#Epic books for kids was fire
kirexa · 7 months
Is it normal to be able to barely remember anything from more than 4 years ago except REALLY important things or did I accidentally buy the Mentally Ill & Traumatized DLC?
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t00thpasteface · 1 month
actually the funniest thing about my childhood as a kid of divorced parents was that our mom's mantra was "crude language and sexual stuff is okay but NO GORE OR VIOLENCE OR UNSAFE ROUGHHOUSING!!" so she wouldn't let us watch horror movies but simpsons and george carlin and raunchy comedies were fine. and our dad's philosophy was "violence is okay and so is riding your bike directly down a huge hill at full speed but NO CURSING OR NUDITY IN THEIR ENTERTAINMENT!!" so he let us play halo and get scared, and let us shoot bb guns in his apartment, and turned us loose with matches and lighter fluid in his parents' backyard, but god forbid we say the word "bitch". so the net effect was that my brother and i were allowed to look at topless women, set stuff on fire, play gory video games, read books with fun new words like "pussy" and "blowjob," and get seriously injured doing epic bicycle stunts in the woods
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jgracie · 1 month
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masterlist | rules
♡ dedicated to giselle @pinkdiorluvr <3 our leo/ttpd/aphrodite parallels resulted in this epic crossover... love u sm !
in which leo was tame and gentle ‘til the circus life made him mean (alternatively, the one where you teach a son of aphrodite how to love again)
pairing son of aphrodite!leo valdez x roman!reader
warnings self-loathing (happy ending tho dw), ooc / dark!leo? idk tbh but this is a deep dive into his mind lowk 😭 also this is kinda long sorry in advance LMAO
on the radio . . . who’s afraid of little old me? (taylor swift), the only exception (paramore)
an aphrodite cabin leo my beloved… read the comments under this for a bit of context :) also in this they know the ghost of the battery is venus cz it fits w the story ok
If you looked up the word ‘tragedy’ in the dictionary, Leo was convinced you’d find his whole life there. It’d take up half the book, listing every event that’s ever happened in his life from the moment his mother died in that fire, her body so charred there was nothing to bury, until present time
It would talk about how after that, social services arrived, and how his aunt had refused to take him in, calling him a diablo and shouting at the social workers to take him themselves. It would talk about how none of his other relatives wanted him. It would talk about all the foster homes he’d run from, both the okay and the ugly (because they were never good. They didn’t want him either) opting to sleep under the Houston bridge for months instead. It would talk about how Leo was completely and utterly unloveable
Years of his life being this endless cycle of misery resulted in Leo toughening up. He was no longer the sweet boy who’d sit on his mother’s lap as she worked with pieces of metal, who’d run to get her a hammer or a screwdriver before she even asked for it, his heart so full of love for her he was close to exploding. No, this was a new Leo. This Leo learnt to deal with the bullies and the streets and everything else life decided to throw at him, his skin calloused and his heart cold. Sure, he was still elvish and scrawny, but he wasn’t afraid. That alone was enough
Eventually, he befriended Piper. She was nice. For once, he was around someone who didn’t seem to mind his company. But no matter how much Piper liked him, she still liked Jason more. Leo wasn’t an idiot, he knew from the moment Piper laid eyes on the perfect blond that this was her dream guy. And he was happy for her, she was his friend after all! However, he couldn’t help but resent her feelings towards him. He found himself left out again - unloveable Leonidas Valdez, that’s who he’d always be, now that his mom was gone
Then, he discovered a whole new world of Gods and monsters and for a moment in time, Leo thought everything might finally begin to click. He never fit in with the other kids in his foster homes because he wasn’t like them, he was a demigod, of course he couldn’t fit in. For the first time since his mother’s passing, Leo became an optimist. Maybe things would turn around? He’d get to meet his second parent and they’d explain it all, possibly even reward him for his perseverance? Leo toyed around with the idea, replaying the fantasy in his head. In the end, to him, just getting a glimpse of them would be enough
He got claimed as soon as he arrived. Usually, that would be considered incredibly lucky, and Leo really tried thinking of it in that way. Annabeth had told him some campers wait years for that symbol to float over their heads, to finally be able to move out of the crowded Hermes cabin and have people they can genuinely call siblings, a place they can genuinely call home
Leo would’ve been happy if his Godly parent wasn’t her. Aphrodite. What a sick joke. How could the Goddess of love be his mother? No one loved Leo, even Piper and Jason saw him as a nuisance at times. They tried to disguise it, but Leo knew. Years of being bullied had given him excellent training in reading the emotions of others. He knew that whenever the three of them were together, they wished they could be alone. He’d almost refused to sleep in cabin 10, but his new siblings grabbed him by the arms and dragged him over, excited to meet a fellow child of their mother’s
Luckily, it didn’t take Leo very long to get a quest. He, along with Piper and Jason, left Camp Half-Blood to go find and save Hera from the cage she was trapped in. Although the quest was hard and there were many times he’d come close to death, Leo was happier away from the cabin that reminded him of everything he should be and was not. The trio came back to camp just in time and immediately started planning their journey to Jason’s home, Camp Jupiter
The days Leo was building the Argo II were some of his happiest. He had an excuse to not sleep in his cabin (the Hephaestus cabin had kindly offered him bunker 9) and he was around the one thing he truly did love - machinery. The smell of oil and clang of metal reminded him of his mother, the one person who’d truly ever loved him. Sure, Leo did occasionally find himself yearning for human interaction, but every time he felt that ache in his chest, his fingertips longing to touch another, he’d push it down and continue his work. Just because he was a son of Aphrodite, doesn’t mean he deserved love. If he did deserve love, surely, he would’ve gotten it a long time ago
Soon enough, the ship was finished and Leo, Jason, Piper and Annabeth set sail for Camp Jupiter. On the boat, he felt less pressure to fit into the constraints of the stereotypical role of a child of Aphrodite, consequently becoming more like one. Away from land, he could shed the Leo Valdez who was tough and hard as stone, becoming as fluid as the sea instead. He wasn’t anywhere near as social as the others, but this time, he didn’t lock himself up in his room. He taught Annabeth about the mechanisms of the ship and teased Piper and Jason whenever he caught them kissing
From above, Aphrodite watched and hoped the Fates were feeling kindly towards her baby boy. It broke her heart watching him lose faith in love, but she couldn’t do anything about it - not with Zeus keeping a close eye on her
“Okay, I’ll show you the ship. Come with me,” Leo told Octavian - Camp Jupiter’s joke of an Oracle. The boy annoyed him, reminding Leo too much of some of the manipulative bullies he had to learn to fight back, but he knew giving him a tour of the Argo II was essential for gaining the Romans’ trust. Surprisingly, it was going well. Octavian was quiet as he examined it all, only making a few snide remarks about the ‘obviously Greek methods’ Leo had used
Then it happened. Leo felt his mind go blank and his limbs move against his will, heading for the ballistae. He tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t. He fired on Camp Jupiter
Other than Jason, who had gotten hit by a brick and was currently passed out, everyone was fine. What wasn’t fine was the fact that the Romans were no longer on their side. The others gave him accusatory glances, even though he’d insisted didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Only Piper seemed to be on his side, but even she was a little hesitant, a little confused
You were the anomaly. Leo didn’t notice you - quiet and observant, wanting to see how this would play out - until you spoke up to defend him. You, a Roman who’d just had the only home she’s ever known destroyed, who’d just been labelled an outcast by all her friends and family thanks to him, had defended Leo
“Guys, I don’t think he meant any harm,” you said, immediately silencing the other six members of the Great Prophecy. Leo’s mouth was agape, unable to say anything as you continued, “why would he fire on Camp Jupiter on purpose?” You asked, “isn’t he a part of this eight, one of us?” Then, turning to Annabeth, you said, “isn’t he your friend? Why aren’t you defending him?” She blushed and looked down at her feet, unsure of what to say
You smiled, happy that another problem had been solved, “let’s not ruin this quest before it even starts, okay? We can’t save the world from Gaia if we don’t act as a team.”
For the first time since his mother’s death, Leo felt loved. However, he knew all too well how good things never last
Leo distanced himself from you, as well as everyone else on the ship. After that day, he’d decided to coop himself up in his room and work on upgrading the ship instead, only coming out when absolutely necessary. Meanwhile, you eagerly got to know everyone else who was part of the prophecy, intrigued about the differences between Greek and Roman demigods. The one person who you desperately wanted to know, though, was Leo
No matter how hard you tried, he always seemed to escape your clutches. You’d been worried for him ever since that first day on the ship, and after finding out he built it, you were dying to know more
“Venus only appeared when Reyna was alone, so I don’t think any men can come along,” Jason said. Yet again, you were splitting up for another quest. This time, it was seeking the ghost of the Battery, who you’d deduced was Venus, the goddess of love. Suddenly, you had an idea
“Shouldn’t Leo come along? He’s her son, isn’t he? She’d show up for him,” you said, giving the boy a kind glance, which he averted. He really didn’t want to meet his mom. She didn’t care for him, so neither did he for her. If she cared, she wouldn’t have left him to fend for himself all those years. She was no better than his Aunt Rosa
Unfortunately, everyone on the ship agreed with you. Venus would probably be more helpful if her son was there. It was settled, you and Leo would go find the ghost of the Battery
The walk was awkward. This was the first time the two of you had been together since the first day on the ship. You made small talk, asking him about the ship and Camp Half-Blood. He thanked you for that day, and when you’d given him a toothy grin, your eyes sparkling, Leo felt as if Cupid had shot an arrow right through his heart. He couldn’t breathe. He’d never been more overwhelmed with love
“Lady Venus?” You said, your voice tentative as you looked around, suddenly doubting your plan. Immediately, she appeared in front of you. She was beautiful, with curly brown locks and fiery brown eyes. Her smile was kind, making you feel a warmth spread throughout your body. Then she noticed Leo. Instantly, her fiery eyes became sad, and… were those tears?
She floated past you and towards Leo, cupping his face in her hands. He flinched, about to pull away before remembering she’s a Goddess and could easily smite him if she were in a bad mood. His eyebrows remained furrowed, the crease in his forehead only deepening when she said, “my boy, my Leo. You’ve grown so beautifully.”
You could tell Leo’s relationship with his mother was strained, despite never meeting her. He scoffed, gaining the courage to remove her soft hands from his rigid face
“I am not your Leo. I am Esperanza Valdez’s Leo. She’s dead, in case you can’t recall. She died and you did nothing to stop it, nothing to ease the pain. I will never be your Leo. I’m only here for the sake of the quest, so please just tell us what we need to do and we’ll be on our way,” with every word, you could tell Venus’ heart shattered into several tiny pieces. Never in a million years did you think you’d see a Goddess look so heartbroken
She tried to reach out for him again, but this time, Leo didn’t let her, inching closer to you instead. Sighing, Venus opted to use her words, “look, I’m really sorry. You have no idea how bad I feel. I wanted to help you, really, but Zeus–”
“It’s always Zeus with you Gods, isn’t it? No, you don’t get to tell me you feel bad. You wouldn’t have survived an hour in my childhood. Do you know how horrible it felt, being wanted by no one? Do you have any idea how much it hurt finding out your own mother, the Goddess of love, didn’t do a single thing to help, choosing to leave you feeling unlovable instead? If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have given up just because of Zeus.”
Venus was quiet after that. You looked up at the sky, afraid Jupiter would strike you with his lightning bolt at this very moment, but he didn’t. With tears in her eyes, she said what was necessary and as soon as she was done, Leo got up and began walking away. You, however, stayed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the Goddess, even though Leo was in the right
“He likes you,” she said, breaking the silence, “but he thinks he’s incapable of love, and it’s all my fault, I know, but I beg of you, please save my son before it's too late.” Her hand was tightly gripping yours, and you gave her a sad smile before going to catch up with Leo
You found him crying behind a bush. He had his face in his hands and sat with his knees touching his chest as horrible, gut-wrenching sobs left his open lips, desperate for some air. Calmly, you sat next to Leo. You didn’t do anything - no stupid words, no trying to fix his issues, you knew that wasn’t what he needed. Leo just needed some love. So you wrapped an arm around him and let him let it out on your shoulder
With the grass leaving indents on your skin and the light breeze cooling your bodies, Leo opened up. He didn’t say everything, but you got the gist of it all. You also got that seeing Venus face-to-face and crying afterwards had taken a load off of his back. With every word he said, Leo’s face seemed to brighten, his curls gaining shape and his eyes becoming a warmer shade of mahogany. The realisation hit you like a truck: he looked just like his mother
As the days passed, you paired with Leo for quests more often. He was more comfortable around you than any of the other crew members, which didn’t go unnoticed by them. They were glad Leo had found someone he could let loose with. Your journey across the Mediterranean continued and your friendship blossomed and bloomed, every late night conversation proving to Leo that maybe love was something he could achieve in this lifetime after all
Despite this, he kept his distance. A part of him was scared you stayed out of pity. As a son of Aphrodite, he knew that wasn’t true - he could read people like a book, after all. But he would never forget how his life is an endless loop. Just as he’d think he was finally getting a break, the universe would greet him with the worst event he’s ever experienced. Soon enough, something awful would happen. Something that’d push you away. You should be afraid of him, an unstable boy with extreme detachment issues and a history of bad relationships. What was there to love?
Everything. To you, there was everything to love about Leo. From the way he always had a piece of scrap metal to fiddle with in case he got nervous, to the way his nose would scrunch up when he’d laugh. Leo Valdez had ripped your heart out of your body and decided to keep it, and you were okay with that
Your confession had happened after Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. Everyone was absolutely gutted, of course, but no one more than Leo. He blamed himself for their descent into the deep pits of hell, and you began to see him slowly go back to the Leo he once was, the Leo he was used to being. The difference was that this time, you were there
You forced him to give you and the others some of the watch shifts he’d assigned to himself. You made sure he ate and drank water and took care of himself. You were there to pick the pieces back up again
One night, it was just you and him
“Why do you do this? Am I not a burden to you?” Leo had asked, just as you were about to leave his room. After finding him half asleep at the wheel, you dragged him to bed, tucking him in yourself and making him swear not to leave until the morning
You turned, your eyes holding a mix of fondness and hurt. Not for yourself, but for the boy who has never looked into the mirror and seen a person worthy of loving. Your voice as clear as the sky above, you said, “because I love you. You could never be a burden to me, because I want to do this.”
“Why? Why do you love me?”
Making your way over to his bed, you sat on the edge, cupping his face, just like his mother did during your first adventure together. This time, he didn’t flinch. In fact, he seemed to melt under your touch. You felt anguish in your heart at this - no matter how much Leo insisted he should be alone, he still craved another
“Because you’re you. You’re sweet and you’re loyal and most of all, you’re so deserving of love. That’s more than enough reason for me.”
As Artemis rode her moon chariot across the starry sky, you shared a tender kiss. You saw Leo for everything he was - a black dog, a broken boy, the definition of the word ‘tragedy’, and chose to love him anyway
You weren’t afraid
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emilybeemartin · 7 months
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My Published Books:
A Field Guide to Mermaids (2022, Macmillan Kids, Middle-grade illustrated science-fantasy) "An indispensable, encyclopedic resource for nature quests—mythological or otherwise." - Kirkus Starred Review
The Outlaw Road duology (Harper Collins, Epic fantasy) "This is epic fantasy done right." -Publishers Weekly Starred Review
Sunshield (2020)
Floodpath (2021)
The Creatures of Light trilogy (Harper Collins, Epic fantasy)
Woodwalker (2016)
Ashes to Fire (2017)
Creatures of Light (2018)
Official Portfolio
Redbubble Shop (Lord of the Rings merch)
INPRNT Shop (portfolio prints)
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Boromir Lives AU Illustrated Anthology:
Boromir Lives: Helm's Deep
Boromir Lives: Whump-Time After Pelennor
Boromir Lives: GO TO SLEEP
Boromir Lives: Aragorn's Coronation
Boromir Lives: Faramir and Eowyn's Wedding
Boromir Lives: Panic! At the Ballroom
Boromir Lives: It's a BABY
Boromir Lives: High Uncle of the White Tower
Boromir Lives: We Didn't Have a Choice
Boromir Lives: The Haircuts
Other Lord of the Rings comics/illustrations
The Raccoon Saga
Boromir and Faramir Swimming the Anduin
Boromir on Caradhras
Ladies of Gondor and Rohan
Legolas Ten-Year Redraw
The Three Hunters Solve a Mystery
This Stupid One that Always Makes the Rounds
Queen's Thief Illustrations (This is by no means complete; these are just some of the ones I spent the most time on.)
Official Character Lineup
The Symbolism Illustration
At the Window
QT Appreciation Week Watercolor
The Fate of All Thieves
That One Scene
Don't Lower the Point in Third!
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Park Ranger Stuff:
Tips for Applying for NPS Jobs
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kookies2000 · 8 months
Some movies that stylized their animation before Spider-Verse in 2018.
Fantasia 2000 by Disney in 1999. It takes CGI and 2D animation and mix them together.
The Peanuts Movie 2016 by Blue Sky's. It was mostly 3D, but the expressions and motions had 2D in them. Which is beyond creative because they only had dots for eyes and a line for a mouth. Which limits expressions, but the 2D lines they had, like when they fall or jump, really add expressions to the charaters. The background looked very flat as if the characters were standing in front of a painted scenery and were performing on stage. Super cute.
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Captain Underpants 2017. By Dreamworks. Same as Peanuts' Movie. Made to look like they were in a book, and the movements were very Loony Toon style.
Trolls franchise 2016 by Dreamworks. I can go on for hours on how creative this franchise got with their animation. They used scrapbook materials to build their world. The water is fabric, the waterfall are streamers, the waves are marbles, the sand is glitter, the forest is fuzzy, the ground looks like a carpet, the fire looks like troll hair, the Funk Trolls kingdom are mirror's and reflective material, the Rock Trolls kingdom is leather, the Classical Trolls kingdom are cotton balls, it's endless creativity. They even hired a professional to sculpt a forest with fabrics and glitter so they could get an idea of how they were gonna make this world. AND they created a whole new program just to animate glitter. The same way Spider-Verse had to create one to animate Hobbie. Yeah, Spider-Verse was not the first film to do that. It was Trolls 2016. And then the franchise adds in live action and 2D animation here and there, and that makes it more unique and gives an 80s style to the film.
And then we have other films that also made their world building look unique. Book of Life made their characters look like traditional puppets in Mexico. Lego Movie made it look like toys were moving around. Like if a kid were actually playing with them. Is their any smearing in the Lego Movie? I swear every frame is clear with no stretching or smearing.
Finally, the one that I feel like deserves a lot of credit because it was the one that was experimenting with 2D and 3D animation waaaaaaaay before Spider-Verse.
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This is just the intro to the 3rd film.
Kung Fu Panda franchise 2008 by Dreamworks. The 1st film has a small dash of 2D in Shifus flash back. I think. But the 2nd film in 2011 100% has that mix of 2D and 3D. Epically during the training montage for Po and Shen. The lighting looked 2D on 3D modles. And there were times in the 3rd film where it was meant to look like Chinese art. And you see this combination throughout the entire film. The animated shorts are meant to look like traditional Chinese art as well. And they look great!
I have no problem with Spider-Verse being the one who finally broke the mold and inspired other animated films to do the same. But can we acknowledge that Kung Fu Panda was the one that was experimenting with it the most? Unless there's one that I'm over looking way before 2008. But the Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda franchise was the one that walked so Spider-Verse could run!
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
The Baudelaire Orphans (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The epitome of orphans, they’re the best
“I’m having a very terrible childhood right now”-Klaus
The story deadass begins with them being told that their parents died in a fire and that they're orphans now. They then bounce from guardian to guardian who tend to always meet a gruesome fate at the hands of Count Olaf. Not only have they been orphaned once, but have been orphaned multiple times and are called "The Baudelaire Orphans" by not only characters in the book but by the narrator himself. They're called "The Baudelaire Orphans" so many times that it might as well be a defining character trait of theirs, and honestly it sort've is. The series doesn't even end with them finding a home or guardians of any kind, it ends with the Baudelaires fate being completely ambiguous with them literally sailing away from the island they were stranded on in the final book (yeah this series is quite the journey, I highly suggest it). These poor three kids are probably the most orphaned kids of all time since their orphaned in a new way almost every book and they deserve at least one win in their unfortunate tale.
These guys are like the poster-child of orphaning, we open the series with them finding out that they're orphans and also have no access to their money so now they hop around from place to place from weirdo caretaker to another weird/crazy/murderous caretaker and it's all fun and games and murder and decieving and surviving and thriving and---my point is, these three are a wonderful trio of siblings who love and rely on one another through all their trials and tribulations.
Literally every single one of their problems come from being orphans. They’re continually referred to as orphans and the plot of the first half of the series is them being shuffled around to guardians.
These kids are so orphaned they never even get a found family outside themselves. At least most stories featuring orphaned kids see them fulfill some sorta epic destiny or have them find a new home or set of loved ones of sorts. The Baudelaires? They're thrown from one fucking failure of a home into the next, ignored, hunted, etc.. It's been years but like, even in the end, they still have to set sail alone. As individual characters, they aren't bad either. Violet's the dependable big sister who's knack for inventions comes in handy, Klaus is a well-read chap and Sunny is a lovely gremlin. They make a good trio.
Every single guardian they try to obtain throughout the series turns out to be someone who wants the large inheritance left for them and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
They basically fend for themselves the whole series when no adult will listern to them. The whole series is them being resourceful and clever the whole series despite the misfortune. Violet is a brilliant inventor, Klaus reads and collects knowledge, and Sunny learns to be a good cook over the series
their parents die tragically in a fire and then everything awful proceeds to happen to them
I haven't read these books in years but if any orphans deserve to win a smackdown it's these fools, they are constantly in the trenches in those books goddamn. Also that baby is like a shredder they have that on their side, I think that beast literally solo'd a snake?
(This one was specifically for Klaus, but I'll put it here still) He and his sisters being orphans is kinda the point. As in many books, it's the trigger for them to change lives and navigating hardships. The thing is, their hardships just grow worse and "unfortunate" (read "dreadful") events keep happening to them as they stick together instead of the story getting better. Klaus and Violet become Sunny's subtitute parents and get through their more and more miserable lives together keeping hope things would eventually get better
Arguably more famously orphaned than Bruce Wayne, if not for how their story happens while they’re orphaned children versus an orphaned adult. Definitely have the most famously tragic post-orphaning story. All three are incredibly brilliant in their own way, including the literal baby. Pursued relentlessly by the leader of a maniacal theater troupe and letdown by a slew of adults, so it’s all the more impressive how amazing they each turned out to be. Book series was so good it got turned into a pretty great movie and then a successful TV show years later. Also can’t forget how these three are orphaned repeatedly as the distant relatives who take them in get killed off in increasingly inventive manners. Let’s be honest, ain’t no characters out here orphaning like the Baudelaire orphans.
this series taught me so many cool words and phrases and I love each of the 3 main characters so much
Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are peddled from caretaker to caretaker over the course of 13 books, always being chased by the evil Count Olaf who wants to steal the Baudelaire fortune that the children are meant to inherit once they reach a certain age.
Spoilers ahead, the Baudelaires siblings story starts with them going from being the Baudelaire kids to the Baudelaire orphans, after their parents pass away in a mysterious fire. But they arent the only paternal figures that they lost, they go from tutor to tutor, almost all the good ones dying in front of them, and even the ones that survive at first their future is uncertain since the last time the kids see them they are blindfolded in a burnind building, and we never found out who make it out alive and who didnt. Even the main villian, Count Olaf their first tutor, and the only constant adult in their life after their parents death ends up dying in front of them. These three are orphans ten times over.
They are THE orphans. They have lost not only their parents but multiple guardians that they went to live with as well.
They're THE Orphans. The childhood book orphans we all read, Orphans Prime if you will. They lose their parents, every caregiver who's ever kind to them, then say fuck it and live on a deserted island on their own to raise themselves abd fully embrace their orphan status. On the island, they learn their parents survived the shipwreck then died again - double orphaning even.
OH MY SWEET LITTLE CHILDREN THAT FUELED MY LOVE FOR READING AND THE MACABRE Violet- Won her first of many invention competitions when she was five with an automatic rolling pin (comprised of a window shade and six pairs of roller skates). Extremely innovative and genius, foiled by her kindness to others. And she knows how to make a Molotov cocktail. Klaus- Absolute monster of a bibliophile, conducts research for fun, and has a photographic memory. He is known to want nothing more than "a good book, a comfy chair, and the warm glow of a reading lamp". He also is a Herman Melville fan, which is points for him in my book. Sunny- Most people know her only for her penchant for biting, but Sunny is a distinctly distinguished character. She has sharp wit (as long as you can read it through her babbles), her poker skills are phenomenal for a baby, and she has quite the knack for cooking! Also yeah, the teeth. She climbed an elevator shaft with them once.
They are constantly going through it, give these kids a break for real
Jin Ling (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
He's brought up to blame this one guy for his parents' deaths and then discovers as a teen that it's a lot more complicated than that which he struggles with a lot (he does stab the guy) but after some processing he comes out dealing with it better than a lot of the adults surrounding him. He's got a lot of issues (bring brought up by 2 uncles one of whom is a scheming villain and the other physically abusive) but by the end of the story you get the impression that he's not a lost cause 💛
Imagine being less than a year year-old, and both of your parents dying and you thinking it is the fault of your adopted uncle. Who it wasn’t. It was a non-adopted uncle. Who will then try and kill you later. And you have to spend like half the year with that Uncle and the other half year with an emotionally stunted Grape. Who never learned words correctly. Which means that you never learned how to use your words, because smiling murderous Uncle was essentially a compulsive liar, who flattered people scowling slightly murderous Uncle speaks in glares??? A’ling you were damned from the start
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mutuals! (alphabetical order)
sorry in advance for the tags, love you all
@ace-of-pussy - monday - just a cool person i admire from afar, i feel blessed that she follows me
@akari-is-sleepy - my irl, they never post or rb anything but i love them so much
@archerestarcher - archer - we don't really interact but he's super cool and is one of my oldest moots
@auroraofthesun1 - aurora - she’s so so cool and i’m so honoured to be her mutual
@awful-amateur - everett - we don't really interact but i think they're one of my pjo mutuals?
@a-wondering-thought - julian - julian is my cool mutual and they have an impeccable vibe
@barblarvernour - an enabler of my starkid brainrot
@book-girl4eva - bea - i want to adopt her, she's so amazing and sweet and she just- UGH
@caked-rainbow - have we ever interacted, like ever? idk but i like the shitposts they reblog
@casperwazhere - casper - every time i see one of his posts i'm like, "oh yeah, so real"
@cavernfullofexistentialdread - dread - we are the same person, prove me wrong.
@closetnerd62 - very cool person
@dafantasyqueen - shree - literally one of the coolest people i follow
@despisinglight - i find their blog extremely entertaining
@dingus0401 - my fellow renthead/livvy, she is the best
@duckgens - starkid/tcb
@erikasnothungry - erika
@evenbiggercat - rodent - my irl, love her, don’t ask why i’m calling her rodent
@finleyforevermore - finn - activism and musicals, he's supremely cool
@gonna-live-just-to-spite-you - caesar - pretty sure the most interesting posts i find through him
@hungergameswho - nox - I LOVE NOX THEY'RE SO COOL
@iam1withthepeggy - kate - fellow band/choir/theatre kid
@iloveeverythingwaytoomuch - emz - when emz starts posting, it's time to get out the popcorn because their brain is truly unhinged
@im-on-crack-send-help - riyana - most relatable person on the planet
@ketsisnotok - kets - SO COOL OMG I'm so honoured to bee your mutual <3
@leaskisses444/@oceanbby555 - lea - she's so nice omg
@leonard-martin - one of my hatchetfield moots
@louissatturi - louis - again, don't really interact but occasionally his stuff comes up and i'm given an update on what he's up to
@marvelmaniac715 - katie - obsessed with david tennant and other things i don't really understand so I just kind of do an awkward thumbs up, like, "oh cool you're into this"
@mimmmyyy - mara - the sweetest person ever, she is literally the coolest
@musical-dash-trash - *points at you* GAYYY
@mylittlevsoldier - sage - sage is so aesthetic and i'm shocked that they ever followed a mere peasant such as myself
@my-mind-is-frozen - willow - definitely one of the nicest, most chill people i've ever met and i need to meet her someday
@paranormaltheatrekid - elliot - feeds my insanity
@sondheim-girly - jean - AMAZING PERSON AND IM SO GLAD WE MET, musical theatre <33
@st4r-fire - star - she is absolutely insane and i love her
@sukiram - suki - never active but when they are i love talking to them
@tharealamelialuvsfrasier - mel - feeds the rent brainrot
@thehyperfixationspeedrunner - bea - AMAZING EPIC THE MUSICAL PERSON
@therealkaidertrash21 - ema - fellow latine and lunar chronicles stan
@the-slowest-turtle - turtle - truly incredible human being
@thezachy - epic the musical stuff and shitposts
@wants-to-marry-sirius-black - ara - genuinely so cool and nice and amazing i love her sm
@wlinixy - linn
@your-local-obsessive-fangirl - gracie - loyally likes my posts, so grateful for her feeding my ego
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sims-himbo · 9 days
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ever since i posted the original challenge, i have been getting asked to come up with a base game version, and it is finally here! i'm really sorry that it took this long but i have no concept of time lol, anyways, i hope even more of you can enjoy it now!
challenge rules below the cut
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All heirs must be female and named Barbie. (non-heir children may have any name)
You may use the freerealestate cheat for your first house, but try not to use money cheats after that!
You are allowed and encouraged to use lot traits and rewards to boost skill gain, anything that’s in-game is fair game.
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You’ve been raised with traditional values: find a good man, start a family, be a homemaker... But you want your children to aim higher, so you’ll make sure to set them up for success.
Complete Successful Lineage aspiration
Max Cooking and Charisma skill
Have at least 4 kids, each child must complete at least one child aspiration and they must all max out their grades in school
Must have Family-Oriented trait
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Your mother was happy staying at home, but not you. You’re ready to fight your way to the top and make enough money to support your family for generations to come.
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Max Charisma and Logic skills
Max Business career (Investor branch)
Must have Ambitious trait
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Your family is wealthy and you were pretty popular growing up. You’ve always been a trendsetter, pushing the limits and breaking the mold, so now it’s time to take the fashion industry by storm!
Complete Friend Of The World aspiration
Must have Materialistic and Creative traits
Max Style Influencer career (Trendsetter branch)
Max Photography and Charisma skills
Have a gallery wall with all of your friends and family
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Your mom has made a name for herself on social media, and she's used her platform to promote your cooking talents! Empowered by this positive attention, you decide to follow your dreams of becoming a world-renowned chef!
Complete Master Chef aspiration (Chef branch)
Must have Foodie trait
Max Cooking and Gourmet Cooking skills
Die by fire, then make Ambrosia to bring yourself back from the dead! (You may cheat for the ingredients, but not for the skills; you may also cheat to add your ghost to your household, here's how)
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When you were a lass, your mom made you four dozen eggs every morning to help you get large! Now, you’re determined to reach your full potential in physical performance and become a world class champion!
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Max Fitness and Charisma skills
Max Athlete career (Athlete branch)
Must have Active trait
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Your mother was physically gifted, but you’re more brainy than brawny. You spend hours at your computer everyday, there’s so much information to absorb!
Complete Computer Whiz aspiration
Max Video Gaming and Programming skills
Win a Professional Tournament in ALL the games
Must have Geek trait
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Your family has achieved many, many accolades, and you’ve set out to capture all of it in an epic Tell-All novel that you spend your entire life writing!
Complete Bestselling Author aspiration
Max Writing skill
Write Book Of Life and bind it to your parent, use it to successfully bring them back from a premature death
Must have Creative trait
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Being from a successful lineage, people may roll their eyes and immediately write you off as yet another nepo-baby trying to start a music career… So you must prove them all wrong by becoming a proper rockstar!
Complete Party Animal aspiration
Max Entertainer Career (Musician Branch)
Must have Music Lover and Outgoing traits
Max Guitar, Violin and Piano skills
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The success of your ancestors has set you up to comfortably follow your dreams. You love the arts, and you want to become an accomplished painter living in a beautiful palace, surrounded by the beauty you’ve created!
Complete Mansion Baron aspiration
Max Painter career (Either branch)
Max Painting skill
Have an Art Gallery and display all of your masterpieces
Must have Art Lover trait
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Now that you’ve conquered the world, it’s time to venture out into Space! There’s so much to explore out there, and Barbie must leave her mark all across the galaxy.
Complete Nerd Brain aspiration
Max Astronaut career (Any branch)
Max Logic and Rocket Science skills
Build and fully upgrade a Rocket Ship
Explore Space and bring a souvenir
Try for a baby on the ship!
Must have Genius trait
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tiny-smallest · 2 years
things I Did Not Expect from Journey To The West, a summary by an lmk fan whose wife is reading and sharing EVERYTHING:
Wukong is basically baby in the beginning? Like my god he’s just so excited and eager to learn??
The jokes about ‘ANOTHER MOUNTAIN’ and ‘ANOTHER RIVER’ Were Not Exaggerating
it really is a monster of the week format, which is neat; I wonder if this novel is where that trope started
Wukong is incredibly polite... most of the time
there is actually some basis in the book for things I saw circulating in fandom which is kind of cool
there is also some basis in the book for things I assumed were made tf up, like Wukong being a hero to the people of mortal realm as told in Macaque’s shadowplay backstory (found in the Slow Cart Kingdom chapter, where The Gold Star Of Venus tells the captive monks that Wukong is “a person of vast kindness” who “will avenge injustices, assist the oppressed, and comfort widows and orphans”
Wukong doesn’t dispute this, either, which means he’s actually done it
Wujing is very quiet at first, but slowly starts coming out of his shell and is kind of sassy sometimes! I love it but I wish he had more screentime? more time in his head?
the author really did just forget the horse is a dragon I wish that bro did anything at all
Bajie is... surprisingly awful for awhile, and in ways I can maybe see are supposed to be him acting out because of the whole ‘let me force you on this trial on pain of something probably worse’ thing, but it’s frustrating the novel doesn’t give him the same depth it gives Wukong by giving us more insight to his thoughts
speaking of which I’ll be honest, when I first poked into the lmk fandom and saw people who had ready jttw there, I was expecting their accounts of Wukong and a lot of the awful shit that happens to him to be exaggerated some because he’s their favorite and sometimes you just quietly inflate the facts to make your favorite less problematic c’mon we’ve all done it but- no. 
Holy shit, they were not kidding this monkey really does just get put through so much shit. 
The BOOK takes MULTIPLE instances to DIRECTLY SAY he’s in tears, and not the ‘noble, poetic’ kind of tears that a lot of old epics give to their heroes (minus maybe the Flowerfruit Mountain revelation in the WBS chapter) but like- very real tears. 
He has a few instances where he’s a bully and he steals some shit but none of that warranted what happened to him, there’s the MOUNTAIN AND THE FUCKING CIRCLET, there’s him taking blow after blow for Tripitaka (sometimes kind of rightfully, since there’s a couple instances so far where it’s his fault the situation exists at all), there’s him being set on fire and drowned and Bajie constantly turning Tripitaka against him in the beginning, Wukong is constantly saving them all from danger after they do something he told them not to or walked up to someone he told them was a demon, and like at least two or three times Tripitaka promises they’ll listen next time, or thanks him, and then PROCEEDS TO NOT DO THAT, there’s the fact that Tripitaka uses the circlet WAY too many times, and in situations where nobody’s life is in danger, there’s the fact that Tripitaka always resorts to name-calling when he’s angry with Wukong, there’s multiple references to Wukong looking sick and starved, there’s watching in real time as he internalizes the idea that he’s ugly and scary and his only worth is what he can do for other people- holy shit this monkey has trauma, and he really, honestly doesn’t deserve it compared to what he’s actually done.
like no seriously I don’t have all the time in the world to hunt all these quotes down but here’s one that happens when Wukong tries to prevent them from discovering a demon who had disguised himself as an innocent human child in trouble:   "You wretched ape! How villainous you are! You don't have the tiniest bit of kindness in you! Every thought of yours is bent on making mischief and working violence! I told you that it was a human voice calling for help, but you have to spend countless words to claim it was a monster. Look! Isn't that a person hanging on the tree?" Seeing how the master was putting the blame on him and also the form before his face, the Great Sage lowered his head and dared not reply, for there was nothing he could do at the moment and he was afraid that his master would recite the Tight-Fillet Spell. He had little choice, in fact, but to permit the Tang Monk to approach the tree.
like bruh that one made me straight up feel murder as an emotion
(also ‘Wukong isn’t the main character’ MY ASS)
in that same vein Book Tripitaka is just... so unlikable
like I see there was a definite attempt at making him interesting- it’s clear that some of his reactions are borne from the trauma of what happened to him right at the start of his journey, and it’s intriguing to me that as the novel goes on he outright regrets ever agreeing to this quest- much different than most characters on A Hero’s Journey, and especially given that he’s a monk on a religious mission
also worth noting that it seems the gods almost deliberately set it up so that he and Wukong would have instant friction
but my god the way he treats Wukong when Bajie is infinitely more trouble and disrespectful is just... infuriating; he’s downright vicious to him
I did not expect to hate Kuan-Yin so much but I super do fuck her
what happens to Red Boy is so very fucking DISTURBING FUCK KUAN-YIN
also fuck Erlang
certain chapters I saw hyped up really are Actually That Good, including the White Bone Spirit chapter, the Slow Cart Kingdom chapter, the Red Boy chapter, and the (very bizarre) Macaque chapter
it probably wasn’t the author’s intention but Tripitaka comes off as super aroace
on that same note, Wukong says a thing or two that gives a range from which to pick your favorite personal headcanon; mine is demi
Bajie keeps losing it over women but also knows what Wukong’s ass looks like which is bruh okay
the tiger slaughtering I saw referenced really does happen just immediately after Wukong is freed, and then Wukong makes that skirt just... part of his outfit forever
Wukong really does utterly adore his monkeys it’s so cute
the Macaque chapter is indeed weird, but very good; also super cool to see what might be fiction’s first instance of the evil doppelganger trope
that part where the three disciples sneak into a daoist temple to eat all their food and hang out? is really cute, and I wish we had more moments building up to that kind of development in their relationships
but interestingly, we DO see developments that happen as a RESULT of this chapter!
Bajie is way less trouble, for one thing, making more jokes with the others and causing far fewer headaches
and Wujing is more talkative! as well as sassy!
as for Wukong, when Tripitaka starts panicking over obstacles in their way, he starts saying “we’ve got this” and “you have the three of us” instead of “you’ve got me” and “I can handle this.”
Wukong is disturbingly So Ready to show off how unkillable he is and I’m glad the lmk fandom has agreed this is a self-harm behavior because YIKES
the amount of times Tripitaka falls off his horse or experiences his soul yeeting itself from his body is both relatable considering the circumstances, and really frustrating
Wukong seems to agree actually because most of the time he’s surprisingly kind and cheerful when assuring Tripitaka but every now and again he snaps and says or does something mean
Wukong and Tripitaka’s relationship is by far the most explored one at this point (just finished the Macaque chapter) and somehow there is still wasted material THERE’S MORE YOU CAN DIG INTO BOOK PLEASE
the fact that Wukong and Macaque fight like feral cats to each location in that chapter remains hilarious and is especially funny without the lmk context (of which we still have none)
so much of this book explains so much about lmk Wukong but like we still need to know exactly how much of the book they’re making canon to their universe skjfnslkdjfnsdf
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I think people underestimate the changes that need to be made to stories when adapting them to different mediums/structures and maybe if they understood, they wouldn't have such issues with scenes/character moments not being 1-1 adaptations.
The structure of episodes is really important when considering how the story will unfold and what to include in each episode. Every single episode needs struggles and payoffs, a goal and an accomplishment of that goal - especially in an episodic show like the animated ATLA. By necessity of this, each 20 minute episode is going to have a lot of stuff going on - and tons of issues cropping up where character can be shown. Also, it's common to only have one plotline being followed per episode per group of POV characters - often it's Zuko's plot (much less screen time) and the Gaang (more screentime).
When you only have 8 episodes, cramming all that in would make the episodes feel disjoined and cluttered. It would be a constant whiplash of 'small struggle, overcoming, small struggle, overcoming, small struggle, overcoming' and all those little struggles together might start to feel insignificant and like the plot is just trying to come up with something for the characters to be doing. An example that might have been frustrating is in the first episode of the live action, having Aang and Katara travel to go penguin sledding, then jump to the fire nation ship where they reveal Aang's been gone so long, then back to the village to yet again talk about how long Aang has been gone (to catch everyone up), then Aang leaves, then Aang comes back, then he's off on the ship, then Katara and Sokka have to figure out how to get Appa to work, then they go to the ship, they fight on the ship, Katara struggles to figure out how to waterbend, Aang goes into the Avatar state, they escape, they go to the southern air temple, Aang plays around, they figure out Avatar stuff, they chase Momo, Aang goes into the Avatar state again, Katara talks him down, then the goal of the narrative is introduced.
While that works spread across three whole episodes - episodes not meant to be watched back to back but rather week to week as well as the writers understanding that since this is a kid's show airing, it's possible the watcher has missed the episode before - it would not work for hour-long episodes intended to be binge watched. When the show is episodic and people might not be able to catch all of them, a unique issue needs to be introduced each episode and resolved that same episode (minus the few 2-parter storylines in the OG). It's just the nature of that sort of structure. Just like you wouldn't want a comic structure in a chapter book or a movie structure in a serialized show, different mediums require different structures.
 So how to resolve this? We've got one hour to do all that in - so instead of having all that time traveling (or gods forbid just jumping to the next setting without any establishing shots/travel scenes), things need to be condensed: which means, take several individual actions that share a common theme - say, how a character reacts to certain issues, and combine it into fewer actions that flow in a single sitting rather than three individual ones. Not only condense individual scenes, but also weave together multiple plotlines that might have been in separate episodes, but share a common theme, and have them all occur simultaneously. This means that specific beats from each of the 20 episodes might not all fit in the episodes, but the spirit of those scenes can be adapted to fit with the situation that's at hand - I think episode 3 in the live action does this masterfully.
A specific example is moving Zuko and Aang's first one-on-one fight from his ship in episode 2 of the animated series to episode 3 in Omashu - combining that with the epic fight between them at the perfume place. Episode 1 had already had many fight scenes and one more might have blended in with all the others - setting this big, impactful fight aside for the moment until it could be…well, a moment, I think was a good choice. It was different, an adaptation, but it held true to the significance of the interaction as well as weaving in to the other storylines.
So again, the change of medium is going to necessitate many scenes to be altered to 'fit'. Though many scenes can be translated pretty closely to the animated counterpart, all of them won't be and if you think every single character beat being shown is a must in order to understand character, then just go watch the OG, a different structure just won't work for you point blank no matter how well it's done. Trust me, you do not want to try to just shift a 20 episode season into 8 episodes with no structural changes despite the raw run-times being similar - it would be bad. Like really bad.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
I just finished reading chapter 1 of book 3 and aaaaa everytime I see lloyd I remember why I like your writing so much. So I want to ask, what were some traits of his that you wanted to explore more back when you decided to write it and what were some traits that you thought "I have to change that up"?
eeeee thank you!! especially so since to no one's surprise Lloyd is my very favorite *-*)/
Stuff I Wanna Explore About Lloyd (A Non-Exhaustive List):
Being god with a Child's Brain
(Aka his childishness vs his over maturity)
Being literally unable to fully relate with anyone (yet being so empathetic that he understands everyone a little too perfectly)
The Compulsion to Destroy vs the Compassion to Create
Existential Crises, My Favorite
Gremlin Shenanigans
Let's Actually Do Something with Those Epic Gold Powers
His Tendency to Repress Things
(in a different flavor to Jay too)
The complicated situation of loving both your parents but hating the choices they made for you
How do you even begin to cope with being both the most hated person in the world AND the most beloved with zero inbetween
Are These Really Your Four Best Friends Ever or Are They Only Your "Friends" Due to Obligation and Association
(You're obviously not as important to them as they are to each other regardless—but is that, like, a compass thing, ooooor were you just too late to the party and have too much to make up for but no one ever brings it up again?)
(This is stupid blatant in the movie but there is absolutely shades of it in the show proper ESPECIALLY IN SEASON 3 *throws gas on a fire* *explosion*)
The Breaking/Maintaining of Cycles beyond one's control!!!
As for things to "change", there wasn't really anything specific I wanted to "change", just a lot to extrapolate on, especially during the Spiceless Lloyd Era (S3-S7). The show really built this kid up, put him on a pedestal, and left him there to shine and rot! Until S8 knocked him right off of it and he's been tumbling ever since–
*shakes Lloyd like a snowglobe* This kid has so much untapped potential I swear
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sassyfrassboss · 4 months
Gosh I think they’re just beyond desperate at this point. I don’t think she’s signed any deals, we haven’t heard a peep from WME and the only thing being remotely spoken about is invictius. Partly people there’s a real feeling that it’s a dumpster fire behind the scenes and harry is desperate to right the ship in time for the actual event.
The fact that we didn’t get some sort of leak from Meghan about whats potentially dropping ~soon~ while Catherine was in the hospital is wild to me. Going even further, with the release that she wasn’t going to be doing public facing duties til April at the earliest and nothing from monceito. She hasn’t touched the suits reunion rumors, and not a peep about the blog revival. I think she’s hoping and praying that Harry’s going to get an in back with the family and that will re open doors for her.
Let's look at some of their "accomplishments/projects" since 2020:
Travalyst - NO CLUE what happened to that. I feel like it was similar to that dude who tried to get a big concert going and then took people's money and nothing ever came of it. Harry took all this money and made a few speeches but no a peep in over a year.
40x40 - Yeah that crashed and burned for Meghan. All of the SWAG she bought and is sitting on. Some of it was even returned to her from A-List celebs.
They got the cover of Time but people made fun of the cover so much because it looked like Harry was her hair stylist.
Their NYC royal tour when they went to the UN and were relegated to meeting someone lower on the totem pole than they wanted and it was a very short meeting.
Harry at the Endeavor Awards and her in that awful dress. Right across the street was a big celeb event that they weren't invited to...
Meghan is still involved with Smartworks but you never hear anything about that.
They have each gotten small awards here and there that don't amount to anything and get basically zero press.
During 2020 they were doing Zoom calls and jumped on the BLM bandwagon but that stopped.
They donated some $ to that women's shelter in Texas.
They joined that Chef's organization but basically threw some money at him and hopped on his coattails while taking all the credit.
She went to Uvalde for attention and brought sandwiches and chips...she had her camera crew with her and was banned from entering where the volunteers were. Shortly after this there was a school, mainly black kids, that had a school shooting and people died but she ignored this because it didn't have the massive headlines Uvalde did.
Spotify - fired after 12 episodes which took 2 years to produce.
Netflix - their series went over relatively well but people are tired of hearing them complain. Their next production was basically a handout from Netflix because they had nothing else.
Her book tanked. Epic Failure.
He op-ed in the New York Times I think was buried after a day basically.
I mean the only thing they have done in the past 4 years that actually brought them some sympathy and positive attention was the Oprah interview.
Then Prince Philip died and all of that went away.
They have crashed and burned left and right the past four years.
Every project or bandwagon they have jumped on fizzles out after a few months. Then they show up to random events that leave people wondering why the hell they are there.
Right now they desperately need the BRF. Even if Meghan refuses to admit it. They need the shine that William and Catherine bring. But they won't be welcomed back. He might because he is a royal prince but she would be sidelined.
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parisbytaylorswift · 4 months
in my mind there exists a camp half blood theme park section at the Disney parks built with the same investment and value as the Harry Potter stuff at Universal and it is GLORIOUS.
Imagine walking into thee Camp Half Blood, all the cabins in their U formation, a big fire pit with seating all around, forest surrounding everything. No need to turn every cabin into its own attraction, but build 3-4 to varying degrees of thrill. Poseidon's Cabin would be the main focus, with an epic indoor water ride similar to the old Maelstrom ride at Epcot. Hephaestus cabin entrance leads to an epic outdoor coaster through the forest. I think it'd also be cool to have some smaller attractions/experiences built in like an Artemis hunt themed carousel style ride with ancient Greek styled sculptures, a Lotus Casino styled bar in the Hermes cabin similar to the Oga's Cantina in the Star Wars land, even a weapon instruction show thing at Ares' (not literal, I mean like the mini lightsaber training thing they do with kids in Tomorrowland). Your dedicated merch areas are all built into this too. Clothing/accessories like CHB T-shirts and necklace beads in Aphrodite, more nerdy collectible stuff in Athena (And of course, that includes all the books!). A small restaurant with lots of outdoor seating under the trees that serves various Blue Foods™. Use the fire pit area and its surrounding seating for light shows to tell the stories of ancient Greek Myths.
Okay this was longer than expected and I'm writing all this past 2am so it may not make sense anyways, but yeah I do think Disney should absolutely be capitalizing on the interest levels of the existing pjo fandom, and the world setup of the series being centered at CHB lends itself to a theme park land so well.
Side Note: Having a Camp Half-Blood Tshirt for a cast member costume would be thee best thing on earth actually and as a cast member myself, I think everyone would be fighting tooth and nail to get into that area.
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So I just finished watching the first two episodes of Percy Jackson and The Olympians and let me tell you
100/10. Perfect. Brilliant. A masterpiece. Finger-licking delicious. My inner child is healing, my childhood dreams came true, I have ascended into Elysium. I LOVED IT SOOOOOO MUCH.
[does include spoilers so watch out]
As soon as I've heard "Look... I didn't want to be a Half-Blood." I started sobbing. The entire opening had me in tears, watching Percy struggle through his childhood with how different he was from everybody.
I LOVE Sally Jackson. She's my hero. The way she talked about the origin of Percy's name, the way she looks at her son like he's her entire world (and he is) and the way she handled that asshole Gabe? Perfection. The Minotaur scene broke me. I honestly can't find words to describe how I felt except that I was deeply moved by watching a mother put on a brave face for her child even though she must be terrified herself and make the ultimate sacrifice to make sure her son is safe. When she had Grover swear he will protect Percy no matter what, I was in tears. And of course the moment with Percy himself, how she held his face, pulled him in, told him to be brave and used the same words Perseus's mother uses in the myth.
The camp took my breath away. It looks absolutely incredible. The training grounds, the cabins, the woods... I have dreamt of going to this place ever since I was an early teen reading these books for the first time and today I have finally found my way to it. It exceeded all my expectations and I am in love. I literally don't have words other than epic.
Now, for the characters. Percy is my Baby™ and Walker is knocking it out of the park right from his first scene!!! He is Percy in every way that matters. Right down to the core. That look he gets in his eyes??? That pure fire and determination??? The wit he has, the way he wields sarcasm like a blade? The way he broke my fucking heart so many times in a matter of 45 min? That scene with Sally at the cabin COME ON!!!!! I WAS SOBBING! This kid is gonna go so far with this role, he's brilliant.
Same goes for Leah's Annabeth and Aryan's Grover. Both absolutely NAILED IT. They have absorbed their characters and have not just portrayed them but have become them!!! Grover is the kind of friend you want to have. He's the kind of friend I'd kill to have. He's just so pure and loving and he hates hurting the people he cares about even when it's for their own good. Not to mention his comedic timing is chef's kiss!!! And Annabeth, oh my dear, brave, awesome, badass Wise Girl. She's a Legend already. I am absolutely in love with Leah's performance, with her fierceness and sass, with the way she embodies Annabeth's brilliance and heart from the very first scene. I cannot wait to see this trio take us on a journey with them and watch them become inseparable.
Also, Luke Castellan? Ooh, boy. No spoilers for those who haven't read the books, but this guy is going to break everyone's hearts. And I thought I was prepared but the second he called Annabeth "his little sister", I knew I was doomed.
So far, I have not a single bad word to say about this show. From the opening logo to the end credits, it is stellar to me. 14yo me is living her best life watching this show, I could not be any happier.
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samueldelany · 3 months
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For Ytasha Womack, the Afrofuture Is Now
The writer and filmmaker discusses the blend of theoretical cosmology and Black culture in Chicago’s newest planetarium show.
Ytasha Womack, a screenwriter on “Niyah and the Multiverse,” currently playing at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, is the author of numerous works including “Black Panther: A Cultural Exploration."
By Katrina Miller, New York Times, March 16, 2024.
On Feb. 17, the Adler Planetarium in Chicago unveiled a new sky show called “Niyah and the Multiverse,” a blend of theoretical cosmology, Black culture and imagination. And as with many things Afrofuturistic, Ytasha Womack’s fingerprints are all over it.
Ms. Womack, who writes both about the genre and from within it, has curated Afrofuturism events across the country — including Carnegie Hall’s citywide festival — and her work is currently featured in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. Afrofuturism is perhaps most popularly on display in the “Black Panther” films, which immerse viewers in an alternate reality of diverse, technologically advanced African tribes untouched by the forces of colonialism. (In 2023, Ms. Womack published “Black Panther: A Cultural Exploration,” Marvel’s reference book examining the films’ influences.)
But examples of the genre include the science fiction writer Octavia Butler, the Star Trek character Nyota Uhura and the cyborgian songs of Janelle Monáe. Some even envision the immortality of Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman whose cells were taken without consent for what became revolutionary breakthroughs in medicine, as an Afrofuturist parable.
Ms. Womack was one of the scriptwriters for “Niyah and the Multiverse.” She spoke with The New York Times about what Afrofuturism means to her, the process of weaving the genre’s themes with core concepts in physics and how the show aims to inspire. This conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.
How do you define Afrofuturism?
Afrofuturism is a way of thinking about the future, with alternate realities based on perspectives of the African diaspora. It integrates imagination, liberation, technology and mysticism.
Imagination is important because it is liberating. People have used imagination to transform their circumstances, to move from one reality to another. They’ve used it as a way to escape. When you are in challenging environments, you’re not socialized to imagine. And so to claim your imagination — to embrace it — can be a way of elevating your consciousness.
What makes Afrofuturism different from other futuristic takes is that it has a nonlinear perspective of time. So the future, past and present can very much be one. And that’s a concept expressed in quantum physics, when you think about these other kinds of realities.
Those alternate realities could be philosophical cosmologies, or they could be scientifically explained worlds. How we explain them runs the gamut, depending on what your basis for knowledge is.
Which Afrofuturist works have influenced you?
I think about Parliament-Funkadelic, a popular music collective of the 1970s. As a kid, their album covers were in my basement. A lot of artists during that era — Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, Earth, Wind & Fire, Labelle — had these very epic, Afrofuturistic album covers, but Parliament-Funkadelic sticks out. There’s one depicting Star Child, the alter ego of George Clinton, the lead musical artist, emerging from a spaceship. That sort of space-tastic imagery was abounding for me as a kid.
“The Wiz,” a reimagining of “The Wizard of Oz,” was on all the time in my house growing up. It had this fabulosity to it — a heightened dream world that reflected 1970s New York. You had the Twin Towers in Emerald City, the empty lots Dorothy walked through with all the trash, the Wicked Witch running a fashion sweatshop, representing the garment district. The film took an urban landscape and made it fabulous, tying in this theme of Dorothy coming into her own through her journey.
Those are images that had a very strong impact on me. As I matured, I got into house music and dance, and began to see relationships between rhythm, movement, space and time. It’s not always something I can give language to, but it’s certainly become a basis for how I talk about metaphysics, in a physical kind of way.
What inspired your team to create “Niyah and the Multiverse”?
We wanted to tell a story about a young girl named Niyah, who wants to be a scientist and who is figuring out who she is — not just on Earth, but also in the universe.
Niyah looks for insight from her grandparents, who explain some of the symbolism of the African artwork in her home. She thinks about concepts she has learned from her science teacher. And she even meets her future self, who is a theoretical astrophysicist. Together, the two explore some of the more popular multiverse theories that scientists are looking at today.
Which theories are those?
Niyah learns about the many-worlds theory, which is this idea that all of your choices evolve into different universes. The choices you make create new paths, essentially creating multiple existences of yourself.
She learns about bubble theory, which says that after our Big Bang, more universes sort of bubbled off, each with their own laws of physics. Niyah also explores the idea of shadow matter, in which particles get reassembled as similar entities in mirror universes.
So there’s this parallel between Niyah learning about the multiverse and also exploring her own identity through her ancestral heritage.
Right. Because both of these are paths of meaning, different ways of understanding who we are. Afrofuturists tend to think in a way that is accepting of a lot of different realities anyway, so it was a pretty seamless experience to weave the physics and other aspects of the genre together. There’s already this intergenerational, or interdimensional, element to the conversation and the art that comes out of it.
The show is presented in the planetarium dome, which has a 360-degree screen, so it’s very immersive. Stepping into the space and watching the show feels like an interdimensional experience of its own.
The first audience to see it had a very emotional response. Some people were crying. There were Black women in the audience saying they always wanted to see this kind of imagery, that they had wanted to be scientists at one point in time. Others were deeply touched by the vibrancy of the show, of how it was able to bring these multiverse theories to life.
It’s impressive that these physics concepts, which can be difficult for people to understand or relate to, are made so accessible with examples that are not only imaginative but very rooted in Black culture.
Right. And it wasn’t difficult for us to do that, because as Afrofuturists, we operate in that space. It’s just about mirroring a way of being that we have always been immersed in.
I think “Niyah and the Multiverse” expresses that we all have different relationships to space and time. We are all looking to understand who we are, where we come from and where we can go in this broader space-time trajectory.
And maybe for some, the show normalizes the idea that there are kids who are Black who dream and are curious about the world. That curiosity can take them in the direction of becoming an artist, or becoming a scientist.
What challenges did you face in tackling the multiverse?
In trying to write some elements of the story, we had to push our own imagination to come up with what a universe might look like if you’re not using the laws of physics that exist in this one. Like, what does it mean to have your particles reassembled into something else? Sometimes we’d come up with ideas for different worlds, and our science consultants would say that already exists.
For me, this shows the beauty of bridging art and science. Artists can give visuals and narratives to ideas that scientists come up with. Or it could happen the other way around: Artists imagine something, and scientists think about what might be needed to support a universe that looks that way.
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Round 2, match 1!
All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Peter Parker/Spiderman (He's from a lot of things)
Orphaned twice over
Both of Peter's parents are dead so he's raised by his aunt and uncle, his uncle dies as part of his origin story. His aunt often dies eventually too, but she may come back depending on continuity (ex. Peter in the comics made a deal with the devil to sacrifice his marriage and child to bring Aunt May back)
It’s Spider-Man guys. Coolest guy ever.
The Baudelaire Orphans (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The epitome of orphans, they’re the best
“I’m having a very terrible childhood right now”-Klaus
The story deadass begins with them being told that their parents died in a fire and that they're orphans now. They then bounce from guardian to guardian who tend to always meet a gruesome fate at the hands of Count Olaf. Not only have they been orphaned once, but have been orphaned multiple times and are called "The Baudelaire Orphans" by not only characters in the book but by the narrator himself. They're called "The Baudelaire Orphans" so many times that it might as well be a defining character trait of theirs, and honestly it sort've is. The series doesn't even end with them finding a home or guardians of any kind, it ends with the Baudelaires fate being completely ambiguous with them literally sailing away from the island they were stranded on in the final book (yeah this series is quite the journey, I highly suggest it). These poor three kids are probably the most orphaned kids of all time since their orphaned in a new way almost every book and they deserve at least one win in their unfortunate tale.
These guys are like the poster-child of orphaning, we open the series with them finding out that they're orphans and also have no access to their money so now they hop around from place to place from weirdo caretaker to another weird/crazy/murderous caretaker and it's all fun and games and murder and decieving and surviving and thriving and---my point is, these three are a wonderful trio of siblings who love and rely on one another through all their trials and tribulations.
Literally every single one of their problems come from being orphans. They’re continually referred to as orphans and the plot of the first half of the series is them being shuffled around to guardians.
These kids are so orphaned they never even get a found family outside themselves. At least most stories featuring orphaned kids see them fulfill some sorta epic destiny or have them find a new home or set of loved ones of sorts. The Baudelaires? They're thrown from one fucking failure of a home into the next, ignored, hunted, etc.. It's been years but like, even in the end, they still have to set sail alone. As individual characters, they aren't bad either. Violet's the dependable big sister who's knack for inventions comes in handy, Klaus is a well-read chap and Sunny is a lovely gremlin. They make a good trio.
Every single guardian they try to obtain throughout the series turns out to be someone who wants the large inheritance left for them and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
They basically fend for themselves the whole series when no adult will listern to them. The whole series is them being resourceful and clever the whole series despite the misfortune. Violet is a brilliant inventor, Klaus reads and collects knowledge, and Sunny learns to be a good cook over the series
their parents die tragically in a fire and then everything awful proceeds to happen to them
I haven't read these books in years but if any orphans deserve to win a smackdown it's these fools, they are constantly in the trenches in those books goddamn. Also that baby is like a shredder they have that on their side, I think that beast literally solo'd a snake?
(This one was specifically for Klaus, but I'll put it here still) He and his sisters being orphans is kinda the point. As in many books, it's the trigger for them to change lives and navigating hardships. The thing is, their hardships just grow worse and "unfortunate" (read "dreadful") events keep happening to them as they stick together instead of the story getting better. Klaus and Violet become Sunny's subtitute parents and get through their more and more miserable lives together keeping hope things would eventually get better
Arguably more famously orphaned than Bruce Wayne, if not for how their story happens while they’re orphaned children versus an orphaned adult. Definitely have the most famously tragic post-orphaning story. All three are incredibly brilliant in their own way, including the literal baby. Pursued relentlessly by the leader of a maniacal theater troupe and letdown by a slew of adults, so it’s all the more impressive how amazing they each turned out to be. Book series was so good it got turned into a pretty great movie and then a successful TV show years later. Also can’t forget how these three are orphaned repeatedly as the distant relatives who take them in get killed off in increasingly inventive manners. Let’s be honest, ain’t no characters out here orphaning like the Baudelaire orphans.
this series taught me so many cool words and phrases and I love each of the 3 main characters so much
Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are peddled from caretaker to caretaker over the course of 13 books, always being chased by the evil Count Olaf who wants to steal the Baudelaire fortune that the children are meant to inherit once they reach a certain age.
Spoilers ahead, the Baudelaires siblings story starts with them going from being the Baudelaire kids to the Baudelaire orphans, after their parents pass away in a mysterious fire. But they arent the only paternal figures that they lost, they go from tutor to tutor, almost all the good ones dying in front of them, and even the ones that survive at first their future is uncertain since the last time the kids see them they are blindfolded in a burnind building, and we never found out who make it out alive and who didnt. Even the main villian, Count Olaf their first tutor, and the only constant adult in their life after their parents death ends up dying in front of them. These three are orphans ten times over.
They are THE orphans. They have lost not only their parents but multiple guardians that they went to live with as well.
They're THE Orphans. The childhood book orphans we all read, Orphans Prime if you will. They lose their parents, every caregiver who's ever kind to them, then say fuck it and live on a deserted island on their own to raise themselves abd fully embrace their orphan status. On the island, they learn their parents survived the shipwreck then died again - double orphaning even.
OH MY SWEET LITTLE CHILDREN THAT FUELED MY LOVE FOR READING AND THE MACABRE Violet- Won her first of many invention competitions when she was five with an automatic rolling pin (comprised of a window shade and six pairs of roller skates). Extremely innovative and genius, foiled by her kindness to others. And she knows how to make a Molotov cocktail. Klaus- Absolute monster of a bibliophile, conducts research for fun, and has a photographic memory. He is known to want nothing more than "a good book, a comfy chair, and the warm glow of a reading lamp". He also is a Herman Melville fan, which is points for him in my book. Sunny- Most people know her only for her penchant for biting, but Sunny is a distinctly distinguished character. She has sharp wit (as long as you can read it through her babbles), her poker skills are phenomenal for a baby, and she has quite the knack for cooking! Also yeah, the teeth. She climbed an elevator shaft with them once.
They are constantly going through it, give these kids a break for real
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