#and we believe you can help us solve this mystery.
queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Your Quantum Enigma
Chapter 7: Your Quantum Enigma
Your heart races as you step into the Quantum Realm lab, surrounded by an array of advanced equipment and pulsating energy. The mission that lies ahead in "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" is unlike anything you have faced before. The fabric of reality itself is at stake, and you have been chosen to be part of the team to save it.
Ant-Man and the Wasp, their suits gleaming with power, turn to you with unwavering confidence. "We need your expertise for this mission," Ant-Man says. "The quantum anomaly threatens to tear apart multiple dimensions, and we believe you can help us solve this mystery."
You nod, your mind focused and ready. You have spent countless hours studying quantum physics, delving into the complexities of the multiverse. Your unique insights have caught the attention of the team, and now your knowledge will be put to the ultimate test.
Equipped with a specialized quantum suit, you feel a surge of energy coursing through your veins. The suit provides enhanced strength, agility, and the ability to navigate the intricate web of quantum realities. It is a tangible symbol of your role in this crucial mission.
Stepping into the Quantum Tunnel, you brace yourself for the mind-bending journey ahead. As you shrink down to microscopic size, the world transforms around you, revealing a mesmerizing tapestry of colors and shapes. The quantum realm is a place of wonder and danger, where the laws of physics bend and twist.
Your senses heighten as you venture deeper into the quantum realm. The team moves with purpose, exploring alternate dimensions and unraveling the threads of the anomaly. You encounter ethereal beings, whose existence seems to defy logic, and landscapes that shift with every step.
As you navigate this perplexing realm, your mind races, connecting the dots and piecing together the puzzle. The clues left by the enigmatic entity point to a hidden truth, a key that will unlock the secrets of the anomaly. Your expertise in quantum mechanics allows you to decipher the intricate patterns that elude others.
You face formidable challenges, each more daunting than the last. Your quick thinking and resourcefulness prove crucial in overcoming these obstacles. You utilize your knowledge of quantum entanglement to manipulate reality, bending it to your advantage. It is a delicate dance, a battle fought with intellect and intuition.
Through it all, your determination remains unwavering. The fate of the multiverse rests on your shoulders, and you will not falter. As you delve deeper into the quantum realm, a sense of purpose fills your being. The enigma begins to unravel, and with each discovery, you inch closer to restoring balance.
Finally, after an arduous journey, you reach the epicenter of the anomaly. It is a nexus of swirling energies, threatening to unravel the very fabric of reality. Your mind races as you assess the situation, searching for a solution.
With a combination of your technical expertise and the team's collaborative efforts, you devise a plan. You recalibrate the Quantum Tunnel's energy output to stabilize the anomaly and reverse its effects. It requires precision and split-second timing.
As the Quantum Tunnel hums with renewed power, your heart pounds with anticipation. With a surge of energy, you successfully close the rifts, restoring balance to the multiverse.
Exhausted yet triumphant, you stand amidst the fading remnants of the anomaly. The team celebrates their victory, knowing that you have averted a catastrophic event. Your contribution has been vital in unraveling the mystery and saving countless realities.
Leaving the quantum realm, you return to your normal size, stepping out of the Quantum Tunnel with a newfound sense of purpose. You have witnessed the fragile nature of existence and understand the importance of protecting it.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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💗People should feel that they are lucky to get to know you. It should be a luxury to know you. That's how you should act. Be very picky when it comes to sharing private things with people. People can manipulate you to get what they want if you share too much . When you over-share you can often embarass and make a fool out of yourself. Make people work hard to get to know you.
🍓We may over-share to seek validation. If we feel fulfilled and trust ourselves , we won't over-share. If you feel fulfilled , you won't feel the need to be fearful or over-share.
💗I watched a video by Kelly stamps about over-sharing, she said " don't be yourself guys, lie a little bit ." I agree , when I wouldn't share too much with others, talk about random stuff , I felt that I was being " fake " and not connecting with people . Later , I realized that I am not being fake but protecting myself. We need to AWARE and CAREFUL when it comes to sharing anything about ourselves with anyone. When I solved my problems on my own , I didn't seek advice from anyone , I noticed that I became confident too.
🍓Over-sharing can get you into trouble too , those words can get twisted against you. Sometimes we may over-share because you have this belief that the only way to connect with someone is by giving yourself away so much that they think they know everything about you. Find a balance where you share things with people , not over-share.
💗Sometimes people are being kind, it doesn't mean that they are your friends. If someone is being friendly, it doesn't mean they are your friends. Understand the difference. Sometimes you may confide in people because they seem friendly but being friendly doesn't make them trustworthy.
🍓There are certain people for certain topics. Share intimate things with your inner circle. If you don't have a inner circle , then journal.
💗People should think that they know you but in reality, they don't know anything about you. Talk about your interests and allow them to talk about their interests but don't share anything that can get you into trouble.
🍓You must have heard about this quote , " Show , don't tell " the quote is very real. Evil eye does exist. Of course , it's okay if you don't believe in it. Show your goals , don't tell others about your goals. People can often get jealous , they can use it against you. Sometimes if you tell others about your goals, they may demotivate you by imposing their limiting beliefs on you. Don't talk about your plans , show them your results. Immature exposure of one's intention often brings failure in it's trail.
💗The benefits of being Mysterious ( credits to Alessia / Persephonesmind)
Your security will increase so much more .
People will value you more.
🍓To be honest , don't fully trust your friends , there are certain secrets in one's life which should never be discussed with anyone , even with your best friend who might embarrass you by exposing them in a fit of rage. Also see this post - click me
💗Advice by Song Jia
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🍓More advice by Persephonesmind
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🍓💗✨️Stay a mystery , it's better . I hope this post helped you !!YOU GO GIRL! 💗✨️
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Bad News First, Eddie
Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇FInal Part
A continuation of Bad News First, Eddie. I am absolutely floored by the responses I received, and I will try my best to tag everyone who asked. I know it's not Eddie's part, but chronologically, Wayne's part felt right.
Of all the things Wayne’s been called, unobservant isn’t one of them. He’s lived in Hawkins his entire life. He knows who is who, what is what, and to keep his head down and believe there’s a cougar in the woods when he’s told.
So, when Nancy Wheeler shows up, asking questions, Wayne has answers. Is willing to give those answers because he remembers when little Will Byers went missing, and how Nancy and her friends had done more to try and find him than the entire police force of Hawkins. Nancy and her friends always seemed to be in the orbit of whatever terrible thing was happening in Hawkins these last few years.
So, foolishly, terribly, he doesn’t intervene. He thought they were like that Scooby Doo cartoon Eddie used to love; kids solving mysteries. If he’d known the true extent of the horror, he wouldn’t have let those kids go it alone. But he didn’t know then.
Still didn’t know the day he pretends to not know who Dustin Henderson is while swapping out Eddie’s missing poster. It’s easier than having to face someone who knows Eddie, someone who had been looking for him but failed to find him.
Until Dustin calls after him. Until Dustin speaks to him. Hands him Eddie’s necklace. Wayne can’t stand anymore, this breaks him. Dustin says he was with him, in the end. Calls Eddie a hero, said people would have loved him had they known him. It’s nothing Wayne doesn’t already know.
Eddie is his hero. He loves Eddie. And if he’d stepped in sooner, chased down these kids and asked just what the fuck was happening, maybe he could have changed the ending of this story.
Hawkins explodes into a hellscape days later and Wayne sets out to find Nancy Wheeler. If Eddie gave his life to protect these kids, then Wayne must strive to do no less.
Nancy’s got a good head on her shoulders, willing to accept any help offered. He can see how she’s survived this long. She gets in in touch with Hopper, who introduces him to Doctor Sam Owens and Lt Colonel Jack Sullivan.
He doesn’t think it’s fair that the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a fourteen-year-old girl.
It’s Dustin who tells him the whole story, the night before the end. Either Eleven will win tomorrow, or she won’t, but the outcome gets decided then.
“I’m s-so sorry, Mr. M-Munson. We just… just left him there!” Dustin breaks down crying and Wayne reaches out to him, an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. If Wayne sheds a few tears, too, well. Who can blame him?
“Doctor Owens, a word,” Wayne pulls the man aside after the kids have gone to bed. “Dustin said… my boy is just yards away from our trailer. He didn’t even get out of the park. I understand it’s an all hands on deck situation, but can anyone be spared? Can anyone bring my boy back? I’ll go myself if I have to.”
Doctor Owens, a genuinely kind man, Wayne can tell, has tears filling his eyes just at the request. “Mr. Munson, we will do everything in our power to bring your boy home.”
Doctor Owens pays for the headstone. Said it was the least he could do since his team failed. Wayne tries not to be bitter about it.
The graffiti starts up almost immediately. Wayne doesn’t understand why.
He thinks he’s caught someone in the act, grabs roughly at the perpetrator and yanks. The Harrington boy stumbles up and back, a little bit of fear in his eyes but no paint in hand. He’s holding a rag and small container of paint thinner. A quick look between Harrington and the grave, he can see the half-cleaned headstone.
He’s never spoken much with Harrington, but Dustin has nothing bad to say.
“You know my boy?” because he can’t bring himself to say ‘knew’ just yet.
Harrington looks just about as haunted as Wayne feels when he says, so quietly, “Not as well as I would have liked, sir.”
Wayne is observant, but even he can admit it takes longer than he thought to figure out Steve Harrington. That boy had put himself between those kids and danger again, and again, and again, and lived. Eddie did it once and… well, Wayne reckons Steve thinks it should have been him. He won’t say so out loud, but Wayne sees a lot of his younger self in Steve, knows him in much the same way he knows himself.
Steve lives with a guilt he shouldn’t; this was Eddie’s choice. His reckless, dangerous, courageous choice. And they’ve got to learn to live with it. Steve’s parents are absent, and Wayne’s nephew is gone. Without any conscious decision about it, they’ve adopted each other.
Steve wants to know everything about Eddie. Every little story Wayne can come up with. And he, well, he loves that someone wants to know. Wants to remember Eddie with him.
“Bad news. I regret not knowing him sooner,” Steve confesses to him one day as they scrub the headstone clean again.
“Good news. You know him now,” Wayne replies.
“Do I?”
Wayne can’t answer that. Not honestly one way or another. How well can you know someone from secondhand information? Steve spent a total of five days in his nephew’s company but he helps keep his memory alive. “I don’t know. What I do know is that Eddie Munson won’t be forgotten when I die. And that matters.”
He gets in an accident at the plant. He doesn’t remember what happened, not fully, but he knows that Steve never left his side. Demanded his come stay in his big empty house. Easier to move around in, with all the open space.
Wayne wasn’t really attached to his apartment anyway. If he was going to live the rest of his life in a home that had never known Eddie’s presence, it could at least be with someone who had known Eddie’s presence, however briefly.
Wayne wonders if he’s done the right thing sometimes. Indulging Steve’s need to know Eddie. At first, he thought it was fine, because learning about Eddie seemed to alleviate Steve’s guilt. But now.
He’s watching the boy fall in love with a ghost.
Helping it happen, even.
Robin and Steve aren’t nearly as quiet or subtle as they think, and Wayne’s observant. They seem to forget that Wayne’s just old, and not deaf and blind.
Or maybe, they’re comfortable enough that they don’t truly hide from him.
And it hurts his heart to think this (because he’s thinking it about his Eddie, wonderful, loving Eddie) but Steve deserves to love more than a ghost.
And then the kids graduate. Start to go to college. Steve acts fine, but he’s not. Wayne knows. It’s like he’s losing his purpose, but Wayne’s just as broken. Not strong enough to push Steve away. To make Steve go, too.
Honestly, he’s a little afraid that if he tried, then Steve would follow right after Eddie.
So, he doesn't. He decides he needs Steve, and perhaps even more so, Steve needs him.
Then, five years after Eddie’s death, the call happens. It’s about his piece of shit little brother, Wyatt. He’s gotta go, though. Because this is one last strand of Eddie. Eddie’s mother has been gone longer than Eddie, and fuck, Wyatt deserves to know. Wayne doesn’t claim to be a saint; if his brother wasn’t being released, he’d probably never tell him. He’d let him die in that prison believing his son is alive.
He doesn’t even know if Wyatt will care that Eddie’s gone. But he’s got to find out.
Steve drives him to the airport and no matter how many times Wayne says he’s coming back, Steve doesn’t seem to believe him.
But it’s not his shitty little brother waiting to greet him in Tennessee. It’s Eleven.
“Sorry for the lie, Mr. Munson,” she says. “I wanted to tell you as soon as I learned but Doctor Owens said that, this one time, we needed to be right before we could be honest.”
It’s Eddie. It’s Eddie Wyatt Munson, who looks at him shyly, almost as if afraid, from the apartment doorway Eleven takes him to. “Hey Uncle Wayne.”
It’s five fucking years too late but he pulls Eddie in a bone crushing hug. “I love you so much, you little bastard. Don’t you ever, ever do this to me again.”
Wayne learns.
They had found him, barely alive. It was better, they said, to take him away. Let the town cool down while Eddie healed, but he was catatonic for the better part of these last five years.
“Eddie woke up empty,” Eleven says softly, apropos nothing sitting next to Wayne as they watch Eddie discuss next steps with Owens. “He could be told to do things. Drink this. Eat that. His eyes never focused on anything. Doctor Owens called him a shell. I asked what that means. He said that Eddie’s body worked, but his mind did not because Eddie was not in his own mind anymore. But I knew he was in there. I had to get him back.” She reaches a hand out, waving in the general direction of Eddie’s head.
This surprises Wayne. “You brought him back?”
“Memory by memory,” Eleven says, picking at her pants leg. “Even the painful ones. Doctor Owens says every memory shapes who we are, even tough ones.”
Wayne looks at Eleven, a young woman of nineteen now, but remembers how scared and brave she’d been at fourteen.  “Words cannot express how thankful I am for you.”
“I did it for you. And maybe a little bit for me.”
Wayne makes a humming noise. Not truly questioning, but an acknowledgment of what she said. If she wants to share her reasons, he won’t stop her. He’s just not going to pry.
“I chose my friend. I chose Max.”
He knows. “You made the right choice.”
“I know. I am not guilty about it,” she frowns as she thinks about her words. “But Dustin is my friend, too, and I knew Eddie was his friend. But I cared more about Max. I had to do all I could to make it right. For you. For Dustin. For me.”
Wayne doesn’t have words, so he just pulls Eleven into a hug. It must convey all he needs because when she pulls back, she beams at him.
Wayne fills Eddie in on what has happened as best he can. It’s such a jarring difference, speaking to Eddie about Steve than it had been speaking to Steve about Eddie. Eddie just looks confused for most of it and doesn’t really ask followup questions, but Wayne understands. Eddie had known Steve for five days and he’s got time to really get to know Steve now. Steve thought all he’d ever have of Eddie is someone else’s memories.
“Just give him a chance, Eddie,” Wayne says.
“Give him a chance? As if I’d waste it,” Eddie breaths out, all wonder and awe and- Well, maybe Wayne isn’t as observant as he had always thought. “He took care of you when I couldn’t. He cares. I don’t think there’s a chance I wouldn’t give him.”
“How long have you had a thing for Steve?”
Eddie stutters over his words, eyes wide and wild. “That’s not- why would you think- when have I ever!?”
“You think I wouldn’t know this about you?” Wayne chuckles and lies, as if he hadn’t just watched all the pieces slot together in this moment.
“So, we’ll be living with Steve Harrington?” Eddie is blushing but he blows past Wayne’s question. “Will he… be okay with me being there?”
Steve’s been loving a ghost, is what Wayne thinks. Steve’s been in love with a ghost and this. This is a ghost story that can have a better ending. But he’s not going to make those declarations for Steve, so what he says is, “yeah. Steve and I had each other when we needed it. Now I need you, so Steve won’t mind at all.”
Eddie smiles to himself, pulling a strand of his hair to hide his face behind.
If he hadn’t just figured it out two minutes ago, that would have been a dead giveaway that his boy might be a little bit in love with Steve.
He calls Steve. Tells him he’s coming home and bringing a guest. Steve says that’s fine, he’ll fix up Robin’s old room into a guest room.
“This isn’t the way to the Harrington house,” Eddie observes from the passenger seat of the rental car Doctor Owens had paid for, to get them from Indianapolis back to Hawkins.
“Steve won’t be there. He comes here when he’s overwhelmed.”
“The cemetery?”
Wayne shrugs, “we both come talk to you. Steve always starts with the bad news, you know. I think you should start with good news. Just this once. Ah. See, there he is.” Wayne points and Eddie’s eyes follow.
Something akin to wonder passes over Eddie’s face and he all but falls out of the car before it’s even stopped.
Wayne thinks he’ll give them five or so minutes before following.
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taniahylian · 3 months
Who is Bessmert
So, I bet all of us have wondered, since the "Notes on Shouri" event trrailer was announced, who exactly is Bessmert. After all, being an important character, but not playable, and with a very mysterious past and abilities, Bessmert is quite intriguing indeed. And now I'm gonna tell you who I think she is.
Fair warning though, this is a bit long, but I promise it's worth the read, so please stick with me until the end!
Let's start with the most basic evidence: Her appearence. She's tall, has grey hair, dresses in a typical exlorer garment with a big black coat over it, and has her eyes covered with a white cloth. But, most importantly, she looks quite similar to Vertin, and that's just where the similarities start.
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Their accents are pretty much the same, as well as the calm way in which they talk most of the time, and they are very smooth talkers; able to convince people of almost anything.
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Bessmert's team seems to be aware of this as well, since Krolik even requests she doesn't speak before they vote about going back, no doubt fearing she'll convince them to keep going.
Later on we also see her use this ability to convince Getian to help them solve the Lushu situation instead of running away, similar to what Vertin has done with Druvis and Jessica, for example.
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Now, aside from this almost supernatural manner of speach, Bessmert is also similar to Vertin when it comes to her arcane abilities; she also doesn't fight directly, but is able to sense arcanum in various ocassions, something we've only seen Vertin do in canon, and that other characters have remarked how rare of an ability it is.
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However, unlike Vertin, she can sense even more than just arcane skills, like nature-related phenomena, the environment around her, and even the intent behind other people's actions. To the point that she's able to walk around freely without having her sight.
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I believe this might be because Bessmert is an adult, more experienced arcanist, but also because her blindness might amplify her abilities, since she uses it to make up for her lack of sight.
Although of course here there's the issue if she's even an arcanist at all... or perhaps something else entirely.
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Getian tells her, as they are waiting for the miracle of "Ask and acquire", that the pattern he saw in her bones is unlike anything he's ever seen and, therefore, he can't read them. He also said tit unnerved him to the point of wanting to run away. This makes me think that Bessmert might be especial in some way, perhaps in the same way Vertin is; being immune to the storm, and there is evidence for this, surprisingly.
First of all; most of the places we know about that are a "safe zone" to the storm have one common feature; a fog or something that makes people hallucinate, get exited and/or pass out. These features are all present in Vertin's suitcase, the Uluru stadium and the Aperion cave. Not only that, but we can assume the agent responsible for this effect is Asymetric Nucleide R, a compound that is also found on the Manus masks and on the storm raindrops.
Why is this relevent to Bessmert? Well, it seems like Pei City is actually surrounded by the same kind of fog as that in Aperion and Vertin's suitcase, and the origin of it is the temple where people used to go for the Divination.
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Now, Bessmert acts surprised when hearing this explanations from Jiu, and we can especulate that it's because she has been to one of such places before, but regardless, we know she and her team encountered such fog before arriving to Pei City.
After following the direction Yenisei's skill tells them has the strongest arcane energy in the area, they arrive to a place where everything suddenly changes; it's different, odd, surrounded by a weird fog and, most importantly, makes them very tired to the point of almost passing out.
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However, Bessmert remains unaffected by it all. She especulates it might be because she's used to high altitudes, but they're going downhill, so I doubt that's the case. Plus, even when we see Yenisei's vision getting cloudy and that she almost can't go on anymore, Bessmert remains compleatly unaffected.
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This is all reminiscent of Vertin being compleatly unaffected in the suitcase's spinning wheel area, the Aperion cave and the Uluru Stadium, while others pass out pretty quickly, and it leads me to think that Bessmert, very likely, is also immune to the storm.
And there's one last piece of evidence here: Bessmert's name, which in Russian means "Without Death" or "Immortal", and likely has something to do with her ability to survive even the ends of multiple eras. Although I also think this isn't her real name for two reasons: firstly it'd be far too convinient, and also she's very likely not Russian, but Britlish. Why? Because every other Russian character has a Russian accent, while Bessmert's accent is distinctively British.
So what does all this evidence point towards? I think we all know the answer, right? Bessmert is, very likely, Vertin's mother, or at the very least related to Vertin in some way. But considering Vertin is searching for her mother since the beginning of the prologue, and all we know about that woman is that she's "special" (Constantine's words) and the Foundation tried to cover up her existance, this mysterious woman with a lot of characteristics similar to Vertin's seems like the prime candidate.
But that's not all. I'm about to tell u some other theories about who Bessmert is that, although might not be as impressive as being Vertin's mom, are also interesting.
First: She's Urd. Yes, the explorer that went to Aperion and then wrote a travel note about it. First of all because it really seems something that Bessmert would do; travel to a remote island in search of a mysterious cave that grants answers (like Ask and Acquire). But also because Urd is very likely a pseudonym, since Urd is a type of *bean* from Asia.
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And finally... Notes on Shouri isn't Bessmert's debut on the R1999 events. In fact, she appeared at the start of the very first event; The theft of the rimet cup.
In case you need a refresher, the event starts up with the newspaper boy trying to sell a newspaper to a "lady in black", who then turns around and the boy notices she's blind.
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At this point, the lady asks him to read the news for her, promising to pay for it, which he obliges. Now, we never see her face, but we hear her voice, and it's eerily similar to Bessmert's.
Not only that, but that same voice finishes up the event, apparently dictating an article about the events we see unfold thoughout the story for the UTTU magazine.
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Now, of course Pandora Wilson is the main editor of UTTU, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bessmert sometimes wrote articles for it as well, since she's so knowledgable about arcanists, and has traveled all over the world.
So yeah, I believe Bessmert is this mysterious voice in the rimet cup event as well.
But what do you think? Am I overthinking about this one npc way too much? XD. Let me know in the comments!
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rachetmath · 7 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it��s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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themattress · 9 months
Untitled Kairi Post
Y'know what? In a way, Kairi was tragically doomed as a character from the very beginning.
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"Oh, because she was a love interest and damsel in distress!"
No. Myths, fairy tales and, well, Disney movies have used those tropes for ages, and if you're doing a story where a huge point is the influence of those things, it's kind of a given that the leading lady be a love interest and damsel in distress. And the writing is smart enough to put a twist on the trope given that Kairi's distress is much less than it appeared to be because she's Sora's love interest and he's her's, and after Sora saves her she saves him right back.
"Oh, because she wasn't a playable character or party member!"
No. It would have been nice to have the playable puzzle solving-based Kairi sequence they initially planned at Hollow Bastion, but I can understand why it was removed given how it would slow down the pace following what is perhaps the signature sequence of the game. And in any case it doesn't have any bearing on how things went for the rest of the series, given that Riku also was not a playable character or party member (he just had a crappy AI when pretending to help you fight Parasite Cage all so that he could kidnap Pinocchio).
"Oh, because she was stuck in a coma the whole game!"
NO! God damn it, how much must the game beat the point into your stupid head!?
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And who could forget?
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Stop laughing right now.
Kairi. Not just "her heart". KAIRI. Since the heart = the person.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it exposes some serious sexism if one goes with the "Kairi was in a coma" line for KH1 and yet says "Ventus was inside of Sora" post BBS, since it's literally the exact same situation except that Kairi was always awake within Sora's heart as opposed to Ventus only waking up at the end of 3D. It's why Sora felt things regarding Hollow Bastion, why he experienced the memory of Kairi and her grandfather, and why he saw and heard Kairi multiple times. He wasn't hallucinating; that was always really her.
So, enough beating around the bush. What did I actually mean, then?
Well....let's start at the beginning.
Kairi's arc in the original Kingdom Hearts is not just told through the writing. Utilizing a video game as a visual/audible medium, it is also told through animation, voicework and music. During her introductory cutscene, we see Kairi asked by Sora if she remembers the world she was born in before being sent to Destiny Islands. "I told you before. I don't remember." She answers this sincerely. "Nothing at all?" Sora responds. That's when we see this detail.
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"Nothing." Kairi is lying. She doesn't remember everything given the trauma caused by being forced out of her old home, but she does remember just enough to understand why it was traumatic. She had a comfortable life there, and a family. She was happy. And then it was all gone in an instant. Now, on Destiny Islands, she is similarly content ("Well, I'm happy here.") and fears risking that same loss. And yet a small part of her still yearns for the past. She loved what she can recall of her past, as she loves her present. She fears only the future.
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Riku's fixation on his existential woes and the mysteries of the universe, while also putting her up on some sort of pedestal like she's something special, is not helping at all. Something about it feels wrong to Kairi...wrong and uncomfortably familiar. It's making her very anxious.
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But Kairi has someone to lean on and help her keep up an optimistic, cheerful front, perhaps enough to talk herself into believing it: Sora. And during this scene, we hear the track "Kairi I":
This track reflects Kairi's character in this moment. While there is a subtle undercurrent of worry, her heart is strong enough to not let it get to her and look on the bright side as she looks out to the sun setting over the ocean. With Sora's reassurance, she is able to feel as though her home and friends won't change or go away no matter what happens on her, Sora and Riku's planned voyage, which allows her to feel anticipation for it. All finally feels right.
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Of course, things were not right, and Kairi ended up in heart form as her body and soul were lost to darkness along with Destiny Islands. From Kairi's POV, she is now in the Station of Awakening (aka Dive to the Heart) and can do little but watch Sora's adventures as she can see them through his eyes, not fully putting it together why she can and where she truly is.
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In the scene at Merlin's House, we get to hear "Kairi II".
While it's similar to "Kairi I", there is now a more somber and mysterious feel to it given the present circumstances. While she doesn't know if Sora can hear her, Kairi wistfully waxes nostalgic over how Merlin's House reminds her of the Secret Place on Destiny Islands. And while Kairi feels sad over missing that place, she's also happy that there are places like it elsewhere in the universe. She's clearly learning as much from Sora's journey as Sora is.
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Finally, we hear "Kairi III" in the flashback with little Kairi and her grandmother.
And while it starts out reflecting Kairi's childhood innocence, it ends up turning...almost sad. The reason why being one of the most overlooked details of the scene: at the end of the grandmother's story, she disappears, and little Kairi is shown moving her head all around looking for her. This isn't actually part of the memory, but a reflection of Kairi's heart. She knows that she had a grandmother and that her grandmother isn't here anymore, but she can't remember how her grandmother "left". But she at least still exists...within her heart.
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Speaking of which, once Kairi's heart returns to her body and Sora loses his heart in the process, Kairi puts her foot down. She may have learned how to better deal with and accept change and loss, but a line still has to be drawn somewhere and Sora is that line for her.
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Thus is she able to save him. Later, we see her worry about the future and things changing again when she questions whether anything can be the same between her, Sora and Riku again after the corruption Riku had underwent. Once again, Sora boosts her optimism.
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More importantly, he helps her learn, as he does, that even when separated you can take strength in keeping your loved ones (metaphorically) in your heart, and that even if things change and Kairi is cut off from the people and things she loves, they will always exist within her heart, just as with her grandmother and the story she told her about light and darkness.
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This is why, in the end, Kairi is able to let Sora go and yet still feel content.
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From "Hikari" (JP):
I'll stop doing pointless things like thinking about the future. Today I'll eat delicious things. The future is always before us, Even if I don't know it.
From "Simple and Clean" (EN):
 Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all.  Nothing's like before.
This is a really good, really well done character arc.
It's also a very human character arc.
Yes, there are a lot of fantastical things going on, but when you put all of that aside, what are you left with? A young girl moves away from her old home and everything that she ever knew and loved, which gives her anxiety about the same thing happening with the new home and everything that she's come to know and love from it, which now includes a certain boy. She fears the future; she fears change. In the end, she ends up staying in her new home - but the boy moves away! However, through her time spent with him she's learned to accept this because he'll always be a part of her heart, which is something that won't ever change.
When put that way, it sounds positively mundane, and by and large the KH fandom - and Tetsuya Nomura himself for that matter - don't want or like mundane stuff like that. They want the crazy, the overdramatic, the angsty, the flashy, the anime tropeyness they're familiar with. This is why they were unreceptive to Kairi's arc to the fullest degree, as in many of them are literally unaware it even happened because they were too busy fixating on the archetypal Japanese media-style dick measuring contest between Sora and Riku (which is also far deeper than they tend to give it credit for, btw, but I digress). And if that's the case, then the question gets raised: why bother focusing on or expanding Kairi at all? She doesn't "sell".
THIS is why Kairi was doomed from the start. It's not her fault. But it's sadly the truth.
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chiharuhashibira · 8 months
𝓗𝓲 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮!
I’m 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 and I know some knows me already from my KNY fanfics! But here I am! Exploring Migi to Dali as I had seen a comment that there are only few fics for this wonderful anime.
As what I've said before, I will only write for adult Migi and Dali as I am not comfy writing about minor boys. So here we are!
Let's start with a simple HC for these wonderful twin XD emphasise on the WONDERFUL hahaha!
Tagging you guys as you commented on my Migi to Dali post before~ @ungovernable-corn-crab @jiya-beloved @dciphe-r
𝓝𝓸𝓷-𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None ^^
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(Images aren't mine. Credits to the rightful owners)
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» As you know how emotional your boyfriend is, Migi is always clingy. Yes, it might be funny, but the guy wants you to always assure him how much you love him.
» He never ceases to tell you how pretty you are. He loves comparing you to Sali-chan, who appears to be his first love and who also turned out to be just the persona of his twin brother, Dali. At first, you found it weird. But when you knew about his life, you understood everything and appreciated your boyfriend more.
» Sometimes you end up thinking that Migi's love languages are all five. He's very sweet and affectionate, especially with his words. He loves giving you his time. He is clingy and loves physical affection. Migi is also ready to give you his time, all the gifts in the world, and even all of him if you want to.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. When there are challenges in your relationship, Migi is the one who will try to approach you first to solve them. He hates fights. He can put up a tantrum sometimes, but after that, he makes sure that he'll make it up to you.
» Migi is very enchanting and enigmatic, especially with how he handles things. You can't help but be amazed at how he moves and solves things. He's smart, and yet, he really needs that push from you. But, of course, things will never change.
» Migi can be so silly but you know that he is the only one who can make you happy.
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» Dali is definitely the serious one in the relationship. He's the rational one. Although he is not particularly outspoken regarding his emotions, the way he looks at you could stop your entire world.
» He isn't the kind of boyfriend who will throw compliments at you. He would rather show it to you instead. Or sometimes, he'll just end up teasing you, even if he meant the other way around. Even without expressing it overtly, the individual genuinely adores your appearance and demeanour. You'll always find him looking at you.
» Dali doesn't believe in love languages. He thinks it is funny. But then, even if he won't notice it, he seems to have the physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He's sweet but not too sweet. He'll steal touches and kisses, but not always. And yes, he'll make sure to give you time, no matter how busy he is with the university.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. Dali won't be the one to fix things whenever you fight. Yes, he can be hard on you, and that can be tough. But then, you know his weakness is you, yourself, and so you use that to get his attention again and make up. You'll end up talking about the "logical ways" to solve your issues.
» Dali is very enigmatic. Actually, if you don't know him, you'll think of him as the definition of a mystery. But of course, there are times when he can be vulnerable as well (even if you can just count it on your fingers). But the quantity doesn't matter; it's the quality of relationship you have, and you know you can be proud of him as a boyfriend.
» Dali can be so serious, but you will know that you won't ever be complete without him by your side.
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰!
Really hope you liked it!
There will be more non-KNY fanfics soon. So be on the look out!
See you on my next fics. Feel free to reblog, request, and comment!
Ja ne~
~𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 🍑
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yuriisclumsy · 2 months
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𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾, 𝙰𝚌𝚝 𝙸: Start Anew
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𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗅𝗒. 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 3,083
Authors note: Hope everyone's day is good. I have been working on the story for a while -- it takes time to write a chapter -- getting inspirations and tidying up the plot a bit. I really love were this is going! Side Note: If you want to ask more about the story, or want to clarify somethings, my ASK! is always opened! I think I will also be accepting request from this fandom as well. So, don't be shy. PS. This is the longest chapter so far.
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It’s been a while since I arrived here; a place filled with unknowns and mysteries.
Not knowing where I was…frightening to say the least. Being far away from my home, into a land of magic. 
If I hadn’t tried pinching myself every time I encountered a creature right out of a fantasy anime, I would believe I was in a dream, crazy even.
When I awoke, I found myself inside a big hole with cecilia flowers blooming in the dark. It was deep in measure, as I couldn’t see the surrounding area. As confused as I was, I decided climbing was my best option to take.
A few hours went by as I tried getting out the ditch.
Out of all the places to spawn in another world, a hole isn’t on the list.
If not for the fortunate encounter of a blonde haired boy, I would have still been there as I speak. He rescued me, helping me reach the top of the pit. Afterwards, when I thanked him, he understood nothing. He spoke to me, and I understood nothing.
And so, my second problem since coming to this strange place began: language barrier.
With the limit of communication between the two of us, we attempted to introduce ourselves. The boy pointed at himself and said Sirius… It meant the brightest star in the night sky in Greek.
I followed suit and copied him, pointing at myself, and said my name. It’s nothing special so I won’t waste my time saying it–mother would have said otherwise giving me a frown in disapproval.
We smiled. We solved the problem of how we could get each other's attention. The happiness didn’t last long hearing rustling in the bushes. In defense, Sirius took out his sword. The sight of it made me freeze, though not much the sword, but the way it appeared out of thin air.
My mind twisted, frustratedly trying to grasp logic to reason the sudden appearance of the sword. There’s just no way a sword can just materialize out of nothing. Was I going insane? I would've believed myself to be if not for the thing that came out the bushes belonging to imagination.
I think I passed out after seeing it because when I woke up again I saw Sirius' worried face. What I saw was a smile. A cute, yet very dangerous, slime. If this place could give me more to think about how stupid this all was, it would be the weird fashion of these clothes.
At that point I noticed that I wasn't wearing my school uniform. I wore a cloak. It’s not all I had–I think anyone would notice if they were buck naked, but that is the only noteworthy item I wore; the rest is plain and simple, except for the hair piece on the left side of my hair; It’s a crystal, surrounded by gold with engravings on it.
My thoughts at the moment reflected my confusion. Perhaps, I had miraculously found myself on the other side of the globe! …but that’s just hopeful thinking. I knew monsters weren’t meant to be real, nor these gravity-defiant clothes we wore existed.
Reality Dawned on me a few days later being graced with the same routine: Waking up thinking it was all a dream, greeting Sirius, eating, moving on in the plains to who-knows-where, encountering monsters, repeat.
That’s how it was, up until we fished out our third party member.
She is…something. At first, I worried the poor thing had drowned in the pond, but after making sure she was alright I discovered she could float. That killed my sense of urgency. 
How could a fairy, who literally floats, drown?
The fairy, who later gave us her name–Paimon, teached Sirius the language of this planet. Apparently, I was speaking a different language than the one I’m using right now. Sirius pointed it out after he learned to formulate sentences, albeit broken, but understandable nonetheless. 
Two months passed since then. 
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We were sitting on a beach enjoying its offerings. Sirius and Paimon–the fairy we helped–were closer to the shore drawing images in the sand. I relaxed under the protection of a palm’s shade, not wanting to get a heat stroke from the scorching sun.
But this peacefulness did not last long.
A loud sound played, akin to that of a classic German symphony, short but loud enough to make my eardrums ring. It made me dizzy when I heard it. 
Some sort of vision, screen-like, projection, showed up in front of me when I heard the sound.
“So…what you're trying to say is that you fell here…from another world?” I heard Paimon speak.
Two shining stars, traveling from an unknown place onwards to the sky itself.
“But when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world, your path was blocked by some unknown god?”
A space between the clouds and stars was shown to me; there was Sirius, and someone that looked exactly like him in the opposite gender.
Then I saw her.
The god that Paimon mentioned; she was tall; her clothing were fit for the divinity she is; with her beauty, she’d be capable of killing the careers of hundreds of models if she were to join the modeling business.
“Outlanders, your journey ends here!” I shivered. Her voice was colder than any ice-cream that could give me a brain freeze on a winter’s day.
“Who are you?!” Sirius’ look-alike questioned.
“The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now,” the god summoned a red cube expanding its domain in the ground. It almost captured the outsiders, almost.
Jumping away from her attack, they each manifested a pair of glorious crystalized wings and swords; the sun shone through its glass making the wings seem like they were glowing; their swords–matching in style–live for the protection of their masters, and ready for battle; launching forward, they meet tentacles made of the same cube which tried to take them down. Every slash made by their opponent was evaded by them. They looked like butterflies dancing a duet; so serine and gorgeous.
But just like a game of chess, the enemy’s turn is finished, it is their turn to make a move. Readying their attack with all the power they can muster; they do a combined strike. Unfortunately for them, the god shielded their attack, rendering them hopeless to her.
The Queen eats a pawn.
With only a glare at the boy made him recoil. But to his dismay, his counterpart wasn't so fast. She was swallowed by the god’s swarm of red-and-black cube.
In a desperate attempt to free her, Sirius charged an attack with some power that is unknown to me. As fast as lighting, he was behind the god. The force of the power collided with the god making a big explosion.
Pawn moves.
Smoke was everywhere; Sirius catches his breath thinking the god was defeated.
His eyes widened, the fumes of the aftermath scurried off to reveal the god intact. Not even her clothes were affected. Intinctly, Sirius backed up, but found himself unable to move: the god had trapped him as well.
Queen moved, blocking the pawn from advancing. The game paused momentarily.
“Wait, don’t go!” His eyes looked desperately at the god, “give my sister back!”
In that instant, I could feel his emotions radiating through his voice. They barreled onto each other, it made me want to crawl into a ball and cry; anger, worry, sadness…the worst one of them was the feeling of separation–loss.
The scene continued, ignorant of my feelings.
“And just like that, the god took away my sister.”
I discovered Sirius had a sister; a twin intertwined in the stars.
“Some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my power. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.”
“How many years ago was it? I don’t know… But I intend to find out,” the scene changed back to the sunny beach and the call of the ocean.
“I was completely alone from the time I woke — Right until I met you and [Name] two months ago.”
“Yeah, Paimon owes you guys for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned… So, Paimon would do her best to be a great guide for you two!” She vowed to be our travel guide across this unknown world.
Sirius looked out into the horizon with hopeful eyes for the future.
“We should head off.”
When the scene ended, Paimon and Sirius came to me to continue our journey.
“[Name] stop relaxing, and let’s go!” Paimon took me by the hand and lifted me up, dragging me to wherever we were going.
 I didn’t share what happened, or what I saw. It's a secret for now.
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Currently, we are on our way to our next destination: Mondstadt City.
The city belongs to the nation of Mondstadt–funnily having the same name. According to Paimon, it is the closest civilization from our location. Before going further we stop atop a hill looking out into the plains and what awaits us in the future.
And that is where we found ourselves. Standing idly at the edge of a mountain looking out into the wilderness….
Wait…. Did—did I just have an internal dialogue? I stopped enjoying the view questioning my sanity, before being rudely interrupted by a certain gluttonous-fairy.
“Woaww! This is certainly something Paimon could get used to waking up to see each morning!” She said happily. “What do you think, Sirius?”
Oh, so we’re just going to ignore me, are we?
“I also like the view…” I glanced at her. She looked at me with a sorry-d face.
“We like it, Paimon. Thank you for ask,” Sirius responded calmly.
“See, Paimon? It wasn’t so difficult to include me.”
“Oh look!” she pointed at a lake in the middle of the valley, trying to divert the conversation. “That’s a Statue of The Seven!”
I was unimpressed, but Sirius followed her enthusiasm.
“What is it?” He asked, looking at what looked like a pillar in the middle of a pond.
“They are statues showing The Seven’s protection over the world,” she said proudly, “you can find them scattered all over the place. Among the seven gods, this one belongs to the god who controls the wind.”
“And that is important to know, because…?” I found the information useless. The gods in my world are practically non-existent, or hard to contact unless you're a devoted follower they’ve shown favoritism to. The gods in this world are no different.
“Because! It can help Sirius find information on his sister and clear up if that’s the god he’s looking for, and help you remember who you are!”
I nearly forgot. I made an excuse of losing my memories when Sirius became suspicious for knowing the language but not the places a while back. I need to keep that in mind. 
Darn you Sirius and your keen senses.
“...you’re right.”
“Of course Paimon is right!” So presumptuous she is. I’ll play along for now.
“Oh, what would come of me if not for the number-one-in-the-whole-world’s travel guide not being here with me?” I sounded overdramatic, yes, but she bought it and became even prouder.
“You would be a lost little Seelie, that’s for sure!”
Sirius giggled at our shenanigans. “Okay, Paimon is best travel guide. But, we need go. Will be late when arrive in city.”
“Oh no! We can’t have that. If we’re late, all the restaurants will be closed, and Paimon won’t be able to eat!” She was more worried about her empty stomach than monsters attacking us.
“*sight…* I guess the only thing inside that head of hers is food," I commented.
“Haha. Don’t let Paimon hear, she will eat you at night,” Sirius said with a jokingly-creepy voice.
“Ha-ha-ha… Getting eaten by a flying child is not on my experience list,” I said with sarcasm. “Anyway, we should follow her. We don’t want her drowning in another pond…”
The only response I got was him giggling. We ran after Paimon. She is not to be left alone for a second, lest you want your rations to go poof.
But nothing would have prepared us for what we would see in the sky that day.
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“Are you confident we’ll be able to meet this god?” I said.
We managed to catch up to Paimon before she ran into any trouble. Now, we were closer to the statue we saw on the hill. 
“Paimon’s not sure… Paimon has never meet any of The Seven in person, so Paimon doesn't know if they’ll answer. But, it's worth a try!”
“Better than nothing,” Sirius looked at me for confirmation.
“It’s progress,” saying that earned me a smile from him.
I looked away from him admiring the species of animal I’ve never seen before. Even the fruits were different. Reminds me that I need to try all the food I can. When in a new world, try all you can, especially food.
I’m thinking like Paimon now…
Approaching the statue, I stopped and looked at it from a distance. My mouth was left agape at the stone’s craftsmanship; from far it looked rather plain, but on closer inspection it was as complex as understanding chess; it was large, having angel wings in the back; the silhouette was that of a person, with braids and a good figure.
Was this the god of wind?
Paimon went in front of us before I could marvel at it any longer. I’ll have time to gaze at it later.
“As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind…” she began.
“Wowww, Paimon. Didn’t realize we had a poet in our group,” I clapped.
“Oh, for goodness sake! Leave Paimon alone!” her tiny legs stumped the air, showing our companions annoyance.
I raise my hands to shield myself from her wrath. “Fine, fine. I'll leave you alone for now.”
“What do you mean ‘for now’?!”
Before Paimon’s anger flowed out, Sirius decided it was the best time to take a dip in the pond, splashing Paimon and I.
“Ah!” Paimon tried to take cover. But a little too late, she was as wet as I was.
“Was that really necessary?” I asked, looking at myself.
He smiled at us. “You two stopped,” He swam to the minuscule island in the pond where the statue was.
Paimon shook like a wet puppy, splashing even more water on me.
“OI.” I was ignored.
She flew right above the pond joining Sirius, leaving me behind. Thanks Paimon.
Do I really have to go there? I’m already wet, so I might as well.
I took my shoe and socks off, I didn’t want them smelling bad later after they dried. My right foot was the first to make contact with the water. Nope. It was iced cold. Not going. No, with a little spice of Nuh-huh. Sirius could get all the attention from the statue all he wanted because, I. Ain't. Going.
“[Name]! You coming?” Sirius got my attention.
“No, I’m good! I’ll just…look around the area!” I told him, quickly putting my socks and shoes on.
“Okay, don’t go far!” He told me before focusing on Paimon and the statue.
Now. what to do, what to do?
I walked around the pond finding nothing of my interest. Then, a sound came into earshot. It was the same one I heard when the vision appeared back on the beach! Was I going to get another one?
I see as Sirius touches the statue, and a ball of…air? Leaps into his body. The star in his chest and his wrist that were previously black, are now filled and glowing with teal.
My perspective comes back to the spot I was formerly.
What was the thing that went into Sirius’s body? I wondered.
Suddenly, a zephyr flowed in my direction. It was playful, messing with my hair. Then it became strong and lifted my cloak. I was amazed at first, right before the little demon made it fall, slamming it against my face. I yelped in surprise. I could hear soft giggles in the breeze.
The wind was mocking me.
I won’t forget this, you little…
“[Name]! There you are!” Paimon shouted as she got closer to me.
“You don’t have to yell for me to hear Paimon, I’m not deaf,” I winced.
“Oops, sorry.”
“It’s fine. So, did you two discover something interesting?” I asked, pretending I didn’t just see an orb go into Sirius’s body.
They both nodded with big smiles.
“Yup! Sirius resonated with the statue, and is now able to control the power of Anemo!”
“Excuse me?” I said dumbfounded.
“Uhmm, Sirius resonated with the statue?” Paimon tilted her head in confusion.
“No yeah, I heard that part. What do you mean he can use the power of Anemo?”
Sirius put his hand out and concentrated. Then a small ball of air was formed.
I was gone for two seconds, and Sirius is already getting powers??? How is that fair? I want powers too!
To say I was mad would be an understatement. I was furious.
Couldn't it have been me instead? All those times where I dreamed of having cool magic and powers have been shattered. They’re so close, yet so far away. Darn you Sirius!
“Now I’m the only one without powers… Great.”
“In his defense, he didn’t know he would get them,” Paimon defended. “Maybe the gods didn’t give you any powers because you are mean, [Name],” Was she trying to provoke me? She is reminding me of someone annoying I know.
I gave her a nasty glare before letting it go. “Now, can you please show us the way to Mondstadt city. I’m getting hungry and tired of this day.”
“Oh, Paimon is too! Paimon can’t wait to taste the sweet delicacies of the nation of freedom…” her mouth watered at the thought of her stomach being full, “Let’s move then!”
Paimon took the lead down a path to a forest. If there was a way to avoid forests I would tell Paimon to make a detour, but it seems this is the only way to the city, so I stayed shut. 
From what I saw on the hill, the city is built on an island in the middle of a gigantic lake. It’s a good idea. It keeps enemies and monsters at bay. With only one entrance to the city, regulating who comes in and who goes out is as easy as pie!
Guess I was daydreaming about the city for a while, because before I knew it, we were approaching the forest. I could see a few signs from here.
 I always get fascinated by old methods of engineering cities.
“Wow! What is that!?” I heard Paimon ask, “There’s something huge, in the sky!”
“Woww…” Sirius let out in amazement. 
I turned to see what all the commotion was. Honestly, what was so amazing that both Paimon and Sirius were amazed.
My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
It was a dragon….
 A damn dragon.
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Go to Arcs, a related series.
Authors note: Found any mistakes? Leave it down on the comments and I'll change it! If you have not been tag, please leave another comment about it, I can forget from time to time!
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campfam4lyfe · 4 months
I get that Brooklynn is your favorite, she used to be mine too, but what are your thoughts on her in chaos theory? Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it. I don't like her much anymore.
time to do my job as a brooklynn defender lol, alright here goes:
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
So. Thinking about Brooklynn. About her death. You mention how she faked it. except, I don’t think saying she faked it is really an accurate or fair description.
Brooklynn didn’t fake anything—here is what we know, and here is what I mean. The facts that we are presented with through season 1. limited as they are, are that Brooklynn was at a Dino Drop, the allosaurus escaped, and that it "killed her." Except it didn't really kill her. It is framed as an accident--a random Dino attack. But Ben shows up and suddenly it's clear that maybe it wasn't an accident.
So let's run through the facts one more time. Brooklynn's 'death' at the hands of the allosaurus wasn't an accident. It was premeditated. The attack was an honest to goodness attempt on Brooklynn's life. One the camp fam--and the people who targeted Brooklynn in the first place--believed worked. You're going to want to keep this in mind, because now I am going to address the other part of your ask.
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
Brooklynn's character has not, to me, been destroyed.
We see little of Brooklynn and what she was doing throughout Chaos Theory, because we are learning about her again through the eyes and memories of the people who loved and mourned her--we are gathering bits and pieces, parts of the narrative that we, as the viewers, can piece together more efficiently than the actual players, because the knowledge the Camp Fam has is disjointed in that they are not all privy to the same information or how it connects--and it's not their fault at all! They are not working under the same information we have--that Brooklynn is alive--and so, don't know why certain things are more important. Even we don't have the full picture, although what we have is a little clearer.
But from what we see of Brooklynn throughout Chaos Theory, there is something there that you believe is not true to her previously established character. I disagree. I think what you are talking about, when you say that she is not herself anymore, is that Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them.
But I think, that when it comes to Brooklynn, being obsessed with a conspiracy or mystery is in fact a major core part of her character. We saw it all throughout Camp Cretaceous. She sneaks away when they visit Wu's lab that first time to snoop--and yes, maybe it was for her followers, trying to find something juicy before everything went to shit, but what she saw clearly stood out to her. She was hooked, she reviewed that footage, and it stayed with her so much so that when she saw the label E750 again at a later date while on the security cameras, she lingered over the shot before having to move on to help the others. And even then, it was clear that it stayed with her--whatever Wu did, whatever E750 was, it was a mystery and Brooklynn wanted to solve it.
And we see the others are aware of this! Sammy recruits Brooklynn to help out in her quest to find information, and the mystery consumes Brooklynn so much that initially, she was steamrolling right over Sammy's input. We also see Brooklynn's thirst for mystery solving when she becomes so focused on the frozen flowers, something she mentioned so much so that the other campers could quote her on it. We see it with her suspicions regarding Mitch and Tiff, and even Mae. We see it again in the final episode, when we catch a glimpse of the campers as teenagers. Brooklynn mentions the Lockwood Estate, which, for those who don't know or remember, is where the later events of JW:Fallen Kingdom (timeline wise, this is three years after the first Jurassic World, so three years after the kids first got left behind in the Park.) The events at the Lockwood Estate and what was supposed to be happening there wasn't public knowledge. That was Brooklynn following a lead, as at that point in time when she brings it up, the dinosaurs hadn't been set loose yet.
The reason I mention all this is because I really don't think Brooklynn's obsessiveness or drive is new. She loves investigative work, and she's good at putting together pieces too. She's also been shown to have a love for mysteries, loving Esther Stone and having her videos following the pattern of being named "Brooklynn unboxes x." She likes knowing the whys, whens, wheres, and whats. She literally says that she is trying to make the transition from influencer/vlogger to investigative journalist. Which is why I am not at all surprised with her being so focused on this Dino smuggling rings, and why I believe it was in character.
Tying It All Together
Now I know what you may be thinking. "But she neglected Kenji! That's not good girlfriend behavior. She faked her death! That's horrible." Valid, but also, not fundamentally true.
I said earlier, that by "not herself" you might mean that "Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them." I don't think she has though, and if it has ended up that way, it was never her intention.
Take in all the Brooklynn scenes from Chaos Theory. Each member of the Camp Fam has an interaction with her that is shown through flashback or hinted at. So let's put together a timeline.
Brooklynn is dead at the start of the show, but for how long, I don't actually remember. I will put it at 6 months to a year, but if anyone else knows for sure, just let me know and I'll fix it. Anyways. She is dead for six months to a year. And in the months leading up to her death, she was investigating something, but they don't know what. We know that it had something to do with Dark Jurassic, Kenji's father, and Dino Smuggling. We know Ben introduced her to Dark Jurassic. We know Brooklynn stayed with Darius, left her jacket at Sammy's, and visited Yaz.
So here goes a tentative undertaking:
Ben introduces Brooklynn to Dark Jurassic and she visits him at his college. He hasn't dropped out/left yet. She is mentioning conspiracy theories, some as a joke, but its clear something there has caught her attention.
Brooklynn gets deeper into Dark Jurassic, and at some point reads about Dino Immersive therapy, which she recommends to Yaz. She visits her at some point, but when, is unclear.
Brooklynn visits Sammy. She is on Dark Jurassic so often that when Sammy has a flashback of her, Brooklynn is visibly on the site.
Brooklynn is with Kenji, but has been so absorbed in her mystery that she has started to neglect Kenji, but doesn't realize it. This goes on for a while. He breaks up with her and they are both devastated.
Brooklynn stays with Darius. Is still embroiled in her mystery. Asks Darius to meet up with her. "Dies."
Now, at some point before 4 and 5, Brooklynn visits Daniel Kon, gets a secret apartment, and is undercover within the Dino Smuggling ring.
We know that she did not tell her friends, or her boyfriend, any of this. Why? Especially Kenji! He was her boyfriend, one of her biggest supporter's, and his father was the guy Brooklynn went to so she could get her in to the smuggling world. Kenji has always heard her out, like when he was the one who stayed behind with her when she accidentally hurt Darius with the 'cool dad' comment. Kenji is the one who agreed to snoop with her regardless of his feelings because it was important to her. So why would she not go to her biggest supporter?
I believe that Chaos Theory tackled the kids growing up and their respective trauma very well. Not all of them are dealing very well. Yaz is the only one who seems to have gone to therapy, while Ben, Darius, and Kenji are all isolating. Sammy is dealing with repression and toxic positivity. It's very possible that Brooklynn was also dealing, and not very well at that. It's possible that her trauma manifested in another way. Maybe she needed to push herself into a project so she could ignore what happened--or maybe she needed to push herself into a project so if something happened, she could be prepared? We don't know! And it's because we don't know that I am going to, for the time being, ignore this, and focus on the possible reasons as to why she didn't tell them from what we do know.
Yaz has PTSD, and struggled a lot with the hopelessness of having to put the dinosaurs first and it costing them their way home in the later seasons of CC. So maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because she didn't want to halter Yaz's progress. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Sammy is worried about Yaz, and so maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because involving Sammy might mean involving Yaz, or maybe she didn't want to put stress on their relationship by having Sammy lie to her. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Ben had college. What, was she just going to disrupt that? Still, she let on that she was investigating something and talked with him about Dark Jurassic, which he introduced her to.
Kenji. Kenji was her boyfriend, her rock, THE Brooklynn enabler. who has always heard her out. The only time he didn't hear her out immediately was when his father was interfering. The same father she would need to go to for a door into the smuggling world. The same father who Kenji lived close to but never visited. In the last season of CC, Brooklynn, when investigating Daniel Kim, says that she won't break Kenji's heart without a good reason. Maybe, she did not feel like going to him about his father was a good reason--Kenji was in a good place, how could she hurt him like that? Maybe she thought she was protecting him. So she doesn't tell him. Still, she let on that she was investigating something.
Darius. Darius is my biggest "Brooklynn's Fake Death Can't Be Classified As Willfully Malicious On Her Part" card. Because he is the one that proves that Brooklynn did not in fact get sucked in so deep in her mystery that she tossed away all bonds and relationships. Did her death fuck him up? Definitely. But guys! She called him there that night, they had plans, she was "going to show him something!!!" Guys. She went to Darius. She was going to show Darius. Do you get that. In Chaos Theory, they say "Brooklynn was there to buy the Allosaurus that night." They are heartbroken. Yaz and Sammy say no way, and Darius says it is true, that she had a secret apartment, cash, and a note from Mr.Kim. But guys. She was going to show Darius.
Every time Brooklynn is called out on her behavior and shown how her obsessiveness hurts her friends—the way Sammy called her out when they were investigating E750, or her feeling regret over the “cool dad” comment when investigating Mitch and Tiff—she takes a step back and reassesses. She starts to investigate again but with changed behavior. That’s growth. Kenji breaking up with her may have really been the catalyst to her trying to show Darius what she was up to. As Darius says, Brooklynn was really torn up about the breakup and it is so visible on her face that she is devastated—she loved Kenji. She loved her friends.
So Brooklynn’s behavior, it was not Brooklynn cutting out her friends. Was she 100% honest with all of them? No. And unfortunately, the one person who she was going to show what was going on, didn't get to make it, and Brooklynn was killed.
Except she lived. So why not tell them? Why let them stew in grief? Why abandon them? Look, I think a lot of you are forgetting that the kids are very very good at improv. Are we forgetting Darius and Kash?An attempt on Brooklynn's life was made, and she somehow miraculously survived. She adapted, and made a plan on the go, lying low, somehow creating a trusted network, while being unable to reach out to her friends--it would blow her cover, and also possibly put them in danger. Who knows? Besides. Let's not forget, Ben was not the one who called Darius in that first episode. I don't know, but I do think it could have been Brooklynn, or someone on behalf of her, like Ronnie. (Or it could have been raptor lady to make sure Darius was home but who knows!)
Look, ultimately, you don't have to like her, and I'm not forcing anyone to! I do love her though, and her choices are ones I will defend. Besides, I know we are talking about camp fam trauma reactions to Brooklynn's death, but guys, flip side? We have a character who was going to tell her friend what she was up to, only to have an assassination attempt on her life causing her to lose a limb and go into hiding, not being able to contact her loved ones. I cannot even begin to think of the trauma Brooklynn has.
I hope this answers your ask anon, I feel I rambled too much lol!
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Hi! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I was wondering about representing disabilities/things in general that you don't have.
I always see people say that they want characters to be represented properly, and to show their disabilities and lives in an accurate way, but I also see people talk about how you shouldn't write about the struggles a POC/minority/person with a disability/etc. faces because you don't experience that and you're speaking over them or only using their story for "trauma porn" or whatever.
Maybe it's just because I'm autistic but I'm really not understanding how those two things coexist. How do I show how someone lives, especially with a disability that might be painful, without writing about the things they face?
Obviously it would be super weird if the character's entire personality was just "My life is awful because I'm so different, I can't do the things everyone else can, my life sucks."
But what about normal things that they struggle with? Like "Yeah I only have one arm, it's a pain in the ass to do dishes but it's not the end of the world." or "I have albinism so my depth perception is shit but whatever" or "It's fucking annoying when people stare at/judge me because I look different, but if they don't like it that's their problem, not mine lol."
Is the problem whether or not a characters ENTIRE story revolves around their disability? Using my own as an example:
A story, specifically, about how Funky Bungus, as an autistic person, lives in the world and what struggles he has due to his disability, VS a story where Funky Bungus is trying to stop two kingdoms from going to war and there's a short scene where he feels bad about not being able to make eye contract with people, before going back to the Kingdom War Drama.
I just want to use my stories as a way to educate people about disabilities and make people go "Hey, that character is like me!" or to make people think about their actions, like having a character complain about people staring at their scar/missing arm/etc. so maybe people will read it and go "Wow, I guess it IS rude when I don't mind my own business, from now on I won't stare at people."
Sorry if this got long and incomprehensible 😬
I guess the question is "How do I write about the struggles someone with a disability faces without coming across like I'm writing trauma porn or speaking over people" but I just have the Overexplain Everything So I'm Not Misunderstood Disorder™ lmao
I believe you have it right; the problem with many stories about disabilities written by non disabled authors often lies in when the story relies entirely on the disability.
It’s absolutely fine to write about the struggles a character faces — for an example with one of my disabilities, say a non-disabled author wrote about how a character kinda hates their chronic pain and wishes they didn’t have it. But otherwise there’s other stuff going on in the character’s life, like friends and family and hobbies, not just self-pity, and there’s other things going on in the plot, like maybe a mystery to solve or an Item to find or an adventure to go on or something.
That would be perfectly fine, and I’d love to read it actually, and really writing is kind of a balance of using what we know already and mixing it with things we haven’t experienced but have researched and/or thought about.
That’s how you show an authentic character with disabilities — they have struggles, things they can’t do or can’t do as well as others, but that’s not all there is to them. There’s things they enjoy doing, things they’re good at, people they spend time with and things they do.
Good intentions combined with research and knowledge (and good plots!) will make for good stories that feel authentic.
Hope this helps!
Mod Sparrow
I think that there can be good stories that have disability/ableism as its primary focus, but they should be #OwnVoices (as in, made by people who experience said thing). That's largely because it often gets very specific and thus easy to misrepresent even if you have good intentions. Sometimes it can end up like "being disabled is so sad and everything is inaccessible, how tragic!" and end up pitying the character - rather than actually sympathizing with them - just because that nuance is missing. To use the same example as you did, "character complains about people staring at their scar sometimes" would be a completely normal way to include ableism as a part of life that does happen, while "character gets bullied for 300 pages for having a facial difference" would be in the torture porn category (when written by someone who doesn't have that experience).
I think that what Sparrow described is the best if you're not describing your own experiences. Including ableism as a thing that happens from time to time or as a tertiary focus is totally fine. That's how it is in real life - sometimes things do suck, but there's still a whole lot of other things that we do.
I think your desire to educate people is admirable and it should be very much doable with the solutions you presented! Good luck writing!
mod Sasza
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theresattrpgforthat · 6 months
Do you know of any solo RPGs that allow you to simulate a group/faction/place and many different NPCs? I guess I'm looking for something like a Sims or Dwarf Fortress but in the form of a TTRPG. Let me create a town and its inhabitants and roll or draw cards to determine what happens to them, or something like that. Thanks!
THEME: Solo "Sims" Games
Hello friend, these are some games coming from a few different angles but all have the common theme of interacting with a community or a group. I couldn't find a lot that allows you to play a number of characters at once, but there are a number of games that still ask you to manage a lot of people as one person! I hope you find them useful!
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The Spiritpath Hotel, by 89 Lightwatch Avenue.
You are the owner of a fine establishment called The Spiritpath Hotel. Guests have come from all over to stay. The hotel mysteriously called them here, sensing that each of them are missing something important in their lives. They don't know what it is yet, so it's up to you to figure it out.
No one believes magic exists. Your guests think they are here to enjoy a vacation, but you know better. They came because your hotel promised them happiness they can't get anywhere else. You have a special power that lets you grant one thing to each person you meet and you use it to help your guests.
Discover who your guests are, figure out something important that they need, and provide it to them in a way only you can.
You’re not necessarily embodying all of the characters in this game, but you are continuously meeting and helping new NPCs as you play. This game uses a tarot deck or a random number generator to provide you with prompts, and you’ll learn more about your guests the longer they stay. I appreciate that the designer has included a reference sheet and worksheets to help you play - and the fact that you need them points to a management system that might feel similar to the Sims.
Dino Park, by Armanda.
So, you want to be part of DINO PARK. You’ve been chosen to work with us for a season! You must be thrilled! We’re the first park that through science brought Dinosaurs back to life. And you have a chance to work with us. 
We’re counting on your qualities as a human being and as a professional to make this park your home for these eight weeks. We will train you to be an outstanding member of our team. These weeks with us are going to be a life-changing experience. 
Dino Park gives you gear to help you take care of the dinosaurs in the form of a coin and a number of polyhedral dice, so I’m assuming that most resolution in this game revolves around using your gear to help you do certain things. You’ll also have personal skills and weaknesses that look like they’ll come into play depending on how you decide to solve problems. Your character will receive calls for help throughout the park, so it looks like you’ll be interact with dinosaurs and humans alike, and the game also advertises a catastrophe track - so if things truly go south, you’ll have to hightail it out of there in the style of Jurassic Park!
This game is probably good for folks who love nature games, dinosaurs, or fighting against a slowly building disaster.
Save The Community Radio!, by Wizard of Ox.
You and your group of friends used to run a radio station, giving up your weekends and nights to make sure your local community got a fresh dose of soundwaves. The problem is that, as time passed, most of your friends stopped doing so, except for you, who are still passionately trying to keep it up and running (and failing, mostly). 
Now the local government is threatening to cut funding and shut down your station unless you can prove that you can handle it, but to do so, you have to get your friends back together. Navigate the fallout of your previous relationships with each character and convince them to help you save the radio, or live to see it be shut down.
Save the Community Radio! is a solo journaling RPG focused on building relationships with multiple characters whom you have grown apart from in order to save something you collectively spent your youth trying to build. It heavily relies on these connections and how you interpret them, with prompts and actions chosen by dices and decks, but enough leeway for you to write your characters however you want.
This game uses a deck of playing cards and some 6-side dice to help you build the world where your community radio is about to fail. You work for the radio, and you’re trying to get your friends to care about it again. However, not all of your friends feel positive about you anymore, so you might have to mend those relationships first.
The deck of cards provides prompts for different problems that show up as you play, such as broken equipment or lack of guests for broadcast. You’ll likely need different kinds of people to call on to fix these problems - and hopefully you can fix your relationships with your friends before you lose all resources entirely! If you want a game about building connections, this is your game.
Note: This game comes as a RAR file, so you’ll need to make sure you have an application on your computer that can turn it into a PDF.
Crow Island: funeral//PROCESSION, by Tenbear.
funeral // PROCESSION is a solo TTRPG introducing you to the universe of Crow Island, a sci-fi fantasy world centering Indigenous people and People of Colour. Following the destruction of your village by a Corrupt Spirit you and Members of the Moon Clan will transport the body of your Chief through the wilderness of the Porcupine Nation to the City of Seven Nations for proper burial.
This is a survival game, where you play as a clan but it doesn’t seem necessary to name each clan’s members. You will have to survive against loss of equipment, predators, and depleting supplies. The game uses a deck of playing cards as sort of a prompt generator, providing you with either obstacles or resources as you make your way to the City of Seven Nations.
The reviews of this game compare it to a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of game, so if that sounds interesting, you might want to check this game out.
Nature/Town/Farm/Villagers, by Cardboard Hyperfix.
You are a farmer who just moved into town. You had family that lived here a while ago, but not anymore. The town has seen better days, and you are here to help.
This is meant to be both a farming simulator and a community simulator. Inspired by Harvest Moon, you are a farmer who just moved to town, and are responsible for both making your farm flourish and helping your neighbours solve their problems.
The game follows a calendar of four months, one month for each season. The majority of your play revolves around picking focuses and figuring out both what the problems of each focus is, and then work to wards solving them. Each day you roll 2d6 and use their results to help you solve problems.
If you want a game that you can choose to play over an extended period of time, or if you really enjoy Harvest Moon, you might want to check out this game.
Apawthecaria: A Poultice Pounder Adventure, by BlackwellWriter.
Apawthecaria is a blend of Apothecaria and Scurry! Go on a potion-making, road-tripping, friend-making adventure.
Apothecaria is a solo potion-making game about taking care of unfortunate villagers. Scurry is a game about tiny creatures adventuring through Scotland’s underbrush. Apawthecaria combines the two that brings your little poultice-maker through the same world as Scurry, helping little creatures with their injuries and ailments.
This game is absolutely adorable, and I like the fact that you can recruit a Familiar and a number of Companion bugs on your journeys. I’m assuming that along with meeting a number of patients on your travels, you’ll be using many of the potion-making and foraging rules of Apothecaria. There’s a lot of management involved - you’ll be tracking your reputation, upgrading equipment, and bartering for ingredients (aka reagents) as you travel.
If you like a game with enchanting art and plenty setting already established for you to explore, this might be a game for you.
Scavengers, by Gasini.
Scavengers is a solo hexcrawling adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. You play as a crew of foolhardy goblins struggling to pilot an ancient vehicle known as The Gas Horse. Your crew's goal is to scour the wastes for salvage to expand the goblin homestead. 
Your goblins have an eclectic set of skills that will change how each run goes. Be wary, for there is a hunter out in the wastes seeking to end your adventure!
I think this game might meet your requirements because you are playing a crew of goblins, rather than a single character, and because you have something to manage - namely, the Gas Horse. You’re also responsible for a Homestead, where there might even be more goblins waiting for you. The game comes with a Hexflower map for you to explore, and it all looks to fit on a single brochure, so I think this is better for a limited play session rather than extended play.
Nomads of the Isles, by Nik Mirza.
The fate of your clan rests on your shoulders. Will you be able to lead them to prosperity or will your journey end in defeat?
Your clan are on a quest to establish settlements in a new and unknown land. You must lead your people through various terrains such as mountains, deserts, and forests while managing facing unforeseen danger. Your goal is to establish a settlement or more by the end of your reign.
This is a brochure game guided by Firelights, a solo RPG that is great for metroidvania types of games. Roll on a d66 table to determine what kinds of regions you’ll travel through, and draw cards from the Story Deck to determine the difficulty of each action.
While the game is meant to track a journey from one land to another, the actual details of the story are up to you. The cards from the deck provide you with a value that you’ll have to beat, but the detail of each problem is pretty vague: you’ll recieve prompts such as “Reunion”, “Ceremony”, or “Betrayal”. You’ll have to decide what those words mean, and how much detail you want to include. If you want a game that makes it fairly easy to track progress towards a definable goal, this is your game.
DELVE, by BlackwellWriter.
DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. This 44 page zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, forgotten ruins, enemies, wyrd magics, and ancient monstrosities. It has a simple turn-based combat system, rules for building your hold and optional challenges for a harder experience.
If you like Dwarf Fortress, this is the game for you! Recruit military units, devise traps and track combat. Use cards from a deck to track resources and explore the map, and a d4 or a coin to help you resolve certain problems. This is as much a resource management game as it is a dungeon delving game, with plenty of tables for Magic, Adventurers, Inventions and more. If you like filling out a map and tracking a lot of things at once, this might be the game for you.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally Darling and a Restoration Project Reader
My brain did a silly goof and decided that thinking "What if the reader is a part of the restoration project group?" was a good idea. So here is some silly goofy before bed.
TW: None Applicable that I Know of
🗞️ You have been working with your friends for a few days, now. There's only four of you, including yourself. Daniel's the nerd of the group, but a proud, self proclaimed nerd who has a love for anything involving puppets. He's the one who got you all together. Amy is the artist, helping to restore these odd papers that Daniel has been getting in his mail. Finn has been sorting everything that the group restores in his room. He has also let the group use his house as a headquarters of sorts.
🗞️ You? Well... you are kinda just along for the ride. It sure beats listening to your mother complaining about how you're "a grown adult with no job or hobbies". You have hobbies! It just so happens that your hobbies are solving mysteries.
🗞️ Daniel chuckles, picking up a piece of paper that has been soaked in paint. The vague outline of some words written in colorful lettering can be seen through the black substance. He proclaims "We can be the Mystery Gang of lost media, guys! I can feel it! I call being Velma!" You snort, before covering your mouth from embarrassment, then say "Oh my God, Daniel. We can't just be the Mystery Gang. I don't believe we are solving a big enough mystery for that."
🗞️"How about the... uhh..." Finn squints at the paper, trying to read the obscured letters. "How about the "Welcome Home" Restoration Project? Not much, but sure beats Mystery Gang. We can make a blog about this show and, you know, see if anybody mentions anything about it."
🗞️ You take the paper into your hands, nodding. "Yeah. Looks like we finally got a name for this show! Let's restore this and see if we are right about the name, first. We don't want to make a blog and name it something, only for the show to be called something like... I don't know... "Alphabet Neighborhood" or something. That would make us look incompetent, then no one would want to believe us when we tell them what is going on."
🗞️ It seems like it is settled as everyone nods in agreement. With that, the Welcome Home Restoration Project is born! Who knows what's in store you you and your friends? Hopefully someone can give you some information about this show.
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havendance · 9 months
Batman (2016) #38 wishes it had what Gotham Knights #1 has.
Recent discussion has caused me to remember that I wanted to write this post. Anyway, spoilers for both comics below if you care.
There are a few different things that set these two stories in parallel. The firstly and most obviously, are the parallel in the cases that Bruce faces in each story: We have a boy. His parents have been killed. Bruce (Batman) vows to solve the case; he vows to bring vengeance. And when he finally unravels the mystery he finds that the murderer is none other than the son.
The appeal behind telling such a story is clear. Bruce at his heart is a boy who has lost his parents. For child to kill their parents is alien to him. It isn't something he wants to believe. It's an interesting challenge to pit him against.
The way that Bruce goes up against these is different in the two stories. The Gotham Knights story is there to showcase his supporting cast, his allies. He is hampered at every turn, by Nightwing, Oracle, Robin, Huntress, trying to help him/take over the case because they can see what he can't.
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Robin: Um, Listen. Wouldn't bother you, but... well, this case is kinda buggin' me out... Nightwing: Senator Myles and his wife? Yeah, Oracle gave me a heads up. Tim, this one's gonna be hard on Bruce, Okay? Try not to take it too personally if he's-- Robin: --No, it's-- not that, Dick. I'm just worried that maybe... Well, I mean, you've never known Batman to have a blind spot have you? Nightwing: Blind spot?
Whereas in the Batman story, it's a solo story. He monologues to Gordon, to Alfred, to Selina's sleeping body. Alfred makes a wry remark. Selina makes an aside. They're not really allies in this to him, not really. In the Gotham Knights story, Dick practically throws the answer in his face. In Batman, Bruce is the lone savant.
I will give Tom King credit where credit is due. It's a very clever mystery that Batman solves with all of it's twists and turns. It's clever and it knows it.
I do think that the Gotham Knights story though is stronger in it's simplicity. Everyone knows from the beginning and yet Batman insists on investigating each twist and turn, convinced that there must be another solution. Even to the end, when the evidence is overwhelming:
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Batman: I fingerprinted ninety-three bullets, and found your prints on this one. It-- It could be used to prove that you killed Jack and Eileen Myles... I need you to really think, Barrett. I need you to finger another suspect, or tell me more about what you saw. I need you to give me something, Barrett. Please...
He cares. He wishes so desperately for it to be something else. Anything else. He's pursuing it to an obsessive, dogged degree. (He fingerprinted 93 bullets)
In contrast, in Batman #38, when Bruce realizes the truth of the murders, it is very much a realization rather than a unwilling truth dragged forth.
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Bruce: The killing of parents, blaming it on Zsasz, then on Two-Face. It's fundamentally silly... It's... almost... childish.
It's an intuitive leap, rather than an elimination of all other possibilities. Now, I'm not saying that Batman isn't allowed to have one of those, but there is just something deeply compelling about the way he is so deeply in denial in the Gotham Knights story that just can't be found in the version where it's a convoluted puzzle box for him to solve. There's less compassion there. The conclusion of the storyline emphasizes the way that Bruce was shaped by his parent's murder, and yet I think the way that Bruce is so deeply in denial shows rather than tells us this in a much clearer way:
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Batman: You're not Bruce Wayne! You're a sick kid with dead parents! Matthew: Well, yes... but... but what else is Bruce Wayne?
This also brings to the other thing that sets these two stories in parallel is the way that each of them spend their time digging into an aspect of Bruce's identity. In Gotham Knights #1, we have Bruce psychoanalyzing the Batman via third person file (as one does). In Batman #38, the boy is obsessed with Bruce Wayne, he wants to be like him.
The thing I find most interesting in this comparision is that the file is all about 'why doesn't Batman work alone? why is he so stupid as to have all these hanger ons?'
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File: You would think Batman would KNOW better. You would think he, of all people, would understand how potentially UNSAFE it is to be surrounded by people you LOVE. The risk of LOSS is always too GREAT.
Before finally concluding that 'hey, they're like a family to him. they help him out. it isn't a complete idiot move after all.' And I think that kind of sums up the reason that I think that the Gotham Knights story just works better. It's about Bruce's weaknesses and the way that they're covered. It is about him and his belief in the goodness of people even in the job he's doing. It's very rooting in humanity, where the Batman story is a clever puzzlebox for Batman to solve.
And as a final note, this rooted-ness in humanity is also demonstrated in the differences of the two boys:
Why did Barret shoot his parents?
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Batman: Why? Why did you do it? Why? Barret: I dunno. They bugged me. What's it to you? Batman: It's everything, Barret. Everything...
Why did Matthew?
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Batman: I talked to your man. Again. I found more lions. He found another story. About a boy who loved Bruce Wayne. Who wanted to be Bruce Wayne. Who ordered his butler to make him into Bruce Wayne. Matthew: You can't understand.
Ignoring the fact that Bruce is explaingng Matthew's motivations to him, it's just a much more bombastic and fantastical motivation than we had with Barret. The whole story is trying to do something that I feel the Gotham Knights story accomplishes more, and with greater pathos.
Moral of the story: go read Gotham Knights #1. And then maybe read Batman #38 if you want to read a less good version of the same story. Or maybe the other way around and end on a strong note.
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thequeenofneverland1 · 6 months
Peter Pan///A Love Beyond Time and Magic
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Request by @misskitty1912-blog: sherlock x regina mills daughter reader chubby reader x Peter Pan
You are Regina Mills and Sherlock Holmes' daughter, two of the most powerful and well-known people in all of the realms. In Storybrooke, living with them
Like your parents, you were an inquisitive and intelligent young woman. The majority of your time was devoted to studying the art of deduction and solving mysteries with your father. You felt motivated by your father's strong observational abilities and resolved to emulate him.
However, you also became intrigued with your mother's mysterious abilities. Regina frequently utilized her abilities to influence and alter the surroundings around her, and you would observe in amazement. She desired for the power and command over the world around her.
One day, while exploring the streets of London with your father, You stumbled upon a strange and mysterious boy. He had a mischievous grin and bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle with magic.
His name was Peter Pan, and he was the infamous ruler of Neverland. “Hi, love are you lost?”
“Sort of? I suppose I lost sight of my destination while walking with my father.” You replied
"If you want me to, I could help you find him," he grinned.
You smiled back, “please do.”
You were immediately drawn to Peter's charismatic charm and adventurous spirit. You were fascinated by his stories of flying, mermaids, and lost boys. Peter, in turn, was amazed by your intelligence and wit.
“Pan, thank you so much. I had a great time.” You laughed and said, "I should go."
"Anytime love and you can call me Peter instead of Pan." He drew you into an embrace while smiling.
Your father instructs you, "Y/n, stay away from him immediately."
Your mom rushes to give you a hug and asks, "Sweetheart, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you right?”
Peter rolls his eyes, "like I would."
Your father scowls. "Oh, shut it, Pan. Regina has filled me in on a lot of the terrible things you have done to other people.”
“But she also did horrible things to other people too and she changed just like I did.” Peter said
“I understand what she did, but she was in a different situation, and she did change," he growls. "But you didn't. Because you trap boys so you can make them a lost boy and so they don’t grow up and leave you behind.”
“I bring people here to feel loved and wanted, not to live in a place where they are not undesirable and unwelcome. I don't trap anyone here. No one is here by force.” Peter explained
“Another lie, come on, you can lie to others and yourself but you can’t lie to us we know what you wanted to do to Y/n.”
“So what did you think that I was planning to do to her?”
“You would have made her a lost girl but good thing we got here before you did.”
“Y/n let’s go.”
“I said let’s go.”
“Bye Peter!!”
“Bye love!!” He smirk
But you are determined to prove them wrong. You saw the good in Peter and believed that he just needed a friend to show him the right way. And so, you continued to visit him in Neverland, even against your parents' wishes.
As you spend more time together with Peter you two become close friends, much to your parents' disapproval. Sherlock warned you of the dangers of trusting a trickster like Peter, while Regina feared that he would lead you down a dark path.
“I can't believe you're actually considering this Y/n,”Sherlock paced back and forth in the living room of their Storybrooke home.
"But, Father, Peter isn't like what you think he is. He's misunderstood, and he just needs someone to show him the right path," you pleaded, trying to convince your father.
Regina intervened, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Sherlock, let her make her own choices. Love has a way of changing people for the better."
Sherlock sighed, his eyes reflecting concern. "Fine, but be cautious. Don't let your feelings blind you to the truth."
With determination in your eyes, you nodded. "I won't, I promise."
As you made your way to Neverland to meet Peter, you could already sense his mischievous grin awaiting you.
"Hey love, I missed you," Peter greeted you with a smile and kiss.
"I missed you too, Peter," you replied, your heart fluttering with joy.
The conversations were filled with laughter, banter, and moments of vulnerability. As you both shared dreams and fears with each other, the bond grew stronger with each passing day.
Peter and you sat by the fire in Neverland, you took Peter's hand in yours. “Peter, I love you. And I believe in us."
Peter's eyes softened, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and affection. "I love you too, Y/n. More than anything in this world."
Together, the two of them faced the challenges that came in way, united in your love and determination to defy the odds stacked against them.
"I never thought I'd find someone like you. Someone who sees me for who I am, flaws and all," Peter whispered, his gaze filled with adoration.
"And I never thought I'd find someone like you, Peter. Someone who brings out the best in me and makes me believe in magic," a smile lighting up your face.
In that moment, as you both held each other close, you both knew that your love was something special, something worth fighting for.
And so, your and Peter's love story continued to unfold, filled with adventure, magic, and the unwavering bond between two souls destined to be together.
“Peter, I know our love may face challenges, but I believe in us. Together, we can overcome anything," you expressed boldly, your eyes filled with determination.
Peter's gaze softened, his heart swelling with affection for you. "I believe in us too. With you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world."
The love continued to blossom, strong and unyielding, as you and him navigated the complexities of yours and his different worlds.With each obstacle you both faced, you two only grew closer, the bond deepening with every shared moment.
One day, as they were strolling hand in hand through the enchanted forest, Peter turned to You with a twinkle in his eye. "Do you trust me, love?"
You nodded, your heart racing with anticipation. "Always, Peter."
With a mischievous grin, Peter swept your off your feet and took to the skies, flying high above the treetops. Laughter filled the air as the two of you soared through the clouds, reveling in the exhilarating freedom of love.
As you and Peter stood back on solid ground, you chuckled breathlessly. "That was amazing, Peter. I never knew flying could be so magical."
Peter gazed at you with adoration, his voice filled with emotion. "You make everything magical, I'm the luckiest boy in Neverland to have you by my side."
Your love story was a tale of mystery, adventure, and enchantment, defying all odds and proving that true love knows no boundaries. Together, you and Peter embraced the wonders of different worlds, united in a bond that would stand the test of time.
And as You and Peter looked towards the horizon, hand in hand, you both knew that your love would forever be the greatest adventure, filled with endless possibilities and boundless enchantment
As the years passed, Your and Peter's love only continued to deepen and strengthen. The two of you faced challenges and triumphs together, always supporting each other through thick and thin. And with every passing testament to the enduring power of love..
Peter and you sat together under the stars in Neverland, Peter looked at you] with a sense of resolve in his eyes.
"Y/n, I've been immortal for so long, but I want to spend the rest of my days growing old with you," Peter declared, his voice filled with sincerity.
You were taken aback by his words, your heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Peter, are you sure? You don't have to give up your immortality for me."
Peter took your hands in his, his grip firm and unwavering. "I've never been sure of anything in my life. With you, I've found something more valuable than eternal youth – a love that transcends time and space."
And so, with a look of determination on his face, Peter made the decision to relinquish his immortality and grow old alongside You As the years passed, the laughter lines and silver hair became a testament to the life that you both had shared and the love that had sustained you and him.
Determined to be together, You and Peter sought the help of your parents. Sherlock, being the logical thinker, advised them to find a way to break the curse of immortality that bound Peter to Neverland. Regina, on the other hand, used her magic to create a portal that would allow Peter to leave Neverland and visit you in the real world.
With the help of your parents, you and Peter were finally able to be together. You both explored the world, solving mysteries and using Peter's magic to help those in need. And as Peter and you grew older, the love only grew stronger.
And in that moment, as you both held hands and basked in the warmth of the shared memories, You and Peter knew that the love was a rare and precious gift, one that would last for all eternity.
After Peter and You decided to age together and live a mortal life, you both knew that the love was meant to stand the test of time. And so, Peter and you made the decision to get married in a magical ceremony that brought you both in the two worlds in a celebration of their love.
Surrounded by friends, family, and loved ones from both Storybrooke and Neverland, Peter and you exchanged vows that were as timeless as the love. As both Peter and you promised to cherish each other for all eternity, the hearts beat as one, filled with joy and devotion.
One year later, you and Peter received the most precious gift of all – twin boys, a testament to the love that you and Peter shared and the life that you and Peter had built together. The boys brought laughter, mischief, and boundless joy into your and Peter's lives, filling the home with the pitter-patter of tiny feet and the endless wonder of childhood.
As you both watched your sons grow and thrive, you and Peter knew that the love had only expanded with the arrival of your children. Together, you both raised your boys with love, kindness, and the same spirit of adventure that had brought Peter and you together in the first place.
Your family became a symbol of hope, unity, and unconditional love, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness. And as you both looked at your sons, You and Peter knew that your legacy would live on through the next generation, carrying forward the magic and wonder of your love story for years to come.
And so you and Peter lived out your days in happiness and contentment, surrounded by the love of your family and the enduring bond that had brought you and Jim together. The love story was a testament to the power of love, faith, and the belief that true love can conquer all, even in the face of the greatest challenges.
Years went by, and you and Peter's love stood the test of time. You both lived happily ever after, proving that even the most unlikely of love stories can have a happy ending.
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blindbeta · 1 month
Ok i don’t know if you’re doing asks right now but I’d honestly like to ask about a character in a murder mystery/fantasy story I have and I’m not sure if they align with any negative blind stereotypes or if it’s something I should avoid altogether even if it’s not a stereotype.
To start, my character (let’s call him B) has JOAG (juvenile open angle glaucoma) and has tunnel vision. He also relies on a cane and braille. He also takes medication for his condition ( I was thinking carbonic anhydrase inhibitors or beta blockers but I still need to dig deeper into that.)
I was thinking of having a blind main character (and blind side characters too). He has a tsundere/ojo-sama personality (rude on the outside, sweet on the inside type of guy) and water powers. I know that there is a bit of a pattern with rude or defensive blind characters and I feel unsure about whether or not I should add that into my story. I thought of him being apprehensive of one of the other main characters because he doesn’t know them personally and isn’t a huge fan of change. He slowly warms up to the other character but he struggles to do so. He helps the rest of the other characters in solving the mysteries and tries to think as logically as he can but sometimes his bias slips in every now and then.
Onto his powers, I was thinking of him having the ability to control water. I was also think about having him have an interest in potion-making and his spell books being written in mostly braille because he relays on braille the most.
He has a few hobbies and interests such as going on picnics, siren singing/just singing in general, drinking tea and organizing his stuff. (Apologies if this is a lot, I love rambling about my characters lol).
That’s all I have for this character at the moment. I hope nothing in this ask was offensive or anything. You don’t have to answer this if something in this post came off as rude or offensive. Thank you for your time!!!
Avoiding Rude or Defensive Blind Characters— Explore It and Add More Blind Characters to Show Different Personalities
It sounds like everything is in order right now. The only concern I have is addressing the rude/defensive thing you brought up.
I’ll admit, I actually enjoy this type of blind character. It falls a bit into Disabled Snarker trope, which I love. I feel these characters tend to be viewed as having more agency than blind people are typically believed to possess.
It also allows us a bit of fantasy escapism.
Typically, blind people aren’t allowed to express the level of snark that these characters are. This is because we are expected to lack desires of our own, be excessively passive, and to not complain even when we are wronged. An example of this would be blind people being told they did something incorrectly when they are denied services, or were ungrateful when refuse help they don’t need.
Here is a video where Sadi on Tiktok laments her rideshare troubles caused by bigoted drivers. Link here.
Here is one where she discusses being grabbed by a stranger. Link here. And another where she expresses her frustration with the dismissal she faces when she speaks about being treated inappropriately. Link here.
Here is one by Tobes, who describes accidentally running into cars that are parked on the sidewalk and being scolded for it despite that fact he had no reason to believe a car would be parked that way. Link here.
We are often considered rude because of ableism. Additionally, we often have to be stern and stubborn just to get through the day and this can be perceived as rude by others.
You could have him use this attitude in areas other than blindness or only when provoked in an obvious way. Having a cool attitude that others find intimidating or unapproachable might be a way to go about this.
Or he could still put someone in their place for being ableist and this actually might be a refreshing fantasy for a lot us who can’t always call out ableism the way we want to. To me, people are going to think blind people are rude no matter what we do. This means most of us, especially those of us marginalized in multiple ways, are forced to police our tone or reactions in frustrating ways, even when someone is being harmful toward us or openly oppressive.
Sometimes it’s fun to see a blind character who responds in a way that is proportional to the ableism being directed at them.
I am not sure if you can go against this stereotype one your own, because again, some people will see blind people as rude no matter what. This is in direct opposition to the idea that blind people are all innocent beings without agency. These two opposing stereotypes of blind people are very strong and I know from experience that it is difficult not to be put into one of these boxes. He may deliberately display an aggressive attitude in an attempt to gain some agency over how he is perceived. Conversely, he might be defensive or rude about everything, while being chill about blindness stuff or even ableist attitudes. Instead, he could become colder, distant, or emotionally cut the ableist person off. He could also be like Toph and react to personal or structural ableism with jokes.
Basically, it’s good to be concerned about this, but I think commenting on/exploring it would be a better option. Subverting the trope is also challenging because it might accidentally cause him to be put into another box. Therefore, it might be more helpful to explore it for him personally, giving him more depth and challenging the idea that all blind people are naturally rude for “no reason. [Quotes around “no reason” to indicate sarcasm.]
Personally, I want to see blind characters having agency, depth, a community, and using mobility aids and blindness techniques. So I’m okay with this. The story might still benefit from a sensitivity reader or two though, and I’d love to read it myself. You can also try @sensitivityreaders
Lastly, having other blind characters would help challenge any stereotypes readers might have. In addition to showing his sweet side mentioned in the ask. Sorry I couldn’t give you a yes or no answer on this topic, but my personal go-to fix for stereotypes is always to show more blind characters. This allows you to show off more personality types of experiences around blindness.
Also JOAG can be painful if not caught early or managed properly. You seem to have done a good job of showing treatment options and different conditions. There will be a lot of medical stuff in his future/present, which means he has experience advocating for himself. This could also help explain why his attitude might seem rude or defensive to abled characters, in addition to the Rude Blind Person stereotype.
If any other blind or disabled folks have thoughts or suggestions, please share.
In closing, I don’t have any concerns with his powers. Also points for cane use!
Some parts of this ask might be relevant as well. Link here.
Hope this helps.
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fumifooms · 1 month
Dandan x Asivia
Dubbed dansivia. Confused as to who either of these are? Here’s a Dandan comp and Asivia wise this post is close enough for now
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There is a brave visionary on ao3 and they’re so right
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Ok first of all let’s address the theory:
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Dandan is indeed the only Laios party member not pictured here (besides Chilchuck himself but we saw he didn’t like her which would contradict this anyways). I keep wanting to add "that we know of" or some other caveat but honestly not even no, it’s never implied or mentioned they had yet another party member and that makes sense since we saw the party’s inception right up to its current party composition.
… So… Mystery solved right out of the gate? I dunno, it feels weird to me to claim Dandan hates Laios, but if he kept it under wraps enough or reasoned with himself about it I could see it. Laios and Dandan were coworkers from their gold peeling days, and so when Laios left to try a career in dungeon diving Dandan joined him.
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They seem very standard coworkers that get along well enough to me, far from skulls emoji energy, but yeah there is a case to be made on both overt strong dislike and repressed strong dislike ends. But maybe the true beef started after he left the party even, especially if he fancies Asivia and kept up with the party’s drama that went down with her, though the chart does imply it was the work dynamic while he was still in the party because of context. But, believing that Dandan likes her and Asivia considered getting with him like the other men of the party, Asivia would have literally sidelined Dandan to pursue Laios. And Laios doesn’t even realize her attempts at seduction? Ok yeah the hate is plausible nvm. Also we can keep in mind that this is Chilchuck’s chart and he could have more insight on Dandan’s feelings than the average coworker since he’s his friend. It def fleshes him more out with implications. He’s professional he keeps unnecessary shit to himself. It’d be weird to me if the relationship chart was made without Kui thinking it through, or retconning it, it is the canon we get so it’s interesting to ponder. Kui giving us secret romantic drama for free <3
Speaking of what’s not free. Ok maybe Dan does dislike Laios, do business introductions really cost money… I mean I respect the hustle but. So Dandan is heavily implied to be the one to introduce Asivia to the party. The only other mage was Marcille and well we know how that went. "A real cutie". Yeah. I bet. 👀
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This is the most interesting dansivia part to me, they did meet previously to the party, both doing what they do best, networking. Dan helped Asivia find a job, how did they meet and how did that go? What if she had an infamous reputation already, how much did they get acquainted… There’s a lot of leeway for fun here
Gorgeous hustling but lazy manipulator that seeks a fortunate husband x slight womanizer hustling & hardworking poor guy that’s been around in business for too long to be played… Both work a lot but like to take it easy when they can. Tavern flirtations and having met while networking and "I can hook you with a job" (staring and smiling too much) and "Oh Dandan, you’re so capable and knowledgable about the Island, could you help me out~"
Manipulator hustler seductress x laidback hustler flirt… Social butterflies, streets smarts in different yet similar ways… Observant x observant………. She’s very harsh and drops people/her damsel act at the first second she can’t get something out of it anymore and I think he’d be so into that. Dandan liking strongminded women. Women who kinda play dirty. Makes him respect them and want to pursue them help…
And like takes on Asivia differ nowadays but I do need her to mean this shit for this, this is what she's unabashedly about. She is just a woman trying to make it in this world but working people’s the name of her game. Whatever reason you give her, she was taking advantage of Laios and trying to get a marriage with any decent profitable guy she could. She knows what she’s doing and she doesn’t look the least bit remorseful. A girl who knows what she wants and chases it, rawr ⬅️ Dandan voice
They both fall for each other but neither can admit it because they know it’s just temporary, she’ll go look for a well-off tallman husband eventually. Messy situationship go. Can they even have a good ending together. It’s all only ever nice in the present moments… She’ll leave he can’t offer her anything but himself and a very humble lifestyle, she’ll leave she can’t settle for that she won’t, he knows that and it’s part of why he liked her in the first place. Oughhhhh
Ohhh to be underdogs, settling for a humble life & being content with that vs unapologetically ambitious and chases that life and comfort she seeks, which in turn makes him admire her…….. But even if she inspires him to chase what he wants, she can’t give it to him…………..
Putting this on blast bc they’re great thoughts
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Because I’m me I’m trying to make them reach a happy long term ending together and it’s not working… Which is more fun tbh. I shall ponder this puzzle…
Casanova Dandan is so important to me now. Chilchuck’s in a separation slump & faithfulness oath to the wind but Dandan, good friend dandan? He’s living he’s thriving he’s pulling
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I want fics of them meeting & networking. He’s very up to the news in the dungeon goer community… All I’m saying is I can see Dandan bartering for a shot with her in exhange for information or helping her out find jobs, knowing she’s after guys to marry too 🤭 I think they should flirt in a tavern. I think they should make eyes at each other over glasses and exchanging business convos and leaving it all in the implied and unspoken
Dansivia is getting too real to me
The fics are fun go read ‘em
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