#Eobard Thwane
jayspilledink · 2 months
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Critters. They can face each other.
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wandeel · 2 years
If Ezra Miller were the Flash in Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox
Comes from this Twitter account: https://twitter.com/KaiserNeko/status/1556778712145838080
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Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you could help me with something concerning Owen Mercer! Was it ever stated anywhere in comics just where his speed came from? I know his mother was Meloni Thwane, did she have some sort of recessive gene from Eobard Thawne or something? I'm not sure where to look for more info on this, if you have any info I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!
His speed comes from Meloni.
Meloni has never been shown using powers of any kind but she is canonically a speedster. Like, they outright say that she is when Owen is researching his parents.
So my headcanon is that Meloni has just completely blocked off her speedforce connection to piss off her dad. Or it's so weak that it doesn't really work. But there's no official answer.
The meta answer is that they wanted Owen to be the next Flash so they haphazardly figured out a way to justify him being a speedster while connecting him to the Flash family. I don't really think they considered that Meloni wasn't a speedster, they just retroactively made her one.
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joleneghoul · 1 year
You know booster gold lore pretty well- your recent posts abt his time travel stuff makes me curious if there's any mention of him knowing eobard thawne (the reverse flash)? They'd be like relatively similar time eras in the future, right? This is super random but i was just curious if u had any idea on it lol
I might be wrong and if I am im sure someone will chime in but honestly the only thing i can remember off the top of my head is Booster interacts with Thwane in Time Masters: Vanishing Point and it is called to attention that theyre from the same time. Apparently, he knows Booster's crimes, though.
Which im only knowledgeable of Booster here so i might be wrong but if he was around the 25th century after booster stole the time sphere then yeah thatd make sense because Booster was publically wanted for treason 🤷
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If there's other appearances of them together I couldn't tell you since it'd most likely be around volume 2 of booster gold (vanishing point is related to vol 2) and I honestly don't reread that era as much as I did years ago.
Also as far as time travel goes I am surprised that the Gold family and the Flash family don't interact more (not that they havent-wally and booster were on a team together for awhile- but its just not that much), though Gold Beetle exists now so maybe that will change eventually.
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ghost-in--the-room · 3 years
Fanfic I want to write but won't
Cause it would be like so many words and I could barely get the motivation to write this.
Essentially this idea is what would happen if eobard thwane dead/disappeared before the particle accelerator explosion. Causing his will to be released giving the evidence Barry needs to free his Dad and a company to now run. This would be a chance to show how smart Barry is (maybe running the company while still working as a csi) and since he won't have his powers (yet?) it's a chance to show that Barry is a hero w/o powers.
I so many more stuff to add to this so I'll put it under a cut!
Originally this idea came from a Hartley x Barry idea so I'll talk about it in that mindset first then talk about how it could be changed for other ships (but not Barry x iris as I personally don't like it in the show)
Edit: I like the idea of joe and the captian being the only ones to know barry owns star labs at the CCPD
With a mixture of thwane changing the past and Gideon being the clever thing she is, thwane doesn't realise he has written himself out of the timeline. This is finalised when things are organised for Eddie to join the CCPD and meet iris. Causing Harrison wells to disappear and per his will declared dead. This is done before Hartley discovers what's wrong to the accelerator.
Due to changes in the timeline of our own Barry Allen is in star city when wells is declared dead. So instead of coming home from the arrow cave to a lighting bolt he gets a company and what is needed to free his dad.
Both star labs and the ccpd family go through a lot as the death of an once mentor to sudden murderer of their new boss's mother cause a conflict of emotion. Barry first takes the time to get his father on the path of release before he visits star labs.
This either gives them enough time that the team outright don't think he is smart enough to run the company (Hartley) or they accept him but forget he is capable (Cisco & Caitlin). He will have a similar friendship to the previous duo as the show. As for Hartley over time he will prove his intelligence (perhaps over the problems Hartley himself found or Ines he didn't) this will cause Hartley to respect him and not forget he is smart unlike the duo.
The other is that everyone is still reeling from the new and take it out on Barry who is the outsider and the one who made the new so public. Eventually they realise that Barry is not the one to blame and start to become the friend as the show show. However, Hartley who suspected something wrong with Wells before and didn't blame Barry. So while Barry was at Star Labs he and Hartley bonded. (over science and parent issues)
Now since the explosion didn't happen everyone didn't get there powers at once. But Barry doesn't have his powers until his father reminds him there are other ways to deal with criminal, referring to how he used his love of science to become a CSI to free his dad. This leads him to use star labs to figure out how to safely capture the metas and a way to imprison them.
Then one of them run across a meta who just got their powers and isn't a criminal. They take them back to the labs and help them through it. They realises that while they have been focusing on the criminals they forgot that normal people could be affected and then try and come up with a way to help.
this could be done in a kinda 5 people they helped + the 1 who turned on them (with the 5 protecting the (then) non metas).
For hartley x barry I'd have them fall in love in the weeks/months that it takes the duo to become barry's friends. and then get together while they try and open the centre(?) they open for metas.
But as im not writing it and someone may want to but dont like the ship here are a few ideas i have for other ships. That or you could do gen!
Thwallen - Eobard disappears the day they meet. Only the captian know that Barry now owes Star Labs. Eddie likes barry so tries to get to know him by talking about the new unknown star labs CEO. Barry like eddie but think eddie has a crush on the unknown CEO and has a crisis thinking eddie would be disappointed/ doesnt like barry just the mystery.
Olivarry - Buisness meetings. the news getting hold of them hanging out and are like who the heck is this guy. Then they find out that he is a CEO and a like oooooh. but then bam they where friends/met before he was a CEO what?!?! oh and they are boyfriends/married now.
Coldflash - Leonard plans to rob the new star labs owner thinking they are just another inheritance rich kid. But then finds out its barry and puts it of due to the connection to the police and his fathers story. Then he meets him and thinks he is interesting but only falls in love when barry opens the centre. Then comes barry either knowing or finding out len is a criminal and acting the same saying he knows len's a good person.
barrisco - enemies quickly to friends to best friends to lovers
snowbarry - ronny is either just a friend or they break up due to wells' death and conviction. enemies quickly to friend to lovers
superflash - reporter kara tries to figure out who the new CEO is meets barry and gets him to "help"
feel free to ask about other ships! or if you want to talk about this au at all. please do!!!!
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opalismybirthstone · 3 years
Diverse DC p.1~Speedsters
1. XS/Jenni Ognats(Black/white biracial)
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Jenni is the daughter of Barry Allens daughter Dawn Allen and Jeven Ognats. She wasn’t born with any abilities , however after seeing her father in danger, her connection to the speedforce was Unlocked.
2. The Flash/Danica Williams(black)
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Danica Williams is the flash of the Batman Beyond universe. Whos father was a STAR labs scientist who studied Metahuman technology. Danica grew up with dreams of becoming a trackstar, but due to having many medical conditions including asthma, she lost hope. It was also thought that Danica had mental illness due to her claiming to see and hear figures that nobody else could. Though it turns out that she was actually communicating with speedsters from multiple different realities through an initially unknown connection to the speedforce. After she was urged to save a man from being hit by a train, it was revealed that she had superspeed, and eventually mastered the ability to run on air molecules. She was also the love interest for Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
3. Kid Flash lll/Wallace West(black/white biracial)
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Wallace West ll is the niece of Iris west and the son of Daniel West, the second reverse Flash. He was initially portrayed as a delinquent and a troublemaker, however after being adopted by his aunt Iris, he began to ease out of his delinquent behavior as he began to look up to the Flash(not knowing it was Barry Allen). After a future version of himself went to the past and gave Wallace powers, he gained a hard to control and unpredictable connection to the speed force. He used his new powers to become the Flash’s new crimefighting partner. After being caught in Central City’s speedforce storm, his powers became more stable.
3. The Flash/Avery Ho(Chinese American)
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Avery, like many other Central City citizens was caught in the Speed Force storm, giving her a connection to the speedforce. Her new abilities were unstable, and Avery’s cells involuntary constantly vibrated themselves, with her being unable to stop them. She was visited by Barry and another speedster named Meena Dhawan(whos up next) who helped teach her how to use and control her powers. After a while, Avery was recruited into the Justice league of China. Shes also Wallce’s best friend.
4. Fasttrack/Meena Dhawan(southern asian descent)
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Dr. Meena Dhawan was a scientist at STAR labs who was caught in the speed force storm, giving her all the usual speedster powers+the ability to sense or Track others with a speed force connection (hence the name Fasttrack). She dedicated herself to training the next generation of speedsters who were also caught in the speed force storm. She was a villain at one point, but thats not important.
5. Irey and Jai West(biracial, white and Korean)
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Jai and Iris “Irey” West ll are the twin children of Wally West the first, and Linda Park. They both have their fathers connection to the speed force, however, while Irey has the usual superspeed, Jai’s powers are…. Weird. He can use speedforce energy to accelerate his muscle growth and give himself super strength, but has also been shown to use the speed force to shapeshift when in distress.
6.Bolt/Alinta(no last name yet),(biracial,black/white, Australian)
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Bolt is a new speedster who was first introduced during the future state event. Nothing is currently known about her origin, but she has been shown to be a member of the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad. Also,shes a disabled speedster. However, not the first(fun fact: Bart Allen/Impulse has a prosthetic kneecap). Also, im 90% sure shes black. I saw one tumblr user say she was of Australian aboriginal origin, and if I can find any confirmation I’ll change this immediately.
Edit: I saw her origin story in the comics, her parents are shown to be a black woman and a white man. So, shes biracial.
Edit: We now know more about Bolt! She was a little kid when she found her speed, and the reason she can only run in short&quick sprints or bolts, as opposed to long distance runs like others speedsters, is because she found an incomplete speedforce equation. Her parents used her for their family business(which unbeknownst to her, was traficking illegal goods), until she lost her legs an was given new ones by Amanda Waller, who is now desperate to get her on the suicide squad because she wants a speedster now lol.
7. Kid Quick/Flash/Jess Chambers (black)
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Not to be confused with Jesse Chambers, Jess is another new speedster, who was also introduced during Future State. They are Nonbinary and use They/them pronouns, and come from the genderbent Earth-11, where they are the nibling (gender neutral word for nephew/niece for those who dont know)of Earth-11’s Flash(who happens to be Jesse Chambers). They are also seemingly romantically involved with Aquamans daughter Andy.
8. Godspeed/August Corazón Heart(Latino)
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August Heart was Barry Allen’s partner, whos brother was murdered around the time period shortly before Barry Allen was struck by lightning and became the Flash. Hes brothers murder case was dropped, and he was distraught. After gaining superspeed by the Speedforce storm, he designed his own suit and became a ruthless vigilante, going on criminal. Barry eventually learned that August was Godspeed, a hint was that one of August’s victims was his brothers killer. Eventually, August was killed by Eobard Thwane aka Reverse Flash.
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amarabliss · 7 years
Goodbye... (Eobard Thawne/Reader)
3. “You can’t ask me to do that.”
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“I can’t do this anymore...” You looked at Eobard tears welling up in your eyes, “This is too hard...I never know if I’m going wake up alone...I never know if you’re even going to come home...”
“I need you to try.” Eobard took your hands in his smiling at you.
“You can’t ask me to do that.” You took your hands away from before crossing your arms across your chest, “I’m sorry Eo...I’m so sorry...I just...”
“Y/N...I’ll try to be better...” He looked around as if he was trying to find a solution.
“I know you will...for a little bit.” You wiped a tear away from your cheek, “Eo, I love you...so you either choose me...or everything else.”
“Y/N, I have worked too hard...” Eobard looked at you sharply.
“You made your choice then...” You opened the door looking at him, “...”
“Y/N, be reasonable...” You looked away from him as he started think of something to draw you back to him, like so many times before.
“Eo!” You finally snapped looking back at him, “I don’t want to live in the shadows anymore! I want to live with you...I want to have a life! I don’t want to move around because you have someone who wants to get even with you...So one last time...It’s me...or everything else?”
“Fine...” You could see the lights in his eyes fade a little, “Goodbye, Y/N...”
He sped away leaving you in the apartment alone. You felt everything grow cold quickly as you fell to your knees. You loved him, but you felt like you would never be enough for him.
You sobbed into your hands before trying to gain your composure. You shut the door taking in a deep stuttered breath, “Goodbye, Eo...”
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darlingpetao3 · 3 years
thanks for responding! i'm trying to find this old blog i found a few years ago that wrote really good smutty stories for eowells and hunter zolomon. one of the fics they wrote was the reader finding out eowells real identity and they end up getting it on in the time vault. does that sound familiar at all? im hoping you or some of your followers might know of it. ty! ive gone through every variation of the eobard thwane, eowells, harrison wells, and hunter zolomon 'x reader' and 'imagine' tags and i desperately want to find it again!
Ooh, that does sound vaguely familiar to me! But I also can not for the life of me tell you what it was... HELP, followers—do you know this story??
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damthosefandoms · 5 years
I want to at least someone in S4 reference that time where everyone discovered that Eobard Thwane was Bart's maternal grandfather
bart: oh yeah my grandpa told me about that thing once, I think
jaime: I thought you said barry was dead in the future?
bart: no I meant my mom’s dad. yknow. eobard thawne? I wonder if he’s around now
jaime: ...your other grandpa is the reverse flash?
bart: i like to see it as i’m the result of if romeo and juliet wasn’t a tradgey and instead took place in a post-apocalypse hellscape
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youngjusticeslut · 5 years
Hey, how do you think the Flash family reacted when they discovered that Bart was related to Eobard Thwane?
I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to this, as I don’t know who that is. 
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jayspilledink · 6 months
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hi guys
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Thoughts on Flash #52
Sorry, Mr. Williamson, Len Snart is not Barry Allen’s greatest enemy. Eobard Thwane is Barry Allen’s greatest enemy. Len’s the one whom Barry should have a friendly enemy vibe with and causes Hunter Zolomon to have a hissy fit when Barry falls in love with him.
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pretz3l-log1c · 6 years
If Barry Allen and Team Flash had kept 'Harrison Wells'/Eobard Thawne locked at STAR Labs and never attempted to change time in season one, how well would Caitlin's life be if she still had Ronnie with her alive and well? How much would the timeline change if Iris West and Eddie Thawne (Eobard's ancestor) were still together?
[Deep Inhale] this touches on one of my pet peeves of Eobard. He’s so obsessed with Eddie as his direct ancestor but according to the show’s canon there should be like…. at least 16 people running around that are his genetic ancestors. Does he care about them? Nooooo. Just the guy he got his last name from.
Even then, he really doesn’t care that Eddie and Iris are together. Sure he uses the relationship and future West-Allen byline to manipulate Eddie, Iris, and Barry but he never gave a fuck about it before then. He would have been more encouraging to Barry breaking Iris and Eddie up if he did care.
I think Eobard really works under the logic of I exist and have left my mark on time, therefore time must ensure my eventual conception. I mean, Eddie dying caused a time paradox and broke reality and no one the Legends have killed in the past have caused similar effects thus far….So if Barry never tried to save his mom…
- Wellsobard would have eventually figured out a deal so he could be returned to the future. Henry Allen would be released from prison.
- Caitlin would have developed in a different way. So much of her character is tied up in her tragedies that having Ronnie, even inconsistently, around would change things. I think Caitlin would be a warmer and happier soul.
- Iris and Eddie would either have time to work out that they want to be together no matter what the future says or decide to break up. We could have seen Eddie’s insecurities about his future with Iris negatively change him and their relationship. An origin story of sorts for the Thwane family having a grudge against the Allen family tree. Or we could get a really sweet and romantic “defying fate” plot line from the two.
- Barry’s continued struggles to let his romantic feelings for Iris go. Allen family drama.
- Joe learning to support his kids and their choices even if he doesn’t agree with them.
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letzoespoilyou · 7 years
Reposting this as it now has been lovelingly beta’d by @pheuthe who ha also given me some great ideas to do a continuation of this once I’ve finsihed with my Staring at the Sun fic
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ray Palmer/Mick Rory, ray palmer & eobard thwane Characters: Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Eobard Thawne, Sara Lance, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Martin Stein, Amaya Jiwe, Nate Heywood Additional Tags: hurt comfort, Angst, atomwave, Self Loathing, breakdown - Freeform, post moonshot Summary:
Set just after Moonshot and Ray finally breaksdown with the weight of his insecurites, his trauma, his loneliness and being seen as underappreicated and the team idiot.
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nightwingswing · 7 years
The Flash
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“I love you, HR” (Prequel to Stop that wedding/ HR Wells x reader) 
“Stop that wedding!!” (Harry Wells x reader x HR Wells)   [ Prequel]   [Part1] [Part2]  [Part3] [Part4] [Part5] [Part6] (Part7 coming soon!)
“In the end, I still love you” (Eowells x Allen! reader)
“Run Baby Run” (Eobard Thwane x pregnant! reader)
“Give her back” (Eobard Thwane x reader)
Dc Legends of tomorrow
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“Sibling war!” (Waverider crew x reader) [Part1]  [Part2]   [Part3]  [HeadCanons] [Part4] BATFAMILY
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“Batmomma” (Batfam x batmom)
“The family’s girl” (Batfam x reader)[Part1] [Part2] [Part3] [Part4] [Part5] [Part6] [Part7] [Interlude] [Part8] [Part9] [Part10]
“Ugly sweters” (Batfam x batmom)
“BatKittens” (Kitten!Batfam x reader) [Part1]
“Notre Dame de Paris” (Batfam x reader x Ra’s Al Ghul) [Part1]  (Part 2  Coming very soon!)
 BatFam / BatBoys Headcanons
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“Hogwarts Headcanons" (Batfam x reader)
“Batfam Headcanons” ( Batfam x Chubby! reader)
“Dating Bruce Wayne Headcanons” (Bruce Wayne x reader x Batboys)
“BatBoys Headcanon: Bellydancer s/o” (BatBoys x Bellydancer! reader)
Nightwing / Dick Grayson
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“DOPPLEGÄNGER” (Dick Grayson x reader) [SMUT]
(New fic Coming soon!)
Red Hood / Jason Todd
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“Why are you such a dick, Dick?” (Jason Todd x reader ft their bigest fangirl Dick Grayson)
“Your body” (Jason Todd x Fem! reader) [SMUT]
“The Two Spains” (Boombshells! Jason Todd x Hispanic! Reader) [Part 1] (Part 2 coming soon!)
“Stalker” (Jonathan Crane x Reader x Jason Todd)  [Part 1] [Part2]   [Jay’s ending] [Jon’s ending] (Sequel Coming soon!)
Red Robin / Tim Drake
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“Tim Drake Headcanons” (Tim Drake x reader)
“Mr Red Robin~” (Tim Drake x reader) [SMUT]
(new fic Coming soon!)
Suicide Squad
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“Te amo” (El Diablo x Batsis ft Batfam)
Dc Comics Villains
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“Deadly Attraction”(Dc Villainesses x fem! reader) [Part 1] (Part 2 coming soon)
“Halloween Special” (Villains/Antihero x Reader) [Special 1]
The Riddler / Edward Nygma
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“My little Star!” (The riddler x reader) [Part 1] (Part 2 and more fics coming soon!)
Scarecrow / Jonathan Crane
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“Stalker” (Jonathan Crane x Reader x Jason Todd)  [Part 1] [Part2]   [Jay’s ending] [Jon’s ending] (Sequel and more fics Coming soon!)
Special Stories
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“Valentine’s Day” (Everyone on Dc world ( these include Batfam, Teen titans (cartoon) Young justice, The flash ect) x reader)
“BabyGirl” (Mom! Black Canary x child! reader) (Sequel Coming soon!)
(new fics Coming soon!)
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ao3feed-atomwave · 7 years
Cracks in the Armour
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oWsVtj
by LetZoeSpoilYou
Set just after Moonshot and Ray finally breaksdown with the weight of his insecurites, his trauma, his loneliness and being seen as underappreicated and the team idiot.
Words: 3464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Eobard Thawne, Sara Lance, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Martin Stein, Amaya Jiwe, Nate Heywood
Relationships: Ray Palmer/Mick Rory, ray palmer & eobard thwane
Additional Tags: hurt comfort, Angst, atomwave, Self Loathing, breakdown - Freeform, post moonshot
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oWsVtj
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