#Engineering skills
why aren't there more mysteries that take place in nursing homes & retirement communities. i want to watch a group of deranged retirees-cum-amateur-detectives combine their powers of:
decades of life experience
boredom-fueled busybody shamelessness
access to the most gossipy next-door-neighbors in existence
"I am too old to be arrested and/or give a shit" attitude
and solve crimes. this should be an enormous subgenre.
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badolmen · 4 months
They don’t even attempt to assassinate US politicians anymore. You notice that? Not since the anthrax scare back for… who was it, Barack? And even that… pathetic. This new generation has no respect for an honest hitman. I’m not sure this new generation has any honest hitman - you see that shit with Boeing? Sloppy, fucking disgraceful - you kill the whistleblowers before they get halfway to a lawsuit. What kind of fucking amateur is doing faked suicides the night before testimony? Goddamn greenhorns. Back in my day someone tried to shoot Ronald Reagan in broad daylight. There used to be bomb threats to Congress. I took out a few union leaders in the utilities sector myself. Today’s generation? Won’t even threaten to throw a punch - not even over on that - what’s it now, ‘X’? They got no guts. None! And they don’t even have poor impulse control to boot! Too much of that - that panopticon anxiety bullshit. “Oh what if I get a called out post???” People used to send the president letters full of bioweapons. In the mail! Today’s generation? Not a chance. All because of woke.
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wheredidfranciscogo · 2 years
User Value / Engineering Skills
As a software engineer, I often find myself pondering about the balance between user value and software engineering skills. On one hand, we strive to build the best software possible, with the most efficient algorithms, and the most elegant code. On the other hand, we need to create software that meets the users' needs and provides value to them. It's a delicate balance, and one that often leads to controversial discussions among software engineers.
One argument I've heard is that software engineers should prioritize their engineering skills over user value. The idea behind this is that if you build the best software possible, users will naturally gravitate towards it. They will appreciate the effort that went into building it and recognize its superiority. The belief is that users are rational beings who will choose the best software regardless of the user experience.
However, I believe this argument is flawed. Users are not always rational beings, and they don't always choose the best software. There are many factors that influence their decision-making, including the user experience, price, marketing, and brand loyalty. Software engineers need to recognize this and prioritize user value over engineering skills.
At the end of the day, software is meant to serve users, not the other way around. We need to build software that meets their needs, solves their problems, and makes their lives easier. If we don't prioritize user value, we risk building software that no one wants to use.
One book that has helped shape my thinking on this topic is "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug. In it, Krug emphasizes the importance of designing software with the user in mind. He argues that the best software is the one that requires the least amount of thinking and effort from the user. This book has helped me understand the importance of user-centered design and how it can lead to better software.
Another resource that has influenced my thinking is the podcast "Design Better" by InVision. The podcast features interviews with top designers and explores topics such as user experience design, design leadership, and design thinking. It has helped me gain a deeper understanding of how design can impact user value and how to create software that meets users' needs.
In conclusion, while engineering skills are important in software development, they should not come at the cost of user value. We need to prioritize building software that meets users' needs, solves their problems, and makes their lives easier. By doing so, we can create software that is not only elegant and efficient but also useful and valuable to users.
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anandinternational · 2 years
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usefulquotes7 · 3 months
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Something really just. Nice that I noticed with the bros is that each of them has shown off some pretty interesting skills.
Raph is the one who fixes April’s ceiling fan for her, Mikey takes on half the work when making the new puppy rescue for Todd, and Leo is outright able to reprogram Shelldon’s AI (he messed up, but the fact he was able to do this at all is like??? Raph and Mikey were there too did they know Leo could do that because they were not surprised-)
Of course, this is nothing compared to Donnie’s own immense talent and skill for inventing and science in general, but it shows that the others are not incapable of assisting in his field if need be.
What I like to think with all of this is that they listened to and likely helped with Donnie’s various ideas growing up. Sure they may not get the specifics, and complex science talk goes right over their heads, but in a pinch they’d be able to get Donnie the right tool or set a wire back in place. It’s not as necessary now that Donnie is much more independent when he makes things, but it’s cute to imagine there being a time where the others had to pitch in and learned some stuff because of it.
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fbfh · 14 days
leo valdez with a breeding kink… i’d literally give that man anything he wants 😫
OHHHHHH FUCK ME. I WANNA KISS YOU ON BOTH CHEEKS FOR THIS ONE. Leo does not realize he has a breeding kink until it hits him like a fucking semitruck. you're with some family and friends at a little get together, and you end up looking after a baby cousin to give their parents a break. you have the kiddo on your lap while you chat with your friend, and when Leo gets back with drinks he nearly drops them. Boom. Light switch on, breeding kink in full force. He doesn't even realize what's happening, not quite yet, but all he knows is that it's going to take every ounce of self control he has to wait until the party's over. after a physically painful eternity that he suspects is his eternal punishment from the gods worse than pushing a boulder or being strapped to a boulder or holding up a planet sized boulder (it's maybe an hour and a half max) you're finally on your way home. He nearly pulls an irish goodbye just to get his beautiful beautiful hands on you sooner, and Leo is NOT the type to leave without at least a dozen hugs and cheek kisses and leftovers and plans to meet up next time, so you know something must be going on with him. the only reason he doesn't fuck you in the car (and he is this fucking close) is because he knows that he wants to take his time with you. Also, he can get pretty vocal. Also so can you. (anyone would with him jfc) so he keeps his hand on your thigh while he drives. He rubs it, inches it up higher and higher, higher than he ever has outside the bedroom until he's practically fingering you in the passenger seat. Honestly you wouldn't complain if he did. The sound of your flustered, surprised giggle when he pick you up and carries you into your house over his shoulder, all unga bunga like something primal has woken up inside him. And it has. When he lays you down on your bed which is still descheveled from the fun you'd had that morning, when he kisses you like he's hungry and strips you down like he's unwrapping a christmas present, neither of you know what's gotten into him yet. But he knows one thing for damn sure.
There's no way in hell he's pulling out tonight. Or ever again, if he's being honest.
So really, you'll both find out what's gotten into him (and you) in about nine months
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muffin-snakes-art · 1 year
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So I made another Wallpaper Engine thing, this time with Mistilteinn and Magolor! Not only can you adjust how the wallpaper can be displayed, you can also squish Magolor to make him talk! By default, the particle effects will be unchecked in case your device can't handle it.
Here's the link to the Steam workshop item!
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dragzo · 8 months
oh Red Son no-
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doodlydoodlies · 3 months
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Soldier should sleep in a honey pot pet bed 🍯
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goldenhand9107 · 5 months
thing I noticed about the music!
i had a weird thing constantly in the back of my head while I binged 9-1-1 over the past few days. and that was the music.
(and i mean the score, not the soundtrack. soundtrack is a whole other can of worms)
this is network television. the score isn't anything super special or standout, but it's alright. it was composed by Mac Quayle, who I know from Mr. Robot, and Todd Haberman. unfortunately, it's unreleased, meaning I can't point to names of specific pieces but they reuse a lot of motifs so they're pretty recognizable to any fans of the show.
and, being me, who has a spotify playlist with over 500 pieces of music from various movies, tv shows and games, and an ear for this stuff, there is one thing that stood out.
like i said there's recognizable motifs. the tense actiony one that plays during a call, the goofy one with what sounds like a washboard (? i may be so wrong here) that plays whenever they're bantering in the firehouse or something comedic happens. the soft piano that plays whenever there's a quiet emotional moment between two characters (which i affectionately started calling the "911 feelings music" in my head). but the thing that really got to me, that was sitting in the back of my head for the whole time I was watching,
Buck and Tommy's theme is new.
at least as far as I could tell! I started this show because I rewatched their kiss scene like 80 times, I have that shit memorized at this point. and when I started picking up that they reuse a lot of their pieces, I started listening specifically for the floaty piano and guitar piece that plays right after the BuckTommy kiss. it's not super unique or distinctive from every other piece of score used in the show, but I never heard it in any other moment, so I'm pretty sure it's brand new for them!
and that just makes me so happy that I felt like I had to share.
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shikariiin · 1 year
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More Jed Content
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
Not to be uhhhh annoying, but Karkat's theme and Eridan's theme from Alterniabound at the very least have to do with each other.
Both of them start off with a melody, but switch it up at around 0:06 seconds. Then once again another switch at 0:52 (almost perfectly in sync).
At around 1:06, Eridan's theme goes slow and sad, and on the other end? Sounds of tediousness(TM). Barking, Super Mario ghost oooohing that sounds like rolling your eyes, and vaguely digital soundbites.
And THEN, at around 1:23, Karkat's waltz resumes, and Eridan's theme also becomes a waltz (more or less at 1.25x Karkat's speed).
Karkat's music ends at 1:57, WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT Eridan's theme kicks up. And then a "Hey!" is heard at 2:03/2:04, a couple of seconds after Karkat's theme actually ends. Quite literally: "Karkat pay attention to me. Hey. Karkat. Karkat. Karkat." lmao.
And guess which theme also loosely follows this pattern? Terezi's. A canonical crush of Karkat's (A lot more out of sync, though). Kanaya's theme doesn't, however. Much less Vriska's, or any other theme in Alterniabound's album.
Of course all of these songs follow a pattern, and they're made for the same [S] Pages. Karkat and Eridan's, though? Almost completely in sync.
I dunno, maybe I'm trying to fit triangles into square holes, but it seemed worth mentioning. I genuinely tried listening to both at the same time in two different tabs but I couldn't get much out of it.
(This is nosyDetective btw, I just can't send asks from this blog bc it's not my main 😔)
Unfortunately, the similarities seem pretty superficial - eridan's theme is mostly in 4/4 (2/2 technically because its a march) and karkat's is in 3/4 the whole time - but still, here's the two 3/4 parts mashed together for your listening pleasure, hahah.
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parasolemn · 1 year
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[id in alt]
oh I drew these a little bit ago but never posted them... had a rather lengthy convo in the DE discord about which mercs would get along w who and there was some Interesting Discussion but I only did these. u can tell here I never draw tf2 guys lol
i think I'll have to get back to it once assessment time is over. kim kitsuragi going to a shooting range with miss pauling and having pleasant conversation as queer glasses-wearing sharpshooters until he finds out her "administrator's assistant" job involves burying bodies. titus hardie and heavy big-guy-to-big-guy telepathic communication. harry du bois and soldier in-depth bear-wrestling convo turned violent brawl over communism. zhanna and kim mildly heated argument afterwards with both sides arguing THEIR man would win in a bear-wrestling contest. lilienne giving harry the eyelander after the Date. the possibilities are endless...
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quisters · 5 months
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Obsessed with Outlaw arming Texas with sci-fi future tech
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valyrfia · 6 months
if anyone is interested, did a tarot pull for max in 2024 and it indicates he WILL win the WDC but it’ll be more of a fight than last year and red bull with likely lose technical dominance (ie. max’s skills will have to win him the championship)
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