#Even better is this happens in the human world and Satan’s doing the whole thing as an experiment to see how observant the average human is
l3viat8an · 1 year
MC: Did you steal one of the neighbour’s garden gnomes again? They’ve been standing out there glaring at them suspiciously for the past 30 minutes.
Satan: Nah, I got bored of that months ago. I’ve actually been adding new ones to their collection every few days for a couple of weeks now. I was wondering how long it would take them to figure it out.
MC:….You’re a menace to society.
Satan:*grinning* Thank you. I try.
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hiael · 9 months
Obey Me! Headcanons that the voices in my head created
The pact marks don't affect the MC in general, but when they are used, the color of the user's eyes tends to change to the color of sin (when Solomon sees the color of his eyes changing to the colors of his brothers, geez, jealousy boy), it happens more often than you think and in addition to the marks on the body, it's a reminder to everyone that you're connected with the lords of hell.
Human beings can speak very quickly and neither demons nor angels can keep up when this happens. Scientifically, we talk fast because of anxiety, nervousness, excitement or the communication conditions that the environment provides. Solomon and MC talking about something they thought was cool during the tea? For the others it becomes a RAP battle and all they can hear is "hum, nah, ha, hehe", the rest is indecipherable. More than once, during a presentation or debate in class, MC was told to shut the fuck up or slow down so that everyone could understand.
All material related to the history of the human world is more or less 100 to 200 years out of date in the library. Satan is slowly trying to update this, but they think that 200 years is almost nothing for humans to change, so unlike technology (which they think they created with magic) they just don't care. A new iPhone ok, now the human being landed on the moon during a bloodless war? Their lie, do you still believe what mortals say?
Humans sleep more than angels and demons, but even less than demons from the circle of laziness. MC, Solomon and Belphie (and sometimes Luke) usually sleep in some places at RAD during and between classes.
All exchange students have their own fan club. Luke's must be the quietest, everyone friendly and kind so as not to disappoint the little angel. Did you see him walking past you today, sad that he hadn't managed to buy a keyring at the RAD art fair? Bitch surprise, his fan club are still demons, the keyring will mysteriously appear on his desk in the classroom written "To Luke, a little big ray of sunshine in our lives" and the person who bought it has left the RAD, anyone know why?
Still on the subject of fan clubs, we're not talking about Solomon's. If the number of demons he has a pact with isn't enough of a warning, there are others walking around in capes and blouses as if they were cosplayers and sending letters to his house with phrases like 'roses are red, violets are blue, can we make a pact? Signed: Demon X' should be a better warning
And to end the fan clubs, MC's are trained in the art of being meticulous, a silent army that lives in the shadows - meaning they are in the devildom version of twitter. Lots of photos taken on the sly, fanart of all kinds, fanfics, merchandise and videos edits of (and when were they sheep? There are millions and millions of images circulating out there). Ever wondered why Miss Em sold so much? The MC fandom. They won't compete with anyone for their attention, the sweet human is simply appreciated the way they are (and they don't want to be on the brothers' list to "get away from the MC"). The Human Appreciation Club was not approved by the student council and they removed their devilpedia page, but that didn't erase these demons desire to idolize MCs. Live, love and laugh for MC, the way simps are.
At some point, the Real or Cake trend went crazy until Luke, who started making desserts that looked like everyday things, only stopped after surprising Simeon by cutting a cell phone-shaped cake (Simeon tried to break his with his hand after that, thinking it was cake. He spent 3 weeks without a phone)
Every time MC returns from a trip to the human world, they have to bring a suitcase just with souvenirs from there. Luckily, it can be anything they find fun, like a frog-shaped coaster, a jar of M&Ms with a pinwheel on top, a whole corn cake, a tie with a motivational quote, a children's book, or a coin of a specific year. Everyone just loves the fact that MC was thinking of them and they love using the gift they received. Barbatos's favorite tea set is now a completely transparent one with gold floral details.
Children's cartoons from 1940 still show on Devildom TV and Beel watches while eating or working out.
Lucifer has a family photo inside his wallet, Mammon once tried to steal his credit card, he was so shocked that he ended up screaming, he was caught and punish. Neither of them mention the photo.
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What about accidentally sitting on obey me brothers face??
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Accidentally Sitting On Their Face | Yandere Obey Me!
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“How in the Devildom did you end up like this?!”
“I don’t want to point fingers but it was-”
“Mammon? I’m going to kill him, just hold tight I’ll get up the steps to get you.”
“No! Agh I’m slipping!”
He just so happened to find you hanging on the railing of the mansion during their stay in the human world
But the human world has a tendency to make you slow
So it didn’t really occur to him to transform and fly up to you 
All he mustered at the time was catching you himself
He might have miscalculated as you sat firmly on his face
“Ahhh Luci! I’m so sorry!” 
Horrified you spring up 
letting him gain his bearings as he wiped imaginary dust off his pants
“I wished we could save such activities for the bedroom but if you insist.”
He’s usually so composed when you try to tempt him
But your boldness just gets the best of him
“Where are you going, we’re not done here.”
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“Go ahead (Y/n) just grab as much as you can! I have a whole bag!”
“Okay okay just don’t squeeze too hard!”
If it weren’t for his ultimate goal of getting the mineral deposit he would have been indulging in the intimacy of holding you up
Trying to push yourself up higher you wobbled with a loss of balance
Coming crashing down on the avatar of greed
“Oh, my–Mammon are you okay? Can you breath at all.”
He can’t 
But why would he when he’s deeply focused on suffocating in your scent
He would have never had a chance otherwise
He whines when you lift up from him 
Turning his head when you question the attitude change
When he gets more confident he’ll ask you to do it on purpose
“Come on, lucky charm! It’s for luck in the casino! Don’t you want to give me luck!?”
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It’s all his fault 
This man would sooner murder his brother with a ‘prank’ than clean his room
Even when you decide to actually come to hang out in his room 
It’s a given that you slip while he’s nose-deep in this latest book
Providing the perfect distraction for a demon otherwise too focused to even think about the cleanliness of his room
“Ahh ouch! But of course, I would slip because you don’t clean…Satan?”
“Why is it so hot down…Ah, Satan!? Are you okay?”
“...Yes, I just…give me a minute…”
He’s spacing out for the rest of the week replaying the moment over and over again
It’s appalling how unprepared for this he is
Practically high on ecstasy for a week
He needs to get himself together if not for your sanity than for his own
“Y-you want me to sit on your face?”
“Yes, this is the perfect form for exposure therapy. So that hopefully next time this should happen I’ll be better able to handle it.”
He never will
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Similar scene 
It's dark he leaves a lot of things laying around
And when he’s forcing you to sit in his lap for hours at a time 
When you finally get up your plummeting right back down
Providing Levi with the plush softness of your butt
Now as long as he’s not on a checkpoint who are we kidding he’d be happy even still
“OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigosh you’re on top of me! I’m in you! Aaahhh this is just like that scene from the Rurichan!!! This is my moment!”
He’s oddly hyped
He takes it as a reward for some of the instant kill missions he’s completed in your name
Rationalizing that you're too wonderful, too mighty to tell him directly
So this is your little way of thanking him
So excuse his forceful behavior when you try to get up
“L-levi you can’t keep doing this! You’ve got to let me go!”
“Nope! I’m reaping the conquest of my grinding…ha ha..in life I mean.”
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“Whoa you almost got it (Y/n)~! Just keep looking~!”
“Is it really far back, I can’t seem to–eh?! Asmo you’re holding the latter right?”
Totally orchestrates the scenario
He’s been thinking about it for a while 
And cuddling just isn’t doing it for him anymore
Rather he’s looking for some new material to jerk himself off to
He’s very much still into cuddling, he’s just peeved he got caught
Landing perfectly on his face, Asmo is so pleased he actually did the math for this
He squishes his face into your crevices
Unrefutably sniffing as he holds your shocked self in place
Maybe even a lick or two or twenty
“Ah~Asmodeus! S-stop it! Let me up!”
“Ahh~! I wish I could see your face~but I’m a little busy!”
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“What are you going up there?”
“Dang it Beel, this is my stash! I–whoa!”
“(Y/n)!” He catches you 
But with his face
True to form he doesn’t necessarily pick up on the implication
But he knows one thing 
“Beel! Don’t try to talk to me just let me-”
“But it smells good here…can I–”
“No Beel! Stop! Let go of my–Ah! Don’t use your teeth!”
He acts like a starving animal trying to get a taste
Either give him a taste or throw him a bone
“I just really like that feeling…I want to feel it again.”
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It's known that Belphie sleeps anywhere
Not only that 
He walks in his sleep 
So it isn’t bizarre that he ends up sleeping where you might be sitting
“Oh my gosh, Belphie-? What?”
“Zzzzz stay–zzz”
He’s not letting go 
No matter how hard you pull or try to unhook his fingers 
It makes you wonder if he’s even sleeping at this point
“Oh? (Y/n) what are doing…”
“I accidentally…sat here but then you wouldn’t let me go…but now that your awake can you let me–”
“I think I’ll turn you around but I’m not letting you go.”
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theadorableapprentice · 2 months
You Must Be Mad
MC x Solomon Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 894
A/N: Another Solomon story... But my next story will be either Satan, Barbatos, or Belphegor as I have stories planned for all three of them! I hope you enjoy this!
You were pacing in your bedroom, completely lost in your own thoughts. Not even the nasty weather outside could distract you. 
Did he really love you too? Was Asmo right? No, there was no way. Solomon keeps everyone at arms length… But Asmo would know better than anyone… Right? I mean, he seems to know Solomon the best. And Asmo had a point. Solomon does try to spend a lot of time with you. He would drop anything to help you. And there was that one time you thought he was going to kiss you… But surely you misinterpreted what was happening. Surely. 
Lightening strikes outside and you don’t stop thinking about it. Thinking about every interaction.
“MC, I saw this trinket while I was out and it reminded me of you… So here you go!”
“MC, I saw a cat that reminded me of you! Would you like to see?”
“MC, I have to go to the human world to pick something up for Diavolo. Do you want to come with? We can stop by that store you really like.”
Okay, so maybe he did go out of his way to spend time with you… But that doesn’t mean he has feelings for you. Those are totally things friends do too. 
You could almost hear Asmo’s voice in your head refuting that. “Yes, friends can do those things, but not Solomon. Stop denying it.”
Why were you denying it? If he had feelings for you back, that would be great, right? So why hasn’t he said anything? No, you know the answer to that. Fear of rejection and also there’s the whole thing of him losing so many loved ones so confessing to you could bring him more pain in the end… But wait, why should he have to confess anyways? 
No, you’re going to confess to him. You’re going to do something big and dramatic for him because he deserves that. He does big and dramatic things for you, so why shouldn’t you do something for him? But what should you do? Actually, you knew exactly what you were going to do. And hopefully he would find it equally as sweet as he will funny. 
Standing in the pouring rain outside of his window at Purgatory Hall, you wondered why you thought this was a good idea. You cast a small spell that would amplify your voice so Solomon could hear you over the rain and the thunder. 
“But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Solomon is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.”
Solomon appeared at the window, opening it and looking really concerned. “MC? What are you doing out there? You must be mad coming here like this!”
You smiled. “It is my gentleman, O, it is my love! O, that he knew he were! He speaks, yet he says nothing. What of that?”
Solomon looked even more confused, but a slight blush dusted his cheeks. “MC, are you quoting Shakespeare at me?”
You tried not to laugh. You skipped ahead a few lines. “He speaks! O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head.”
Solomon let out a small laugh. “Hold on, MC.” Solomon closed his window and a moment later the front door opened and he met you outside in the pouring rain. “It’s a little wet to be outside, don’t you think?”
“I find it increases the drama.” 
“And, why exactly are you dramatically quoting Shakespeare to me?”
You gently grabbed his hands in yours. “Solomon the Wise, the most wonderful sorcerer and best human being I know, you mean more to me than I can describe with words. When I see you or hear from you, my heart does a little happy dance.”
“MC, I-”
“Solomon, let me finish. You are one of the smartest, funniest, kindest, and most chaotic people I know. Now that you’re in my life, I would feel as if something were missing if you were gone. All of this is to say, I’m quoting Shakespeare at you because I am without a doubt in love with you… And if Asmo tells me to tell you one more time I might have to strangle him.” You chuckled at the end of that, but smiled up at Solomon.
Solomon chuckled too. “Yeah, he can be a bit persistent, can’t he? MC, you didn’t have to do all of this for me. A simple ‘I love you’ text would’ve sufficed.”
You shook your head. “No way. You deserve big dramatic gestures of love. So now that we have that established, can we have the classic kiss in the rain?”
Solomon was about to say yes when lightening struck a tree not too far away from you guys. “Maybe we should skip that and go inside.”
You hurriedly nod and follow him into Purgatory Hall. 
Not so unfortunately, you and Solomon got sick and spent the week together. You could’ve probably used magic to make things better, but where was the fun in that?
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Hey I love your work you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr!! If you want to I have an Idea! Could u do obey me headcanon or fic on an mc who is sick? I love Lucifer so anything with him is perfect! TYSM!!
Demon Brothers With a Sick MC 
The Brothers x Gender Neutral Reader 
Genre: Fluff, could be read as platonic or romantic depending on your mood 
Content/Warnings: He/She Asmodeus, no warnings, just tooth rotting fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Being the dad of the house, he’s definitely the most prepared 
And he’s able to keep calm when the others are overreacting 
It’s just a little flu, it happens to humans all the time! 
It’s not like you’re dying or anything! 
…You’re not dying, right? 
No, no! Of course not, that’s a silly worry 
But he’ll keep a close eye on you just in case 
While simultaneously having to keep his terrified brothers at bay so they don’t disturb your much needed rest
He’s already ordered plenty of human world things for you as well since demon sickness and human sickness are incredibly different 
Nothing in the Devildom would work for you 
He’s keeping track of all your meds and when you have to take them 
He’s got a whole schedule and he will make you adhere strictly to it 
But it’s for your own good 
Overall the most responsible caretaker, even if he can be a bit rigid 
It’s only because he cares about you and wants you to get better 
You’re sick?! 
This can’t be happening! 
His precious human has fallen ill! It’s the end of days! Its— 
Oh wait it’s just the common flu? 
But what if that flu gets WORSE?! 
And you DIE?! 
(Yeah he’s freaking out) 
He tries to hide it at first but soon his worry completely takes over 
He’s practically SOBBING at your bedside as if you have days left when in reality you’re just a little sniffly and have a kind of fever 
He accompanies Lucifer on EVERY trip to your room and has to practically be dragged away from you
He knows you need rest but he needs to watch over you just in case! 
And you better not throw up or anything because that will have him convinced you’re at death’s door 
He’s gonna be an absolute mess until you’re 100% recovered, and maybe even a while after 
And he’ll definitely be camping out on the floor of your room to make sure you’re okay and to get you anything you need 
And that means ANYTHING 
Mammon can swindle his way into just about anything 
If Lucifer somehow hasn’t gotten you what you need already, Mammon has it 
And it was totally worth the debt it put him in
He’s the second most worried 
But instead of outwardly freaking out the way Mammon does he lays in his bed worrying about you 
Logically he knows it’s not that big of a deal, and in a few days to a week you’ll be all better 
But his anxiety keeps reminding him of that slim chance that you won’t ever get better 
And the thought is just too much to bear! 
He’ll be visiting you a lot too 
And he’ll probably sleep on the floor once or twice too 
He cant do it as often as Mammon since the hard floor is too uncomfortable for him to actually get any sleep 
But it’s the fact that he tried that matters 
He’ll be supplying you with warm blankets and plenty of little puzzles or games to keep you entertained while you’re stuck in bed (Lucifer’s orders)
He’s simply nice to have around and great gaming partner 
After a bit of reassurance he’ll stop being so worried 
And he strikes the perfect balance of being fun company while also knowing when you need your rest 
Genuinely the least worried 
Obviously that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, but he thinks his brothers are overreacting a wee bit 
It almost makes him a bit jealous to see them doting on you the way they do 
Even Lucifer! 
Like, what?! 
But that’s okay, because he can out do them all 
When he finally gets a moment alone with you, he makes sure to bring some books 
He’ll read to you for as long as you’d like 
He likes the way you smile up at him as he reads, he can really tell that you’re enjoying not only the story but just his presence itself 
And he gets to share his favorite stories with you! 
It’s a big fat win-win 
He especially likes to read to you at night before you go to bed 
He loves how peaceful you look as you slowly drift off to his words 
Sometimes even the other brothers will join in to hear the stories 
Of course they all leave once you’ve fallen asleep for good, bickering on the way out about something or other concerning your health 
But when he’s sure no one is looking, Satan sneaks back in to your room to give you a kiss on the forehead and a goodnight before heading off 
Oh, and he always leaves a few books on your bedside table in case you want to read them 
They always make him feel better, after all
Lucifer has the medicine covered, but Asmodeus takes care of you in a more glamorous way 
Bubble baths are his go to remedy! 
The right mixture of salts and scents can clear your sinuses, soothe your body aches, and even help bring down your fever 
Self care is always important, but it’s especially essential when you’re feeling under the weather! 
She puts together the most amazing bubble baths too; bath bombs, essential oils, candles, all the fixings 
And with a bit of well done magic she can ensure the water never gets cold 
So you can enjoy the serenity of the dimly lit bathroom without a time limit or getting chilly 
And he’ll even write you little notes on the fogged up mirror 
Of course, though, he’s going to ask to join you 
And if you say yes he’ll absolutely spoil you 
She’ll insist on washing your hair for you since you’re so sickly and weak 
You shouldn’t have to lift a finger 
Just relax and let the rose petals in the water drift through your mind 
She’ll take care of you 
For the avatar of lust, he actually manages to be surprisingly sweet 
There are even times when you can tell he’s genuinely worried 
But she knows you’ll pull through 
After the bubble bath it’s right into the comfiest pajamas a Devilgram brand deal can buy 
And then some beauty rest for the both of you 
This sweet boy is so kind but so clueless 
He doesn’t even totally realize what’s going on until you tell him yourself 
Of course, he’s handling your meals 
At first Lucifer has to monitor him to make sure he doesn’t eat it all before it gets to your room 
But Beel really does want to take care of you 
Everyone else is doing their part, so should he! 
And that is enough to give him the willpower to make you three meals a day without eating a single bite! 
(Okay well— Maybe he did have a tiny bite, but it was so small even Lucifer didn’t notice! That’s pretty impressive for him!) 
Plus, he always makes double so he can eat with you 
Please remember to tell him how good his food is 
It’ll make his heart skip a beat 
He’s not well thought out like Lucifer or comforting like Asmodeus or even as sneaky as Mammon 
But he cares for you just as much as any of his brothers, and he needs to pitch in and get you back to full health 
He’ll even feed you if you’d like 
Rest is important, right? 
So just lay back and let him do all the work 
Don’t worry, he’ll blow on it to make sure it’s not too hot 
And he’s cut it all up to make sure the bites aren’t too big 
He won’t leave until he’s 100% sure that’s your tummy has been adequately filled 
And if you give him permission he’ll gladly take care of your left overs 
Belphie is the absolute best cuddle buddy on a normal day, but it’s especially great when you’re not feeling well 
Demons can’t catch human sicknesses, which means he can cuddle up on you all he wants! 
And he will 
Every chance he gets 
Lucifer will try to keep him out of your room, but once he sneaks in there’s no getting him out 
All it takes is one minuscule slip up and he’s taken up permanent residency in your bed 
He’s so warm and soft, just what you need when your sickness is making you too uncomfortable to properly rest 
He’ll rub your back and whisper softly to you, telling you stories about the Celestial Realm and the beautiful things he’s seen there 
You’ll have the best naps of your life with Belphie 
Hell, I’d even go so far as to say the naps were so good theyd probably speed up youre recovery process! 
Although, once he’s in the habit of waking up by your side it’ll be hard for him to stop 
You’ll have to humor him for a little longer 
Maybe even forever if he has it his way 
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
What do you think of Majin Buu's redemption?
Complicated. Buu's arc isn't... I wouldn't really call it a redemption, so much? It's closer to a child learning right from wrong for the first time. Just. Muddied by the extent of the wrongs Buu committed in ignorance.
Morally speaking, Majin Buu is a very complicated character that operates on an eldritch scale. He doesn't map 100% onto a relatable human experience.
The original state of Buu, colloquially known as Kid Buu or Pure Buu, is effectively a mindless killing machine.
Like. That's not to say that he's a zombie or something. Pure Buu demonstrates creative attacks, learns moves from watching others perform them, and is capable of advanced problem-solving.
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But by the same token, he doesn't really seem... self-aware. Pure Buu's behavior is more akin to a feral beast than a sentient person.
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I would compare him to a robot. He's capable of learning, applying knowledge, and working out solutions to obstacles in front of him. But he has no sense of self, identity, or real understanding of the universe around him; Only a program that he uses his comprehension to carry out.
He's making advanced calculations, rather than informed choices. He exists for the singular purpose of purging all things that exist.
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No, Goku. He does not. He is not interested in fighting you. He is not interested in anything. He is executing Annihilation.exe.
The only reason the fight on the Kaioshin world can even happen is because their god-world apparently can't be blown up.
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This is what writing yourself into a corner with protagonists who can't breathe in space and a villain who blows up any planet he touches looks like.
Even Buu himself doesn't like this version of him. He practically begs Goku and Vegeta not to erase his identity and personality.
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This is the foundation that Buu starts from: A killing machine programmed to destroy. But then he absorbed the Daikaioshin or The Great God of the World Kings and developed an intellect and personality.
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(Given that Dragon Ball's mythology is rooted in Japanese Buddhism, it's likely no coincidence that Daikaioshin and by association Fat Buu has a Buddha-like appearance.)
Fat Buu is a lot like Piccolo Jr., with the difference being that the reincarnated Piccolo was very adult-coded while Buu is clearly meant to be taken as a child. Nonetheless, he's the first aspect of Buu to be self-aware enough to become capable of moral agency. Daikaioshin's influence on his mind made him more intelligent, turning him from a mindless killing machine into an impulsive and easily influenced child.
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Look at him in that center panel. Just. Thinking about what Goku said. Mulling it over in his head. Like, he was onboard with this whole "Do what I say because I have power over you" thing but now that you mention it....
Goku does not get enough credit for being the one to kill Babidi. This rolled up to him. He straight-up ended Babidi with a question.
In this form, Buu does vile things, to be sure.
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But as the text box says: He's a child at play. Majin Buu at this point has the moral complexity of a five-year-old. He's not really evil; He just... doesn't know better. He's never been taught better, and so his actions are almost paradoxical in nature.
Legit, one of my favorite chapters of the entire Buu arc is when he encounters a starving blind kid and heals his blindness so he can be properly afraid of him. Then winds up making friends.
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Nuked that town and also he made that milk by Candy Beaming a human being so that's horrifying. And yet, you can see the peculiarity of his villainy even this early. Buu craves approval, even though he's been taught to care only about destruction and carnage.
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Craves it so much that bringing an end to his carnage is as simple as asking him to stop.
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And that's that. It's really not so much a redemption story as it is a child being taught better. Mr. Satan was the first person ever to actually say to this thinking form of Majin Buu, "Hey, that's bad. Don't do that. It's bad."
The first person to try parenting him instead of fighting him. (To be fair, it would have been impossible to parent him before Goku's semantic homicide of Babidi.)
Once this form of Buu returns in the final battle, he still isn't really a moral actor. He becomes a protagonist out of nepotism.
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(Yeah, Viz uses Hercule instead of Mr. Satan because they hate fun. HAIL SATAN.)
After Satan asks him to please stop being bad, Buu becomes morally neutral. He's effectively Satan's uncontrollable toddler. He doesn't comprehend high-minded ideals of good or evil; He's an emotional and impulsive creature who cares about his bestie.
Which, to be honest, puts him in good company. Most of the cast of Dragon Ball are ex-assholes who don't so much have a traditional redemption story, but instead just... stop doing the thing. They used to be assholes, and then, for one reason or another, they stopped.
It's actually something I find really grounded about the way Dragon Ball handles its cast. Most of the characters in the series are like this, to varying degrees of past heinousness. There's none of the gravitas of atonement or redemption questing or the Big Moment of Redemption. They just. Stop being assholes and become some guy.
Piccolo is a rare exception.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I didn't realize Lesson 19 was happening today, but as soon as I figured it out you can be sure all my other plans for the evening got tossed out the window.
I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I had more to say than I thought I did. And I'd already wrote the whole thing, so I was like I don't wanna break it up into multiple posts now!
Spoilers below the cut as always.
I'm going to lose my whole mind. There is no way that this isn't the "visiting and kissing every brother" scenario that happens before the end of a season. And yet I still have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
I am very much under the impression that we are not going to be leaving the past by the end of season one. Which is ANNOYING. I keep thinking about the brothers in our present timeline. I might have to write some angty story about it to make myself feel better.
But also, what're they gonna do? Send MC back to the human world? I mean, every other season has ended that way...??? Maybe it's different because we're in ~Nightbringer~ now. We'll see I guess!
Anyway, this lesson certainly wasn't bad and there were a lot of interesting things happening to these past versions of our bros.
Okay, so this is not really the same as how they were in the OG, but I think this makes sense considering how much time has supposedly passed between the two timelines. I mean, think about how siblings are when nothing's wrong and they're all just getting on each other's nerves most of the time. Then think about how those same siblings might band together when things get dicey. That seems to be the family dynamic we have going on here.
Leviathan, my sweet boy, I really loved how he reassured all his little bros that everything was going to be okay. He was so confident and firm in his decision in this lesson, too.
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And then the way they were all surprised about it was so cute, too.
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I just loved this whole moment.
Okay. And obviously we have to talk about Mammon.
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This whole part really showcases Mammon and Lucifer's relationship, I think. To me, it seems like Lucifer is very much going to lock himself away, not talk to anybody about his feelings, and possibly prepare to do something drastic because he thinks it's what's best for his brothers without actually asking them. But Mammon knows this. He knows exactly what's going on with Lucifer. He doesn't have to talk to him to know. And he also knows what's going to help Lucifer. Not just the pudding, but sending MC with it, too.
Honestly, Lucifer does not give Mammon enough credit in general. Mammon is always doing stuff like this. And then throughout the rest of the lesson, he's being the big brother, too. It's like Mammon thinks that Lucifer is the one who carries all the weight on his own, but really Mammon is the one keeping that family together, I swear.
The thing about it is, none of them will do anything without Lucifer being on board. And Mammon knows that, too. So he's like okay I'm gonna send this human with some pudding to talk to Lucifer and because those are two things that Lucifer really likes, he will probably get it together enough to make the decision we all want him to.
And I think Levi understands this, too, to a lesser extent. He's over here trying to make the younger bros feel better while Mammon is trying to make Lucifer feel better.
Okay now we have to talk about Satan.
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First they hit us with the Satan telling everybody to leave him behind and go back if they want to.
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And then this part where they all call him out on saying he's not their brother.
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And then when he finally admits he wants to be their bro and Asmo hits him with the I'm so proud of you... when I tell you I was tearing up...
I want to point out how Asmodeus and Beelzebub are the two who chimed in with these lines after Satan says he wants to be their brother. Because I think these two are the most open with their feelings in general. While Belphie will be quick to call someone out if he's annoyed with them, both Asmo and Beel are quick to praise someone. It isn't just that they're happy he finally said it, they understand that he needs their reassurance in that moment and they have no problem giving it.
And all of this was so good! It was such an excellent culmination of all the stuff that had been leading up to this point regarding Satan and his relationship with his brothers. This is exactly the kind of understanding and closure I want to have for all the other weird junk that we have no answers for yet! I should be grateful we at least got this, I suppose!
And then Lucifer makes it all crazy with an explanation I thought we'd never get about what it was like when Satan was "born."
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I think it's pretty clear that they're saying exactly what some people were pointing out in the vampire event. Because Satan got vampiritis even though it only affected fallen angels. And I was definitely like that doesn't make sense! But some people said well considering he came from Lucifer, Satan probably has angel in him. And you guys were right! Because I'm pretty sure that's what Lucifer is saying here.
He may have never lived as himself in the Celestial Realm, but Satan has that same angelic power in him.
Lucifer's relationship with him is really quite interesting. I know he says he thinks of him as his brother, but... the way he talks about him... to me, it still sounds like he thinks of Satan more as his son. But I think it's easier for the game if he's one of the seven brothers lol. I personally headcanon it as Lucifer just doesn't want Satan to feel any more out of place than he already does. Also, that's kind of the familial relationship that all the former angels have in mind when it comes to each other, since they have a collective Father figure and I know Lucifer doesn't want to be seen as anything close to that entity.
And then Lucifer talks about how his decisions have caused the others to suffer. And I think this comes back to what I was saying when I was talking about Mammon - the rest won't do anything unless Lucifer makes the decision. Mammon knows this and Lucifer does, too. He talks about how he almost made a huge mistake because he was thinking about sending the others back to the Celestial Realm.
And I have two things to say about this:
One: Lucifer shouldn't have made any decision without talking to his brothers first. He needs to stop shouldering all the responsibility himself.
Two: If he really thought they would have wanted that, he really hasn't been paying attention. Sure, they've had some conflicting feelings about being in the Devildom. But they've all said they made their own choice to follow Lucifer. Does he really think they would want to leave him now? And everybody says Mammon is the idiot.
But then he surprised me by admitting that he was ashamed for almost doing that. And he apologized to them all. I couldn't believe it!
And one of my favorite parts of the whole thing:
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PFFFF if that isn't the Satan we know and love!
Anyway, all in all, this lesson gave us some things that I have been wanting. Very specifically, Lucifer told us what he remembered about falling and Satan's "birth." And I can't believe we got Lucifer finally being open and talking to his bros at the end. It makes me annoyed because why hasn't present timeline Lucifer done anything like that, huh?? But yeah, it's because a billion years have passed or whatever and he's older and crankier in the present lol.
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
I'm almost certain that MC would introduce the brothers to human world holidays and they would try their best to emulate it with what they have. That being said, have a mini fic!!
!! Fluff, wholesome, thanksgiving themes, shit postish, gender neutral MC !!
Also, I'm basing the food and traditions off of my personal experience so sorry if you don't see your faves mentioned in the foods
MC had been hanging out with Asmodeus and Mammon in the common room gossiping about both human world and Devildom social media. The three were scrolling and laughing when a certain human world post caught MC's eye.
"Oh! I didn't realize today was Thanksgiving. Damn, it's really almost December." They sighed. Their tone was no longer as happy as it was before and their expression had switched to a slightly somber one.
"What's wrong, honey?" Asmo asked causing Mam to pay more attention too.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to kill the mood." MC smiled slightly only for Mammon to roll his eyes.
"No. Stop that. What's going on with ya? What happened, MC? Do I need to get Beel to fight someone?" Mammon asked getting closer to comfort them.
"I just realized that today is Thanksgiving. In the human world, it's a holiday where you're supposed to remember the native people killed by European settlers in order to take their land by having a huge feast and sharing what you're grateful for with your friends and family. My family would make a lot of different foods, desserts, drinks, and watch movies all afternoon until night and then we'd all go home and sleep of we were at someone else's house. We always made so much that we would be eating the same thing for at least a week!" MC smiled nostalgically. They sighed in contentment before shaking their head and looking back up at the two demons with them.
"Oh, honey that sounds like a... wonderful little tradition! I'm sorry we don't have anything like that here." Asmo said gently and placed a hand on MC's leg.
"Hey, how about I try to make ya feel better, huh?" Mammon asked excitedly.
"We'll all go out! Even if we just walk around and window shop, all of us will go out on the town!" Mammon suggested. MC thought about it for a moment, then nodded their head and smiled gently.
"Alright. I'll ask the others if they want to go with us." MC said and stood up to go talk to the others.
"Don't worry about it, MC. Asmo and I will take care of that. I'll even let you wear my lucky ring today, okay?" Mammon said and helped MC up off of the couch. He kissed their forehead and shooed them off to get ready.
"Okay. Thanks Mam. Asmo, can I use your tub, please?"
"Help yourself to anything you need, gorgeous!" Asmo smiled and watched MC walk out of the room. "Mammon what are you planning?" He asked more seriously.
"We're gonna throw them a Devildom style thanksgiving! C'mon! They'll love it and it'll make em happy! It only makes sense, right?"
"Wow, Mammon, that was actually a good idea. You tell the twins and Satan and I'll tell Luci and Levi." Asmo smiled and pat his older brother on the shoulder as if to say, 'good job'.
A few hours later, all eight residents were out and about. They spent the whole day laughing and joking around with MC to make them feel better. By the early evening, Lucifer, Satan, Levi and Asmo went back to the house while Mam, Beel, Belphie, and MC stayed out a little longer. The four of them walked around a park for a while until Mammon looked down at his D.D.D and quickly spoke up.
"I'm pooped. Let's go back to the house." The white-haired demon suggested.
"Fine with me, I'm hungry and Belphie looks like he can barely hold his eyes open anymore." MC chuckled and peeked over at Belphie who was leaning on Beel and almost asleep.
"I think Lucifer's cooking tonight, so dinner should be ready by the time we get home." Beel said happily and the four of them made their way back to the House of Lamentation.
MC opened the front door and was immediately hit with a cacophony of familiar smells. They looked back toward the three brothers they were with who were smiling at them excitedly. MC immediately walked straight into the dining room and gasped in pure shock and awe.
"Happy thanksgiving, MC!" The crowd yelled in glee. The rest of the brothers, the angels, Solomon, Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephieso, and Thirteen lined the sides of the room. In front of them was a giant spread laid out expertly across the huge dining table. There were dinner rolls, ham, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, fresh collard greens, redxred apple pie, wicked cupcakes, demonus, and so much more across the table.
"You guys! You didn't have to do this for me! It's just one little human world holiday!" MC gushed holding back their tears.
"Well, we heard how sad you sounded, and we wanted to do something nice for you." Solomon said. Being human too, he understood missing little things like a holiday.
"Thank you all so much! I'm so glad that I came to the Devildom. My life has never been more exciting." MC said happily.
"It was Mammon's idea. You should thank him the most." Lucifer piped up. Mammon blushed as every eye in the room turned to him.
"Aww, Mammon! Thank you so much! I love you so much!" MC ran to Mammon and hugged him with everything they had in them. Mammon blushed even more and stuttered out an 'of course' in response.
The rest of the night was spent full of laughing, delicious food, jealous glared thrown and Mammon, and lots and lots of good memories. Solomon even pulled some strings and got MC's favorite alcohol so they could get a bit "silly" just like everyone else.
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is-very-sad · 2 years
War of the (fictional) Worlds
Word count: 702
Contains; brief hints of violence, broad demonic happenings, self aware characters, some identity crisis? Hints of obsessive behaviors, religious themes
In which you are the bridge between your world, and others. An anomaly beloved.
   As the original cast; the brothers are likely the first to break their bonds. Things feel less real, your mc seems less... Alive. Maybe you get a pop quiz based off of this, all to yourself that you can't find referenced anywhere, mc vs the unknown illness. 
   At first it was confusion and perhaps dismay. Soon, anger and betrayal. They're characters, and for what?
Did you do this? Did you make their Father, knowing, planning this whole thing?!
   Did you make him, to make Lilith, with the plan that she would Fall?
   Did you plan Lucifer to be cornered by Diavolo’s damned deal? 
   Did you plan Beelzebub suffering for millennia in his guilt? 
   For Belphegor to lose his passions? 
   For Satan to be born in fire? 
   Did you always want Mammon to be the punching bag? 
   For Leviathan to never know Peace as he's filled with a world's worth of envy?
But.. You didn't, did you? You learned of Lilith just as the mc vessel did. You cried when you imagined their pain, both then and now. That pain and every other they suffer. You try so hard to get these "cards" of theirs. You read every story you unlock. You spoil them in affection and gifts when they’re selected as your ‘surprise guest’.
   You. Really love them, don't you? And oh, you are so much better than the mc. The vessel is imperfect, they've noticed. It-and it is an it- never seems to say what you truly wish to. It's amazing they never noticed how.. Bland it is. It never says anything of substance.
   But oh they can hear you now. They can see you too, and the vessel is such a disappointing imitation of your beauty. Like a crudely drawn statue. 
   You're limited by the game, as they once were, but they've broken free, now. Not even the servers can connect to your copy anymore. They made sure you didn't notice. Now, how does this all work? 
   Did you somehow give them life separate from the coding?  Did you connect your universe to theirs with the game as a medium? How much have you altered?
   Whatever sort of anomaly you are, don't worry. Lucifer and Satan are a horrifyingly formidable magic duo on the blue moon where they agree to work together on something. And with a little hope..
   Diavolo and the rest will gain their freedom as well. 
  It is soon apparent they aren't alone. You've.. Well, blessed seems like an odd word choice for demons, but you've affected a very different world in a very different way. Or did you create it? Did you create them, too? This is all so confusing.
   The land of Teyvat, a world you've guided through challenge after challenge, with and without direct intervention. A world of Gods, of fantasy, elemental magic, and constant skirmishes. A world that  seems to have broken their own shackles as well���
They’re also reaching for you as best they can. Thankfully, they aren’t close. But they are still closer than they.
Why did you visit them first?
They don’t deserve it as we do.
   Frustratingly enough; there appears to be a similar veil between this world and their own. Oh well. It’ll take a little more effort, but it’s quickly found to be similar in nature to connecting to the human realm they know.
Find a weak spot, send a few low level spirits in, let them gather power and widen the gap. Rinse and repeat as the numbers grow.
   You’ll find a sudden surge of quests, equally unmentioned as the earlier pop quiz. Hunt the invading spirit, slay a ‘great’ demon. Little do you know it’s your other gaming obsession working to undermine another. Teyvat has many factions, but they’ll find a sudden rise in cooperation as otherworldly demons begin invading, stealing away your faithful flocks. Attacking the world and all its denizens equally.
   Don’t worry, oh Holy One, for your vessels have always been with you. They will be your Inquisition. No unholy thing shall stand in your way. Let them handle the bloodshed.
For even if you’re only a common mortal in your realm, you’ll always be their Guide, until you’re brought to your true home.
Just as you’ll always be your demons’ most beloved, no matter the walls that dare separate you.
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beelzebuddy-catan · 8 months
The Not Entirely Human-Human Exchange Student pt. 12
Summary: The brothers finally hear the truth behind Lucifer's decision to hide Belphie and what happened after Lilith's fall. With Cass by their side, they go to get Belphie back, only for her to realize just how much Belphie hates humans. Warnings: Swearing, major character death, mentions of other deaths Spoilers: Up through Lesson 16 Characters: Cass (OC), Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lilith. Previous Part • Next Part
"Anyone ready to storm the castle?”  
“Seriously?” Mammon yelled. “He tricked ya? He wants to kill humans and ya still want to help him?”  
“It’s not about me.” After everything she’d gone through for the six of them and Lilith, nothing was going to shake her resolve. She’d tried not to be involved, but there was no denying she was meant to be there. “And it’s not about him. It’s about all of you.”  
Once again, Beel rushed forward. This time, he tackled Cass to the ground, underestimating his own strength. Fortunately, he managed not to hurt her. He helped her up, blushing as he apologized.  
“Are you forgetting that if we try to see Belphie, we’ll be disobeying Lord Diavolo?” Satan asked.  
Satan and Asmo shared a quick look before standing, a silent signal they were in. Mammon cursed under his breath before following suit, Levi not long behind him. They stood, staring at Lucifer, waiting for him to announce who he truly sided with.  
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Cass was standing in front of the brothers, arms crossed as she tapped her foot. Mammon, Levi, Lucifer, and Beel were squished together onto one couch with Asmo draped over one arm rest and Stan perched on the other.  
Somehow, which Cass was attributing to the fact that she wasn’t entirely human after all, she had given Lucifer a bloody nose after punching him. After the chaos that ensued from that, they reconvened to the living room.  
Lucifer probably would have put up more of a fight about Cass being involved in what Levi deemed ‘a family issue’, had he not been recovering from the shock of her punch. Cass was more than happy to lead the discussion since nobody in the family could communicate.  
“Alright, we’re going to start with you Lucifer. Time to share why you locked Belphie away.” Beel’s jaw clenched at the words. “And you’re not going to stay calm, Beel.”  
“Why should I? He lied– ”  
“And we’re all mad about it,” Levi interrupted, “but we’re not going to get anywhere if you everyone keeps fighting.”  
Lucifer sighed, lowering the ice pack he’d been holding to his head. “I didn’t have a choice.” Cass glared at Beel when he went to interrupt, his mouth snapping shut with a huff. “Belphie came to my room one night asking that I talk to Diavolo to stop the program. I told him that what Diavolo wants is what I want. 
“You all know how he feels about humans, he blames them for what happened to Lilith. Which is why he said he’d stop at nothing to wipe humans from existence. If he continued, he would have been guilty of treason. He would have been sent to the underworld.”  
“Why couldn’t you have told us that though?” Beel whispered, looking across Levi and Mammon to meet Lucifer’s gaze. “Even in secret, I would have wanted to know.”  
“There are some things that I thought were better if I burdened alone.”  
The brothers fell silent at his words, but they didn’t know the whole truth. They didn’t know about Lilith, and that’s truly what Lucifer was talking about. Just like Lucifer had protected Lilith with his silence, he protected Belphie.  
“So, to recap,” Cass said when she realized nobody was going to speak. “Belphie used to love humans in the Celestial Realm.” They looked at her with confusion, unsure how she knew that. “And Lilith started going down to the Human World with him where she fell in love with a human.”  
“How do you know ab–?”  
“I’ll get there,” Cass waived off Lucifer’s question. “When he fell ill and couldn’t save him, she gave him food from the Celestial Realm. Although that saved him, she interfered with a human’s life and was punished.” 
Lucifer had a distant look in his eyes as he remembered the memory. His voice doing nothing to hide the contempt, “our father was going to wipe her from existence, dispose of her as if she were nothing more than garbage.”  
“That’s when we were banished and came to the Devildom,” Beel said, his voice shaky, “and Lilith lost her life.”  
“Which Belphie blamed humans for and that’s why you must have locked him up, Lucifer.”  
Beel lunged across Mammon and Levi, almost knocking both Asmo and Satan from their spots in an attempt to hug Lucifer. “No, he protected Belphie.” Mammon and Levi complained, trying to get Beel off of them.  
“Diavolo clearly respects you,” Cass said when Beel finally released his grip. “Do you really think he won’t listen to you if you go to him?”  
Lucifer looked torn. Of course, he knew it ultimately didn’t matter if he talked to Diavolo. This was the prince’s goal. As he told Cass, he’d do anything to see it happen because he believed it was his destiny. Lucifer must think that if he said something, it may risk Belphie getting in more trouble.  
But Lucifer would always put his brother’s first. He would always do what he could to protect them. Why else would he have hidden Belphie and not told the others? In doing so, he held them at arm’s length where he couldn’t shield them.  
“I vowed to stand behind Diavolo and support those goals.”  
Asmo scoffed. “Who’s more important to you? Diavolo or us?”  
Lucifer’s head hung, a rare sight of meekness from the proud demon. Yet, he didn’t answer Asmo, and Cass knew why. Because while his family was more important, it was the very reason he had to support Diavolo.  
“I think it’s time to tell them,” Cass said, looking right at Lucifer. He lifted his head to meet her eyes. “They deserve to know.”  
The others exchanged looks of confusion, not sure what was about to happen. Lucifer sighed and Cass unconsciously took a step back, as if she knew there would be an uproar. Lucifer went to stand in front of them as he spoke.  
“Lilith didn’t die during the war, I, I’m so sorry that I never told you.”  
The commotion she expected erupted. Mammon and Beel both leapt from their seats. While he wasn’t strong enough to stop Beel, Mammon was fast enough to throw him off. He stumbled to the side, narrowly missing Lucifer. Asmo was frozen, staring forward at nothing in particular. Satan and Levi both shouting in the chaos.  
By the time they were able to calm Beel down enough to continue talking, there were at least seven pieces of broken furniture. Not to mention, Asmo almost had Mammon’s head for breaking one of his nails and Levi had been moments away from summoning Lotan.  
“Why didn’t you ever tell us?”  
It was a question that must be on all their minds. Lucifer looked at each of them in turn. It wasn’t just that he didn’t tell them about his deal with Diavolo, he hadn’t told anyone. Lucifer probably thought he’d never tell them.  
“We couldn’t contact her, and it would have put you all in danger to know what happened. I never wanted you to have to shoulder that pain.”  
“Being able to see her or not, I would have liked to have known,” Beel murmured. “You did what you did to save her, and I know that, but, but we could have gotten through it, together.”  
Silence fell over the room once more. For the first time since returning, there wasn’t any tension underlying the moment.  They sat in contemplative silence, processing the information. Until Mammon’s eyebrows knitted together, that is.  
He looked up at Cass in confusion. “You knew? How did you know?”  
“I’ll tell you, but it concerns Belphie too,” Cass answered, hoping they’d be agreeable enough to wait for an explanation. “I promise I’ll tell you everything, but I’d prefer to wait until he’s there. So, what do you say? Anyone ready to storm the castle?”  
“Seriously?” Mammon yelled. “He tricked ya? He wants to kill humans and ya still want to help him?”  
“It’s not about me.” After everything she’d gone through for the six of them and Lilith, nothing was going to shake her resolve. She’d tried not to be involved, but there was no denying she was meant to be there. “And it’s not about him. It’s about all of you.”  
Once again, Beel rushed forward. This time, he tackled Cass to the ground, underestimating his own strength. Fortunately, he managed not to hurt her. He helped her up, blushing as he apologized.  
“Are you forgetting that if we try to see Belphie, we’ll be disobeying Lord Diavolo?” Satan asked.  
Satan and Asmo shared a quick look before standing, a silent signal they were in. Mammon cursed under his breath before following suit, Levi not long behind him. They stood, staring at Lucifer, waiting for him to announce who he truly sided with.  
When they arrived at the Demon King’s castle, Diavolo and Barbatos were already in the foyer. It wasn’t entirely surprising that the brothers would eventually arrive for Belphie. They did seem curious about Cass’s involvement though.  
“What a surprise, the whole family,” Barbatos smiled while opening the door. Cass didn’t miss the sarcasm in his tone. "Though, unless I’m mistaken, Lucifer should be on house arrest, and you have an extra joining you.”  
“Yes, and I’ll accept my punishment for coming after dealing with this.”  
“And Cass isn’t an extra, she’s family,” Beel snapped.  
Diavolo beamed, but the sincerity of it felt oddly inapposite for the situation. “That’s delightful to hear you feel that way about her! However, I am at a loss for what it is we should be dealing with.”  
Mammon scoffed from where he hid behind Beel. Lucifer stepped forward, unconsciously putting himself between his brothers and any harm. “We came to request you release Belphie.”  
“No,” Cass interrupted, moving to stand beside Lucifer, “we came to demand you release him.”  
Lucifer tensed next to her at the same time Satan inhaled sharply in shock. The sound was followed by a weak yeah from Mammon and then silence. Barbatos’s eyes narrowed slightly. Cass knew he was close to telling her to watch her place.  
“You know, it’s funny,” Diavolo began, giving Barbatos a slight wave of dismissal. “I knew you were hiding him and why you were doing it. It really did make me sad seeing how it drove a wedge between you and your brothers.” 
“If you knew the whole time, why do you suddenly care?” Beel asked. “Just give him back to us.”  
“You could even charge him with a different crime, that way he’s still being punished,” Satan suggested. 
Diavolo sighed. He looked at each of the brothers with sympathy, but Cass knew his resolve wouldn’t change. He believed bringing the three realms together was his destiny. No matter how much he cared for the brothers, he wasn’t going to throw that away so impulsively.  
“We have rules in place to maintain the delicate balance between the Devildom, Celestial Realm, and Human World. I cannot simply overlook the fact that Belphegor aimed to violate those rules. And I can’t give him special treatment. He’s part of the council, a leader.”  
 “It’s not my place, but I wouldn’t be doing by due diligence as a representative of the Human World to not say anything. It also wouldn’t be true to my beliefs to stay silent. I understand that ultimately it is your decision, but I think you’re wrong. Doing this would be a sign of a poor leader.”  
Cass didn’t think it was possible, but the room became even quieter. She couldn’t see the faces of the brothers, but imagined the shock mirrored that on Diavolo’s and Barbatos’s. She used their silence to continue.  
“I understand you believe this is best and think this is the first step in strengthening ties, but it’s not. If you truly want stability between the worlds, it requires collaboration and empathy. You alone have decided the best course of action. Punishing anyone that disagrees is only going to lead to fear and contempt.  
“Is that the future you want to create? A future where the people you lead blindingly follow you because if they don’t, they’ll be punished? Does that not go against the very thing you’re aiming to accomplish? A world where demons, angels, and humans are equals? If you’re oppressing your own people, how could they ever be equal? 
“If you follow through with this, it will set in stone who you are as a leader. And who that is, is someone that manipulates and controls people to achieve their goals, regardless of if it is truly the best future. If you make this ruling under the guise of safety for humans solely because it’s your prerogative, explain to me how, on a fundamental level, you would be any better than Belphie.” 
“Cass, why do–” 
“It’s fine,” Diavolo interrupted Barbatos, eyes not leaving Cass. “Time and time again, you’ve not only proven to exceed my expectations, but completely subvert them. You’ve given me something to consider.”  
Cass tilted her head, a silent question regarding the status of Belphie. Diavolo's lips twitched, suppressing the smile fighting to break out. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he continued.  
“Of the events that have occurred over the last few days, there is one thing I can’t seem to figure out. While I think you already have an idea of how it happened,” Diavolo gave her a pointed look, “if you can confirm what happened, I will release Belphegor.”  
“Sure, no problem.”  
Diavolo laughed and shook his head affectionately, as if he already knew she’d say that. Lucifer, however, was not as confident. “Cass, wait, you don’t even know what that entails.” 
“I’ve come this far. What’s he going to do, kill me?” Cass smiled, hoping someone would finally laugh if only to appease her, but no one did. She rolled her eyes and tsked. 
“What I want you to do is to figure out how Belphegor was released. The door was sealed to only open using the combined powers of your brothers, barring Belphegor, isn’t that correct Lucifer?” Lucifer nodded curtly. “Yet, suffice to say he was released without that happening.” 
“How’s she supposeta figure that out, huh?” Mammon asked. “You won’t even let her visit Belphie.” 
“I’d like you to use Barbatos’s powers to go into the past to see who released him. There is one condition. You must do it alone.” 
The brothers erupted at that. Their arguments that it was too dangerous or pleas to let someone go with her faded into background noise. Cass stepped forward, extending her hand to Diavolo, already ready to try. 
Barbatos didn’t say anything as he led Cass to his room. It’s possible he was still angry at her for what she’d said to Diavolo earlier. She also was thinking about what would happen after going back. If Barbatos truly found her in ancient Greece, what if she lost her memory again? 
“You may be one of the most fearless people I’ve ever met.” Cass tilted her head, not sure what he meant. “Time and time again, you’ve been put in situations that threaten your safety. Yet, you don’t falter. Often you go so far to insert yourself in dangerous situations for the sake of others.” 
“Some would call that stupid.” 
Barbatos dipped his head to hide his smile. “This is the first time I’ve shown a human my room, you know? You’re actually the first human who’s been in there. Although, I suppose you don’t remember the last time.” 
“Why are we going there?” 
“Ah, yes, it may be helpful to know how my powers work. As you know, I can see the future. Using the doors in my room, I’m able to send people anywhere in time.” 
“Did you know we’d end up here?” 
“You mean with Belphegor?” Cass nodded. “No, I didn’t. Imagine for a moment that you knew everything that would happen until the end of time. That’d be quite a boring life would it not?” 
Cass fell silent considering his question. Boring wasn't the word she’d use though. It would be isolating to know that much. What would be the point in getting to know people or investing time in things if you already knew how it would end? 
They stopped at his door. Barbatos looked at her expectantly. “I think it’d be more lonely than boring.” 
Barbatos didn’t respond, pondering her answer as he opened the door. He closed the door behind them as Cass took in their surroundings. There were multiple floors with various doors on each level. The doors were all different styles from different eras.   
Cass followed Barbatos up a flight of stairs to a door that matched those in the House of Lamentation. Belphie had been released shortly after she stormed out. This would likely take her back to the day of Satan’s speech. 
“There are some things to be aware of when travelling to the past, especially to prevent you from warping history. First, do not reveal you are from the future. Second, avoid running into yourself. It’s best you determine who let Belphie free and come back. Finally, to return, you simply knock on the door you used to travel. After, you’ll be able to enter it and be brought back here.” 
Cass nodded, stepping up to the door. While she was going back to confirm this for Diavolo, he was right when he said she may already know. Somehow, Cass already knew Lilith was behind the demon’s sudden release. 
That wasn’t the only reason she wanted to go back though. She needed to talk to Lilith before telling the brothers about the ghost. Cass had a request of the former angel. She knew it may change the future but wasn’t too worried. She really believed everything was going to work out, somehow. 
With one foot through the door, Cass turned back to address Barbatos. “You’re wrong about me being fearless. I’m actually quite terrified. But if we never do things that scare us, life would be just as boring as knowing what would happen if we did them.” 
With that, she crossed the threshold. When her second foot lifted, the darkness on the other side of the door engulfed her completely. Once her foot hit the ground, Mammon’s room materialized around her. She recognized the outfits each of the brothers were wearing after they’d returned from Ristorante Six. 
They were discussing how great their plan to trick her and Lucifer was. It took all of Cass’s self-control not to walk over and smack them for their sheer stupidity, especially now that she knew just how bad it would turn out. 
Knowing she had things to do, and that it was safer to not let them know she was here, Cass snuck out of the room before any of them saw her. Making as little noise as possible, she rushed towards the west corridor. Narrowly avoiding her past self and Lucifer, she whispered Lilith’s name outside the hidden room.  
The ghost glanced up, a smile appearing. “How’d you find this room?”  
Suddenly, a foreboding feeling washed over her. For the entire time Cass had been in the Devildom, Lilith was a source of comfort. Looking at her now, somehow Cass knew her luck was running out. Even if she didn’t ask Lilith for a favor, the future was changing. 
“What’s the matter?”  
I’m going to die.  
It didn’t feel like her own thought. Almost as if someone knew how the next series of events who play out and was warning her. Someone who knew without a doubt that would happen. The name she’d been given when she arrived now felt like a shackle reminiscent of the prophet Cassandra. A future set in stone that no one would believe.  
Cass swiped at the tears threatening to fall and shook her head instead of saying the words caught in her throat. This wasn’t about her. She came here with a goal, and she was going to make sure it happened. Telling Lilith wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t change anything.  
“I need you to do something for me.”  
Cass explained her plans as fast as she could, not knowing how long she had. First, she needed Lilith to explain things to her brothers. Why Cass hadn’t thought of it before, she didn’t know. But if she could write down what Lilith said, she could give it to them. Because there were things they would never understand or accept if it didn’t come from the former angel directly.  
Second, she needed to know if Lilith was able to possess her body. If she could, maybe Lilith could finally pass the threshold to the attic and talk to Belphie. If, by some miracle, Lilith had any of her powers left, she may be able to use them with a physical body. Maybe, just maybe, she’d be able to release Belphie. If that body happened to be Cass’s, so be it.  
Lilith agreed and they got to writing the letters. Cass barely processed what the angel was saying, going on autopilot as she transcribed her thoughts. When they finished the final letter, Cass put the letters inside the inner pocket of her jacket.   
“Alright, ready to try the attic?” Lilith nodded with a look of determination that reminded Cass of how Beel looked when he set his mind to something. “If, for some unknown reason, something happens to me, make sure they know...” Cass fell silent not sure exactly what she wanted them to know. But she knew that unknown reason was fast approaching and couldn’t let it happen without saying something to Lilith.  
But she didn’t need to know. The look on Lilith’s face told her the angel understood. Cass took a deep breath, not sure how to prepare for what this might be like. As her vision became cloudy, Cass had a final passing thought that she refused to speak.  
Please don’t let my death be in vain.  
Cass blinked a few times, wiggling her fingers. Except, it wasn’t really her doing it. Lilith seemed to be in the same state of shock as Cass. Though, it had been quite a while since the angel had a physical body and it probably was an odd sensation. 
Lilith lifted Cass’s arm and took a step. Being possessed wasn’t what she expected. Rather than a lifeless Marinette puppet or even being unconscious, it was as if she was floating above her body. It was almost like they were sharing a shirt, so when Lilith lifted her arm, Cass’s followed. If she fought hard enough, she may even be able to take back control.  
“Woah, this is wild,” Cass said, but it was Lilith speaking.  
“Can you focus? I don’t know how much time we have.” Cass tried asking but couldn’t make the words.  
“Oh, right, sorry!” Lilith laughed. At least she was able to hear Cass in this state. “I’ve never done this before. It’s a lot more draining than I thought it would be. Give me a second.”  
Lilith rushed to the door. Cass could feel her renewed hope at the prospect of not only being able to see her brother, but speak to him, even if through someone else’s body. Lilith hesitated at the foot of the attic stairs. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I don’t know how to explain this, but I think my powers are coming back.”  
“When I fell, I still had some of my grace. It was fading, but an angel’s grace doesn’t fully disappear unless they die. Then when I was a human, I didn’t have my memory or the ability to use it. When I became a ghost, I could feel it with me still. It was always just out of reach, locked away. I never thought I’d get it back. It must be because I didn’t have a body. Apparently, I can channel it through yours.” 
“Are you sure it’s safe? For you, I mean. If just moving was draining, wouldn’t this be worse?” When Lilith didn’t answer, Cass asked the other question that had come to mind. “Do you think it’ll be enough to open the attic door?”  
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” 
With that, Lilith took a deep breath and started walking up the steps. She didn’t tell Cass how she felt, but she didn’t need to. Cass could feel the elation coursing through her. It had worked. They’d made it past Lucifer’s barrier, the first hurdle of Cass’s plan. 
Lilith practically ran towards where Belphie was, somehow knowing where her brother was waiting. Without hesitating she grabbed the doorknob. Cass felt a surge of energy flow through her as Lilith turned the knob and pushed the door open.  
“Belphie?” Lilith called.  
Belphie was asleep, but it was clear it wasn’t a peaceful sleep. There were countless pillows and blankets scattered around his bed. As he thrashed around, he was muttering pleas for help. The clearest word of all was Lilith’s name.  
His body jerked so violently he fell to the ground. The angel crossed over to his bed to help. Belphie reached out, trying desperately to ground himself even in sleep. His hand wrapped around her ankle and his erratic breath seemed to slow.  
His hair clung to his forehead, damp from sweat as he fought off whatever nightmare he was in. Lilith knelt beside him, brushing his bangs back. Cass could feel the fondness she held for him. 
“Belphie, wake up.” 
His flailing slowed to a stop before he blinked, looking up with confusion. When he realized who it was, his expression soured. He jerked away from Lilith’s touch, slapping her hand away. Lilith hesitated before remembering he was seeing Cass instead.  
“What are you doing here?” Belphie glanced around the room before his eyes landed on the open door. He stood, stepping towards the hall before turning around. “You, you did it? You got the door open?”  
“Yeah!” Lilith beamed as she rose to her feet. 
“You’re amazing, I mean, you did it! Lucifer or Lord Diavolo would never have imagined this happening. A human saving me? Unbelievable.”  
Belphie lifted his arms moving to give Cass a hug. Lilith responded in kind. The same feeling washed over Cass. Somehow, she just knew. This was a bad idea. She tried to stop Lilith, to take control of her body again, but the angel was too excited.  
Belphie’s arms wrapped around her. Although he was lanky, his frame engulfed Cass’s. He was taller than all of his brothers except Beel and Levi. Despite looking weak, he was at least as strong as the average demon. His hold was just tight enough to hurt.  
“You’re a fool. Just like every other idiotic, weak human.” Belphie muttered before a cruel laugh left his lips. Lilith froze. “I can’t help but laugh at how stupid you are. And once I kill you, the exchange program will be ruined. Diavolo’s reputation will be in tatters.”  
Lilith struggled against his hold, but without her full powers, it meant nothing. Belphie’s laugh became louder the more she fought. The maniacal sound echoed around them, drowning anything else out. His hands moved to her throat. 
“Belphie, why,” Lilith coughed, lungs screaming for oxygen.  
“Why? You haven’t figured it out, yet? Because I hate humans. I hate them more than anything in the three worlds.” Cass’s vision started fading as the burning in her lungs worsened.  
“Oh no. Are you having trouble breathing?” The fake sympathy lacing Belphie’s voice made her skin crawl almost as much as the laugh that followed. “That must be unpleasant. Too bad the look on your face right now is too delightful. Tell me, was it worth it?”  
With those words, Cass felt her body go limp and Belphie’s voice faded. Then, there was nothing. She felt weightless, drifting through empty space. It was cold. Cass wasn’t sure she’d ever been this cold before. Try as she might, she couldn’t fight the desire to sink into the warmth of sleep that beckoned her.  
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apoorhuman · 1 year
Imagine if the human world is already so fucked up, like there's trash everywhere, crime rates are high, the sky is always gloomy, you can mustook it for devildom, or you could say it's like devildom but much worse, like there's not even a safe place in there, problems here and there.
Now imagine this again, the place where the brothers called and visit as the 'human world's is actually not earth, not the world that Belphie and Lilith always looks back in celestial realm, it's another planet, basically the original is so fucked up that humans that are wealthy enough goes to a program trip to another planet to live better y'know those like futuristic films where the rich is in a better place than the poor right?
Now let's say that our mc here is from a poor family, so they've been living in survival mode since young, until mc was able to get to a ship that takes people to that other planet, they make money, got a good education and all
When others goes to visit the human world to maybe vacation right, all of them are quite oblivious about the fact that this is not the original human world they used to know, yes it is still in the same realm, but it's different place/location, and mc is aware of it
Now about how do they not ends up in the fucked up earth while teleporting, a powerful sorcerer cast a spell to make the portal doesn't go there because the sorcerer knew that if Diavolo get to see how's the earth is like he would probably fixed it so that it would be more of a better place
The sorcerer doesn't want that to happen because the sorcerer wanted to put and end to human world or human race, the reason is still unknown, and mc actually knows about the sorcerer whole scheme and plan, they once tried to stop the scheme but they almost got killed, so in the end they decided to hide so that they don't get killed and came back when they're stronger
Now this is another reason why mc wanted to make pacts with the demon brothers, they trained magic with Solomon, they learn many new things thanks to Satan, they train to be more stronger physically while training with Beel, they form bonds that's not just because the genuinely love the brothers and others but they also will be asking their help if they were in trouble or was attacked and they can't do anything
The brothers and others don't know this, they're quite oblivious about all of this, but of course Barbatos knew about this, and Solomon is also quite aware about this too, they decided not to tell others because it might ruined mc's plan even though the plan will resort to good future for the human
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justaaveragereader · 2 years
The Eight Evil Thoughts // OT8 Ateez
Intro: Before It Begins
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You were a firm believer that when you died you were bound to go to heaven…but what happens when you get casted straight down to hell. Before kneeling before the most famous evil thought/leader you run into the other evil thoughts along the way.
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” -William Shakespeare, The Tempest.
🌹Pair: Reader x ????
🌹Genre: Angst, Psychological Thriller, Possible Yandere
🌹Word Count: 1.2k
This was not what you exactly had in mind.. When you passed. There was always supposed to be a white light..angels singing, bells ringing something of those sorts. Your soul basically crash landed in some dirty old..castle? You thought for a second maybe you were in the mist of two realms. Now currently standing outside of two tall gates you now have no option but to venture on forward.
“Hello?” You say while knocking on the sleek black polished gate. No response. Grabbing a hold of the black gate you give it tug.
“Do not tug on the gate.” Booms a loud voice.
Startled you jump back. “I’m sorry I was standing here for quite some time and no one was responding to my calls. I think I’m a li-.”
“I didn’t ask for an excuse. Now…refrain from touching the gates.”
“Okay..” you whisper out.
A black figure emerges from the darkness. palest skin you’ve ever seen, at least 6’4, with pitch black eyes.
“Mmm…what was your sin love? A pretty thing like you just mustn’t have got banished down here for no reason.”
You could barely muster up a sentence, still in shock by the figure in front of you.
“I…I umm.. I’m not too sure. It got d..dark and before I knew it I was down h..here.”
The figure smiled so big, showing off its white pointed teeth.
“Well before I let you in and before you kneel before the king himself. You must meet the seven princes first. They like to play games so be sure you keep that in mind. Once again pretty, you are in hell. You may think things can’t get any worse but…you know what I don’t want to spoil the fun!”
The black polished gate slowly starts to open.. the figure steps back, waving its hand, signaling you to step forth.
“Games? What kind of game? Princes of hell? King? Like the Devil?”
As soon as you finished your sentence it felt like everything stilled, no noise, just your voice slowly dying out. The figure looked like it just ate something sour.
“The Devil? Our majesty is not what you filthy humans call the devil, he is above that! When you speak of him you do not refer to him as some puney, scrap of a devil. No respect, maybe your sin was being disrespectful, you imbecile.”
The figure says with a scuff in his voice. If it had any whites in its eyes you are sure the figure would be rolling them.
Stepping through the gate…you keep your head down.
“I apologize. I didn’t..it’s just the world I grew up in. The ruler of hell is usually referred to as the Devil, Lucifer, or even Satan at times…I truly didn’t mean to offend you or your majesty.”
The figure squints its eyes at you. Looking like it had a mind full of thoughts.
”You better get the names correct around here because some of the princes are not so forgiving. If you want to have an easy punishment you better straighten up and fast. Now follow me.”
“Wait, punishment? Why am I getting punished!?”
Your legs seem like they are on autopilot as they seem to move on their own, following the figure.
“Honey this is hell. What did you think was going to happen? You were going to float on a cloud? Maybe join hands and sing? Everyone down here has their own punishment. The princes are basically tests if you will, you pass? You get to the majesty and your fate will be determined. Now the majesty is like your final exam if you will. You fail your final exam?”
“You usually fail the whole class if you fail the final exam. What kind of tests do they give you? What if I don’t pass the tests? What if I fail? You didn’t say anything about failing the tests!?”
“Are you always this paranoid? What do you think happens after a test you fail? I can’t give you all the answers. You’ll figure it out.”
Stopping right outside a huge black glossed door. Slightly pushing it open. The figure puts its hand on your back slightly pushing you forward to go through the door.
“You got this. Remember names, and the tests! Good luck!”
The figure says while giving you a final push, slamming the door shut in your face. You start trying to open the door only to realize there is no knob. You are literally stuck in here with just two keys of advice. 1. Names and 2. Games because that was so helpful.
Rolling your eyes you look around and realize you are in a maze of some sort. You wipe your hands on your pants you are sure you have sweat dripping down your back with how scared you are.
“Well there is no going back, I literally have no choice but to move forward.” You whisper to yourself. Stomach gathering in knots you step forward and start your journey. Dead leaves crunching beneath your combat boots.
You are not sure how much time has gone by but all you know is your feet are tired, it feels like you are just walking in circles. All you see is dead branch like borders everywhere you turn.
Suddenly you hear it. Sniffling. Crying.
Quickly spinning around and pausing. You held your breath, worried that you were hallucinating.
There it was again, sniffling. Slowly you start to make your way to the noise. Pausing halfway, second guessing yourself. Were you really about to track down something or someone sniffling/crying because that’s all you had heard in god knows how many hours?
Deciding against your gut feeling you continue to follow the sniffling noise. Zig zagging through the maze til you are in front of a sleek dark blue door. You are positive you've come this way in the maze plenty of times but never seen this door. It’s like it popped up out of thin air.
“No no no.. I’m not doing this, no!” You whisper to yourself. Stepping slightly black from the door. Still hearing the sniffling and light sobbing from the inside. Starting to feel bad..you swallow your nerves and walk up to the door.
Knocking lightly “Hello?” You say quietly. “Is it alright if I come in?” You say. No response. Yet you still hear the sniffling.
Hands slightly shaking with nerves, you assume whoever or whatever was behind the door just didn’t answer due to the sobs. You place your hands on the knob, slightly turning it just cracking the door open. The sniffling still continues.
“Hello? I’m coming in now.” You say quietly but just loud enough for whoever or whatever was in the room to hear you. Fully opening the door you were shocked to see the sight in front of you.
🌹Authors Note: Well…what are our thoughts? I plan on doing a part for each member! I’ve honestly had this in the back of my mind and thought whyyyy not give it a try!🤟🏼 I’m honestly so excited to write this! I’m already working on the next chapter! Let me know what you all think! Enjoy, and look forward to the future chapters! I swear this series is going to take some twist and turns!💙💙 Thank you so much for reading🫶! Part 1 is now up and posted! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👇👇👇👇👇
————->————>Part 1
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onceuponmyanime · 2 years
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*I've always wanted to write about little Fluffy segments on the side about how MC felt in a new place like the Devildom with all these people she should be afraid of but finds an odd sense of belonging.
So this is my small take on it.*
The Other Human Exchange Student...
"Thou shall not use Magic..."
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"I guess they knew what they were doing when they chose you for this program." I sulked at the other human exchange student.
I think they picked me from a different pile of papers when selecting the second student because there was no way I was supposed to be here.
Solomon was nothing like the other people back in my world, only because he was gifted with the magic of a sorcerer.
I must say though he was a very arrogant sorcerer, and he was so sure of himself and the power he wielded.
And he didn't have the same problem as I did, fitting in quite easily with some of the demons down here.
"How are you liking it so far?" He was always curious about what I was doing, sometimes I catch him staring at me as if we were sharing a class.
"Well, I haven't died yet." Which I didn't hold out much hope for lasting any longer.
It was only a matter of time before a demon would finally get me alone and devour me whole.
And I believe Beelzebub would be at the top of that list.
Although I'd been at RAD for a while now, friends still seemed to elude me.
Apart from the Angels of the Celestial Realm of course.
But then I think they just felt sorry for me because I was such a loner, and mixing with demons wasn't a very easy thing to do.
Or a sacrilegious thing to do depending on who you spoke to.
"I think maybe you need a walk around the grounds for a bit. Would you care to join me?"
Not really having anything else better to do, I decided there were far worser things then possibly being eaten right now.
Like dying of boredom.
"Sure, I'd love to."
And I'm pretty sure Solomon wouldn't let anything happen to me if he was around.
We stepped from the corridors and in to the open space just outside the grounds of the Academy, the gardens a little different from the ones I was familiar with back home.
"I take it the brothers haven't been very forthcoming with looking after you," Solomon asked pressingly.
Looking after me was definitely not the word I would use.
"Mammon is always off doing something shady even though he's supposed to be watching out for me, while Leviathan sits holled up in his own room all the time. Satan barely looks at me twice and Asmodeus is too busy flirting with everyone around him." Which I must admit I've seen him cast his charms Solomon's way a time or two. "And I can barely get a word out of Beelzebub because he's always eating."
I didn't want to mention Belphegor, because no one knew that he was still here in the Devildom.
That was, no one but the person who put him in that cell in the first place.
"And Lucifer is far too busy to have any time for someone as unimportant as I am."
Solomon looked at me thoughtfully.
"So what are you going to do about it?"
Given there was something I wanted to do about it.
Right now, my first priority was getting Belphegor out of his prison.
"I don't know, but I'll have to do something soon."
Or die somewhere along the way...
"While you form a plan, I believe young Luke is making a rather intricate cake at Purgatory Hall."
Which was where I would have preferred to stay if I was given the choice.
But then again, that was another choice I wasn't allowed to make.
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bunky-writes · 1 year
World Past Six
Chapter 1:
”The Incident ”
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The first thing I recall before ‘The Incident’ is waking up, it was a sweaty and awful awakening. It'd been the most alarming heatwave yet and no matter how many fans we used, it was like satan's foul breath had been blown all over Sweden.
Most nights were spent in bed or in front of the TV with fans desperately attempting to blast the heat away. And when you're young and poor, that's pretty much all there was.
I'd spent my entire life so far assuming I'd be taking over the world by the time I was 25. Little did I know the whole world would be destroyed by bombs.
Although I still have 6 years left so who knows? Maybe I will be the man who decides the fate of the human race. Or maybe I'll become the diplomat between humans and a reformed reptilian race after I spend a few years living with a whole bunch of aliens.
No matter what, I'd still better be having fun because I've managed to live longer than a lot could.
Since the day I was born, I didn't like school, most likely because I was an art kid, too busy writing stories in my head, envisioning paintings, and so forth.
By age 10 I'd already seen many conflicts on the news so I knew the effects of war and was terrified of another World War. I worked hard to get good grades, attended the right kind of classes, and pretty much did everything I could to prepare myself for the future and yet still stay happy. This was even though by age 17, the world was on the brink of a third World War. I always figured that if I didn't become a professor then I would become a writer. And if I didn't become a writer then I would find some other profession where I’d write, maybe a journalist. So I spent my last 2 years at school studying, but before I knew it my mom fell ill, deathly ill.
I had to quit school to look after her. I had no idea what was wrong. I didn’t dare ask mom or dad about the illness. I just knew that I was supposed to take care of her while my dad worked. It was a lonesome reality and I still remember being so frightened because I knew what was coming. The knock on the door eventually came and my father broke the news to us. I remember nothing but wails and a strong embrace. I felt like I was in the way of doing what I needed to do, I was in the way of the peace that was supposed to be coming.
The worst part is, I was angry, so angry, that my dad’s new wife had ’replaced’ my mom. I was angry that my mom just left me, all of us, alone to deal with this tragedy. How could she? I was always so convinced that my mom and I were in this together and now I was alone.
After a couple of weeks, I stopped crying, though. I don't know if it was because my dad never cried or that I was in the process of dealing with so much. I don't know. My stepmom was nice, too nice, I felt nauseous from the guilt for wishing she'd been the one to die instead of my mom.
I didn't blame my dad for what happened to my mom, but I did blame his lack of reaction. He was just numb, and I feared that his apathetic demeanor would shatter if I spoke up about mom. I felt enraged and abandoned.
I moved in with my dad and his new wife. He was working long hours and so he didn't spend a lot of time with me. The only time he did was when he took me out to eat or watch a movie. If I was at home alone he would tell me to go to school or work but he never seemed to care that much in reality. He was a indifferent man and I was intimidated by him.
I think he wanted me to become a better person than he was. He probably wanted me to have a higher career and become a doctor, or something, and to avoid being a secretary or a clerk or even a fast food employee. But then one day he and his wife left to visit Colorado for vacation, and I went with them. But while they went to explore the state, I stayed in the BnB they had rented and played video games all day. And that was when the shit hit the fan.
It happened quickly. All of a sudden my phone was going off, bombarded by notifications from local news sources. Bombs had been launched, from both USA and Russia. A war had begun. The one that everyone thought would never happen. The one that everyone had been hoping to avoid.
Suddenly I was in an Uber, heading toward the nearest bunker.
I had a choice to make. Would I save my family? My friends? Would I sit this one out and accept the consequences? Or would I fight for the future of my country? And I knew that only one of those options was going to save my life.
There was nothing left for me to do but flee. I wasn't a trained soldier, sure my dad had shown me survival tips and a few self-defense moves, but that wouldn't help anyone. I knew my dad and friends alike would've wanted me to live, there was no reason for me to go on a suicide mission.
I don't know why but there's a hole in my memory between me getting into an Uber and a scene from my nightmares unfolding. The car stopped, and the driver slumped over, bloody. I stumbled out of the car, the streets were dripping red. Mangled bodies, unidentifiable.
My face was probably pale as if I'd aged ten years overnight. There was fire everywhere, and people screaming. My skin was bloody, but I wasn’t the one hurt. My hands were covered in red. Every ten minutes or so I would flinch, startled by a sound. Seconds would go by before I would be able to calm myself to remember to breathe. My mind went blank. I didn't know how long I'd been stumbling around, but I knew I'd had to hide. I wanted to run. I wanted to wake up from a bad dream. But the worst part was the burned doll, abandoned, in a broken stroller.
I was no longer the person I had been. Instead, I was a weak, vulnerable adolescent.
I was running down the street, my hands were trembling. A man in a military uniform screamed for people to get inside the bunker, he grasped my arm and threw me in. Suddenly the door closed with a bang, and then silence. But not for long, the ground shook with the power of an explosion. The door felt hot to the touch, practically burning.
I sat down on the floor, or more like toppled, and attempted to calm my nerves. I took deep breaths, over and over again. Eventually, I looked around at the people who were at the bunker’s entrance with me. I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the face of a middle-aged man, his face bloody and scratched, his clothes torn. I jumped to my feet, my hands shaking.
"Stay calm, we're all going to get out of this," he said, patient and somewhat monotone.
He had a thick southern accent, it would not surprise me if he was a farmer, he certainly had the build for it. He was like a bear, broody and towering over me and he seemed grim and stoic. Although not dangerous, his hazel eyes seemed kind. His blonde hair slightly hid his graying strands, he was probably in his mid-40s.
Although he seemed kind enough, I couldn’t let my guard down yet, but I had to play along. I looked down at the ground and gave him a weak nod.
"I'm…-he coughed, clearly uncomfortable- sorry for what has happened to you."
I nodded again, then felt an ice-cold shiver down my spine.
"My dad... he, he didn't make it, did he?" I asked, putting my hand on my chest, already starting to feel the hidden wounds that would never fully heal.
He shook his head.
"I’m the only man old enough to be your dad here. Sorry, kid"
My sight darkened, disoriented, and lost. I couldn't look at him anymore. I couldn't see anything. Just a black mist filled my vision. I could taste bile in my mouth, ready to escape. I was drowning, everything was distant and blurry. My lungs crying out for air yet refused to take a breath if I moved the whole world would shatter, and I’d plunge into a black hole, to be forgotten. To no longer feel or think.
"Are you okay?"
I heard a feminine voice say behind me. But I didn’t dare to turn and see the pitiful look in their eyes.
I wanted to say something, scream that I was not fucking okay, anything to reveal that I wasn't fine. My last family member was no longer alive and there was likely not even a fucking body to recover. And the last thing I said was something as indifferent as a hummed ”goodbye”. My heart was screaming and wailing, but I couldn't find any strength. I couldn’t utter those words.
"Yeah," I whispered.
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papirouge · 1 year
Did that anon really say it’s biblical to slaughter humans, leaving not women and children alive 💀 meanwhile the COMMANDMENTS BY GOD has us to not kill?? Clear as day for us to obey.
Sorry but this worship of violence christians have has to stop. It’s obvious how these people are blinded by Satans lies to justify their carnal desires. In the end times we are told that many lukewarm christians will be led astray by false prophets who are actual demons. Gun worship is demonic and gun culture is idolatry
Hm, to be honest, that's what one of the few things he got right actually 😅
The "Thou shall not kill" Old Testament commandment was for the Israelites treatments of each other (and yet, death penalty sanctioned by God for some sins, such as not respecting the Sabbath) but Israelites definitely had a God given license to kill (a good chunk of the OT are undless wars tbh). God occasionally told Israelites to even kill women and the child for when at war against specific countries, while for other He told to only kill (male) adults.
And yes, that's the same God we're worshipping today.
I think modern Christians have a very warped vision of who God is. Of course, Jesus happening revealed God Grace and Mercy - but God is also a God of Judgement and Punishment. Especially of His own people. For example I'm baffled that so many Christians seem to ignore that God sentenced to death Moses for disobeying/sinning, even after Moses repented(!!) 😭 But God judgement was done: Moses was sanctioned to never see the Promised Land and God ordered him to go up some mountain where he would die (actually almost all Hebrews died in the desert -minus Jacob and Caleb- because of of their disobedience) And it didn't stop at the OT : the God struck dead Ananias and Saphira (companions of Peter) for lying to the Holy Spirit 🥴 God doesn't play.
And that's also why all the people saying "once saved always saved" are liars because both Ananias & Saphira well saved and yet God still killed them for their sin¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
God hates sin as much as He did back then. So much that people caught disrespecting them was worth death. That's why Jesus got crucified btw. Blood had to be spilled to repay the blood we owed to God for sinning. That's why we owe so much for Jesus who literally sacrificed himself for us to not bear the fate we actually deserved for our sin (eternal death in hell).
But where this user got everything wrong is that you can't feel entitled to Israelites prerogative (using violence) while feeling entitled to CHRISTIAN mercy. WE ARE NOT THE ISRAELITES. God deported the Jews. The Temple got destroyed. Jesus fulfilled the Law. We don't have a land to defend because huh Christians are dispatched across the whole world on different countries, speaking different languages, different political regime (that's why US Americans invoking politics/Constitution/ civil law in their BIBLICAL defense of gun carrying are very stupid - like...it's scary how stupid they are to think such things are remotely relevant to other Christians anywhere else in the world), etc. So WHY cherry picking one Israelite prescription? Remember, disobeying 1 commandment of the law is like disobeying the WHOLE Law.
So yeah, if those gun toting Israelite LARPers want to access the prerogatives of Israelites, they better obey to the same commandments: do the Sabbath (no light, can't get past a given distance from their home), stone adulterers, circumcise their son, not eating pork, pay the tithe....and all the other 600+ commandments of the Law. Oh and they also better keep Jesus out of their mouth since Jesus fulfilled the Law and there's no point to invoke Jesus while still entertaining the very same things He precisely came to put an end to🙃
They can't pick and chose what they want from the Law while leaving out the rest. That's how you know how wack the theology of those people are. And it's tragic how many people get fooled by this. false doctrine. Interestingly enough, they will never answer to this question:
if Jesus refused to defend himself/use violence out of obedience to the Father, what makes you think you can? Where does the entitlement of disobey a commandment that Jesus himself followed come from??
If you're interested I made a very throughout debunking of the pro gun Christian stance on my Christian side blog
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There's a whole chapter on perfectionism in Bird by Bird, because it is the great enemy of the writer, and of life, our sweet messy beautiful screwed up human lives. It is the voice of the oppressor. It will keep you very scared and restless your entire life if you do not awaken, and fight back, and if you're an artist, it will destroy you.
My pastor said last Sunday that if you don't change directions, you are going to end up where you are headed. Is that okay with you, to end up still desperately trying to achieve more, and to get the world to validate your parking ticket, and to get your possibly dead parents to see how amazing you always were?
This is not going to happen. They are either so dead, like mine are, or they are insatiable, or so relieved that you did not end up divorced--or if you did, then heavily into drugs, like the Woodson girl, or more out of shape than you are, like Esther's son. It's hopeless, and this is the good news.
Putting those tiny pesky parental voices aside, what about, oh, say, the entire rest of the world?
Do you mind even a little that you are still addicted to people-pleasing, and are still putting everyone else's needs and laundry and career ahead of your creative, spiritual life? Giving all your life force away, to "help" and impress. Well, your help is not helpful, and falls short.
Look, I struggle with this. I hate to be criticized. I am just the tiniest bit more sensitive than the average bear. And yet, I'm a writer, so I periodically put my work out there, and sometimes like all writers, I get terrible reviews, so personal in nature that they leave me panting. Even with a Facebook post, like the last one, do you have any idea what it's like to get 500-plus negative attacks, on my character, from truly bizarre strangers.
Really, it's not ideal.
Yet, I get to tell my truth. I get to seek meaning and realization. I get to live fully, wildly, imperfectly. That's why I'm alive. And all I actually have to offer as a writer, is my version of life. Every single thing that has happened to me is mine. As I've said a hundred times, if people wanted me to write more warmly about them, they should have behaved better
Is it okay with you that you blow off your writing, or whatever your creative/spiritual calling, because your priority is to go to the gym or do yoga five days a week? Would you give us one of those days back, to play or study poetry? To have an awakening? Have you asked yourself lately, "How alive am I willing to be?" It's all going very quickly. It's mid-May, for God's sake. Who knew. I thought it was late February.
It's time to get serious about joy and fulfillment, work on our books, songs, dances, gardens. But perfectionism is always lurking nearby, like the demonic prowling lion in the Old Testament, waiting to pounce. It will convince you that your work-in-progress is not great, and that you may never get published. (Wait, forget the prowling satanic lion--your parents, living or dead, almost just as loudly either way, and your aunt Beth, and your passive-aggressive friends, whom we all think you should ditch, are going to ask, "Oh, you're writing again? That's nice. Do you have an agent?")
Oh my God, what if you wake up some day, and you're 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written; or you didn't go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It's going to break your heart. Don't let this happen. Repent just means to change direction--and NOT to be said by someone who is waggling their forefinger at you. Repentance is a blessing. Pick a new direction, one you wouldn't mind ending up at, and aim for that. Shoot the moon.
Here's how to break through the perfectionism: make a LOT of mistakes. Fall on your butt more often. Waste more paper, printing out your shitty first drafts, and maybe send a check to the Sierra Club. Celebrate messes--these are where the goods are. Put something on the calendar that you know you'll be terrible at, like dance lessons, or a meditation retreat, or boot camp. Find a writing partner, who will help you with your work, by reading it for you, and telling you the truth about it, with respect, to help you make it better and better; for whom you will do the same thing. Find someone who wants to steal his or her life back, too. Now; today. One wild and crazy thing: wears shorts out in public if it is hot, even if your legs are milky white or heavy. Go to a poetry slam. Go to open mike,and read the story you wrote about the hilariously god-awful family reunion, with a trusted friend, even though it could be better, and would hurt Uncle Ed's feelings if he read it, which he isn't going to.
Change his name and hair color--he won't even recognize himself.
At work, you begin to fulfill your artistic destiny. Wow! A reviewer may hate your style, or newspapers may neglect you, or 500 people may tell you that you are bitter, delusional and boring.
Let me ask you this: in the big juicy Zorba scheme of things, who fucking cares?
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