#Emmet's having a crisis
xero013 · 1 year
A wild Tyna and Irida appears
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Uh Oh! It seems they appeared in an unfamiliar place!
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Or maybe... Not so unfamiliar?
(Sorry this took so long Roxy lol, also as always, cute lil babies, wanted to show my own fankids but had trouble in how I'd segway them in xD
Also I know Tyna and Irida lean more to their fathers but Elesa was the closest lol)
Tyna and Irida are Emmet and Elesa's kids (from what I recall in our discussions?) while their older sisters would be Ingo and Elesa's (which would be my designs but I don't know when I'll show them lol)
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subwaytostardew · 7 months
I just remembered the best thing to exist, SPOUSE ROOMS. Do you guys have them drawn out yet? We've seen the patios, but what about their rooms?
I APOLOGIZE FOR TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS... We did have spouse rooms drafted up but... Interior design is not my forte! I hated them. These are my ugly first drafts from months ago when I had no idea what to do.
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I wanted to move away from the whole office/work room look and shift it more towards their hobbies. So of course they should have a model railroad somewhere. I put off actually attempting to sprite a model railroad until yesterday and I did nothing but work on them all the livelong day. I ended up with two different layouts because I hated the first one.
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I tried basing the first off of the actual Stardew map and wanted to sprite their respective sides of the tunnel so I put off spriting it until I was done with Emmet's 8 heart event. But... that ended up being too hard to sprite in such a tiny area! I can hardly draw a train on it!
The perfectionist in me did not like it not making sense so they wouldn't like it either. The point of their railroad layouts is escapism into their perfect little world so I scrapped the first and made a new layout.
Now their spouse rooms look like this!
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I played a bit with the floor layout to reference their Japanese names. With Ingo's/Nobori's you make your way upwards to a higher state! With Emmet's/Kudari's room, you descend into... wherever his mind's at.
I wanted both of their rooms to feel cozy (so even if the rest of the house is ugly at least they can stay in their room 🥲 I'm bad at furnishing and Stardew's options do not help). Ingo's was supposed to feel more secluded and well, tucked in... because he's ingoing. For Emmet's, I had the mental image of him running around, getting supplies for drawing/scrapbooking/etc. and leaving space to set up lighting/different angles when he takes pictures of his model railroad. Occasionally his back hurts and he has to lay down on the couch for a couple minutes. Or maybe you force him into a break there.
Ingo's room is more focused on being a quiet space for him to read or write. Emmet's is where he goes to keep his mind busy with his various occupations outside of work. The railroad layout is the same (I don't want to sprite a third...) but I imagine that Ingo's is around more for the ambiance while Emmet is more hands on and actively working on maintaining it.
The trains are animated, too! I made the layout with animation in mind.
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I did lose track of what I was doing despite that. It took so many frames to animate. I refuse to do that again.
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I hope you like their spouse rooms!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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pykanico · 11 months
Some funfact about the Emmet Zoroark AU (who really need a name)
So yeah i just going to try to explain some interesting part of the AU here it is mostly some fact pre-Hisui.
Emmet and Em are absolutely different person, Emmet was a human, Em is a Zorua/Zoroark who just happens to impersonate
Emmet is dead, He died at 10 years old, 5 years before he could start his journey with Ingo
Em was able to impersonate Emmet very well because they were close friends and he used to imitate him just for fun, but he could never totally get him right
Emmet was 6 when they meet
Em feel terribly guilty to take Emmet place like that, he feel like an impostor, he shouldn't be there, he should be anywhere but THERE and the worse was that he couldn't say Emmet's family what happens...but it was what Emmet wanted right?
Ingo did see that his brother was out of character (except it wasn't his twin at all but Em) He knew something was up and he wanted to confront him about it, Sadly, Ingo didn't have the chance to do so, because it is around this time that his parents died, after that it was just a big mess.
He did later suspects Em isn't Emmet (sometime around their journey as young trainers), but Chandelure who was a Litwick at this time, never acts that much different with Em around, so as much as he wants an explanation, he decides to wait for Em to come forward and tell him the truth, Em never told him the truth….until it was too late.
The twins end up living with their uncle Drayden after their parents death.
Ingo's Litwick and (specially) Emmet's Tynamo knows what is going on with Em compared to most of the twin's Pokémons, who weren't there before the Pokemon journey, They all thought that Em was always a Zorua, and got used to it pretty fast.
Litwick was not happy with Em but it's Tynamo who explain to her what exactly happens, and even if he himself not happy with the situation, he can't really denied what Emmet asked Em to do?
The advantage to be a pokemon is that Em can talk with other pokemon, very useful for a lot of things.
For the first few years of being Emmet, Em was not at his best, but after the twins started their journey and encountered Elesa, he was (sort of) more comfortable with himself.
Em hate pun, Emmet disliked them but he was otherwise fine with them, Em hate them so much that Elesa and Ingo decide to humor him with doing a lot of pun.
Em evolved into a Zoroark around the sixth badges.
After the Pokemon journey, the twins and Elesa pretty much worked a lot to become Subway Boss and Gym leader respectively, It was pretty much by luck that Elesa opened her gym at Nimbasa city.
Em is a menace who likes to prank people, even as a Subway Boss.
Ingo is the principal victim of the prank
Em avoid talking too much because as much as he is good with his illusions, he has difficulty with small details like teeth and his eyes sometimes (in very bad days he has a lot more Zoroark attributes than usual, he has found a way to hide them but it still very annoying), that mostly why he start to be very blunt and direct, a bit more than Emmet used to be, in hope that people will not see his imperfection of his disguise.
Yes, N was very confused about Em when he realized that he was a Zoroark, He did not want to think about it.
Em sometime wish he could be the pokemon who fight and not the trainer, it's fine he can cope with that.
Ingo disappeared one day, and Em was with him when it happens, He knew that this kidnapping was Pokemon related pretty quickly.
He passed the last 2 years trying to find Ingo and get him home, For that he had to discover what took him precisely and the Pokemon who was responsible, where and when Ingo could be, find a way to contact the Pokemon or a Pokemon who could help him, prepare himself for the worse scenario, all of that while having the police behind his back because he is the only suspect, having to take care of the Gear station while trying to not having any of their family involved in his plan to get Ingo back, very complicated when they are all worry about him.
He had to fist fight Arceus when he was able to contact them, because he needed to prove himself to get their help....he won.
He got yeeted to Hisui without any of his or Ingo's Pokemon.
I going to stop here for the Pre-Hisui fact but yeah there is probably a lot to talk about for this AU XD
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feroluce · 2 years
want you to, want you, too
Blankshipping <1k; getting together featuring a big fat scoop of Ingo's Catholic Guilt and Nii-san Complex uwu
When Emmet forces his way to Hisui, fueled by a determination that could override every karmic force in the universe, Ingo thinks nothing of his immediate attempts to get him alone.
His memories are still vague, but they're stronger now than ever, jolted and jogged, jostled about by the reappearance of the one person he'd remembered before anyone else. Ingo understands; all he wants is to stay close, spend every waking moment basking and soaking up his brother's presence. He'd missed him before he even knew him, deeply and intensely missed him, enough to hurt, enough to leave an empty ache.
Ingo had been content with the Pearl Clan in Hisui, but it had never quite felt like home. It does now.
As early as the first day after his fated Fall, Emmet fixes him with an odd look and says he has something he needs to tell him. Something important. Emmet is strangely serious as he says it, deathly so. Ingo finds himself standing straighter. 
"While we were apart, I realized something. I-" A pause, something akin to regret in his briefly hollowed eyes and his stitched-on smile. "Well, ok, no. I knew it before then. I've known it for a verrrry long time. I just didn't act on it." Ingo wants to ask; Emmet is rarely hesitant to act- whip-smart and sharp as a tack, once he's decided something needs to be done, he figures out how to do it as efficiently as possible. For him to be so overly cautious, it must be a truly tricky and delicate matter. But he doesn't dare interrupt now. 
"But I did not chase you across continents-" Emmet's eyes light up again, blazing now, bonfire-bright "-across centuries-" something rumbles within Ingo, like an early warning, moving as a phantom sensation beneath the balls of his feet, as though the world were about to shift, "-just to not take advantage of a second chance."
Ingo is suddenly painfully aware of his own body, of the curl of his knuckles, the bite of his nails in the flesh of his palms, a twitch in his legs and an itch in his throat. His head has forgotten, memories smeared and leaking out like a bird's egg dropped on a rock, but much still lives on in his heart, some beacon is in his center, at his core, sending out signal after signal, a rapid-fire jumble of SOS and morse code that Ingo can't decipher.
There is something happening here, something only his heart and his brother (between which there is only a small difference, he'll admit) are privy to, Emmet's voice a chorus of trumpets, a declaration of war, and Ingo's brain is scrambling to form some response. There is a niggling feeling somewhere within him, in a secret place cordoned off by chain and padlock, that all of this was a long time coming. That this is a long-at-sea ship finally docking, this is all of his chickens and bad decisions and "I'll reflect on these thoughts later"s come home to roost.
Emmet steps closer. The door is right behind Ingo, tauntingly unlocked and beckoning, he could so easily leave if he wanted to. Emmet never does things accidentally. He's given Ingo an escape route. Emmet takes another step, slow, watching and observing with his quicksilver eyes, giving every opportunity to turn and run. Like he's dealing with a skittish creature.
Ingo should escape.
Ingo does not want to escape.
Emmet is right in front of him now and he leans in so close that Ingo can't see anything else, loses view of the rest of the world around them. When he stops, it's at a lethal, point-blank range.
"Don't just let me do this to you, ok? Don't let me unless you want me to." He shouldn't. There is still that twitch in his limbs, those loud wordless pings of alarm in his heart that urge him to retreat, that tell him staying here is going to damn them both. Because his younger brother is making the worst mistake of his life, and Ingo is doing nothing to stop him. But Emmet's breath mixing with his own between them is a rallying cry, the close warmth of his body a call to action, the press of his lips against Ingo's a battle hymn.
Emmet kisses him, and Ingo horribly, selfishly, wants him to do it again.
The long, bitter civil war is over in a flash, he's won and he's lost. The side of him that had struggled to resist, that had held strong and weathered for years and years as it tried to be the model older brother Emmet deserved, finally succumbs and is trampled in the trenches by the incoming cavalry, stormed and seized by the parts of him that love Emmet in all the ways that he shouldn't.
"-san. Ingo-niisan." Hands cupping his face bring him out of the gunsmoke and fog. "Tell me if you don't want this, too."
Ingo stands atop a bloody battlefield of corpses, both conqueror and vanquished. He feels like he's won, a thrilling victorious high stronger than any challenger has ever given him. The loss is immeasurable.
"...I'm terrible," Ingo whispers.
His brother begins an attempt to console him because he's too kind, too forgiving, he always is when it's just the two of them. But he's cut short when Ingo grabs him, crushes them together and gorges himself, gluttonous and greedy, swallowing the rest of Emmet's sounds to hoard them for himself.
Emmet's smile widens against his lips, his arms coming up to hold on to Ingo like some sought-after, fought-for prize, as though he were the Spoils of War, kiss tasting like a bloodsoaked victory.
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I mean,, (for denial on one or both their parts?) surely there's more than one person in the pokemon world called Ingo? But then what are the chances of this Emissary sharing the same name as a lost brother?
yeah,,, and if that even occurs to ingo it isn't in the moment, when he's too busy being hit by the whiplash of hearing his real name for the first time in actual centuries.
i think the ultimate conclusion he comes to is that the overwhelming reshiram influence let him perceive the emissary's name, and he was just calling out for the person who happened to be nearby. it's still like, surprising, but it's not THAT surprising. it's easy enough to brush aside, especially considering he's so desperately in need of help.
but then emmet comes to, and ingo happens to mention it in passing, well of course you know my name, you were crying for me a few hours ago, and he gets this look in return that's like. confused, almost paralyzed.
ingo is my brother's name, he says in response.
and relatedly: i think i mentioned earlier that i think reshiram and zekrom's emissaries both have half of this featureless mask, and since he's Both emmet's been wearing both halves this entire time. but when reshiram wins, he loses zekrom's half. so this is the first time ingo's seen (half of) his face, and his own has changed radically since becoming giratina's emissary, but... he can't deny that it looks... very familiar.
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aromaseraphy-lavender · 7 months
Professor Laventon visiting Kalos for like a conference, or the pokwmon equivalent of The World Trade fair bumps into Emmet. They have a pleasant conversation which leaves Emmet, who only vaguely recalls a man in black who shared his face, in a crisis and Laventon wondering if Ingo has been secretly French this whole time.
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shadowfear-art · 6 months
So I saw your one piece toon au and loved that, and someone who adores submas I loved that toon au too! So hear me out real quick:
Gear 5 Luffy is basically a toon. He meets toon submas. I think Luffy would think they're super awesome (I'm not sure how submas would react to this not-quite-toon toon human who isn't at least wary of them on first sight lol)
(the op and submas brainrot is melting together in my brain don't mind me-)
Teen with toon force and infectious positive personality?
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Yeah, I think Toon Emmet and Luffy would get along easily and considering the train man is technically a robot (that switches to a "living mascot suit") Luffy would definitely be excited if he showed the things he can do including the small ones.
I also imagined gear 5 Luffy in his excitement suddenly being a menece and doing something that not supposed to happen.
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Like that.
A living drawing that was never ment to have both eyes revealed in his existence is now having a crisis.
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onestepbackwards · 7 months
The emulator scenario just makes me wonder how B/W Ingo and Emmet would react to seeing Warden Ingo while you’re playing P:LA
Volo is laughing at the idea that the warden of the Pearl clan was originally some fancy-pants conductor from the city, Emmet is furious that such a thing would happen to his brother, and Ingo is having an existential crisis in the corner.
One of Ingo’s main salvations is that you seem to be just as upset and furious on his behalf.
Sure, you are happy to see his other self in PLA, but he quickly hears how upset it makes you. How you vent to your friends how you wish you could send him back home at the end of the game.
…Plus, you always politely tell his other self hello when you stop by the village. No matter what you are doing, you always make a point to say hi to him. It’s heart warming.
Even Emmet finds it sweet, helping wash the bitter taste in his mouth. He hates knowing there is a timeline or future out there where his brother is taken from him and thrown through time and space.
But at least he has you looking out for Ingo, even if his brother’s other self doesn’t seem to be aware like that annoying blond twink.
Volo on one hand finds it hilarious.
How the warden is actually one of those annoying twins that seem to be able to see past dimensions like he can. They just seem to be from another timeline or world.
…But it doesn’t stop the bitter feeling in his gut when he sees how happy you are to see the warden. He isn’t jealous!
He’s totally jealous.
He at least finds some comfort in the fact you like him as well. Something both twins seem to dislike, which only fuels his ego.
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Queuing posts for most of my AUs! Check out this Masterpost! ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ ⁻ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶦᶜᵒⁿᶦᶜ ᵏⁿᶦᶠᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵍˢ! ᴵ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᶠᶠ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵛᶦˢᶦᵇˡᵉ.
Mechanical Dreams (can you hear the cogs clicking?)
-Premise- Alright. Bear with me, this one is very, very different. To give you the elevator pitch summary, I had a dream involving my version of Ingo from Steady Tracks except instead he was a hundreds-feet-tall mecha robot trapped under the ocean. Everything else is stuff I have worldbuilt around this concept in order to make the timeline of events make sense. Cool? Cool.
If that sounds interesting enough to read the less summarized version (LONG), get ready for one hell of a canon divergent crack AU:
Ingo and Emmet are both native-born Hisuian and proud members of the Pearl Clan. Unlike most members of their clan, they do not fear most pokemon. For a reason neither of them can place, they've always gotten along with them a little better than they did with other people. They've spent a lot of time getting to know pokemon, learning to battle alongside them, and bonding with them.
One night changes everything they've ever known. Young and bright, no older than 19, the two of them share a foreboding and brilliant dream.
Mighty Sinnoh approaches them face to face, speaking of an unknowable calamity on the horizon. Pokemon overflowing with incredible power- interfering with their natural ability to shrink, forcing them to grow taller than the mountains. In a blind rage of unbearable, uncontainable energy, they will ravage the lands of all living things. These will be known as the Darkest Days, when rifts in time and space bring Dynamax Energy down on Hisui.
Sinnoh has waited patiently to interfere with this disaster, observing each candidate and deliberating over who to designate as its heroes. After all this, the twins are Sinnoh's first choice. Should they choose to accept this duty, they may take the power to prevent this crisis into their own hands. Should they choose to deny it, it will continue to the next candidates it has selected until someone agrees to its terms.
It has chosen them because of their synchronicity, their bond, and their compassion for the pokemon of the region. If they bear this duty, one of them will become an overwhelming force- As powerful, if not more so, than the pokemon that will rise to challenge them. He will become a work of machinery so beautiful and so complex that he will rival work made in centuries to come- So impossibly grand that he will take on life incomparable to any creature or mechanism that has or ever will walk the earth.
In order to sustain such a life, this is what will become of the other: A being overflowing with energy and will. The ability to command metal with only the thought of desire, the knowledge and dominion over electricity to know and understand all things made of them. With these he can repair and protect the other, just as the other defends and protects all the region. He will be made brilliant just as his brother, but will remain of flesh and blood to ensure both are separate in the restrictions of their capability.
Their lives will entwine, ensuring the safety of both so long as both desire the safety of the other. The machine will power the soul, a fortress of steel defending the lives of both. So long as the machine does not perish, the engineer will never be susceptible to his own mortality. Neither age nor injury will prevent him from returning to the other's side.
With this overwhelming duty, impossibly vast opportunity laid out in full before them, the twins need to talk. More than anything, they need to decide. Will they? Yes. Absolutely. They could pass this on to someone else, but both of them would rather be able to ensure the safety of their brother with their own power.
It is decided that Ingo will become the Grand Machine, and Emmet will take the mantle of the Engineer. Ingo has always been in awe of strong moves, but more than this, it gives him the chance to take direct action in preventing any harm from ever coming to Emmet. As the (slightly) older of the two, he feels strongly about taking responsibility. Emmet has made his choice for the very same reason. Whoever is the Engineer can take direct action to ensure the safety of the Machine. He can protect his brother and keep him safe, and he will always be the first at his side in the line of fire.
With this, their shared vision comes to an end. They provide whatever explanation they can to the clans, to their family, before they set off together to the peak of Mount Coronet.
Emmet steps forward first, to receive the blessing that will change him. With the touch of their maker, his hair is shifted to a brilliant snowy tone- Eyes a bold and electric blue as a flowing coat of white and gold rests over his shoulders. He shines like a man of royalty- change arriving in another wave of light as he finds himself remarkably taller. The two brothers share a moment to revel and celebrate all of these verrry cool blessings!! Younger swinging older into the air in an expression of joy, hugs shared fiercely at the same size again as Emmet discovers his choice between old and new.
They share quieter words of comfort, of assurance. Ingo steps forward to receive his blessing. He turns with a smile on his face, a last look to his brother with the touch of his maker as Emmet sees his eyes glow vibrant blue- Before a torrent of metal sprouts from his back, encircling him completely. It warps and twists like the stem of a growing tree, walls of steel rising into the sky like a tower, faster than human hands could ever build.
When they return from the mountain, they are changed. They are twins, they are brothers, they are Ingo and Emmet. But they are impossible, they are changed to unknowable depths. They are not the same as when they left.
The Giant of Steel and The Engineer alter the fate of the region in more tales than can be catalogued here alone, preventing the deaths of many and earning the respect of every faction. Members of each walk of life vow to join them, becoming a part of Ingo's Crew.
When all is finally over, the final battle comes long after the danger has passed. None were expecting a last straggler, and none were prepared for the inky tendrils of the siren's grasp. The water was never Ingo's ally, but he would never let it be his crew's grave. He forces them to evacuate, the crew taking The Engineer with them to escape the soul-stealing songs of Gigantamax Jellicent. At the cost of his own safety, he brings down the final Dynamax threat once and for all. Consciousness fading, he crashes into the ocean- tsunamic shockwaves sending escape pods tumbling to shore.
Emmet, with all his abilities and tools, does not have the resources alone to craft something with the strength to rescue Ingo from the ocean floor. As days pass, he finds himself fading- He knows what this is, he must always know. Emergency hibernation. In his last days awake, he begs the people of Hisui, his friends, his Crew, to save his brother's life. To save him, when he cannot.
Emmet falls into an indominable slumber, kept safe from the elements in a case of wood and glass he assembled himself. The ocean is quiet, the threat is gone. The Dynamax War is over.
The crew which had endeared themselves to these strange, dedicated, charming, and incomprehensible yet so human twins, vow to repay their dutiful protection by rescuing Ingo from the water's depths.
And so time begins to pass.
-Noteworthy Points- I can't believe I'm posting this online where people can see it haha. Please be nice to me 😂 This is the longest post I've ever made. I hope that summary is to your liking because I am (grinding teeth) not kidding. that's the best way I know how to summarize this ENTIRE plot I made. Based on a dream I had one time two years ago!
Things to note! Ingo and Emmet are both capable of size-shifting but to very different degrees. Ingo is 120ft tall in his Off-Duty form, but can assume an Active Threat mode which allows him to scale up to 400ft tall. Emmet can shift between on/off duty forms also, but the difference is 8ft (Extremely Tall) to his former height somewhere around 5'10" (Above Average)
To re-say what arceus blessed them with in a way that is less cryptic: Ingo is a Mecha. He is bio-mechanical, sort of like a cyborg? In essence, he is an otherwise impossible combination of man, pokemon, and machine. He has a pokemon type and can use various moves. He also operates using a hell of a lot of complex machinery, but retains his humanity and thought. There is nothing else like him! Also he's fucking huge as I mentioned a second ago. He's made to be manned by a crew and has lots of hollow space, rooms, and other things required for life onboard. He also has an internal computer that helps him micromanage everything he needs to know about himself, who is onboard, what he is doing, and what other people are doing. Essentially, he has multiple trains of thought he can use simultaneously in order to help him keep up with everything. Because of this, he also can process information at a speed faster than a normal person is capable of by a significant margin.
Emmet has Technokinesis, and is capable of understanding how any machine works by observing it. He is capable of inventing or assembling machines that are far beyond his time, and can disassemble anything and put it back together with no issue. He has some amount of heightened/super speed, but not on a 'speedster' level of crazy, just unnaturally fast. He has a bigger reserve of energy as well than any normal person would have, and can think/process things at an unnatural speed. This helps him keep up with Ingo, although his processing ability is still a bit slower than his. Emmet also has hammer space with his coat pockets and can magically equip/unequip his coat at any time.
I have so much world building that I genuinely can't put it all in the notes here. There is so much shit to unpack, please understand I've basically made this entire goddamn narrative from scratch in my head and with the help of a close friend. This is me being turbo mentally ill
If I had less self control I would keep writing but I think I've given you all enough to understand the concept and I need to shove this in the queue before I miss the posting time <3 have fun
-Links- Currently none! I will update this post with links to comics/art/writing if/when I post any!
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 9 months
So, uh, I get the general vibe that people are expecting a new chapter for Misfits on Christmas. Honestly, I was also hoping that I would be able to update on Crisis. Unfortunately, the chapter is not even close to being ready to be posted. I'm really sorry. (Combo of busy irl, writers block, and a new hyperfixation grabbing me by the throat.)
However! As a holiday treat, I do have a snippet from the next chapter of Misfits. Spoilers under the cut!
People Who Might Be Persuaded To Wind Ingo Up; a numbered list:
1. Emmet
I cannot ask Emmet, he gave a very clear no, as is his right. He seemed extremely distressed by the prospect and I don’t want to upset him further. There’s no need to burden him with my problems.
2. General North
I know that if I asked him he would oblige me, as he has done so in the past. After the entirety of the Taffy Battalion rebuffed me he came to my aid. However, this also caused him to reassign me to the Pine Battalion, effective immediately, because if they refused assist me with basic maintenance then our working relationship had clearly deteriorated beyond repair. He would not listen when I tried to persuade him otherwise.
I cannot risk him removing me from Gear Battalion. Do not approach under any circumstances.
3. Whoever it is that helps Emmet?
It doesn’t make any sense. Who winds Emmet up? He’s been working on his own for quite some time, and he doesn’t appear to have any friends. General North? It can’t be, Emmet hates him. Besides, if he asked the General now he would simply redirect him to me, or worse. There must be something I’m missing.
I can’t ask Emmet directly, but perhaps there is some other way to find out?
4. The fairy floss spiders
I talked to Emmet’s spiders about my dilemma and they were very good listeners. I had a far fetched and rather outrageous theory that Emmet might have trained them to wind him up. In my defence, they are the only living beings Emmet has a positive relationship with. Further thought proved that this was an even more ludicrous idea than first assumed, as they are too small and lightweight to physically turn a key, even if a whole cluster of them worked together. It is possible that exhaustion is making me slightly delirious.
It was not a complete waste as I feel better after putting my thoughts into words. Additionally, spending time with the spiders always puts me in a positive mood.
Update: a cluster of them worked together to drag a candy cane to me. They must have misunderstood my worries about running out of energy for me being hungry, not understanding that I don’t need to eat like they do. All the same, it was extremely sweet of them to try to help me and it’s a gift I will treasure.
5. Donner
Even when we were in the same battalion our relationship was transactional in nature. If I did a chore for him, such as cleaning or moving cargo, he would return the favour and assist me with maintenance. I have not spoken to him since my removal from his battalion. Although we parted ways on a sour note, he might still be willing to aid me if I offer my services.
Update: He refused. He laughed at me.
6. Captain Jawbreaker
Previously, he gave me an ultimatum: no member of the battalion would wind me up unless I smiled convincingly beforehand. At the time I was unable to. If this ultimatum is still in effect, perhaps it works in the reverse as well.
Update: I’ve tried in front of a mirror and I was unable to produce anything that Captain Jawbreaker would be satisfied with. Since my removal from the Taffy Battalion I have not been practicing as frequently and upon joining Gear Battalion I stoped completely. It’s noticeable. I’m terribly rusty.
Update: I can’t do it. My more recent attempts would be more likely to elicit a punishment than a reward. My cheeks hurt.
Update: I still can’t do it, I wouldn’t be able to even if I had days to improve and I don’t have days. I shouldn’t be wasting my time trying but I don’t know what else to do.
Update: I can’t
7. ???
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, who else is there? Everyone hates me. Everyone hates me. I can’t even bring myself to try pleading with more of my former squad members I already know they’ll say no they don’t like me no one does
I’m running out of time
8. Emmet
Beg. I could throw myself at his feet and beg for mercy. He’s been kind before and he’s shown concern for my well being in the past, he might take pity on me. He’s my friend, isn’t he? If he knew how dire my situation was
What a horrible thing to do to a friend. He was so distressed the first time I brought it up, I won’t add guilt to that too. I don’t want to risk our friendship by pushing beyond what he is comfortable with. I don’t want him to hate me.
Maybe he already does
9. Nobody
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panlight · 5 months
can i be anon? i think you've said this before but i couldnt find it (hell site search function sucks), but i remembered other day how funny it is that bella's big crisis is 'when i'm a vampire i won't want to sex edward anymore because i'll be so blood thirsty rather than thirsty, so i better have sex with him as a human, even though that has a high chance of killing me' when didn't emmet and rosalie get married when emmet was a newborn? and they were strangers she already knows and loves edward.
Oh, yeah, this was weird for me, too. There's also Esme/Carlisle.
To be fair to SM I guess we don't really know how long it took between meeting and relationships to develop for these couples, but it's pretty clear from the backstories that the attraction was there during that first newborn year for both Emmett and Esme. There's also Bree and Diego, Shelly and Steve, Benjamin and Tia, etc. Plenty of vampires formed couples when one or both were newborns.
I suspect Bella's hang-up about it is more about making Renesmee happen, though. She HAS to have sex with Edward as a human for Renesmee to be conceived, so there has to be SOME reason she's so hell-bent on it, and I guess that reason is she's afraid she won't be in a headspace to desire him that way during her newborn year. So Emmett and Esme can't reassure her, because then the pregnancy won't happen.
Makes me curious how it played out in Forever Dawn. Without New Moon and Eclipse, presumably there was no long back and forth negotiation and compromise about marriage-sex-vampirism in that order. From those who have read it, Bella seems much more on board and happy about the wedding. Was Edward also more chill about the idea of pre-vampirism sex? Was it more like, "oh we'll turn you after the honeymoon so you don't spend it writing in pain" but whoopsie, she got pregnant?
(If anyone who has read FD sees this and wants to fill me in . . . I would love that).
Someone once compared the whole thing to like that logic puzzle where you have to get a wolf, goat and cabbage across a river but can only take one at a time, so you have to do it in a really specific order so that the goat isn't left alone with wolf (wolf would kill it) and the cabbage isn't left alone with the goat (goat would eat it).
Bella and Edward have to have sex before she becomes a vampire so Renesmee can happen, but they also have to have to wait until they are married to have sex because that's Edward's condition.
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beastkonohaworld · 7 months
Emmet realizing he is responsible for the garbage Kalosian rail system as it is today and having a crisis about it.
And he just wanted to help 😭
Alternatively, he was sent by Zygarde or other Arceus for the purpose to actually repair Kalosian rail system before the disaster.
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Sounds like Alxi is gearing up for a journey to find himself and figure out what he wants to do, if he wants to stay. Not like he has much of a choice unless he gets tossed back home.
Would he eventually get his own place, once he gets his documents settled, or would the brothers all decide to move to a new place with 3 bedrooms? It would be nice if they all decide they are still family, even if they aren't blood related. He could even still work at a train station if he wanted, since he still has the experience.
Alexi is going through a huge existential crisis, for the second time, and is a little too scared to really. Talk about it with anyone. Instead choosing to try and deal with it himself.
Meanwhile, Emmet is terrified to even talk to Alexi, because he was a major player in Alexi's first existential crisis and somehow convinced the poor guy that he was his missing twin brother.
Alexi is kind of convinced for a while that he'll have to figure out new living arrangements and just. Move out of Emmet's life. Which is something Emmet doesn't want either, because as complicated as things are, Alexi for all intents and purposes was his brother for the past five years, even if he wasn't Ingo. Like, Alexi made him soup when he was sick, scolded him when he overworked himself, play wrestled him, all the works. Emmet can't stop Alexi from wanting to move away, after all, Emmet... Contributed to this guy's brainwashing. But he doesn't want Alexi gone either.
Ingo is actually the one to convince Alexi to stick around. Ingo, for very obvious reasons, has no preconceived notions about who Alexi is and what he should be like. Ingo personally has done nothing to wrong Alexi directly. It's so much easier to interact with Ingo than everybody else, who act so stilted around Alexi. (You know. Because of the guilt and horror.)
Ingo just. Talks with Alexi. About everything and anything. Alexi ends up giving Ingo his "memory journal" where he's kept a record of things from the past five years, because the journal includes stories that Ingo's family told Alexi in hopes of "jogging his memory." Although Ingo remembers Emmet and his home now, he's still got a bad case of amnesia, so Alexi thought this would be helpful for him in the way it wasn't helpful to Alexi.
Ingo finds himself very touched by the entries of Alexi's journal. It's meticulously kept, and Alexi is very clear about what he's feeling in the moments he records. Alexi very obviously loves Emmet. Loves the friends and family Ingo had trouble remembering. Alexi writes about their mannerisms and their ticks, taking special care in these notes because "you should be able to recognize who they are by these traits, even if you were to lose your memories once more."
Alexi thought he had lost his memories and kept a record in the case he ever lost them again, and this proves to be incredibly useful for Ingo. Alexi is more than happy in aiding Ingo's efforts in regaining his memories. The two become close as a result, and Ingo finds himself treating Alexi as a brother.
Ingo is rather honest about wanting Alexi in his life. It immediately makes Alexi reconsider leaving.
They still need to move, of course. Ingo came back with an entire team from Hisui. They kind of need a bigger place to house all these new Pokémon. (And Alexi's Ferroseed. Can't forget the newest addition.)
And as for Alexi's job. He actually needs to get his certification in his own name to continue working at the station. And Ingo's been gone for five years so HE needs to get reexamined as well. They become study buddies for a while.
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sa1808fi · 9 months
Hear me out:
Rex being desensitized to any kind of gorey thing, or at the very least he isn't scared of anything Emmet is anymore.
BECAUSE, at this point, he's seen things much more horrifying than blood or guts, or mangled corpses, or any of the standard horror movie scary things.
Like after Undar his view of reality is so fucked up to the point he just doesn't register what should be horrifying to a normal person as something he should be worried about.
He spent so much time in the 'real world', seeing the kids playing with the legos that he's bound to have seen them take the minifigures apart to build new ones.
Sooo, he's gonna have an even bigger existential crisis. And that's just him falling into the 'nothing is real' mindset. So if he does see these things when he's back in his world.
He can still process the fact that you know dead person. But he's just having less of a freaked-out reaction compared to what Emmet would have.
Raptors could also contribute to his apatheticness because of how they attack/eat things. Hmmmm.
Does this make sense? My thoughts are all over the place
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imaginatorofthings · 2 months
Ooh An excuse to talk about Pokemon? I'm not sure what you know at this point, but you seem primarily interested in the humans and have the main trio down. So I'll start with elaborating on the fanon if you don't mind. To be clear, Pokémon games tend to be more the loose outlines of a story. An entire subgenre of Pokémon fics is retelling the story of the games, and to a certain extent so is the animes and mangas. So the Pokémon fandom really does whatever the hell they want with Pokémon characters, plays with them like dolls because so little is canon. But because so little is canon a lot gets extrapolated from a little. Submas probably is the most egregious example of this however.
So as mentioned, Elesa is a friend of Ingo and Emmet's in fanon simply because they are both strong professional Pokémon trainers, who live in Nimbasa. Not much to go off of but generally speaking whenever we see characters of this category we get the implication that they run in the same circles, so it's not a stretch to assume that Elesa and the twins know each other. I think Elesa is often shown as the twins friend partially to give them a friend (especially one to help out Emmet post-Ingo disappearance), and also because the odd couple dynamic of famous powerhouse supermodel with the subway bosses. But Elesa of course isn't the only one. Both Skyla and Elesa are gym leaders, people who test other trainers skills and help out as manpower in times of crisis. In Unova being a Gym Leader is usually like a side hussle, so Skyla is also a pilot.
But other Gym Leaders are often showcased as well. A notable relationship is the fanon that Ingo and Emmet are related to Drayden, the Opelucid city gym leader and mayor. An old man and a dragon type trainer who wrestles with his pokemon. He's got spikey facial hair, the twins have weird hair, the twins have a Haxorus (a dragon type Drayden also trains), and Drayden is implied to have a familial connection to the twin heroes as a key item is passed down in his family.Which to elaborate on that. Ingo and Emmet have a black and white motif, which is notable as the games they come from are Pokémon black and white. The legendary Pokémon of the Unova region (Pokemon New York) are Zekrom and Reshiram, who are said to have once been one Pokémon but split in an argument when their twin heroes fought. Zekrom (black/electric) aligning itself with the younger twin in the name of ideals, and Reshiram (white/fire), aligning itself with the older twin in the name of truth. Ingo and Emmet are twins, wear white and black, and their aces are a fire/ghost and an electric type respectively. While the traits are mixed between them, the parallels are apparent, so it's not uncommon for people to tie them to the twin heroes in some way.Drayden also has an honorary granddaughter in dragon prodigy Iris, who is the other Opelucid city gym leader turned Champion who fandom elevates to full on adopted, and a recently introduced biological grandson in Drayton who also train dragons. So the twins fanon extended family. Otherwise people hc the twins are from Anville town, a town only accessible via subway that is just about the trains.
The Striaton triplets, are also gym leaders and rarely make appearances (I think they should get more attention). In the anime one of them, Cilan, is a huge fan of theirs, and a friend of Iris's so sometimes he shows up. So does Burgh, bug type gym leader and artist, from the city just south across the desert, (which people connect to the twins due to the twins two bug types) and otherwise a natural fit for the friend group.
Also, of course, the Depot Agents under the twins. In game six of the potential battle subway opponents are Depot Agents. They have names, and like 3 lines of dialogue a piece. That's all there is to go off of. Their teams are randomized from a large list so the Pokemon they have is indeterminable. There are like 3 other non battle subway depot agents as well, who also have a name, a few lines of dialogue, and a pokemon or two, but they aren't as commonly referenced.
But the Hisui (Past Pokemon Hokkaido) side of things, Ingo was taken in to the Pearl clan, and became a warden (caretaker of Pokémon nobility basically) of Sneasler. So his clanmates. I think most notable is Lian, who is the youngest Pearl clan warden, who likes rocks and who is implied to be the ancestor of another Unovan gym leader who Ingo would probably know, Clay, from the city just west of Nimbasa (Driftveil, whose background music is that one toothless meme). Clay trains ground types, and is a friendly businessman, and canonically has a daughter who goes to school with Drayton. The other notable clan members are Irida (the young leader) and his fellow pearl wardens, Gaeric (Irida's perpetually shirtless in the snow teacher), Calaba (the old outsider distrusting healer woman), and Palina (Irida's childhood friend whose in love with a rival diamond clan member). Ingo is in canon shown to know Melli, the other warden of the highlands, from the Diamond clan. Melli is arrogant and obnoxious. Ingo prioritizes safety and is level headed. They clash. Finally, I've seen Ingo friends/shipped with Zisu, the captain of the Galaxy Team Security Corp. Ingo starts a battle challenge in Jubilife city at the Jubilife training grounds. Zisu is usually found at the training grounds and is implied to be one of the stronger trainers (its a low bar) of the region. They don't talk in canon but they do stand next to each other in game.
Sometimes you'll also see Anabel and Looker, members of the international police, the former being a canon faller and the latter maybe being a faller, and Cynthia Sinnoh (present Hisui/current Pokemon Hokkaido) champion and a historian. Oh and Volo, Legend Arceus's main villain who was awfully interested in Ingo's origins. Otherwise those are the main people you'll probably see in Submas focused stuff, short of just listing every Pokemon character from Hisui, Sinnoh and Unova. And of course their Pokemon which is a whole thing in of itself. Anyway hope this wasn't obnoxious lol.
Oh, an essay! Let me write down my thoughts about this.
I can see Pokemon having a loose canon, but I didn't know just HOW loose the canon was. The bit about the Submas twins and Elesa I have some knowledge about from other people rambling in my inbox.
The fanon familial connections are new to me however. I've seen arts and AUs about the Submas twins being related to the dragon Pokemon (the entire "was one split into two").
Okay, I'm going to be honest: I skimmed the rest of the essay you wrote for me because it's a lot of information. It does make some things clearer though, but everything is just a lot for now.
Thank you for the information though! It's a big help!
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leggerefiore · 11 months
Ingo probably has a bit of an identity crisis when he returns to Unova post-Hisui, and Emmet feels utterly distraught he and his brother have such severe differences for once in their lives. Of course, they both get over and realise they are still twins no matter what, but there is a period where they seem oddly at each other's throats.
Emmet does not understand why Ingo wants to go hiking so much or why he has this new obsession with Sneasels and Sinnoh. Ingo feels unneeded at the Gear Station due to how competently Emmet runs it alone and how different battling feels back in the modern era, even with his original team. They nearly seem like strangers to each other.
(Until they have a Multi-battle together. Then they recall how in sync and similar they are.)
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