#Emperor x Judgement makes for a good balance
wreckedhoney · 7 months
A Killer Frequency Major Arcana Match-up! bc sometimes it's fun to match characters & setpieces from a story with the major arcana from the tarot deck. But some picks are better than others lol, I bolded the ones I like best. Feel free to share what/who you'd match with which, or what picks here stand out! Shared a bit of this on discord, so hello to anyone seeing this again! I added more since :)
0. The Fool - Jimmy. Curiosity, Optimism, Journeys, Trust (both deserved & misplaced), Above the opinions of others. Upside down: Agency, Responsibility, Don’t catastrophize/overthink.
I. The Magician - Carrie. Creativity, Invention, Transformative process, Art, Wisdom, Purity. Upside down: Ineffective old habits, Learn new tricks, Hard work, Change.
II. The High Priestess - KFAM Radio station. Welcoming, Mysterious, Fertile, Secrets, Clarity, Good surprises, Opportunity. Upside down: Actions over wishful thinking.
III. The Empress - Brian Ponty. Peace/Abundance, Love/Luxury. Upside down: Trouble in paradise, Collect yourself.
IV. The Emperor - John Hedges. Power/Authority, Responsibility, Self control, Self mastery. Upside down: Need for flexibility over rigidness.
V. The Hierophant - Forrest Nash. Wisdom, Rules, Choosing one’s battles, Conformity. Upside down: Independent paths/Isolation.
VI. The Lovers - George&Marie. Choices, Guided or controlled by emotions, Passion. Upside down: Emotional coldness, Hibernation, Complacency.
VII. The Chariot - 189.16, The Scream. Control over situations, Freedom, Risk of working oneself out of a good thing. Upside down: Moving forward.
VIII. Strength - Leslie Harper. Stamina, Perseverance. Upside down: Draw on hidden strengths, Reflect on strengths one forgets they have.
IX. The Hermit - Clive Elforth. Reflection, Soul searching, Learning by observation. Upside down: Consider sharing one’s wisdom with others.
X. Wheel of Fortune - Roller Ricky’s Roller Rink. Life is circular, Good times will come back, Keep working towards upsides. Upside down: Take a step back before things spin out of control.
XI. Justice - The Producer’s Booth. Fairness, Adherence to rules & consequences. Upside down: Karma for oneself also.
XII. The Hanged Man - Maurice Russell. Patience, Perspective over catastrophizing. Upside down: Patience is not always a virtue; act or retreat.
XIII. Death - George Barrow. Changes, Attempts to avoid conflict may be futile. Upside down: Pointless to resist; may make things worse. Avoid conflict if possible.
XIV. Temperance - Plunker/The Frat. Self restraint, Moderation, Satisfaction with balance, Going with the flow, Patience. Upside down: Reflect on life’s imbalances, Be wary of impulsiveness.
XV. The Devil - Marie Campbell. Base desires, Bound to self-destruction, Prone to temptation/beguiling, Potential to break free but unwilling. Upside down: Detach from self-destruction.
XVI. The Tower - Elis Point/Whistling Point. Sudden changes & chaos, Powerlessness, Humbleness and Brevity. Upside down: Little to no way to avoid inevitable, but it will be okay eventually.
XVII. The Star - Roller Ricky. Transformation, Growth, Healing & forgiveness, Success, Carrying on. Upside down: Lack of guidance, Work to move things to one’s benefit.
XVIII. The Moon - Edward Marshall Mooney. Clarity past distractions, Ego/stubbornness, Dreams & Intuition followed through. Upside down: Anxieties and unhappiness, though it will also pass.
XIX. The Sun - Peggy Weaver. Optimism, Joy, Creativity, Potential for power. Upside down: Use powers wisely, Avoid unneeded conflict, Reach out to others.
XX. Judgement - The DJ Booth. Judge oneself, Examine choices & actions, Reflect on present and goals. Upside down: Avoid overthinking (especially details) as it may cloud judgement.
XXI. The World - Henry Barrow. Completion, Satisfaction. Upside down: Incomplete feelings, Reflect on what was missing.
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piercing-wind · 8 years
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Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat We'll take the trail marked on your father's map 
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sacerdotessa · 4 years
Hi cuties! I tried to create an apposite blog for witchcraft/spiritual stuff but tumblr decided to be a bad bitch and marked my blog as a spammer, so I decided to post this guide here on my main blog. These observation are based on my 6+ years experience with tarot cards. I need some friends in the witchcraft community and more blog to follow, like this post and I will check your blog! <3
⚠️ If you want to repost this on your Instagram, please tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG⚠️
Sorry for my bad english.
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The Fool (0) :  This card is all about cycles, it could be referred to a new beginning in your life, a feeling of joy and excitement. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better.
it's usually a positive card and it's energy's able to protect you from the energy of negative cards. It suggests you to have faith, to act in a positive and optimistic way and to follow your instinct.
in some occasion it could mean impulsive and childish behavior and a return to “point zero”.
It's referred to something that's going to happen pretty soon.
The Magician (I) : This card's about YOU and your ability to excel in a specific aspect of life. You have the ability to be successful and the strength to overcome obstacles, it reminds that you are the creator of your destiny. It's also connected to intelligence and suggests you to connect to your higher self. It's an invite to ACT NOW and to avoid procrastination.
In a negative scenario it could be referred to a manipulative person with bad intentions.
It's referred to something that's going to happen pretty soon.
The High Priestess (II) : This card's all about secrets and things that are hidden from you. It could also mean that you're not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings it's signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). It suggest you to connect with your spiritual side and to follow your intuition or that you're going to receive a wise advice from someone that's close to you.
The Empress (III) : It's all about confidence, self-love and being happy with your yourself, sometimes it could be related to a mother or to a woman in your life. It announces a time of personal growth, self discovering and connection with your truer self. It's related to a happy state of mind, creativity, new projects and love stories. It suggest you to believe in yourself and in your ability to create something new.
It's related to spring/summer and announces that you're going to see the product of your work in a while, changes will not be noticeable immediately.
The Emperor (IV) : This card suggests you to act in a strong and powerful way, to persist and to follow your goals. Like The Magician it suggests that the right time to act is NOW and that you should put your needs first. What you're hoping to achieve is already yours.
In a negative scenario it could be related to a stubborn and closed minded individual who's not going to compromise.
The Hierophant (V) : Like the High Priestess, this is a card about secrets and things that are hidden, in this case the card shows you that a secret's going to be revealed pretty soon or a conflict will be solved. It reminds of a situation of peace and clarity. It's also referred to a marriage or a long term relationship, to your father or an older man in your life, to a teacher, mentor or a guide. It announces the resolution of a problem.
In negative scenarios this card protects you from the negative cards and suggest you that the obstacles will be solved fast.
The Lovers (VI) : This card's all about duality, choices and relationships. It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but it's not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision that's going to change your life. It reminds that you should trust your emotions and follow them. It can talks about a partner or someone who's in love with you, a reciprocated crush, good choices and happiness.
The Chariot (VII) : It's a card about victory and overcoming fears. It suggests that you're going to win and to excel, but first you need to overcame some obstacles. It could be related to travels. It reminds you that success is around the corner, your commitment will be repaid.
The Strength (VIII) : It's a card about commitment, power and pride. In a love reading it reminds of a strong feeling, true love and honesty. It suggests to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude e to stay focused on your goals. In a reading about a specific problem it suggest that you need to be patience because the solution of the problem's not there already, you need to wait for a while and to fight against your problem a little more, it suggest you to be optimistic because you have all the abilities to overcame your obstacles.
It's usually referred to the summer.
The Hermit (IX) : It's related to intelligence, being wise, loneliness and research. It suggests a lonely period and introspection, a transitioning phase in your life, you should take advantage of this period for studying something new and the card suggests you to read more books. If you are asking if you're on the right path the answer is “yes”, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but you're going to overcame all the obstacles. It's the right time for counseling or seeing a psychologist.
It's associated with waiting for a long time for an effective change in your life.
The Wheel of Fortune (X) : It's about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually it's a positive card but it's pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. It suggests that you're entering in a new chapter of your life or that you're going to move on in a painful situation.
The Justice (XI) : It's a card about equality and fairness. It could be either a positive or negative card, it means that those who act good will be blessed with a positive change, those who act bad will be punished for their action. It could be related to authority and making choices, a marriage or a divorce. It suggests you that your problems will be solved in the right way, you just have to trust the universe and allow the divine energy to guide you. It's about telling the truth and talk in a clear way.
It's related to patience and long time waiting.
The Hanged Man (XII) : It's a card about blockages, anxiety, bad periods, waiting for something, impossibility to act, stagnancy. It's related to a bad situations, feeling trapped and problems that cannot be solved for now. It suggest you to wait for better occasions and to explore your spiritual side, the right intuition will come to you at the right time.
It's associated with long time waiting.
The Death (XIII) : This card's about the natural end of a cycle, radical changes, moving on and ending in general. It's not always a bad card and generally it's not related to an actual death, it will just bring a change in some aspects of your life or in a relationship. It suggests you to let go of the past. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life.
The Temperance (XIV) : It's about finding a new balance after a bad period, healing and inner work. It suggest you to relax, to calm yourself, to stay in the present moment and to take care of yourself. It's a positive card and announces a period of calm and peace of mind. It's a good time for counseling, seeing a therapist, begin a diet or take care of yourself in general.
The Devil (XV) : It's a card about obsession, secrets, negativity, manipulative behavior, gossips and bad energy in general. It announces an obstacle in a situation or that someone's not being honest to you. It's related to anxiety, being worried, hyper sexuality and toxicity.
In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality.
The Tower (XVI) : It's about destruction, surprises, shocking events. It's not necessarily a bad card, it's always associated to an unexpected event, in a good scenario it could mean “love at first sight”. As a mental state, it's connected to depression, anger and mental breakdowns. It forces you to let go of something to make space for something better.
The Star (XVII) : It's all about dreams, good luck, protection and hope. It's a good card and encourages you to dream bigger and to trust the universe. It announces a dream that's going to came true, a good opportunity and success. It's connected to spirits and suggests that they're protecting you. Everything will turn out fine. It suggests you to pray and to connect to your higher self.
In presence of bad cards, it could be referred to a dream that's not going to came true or false hope.
A change will shows up into your life at the right time.
The Moon (XVIII) : It's a card about fears, insecurities, danger and lies. Like The High Priestess, it suggests that the cards are not able to answer your question. The situation in unstable and it generates anxiety and fears. It suggests to connect with your spiritual side and make clarity inside you mind.
The Sun (XIX) : It's a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. It's connected to a secret that's going to be revealed, peace after a conflict, harmony, beauty, something good in your love life or good times with friends.
It's related to summer.
The Judgement (XX) : It's a positive card related to resurrection, resolutions, shocking news. In some ways it's like a positive version of The Tower, it could be connected to love at first sight, someone of the past that get back into your life, insights and unexpected news. It could be referred to the internet.
It's associated with something that happen in an unexpected way.
The World (XXI) : Like The Fool, it's a card referred to cycles, ending a chapter, receiving gratification after hard times. It means that now you're able to see the “biggest picture” and see things in perspective. It could be referred to an important gift, a resolution to a problem or a dream that came true. It's connected with abundance and being wise.
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The emperor has to be god-king Andy. Also like since nicky and Joe obv have to have the lovers why not have andy and quyhn kissing as the empress.
Another related ask (potentially by the same person):
Also since the fool is a journey's beginning I'd almost want to pick Nile for it. As well there are four characters who commonly have swords (or an axe but close enough) and cards have four corners. So one sword each corner, nicky, joe, andy, and quyhn.
So. Someone has good ideas. Here’s the post that prompted these asks. This made me pull out my tarot deck and go through the cards. Below the cut is a break down of the entire tarot deck. There will be an explanation of the (standard) interpretation of the cards, good then less good, and then my associated headcannon (or more than one if I couldn’t decide). The source is my experience with tarot. I’m trying to minimize repeats, but historic and modern Old Guard members are counted separately. Enjoy.
The Major Arcana (aka the cards most people have heard about)
0. The Fool - the seeker. Naivety. Courage. Living in the moment. Journey’s beginning. All paths available. Folly. Apathy.
Nile. Anon convinced me. Though Booker has got the folly, apathy, and madness down, Nile is ultimately the beginning. She’s naïve but headstrong, and quite frankly a perfect match.
I. The Magician - the trickster. Power, skill, talent. Mastery, self-control, willpower. Subtlety. Divine connection and inspiration. Self-reliant.
Modern Nicky. Definitely Nicky. Just. He’s a formerly very religious man who just says these things. Also sniper.
II. The High Priestess - the moon goddess. Intuition, wisdom, foresight, divination, prophecy. Enlightenment, understanding, intelligence, education. Pride, emotional instability, unforgiving.
Historic Quynh. Her name means “night-blooming flower”, which is very moon goddess vibes to me. Also, I’d say over 500 years in a box turns understanding and enlightenment into emotional instability and unforgiveness.
III. The Empress - the queen. Feminine power, matriarch, mother. Fertility, pleasure, beauty. Success, evolution, movement. Marriage, wealth. Overattachment, domestic upheaval, delay.
Quynh. The counterpart to Andy’s emperor card.
Nile. Let’s be honest, she’s going to take over from Andy some day.
IV. The Emperor - the king. Masculine power, patriarch, father. Authority, leadership, proficiency. Wealth, stability, effectiveness. Perseverance, logic, endurance, experience. Lack of ability, weak character, immature, rebellious.
Modern Andy. She is the leader who’s short-comings effect her entire team. And who doesn’t love a little gender bending? (and her film look is already soft butch)
V. The Hierophant - the religious leader. Tradition, convention, ritual symbolism. Ceremony, religion, morality, philosophy. Mercy, goodness, forgiveness, humility, vulnerability, Impotence, Religious tyranny.
Historic Nicky. I mean, former priest (enough said).
Historic Andy. “I was once worshipped as a god” (enough said).
VI. The Lovers - the lovers. Love, attraction. Compatibility, harmony, choice.  Triumph over trials, vacillation. Entanglement, enmeshment. Infidelity, moral lapse, vice, separation, quarrels, inadequacy, failing tests.
Andromaquynh. *peeks out from behind barricade* I know that most people would just put Kaysanova as this card, but look at all the negatives it is associated with. Sounds a lot more like our immortal wives can really cover the gamut. They have the range....I am a sucker for Kaysanova, though. Even though the beginning of their relationship is rocky, I’d like to think it’s been fairly constant over the years. But let’s reverse the uhaul lesbians and fickle gay men tropes! Sorry, Book of Nile fans. That ship just isn’t established enough for this, I’d say. Maybe one day?
VII. The Chariot - the journey. Ordeal, obstacles, competition. High stakes, ambition, discipline. Conquest, victory, greatness. Right action prevails, overwhelming odds, sudden defeat.
Merrick and/or Dr. Kozak. I mean, this is literally their characters in a nutshell. Merrick is the journey/ordeal for the old guard. He is driven by his ambition, thinks he’s won over impossible odds, and then has a sudden defeat.
VIII. Justice - the balance. Equilibrium, equality, symmetry, harmony. Integrity, honor, fairness, neutrality, moderation. Vindication, self-righteousness, bigotry, prejudice, favoritism.
Nile. This is the woman with a sword card. She brings a balance to the team, she clearly moderates conflict, and I’d love to see BLM art of her in this style. Just sayin.
IX. The Hermit - the seeker-sage. Wisdom, inspiration, contemplation, discretion, understanding. Safety, protection, spiritual quest. Seeking truth and justice. Self-denial, timidity, fear.
Historic Joe. The idealized warrior poet? Definitely just a form of the hermit. Helps explain why a Magrebhi trader/artist fought at the Siege of Jerusalem: spiritual quest. I also like the idea of Joe having a secret reserved side.
X. The Wheel of Fortune - cycles of life. Destiney, evolution and progress, advancement. Manifestation, unexpected events. Success, sudden luck. Ups and downs.
Modern Quynh. There is nothing that better encapsulates her storyline than the wheel of fortune. One day you’re roaming the world with your immortal wife. The next, you’re drowning for over 500 years. The next you’re in Booker’s shitty Paris apartment.
XI. Strength - fortitude. Resilience, courage, resolve, confidence. Integrity, moral victory, endurance. Energy, action, vitality. Power, force, violence. Abuse of power, disgrace, impotence.
Lykon. Do I love this character beyong measure and reason? Maybe so. We have so little to go on about him, however, that the only things we do know bely his strengths. Also, he becomes ultimately the weakest when he dies and encapsulates both “extremes” of the card.
XII. The Hanged Man - the tested. Delay, sacrifice, abandonment, rejection. Betrayal. Reversals, restrained or bound, limbo, trials. Falseness.
Booker. If the fact that his first death was by hanging didn’t convince you? Read that description again. His character arc is literally working through being the hanged man.
XIII. Death - the loss or parting. Alteration, transformation, transition. Boredom, depression, stagnation, failure or disaster. Bereavement, recovery, immobility.
Lykon. He literally represents the fear of death to the remaining immortals. It is HE that they invoke when they discuss it. Also, I’m still mourning my favorite underdeveloped character.
XIV. Temperance - the moderation. Self-control, economy, patience, coordination. Consolidation, harmony, friendship, recuperation. Unfulfilled desires, discord, stubbornness, hostility, clashing of interests. Time, seasons, and climate.
A Safehouse. I don’t think any of the people really capture the tempered essence of this card, the constancy throughout all seasons of life. An actual physical building that rises and falls with (regular) humanity, though, seems to do the trick.
XV. The Devil - the arcane. Magic, strange occurrences, prophecy, fate. Catastrophe, downfall, negative attitude, Temptations, sins, obsessions. Enslavement, bondage, misplaced loyalty, violence, fatality.
Honestly? I’m so torn. I feel like a major commentary of the movie is that our demons are the way people react more so than the people themselves. Maybe the armored van?
XVI. The Tower - the House of God. Disruption, expulsion from an earthly paradise, divine wrath. Punishment (of pride), loss, destructive rivalry, plans ruined. Need to start again, bankruptcy.
The Iron Coffin. While this doesn’t capture the religious undertones quite right, the coffin is the Tower for Andromaquynh, It is (divine? or very human?) wrath brought on by pride since the two probably thought that they would be fine. It is loss and painful new beginnings.
XVII. The Star - the bright promise. Hope, faith, light of the spirit. Recovery, symbols of immortality. Gifts, good prospects, new dawn, frustrated expectations.
Nile. The new immortal, enough said.
Historic Andy/Lykon. In a way, the first immortal would also be a great choice of representation.
XVIII, The Moon - the hidden forces. Twilight, illusion, deception, trickery. Dishonesty, danger, uncertainty, terror. Developments, particularly somewhat concealed. Errors, powerful feelings.
Copley. I know, I know. “He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness” and all that jazz. But look at this card’s interpretation and notice it’s pretty negative. Copley’s entire role is to pull the strings behind the scenes. He makes headway on problems in secrets, he lies and deceives everyone in the film at some point.
XIX. The Sun - the work’s rewards. Daylight, co-creation, union “of male and female”. Peace, joy, pleasure, love, contentment. Accomplishment, achievement, success. 
Joe. Not only is he the sun, he also fits this card perfectly. He is creation and happiness. Enough said.
XX Judgement - the rebirth. Judgement, sentence. Rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, call to the new from the old, rehabilitation. Creation, promotion.
Historic Booker. I feel like his backstory with his family helped highlight the theme of rebirth for the Old Guard. They must be willing to give up what they have left behind to move forward. Also, there’s the more literal play as well since Booker was a conscripted criminal.
XXI The World - the long journey. Perfection, completion, conclusion. Power through intelligence and wisdom. The universe and the material world.
A group photo, of course! Beyond that? Who knows.
Historic Andy? She’s seen so much of it. Like just her eyes portray the history of the world.
The Minor Arcana (aka the rest of the cards)
Since most people are only familiar with the major arcana,  I’ll just briefly explain it. The minor arcana are actually the majority of a tarot deck. There are four suits associated with the four elements. Each suit has ten number cards and four court/face cards (traditionally modelled either based on one person or different interpretations of similar costuming). Each number or face has its own meaning, each suit has its own meaning, and their combination mostly explains what the card should be interpreted as. Quite frankly, the minor arcana are vastly underrated in popular understandings of tarot.
Suit of Wands - fire. Spontaneity, action, passion, adrenaline, life force, stroke of genius.
Guns? It’d be a bit of a niche take, but I associate guns with fires.
Staffs? More traditional in shape.
Suit of Coins - earth. Solid growth, material interests, possessions, profit, business, labor, slow and considerate.
Historic currency. Enough said.
Suit of Cups - water. Heartfelt involvements, imagination, spirituality, love, friendship, family.
Fountains around the world. Enough said.
Suit of Swords - air. Worry, trouble, boundaries, objectivity, the power of truth.
Obviously, their weapons of choice. I would go into more detail about who best represents each number, but I don’t want to bore you.
Court of Kings - mature men. Leaders, authority, status-quo, taking responsibility.
Again, most tarot is very gendered. But members in tuxes?
Court of Queens - mature women. Reflective and active, concerned with security/foundations, supportive, focused.
Members in dresses/gowns/anything that glitters?
Court of Knights/Cavaliers - young men. Dynamic, adventurous, intensive, revolutionary.
Tactical gear. Or historical armor. But it’s easier to do tactical gear right than accidentally draw a 15th century helmet on a 14th century suit of armor.
Court of Knaves/Pages - younger women, teenagers, and children. Students, apprentices, trainees, messengers, new opportunities.
Casual clothes.
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twinfoxtails · 4 years
Touhou Arcana write-up
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((So... my internet was out for a few days, and I have been playing Persona 4 Golden for a while, so I decided to do a write up for all the major arcana.
Everyone’s list is very different, SO THERE’S DEFINITELY GOING TO BE DISAGREEMENTS, but if you have any, let me know what you think!
Note: This is strictly going through Arcana descriptions and meanings!
0: Fool - Cirno, The Three Fairies The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos and creativity.
Aside from the memes of Cirno being an idiot, I couldn’t think of a better tie than these two. (four?) All of them are leaders of their own right, they’re pretty much free to do what they please, and most importantly, creative and inexperienced.
I: Magician - Marisa Kirisame The Magician Arcana is commonly associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, immaturity, manipulation, and power.
THE STAPLE GIRL OF THE MAGICIAN ARCANA, MARISA HERSELF-... She’s the self confident one, immature to a fault, and her whole stick is ‘DANMAKU IS POWER’. So yep, this fits her extremely well!
II: Priestess - Rinnosuke Morichika The Priestess Arcana is a symbol of hidden knowledge or other untapped power, wisdom, mystery and patience when it appears in tarot readings.
Can’t get better than Rinnosuke himself, IMO. Father figure of both Reimu and Marisa, people approach him for wisdom at times and he’s also shrouded in mystery, and not to mention a really patient person.
III: Empress - Hong Meiling, Shinki The Empress represents mothers, prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility, protection, and comfort.
I really don’t have to explaint his one! Meiling is the bind which ties everyone together, as well as Shinki does, not to mention the bit about protection and comfort. There’s no better arcana for a motherly figure.
IV: Emperor - Remilia Scarlet, Toyosatomimi no Miko The Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable.
‘BUT REMILIA IS BEST FIT FOR DEVIL’ you say! Devil’s more of temptation, and Remilia’s more controlling than being the symbol of temptation, and not to mention that she isn’t entirely selfish, actually caring for the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Either way, both Miko and Remilia do sometimes cause trouble around them (Remilia especially), and not to mention really ambitous.
V: Hierophant - Keine Kamishirasawa, Byakuren Hijiri The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine.
Keine and Byakuren being both teachers in their own right, and also quite lawful as well. Byakuren also gets the extra point of being in a relationship with the divine, being head monk and all.
VI: Lovers - Alice Margatroid, Sakuya Izayoi The Lovers Arcana initially represented two paths life could lead to, and thus a symbol of standing at a crossroad and needing to make a decision.
Between Alice being in Hell with Shinki and choosing her life to be in the forest, as well as Sakuya either being a vampire killer and serving one, I think this fits pretty well!
VII: Chariot - Chen, Yuugi Hoshiguma The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war, and command.
Ah yes, the arcana usually tied with war gods. Both are self-confident, and these usually have a goal they wish to attain at any cost. In this case, I’d put Chen and Yuugi!
VIII: Justice - Shiki Eiki The Justice Arcana symbolizes a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. In tarot readings, it means that one will have to face a trial of their justice.
OKAY I’M SURE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DISAGREE WITH ME ON THIS BECAUSE SHE’S NOT JUDGEMENT-... But Justice is very different from Judgement, which I’ll explain below. But I feel Justice fits Eiki more, as she is the pinacle of rationality and objectivity.
IX: Hermit - Satori Komeiji, Patchouli Knowledge The Hermit is associated with wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches.
With Satori being the philosophical mind reader she is, along with Patchouli being the moving library, this is pretty much a big given.
X: Fortune - Tewi, Joon Yorigami The Fortune Arcana is portrayed by the Wheel of Fortune and symbolizes fate, luck, fortune and opportunity.
Can’t get any better than these two, for self-explained reasons!
XI: Strength - Momiji Inubashiri The Strength Arcana is associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force. It can also represent creative or physical energy that needs to be or is about to be unleashed, sometimes out of desire to be recognized.
This is not physical strength, but inner strength, and IMO, Momiji is the most self-controlled yet also desires to be recognized by the higher ups for PUTTING UP WITH TENGUS-
XII: Hanged Man - Hina Kagiyama, Medicine Melancholy The Hanged Man Arcana is associated with self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth.
Can’t think of anyone else but these two in this category. People in this Arcana are really self-sacrificial, and both of them fit the bill .
XIII: Death - Yuyuko Saigyouji The Death Arcana symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles.
Do I need to explain this :D
XIV: Temperance - Reimu Hakurei, Konpaku Youmu The Temperance Arcana is a symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites.
No better person than Reimu herself. She’s the Hakurei Shrine maiden, mediator of both humans and youkai, going out to restore order after every incident and to keep the balance in check. Depressing job 10/10.
XV: Devil - Seiga Kaku, Kanako Yasaka The Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation.
I don’t think I need to explain Seiga, but Kanako literally tempted Okuu with the power of the Yatagarasu so SHE FITS HERE VERY WELL. MORIYA SHRINE CONSPIRACY.
XVI: Tower - Junko, Tenshi Hinanawi The Tower Arcana is commonly associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organizations, which walk to their own ironic demise. Furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster.
The worst card in the deck. This card barely means anything good at all. Both are somewhat prejudiced, and Tenshi fits this arcana like A SHOE.
XVII: Star - Sanae Kochiya The Star Arcana is also commonly associated with hope, self-confidence, faith, altruism, luck, generosity, peace and joy.
Miracles. Faith. Joy. I don’t think I need to explain much about this one!
XVIII: Moon - Reisen Udongein Inaba, Flandre Scarlet, Koishi Komeiji The Moon Arcana is associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery.
Three of them are quite creative people, with Flandre leaning quite alot into the ‘madness’ part of it. They can also sense things around them without being told, and these three are usually quite in touch with their senses.
XIX: Sun - Utsuho Reiuji, Aya Shameimaru The Sun symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment. Occasionally, it is also associated with one's initial happiness.
Both of them are just the biggest optimistic and energetic ball of fun you’ll ever meet, and Okuu does her job quite well! Aya... not so much, since her newspaper isn’t very popular-
XX: Judgement - Kasen Ibaraki, Hata no Kokoro The Judgement Arcana is associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution.
You’d expect Eiki here, but Judgement is the reflection of one-self, and accepting who you are. They view the world with infinite possibilities, and I believe Kasen and Kokoro fits this out to the letter.
XXI: The World - Yakumo Yukari, Okina Matara The World Arcana is a representation of the world's totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness and harmony. 
Don’t need to explain this, really! Gensokyo is primarily their creation, after all!
Anyways, if you made it this far, thank you very much!))
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kivainthedark · 4 years
Tarot References
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The Major Arcana
0 - The fool
Upright: New beginnings, optimism, trust in life, open minded, innocence, spontaneity 
Reversed: Delays, Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
*Keep an eye out for the cards paired with this one.  I.e. if it's paired with the lovers, upright, it could mean a new lover.
I - The Magician 
Upright: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness, Will, personal power, intention, Actions, manifestations
Reversed: Misunderstandings, Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
II - The High Priestess
Upright: Inaction, going within, the subconscious, Hidden knowledge, Secrets, Meditation, spirituality, Higher power 
Reversed: Manipulations, Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
III - The Empress
Upright: Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance, Mother, creativity, nurturing, sensuality, Resources
Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others, Neglect 
IV - The Emperor
Upright: Authority, Father-figure, Structure, Solid Foundation, Power, Structure, Stability, Boundaries, Order
Reversed: Domination, Excessive control, Rigidity, Inflexibility, Chaos
V - Hierophant 
Upright: Institutions, Tradition, Society and its rules, Education, Lessons, Unity, Responsibility, Knowledge, Teacher, Belief system
Reversed: Hypocrisy, Restriction, Challenging the status quo
VI - Lovers
Upright: Love, Union, Relationships, Values Alignment, Choices, Sexuality, Cooperation 
Reversed: Disharmony, Imbalance, Misalignment of values, Separation
VII - Chariot 
Upright: Movement, progress, integration, Determination, Control, momentum, competence
Reversed: Defeat, Lack of control and direction, aggression
VIII - Strength
Upright: Strength, Courage, Patience, Control, Compassion, Survival
Reversed: Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline, Fear
IX  - Hermit
Upright: Meditation, solitude, consciousness, Searching, analysis, Guidance, wisdom, perspective
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
X - Wheel Of Fortune 
Upright: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, expansion, change, movement, Fate
Reversed: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control, Stagnation
XI - Justice 
Upright: Fairness, equality, balance, Decisions Ethics, law, fairness, accountability
Reversed: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty, Lies 
XII - Hanged Man
Upright: Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice, Release, waiting, surrender
Reversed: Stubbornness, Martyrdom, indecision, delay
XIII - Death
Upright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition, Regeneration, rebirth
Reversed: Resistance to change, unable to move on, Limbo
XIV - Temperance
Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning, Experimenting, creating, combining, compromise, Negotiation
Reversed: Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision, Impatience
XV - Devil
Upright: Destructive patterns, addiction, giving away your power, Restrictions, Indulgence, Limitations, attachments, commitment
Reversed: Freedom, Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
XVI - Tower
Upright: Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation, chaos, destruction, questioning beliefs, Unexpected failure, breakdowns
Reversed: Avoidance of disaster, fear of change, Freedom
XVII - Star
Upright: Hope, calm, a good omen, guidance, Renewal, peace, optimism, boundlessness, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Reversed: Darkness, Lack of faith, despair, discouragement
XVIII - Moon
Upright: Mystery, the subconscious, dreams, deep emotions
Reversed: Paranoia, Anxiety, Unusual dreams, Mysteries Unveiled 
XIX - Sun 
Upright: Success, happiness, all will be well, Growth, Recovery
Reversed: Failure, Insecurity, Stagnation 
XX - Judgement 
Upright: Rebirth, a new phase, inner calling, The past, second chances
Reversed: Regrets, hasty judgement, self-doubt
XXI - World 
Upright: Completion, wholeness, attainment, celebration of life, completion
Reversed: Incomplete, delayed Success, Failed Plans 
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The swords
Reflects thoughts and state of mind.
Element: Air
King of Swords 
Upright: Serious, controlling, rational and mind/intellect-focused, Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth
Reversed: Foolish, Quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, manipulation
Queen of Swords
Upright: Intelligent, writer, communicative yet cold, Independent, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication
Reversed: Ineffective, Overly-emotional, easily influenced, bitchy, cold-hearted
Knight of Swords
Upright: Fierce, determined, aggressively pursues goals, Ambitious, action-oriented, driven to succeed, fast-thinking
Reversed: Boredom, Restless, unfocused, impulsive, burn-out
Page of Swords
Upright: mentally unstable or intellectually immature, acts without thinking, New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating
 Reversed: Stupidity, Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste
Ace of Swords
Upright: A fresh start, a sudden opportunity or idea, Breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success
 Reversed: Inner clarity, re-thinking an idea, clouded judgement
2 of Swords
Upright: Indecision, Difficult decisions, weighing up options, an impasse, avoidance
Reversed: Conflicts, Indecision, confusion, information overload, stalemate
3 of Swords
Upright: Heartbreak, betrayal, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, hurt
Reversed: Torment, Negative self-talk, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness
4 of Swords
Upright: Meditation, rest, retreat, contemplation, recuperation
Reversed: Disturbance, Exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, stagnation
5 of Swords
Upright: Mind games, hostility, Conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs
Reversed: Treachery, Reconciliation, making amends, past resentment
6 of Swords
Upright: Leaving, accepting help, going somewhere better, Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage.
Reversed: Trouble, Personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business
7 of Swords
Upright: Secret plans, abandoning ship, Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically
Reversed: Clumsiness, Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets
8 of Swords
Upright: feeling powerless and stuck, Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality
Reversed: Escaping, Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives
9 of Swords
Upright: Overactive mind, anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares
 Reversed: Martyrdom, Inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets, releasing worry
10 of Swords
Upright: Feeling defeated, self-sabotage, Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis
Reversed: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end
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The Wands
 Reflects your spirit, motion and action.
Element: Fire
King of Wands
 Upright: Career focused, mature, passionate, Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honour
 Reversed: Impostor, Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations
Queen of Wands
Upright: Confidant, focused, has zest for life, Courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination
Reversed: Fatigue, Self-respect, self-confidence, introverted, re-establish sense of self
Knight of Wands
Upright: Energy, passion, inspired action, adventure, impulsiveness
Reversed: Apathy, Passion project, haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration
Page of Wands
Upright: newly inspired, Inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, free spirit
Reversed: Passive, Newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, a spiritual path
Ace of Wands
Upright: New beginnings, creative spark, fertile ideas, Inspiration, growth, potential
Reversed: Unpromising, An emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, delays
2 of Wands
Upright: Contemplation, assessing one’s life direction, Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery 
Reversed: Dispute, Personal goals, inner alignment, fear of unknown, lack of planning
3 of Wands
Upright: Reaping the rewards of your efforts, Progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities
Reversed: Idleness, Playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays
4 of Wands
Upright: Celebration, safety, the home, Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming
Reversed: Discord, Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition.
5 of Wands
Upright: Competition, minor struggles or disagreements, Conflict, disagreements, tension, diversity
Reversed: Timidness, Inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release
6 of Wands
Upright: Success, accolades and achievement,  public recognition, progress, self-confidence
Reversed: Private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egotism
7 of Wands
Upright: Feeling defensive and on guard, Challenge, competition, protection, perseverance
Reversed: Yielding, Exhaustion, giving up, overwhelmed
8 of Wands
Upright: Movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel
Reversed: Stagnation, Delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment
9 of Wands
Upright: Pessimism, gearing up for the worst, Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries
Reversed: Weakness, Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia
10 of Wands
Upright: oppressed, exhaustion, too many responsibilities, Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion
Reversed: Impractical, Doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release
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The Cups
Reflects emotions and relationships.
Element: Water 
King of Cups
Upright Repression of deep feelings, Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
Reversed: Selfishness, Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative.
Queen of Cups
Upright: Emotionally nurturing, intuitive, sensitive, Compassionate, caring, emotionally stable, intuitive, in flow
Reversed: Ignorance, Inner feelings, self-care, self-love, codependency. 
Knight of Cups
Upright: Romantic, adventurous, following one’s heart, Creativity, romance, charm, imagination, beauty.
 Reversed: Pessimism, Overactive imagination, unrealistic, jealous, moody.
Page of Cups
Upright: Creative, inspired, learning artistic skill, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility.
Reversed: Gloomy, New ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity.
Ace of Cups
Upright: emotional fulfillment, joy, Beginnings, Love, new relationships, compassion, creativity.
Reversed: Indifferent, Self-love, intuition, repressed emotions.
2 of Cups
Upright: Partnership, mutual attraction, compatibility, Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction
Reversed: Abandonment, Self-love, break-ups, disharmony, distrust.
3 of Cups
Upright: Celebration, fun with friends, laughter, friendship, creativity, collaborations.
Reversed: Jealousy, Independence, alone time, partying.
4 of Cups
Upright: Boredom, dissatisfaction with what is being offered, Longing, Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation.
Reversed: Avoidance, Retreat, withdrawal, checking in for alignment.
5 of Cups
Upright: Dwelling on the negative, self-pity, Loss, Regret, failure, disappointment, pessimism.
 Reversed: Personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on.
6 of Cups
Upright: Sentimentality, kindness, help, Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy.
Reversed: Discouraging, Living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness.
7 of Cups
Upright: indecision, getting lost in fantasy, wishing and dreaming, Opportunities, choices, wishful thinking, illusion.
Reversed: Lethargic, Alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices.
8 of Cups
Upright: Abandoning something in search of something better, vision, Disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, escapism.
Reversed: Sacrifice, Trying one more time, indecision, aimless drifting, walking away.
9 of Cups 
Upright: Indulgence, self-satisfaction, Contentment, satisfaction, gratitude, wish come true.
Reversed: Inner happiness, materialism, dissatisfaction, indulgence.
10 of Cups
 Emotional bliss, happiness, attainment, Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment.
 Reversed: Disruption, Disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships.
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The Pentacles
Reflects the material world, body and wealth.
Element: Earth 
King of Pentacles
Upright: Enjoys the good life (food, drink and leisure), financially secure, Wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance.
Reversed: Hoarder, Financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn
Queen of Pentacles
Upright: Healthy in body and finances, grounded and calm, Nurturing, practical, providing financially, a working parent.
Reversed: Financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict.
Knight of Pentacles
Upright: Cautious, sensible and slow to progress, Hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism.
Reversed: Inexperienced, Self-discipline, boredom, feeling ‘stuck’, perfectionism.
Page of Pentacles
Upright: Student, commitment to learning, Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development.
Reversed: Rookie, Lack of progress, procrastination, learn from failure.
Ace of Pentacles
Upright: Financial reward, clarity of life purpose, goals, a new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance. 
Reversed: Debt, Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight.
2 of Pentacles
Upright: Balance, multitasking, Multiple priorities, time management, prioritization, adaptability.
Reversed: Impractical, Over-committed, disorganization, reprioritization
3 of Pentacles
Upright: Meaningful work, enjoying one’s work, suitable career, Teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation.
Reversed: Mediocrity, Disharmony, misalignment, working alone.
4 of Pentacles
Upright: Saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control.
Reversed: Greed, Overspending, self-protection.
5 of Pentacles
Upright: Minor money troubles, health problems, feeling like an outsider, Financial loss, poverty, lack of mindset, isolation, worry.
Reversed: Helplessness, Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty.
6 of Pentacles
Upright: Charity, accepting and giving help, Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity
Reversed: Cruelty, Self-care, unpaid debts, one-sided charity.
7 of Pentacles
Upright: Patience, waiting for your plans to bear fruit, Long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment.
Reversed: Unemployment, Shortsightedness, limited success or reward.
8 of Pentacles
Upright: Hard work, focused efforts, laying the groundwork, Apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development.
Reversed: Skill-shortage, Self-development, perfectionism, misdirected activity.
9 of Pentacles
Upright: Luxury, rest, financial and material comforts, Abundance, self-sufficiency, financial independence.
Reversed: Dependency, Self-worth, over-investment in work, hustling. 
10 of Pentacles 
Upright Financial success, strong business relationships, Wealth, family, long-term success, contribution.
Reversed: Restrictions, The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss.
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The Elements  My grimoire 
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2-fast-2-curious · 5 years
It’s Your Raceway and You Really Can Drive
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Pairing: Jamie Benn x Female Reader
Words: 1750
Summary: You’re inexperienced but you really want to gain some experience with Jamie
Warnings: There’s sex
Author’s Notes: I’ve always wanted to write for Jamie Benn but I have no ideas. Luckily for me @savedbybishop  got the request but she doesn’t write smut so this girl took it on.
Hi there! I would like to request a NSFW/smutty fic about reader & Jamie Benn dating for awhile but reader has been hesitant to sleep with him because she hasn't had alot of experience & the guys she has been with haven't been the greatest. When she is ready Jamie takes the time to please her & show her how it feels to be loved. ❤
unfortunately, no box munching, but no oral for Jamie either so it evens out
You watched as Jamie worked the barbeque, watching the way he maneuvered the tongs to flip over the corn. Jamie was skilled with his hands and definitely a catch. He was handsome, successful, and he knew how to cook from the way he was working the grill. You could not have designed a more perfect guy.
You and Jamie had been seeing each other for a while but you had never done more than making out. When he tried to initiate something to take your relationship further, you always made an excuse. Last time he had asked you to stay the night, you told him a fib about how you needed to get up early the next morning. If Jamie was frustrated with you, he didn't show it, he was still as gentlemanly as ever and treated you with kindness.
"Dinner is served." Jamie set a platter of food in front of you. The colors were vibrant and the scent had your mouth watering.
You moaned at the taste of the perfectly seasoned bite, immediately blushing. "Sorry, it's just that it's really good. You're an amazing chef, Jamie."
"I appreciate the compliment, Y/N." Jamie replied with an earnest smile, cutting into his medium-rare steak.
You laughed, nearly spitting out the lemonade as Jamie told you a story about the hijinks that went on during his last road trip. And you told him about the new events in your life. You helped Jamie by putting the leftover food in the fridge and loading the dishwasher while he cleaned the grill.
“Why don’t you pick something on Netflix and I'll shower to get the smell of barbeque off of me.” Jamie suggested, leaving you on the couch as he went into the master bathroom.
Your face flushed, imagining water flowing down his sculpted, tattooed body. You had seen some of them when he had worn his t-shirt and shorts but you wanted to see more. You couldn't believe the only thing that separated you from his naked body was a wall. A very thin wall since you could hear the shower.
You wanted Jamie so badly, to be pressed against him, underneath the warm spray of the water. But you were really worried. You weren't exactly a virgin but your past experiences were lacklustre, to say the least. You were worried that that was just what sex was like, even with a guy as amazing as Jamie. You didn't want to taint your image of Jamie with one night of terrible sex. Besides, maybe it wasn't the guys' fault. Maybe you were the one who was a lousy lay. After all, you were the common denominator in all those experiences. You really did want to move forward with Jamie but you were scared that once he found out about your less than stellar sexual track record, he wouldn’t want to be with you anymore.
"Anything good?" Jamie asked, returning from the shower. It looks like you had been lost in your thoughts longer than you had thought. Jamie was all shiny and clean and you were still stuck on the Netflix home screen, unable to make a selection.
It was hard for you to make a decision, you didn’t want to choose something too romantic or too depressing so you chose a nature documentary, that ought to be a nice neutral choice. Jamie pulled out a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and two spoons from the mini fridge in the corner. Jamie sat next to you on the couch with the ice cream and you started the documentary.
You snuggled into Jamie’s side, he smelled nice, like clean soap mixed with his masculine musk. His hair was still damp and you just wanted to play with it. You spooned ice cream into your mouth with one hand and played with Jamie’s hair using the other. It wasn’t long until the ice cream had been abandoned on the coffee table as you and Jamie exchanged chocolatey kisses while footage of Emperor Penguins played on the screen. Jamie had you in his lap, your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders as his hands gripped your hips, keeping you steady. You moaned softly into his mouth and Jamie’s hands snuck underneath your shirt, touching the bare skin of your back. This was the furthest you had ever gone with Jamie, you reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and Jamie failed at hiding the disappointment on his face.
“Jamie, I don’t want you to think I don’t want this because I do.” You winced at your word choice, wishing you would’ve asked one of your friends for advice on how to phrase this. “It’s just that, you might need to be a little patient with me. I don’t think I’m very good at this.”
“What do you mean?” Jamie asked, looking at you with curiosity in his big brown eyes.
“Like sexual stuff.” You admitted. “I don’t think I’m very good.”
“Why do you say that?” Jamie touched the bare skin where your shirt had lifted up from your bottoms, he genuinely wanted to know what had driven you to this conclusion..
“Well, I’ve had sex before but I don’t think I was very good.” Your face was hot, why did you make yourself sound so pathetic in front of your hot professional athlete potential hook up. “I didn’t enjoy it, the guys didn’t seem very into it.”
“Well, I’m very into this, so the only thing, I’m concerned about is how to make sure it’s good for you.” Jamie’s voice was breathy and deep, making your insides melt. “How does that sound?”
“I’d like that.” You replied, slowly kissing Jamie. He gripped you tighter as he lifted you off of the couch.
“We’re not going to have sex for the first time on my couch.” Jamie carried you into this bedroom, placing you in the middle of his very large bed. “Maybe the seventh or eighth time. But not the first.”
His comment made you smile. Your hands reached for him, tracing the ink on his arms and the muscles that rippled underneath. “Can I see more?”
Jamie nodded and pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing the shirtless body that haunted all your fantasies. You reached to take off your shirt but Jamie’s hand caught yours. “Here, let me.”
You watched as his large fingers swiftly pulled the shirt off your body. He held you close as he kissed you, his mouth on your neck, moving down to your chest and the tops of your breasts. He was so big but so tender when it came to you, you could already tell it was going to be different than the other times. Jamie took off his pants and climbed on the bed to help you take off yours.
Jamie laid you down against the mountain of pillows he had on his bed. He rubbed your nipples through your bra, creating pleasure that went straight to your pussy. He undid your bra and planted kisses all over your breasts, before moving down to press his mouth all over your stomach. You were sure he must be able to smell your arousal considering how close he was to your heat. Jamie pulled your panties down and spread your wetness along your slit.
“You’re so wet.” He pulled his glistening fingers from your folds and you took them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the digits, arousing him to bite his lip. “How are you feeling, Y/N?”
“This feels so good, you’ve got me so turned on, Jamie.” You told him, Jamie had made you feel much more comfortable than any guy before him. “I’m ready for you to fuck me.”
Jamie grabbed a condom from his bedside table and rolled it on his erection. “Are you okay with being on top? It might help you since you’d get to go as fast or slow as you’d like.”
You had never been with a guy long enough to experiment with different positions but you trusted Jamie and his judgement. Jamie had his back against the pillows and you climbed on top of him. Jamie applied some lube to his member to reduce the friction and help you out. You started to take him inside of you, grabbing his shoulders for leverage. Jamie encouraged you to go slowly, you had most of him sheaved inside you when it felt like you couldn’t take him any further. Your eyes rolled back as you shifted his cock slightly to press against a particularly pleasurable spot inside you.
“Jamie, right there.” You panted, bouncing up and down with enthusiasm, enjoying how to felt when his hard cock brushed against the nerves inside your canal. One of Jamie’s hands were on your back to help you with your balance while the other was rubbing circles on your clit. The guys before definitely didn’t seem to know what to do the way Jamie did. He was playing your body like a fined tune instrument, winding you up in the best way.
“I can’t believe you thought you were bad at sex. You’re amazing.” Jamie just leaned back and watched you as your face twisted in pleasure. “Absolutely amazing.”
“Jamie, Jamie, Jamie!” You yelled as you rode him harder.
“Are you going to cum for me, Y/N?” Jamie increased the pressure on your clit, causing you to arch your back and grind down on Jamie, taking him even deeper. Jamie smiled at your actions. “Yeah, your pretty little pussy is going to cum all over me.”
You had orgasms before so you knew what to expect but those were alone, having Jamie here, watching you with lustful brown eyes, it was not comparable at all. You screamed Jamie’s name as your walls clenched around his member, your body tingling with bliss. You slowed down, your energy was drained now that you were no longer fueled by lust so Jamie helped you by lifting his hips off the bed and fucking into you. Your aftershocks milked Jamie’s cock and emptied into the condom. He helped you roll off of him and left the room to throw out the condom. He came back with a glass of water and a heating pad for you, in case you had any soreness in your body.
“Looks like you were worried about nothing,” Jamie said, kissing your shoulder and tucked you underneath the covers with his arms wrapped around you.
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Divine Me A Masterpiece Challenge
♦ About
Welcome to my 1000 follower challenge!!! With there being a lot of seasonal challenges right now I thought I’d do something a little different. I thought that maybe we should get in touch with magic that’s in the air right now ;)
So for this challenge we are looking at tarot! First I’ll go over the rules and expectations, then gloss over tarot, and finally round out this post with the characters and prompts. So let’s get started :D
♦ Rules
To Enter
You must apply through my ask box so no anons. If you are using a side blog and don’t want your main shown to the world tell me so in the ask and I will not post it publicly. 
Every entry needs to be inspired by a Major Arcana card and must be focused on a character or ship I listed.
Each card is limited to one person!
Entries must be sent by ask and will be posted publicly!
I have bonus prompts listed at the bottom of this post; you need to use at least one (1) and you are limited to three (3) total! Sentence prompts are all first come, first serve! The majority of the AU prompts have a two person limit.
What your ask should include - the tarot card you wish to claim, the character or ship you wish to write for, and 1-3 of the prompts/AUs I have listed (You need to use at least one from the list).
All angst must have a happy ending and no cis-swapping.
I am accepting - fics, fan art, moodboards, edits, and playlists (you need to make a cover for it).
Note: I work second shift so please don’t panic if I don’t respond in the afternoon/evening hours.
November 24th, 2018 - I currently am just shy of 1000 followers and will not be posting a due date for these until I get 1000 followers. I will tag all who entered when that happens.
When Posting Your Work
All entries are due on February 22nd, 2019. Please do not post before then.
Make sure to list - the character/ship you wrote for, any warnings, and if it is nsfw.
Tell me how you interpreted the card for your work.
Make sure to tag me @goingknowherewastaken and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets (Ashley is my assistant during this challenge)
Please use this tag within the first 5 tags - #DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge
If your work contains nsfw content please make sure to tag it accordingly.
Please send me the link to your work through my ask box!
♦ About Tarot
We’ve all seen the decks of cards with beautiful designs used for helping find possible answers to questions we may have, but not everyone knows what’s going on with them. I will gloss over the bare minimum of info here, but I encourage you all to read up on tarot if you are unfamiliar with it.
Tarot cards are used for uncovering possible answers to questions we have about our lives - from love to career. Cards can be drawn and placed in a certain layout (spread) and are then read in a specific order. They are meant for enlightenment and what they tell in the spread is not set in stone - they are cards and you can ignore their take if you wish.
There are two ways to read the cards depending on how they appear in a spread - upright and reversed (upside down). If the card is revealed to be right-side up you are to read the card as is and if it is reversed then it’s meaning is reversed.
Depending on the deck, the description of the card can vary slightly, but overall they are similar. Also, the meaning behind the card is affected by the other cards in the spread. For this challenge you will only have to worry about the card you selected.
Because there are in total 78 cards in a standard deck (divided between the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana), we will only be using the Major Arcana which totals 22 cards.
Please read up more on the card you select!!!!!
The Tarot Cards (the words listed are just brief overviews of the cards that I gathered from Biddy Tarot)
Fool - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Reversed - naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
The Magician
Upright - power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Reversed - manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
High Priestess - @frostingsfics 
Upright - intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind
Reversed - hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
The Empress
Upright - fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Reversed - creative block, dependence on others
The Emperor
Upright - authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation
Reversed - domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility
Hierophant - @bsotstory 
Upright - religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Reversed - restriction, challenging the status quo
Lovers - @the-goddamn-queen 
Upright - love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices
Reversed - disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Upright - control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Reversed - lack of control and direction, aggression
Upright - strength, courage, patience, control, compassion
Reversed - weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline
Hermit - @auduna-druitt 
Upright - soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Reversed - isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
Wheel of Fortune - @kjs-s
Upright - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Reversed - bad luck, negative external forces, out of control
Upright - justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Reversed - unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
Hanged Man
Upright - suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Reversed - martyrdom, indecision, delay
Death - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Upright - endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
Reversed - resistance to change, unable to move on
Upright - balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Reversed - imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
Devil - @bookcaseninja
Upright - bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Reversed - detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
Tower - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Reversed - avoidance of disaster, fear of change
Star - @filatarcangelus
Upright - hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Reversed - lack of faith, despair, discouragement
Moon - @resistance-is-futile81
Upright - illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Reversed - release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
Sun - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Upright - fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Reversed - temporary depression, lack of success
Upright - judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Reversed - self-doubt, refusal of self examination
Upright - completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed - lack of completion, lack of closure
♦ Characters And Ships
Characters (for reader inserts)
Jim Kirk (AOS)
Leonard McCoy (AOS)
Spock (AOS)
Scotty (AOS or TOS)
Steve Trevor
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Nicholas Devereaux (The Princess Diaries 2)
Cinderella’s Prince (Into The Woods)
Bernie Webber (The Finest Hours)
Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit)
Toby Howard (Hell Or High Water)
FDR Foster (This Means War)
Dr. Alex Murray (A Wrinkle In Time)
Robert the Bruce (Outlaw King)(I can’t help it he’s too precious with Elizabeth!!)
Vaako (The Chronicles of Riddick)
Gavin (Pete’s Dragon)
William Cooper (RED)
John Kennex (Almost Human)
Vincent Stevens (The Loft)
Kirill (The Bourne movies)
Jim Kirk x Eomer
Jim Kirk x Vaako
Jim Kirk x Scotty (Scirk)
Owen Grady x Charlie Weasley (from Harry Potter)(I know no one will use this ship but I have to have hope ya know?)
Napollya (Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin from (T.M.F.U.)
I have expressed interest in other crossfandom ships in the past that involve one (or some) of the characters listed above so if you have an ship in mind ask me about it and I may grant an exception to it (no sp*rk though so don’t even try that)
♦ Other Prompts
Sentence Prompts (gathered from around tumblr)
“I…think I’m in love?” - @the-goddamn-queen 
“Are you scared? Don’t be. ‘ll protect you from today onwards.” @haveyouseenmymind
“It’s crazy, isn’t it? Two complete strangers who know nothing about each other being brought together like this.”
your car slid into a snowbank and i’m the mechanic that comes to tow you
i hate the holidays more than anything in the world and you drive me nuts because you love the holidays more than anything in the world and this is why we aren’t friends (enemies to friends to lovers hello)
i’m constantly dragging all my friends to your hockey games because i think you’re so much fun to watch and i don’t think you’ll ever notice me
you knit me a sweater for christmas and i realize i am in love with you @bsotstory 
your birthday lands on christmas so no one ever remembers except this year i’ve asked everyone to delay their holidays to throw you a proper birthday bash
I build a fort in the college courtyard and have been throwing snowballs at people passing by and you are not impressed
our first date is spent walking around our small town holding hands and talking as soft snow falls around us @resistance-is-futile81 
I mean life is full of surprises. You could find the love of your life tomorrow, but you could also wake up bald. @the-goddamn-queen 
Will you press pause on your SHIT for 5 minutes? @the-goddamn-queen 
“Let’s not confuse healthy eating with a hot dog.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like a half hour okay?”  @auduna-druitt
“So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.” @captainsbabysitter-blog 
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” @frostingsfics 
“You screw with me, I’ll screw with you.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“Why is there a picture of Steve Buscemi in your bathroom?!”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Are you ready to dance with the devil?” @bookcaseninja
hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat) @haveyouseenmymind 
The postal worker delivered your package to my place accidentally and I was expecting something so I totally didn’t look before I opened it and… wow that is um… quite an interesting thing you bought and I’m here to return it
our dogs are in love with each other and it’s making things awkward at the dog park AU
I injured myself doing something stupid at a holiday party and you’re the doctor at the emergency clinic AU
I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel. @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet @filatarcangelus
“ur just a random stranger and i’ve been ranting to you for like 20 minutes about how much i hate this one band but now several groups of people came up to you asking for pics and autographs, and oh shit it turns out you’re in the band i’ve been going on about” au
You’re a famous viner and I constantly witness you doing the weirdest things AU
“I went to see you live in concert and was front row and you went into the crowd and I grabbed your hand, but started freaking out so much that I was touching you that I couldn’t let go to the point where security had to physically tear me away from you and now you’ve invited me backstage literally what” AU
AU Prompts (each of these (baring the Soulmate AU) has a two person limit)
Soulmate AU (there will be no limitations on this prompt) - @frostingsfics 
Shop AU -
Book shop,
flower shop,
coffee shop/cafe,
ice cream shop,
boutique/antique store
Professors/Teachers AU
Wings AU - @bookcaseninja 
Supernatural Creature(s) AU
Magic/HP AU - @haveyouseenmymind 
Celebrity/Famous Face/Hollywood AU
Fake Relationship AU - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Youtuber/Viner AU
Circus AU - @kjs-s 
Roommates AU - @auduna-druitt
Historical AU
Fairy Tail/Disney AU
Spy/Secret Agent AU
Royalty AU - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Classic Novel Pride & Prejudice AU
Tagging those interested: @musicmandy1991 (tumblr won’t let me tag you????) @haveyouseenmymind @outside-the-government @tardisoftheshire @bookcaseninja @miraclesoflove @exiledtime @cynically-optomistic @frostedej
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poinsciuri · 7 years
tryna think of who would make good major arcanas... i bet equius for the heirophant because of his huge respect(however misguided and now def nonexistent) for the blood castes?
Here’s the ideas i jotted down last night (some of them might change, though)
0 The Fool - Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit - CallieI The Magician - Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness - DaveII The High preistess - Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind - RoseIII The Empress - Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance - KanayaIV The Emperor - Authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation - KarkatV The Heirophant - Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs - GamzeeVI The Lovers - Love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices - NepetaVII The Chariot - Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination - DirkVIII Justice - Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, laws - TereziIX The Hermit - Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance - JadeX Wheel of Fortune - Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point - VriskaXI Strength - Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion - RoxyXII The Hanged Man - Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice - JohnXIII Death - Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition - AradiaXIV Temperance - Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning - JaneXV The Devil - Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism - EquiusXVI The Tower - Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation - EridanXVII The Star - Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity - JakeXVIII The Moon - Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious - TavrosXIX The Sun - Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality - FeferiXX Judgement - Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution - SolluxXXI The World - Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel - Caliborn
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Major Arcana as Legendary Pokemon
0. The Fool- Mew
The Fool is the beginning of a journey, a humble naive potential with the world at her feet. I always saw Mew this way, especially based on the english adaptation of the first pokemon movie. Mew is an ancestor to all mundane pokemon in the world, truly a font of potential.
I. The Magician- Mewtwo
The Magician contrasts both the High Priestess and the Fool in being a card of action. The fundamental meaning here is that there is power, in need of a direction or already put to a task. Mewtwo is the powerful refined potential of Mew.
II. The High Priestess- Cresselia
The High Priestess is a card of passive guidance and and intuition, often referencing dreams and the subconscious. Both the feminine energy and psychic nature of this card leave no other contender to the Queen of Dreams.
III. The Empress- Ho-Oh
It’s always interesting to think of Ho-Oh and Lugia as the parents of their respective trios, and fittingly the Empress and the Emperor are the mother and father of the tarot. The empress in this case is a card of compassion, understanding, and emotional connectedness. It’s said that Ho-Oh can grant eternal happiness, and is fabled to have resurrected three pokemon that died in the burned tower as the Legendary Beasts.
IV. The Emperor- Lugia
By contrast, the Emperor is the card denoting stability and level headedness in the face of conflict. The more rigid purpose and influence Lugia has amongst the Legendary Birds fits this role well.
V. The Hierophant- The Lake Trio
The Lake Trio were left by Arceus as a fail safe against the creation trio, as teachers of man kind and a safeguard of reality. This makes them perfect to represent the Hierophant, a card of guidance and communing with a higher power or authority.
VI. The Lovers- Latias and Latios
The Lovers represents a partnership between two entities, a reliance, a friendship, a romance etc. Need I say more?
VII. The Chariot- Victini
The Chariot is a card of dynamic energy, the adrenaline rush of success, the touchdown dance. It’s a card of power and change, specifically the journey there. Victini is literally the victory star pokemon. The little flaming fox thing is perfect for it.
VIII. Strength- The Legendary Titans
Strength as a card represents ALL kinds of strength, emotional, mental, physical. Specifically it has a connotation of endurance, for which each of the Regi Golems has a knack for. Both mechanically (Defensive stats of the golems and Slow Start on Regigigas) and thematically (Locked away individually awaiting release and redemption), the golems are a great fit.
IX. The Hermit- Kyurem
Kyruem is the empty shell of the tao, the space of neither Yin nor Yang, longing for its missing halves. The Hermit as a whole takes a positive spin on this sort of feeling, emphasizing the need for introspection and solitude. Though contrasting, the Kyurem and the Hermit represent each other well.
X. The Wheel of Fortune- The Unown
Spell of the Unown (the third pokemon movie) left me with a huge soft spot for the Unown, and while they aren’t technically legendary pokemon individually, I’d like to think that as a massive collective they’re similar. In the movie, the Unown demonstrate the ability to make HUGE changes to the world, at the whim of a young girls imagination. The Wheel of Fortune is a card that denotes big change, the turning of the wheel. Fittingly, in some cases, slipping from one world to another as well.
XI. Justice- The Four Swords of Justice
The Swords of Justice fit the card for Justice in more than just name. The four of them are musketeers, protecting the balance of nature and defending it from those who would destroy it. The card represents the idea of fairness, equality, and even handedness.
XII. The Hanged Man- Darkrai
The Hanged Man as a card appears rather grim, but the nature of the card depends a lot on context, and can actually be quite positive in some cases. In general though it tends to represent letting go of something, usually something earthly. Be it a bad relationship, a hard to shake habit, a job you hate. Darkrai always spoke to me in a similar way, a dark foreboding figure, the king of nightmares. But that’s what you do with nightmares; you process, and move past them.
XIII. Death- The Mortality Duo
Much like the Hanged Man, Death gets kind of a bad name when people judge it’s appearance. While the Hanged Man implies something that you yourself need to let go, Death is more out of mortal hands. It too speaks of the end of something, but in the cosmic nature of life and death, it also means the birth of something new as well. As such, Yveltal cannot represent this card on its own; it requires both members of the Mortality Duo, Life and Death.
XIV. Temperance- Shaymin
While Justice was more about the bite of nature fighting back in the form of the Swords of Justice, Temperance is more about patience and humility. Shaymin is the epitome of a humble nature mon, reveling the the quiet calm of growth, and maintaining it. That doesn’t mean that Shaymin is always passive, but it understands the ideal temperance of nature.
XV. The Devil- Giratina
Giratina is the closest thing the Pokemon world has to an actual Satan/Devil/Thing. The Devil as a card denotes a malevolent, misleading influence distracting people from their tasks, twisting motivations to suit their own needs. While Giratina itself doesn’t specifically do this, thematically it’s the best choice for the card.
XVI. The Tower- The Weather Trio
It helps the imagery of this card that the arbitrator of the Weather Trio literally lives atop the highest tower in the Hoenn region. The Tower refers to sudden, abrupt change. It’s usually unpleasant, and the melodramatic could certainly label it a calamity. There will be floods, the will be fires, but eventually the air will clear, and the world might look better then. Kyogre and Groudon bring the calamitous nature of this card, while Rayquaza is the resolution.
XVII. The Star- Jirachi
The Star represents the most fundamental hope, the light at the end of the tunnel that guides you out. It can also be a goal, a guiding force you set your compass to. Jirachi has less to do with hope specifically, but it does corner the market on the ‘wishes’ thematic, and to me a wish was always a goal, a hope, a prayer of some kind.
XVIII. The Moon- Lunala
Lunala and Solgaleo were of course the obvious choices for the Moon and the Sun. The Moon has to do with the dark unconscious, the wild unknown. The Cosmog line has the ability to shift reality to this dark world (the ultra dimension in the games), but also the power to bring people out of it. The Moon says it’s easy to get lost in the dark, but you might find what you’re looking for there.
XIX. The Sun- Solgaleo
The Sun is radiance at its finest, basking in its rays you feel the warmth of the world. I’ll be level with you, both Solgaleo and Lunala would have been great for the Moon, but Lunala got that one, so Solgaleo’s the Sun. So there.
XX. Judgement- Arceus
Judgement is a scary word, and a scary concept, but once again the Tarot focuses on a different aspect of the word. The Judgment card can be summed up as ‘Forgiveness’, truly a godly quality. This and the fact that Arceus’s signature move is Judgment make it a pretty good fit.
XXI. The World- Zygarde
The World is the final card, the direct counterpart of the Fool. The World is the end of a journey, completeness, being whole. Not only is Zygarde a protector of the planet, generation 7 gave it even more lore, a fractured being looking for the individual pieces it lost. The 100% complete Zygarde is a fearsome one indeed- If you’re at the stage of the World, you’re on the right track.
Pokemon and tarot fans are welcome to critique, feedback is appreciated!
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liberalcom-blog · 6 years
As Above Deck: Book of Shadows Tarot, Volume 1 (Cards W/ Instructions)
https://liber-al.com/?p=43109&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr As Above , volume one within The Book of Shadows Tarot Kit , is now available as a standalone deck. This powerful tarot is lovingly crafted upon Wiccan beliefs and practices. On this magical journey, encounter beautiful gods and godesses, joyous Sabbat celebrations, spell-weaving rites, and vivid scenes central to Pagan spirituality. From the suits-represented by air, fire, water, and earth-to the major arcana, the tarot’s overall structure is built upon Wiccan themes. The second volume, So Below , is also available. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Editorial Reviews Summary: The Book of Shadows Tarot is the first deck in a two deck set. Each deck is designed to work on its own as well as in tandem with its partner deck. This volume, As Above , is a unique deck using the structure of tarot to explore the beliefs of the pagan worldview. It is both a teaching deck as well as a powerful and insightful divinatory tool. Here is a video created by Lo Scarabeo that takes a peek into the creation of this fascinating new deck. Actual Review: Because this is a rather special deck and because I created it, this review will be a little different, a little more personal. In 2008 I spent some time in Italy with the good folks at Lo Scarabeo. They asked me to create a deck, or rather a pair of decks. The set was to be called The Book of Shadows Tarot and was to be comprised of two separate decks. Beyond that, they had no requirements. I was free to do whatever I wished within that framework. A key spiritual belief of mine is: As Above, So Below, so I decided to use that as my organizing theme. The first deck, As Above , is a non-RWS deck that represents the theory and teachings of Wicca. The second deck, So Below , is a RWS-based deck that shows how the magic of Wicca (for I believe that all of Wicca is Magic…although not necessarily the same as Witchcraft) is experienced by Wiccans in every day life. Creating the first deck was a huge challenge. I worked within the structure of the Major Arcana and four suits with fourteen cards each. I kept the archetypal core meanings of the Majors fairly closely to RWS. The Minor Arcana, however, are not at all related to the RWS. For all of those who say all I make are RWS clones, well, here is my best effort at something completely uniquely mine. As Above is a tarot deck designed to hold and express modern Pagan spiritual teachings. Pagan beliefs are broad and hardly unified, but we will discuss that momentarily. The Major Arcana cards represent some of the basic tenets while the Minor Arcana thoroughly explores elemental energies while providing foundations for further studies in the areas of astrology, the faces of the Goddess, the magic of the physical realm, and various forms of divination. Because each card is a portal into vast realms of knowledge and experience and because space in this book is limited, each section includes a reading list of excellent texts for further studies. Here, I’ll introduce you to some of the things I like best about the deck. The first is Key V. In traditional tarot, it is called The Hierophant, and in some Pagan decks, The High Priest. I call it The Book of Shadows, a book where Pagans write down their tradition, which is an ever-evolving experience, always growing, always changing, always dynamic. Early on in the tarot’s history, the Major Arcana cards were not numbered. However, we are now quite accustomed to putting numbers on these cards. This provides a number of benefits. For example, many readers like to incorporate numerology into their readings. Others consider the numerical sequence as a variation on the Hero’s Journey (a concept popularized by Joseph Campbell and, in tarot circles, is called the Fool’s Journey, a phrase first used by Eden Gray). As for me, I think one of the most practical aspects is so that beginners can easily find the card they are looking up as they first learn tarot. Mundane, perhaps, but from a beginner’s standpoint, it is very much appreciated. Following this useful tradition, the Major Arcana cards in this deck are indeed numbered. However, the Major Arcana cards are in groups that do not relate to the numbers printed on them. Instead, they are divided into different classifications that illustrate various aspects of Pagan beliefs. The Major Arcana cards in this deck follow the archetypal ideas expressed in traditional tarot decks but express them from a pagan point of view. In this way, the deck becomes an educational tool that a beginner can use to form a foundation for further studies. It is also an excellent reading deck that will resonate with the pagan soul. The first five cards represent very basic core beliefs. These are the essential aspects upon which all else is built. These include The God, the Goddess, the World, the Elements, and the Summerlands. The second section includes the Wheel of the Year and eight Sabbats that make up the pagan calendar. The third group consists of the tools and experiences of the practicing pagan, such as initiation, Book of Shadows, and spellcasting. In fact, here are all the Majors in their groupings listed by their traditional names and their BOS names in parentheses: 1. A Pagan Framework XXI, The World (The World) III, The Empress & IV, The Emperor (The Goddess & the God) I, The Magician (The Elements) O, The Fool (The Summerlands) 2. The Circle of Life X, The Wheel (The Wheel of the Year) XVIII, The Moon (Samhain) XIII, Death (Yule) XVII, The Star (Imbolc) XIV, Temperance (Ostara) VI, The Lovers (Beltane) XIX, The Sun (Litha) XV, The Devil (Lammas) XI, Justice (Mabon) 3. The Pagan Experience IX, The Hermit (The Path) VIII, Strength (Spellcasting) V, Hierophant (Book of Shadows) VII, Chariot (Transformation) VXI, The Tower (Warnings) XII, The Hanged Man (The Circle) XX, Judgement (Initiation) II, High Priestess (Wisdom) The Court Cards for the As Above , the first deck in the Book of Shadows Tarot , does not have traditional court cards. Instead, we have the Elemental, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The Elementals are pretty self-explanatory, and represent the Elementals of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. The Maiden, Mother, and Crone cards represent the waxing, full, and waning aspects of each element. And so, you see, they are not like the Knight, Queen, and King. Here are a few details of the Earth court by way of example. The Maiden of Earth takes her place among the new blossoms of the field. She brings a sense of lightness and gratitude, a joyful appreciation and celebration of everyday blessings. The Mother of Earth takes her place as Mother Nature, providing a rich harvest. She nourishes our bodies and our souls with the best of Her creation. The Crone of Earth lays the Earth to rest. Even the Earth must regenerate, and there is a time for everything in this life, including death. The numbered Minor cards represent different elemental aspects of the pagan universe. The suit of Fire focuses on the wisdom and energy of the heavens and as such depicts astrological wisdom. The suit of Water balances the mostly masculine energy of the planets with various faces of the Goddess. The suit of Air explores different methods of accessing Divine wisdom and guidance through various divinatory methods. The suit of Earth reveals magical sources found on our planet. Deck Attributes Name of deck: The Book of Shadows Tarot, Volume 1: As Above Reviewer’s Byline: Barbara Moore Publisher: Lo Scarabeo ISBN: 9780738735641 Creator(s) name(s): Barbara Moore Artist(s) name(s): Gregorz Krisinsky, Simone Gabrielli, Franco Rivolli, Peotro Scola di Mambro Name of accompanying book/booklet: The Book of Shadows Tarot Number of pages of book/booklet: 154 pages, all in English Author(s) of book/booklet: Barbara Moore Available in a boxed kit?: Yes Are there extras in the kit? What are they?: An empty space for The Book of Shadows Tarot, Volume 2: So Below Magical Uses: All magical purpose, including education Reading Uses: General Theme: Paganism Tarot, Divination Deck, or Other: Tarot Does it follow Rider-Waite-Smith Standard?: Yes Does it have extra cards?: No Does it have alternate names for Major Arcana cards?: Yes, see full review above Does it have alternate names for the Court Cards?: Yes, see full review above Why was deck created?: To explore the blending of Tarot with Paganism in a way that stretches Tarot and brings a unique perspective. – From the Publisher Click Here: https://liber-al.com/?p=43109&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr #Body,Mind&Spirit #Divination #General;Body,Mind&Spirit #LlewellynPublications #LoScarabeo #NewAge #Tarot;Non-Classifiable #Tarot&WisdomCards #Topical #Witchcraft
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