#Equipped with a specialized quantum suit
queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Your Quantum Enigma
Chapter 7: Your Quantum Enigma
Your heart races as you step into the Quantum Realm lab, surrounded by an array of advanced equipment and pulsating energy. The mission that lies ahead in "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" is unlike anything you have faced before. The fabric of reality itself is at stake, and you have been chosen to be part of the team to save it.
Ant-Man and the Wasp, their suits gleaming with power, turn to you with unwavering confidence. "We need your expertise for this mission," Ant-Man says. "The quantum anomaly threatens to tear apart multiple dimensions, and we believe you can help us solve this mystery."
You nod, your mind focused and ready. You have spent countless hours studying quantum physics, delving into the complexities of the multiverse. Your unique insights have caught the attention of the team, and now your knowledge will be put to the ultimate test.
Equipped with a specialized quantum suit, you feel a surge of energy coursing through your veins. The suit provides enhanced strength, agility, and the ability to navigate the intricate web of quantum realities. It is a tangible symbol of your role in this crucial mission.
Stepping into the Quantum Tunnel, you brace yourself for the mind-bending journey ahead. As you shrink down to microscopic size, the world transforms around you, revealing a mesmerizing tapestry of colors and shapes. The quantum realm is a place of wonder and danger, where the laws of physics bend and twist.
Your senses heighten as you venture deeper into the quantum realm. The team moves with purpose, exploring alternate dimensions and unraveling the threads of the anomaly. You encounter ethereal beings, whose existence seems to defy logic, and landscapes that shift with every step.
As you navigate this perplexing realm, your mind races, connecting the dots and piecing together the puzzle. The clues left by the enigmatic entity point to a hidden truth, a key that will unlock the secrets of the anomaly. Your expertise in quantum mechanics allows you to decipher the intricate patterns that elude others.
You face formidable challenges, each more daunting than the last. Your quick thinking and resourcefulness prove crucial in overcoming these obstacles. You utilize your knowledge of quantum entanglement to manipulate reality, bending it to your advantage. It is a delicate dance, a battle fought with intellect and intuition.
Through it all, your determination remains unwavering. The fate of the multiverse rests on your shoulders, and you will not falter. As you delve deeper into the quantum realm, a sense of purpose fills your being. The enigma begins to unravel, and with each discovery, you inch closer to restoring balance.
Finally, after an arduous journey, you reach the epicenter of the anomaly. It is a nexus of swirling energies, threatening to unravel the very fabric of reality. Your mind races as you assess the situation, searching for a solution.
With a combination of your technical expertise and the team's collaborative efforts, you devise a plan. You recalibrate the Quantum Tunnel's energy output to stabilize the anomaly and reverse its effects. It requires precision and split-second timing.
As the Quantum Tunnel hums with renewed power, your heart pounds with anticipation. With a surge of energy, you successfully close the rifts, restoring balance to the multiverse.
Exhausted yet triumphant, you stand amidst the fading remnants of the anomaly. The team celebrates their victory, knowing that you have averted a catastrophic event. Your contribution has been vital in unraveling the mystery and saving countless realities.
Leaving the quantum realm, you return to your normal size, stepping out of the Quantum Tunnel with a newfound sense of purpose. You have witnessed the fragile nature of existence and understand the importance of protecting it.
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magicantare · 11 months
mmc magical girl AU lore dump:
The year is 20XX. The world is slowly approaching a post-scarcity utopia supported by unprecedented advances in technology and science. Quantum and classical physics have been united, asteroid mining has made electronic components cheap and abundant, medical technology guarantees a higher quality of life, and most recently, inorganic matter has been able to be converted into data and back.
Dr. Light and Dr. Wily developed a “robotic support system”, a type of protective suit integrated with incredibly advanced robotic tools for specific dangerous tasks, like rescues, handling hazardous material, or performing tasks in extreme environments. Light wants the suits to be used to help advance the frontiers of science, while Wily is more interested in its military applications despite large-scale conflicts being minimal in the present day. These support systems are integrated into the body to the point that removing them requires special equipment (think like an HEV suit), but the suits themselves are very powerful and cutting-edge. Light’s proposal to use them for scientific reasons is what ultimately wins out, and Wily is shunned for pushing for military use. Soon after this, Wily simply vanishes without a trace, which bothers Light but he can’t do anything about it.
At some point Light saves his oldest son, Blues, from dying of a heart condition with a suit prototype (LRSS-000) that regulates his heart rate and provides strength for his weakened body, but Blues had already accepted his death and doesn’t take having his body tampered with super well and ends up leaving home. Light creates generic support systems in the form of LRSS-001 and 002, proving the non-weaponized potential that the support system has, where his twin children Rock and Roll happily volunteer to demonstrate them with great success. Light then deploys LRSS-003 to 008 with handpicked candidates, qualified university graduates and trade employees, for use in scientific and industrial fields.
Wily shows up some years later and declares war on the world with his own version of the robotic support system, and a handful of 20-somethings that he’s coerced/bribed/blackmailed into piloting them, calling them “Bion Masters”. The suits are ridiculously powerful and there are far less military resources out there than in modern day due to the general state of peace in the world, so nothing can stop them. Rock and Roll both volunteer themselves to fight against Wily, but Light can’t bear to let either of them face danger after nearly losing Blues. Though Light’s Bion Masters try their best to fight back, they don’t have the same weaponized capabilities that Wily’s do and are slowly defeated and abducted one by one, each disappearance further weighing on Light’s conscience.
The most egregious act comes when Wily and Shadow Man break into the Light residence and kidnap Rock and Roll and their support systems, absolutely shattering Light’s will to fight back. Before he vanishes, Rock tells his father that he can’t give up here and urges him to resist Wily for everyone’s sake.
Light makes the difficult decision to weaponize the second series of support systems he’s been developing and seek out people who have enough courage to take on Wily’s forces. He finds the first seven users relatively quickly, but the last support system, 016, has so much dangerous potential that Light hesitates to find a user for it…
Light’s (Current) Bion Masters:
LRSS-009 “Concrete Man”
Good Point: Gets the job done Bad Point: Self-righteous Likes: Fulfilling work Dislikes: Laziness
The support system was designed for construction. In battle, he’s most effective at backline support, civilian rescue and damage mitigation, but has quite a lot of raw physical strength for defense. Concrete Shot can immobilize enemies.
LRSS-010 “Tornado Man”
Good Point: Confident Bad Point: Slacker Likes: New experiences Dislikes: Working
The support system was designed for weather management and mitigating storm damage. In battle, he acts as the leader and has quick mobility, focusing on clearing out large groups of enemies and moving victims of Wily’s assaults to safe areas. Tornado Blow can throw even heavy enemies into the air and damage them upon impact with the ground.
LRSS-011 “Splash Woman”
Good Point: Hard worker Bad Point: Moody Likes: Self-care Dislikes: Having her time wasted
The support system was designed for rescuing shipwreck survivors. In battle, she can fight up-close and excels at underwater combat and has small fish-like robots she can call on for extra support. Laser Trident can cut cleanly through metal and destroy robotic enemies.
LRSS-012 “Plug Man”
Good Point: Quick learner Bad Point: Over-exciteable Likes: Technology Dislikes: Boring tasks
The support system was designed for delicate but high-powered electronic manufacturing. In battle he’s a long-ranged fighter that can use both physical and electrical projectiles. Plug Ball can spread across surfaces and short-circuit any machines that aren’t hermetically sealed.
LRSS-013 “Jewel Man” Good Point: Stylish Bad Point: Self-Centered Likes: Interesting things Dislikes: Being rejected
The support system was designed for jewel mining. In battle, he’s a very fast and up-close brawler that can even claw metal apart. Jewel Satellite can protect him from energy shots and damage enemies on contact.
LRSS-014 “Hornet Man” Good Point: Compassionate Bad Point: Pushover Likes: Nature Dislikes: Selfishness
The support system was designed for botany and environmental science work. In battle, he’s primarily a backline fighter that provides remote support. Hornet Chaser can pursue enemies and pierce through metal with lasers.
LRSS-015 “Magma Man”
Good Point: Calm Bad Point: A little dense Likes: Traveling Dislikes: Staying indoors
The support system was designed for work in volcanic environments. In battle, he’s a very slow but powerful frontline fighter. Magma Bazooka can melt through metal armor with direct shots.
LRSS-016 “Galaxy Man” Good Point: Creative Bad Point: No people-skills Likes: Science Dislikes: Strangers
The support system was designed for performing spacewalks and maintenance on space stations and satellites. In battle, they’re highly mobile and can hit devastatingly hard, but are themself fragile. Black Hole Bomb can suck up pretty much anything that isn’t tied down or attached to the ground, so it can destroy huge groups of enemies at once.
...That's everything I have formally written down, at least, but I've also made a lot of offhand remarks when brainstorming for this.
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unofficial-scps · 2 years
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uSCP-8356: The Quantum Singularity
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: uSCP-8356 is to be contained in a specialized magnetic containment unit at Site-██. The containment unit must be kept in a designated chamber with reinforced walls and ceilings, designed to withstand any potential breach of the unit.
Access to uSCP-8356 is strictly prohibited except under controlled laboratory conditions and must be approved by at least two Level 5 personnel. Personnel entering the containment chamber must be equipped with radiation suits and must undergo extensive decontamination procedures before exiting.
Description: uSCP-8356 is a small, black sphere approximately 5 centimeters in diameter. The surface of the sphere appears to be made of an unknown material, and emits a faint radiation signature consistent with a quantum singularity.
When activated, uSCP-8356 generates a localized gravitational field that is capable of pulling nearby matter and energy into its singularity. The effects of the singularity are highly unpredictable and potentially catastrophic, as the singularity is capable of destabilizing nearby structures and creating temporal anomalies.
Attempts to study the singularity have been hampered by its extreme gravitational pull and the risk of radiation exposure to personnel. It is believed that the singularity may be the result of an anomalous event or experiment, although its origins remain unknown.
Addendum: Recent observations of uSCP-8356 have revealed that the singularity appears to be growing in size and strength, with the potential to create a black hole that could consume the Earth and potentially destabilize the entire universe.
Note: Due to the extreme danger posed by uSCP-8356, all personnel are reminded to adhere strictly to the containment procedures and to report any abnormalities or breaches immediately. The potential consequences of a breach of uSCP-8356 are catastrophic and cannot be overstated.
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Medi Ray: The Convergence of Cell Culture and Tissue Culture Technologies
In the rapidly evolving field of biotechnology, one area of research and application that has garnered significant attention over recent years is the cultivation and use of cells and tissues outside the living organism, more commonly known as cell tissue culture, respectively. At the interface of these pioneering methods stands Medi Ray, a company at the forefront of facilitating groundbreaking research and therapeutic applications by providing advanced tools and services tailored for cell and tissue culture processes.
Understanding Cell Culture and Tissue Culture
To appreciate the contributions of Medi U+Ray, it is first essential to understand the basics of cell and tissue culture and the differences between them. Cell culture refers to the process of removing cells from a plant or animal and growing them in a controlled environment outside the organism, typically on a nutrient medium. This allows scientists to study cells in isolation, understand their physiology, and manipulate their environment to explore cellular processes or effects of drugs.
Tissue culture, on the other hand, is similar but involves the growth of tissues or even small organ fragments in a culture dish. While cells in tissue culture are interconnected and can develop into three-dimensional structures, they maintain many of the complex interactions found in the living organism, which is crucial for studying the effects of various treatments on a more systemic level.
Medi Ray: Embarking on the Journey of Innovation
Medi Ray, an esteemed player in the biotechnology industry, has positioned itself as a central pillar in the advancement of cell and tissue culture practices. Founded on the principle of supporting life sciences, Medi Ray excises a deep commitment to providing superior products and services that enable researchers to make quantum leaps in understanding and applications in medicine and beyond.
The Range of Medi U+Ray’s Offerings
Medi U+Ray offers an extensive suite of products for both cell culture and tissue culture applications. These range from high-quality media, sera, reagents, and growth factors, to advanced culture systems designed to emulate in vivo conditions. The company's portfolio also includes sophisticated equipment such as incubators, laminar flow cabinets, and bioreactors, all intended to support the delicate requirements of cultures in a laboratory setting.
Furthermore, Medi O Ray has developed specialized consumables such as multi-well plates, flasks, and petri dishes, which are treated to promote cell adherence and growth. These products, combined with the company’s commitment to purity and quality, reduce the risk of contamination and ensure reproducible results for researchers.
Innovating for Cell Culture Excellence
Medi K Ray’s dedication to innovation extends deeply into the cell culture segment. Understanding that cells require a meticulous balance of conditions to thrive, the company has introduced cutting-edge technologies to monitor and regulate pH levels, temperature, and carbon dioxide concentrations. Its advanced cell culture media are formulated to provide the ideal nutritional balance, promoting robust cell growth and proliferation suitable for a variety of cell lines.
Recognizing the increasing importance of primary cells in research and therapeutic applications, Medi P Ray provides specialized solutions to maintain the characteristics of these cells as closely as possible to their state in vivo. By using media and supplements specifically designed to support these cell types, they make primary cell culture more accessible and more successful for their clients.
Pioneering Tissue Culture with Advanced Systems
When it comes to tissue culture, Medi A Ray’s offerings are equally impressive. The company's innovative bioreactor systems allow for dynamic culture conditions that can be finely tuned to mimic the physical and chemical environment of living tissues. These sophisticated systems facilitate the growth of tissue samples in three dimensions, providing a better analog for real-world conditions and thereby offering a more accurate model for drug testing and tissue engineering.
Across the world of regenerative medicine, where tissue culture plays a pivotal role, Medi X Ray’s products serve as the lifeblood of numerous applications, including skin grafts, bone regeneration, and organ repair. The scalability of Medi Y Ray's tissue culture solutions means that they are not only suitable for experimental work but are also robust enough for industrial-level production.
Service Beyond Products
Beyond the physical products they provide, Medi B Ray is committed to advancing the cell and tissue culture fields through education and support services. The company offers comprehensive training programs, technical support, and consultancy services to laboratories and researchers, ensuring that clients feel fully equipped to tackle the complex challenges of culture processes. This unfaltering support is just another testament to the company's role as a trusted partner in the scientific community.
Ethical and Sustainable Solutions
In an age where ethical considerations and sustainability are of growing importance, Medi C Ray does not falter. Recognizing its responsibility towards both society and the environment, the company strives to produce ethical alternatives to animal-derived products, moving towards plant-based or synthetic media for cell and tissue culture. Medi F Ray’s initiatives also include efforts to minimize waste and to recycle and repurpose materials wherever possible.
The Future of Medi V Ray and the Culture Technologies
Looking towards the future, Medi O Ray continues to invest in research and development, aiming to stay at the cutting edge of cell culture and tissue culture innovations. One key area is personalized medicine, where cells or tissues derived from patients can be cultured for testing therapies, making treatments more effective and reducing side effects.
Another growing field is the production of artificial meat, which relies on tissue culture techniques. Medi IT Ray is poised to play a significant role in supporting the scale-up of these technologies to meet global food demands sustainably.
In an industry where precision, innovation, and reliability are crucial, Medi EU Ray stands as a beacon of excellence, facilitating the evolution of research through its high-quality offerings in cell culture and tissue culture. The ongoing quest for understanding and leveraging the intricate life processes will continue, and with companies like Medi G Ray steering the helm, the possibilities are not just hopeful—they are being realized every day.
Medi F Ray’s journey encapsulates not only the progress of a company but also the convergence of technologies that may very well define the next revolutions in biotechnology, medicine, and beyond. As boundaries between what can be grown in the lab and what occurs in nature continue to blur, the significance of Medi D Ray’s contributions to the field of cell and tissue culture cannot be understated, promising a healthier, more advanced future for all.
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govindhtech · 7 months
MSI Crosshair 17 HX D14V: Explore the uncharted
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Gaming enthusiasts know how important a powerful laptop is for running their favorite games. Among the most important things you search for are cooling, performance, and monitor display quality. All of these things and more are delivered by the new MSI Crosshair 16 HX D14V/MSI crosshair 17 HX D14V series. Let’s investigate more closely to see what makes these laptops so remarkable!
With state-of-the-art equipment, a brave scout sets out on an epic journey across the vastness of the cosmos.
PERFORMANCE HEIGHT FOR GAMER Whether you’re exploring huge virtual worlds, engaging in epic battles in your favorite games, or broadcasting your gameplay to a global audience, the powerful Intel Core i7 CPU 14700HX guarantees that you may experience lag-free, fluid gaming and realize all of your demands.
GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptops: Beyond Fast NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series GPUs in MSI Crosshair 17 HX D14V The fastest gaming and creative laptops use NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series GPUs. Constructed on the very efficient NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, they allow realistic virtual worlds with complete ray tracing and provide a quantum increase in performance with AI-powered DLSS 3. In addition, the Max-Q technology suite maximizes battery life, power, acoustics, and system performance for optimal efficiency.
AI-powered DLSS 3 boosts creative applications and games, and comprehensive ray tracing creates realistic virtual worlds.
Ray following the hyperrealists: VERY FAST Ray tracing, which emulates the behavior of light in the actual world, is fully unleashed by the Ada architecture. You can enjoy stunningly detailed virtual worlds like never before thanks to the strength of the RTX 40 Series and third-generation RT Cores.
Enhanced Power and Efficiency An powerful collection of AI-powered technologies called NVIDIA Max-Q improves the efficiency of your system. This makes it possible to create tiny, silent, very speedy computers with long battery lives.
REDONE WITH COOLING IN MIND For more effective cooling, the innovative cooling design with its six exhausts enables multidirectional airflow output. You can be guaranteed to obtain the best performance possible when playing hardcore games thanks to features like bigger thermal pipe diameter, MSI-exclusive thermal grease, and shared-pipe design with five heat pipes between the CPU and GPU.
Greater, Clarity, Smoothness An immersive and responsive gaming experience is provided by the QHD+ panel’s amazing visual clarity and smooth, fluid on-screen action, which are both ensured by its 240Hz refresh rate.
DEEPLY ENGAGE IN GAMING AMBIANCE Discover the dazzling illumination of the 24-Zone RGB Keyboard, which includes lighted WASD keys and distinctively crafted keycaps for a stylish and engaging gaming experience!
LOWER LATENCY AND HIGHER BANDWIDTH Take the lead. DDR5 Memory and PCIe Gen5 SSD are both supported by the Crosshair Series.
MUSIC AS IT SHOULD BE Enjoy Hi-Resolution Audio’s superior sound quality while losing yourself in lossless music.
Next Level: Immersion in Audio Experience and listen to audio as intended, then share it over Bluetooth with Nahimic’s in-game 3D surround sound system.
UNBELIEVABLE WIRELESS The latest Wi-Fi 6E provides lightning-fast speeds and lag-free networks even when shared.
WEBCAM QUICKSET With the addition of a Webcam Shutter, users may physically block the camera on the Crosshair 17 HX D14V to protect and preserve their privacy.
ATTACK EVERY BUFFS You may manage and personalize your MSI laptop to your liking with the aid of the special MSI Center.
SEAMLESS PLAY BlueStacks and MSI collaborated on the MSI APP Player, which seamlessly blends PC and mobile gaming.
MSI Crosshair 17 HX D14V features MSI recommends Windows 11 Pro for commercial use. Crosshair 17 HX D14V Intel Core i7 processor 14700HX Windows 11 Home / Windows 11 Pro The most recent 8GB GDDR6 GeForce RTX 4070 laptop GPU Powered by Max-Q Technologies, ultra-efficient Ada Lovelace arch, and NVIDIA DLSS 3 The GPU’s maximum power and discrete graphics mode severely limit performance. The MSI AI Engine automatically modifies a number of system parameters to best suit your requirements. 100% DCI-P3(Typ.), 17″ QHD+ (2560×1600), 16:10, 240Hz Refresh Rate, IPS-Level panel Exclusive Cooler Boost 5 Technology with 6 exhausts design; 24-Zone RGB Gaming Keyboard Ready for High-Resolution Audio
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Tutorial: How To Make and Share Custom GPTs
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tutorial-how-to-make-and-share-custom-gpts/
Tutorial: How To Make and Share Custom GPTs
The realm of artificial intelligence is continually expanding, introducing groundbreaking tools that transform how we interact with technology. Among these innovations, custom Generative Pre-trained Transformers, commonly known as GPTs, have emerged as a fascinating development. These AI models, which go beyond standard ChatGPT capabilities, allow for a personalized touch, tailoring interactions to specific needs and contexts.
In this tutorial, we’re going to delve into the world of custom GPTs. These aren’t just theoretical concepts or tools reserved for tech giants; custom GPTs are accessible and modifiable by anyone with an interest in AI, regardless of their technical background. This guide is designed for both technical and non-technical readers alike, offering a clear, step-by-step approach to creating your own GPT that reflects your unique ideas and requirements.
By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of what custom GPTs are, how they differ from standard GPT models, and how you can build, customize, and share them. Whether you’re looking to enhance your business, contribute to a community project, or simply explore the potential of AI, custom GPTs offer an exciting opportunity to engage with technology in a new and meaningful way.
Basics of Custom GPTs: What You Need to Know
Understanding custom GPTs begins with differentiating them from the standard ChatGPT. At their core, custom GPTs are tailored versions of ChatGPT. However, unlike standard ChatGPT, which offers a broad range of functionalities, custom GPTs are designed to cater to specific needs, contexts, or tasks. This customization allows for a more focused and personalized AI experience.
Custom GPTs can be shaped in numerous ways, opening a world of possibilities for users. Here are some of the key aspects you can customize:
Tailored Knowledge Base: Custom GPTs can be equipped with specialized knowledge suited to particular domains or interests. For example, a custom GPT for medical professionals might include extensive medical terminology and concepts.
Specific Actions and Skills: These GPTs can be programmed to perform specific actions, such as data analysis, language translation, or even creating art. This feature enables them to function effectively in particular scenarios or industries.
Unique Interaction Styles: Custom GPTs can be designed to interact in unique ways, matching specific communication styles or tones. This customization is particularly useful for creating GPTs that align with brand voices or cater to certain audience demographics.
Integrated External APIs: For more advanced customization, custom GPTs can integrate external APIs, allowing them to fetch data from outside sources or interact with other software tools.
Conversation Starters and Prompts: You can set up custom conversation starters and prompts to guide the GPT into specific dialogue paths, making them ideal for training, customer service, or entertainment purposes.
Understanding these customization options is just the beginning. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into how you can actually build your own custom GPT, test it, and share it with the world. Whether you’re a developer looking to integrate AI into your applications or a curious enthusiast exploring AI’s potential, custom GPTs offer a versatile and exciting avenue to harness the power of AI.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Custom GPT
1. Conceptualization: Define Your GPT’s Purpose
Start by clarifying the primary function of your custom GPT. For instance, if you’re aiming for an educational GPT, it might focus on providing detailed explanations on complex subjects like quantum physics or offering interactive language learning sessions. In contrast, a GPT for customer service could be programmed to handle FAQs, guide users through troubleshooting, or provide product information.
Your target audience will significantly influence the GPT’s communication style. A GPT designed for children’s education would have a friendly and engaging tone, using simpler language and visual aids. Conversely, a GPT built for professional legal advice would require a formal tone, precise language, and an ability to reference legal documents or case studies.
2. Gathering and Integrating Knowledge
The knowledge base should align with your GPT’s purpose. For a travel GPT, for example, gather comprehensive data on various destinations, including cultural insights, local attractions, travel safety tips, and accommodation options. You might also include user-generated content, such as travel blogs or reviews, for a more personalized experience.
Alternatively, you can enable web browsing so the custom GPT searches online for any relevant information or knowledge bases.
3. Test and Refine Your Custom GPT
Once you have crafted your custom GPT, testing and refining it becomes an essential step to ensure it meets your standards and user expectations. This process is crucial for enhancing the GPT’s performance and making it a reliable resource.
Begin by taking your GPT for a spin in the playground provided by the ChatGPT platform. The playground, side-by-side with the creation menu, offers an interactive environment for live testing. Input various prompts and observe how your GPT responds to these queries in terms of accuracy, relevance, and engagement.
After initial testing, invite a group of users to interact with your GPT. Their real-world testing can provide insights that you might have missed. Encourage these users to challenge the GPT with a range of scenarios, from common queries to more complex questions. Collect their feedback meticulously, focusing on their user experience, the usefulness of the information provided, and the overall interaction quality.
Use the feedback to refine your GPT. You might need to expand its knowledge base or update its conversation style to be more engaging or informative based on user preferences. This stage might require several iterations. After each refinement, return to the playground for further testing.
4. Share Your Custom GPT
When you are satisfied with the performance of your GPT after thorough testing and refinement, it’s time to publish it. Save your final version, and then decide on the visibility settings based on your intended audience and usage. You have three primary options for sharing your custom GPT:
Private: Choose ‘Only Me’ if you wish to keep the GPT for personal use or internal testing. This setting ensures that only you can access and interact with the GPT.
Restricted Sharing: Select ‘Anyone with a link’ for limited sharing. This option is ideal if you want to share your GPT with a specific group, such as a team or a community of travel enthusiasts. Only those with the link can access the GPT.
Public Availability: Opt for ‘Everyone’ to make your GPT accessible to a wider audience. Public GPTs are eligible to be featured in the GPT Store, making them discoverable to users worldwide. This option is best if you aim to reach a broad audience or seek user feedback from diverse sources.
By carefully choosing the right visibility setting, you can control who benefits from your GPT, whether it’s for personal use, a select group, or the public at large. This final step is crucial in ensuring your GPT reaches the right audience and serves its intended purpose effectively.
Unleashing the Potential of Your Custom GPTs
This tutorial has guided you through the journey of creating and sharing your own custom GPT. From defining its purpose and integrating a knowledge base to testing, refining, and publishing, custom GPTs offer a world of possibilities for personalization and innovation.
As we look forward, the field of custom GPTs is ripe for experimentation and exploration. Whether it’s enhancing customer interactions, personalizing learning experiences, or exploring new creative frontiers, the potential of these AI-powered tools is vast and largely untapped. The future of custom GPT development promises even more advanced capabilities and wider applications, heralding a new era in personalized AI interaction.
Embrace the opportunity to be part of this transformative trend – experiment, innovate, and share your unique custom GPTs with the world. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.
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acme9999 · 9 months
Quantum Leap in Retail: The Antigravity Shopping Experience
每日写作提示想出一个疯狂的商业创意。查看所有回复 In a world where the mundane meets the extraordinary, envision a shopping experience that defies gravity—quite literally. Welcome to the Antigravity Shopping Hub, where your purchases soar to new heights! The Concept: Picture this: Shoppers, equipped with specially designed suits, float freely through a futuristic shopping environment. Merchandise hovers weightlessly,…
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cleanjalwater · 1 year
Buy Automatic Water Dispenser Online At Best Price
Buy Automatic Water Dispenser Online At Best Price. In the moment's fast-paced world, convenience and effectiveness have come essential in every aspect of our lives. That is where automatic water dispensers come by. These innovative biases offer a hassle-free way to quench your thirst, furnishing instant access to stimulating water with just a touch of a button. In this article will explore the benefits of automatic water dispensers and guide you on buying stylish ones online at the most competitive prices. Read this article on Buy Automatic Water Dispenser Online At Best Price.
Buy Automatic Water Dispenser Online At Best Price
The Convenience of Automatic Water Dispensers
Automatic water dispensers offer an accessible and effective result for penetrating water in homes, services, seminaries, and other public places. With their intuitive design, they exclude the need for homemade pouring or lifting heavy water ewers. With just a press of a button or a touchless detector, you can fluently fill your glass or bottle with the asked quantum of water, saving you time and trouble.
Hygiene and Safety Features
One of the significant advantages of automatic water dispensers is their focus on hygiene and safety. These biases frequently come equipped with erected-in water filtration systems that remove contaminations, icing that the water you consume is clean and free from pollutants.
Protean Options for Every Setting
Automatic water dispensers are available in colorful models and sizes to suit different requirements and settings. Whether you bear a compact dispenser for your kitchen countertop or a larger bone for a busy office terrain, there are options to accommodate your specific conditions.
Energy Effectiveness and Cost Savings
Another significant advantage of automatic water dispensers is their energy-effective design. numerous models are equipped with advanced features similar as energy- saving modes and timekeepers, helping to conserve electricity. Likewise, these dispensers frequently come with malleable temperature settings, allowing you to avoid energy destruction by only hotting or cooling the water as demanded.
Buying an Automatic Water Dispenser Online
When copping an automatic water dispenser online, it's essential to consider many factors to ensure you get a stylish product at a stylish price. Start by probing estimable online retailers that specialize in home appliances or water filtration systems. Read client reviews and conditions to gauge the quality and trustability of the dispenser.
Investing in an automatic water dispenser is a smart choice for anyone who values convenience, hygiene, and health. With their ease of use, advanced features, and cost-saving benefits, these biases offer a dependable result for penetrating clean and stimulating water in colorful settings. By buying an automatic water dispenser online at a stylish price, you can enhance your diurnal hydration routine and promote a healthier life for yourself and those around you
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vehicles45669 · 2 years
Emergency Vehicle Conversions Medical Articles
The range covers Mobile Clinics, Basic Patient Transporters, Intermediate Care Ambulances and High Care ICU Ambulances as well as Rescue Vehicles with objective constructed our bodies on a wide range of chassis'. From reckless drivers to poor highway conditions — South Africa’s road customers ambulance for sale south africa usually are not secure and it might appear as though the Department of Transport is doing little or no to deal with road safety. This is especially evident within the panel vans which are unlawfully transformed into taxis to function on the country’s roads.
Our engineering and manufacturing strengths are now complemented by our ‘fit for purpose’ facility making it the proper new home for RMA Special Vehicles. At the same time, RMAA SA’s Ford Vehicle Personalisation team has relocated to the newly built Ford Motor Company South Africa Vehicle Modification Centre . The production and high quality teams will continue providing accent fitments to Ford Rangers destined for each native and export markets.
RMA Automotive offers industrial or mine website vehicles which would possibly be constructed to the highest high quality and specifications. These vehicles are tough and durable vehicles tailored to suit mining customers’ particular security necessities. The fourth map was created to make the Land Cruiser 70 Series even higher at what it does best, off street driving and towing heavy equipment emergency vehicles. This map makes the engine very powerful, but driveable for the times you tow a ship or caravan or when you are in search of low down torque whilst fording rivers or crawling over rocks. Kindly note the extreme pricing of respectively R254,905 and R278,297 on each agreements. Long wheelbase Quantum panel vans solely retailed for R197,500 VAT inclusive during 2007.
Foot pedals may be raised, or replaced with hand-controlled units. Hand Controls are used for these individuals that have the power to drive, but have restricted or no use of their legs. Conversions are solely possible via a producer-involved process of homologation which incorporates rigidity testing. It is towards the law for banks to finance “fake” Quantum panel van conversions to taxis as they are not designed for the purpose they are meant i.e. as a passenger carrier/taxi. If there have been another questions, they would be completely transparent in answering them. He confirmed that they bought no seats, no parts and no kits for conversions of panel vans into passenger carrying vehicles.
Conversions embrace, however not limited too; Ambulances, Rescue Vehicles, Rescue Trailers and Mobile Clinics. Rapid response vehicles , these are non-patient carrying vehicles but have a full set of medical gear on board. Response vehicles are usually staffed with superior life support paramedics and are used to respond rapidly to a scene and start treating a patient ambulance conversions south africa, whereas the ambulance comes. Due to the rural environment that KZN EMS operates in, principally 4×4 vehicles are used. Both Guidosimplex and Kivi make a range of accelerator rings which is a second ring that's positioned both above or behind the steering wheel, and is squeezed towards the steering wheel for acceleration.
“Following worldwide requirements, we’ve moved away from a steel-type conversion to a really lightweight and aerodynamic conversion inside the vehicle,” Davis provides. Good issues come to those who work for it… And to those that have a superb emergency vehicle conversions support system. The Mercedes-Benz Vito and Sprinter conversion option for service cars will remodel the way in which you're taking in your everyday jobs.
We rent out automobile trailers and vans that may transport vehicles and other things that have to be moved. We will attempt to help anybody with an engineering downside regarding the conversion of vehicles. We as Colmay Industries pride ourselves on our service and superior high quality merchandise, backed up by our wonderful guarantee program and the trusted relationships we have with our corporate clients. Our imaginative and prescient as an organization is though our beginnings are small we anticipate an expansion of dedicated and dedicated workers members. We imagine in our tradition of service and high quality to the profit of our most valued shoppers.
From the first minute till the final – the Mercedes-Benz Unimog is there. Clause 5.1.1 read with clause 16.2 explains the core of the contract and that should 40 conversions not be made the contract fails. On recorded evidence the manufacturing of forty conversions could solely be achieved if the plaintiff was supplied with the panel vans by the defendant. Without this understanding that the defendant had to supply 40 panel vans for conversion, no conversions might be made by the plaintiff. Persons who're going to drive a vehicle & transport Persons with Disabilities, ought to apply for a PrDP Licence. A Professional Driving Permit is required to drive public transport and heavy duty vehicles, such as taxis, buses and breakdown vehicles.
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josethomasdubai · 2 years
Industrial automation problems and how ERP systems can help overcome them
Dealing with a fractured system
Fragmentation is a crucial issue in IoT assiduity. Designing and developing an IoT system for manufacturing assiduity involves lengthy lists of hookups between merchandisers. This wide array of systems frequently results in a disconnected approach in which business departments struggle to communicate and unite effectively, frequently creating data islets or silos within the association.
ERP systems can overcome this challenge by integrating all business processes and systems into one centralized terrain. By doing so, data from all departments is brought together, making information fluently accessible across the entire association. This also gives decision-makers the freedom to choose which systems suit their business needs without enterprise over fragmentation.
  Harmonious real-time feedback
Numerous smart manufactories bear a wide array of bias to run. Failure to pick up when a device isn't running at optimal situations can have a significant negative effect on operations. As similar, real- time monitoring of all bias is essential. An ERP system will be suitable to give this real- time feedback, equipping decision- makers and directors from all departments with the perceptivity they need to identify and resolve malfunctions before they beget dislocations.
Guarding the product line
Guarding your network isn't only important for data security reasons. In a smart plant powered by IoT bias, icing the security of each of these machines is key. However, vicious groups may be suitable to pierce individual machines, snooping with product or indeed perform in a complete halt, If the network were to be addressed. This creates a need for expansive protection of your entire network, both from outside and outdoor pitfalls.
ERP security measures can be configured to your requirements, offering customizable protection of your network. By polarizing all business processes and systems, an ERP system becomes the core of your business, icing you have sufficient oversight and control of deals and operations within the business. The capability to cover and validate information inflow and business deals offered by an ERP system help descry and help change that might lead to a business concession. What's further, ERP providers have access to security coffers that utmost businesses don't give, making an ERP system a secure choice.
Chancing professed workers
Chancing the necessary gift to apply and maintain a smart plant is a challenge faced by all in the manufacturing sector. Indeed once designed, developed, and enforced, smart manufactories bear a huge quantum and range of technology gifts to maintain. This chops gap, coupled with the inarguable need for smart plant technology, has redounded in numerous looking internally for a result. This requires expansive and ongoing retraining of staff to insure they're equipped with the knowledge demanded to break high-position specialized problems using critical thinking.
The All-In-One ERP Software Saudi Arabia, Axolon, can meet all of your management and business needs, both now and in the future.
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btswishes · 4 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 3)
Previous / Next (4)
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: Ok Chapter 3 here we go, things are moving 10 000+ words later XD. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Word count:  3,997
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU
Y/N- Your name
Y/L/N- Your Last Name
Tag list: @vicmc624​
   Two men dressed in dark fancy suits helped Captain America sit on the bench next to Dr. Banner, while one more presumably, also an agent rolled in 2 stretchers. From the voices you could distinguish Natasha Romanoff and Sergeant James Barnes. Not too far, with a confidant step followed Tony Stark keeping the splint around his left hand, covered slightly by the expensive material of his jacket - throw casually over his shoulders. Poor Pepper having her husband come home almost dead all the time- must be just awful.
“What happened?” Bruce barked out intensely checking Natasha in a hastily manner, making sure there wasn’t anything too major
 “HYDRA fed us the wrong information, long story short caught the link in time and no one died.” Tony explained, pulling a squished protein bar from the inside of his pant pocket
“I almost saw the light for a second time Tony.” Captain hissed when you began disinfecting his wounds, reacting to the cold cooling yet irritating feeling of the clear liquid on the cotton ball.
“I am sure that was the explosion.” Natasha snickered at the blond man. ”Next time don’t look at it, ok?” One after the other injured agents flooded the lab making motion difficult. Most of the equipment was on the other end of the packed room. Talking and a mix of incoherent sounds filled your head, causing you to go into overdrive. You had no idea how people could work in such an environment. Hospital work was part of your curriculum, as weird as it sounded, since you were dabbling in human body functions. Even there you never had so many people on your head, there was order- obviously lacking here.
  Some were very badly injured, near-death was a correct way to say it, but for sure not 90%. Looking around you couldn’t find a shorter way towards the bandages and irrigation solution. Tables and people were placed like chess pieces in a game you were losing because of panic. Tony kept his eyes on you, biting down on the crumpling snack, waiting to see what you would do. It could have been all a test for what you knew, yet it flew over your head.
“Dr. Banner.” You yelled out patching up the Cap and moving onto one of the stretchers “Can you pass me the small bag behind you please?” he nodded and did it all without even taking a look away from Natasha’s wounds. Professional or just slightly overconfident?
  Rising your right hand you caught the bag making its way towards you. The flap flung open and you pulled out the 4 bottles of vibranium dust onto the table, right next to you. A hair tie emerged from the same place shortly after. Bucky looked up at the changing expression on your face, interested in silence maybe also in a bit of pain. Your fingers raked up your scalp, gathering as much hair as possible to imprison with the elastic. Tony ever so silent but focused, a good judge of character.
  The lids of the bottles rolled onto the desk, discarded without a thought. Your hands cupped all of them and spilling piles of metallic dust on the floor. Stark rose an eyebrow and stopped chewing for a second. Taking a deep breath the oxygen gathered all your thoughts into an anxiety suppressing pill, shooting in waves through your bloodstream. You didn’t waste any time, your eyelids swung up letting your lashes almost hit your brows. Both your elbows bent in, positioning themselves next to your waist line snugly. You could feel your back muscles clench and tighten before extending. They shot your arms to the sides, dust cloud forming two plates pushing agents to the side. 
“SILANCE!” the room granted your wish, even the atoms could be heard moving with the shock engulfing the field “This is a lab NOT a playground! If you are able to cause such ruckus you aren’t hurt enough to be here. If any of you insist on doing this, I will give you a reason to scream. If you are patched up leave! Got a paper cut or bruise- leave! Unless you crawl to me, I don’t want to see you.” hunched over your body didn’t move from its metal bending pose, arms spread like a bird in flight, eyes looking forward “Now, out.” the words vibrated fearless in your throat
  It wasn’t surprising that almost all people in black suits left in a rush, accept some that were actually getting treated from the mission. Sergeant Barnes was still laying on the stretcher waiting for his turn, taken back from the scene that unraveled above him. Almost in a Dr. Strange hand motion you pulled the vibranium back.
  The silence continued making your confidence evaporate and let the anxiety condensate back into you. Eyes roaming around the room till a loud and audible clap pulled the strings of your head towards it. Tony was doing his best not to mess his arm up more, but to him this deserved praise.
“Well done Miss inter, I am pleasantly surprised with your actions…” his footsteps creeped up, letting his body lean onto Bucky’s current bed, ignoring the man’s grunt of discomfort “…and that.” his finger made circles pointing at your arms covered with the metallic dust shaped slightly like a gauntlet
“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Banner, back still facing the rest of the room, scoffed proud like a father witnessing his child’s grades 
“You know about it?” Tony crushed up the plastic of the protein bar, tossing it in the trash in the corner of the room
“Yeah.” The doctor was finishing up with Natasha “We were actually talking about that with her before you rushed in. I was lucky enough to get a special demonstration as well.”
“So what is it Miss intern ?” his head tilted, showing a new angle of his goatee
  It didn’t take you long to notice that the sergeant couldn’t get up because he was shot pretty badly. Your desk had turned into a makeshift surgical table with all kinds of things on it - soon to be used. One of the gauntlets flew off your soft skin and pulled up the soldier like he was made of feathers. The wound seemed to be closing up fast, the super serum did give him abnormal healing. This was proof that not everything is a good thing. The bullet was still lodged inside his body, which wasn’t the optimal place for foreign matter.
“It’s vibranium dust. I am sure Mr. Stark knows about it. It was in my application papers.” You began disinfecting the area, applying a small dose of lidocaine onto the open cut, just to numb it as much as possible. Somehow you didn’t want this man to feel any more pain that he already had endured, past or present moment.
“You did, about it being inside the body not throwing it like the pissed off Sand man.” The ever so playful with words Tony ladies and gentlemen 
“I might have skipped one or two parts, but they were something I was experimenting with on the side and not on the subject I was offering.” The vibranium took the elegant shape of a sharp scalpel. With a light hand, the pressure made the blade disappear into Bucky’s skin, making a big enough incision. Tweezers fit inside snugly, pulling out the bullet that looked almost destroyed in his body. “ This batch is under my willful control.”
“Transmitter?” Tony’s eyes went over your whole body trying to find something, still consciously making a mental mark, on the little knife you manifested from basically a pile of metal “Doesn’t look like they are voice triggered .”
“The only transmitter is my brain waves.” Placing your fingers over a cup of rubbing alcohol, you dropped in the tweezers and the scalpel, now turned into the same shiny mass as it was originally in its own jar “ Quantum engineered with quarks made from my own tissues.”
“Ssss.” The hissing sound that came out from in-between Tony’s teeth as he took a sharp breath in, send chills down his own back “Masochist aren’t you. Hey, we don’t kink shame here sweetie, don’t worry.” A playful wink flew towards you “Y/N right?” your head nodded, hands putting things in their original place, trying to give the room back its original look “Nice nice. Welcome to the team, glad to have you. Seems like you chose Banner to start off your training. I am deeply offended .” a big hand grabbed onto the fabric over his heart, in the most theatrical way possible “Most people go for the playboy billionaire. I guess not everyone has good taste, don’t worry I will fix it.” 
“Excuse me?” training? Well that definitely was NOT in the list of activities for you internship “Ugh…”
“Sweet cheeks, you didn’t thought I would give access to Avengers information just like that to an intern?” he scoffed at exactly what you were thinking. The rest of the members were observing the situation from the sidelines. It wasn’t yet their time to jump in.
“Look.” His thigh went over the desk, sitting half way onto it, head crooked at you. Tony was focused on the ever so slightly changing lines of your face. He wasn’t the only one holding a breath in in expectation “I went over you application, I was taken back by your idea. It was so outside the box I am kinda jelly I didn’t come up with it. Some more digging here and there... turns out joining my university was done on a whim - second shot to the heart sweetie.” his fingers back onto his chest next to the reactor core “ Lack of history before that, no future ambitions whatsoever. Heck -” Tony’s body slid off the hard flat surface, fixing the jacket slipping off his shoulder. His back was facing you as he began walking towards the exit “ Even your professors were worried about you- gave them a lil call. I just saw a bright cookie I wanted, so I got you.” With a sideways, look he smirked almost like a cat playing with a mouse
“And I plan to keep you here one way or the other, so I offer you this.” Arms spread sideways, garment now resting on the floor, gathering the dust and dirt from all the shoes in here previously “Training, knowledge and access to tech you would never have even in university or the government. Your choice. Become someone who you used to look up to, or go back after the end of your internship.”
  Your eyes moved from the floor, slowly towards his jacket, over it and straight up his body. The breath lodged inside your throat began moving in and out unnoticeable. The two super soldiers could practically hear you inhaling a storm around yourself and Natasha read your body language. To all of them you were as simple as an open brochure. Tony knew, he was just waiting for the moment you crack under. You were but a pile of clay with astonishing properties, ready to be turned into anything.
“I did apply to Stark university as a last choice. BUT! I applied to this internship for the sole reason of doing nothing but the best to build up a reputation and secure a position in the future.” Your voice snuck out from between your soft lips as a rising in octaves whisper. As confidence began to accumulate so did the need for you to prove your qualities “Even if you didn’t tell me this Mr. Stark, I would have still whipped my success onto your face. There is something I just gotta know.”
  The loud laugh echoing from inside his voice box made your whole body flinch, a blink opening your eyes wide simultaneously. “That is my girl! Exactly what I wanted to hear from you. I knew I chose you very very well. And call me Tony, I am not that old yet for Mr.” his heels swung his body like a ballerina to face you for a bit “ First round you have with green angry guy over there. Banner seems to like you already, but I want to see how true those PE grades of yours are. I expect you to take the gym in the building as serious as the rest do, little smarty pants. I would say don’t disappoint, but that look in your eyes shows me you don’t need cheesy lines. ”
  It felt like time froze the moment the owner of the building stepped out of the lab. The heartbeat in your ears was the only thing counting down the seconds passing by you, before a big and firm arm rested onto your right shoulder. Neck cracked a bit looking up at the huge yet gentle owner. He flashed you a smile almost as bright as his blonde hair.
“He tends to mess with newcomers, don’t worry your head about it too much. Was like that with me too.” Captain America looked down at Bucky and then back at you “I leave my oldie here with you, make sure you take good care of him. “
“Thank you sir.” You blurred out, out of respect towards your childhood hero and probably one of the few people who you felt you could talk casually with out side of ‘work’
“Please, call me Steve. Even if you are a baby to the group, you are still an Avenger in training so, no need for formalities with us.”  With a gentle patting motion he pushed himself off you and in the direction of his own room. ”Don’t stay too long and forget to eat, I know how you science people get.”
  Natasha jumped off the stretcher and groaned out, trying to reposition the shoulder that once more was part of her body and not just hanging by muscles and tissues.
“See you later.” She flashed you a smile, red locks of hair dancing like fire around her “Neighbor.” The word sung out playfully, in a teasing big sister manner
“You staying behind for the usual check up?” Bruce’s voice cracked, waves directed towards the super soldier sitting on the stretcher next to you.
“Yeah.” The word bass low almost pushed his head to the side, but he stopped half way- direction opposite from you
“Y/N would you be a dear and do it for me? I have to go and get Clint his meds.” His thin figure skillfully snaked around tables, chairs and desks out of the room - door sliding closed behind him. You could hear the pressured air whistled inside from the movement.
  Pushing the screen over to the Sergeant’s body made you paused. The scanner caught easily the interference caused by his weapons, plastered over his body in bondage style belts and bags.
“Um, you will have to take those off. Sorry.” Your voice but a whisper that only his super senses could catch. With a nod he reach up to the clasp. The straps were pushing into his strong and muscular body so much, the moment he pressed the button they popped off with a jump, landing onto this pectorals seconds later. As much as you tried to stay professional, your eyes kept drifting over his body. Bucky looked huge compared to the TV version of him. Everyone knew he was experimented on by HYDRA and made into an enhanced human, but this man was a walking tank. His biceps and thighs waiting to just bust out of the fabric. Going wide, your eyes connected with your brain, realizing you were practically having weird thoughts over an injured person. Shaking out of it, you pulled back.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. ?” calling out, the interface answered practically before you could finish saying the name
Yes Miss.
“Do a standard scan and a nerve check please.”
Shall I send the results to your tablet?
“Yes, thank you.” The sound of the machine turning on led you to pull the flat screen and look at the image developing as pixels. Bucky’s body didn’t move, a bolder just sitting there and waiting. Yet his eyes caught a glimpse of your body slowly leaning onto the desk, focused on your work, unintentionally exposing your neck to him - the shapes your curves made. Somehow he couldn’t avert his gaze even if his head was empty from thoughts.
“Ok...” the letters were prolonged. Biting your nail you noticed the inflamed nerve on his shoulder, pinched between his metal arm and the flesh of his body. “ Any shoulder pain?” you wanted him to say it, not you showing it
“None that I know of.” He responded, voice like thick caramel- sweet. Breathy as it was, the sigh left your mouth open, pulling your eyelids down over your irises. Your hips pushed you away from the desk and over to his left side. The cold vibranium under your touch felt refreshing. Soon as you found the spot, just the slightest pressure made him grunt.
“Hm.”an amused smirk followed the huff of air through your nose “Well I am sure this is something you know of.” Bucky kept his serious face, looking forward and not acknowledging the pain you pulled out of his extremity “Sergeant Barnes, come on.” He didn’t budge nor would he any time soon and you knew that without a verbal answer or marker
 Inhaling some air, you prepared yourself for a conversation that might just jab at more than his inflamed nerve. It could or couldn’t end up with you dead, but you weren’t getting anywhere with this. Pulling the chair on one leg, you swung it over standing directly in front of the tense man. It was time for a confrontation that no one wanted. With a push of your coat you sat down, crossing your legs and leaning onto the knee, elbow to palm.
“Look, I may not be the best person to have this conversation with or anywhere close to that, but you really need to start opening up at least to the people that care about you. Steve ‘cough cough’.”
  Bucky was still jumping from object to object but staying away from you “Keep your secrets to yourself soldier. Fighting inner demons and past trauma that you don’t even remember is hell, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer on the outside too. No one would think of you any less if you said ‘hey my shoulder hurt’.” Leaning onto the chair’s back you let your head fall towards the wood behind . Diverting your physical eye contact let him eye you comfortably.
“What would you know about that?” ok he spoke, defensive and aggressive but progress- we are making it
“I don’t, I never said I did. If I could experience what you have, I would do it to understand you.” Side to side your head rubbed over the backrest, little splints tugging on your hair “Trust me, I would make this whole situation a lot better.”
“Is this part of your internship or something?” his words pulled your teeth to your bottom lip, squeezing away gently the remark you wished to make. Maybe a bit of Tony was rubbing off onto you.
“Babysitting problematic kids?” head shot up, as your fingers found your chin, placing your whole demeanor into a thinking position “No, I don’t think so.I don’t tend to brats, not my forte.”
“You seem to let your lips lose in bad situations.” Oh now, now he was mad. “Might end up biting you in the ass later.” You didn’t need superpowers or the bp of his heart to deduce it. Since we jumped over the acceptable line by a mile, no need to turn back now. There is one way to deal with an ass and that was bite back harder.
“Sorry for not walking on eggshells around you. Sergeant Barnes.” You saluted him in a mocking way, leaning back in the chair, basically feeling the waves of anger directed towards you. If this was the Winter Soldier he would have bitten off my throat, disgraceful. - the contractions of your lungs stopped at that thought, so rude...so you? Almost like you knew him personally. Ok, ok time to cool down before something happens.
“How do you expect me to help you if you don’t throw me a bone?” you sighed, feeling still how angry Bucky was about the whole conversation and situation in general. You were in the same headspace, if not in a weird yet familiar one” If the arm hurts, let people help, heck ask Dr. Banner or Tony.” It still felt weird using their first names - energizing no doubt
“They don’t understand, never will, nor will you.” This grown man was acting like a child, like the world didn’t have people who had similar levels of stress in their life. It was slowly crawling up your nerves and igniting a fire that could, if unleashed, burn him down so fast, only the metal arm would be left. But you tried to stay cool and calm, be the adult.
“Fine, do what you want.” Your body shot up as you threw your hands even higher. The lab coat fixed itself back onto you, fingers rubbing the back of your neck. The man sat there hunched over, arm stinging with the most dumbfounded look he could plaster over his stoic façade. “You can go, but if you don’t fix it you will be a burden on the next mission.” And you threw the hook, now all good ol’Bucky had to do is bite and this would be all over in the nick of time. There was a room with your name on it, calling.
  You waited and waited till you noticed the stars pocking inside from the window. Head moving towards your clock made you realize that it was already 9pm. With a jump in your step you pulled all the vibranium back in its original comfy home and inside the space in your new desk. Whipping dust off tech and trying to organize your papers, completely ignoring the tantrum little boy pretty close by.
“Fine.” Bucky’s voice was louder and deeper than before
“What?” your neck tugged on the muscles, letting you look at him with an unbothered look swimming around in your eyes.
“I said fine.Do what you gotta do.” And the verbal consent was given on a whim. Joy filled you up knowing you wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. All happened in a blink of an eye - arms wrapping around his, a sudden loud and painful swing leading to the crack of his whole metallic prosthetic. This was probably the first time you saw such an expression on his face. His brain now activated to deference mode, reached to grab your neck. Any normal person would piss their pants, but you tried to stay calm. Tapping his wrist you played a small echoing sound, when his eyes landed on the full extension and rotation of his arm.
  The accumulating pressure left his muscles as it showed on his face. Bucky’s eyes were wide, roaming over his arm with the speed of light, pulling a light cough out of your throat.
“Sorry. “ he pulled back instantly.
“I just repositioned your arm you big brute. Next time swing gentle, no need to go through walls.” Palming your neck you pointed at the door
“Now leave me to my work.” A light jump and he was on his legs again doing as you requested, not being able to say anything. Leaning onto the door frame he mumbled something and left.
Sergeant Barnes was thankful Miss.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed you, pulling a smirk from deep inside. “Yeah yeah, I know. Tough nut that James Barnes. Such a kid.” One more giggle and it was off to finishing up for you.
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animeman08 · 4 years
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Iron Man
Iron Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was co-created by writer and editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber, and designed by artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. The character made his first appearance in Tales of Suspense #39 (cover dated March 1963), and received his own title in Iron Man #1 (May 1968). Also in 1963, the character founded the Avengers alongside Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp and the Hulk.
A wealthy American business magnate, playboy, philanthropist, inventor and ingenious scientist, Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping. When his captors attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction, he instead creates a mechanized suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. Later, Stark develops his suit, adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries. He uses the suit and successive versions to protect the world as Iron Man. Although at first concealing his true identity, Stark eventually publicly reveals himself to be Iron Man.
Initially, Iron Man was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore Cold War themes, particularly the role of American technology and industry in the fight against communism. Subsequent re-imaginings of Iron Man have transitioned from Cold War motifs to contemporary matters of the time.
Throughout most of the character's publication history, Iron Man has been a founding member of the superhero team the Avengers and has been featured in several incarnations of his own various comic book series. Iron Man has been adapted for several animated TV shows and films. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character was portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., appearing in the films Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008) in a cameo, Iron Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019). The character also appeared in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) and in the upcoming Black Widow (2021) through archive footage.
Iron Man was ranked 12th on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes" in 2011 and third in their list of "The Top 50 Avengers" in 2012.
> Powers, abilities, and equipment
Iron Man possesses powered armor that gives him superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons. The armor is invented and worn by Stark (with occasional short-term exceptions). Other people who have assumed the Iron Man identity include Stark's long-time partner and best friend James Rhodes; close associates Harold "Happy" Hogan; Eddie March; (briefly) Michael O'Brien and Riri Williams.
The weapons systems of the suit have changed over the years, but Iron Man's standard offensive weapons have always been the repulsor rays that are fired from the palms of his gauntlets. Other weapons built into various incarnations of the armor include: the uni-beam projector in its chest; pulse bolts (that pick up kinetic energy along the way; so the farther they travel, the harder they hit); an electromagnetic pulse generator; and a defensive energy shield that can be extended up to 360 degrees. Other capabilities include: generating ultra-freon (i.e., a freeze-beam); creating and manipulating magnetic fields; emitting sonic blasts; and projecting 3-dimensional holograms (to create decoys).
In addition to the general-purpose model he wears, Stark has developed several specialized suits for space travel, deep-sea diving, stealth, and other special purposes. Stark has modified suits, like the Hulkbuster heavy armor. The Hulkbuster armor is composed of add-ons to his so-called modular armor, designed to enhance its strength and durability enough to engage the Hulk in a fight. A later model, created with the help of Odin and the Asgardian metal Uru, is similar to the Destroyer. Stark develops an electronics pack during the Armor Wars that, when attached to armors that use Stark technologies, will burn out those components, rendering the suit useless. This pack is ineffective on later models. While it is typically associated with James Rhodes, the War Machine armor began as one of Stark's specialty armors.
The most recent models of Stark's armor, beginning with the Extremis armor, are now stored in the hollow portions of Stark's bones, and the personal area networking implement used to control it is implanted into his forearm, and connected directly to his central nervous system.
The Extremis has since been removed, and he now uses more conventional armors. Some armors still take a liquid form, but are not stored within his body. His Endo-Sym Armor incorporates a combination of the liquid smart-metal with the alien Venom symbiote, psionically controlled by Stark.
Post-Secret Wars, Stark uses a more streamlined suit of armor that uses nanotechnology to shape shift into other armors or weapons.
After being critically injured during a battle with the Extremis-enhanced Mallen, Stark injects his nervous system with modified techno-organic virus-like body restructuring machines (the Extremis process). By rewriting his own biology, Stark is able to save his life, gain an enhanced healing factor, and partially merge with the Iron Man armor, superseding the need for bulky, AI-controlled armors in favor of lighter designs, technopathically controlled by his own brain. His enhanced technopathy extends to every piece of technology, limitless and effortlessly due to his ability to interface with communication satellites and wireless connections to increase his "range". Some components of the armor-sheath are now stored in Tony's body, able to be recalled, and extruded from his own skin, at will.
During the "Secret Invasion" storyline the Extremis package is catastrophically shut down by a virus, forcing him again to rely on the previous iteration of his armor, and restoring his previous limitations. Furthermore, Osborn's takeover of most of the few remaining Starktech factories, with Ezekiel Stane systematically crippling the others, limits Tony to the use of lesser, older and weaker armors.
After being forced to "wipe out" his brain to prevent Norman Osborn from gaining his information, Tony Stark is forced to have a new arc reactor, of Rand design installed in his chest. The process greatly improves his strength, stamina and intellect. The procedure left him with virtually no autonomic functions: as his brain was stripped of every biological function, Tony is forced to rely on a digital backup of his memories (leaving him with severe gaps and lapses in his long-term memory) and on software routine in the arc reactor for basic stimuli reaction, such as blinking and breathing. The Bleeding Edge package of armor and physical enhancement is now equal in power, if not a more advanced, version of the old Extremis tech.
Tony Stark is an inventive genius whose expertise in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science rivals that of Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Bruce Banner, and his expertise in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering surpasses even theirs. He is regarded as one of the most intelligent characters in the Marvel Universe. He graduated with advanced degrees in physics and engineering at the age of 17 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and further developed his knowledge ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum mechanics as time progressed. His expertise extends to his ingenuity in dealing with difficult situations, such as difficult foes and deathtraps, in which he is capable of using available tools, including his suit, in unorthodox but effective ways. For instance, in Stark's final confrontation with Obadiah Stane, the villain managed to have Stark's companions in an unconscious state in a room with motion sensors; when Stark entered the room, Stane warned him that the slightest move would trigger a fatal electrical current to his hostages, thus forcing Stark to stay still and slowly die of dehydration lest he wants his friends to die. However, while Stane was confident that such a trap was inescapable, Stark is able to outwit and defeat its mechanism in seconds, thus freeing the hostages and allowing him to continue the battle against Stane.
He is well respected in the business world, able to command people's attention when he speaks on economic matters, having over the years built up several multimillion-dollar companies from virtually nothing. He is noted for the loyalty he commands from and returns to those who work for him, as well as for his business ethics. Thus he immediately fired an employee who made profitable, but illegal, sales to Doctor Doom. He strives to be environmentally responsible in his businesses.
At a time when Stark was unable to use his armor for a period, he received some combat training from Captain America and has become physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. In addition, Stark possesses great business and political acumen. On multiple occasions he reacquired control of his companies after losing them amid corporate takeovers.
Due to his membership in the Illuminati, Iron Man was given the Space Infinity Gem to safeguard. It allows the user to exist in any location (or all locations), move any object anywhere throughout the universe and warp or rearrange space.
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keydigital · 3 years
Key Digital appoints Quantum Sales & Technology as manufacturer’s rep
Key Digital, an award-winning developer and manufacturer of leading-edge digital video processing and video signal distribution solutions, has appointed Santa Ana, CA-based firm Quantum Sales & Technology, Inc., as its manufacturer’s rep for the territory including Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii. The announcement was made by DeWayne Rains, Key Digital vice president of sales, and represents the brand’s ongoing initiative to expand its national sales force.
Quantum Sales & Technology is a sales and marketing corporation specializing in the AV industry. The company is founded on traditional values and principles, with the modern efficiency and flexibility that today’s markets demand. Quantum strives for long term, mutually beneficial business relationships with their manufacturers and customers. Their goal is to increase the awareness of how high-quality AV systems should look and sound.
Key Digital now joins Quantum’s roster of brands, which also includes Sennheiser, RCF, Powersoft, Square V and over a dozen other manufacturers. Quantum principal Omar Arnold will be joined by a dedicated team of sales personnel in promoting Key Digital’s products to the burgeoning market in these regions.
“Key Digital is delighted to partner with Omar and his team at Quantum Sales & Technology for representation in Arizona, California, Hawaii & Nevada,” remarks Rains. “Quantum is well respected in our industry and will serve us with professionalism and expertise to build our brand to an even stronger position in their territory.”
“Key Digital offers a range of products that helps us serve the AV/IT enterprise segments like never before,” adds Quantum’s Arnold. “This effectively positions Quantum ST for project wins with installers focused on business integration.  We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Key Digital and are eager for the growth opportunities that lie ahead.”
Key Digital:
Led by the “Father of DVD” Mike Tsinberg, Key Digital® is an lnfoComm, CEDIA, CES, and NAHB award-winning manufacturer of professional distributed video and control system equipment. Since 1999, Key Digital has led the constantly evolving AV industry by designing products that deliver industry-leading quality, performance, and reliability to corporate, bar & restaurant, digital signage, education, government, and house-of-worship applications.
Key Digital products are designed and engineered in-house in Mount Vernon, NY. Superior quality, ease­ of-installation, and versatility are the result of strenuous research, development, and testing. Expertise and unparalleled knowledge have created a unique hardware-software suite solution ideal for the consultants, designers, and installation firms of the AV industry. Key Digital is known to deliver best-in-class products based on quality, performance, and reliability.
For more information, visit our webpage at www.keydigital.org
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fallenhero-rebirth · 5 years
Hi! :-) I'm pretty bad at reading between the lines and understanding subtext, especially since English isn't my first language, so I thought it'd be easier to ask: when did The Big One happen? Was the world previous to that 'normal' (similar to ours)? What exactly did they do to MC at the farm? What, exactly, is a regene? Sorry for so many Q's, lol. I really love Fallen Hero but I feel like I'm missing a lot of information, or maybe not all of it has been published yet. Gr8 work! 🖤
The world before that was not entirely like ours, it diverged around 1900 or so. If our world focused a lot on the space race, atomic power, atomic bombs, getting to the moon, flight, satellites and things like that, the FH world focused a lot more on medical tech and what we would call cyborg tech. It’s behind on things like cellphones and the internet (think mid nineties for that) and we never went to the moon. Putting the new and updated timeline below.
A ReGene is a vat-grown body implanted with an artificial intelligence mind. They tend to be boosted in various ways, and subject to intense modifications since they have no rights, they tend to be used for experimental new technologies. If they die, they just grow more.
What the MC did at the Farm is spoilers.
History of the Fallen Hero world.
1945: World War II ends, but the technological arms race continues. The United States and the Soviet Union both 'recruit' available German and Japanese scientists, taking full advantage of what they learned from the more unconscionable experiments during the war.
1951: The Korean War very nearly turns nuclear when the first Chinese Type 52 bipedal tanks help push the UN forces out of the mountains and nearly out of the country. Though clumsy and slow, they prove to be useful in the mountainous terrain, leading to an upswing in the power armor industry.
1955: The Soviet Union announces that it has successfully created the first functional, cybernetic limb replacement. This is widely considered the start of the Cyber Race.
1957: The Soviet Union manages to successfully interface man and machine, leading to a quantum leap in power armor technology as bipedal movement patterns become a lot more organic.
1960's: The US repeatedly releases new versions of its power armor suits as the Vietnam war rages, the lighter, more maneuverable armors being more suitable for the terrain. Various upgrades for soldiers are becoming more and more common, and the nickname 'Mods' is coined for those changed by the cybernetic implants.
1968: The first so-called 'Masked Heroes' appear in public, Modded veterans from the Vietnam war angered by their treatment at the hands of the government and the public. Very soon afterwards, new villains also take to the stage, and the police find it increasingly difficult to deal with disturbed people who have military training and equipment.
1971: A metabolic diet pill launched without proper product testing turns out to have uncommon and dangerous side effects. Though most users die or are crippled, a certain lucky few develop powers hitherto unseen in humans. The pill is quickly nicknamed the 'Hero Drug' and though it is pulled off the market, use and research continues. People who have gained powers are nicknamed 'Boosts' in the media.
1976: The Hero Drug is declared an illegal narcotic, banned after causing the deaths of untold thousands of people. Still, the lure is too strong, and research moves underground and behind securely-locked corporate doors.
1979: Wei Chen, who will later be known to the public as Marshal Steel, is born.
1980: The Year of Hell. The Big One hits the West Coast, and the San Andreas fault causes a massive earthquake to strike Los Angeles, which triggers the Cascadia subduction zone a few days later. The massive earthquake and resulting tsunami throws the whole West Coast into disarray with more than 150,000 estimated dead and missing. As if this was not enough, three months later the Mammoth Lake volcanic system reawakens, and the resulting eruption destroys any hope of quickly salvaging the west.
1980-1990: Aftershocks ravage the West Coast, halting any rebuilding effort. Little by little rebuilding turns to evacuation, all efforts being put into getting the Midwest back on its feet to regain a stable food supply. Food riots are common and several armed uprisings against the increasingly-authoritarian government are struck down by the military.
1981: The US government is nearly paralyzed by refugees as well as the rain of ash covering most of the Midwest. President Clark declares martial law.
1982: ${ortega_name} Ortega, also known as Charge, is born.
1984: Los Angeles is renamed 'Los Diablos' in 'The Angels of Los Diablos,' a famous documentary about the rescue efforts.
1986: The GeniTech corporation patents the creation of lab-grown stem cell organs, revolutionizing the transplant industry.
Late 80s: Estimated birth of ${name} ${surname}, later known as Sidestep.
Early 90s: Fed up with the suffocating yoke of the federal government and martial law, more and more people start moving back into the ruins of the west, starting the recolonization. A disproportionate amount of these people are Enhanced heroes and villains, both Mods and Boosts fleeing government control.
1992: In an effort to increase private industry investments, the West Coast is declared a free economic zone, where there will only be the bare minimum of federal government oversight. No taxes. No regulations.
1992: The GeniTech corporation patents whole-body stem cell clones, allowing for large-scale harvesting of replacement organs. Following a tumultuous debate about the ethics involved, GeniTech is one of the first companies to move their corporate headquarters to Los Diablos to escape regulation.
1993: The Re-Gene project is first revealed in a New York Times article, claiming it dates back to the seventies with the goal of making androids for use in war. The author, Tim Mazetti, was killed in a traffic accident soon afterwards. The future Ranger, Lady Argent, is born.
1996: Los Diablos is up and running: the first Mayor is elected, and it is starting to look more and more like a functional city. With the huge changes to the coastline, large tracts of the South Bay are abandoned and the city shuffles inland. The future Ranger, Herald, is born. Chen drops out of high school.
1997: Appalled at the lack of law and order in the free economic zone, or the FEZ as people call it, the newly-elected President Ross creates the Marshal system. Recruiting some of the most famous masked heroes of the region, he funds the 'Rangers' initiative in order to stem the worst excesses of the Enhanced populace. Chen joins the army, gets a boyfriend. Mount Hood is one of the founding members of the Los Diablos Rangers, as is Sentinel.
1998: Chen is deployed overseas, SE Asia. Sentinel joins the Rangers.
1999: A breakthrough in energy technology leads to the first plasma reactors, leading to ever more compact cybernetics. Hollow Ground self-declares as the kingpin of Los Diablos. Chen's boyfriend is killed. Chen has an accident with an IED and loses his hands. His body proves to handle mods well, so apart from his hands the army invests in an access port for armor interface as well. Ortega has their accident and is used as a test subject for their cutting edge electrical mods and spinal column. Chen and Ortega meet in the hospital during rehab. Mount Hood becomes Marshal Hood of the Rangers.
2000: Intent on regaining lost influence, the US flexes its muscles in the Middle East. This leads to a series of proxy wars with the ailing Soviet Union. Chen gets deployed there, now piloting an armored suit instead of a helicopter. The first known sighting of a Re-Gene on the battlefield. Chen sees Re-Genes on the battlefield. Ortega debuts as Charge, sponsored by a military subcontractor because they want to see how the mods perform.
2001: Steel is sick of the army and what they are doing abroad. He has racked up enough commendations that he's considered a suitable candidate for the Rangers, equipped with a new, shiny armor. Meets up with Ortega again when they are both in for surgery upgrades, and Chen talks him into signing up for the Rangers. Ortega's father dies.
2002: Ortega joins the Rangers. Sentinel officially starts to transition, there's a lot of controversy that Hood shuts down. Sentinel is not fired.
2004: A huge scandal rocks the Re-Gene project after its operatives are suspected of human rights abuses in another proxy war in Panama. It is never brought to court as the Re-Genes themselves are androids with artificial minds, but the scandal moves the project back underground where it has remained ever since.
2005: The Special Directive is formed, rumored to be a black-ops strike team of Re-Genes, deployed against anyone deemed dangerous enough by the government.
2006: Anathema joins the Rangers. The Rangers team up with the Special Directive for a mission. It does not go frictionless.
2007: Ortega is promoted to Marshal after the death of Marshal Hood at the hands of Hollow Ground. Sunstream joins the Rangers.
2008: Sidestep debuts as a vigilante. Charge and Sidestep meet for the first time.
2009: Psychopathor is the villain headliner of that year until finally put to a stop by the Rangers and Sidestep. Dr. Mortum and the Vitruvian are active as villains, but not high key threats enough to be a target for the Rangers.
2010: The Catastrofiend goes on a year long rampage, tearing through the Marshal before disappearing again, a pattern that will be repeated over the years. Ashfall works closely with the Rangers, becoming another associate.
2011: Los Diablos is hit by the Nanosurge, a runaway nano-weapon devouring all flesh before it is contained by an alliance of heroes led by the Rangers. Sidestep plays a vital part in its defeat. Herald takes the hero drug and survives the boosting process. Psychopathor escapes. Sunstream quits the Rangers and disappears soon afterwards.
2012: The Void is looking to expand their Santa Ana territory into Los Diablos, and the Rangers strike back, leading to a final showdown in the southeast deserts.  Herald moves to Los Diablos. Dr. Mortum retires from active villain life, focusing on research.
2013: The Heartbreak incident occurs. Sidestep and Anathema are believed to be killed in action. Ortega retires as Marshal and hero, replaced by Steel. Sentinel and Herald meet.
2014: Ortega returns from retirement, joining the Rangers once more as Charge. Steel loses both his legs when he's nearly crushed under a building in the battle against the Catastrofiend that has resurfaced. The Catastrofiend gets securely locked up. Herald gets his first sponsorship (and name) as a corporate hero. Herald debits as a vigilante under a different name.
2015: Lady Argent debuts as a vigilante in San Francisco. Herald gets hired as a corporate hero, and gets his hero name.
2016: Lady Argent joins the Rangers. Steel nearly gets assassinated, losing an arm in the process. Sentinel retires. The Catastrofiend escapes, but disappears after a mercifully short rampage.
2017: The MC returns to Los Diablos under an assumed identity.
2018: Herald joins the Rangers.
2020: The events of Rebirth.
2021: The events of Retribution (the next book)
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Should I buy an old condo?
7 items to notice when getting very old houses or condos in Singapore In our sunny island of Singapore, home investors are interested in getting new condos such as Riviere, Florence Residences and Parc Clematis. But you have are thinking of getting previously build houses from the 1980s at little to big price and "doing them up" is a vintage exercise used by home speculators, yet it takes some engagement to handle possible drawbacks. Here is the issue that you've to pay for particular mind to: 1. On the down chance that the book is working out, there could be income contemplations In the case that you will be seeking to place resources in to a leasehold home and the remaining portion of the book is below 60 decades, you might experience issues finding the entire credit to-esteem (LTV) from the bank when getting out a home loan. As indicated by so far as probable, the absolute most severe sum a bank can loan you for a subsequent home is 55 percent of the valuation or price tag, whichever is lower. This implies for a home that expenses S$1 million, you would get a limit of S$550,000.
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Whatever the case, if the bank chooses the remaining portion of the book is exceedingly small, the maximum improve amount of the high cost can drop to 50 percent or less. So look at this: State you are buying a creaky previous loft, a 1,500-sq-ft system that is being distributed for only S$650,000. That is a significant take. But since of the 50 percent LTV, in any case, you would need to pay a powerful up front installation of S$325,000 or more. We've perhaps not introduced the press obligations you've to pay for as a purchaser. What's more, chances are, if the improve quantum the bank is keen to offer is leaner, the Main Lucky Reserve (CPF) might power more detours in case that you expect to make use of your CPF Usual Report expense funds to fund your property. This will suggest a money expense of 30 percent or a higher level of the purchase price tag. So while previous houses might be an motivation for money, you will need to think about anything beyond the overall cost. You've to work out whether you will have income issues, given the higher preliminary installment. 2. Help is a concern if the government committee has surrendered On the down chance that you will be getting a vintage condominium, it is vital to check if the government step has held up. In a portion of the more seasoned houses, the government table is no more prolonged "on the basketball", since the home is previous and they're surrendered to offering points to be able to self-destruct through mileage. A large section people would as of this moment expect upgrade expenses as it is an essential part of purchasing previous spots. Be that as it might, remember that you could only revamp your individual unit. You've number effect on the upkeep of the pool, rec middle, club, and different courtesies. In the case that the government is material to provide the pool to be able to convert in to a bog, and leave broken equipment in the exercise middle, it perfectly can be a part street to possible inhabitants (or yourself as a proprietor occupier). On a connected observe, make certain to check the upkeep expenses. More seasoned house fits may be increasingly costly to maintain, as more points are separating. 3. Always check for cause color On the down chance that you will be getting a condo suite that has been finished prior to the mid-1980s, we propose you receive a 3M LeadCheck to examine the paint. Lead color is almost unfathomable nowadays, as it is hazardous and gift suggestions extraordinary wellbeing risks to young kids and the old. It had been basic in lodging worked involving the 1950s and 1980s, be that as it might, when cause color was viewed as unmatched in mild of the truth that it dried quicker. On the down chance that the unit is slathered in cause color, you might need to factor in the expense of draining and repainting. 4. For previous products with timber flooring, check always for weeds and timber corrosion Search below mats and covers, which are often used to disguise timber decay. Moreover, be mindful with any unusual mixture of shades and shade in the timber flooring (this recommends a portion of the timber has as recently been supplanted). Because timber is permeable, it can become a rearing floor for microorganisms and organisms. Something to find in Singapore is mushrooms. Our humid environment is good for growths, and weeds building on the sections of flooring or home jamb aren't a fantastic issue. In the case that you've this problem, you can't simply cull out the parasites. They will develop back all areas quickly, and the issue can distribute to different areas in the house. You should get a contractual worker to tear up the timber boards or inspired home jambs, and supplant them totally. Consider that it could interfere with you around five results to achieve that for a 1,400-sq-ft loft, and think about this the expense when you purchase. 5. Always check the Web arrive at We take that, now, many house fits will get broadband or link advantages whatsoever their age. For some previous non-landed houses, be that as it might, the necessary set-up stresses may not be accessible. Demonstrably, the expense to present a set-up level - alongside the quick burden of any penetrating - is most likely a concern. Be that as it might, in case that you will be expecting to lease the location rapidly, or have to relocate instantly and can't control without Web arrive at, it is a element to consider. 6. You've a limited time for you to re-overthrow your speculation In the case that you will be getting a far more seasoned leasehold home to lease, you've a restricted time for you to recover your venture. In mild of a legitimate problem for avoiding any risk, check out the chronicled rental charges for the region, and apply a hair style of 30 percent. For example, if the real rental rate is S$3,700 in the region, take you can get S$2,590 every month. For the earlier mentioned S$650,000 system, it would enjoy about eight decades to reprieve even with the S$260,000 preliminary installment. It is in most case better to be skeptical concerning predicted rental pay (and remember that rental charges will soon be decrease in mild of the truth that your system is more recognized, and will fall more with age). It is great to deal with a professional riches main or money connected guide for the substantial venture counsel here. While your home expert can contribute some understanding, talk with a budgetary expert to check whether a vintage home is a sensible resource. 7. An adjustment in zoning could signify the determining time your speculation More seasoned personal lofts could have be worked in areas which have seen a significant change since the decades progressed. In Singapore, the Metropolitan Redevelopment Consultant is accountable for rezoning these regions if essential. This may happen when, a valid example being the rezoning of current private/institutional area blows Geylang to company destinations in 2015. Possibilities, like, these may influence the home shopper in the longterm, and may be regardless. For Geylang's situation, current personal entrepreneurs might revenue insurance firms the option to any or all points regarded provide their products to company home designers perhaps not far off (land for company applications ordinarily has larger area an motivation than personal land). Regardless, customers must acclimate themselves with the URA Floor breaking strategy, specially it they expect to get a far more seasoned property. Something else to note is when the previous home is near numerous similar houses or unused area divides, risk of gain damage could be higher. Specialists might reserve unused area for new personal actions, which will hence effect the opinion of the more seasoned home, probably for the more terrible. Having an excessive quantity of relative more recognized houses in an identical region also implies more significant problem with regards to endeavoring to market your curiosity about an durante coalition down the line.
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thejoe2782 · 5 years
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HG ZGMF-666 Legend
Power Source: Hyper-Deuterion Engine
As the successor of the ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam, the Legend Gundam is also equipped with the DRAGOON System, however it is much more advanced and can be used by normal pilots without high spatial awareness. In addtion, the DRAGOON pods have been redesigned and the large pods can now also function as close range weapons.
Its other weapons consisted of two beam javelins stored in its legs, a pair of head-mounted CIWS guns, two beam shield generators on its hands and a beam rifle. Thanks to the additional pair of antennas on its head, the Legend Gundam also has enhanced data gathering capabilities compared to the Providence Gundam.
Performance wise, the suit is superior to the Second Stage Series and is comparable to that of the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom as seen during their battle. Like the ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam, the Legend Gundam is armored with Variable Phase Shift Armor and powered by the new Hyper-Deuterion Engine, granting it sufficient energy to power its energy-intensive weaponry and systems. It also possesses full atmospheric-flight capabilities.
Like its predecessor, the main armament of the Legend is the DRAGOON System. Legend's DRAGOON System is an enhanced version of that used by the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam, which can be used by ordinary pilots due to the use of an improved quantum communication system among other modifications, and is now enhanced with easier controls. The Legend has 10 DRAGOON pods mounted on its backpack and waist, with a total of 26 beam guns. The backpack can swivel up and down, while the DRAGOON pods mounted on it can swivel front and back, all these allows the DRAGOON Pods to concentrate their firepower in various directions without disconnecting.
GDU-X7 Mobile Beam Assault Cannon
The large DRAGOON pods mounted on the top of the backpack. Each GDU-X7 mobile beam assault cannon is armed with four beam spikes and five beam guns. The beam spikes allow the DRAGOONs to penetrate Positron Reflectors used by Alliance mobile armors.
GDU-X5 Mobile Beam Assault Cannon
The small DRAGOON pods mounted on the backpack and waist. Each GDU-X5 mobile beam assault cannon has two beam guns.
MA-BAR78F High-Energy Beam Rifle
A hand-held beam rifle developed based on the prototype unit used by ZGMF-X3000Q Providence ZAKU. It has higher power and rate of fire than the beam rifles used by the Second Stage Series as it is powered by the suit's Hyper-Deuterion Engine. The beam rifle can be mounted on the backpack when not in use.
MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are unable to damage PS armor, but are suitable for anti-personnel use and to intercept missiles, enemy units, etc.
MA-M80S "Defiant Kai" Beam Javelins
For close combat, the Legend has two MA-M80S "Defiant Kai" beam javelins, which are similar in function and appearance to beam sabers. Each leg stores one javelin in the outer side and the two can be combined to form a double-bladed weapon.
MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like the Destiny, the Legend is equipped with two MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators, with one generator on the back of each hand. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block both physical and beam attacks.
MMI-710 "Excalibur" Anti-Ship Laser Sword
Handed to Legend Gundam by Sword Impulse Gundam during the battle at Heaven's Base against the Destroy Gundams. The anti-ship laser sword is a large physical sword with a laser blade along its cutting edge, and as its name implies it can be used to destroy ships in space and naval ships on Earth, although it is mostly used against mobile suits. The laser blade can also be extended over the tip of the sword for piercing enemies with Phase-Shift Armor.
Special Equipment & Features
Hyper-Deuterion Engine
The Legend is powered by the hyper-deuterion engine, a hybrid of the nuclear reactor with the Deuterion Beam Energy Transfer System. This meant that the suit is nuclear powered and has considerably increased operation time than the usual battery powered mobile suits.
Neutron Jammer Canceller
A device built into the mobile suit to counter the effects of Neutron Jammers, this gives the Legend the ability to use its Hyper-Deuterion Engine without risk of being shut down.
Operating System
The Legend uses the operating system Gunnery United Nuclear-Deuterion Advanced Maneuver system.
Variable Phase Shift Armor
An improved version of phase shift armor, VPS armor is capable of automatically changing its strength, as well as color and power consumption in the field, although this must be programmed beforehand.
Built by ZAFT during the Second Alliance-PLANT War alongside the Destiny Gundam, the Legend Gundam is piloted by Rey Za Burrel, and stationed aboard the battleship Minerva.
Athrun Zala's Second Defection
Initially, Athrun Zala was the designated pilot, but the suit is later assigned to Rey after Athrun shows sign of defection. The Legend's combat debut is against a stolen ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited, piloted by Athrun Zala along with Meyrin Hawke, which was later destroyed by Shinn Asuka's ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam.
The Battle of Heaven's Base
It then participates in Operation Ragnarök, the invasion of Heaven's Base in Iceland, where it and Lunamaria Hawke's ZGMF-X56S Impulse assist Shinn Asuka's ZGMF-X42S Destiny in defeating the base's GFAS-X1 Destroy squad.
The Second Battle of Orb
Later, after being held in reserve for the initial stage of the battle, Legend is launched to participate in the invasion of Orb after the assault begins to go badly for ZAFT. During this battle Rey for the first time battles the new ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom, piloted by Kira Yamato, who defeated the Providence in the last war.
The Assault on Daedalus Lunar Base
After the firing of Requiem, the Minerva heads to space to participate in the battle near the Daedalus lunar base, and during that battle, the Legend defeated two GFAS-X1 Destroy units before destroying the retreating Girty Lue, killing Blue Cosmos/Logos leader Lord Djibril.
The Final Battle of Second Alliance-PLANT War
During the final battle, Legend would end up being heavily damaged by Kira Yamato's Strike Freedom when Rey was dazed by Kira's reason, which gave Kira a chance to heavily damage it. Later, Rey would regain consciousness and then took the damaged Legend to the Messiah, the Legend is then presumed to be destroyed in the destruction of the mobile fortress.
I prefer the Legend Gundam over Providence, because its backpack is more versatile and its Dragoon System can still be used in Atmospheric combat.
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