactions with Elain since ACOWAR were open to interpretation and based on how the fandom is divided on that can be interpreted as for either and again, bonus chapter isn't accessible for anyone so no one will know they almost kissed. It's not about who has the most interactions, it's about who is being set up as the endgame couple in the main novel eventually.
We also need to bear in mind that changing romantic endgames does not impact the overarching plot because if the author wants the new couple to be involved in that she can easily tie them to it without justifying why she wanted to do that change.
Now back to Gwynriel. As I said the narrative paid special attention to some of their interactions and Sarah making Gwyn a unique case when it comes to how Azriel's shadows react to her compared to everyone else is such a big thing. It was written intentionally and because she was a unique case many readers picked that up. It's spoken about a lot regardless of how the theories differ.
ACOSF made the fandom speak a lot about Azriel and Gwyn whether it's someone who is an anti or a fan. She is placed by the author in Azriel's circle there's no denial about that because even antis theorize about her role in Azriel's story since the connection is there.
So someone could be like "hey show me where they are romantic or confess their love for each other" that doesn't really kill that possibility because the crumbs are there, in an SJM book that what matters. We had Chaol and Yrene as an example of a couple that met in one book and fell in love. Gwyn and Azriel, if they're getting the next book, at least had a set up prior to their book. Many readers speak about the set up they have and what that could lead into in the future. Ultimately, what matters is what happens in the future and that's why I believe with what we have now it's likely going the Gwynriel route.
Am I saying this with 100% certainty? nope because I'm not the author but the last book published is what convinced me that it has a high chance of happening.
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When elr**ls make things like this is when I just want lucien to be with someone completely different than elain..this is such a gross way to disrespect lucien and this is why I hate that bonus chapter scene. elain had no consideration or respect for lucien. at least feyre was graceful enough to say she didn’t feel comfortable fooling around with rhys since tamlin was staying the night in the same palace and didn’t want him to know or be hurt. elain didn’t even think of lucien it seemed like, she just seemed fully absorbed in az and this art just made my perception of that scene worse
I am very rarely exposed to the e/riel side of tumblr, so seeing this was honestly really disturbing. I think Elain has a lot of shit to work through, and honestly so does lucien. SJM could have had them have a secret relationship behind everyone’s back and it would have been believable, but she didn’t. Instead, we got Az to admit he never thought of their relationship beyond the physical aspects. I did reply in another ask about how I think that Elain and Az are using each other to put off dealing with their respective trauma. I think Elain going after Az has a much bigger picture behind it that we haven’t really thought of yet.
At the end of the day, I do find this artwork extremely rude and hurtful towards lucien. Like him or not, he is soul bound to Elain for the rest of their lives even if she rejects him. They are always going to feel each others deepest emotions and will always know if the other is in trouble. SJM loves her mated pairs, that is just how she loves to write. It’s not a secret she thinks Elain and lucien will have a lot of healing and tension and growth with each other, and even in recent interviews she still groups them together as a couple. In her mind, they are endgame. When that comes out, all of these hateful and spiteful people will need to find a new sinking ship to sink their bitterness into.
The artwork, despite how unnerving it is, is very beautiful and the artist did an excellent job.
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thepartyponies · 2 years
So as a man who's read TQT (Especially book 1 The Thief) what's your take on Eugenides' character and more specifically the claim that he reads like a girl wrote him
well it's been a little bit since i've read book 1 but i suppose you could say that he reads a bit different from how a lot of male authors write, but i don't know if i can entirely express exactly how. obviously there's the lack of typical Gross Male Author tropes but that's not universal for the demographic so i'll put that aside.
I like Gen, but not entirely in the same way as i like, say, Sophos in ACoK, or luke skyw*lker or percy j*ckson. A bit more like a neat spider i'm looking at with a magnifying glass: i want to See what he Does.
as the story continues through the series you get more of a sense of his heart and kindness, but he's still very much a Creacher; that never really goes away. kind of like edward elr*c in that sense but not exactly (female author there too, huh, go figure).
he's got plenty of ego and bravado and vanity, but i don't know if i'd ever call him "manly". (i don't want to get tied up in hashing out gender stereotypes but there's just a general Vibe, you know? an impression.)
maybe it's that male authors write male characters from inside them, relating to them, 1st person thought process regardless of narrative pov, while female authors write male characters a little more outside-in? idk i'm just spitballing here, i'm currently trying to write a compelling female character so i've been thinking about these things.
But even so I'd say that most of the other male queen's thief characters are are a bit more comfortable in their status as men, a bit more familiar and relatable. but they're also not the Main Character, in the greater sense of the series. Maybe Gen's just Gen. "One of God's own prototypes, never intended for mass production" or however the line goes.
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whump-and-suffering · 4 months
Characters I plan to write for and their tags
I'm starting an emoji tagging system so I don't have to always worry about slashes.
All these are for snz and other whump.
Under cut:
R\\ff R\\ff: 👽 (yes all three of them are aliens but I have vanilla friends who use the gun emoji for him)
M\\g\\nta: 💋
Fr\\nk: 🌭(for the pun)
Sp\\ke: 🧛🏼‍♂️(Sp\\ke/Dru era only)
G\\les: ☕
X - M\\n (comics, 70s/80s era)
M\\gn\\to: 🧲(if I can get over the part where snz of him reminds me of a old, old fic with bad stuffy talk that I loved when I was too young to know better... other whump of him is fine... I'd like to do snz of him one day)
W\\lv\\rine: 🍺(why is there no Canada flag emoji or something... sorry L\\g\\n you are represented by beer now)
Fr\\nk\\enstein (yes the book)
The Creature: 🔩(I want to write him getting a cold for the first time one day. Will probably be a one-off fic really but might as well make a tag.)
Elr\\nd : 🧝🏻‍♂️(might need to brush up on lore first)
R\\s\\dent Ev\\l
This is not a main fandom of mine and I'll only do it for requests--I know it well enough to write, I'm just not that motivated to write it.
Currently the only character I'm writing, for a request, is...
W\\lliam B\\rkin: 👨🏼‍🔬
I'll make tags for others if I get requests for them. Note that while I love W\\sker he's a close vanilla friend's main blorbo and they're into whump so the idea of writing him makes me nervous in case they find it and find this blog. But one day I might find the courage.
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mydyspraxiablog · 6 months
Now going tell about bullying received on the buses and church but won't say where bullying start but going write what bullied say to me only say it make ware help further Dyspraxia that don't have go through what I went but don't mean upset but not leaving anything elrs as true happon to me.
Before lock down was promble was in one church and one person say " I be working with learn difficulty all my life don't want sit on my table " Maybe should not have shap lost temper reject beside at time Riched fellowship close down moving to Making Space at was another big mistake.
Then going on Stoke on hospital and got on bus " On my break " Are you deaf"" Then bus return to Royel Stoke hospital take home " Are you hidecape I don't open the door.
More what say ?
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Low volatility could prove to be a good advantage for Bitcoin. Spot buyers seemed prepared to give BTC a much-needed push, and derivatives players were not left out as well. Bitcoin’s [BTC] volatility has remained low over the last three months, causing the king coin to consolidate between $25,000 and $26,000. Interestingly, at press time, BTC was back above $27,000.  Read Bitcoin’s [BTC] Price Prediction 2023-2024 This increase triggered a good level of cheer among market participants. Don’t write off BTC yet On 18 September, Halving Cycles creator CryptoCon opined that low volatility did not entirely push BTC out of bullish territory. He, however, mentioned that the drop to $25,000 was similar to 2015, when Bitcoin returned to its lows. Even with the last drop in price, #Bitcoin 3-month volatility remains extremely low. Volatility this low has never been seen outside of bullish price activity. Then how did we just get the drop from 29k to 25k? This scenario is starting to look just like… pic.twitter.com/QY4RPvhe8r — CryptoCon (@CryptoCon_) September 17, 2023 Using the annual realized volatility, CryptoCon concluded that the decrease in volatility would end up being bullish for Bitcoin again. For context, the annual realized volatility measures what happened in the past. It also acts as a standard deviation of returns from the mean return of a market. High values of the metric indicate high risk in the market. However, the annual realized volatility was very low at the time of writing, meaning BTC had a high chance of increasing. Moreover, investors who buy even around $27,000 might be buying at a much lower value compared to the price the coin might hit in the near future.   Armed and ready for big bets It also seemed that traders shared the same sentiment as the analyst. This was revealed by the Estimated Leverage Ratio (ELR). The ELR shows how much leverage is used by users on average by dividing the Open Interest by the coin reserve. An increase in the ELR indicates that investors are talking about high leverage derivate trades. On the other hand, a decrease implies caution in betting on the asset. From CryptoQuant’s data, the ELR had fallen since 14 August.  Source: CryptoQuant But at press time, the metric was back in the upward direction. This was confirmation of traders’ bias in increasing BTC-related contracts. Away from the derivatives market, another metric to consider is the Stablecoin Supply Ratio (SSR). At least, this metric would help determine the sentiment around the spot market. Is your portfolio green? Check out the BTC Profit Calculator By definition, SSR is the ratio of a coin’s market cap relative to the aggregate market cap of all stablecoin. High values of SSR mean high selling pressure and a potential price decrease. Meanwhile, low values of the SSR imply potential buying pressure and possible price rise. At press time, Bitcoin’s SSR was very low at 7.55. This meant that investors were equipped with enough stablecoins to buy BTC, and subsequently, the coin may rise well above $27,000 soon. Source: CryptoQuant Source
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dykesapphics · 1 year
El Cazador De La Bruja, ep 20! This time without screenshots since I'm writing this on my phone the day after watching it. Sorry!
Let's get L.A. out of the way first, as we often do. Man's upset! Ellis was a bit too close to Nadie for his liking, and he intends to do something about it. Very homophobic. His obsession drives him to get the cops of the specific town to cooperate with him to capture Nadie to separate her from Ellis, and ultimately kill her.
We see Lirio and Ricardo again, yay! They get Ellis to safety after Nadie is captured, and ensure she doesn't rush into danger to save her. Lirio and Ellis' bond continues to be adorable :} Ricardo has yet another heart to heart with Nadie, giving her some advice and basically giving Ellinad his approval. He continues to be the best guy of the series!
So now, we get to Ellis and Nadie. The way they worked together when the cops tried to catch them was so fluid, such a shame that Nadie failgirled her way into getting caught. Ellis, poor girl, felt responsible for Nadie, saying that Nadie always protected her and she wanted to do something for her, too. She even cried :(
L.A. got impatient and went to attack Nadie, who did not have her gun on her! What a loser, going after someone unarmed! Nadie did however still have her skills, so she managed to hold her own until ELR got to the prison. Ellis shielded Nadie from L.A.'s weapon and just straight up tackled him to the ground.
Here's where the interesting stuff happens; L.A., in an attempt to separate Ellinad, tells Ellis that Nadie initially stuck with her because she was paid to do so. Ellis responds by doing her witch thing and setting his crotch on fire. It's a very intereting visual and ellicits a very interesting reaction from L.A.! His plan however did not work, since Ellis stuck by Nadie, as we all knew she would <3
Finally, Ellis told L.A. that they should stop "this", whatever that is (L.A. is confused too!). She also said "Nadie is Nadie. That's enough for me." which, awwww <3 She's so whipped for her <333
Side note, Ellinad + L.A. continue to remind me of Bumbleby + Adam. RWBY fans come over here pspsps
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elrhiarhodan · 3 years
Ask game: 1 and 23 💕
Thank you for asking!
1: Is writing cathartic or stressful for you?
Both? Up until joining the SW fandom, I had always kept my WIPs under wraps until they were complete (or nearly complete), but I had fallen into a terrible rut of never completing anything. I have about a half-million words sitting forlornly in various fandoms with no endings (even though I know how each of those stories are supposed to end). I would write two or three thousand words a day on a fic until got bored and moved on to something else, and then go back when the muse struck. But without a publishing schedule, I didn't feel any kind of urgency to finish anything. The few times that I did publish unfinished stories did not go well (looking at you, Cold Wind to Valhalla).
But I enjoyed myself immensely and I am proud of those unfinished stories and I read them and get annoyed that they aren't done. My curse is that I have a linear brain, and I can't work on multiple disconnected stories at once. So, if I want to keep going with what I'm currently committed to, I can't afford to go back to what I haven't finished.
That is a little stressful. Also, for the first time, I'm committed to a weekly publishing schedule, and except for illness, I've managed to stick to it. It's keeping me on track, but it's also not an easy thing when I've never done it before.
23: What’s one piece of advice you would give to anyone who wants to start writing or posting their writing online?
Know where your story is going. You don't have to have it intricately plotted out, all the details ironed out, but you should know where you want it to end and how you want to get there. I think most of the abandoned stories I've read have been abandoned because the writer didn't have any kind of endgame in sight when they started, and thus lost interest because the journey became pointless.
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akkivee · 2 years
you know what maybe its because of the writers of teh song like composers and erangers
thats why first drb is more feral then the second?
otherwise i have no idea as death respect is the most feral battel song yet
could be!! idk how much direction/oversight evil line records wields over the artists they choose, but i do think they choose them based on a particular sound they’ve put out before and want that for their characters. but that would also mean elr specifically chose those artists for that sound so they did intend for the first drb to rock harder than the second just in general lol
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arlenianchronicles · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A continuation of my Maedros Lives!AU: In which Elrond brings his adar back to Rivendell, and there Maedros bids Elros goodbye.
I ended up writing a little one-shot to go with this scene, since I was having trouble getting my ideas out in drawing-form. I hope y’all enjoy! ^^;;
Elrond leads Maedros through Imladris, slowly, to match Maedros’ pace, as his adar takes his time in observing their surroundings. Awe and wariness fight for dominance over Maedros’ scarred face as he stares at the buildings and pavilions, the gardens, and the distant waterfalls that fall into the valley. What does he think of this haven that Elrond has built? Perhaps Elrond will know someday, once Maedros truly feels safe.
It is two days after their return to Imladris. The journey took over a week and sapped much of their energy. But all is considerably well now; both their injuries have been tended to, and Maedros’ desire to explore has managed to overtake his caution, it seems.
A light robe hangs from his tall, slim frame. It is not enough to conceal the bandages around both his arms, and there are more wrappings underneath his clothes. Elrond’s own wound still aches, but it is manageable. As for Maedros, the wound on his hand – inflicted by the Silmaril’s fire – needs regular attention. Elrond has no intention of letting it fester.
At present, Elrond tamps down his restlessness while his adar lingers by a railing, overlooking the rushing water below. The afternoon sun turns the water bright and golden, its droplets sparkling light crystal. He appears to be listening to the water’s sound.
Elrond carefully touches Maedros’ arm. “Adar?”
Maedros has gotten used to Elrond’s voice. Elrond hopes for that much, at least. Before, in the days following their reunion, his adar would flinch or move quickly like some startled animal.
Now he turns, fixing his cloudy blue gaze on Elrond. Elrond smiles. “It is nearing time to change your bandages. There will be plenty of time to explore later.”
Maedros does not respond. He has hardly spoken at all throughout their journey. Yet he lowers his gaze, with a slight tilt of his head, and Elrond knows that he will follow.
“When you are ready,” Elrond continues as they move on, “there are some people I would dearly love for you to meet. It does not have to be for a while, if you prefer. I know this is all rather … overwhelming.” He laughs softly, nervously, to himself. In truth, it still feels like a dream that he found Maedros – or perhaps it was the other way around. But what does it matter who found who? They are here now, together, and perhaps his adar can finally heal properly with the Oath no longer around his throat.
Maedros makes a soft sound at the base of his throat, a questioning grunt. Elrond is still learning what his new mannerisms mean. Most are new, but others are old, and recognizable if he pays close enough attention to his memory.
“My family,” Elrond elaborates. “I have told them stories about you and … Ada Maglor.” A lump forms in his throat, but he swallows it down. He does not want to distress Maedros now. “I have twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir, and a daughter, Arwen. They are away at the moment, but they will return in time.”
Maedros’ bandaged hand clamps over Elrond’s shoulder. They both come to a halt; Elrond looks at his adar in surprise, and Maedros loosens his grip a little. He is still learning how to be gentle again.
Maedros’ scarred lips twist and part open, and his voice comes through in a mumble. Elrond waits, hardly daring to breathe lest he startle his adar with a harsh breath. 
It takes Maedros a moment to shape the word he wants. “El … rr,” he murmurs. Frustration tightens across his thin features, and he tries again, a little louder, raspier. “Elr-ross.”
Elrond blinks once, twice. “Ah. Elros is not here, Adar. He – passed away long ago.”
Maedros’ jaw twitches. A tremor passes through his hand as he grips Elrond’s shoulder. “El-ros,” he repeats slowly, hoarsely, eyes gleaming with sudden sharpness.
Elrond ought to have expected this, but, in truth, he did not. After more than a millennium of isolation, how much does Maedros remember? Elrond planned to guide Maedros through the past years slowly, so as to not drown him in knowledge all at once. That includes the life of Elros -- the reign of Tar-Minyatur.
But Maedros did not forget Elrond, and Elrond shares Elros’ features exactly. And … Perhaps the mention of twins helped.
“I have something to remember Elros by,” Elrond offers. “If that is what you wish to see.”
He wonders if his adar understands. Looking up into the weathered face, worn and battered from years of torment and war and grief, it is sometimes hard to see the feeling behind it all. It was one of those things that frightened Elrond and Elros when they were very, very young, when they still did not fully trust Maedros as they did Maglor.
That is, until they learned that he was like a stone fortress, with its gates cracked open just enough for them to slip through, and if they were brave enough, they could find his heart in the innermost chamber and touch it.
As of now, Maedros gives Elrond’s shoulder a brief squeeze. Elrond takes that to mean yes, so he carefully leads Maedros away from the railing and into the private gardens. The sound of rushing water fades away, replaced by the gentle burbling of a fountain. Elrond often comes here whenever he desires to think in silence, or pore over a few old scrolls. It is generally known that he does not wish to be disturbed while in here.
A pavilion sits on the edge of the gardens, offering a marvelous view of the mountains and waterfalls in the distance. On a stone platform extending from the pavilion, facing west, stands a full-sized statue of Elros. It is carved in his exact likeness (Elrond oversaw the project and even provided himself for reference), with the winged crown and Númenórean robes from his coronation as Tar-Minyatur.
The statue of Elros looks out westward. The light of the afternoon falls over it in golden streams, and you could trick yourself into thinking that the grey marble breathes. Elrond has done so many times, whether intentionally or by accident, following his brother’s passing.
Maedros sucks in a harsh breath and moves forward before Elrond can say anything. He watches, with no small amount of nerves, as his adar approaches the statue, looking upon its face. The statue is half a head taller than Maedros due to its pedestal, whereupon Elros’ names are carved in Tengwar.
Maedros raises his bandaged hand, thin fingers trembling as he touches the shoulder, the intricately-carved tresses of hair, the smooth cheek. He murmurs something, but Elrond does not catch what he says.
Then Maedros leans forward and kisses the statue’s chin. When he draws back, Elrond sees the glimmer of tears on his face as he rises to his full height, pressing another kiss to the marble cheek. Maedros does not close his eyes all the while.
Deep down, Elrond thanks the Valar that he has the statue washed and maintained regularly. Another part of him is certain that Maedros, in his current state, would not care either way.
Maedros draws back and lowers his head. Elrond comes over to his side, and his adar shifts closer to him. For a heartbeat, his stone-like countenance cracks, and all the years of toil and weariness spread across his face. A tear slips down to his chin and falls to the floor.
Elrond gently takes his arm. “Let us go, Adar. I will tell you stories of Elros while we get you patched up. Would you like that?”
One must look past the mane of scraggly, red tresses, the twisting scars, and the tear-glazed eyes to see the small, soft smile that touches Maedros’ face.
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yazthebookish · 3 years
She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars. Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to skin, tainting her with his presence.
"The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another."
Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to.  
He'd been so vigilant about keeping away from Elain as much as possible, and had stayed up here to avoid her, and tonight...tonight had proved he 'd been right to do so.  
I'll try to keep it simple, and if you are an Elr*el reading this I suggest you do not continue because you'll be upset and I won't even tag this post because it's my opinion after all. People can ship whomever they want and I'm not writing this post for people to stop shipping them—but quit telling people they lack reading comprehension when they base their interpretation on what was presented in the canon text.
Elain and Azriel are not good for each other especially for a long-term relationship. Regardless of some of their sweet moments, they would've been better off as friends than lovers and allow me to explain.
I think Sarah used such a strong tone to showcase Azriel's sense of self worth that was so potent on page because we were in his head, and it felt so tangible and striking that it's just so... depressing. This is why his scene with Gwyn was a breath of fresh air when compared to this.
• He thinks he will taint Elain with his presence.
• He calls her “The Third” but she has a name?
• He says she was “given” to another and implies but not to him, is she an accessory to be passed around?
• He hadn't thought beyond his fantasies.
• Last but not least, he did not fight to be with Elain or provide a convincing argument of why he wants her beyond “3 brothers + 3 sisters”. Months passed since ACOSF Solstice and Azriel is... fine?
And this is not something I made up, it's literally from the text. This is literally from Azriel's head.
Anyhow, I'll preface by saying Sarah's couples tend to bring the best in each other and compliment one another and it's one of her biggest endgame signs. Well... I don't see that here.
Let alone the fact that Elain spoke out in front of everyone (with Azriel present) about how she wants to help and do something greater. Did he support her? despite that entire speech he still did not respect her choice enough that he went behind her back and asked the IC that she should not (but she made her ChOiCe?!). There are no excuses for it. He was not against the fact that Elain was being used as a tool to manipulate and force Nesta's hand and push her to scry instead of Elain.
It shouldn't have mattered to him whether Elain was mated to Lucien or not, or whether she was mated to him or not, what would've been more convincing is him wanting her to choose him regardless of the existence of a bond. Instead he is mad his brothers got the two sisters as mates but “the third” was given to someone else—but why should that stop him? Especially when he claims Elain has not interest in Lucien then he shouldn't feel threatened right? So what does she represent to him? A person he truly wants and loves or a person that represents something he is desperate to have (a mating bond?).
If I find his portion with Elain in the bonus chapter depressing and not romantic, that's because that is what the text presents to me and many readers shared similar thoughts on it.
I love Azriel and I disagree with some that claim he is a fuckboy when he absolutely is not. I'll call it an unhealthy attachment revolving around fantasies and putting the person he is into on a pedestal. I think there is a lot he needs to sort out and to not have his love for someone dependent on the existence of a magical bond.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Hello *Pokes head round door after loud noise of falling out of your wall* don't ask why I have been in your walls.
Hi, Hey, how are you, I hope you are better now.
I spy your requests are open.
And Atm I really need some Fluff (I hate anons so much), I also Spy you have not written for Elladan yet, If you are comfortable enough to write for him and if it isn't to much of an ask, Here is my request:
Elladan pretending to be his brother Elrohir and the Reader accidentally confesses to him as they think he is Elrohir and is asking Elrohir for help how to request, Elladan tries to play it off by Elrohir walks around the corner with Arwen so then the Reader realizes it's Elladan so he just confesses back to them as he also really likes them.
Thank You Mellon :)
A leap with your heart
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characters elladan x reader
fandom tolkien- the hobbit the lord of the rings
a/n @aeonianarchives mellon nin— always a joy to find you in my inbox! Oh Don't worry, am on your walls too *sips tea* — am better not fly back on track— definitely not covid again but i feel so dead and tired all the time:( — am sorry to hear that hun— I hope you like and makes you feels better! Ella is was fun to write :) - love you lots&lt;3
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Elladan knew this was a ridiculous idea— he was about to back out of it, until you accidentally him by his brother's name.
He had planned to act as his brother— so he could get some closeness to you.
But he was about to turn around and run — then you— without looking fully at him calls him Elrohir.
He blinks once, then twice— but then quickly the planned reversed back in place.
Elladan quickly introduced himself as his twin brother.
"Y/N, m'lady/my lord"
"You look fine as the morning sun"
he complimented.
You giggled— and blushed— it pained Elladan because you thought you were receiving it from his brother.
He never had the courage to say that to you before— but it was too late to back out now— wasn't it?
Elladan held in a deep sigh— then turned to you again.
"Would you be interested in a walk, Y/N?"
He asked — cautiously— gesturing and asking like his brother.
Elladan was wilder and louder than his twin— he needed to tone himself down and act patiently.
But it was inching him inside.
"It would be my own honor, Elrohir— mellon nin."
The both of you walked along the gardens of Rivendell— complimenting Arwen's gardening skills.
You pointed to the flowers you liked — and Elladan pointed to the ones he thought his brother would like.
"Imladris is beautiful— in all seasons."
You smiled— it was wondrous.
"If you love Imladris— you should see the forests Elr-Elladan and I travel too— so much more wonder there too."
He almost slipped up — Elladan mentally kicked himself for it.
"That's a lovely invite— thank you. . ."
You smiled and looked down.
Elladan frowned.
"Is everything alright?"
Had he upseted you?
"Yes— but. . . is your bother around? — Elladan. . . ?"
Elladan's heart dropped— if only he could reveal himself.
"He should be around here somewhere. . .why?"
You bit your lip— and picked at your fingers.
Should you tell your friend?— How you had fallen for his twin brother— you were in love with his wildness and the mysterious gleam in his eyes.
"I. . . I think am in love with him. . . "
Elladan stopped breathing for a second — you what?
"M'lady/My lord?"
You took a deep breath again.
"No— I don't think. . . I know it. . .I do love him, Elrohir. . ."
You desperately looked at him.
"I don't know how tell him that. . . — or know if he feels the same?"
You sighed and hugged your frame— you felt uncomfortable suddenly.
Elladan's mind (and heart) was racing— what was he supposed to say now?
He needed react like his brother— before this while thing blew up in his face.
What would Elrohir say?
What would Elrohir say?
"Am sorry mellon nin-"
"My father always says— you have to take a leap with your heart. . .— then, you can find the half, that fits perfectly beside you."
Elladan cut you off — fondly remembering the words of his father.
They were words of one of Elrond's foster fathers— Maglor.
Maglor would sometimes teach them life lessons— love was one of them.
His uncle, Elros — had dropped the question of love on Maglor one day — as his father said and Maglor replied with the memories of his wife in Valinor.
"A leap with my heart?"
You questioned.
"Yes— if you don't. . . you would never know how the other person feels— and if they don't feel the sae— then they aren't the one for you."
Elladan felt like a hypocrite— he was saying this but doing the opposite.
He wanted to tell you — many times — but he always ran away like a coward.
"I hope he is the one. . ."
Meleth nin. . . That I am.
Elladan didn't know what to do— should he reveal himself?
He held in another sigh— and shut his eyes.
But the sound of his brother and baby sister Arwen walking around the other hedge — that made them fly open again.
Elladan lost all his breath as Arwen smiled brightly at him.
"Brother! Y/N! — Elrohir and I are orginaising the decorations for tomorrow's banquet— we were looking for you."
Arwen's words made you lose all the color in your face.
The real Elrohir seemed to have understood what happened — especially from the distress from his brother's face.
He quickly rushed away his baby sister — but gave a sharp glare to his twin.
You gulped — did she just? — She obviously wasn't lying— he knew her brothers like the back of her hand.
She knew them apart.
You gasped and turned around to him.
A look of shock and betrayal on your face.
Elladan sighed and ran a hand over his face— he let out a few curse words.
You knew for fact it was Elladan — only Elladan cursed when he was mad— or angry at himself.
You felt like crying — so embarrassed in yourself.
Was he pranking you? —But you knew Elladan, he wasn't like that. . .
So. . . What was this?
Tears sprang— and you quickly tried to make a run for it.
But Elladan wrapped his hand around your wrist — he pulled you back to him.
"My heart is yours. . ."
He said and placed your shaky hand over his heart.
"Le Melin, Y/N. . .— I was a fool— a hypocrite. . . I didn't know what else to do. . .— forgive me. . ."
"Ella. . . You made me feel like a fool. . ."
You voice almost broke — and it make him gulp.
"Am the real fool, meleth nin— I do not deserve after making you feel like that. . ."
You were about to intervene— but he continued.
"But am a selfish ellon, my dear. . ."
He held you close — wrapped a hand around your waist and rested his forehead against your forehead.
"now - that I know you feel the same way. . .I cannot let you go. . ."
He kissed your lips— without another word.
Your eyes widened — but you melted into the kiss.
He may have made a wrong move— but he apologized and promised to himself he would cherish and love you —for all of eternity.
"I love you too, Ella. . ."
"I know. . ."
He smirked.
You rolled your eyes but chuckled— his playfulness coming out — you loved it about him.
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form for taglist
tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
elves of imladris: @queenstarlight2
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starryjeekies · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you could write about first date with e'ast/places they'd take you
A/N: oh I would love to!! I don't see that many elrings so when I do i get excited ^^ please show the boys a lot of love and if anyone who doesn't know e'last sees this, please look into them! [post writing notes holy crap my brain did not want to focus at all i’m so sorry this took forever to write]
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Ice Skating
Rano would love to do something fun and exciting! So if it was the season for it, he would take you ice skating first. You both would need the barrels or walkers to steady yourselves while you started learning for the first time and would laugh at each other when you fall. You would help each other up and encourage each other to keep going! His little giggles when you start to hold hands while skating would be adorable. By the end of winter, you two would finally get ahold of it after going on many more dates. Holding each other’s hands while you fly around the frozen lake would be a fantastic way to end the season.
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Choi In:
Amusement Park
He would LOVE to take you to the fair/carnival/amusement park! All he wants to do is see you smile and laugh. He would definitely start off with the games, competing against you in the balloon popping and ring toss. If he won, he would most definitely give you the prize. If you won, he would pout until you give him a complimentary prize (ofc, a kiss). He would take you on the rides next, both of you screaming at the fast paced rides. Of course, there would be the cliché of the kiss at the top of the ferris wheel. He would end the night with funnel cake and a shake, sharing the two with you and letting you have the last bite.
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Seungyeop being an extrovert was not something that I expected and I’m going to stick with that. I think he would prefer to take you to a bookstore to get to know you. You can tell a lot about a person by what they read. You two would split up at first, looking for something to catch your interest. You would accidentally meet up in a section and would smile at each other, guessing what you were looking for. Once you two finally found a book or two you would like, you would meet up and start reading. You two would ask each other about the characters, the plot, and get to see the way each other gets engrossed in a book.
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I think Baekgyeul is a little bit more of a traditionalist and would pick you up and take you to dinner. Probably wouldn’t go anywhere too fancy but would love when you dress up for him. He would probably be really shy when he sees how great you looks but will quickly give you his dazzling smile. Would definitely take you to a restaurant that serves the kind of food you like. Would take your recommendation on the best dish if you knew the menu pretty well. He lets the conversation flow, easily getting to know each other and talk about your interests and fun moments in your lives. At the end of the night, he’d pay for the bill, drive you home, and drop you off with a soft kiss against your cheek.
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This man loves his fashion, we been knew. I don’t think he would need to be fancy and buy expensive clothes all the time. So he would probably think it would be fun to go to a thrift store to see what you two could find! There would most definitely be a mini fashion show between you two. He would also suggest creating outfits for each other and trying them on for you both to laugh at how ridiculous or swoon over how hot you look. You would both be walking away with an outfit to wear on your next date together. He would be surprised but also delighted to see you wearing his outfit again.
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Seeing a bunch of cool sea creatures and gawking over them sounds like a great time to him. Even though he would possibly be scared of some of the more intimidating creatures, he would have your hand to hold the entire time. Walking through the tunnel of sea would be his favorite. Not only would he be able to see the small sharks and fish up close, he would also get to see how your eyes light up at the fish. His favorite spot was the wave pool where you can touch the rays because of how much you two giggled touching the dogs of the sea. He would also get you two matching overpriced seahorse plushies at the end of the date to commemorate it.
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Wonjun is a huge romantic, I can see it in the way he talks to elrings. So when he knows it’s going to be a lovely day, he asks if you want to meet up with him at a park to go out on a date. He will make cute sandwiches, cut up fruit, pack drinks, and go all out with an actual basket and blanket. Your heart will burst when his smiles come out, bashful at your reaction. You’ll enjoy the nice day under the sun together, smiling and laughing about how cute you are and how smitten you are for each other. Definitely a date for the romance novels.
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Drive in Movies
I’m specifically thinking of the traditional going to the big screen, buying snacks along the way, and talking the entire time through the movie about how bad it is. Yejun seems to be more of a casual dater, meaning he probably will prefer to become better friends through the dates and after going out for a while, see if he’ll develop feelings rather than going off of pure attraction. So being able to be comfortable around each other and taking the date easy causes a drive in, just the two of you, to be an easy going time.
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lunetual · 3 years
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✣ HAPPY INNIE DAY ✣ with love, with adoration, wishing choi in joy and happiness for the year ahead and beyond.
quick cc note: yes i entered my elring era less than two months ago yes i cry multiple times a week over them yes i would give choi in the world if he asked, but he’d never ask. i will bring myself to tears if i think too long about choi in but as we know i’ve never been succinct in any of these quick cc notes in my life and i’m certainly not starting now!
choi in just radiates warmth. by his own admission and according to the rest of the members, he IS team mom. and honestly you don’t need them to tell you that, you can see it in everything he does. he’s cheerful and bright and is happy to play with the younger kids but he’s also just a natural caretaker. he radiates warmth. they all lean on him and depend on him and they get excited when he cooks for them... like i think every single day about the unlock episode where he spends four hours cooking for the 02s to make sure they have a hot lunch on their csat day :(
he’s an incredibly hard worker and so so talented. every single member of e’last has a lovely unique vocal tone and he’s no exception. he’s a beautiful dancer with gorgeous dance lines; he looks up to taemin a ton and it shows. he also choreographs for the group and i am always so impressed. also like. he debuted at 24. i think there’s something to be said about his tenacity and his belief in himself when so many companies/kmedia/fans will basically write a trainee off if they’re pushing twenty years old. like he went out on a limb and i’m so glad he did! he belongs onstage he’s such a joy to watch like he is such a talented performer i am so grateful to him for seeing this through and i hope that he feels like it has all been worth it.
anyway i just think. i think innie simply deserves everything that his heart could possibly desire. genuinely i just want him to be happy and feel fulfilled and i am not kidding i really believe in him so much and i hope 2022 brings opportunities for him to show the world how wonderful he is.
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