#Erica Ortegas x Reader
warpfive · 2 years
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how protective the snw crew gets over you on away missions
CW: injured reader, gn! reader
CAST: chris pike, una chin-riley, spock, la'an, erica ortegas, nyota uhura, christine chapel
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CHRIS - showing favoritism has always been something of a challenge for chris. he tends to care too much, get over-protective, go the extra mile for his crew. he especially tries not to let his protective instincts take over when you’re involved - every member of his crew should be treated the same. though, chris has always carried his heart on his sleeve, and his constant surveillance is noticed by anybody who’s paying attention. he lowkey always tries to know where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with so if the worst case scenario happens, chris will have a plan. he really tries not to baby you, but…well, playing favorites goes out the window when it comes to your safety..
UNA - 9 times out of 10, she’s assigning you to her team, if she can help it. partnering up with you, and if she can’t, partnering you with somebody she trusts. checks in with you semi-frequently and doesn’t even try to disguise it as a sit-rep. nah, una doesn’t try to hide her intentions. she keeps things professional, and doesn’t let her feelings interfere with the mission (mostly) but she sees no reason to give you the cold shoulder and distract herself with worrying about you. she knows how quickly things can go sideways, and una is nothing if not effective - if you’re around her, she can get to you. it’s as simple as that.
SPOCK - vulcans don’t feel protective - that’s the line spock would give you. no, no, it’s in his and the crew’s best interest that you get back to enterprise as unharmed as possible. knowing spock, he has backup plans for his backup plans. if a hostile native population finds the away team or the weather takes a freak turn, spock takes it upon himself to find a way out of the situation. and it’s not that he doesn’t think you can do it - spock truly respects your abilities. but this way, if something goes wrong, it will be on him. any failure to keep you safe would be his fault, and he alone will be the one to atone. of course, you tell him he wouldn’t need to atone for anything, but vulcans can be pretty stubborn.
LA'AN - simultaneously the one who worries the most and shows it the least. but obviously, with everyone she’s lost, it makes sense that la’an goes the furthest mile when it comes to keeping you safe. somebody she holds so precious and dear, it would be her own damn fault if she allowed you to get hurt on some routine assignment. of course, la’an shoulders all of the responsibility of keeping you safe. she believes she’s the most capable in doing so, but la’an would definitely get caught up in her emotions and have to let the others help. but at that point, she would be so afraid for your safety, a bit of wounded pride is a small price to pay for getting you back in one piece.
ERICA - tries to keep her cool, but ends up demanding for captain pike to beam her down to the planet herself. what would she do down there? who knows, but it beats being glued to the helm and hoping you don’t get yourself killed. she absolutely inserts herself into the discussion of retrieving you and your team, throwing everything onto the table and not once stepping away. and when the best plan involved piloting a shuttle down without detection, pike would have had to stun her to keep erica onboard. but as soon as she sees you, the fear is gone - replaced with a wide grin and a cheeky “hey, you had us all worried!”
NYOTA - at this point, with everything she’s been through, it doesn’t come as a surprise when nyota stops you in the corridor on your way to the transporter room. she asks you to stay behind, let someone else go on an away mission for once, you don’t have to go every single time. you sympathize, even smile, and tell nyota to ask the captain if he’d let her come along. that way, she can be as protective as she wants while you still get your work done. with a scoff and a roll of her eyes, she tells you she’s being serious. you could get really hurt out there, and what would she do if she lost you? though, it’s hard to continue arguing when you take her hand and kiss her cheek - she really outta trust you more not to get yourself killed.
CHRISTINE - she’d been handling the stress and fear just fine until spock finally through the opening of the cave, dragging you with him like a half-drunk klingon. even in the lowlight and the occasional flash of lightning to see by, christine saw the blood leaking from your face and head. maybe it means she’s a bad nurse, but seeing you in such a state really pulled her focus away from the rest of the injured away teams. she pulled one of her peers over, letting them take over just so christine can patch you up herself. honestly, she doesn’t really trust anybody else to do it. her hands shake, heart pounds, but when you eventually peek open your eyes and mumble her name, christine starts mentally preparing a nice, long speech for captain pike on why you should never leave enterprise ever again.
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river13245 · 8 months
Star Trek (strange New Worlds Masterlist)
Navigation / Main Masterlist
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James Kirk
Christopher Pike
Nyota Uhura
La'an Singh (none yet)
Number 1 (none yet)
Hemmer (none yet)
Erica Ortegas (none yet)
Dr M'Benga (none yet)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
You Are What You Reap
13 Days of Halloween: Day 12
Plot: When crew members on the Enterprise are celebrating an old Earth holiday to liven up the ship, they get trapped in an unusual space oddity that seems to transform everyone into what they are dressed up as
Pairing(s): General Crew x Reader Antics; implied established relationship between Erica Ortegas x GN!Reader
Warnings: Very Mild Cursing.
Words: 2.1k
A/Ns: This is inspired by the BTVS Halloween Episode "Halloween" of a similar plot. Also, I could not get this down how I had it in my head and I hate how it came out, but you're getting it anyways, 'cause I got nothing else.
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As you walked through the ship, you were amused at the various confused and alarmed looks from the non-human crew you passed.
Your makeup made your appearance much paler than usual, the enhanced bags under your eyes, making you look as you intended, dead.
The human crew you passed knew well enough what was going on, as many of them were dressed up as well. Various monsters, characters and original ideas passed you in the halls.
On Earth, though it was very far away, it was Halloween. Since the Enterprise was on no current mission, and far away from any real life, Captain Pike found no harm in allowing the celebration for the crew, and even decided to embrace it himself.
Rounding the corner, your smile widened as you saw Erica talking to Uhura in the doorway.
Erica was dressed in a black suit with a cape paired with fake fangs in her mouth to complete her Vampiric look. Uhura was donning a classic black witchy outfit, and pointed hat, and had a broom in her hand.
As you approached them, they turned to greet you with smiles. Erica placed her hand on your back in greeting as you stood beside her.
"Nice hat" You complemented, as you eyed Uhura's tall pointed witch hat.
"Thank you, nice...what are you?"
You chuckled "Just a ghost."
"I have a sheet with eye holes too."
"Oh, very classic." Erica added, amused.
Hearing Pikes voice over your comms, you all went silent "Ortegas, Uhura, L/n, get to the bridge please."
"Yes Captain, something wrong?"
"I'm not sure." His voice replied.
You all shared uncertain looks as you made your way towards the bridge. As you exited the lift, your eyes immedietely fell to the view outside the ship.
"Woah." You said softly, as you eyed the unusual phenomenon ahead of the ship.
"What is that?" Erica asked as she made her way to her station.
"It appears to be an ion storm of sorts, but it is emitting an unusual frequency." Spock said.
Looking around the bridge, you noted the various costumes some crew-members were donning. Una had cat ears and a tail, Captain Pike was dressed as a Pirate, and Jenna was wearing a halo and fake wings.
"Nice hat Captain." You commented as you made your way to your station.
He nodded and smiled "Thank you Lieutenant."
"The storm seems to be getting closer Sir, should I get us out of here?" Erica asked.
"Sounds like a good idea." He replied.
As you heard the ship's engines begin to rev up, you all started as the ion storm flashed brightly and expanded quickly towards the ship.
"What the-" Erica began, before the ship suddenly shook violently.
"Erica" Pike's voice rang out with clear concern.
"I'm trying."
You could hear the Enterprise engines roaring as it attempting it's escape, but the ship remained still.
"We're not moving." Erica said, clear frustration in her voice.
As the ship shook again, a bright light exploded from the storm again, you all watched as something seemed to wrap around the ship.
"What was that? Spock?"
"I'm uncertain Captain, but I no longer believe this is an ion storm, I believe we may be in the grasp of a creature."
"A creature? You think it's alive?"
He nodded "Yes."
"Can we communicate with it?"
"Of that I am uncertain."
"I can try." Uhura said uncertainly as she tried to communicate with the creature.
Shaking her head after a few moments, failing to gain any response, the ship shook again. Suddenly, all of the lights on the ship shut down for a second before coming back on.
"All systems normal, I don't know what that was."
"Maybe it's trying to communicate with us?" Uhura asked.
Staring as Uhura, you noted that she appeared a bit different "Uhh, Uhura...was your nose always like that?"
She looked at you in confusion before she grabbed her now much more crooked nose. Standing up abruptly, she looked clearly alarmed.
Looking back at the others, your eyes widened as you stared at Una. Pointing at her you stared agape "Umm, ears...moving."
Una reached up and touched the cat ears on her head before gasping as the ear twitched "I felt that."
Captain Pike stood up, before slowly reaching up underneath the false eye patch he was donning. Seeing his visible eye widen, he looked over at Una who shook her head "No."
You could see Jenna pulling at the wings on her back, that now seemed attached to her back.
"Ow!" You heard Erica exclaim as she reached towards her mouth. You watched as she touched the now real fangs in her mouth before she looked over at you.
Standing up alarmed she stepped towards you "Y/n."
"What?" You asked alarmed, seeing she was staring down at your body.
Looking down, you felt a jolt of panic as you looked at your hands. Your body was seemingly opaque, you could still see your body, but you could also see through it.
"What's happening?" You asked alarmed as you looked over at the Captain.
He shook his head, clearly unsure as he looked over at Spock.
As the lift doors opened, you all turned to see M'Benga walk into the bridge, with very real large horns coming out of his head, as sharp teeth protruded from his mouth.
He motioned his hands towards everyone, speaking with a muffled voice "At least it's not just me."
"Jesus." You muttered.
Looking at you, he pointed, clearly seeing you were nearly invisible.
"I know." You commented as you shrugged your arms.
"What the hell is going on?" He asked bewildered.
"I'm not certain, but I do know it has to do with that." Captain Pike said as he turned and looked out at the unknown creature surrounding the ship.
As the ship shook again, the lights flickering, you swallowed "Uh-oh."
Pike tapped his comms "Hemmer. Can you get us out of here?"
"It might help if I know what is going on."
"It seems that a large space...creature has us in it's grasp."
"Ah. That is certainly concerning. I suppose I can try."
Pike sighed "Please do, it's affecting the crew."
"How so?"
Pike looked around as he shook his head "I wish I could explain without sounding insane."
There was a moments pause before Hemmer's voice came through again. "Seeing as one of my previously human engineers just came in with very real claws and fangs, I think I can figure it out."
Pike sighed as he looked around "Lets hope this....transformation stops here."
--- --- ---
After an hour of panic from everyone on the crew, failed communication with the creature holding the ship, and various attempts at escape, you made your way from engineering back to the bridge.
Feeling the ship shake, as the lights went out again, you tightened your grip on the rails, and let out a sharp breath.
As the lift doors opened, you walked out onto the bridge "Captain, Hemmer and Spock have another idea they are ready to try."
You watched as the Captain and Erica turned back at the sound of your voice, but all stared with wide eyes.
"Uh...what?" You asked
Erica stood up "Oh Shit. Y/n?"
"Where are you?" The Captain asked as he faced you.
"What do y-....oh no. Am I completely invisible now?" You asked with panic lacing your voice as you looked down at your body.
It still appeared opaque to you, able to see through your own hand still.
You watched as everyone nodded lightly, mouths agape.
"Oh great."
"Captain." A deep hoarse voice came over the comms.
Pike furrowed his brow "Yes?"
"It's M'Benga. It's getting worse. I have a patient here whose fake wound became a real one. And I myself am continuing to change."
"Yeah, Y/n is now completely invisible. Anyone else showing conerning signs?"
"Not yet."
Pike nodded as he looked in your general direction "This plan Hemmer and Spock have, is it promising?"
You nodded, forgetting they couldn't see you "I think so. But it will take some time, I'm not sure how long."
Pike frowned "Lets hope we get out of this before we all become a bit too realistic."
Hearing the sound of the lift open up, you turned to see Nurse Chapel exit, with a black cat in her arms.
"Oh no." You said as you eyed the cat, which meowed in response.
Chapel looked around in concern "Y/n?"
"Yep. Here."
"Uh oh." She replied softly as the cat, aka Una, jumped from her arms.
Everyone watched at Una jumped up onto her station, and looked at Captain Pike before meowing.
Pike sighed "Hello Una."
You turned and looked at Chapel "I thought you were dressed up as well."
Chapel looked in your direction as she nodded "I did, but as soon as everyone else started to become their costumes, I took mine off. Though I think I was a bit late." Showing her hands, you saw long sharp claws at the ends of her fingers.
"Yikes." Erica said as she eyed them.
"Nice fangs." Chapel commented.
Erica nodded her head "Thanks, I hate them."
"I think they kind of suit you." You commented, making Erica smile softly.
"Lets just hope I don't start craving blood." She commented, half-joking.
"And let's hope M'Benga does not turn into a complete monster." Chapel added as she turned and began to leave.
--- --- ---
"Spock, how long are we gonna have to wait?!" Chapel yelled through the comms as she watched Captain Pike get restrained by some crew-mates as he yelled and cursed at them, no longer knowing who they were.
Hearing a roar from nearby, she looked over in another area, where a monster that resembled Doctor M'Benga banged his hands on the force-shield, trying to escape.
"Almost there!" Spock's voice came through.
"This is crazy" You said softly from beside Erica, who was now restrained in a bed, hands strapped down.
Everyone who had been dressed as a monster, slowly became that monster. All non-human crew members had control of the ship as they attempted one last time to break free of the creatures grasp.
"Y/n, are you still here?" Erica asked with a soft voice.
You knew she could no longer hear you, so you grabbed her hand and squeezed.
Nodding her head softly as she felt your touch, she pressed her head into the bed. She had felt herself losing control over her emotions, nearly becoming violent with Jenna, and had herself restrained.
Not long later, you could no longer be heard by anyone, and could only communicate through touch and moving objects.
Captain Pike had forgotten who he was, and tried to take over the ship. An action that proved fruitless, but he became violent once restrained.
Una showed no sign of human conscious, and ran around the ship in a panic. You now donned a long scratch down your arm from trying to subdue her.
Uhura yelled and screamed at people as she attempted to curse them, smacking many of them with her broom.
Various crew-members were now imprisoned for becoming violent, or, like M'Benga, transformed into another creature all together.
As you felt the ship violently shake, you heard the impulse engines revving up. You closed your eyes as you felt the ship jerk violently as the lights flickered momentarily.
Stumbling, you grabbed onto Erica's bed for stability, seeing her eyes widen as she looked around.
Everything on the ship seemed to go silent, as you saw the fast passing stars outside the ships window. You had successfully warped away from the creature.
"Did it work?" You asked, seeing Erica look over at you.
"I can see you!" She said with a soft voice.
Looking down at your body, you saw your opaque features slowly becoming more solid.
Looking around, you saw M'Benga crouch down, grabbing into his head in pain as the horns on his head fell off with a metallic clank.
Looking over at Chapel, you saw her look at her own hands, smiling, as they were no longer clawed.
You looked down at Erica "How are you feeling?" She thought for a moment before she reached up, and took out her fangs.
She smiled and nodded "Well I don't feel any blood lust anymore."
"I think that's a good sign." You chuckled softly before letting out a sigh "Thank God." You leaned your head on her arm. You shook your head "I'm never dressing up for Halloween ever again."
"I second that."
You looked up at the sound of the Captain voice as he entered the room, ripping off his hat and eye-patch, and looked around with a sigh.
"And I third that!"
Looking around for the source of the voice, you saw a hand pop up from behind a pile of boxed up medical equipment, before Una's head, paired with crooked fake cat ears, popped up into view.
She let out a huff of air in frustration as she groaned and shook her head "Never again."
xx End xx
I hate how this came out, but you got it anyways.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek/SNW Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @tinymushrooms
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Hi! I saw that your requests were open, so I was wondering when if you can do where the team meets Fem! Y/n who is mute and is La’an’s twin sister?
Two Parts of a Whole
Pairing: (familial) La'an Noonien-Singh x fem!mute!reader; Crew x fem!mute!reader Fandom: Star Trek Strange New World Words: 4.5K Warnings: Mentions of La'an's Gorn trauma, Spoilers towards season 1 A/N: Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope it's satisfactory because this is the first time I wrote something like that. To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but it won't get better. And I'm sorry that it took so long
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The promenade of the space station she was currently on was packed and she was grateful that she had been able to get an empty spot on one of the pillars near the airlock. Not only several freighters had arrived almost simultaneously, but also two Vulcan research ships and an Andorian battle cruiser of the Imperial Guard. She had only noticed them in passing, however, as her focus was on the huge Federation starship. The USS Enterprise, NCC - 1701, Constitution Class and the flagship of the fleet. She, however, only cared about, one person on this huge ship.
Searchingly, she bobbed up and down, heel to toe and back again, hands clasped behind her back. Apparently she seemed to be so conspicuous that people were worried, because she was approached by an Andorian woman, quite brusquely, asking if she needed help, but she had quickly waved her aside. She was doing fine, even better than that, after all, she would be able to see her sister for the first time in months.
Perhaps it was a little paranoid of her to worry after such a short time, but the meeting with the Gorn had also left its mark on her. Unlike the rest of her family, she had not been on the SS Puget Sound because she had contracted Bolian smallpox, which was highly contagious, on the space station where they had stopped. Accordingly, she and her aunt, who was also ill, had been left on the station, with the expectation of returning to collect them after two weeks. At that time, no one could have guessed that it wouldn't come like that.
Her world had collapsed that day and, believing she had lost her entire family, she had spent days crying and refusing to eat or drink. And she probably would have gone on with it, had it not been for her aunt, who had begged her that her family had not wanted it that way and that she should not leave her alone. So she had carried on with her life as best she could, but it had seemed hollow and empty to her. Her siblings, but especially her twin, had been her motivation, her joy of life. A life without them had become unimaginable for her.
But just when she had convinced herself that it might, just maybe, be possible to survive without her family, the news arrived. La'an had survived. Her sister was alive. At first she hadn't wanted to believe it, the fear of raising her hopes unnecessarily was too great. Even when they were standing at the airlock, she had vehemently refused to even consider the possibility that she might still be alive. It was only when La'an had thrown herself around her neck, crying, and she had realised that, yes, La'an was alive, that she had been unable to hold on any longer and had cried just as unrestrainedly as La'an.
For the next few months, the twins were inseparable. Neither could last more than a few minutes in a room without the other, and their aunt had caught them both lying close together in bed at night to feel each other's body heat. Over the years, the situation had improved, but she still felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach when they were apart for long periods of time. She had been all the happier when she had learned that their paths would cross on this space station.
She herself was only nearby because she had been assigned by Starfleet to look more closely into the culture of Jitrav IV, with which it had only recently made contact. Strictly speaking, she was not a member of Starfleet in the sense of travelling the galaxy, but more in the sense of gathering information and reporting it back. In the past, she might have enjoyed flying through the quadrant in starships and getting to know new civilisations, but after the disaster with the Gorn, she had developed a real phobia about starships.
So she had devoted herself to exploring alien cultures from the safe distance of her home on Earth, but her work had been so distinguished that Starfleet had taken notice and wanted to hire her on one of their ships. She had decided against it, but in the end had gotten a relatively good deal out of it: Although she had to travel by starship from time to time, she would spend longer periods on other planets to learn about their cultures and languages. She documented her research thoroughly and sent it to Starfleet, whereas they paid for all her expenses as long as they remained within reason.
But this fear had not stopped her from getting into the first shuttle to this space station when La'an had told her that the Enterprise would dock there. She had been standing at her spot since early morning so as not to miss her sister. A few minutes ago, the first stream of Starfleet officers had poured onto the Promenade and she had to do her best to calm down. She knew La'an. She would not disembark until she was truly one hundred percent sure that there were no further duties. Knowing that her sister would need some more time, she began to observe the crowd of officers.
Frowning, she realised that most of them were human. She had expected this, but she had also been convinced that there had to be more non-humans on board. She noticed two Tellarites, a handful of Bolians and she thought she caught a glimpse of a Vulcan in a blue uniform out of the corner of her eye.
After twenty minutes of waiting, she saw an Aenar in a red uniform who was accompanied by a young woman in an equally red uniform who was talking intensely to him. Although he seemed grumpy and annoyed and gave the impression that he was not listening, she could see from his antennae directed at the young woman and the fact that she had spent two years on Andoria among Andorians and Aenar that he was listening more than attentively to her. Smiling, she shook her head and turned her attention back to the airlock. What a strange combination.
All in all, it took almost three quarters of an hour until she finally spotted her sister's dark braids, which were tightly braided back, but by then she could no longer be stopped. The promenade had emptied out a little in the meantime, so it wasn't particularly difficult for her to make her way to La'an, who fortunately noticed her in time. The latter fortunately noticed her in time to put her bag down before she crashed into the security officers. " Oof-" La'an groaned, but chuckled softly in response and after a short time of stiffness also put her arms around her to press her twin sister against her.
For a while they held each other tightly, even if it earned them some strange looks from bystanders. When she broke away from La'an, she noticed that she had blushed a little, but she didn't care. You are late, she signed. La'an nodded and smiled a little stiffly. "I know. However, I wanted to make sure everything was ready myself before I went to disembark." The young woman raised an eyebrow. Besides, you had to keep your reputation. La'an rolled her eyes. "Maybe a little."
La'an picked up her bags and followed her. They had agreed in advance to share quarters, so she just followed her to her quarters. Since it was difficult to converse while walking if one had to sign, they walked side by side in comfortable silence without another word to the other. It didn't bother her, as she knew that she and La'an would have plenty of time to talk. At the moment, it was simply important to her that her sister was with her again. Halfway to the lift, however, a voice stopped them. "Lieutenant Singh!"
They turned and she saw two women running towards them, whom she didn't know, her sister by all appearances did. One was slightly taller, had chin-length white-blonde hair and had apparently been the one who had called out to La'an. The other was smaller, had short dark hair and a cheeky grin on her lips. La'an just raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" "We were going out for a drink. Care to join us?" The taller one added with a quick glance at her" That goes for your...girlfriend too of course?" La'an narrowed her eyes. "She is my sister. And no thanks. I'm busy."
However, the two of them seemed not to have caught the last sentence, as the anthropologist and linguist was now the focus. "I didn't know you had a sister, Lieutenant." The blonde propped a hand on her hip as La'an took a deep breath. "Now you know." The shorter one held out her hand, which she hesitantly accepted. "My name is Erica Ortegas, Erica will do. And this is Christine." The blonde waved, but before she could do anything, La'an had placed a hand on her shoulder and hastily introduced her. "She is pleased to make your acquaintance, however we would like some time alone." Christine frowned. "Why don't you let her speak for herself?"
La'an's eyes only narrowed more, whereas she merely smiled in amusement and opened her mouth. Erica and Christine looked at her expectantly, only to look even more surprised when she began to sign instead. I'm mute and La'an translates for me, so it's all okay. She nodded her thanks to Christine. But thank you for your concern. After giving La'an a prompting look, she translated what her sister had said through clenched teeth, clearly annoyed at having been stopped by her colleagues.
Christine smiled but at the same time turned red in the face. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean it." She just tilted her head and nudged La'an. "That's all right. However, I would like to spend some time with my sister now." Erica and Christine, who was obviously still embarrassed by the whole thing, nodded and said a quick goodbye and she gave her sister a reproving look. You could have been a little nicer. La'an didn't respond any further.
Once in their quarters, La'an just barely took off her shoes and threw the bags on the floor before she fell backwards onto her bed and groaned. Her sister smiled slightly and snapped her hand to get her attention, whereupon she opened her eyes languidly. That bad? La'an sighed and sat up. "Well, I wouldn't know how to describe two run-ins with the Gorn any other way." She flinched and if she hadn't needed her hands to sign, she would have reached for La'an's. How? That was all she could bring herself to say, so much were her hands shaking. She knew how much the incident with the Gorn weighed on La'an, even more than on her, and the thought that her sister had had to face those monsters again did not make her feel at all comfortable.
La'an's voice broke several times before she was able to reply. "There were four Gorn ships. On Memorial Day. We barely got away, but we lost several crew members." She swallowed, but when she was asked if she wanted to stop, she replied in the negative. "The second time, we were on a planet, Valeo Beta V, responding to a distress call from a ship that had landed there. There weren't many of us, just a handful, and Enterprise had to move on and..." La'an broke off and her sister, who was now sitting next to her, squeezed her hand. In a shaky voice, La'an continued. "We found two survivors, however one was infected and before we knew it we were dealing with three hatchlings. Cadet Chia and Lieutenant Duke died. We almost lost our chief engineer as well."
But only almost? La'an laughed shakily. "It was more luck than good sense, really. We found out that the Gorn reproduce via their poison and Hemmer, our engineer, was hit. It didn't look good and without Doctor M'Benga on site...." She broke off. Gently her sister patted her back. He's all right though, isn't he? He's alive. "He was willing to sacrifice himself." La'an's voice was no more than a whisper and she had trouble understanding her. "I was the only one in the room with him, I could have stopped him, but I didn't do anything. I was too scared. If it hadn't been for the captain..." She tried to make calming noises to reassure La'an, however this seemed to have the opposite effect as she jumped up.
"No! You don't understand! I was ready to let a colleague, a friend, die because I was too scared! Because if I had thought even for a moment that he was from bloody Andoria, it might have occurred to me that he had a lower body temperature and consequently the process of hatching would be slowed! My fear almost killed Hemmer! How can I be head of security if my fear doesn't allow me to think clearly to protect the people who are under my protection?!"
She was shocked to see tears in La'an's eyes, which she resolutely wiped away. It's not your fault. She stood up and went over to her sister. Do you hear me? It is not your fault. He's alive, that's all that matters. "But I-" She clapped her hands loudly and interrupted La'an. No. It's not your fault, she repeated. Her gaze softened and she stroked La'an's shoulder. You have experienced traumatic things. No one blames you for being afraid. Most would have hidden in your place. Not you. No feelings of guilt. Please. La'an smiled bitterly before hugging her sister. "Thank you."
It took a while for the sisters to let go, but when they did, La'an seemed a lot more relaxed than before. At least, as relaxed as she could be. You have an Andorian as chief engineer? La'an frowned. "What makes you think that?" You said Andoria. "He's Aenar. They run even colder than Andorians. Don't ask me why though, I'm not a doctor."
I know. She grinned cheekily at her and they both had to think back to the incident in their childhood where La'an had tried to treat her wound with baking paper that did not absorb liquids. La'an smiled slightly. "I was six." So was I. Knew better anyway. She frowned briefly. Think I saw your chief engineer. "Oh yeah?"
She nodded. About that tall? She raised her hand. Red uniform. Grumpy? La'an smiled. "Sounds like Hemmer. Was he in company?" She nodded. Woman, small, short hair, black, red uniform. Talked a lot. La'an chuckled softly. "And that would be Uhura. She's a cadet, but one of the best linguists around. And she's somehow managed to befriend the grump of the ship." I didn't know you guys were friends. "Haha."
But he looked okay. Not hurt. A little grumpy, but healthy. "If that's your attempt to tell me it's all okay, stop. It's not making it better." She gave a silent sigh. Fine. But you need distraction. And relaxation. Her mind wandered back to the conversation from before. Fancy a drink?
It was like pulling teeth to convince La'an to go to the bar, but in the end she won and, followed by a somewhat grim-looking La'an, went down to the promenade, which by now, due to the hour, had filled up again. Which one do you want? Take your pick. La'an sighed and finally pointed to a larger establishment that formed the centre of the promenade. "If we're going to drink, let's do it properly." Her sister grinned and together they entered the room.
It was already well filled, yet she was still able to grab a small booth for them while La'an went to the bar to return with two colourful drinks. "Well then," La'an sighed as she slid into her seat and raised her glass. "To a wonderful evening." Her facial expressions were far too exaggerated, yet she didn't care. Cheers, she signed back, before picking up her glass herself and clinking her glass against her sister's.
The glasses clinked softly, the sound drowning in the noise around them, and in sync the sisters downed the drink. But while La'an remained expressionless, she screwed up her face and hastily put the glass down. What is this!!! La'an smiled to herself, which caused her sister's expression to darken further. "A little bit of everything." She screwed up her face. I'm going to have the hangover of my life. "Probably." Thank you for your compassion.
La'an grinned, however that smile faded as she looked past her sister. "Oh God." She turned, following La'an's gaze until her own gaze lingered on a group of people in Starfleet uniform. There were four people, three men and one woman, if she was so free to take that in. One of the men seemed to be "leading" the group. He wore a yellow and gold top, had silver and grey hair and a cheeky grin on his lips as he talked incessantly to the woman, also dressed in yellow. The latter had tied her dark hair into a high plait and did not look very impressed, but had a narrow smile on her lips. The other two were dressed in different shades of blue. One was slightly shorter, had a beard and was giving her dad vibes, whereas the other was clearly a Vulcan, his arms behind his back and one eyebrow raised sceptically.
The first man seemed to notice them because his face lit up and he waved at La'an before turning to the others, whereupon the group of four came towards them. La'an narrowed her eyes. "Just what I needed." Her sister gently slapped her arm and gave her a reproving look before the group was already beside them. "Hi." The man smiled broadly at her and briefly she wondered if this man had ever considered becoming a model for dental advertising, so white did his teeth appear. "Would it be okay if we joined you, La'an." The woman interposed. "Unless of course you'd like some time alone, which would be perfectly understandable." At that she gave the man a stern look, under which he shrank but his smile did not.
La'an glanced briefly at her sister before, in the face of the hopeful smile, she sighed in surrender and slid up a little to make room for the four. As everyone looked at her more or less expectantly, she took over the introductions. "This is my sister. She is currently working on Jitrav IV as a xeno-anthropologist. This is Captain Christopher Pike, Commander Una Chin-Riley, Lieutenant Spock and Doctor Joseph M'Benga. We serve together." She grinned at La'an. Oh really, I would never have guessed. La'an just rolled her eyes, however, she seemed to have caught the interest of the others.
The Vulcan, Spock, raised his eyebrow. "You use sign language." Mockingly, she raised her eyebrow in turn. Oh do I? I hadn't noticed. La'an snorted into her drink and tried to suppress a laugh. "What did she say?" Pike looked at her as if she was the most intriguing thing he'd ever seen, which flustered and confused her in equal measure. It wasn't that special now. La'an cleared her throat. "That she is pleased to make your acquaintance." Indignantly, she slapped La'an's arm. I didn't say that! "Subtext," La'an added, which earned her a snort.
She then turned her gaze to Spock. I am mute. Sign language is therefore my only way of communicating with others. It has been done that way for centuries. La'an translated for her without twisting the words in her mouth this time. Well, hands. M'Benga cleared his throat. "I thought there were treatments by now." She shook her head. No long-term ones. Besides, the risks are too great. After that, the four of them left it at that and they returned to a more relaxed conversation. At least they tried to, since most of the conversation was really just Pike and her, La'an's translations excluded, and the occasional comment from M'Benga. Una spoke up from time to time, as did La'an, but Spock was silent almost the entire time.
After half an hour, their drinks were empty and Pike offered to get more, which everyone agreed to, but he came back with two more people in tow, though she had already seen them. "Look who I ran into. Thought it would be nice to add to the fellowship," Pike grinned as he placed the drinks on the table, pointing to the Aenar and the young woman standing behind him. While the Aenar, Hemmer if she remembered correctly, looked just as grumpy as before, the young woman, Uhura, smiled all over her face and instantly locked eyes with her.
"Hi, you're Lieutenant Singh's sister, aren't you? The Captain had mentioned it." She held out her hand. "I'm Cadet Uhura, but please call me Nyota. This is Hemmer and don't worry," she leaned down a little towards her, "He's only half as grumpy as he looks." Hemmer scoffed. "I'm blind, not deaf, Uhura. I heard you." Nyota blushed but didn't apologise and on closer inspection, she could see that Hemmer didn't really look mad. She smiled at them both and quickly introduced herself. To her surprise, La'an didn't even bother to translate, as Nyota seemed able to do so herself.
"Oh, that's a beautiful name." You know sign language? Apparently one could see the surprise on her face, because Pike laughed softly. "Uhura is quite talented with languages, you might say." For the first time in half an hour, Spock spoke up. "Cadet Uhura speaks over thirty-seven languages, so by human parameters, she is more than 'quite talented'." Her jaw dropped? Thirty-seven? You're too good for this ship. That elicited a laugh from Uhura and after they had all scooted up, the other two had also squeezed onto the bench, Hemmer a little more reluctantly than Uhura, which was why she was now squeezed between La'an and Pike. There were worse things.
In time, they were joined by Erica and Christine, who had a young man named Sam Kirk in tow, which was the moment they decided to move the whole thing to a larger table. Now seated between M'Benga and Hemmer, facing La'an and Uhura, she noted with relief that her sister seemed to be starting to warm up. She knew that La'an would have preferred to be alone with her, but they would have plenty of time for that and at the moment she simply enjoyed being among so many people, which was not really common in her job, with the constant changing of places.
However, after almost another half hour of the crew telling their stories in Starfleet, including the amusing part of the Gorn disaster where Hemmer and Uhura were shot off the ship (Uhura confessed, admittedly a little drunk, that Hemmer had looked like a meerkat. The latter had protested, but his antennae and dark cheeks had betrayed him), they turned their attention to her and her profession. Patiently she answered, with La'an's help, until Uhura asked a question that made her think of something. "How do you manage to do your job with people who don't speak SSL (standard sign language)?"
For a moment she paused and frowned. What do you mean? La'an quietly translated for the rest and Uhura shifted back and forth in her seat. "Well, you meant that you were getting to know the native inhabitants of the planets to study their culture and the intricacies of their languages more closely, but how-" -can I do that without speaking myself? Uhura nodded and she smiled at her. One moment.
She rummaged in her trouser pocket and pulled out ten rings, each of which was connected to another, smaller ring with thin steel bands. She slipped them over her fingers so that the larger ring sat on her knuckle and the smaller one just below her fingernail. She then rolled up her sleeves to reveal two bracelets, one on each wrist, which she tapped on for some time until they beeped briefly and began to glow blue.
I don't need to speak. I have these. She signed, but a tinny female voice spoke for her. The people around her stared at her with wide eyes and of course Spock was the first to catch himself to ask a question. "Why didn't you use that before." It isn't complete. She regarded him with narrowed eyebrows as the voice continued to translate for her. It's missing the sensors for the face, arms and torso that I usually wear. Sign language is not just language of the hands. Is complex.
She looked down at her hands. It's not exact and I have to sign very slowly and clearly for the right thing to come out. Besides, it's slow. Takes longer than living translator. Not a problem with speeches, awkward with conversations. With that, however, she seemed to have caught Hemmer's attention. "Sure the whole thing couldn't be calibrated more sensitively?" She shrugged. Don't have a clue about such things. Starfleet takes care of that sort of thing. However, this is just a prototype, better is to come soon. Apparently she had signed too quickly and uncleanly this time, because the voice didn't spit out "Starfleet" but "Stargazer". Annoyed, she frowned and deactivated the bracelet.
"I think it's cool," Nyota declared, smiling broadly, which earned her a slight smile as well. Quite a bit.
After that, the conversation turned back to more mundane things and no one talked about the bracelets, even though she sensed that Hemmer was tempted to get his hands on them. He did not say so, but his antennae twitched conspicuously in her direction. After two hours, however, La'an and she decided to leave. This was accompanied by a series of disappointed noises, but they did not let themselves be brought down. After promising Uhura to polish up her SSL and Hemmer that he could look at her speaking aid tomorrow, she and La'an wished everyone a good night before they left the bar.
In the lift, they leaned against the wall and La'an heaved a sigh. "This is not how I had imagined my evening to be, if I'm honest." But it was still nice, wasn't it? La'an pursed her mouth. "Tolerable." She grinned at La'an. I can live with that. She pinched her sister's cheek to keep her attention. I like them, all of them. They're nice. La'an shook her head with a smile. "Especially Uhura though, right?" It's always nicer to talk to people who understand you without you. The lift doors opened and La'an pulled her behind her. "Come on. You owe me another game of cards and this time you won't be able to wriggle out of it."
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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ghost-king-kai · 10 months
The Requesting Hall Guidelines
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Welcome to the request guidelines! Here you can be informed of my dos & don'ts, characters & fandoms available, and rules in The Requesting Hall.
Please review (or at least skim through) these rules prior to sending a request to the hall.
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Request Rules
Be sure to keep asks and requests respectful.
Make sure the request is detailed enough for me to write for.
Anons are welcome! (if you'd like a specific designation, feel free to ask)
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The Dos & Don'ts
These are the types of requests I do and don't do.
I Do...
x Male!Reader
x GN!Reader
x Transmasc!Reader
x NB!Reader
Fluff Fics
Angst Fics (Heavily dependent on the topics)
Platonic Fics (Familial, Teammates, Colleagues, Crewmates, Etc.)
Character Concepts for Reader (As long as the idea is feasible)
Oc Requests & Asks
I Don't Do...
x Fem!Reader
x Transfem!Reader
NSFW/Smut (Besides implications)
Triggering Topics (Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Self Harm, etc.)
Fetish Requests
Character Ships
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Characters Available For Requests
The listed characters and fandoms are the ones I am usually inspired to write on the regular or as of right now but that doesn't mean you can't ask if I write for a specific fandom or character that isn't on this list, especially if it's from the list in the Kingdom Directory.
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Peter Parker (Only Tom & Andrew Portrayals)
Platonic Only: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, The Vision) [All Together & Individually] The Marvels (Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan) [All Together & Individually] Etc. (there are literally so many characters-)
Specify Adaptation & Timeframe (I mostly do DCAU & Young Justice, though)
Platonic Only: The Bat Family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown) [All Together & Individually] Jon Kent (Supersons Comics Series Version) The Team (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Connor Kent) (Young Justice TV Series) [All Together & Individually]
Persona 5
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Ren Amamiya
Platonic Only: The Phantom Thieves (Ren Amamiya, Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura) [All Together] Futaba Sakura Zenkichi Hasegawa Goro Akechi Sophia
Criminal Minds
Specify Timeframe
Platonic Only: The B.AU. Team (Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Alex Blake, Luke Alves, Tara Lewis) [All Together & Individually]
Star Trek
Specify Timeframe
Strange New Worlds
Platonic Only: The Crew (Christopher Pike, Una Chin-Riley, Hemmer/Pelia, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas, Nyota Uhura, Jenna Mitchell, Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, George Samuel Kirk) [All Together & Individually] James T. Kirk
Platonic Only: The Crew (Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Adira Tal, Keyla Detmer, R. A. Bryce, Joann Owosekun, Hugh Culber, Gen Rhys, Paul Stamets, Jett Reno) [All Together & Individually] Cleveland Booker
Kelvin Timeline
Platonic Only: The Crew (James T. Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura) [All Together & Individually]
Resident Evil
Specify Timeframe & Version
Available for Romantic Requests: Leon S. Kennedy
Fair Warning: Fandoms and characters will be added and removed a lot over time. Apologies in advance if a character or fandom you would like to request disappears overnight. Inspiration comes and goes and this section just reflects what and who I am gladly willing to write for at the time.
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marvel-wlw · 2 years
I am now writing for some of the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds characters! So far they are:
Una Chin-Riley
Erica Ortegas
I might add more characters as the season goes on or if you have any suggestions of female characters from the show, feel free to send me an ask.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Okay so I had this wild idea... we've seen what a dinner at Chris's quarters looks like... how about a movie night with the crew?
Movie night with the crew includes:
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•well first and foremost, the movie night can’t begin until after dinner has been served and cleaned up from- Chris isn’t not going to feed his family. This Daddy makes sure his family eat well!
•but once that’s done the inevitable bickering over what to watch begins. Erica and La’an want to watch a Horror movie, Christine and Una want an action film, Dr M’Benga and Chris want a rom-com, and Spock is adamant that that what way to make use of this time is to watch a documentary…everyone groaned at Spock’s suggestion- it was the first one knocked out of the running.
•eventually a sort of truce- a sci-fi/apocalyptic show was chosen, an old Earth production called The Day of the Triffids.
•as soon as he read the synopsis Spock had deemed it ‘fascinating’, and everyone else had jumped on board!
•while Chris saw to making some popcorn, and Una dealt with pouring everyone a drink of whatever they’d asked for, the ‘kids’ all fought and bickered, even going so far as to physically move other people as they argued about seating.
•La’an and Spock were the first settled. They sat stiffly beside each other in the corner of the sofa…glaring at anyone who dared to come too close.
•Erica and Christine ended up squeezed together on a bean bag, crammed close and potentially closer to the screen than they should’ve been!
•as he settled in the arm chair Dr M’Benga joked that they’d both get ‘square eyes’ from sitting so close to the screen- something that humans apparently used to say. It tickled him a little.
•only once snacks were distributed, drinks were handed round, and Una was sat on an inflatable vintage armchair did Chris turn down the lights and set the screen playing- the surround sound was incredible!
•once the show was on no one talked- there were a few jumpy moments where Chris chuckled as his crew turned to each other for comfort.
•Erica and Christine ended up holding hands, Dr M’Benga was hiding behind his fingers and Una…well she wasn’t scared, she was scarily calm as she ate her popcorn, not in the least bit scared.
•as for Spock and La’an…Chris looked over at them and quickly looked away again. La’an was practically sat in Spock’s lap…Chris understood how why they were essentially sat in ‘the back row’. They were making out as Vulcan’s would- stroking their fingers together, their eyes weren’t even on the screen, they were locked onto each other’s.
•Chris sighed. Movie nights with the family were always an important part of his schedule, and even if two of them were necking in the back row, Chris was just glad to see them happy.
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universalimagines · 2 years
Ok I have to admit it, I’m a huge sci-if fan and I have been incredibly impressed with what Star Trek Strange New Worlds has delivered to us so far. The show is pleasant mix of serious drama, character development, occasional nostalgia trips and of course hijinks. So as a sign of respect for what they’ve done, I’m adding the show to my list of requests.
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Hi!~ I'm interesting in participating in your FemSlash event this year, and just wanted to make absolutely sure what I was thinking of writing was alright. So, is it alright for what I write to be for a character (female obviously) from Strange New Worlds? And is it allowed to be a 'femcharacter x gn!reader', or is this only for 'femcharacter x femcharacters' I just like to make sure before I do anything for events lol. Thanks~ (you can answer this publicly, privately or dm me - your choice) :)
Hi @make-me-imagine! Yes, that would be absolutely alright. We're happy to hear you're interested in writing for the event! It's open to all of Star Trek this year, though we're still using our usual Discovery promo material as that's the mods' main focus.
Because a Femslash Fortnight implies female characters only, we've decided not to promote the event for enby characters as we wouldn't want to make people think we're clustering them with women, but as the event is there to create more fan content for women because they often get less attention, and nonbinary characters certainly face the same issue, we're open to submissions about them.
Also, as long as the main character of your story is a woman, you're already meeting the requirements anyway - you could even write about a bi or straight woman with a male partner, as long as she is clearly the focus of the story and not the het relationship.
Have fun writing!
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warpfive · 2 years
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when the snw crew has a secret admirer, and how they handle it
CW: gn!reader
CREW: chris pike, una chin-riley, spock, la'an, erica ortegas, nyota uhura, christine chapel
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CHRIS - first and foremost, chris would be absolutely flattered. he thinks the little gifts or poems left behind for him are really adorable and they always brighten up his day. he wouldn’t try to go out of his way to find out who his secret admirer is - he likes the mystery, as well as wanting to spare his admirer any embarrassment of being discovered. chris would also not really try to hide it. he’ll put the flowers in a vase on his desk, or share the delicious chocolate with friends who come to dinner. when others lightly tease him about it, chris would be a very good sport. or if someone like erica wants to help him find the identity of his admirer (because she’s so nosy), chris would forbid it. though, as all things do on a starship, you’re eventually caught and the mystery is over. still, chris would try his absolute hardest to try and prevent you from being humiliated in some way. he’ll thank you for all of the little gifts, ensure that he won’t say a thing to the crew, and finally asks if you’d want to have dinner with him - just the two of you. he’s still got some more of those chocolates you left for him, and chris is eager to share.
UNA - she knows you’re her admirer almost immediately, but continues to play dumb to prevent you from feeling embarrassed or foolish. she’ll let the rumors circulate, finding it amusing what the rest of the crew thinks of her secret admirer. una will resist any plans of trying to sniff out the mystery person, as she enjoys the days some new gift arrives for her and the rest of the senior staff are super eager as if it’s another clue to the mystery. in the meantime, una does treat you just a little differently. not enough to be too noticeable, but the knowledge of you being her admirer softens her. there are times when una thinks about just coming clean and telling you she knows everything. when the cat is eventually out of the bag, una keeps it all lowkey. she tries not to make a big deal out of it, making small jokes or smart comments to ease your embarrassment. but when she gets more serious - so warm in how she thanks you for the gifts, it makes you wonder why you ever tried to keep it a secret. then una suggests you two take some time together the next time the enterprise is in port somewhere, and she doesn’t miss when you ask the captain the next day when he thinks they’ll come across a starbase.
SPOCK - doesn’t really understand the concept of a secret admirer at first. he has a loose understanding, but only through the wire of human culture and spock doesn’t even really pay much attention to that. at first, he may just ignore it, thinking it’s simply a passing infatuation and will fade, as human emotions are prone to do. but the gifts left for him don’t cease, and it isn’t until a rather passionate poem comes along does spock finally decide to do some investigating. he’s a scientist, he doesn’t like a mystery to be unsolved if he can help it - plus, he stresses with nurse chapel, his secret admirer must be slacking in their duties on the ship. it really doesn’t take spock very long to discover the culprit, and once he’s face-to-face with you…well, he doesn’t know what to say. he’s never had a secret admirer before. you start apologizing, hoping you hadn’t embarrassed spock because you knew how private and introverted he is and you didn’t wanna scare him off with any grand gestures and- he cuts you off there. tells you that vulcans are incapable of embarrassment and it was actually very thoughtful that you wanted to spare his (nonexistent) feelings. plus, the poem was a very beautiful one, where did you learn it from? do you know of others that are similar? it kinda evolves into you spending time with spock via showing him your favorite poet and made you thankful you went the route of a secret admirer - it seems to suite spock a lot better.
LA’AN - she’s usually pretty good at letting her icy exterior discourage any hijinks, and this includes secret admirers. most of the crew wouldn’t even think about doing something so brazen and wholesome to la’an - to be honest, she intimidates a lot of her crewmates. so when news starts spreading of somebody secretly crushing on the security chief, la’an had no idea how to respond. for a time, she thought it was simply just a sick joke. maybe some of the junior officers were making her the butt of a prank, which la’an has absolutely 0 tolerance for. the captain and a few others tried to explain that it was harmless, and la’an eventually came to terms with it. no prank can so worth it as to intently learn all of her favorite desserts, color, flower… okay, once la’an was sure there was no funny business happening, she absolutely wanted to find her secret admirer. why? she didn’t have a solid answer - it changed from person to person. it took no time at all to find your identity, and once she came to confront you… she was barely able to speak. it was a little humiliating for la’an - she just had no experience with this sort of thing and it blindsided her like nothing else. she let you ramble on, eyes averting whenever you talked about your feelings. but when you started apologizing, that’s when she cut back in with her usual blunt words, insisting you did nothing worth apologizing for. in fact, she really liked those flowers, and she wants to know how you got a hold of them - you know, for future reference. 
ERICA - honestly, erica would probably get a little cocky about having a secret admirer. it’s one thing to have someone crushing on you like school kids, but it’s different when erica keeps finding gifts and letters left for her, only her, and she can flaunt them around. of course, she’d be super curious about her admirer. i imagine she might bring it up to those she works closely with, hoping they saw or heard something that might lend a clue. once the newness wears off, erica’s curiosity would get the better of her, and she would actively try to investigate. though, she isn’t exactly subtle - discovering the identity of her admirer came as a complete accident. quite literally catching you in the act, and when you try to deflect, erica knows she’s caught her admirer. though, her victory is cut short when she sees just how embarrassed she’s made you - it didn’t really occur to erica that you wanted to be secret for a reason. so she softens up, thanks you for all the little gifts you left her, and she genuinely wants to discuss it. erica isn’t opposed to taking things further, but only on one condition - you gotta keep supplying the sweets you’ve been leaving for her. they’re really good, and they taste better when they’re gifted.
NYOTA - is immediately very shy about the whole thing, even when others are excited and curious and lowkey pushing nyota for as many details as she can give. and she does tell the stories of each time she discovered a new trinket or treat or letter, much to the pleasure of her nosy friends. but there’s something she keeps hidden from them, knowledge that nyota wants to keep to herself - she recognizes the words on the letters. she’s got an ear for language, as well as an eye for words. at first, she definitely tried to ignore what her gut was telling her. trying to spare you and herself the embarrassment, even though the knowledge was kept to herself. but it was the knowledge that slowly warmed her up to the idea of perhaps returning your affections - it’s quite hard to read such passionate words and not begin to feel something for the person you know is writing them. though, nyota isn’t quite as skilled in being subtle, and it’s easy to tell when she started acting different. that’s when your letters ceased, nyota got anxious, and she just had to say something. assure you that she wasn’t upset or uncomfortable - just the opposite, in fact. she very much enjoyed everything you’ve given her, and she knows they’ll stop now that she confronted you, but she wanted to clear the air. and of course, you care about her, so you ask her if she wanted you to keep writing letters. just because she seemed to enjoy them so much. nyota didn’t even realize she had nodded her head until you smiled and walked away.
CHRISTINE - equal parts flattered and shy. flings are one thing - no strings attached, no warm sentiments, and absolutely no rumors. christine was actually the last to know about her first gift, which was foolishly left by her corner of sick bay and discovered by everyone else. she was immediately bombarded with questions and theories and christine wasn’t even able to fully enjoy and inspect the gift until she brought it to her quarters. for a time, she attempted to ignore it. but small gifts grew into more personal objects that only someone who knew her would know. and those eventually evolved into letters and poems and christine was a little fed up at this point - not that these gestures weren’t unwanted. they always put her in a little better of a mood. but christine doesn’t like being purposefully excluded, and she’s definitely not used to more intimate gestures of affection. it was only a matter of time before the identity of her admirer was revealed - the ship wasn’t big enough to keep such a secret. she’s the one who confronted you, and admittedly, came off kinda strong at first. you apologized, promised it would stop, and that’s not what she wanted. instead of sneaking around, how about grabbing lunch, she offered. or maybe dinner, since your shifts don’t exactly line up. and when you agreed, christine couldn’t tell if she was relieved or even more on edge.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
13 Days of Halloween 2022 Masterlist
All the links to the fics I released for 13 Days of Halloween in 2022.
Let me know if any links don't work or are missing!
Not all fics are strictly Hallowen based, but some are just spooky/suspense stories. *Those that say Halloween in orange next to it, are based on Halloween
(Main Masterlist)
Day 1: 'Stranded' - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x GN!Reader (creepy/suspense)
Day 2: ''Tis the Season' - Evan "Buck" Buckley x GN!Reader (gen/humor/cute/Halloween)
Day 3: 'Mischief' - John Sheppard x GN!Reader (gen/fun/cute/Halloween)
Day 4: 'Pumpkin Spice' - Eliot Spencer x GN!Reader (cute/fluff/gen)
Day 4 (Bonus): Marvel Halloween Scenario Game (Multi-Character/Halloween)
Day 5: 'What happens in the haunted house..." Jake "Hangman" Seresin x GN!Reader (humor/fluff/Halloween)
Day 6: 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' - Christopher Pike x GN!Reader - (suspense/creepy/action)
Day 7: 'Locked In' - Malcolm Bright x GN!Reader (humor/cute/Halloween)
Day 8: 'Ghost Stories' - Goodnight Robicheaux x GN!Reader (thriller/humor/fluff)
Day 9: 'Ghost Hunting' - Eddie Diaz x GN!Reader (thriller/humor/creepy/Halloween)
Day 9 (Bonus): UQuiz - 'What Autumn/Spooky Season "Thing" Are You?" (Halloween)
Day 10: 'Halloween Party' - Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia (cute/fun/Halloween)
Day 11: 'Shadows' - Darry Curtis x Gn!Reader (creepy/suspense)
Day 12: 'You Are What You Reap' - Enterprise Crew X Reader Antics and Established Erica Ortegas x GN!Reader (fun/suspense/gen/Halloween)
Day 13: 'Careful What You Wish For' - Stephen Strange x GN!Reader (suspense/horror/humor/Halloween)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
13 Days of Halloween 2022 - Schedule
Below is the schedule of what I will be releasing for this years '13 Days of Halloween'
If you want to be tagged in any of these, let me know~
Not everything is strictly Halloween themed, some is just spooky/suspense stuff.
--- Starting October 19th, Ending October 31st ---
Day 1: 'Stranded' - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x GN!Reader (creepy/suspense); POSTED
Day 2: ''Tis the Season' - Evan "Buck" Buckley x GN!Reader (gen/humor/cute); POSTED
Day 3: 'Mischief' - John Sheppard x GN!Reader (gen/fun/cute); POSTED
Day 4: 'Pumpkin Spice' - Eliot Spencer x GN!Reader (cute/fluff/gen); POSTED
Day 4 (Bonus): Marvel Halloween Scenario Game (Multi-Character); POSTED
Day 5: 'What happens in the haunted house..." Jake "Hangman" Seresin x GN!Reader (humor/fluff) - POSTED
Day 6: 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' - Christopher Pike x GN!Reader - (suspense/creepy/action) - POSTED
Day 7: 'Locked In' - Malcolm Bright x GN!Reader (humor/cute) - POSTED
Day 8: 'Ghost Stories' - Goodnight Robicheaux x GN!Reader (thriller/humor/fluff) - POSTED
Day 9: 'Ghost Hunt' - Eddie Diaz x GN!Reader (thriller/humor/creepy) - POSTED
Day 9 (Bonus): UQuiz - 'What Autumn/Spooky Season "Thing" Are You?" - POSTED
Day 10: 'Halloween Party' - Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia (cute/fun) - POSTED
Day 11: 'Shadows' - Group x Reader and Established Darry Curtis x Gn!Reader (creepy/suspense) - POSTED
Day 12: 'You Are What You Reap' - Erica Ortegas x GN!Reader (fun/suspense/gen) - POSTED
Day 13: 'Careful What You Wish For' - Stephen Strange x GN!Reader (suspense/horror/humor)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Star Trek Masterlist #2
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This is a masterlist for the Star Trek AOS movies, and the shows Discovery and Strange New Worlds
(Star Trek Shows Masterlist (Voy; DS9; Ent)
If you find any incorrect or missing links please let me know!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist
--- Discovery/Strange New Worlds ---
Multiple Characters:
Match-Up Scenario Game
Headcanons: How they show intimacy to their s/o (^Michael Burnham; Erica Ortegas; Nhan; Una Chin-Riley; Christine Chapel; and Nyota Uhura) - cute/gen
'20 Questions' (fluff/romance/bit of pining)
'The Voice of My Soul' (soulmate au)
'Green With Envy' (jealousy/pre relationship/fluff)
'Two Hearts, Eight Words' (romance/cute/Valentines Day)
Christopher Pike
'Always' (fluff/angst/bit of whump)
'Accidents Happen' (fake dating/fluff)
'Food Fight' (cute/humor)
'Something Wicked This Way Comes' (horror/suspense)
'White Christmas' (fluff/cute/mild Christmas)
Erica Ortegas
'An Invitation of Change' (fluff/cute)
'Nebulas and First Dates' (casual fluff/cute)
'A Perfect Couple' (fake dating; cute)
Where My Soul Waits For You (soulmate au; cute)
'You Are What You Reap' (crew & reader/fun/Halloween)
Jim Kirk
'Time to Kill' (cute/fluff)
--- --- --- --- --- ---
- - - Star Trek AOS - - -
- - - - -
Jim Kirk
Gif Imagine: ‘Being Kirk’s sibling and working on Enterprise’
Soulmate AU - ‘Dreaming of You’ (fluff/romance)
Oneshot - ‘Hollow’ (angst/comfort)
Fic Series: A New Purpose
Jim Kirk x Female!Reader Series
Chapter One: Captured Chapter Two: Forgotten Chapter Three: Escape Chapter Four: Going Home  Chapter Five: Discontinued (for idk how long)
- - - - -
‘Glances’ (Fluff)
“Being so close your lips brush..” Part One (fluff/slow-burn) “Being so close your lips brush..” Part Two (fluff)
 ‘Grief’ (Angst/Fluff)
'Certain' (Christmas Proposal; romantic)
'Fear' (angst/comfort)
- - - - -
Leonard Mccoy
Headcanons - ‘Baking pies with Leonard McCoy’ (domestic fluff)
‘Early Christmas’ (humor/cute)
'Missed Time’ (angst/fluff/cute)
'Always' (angst/fluff)
'Touch' (soulmate au/angst/cute)
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert); 'Proposal' (romantic)
- - - - -
Pavel Chekov - Ship Drabble (Reader Insert): ‘First Kiss’ (fluff)
Hikaru Sulu - Drabble: ‘Stop it with the tongue thing...’ (suggestive/humor)
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott - Fic: "Worth More Than You Know" (angst/comfort/fluff)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Where My Soul Waits For You
This is Number #11 in my Soulmate AU Series; you can find the masterlist of fics here.
Soulmate AU Prompt: You and your soulmate have the same unique tattoo, that represents something related to how you meet.
Plot: As Y/n joins the Enterprise crew to help with negotiations for a possible new Federation planet. Both Y/n and Erica expect to meet their soulmates on the planet that reflects their tattoos. But what neither of them know, is that they've already met.
Pairing: Erica Ortegas x GN!Reader *reader is an Intelligence Officer
Warnings: None~
Words: 2.9k
A/N: This was written for the Femslash event being held by @discoveryfemslashfortnight for the prompt "AU"
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Standing in front of the mirror, Erica ran her hands through her hair. As her eyes caught on the reflection of her tattoo, she paused in her movements. Looking down at her arm, she gently ran her fingers over the tattoo.
She remembered the first day it appeared, right around the time she joined Starfleet. It appeared later than many other's tattoos did. Causing her to fear that maybe she didn't have a soulmate at all. But when it finally appeared, she got so excited when she saw it, she couldn't stop showing people.
It wasn't very big, and was located on her upper wrist of her left arm. It depicted a colorful planet of oranges, pinks and tans, with rings around it. She had never seen a planet like it in her years in Starfleet so far.
But she waited impatiently for the day her eyes would see it for the first time. Because she knew it meant that she would meet her soulmate.
The tattoos always had something to do with how you meet your soulmate. She figured it meant her soulmate lived on whatever planet it was that she had on her arm. Or at least that was where they would meet. But when that would happen, she had no idea.
Every time the Enterprise visited a new planet, she held an anxious excitement that it might finally be the planet. And every time it wasn't, she grew more and more disappointed, and even more impatient as time went on.
The thought of her soulmate sat heavily on her mind as she finished getting ready and made her way to the bridge. They would be going to another new planet today, well, new for her.
And maybe, just maybe, today would be the day she set her eyes on the planet that held her soulmate.
Was her soulmate anxiously waiting for her as well? Wondering when they would finally meet? How often had they run their hands over their tattoos, thinking of each other at the same time?
- - -
Your eyes were glued to the screen as the projected planet reflected the one on your own arm. A mix of anxiety and excitement sat in your chest.
After learning of the Starfleet mission to hold a meeting with the government of a planet called Xalis, that had previously rejected joining the Federation, you were tasked with prepping the Captain of the Enterprise for the meeting on planet.
Once you saw that the planet was the one on your arm, the one symbolizing how you would meet your soulmate, you convinced Admiral April to let you go down to the planet with Captain Pike. Luckily for you, you had known the Admiral for a long time, and he was more of a romantic than he would admit.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the doors slid open and Admiral April himself walked in.
"Admiral." You greeted.
"Lieutenant Commander L/n." He greeted professionally, before you could see a soft smile grace his face. "Ready?"
You nodded, repressed your own smile. "Yes Sir."
"I know I don't have to remind you that you are going down to the planet for an official and very important Federation meeting, that is the primary mission at hand."
"Yes, Sir."
"That is where I need your primary focus. But, with other matters, I wish you the best of luck."
"Thank you Sir."
"The Enterprise is arriving now, they are awaiting your arrival. Good luck Lieutenant."
You nodded your head at the Admiral as he turned to leave. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to the window, and looked out, seeing the Enterprise approaching. Grabbing your supplies, you made your way to the transporter station.
- - - - -
"Lieutenant L/n has been beamed aboard Captain." Spock announced.
"Thank you Mister Spock. Alright, everyone, listen up."
Erica turned in her chair as Pike began making an announcement.
"Today's mission is fairly simple. We're going to the outer quadrant of a non federation system to the planet Xalis. To meet with a highly advanced civilization who previously rejected joining the Federation. A week ago, they elected a new board of officials, who are more interested in joining the Federation than the last. The planets government system is a bit more complicated than we're used to, so, we will be joined by an Intelligence Officer, assigned to us for the mission by Admiral April. Lieutenant Commander L/n will aid us in understanding the people we are to meet, and help with the negotiations. So, now that we have our new Intelligence officer, we'll be on our way. Everyone understand?"
As a cacophony of 'Yes Sir's" met his ears, Pike met Erica's eyes and nodded.
Erica smiled as she turned to her controls. "Planet Xalis, here we come."
As the lift doors slid open, Erica looked back, seeing Una entering onto the bridge with someone she had never seen before. 'Wow' the thought entered her mind before she expected it, but she was not surprised, you were certainly attractive.
The Captain approached you with his hand stretched out. "Lieutenant L/n, Captain Pike, welcome aboard."
You smiled and nodded your head as you shook his hand. "Pleasure to be here Captain. Thank you for allowing me to join you."
He smiled and nodded before he turned towards the bridge. "If you don't mind, would you briefly brief my crew on what we are heading into?"
"Of course." Looking around, you met the eyes of the crew, your eyes lingering on those of the ship's pilot. 'Cute' you briefly thought before you began to speak.
"Xalis is a small planet on the outer ridge of a system they refer to as 'The Xalissian Sector'. They pride themselves in their technology and government systems. They haven't had any war on their planet for nearly three hundred years, which is why the Federation was originally interested in befriending them. But, Xalis at the time was run by officials who had no interest in being in the Federation. Mainly because they feared we would bring them into a war they wanted no part in. With the newer officials being more interested, and wishing to negotiate a treaty with the Federation, that would allow them to be a part of it, without having to be involved with any wars or battles we might find ourselves in, we might just make some new friends today."
Erica smiled as she listened to you speak. You seemed interesting, and nice. Much better than some intelligence officers she's met. When you finished speaking, you and the Captain made your way off off the bridge to discuss the mission more.
Erica looked down at her controls and let out a soft sigh. This mission felt different, but she didn't know why. She didn't want to be hopeful for no reason, but she couldn't seem to stop the jittery feeling taking over, that seemed to grow the closer they got to Xalis. It was three hours to the planet, maybe she would feel less anxious by then.
- - - - - -
"So, Y/n, what's it like working on a Starbase?" Erica asked as she watched you from across the mess-hall table.
You took a sip of your drink, as Nurse Chapel and Ensign Uhura watched you as well.
"Much less exciting than being on a ship." You admitted. "I've been transferred to multiple different ships a few times, but they never let me stay."
"Why?" Chapel asked.
"A lot of Captains don't like having an intelligence officer, many think it's a pointless job when they already have a second in command and a security chief."
Uhura shrugged her head. "I can see how that would make sense, but you'd think having a Intelligence Officer on board would take off unnecessary stress from the second in command and security chief, so they can focus on their primary jobs."
You pointed at her. "That's what I always say, but-" You shrugged "They never listen, so I just get bounced around as needed."
Erica watched your closely "Maybe Pike will take a liking to you."
You smiled at her and she felt her heart jump a bit.
"Maybe. It would be nice to actually have a place to belong."
Erica watched you closely, unable to shake a feeling that she knew you. Or unable to shake an attraction that was forming. But reminding herself that her soulmate was waiting for her somewhere else, she shook the thought away.
"We'll put in a good word for you." Christine smiled, making you chuckle.
"Erica, we are approaching Xalis." Jenna's voice came through Erica's comm.
"Got it, I'll be there in a minute."
Stretching, you stood with Erica, she watched you "You coming to the bridge?"
You shook your head. "No, I'm going to get prepared to go down to the planet. I have a feeling this is going to be a long negotiation."
Erica watched as you left the room, before she looked down at Christine and Uhura who were smirking at her.
"Someones got a crush." Christine teased.
Erica tapped her covered wrist. "Someones got a soulmate."
Christine rolled her eyes as Erica left, "Someones in denial."
- - -
As Erica sat down at the controls, she heard Pike enter the bridge. "Whats our status Erica?"
"Coming out of warp Sir, in three...two...one"
When Enterprise jumped out of warp, Erica looked up and felt her breath catch in her throat. The planet was just ahead, it as a relatively small planet, the atmosphere made up of bright oranges and pink clouds, with rings around the planet. Identical to the one on her arm.
Jenna, recognizing this, looked over at Erica with a startled look, who turned to meet her gaze.
"Something I should know about?" Pike asked as he noticed this exchange of looks.
As Uhura entered into the bridge her eyes locked on the planet and she let out a soft gasp, making the Captain look between them with a confused look. Looking back at the planet, he realized it did seem familiar.
"Wait a minute..." Pike trailed off as he looked down at Erica.
She looked back at him, her face a bank stare of shock. As realization hit Pike, he stood and and walked over to Erica. Gently taking her arm, he pulled down her sleeve, and lifted her arm.
Comparing the tattoo to Xalis, he let out a soft laugh. "Well would you look at that."
A smile finally spread across Erica's face as she met the Captains gaze. "Permission to come down to the planet with you Captain?"
He smiled at her "I think that could be arranged."
Erica met Jenna, and then Uhura's eyes, who smiled at her in excitement and wonder. As Erica looked back at the planet Xalis, and began taking the Enterprise closer, her heart beat heavily in her chest as she tried to steady her hands.
This was why this mission felt different. It was like she knew somewhere deep down that it was finally time to meet her soulmate. And she couldn't be more ready.
- - - - - -
As you entered into the transporter room, you had a momentary feeling of confusion as you saw Erica standing beside the Captain. But the anxiety of beaming down to the planet where your Soulmate surely waited, pushed the thought aside.
Your mind rotated the same thought over and over. Primary mission, hold the negotiations, and then find your soulmate. Maybe your soulmate would be a part of the negotiations. That would certainly make this whole thing a lot easier.
That ideal thought was proven incorrect however, when you met with the official council of Xalis. The warmer temperature of the planet allowed you to see their arms easily, as they wore more revealing clothing. Looking for any matching tattoos, you were disappointed when you saw that those who had tattoos on their arms did not match your own.
Even with that disappointment lingering in your mind, the negotiations went as well as you could hope. After leaving Captain Pike to finish the deal, you made your way through the center of the city, overwhelmed with the amount of people the small planet seemed to have.
As you walked down a set of stairs, you spotted Erica, leaning on a banister as she looked out at a bright pink waterfall leading into a large lake in the center of the city.
Erica was startled when someone appeared beside her, turning, she saw you leaning against the banister. "Oh, hey, the negotiations over?"
"Mostly, Captain Pike is finishing up now. It went well."
Erica watched you for a moment, "You seem quite subdued for someone who helped achieve something that has been in the works for nearly ten years."
You smiled and let out a soft breath "Yeah, I was just expecting...more, but it doesn't matter. What did you come down here for? I thought you were going to be in the meeting as well."
"Oh no, I came down for something else, to find...someone...but, it didn't happen."
"You've been here before?" You asked with piqued interest.
She shook her head. "No, no, this is my first time, I just-" she cleared her throat as she pulled up her sleeve, revealing her tattoo. "When I saw that Xalis matched my tattoo, I thought I would find my soulmate here, but there are so many people, I just- what?"
When Erica looked back over at you, you were staring wide-eyed down at her tattoo. Slowly, you looked up and met her gaze. "That was why you came down to the planet?"
Erica's heart picked up pace as she watched you grab your own sleeve and being to pull it up.
"I originally wasn't supposed to come down to Xalis for this negotiation but, when I saw that Xalis matched my tattoo...I requested to come."
Erica's breath caught in her throat as she saw the identical tattoo on your own wrist, perfectly reflecting her own.
Your eyes met as the tension rose between you, the silence was heavy as neither of you knew what to say or do.
Finally you spoke, your voice soft. "Seeing how many people were here, I thought it would be impossible to find my soulmate...I didn't stop to think I had already met them."
Erica let out a soft laugh as she shook her head. "I knew there was something about you, that seemed so...familiar, but I was so determined to think my soulmate was on the planet too. But, the tattoo didn't mean this is where we would meet, it's just-"
"Why we met." You finished her thought.
Erica nodded and let out another soft laugh. "Imagine if we spent all our time here looking for someone else, and never figured it out."
You chuckled "I don't want to imagine how crazy that would drive me."
Erica looked around, letting out a soft chuckle "God, I always thought about the moment I would meet my soulmate, I never thought about what to do after."
You laughed "Neither have I. But I guess one way to start, is by telling you you were right. Pike did take a liking to me, and asked if I wanted to stay on the Enterprise. I told him I'd think about it, mostly because I was waiting to meet my soulmate to decide what to do, but, now I know."
Erica grinned, "You're gonna stay?"
"Well obviously." You said with a laugh.
Erica laughed as well "Just checking."
"Hey you two." A voice broke in.
Looking over, you saw Captain Pike and Commander Spock approaching.
"What's got you two so happy?" Looking over at Erica he smiled "Find what you were looking for."
Erica smiled as she glanced at you and then back at Pike. "Yes Sir, but not how I was expecting."
As Pike cocked his head in wonder, you and Erica stretched out your wrists, showing your matching soulmate marks. Pike and Spock's brows rose in surprise.
Pike grinned "Well, isn't that something." He met your eyes. "I was wondering why April insisted you come to Xalis with us."
You shrugged your head as you and Erica locked eyes again.
"So, I assume this means you are going to accept my offer of staying on the Enterprise with us?" Pike asked cheerfully.
You met his eyes and nodded "If you're certain your okay with it, yes Sir"
Erica raised her hand up "If it's left to a vote, I vote yes."
Pike looked over at Spock "What do you think Mister Spock?"
Spock rose a single brow as he looked at the Captain. "I have always suggested the use an Intelligence Officer would have aboard the Enterprise. And, considering what has now occurred, it would be...cruel, to not allow Lieutenant L/n to stay."
Pike smiled as he looked back at you. "I agree. Welcome to the family Y/n."
You grinned as you looked back at Erica, as your heart fluttered. "Thank you Captain."
"Well. We have a few more tings to clear up with the Xalis council, why don't you two go get to know one another a bit more, we'll let you know when it's time to leave."
"Are you sure you don't need me anymore Captain?"
He shook his head softly with a smile. "We can handle it."
As he and Spock left, you and Erica locked eyes again, as your smiled reflected each others. "So, wanna get some lunch?" Erica asked.
You smiled and nodded, "Yes, I do."
Turning, you began making your way towards the city, arms brushing as your hearts fluttered, and butterflies rampaged through your stomachs. All this time you had been waiting for one another, waiting for the moment you could plan the rest of your lives. It was definitley worth the wait.
xx End xx
This did not come out as long as I wanted, nor did I really know how to end it, lol, but I hope you enjoyed it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl
Star Trek/SNW Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
A Perfect Couple
Prompt: Favorite Trope - 'Fake Dating becomes real dating'
Pairing: Erica Ortegas x GN!Reader
Plot: When Erica runs into an old academy acquaintance, who happened to have a very obvious crush on her. She panics, but takes the opportunity to tell a little lie to get out of an awkward situation.
Notes: This is for the FemSlash Fortnight Event being held by @discoveryfemslashfortnight. The prompt for today is 'favorite trope' And though my favorite trope is actually Soulmate AU, I will be writing that for another day in this event! *Since Erica's sexuality is not confirmed, I used gender neutral pronouns and a gender neutral name in reference to the "acquaintance"
Warnings: None!
Words: 2.4k
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When Erica saw the familiar face across the room, she felt a jolt of panic course through her. 'Oh God.' She thought with panic as she quickly turned and left the room. Of all the people she had to run into at the Starbase, why did it have to be them?
Of course they had to be here during the same time, both probably on shore leave, both probably going to the same places.
Not paying attention as her mind began to race, she almost collided with someone going around a corner.
"Oh, Sorry! Oh Erica, hey." You let out a soft laugh.
Meeting your familiar eyes Erica felt a jolt of relief, as well as butterflies flutter through her stomach. "Y/n, hey." She said with a drawn out breath "Sorry, about that."
"It's alright, you in a hurry?"
"Yes and no." As she was about to explain she heard her name being called. Glancing back, she saw the one person she had been running from, approaching.
"Aw crap." She muttered.
"Who's that?"
"Someone I really want to avoid. Do me a favor?"
You nodded your head. "Of course."
As said person approached, Erica turned quickly and feigned a smile, as her hand gently grabbed yours, both out of mild panic, and to help sell a ruse.
You looked down at her hand in yours, surprised, feeling your heart flutter. Looking up, you meet the new person eyes briefly before they looked at Erica.
"Taylor! Hey, long time no see!"
As you watched Erica get pulled into an awkward hug, you waited silently beside her.
"It's so good to see you." Taylor said with a smile as they left their hand on Erica's shoulder for an almost awkward amount of time.
Erica let out a soft, clearly uncomfortable laugh. "Yeah, you too." Looking over at you Erica met our eyes before turning to speak to Taylor. "Uh, this, this is Y/n, my partner."
You felt your heart jump, as your ears felt hot. But you smiled and went along with it as you reached out your hand. "Hi, nice to meet you."
You saw their face fall momentarily before they smiled and again and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you too." Their voice had clearly changed tone a bit as they quickly looked away from you and back to Erica.
"We should hang out some time, how long are you on leave?"
"Uhh, only a few more days, but we got a lot of stuff planned, so I'm not sure when I'd be able too. But if I find a moment, I will definitley reach out so we can meet up."
"Great, cool!" Taylor replied, though clearly not convinced.
"So yeah, its great to see you! But we got a reservation to make, so we gotta scurry. But I'm see you around yeah?"
"Yeah, definitely. Bye!"
As you and Erica turned to leave, Erica kept her hand in yours. Glancing back at Taylor, you noticed how they were still watching you.
As you rounded a corner, you spoke softly. "An ex?"
Erica let out a small laugh. "No, definitley not. But they were very, very, in to me at the academy. I turned them down like three times, but they never got the hint. They seem nice on the surface, but trust me, they are not."
You grimaced a little. "Yikes."
Erica saw another Enterprise crew member walk by, their eyes widening a little in surprise. Erica looked down, realizing she was still holding your hand.
Feeling her ears burn, she let go "Sorry about throwing you into that so suddenly."
You smiled at her, feeling a bit disappointed as she let your hand go. "It's alright, I get it. If you need me to help you get away from them again, just let me know."
Erica felt butterflies in her stomach as she smiled at you. "You sure you wanna promise that?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "If it helps you to get away from them, yeah. I know you'd do the same for me."
Erica smiled at you, feeling a mixture of bashfulness and gratefulness wash over her. "I would." She confirmed. "Well, it might be a bit awkward if they see us walking around separately when I said we had a reservation."
You repressed a grin. "True. I know a place with great food, that takes walk in's?"
"Sounds good."
You smiled at each other as you began to make your way across the base. Both of you repressing a mix of giddiness and nerves.
Erica was smiling to herself as she headed back to her hotel. You and her had just finished lunch, and were planning to hang out again later on. These might not be real dates, but she was enjoying them nonetheless. Plus, the idea of dating you, whether fake or not, was causing her to feel an almost alarming amount of giddiness.
Looking up, she saw Christine heading her way rather quickly.
As soon as Christine got close enough, she reached out and smacked Erica in the shoulder.
"Hey Christine, wha- Ow! What the hell was that for?!"
She began whispering in an angered tone "What didn't you tell me?"
Erica rose a brow in confusion and alarm, "Tell you what?"
"That you and Y/n were dating!?"
Erica felt her heart palpitate. "What?"
"Thompson said they saw you and Y/n holding hands earlier."
Erica opened her mouth in realization. "Oh, that." Gently grabbing Christine's arm, she pulled along with her, as she began to explain what had happened.
"So, you two are fake dating?" Christine let out a soft laugh.
Erica shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah, and honestly, it's pretty nice. I mean, I can't help but feel like, Y/n likes it too."
Christine smiled at her. "Do you think you will end up real dating?"
Erica smiled and mumbled. "I don't know, maybe."
She pointed her finger at Erica, "Well if you do, I better hear about it first. I don't want no second hand knowledge again."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get your hopes up though. I could be completely wrong. How many people has Thompson told by the way? He didn't tell a bunch of people right? That might get complicated."
"I told him not to tell anyone until I talked to you. But I'm not sure if I can trust him. "
Erica felt a wave of anxiety. Will you get upset if a rumor starts?
Christina brushed it off, "I'll talk to him again, don't worry. So, what are you and Y/n doing later anyways?"
Erica felt her heart pulsate, as a wave of nerves came over her. "Well, we were gonna go to the unveiling of the newest lake, apparently there's gonna be boats, or something? I don't know. But It should be fun, as long as we don't run into Taylor."
"Well if you do, you'll have an excuse to act all couple-ly with Y/n."
Erica smiled, but shook her head. "You're enjoying this too much."
"Of course I am! I've been saying you and Y/n would make a perfect couple for ages now, at least now, you have a chance of seeing that I'm right."
"Okay, okay, I get it. Now come on, I gotta go change."
"Ooh, gotta look nice for your date." Christina continued to tease her as they walked.
When Erica saw you standing by the entrance of the parkway, she felt a wave of excitement wash over her. She didn't often get to see you dressed in non-starfleet clothes, it was almost refreshing.
'A perfect couple' Christine's voice echoed through Erica's mind, as butterflies rampaged through her stomach.
"Hey." Erica greeted as she walked up to you.
You spun around to face her, and smiled brightly. "Hey."
As you nodded, you and Erica headed in together, wading your way through the small crowds of people.
You hadn't gotten far, when Erica felt you slip your arm through hers. Erica looked over at you in mild alarm, as she felt her heart skip a beat. As you locked eyes with hers, you motioned your head lightly, and Erica realized what was happening.
"I think they may have seen us." You whispered.
Erica cursed under her breath before she looked back a bit. She could see Taylor making their way towards the two of you, and she felt a jolt of panic. Seeing a group of people beginning to pass between the two of you and Taylor, Erica quickly grabbed your hand.
She whispered in a rushed voice. "Come on!"
You let out a surprised laugh as Erica pulled you along. You ran through another crowd, your hand tight in hers. Zigzagging between small pop-up shops and food stops, you finally stopped when you got to the lake.
Locking eyes, you both began laughing.
"Maybe warn me next time. I would have worn better shoes." You said breathlessly.
"Sorry, I panicked. I really did not want to run into them, especially not after we just got here."
"It's alright. That was fun. And exhausting."
Erica chuckled as she looked around, making sure Taylor was no where in sight. As her eyes landed on the lake, and a small line of people forming for small boats, she smiled.
"Wanna get a boat?"
You followed her line of sight and smiled. "Yeah!"
After making your way to the front of the line, you finally got a small boat and made your way out onto the water. Erica insisted on paddling, while you sat across from her.
You looked around with a smile as you gently let your hand drift in the water. "This is nice. I'm surprised they didn't open this up sooner."
"I think they had to make sure the water wasn't gonna kill anyone."
You paused blankly as you quickly lifted your hand out of the water. "Why, whats wrong with the water?"
Erica let out a laugh. "Nothing! I promise. They just have to to extensive testing after the lakes form to make sure they are safe to get in."
You looked over the side of the boat and hummed.
Erica smiled out of amusement. "They also wanted to make sure they got rid of all the giant space fish."
You rolled your eyes "Okay, now that's just ridiculous."
Hearing a thud underneath the boat, both of your eyes widened as you stared at the water. As you saw a boat paddle drift by, you both let out soft laughs.
Reaching in, you grabbed the paddle "Now I can help!"
"We don't need three paddles!"
"What if a giant space fish jumps out of the water?"
Erica shrugged her head "Then we might need three paddles."
You giggled softly as you set the paddle down, allowing Erica to continue to paddle the boat.
Erica watched you for a moment, a soft smile on her face. "I told Christina about what's going on."
"Yeah, uh. Thompson saw us holding hands earlier when you first met Taylor. He went a tattled to Christine, who found me and hit me."
"Hit you? Why?" You laughed.
"She thought I was keeping our relationship a secret, so she got upset. So I explained what was going on. But, the problem is, I'm not sure who else Thompson told."
She saw you thinking for a moment, before you shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal to me."
Erica stopped paddling, letting the boat begin to drift a bit. "It's not?"
"Not really. I mean, if anyone asks about it, we can just tell them the truth. I was helping you avoid someone."
"Yeah, right. But what if no one asks and they just assume we are together?"
You shrugged a bit and let out a soft laugh, "Do you want to make a public service announcement once we get back on the Enterprise?"
Erica laughed and rolled her eyes. "No, I just want to make sure I don't cause any problems for you because you helped me."
"It's fine Erica, I promise. It might actually save me from some unwanted attention myself."
Erica felt a small pang of jealousy. "From who?"
"Well, Thompson for one."
"No wonder he looked so shocked when he saw us holding hands." Erica laughed.
You chuckled, as you looked down at your feet. "Was Christine disappointed when you told her we weren't actually together?"
"Yeah, how'd you guess?"
You met Erica's eyes almost shyly, and Erica felt a pang of realization. "Oh, she's such a busy-body."
You looked up fully at Erica, and let out a soft laugh. "She's not one for subtlety."
"No, she is not."
Erica watched you for a minute, as you seemed to be avoiding her gaze. Erica knew Christine. She wouldn't tease Erica about you, until she knew Erica had feelings for you. So surely she wouldn't tease you either, unless...
Erica broke from her thoughts as you spoke. She gave you a look of confusion.
"You're staring at me."
"Oh, sorry." She chuckled. "I was just thinking about something."
"About what?"
Erica stared at you for a minute, before she found the courage to speak. "Uhm, would you, maybe want to turn the rest of the day, into a date?" Before you could respond, she continued briskly. "Not as like a fake dating thing to fool Taylor anymore. I mean, like...an actual date."
"An actual date?" you asked softly.
She nodded lightly, and you smiled, nodding. "Yeah, that would be nice."
Erica rose her brow "Really?"
"Yeah." You giggled. "I would like that."
Erica smiled brightly. "Great."
You smiled at each other for a moment, before the moment was broken by a beeping sound, signalling your time on the boat was up.
"Oh." Erica exclaimed softly as she began to paddle the boat again.
You lifted up the spare paddle. "Sure you don't want help?"
Erica let out a soft laugh. "Alright, go ahead."
She smiled as you excitedly began to paddle along as well. You locked eyes for a moment, and shared a smile. As your eyes grazed over the shore, your face fell.
Erica looked back, and saw Taylor walking along the shore, obviously watching the two of you. Looking back to where you parked the boats, she locked eyes with you.
"Make a run for it before they get there?"
You nodded while repressing a smile. Tension filled both of your guts as you pulled up to the docking bay. Climbing out, Erica's hand slid into yours again, as you both began to run back towards the crowds.
As you ran side by side, your shoulders brushing, and hands intertwined, you both felt a childish giddiness take over. You were not going to let Taylor ruin your date. Not now that it was a real one.
xx End xx
Had some trouble with this one, and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol. But I hope you enjoyed it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
An Invitation of Change
Plot: After receiving a hand-written note from Erica inviting you to a dinner, you wonder if there is something else going on.
Scenario Prompt: 'Finding a note left for you.' Requested By: Anonymous (mystery prompt event)
Pairing: Erica Ortegas x Gn!Reader
Words: 1k ;this is my first time writing for Erica so it's a bit shorter than I wanted.
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Taking one last look around the bridge as the lift doors shut, you let out a soft sigh. You were off shift for the night, but unsure of what to do now.
You could get some food, but then what? Exercise? Read maybe? One thing you hated about having the later shift was that you often missed having dinner with everyone else. It wasn't every day, but on the days you did miss it, you never knew what to do.
Walking down the long corridor, approaching your quarters, you slowed in step as you noted a small piece of paper taped to your door. You frowned in confusion as you pulled it off and flipped it over. It appeared to be torn out of a notebook. You only knew of a few people who still had paper notebooks.
Opening the paper, you read over the handwriting, your heartbeat picking up pace as you did so.
'I Erica Ortegas, formally invite you to a dinner with the gang in my quarters after your shift. Be there.'
You smiled as you read the note in her voice. It was informal and to the point, but still made your heart race. Why did the "gang" - being Erica, Christina and Nyota - wait so long to eat dinner? Was something up? And what was with the vintage style of invitation?
Entering into your room, you set the paper down as you got out of your uniform and into your normal clothes. As soon as you were dressed, you exited your room and made your way towards Erica's.
You had known Erica for months now, and had a crush on her for about the same amount of time. You loved spending time with her, but hated it at the same time, knowing that nothing would come from your silent pining.
Sometimes she would make flirty remarks, or comments that made you wonder if she felt the same. But none of if was obvious enough to make you know for sure. And you were not the type to gamble on a hunch.
As you got to her door, you let out a deep breath and and rang the doorbell. A moment later the door slid open, revealing a casually dressed Erica, with a big, somewhat crooked smile.
"Hey." She greeted.
"Hi" You returned, feeling your heart flutter as she looked you up and down.
"Come on in, you had good timing, I just went and got the food, got your favorite."
"Thanks." You smiled as you looked around, noting the food sitting on the table. You also noted, that the other's were not here yet.
"Oh, am I early?"
"Nope." Erica said as she turned to face you.
You tilted your head in obvious confusion. "Late?"
"Also nope." She smiled a bit as she leaned forward. "I may have lied."
"The dinner. It's just us. I didn't invite the others."
You felt your chest tighten, but let out a soft chuckle. "Why did you lie about inviting them if you just wanted to have dinner with me?"
She shrugged. "I wasn't sure if you'd come if I asked you to have dinner with just me."
Your voice softened a bit. "Why would you think that?"
She shrugged again as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, I guess I just didn't know if you'd understand that it's not just a dinner to me."
You swallowed down the lump in your throat before speaking. "Then what exactly is it, if not just a dinner?"
She smiled almost shyly at you. "A date? Because I like you? Like a lot. For a while now. But I've been too much of a coward to say anything. I could go on."
Your heart was beating quickly as your ears and neck burned out of realization of what was happening. Unable to help it, you giggled as you shook your head. Erica looked at you with a look of worry and confusion.
"And all this time I thought it was just me."
As she realized what you meant, a wide smile spread across Erica's face. "Seriously?"
You nodded and she let out a short laugh as he ran her hand over her face. "You mean I could have asked you on a date weeks ago and you would have said yes?"
You let out a sharp breath. "More like months, but, yeah."
"Months?! Why didn't you say anything? Never mind don't answer that." She said with a laugh as she held up her hand.
You were not the type to admit your feelings first, flirt with anyone, or so much as ask someone on a date, you weren't brave enough.
"Jeeze." She took a few steps up to you. "I'm apparently not as good at reading people as I thought."
"Well I am pretty good at hiding things."
"Why did you hide it though?"
"Honestly? I really didn't think I was your type."
Erica tilted her head lightly as a soft, almost sad smile crossed her face. "I'm sorry I made you think that. Really, you are like, the best type." She chuckled. "I had my eyes on you since before we were introduced."
"What?" You laughed.
"Yeah! I asked Chapel to introduce us."
"So it wasn't that she just wanted me to meet more people on the ship?"
She shook her head. "Not just. And another thing we had in common, is that I didn't think I was your type either, that's why it took me so long to finally do something."
You looked around her shuttle, seeing the unusual tidiness and the food set out neatly. "You're braver than me." You said with a soft voice.
She shook her head slightly. "Not really, you should have seen me pacing before, I was a nervous mess."
Your eyes locked and you stared at each other for a few moments. Erica, finally clearing her throat as she motioned her head towards the food. "Hungry?"
"Starving" You admitted with a smile as you follower her over to the table.
As you sat down, you and Erica locked eyes again. She smiled softly "I guess we've got a lot to talk about now."
You smiled brightly as your nerves began to die down, though your heart still raced in your chest. This evening turned out to be much better than you could ever have imagined.
xx End xx
I'm kind of bummer at how this came out, as it is my first time writing for Erica, but I will consider it a test for future, longer (and better) fics.
If you want to be tagged in future Star Trek fics, let me know (you can specify a show of character if you want)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @resplendentlady
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