#Empower A Birth Collective
mumsjourney · 2 years
Worst experience with a Doula: Empower — A Birth Collective
I’m Dolores and I just want to share our experience with Empower A Birth Collective in Virginia. They assisted me during my first pregnancy. I was able to talk to Hope Rooyakkers and discuss our goals, what to expect since we’re first time parents. At first it went well and it seems like they’ve answered all our questions. Back then I’m trying for a natural birth, so I think it will be very helpful to have them there. My husband was very nervous and that’s the reason why we hired a doula to help us through the process with comfort techniques and answer the questions we may have.
Here’s my issue, since it’s our first time I thought their program was really good, and didn’t even check other doulas. Then along the way we felt like the support was not really enough, it’s almost we’re on our own. Some of our questions were not answered, not sure if it’s intentional or what. We were really upset that time, our first contact with Hope Rooyakkers was good but it seems like it just ended there. Her coordinator was not that really accommodating which is what we need for the time like this. My husband then asked some of our friends about this doula and it got mixed reviews. Somehow it’s also our fault not checking other doulas. We should’ve compared their programs to other doulas and also the rate. It shows that they are really expensive. So if someone will ask me if i will recommend Empower A Birth Collective? It’s a BIG NO!
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caturnmoon · 2 months
Astrology Observations #3️⃣
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⚛️I know this observation has been noted time and time again but as someone with their ascendant at a Pisces degree I can confirm that my feet are ✨beautiful✨ lolol like they’re perfectly symmetrical and everything and Pisces rules the feet sooooo…
⚛️Further more Sagittarius risings can be mistaken for Leo risings with thick luscious bodied hair as well. Jupiter expands everything it touches and Sagittarius risings normally have at least one physical feature about them that can be “larger than life”.
⚛️Having your North Node in the 5th is so wholesome to me because you literally spent past lifetimes sacrificing your individuality for the sake of the collective/cause/community (south node in the 11th). Now, this lifetime is literally about ✨YOU✨. Similar to north node in the 1st but in a more artistic and theatrical manner! You are meant to shine and let whatever brings you joy take center stage in this lifetime. Whether that be your romantic connections, art, hobbies, sports, or your children. Love that for you. Just have fun!
⚛️Anyone with a fire moon; moving your body to process your emotions is most likely a non-negotiable. Gotta get that fire out in a healthy proactive way! Whether that be dancing, sports, art, etc.
⚛️Your moon sign can highlight your mother’s experience with you in Utero as well. I’m an Aries moon and it was a high risk and violent pregnancy/birth for her. (Sorry mom🙏🏼) Scorpio moons, your mom could’ve either felt empowered or disempowered somehow during her time carrying you, or felt that she couldn’t trust her external environment, herself, or others possibly.
⚛️My husband has a Virgo moon and checklists literally keep him sane and help him feel emotionally secure.
⚛️Having your Pluto in the 11th house isn’t easy cause you are constantly experiencing intense transformations through friend groups and communities. Learning who to trust or not is a constant theme with you and being included.
⚛️Aquarius risings to me are the mythical unicorns of the zodiac because I’ve never personally met one, but know I would absolutely love them! Like you are literally seen as someone who is original and unique. Living to the beat of their own drum. Love that for you! Could be something about your appearance that is shocking or truly stands out from the rest of us.
⚛️If you’re looking to establish a health and wellness routine, look to the ruler of your sixth house for ideas! The sixth house is ruled by Virgo originally and is your workplace, health, and daily routines too! Whatever sign you have there and also planets can give you some more insight into the nature of those things. 🧘🏻‍♀️
⚛️Pisces in the 3rd house can have a distant relationship with their siblings or there could be unresolved issues from childhood concerning said sibling(s).
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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vasilissadragomir · 10 months
one of the most heart-wrenching things about thg universe is that you feel the loss of who each character would be outside the circumstances of their birth almost as acutely as you feel the loss of the characters themselves.
sure, we know what lucy gray and her family would be doing in a different world; she’d be dancing and singing and making music which defines a cultural identity. but what about the others? would haymitch have been a hilarious, loving father with a family had he not been forced to survive 47 other children’s brutal deaths? would finnick have been a charismatic and beloved actor, bringing joy to immeasurable people on his own terms? would beetee and wiress have worked together to develop technology to make it easier to connect loved ones far and wide? what would reaper and annie have given to the world, or thresh, or rue, or even coral or cato or glimmer or clove?
if katniss wasn’t half-starving and forced to spend each day hunting to feed her family, would archery be her true passion? or if she’d been a well-sustained little girl with access to art supplies, would she have spent her time sketching captivating dresses? she picks up ropes and making fish hooks quickly—could her dexterity have lent itself to knitting, sewing, or crocheting with vibrant yarns and fabrics? there’s so much evidence that katniss finds clothing inspiring and empowering, even when she dismisses it as frivolous. she likes being pretty, she just hates the circumstances under which she’s made to look pretty. cinna shows her that beauty has its own power, and there are several moments in her interactions with cinna and his designs that make me wonder who she’d be if she had space for art and creativity in her life.
conversely, peeta has had art in his life since he was a small child, but for him, art has always been entangled with his trauma. he could bake and decorate well because he learned from his mother, a mother who beat him his whole life. but his talent grows, not only as a survival tool in the first games, but when he paints rue on the floor of the training center before the second games. his art becomes not only a symbol of his trauma, but a means of resistance and solidarity. in a world where peeta’s intrinsic kindness and loving heart had been nurtured and welcomed rather than abused, could he have been a painter, helping people find collective meaning in the simple realities of life?
could katniss and peeta have still found each other in another world, a world without the horrors they were raised with, and bonded over their love of art? could they have been each other’s muses?
maybe they find their way to share art, after the events of mockingjay, as part of their process of healing and falling in love with each other. when they’re finally safe and have been for a long time, maybe katniss fashions peeta an easel for him to paint in their living room. after months of watching him gaze out the window and paint the changing leaves, katniss takes to knitting on a rocking chair in the other corner of the living room to steady her restless hands. they work silently as the days go by, quietly exchanging the things they’ve made to give each other the reassurance and love neither could ever fully convey with words.
and maybe one day, when they learn there’s a baby on the way due in midwinter, katniss takes a page from peeta’s sketchpad and starts to plan a series of sweaters and hats and socks she can knit for the baby. and peeta goes to the little nursery upstairs and starts working on a mural, so the baby will have something beautiful to look at every day. they work together to design the perfect baby blanket for their child, to ensure they will always be wrapped in a layer of protection and love by their parents.
but even if they find creativity and beauty in their lives after the end of mockingjay, the art they make will simply never be what that art could have been had they not faced what they faced. art comes from suffering, yes, but the human condition has so much suffering as is, and we’d never know what kind of art they’d make if they hadn’t experienced trauma of a distinctly sadistic and inhuman nature. but maybe their children, raised in a better world with love and protection and safety and joy and creativity and expression, will be the ones to create the art peeta and katniss never could.
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thesirenisles · 3 months
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Examining the "Feminine"
mythology & meaning of venus, taurus, and libra ♀
by thesirenisles
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Dark/Night Mode recommended. Do not steal, rewrite, or copy any of my original writing. Photos are from Pinterest or collaged by me. If it does not apply, let it fly. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles
Your Majesty,
It is as if you manifested in this world to be adored and cherished. Blessed with royal charisma and a natural grace, your Venusian energy is often happily welcomed. Even with afflictions, there is just something(s) about you that others value.
A Venusian is blessed to enjoy the material aesthetics and splendors of this world. They understand high-quality, material value in items and prefer the nicer things. They have an inherent taste for what is aesthetically pleasing. The Venusian tends to collect all of these things... while being on the journey to understanding that they can't collect people.
At your core… you are here to create and increase the value, beauty, harmony, and love in the world around you.
It's all about life’s pleasures when you’re a child of Venus and they float diplomatically, steadily seeking pleasure of all forms, whether this be from material means, the five senses, or even the addictive taste of social relevance.
╰┈➤ Think: Serena VDW from Gossip Girl, waltzing around with her “Golden Retriever” energy lol. Beyoncé, (Venus 1H) no matter the rumors... honestly can she actually ever be canceled? Jasmine Tookes (model) has such a Venusian complex, Venus 1H)
With this energy dominant in the natal chart, you can become a natural feminine role model for the women in your life. Venus is a benefic and a lucky chart ruler energy. But, this does not come without its lessons usually involving worth, value, and balance.
In astrology, the gifts of Venus manifest in:
⋆˚⋆˚ ❥ TAURUS (fixed Earth) 2nd House (Possessions, Values, Skills) understands tangible & personal worth but is seeking to understand the value of intangible beauty in life.
⋆˚⋆ ❥ LIBRA (cardinal Air) 7th House (Marriage and Partnership) understands how to create beautiful social and romantic relationships based on justice, but is seeking to understand the true value of self love & worth.
If you control the feminine deity,
you control the feminine.
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VENUS (Aphrodite to the Greeks, Hathor to Ancient Egyptians) is the Goddess of love, feminine energy, erotic desire, harmony, balance, and to some motherhood.
Greco- Roman Mythology:
When consuming any ancient mythological texts, one must consider the social and political attitudes or even agendas during that time period to add context. This female social status very clearly carries over into their mythology.
🐚 In Ancient Greece: "Greek women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at nearly every stage of their lives." (source)
🐚 In Ancient Rome: "Unlike society in ancient Egypt, Rome did not regard women as equal to men before the law." (source)
Glamour is the enemy of truth.
Her sordid birth is GLAMOURIZED in an undeniably gorgeous painting: “Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli; 1486 (see below).
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🐚 This beautiful portrayal led to Venus being OFTEN glamourized by women, especially here on Tumblr. We feel empowered by her, which is justified. But, her Greco-Roman mythology is anything but empowering. No shade, but it embodies the social limits and pain for women within the dominant European culture. 🐚 The Goddess is often presented on display, (as above) her womanhood made a spectacle! Her very "feminine" form is written to have manifested from the discarded sexual organs of a male God, (Uranus), Also then.. technically her father.
This is a DIVINE Goddess and YET ...
Her adoptive father, Jupiter (Zeus), literally sold her to her "husband", Hephaestus (Vulcan), like property.
She has petty grudges stemming from vanity, tormenting beautiful young maidens.
She engages in frequent, extramarital love trysts with a sibling, Ares (Mars)
... & we're supposed to romanticize this??? ✋🏾(It's giving Cersei Lannister).
🐚 Negative divine feminine imagery creates a space to demonize the many beautiful traits associated with Venus! This became especially apparent after the bloody global shift into Christian and Catholic dominance.
and alas life imitates art:
🐚 The Greco-Roman/ European depiction of Venus being on full display makes a disgusting reappearance in their humiliation, brutalization, and rape of naturally curvy and voluptuous African women. 🐚 Most notably, a South African Khoikhoi (or Khoisan) woman named Saartjie (or Sara) Baartman, who was fiendishly deemed the: "Hottentot Venus." (a racial slur; see image below) Her divinely feminine body was, like Venus , put on live display and defiled for ANY paying Europeans. Most all had never witnessed such divine beauty, 1810. (source) 🐚 They were socially conditioned to gawk, hyper-sexualize, and inflict pain upon the female form. Even after death, she was taken in 1816 and displayed in a French museum until as late as 1985."
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Venus Figurine:
🐚 This grotesque misuse of Venus in the news article title takes its inspiration from: The Upper Paleolithic “Venusian figurine”, an example the “Venus of Willendorf” (28-25,000 BCE; see below) which also shows pronounced hips and figure. Men were said to carry these in thought of women. However, the exposure is none short than Venus' own in the Botticelli painting.
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🐚 While similar in their representation, the Greco Roman translation of this Goddess is far too crass and none of Venus' listed Greco-Roman origin stories have any symbolic feminine connection or adoration to the actual bull or scales! LOL. So, I went on my search to connect the lost ancient mythological mysteries that did not make it past the Euro-Colonialism eradication and re-naming. 🔎🕵️
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"Mother of the Pharaohs"
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taurus: the horned cow🐄
HATHOR is the (Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Divine Feminine, Love, Fertility, and even expression of female sexual desire). The Goddess is a cow or a maiden with cow horns, typical symbol of Taurus.
How is Venus connected to Hathor?
🐄 Since the moment they step foot in the "ancient New York City" that was Ancient Egypt, their European neighbors were enamored of Ancient Egypt's Neter (Gods), especially the "Mother of the Pharoah's". The Greco-Roman nations would come to conquer Egypt. Under Alexander the "gr8" in 332 B.C., they renamed one of the seven major African cities that worshipped Hathor: "Aphroditopolis" or City of Venus and made it a CAPITAL of its district. 🐄 The Venus planet symbol ♀ is literally the African Ankh. This fascination and renaming is like the renaming of Thoth into Mercury, Hermes, or "Hermes Trismegistus". (some say they explain it with "reincarnation.") You, as the reader, decide which mythology matches the energy best for yourself.
Mythological Origins:
🐄 Hathor is said to be born from the eye of Ra, like Sekhmet. She was thought of as beauty, love, grace incarnate. Her presence is said to exude an aura of allure, femininity, and attraction. She embodies passionate expressions of desire, love, and the pursuit of exquisite living. 🐄 A maternal symbol, she is considered the mother or nourisher of all of the Pharaohs. The presence of the Goddess in a Pharaoh's royal court is essential to ensure the connection to the divine. 🐄 Music and dance are another keystone of Hathor's energy. The female body is created to release tension and trauma with the very movement of your hips! Connect with your inner Goddess! 🐄 Symbols for Hathor: Cows, Sun disk with Cow Horns, Lotus Flower, Sistrum, Protective Cobra, Mirrors, and Cosmetic jars.
Why the cow? 🐄
🐄 Ancient Kemet (Egypt) connected their Gods to the natural skills, gifts, and talents of the animals within their ecosystem. This is the reason their Gods’ are called Neter, like “Nature". (For example: Lions of Leo are native to Africa) 🐄 The African cattle breed: “Ankole-Watusi" has female cows with very large horns… similar to the male bull. These horns are depicted holding the sun disk upon the head of Hathor, (as seen above & below in the Egyptian bas reliefs).
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🌷Cows are the mothers!🌷
┈➤ Bulls are the male cow. Heifers are the females without offspring.
🐄 The natural feminine physical traits associated with the cow are: plush eyelashes, a pretty symmetrical face, pronounced nipples that produce milk, and wide hips. 🐄 However, the cow also provides fertilizer, which brought forth the agriculture of the African Nile Valley. The cow , not bull...is a perfect fertility symbol.
Hathor provides the Pharaoh the ANKH or “Venus planet symbol.” ♀ (see below)
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Bas Relief of the goddess Hathor, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period, c251 BC-c246 BC
"soft life"🐄
🐄 I imagine a Taurus (or 2nd houser) thriving in the energy of the cow, frolicking the lush green lands, eating their fill, and providing nourishment. If the 5 senses of a Taurus are satisfied, they are content. 🐄 They will create this value around them, often ensuring that their spaces smell good, the food is prepared excellently, and only the best to drink it down. Access to a Taurus is access to their natural value. 🐄 They will bless you with gifts that you need because they care enough to pay attention and want to increase your value too.. all while being loyal! I love Taurus energy, so similar to cancer... but less mood swings.
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(noun). a person, especially a woman, who pursues a lifestyle of buying luxury items or of seeking them as gifts from lovers and admirers.
🐄 Taurus most often manifests Venusian gifts in the physical and sensual. This can be "classically" feminine physical traits, such as wider hips or ample bosoms, etc. On a negative, these traits can be hyper-sexualized or demonized while they are young, like their sister sign, Scorpio. But, it can also be literal material gifts and blessings.
🐄 On a positive, Venus will bless them with options! Many suitors will present these Earthly gifts, writing love poems to woo the feminine cow. Taurus may find pride in the flattery that comes with this treatment and beauty privilege. They are used to being adored (unless badly aspected).
Beware the love Bomb.
🐄 In love, these cows are especially vulnerable to being victims of love bombing. (When a potential suitor bombards one too quickly with serious promises, excessive flattery, and material gifts. This can be friends as well.🧿) The key here is to not allow flattery to falsely parade as love.
🐄 Taurus (2nd house) carries a natural royal energy and an air of grace. It’s your silent, but solid confidence of being a fixed sign. They are extremely loyal when they consider you kin. However, this dogmatic belief system can result in you charging your horns into sketchy territory. This reminds me of John Snow and his “honor” energy (from Game of Thrones).
it’s nearly impossible to change your mind.🌸
🐄  In love, this can be ignoring all of your friends over a partner who is not good for you. You find yourself giving all of your love, loyalty, and even money (most have a language of gift giving and receiving) to an undeserving soul. On the bright side, these tragedies will result in a tower moment marked with major transformation (also like sister sign Scorpio).🌷 🐄 Ultimately, I feel and often see that the Taurus (2nd house) native will be challenged to vacate the creature comforts in which they enjoy in order to transform like their sister sign, Scorpio. When in doubt, do NOT choose the Hephaestus (safe choice).
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"Queen of the Earth"
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libra: moral scales ⚖️
MA'AT (Ancient Egyptian Goddess rules balance, justice, harmony, law, order, and morality.) She is depicted as a maiden adorned with beautiful wings, very similar to Isis.
⚖️ I often find my beautiful Libran queens confused about the meaning of the scales and how it connects to femininity. I hope to be a light bearer. ⚖️ Ma'at represents the typical light feminine attributes in my opinion (elegance, forgiveness (justice), and nurturing energy (Venus). Similar to Librans, who inherently know how to enact these gifts create harmony in their social spaces and float amongst varying personalities. (Think: Lady Liberty or Lady Justice). However, the sign is the masculine side of Venus.
Mythological Origins:
⚖️ Ma'at is also a daughter of Ra, sometimes written as his wife. She manifested with Ra from the waters of Nun (Chaos). Her existence brought order to the realms . She is often depicted holding an ANKH and a scepter to symbolize power and eternal life. (See Below) Some sources say that she was married to Thoth (Mercury) and birthed 8 children, known as "The eight gods of Hermopolis." (Just like Aphroditopolis)
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Why the Queen of the Earth?
⚖️ As mentioned, Ma'at was said to be present at the beginning. She was present when Ra stood upon her "mound" (seen above) for balance as he created the realm of Earth... ending chaos. This placed the Goddess in charge of the cycle of seasons, the movements of the sun, moon and stars, all parts of religion, relationships, and the moral actions of both mortal and God-alike. This is very powerful!
⚖️ The Libra native can carry very similar themes. In life, they may feel the need to regulate amongst their social circles and be the organized hostess. Cardinal energy blesses them with the drive to girl boss through anything!
⚖️ The ethical and spiritual foundation of Ancient Kemet was presented by a woman. The head of religious worship and justice was called "Priest of Ma'at". From this, you gather that Ancient Kemet was nothing as Egypt is today in terms of equality for women. Women were free to own their own properties, businesses, marry one-another, divorce their husbands, and even rose to be Pharaoh like in the case of Pharaoh Hatshepsut. (personal fave)
Why the scales? ⚖️
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The Libran scales literally determined if a soul had lived their life with balance and morality! (7th House).
⚖️ The actions and morality of the Ancient Egyptian people were guided by a set list of commandments, known as the "42 Laws of Ma'at". These ancient texts predate the Bible, but have uncanny similarity in diction to the 10 Commandments. ⚖️ It was believed that Upon death, before one could enter the Duat (Underworld), the heart was weighed on the scales of Osiris (God of the Underworld) in comparison to a single feather of Ma'at. Osiris is linked to Saturn which is exalted in Libra. The weighing was done by Anubis (God of funerary practices and care of the dead).
“light as a feather”🪶
⚖️ If the heart weighed less or the same, the spirit was granted access to Aaru (a sort of heaven). This explains the scales of LIbra. If it did not, the heart was eaten and the native faded into nothingness.
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(noun) a woman who acts as master of ceremonies, moderator, or who receives and entertains guests in her own home or elsewhere.
⚖️ The mythology of Ma'at is excellent... a little too excellent. She is like the oldest and favorite daughter who must be 100% perfect. Many Libra's may have father or projection issues in this way. The expectation of excellence begets pressure! ⚖️ This carries over into the relationships of course. This balancing act is where things get tricky for the Libra. This can manifest as people pleasing to keep the peace with friends, family, romantic partners, or co-workers. There can be a distaste for controversy or not wanting to damage the public image. It gives "Dollhouse" by Melanie Martinez vibes at its worse. Rich Auntie vibes at it's best!
Their scales will be tipped. ⚖️
⚖️ The Libras/7th housers will find themselves in situations where they have to STAND on their boundaries. It's like a self-actualization that has to happen. Venus is teaching them to respect and protect their Venusian gifts. Similar to Taurus. Venusian energy will bless you with generous suitors. BEWARE THE LOVEBOMBERS. ⚖️ They bear the reputation of almost needing to be in a relationship. This is obviously due to the 7th house ruling, but also stems from it's less favorable position with the sun.(Father). It is also kind of true, because it is apart of your life path. ⚖️ While it can be painful to have to experience relationship after relationship, these are apart of your life path and contribute to your glow up! To love and be loved is truly a blessing. You guys are blessed with so many loving friendships and romantic experiences!
Regina George?
⚖️ There can be some performative behavior and some judgment! After all, this is scales. Blessed with beauty, style, and grace... they can end up judging those who aren't. Mean Girl vibes. But, I believe this comes from the Libran urge to judge and lead the masses LOL. Ma'at energy. ⚖️ Despite any of this, Libra is the least slandered amongst the air signs (unless it’s Libra moon… I see quite a bit of slander? LOL.) Ma'at seems to bless the Libran with this air of favor. It's like they can really do no wrong, even sometimes after doing so. People are going to think the better of them 9/10 because the Libra has already established their character and value amongst social groups. The air just adds a bit more flow, allowing more harmonious energy in their relations.
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♀ The intention of this post is to shed some light on lesser known mythology and symbolism of the planet Venus. I also believe that it is worth noting a very beautiful pattern among Venus and her signs.
♀ The Libran scales and Taurus Cow horns both resemble the female reproductive system. They also resemble the African Ankh symbol (of fertility and eternal life). Nature makes no mistakes and everything has duality, just as the Ancient Egyptians understood so well. It’s beautiful. (See below).
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Thank you for reading!! Wishing you blessings!
@thesirenisles | masterlist | Enjoyed? Support!🧜🏾‍♀️
All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles
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argyrocratie · 2 months
"How will people get healthcare?
During the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona’s Medical Syndicate, organized largely by anarchists, managed 18 hospitals (6 of which it had created), 17 sanatoria, 22 clinics, 6 psychiatric establishments, 3 nurseries, and one maternity hospital. Outpatient departments were set up in all the principal localities in Catalunya. Upon receiving a request, the Syndicate sent doctors to places in need. The doctor would have to give good reason for refusing the post, “for it was considered that medicine was at the service of the community, and not the other way round.”[40] Funds for outpatient clinics came from contributions from local municipalities. The anarchist Health Workers’ Union included 8,000 health workers, 1,020 of them doctors, and also 3,206 nurses, 133 dentists, 330 midwives, and 153 herbalists. The Union operated 36 health centers distributed throughout Catalunya to provide healthcare to everyone in the entire region. There was a central syndicate in each of nine zones, and in Barcelona a Control Committee composed of one delegate from each section met once a week to deal with common problems and implement a common plan. Every department was autonomous in its own sphere, but not isolated, as they supported one another. Beyond Catalunya, healthcare was provided for free in agrarian collectives throughout Aragon and the Levant.
Even in the nascent anarchist movement in the US today, anarchists are taking steps to learn about and provide healthcare. In some communities anarchists are learning alternative medicine and providing it for their communities. And at major protests, given the likelihood of police violence, anarchists organize networks of volunteer medics who set up first aid stations and organize roving medics to provide first aid for thousands of demonstrators. These medics, often self-trained, treat injuries from pepper spray, tear gas, clubs, tasers, rubber bullets, police horses, and more, as well as shock and trauma. The Boston Area Liberation Medic Squad (BALM Squad) is an example of a medic group that organizes on a permanent basis. Formed in 2001, they travel to major protests in other cities as well, and hold trainings for emergency first aid. They run a website, share information, and link to other initiatives, such as the Common Ground clinic described below. They are non-hierarchical and use consensus decision-making, as does the Bay Area Radical Health Collective, a similar group on the West Coast.
Between protests, a number of radical feminist groups throughout the US and Canada have formed Women’s Health Collectives, to address the needs of women. Some of these collectives teach female anatomy in empowering, positive ways, showing women how to give themselves gynecological exams, how to experience menstruation comfortably, and how to practice safe methods of birth control. The patriarchal Western medical establishment is generally ignorant of women’s health to the point of being degrading and harmful. An anti-establishment, do-it-yourself approach allows marginalized people to subvert a neglectful system by organizing to meet their own needs.
After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, activist street medics joined a former Black Panther in setting up the Common Ground clinic in one of the neediest neighborhoods. They were soon assisted by hundreds of anarchists and other volunteers from across the country, mostly without experience. Funded by donations and run by volunteers, the Common Ground clinic provided treatment to tens of thousands of people.
The failure of the government’s “Emergency Management” experts during the crisis is widely recognized. But Common Ground was so well organized it also out-performed the Red Cross, despite the latter having a great deal more experience and resources.[41] In the process, they popularized the concept of mutual aid and made plain the failure of the government. At the time of this writing Common Ground has 40 full-time organizers and is pursuing health in a much broader sense, also making community gardens and fighting for housing rights so that those evicted by the storm will not be prevented from coming home by the gentrification plans of the government. They have helped gut and rebuild many houses in the poorest neighborhoods, which authorities wanted to bulldoze in order to win more living space for rich white people."
-Peter Gelderloos, "Anarchy Works" (2010)
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masterqwertster · 5 months
Thinking about Liliana's little speech about how the Temples and governments will "hunt us down."
She means "us" as anyone who is Ruidusborn. And she's probably not wrong that there will be extremist groups/orders/cells that will do exactly that. Government attempts to collect and/or cull Ruidusborn. That the already existing stigma of a cursed birth will now be taken as a truth.
But she's kind of missing that the why of it all is that her group, the Ruby Vanguard, are the reason it would escalate to that level. Thousands of years since Predathos was sealed and started making Ruidusborn, and it's never been an issue on that level because any potential attempts to reach the moon and release the God-Eater weren't organized or empowered enough to actually be a global problem, much less get there and prove a real threat. Ruidusborn were just people with an unlucky birth, possibly strange powers, until the Ruby Vanguard started broadcasting their plans to kill the gods specifically by messing with Ruidus with the help of Ruidusborns.
It won't be fair to all the Ruidusborn who are actually trying to be regular people and not a God-Eater's tool. It won't be fair to Ruidusborn like Imogen who are actually fighting against Predathos. And it wouldn't be a problem if the Ruby Vanguard hadn't made them out as a viable world-class threat.
Liliana says they'll be hunted because the world knows. She doesn't mention that the world knows because of the Ruby Vanguard which she works for.
Which comes to the real truth of "us." "Us" is the Ruby Vanguard, and they have created a reason to be hunted by the world in all the people they've killed and the chaos and destruction they've caused in the name of their goal. It's not good, but when you're willing to kill, you shouldn't be surprised when that mentality is turned towards you.
If the Ruby Vanguard fails, the world remains strong enough to tear them down in the aftermath. Not only that, but the world is motivated to do so by the damage done to it and the fear of what would have happened if the Vanguard won.
And if the Vanguard does win, all of the clerics and paladins are depowered. Some of the greatest healers and devout warriors in the world, unable to draw out their full might. How much of the world is crippled and left defenseless without divine magics? And the Vanguard has a Ruidian army they're allied with and bringing down to Exandria. Who can resist them? They will be the hunters then.
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bumpolantern · 1 month
Dream (Co-written with @cassieoz)
Note: This is a short story co-written with the amazing birth fic writer @cassieoz. In case you're new in this space, @cassieoz is such an amazing writer who crafts empowering birth fics and always has incredibly fresh new ideas.
Pairings: Original Male Character x Original Female Character
Summary: A woman, in the throes of labor, finds a familiar face she can't quite name. A face with a secret that has yet to unfold.
Warnings: MDNI. 18+. pregnancy and birth bink. Very graphic birth and a little sexual birth. If that's not your thing, move along.
Divider credit @saradika-graphics ❤🙏🏻
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April had been working all day, doing housework until the pains grew too painful to continue to complete her chores. She was lying on her small bed, panting and trying to deal with the next contraction.
The midwife sat next to her and wiped her face constantly as the pain was unstoppable now.
April threw her head from side to side, begging for some relief but it was too late for any sort of pain drugs.
"Oh please! Make it stop! I want it out! Please get it out for me!"
The door opened and a very tall man entered the room. The midwife stood and began to talk to the man. "She is in transition right now! She is struggling with the enormous pains! The pushing stage is going to be very challenging for her!"
April cried out again as the midwife turned and sat down again. "You are doing beautifully! It will be time soon to push your baby out!"
The tall man watched and smiled as April weakly panted and yelled through more intense surges.
The tall man leant down and took the cloth from the midwife. He placed it gently on April's face and whispered. "It will come out! It will hurt but it will be worth it!"
April blinked and nodded before yelling wildly. The present pain was blinding. It was so intense that suddenly everything went black.
The world spun but April slowly started to wake to warmth and comfort. She was in a huge bed with warm blankets and pillows at her head.
The tall man stood at the end of the large bed ordering people to collect different items as he placed on some surgical gloves.
April looked around! It was not a hospital! It was a huge room, something out of a fairytale. The room was beautiful!
She suddenly gripped the sheets and screamed. Something was shifting inside of her and she needs to get it out! She was desperate! She yelled and bore down on the intense pressure. It was moving! It was stretching her wider! It wanted to come out RIGHT NOW!
The tall man threw back the warmth of the blankets and placed his fingers against April's folds. "That's it! Push it again! Time to work! Don't fight the pain!"
April leaned forward and howled. It was splitting through her. The burning sensation was breathtaking. "GET IT OUT!" April shook as her vision blurred. It hurt beyond words. She pushed hard and long!
When the contraction let up, April plopped back down on the pillows and groaned frustratedly in tears.
“Please,” she begged.
April felt warm hands on her shoulder and the gentle words of the midwife at her back. "Listen and push! Just do what you need to do!"
The midwife helped her back down and wiped her face.
“Please get it ooooouuuutttt…” She barely managed to finish her sentence when she was once again wracked with a stronger contraction.
"They are bad, sir! I am worried!" The tall man nodded but said, "We need to help her! Whatever is necessary! It has to come out!"
The midwife held April up and let her push down again. "You are doing an amazing job!"
“J-just cut it out of me!” You pleaded desperately. Wanting the pain to be over so bad.
"You have to bear down and push it out! It's the only way! It's your duty to give birth to this baby! Come on my dear! Find your strength!"
April felt strong hands against her damp opening as she pushed again and again. It was gigantic
The tall man looked up at the midwife. "It's coming slowly but it's much bigger than expected!"
"Your majesty! She can do this! She has you to help her! You have to help her! You are the only one!"
April's ears were ringing and her head was spinning as more tremendous pressure split at her entrance. Her folds were on fire! She couldn't think straight. All she could do was push against the blinding agony.
Yet despite it all, when the contraction let up for a while she looked the tall man straight into the eyes.
Suddenly there was a humongous shift! She howled and flew forward! She screamed and pushed against the horrific torture.
“Please…help me, I can’t do this! Ooohhh!” She screamed in between before pushing hard again, her face turning beet red from her straining.
She managed to take a breath after the long push and was swallowing as much oxygen as she could as if she was drowning.
As the pain calmed for a brief moment, "How do I know you?" April looked at him again, remembering a dream of him but now realizing he was real!
The tall man looked back into her eyes and smirked a little before schooling his features back to normal.
April pushed and pushed but despite the sudden huge shifts in pressure and pain, she can't move the baby further forward.
"Get her up! We have to get her up!"
Panting heavily, April feels her body being lifted and helped onto her hands and knees. On all fours, something intense begins to occur.
April feels something bearing down with all its force and she can't stop pushing against it.
"What is it? Can't stop it!"
April yelled and cried out, begging to hear some kind of answer to the painful sensation between her thighs.
April clutched the blankets in knots as she pushed and felt her entire nether region open and stretch!
She waited and when no words came from anyone, she roared out at the top of her lungs. April let go and rocked badly in total agony.
She began to shake uncontrollably as the massive weight on her lips spread through her whole entrance. It came swiftly and erupted violently. April lost all sense of time and reason as she exploded in the final stage of childbirth.
Primal sounds echoed around the chamber as the cries of labour grew longer, louder, and more raw!
Just as she thought it was over, the widest part of the baby’s head still hadn’t quite gone through, adding a burning sensation on top of the pain and pressure. Fluids spurt with every little push she could muster with what strength she had left in her, making this final stage feel a lot more slower than it already was.
Suddenly, the tall man came into her view, slowly kneeling down with one knee in front of her lifting her chin up to his face.
Her voice was so hoarse, and so out of breath that barely a sound came out when she whimpered and pleaded with the man to help her. But as she did, it suddenly dawned on her… “I-I know you…” she croaked and he only gave her a small knowing smile.
April smiled and looked into his eyes, wanting to hear words but knowing the hard work was not over yet.
"When will it be over? Is the baby alright?"
April gasped as the man continued to gently stroke her cheek and another strong pain began to throb downwards. "You are doing so well! The baby is very big! Much bigger than expected. It's almost out!" 
April squeezed the soft sheets underneath her. "I need to push again! I can feel it again!" The man nodded and brushed a long strand of hair back behind her wet ear. "Hold on tight and push when you can't avoid the urge anymore!"
The wave built stronger and more intense in the next couple of seconds. April's breathing grew more laboured. She could feel everything tensing in her core and her limbs. Her toes had pins and needles and her coldness returned on her damp back and face. 
The wave climbed higher and faster. The rapid approach mixed with the birther's shaking and loud moaning. When it crashed at full force, April growled deeply and strained down with all her need to free her child.
Once again strong fingers were pressed against her parting folds and words of encouragement were instructed towards her efforts. Stern and loud words of pushing and bearing echoed around her laboring figure.
April pushed and pushed but exhaustion was taking over. She tried again and again as she felt the enormity of the tip bounce at her red, firey opening.
April collapsed forward after another huge push! A loud booming voice exploded over her shoulder. "Damn it! No! You MUST push it! Push woman!"
Strong arms scooped her back and she suddenly found the strength to push even harder as the eruption of the crown fully shaped her entrance.
The midwife was between her legs in seconds. "It's fully crowned Your Majesty! The crowning stage is halfway over for her!"
April felt her whole upper body hugged tightly as she panted, strained, and pushed harder than ever. She was scared! The tremendous size stretched her petite frame wider and more open. 
Any more pressure and she thought she would explode.
Warm cloths were wiped over her face and neck. "It's almost out! It's almost over!" The voice was edged with worry now. The sternness had vanished and was replaced with genuine concern.
April’s legs shook as she pushed with all her might, praying to whatever deity out there for the pain and pressure and the burning feeling to be over.
The tall man positioned himself between her legs, softly caressing her thighs as she grunted and pushed. It was an unexpectedly soothing feeling and she managed to pant and catch her breath.
“This is it, April. Not long now, push when the next contraction comes…” the man said, one of his hands slowly moving to cup and caress the tip of the infant’s head, gently stroking, until his fingers found her clit and he begin to slowly put pressure on the nub. Stroking it in small circles until April begins to moan and whimper in between grunts and pushes.
April’s growing arousal and efforts in pushing the child’s head out are finally making it slowly inch forward.
“That’s it… pant it out…”
“Haaaa… it burns!” She screeched, but continued to pant anyway, as the tall man continued to play with her clitoris.
The all-too-familiar pressure between her legs begins to crest as a contraction creeps in along with a wave of pleasure. April began to moan loudly, her head swimming in pain, pressure, and pleasure. A delectable cocktail of euphoria takes over her and with a wail, the head finally bursts out, fluids squirted and gushed as it did.
Benjamin held onto the head as he reached for a towel to clean the escaping fluids. The fluids were rapidly escaping. They were thick and dark in colour! He paled as he realised that April had started to bleed out! "Call the Birthing OR! She will need surgery when the baby is born!"
Benjamin nodded towards the midwife to hold the rotating head as he swiftly changed his gloves and looked at the woman next to him. "Will she be alright?" The midwife nodded as the room filled with bellowed screams as the shoulders and the rest of the body collapsed in a massive pool of blood on the bed.
The baby cried despite its explosive entrance into the world. Benjamin picked him up in a damp towel as the midwife added more towels. The room filled with other staff as April grew weaker by the second. She tried to look at the crying baby but slowly closed her eyes from exhaustion and blood loss.
"The baby is a good healthy weight, Your Majesty!" One of the medical staff announced as they swept over the baby. April was rushed from the room on a gurney. Benjamin pushed passed the personell towards the hallway. "Will she make it?" They looked at each other and rapidly kept heading for the castle's emergency wing.
The OR was filled with medical staff as they worked frantically to deliver the afterbirth that came with more copious amounts of blood. "Doctor, her pressure is dropping rapidly"
"We need more sponges! Clamp! Retractor! Larger clamp! Damn the blood! It's not stopping! Call for more blood supply!"
"Doctor, heart rate is unstable. It's dropping!
"Still dropping! She’s coding!"
Benjamin hurried to the OR observatory room to witness the medical team desperately trying to revive April. A nurse came running into the room and tried to stop him from going into the operating theater. "What the hell! What happened to her?"
"Your Majesty, she has had massive blood loss after the delivery. We are trying everything possible to assist. We are working to get her back! There was just too much rapid loss."
An hour later, Benjamin was sitting in his study. His hand trembled as he raised a crystal glass to his lips before drowning another mouthful of amber liquid. The burning sensation was numbing as it slipped down his throat. A soft knock came and the midwife entered. Benjamin looked up in a haze! She nodded. 
"She is extremely weak. She is in a coma! The doctors said it was a placental abruption. It can happen suddenly at birth without warning." Mary added the information about the speed of the condition. She knew Benjamin well! Mary knew he would be blaming himself for this.
Benjamin weakly stood and walked to the fireplace before collapsing in one of the arm chairs. Mary walked slowly over to him. The room was silent, only the occasional cracking of burning fire wood interrupted the thoughts of the two shocked people.
After what seemed an eternity, Mary quietly asked. "Did you ever get the chance to explain any of this before April went into active labor?" Benjamin glared up dangerously at the midwife. She fell silent again, taking the warning and sitting on the opposite chair.
Benjamin remained silent as he sat with his leg crossed, his chin propped in the palm of his left hand. Contemplating what the midwife sitting across from him just said… It made sense, he cannot keep this forever from April. She has been through too much during this birth alone when she survives–if she ever survives this… 
He had to tell her.
He had to tell her that she was chosen. 
Chosen to bear the heirs of the kingdom long before she was old enough to walk or talk. 
For you see, Benjamin may be King… but he has been king for a really long time that his time is running out, and until he has given the kingdom at least a dozen heirs, only then the gods will be pleased and grant him the eternal life he craves. 
His youth is all gone by now, but he is still at his prime and he wanted to stay this way at least. He was glad he had known of April before he reached this peak in his life and physique, he could stay this way forever, he thought. He’s old enough to still have the looks, the body, and the physical strength he wanted… he just needed to get April to bear him at least eleven more children and he’ll stay this way forever. 
He stood up abruptly, startling the midwife a little, and moved towards the door before suddenly stopping. He turned to face the midwife and asked, “Does this stop her from having more children so soon?” 
The midwife studied him. “We can’t know for sure.” 
Benjamin let out an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. He needs to tell her as soon as she’s conscious and aware. He no longer wanted to do this the way he used to, visiting her in her dreams and making her fall in love with him. No, he no longer wants to live in her subconscious, he no longer wants to see the look in her eyes at the sight of him in this dimension… that familiarity that she can’t seem to put her finger on. 
He needs to tell her about the prophecy.
More than anything, he needs to tell her he loves her.
Benjamin stormed out of his study to be with April. 
And there he stayed for days until she woke up five days later. 
April slowly opened her eyes, trying to take in her surroundings. The doctors removed the breathing apparatus the other day, but her throat still feels too dry.
“My-my baby…” She croaked, startling Benjamin. He gently hushed her, gently tucking her hair behind her ear.
“The child is fine, April.” He said softly, and she just stared at the tall man. 
“I-I know you…” She whispered and he only gave her a curt smile. “But… I don’t know–” 
“It’s okay. I-I know… I need to tell you something…” 
And Benjamin told her everything. About the prophecy, about the gift the gods would bestow him, and how he will be granted that gift. Despite everything, April just listened and tried her best to absorb what the man was saying.
“I don’t quite understand, what does that have to do with me?” She asked him.
“Everything. You, April, are the chosen one. You are handpicked by the gods to give me a dozen heirs and more…” Benjamin answered honestly.
April sucked in a breath. “I don’t think I can help you with that… you majesty… is that–you are the king, are you not?” 
Benjamin bit his lower lip to suppress a smile and nodded. April nodded back and continued, “With how things turned out with my child’s birth, I don’t think I want to do it again 12 more times.” 
“Eleven.” Benjamin corrected.
“Only eleven times more.”
There was a brief pause between them as April slowly came to understand a little more about her child’s paternity. 
“Y-you’re the man… from my dreams…” She squinted as if she’d see him clearer if she did. 
“I am…”
“I have been given the ability to connect with you being the chosen one.”
“And you did not just approach me in person?” April felt her face turn a little hot, as what seemingly anger started to brew within her. 
“Would you have spared me a glance if you didn't know I am the king?” Benjamin defended. 
When April did not respond, the king continued, “I understand if you don’t. I am far much older than you are… old enough to be your father.” He chuckled at that last part.
“But you must understand, April…I am madly in love with you and I want to at least look this way for as long as I can–”
“Till I die so you can remarry someone younger?” She spat which surprised Benjamin. April scoffed and lightly shook her head. 
“I could pray to the gods to grant you the same life, too.” 
“And what of our children then?” It was Benjamin’s turn to stay silent.
“Could your vanity fix and heal the wounds and pain of outliving all of your children, my king? Hmm?” April’s voice quivered as tears began to slide down her cheeks.
Benjamin softened at the sound and sight of his heart. He stood up and paced the room with both hands at his back, his eyes fixed on his steps. 
He was lost for words. He had never thought of it that far or at all. He was so focused on the goal, that he did not think of what would happen after he got it. 
“You know…” She continued. “I have known and loved you for a long time and wished so hard you were real…” She chuckled looking up to the ceiling as tears freely fell from her eyes. 
“And you were.” She looked at him. “I would have looked at you still like you hung the stars in the sky even if I didn’t know of your status.” This made the king stop and look at her with his brows furrowed in confusion.
“I know you…” She continued with such longing in her voice. “I would have given you anything you wanted. Even carry and birth all the children you want…even if it hurts so much like it did each time.” 
This surprised Benjamin and he felt his knees wobble that he sank onto the chair next to her bed. 
“But I could never live my life knowing that you only used me to fulfill a prophecy and will continue to use me just to please the gods. I could never fathom the fact that you would go as far as making me fall in love and give you a child just so you could live and reign forever.” 
He buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath. There was a long stretch of silence before the king finally spoke: 
“What can I do to make it up to you? Just say the word, April. What would make you believe that I love you and I want to spend my life with you?” 
April looked at him sadly. “I would love nothing else but to spend the rest of my life with you, my king… but… I do not think I could stomach living for hundreds and hundreds of years and outlive everyone I know. Everyone I love.” 
“Are you saying…”
“I love you. Please make no mistake. But what good will our life be together if all we ever love, care, and fight for, we cannot take with us?”
“April… you must understand. You have a prophecy to fulfill and I have a mission for the gods…” 
“It is not a mission, my king. It is not what the gods want to grant you with, you asked for it.” 
“What do you want me to do?” The king asked again and April swallowed the lump in her throat at what she was about to say. This is her shot to make it with the man of her dreams… And she’d rather take the risk of knowing he could trade her for his vanity, than not to have tried for this at all and so she answered him truthfully. 
“I want you to give up your pursuit of eternal life.” 
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🏖Original Prototype ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
[PAG Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings] [buymeaboba]
☆[Your Own Standards of Beauty PAC]☆
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As a complement to the previous PAC, it’s crazy we’ve got The Last Judgement at the bottom of the deck. That’s a double XX LOL Yeah, continuing the spirit of rebellion against little bitch behaviour, we’ve got so much Wands and Pentacles aenergy on this collective reading. It’s literally saying:
Be confident in being yourself, in all the amazingly weird, scandalous, hard-to-define way that you already are AND grab the money bags! Work on feeling secure in your body, comfortable in your skin, beautiful in your hair and makeup, and continue to work on your soulful passion projects which are the only things that truly matter~♥︎
As a complement to the previous PAC, for a lot of Asian kids, wherever they may have been born on the Planet, it may be quite harder to realise just how much you’re stopping yourself from SHINING in your authentic Light just because you want to appeal, appease, and please your little bitch elders/society. It’s hard for a lot of people already depending on what kind of custom they’re most familiar with, or if they grew up with abusive narcs and all that, but I’ve gathered that it’s generally just that much harder for Asian kids.
Why? Because the society or elders made Asian kids little bitches of an apologist and enabler! STOP THAT! What the fresh fuckity fuck does being ‘conservative’ mean when that jargon is mostly thrown around to justify racism, fascism, perversion(!!), misogyny, child abuse, and, what else? Dishonourable ‘traditions’ of all kinds—can’t cover all of those expectations in a single intro but…if being ‘Asian’ equals ‘an unwillingness to outgrow own bullshit’ then that white lady was right:
‘Not to be racist or anything but Asian people SUCK! Hahahhihihuhuheho…’
In the West, Asian losers get waaay too comfortable hiding behind ‘victims of racism because we’re minority’ narrative—even though in Asia we all know Asians are some of the MOST racist fucks on the face of Earth and they victimise their own people in the name of CULTURE—and they indulge in some such fake-noble-ass attitude whilst completely and utterly letting other (usually younger) Asian fucks get away with perpetuating cycles of abusive behaviours, customs, mindsets, and just…ways of doing things and being.
These types of people, don’t strike me as bothered enough to acknowledge what being divinely…Human…is all about. No wonder they trespass human rights all the time in all these small but pervasive ways. Pathetic, isn’t it? ♪~why the fuck you lyin’, why you always lyin’, mmm, o mai gut~♪
All I’m saying is, ultimately, Asian or no Asian (you don’t want me to start on the Punjabs OML), you as an individual get to choose how you want to grow and develop yourself, so as to become a vibrational match to your very own honest desires that are in alignment with your Highest Intended Good. You were born with a purpose, no? Your Soul knows that and it’s whispering your Soul’s Blueprint to you. Don’t ever, EVER, let your nationality, religion, custom and race, or any other insignificant configurations attached to your birth situations LIMIT your Soul Expression that is often more kind, more merciful, more empowered, more free and creative, and most important, more brave—because God only knows how much Humanity needs all of those qualities amplified in the world right now.
If this intro has found you, chances are, YOU. ARE. THE PROTOTYPE. of a new way of being, you freaking Superstar~☆ One day, all of Mankind are gonna be just like you. Namaste. Whoever you are, I honour your being here and being a whacko🍮
HACK: This 76 Year Old Has Better Beauty Hacks Than You Do by PS
deck-bottom: XX(!??!) The Last Judgement Rx, Red Physician (Galen of Pergamon), Priestess of Shine
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Original Prototype for 🐞Fire Signs – Silver Magus (Merlin)
3 of Swords, 9 of Cups, XV The Devil
You know the ‘problem’ a lot of people find with Fire Signs? Your fire. Duh? In a world of cowards who mould themselves into whatever society demands of them—for survival—how dare you be pretty, ballsy, smart and confident, and you’re not even an ass-kisser? That’s hard to stomach for most of these sheeples. Babe, it doesn’t even register in their slow-ass brains.
So then, they work really hard at convincing themselves that you’re a sneaky loser who’s plotting against them. Some others think that you think you’re better than them for not paying them too much attention. Well, you know what? You are better than them. Clearly you are better than those whose hearts are so rotten they fabricate shit like that about you.
In spite of outer appearances, you really do have a good heart, and topped with every other thing that’s already good for you, all of the good things going for you, ma gurl, you’re a fucking anomaly. Kinda reminds me of Hedy LaMarr! An anomaly by all means. How dare she be incredibly talented, beautiful, smart, ambitious, and, SPIRITUALLY INTELLIGENT! She was a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon and Sag Mercury. Hear this:
‘I know why most people never get rich. They put the money ahead of the job. If you just think of the job, the money will automatically follow. This never fails.’ – Hedy LaMarr, pioneer of the frequency-hopping technology, precursor of WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS systems
If you asked me, it’s pretty obvious that a lot of people are simply jealous of you. And in a world where women are pitted against each other since time immemorial—you know; how they made girls compete with each other to become the hottest commodity to attract the richest guy in the village to take ‘em as a wife—it’s almost a crime that you were never sucked into this stupid game of hurting other women for the attention of men.
For you, and most likely this has been the case since you were a child, this kind of mindset never made a lot of sense, and oh Goddess, you’ve thought it had to go out! Of your system! Of everybody’s system! I think you were always a feminist before knowing such a concept exists. And your focus wasn’t particularly about ‘gender equality’—it wasn’t politics, babe—it was just about fairness and justice in their purest form, for all people.
HOT FIRE. You were born to light candles and burn bridges. So be it. No more playing small. No more playing with those who are small and refuse to grow strong. Go meet your Destiny NOW!🔥
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Innocence
🦁Leo – Priestess of Magick
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Healing
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Original Prototype for 🐍Earth Signs – Green Physician (Paracelsus)
Knight of Pentacles Rx, XIX The Sun Rx, 5 of Cups Rx
Take care of your body, nourish it to heal your spirit, and let’s take a break from planning too many things for the near future. The aenergies all around the Planet are shifting massively, what you’re planning for the next 3 years of your Life, for example, could all go down the drain next month, next week, even. You’re being advised to recharge and find joy in the small things that you might’ve postponed to enjoy just because it’s felt like there’s so much to plan and do and achieve.
On this Planet, too many societies glamourise being busy. It’s because the busier you are the more you feel that you’re needed, right? That need for validation is what kills you from the inside if you blindly follow this misguided desire to be useful. The truth is, and only if you allow it to be your truth as well, is that it’s enough that you exist on this plane. You can love and be helpful in ways that don’t sacrifice your values or physical health? Don’t be a sell-out just because you want praises. Yuuh, bitch?
You might’ve forgotten that you came into this world to have fun. To bask in sunshine’s glory and play with nature. To eat good food and spend good times with loved ones. I’ve seen that people with strong Earth influences are usually those that are easiest victims of capitalism’s hustle culture pffft… They got you wired weird, babe. Gotta step back a little and look around, see where you’ve put your foot now.
I’m hearing that you Earth Signs are essentially meant to be a buster of old traditions and customs that no longer work. People change and values change, why wouldn’t cultures change? After all, didn’t people make culture? How come then cultures are perceived as more important than the individual? None of that makes sense. So much of what’s called culture in this world was made with garbage intent and has become pure manure at this point in Humanity’s evolution.
It’s perfectly OK to update rules and customs, don’t you think? People who refuse to grow and move with the times are TOXIC. Don’t be their prop, Earth Signs! Your mission is to launch missiles towards the Old Stinkin’ Tower of toxic traditions and to rebuild upon its rubble a new establishment that’s guided by Love. Yes, Love and Respect, instead of the ill-intent to suppress and control. Take what still works from the Old World but infuse whatever you do with Light. Let the wisdom of old guide you so that you don’t make the same mistake twice, or thrice.
I’m also hearing that you’re meant to champion some kind of effort that balances/integrates tradition and automation. ‘Going back to nature’ or ‘going back to old ways of doing things by hand’ are a major theme of your Lightwork. We’ve been dealing with too much automation in recent decades that people’s cognitive functions have declined rapidly! Automation helps with simplifying things but if that comes at the cost of people’s brain capacity, this isn’t progress then, it’s a regression of Humankind at the aggression of robots.
Doing things with hands may seem like such hard work, but in the long run, it keeps people’s brains functioning well into old age. Check out this video for inspo! I just feel that you’re meant to champion something like this <3
How The Oldest Chocolate House In New York City Survived A Century by Business Insider
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Patience
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Purity
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Illumination
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Original Prototype for ⛲Air Signs – Green Alchemist (Nicolas Flamel)
6 of Wands Rx, 8 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles
Being the intellectual Air Sign that you are, you’ve long realised that most of the world’s information is false. It’s taken a lot of strength to maintain your sanity, and it’s gonna require even more for you to share what you know with the world—or whoever would listen. So much of world’s history is misleading, if not blatant lies; so much of who we’ve been told as heroes and knaves has been quite the opposite, depending on angle, I guess.
You’ve been in the know that discovering the truthest truths of the Truth is gonna require some sifting through so much misinformation, disinformation, and confusion. It’s not a walk in the park but know that you’re not alone on this legacy project of yours. You may often just forget that your Spirit Guides and Cosmic Ancestors are with you. Yeah, you may forget because you’re highly intellectual and can focus too much on hard facts LOL
The fact is, look, you have direct aetheric communication with your Team. I sense many of you who are tuned into this collective reading are, in spite of your Airy-ness, quite spiritual. A lot of you have strong 12th House placements or Neptunian aenergy, as well as 8th House/Scorpio and 9th House/Sagittarius influences. This actually makes your communication with the aether that much clearer. In order to strengthen your communication, it’s important to nourish your brain with the right kind of nutrition.
You can also take advantage of subliminal and/or reiki tracks that help improve brain functions, strengthen psychic communication, as well as those for brain regeneration and relaxation—just to balance things out, you know. Breathing meditation may also benefit you a lot in this scenario. Many of you tuning into this reading are meant to have a role in communications, journalism, detective/investigative work, and maybe even politics. You have that kind of a charm, honestly😉
You could also be some kind of a whistleblower. Basically, you’re meant to communicate the Truth to the world. What Truth are we talking about? Look to your Mercury and any kind of placement you may have in the 3rd/9th House, especially if your Chiron is here, and that should give you a hint, combined with other elements such as Midheaven and North Node. All y’all are meant to discover different kinds of Truth regarding the nature of our society, or Reality huehue
Look also to what your 11th House of networking entails and see how that connects to your Uranus/Aquarius placements. Essentially, if you have a strong Libra placement especially, the key takeaway here is that you want to connect with likeminded rebels with whom you are going to be covering each other’s asses. What you’re meant to do in the world could be dangerous, so it’s important to have a strong network or support system that will keep you all safe~!
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Strength
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Ritual
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Energy
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Original Prototype for 🐝Water Signs – Gold Alchemist (Roger Bacon)
2 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles Rx, 7 of Pentacles Rx
It’s interesting that all your cards are indicating unbridled passion, but Water Signs do indeed feel a lot anyway; if you’re not gonna channel all those emotions into something creative, then what’s the point? Gotta be artistic while life is being sadistic to ya XD Your passion, your emotions, are needing a platform to be heard, listened to, watched, admired. Paint, maybe? Write a poetry? Make an artistic indie-vibe photographs or movies?
There can be a lot of trial and error, but as you do so, you exercise your demons. You get to exercise with your demons. Why not? This world could learn a lot from you who’s willing to breathe and let yourself honour your emotions. When we were born, so many of us were convinced that too much feeling was bad. The whole time, not having emotions is what’s actually psychopathic *shiver*
There’s a song I like whose title is like, ‘To not have weakness is to not have Humanity’ or something like that. To not feel, to not shed a tear, to never have a moment of breaking down, is to not have Humanity. And too many people are comfortable with that, that’s why their lives are never totally comfortable in spite of all the riches they’ve gained in the world. There’s still too much drama and bad karma because…
‘We soon tire of living only for ourselves.’ – Mishima Yukio
Psychopaths are those who live only for themselves and they use other people for short-term gratifications, right? There’s way too many people living on the spectrum of psychopathy, and it’s your mission to show these losers how to navigate around crippling sorrow and still turn up alright, decent as a Human. People are weird to give so much empathy to psychos just because ‘they didn’t grow up being loved enough that’s why they turned up the way they did’. Pffft…
Fuck that. Those assholes made a choice to grow up mean, bitter and just generally evil. How many people in the world have suffered the greatest pain and betrayal and still turned up kind and empathetic? It’s a matter of choice, bitch <3 You who have tuned into this reading are someone who’s felt for everyone and got your heart broken every other way, and still you turned up full of Light—in all the unique ways you’re still able to care for the world, even if from a safe distance.
You’re an Advanced Soul who was given so little guidance as you walk the path of your Destiny on Earth. That’s strength. Strength of character especially, knowing how much you’ve broken your heart through your own trials and errors when it comes to navigating human relationships. Don’t punish yourself for a failed connection/communication you still feel guilty for. The guilt itself is already a sign that you’re a good person at your core. Do you think evil fucks feel any remorse for manipulating your feelings or any other person's for that matter?
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Beauty
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Fertility
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Intellect
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omniverseexplorer · 1 year
The Reason Why You Are Limitless
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Disclaimer: I'm releasing an old banger but a revised version as my perception has changed!These are just my personal beliefs, and it is completely open ended just like everything else. If you are searching for a “logical” answer this post isn’t for you, this post is for the shifting and manifesting baddies that are open minded to the “impossible” being possible. If you struggle with disassociation this post might not be for you.
We are constantly being told in the manifestation and reality shifting community that we are completely limitless. However, what does that mean exactly? EVERYTHING is made out of energy: our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, nature, “physical objects,” etc at its ultimate core. Ultimately, we are pure consciousness not attached to any reality. We are the Multiverse experiencing itself. This is why manifestors say that consciousness is the only real reality, and when we enter the “void state” it’s already within us. The void state is just pure consciousness. We are simply entering our truest state of being where we always shift and manifest instantly, where negative thoughts, doubts, feelings, etc don’t exist because this isn’t our natural state of being. We are all “connected” to this energy, because we are all made out of the same energy that makes up the entire Multiverse: spirits, gods, deities, entities, yourselves, physical objects, animals, plants, planets, realities, dimensions, realms, and down to your thoughts. We are everything, everywhere, all at once. Everyone across the entire Multiverse shares a collective consciousness of “I AM” as we are all made up of the same energy. We are all One. I don’t say this to freak anyone out, this should be empowering to know that you have full control of your reality. You can be anything and anywhere right now no matter what. You can do anything and change anything instantly no matter what because time isn't real.
As pure consciousness who are the creators of our realities we have complete and ultimate freewill, so that you have the freewill to create your own beliefs and assumptions. There is no such thing as right or wrong, black or white, everything is grey including what you assume is true or not true. The only real reality is your imagination/consciousness/awareness, because everything is energy. The Multiverse is a paradox, everything and nothing exists at the same time because it all comes down to your dictation as to what is real and isn’t real in your reality. Everything that you can possibly imagine and desire already exists within you, as you are limitless and completely infinite. Nothing is impossible for you. Time is an illusion, and it doesn’t exist so in your imagination where the energy is at its rawest form you already have all of your desires (aka consciousness).
There are no laws of physics that dictate your reality, the concept of the laws of physics is simply your current awareness of reality, which can be easily changed as long as your awareness changes. You are all limitless and you can bend and change the laws of physics/the physical reality with your own assumptions. For example, you assume that you have the ability to fly, as long as you keep assuming that you can fly then your physical reality will transform that. ANYTHING is possible, you create your own rules down to the laws of physics of what is and isn’t possible in your realm of awareness of reality, which can differ for anyone else. Everything that you were taught: spirituality, religion, science, and witchcraft are simply real because you assume that they are real as you were taught since birth to accept certain things as “hardcore truths” when “hardcore truths” is simply an illusion. There are no such things as “ultimate truths” except the ones that you create within your own awareness of reality. This is why “fictional” realities exist, because they simply have a different awareness of reality/“laws of physics” than we do, which can easily be changed. For example, have you ever wondered why some people experience paranormal experiences and others don’t? While they may be real to you in your reality, may be unreal to others in their reality, and both are correct because it is your assumptions that dictates reality. In terms with death, spirits, gods, entities, the astral realm/concept of afterlife, laws of spirituality such as karma, reincarnation, etc-everything boils down to your assumptions as well. These energies are very real only if you perceive it to be real, but if you do not believe in them then they won’t exist in your reality because they will simply not abide by your personal laws of physics. Don’t limit yourself: you can manifest immortality, your desired reality, teleportation, manifesting instantly, time travel, time manipulation, whether you can fly or not, “fictional” characters shifting to your reality, etc as your “core” laws of reality, or lack of. It’s up to you.
Therefore, you completely create your rules to manifest, and how you manifest. Do you shift every time you manifest anything no matter what or simply manipulate the 3D? Up to you to decide, you are correct no matter what because this is your reality. "You" as pure consciousness is where your imagination, desires, assumptions, beliefs and thoughts reside and you already have your all you desires simultaneously because time is not real is the only place you should focus. The physical reality is simply an illusion, and is easily malleable and customisable. It can be changed and manipulated instantly so you can also always change your “laws” on how your reality works whenever you want to. Imagination is your only real reality, where creation is finished it is done. You are never creating anything you are simply being the person who already has your desire/are in your DR. It already exists within you as consciousness being the only real reality. Therefore, the concept of “fiction” and “impossible” isn’t real because what you deem as “fictional worlds” that are created already exist if you assume so. We have just been taught of certain things as “hardcore truths” within this perception of reality, which is completely false and can be changed instantly if we really wanted to. Every single little thing that you think of, desire, etc already exists in the imagination the only real reality right now. Essentially you are limitless you can be anything and anywhere no matter what because you already are that thing right now, no matter what it is. You just need to change your assumption to accepting it.
It should be noted that you do not need to enter the void state to be limitless. All you need to do is accept your true state that you are pure consciousness not attached to any reality or perception of reality, the void is already within you right now. You are the true, ultimate creator /God of your reality, you can even dictate your own “laws of physics” within your reality and what is “true” or “not true.” When you accept that you are more than just your physical body, you open a whole new world of possibilities you deemed “impossible.” You may ask yourself: If it’s the ultimate law that the physical reality must conform to the consciousness that I am (my desires) instantly no matter what then why doesn’t it happen? Whose to say that you can’t just blink right now and be in your DR or have your desired manifestation no matter what right now? Or that you can see the physical change before your eyes to fit your desires or DR? All of this is possible, the problem is that we have grown up in this current awareness of reality to overcomplicate and overthink everything. We think that we need to “believe,” “let go,” “feel happy,” etc. Also, let’s be honest subconsciously we also expect the physical reality to take “time” because we have been taught that we have to “wait” and “work hard” to get everything we want and put “limitations” to our desires. What you need to do is begin to assume that your physical reality instantly conforms to your desires before your eyes no matter what-you don’t need to believe, feel happy, let go, etc. Everything is energy, all you need to do is manipulate this energy by assume what you desire, and make it a dominant assumption. Your dominant assumptions (the energy you put mostly in) always create your reality. Don’t overcomplicate anything just keep assuming in your favour to manifest, shift, create your own laws of physics, etc because your imagination/consciousness already knows every single detail of what you desire since it already exists within you right now.
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carolinemoon · 1 month
I saw a super interesting video from a youtuber I follow who has received hate for saying that hotd is sexist. People apparently don't understand that sexism isn't just thinking that a woman is only good for raising children, giving birth and cleaning, but also thinking or promoting that for a woman to believe herself worthy of the place she occupies and to be empowered she has to renounce all femininity, painting everything traditionally feminine as something toxic and harmful, that a woman's greatest aspiration is to be a man. In short, I'm very happy that more and more people understand this. I'm a little tired of women saying "I'm not like other girls" 🙄 I mean I like makeup, one of my favorite colors are pastels, especially pink and purple, I collect Barbies xd, surely these people think I'm inferior or an unworthy woman, but no, I'm still an independent woman, with an education, who knows how valuable she is, a traditionally feminine woman is not synonymous with submissive.
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alectothinker · 1 year
the unwanted guest vs [redacted bc spoilers]
bc im insane about this story and its references
anyone getting jb priestly an inspector calls vibes from the unwanted guest ?? a couple things i noticed:
the stage play format + old timey rich family house setting (fireplace, butler/maid, calling card etc) is very similar to AIC 
from the play: "The dining room is of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer. It has a good solid furniture of the period. The general effect is a substantial and heavily comfortable but not cosy and homelike."
ianthe straight up calls pal "inspector" lol
pal questions ianthe indirectly to reveal her guilt about killing/exploiting babs (v like the inspector vs the birling family)
from sparknotes (lol): "Strangely, the Inspector does not ask questions about what they know about her death. His questions, instead, prompt each family member to struggle with and eventually face guilt for Eva/Daisy’s death." "The Inspector’s questioning unravels the mystery of how each family member has used social standing, influence, and power over others without personal consequence, devastating the young woman’s life." ^ vs pal calling out 3rd house heir and lyctor ianthe tridentarius for seeing+spending babs (who had been assigned cavalier status at birth) as a resource 
 Pal: "you never stop to check the price tag. You just pay whatever's asked, up front, and walk away."
vs AIC: "The play, as events unfold, suggests that an empowered class exploits the underclass without consideration of consequences for its exploitation."
consequence being that tern's whole life was fucked, and ianthe never considered that her own soul would be corrupted (in her pov) by babs'
Lastly, pal vs the moral of AIC: 
"The Birling family’s collective guilt conveys Priestley’s message that it is the social duty of every human being to examine the impact of any action on others and to care for and help them, without self-consideration."
vs everything that pal says in the story, +in ntn, paul still tries to help ianthe/babs: "There’s still time, Ianthe. Time for you, and for Naberius Tern.”
someone on tumblr has probably written this meta but to me TUG is pal (+tamsyn) laying out how systematically exploitative the necro/cav relationship can be (with ianthe helping out a lot lol). which imo aligns pretty closely with what priestly is trying to say with AIC, and also with dulcie's hamlet quote: ‘Use every man after his desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?’
also TUG feels like some sort of. idk awakening in pal? and therefore paul? cant wait to see them fuck shit up in new and interesting ways. ok thats all pls lmk if yall have thoughts!! i last read AIC in middle school for my GCSE's LOL
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honourablejester · 1 year
Random half-baked 5e thought, but as the spooky month approaches, I’m reminded that I really, really want to play a Stars Druid for horror. Just. A lot.
It’s just the imagery of stars and omens that permeates the subclass. Starry Form, you become a piece of the night sky, your body a dark canvas on which glowing constellations paint themselves. Omens, weal or woe. Constellations, to dispense healing or radiant judgement. If you like cosmic horror, and I quite like cosmic horror, there’s such a temptation there.
And. There’s a background in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, called the Haunted One, which is that your entire character history is dominated by a dark event or secret that, well, haunts you. You get a feature, Heart of Darkness, which is just that people looking at you can tell that you have seen some shit and will try to help you out if you haven’t pissed them off, and you also get a ‘Harrowing Event’. Which is that dark event that dogs your footsteps. And one of them is the following:
“You were born under a dark star. You can feel it watching you, coldly and distantly. Sometimes it beckons you in the dead of night.”
And sometimes, if you’re a Stars Druid, it beckons you from within your body. Every time you invoke Starry Form. There’s a constellation on your body, a dragon or a chalice or an archer, but there’s also, every time, somewhere on your skin, in your bones, shining from your flesh, another, darker, more distant star. Maybe you can’t see it yourself, in that form, not always, but you can feel it.
You’re a child of omen. You were born under a dark star. A watching star. And you like to think you could have run from it, but instead you carry it with you. Within your skin. Within your magic.
Was it on purpose? Your birth? The difference between ‘circle’ and ‘cult’ is sometimes rather academic, after all. Or were you an infection, a curse? Were you driven out, a cursed omen to wander the land, and that’s why you’re here now? Or were you taught instead. Trained to embrace it. Perhaps your circle were a circle of ill omen, believers of an apocalyptic destiny. That dark star is distant now, but it won’t always be. And you, you are a harbinger of that fate.
I do like the Star Map as well, on this character. Any of the suggested forms, but in particular the ‘collection of maps bound in an ebony cover’. Your star map is your own creation. Perhaps you’ve been tracking your star’s approach. Maps of the night sky, and maps of your skin. Maybe every time you invoke Starry Form, you ask those around you afterwards where it was. That other star. Where has it moved, and does it mean anything? What happens when that dark star reaches your heart? Or your brow? Does the movement across your skin match the movements across the skies? Or is it a more personal, intimate motion, a signifier of a smaller and more personal apocalypse?
There is a temptation to flavour some of the druid spells to reflect the dark star’s influence, Entangle most easily, but that might be a trap. The druid list doesn’t lend particularly well to that. Maybe keep the horror for starry form, and have your magic be your attempt to ground yourself back down. Ground yourself in the world, in the dirt and the soil and the water, to stave off that darker influence. But maybe it creeps in anyway. Maybe you find yourself favouring spells like Moonbeam and Heat Metal, like Maelstrom and Cone of Cold. Divinations, like Augury, Divination, Scrying. Seeking omens.
Druids don’t, generally, have the spell list for cosmic horror, not like an aberrant sorcerer or a goolock, but just from Starry Form. Just from that. And the divination, omen, weal or woe aspect. Your omen is written in your flesh. And every time, to empower yourself, you invoke it. You pull it closer. Wear it inside your skin. Shine its light out into the world through the vessel of your own form. A harbinger, a walking omen of a distant malice.
A child of omen. A daughter of a dark star. Clinging to earth, to stone, to the magic of this world, but forever bearing witness to something more distant and more alien. And drawing it, by your own actions, ever closer to all that you protect.
Oh, I do, I really do, want to play Stars Druid for horror. So very much. Heh.
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sensualnoiree · 10 months
The 1st House
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personal impression, self-projection, and fresh beginnings
The 1st house in astrology encapsulates the initial impressions one leaves on the world and embodies the essence of self-projection. It serves as a canvas for fresh starts, a birthplace of individuality, and the genesis of personal endeavors.
The Beginning:
Upon birth, we enter a world that shapes the way we present ourselves. The 1st house represents the beginning of our personal story, reflecting our vitality, physical attributes, and our innate approach to life. As you gazed upon the stars on the horizon at your birth, this house imprinted its unique stamp on your existence.
Holistic Influence:
Much like a mold shaping clay, our birth environment—whether it be the town, street, or family dynamics—melds with the celestial energies of the 1st house, influencing our overall persona. The family plays a significant role, setting the stage for the roles we adopt, often driven by the needs of the familial unit.
The Development of Persona:
During childhood, the rising sign marks our first steps in constructing a persona—a mask of sorts—as we navigate the world. The 1st house invites us to immerse ourselves in its elemental essence, envisioning ourselves as children enveloped by these elemental forces. It's where we first grasp the need for a mask and begin constructing one.
The Quest for Identity:
Astrologers debate the importance of the Ascendant against the Sun sign, with some suggesting that the Ascendant steers us toward the promises held by our Sun sign, initiating a quest for our truer selves. This house embodies a journey of self-discovery, a path toward embracing individuality while breaking free from early influences.
Continuous Evolution:
Much like a mask we wear, the 1st house persona is an ever-evolving image, adaptable and changeable as we grow. Planetary transits through this house offer opportunities for reinvention, allowing us to redefine our self-image and reshape our perception of the world around us.
The Canvas of Self-Expression:
Symbolizing continuous refinement of identity, the 1st house empowers us to assert our uniqueness, paving the way for self-expression and new beginnings. It serves as a launching pad for personal projects and ambitions, fostering leadership qualities and a drive to define our own life paths.
Guiding the Inner Quest:
Ultimately, the 1st house guides us on a quest towards realizing our deeper selves, portraying not just personal identity but also influencing our approach to initiating various aspects of our lives. It beckons us to dive into the depths of our being, offering insights into our instinctive reactions and the way we present ourselves to the world upon arrival.
the signs through the 12h
Aries Rising
Individuals with Aries Rising possess an energetic and pioneering spirit. They tend to act impulsively, often diving into situations headfirst without much prior planning. Their swift and direct actions might sometimes come across as aggressive or quick-tempered. They exude an undeniable presence, leaning forward in their physical movements, reflecting their eagerness. Aries Rising individuals cherish independence, disliking restrictions and routines, and always seeking new experiences.
Taurus Rising:
Taurus Rising individuals radiate stability and reliability. They exhibit a strong sense of loyalty and responsibility towards their loved ones. Valuing material possessions and aesthetics, they often collect sentimental items. With a preference for a secure and predictable environment, they create comfortable sanctuaries. Taurus Rising can be stubborn yet affectionate, deeply committed to their relationships and displaying a classic sense of style.
Gemini Rising:
Gemini Rising individuals are communicative and adaptable. Curious and sociable, they enjoy learning and exploring new things. Their quick wit and love for conversations contrast with their relatively short attention spans. They possess two sides—bubbly and talkative or intellectual and occasionally harsh. Excelling in various fields due to their quick grasp of information, they struggle with superficiality or distraction.
Cancer Rising:
Cancer Rising individuals are gentle and nurturing, exhibiting a sensitive aura. Cautious in new situations, they take time to warm up to others and highly value security. They are deeply attached to their home and sentimental possessions, creating safe havens for themselves. While protective and caring, they might appear moody or overly sensitive due to their strong emotional connections.
Leo Rising:
Leo Rising individuals are generous, proud, and expressive, exuding confidence. They naturally draw attention and are seen as leaders, conscious of their impact on others. Loyal and protective, they might also display quick temper and pride. Thriving on appreciation and love, Leos have a strong need for recognition and exhibit a deep passion for their pursuits.
Virgo Rising:
Virgo Rising individuals are practical, analytical, and attentive to details. They maintain high standards for themselves and others, often striving for perfection. Their critical nature might pose challenges in relationships. Despite being reserved, they become loyal and steadfast friends once comfortable.
Libra Rising:
People with Libra Rising are charming, refined, and cooperative. They dislike disorder and strive for balance, often compromising to maintain harmony. They might face challenges in personal relationships due to their inclination towards aesthetics and a struggle to balance self-interest with the needs of others.
Scorpio Rising:
Scorpio Rising individuals are secretive and possess great determination. They have a fascination with emotions and healing, often displaying a strong intuition. Despite appearing calm, they are highly emotional inside, with a penetrating gaze that sees beyond superficiality.
Sagittarius Rising:
Sagittarius Rising individuals are idealistic, outgoing, and adventurous. They're interested in distant places and cultures but dislike focusing on details. Their charisma and curiosity make them great conversationalists. Despite feeling collective pain, they prioritize survival and may mask their emotional depth.
Capricorn Rising:
Capricorn Rising individuals are sensitive and ambitious. They appear competent and reliable, focusing on their image and working hard towards their goals with determination. Despite appearing composed, they might worry about the future and often sacrifice personal attachments for larger goals.
Aquarius Rising:
Aquarius Rising individuals are altruistic, independent, and intellectual. They value humanitarianism and new ideas but might shock others with their unconventional opinions. They are good at organizing and attract friends easily due to their open-mindedness. Often feeling "different," they may struggle to express their concerns or feel misunderstood.
Pisces Rising:
Pisces Rising individuals are sensitive and compassionate, with a dreamy and artistic nature. Highly empathetic, they absorb energies around them, feeling overwhelmed at times. Seeking stability in relationships, they might struggle with decision-making and facing harsh realities due to their changing and sometimes impulsive nature.
For more info check out my blog in the bio or my insta 🤸🏿‍♀️
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thesecretsofthedivine · 10 months
The Zodiac (Sun) Signs Pt. 5
Leo/Leo Sun
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positive manifestations (evolved Leo): hardworking, glamorous, authoritative, self-assured, and enthusiastic.
negative manifestations (unevolved Leo): performative, high maintenance, controlling, ego-driven, and indulgent.
The grand and demonstrative Leo always knows how to make an entrance. Being ruled by the Sun, their main concerns are to invite warmth into their environment, celebrate self-love, perceive fortitude and generosity as virtues, create a platform to express themselves or champion the causes close to their heart, and reward their hard efforts with the finer things in life. There is a naive and idealistic side to this zodiac sign – one where their inner child is close to the surface of their personality. Generally, this fire sign is a jovial lover at heart and takes pride in how they contribute to a meaningful existence. They are charismatic, resourceful, entertaining, authoritative, and moralistic. These individuals are very conscious of their appearance, which can result in a heightened ambition, need to feel special, or desire to please/control others. Leos are extremely willful and often set their sights on achieving greatness. Even in their most insecure moments, they often feel the need to put on a brave face and fake it until they make it. The personality of a Leo sun is typically extroverted and flamboyant (depending on other placements or aspects within their chart). A Leo’s identity is rooted in becoming self-aware of their impact on others and navigating how to use it for good. In this lifetime, their main soul purpose is to uncover how duty is much more than just a set of traditional rules, control, or debilitating pressure. Duty can also be about emancipation or the balance between being a teamplayer vs simultaneously encouraging others to celebrate individuality & pursue self-fulfillment. This zodiac sign is born with golden intention, but it can take them a while to filter out their personal beliefs from the expectations that have been placed on them early on. A Leo's physique is often tan, durable, voluminous, primal/feline, and attention-grabbing. Because Leo rules the heart/spine/back area, these individuals may often stand with confident posture or be most vulnerable to heart/spine/back-related tension. Their life force is fed by moralistic aspirations, the need to shine/play, and community. They are motivated by the need for respect and passionate engagement with others, which can cause them to have fixed images of how they should appear to others. Oftentimes, this zodiac sign must master equal give and take in their personal relationships or learn to appreciate themselves by creating from the heart instead of performing. In terms of masculinity, Leo is ruled by the traditional masculine planet (the Sun) so this sign is easily interpreted to be an uncontainable beacon of light with ferocity and loyalty like no other. Depending on the potential positive or negative manifestations of this energy, a Leo may have a notorious and warm relationship with their father or one that’s marked by excessive ego and superficial glamor.
Sun in Leo Transit
When the Sun enters Leo, daily life instantly becomes that much more colorful and dazzling. Leo season is often characterized by inner awakenings, leadership opportunities, the power of charm or rose-colored glasses, social festivities, and a heightened desire to pull through tough situations or heal any ailments. Leo season teaches us to be our own saviors or sources of light when the world seems dim. Of course, this transit can affect every person’s birth chart in different ways and will be most relevant to any Leo placements/Leo-ruled house(s) in a chart. But the general consensus is that Leo season can influence you to become the most empowered version of yourself who refuses to tolerate mediocrity. When the Sun is in Leo, the collective energy is more inspired and collaborative. People may often find themselves undergoing new creative projects, changing their hairstyle, wanting to pitch new work proposals, strengthening their divine masculine essence, or turning to glamor magick as a manifestation tactic. During this time, individuals are most concerned with competence and authenticity. However, it’s important to be wary of any control issues, criticism, egoism, intolerance, or reactivity in your behavior. The themes of Leo season heavily involve taking leaps of faith that prove your resilience and pave the way for something legendary to be created.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
"oh you're obviously just uneducated on the social model because you've only heard it explained for abled people, 'in a perfect world no one would be disabled' is only so they can understand!!!!"
i've been disabled since birth. i've been exposed to disability activism my whole life. disabled people in disabled spaces, especially in leftist spaces, solely explain it to other disabled people that way. specifically in leftist spaces the social model is used by vast swaths of low support needs disabled people to allege that disability only exists because of capitalism, and it wouldn't under whatever financial model they're pushing. academic papers targeted at people who are educated in these terms explain it that way.
the social model can only work in a perfect world that, frankly, will never exist and only for people who are not significantly impaired. the whole thing reeks of "the only disability is a bad attitude" and "maybe if you tried harder, you wouldn't be disabled".
no level of accommodation will change the level of impairment i face, do you know how i know this? because i have lived in this body for a quarter of a century, i know my experiences and i'm tired of people telling me i'm wrong.
disability activists who face impairment beyond what can be accommodated have been pushing back against the social model for decades. the social model centres disabled people with low support needs and low impairment. how dare you invalidate my experience as well as the experiences of countless other disabled people who feel abandoned and ignored by the social model?
a great example of how the social model fails is stephen hawking who, despite being very vocal about being able to afford total accommodation for his disability brought on by his als, was also still deeply impaired by his disability.
the social model also stigmatizes and removes agency from individual disabled people having the ability to make their own choices about their treatment and accommodations, newsflash not everyone wants all of that and they should be able to choose.
there are many far more sufficient models that we can use, i don't think we will find equity and liberation from just one. the models i find the most useful are:
empowering model allows for the person with a disability to decide the course of their treatment and what services they wish to benefit from
diversity model focus[es] attention on how society's systems respond to variation introduced by disability... question[s] the socio-political definition of disability, in which (all) barriers faced by people with disability are imposed and therefore removable... insufficiently recognizes that impairment does have a bearing on accessibility outcomes
affirming model a non-tragic view of disability and impairment which encompasses positive social identities, both individual and collective, for disabled people grounded in the benefits of lifestyle and life experience of being impaired and disabled
human rights model based on basic human rights principles... recognizes that: "disability is a natural part of human diversity that must be respected and supported in all its forms" and "people with disability have the same rights as everyone else in society" and "impairment must not be used as an excuse to deny or restrict people’s rights"
additionally, i find it very telling that supporters of the social model speak over and silence disabled people who point out it's failings. if you refuse to listen to us there is no way i can believe your model will actually be beneficial to me and other disabled people with similar feelings.
here is a paper from kay shrinier and richard scotch on their critisms of this model
Disability and Institutional Change: A Human Variation Perspective on Overcoming Oppression
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godeat · 28 days
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zen’in no eishin was a legendary sorcerer in the heian era,  cherished ancestor of the zen’in clan,  and first master of the ten shadows.  beginning in disgrace and followed by infamy,  he would die as one of the most formidable sorcerers of his era and would later be recognized as one of the strongest sorcerers in history among the likes of ryōmen sukuna.  in the modern day,  he has been deified as kuraijin,  a patron kami of the zen’in clan and jujutsu society.  although he is regarded as a controversial figure by historians,  eishin’s influence is felt to this day.
note:  eishin’s story contains themes of abuse,  suicide,  violence,  death,  and misogyny.  although eishin is a trans man,  he has experienced the brunt of the zen’in clan’s misogynistic ideals due to his assigned gender at birth.  i myself am transmasculine and have also faced misogyny;  it is a topic i don’t take lightly.  due to the way jujutsu kaisen’s worldbuilding is constructed and the limited information we receive regarding heian jujutsu society in the manga,  i take various liberties in interpreting the events of the heian era.  his inspirations include:  rurouni kenshin,  the filmography of kurosawa akira,  the folklore surrounding the gashadokuro,  fromsoftware’s sekiro: shadows die twice,  the discography of kaji meiko,  japanese folklore,  zen buddhism,  and several others.
¹  LINEAGE. before the ten shadows found itself within the zen’in,  it began as a technique called the dark sea,  which belonged to the itō clan.  the itō were a cadet branch of the taira,  a clan that historically dominated heian politics.  similar to the taira,  the itō were prevalent within military affairs and valued among heian jujutsu society for their martial prowess.  although the taira and it’s cadet branches were a mix of sorcerers and non-sorcerers,  the itō were primarily sorcerers,  and thus established a close relationship with the zen’in during the ninth century.  both clans’ militants and regiments collaborated as a means of empowering each other,  and although this was a means of asserting their individual superiority on the political stage,  their cooperation would turn into an alliance.  due to their cooperation,  the zen’in would be privy to the itō’s knowledge regarding shikigami mastery,  which was their specialty.  the relationship between both powers would peak when itō no satsuki married zen’in no katashi,  who had just ascended to the position of clan head.  a year following their marriage,  satsuki would give birth to her only child,  eishin.  he is five years the junior of his half-brothers,  kentarō and yūri.
two years following eishin’s birth,  the itō’s dissatisfaction with fujiwara superiority and the political arrangement of jujutsu society culminated into an attempted insurrection.  following the footsteps of taira no masakado,  they attempt to insurrect the fujiwara and fail.  for their betrayal,  members of the itō are beheaded,  imprisoned,  or exiled,  and in the matter of weeks,  the clan dissolves.  in the midst of this turmoil,  satsuki is questioned by the imperial court regarding her relatives.  intimidated by her husband and zen’in relatives,  she folds to pressure and claims no further connection to the itō   —   a decision she would ultimately regret.
after several months of grief and reeling from the loss of her family,  satsuki resigns to the most extreme option:  retaliation.  forsaking the zen’in clan,  she leaves the matter of eishin’s upbringing unto her servants.  although zen’in retainers try their damndest,  they cannot find her.  using her knowledge regarding shikigami,  she collects the bones of victims of starvation and conflict.  when enough was collected,  she performed a ritual to create a formidable shikigami and used a powerful intermediary to bind it to her technique.  what’s born from this ritual is a shikigami comparable to makora:  the starving skeleton,  otherwise known as the gashadokuro.  ( がしゃどくろ. )
following it’s creation,  satsuki goes to heian-kyō and unleashes the gashadokuro in the first recorded instance of chimera shadow garden.  the shikigami terrorizes the city until a group of sorcerers are sent to deal with satsuki.  weakened by her opponents and left on the verge of death,  satsuki takes her own life.  in her final moments,  she uses the last vestiges of control over her technique and disappears into the shadows.  she leaves no corpse to collect.
upon her death,  her cursed energy assimilated with her child,  who shared her technique.  at the age of six,  eishin’s cursed technique manifested as that of his mother’s.
² UPBRINGING. following satsuki’s rampage and the manifestation of his technique,  there was no hope for a kinder upbringing.  katashi,  ashamed and scornful of his child’s existence,  gives no attention to him.  likewise,  he neglects yūri the same love when it becomes apparent he had no cursed energy to speak of.  he instead turns his sights to kentarō,  who was heir apparent.  outcasts within their own family,  eishin and yūri developed a close relationship and leaned on one another when there was no one else.  despite knowing his father did not love him,  eishin tried his best to garner any fiber of pride or respect;  efforts that would prove futile.  whereas with kentarō,  there was only animosity.  besides his older male relatives,  kentarō was eishin’s biggest tormentor and would often use his strength and superiority to terrorize his brother.  eishin had no means to fight back lest he be punished.
due to documents regarding the dark sea being destroyed or hidden within zen’in archives,  eishin’s training was left to his own hands.  although yūri’s heavenly restriction negated cursed energy,  he would use the knowledge he gathered during his training with the hei to help eishin in any way he could.  by the time he was thirteen,  eishin would gain an intimate understanding of his technique.  at fourteen,  he asks to join the hei,  but this request is denied due to fear that he would reach the full prowess of his technique and his assigned gender at birth.
for the rest of his teenage years,  he lived his life with little purpose.  his existence is barely acknowledged,  yet he is tethered to his clan’s will,  who expect him to stay compliant and subservient.  without any consideration for the matter,  several marriages are arranged for him as a means of taking him off of zen’in hands,  but all fail via eishin’s own sabotage.  the only source of joy he finds is through yūri’s combat training and secret excursions in the city.  a few months before his eighteenth birthday,  he uncovers various documents written by the itō regarding shikigami mastery and the dark sea,  thus giving him an idea of what he could’ve been doing with his technique all along.
when eishin is eighteen,  yūri leaves the clan and urges him to do the same.  a few weeks later,  he did.  the decision was when he realized he would never live a fulfilling life with his kindred.  he would not be valued in a space where he was demeaned and yūri was the only connection that kept him there.  while yūri was overseas in china,  eishin would pursue vagrancy.  his clan would not find him.
³  VAGRANCY. eishin wanders aimlessly.  a year into his vagrancy,  he is saved by wandering mercenaries after nearly being slain by a powerful curse.  choosing to stay with them for a few months,  he becomes accustomed to mercenary work,  where he hones his skills against enemies other than his brother.  believing it to be a consistent line of work and an occupation that can easily garner notorriety,  he sticks with it.  even though his cursed energy and technique were phenomenal,  heian jujutsushi was to be contended with.  without the zen’in to hinder him,  there was an innate drive to become stronger than those who could subdue him.  more importantly,  he wanted to be a cause of scorn for the clan he despised.  he cared and lived for nothing else.  the means to achieve this would come to him by mere chance.
at twenty,  eishin kills a group of shikigami hunters per a bounty agreement and frees two wolf shikigami they were planning to sacrifice.  although he expects both shikigami to run away,  they stay by his side as a show of loyalty.  these shikigami would become known as the divine dogs.  after months of observing the shikigami and their strength,  eishin would put a theory to the test.  while shikigami were typically summoned using mediums,  it was theorized by the itō that shikigami could be bound to a technique like the dark sea if an intermediary device  —  such as a sacred relic   —  was dissolved within the technique’s shadows.  if this was possible,  shikigami could be summoned without the use of mediums.  to test this,  eishin would acquire fragments of the ten sacred treasures and perform a successful ritual,  thus making the divine dogs the first shikigami to join the ten shadows.  for the next six years,  he would seek out powerful shikigami to subjugate and bind to his cursed technique.
at twenty-six,  eishin is regarded as an infamous mercenary and assassin among the jujutsushi and jusoshi world.  he became known as the kage-akuma  (  影悪魔,  literally ‘shadow demon’  )  and amassed nine unique shikigami in his arsenal.  as his reputation grew,  rumors began to circulate around his past as a former member of the zen’in and brought considerable controversy to the clan,  much to eishin’s delight.  despite being branded as a jusoshi for his efficiency in bloodshed,  eishin would develop a strict set of principles.  his time wandering had exposed him to a great deal of issues:  youth being exploited for their techniques,  persecution of jujutsushi in the countryside,  unchecked corruption of nobility.  although hardened by circumstance,  eishin was, at his core, a compassionate individual and his exposure to such misery would serve as catalyst for his political decisions.
after another two years of freedom,  fujiwara pressure on the zen’in to subdue eishin for his crimes reaches a climax.  kentarō,  now clan head following the passing of his father,  comes up with a plan to imprison and execute his brother.  baited into killing a prominent jujutsu noble,  eishin is finally apprehended and imprisoned.  he would’ve escaped were it not for the inverted spear of heaven being used against him. 
while imprisoned,  kentarō gives eishin a chance at amnesty and a reversal of his death sentence as long as he returns to the zen’in and abides by the conditions of a binding vow,  but this discussion goes nowhere.  lucky for him,  eishin is freed just days before his execution when yūri,  who had returned from china months prior,  breaks him out.  reunited with his brother,  the pair go into hiding.
⁴  MAHĀLA. jujutsu society is thrown into turmoil when the eighth divine general,  makora,  deems jujutsushi as a fundamental threat to cosmic law and order and begins slaughtering jujutsushi.  unable to cut such a divine figure down,  jujutsu society scrambles for a solution.  the jujutsu authority and fujiwara,  desperate to resolve this nightmare,  seek out eishin and invite him to the courts due to the nature of his technique.  there,  they present an ultimatum:  if he manages to either slay or subjugate makora,  eishin will receive full amnesty for his crimes.  this agreement is upheld with a collective binding vow.
a few days later,  eishin,  under the supervision of the jujutsu authority and clans,  goes to a valley outside of heian-kyō and calls for makora’s audience.  makora answers the summoning and the two engage in battle.  with no allies to aid him per the conditions of the ten shadows’ subjugation rituals,  eishin is alone as he goes head to head with the divine.  at some point during the fight,  eishin realizes that makora is on the verge of adapting to his technique and thus uses his last resort.  he summons the gashadokuro to subdue a struggling makora all while performing rites that would bind him to the shadows,  a maneuver that ultimately works    —    albeit at the cost of merely trapping makora,  not subjugating it.  regardless,  eishin stands victorious.  per the conditions of the binding vow,  he is given complete amnesty from his crimes and is hailed by jujutsu society as an unlikely hero.
⁵  THE COURTS. displeased by the jujutsu authority’s failures in regards to makora’s rampage and elated by his victory over a literal deity,  eishin realizes he could use his technique for so much more.  his strength was something to be trifled with,  something that could dominate several jujutsushi and render an entire nation to their knees if he so wished.  he was a nightmare,  unstoppable,  no longer some weak child subject to someone else’s whims.  jujutsu society did not have to be subject to an authority more concerned with upholding power and tradition while their denizens suffered.
a few months following the incident with makora,  eishin challenges kentarō for the position of clan head.  kentarō agrees to settle the matter with a duel and even foolishly doubles down with a binding vow that guarantees eishin’s self-inflicted death if he were to lose.  the battle is overseen by the jujutsu authority and in the end,  eishin wins.  although kentarō demands he kill him,  eishin lets him live with the humiliation of defeat.  upon his ascension as clan head,  eishin expels several of his fellow clan members,  including kentarō,  and begins managing the zen’in clan per his own will alongside yūri.
now leader of one of jujutsu society’s most prominent clans,  eishin establishes himself as a force to be reckoned with.  the fujiwara confided in him more than they ever did kentarō and he quickly became a prominent member of the imperial court.  that being said,  his relationship to the jujutsu authority and its members were not as friendly.  furthermore,  his relationship to clans such as the kamo were far from cooperative.  much of his fellow noblemen were intimidated into fearful compliance.  additionally,  eishin was not shy about political assassination if it meant getting rid of people who aimed to sabotage him or his vision,  nor was he against blackmail.  although several jujutsu nobles had their suspicions,  they lacked the evidence to prove these transgressions.  throughout his reign,  he experiences various attempts at assassination and insurrection,  with one of these attempts at insurrection being done by kenjaku themself.
during his political career,  eishin would push for various reforms.  he would help revise jujutsu conduct,  encouraged protection for jujutsushi in the countryside,  and created a grading system for curses to prevent jujutsushi casualty,  among other things.  alongside yūri,  he also tried to cultivate a society that permitted heavenly restrictions,  an effort that garners outcry from his conservative colleagues.  too intimidated to cross the zen’in,  a begrudging sense of unification was felt among jujutsu society’s clans;  a sentiment that would have many referring to eishin as a ‘dictator.’  following the fall of the fujiwara’s sun,  stars,  and moon squad at the hands of ryōmen sukuna,  the hei and various zen’in jujutsu regiments became their militant successors.
at thirty-three,  his only child,  zen’in no masaki,  is born.  although his political and noble life was consistently marred by conflict,  he was undeniably among the strongest jujutsu society had to offer.
⁶  DEATH. at forty,  eishin is called to exorcise two special grade curses,  both of whom were regarded as deities.  although he utilized all of his shikigami and chimera shadow garden,  both special grades would persist despite their injuries.  already pushed to his limits,  eishin does what he knew would ensure his victory,  even if it cost him his life.  deprived of option,  he summons makora and ropes both spirits into the subjugation process.  upon the summoning,  makora slays both curses before turning it’s sights to eishin.  understanding that makora would only return to the shadows upon subjugation,  eishin begins to fight back.  although exhausted,  eishin gives it his all,  even when the output of his reverse cursed technique hinders and he begins to experience internal hemorrhaging from repeated usage of his domain.  
but for all his efforts,  they are for naught in the end.  tired,  faltering,  and far past his limit,  eishin denies his shikigami the satisfaction of his death and takes his fate into his own hands when makora adapts to his technique.  unsheathing his tantō,  he commits seppuku and dies of spontaneous exsanguination.  legend has it that the divine dogs carried his corpse to his allies before disappearing into the shadows.
⁷  POST-MORTEM. upon his death,  the zen’in clan is thrown into turmoil.  yūri loses the only family member he ever cared for and masaki loses his father at the tender age of seven.  per his written will,  yūri would inherit the title of clan head until masaki came of age,  the first and only time a heavenly restricted individual had held that position.  kentarō and his exiled relatives try to take advantage of the internal chaos,  but yūri does not permit them to curry prominence.  although he was a prominent public figure,  his funeral was relatively private.  his mausoleum can be found on the historical zen’in estate in osaka. 
revered as a god among men for his power,  eishin is then deified as kuraijin,  a patron kami of the zen’in clan and a protector of jujutsu society.  he became a popular deity to worship during the sengoku period,  with the majority of his worshippers being samurai and non-militant jujutsushi.
despite his infamy during the heian era,  kentarō’s descendents would come to view eishin as a symbol of zen’in strength and glory when they permitted back into the clan.  in the modern day,  the zen’in continue to view him as a legendary figure synonymous with a glory that has not been seen since the early edo period.  furthermore,  eishin’s legacy cemented the ten shadows’ god-like status alongside the likes of the gojō clan’s six eyes.  he was,  without a doubt,  the strongest ten shadows user to ever live.  tales of his shikigami and his strength are equal parts captivating and terrifying.
outside of his deification and influence among his clan,  much of his policies and conduct are still practiced among jujutsushi today.  the systems he helped cultivate in regards to exorcism and public safety became groundwork for modern jujutsu conduct.  the modern day grading system can also be credited to him,  although he only ever intended the grading system to be used for curses and not his fellow shamans.  in addition,  he was a scholar who frequently wrote about shikigami and his documents are still studied by shikigami masters.
eishin’s iteration of shikigami are possibly some of the most powerful and largest recorded,  even rivaling the likes of ryōmen sukuna’s shikigami while he possessed fushiguro megumi.
typical of most zen’in clan members,  eishin was a practitioner of shinbutsu-shūgō,  otherwise known as the syncretism of shintō and buddhism;  although some of his ideas in regards to enlightenment and morality could be considered unorthodox.
he was the first wielder of the soul-splitter katana.  that being said,  he much preferred tantō.
although he was brazenly strong,  eishin usually relied on agility and stealth to aid him in combat due to the umbrakinetic prowess of the ten shadows complimenting both attributes.
similar to the six eyes,  eishin’s birth was marked by the strengthening of all curses in the country.  the same can be true for every other ten shadows user after him.
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