#Elrond and Elladan are both bisexual
meteors-lotr · 10 months
Elladan: Ada, I like men
Elrond: Okay?
Elrohir: I like men too!
Elrond: Is there anyone of you kids who like women?
Arwen: Well……
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valasania-the-pale · 2 years
if no one else has sent you him, can I get Celeborn for the ask meme?
Absolutely :D
1: sexuality headcanon
Personally, I think Celeborn is bisexual as well as demisexual (e.g. he needs connection before he can really find himself attracted, but it could theoretically happen with anyone), but never found a real opportunity to express/indulge his attraction to men. There may well have been a time where he wondered if he was asexual in Doriath, but then Artanis showed up and suddenly he realized he was very, very capable of attraction.
Personal mischief headcanon is that Artanis, while mutually attracted, spent the first portion of her time in Doriath indulging in a Thing with Luthien (or Melian depending on your headcanons of her and Thingol's relationship, ymmv), and he was Very, Very jealous (though not like, rude about it). When the Thing ended, he was very quick to throw aside his reservations and state his intentions to Artanis as clearly and forthrightedly as possible.
2: otp
Galadriel ofc. Early Artanis I picture as having been with a few people for brief stints, but I really don't think Celeborn has ever known anyone else in that way, nor does he want to, and when she found him she found someone she could spend eternity with.
3: brotp
I think once Elrond, Galadriel and most of the elves sailed, in that brief span of years he spent in Middle Earth alone I think he really found himself reaching out and finding peers in people he never really allowed himself to before - particularly with Thranduil, Elrohir, and Elladan. Thranduil was a fellow monarch before, but was distant, and his grandsons weren't as present as Arwen - I think he would have been looking for more connection at this point, and probably wanted to spend as much time with them as possible before he sailed (as, depending on readings, one or both might not have joined him).
4: notp
Uhh.... Kind of anyone? It's hard for me to see him as anyone but Galadriel's - unless they tried to bring someone into the bedroom for some mutual fun, I suppose. They're multi-millennials in a stable loving relationship, I could see them giving it a shot. Relationships though, nah.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He's younger than Galadriel by a little bit, maybe just a century or so. I picture most of the main elves from the Silm as having roughly a millennium in Aman before the Darkening (though I'd yield to more detailed texts), and overall I just find that I'm not a fan of readings where Celeborn is much older than she is (for all that it's a valid reading of the text).
6: favorite line from this character
"Let Gimli forget my harsh words: I spoke in the trouble of my heart. I will do what I can to aid you, each according to his wish and need, but especially that one of the little folk who bears the burden" (FoTR)
I appreciate that Celeborn really lives up to his epithet. He's the Wise - he can take counsel, which is especially validating given it comes directly from his wife. How many other men would stew in resentment of the dwarf despite better wisdom? Especially Sinda men - Thingol, Oropher, and Thranduil all made that error, and Celeborn learns from it and corrects himself when he speaks in haste and prejudice.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I mean, I also think Galadriel is pretty dang rad.
More seriously though, I try to be someone who will yield to better wisdom when it's given, yet I also often find myself in error. I can only aspire to be patient and make allowances for my lapses, and try to do better next time. To listen is a trait I think many would benefit from.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
(I don't know what I did with the font below here - Tumblr's edit is odd)
The fact that RoP seems to have forgotten him, and is in the process of trying to cuckold him? The fact that even PJ's movies seem to ship Galadriel with Gandalf harder than it cares about him? My man has been written out of damn near every thing he's in, it's infuriating.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Bit of both? He simps hard for his wife and while he's got a bit of prejudice to work through, he's making an honest effort of it!
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halfelven · 3 years
Hey there! Happy 22nd of September! Do you have any thoughts on Thranduil?
no thoughts, only Thranduil
but no actually I have too many thoughts on Thranduil
he's 7'1" which puts him a full foot taller than Legolas
he has a scar almost completely encircling his neck from a dwarven garrotte, which he tends to cover with his clothes or chokers. (it's a necklace he can never remove)
he was hit by lightning when crouching for cover, and the lightning left a huge scar over his left hip and down his leg/up along his abdomen
his dancing is magic in a stronger way than most elves
his movements too hold a lot of power
he'll lift his fingers in a wave, and that's making the wind stronger somewhere
he tied so much of his magic to his land that he is part of the forest itself, and can use the plants, the fungi to see what is happening throughout the forest
he took a /lot/ of pain to protect his people, but he's still kind and loving
he's aromantic
and extremely bisexual
he was one of the last people to see Elrond and Elros at Sirion
he has chronic nose bleeds
his skin is almost see-through and catches light in terrible ways sometimes
(but they are still beautiful)
sometimes he thinks that gathering silver and gems will make all the horrors of his past worth it because that's what everyone wanted
sometimes he just wants them because he knows what people will do for wealth and it's a guarantee to keep his people alive
he's half Silvan, and views himself as Silvan
his script looks a lot like Bilbo's, and they were both delighted by this
I am going to make a separate post about /why/ I think this BUT
he paid a realm's worth for a mithril shirt for Legolas when he was a child (so nothing should ever happen to him)
when Legolas outgrew it, it went back to Erebor to be re-made but Erebor was attacked before that happened
this wound up as Bilbo's, and then Frodo's
he laughs a lot and tends to cover his face with his hands when he laughs
it used to be very easy to make him blush, but it's not as easy anymore so Elrond goes out of his way to make Thranduil blush around him
he likes borrowing other people's clothes because he likes just holding onto something that smells like the people he loves
he's tall but very slim so sometimes he borrows shirts from people and wears them as crop tops
he and Legolas still have adjoining rooms because Legolas never wanted to move out of what was once his little nursery
he has five dogs (think Karelian bear dogs) and will pat them all the time and still carries them around like they might be puppies
he went to visit the Shire a few times with Legolas and was Delighted by it
he and Pippin made an alliance
he still picks Legolas up all the time because he's smaller than him and so much younger than him that Thranduil has a hard time not thinking of him as a child still when they're not working
but he's very proud of Legolas
his favourite colour is green
he bakes apple pies and spice cakes that look a bit wonky and taste amazing
he made people who fell beneath his spell dream of feasting and happiness because he thought it the kindest way for them to die if die they must
he is not cruel, but he has seen cruelness, and he will not underestimate it
he slept in Elrond's bed, and then Celebrían and Elrond's bed, and then Elrond's bed again when he visited Rivendell
he also visited a long time when Elladan and Elrohir were born to help raise them because the amount of magic it took to stabilise them and keep them alive was intense
they had it better figured out when Arwen came, so he didn't have to help as much
in turn, Elrond came to help with Legolas, even though he didn't need help, he still asked Elrond for it
he is best friends with Gandalf and isn't afraid to hug him when he's being grumpy, which most of his friends are
he really loves sledding and goes out every winter with all the elf children to pull them up the hill and ride down with them if they're scared
he's just all the children's uncle/grandfather and will play with them whenever he can
also he has a lot of plants in his room
and he likes koi fish
he gets cold on his nose and ears easily and then they get flushed and his cheeks too and he wraps his face up in a scarf so only his eyes are showing
thank you I love him so much! <3
and I was surprised I haven't done a headcanons list of him that I could find
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
🏳️‍🌈 Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir?
okay so building on the earlier ask wrt “Elves don’t really have concepts of sexual orientation as major defining aspects of their identity”, all three of Elrond’s children are bi, but it’s not something that they have a lot of feelings about beyond “I’d date and marry either an ellon or an elleth”. Third Age Imladrim also have two genders, by the way, though their standards and ideas aren’t quite Noldorin and aren’t quite Sindarin either. If you went to Lindon and what was left of Gil-galad’s court, it would be much more nér/nís, and in Lothlórien or Mirkwood you’d fall more into the highly stratified role-specific remnants of Doriathrin Sindarin understanding of gender, which were at once more varied and more restrictive than Noldorin understandings (more of a need for labels to define specific aspects of gender identity, because Doriath needed labels for everything, but also a perspective that the Noldor found very alien).
Arwen and her brothers all more or less classify themselves as what we’d call cis people, because they’re comfortable in the gender designation they got, and comfortable being known as ellyn and elleth, and have little desire to change that. It’s the same situation you see with Nolofinwë wrt “does this map exactly to European concepts of gender? probably not”, but like Nolofinwë, they’re pretty content with where they wound up and don’t really want to change. They’re also what we’d call bisexual by contemporary standards, though none of them really ID as “bi” more than they ID as “Eldar” - they’re fully grown adults who would at some point like to marry, and they don’t really need to define themselves beyond that. (This isn’t some commentary on the whole “I don’t like labels” thing - placed in today’s western society, they’d all absolutely identify as bi, and see that as relevant to their self-image and their perception by others, but it’s not a cultural necessity for them in Middle-Earth in general or in Imladris in particular.) Arwen marries Aragorn but would be fine with marrying an elleth if it was the right elleth, and Elladan and Elrohir both sail West in my headcanon and wind up marrying an elleth named Saelwen and marrying an ellon whose name I haven’t decided respectively.
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