#Everyone was telling Courtney to let Gwen go and he just... went there pulled Gwen away from Courtney and put himself in between
sassy-bitch-since-2007 · 11 months
Sometimes putting a bunch of characters in a group and hoping for the best is extremely boring and full of conversations that make no sense.
And other times Scott asks Heather out just to get "shot down faster than a fly swatter" (his words not mine), then everyone starts having a debate on whatever or not Duncan is truly a jerk or just misunderstood which results in Cody and Gwen getting together with Courtney trying to pull Gwen away from Cody just for Scott to say 'nope' and put himself in front of Gwen and Cody like a human shield to protect their love from Courtney.
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What do you think everyone's regular outfits are (from your filming headcanons post)?
*cracks knuckles* why I’m glad you asked.
Alejandro: originally didn’t have a wife beater under his shirt and wore medium wash blue jeans.
Beth: she was wearing a sailor moon shirt with her pink pants when she first reached the studio. The costume team gave her the green undershirt but she brought her Girl Scout vest and the producers loved it. They also suggested the side pony for her, since Beth originally showed up with her hair half up half down
Bridgette: she was wearing a red lifeguard hoodie with a slightly shorter pair of shorts. they gave her the board shorts and but let her change into the blue hoodie she already owned.
Cody: he was wearing a Nintendo shirt and trademarks aren’t allowed so they pulled an early Freddie Benson on him and gave him those terrible striped shirts
Courtney: she didn’t have the sweater over her shirt and she was originally wearing flats. The costume team gave her the wedges because they wanted her to be taller on screen but Courtney picked the sweater herself.
DJ: he was wearing a jacket from his dance studio over his white shirt and shorts and a pair of sneakers. They did him dirty with that d shirt
Duncan: you think they’d let him wear a spiked choker in juvie? Nah they gave him that with the white undershirt. He didn’t have the eyebrow piercing before either, Duncan asked for it and the producers said “fuck it why not”
Eva: she was wearing a sweatsuit kinda like Jo’s but one of the producers told her the show would be a great way to get weight lifting coaches from colleges to notice her so she changed to her competition outfit so she could show off her biceps
Ezekiel: he was wearing a ripped black hoodie and a different pair of sneakers that had a hole in one of them. The costume team found a hoodie and new pair of shoes that matched his hat
Geoff: he showed up wearing a white shirt under his pink one and he asked the costume team if he had to wear the undershirt and they let him go half shirtless
Gwen: she originally looked like she had a shopping spree at hot topic. Skater skirt, fishnets, fake docs with stars and moons on them, and an “edgy” tshirt. The costume team found that atrocious top and got excited because it matched her hair; Gwen only agreed to wear it if they let her pick the bottom half of her outfit.
Harold: another victim of the trademark issue, poor harold showed up in a smash bros shirt with his jeans and sneakers. The costume team convinced him to wear the pink long sleeve by telling him it would bring out his soul patch and they threw him the Saturn shirt to go over it.
Heather: they left her alone mostly. She wore a crop top and similar shorts, but her color palette looked too similar to Bridgette’s so they asked her to change from something she had packed
Izzy: she was wearing a pair of shortalls and a pair of converse. Chris warned the costume crew about her, so they just told her that they’d like her in green and to find something she liked and she found her current outfit in like 3 minutes.
Justin: they left him alone because his modeling agent said they couldn’t risk changing his image.
Katie: they liked the schtick of her and Sadie wearing the same outfit so they left her alone
Leshawna: she was wearing her hair naturally and was wearing a cute halter crop top but the producers asked her if she could wear her hair in braids for the show and gave her the orange shirt because her halter top looked similar to Heather’s.
Lindsay: she originally showed up in the same outfit we see her in on the episode where they went to Boney Island, but the costume crew gave her some orange and brown to spice up the color palettes
Noah: he was wearing a blue button up with a pair of khaki shorts and boat shoes. When they sent him to costuming, he pissed off the crew with his snarky remarks so they turned him into a fashion disaster. Noah went along with it because of the free day mentioned in my last post, and because he was hoping to avoid the camera as much as possible.
Owen: they left him alone because they weren’t prepared to deal with plus sized contestants they wanted to represent Canada since the show wasn’t taking place in a major Canadian city.
Sadie: left her alone because they liked her wearing the same outfit as Katie
Sierra: left her alone because she was already known for her image thanks to Celebrity Manhunt
Trent: he was struck by the trademarks because he was wearing a Green Day shirt with his jeans. They gave him the green shirt because it brought out his eyes and to poke fun at his original outfit.
Tyler: also struck by trademarks as he showed up in an adidas jacket, a Nike shirt, and under armor joggers. They found a red tracksuit for him without a brand name on it and he was happy with it.
Let me know if you wanna see what the ROTI and Pahkitew casts originally wore!
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prettyboylovemail · 4 years
Thoughts on Gwen from Total Drama? Is she really the worst character ever?
 Hi there~ Thanks for asking! :D
I have a lot of thoughts on her, so I hope you don’t mind a long answer, anon ^^;;;
I honestly don’t understand why so many people hate Gwen so much. I really like her a lot. She was always my favorite (along with Noah) ever since I first watched TDI. We have a lot of things in common, so I relate to her a lot. I’m not going to say she’s perfect, but... she really didn’t do anything wrong?? Sure, she made some mistakes, but she���s human. And I don’t think it’s right to demonize her so heavily because of the drama she was involved with.
Season 1 Gwen is the best. She’s sarcastic and witty, but also has a soft side. Her relationship with Trent was my absolute favorite TD OTP. They were so sweet together and it’s a shame that Fresh TV had to ruin them in Season 2 (I’ll get to that in a sec). Gwen came on the show with a gloomy attitude and didn’t intend to make any friends, but watching her bond with Leshawna, Bridgette, Cody (despite him trying to hit on her), Duncan, and later on, Geoff, was all really heartwarming. I especially love her friendships with Leshawna and Geoff. Season 1 Gwen really was Top Tier and I feel like most people in the TD fandom agree.
Then came Season 2 and suddenly everyone started disliking her, both in-universe and also in the fandom. She started off the season really well, dating Trent and doing well in the challenges. But once Trent started getting really obsessive with her (as well as his dumb Number 9 tick, that was AWFUL), he started throwing the challenges for her and letting her team win. Gwen didn’t want him purposefully losing for her and the fact that he was starting to go crazy was really getting to her, as it should have. So she did the responsible thing and broke up with him. Sure, it was sad, because their relationship started off so strong, but what else was she supposed to do? He was the one getting way out of hand, and it’s realistic that she would’ve broken things off with him because of it. She didn’t want for him to be voted off, but when she was cornered by Trent’s team, she felt like she really had no choice but to let them get rid of him. But what really frustrates me is that the team continued to make Gwen feel bad about it and blamed her for Trent throwing the challenges, when it really wasn’t her fault at all! She tried to tell Trent to stop, but he wouldn’t listen to her. The entirety of the Season 2 Gwen drama was Trent’s fault, and his sob story about why Number 9 is his lucky number is NOT enough to make up for everything else. None of that was Gwen’s responsibility. She did what she was supposed to do and everyone hated her for it. Also, Courtney started her “Gwen is trying to steal Duncan from me” vendetta this season for literally no reason and that’s bullshit. Gwen and Duncan really weren’t a thing until Season 3, but the show tried to pretend that Gwen was crushing on him because they were friends and they chatted like three times onscreen.
Now we’re onto Season 3, where everyone despised Gwen because of the love triangle. I should start by saying that the Courtney x Duncan x Gwen fiasco is really poorly written and was completely unnecessary. I hate the way they went about it and if it were up to me, I’d get rid of it entirely. But the reasons why I don’t like it are kinda different from the rest of the fandom’s opinions. I don’t think Duncan should’ve been with either of them. I loved Duncan x Courtney in Season 1 because they had a really good buildup with great chemistry and the two of them worked really well with the “opposites attract” trope. But they were completely ruined in Season 2 when Courtney became super overcontrolling and tried to change Duncan into the boyfriend that she thought was “good enough”, which is already a completely toxic mindset and that put me off of Courtney for the rest of the show. She was already pretty bossy and annoying in Season 1, but I liked her because Duncan helped to balance and mellow her out. But alas, she ruined it and any good chance of a relationship between Duncan and her shattered. Then, Gwen came into the picture and things did not get any better. Instead of just keeping Duncan and Courtney broken up, they pulled the “off and on” bullshit between them, having them break up and then putting them back together again like 3 times. However, when Gwen and Duncan start their relationship in Season 3, Courtney and Duncan were not together. When Duncan returned to the show, Courtney automatically assumed that he’d just take her back and began acting like nothing had ever happened. But Duncan was very clearly not interested in her, and had his sights set on Gwen. While yes, Duncan never explicitly told Courtney off and that he wasn’t going to date her and yes, that is absolutely on him, he didn’t really act like a boyfriend to Courtney at all and went out of his way to avoid her. So when he and Gwen kissed, everyone acted like it was Gwen’s fault and that she’d “stolen” Courtney’s boyfriend, when really, they weren’t dating in the first place (something that Gwen later points out in All Stars).
And then comes Season 5: All Stars. This is not a good season. Everyone’s characters are messed up and the entire narrative is a mess. But, Gwen in this season did everything she could to make up with Courtney. She (rightfully) dumped Duncan and then spent every day trying to do nice things for Courtney in hopes that she’d see how truly sorry she was for hurting her and damaging their friendship (which wasn’t even Gwen’s fault in the first place and she had no reason to apologize, but whatever, go off I guess). But again, it was Courtney who kept refusing to forgive her and kept holding onto her delusional grudges. They did eventually make-up, but even that was short lived as Courtney still planned to get rid of her in secret, so that was essentially useless.
I apologize this got a lot longer than I had expected it to, but I have a LOT of thoughts about this show that I never get to talk about lolol. I really appreciate you asking and thank you to anyone who read through the whole thing XD
Anyways, Stan Gwen Total Drama
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dontlikedarkness · 4 years
Happier by Ed Sheeran prompt. Duncan sees Courtney with another man a 2 years after their breakup.
There had been a time, once, where Duncan had been Courtney’s everything. She was still his - there was no mistaking that - but that time where they only had eyes for each other, where they spent every waking moment together and relished each other’s touch, was long since gone. Two years was a long time to be apart. He had loved her all the while.
A lot of wallowing occurred before Geoff could convince him to go out again. It was made worse by the lack of closure; they had been at different places in their lives, according to Courtney, but he would’ve gone to the ends of the earth for her. He had begged her to stay, had said everything right, and still she’d left him. Without a big fight or a definitive end to things, his feelings had lingered. Days turned into weeks turned into months, and he loved her still. Everyone said he would move on, but how could he?
Leaving the house again was a gradual process. Going to work was a given as he still had bills and rent to pay, but beyond that, he could hardly leave his bed. DJ would force his way into the apartment to cook for him, and Geoff made a point of visiting twice a week, but it took a month and a half for him to get up and to say more than a few words to them at a time. He’d folded in on himself after she left - like his entire identity revolved around her. It did, in a sense.
It was nothing short of a miracle when they finally got him to go somewhere. It had been a long six months of chasing him around his apartment - eventually they’d gotten him to visit their own places, and even to let them invite Bridgette and a few other close friends, but still he’d refused to go any further. When he agreed to visit the animal shelter with DJ, Geoff had half a mind to ambush him with a surprise party. DJ spent a solid week talking him down, and even then, Geoff made a show of tagging along and inviting them for drinks at his place afterwards. It wasn’t much, but the pair of them were secretly relieved to see Duncan leaving his hovel, as they’d so lovingly dubbed his tiny studio apartment. It helped to see him genuinely happy, for the first time in months.
Eventually, their outings became routine, and Duncan found that he was content. He was laughing again, and being social - he went longer and longer spaces of time without thinking about Courtney. That ache was still there, but he was no longer quite so conscious of it.
Two years had come and gone in a heartbeat. Everything was repetitive, and his days blurred together, but he was still content. He no longer scanned every crowd for her face; his hand didn’t feel as empty, and he wasn’t so cold at night, without the warmth of her body draped over his. He dreamt of her still, but they were quiet, peaceful dreams, of picnics at sunset and rides on his bike instead of the dreams where she left again, where he could hear the echo of the door slamming behind her every time he shook awake.
Going to the bar was no longer so strange an idea. He’d go every so often, accompanied by Geoff and by Gwen, a pretty tattoo artist he’d struck up a friendship with a few months ago. Soon her girlfriend, Zoey, started to tag along, and then came her friends, Mike and Cameron and a few others he’d never bothered to learn the names of, and then DJ started to bring his boyfriend, and then Noah and Owen joined the group, and suddenly they were having massive outings and as overwhelming as it was to have that many people around, it provided an easy distraction. He had been caught on multiple occasions trying to send a drunk-text to Courtney, glancing around guiltily while he tapped away at his phone. Someone had always noticed, and stopped him before it was too late. With so many people around, often there was too much going on for him to have the space to think - and he liked it that way. Watching Gwen slam down whiskey sours like it was nothing and having to coax Owen down from tables meant he didn’t have the time to get emotional and make bad decisions.
There had always been an unspoken agreement that Bridgette was not to be invited to these things, no matter how much Geoff moaned and griped about missing her. Duncan didn’t have a problem with the girl, and they got along well whenever he crashed at their place, but she was Courtney’s best friend above all else, and she could be rather ditsy at times. The chance of her forgetting that Duncan was going and inviting her was too high.
“Dude, c’mon, it’s been two years,” Geoff whined, sidling up to Duncan with the saddest, dopiest look on his face that he could possibly manage. DJ noted Duncan’s answering scowl and shook his head, leaning back against the counter as best he could, given that it was short even by normal standards and that his stature was far above normal, hitting the 7 foot mark. “Geoff’s right, man. He promised that Bridge won’t invite her, anyways. Wouldn’t it be nice to have her around?”
Duncan threw up his arms in defeat. “Fine, fine, Bridge can come. But don’t think I’m happy about it.” Geoff made a noise not entirely unlike that of an air horn, pumping his fist in the air with all the excitement of someone who had just won the lottery. “Thank you, dude. You won’t regret it,” he promised. Something told Duncan he would.
His motorcycle had given him a great deal of trouble when starting it up, so he arrived at the bar nearly an hour late, already more than a little pissed off. He had several missed calls from DJ and absolutely none from Geoff, which wasn’t much of a surprise, given he now had his girlfriend there to keep him distracted. He fired off a few placating texts before setting his phone to silent and getting in line. Had he left his phone on, he might’ve been spared. Luck was not on his side that night, it seemed.
It wasn’t difficult to pick out DJ from the crowd, given how much he towered over everybody there. He wasted no time in joining his friend at the bar and ordering a couple shots of tequila. One look at the big man had him sliding a shot his way - he seemed visibly distressed, opening and closing his mouth as though there was something he wanted to say. 
“No boyfriend tonight?” He asked, hoping to set DJ a little more at ease. “Not tonight, no,” he responded, his words clipped, eyes fixed on a point past his head. Duncan turned with a frown, curious as to what was taking up his attention.
He wished he hadn’t looked. Maybe he could have remained oblivious, if a little concerned about his friend, and saved himself the heartache.
Because there she was, looking just as gorgeous as she had on the day she’d left, if not more so. She was all legs and curves, and her dress did little to hide it. Her hair was longer, now, and her freckles a little darker, as though she was spending more time in the sun. DJ’s hand on his arm startled him back to reality, and he blanched, having stepped towards her without meaning to. “Courtney,” he breathed, wrenching free of his friend’s grasp. He needed to see her, needed to tell her how much he missed her, how much he loved her, and-
He froze. His veins turned to ice, and he thought he might shatter, right then and there. An arm was wrapped around her waist, large and muscled and possessive, and the way she leaned into the unfamiliar man’s shoulder implied they were a lot more than friends. The man said something, and she laughed, a loud, pretty laugh. Fuck, how he’d missed her laugh.
What hurt the most wasn’t the man there with her. It wasn’t the way she laughed, or how much he missed her, or the fact that he was seeing her at all. No, what hurt the most was her smile, because in all their years together she’d never looked that happy. She was positively radiant now, glowing from the inside out, and it was the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
He clenched his hands into fists until his nails dug little crescents into his palms. And then he turned around, wallet out, and slammed a hundred dollar bill onto the counter. “Whatever bottle of liquor that’ll buy me is fine,” he ground out, ignoring DJ’s worried glances.
He found some secluded corner and planted himself there, taking long swigs from his drink. Eventually he lost count of how many friends had approached him to check up on him. He didn’t care. As the bottle emptied, so did the dance floor, and still he didn’t budge.
Nobody hurt her the way I did, he told himself, in an attempt to dissuade any thoughts of marching up to her and spilling his guts. But nobody loved her the way I did - the way I do - and nobody needs her as much, a second voice piped up, and he scowled, pushing the thought down. I was happier with her. So, so much happier.
But it was too late. She’d slipped through his fingers, and here she was. Happy. With somebody else.
As the night drew to a close, and almost everyone filed out of the bar, he was surprised to see her linger. They locked eyes, just once, right as he pulled the now-empty bottle away from his lips. I’ll be here, waiting, his eyes seemed to say, if he ever breaks your heart. Her answering gaze was so sad and so gentle that it took everything in him not to cry out in anguish. I know.
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Phobia Factor |Total Drama Island|
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Summary: Duncan helps you with your fear of confined places on Phobia Factor. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 2.8K
The screaming gophers team members walked towards your team, who were all still feeling the loss of the challenge. Courtney took a stand and confronted them on them being here, thinking they were here to gloat. They tried to play it off as being nice by offering dessert but in reality, they were just out here to air out their cabin. Which Owen, their teammate, had stunk up with his disgusting gas fumes. Beth walked up to Courtney, showing her that they, however, really did bring dessert for them. She held a plate of green gelatin in front of Courtney's face, making her yelp and take a few steps back.
"No! I mean, no thanks. I'm good," She said calmly, trying to play off her disgust.
"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.
"No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay," She replied,
Beth shrugged her shoulders and moved onto the other "campers", sticking the plate right in front of DJ's face. DJ shrieked when he saw the gummy worm inside, thinking it to be a snake and smacking the plate out of Beth's hands. It landed right by Cody's feet and he picked up the candy worm inside of it, showing that it's just candy and not an actual snake.
"Sorry for tripping, snakes just freak me out," DJ explained.
Tyler patted DJ's back as he sympathized on his fear. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude."
"You're afraid of chickens?" You remarked, giving him a look.  
Duncan chuckled at that confession. "Wow, that's—that's really lame, man."
And just like that you were all having this big bonding moment with everyone spilling what they were afraid of. Like Beth went on and on about how she was deeply terrified of being covered in bugs. Harold shared that he was afraid of ninjas, which you didn't believe to be honest. Considering how he’s always doing something ninja-like or bragging about being a skilled martial artist. You were really shocked when Heather admitted she was afraid of something, the girl is her own type of scary, you found it difficult to believe that she had a fear. But I guess even monsters have their nightmares. She admitted to being afraid of sumo wrestlers, her confession making you stifle a laugh with your hand. She shot you a glare and would’ve said something but the conversation quickly moved onto Gwen. Lucky for you since you weren’t really in the mood to deal with Heather.
"What's my worst fear?" Gwen questioned. "I guess being buried alive."
You shivered a little, yeah, that didn’t sound like fun but you weren't afraid of that.
"Walking through a minefield...in heals," Lindsay said after Gwen finished.
"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff," Owen shared, Izzy nodding her head as she agreed. "I would never go up in a plane."
"I'm scared of hail, small but deadly," Geoff said.
"Being left alone in the woods," Bridgette confessed.
Beside her, Sadie, sniffled before sharing her biggest fear, she hated bad haircuts. Lindsay gasped and changed her fear, she agreed that bad haircuts were the worst thing ever. Cody went next, his biggest fear was having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.  
"I'm not really afraid of anything," Courtney said smugly.
You and Duncan both coughed, calling her out on her bullshit. "Yeah right." "Baloney."
"Oh really? Well what exactly are your phobias, Mr. And Mrs. Know-It-All," She scoffed.
That was your cue to look away and pretend like you had no idea what just happened. Duncan looked like he had just been caught doing something embarrassing as he looked around to the others. They were all waiting for him, and you, to share their biggest phobia. Mostly because they wanted to know what the big bad Duncan was afraid off. And you, Miss Mysterious, seemed to know a lot about everyone but hardly anyone knew a thing about you.
Duncan sighed and gave up his fear. "Ce-Celine Dion music-store standees."
Beside him, he heard you stifle a laugh before his attention turned to Cody who spoke up. "Ex-squeeze me? I didn’t quite get that."
"Dude, did you say 'Celine Dion music-store standees?'" Trent asked.
"Ooh, I love Celine Dion," Lindsay cheered. "What's a standee?"
"You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store," Trent explained.
"Don't say it, dude," Duncan said with a groan.
"Kind of like a life-size but flat, Celine," Trent went on.
"So, if we had a cardboard standee right now," Courtney went on before being cut off by Duncan.
"That's kind of pathetic," You chuckled.
"Oh yeah, and what are you afraid of?" Duncan challenged.
"No offense, you're all pretty cool people, some more than others. But you're not the only ones listening in and I'd rather not tell the world what I'm afraid of," You said.  
And just like that they all realized they were on TV. "Uh, well, I've got nothing to hide. I hate mimes, like a lot." Trent shared.
"Okay Courtney, you're afraid of something," You said, trying to get her to spill.
"Nope—Nothing," She said, that smug smile still on her face.
"That's not what she said last night," Duncan laughed, making you roll your eyes and divert your gaze.
You liked Duncan, that much you knew, since the beginning you two just clicked. But you had no idea how he felt about you, sure you had your moments but he loved to mess around. And he seemed to have a thing for Courtney, you weren't about to interfere with that. You saw Courtney stand up and leave, completely missing out on what happened. You looked at Duncan, no doubt that he had something to do with it but he just shrugged his shoulders. After that, everyone decided to head back to bed, wanting some rest before another gruesome challenge tomorrow.
You walked next to Duncan in silence before the two of you reached the cabins and went your separate ways.
You sat at the table that held all your teammates, eating Chef's "food" as Chris announced the next challenge. He announced the next game to be a game called 'Phobia Factor' where everyone would be facing their greatest fears. And this right here is exactly why didn't share what your greatest fear is, and why you never will.
He pulled out a card, announcing Heather as the first victim in this challenge, facing her worst fear; sumo wrestlers. He called on Gwen next, she was going to be buried alive, making her gasp loudly. This is when everyone figured out that everyone was actually facing off their biggest fear. And now everyone thought you were a complete genius for not sharing your fear.
"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here?" Chris said.
Chef nodded smugly as he presented Tyler with a whole fried chicken. Tyler picked it up and brought it to his mouth, biting the head off, only for a live chicken to pop out. Was that even possible? Tyler freaked out, of course, but ultimately setting off the game.
The game went on pretty okay, with everyone being presented their fear. Beth was shown a large pool of bugs in which jumped right in and swam around. Nice one Beth, way to set the bar so high! Sadie and Lindsay were both made to wear mullet wigs all day to complete their part of the challenge. Izzy and Owen were taken up on a plane that was being driven by Chef. Harold faced off ninjas, or at least tried, he ended up smacking himself with his own nunchucks. Why did he have nunchucks at the ready? Lashawna ran away from Chef dressed as a spider, coasting her team a point. Heather went up against a sumo wrestler and actually won, by total luck though. But it made the score 2-0 with the killer bass, your team, losing.
Bridgette was lead into the woods to begin her six hours of total solitude. You watched in slight horror as Gwen was being buried, poor girl. DJ eventually scored a point for you team when he conquered his fear of snakes. But you were still one-point behind so not much of a victory for you guys.  
Cody was let somewhere where a garbage bomb was planted, one he had to defuse. As Trent was being chased by a mime, the rest of you moved onto the next fear. Duncan's Celine Dion music-store standee phobia, all of you stood in front of cardboard cutout of her as Chris explained what you had to do.
Duncan stood there with a terrified face as you helped him out. "She's pretty, she's nice."
"Just one hug and you're done," Chris explained.
"That—That looks really real, man," Duncan said, fear evident in his voice.
"Dude, she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yelled from the sidelines.
"Hey, it's okay if you can't do it," You told him gently.  
He sighed and reached out for your hand, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Fine, I'll try." He said, giving you a smile. He took a deep breath before running off towards the cutout, arms outstretched to give her a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug, scoring the bass another point. You smiled widely, ready to give him a hug but someone beat you to it. Courtney wrapped her arms around Duncan, cuddling up to him and cheering. That's right, he and Courtney had a thing that you weren't about to get in between.
You and the others walked over to him and congratulated him for his big win. The score was tied until Trent faced the mime and scored the gophers another point, leaving the score 3-2. Next up was Geoff with a mini cloud of hail just for him to pelt him with hail. But this reminded Trent about Gwen being buried alive, but she completed her task and the gophers now had four points while the bass had two. Owen and Izzy also survived their plane ride, scoring their team another two points. Looks like your team lost another challenge, even if Sadie, Bridgette, and Tyler completed their tasks.  
Speaking of which, Lindsay and Sadie conquered their fears and went the whole day with bad haircuts. Making the score 7-3, let's hope Tyler can get over his fear of chickens and win your team other point. But with Tyler being the last challenge of the day, what hope did you team have? Especially since Bridgette lost and ran out of the woods before time was up.
"Actually, we have two more challenges," Chris announced.
You looked at him in confusion, you and Courtney both refused to say what you were afraid of so what could they actually do? Chris brought everyone over to a tub of green jelly for Courtney to jump into, after they deduced that she was afraid of green jelly. That was probably more pathetic than Tyler's fear of chickens but when she explained why you saw her reasoning. It did look like snot, it made you shiver as you thought about it.
"Ugh, that is just cruel! It's probably warm by now, warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!" Gwen said, trying psych Courtney out.  
Courtney stood at the top, looking down at the tub in disgust. "It's okay if you can't do it, Courtney." Duncan said.
"It is? But won't we lose?" You retorted.
In the end she chickened out, walking back to her team in shame, while the gophers cheered. "Not so fast gophers, I said we had two challenges left." Chris said as he looked at you. "On this show, we like to do our research, and since you didn't tell us your fear we had to dig it up. Thanks for that, by the way."
"And what did you find?" You asked cautiously.
"Absolutely nothing!" Chris sighed. "Which is why, if you tell us your fear and complete it, I will give you triple points."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, while you looked at Chris with a harsh glare while he smiled smugly. What were you going to do? You could do the challenge and score three points or leave it as is. But three points wouldn’t give you the win, so either way your team still loses.
"That'd still be 7-6 though," You said.
"True, but at least your teammates can't say you didn’t try," Chris said. You gave him a look which made him roll his eyes and speak up once again. “Fine, I’ll also throw in immunity for you and another camper of your choice.”
Your teammates all looked at you eagerly, hoping that you would take the deal. And they were all hoping they were good enough friends with you that you’d consider one of them for immunity. But let’s be honest, even if you did do it and win, you’d choose Duncan as your immunity buddy.
You sighed heavily. "Fine, I don't like small spaces."
"That's it?" Someone from the gophers remarked.
You turned to look at them with a glare, pointing a finger at them. "You try spending two hours in a small closet because your so-called friends forgot to find you during hide-n-seek!"
And then is where your fear of confined places stems from, all because of a small incident when you were six. Chris chuckled in the back as he started to set everything up before leading you to your challenge. You started to quiver as the lot of you walked with him, the last time you were stuck in enclosed area you had a massive panic attack.  
Everyone looked at you as they waited for you to go into the small spaced area Chris had set up. You couldn't do it, you really just couldn't, it was too much for you.
"Hey, psst," Duncan whispered beside you.
"Uh, yeah?" You said.
"Shh, keep it down. Take this," Duncan slipped you something before you were pushed into your small space.
The last bit of light was shut out before you were in complete darkness and confinement. You just had to be in here for ten minutes, you could do it and score you team three points. "Hey, you listening?" A voice came through somewhere, more specifically through the device Duncan slipped you, a walkie-talkie.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked.
"Figured you might need someone to talk to while you did this," Duncan said.
"Yeah thanks," You replied.  
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Duncan asked sincerely, shocking you that he was being nice.
"Wow, it's not like you to be so nice," You teased.
"Keep doing that and I'll leave," He threatened.
"Sorry!" You yelped, not wanting to think about being alone. "So, uh, you and Courtney huh?" Now was your time to find out how Duncan felt about Courtney.
"What about me and Miss Loud Mouth," He spoke.
"You two are a thing, right?" You asked.
"No! What gave you that idea?" He asked.
"Well, you two seem so close and you ended up sleeping together on last challenge," You explained.
"Okay, that was a total accident and I don't like Miss I'm A CIT. I just like messing with her, she's too easy," He told you, laughing on the other end.
"Oh," Was your reply.
"Why the sudden interest, princess?" He asked.
"No reason, just trying to keep my mind off of other things," You said. "So how much longer?"
"You've got five more minutes. Anyway, no reason isn't a reason, why the question?" He pressed.
"It is a reason, geez, can't a girl ask a question," You sighed.
"Alright whatever," He replied.
Silence overtook the atmosphere, your fear creeping back up quickly. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down, you weren't going to lose, not like this. "Duncan, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here," He said.
"Okay good," You said, letting silence take over again for a few minutes. "Hey Duncan?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I like you, a lot," You confessed.
"I know princess. I actually like you too," He said.
You smiled to yourself and snuggled into yourself, waiting patiently for the end of your challenge. When you got out, everyone was waiting there for you, cheering at your successful challenge. They had to give it to you, having to spend ten minutes in total confinement was unthinkable. None of them wanted to do that, so yeah, kudos to you. And Duncan was waiting for you there as well, actually impressed that you did it. You lost the challenge but you conquered your fear and perhaps got a boyfriend too.
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Though he didn't know it yet Chris Mclean was in for a shocking revelation. One of the campers is not exactly just some rando kid. This camper is his kid and she is out to expose it.
Name : Iris  Escalona
Age 16
Eye color green
Caramel skin
Black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. A Cherokee rose on the left side of the hair tie.
Iris is 5ft 8",135lb
Out fit-White tanktop with the alchemists symbol blue acid washed jean shorts black converses
Iris has a dark sense of humor. She loves horror,pranks,is resourceful. Iris is not above smashing some skulls together. She is not quick to anger but Heather pushes a lot of her buttons.
All her life she just wanted Chris to know she was alive. Her mother never gave the reason why she left. She is the oldest of seven children.
____chapter 5pt2____
Geoff: Whoa… that kinda wrecks the ride.
Bridgette [nervously] : Now what?! We have to send someone out there or we’re going to lose this!
Courtney: Katie and Sadie are covered in barf!
Bridgette: Well then only leaves Tyler, Duncan or Harold. We already know Tyler sucks, what can Duncan do again?
Courtney: Carve a picture of his own skull into a tree? [screaming] What are we going to do?
Courtney: Just, go for it, Harold. What have you got to lose?
Harold: [beatboxes] [groans] [beatboxes] Aawesome. [beatboxes] Uh. [beatboxes] Uh. [beatboxes] Uh. [beatboxes] Uh. [beatboxes][beatboxing intensifies] Gosh! [beatboxes] Awesome.[beatboxes] Wha-what? [beatboxes] Uh, uh-huh! [beatboxes] What-what? [beatboxes] Uh! [beatboxes] Booyah.
[Screaming Gophers cheer]
Bridgette, Courtney, and Geoff cheer
Courtney: That was amazing.
Chris: Wicked beatboxing, dude!
Chris: Check it out. Grand Master Chef has declared its winner. Even though they held the lead, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass!
Bridgette: Harold, that was amazing!
Courteney: You did it!
Chris: And as for the Screaming Gophers. Pick your favorite loser, and I’ll see you at the bonfire.
(Confessionals Onn)
Heather: People thought I was mean to Gwen. Whatever. All I needed was four votes against Justin. Lindsay and Beth were easy. Izzy’s just crazy… and Owen? Piece of cake.
Owen [laughs, holding a cake ]: Piece of cake…
(Confessionals Off)
[dramatic sting]
Chris: Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment.[ the fire crackles] Music. Drama. Barfing! There is only one marshmallow left on this plate. Justin. You reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather. You’re full of surprises.[Heather exhales] But reading another chick’s diary out loud, to the whole world… then showing of her birth certificate Man, that is whack. [seriously] No kidding, that’s really messed up, dude. She had the right to tell me on her own.
Heather: Oh please, just give me my marshmallow already.
Chris: Justin, I personally think this is very wrong. I would have booted Heather for being a Bitch. But tonight, hotness just wasn’t enough. The last marshmallow goes to… Heather. Time to catch the Boat of Losers, brah.
Heather: Later, brah.
[Elimination music]
Chris "Iris I need to speak with you later. I'm sure you have some questions and I have some myself.
Who will be going home next how will Heather get by next week. Find out next time on Total Drama Island.
After everyone went to bed Iris and Chris sat by the bonfire in silence. It was awkward for both of them. "I didn't want you to find out like that. I wasn't even sure if I could tell you." She said braking the silence. Chris sighs handing her a letter. "Iris I knew about you for some time now. Your mother just didn't want you to get hurt. I know it sucked seeing other little girls with their dad's and you only had your step. I will make an effort to be in your life. but you understand I have to get a DNA test for legal matters?" He said looking at the fire. "I loved your mother no I still love her. I am happy she found someone to help raise you. I can't tell you how sorry I am Iris. " He was crying Iris placed her hand on his. "Lets not focuse on the past because it can't be changed. We can focus on the now because you are here." She said he pulled her into his arms "that sounds like a good idea." He said the credits started to roll.
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aeon-borealis · 5 years
Give us fanfic withsome aleheather viewing themselves separately in the future. In Area 51 the pair fight over an object that sucks them in.. heather and Alejandro see two different points of their future life together. Alejandro sees their honeymoon and heather sees Alejandro with their child.
This doesn’t exactly fit the prompt. I wanted to try writing a one-off from just Heather’s perspective. I might take a crack at another one-off from Alejandro’s perspective in another day or so.
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Every time Chris announced the next challenge, soaking in howspectacularly stupid or dangerous it was made Heather question herlife choices for at least a nanosecond. Again, why did she sign up for thisdamn show?
Butthen she thought of her list of motivators. Honestly, pure raw greedwasn’t quite enough for how insane Chris could get. So these othermotivators were what fueled Heather’s iron-clad determination andpersistence. These thoughts helped her overcome and push through thepangs of guilt, chipping her nails,losing her hair, and getting embarrassed on national TV. Everythingshe’d endured on this stupid show was bearable compared to what shecould potentially gain with that massive pile of Scrooge McDuck fuck-off money.
Thistime she thought about her boisterous younger siblings. Theyterrorized her room with reckless abandon, ripping her designerclothes, knocking over her glitter pen collection and losing rarelimited-edition pens, destroying her make-up, etc. The list went onand on. Heather had to hide every precious thing she owned behind thehighest security locks she could find in order to keep her valuablesout of her siblings’ grubby little hands.
Thelittle gremlins came to mind as she watched her competitors andteammates scatter across the warehouse. After the minefield and theelectric fence, everyone was on high alert and feverishly searchingfor alien artifacts like ants desperately chasing down that elusivepiece of candy little Timmy just dropped behind the stove. Heathertried to resist the urge to chase after and claw everyone else out ofher way. That would be the worst possible thing to do right now,especially considering she finally had a hot minute of not being thesource of everyone’s ire.
No.She was going to approach this with the same calm and measuredmindset that bastard Alejandro would. Maybe she could keep tabs onone of the savvier scavengers…Duncan, maybe? He was probably busymaking goo-goo eyes at Gwen and avoiding Courtney like the plague.The fact that he was sandwiched between those two was exactly why itwas better to observe him from the sidelines. He was very aware thathe was a prime candidate for someone looking to leverage his dramafor an alliance. There had to be someone she could twist and kneadlike putty in her hands. There had to be something unconventional shecould try. Admittedly, she had to get pretty underhanded and creativethis time if she wanted to stoop to la cucaracha’s level.
Justas the thought crossed her mind, she noticed Alejandro idly diggingthrough a pile of junk nearby. He was bent over in such a way that his tight,finely sculpted-
Heatherblushed furiously and looked away, clearing her throat to redirecther focus. To her chagrin, this caught Alejandro’s attention. Heturned and smirked up at her with so much smugness and smarm shewanted to punch his face in so far it’d leave an unsightly,cartoonish dent.
“Enjoyingthe view?” He stood up and chuckled softly.
“No.You’re in my way.”
“Goon.” He stepped aside and made an exaggerated gesture. “I’mcertainly going to enjoy the view.”
“UGHH!”She stomped towards the same pile he’d been digging through earlierand roughly shoved Alejandro along the way. He chuckled again as helightly bumped into a tower of cardboard boxes.
AsHeather knelt down to take a closer look at the junk, she feltextremely self-conscious. Alejandro’s scrutinizing gaze was like aheavy weight on her back. Sweat beaded at the base of her neck.Seconds dragged on like agonizing years. Of course, Alejandro madethings worse by humming the classic Jeopardy theme. She quicklyrifled through the pile of crap, yanked out a random nondescriptthing, then zipped back up faster than a successful apple-bobber at afrat party.
Thething she’d just snatched up glinted in the low light and Heatherforgot about Ale-jerkface for a hot minute. It was roughly the sizeand shape of a gold pocket watch, but it didn’t have a clasp on theside. Maybe it was a piece of jewelry? There was a circular redgemstone in the center surrounded by two concentric rings of whatappeared to be Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Heatherremembered overhearing a random conversation Harold had with Codywhen he was still in the game. Somehow, they’d stumbled onto thetopic of conspiracy theories and Harold was raving about somearchaeologist’s crackpot thesis about the Egyptian pyramids beinglanding pads for alien spacecraft. According to Harold, the mostominous part was that said archaeologist had disappeared off of theface of the Earth shortly after putting this theory out there. Ofcourse he did. He’d committed career suicide by officiallypublishing something that should have stayed in the niche corners ofthe internet on obscure forums with other incredible claims fromother like-minded whack-jobs…
Heatherrolled her eyes. This was just some useless trinket a member ofmilitary personnel dropped. And it was an incredibly tacky one atthat.
Justas she was about to throw the weird necklace back, she noticedAlejandro’s piqued interest. His pupils were as wide as dinnerplates and his expression was a mix between utterly baffled andmystified. Heather had this weird feeling that he knew exactly whatthis thing was but he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her.
“Letme see that…”
Hewas reaching for it now. Heather quickly closed her fingers aroundthe weird trinket and shifted her arm far from Alejandro’s grasp.“What’s it to you?”
“It’smine. A gift from my mother.” His words were buttery and smooth.Heather’s grip loosened for a moment. He’d turned the full forceof those beautiful green eyes on her and she could feel her heartmelting a little.
“Please…”Alejandro smiled sweetly, slowly extending a cupped hand towards her.For a moment, Heather looked down at his hand, then back at his face.Damn was that gaze hypnotic. Heather wouldn’t be surprised ifAlejandro had sold part of his soul to the Devil for some of theuncanny abilities and talents he possessed.
Shetook a step back from him, blew a raspberry, and smiled fiendishly asshe crammed the weird trinket in her shorts pocket. Then she took offat a quick sprint. She was mildly surprised when Alejandro starteddoggedly chasing after her, a weird determination set on his face.
Upcomingrows of cardboard boxes were starting to narrow. Grinning, Heathertook advantage of her more slender frame and slipped into a narrowspace between two towers of boxes. She crawled along the space untilshe was so far in Alejandro could only peer in. For a moment, hefrowned and she shot a victorious smirk at him. Then he sighed andwandered off.
Alejandro’sbizarre reaction had only sparked Heather’s curiosity. Chris couldwait a minute for her to turn in the artifact. She pulled the trinketback out of her pocket to take a closer look. The red gemstone glowedin an especially eerie way under the dimmer lighting back here.Gingerly, she touched the smooth gemstone and then slid her fingeronto the closest ring. Her eyes widened when she realized that therings were movable.
Sheadjusted the ring slightly counter-clockwise and…
….Heatherwas temporarily blinded by bright white light.
Thelight started to fade into a spatter of bright green and yellowbokeh. A couple of blurred figures stood in front of Heather. One ofthe figures was small and crazily darting around.
It was like she waslooking into the view screen of a high-end camera as the cameramanprepared for the next shot in the hypothetical movie. Finally, themysterious figures slowly became more crisp, clear, and defined. Thetaller one was a lithe, fairly muscular, and handsome young man. Hehad tanned skin, shoulder length brown hair tied back into a rattail,light stubble, and striking goose egg green eyes. He wore Coke bottlelens glasses, a button-up red shirt with the sleeves rolled up to hiselbows, a black vest, washed out blue jeans, and black boots.Recognition swelled through Heather and her heart took off like afanatical rocket.
Thiswas a slightly older, more matured Alejandro. He was a dreamboat now,but oh God, Heather never thought he get this much hotter. WhenHeather was able to collect herself enough to stop drooling buckets,she turned her attention towards the smaller and more energeticfigure.
Itwas a little girl with light tanned skin, big and shining dark eyes,and long black hair. Those were the same eyes and hair Heather sawevery morning in the mirror. But, that slightly hooked nose andthicker eyebrows were….Alejandro’s. This little girl had the twomost distinctive features on Alejandro’s face aside from hismesmerizing eyes.
Asif Heather didn’t feel like she’d been hit over the head with asledgehammer already, her older counterpart walked into the scene.She was graceful. She wore a long white sundress and matching sunhat,strappy sandals, and had her hair tied up and casually tossed overone shoulder. It was a look Heather couldn’t ever imagine she’dwear in a million years, but Mom Heather was definitely rockingit.
MomHeather scooped up her adorable little brat, laughing and smiling insuch a sweet, saccharine way it made young Heather want to throw upand horribly envious all at once. When older Alejandro walked overand slung an arm around Mom Heather’s shoulders the scene becamesomething out of the filler page in a garden magazine or the mostgeneric stock photo ever. Of course these two were gorgeous modelswith the most photogenic family on the face of the planet. Or maybeHeather was just horribly biased.
Thescene dissipated as quickly as it’d appeared. Heather blinkedseveral times, snapping back to reality with a weird pit in herstomach. Part of her felt incredibly warm and buzzing with happinesswhile another part of her felt confused and slightly horrified. Itwas weird to think of Alejandro that way, let alone imagine what it’dbe like to have a kid and a life together. Admittedly, yes, theirchild would be the hottest person on in the known universe. But still.
Heatherhated her younger siblings and Alejandro with an equal white-hotfiery intensity. So that weird snapshot of the future was utternonsense. She sure as hell didn’t want Alejandro. She was sure she didn’t want to havekids. Both factors would seriously get in the way of the active, glamorous lifestyle she imagined having by her mid-twenties.
Yet the image stayed in her mind, drifting between otherthoughts and musings. Some small scrap of her wanted to cling to thispicture, have it professionally framed in a glitter-glue covered woodframe, and proudly displayed on her living room wall.
Shewas regaining her bearings now. She was still crammed into this smallspace. But her hand was empty. The weird trinket was just gone.Vanished. Almost as if it’d never existed in the first place. Thiswas too weird for Heather. A hard lump settled in the pit of herstomach and she felt like some eerie, unseen force was watching her.
Swallowinghard, she scrambled out of that narrow cardboard box alley and tookoff running like a bat out of hell. Everything was a blur as sherushed for the nearest exit. Instead, she ran right into Alejandroand they tumbled into each other, rolling right into a nearby towerof cardboard boxes. The boxes fell and a few hit Heather as she triedto push herself back up.
Thenshe was looking into Alejandro’s face, her gaze locked with his.She was drowning in those dazzling eyes. Her insides were twistedtogether in a crazy knot. The image of an older Alejandro and theirfuture daughter flashed in her mind’s eye a few times as shebreathed heavily and her heartbeat roared in her ears like crashingocean waves.
Aneternity later, Heather felt like she was actually just looking atAlejandro. He looked as startled and unsettled as she did. A lightblush spread across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. There wasan unspoken realization between the two of them.
Thatweird trinket had shown him some kind of weird crystal-ball futuresnapshot, too.
Thetwo of them awkwardly pulled away from each other, stood back up, andparted ways without another word. Heather took a few seconds tocollect herself, taking a few deep breaths and waiting for her bodytemperature to lower a few degrees.
Thiswas, by far, the weirdest thing that had ever happened to her on thisshow and it’d be a secret she’d take to the grave. She was definitely going to be lurking on some of those obscure conspiracy theorist forums for awhile, though…
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TOTAL DRAMA ALL STARS season 5 episode 5
 this is what I think Gwen should have done and what should have happened in episode 5 and afterwards in Gwen’s perspective.I might do Duncan or Courtney’s next,and I might do another season,idk.And,yes,I know I’m like,10 years late.
this is my first story/fanfic,so please go easy on me
Ever since we got  there,Duncan only cared about getting under Courtney’s skin,and its TOTALLY ANNOYING!!!!The only reason I went back to that disgusting place was to make up with Courtney.Even though, I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!!They were broken up WAY before Duncan and I started.And WHY WAS I A VILLAIN??????????
When Heather started acting all ‘nice’ in this weeks challenge,I knew something was up,but i just tried to keep my distance.Then i saw an opportunity to make amends with Courtney,or at least start to.I took it and I was SO close,but she just had to remember that she wanted to see my head on a spike!
I can’t believe my team were even considering crossing that rope bridge!It’s like, the most obvious thing in a movie!The rope bridge snaps,and most of the time,someone dies.I WAS NOT TAKING THAT CHANCE!So,I decided to take the long way.I might have been alone,against a bunch of killer,wild animals,but at least if I was gonna die,I wasn’t going to fall to my death off of a dang rope!
I have to admit, it was pretty cool of Duncan to save me from those chipmunks,or whatever they were.If only he had stayed that cool the whole time!I mean seriously!Why does he even care if Courtney said anything about him?Shouldn’t he be less focused on his ex-girlfriend and more focused on me,his ACTUAL GIRLFRIEND and the competition????But no,he’s WAY too cocky for that,and thinks that Courtney’s still obsessed with him,like he is about her.I mean,PUH LEASE!She’s happy with Scott,let her be!
When I saw Courtney in trouble,I really hoped that if I saved her,she would finally forgive me for the whole Duncan thing,and we could move on in our lives.Then,everyone would see that I’m really a Hero,not a VILLAIN,and that I really didn’t mean all of those horrible accidents that happened to her.Plus,even though Courtney and I were busy fighting of a deadly deer,we still won!I was SO happy!Another night in a luxury hotel!!!!!!
The last straw for me with Duncan was at the Elimination Ceremony,when Duncan tried to comfort me with a kiss on the cheek,AND ASKED IF COURTNEY WAS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!I finally snapped.”WHY DO YOU CARE????” I screamed.”Look Duncan,I know that you don’t like Courtney,and you’re trying to get under her skin,but I’m sick of it!Ever since we got here,all you’ve cared about is Courtney,YOUR EX-GIRLFRIEND!You need to get this into your thick scull:the only reason I came back here is to make up with her,and the only reason you’re here is because I’m here,right?”Duncan nodded”Right,so you need to stop putting so much effort into your ex-girlfriend and more effort into me,your actual girlfriend and our relationship!Oh,and you need to stop caring what everyone thinks about you!!!!!Ever since you got switched over the the Hero’s, its all you care about.WHO CARES IF YOU’RE A BAD BOY OR A GOODY GOODY??I’ll still love you all the same!If you don’t stop,I’m done,I can barely take it anymore “
I turned to Courtney”Courtney,I am so sorry about everything that has happened between us,even though I really don’t think I did anything wrong,I am so sorry about how everything went down.I really only came back to make up with you,and I’m sorry if you can’t forgive me.”
After my ‘speech’,I stormed back to the hotel,and locked myself in a small bedroom.There was NO way I was going to sit through an entire Elimination Ceremony after that.
Courtney came to my room about an hour later.
She knocked and waited outside the door forever.I eventually opened the door.
“Hey.........”she said as she entered the room.
“Hi.....................”I replied.What was I supposed to say?
“Look,I’m so sorry I wouldn’t forgive you.Or at least hear you out about it.I really appreciate how you came back just to make it up to me!”Courtney said after a long silence.”And by the way,you were right,we were over before you started dating..........Can you ever forgive me????
I was almost in tears.Finally,someone admitted that I wasn’t the boyfriend stealing,new Heather!!!!!
“Of course!!!!!!!!I muttered,in between sobs
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I was so happy to wake up and find Cameron on our team.Finally someone nice!I really wasn’t in the mood for some dumb challenge,but,I also needed a distraction.Plus I was curious if Duncan would take my words seriously.
I got seriously scared when Chris told u what the challenge was.But,to my surprise,Duncan stayed with me the entire time,even though we’re on different teams.He was actually really sweet.Half way through the challenge,Duncan pulled me aside and apologized.He told me that he just felt self conscious about losing his ‘bad boy’ exterior,and he didn’t want me to think he was a sissy or that its not cool to be in a relationship with a ‘do-gooder’ or something like that.I told him he was sweet,but really stupid,I mean,as if doing something kind would put me off being in a relationship with him.The thing that put me off was his arrogance,cocky-ness and how he was pretending to be something he’s not.
Then he stopped me,pulled me in close and we kissed
After that,Duncan really started to change.He stopped trying to get to Courtney,and finally started to focus on our relationship.And the competition.When Duncan stopped caring what everyone thought of him,he actually did start to go back to being a bad boy,which I could see he was happy about.
I was so focused on the whole Duncan and Courtney thing that I didn’t even really notice who was on my team.Courtney,obviously.Which now was great because she finally forgave me,Cameron,who I really didn’t know,but I was really happy to get to know,because he seems like a really nice person,Scott,who was one of the 2 actual villains on the Villain team.Yeah,he was weird,but it was so obvious that Courtney liked him,so,I had to be nice to him.If I was on his good side,I could stay on Courtney’s good side.
And last but not least,Alejandro.There was NO WAY I was ever going to trust that guy!There really isn’t much to say,except for the fact that he was definitely the most villainous of all the Villains.
“hey babe.”Duncan said as I walked over to him.He seemed really down.I knew Duncan seemed off.Something was bothering him,so,I asked him.I COULD’NT BELIEVE IT!!!!Mike was in JUVIE????But he was called Mal??That made no sense,I mean,MIKE!!!When I wasn’t focused on Duncan and Courtney,I did notice that Mike was acting a bit strange,but I still couldn’t believe that HE went to juvie.Duncan left to go tell Zoey.I didn’t think that was such a good idea.I mean if I was in doubt,there was no way Zoey would believe him.Especially since Duncan had gone back to his old ways of being ‘the delinquent’.I didn’t have time to ask Duncan how she reacted,because Chris started explaining the challenge.”Great,another day of pain.”I thought.
I knew something had to be up with this challenge when Scott had to fight Fang and Sierra had to fight her........creature’s mother.Scott was SO MESSED UP after his fight with Fang,and I was SO happy when Courtney let me help.I was really glad we were friends again!!
I have to admit,when I saw Alejandro’s older brother,I was in awe.I know he told us that he was better than him at everything,but I guess I had to see it to believe it.But it was no surprise how he felt about Heather.It was more obvious that they were in love than me and Duncan,and we’re an ACTUAL COUPLE!!!
When I saw Mike take down Izzy,I kinda started to believe Duncan even more.The Mike that I knew,even vaguely,WOULD NOT be able to take down that psycho chick!
I know it looked bad,that Duncan couldn’t take down some stupid bird,but I respected him for it.YEAH it was just a bird,but Duncan wouldn’t hurt something so helpless.I know he was disappointed in himself,but like I said,I RESPECTED HIM FOR IT and I told him so.He still seemed upset,so I gave him a hug and pulled him in for a kiss.He seemed to cheer up after that,but I hated that he was doubting himself so much.I thought he was really noble to turn down that fight!
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It was my turn next,and I couldn’t believe they actually wanted me to fight Courtney!Right after we made up and were best friends again!
We obviously refused,until Chris pulled out those Gwuncan videos Sierra made.I could tell Courtney was getting angry,so I simply said:”Look,Courtney,we’re passed this,and we agreed to be friends!You told me you were OVER Duncan!”
There was a long pause.I had no idea what to do!”Should I be getting ready to fight?”I thought to myself
“You’re right!Sorry Chris,but I’m not fighting my best friend!”Courtney finally replied
I was so happy!!!!!!This was confirmation that she really did forgive me!!!!I pulled her into a huge hug and ran over to Duncan.I didn’t care if our team lost or not.I was SO happy!!!
When Chris told us that we got to choose who went home,it was an obvious choice.Sierra.She was going crazy without her phone and Cody.Well,crazier.
I was so glad Alejandro was gone for the night!I always felt uneasy with him around.
I felt horrible eliminating Sierra,but Duncan did help me through it and made me laugh a lot.He also reassured me that she would be happier,cause she would be with Cody again.
I know it sounds like Duncan’s gone soft,but he really hasn’t.He’s sweet around me sometimes,like when I’m upset,but with everyone else,he’s just how he used to be.Which I appreciate.I love that he is himself when he’s around me and everyone in camp,dark and spooky,but when he realizes I’m upset or need to talk about something,he switches.He’s kind,sweet and understanding.
I don’t want it to seem like I wanted him to change,I think he just needed a reality check,which I’m sure he would agree with now,and that’s exactly what I gave him.
I woke up that morning feeling AMAZING!Courtney and I were friends again,everything was back on track with Duncan,I slept in the most comfortable bed ever,in the most amazing hotel ever and I had the best dream...........ever.I dreamt that I was riding a fluffy unicorn ,across clouds made of marshmallows!
Courtney and I started to talk and I confessed that a couple days before I was ready to quit,but because we were friends again,and me and Duncan had the best relationship ever,I never wanted it to end!
“I hope we make it to the finale together.”Courtney said,smiling.
“What about Scott?”I asked
Then,Courtney said something that made me even HAPPIER.I didn’t think that was possible “He’s cool and all,but like you say,you gotta put friends first!”
Like I said,I was really happy that she said that,and meant it,but what about Duncan?He was my boyfriend after all!
The more I thought about it,the more I realized that my dream was to have Duncan AND Courtney in the finale with me.After that,there would be no alliances,no bias.And we would all try our best and see who won.Before,those two in the finale with me would have seemed like a nightmare,with them fighting all the time,but,Duncan had realized that Courtney and I were friends and there was nothing he could do about it.And Courtney realized that Duncan and I were in love,and just because they didn’t work out,doesn’t mean that the same would happen to us.
Before the challenge,Duncan decided to drive Chef’s truck into the ocean,I don’t know why,probably because he was bored,or wanted to prove a point,but it was HILARIOUS watching Chef get all mad,which,of course,made Duncan happy,and then he saw me laughing and found it even funnier!He really was a sight for sore eyes!
When I heard that the teams were being merged,I was so happy!Now,not only could I spend time with Courtney,but I could spend time with Duncan,not just walking to,from,and during challenges!I walked straight over to Duncan and kissed him.
For that days challenge,we had to race all around the island in boats that barely floated!
Of course Duncan and I went together,but Alejandro got the best boat,so we jumped into the other speedboat.
I looked back and saw Courtney and Scott jump on to the raft with Zoey and Cameron.I would have gone back for her,considering she was my best friend,but we were too far ahead.
I don’t know how Mike got so far ahead of us in a measly fishing boat,but, I was glad to see Alejandro’s engine stalling.And so was Duncan.”Having a little engine trouble Al???”Duncan laughed as we sped past him.
We managed to avoid all of the coconuts in Coconut Alley,but when I looked back,I saw that Courtney got hit,and I got seriously worried!But she bounced back just like she always does.
Eventually,our engine stalled,and even the guys on the RAFT passed us with their new motor.Duncan went to the top of the boat and started paddling while I tried to fix the engine.And of course,to make a bad situation worse,Chris just had to swoop down and remind us that Mike was winning.........and we were in last place.
I eventually got the engine going again,and we went as fast as we could,but it just wasn’t enough.We came in second,and would have won,but Alejandro’s NOSE passed the finish line before we did.I was so sure we were gonna win,but Alejandro beat us by a split second.
I wasn’t that bummed when Alejandro was being a jerk about bringing someone to the hotel because as corny as it sounds,I just wanted to spend time with Duncan,and i couldn’t do that if one of us was in the 5 star hotel.Not that Alejandro would bring either of us anyway!
At the Elimination Ceremony,I was SO glad to hear that there would be no Boney Island!That place is HORRIBLE!!!!And then,when I thought it couldn’t get any better,Chris told us that there also wouldn’t be anyone going home.I knew there was probably a catch,but,I just didn’t care.
As we were saying goodnight,Duncan slipped a note into my hand and went to the guys side of the cabin.
I waited until I was in bed to read it,and I kept it from Courtney.I don’t know why,I just felt like she ‘wouldn’t approve’ or something.Anyway,the note said
     “Gwen,if you feel like having some fun,meet me at the mess hall at 2.A.M.Everythings funner at night <3 ;]Make sure no 1 sees u.Especially Courtney.</p>
When I read the note,I was so glad I waited till everyone was in bed.I decided to wait up until then.It was 10:30pm so I only had to wait 4 and a half hours..............no problem.
I dozed off a few times,but eventually the time came to go meet Duncan.I got  dressed and made my way to the mess hall.He saw me before I saw him,so Duncan decided to sneak up to me,grab me,and of course,kiss me.We walked over to where he was waiting for me,and I saw that he had a lot of toilet paper and eggs.I could see where he was going with this,but I decided to play dumb.
“Duncan,what are these for?”I asked,trying to sound as dumb as possible.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK BABE?We’re gonna tp and egg the camp.Especially the hotel.”Duncan replied.”UNLESS YOU’RE TOO CHICKEN!”and he started clucking like a chicken.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,great plan,bad boy,but first,I have two questions.
1.Where’d you find all the eggs and toilet paper.And 2.Why didn’t you want me to tell Courtney?”
“Oh come on,Pasty,you need to start comin up with better questions!
1.I was looking around the hotel last night,and found a huge cellar full of cool stuff.And 2.She would follow you,take a video of us and sue the show to have us kicked off.Just to get herself closer to the million bucks.”
I really didn’t wanna laugh,because we were friends again,but I couldn’t help it.It was so accurate it hurt!
We probably stood there laughing for the next 10 minutes laughing.
We finally got it together,grabbed as much toilet paper and eggs as we could carry and made our way over to the hotel.
It was so much fun TP-ing and egging the hotel.And it was the only time alone me and Duncan had since we got there.We finished,and one thing led to another.Next thing I knew we were on the ground making out.Don’t judge me,okay.I know we were outside,and I was still trying to secure Courtney’s trust,and she probably still hated me on the inside,but,I couldn’t help myself.
We finally left,happy with our work,at about 04:30 in the morning and went to bed,only to get about 2 hours of sleep,when we were woken up by Chris’s screaming.We all went out to see what was wrong,and for a minute,I actually forgot everything that happened that night.........Until I looked at the resort.Duncan and I burst out laughing,until I remembered that Chris would probably make us clean it up if he knew me and Duncan did it,so I dug him in the sides and tried to cover my laughter with a fake cough.
It was seriously hard not to laugh at Chris and Chef’s reactions!
After we went behind the hotel and laughed ‘till our sides hurt,Duncan and I eventually went up to the library.I was going to go over to Courtney,but saw she was cuddling up to Scott,and thought it would just be better to ask her about it later,so I went to stand with Cam and Duncan.I had no idea why,but Cameron seemed really cold towards me,and acted like I didn’t exist.
I decided to think about it later,and to focus on the competition right then.I couldn’t believe that Chris was planning a PARTY.I was already getting scared when Chris was listing off the things ‘he hoped no one was allergic to’,but when I saw ZEKE,I kinda started to freak out.But as usual,Duncan was there to calm me down.Courtney even helped!
Like I said I was freaking out when I just SAW Zeke,but when Chef said he wanted us to HUNT FOR HIM,I really started to freak.NO WAY WAS I DOING THAT.I didn’t even LIKE Chris!
Then Chef agreed to that reward........................
There was no way I was going in there alone,so I naturally made Duncan swear on his life that he WOULD NOT LEAVE ME IN THERE,like Trent did when I was buried alive.And yes,I’m still mad about it.I’m really going to sound like Courtney right now,but,to make sure he didn’t leave me in a cold,dark pit,I tied a rope around both of our waists.Its not that I thought Duncan would leave me in there,but I had to be sure.I did think the same with Trent,after all.
We ran to the mines and tried to find a way in.I really wanted to win that reward,but,I was kinda distracted.Duncan noticed and asked me what was wrong,so I told him about Cameron,and that I had no idea what he could be mad about.As always,Duncan calmed me down,told me to forget about Cam and reminded me what was on the line.Aswell as reminding me that ‘I should be paying more attention to him,cause,he was much hotter’.As usual his joke made me focus again and I got my head back in the game.
“Hey Pasty,”Duncan called from a few meters away,still connected to the rope “This must me the entrance.Come on.”And before I could turn to look,I felt myself being pulled down a long,dark tunnel.
“DUNCAAAAAAANNNNN!”I screamed when I eventually hit the ground. “Where are you??????HEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!”
 “Babe,it’s fine,I’m right here.No need to panic.”I heard Duncan say as he hugged me tight.Again,he made me feel better,but after about 5 seconds I came to my senses and grabbed my flashlight.I tried to turn it on but the batteries were dead.I started to freak out again,and then we heard Zoey calling my name as she jumped down the hole.I moved out of the way,but she landed right on top of Duncan.
“OMG Duncan,I am so sorry!Are you alright??”
“Whatever,I’m fine!”Duncan said,obviously really annoyed at Zoey.
“Oh,thank goodness!”Then she turned to me “Gwen,are you okay?I heard you screaming.”Zoey said,clearly worried for me.
“Look,I’m fine Zoey,but we can’t just stand here in the dark,we,ve gotta get out of here.Try your flashlights.”
They tried them and suddenly,we had light.I’ve never been so happy to see a flashlight working before in my life!
We made our way down the mine,when I started hearing grunting sounds.Again,I was freaking out and didn’t even let Zoey or Duncan speak.Then,in the middle of my mindless yabbering,I heard Zoey screaming.Next thing I knew,her flashlight was on the floor and I couldn’t see Zoey anywhere.Neither could Duncan.
“You know what?,Forget this!”I shouted as I walked away,trying to find an exit.
“Gwen?Where are you going?”I heard Duncan call behind me.
“Where do you think?I’m not gonna sit and wait for Zeke to come and stuff me in a bag!” I said,rolling my eyes at him.
 “Good point.......”I heard Duncan say to himself.He thought about it for a second but then ran to join me.
“Then I’m coming with you.Where’s the exit?”
“My hero”I exclaimed sarcastically.”Anyway,I have no idea.Lets just have a look around”
While we were looking around,I saw Cameron laying in the river.Me and Duncan ran to pull him out,and,when he tried to hug us,Duncan pushed him back in the water.I helped him out again,and I was so happy when he said that he trusted me again,but,when he said that ‘Mike had him going’,I started to believe Duncan’s theory of Mike being dangerous even more.The old Mike wouldn’t want Cam to think bad of anyone!
I was going to tell Cameron that we were leaving,but he ran off before I got the chance.Duncan wanted to leave him and get out of there,but,I couldn’t just let my friend run into a radio-active mine and leave him there.So,we had to follow him.
We saw the streamers and I wanted to turn back,but,Duncan,Cameron and Chef ran into the mine.And I was NOT going to stay there by myself.
“I’ll distract Zeke,you get Chris,you saved my life.I owe you this!”Cameron told me and Duncan,before he ran in front of Zeke.
“Get Chris!”Duncan screamed as he ran out after Cameron.
Duncan was a few feet behind Cameron,so he was fine when Cam was buried in rocks.Duncan straight away started pulling them off of him while I shot Zeke with the Spaghetti Gun.
I threw Chris on the ground and ran over to help Duncan get the rocks off of Cameron.We ran out of the mine and went to the campfire for elimination,but,there was no need,because,Cameron was too hurt to keep going.I felt really bad,but,at least he helped me win the prize before he went.......
“OMG,how much more dangerous can these challenges even get?” was all I could think when Chris was explaining the ‘Obsta-kill-course’.Before the challenge,Zoey told me how Alejandro LET Cam fall in the mines.Man,I knew he was evil,but I didn’t think even he was THAT evil.So,yeah,I agreed to voting him off with Zoey and Mike.Even if I didn’t know which version of Mike was in control.
“Oh,great,murderous tires”I thought when I was running through them.And on top of that stupid challenge,I had Alejandro wanting to form an alliance with me!Even after what he did to Cam.It made me sick just to look at him.
When I finally made it passed the tires,surprisingly still in 1 piece,I got to the ropes.What is wrong with those people?I mean,ropes made out of dog hair,electrical wires and LICORICE!?How were we supposed to climb a rope made of licorice?!
Me and Zoey were just laughing and joking about my DISGUSTING rope,when suddenly,I heard Courtney shouting below 
“You two better not be talking about me kissing Scott and Cameron!!”
“You kissed Cameron?!” I screamed.HOW COULD SHE?After all the crap she gave me for kissing Duncan,when they were broken up,she went and kissed Cameron......WHILE SHE WAS WITH SCOTT!!!!!
“I f we survive this,you and I are having a little chat,Courtney.”And I knew exactly what I wanted to say to that two faced little witch!But,at the moment I had to focus on winning.
I finally reached_ the snapping bars_,the thing I’m worst at.......When I was growing up,I could never get all the way across,so,I don’t know how I did it in the challenge.Probably had something to do with the fact that I was hanging above a pond filled with snapping turtles,and seeing Mike,or was it Mal,fall in and get bitten. 
And,of course,when I was SO close to winning,Courtney wanted to talk about her cheating on Scott.”Sorry Courtney,I don’t have time for your lies right now,”and I ran off,leaving her dumbfounded behind the rocks.
Because I ran off,I got to the zipline first.I opened my backpack and took my equipment out.I really thought I was going to win,but,Zoey passed me by an inch!I looked back and saw Mike(or Mal) hanging onto Alejandro.”Smart move”I thought.But,it didn’t end so well,and they fell into the water.Duncan came third,Courtney was fourth and Scott,was dead last.We were waiting for Scott when I realized that I hadn’t seen Duncan for the entire challenge. “Where were you all this time?”I asked.
“Don’t worry about it Pasty.”is all he would say,which got me annoyed,but,I had bigger problems so,I ignored his teasing.
On the way back to camp,I told Duncan about Courtney kissing Cam and Scott,and that I was really annoyed about it.He started going off!He was so mad.
“How could she,after all the kicks to the kiwis,all the screaming,all the arguments,all the hate we put up with!?!?”
“I know,just,let me talk to her later.If shes not voted off......”
“Fine,but you know I’m sure as Hell gonna vote her off!”
And that was the end of the conversation.
At the Elimination Ceremony,it was obvious who was going home,and I could tell Duncan was not happy about it.When Alejandro’s name was called,Duncan went red!I knew he was annoyed at Courtney,like a lot,but I asked him to let me talk to her before he said or did anything.
The night before,I decided I did not want to stay in that hotel anymore.Chris is so weird and as cheesy as it sounds,I missed going asleep and waking up with and near my best friends and my boyfriend.But,because I didn’t want my reward,Chris decided that I had to go to Boney Island!
“Man,Boney Island was rough,well,up until that Woolly Beaver tried to eat me and I climbed a tree and slept in the canopy.It was actually pretty relaxing.” “Well,at least you got some kind of break from this dump,”Duncan said kicking a rock. “Wow”Zoey said simply.Then,Courtney did something really weird! “Yeah,what a nightmare.Luckily,Gwen is super smart and totally strong,so she lived to tell the tale” she said hugging me.I smiled,really weirded out while everyone else rolled their eyes.
“Well,welcome back Gwen.”Zoey said in her usual,sweet voice.I smiled,until I heard Courtney mocking her under her breath.”What!?” I shouted. “Oh,nothing,I was just noticing that cutthroat vibe Zoey has about her.So two-faced.We should shun her.” I was about to say no when I heard Duncan behind me.I turned and he said “Please don’t tell me you’re really gonna ‘shun’ your friend because Princess over here wants you to.” “No,no i’m not.”I said,leaving Courtney dumbfounded on her own.
Courtney caught up with us and I asked Duncan to go on ahead.I decided to talk to her there about kissing Scott and Cam. “Are you still mad at me for all the kissing I did,because Scott was an accident and Cameron kissed me!” she asked “Yes,I’m still mad at you!You gave me and Duncan so much crap because of World Tour even though you were broken up,but,when you do it,everyone is supposed to act like it never happened.And it’s even worse because you and Scott were actually together when ‘Cameron kissed you’ and everyone knew it!” “I know,and I’m so sorry,but I really don’t want to lose you as a friend over some guy again!Can we just put all this behind us?”she pleaded. “So you still wanna go all the way to the finale with me?” “Gwen,I promise.It’s you and me,right to the end.” “Ok then,but so I know I can trust you,you have to vote for whoever I tell you at the Elimination.” “Deal”.And we ran to catch up with everyone else.
Then we ran into Scott. “H-Hey Courtney,you’re looking really,uh,goop,AH,good!I mean,you know,gice,NICE!Agh........UGH!”I started laughing as Courtney really awkwardly thanked him. “Yeah,anytime.And,hey,if you need any help lifting anything,just let me know.”And he did dome cringe yawn and stretch thing,talking about his arms being like a cheetah’s.I started gagging and Courtney and I were laughing and joking,and I was so happy.I did what I went there to do.Courtney ACTUALLY forgave me!
Scott caught up to Mike and Zoey,while Duncan came over to Courtney and I and put his arm around me,like he usually does.I was happy with how me and Courtney’s conversation went,but I knew Duncan wouldn’t be,so I was trying to figure out a way to tell him about it and keep him calm,when I heard Scott talking to Mike and Zoey in the distance. “Hope you two got lots of sleep,’cause I’m feeling as strong as an ox.” “Don’t you mean ‘strong as a rat’?”Scott gave him a confused look,so Mike said “OH,you haven’t seen Courtney’s chart!?”Courtney gasped,and we ran over as Mike pulled out a chart,1st with Duncan drawn as a devil,then with Mike and Zoey drawn somewhat normally and me,drawn with horns and a red nose,all with big red X’s going through them,and finally,there was Scott,drawn with a rat tail,with a big green tick beside it.
“Second last!? ‘right to the end,my butt!”I said as I walked away,Duncan close behind,shooting her a dirty look.
I could hear Scott complaining about Courtney drawing him with a tail,then joining me and Duncan,and Courtney desperately tried to explain. “Oh please,even you can’t talk your way out of this one!”I shouted back at her,without looking back.We all ran to the ice-cream,and Duncan and I were almost at the top of the cliff when Scott pushed me down and ran ahead.I almost fell down but,as usual,Duncan was there to save me.
I was first to get my ice-cream and slid down the cliff all the way to the bottom.Closely followed by Duncan.We ran to the swap with the cherries,and again,I was first to reach them.When Duncan and I heard ‘Snappy’ behind us,I started to freak out and scream,but because Duncan was bottling up so much anger towards Courtney,he threw his bowl to the edge of the swamp and started fighting ‘Snappy’.I ran ahead,and as I was leaving,I saw Duncan getting out of the swamp,looking very satisfied,so I guessed he had one his fight,but,in the background,I also saw Mike swinging down and jumping on the alligator,just as he was recovering from his fight with Duncan.
That confirmed it for me.Duncan was right and Mike was Mal.There was no way Mike would actually fight SNAPPY!Manitoba or Vito maybe,or maybe Svetlana would swing down and grab the cherry,carefully placing it in her bowl,but Mike,would have tried to sneak passed the alligator.
I continued running and Duncan soon caught up.
“Hey,thanks for the save back there.”I said with a smile
“Hey,no problem.Needed to let some anger out anyway.”He said,rolling his eyes towards Courtney,who was desperately trying to get Zoey to be in an alliance with her.
We kept running until we got to the ‘crushed nut zone’.Somehow,Mal had beaten us there,and was already fighting off the robot.We almost sneaked passed it,and got away,but, Mal shouted “Hey guys,look out for the robot!”.It turned it’s attention towards us.I grabbed my crushed nuts as Duncan and I took turns distracting the robot.I ran out of the mess hall after Duncan and tripped over Courtney. “Gwen,I-” Courtney started. “No time to chat!”I said as I tried to run away and catch up. “Wait!I’m sorry.I never should have made that chart.I still want us to be a team,to be friends!Please don’t vote me off.VOTE FOR ZOEY!”She said desperately. “You’re right,you shouldn’t have made that chart,and I can’t forgive you,but I need as many allies as possible,so,if you vote for yourself,like you promised,I’ll vote for Scott,and I’ll try to get Duncan,Zoey and Mike to vote for him too.”I said as I was about to run off again.She stopped me again. “Get real!You’re just trying to make it unanimous!”She whined. “That’s a chance you’ll just have to take” I shouted back as I finally escaped and ran to catch up.
I caught up to Mike and Duncan when they were hiding behind a rock,at the ‘chocolate fire zone’. “Come on Duncan,we can take turns distracting it!”I called over.Duncan agreed,and I was about to run out and distract the fire plant when Mal piped up “Can I help?”he asked. “Sure Mike,but no sabotage this time,OK?”I said as sweetly as I could.He opened his mouth to  defend himself,but Duncan pushed him out to distract the plant.Duncan ran ahead,with his chocolate sauce and I ran and got mine.I considered leaving him there to fight off the plant himself,but decided to help him.I distracted the fire plant like I said I would and waited for Mal to get his chocolate.I was about to run ahead,after he got it,and expected him to follow me,but he dove back behind the rock.
I shook my head and ran to catch up with Duncan.He was almost at the finish line,but Courtney ran in front of him and won the race!I was furious until Chris said that we actually had to eat our sundaes and Zoey won. “Yes!Courtney is going DOWN!”I thought.
I decided to keep my promise and vote for Scott,but I didn’t say anything to Duncan,Zoey or Mal about voting for him too.I t wouldn’t have made a difference though.Everyone was super annoyed at Courtney after that chart,including me.I was seriously happy when Courtney was flushed down that giant toilet.It meant that I could become better friends with Zoey,and Mike when he gained back control.I also knew that Duncan was happy too.Now,we could also focus on our relationship with each other,not with Courtney.
“Welcome to the Final 5!Zoey,the spa hotel is all yours because......from now on,winners can’t take anyone along with them.”I heard Chris say as I walked back to the cabin.I was kinda disappointed.I never felt safe around Mal,ever since Duncan told me about Juvie.
When I got back to camp,I was really excited,and was going to go to the confessional when Duncan stopped me.
“Where are you going,Pasty?”He asked.He looked kind of worried.
“To the confessional,why?”I asked.
“No reason.........I’m coming with you”He answered,kinda abruptly.
I simply answered, “Ok” and we made our way there.
I walked in and expected Duncan to just wait outside,but he came in and I really didn’t mind
“We’re the last 2 original cast members left on the island!”I said excitedly while leaning against Duncan,smiling up at him. “But,if we’re going to make it all the way,we need to get some allies.”I said thoughtfully. “Other than each other.”I butted in right as Duncan was about to say something. “But then again,Mike and Zoey are my friends,and they wouldn’t vote one of us off,just like I would never vote one of them off.Neither would Duncan,right babe?”I asked
“Well,honestly babe,Mal’s gotta go.He ain’t right.”He said.The more I thought about it,the more I realized that he was right.If it came down to it,I would probably vote Mal off too.
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“Yeah I guess,but Scott needs to go!”
Then we left to go back to the cabins.
Even though we were gonna vote Scott of,I decided to be nice to him,so I went up to him and said: “Hey,Scott.How are you holding up?”He scoffed “What do you care?” “Sorry,I....”I started to apologize “I don’t want your pity.I want your head on a platter!”He threatened. Duncan came over and told him to back off. “Thanks,Duncan,but it’s fine.”I said as I walked away into the girls cabin.
I could here Duncan and Scott arguing outside,but I ignored them and tried to fall asleep.After I prayed that Scott would wake up in the morning.
We woke up to Chris screaming into the loudspeaker,as usual.
“Good morning Final 5!Gather on the dock,pronto-rooni-o.It’s crunch time!And by that,I mean your about to get crunched.”He said before he started laughing hysterically like the psychopath he is.
I walked with Duncan,as we made a list of all the horror movies we were gonna watch when we got home.
He eventually got to the point and told us what the challenge was.We needed to find something valuable on the island.I scoffed,turned to Duncan and said “Chris’ idea of ‘valuable’ is pretty skewed.He’s such an ego maniac,his most prized  possession is himself.” “Too true Pasty”Duncan replied as we tried not to laugh.
We had to find whatever was in the treasure chest we opened,and because Zoey won,she went first.I went next and had to find the gold key from Chef’s go carts from Season 4.Then,Duncan went,and he had to find Mr coconut.Apparently,he was lost after Chris threw him away in season 1.Scott went next,then Mal.Duncan and I decided that for this challenge,we would try and win it on our own,because,we’ve helped each other so much this season.
When Chris said that 2 of us were going home though,we decided to help each other just a bit. “OK how ‘bout this,whoever finds their treasure first helps the other?”Duncan suggested. “WOW,that’s actually a really good idea,Duncan!”I said,surprised.
We all ran to find our ‘loot’.I checked Chef’s kitchen first.I must have smashed every smashable thing in there!Good thing Chef didn’t catch me!But,no matter where I looked,the gold key just wasn’t there. “Oh man!”I thought. “Where else would Chris and Chef keep a key?”Then I remembered that the gold car was the car that didn’t work,so they probably threw it out. “It’s a long shot,but it might still be in the trash.”I said to myself.I made my way over to the dump and bumped into Duncan. 
“Wow,what are you doing?”I asked looking him up and down. “Isn’t it obvious?Chris threw Mr.Coconut into the water,so he’s gotta be there somewhere.”he answered,like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Where you goin’?”he asked. “The key wasn’t in the kitchen,and I figured they would have thrown the key out,since that kart didn’t work,so I’m hoping it’ll still be in the trash.”I said. “Cool,well,good luck Pasty.” “Right back at ya Juvie.”,and I made my way to the trash.
I got there and started digging through the dumpster.Suddenly,I heard someone moving behind me. “AHHHHHHH”I screamed,and hit the person over the head with a baseball bat I found.The person stood up and growled! “Oh my God!What are you doing here.......Mike?!”I was about to say Mal,but I stopped myself.He hesitated. “Oh,uh.......I.....was just..um.......looking for my treasure,yeah um.........I need to find an original golden Chris statue,so I......just...um.....figured it would be in the dump.......so............yeah”I looked at him suspiciously. “Whatever......”I finally said,after a long and awkward silence.I kept looking,trying to avoid Mal as much as possible.
“So..........ummmm.........you know,i was just thinking that me,you and Zoey should make an alliance.........or......something.”He said awkwardly,after a really long pause. “Let me talk to Duncan”I said back coldly. “Well........I mean,I like Duncan,you know that.........it’s just........I was thinking it would be just you,me and Zoey,you know?” “Ugh,yeah right!Fat chance of that happening”I said rolling my eyes.
I quickly found the key and got out of there before Mal could say anything else.When I got back,Zoey had already won, and Duncan and Scott were already there.Even though Scott didn’t have his treasure.Later,at the elimination ceramony,Zoey got to choose who to flush out of me,Mal and Duncan.Scott automatically got the boot for coming back empty handed. “I’m really sorry Gwen,but I promised Mike I’d take him to the finale if I won,and you’re a really strong competitor.”she said hanging her head in shame while Scott was sitting in the flush of shame.
“If Gwen’s going, I’m going too!”Duncan said suddenly,climbing into the flush of shame. “Fine,whatever,makes things easier for me!”Chris agreed carelessly. “Duncan?!What are you doing?You have a chance to win ANOTHER million bucks!”I gasped. “I don’t need it Pasty!Still have loads left over from TDA.Anyway,I only came back cause you wanted to.” “Awww,thanks Duncan!Hey,Zoey,I really hope you win!And watch out for ‘Mike’!”I said staring straight at Mal.He simply looked around cluelessly,whistling that annoying song.
I’m not going to do episodes now that they were eliminated
And just like that,we were all flushed down the flush of shame,and sent back to ‘playa de losers’.We washed up on the shore of the beach,and walked over to the villa.When we walked in,they were all sitting around the pool.Lindsay turned around first and squealed “OMG Gwen!What are you doing here?!And Duncan too?!”I rolled my eyes as she pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. “We were eliminated,Lindsay,just like you were.”
I pulled away from the hug and walked over to Cameron,rolling my eyes at Courtney as I did. “Hey,buddy.How you feeling?” “Oh,I’m fine!The doctor said I’ll only need my full-body cast for another 2 months!”he said excitedly. “Um........wow...that’s so....great!”I answered awkwardly.
The three of us that had just arrived went around to everyone,catching up on everything that had happened since they were eliminated.Duncan and I avoided Courtney,while Scott ran over to her as soon as we walked up.Me and Duncan just looked at him,looked at each other,and rolled our eyes.
We found out which rooms we were in and went to unpack and relax.Me and Duncan had rooms right next to each other,at the end of the hall.Duncan winked at me when we were going into our rooms and I just laughed and winked back.I unpacked my suitcase and went to join everyone else at the pool.Duncan was there,dipping doing laps around the pool.I went and put my feet in the water. “Wow!I never took you as a swimmer!” “Yeah,well......you just gonna sit there all night?”he asked,staring at me jokingly.I jumped in and started splashing him. “Oh,yeah,that’s how you wanna play?”he said,splashing me back.We continued splashing each other,and were wrestling in the water,when we heard a camera click.We turned and were shocked to see Sierra pointing her phone at us,taking a million pictures. “O.M.G!You two are sooooo cute together!My followers on my Gwuncan blog are gonna LOVE this.” 
We both rolled our eyes again and got out of the pool. “Way to ruin the mood,Stalkzilla!”Duncan shouted back at her.I laughed and we talked and joked until we got to our rooms.I had a shower and got ready for bed.I only remembered when my stomach started growling like crazy that I hadn’t eaten anything since Chef’s slop that morning.Then,I remembered that I was in a villa,that had ACTUAL FOOD and ran down to the kitchen.
Right as I was about to enter the kitchen when I heard the cupboard opening and pots and pans clanking together.I shook my head,rolled my eyes and walked in.I was expecting to see someone in there,but there was only a half eaten doughnut,in the shape of............Cody......sitting there on the table.I shrugged it off and went over to the fridge.I stood there for a few minutes,in awe.I hadn’t seen that much REAL FOOD for almost 2 months!I grabbed all the ingredients for my favorite grilled cheese and went over to the pans.I opened the cupboard and screamed!
“SIERRA?What  are you doing?!”I screamed. “Gwen favorite food:Grilled Cheese!”she said into her phone. “Oh,sorry Gwen!I was just hiding in there so I could see what you were doing!”she said,as if that isn’t creepy at all!I rolled my eyes again and grabbed a pan behind her.I made my sandwich and listen her going on about how ‘me and Duncan are soooooo cute together,even though boyfriend stealing is wrong,and almost all of her followers love us together and blah blah blah.’ I can’t even count the amount of times I rolled my eyes from the time that it took me to make my grilled cheese to clean up afterwards.
Even though I felt like my head was going to explode,I stayed for a while and listened to her rambling on.I eventually got away from her at about 10 ‘o clock and went up to my room.I found the letters my family and friends sent me on the dresser.I opened up one from my brother,and he told me that my mom was acting crazy again,and told me that I looked really stupid chasing Courtney around the way I did.In another letter,he told me that he was had re-watched the episode where I screamed at Duncan and Courtney about 1 million times.I laughed when I read that.I opened the letters from my mom next,and she just went on and on about how much they both missed me.I got 1 letter from Pixie Corpse,Reaper and Marilyn,which they wrote together.Reaper wrote that I needed to forget that stuck up b**ch and ‘focus on my dumbass boyfriend’,so it was obviously sent before episode 5.Marilyn went on about how stupid Duncan was being,while Pixie went on about how much they all hate Courtney.
I finally decided to stop re-reading my letters at around 11pm and went to sleep.
The next morning,I woke up,got in my swimwear and went down for breakfast in the dining room.I sat beside Cameron and Duncan sat beside me.I had to help Cameron with his food because of his cast,but I didn’t mind.It was kind of my fault he was hurt anyway.After breakfast,I put on sunscreen and layed on a beach lounger near the pool.I was just getting comfortable,when Duncan ran up and drenched me from head to toe with a bucket of ice water.I screamed and pushed him in the pool.I laughed and jumped in beside him.Lindsay,Sierra,Sam,Joe and Lightning jumped in after us,and we were all having a great time,while Heather stared at us in disgust,Alejandro stared at her in awe,Courtney stared at her PDA and Scott stared at her,drooling.
After a while,everyone got out,but me and Duncan stayed.We stopped joking around and just hung out at the edge. “So,you’re really not annoyed that you missed out on a million bucks?”I asked,looking up at him,smiling curiously. “Nah.I don’t need it.I only put up with Chris because you were there anyway.”I laughed,and splashed him.This spiked up another water fight,and we eventually started wrestling again.
A while later,we stopped because the lunch buffet was served.
Every day was pretty much the same,for about 3 days,until the day of the finale came.That morning,we all got ready and had breakfast.Then,we were brought to the camp and put in giant balloons.As soon as we saw the balloons,Duncan and I stared at each other with fear. “Oh,man,what’s Chris gonna do to us now?” I asked myself.I thought for sure that Cameron was still too injured to participate,since he was still in a bubble,with a broken arm,but they shoved him into a balloon anyway.
We were left flouting there for a while,until eventually,just as my claustrophobia started acting up,we heard voices. Chris explained to Zoey and Mal that they had 30 seconds to try and shoot us down,and any one of us they got down,would be their teammate.My claustrophobia really started to act up and I screamed for help.I could hear Duncan trying to calm me down,but I continued screaming.In the background,I heard Zoey and Mal shooting at us,and eventually,Zoey shot me down.
I ran over to her and hugged her tight,thanking her the whole time. “No problem Gwen,but I kinda need to shoot someone else down!”she said in her sweet,soft voice. “Oh!Right!Sorry!”I said,backing away.Zoey shot down Cameron next and Mal was able to shoot down Alejandro and Heather.Chris told us time was up and told one of the interns to collect everyone else,right as a huge gust of wind came and blew them all away. “Oh my God,Duncan!!I screamed. “Chris!How are you going to get them down?!”I asked,as Zoey stroked my arm calmly. “I don’t know,the interns will handle it.”He said,shrugging his shoulders.
Chris continued explaining the final challenge,while Alejandro and Heather made goo-goo eyes at each other,I kept looking up worriedly,Zoey and Cameron tried to calm me down,and Mal stared at nothing,groaning Mike’s name a few times.I didn’t notice until Chris mentioned it that Alejandro and Heather were actually DATING!I laughed and cringed for a few seconds until I remembered Duncan.I can’t believe I didn’t notice how disgusting those 2 were!It was kinda sad to see their rivalry end....
We followed Chris onto the cart and over to the challenge.When I actually saw ‘The Moats Of Doom’,I decided that I had to forget that Duncan had just floated into space,and focus on the challenge.Unless I wanted someone to get mutated like that Dakota chick,burned alive and have to be stuck in a robot suit like Alejandro,or have a shark as an enemy like Scott.
“So......excited?”Chris asked. “This challenge is crazy!”I exclaimed throwing my arms down. “Let’s not try to hurt Mal!”Zoey said desperately to me and Cameron, “Mike’s still in there,right Cameron?”.Cameron sighed sadly and said “I don’t think so,Zoey.And it’s possible that Mal was always Mal and Mike was just one personality.Either way,Mike’s gone.”
I looked at Zoey sympathetically while tears started to form in her eyes.I was sad too!I didn’t really know Mike that well,since I had only spoken to Mike as himself a small amount of times,and I only really knew what I had seen on the few episodes I watched of Total Drama Revenge Of The Island.Suddenly,Zoey came to her senses,wiped her eyes and said “Well,if Mal really is Mal,let’s go out,crush him,and win this thing!”. “Yeah!”I exclaimed as I high-fived Zoey.
She tried to high five Cameron from inside his bubble,but he rolled down the hill and over to Mal. “Keep your garbage on your side!”Mal laughed as he kicked Cameron passed Chris.Chris did the outro to the break,and we all prepared for the final challenge.
Zoey and I rolled Cameron over to the opposite side of the challenge and we were waiting to start when Mal called over, “Good luck Zoey!You’re gonna need it!”and he continued with evil laughter.Cameron looked over at him scared,while I gave him the stink eye. “No way I’m letting this jerk win a million bucks!”I thought.
Chris started the challenge and we ran to the first moat. “It’s too wide to jump across!”Zoey yelled desperately. “Maybe we could use these as stilts,” I suggested.I picked them up and tried lacing them in the toxic goop. “Or not”I said throwing the sticks down.We stood there desperately trying to think of something when Cameron piped up. “I have an idea,but I’m not crazy about it.” Zoey and I looked at each other suspiciously,and the next thing I knew we were sailing across the moat on Cameron’s bubble.
Zoey and I jumped off of the bubble right as it started sizzling up and Cameron was shot into Zoey’s arms. “Zoey has crossed the first moat.Zoey is in the lead.Zoey!Winning!”Chris said loudly,trying to annoy Mal.It worked,and Mal pole vaulted over the moat as me and Cameron started climbing the ladder.When he landed,he almost lost his balance and fell into the moat. “MIKE?!”Zoey screamed when she saw her boyfriend almost fall into a pit of toxic waste.
“Hey!He’s not Mike!”I shouted. “Remember that or he’ll introduce you to a pool of lava!” I understood she was concerned,but honestly,I was more concerned about making sure Zoey won!And more importantly,making sure ‘Mal’ lost! “Ok.Right.I know that.I do.”Zoey answered,as she ran to the ladder.
I helped Cam and Zoey up the ladder,fairly confident we were wayyy in the lead,but Mal was right behind us.We thought quickly and put the ladder across the lava so we could get over it.Just as Zoey was across and I was starting to climb over,Mal ran over and threw Cameron down beside the toxic waste.The ladder began to burn just as Zoey was in the middle,but she ran across before she fell in the lava.After I was sure she was ok,I turned to Mal. “You’ve got some nerve,you know that?!”and I went to hit him,but he grabbed my hand and threw me down beside Cam.I got up and we made our way over to Alejandro and Heather.The pain in my ankle was horrible,so I was in no mood for Heather when she said;“What’s wrong with you?” in her usual,whiney voice.
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lorianna1001 · 6 years
I’ll Stand By You- Chapter 12
~Completely agreed with @fictional-affliction, Courtney’s hella calm during labor... Enjoy!~
Courtney had been tossing and turning all night. No matter how tired she was, she couldn't seem to actually fall asleep. Her back was sore, she had cramps, she kept going to the bathroom, and her lady bits were hurting. Everything that could bother her, did. So, since she couldn't sleep, she decided to do something actually productive and got to work on some of her A.P homework. She wasn't due for another couple days, so Court wasn't worried too much. These could logically just be phantom contractions. So, unless her water broke, she wasn't exactly rushing to the hospital. But every now and then, it would hit really bad and she would have to take a break and power through it.
Until, she felt liquid pool in between her thighs.
"Shit." she mumbled to herself before getting up and heading towards her living room. God forbid, her and Duncan ever have another kid, because he was a fucking wreck. He insisted on sleeping on her couch for a whole week before the due date 'cause he was afraid he wouldn't be there to take Court to the hospital. Strangely enough, he was actually right for once.
"Hey." she whispered while jostling him.
"Mmm." he started to stir.
"My water broke." she calmly said, shaking him some more. But that was enough to have him bolting up from the couch and charging towards her room.
While Duncan ran around like a chicken without its head looking for the hospital bag, Court went over to her parents room to alert them to the situation.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Duncan ran past Court.
"What's wrong? You have the bag; lets go." she grabbed hold of his arm while ushering him towards the door after her exhausted father.
"What if we forgot something." he frantically looked around the house as much as he could before being shoved out the door.
"I highly doubt that I forgot something, but you can come back."
"I can't leave you alone!" he argued back.
Since arriving at the hospital at two o'clock in the morning, Courtney had been there for almost nine hours. It was already eleven o'clock and everybody had been there eight. Nina and Paulo, Jane and Paul, David and Shelby, Bridgette and Geoff, and DJ. Oddly enough; Gwen dropped by. All of them coming in and out of the room to check up on Court. But Duncan stayed with her the whole time. Even when Geoff and DJ came in to bring him along for some hospital shenanigans, he refused to budge. Which was sweet, but Court was a little peeved at Duncan and would have appreciated the alone time.
"You should have gone with them." she urged.
"No way. I'm not leaving." he held on stubbornly.
"Aren't you bored?"
"I-" Contraction hit and Courtney swiped at Duncan's hand and squeezed the life out of it. "-hate you."
But Duncan took her hand and gave it a little kiss. Again, cute, but she could kill him right now.
"How you doing, honey?" Nina, Jane, and their respective husbands came in.
"I've been better." Court joked.
"You need anything?" Nina asked at the head of the bed.
"I'm fine."
"How far are you?" Jane asked.
"I think nine centimeters." Court just wanted to sleep.
"You are so close!" proclaimed Paulo.
"Who are you going to have in here?" Nina asked.
All the adults looked at her. Here is a list of people who wanted to be in the room. Duncan, her mother, Duncan's mother, Bridgette, and surprisingly Geoff. Something about moral support? Paulo, David, and Paul were to embarrassed to throw there ring in the hat; but it couldn't get any worse. Courtney didn't really want anyone to see her down there besides the doctor. If Court had Nina stay but not her mother or Duncan's mother they would be mad. She really couldn't win.
"Actually, is it okay if its just us?" Duncan piped up.
Court could kiss him. He must have picked up on her unease.
No one said anything, until Nina spoke up.
"Of course." she smiled at the two. "But I'm coming in as soon as I can."
"Ms. Corcaran, you're ready."
It was twelve o'clock and she was ten centimeters. Apparently her body was ready, but she was sure as hell wasn't.
But Duncan was right beside her with a hand entwined with hers and an arm around her shoulders. Ending the journey how they started it.
And she did with all her might. And it hurt like hell. She grunted and fell back on the bed when the doctor said she could stop.
"Push." She was starting to sweat. Even with the epidural, the pain was like white static. Soon, she couldn't tell time. She couldn't feel Duncan's hand gripping hers. She just felt the stabbing pain and focused on the doctors commands. Time escaped her.
"Push." When she wasn't holding her breath to put all her energy into pushing, she was panting.
"You're almost there. Push."
She was being ripped apart.
And then a cry broke through her erratic state. Everything happened in a rush. Duncan cut the umbilical cord. The doctors pushed on her stomach to get the placenta out. The baby was swapped around from doctor to nurse being cleaned. Next thing she knew, a baby girl was being pushed into Courtney's arms before she could stop it. The skin to skin contact shocked her. Like someone doused water over her body.
Everyone came pilling into the room. Gushing over how cute the baby was. And the baby girl was ripped from Courtney's arms. First Duncan held her. Then Nina and Paulo. The grandparents. Geoff, Bridge, and DJ fawned from a distance. And Court felt empty.
"Can I have some alone time with her?" Court bursted, interrupting the baby high.
Reluctantly, Jane relinquished the baby back to Court.
"We need the parents to fill out some forms." a nurse pulled Nina and Paulo away to put a name on the birth certificate. Court knew what it was though. Sofia Maria Rodriguez. Maria, because it was Court's middle name. Everyone filed out of the room except for Duncan.
Once everyone left Courtney finally cried. After nine months, now she really cried. Cried because she had just given birth to the most beautiful thing, but it wasn't hers.
"You are so precious." A sob. "And we love you so much." A sniffle. "But, we can't keep you. It's the best for both of us."
Tears welled up in Duncan's eyes.
"But you have such loving parents. And you are going to grow up to be such an amazing little girl."
Duncan trudged over and held Courtney and his baby girl in his arms and the little not-family just sat there in quiet tears.
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
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Chap 12prt 1  Basic Straining
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island… The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock climbing challenge revealed more than just Heather’s grudge against Gwen. And Trent got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay. DJ trusted Geoff with his pet bunny. Huge mistake, by the way. Some other campers got dropped on their butts and Duncan shocked Courtney by showing her his softer side. Yeah, touching moments. Good times. Stay tuned for the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!
Harold: Okay! Who’s made s’mores out of my underwear?!
Duncan and Geoff: [laugh]
Courtney: Ew! Harold! You are so totally gross!
Harold: No wait! It wasn’t me! Idiots!
Iris smirks at Harold "that offer is still open Harold. All you need to do is say yes."
Harold "I'm not a fool you only want to use me to get back a Duncan." He said crossing his arms. She chuckles before walking away.
(Confessionals Iris)
"All good things come to those who wait. Me making it clear I will help Harold has him think. Come on Duncan and boys give him that push I need." *laughs *
(End Confessionals)
Chef [through loudspeaker]: Listen up, you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at 0900 hours! That means now, soldiers! Now!
Chef [through megaphone]: Lone up and stand at attention! You call this proper formation?! Knees together!
Geoff: Ah! Ah!
Chef [through megaphone]: Arms down!
Duncan: Ooh!
Chef [through megaphone]: Eyes forward! Head up!
[whack whack whack whack]
Gwen [hushed, to Trent] :Oh, this is gonna be a fun day.
[megaphone feedback]
Chef: [through megaphone] What did you say to me, soldier?!
Gwen: Um… Nothing?
Chef: [through megaphone] And you’ll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something! Today’s challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive.
Owen: [chuckles]
Owen: Aww, that hurt!
Chef: [through megaphone] My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team!
Heather: Uh… what happened to Chris?
Chef: [through megaphone] Rule number one! You will address me as Master Chief! Have you got that?!
All: Yes, Master Chief!
Chef: [through megaphone] You will sleep when I tell you to sleep! And you will eat only when I tell you to eat! Is that clear?!
Geoff: Yes, Master Chief!
Chef: [through megaphone] Rule number two! When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three! I’ll have to get one quitter before the end of the first day! And that day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers! Now, now, now!
[all scream]
Gwen: [confessional] Okay, whoever’s sick, twisted idea this was to put him in charge of this challenge, I have to say… I’m a little bit impressed.
Chef: Listen up! Each team will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!
Owen: Pfft! This isn’t that hard.
Geoff: Piece of cake!
Courtney: [straining]
[stomach growls]
Chef: Come on, you sissies! It’s only been three hours!
Chris: Looks like they missed lunch today.
Chef: Mmhmm. Guess they just weren’t hungry! Unless someone wants to quit now.
[stomach growls]
Gwen: Don’t even think about it, Owen!
[fishing line reeling]
Duncan: [whispering] Time to land that fish.
Harold: Ow! Idiots!
Chef: Is there a problem down here?!
Harold: No.
Owen: [snoring]
Chef: Twenty-five of us went to the jungle that night. Only five came back out.
Gwen: [yawns] What war were you in, anyway?
Chef: Did I ask you to speak?! Because I don’t remember asking you to speak!
Gwen: Whatever. He so wasn’t in a war.
Lindsay: Guys, I-I can’t do this anymore. [whining] I have no more feeling in my arms.
Chef: Looks like we got ourselves a quitter!
Owen: Don’t do it, Lindsay!
[bell rings]
Tossing the canoes and groan.
Chef: [to Lindsay] Listen here. You have nothing to be ashamed of. [through megaphone] Except being a little baby that let your team down! As for the rest of you, head to the mess hall! Dinner is served!
Owen: Sweet Marie, thank you!
Chef: All right, maggots! Open your ears! You’ve got ten minutes to eat before night training begins! Get to it!
Owen: No way!
Harold: Aw, man. No way!
Gwen: Um, excuse me? Master Chief? Where’s the food?
Chef: You’re looking at it. [chuckles]
Owen: This is the leftover garbage from this morning’s breakfast.
Chef: Darn right! When you’re at war, you take what you can get!
Chris: Well, I can see you’ve got this under control. I’m off to craft services. Coming?
Chef: Serve me up some of that.
Gwen: [sighs]
Heather: Oh, I am not eating this.
Courtney: [scoffs] Me neither.
Duncan: Don’t care for today’s specials, Princess?
Courtney: I am going to be running for office one day, and no one is going to pull up a file of me eating garbage!
Duncan: Hey, Harold? We felt really bad about the whole underwear fishing incident thing. So here, we found you some apple juice.
Harold: Thanks. [sips] [spits] That’s not juice!
Duncan: Oh! Oh! My mistake dude.
Geoff: [snickers]
Duncan: W-We must’ve confused it with the kitchen grease.
Courtney: You guys are so immature. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
Duncan: Heh. Okay, look. I know you like me. He knows you like me, everyone knows it. So here’s a tip. If you wanna kiss me, I might let you.
Courtney: And to think I actually thought you were nice!
Duncan: Shh! Me? Nice? Haha, yeah right.
Geoff: Why’d you think that?
Courtney: Nevermind. I was wrong. He’s just as gross and annoying as he wants you to believe. Enjoy your garbage!
Harold got up and left my eyes follow him.
Heather sat by me "your going to use him aren't you? Playing savior to the bullied kind. Whats in it for you?" She asked hushed so no one can hear.  "Duncan getting a taste of his own medicine." I said standing up. "Guys you really shouldn't do that to him." I said looking worried. "Oh yeah and why not?" Duncan smirks. "I know you can care les about what we do to him. No this is something else." He said now infront of me. "Look all I'm saying is you continue to bully him. He will retaliate and you would never see it coming. As for not caring I do care because I am 100% against bullying." I said leaving the mess hall. I walked to the camp where Chef and my dad are at. "Hey there sweetpea come to hang out with us." Chef said pulling out a seat for me. "Saw that whole speech you gave to Duncan. Covering your tracks impressive but I don't think Harold will break." Dad said putting together my plan. "He is not the first one to play hard ball with me. I like the challenge and sooner or later I get what I want." I said making him blink. "Its scary stop it" he said pointing at me. "Sorry sweetpea but time to start night training." Chef stood up and I walk with him.
[Thriller-like music plays]
[music stops]
[campers sigh]
Courtney: Duncan, what are you doing?
Duncan: One of us drops out, we’re done for the day.
Chef: We’re done when I say we’re done! Now drop and give me twenty! Anyone else got anything they want to say?
Gwen: Uh, yeah. Can I go to the bathroom?
Gwen: Not exactly what I had in mind.
Chef: For your next challenge, you will complete a three-hundred word essay about how much you love… me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated!
[clock ticks]
[buzzer sounds]
Harold: Crap.
Chef: “I love Master Chief Hatchet because he is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very…” This is just one sentence with five pages of “very”s in between!
Duncan: It’s three hundred words exactly! You can count them if you want.
Chef: Whoa! Ugh! [to Owen] Wipe up that drool, you little baby!
Chef: You two slackers are out. The rest of you, get to bed and report to the playing field at 0500 hours.
Duncan: Uh, missed a spot there, General.
Chef: Boy! Do you wanna run fifty laps around this camp right now?!
Courtney: No thanks! He’s going straight to bed. Aren’t you? [hushed] What are you trying to do? Get eliminated?
Duncan: I didn’t know you cared.
Courtney: I don’t! I just don’t wanna lose his challenge! So stop being such a screwup and do what you’re told for once! Okay?
Duncan: She wants me.
Geoff: No doubt.
Chef: You will all run this course until you can all complete it in under one minute. Am I making myself clear?
Duncan: Crystal.
Courtney: If you lose this for us, I’m gonna make you so miserable.
Chef: Go, maggots, go!
We all started the course, it was not bad nothing like my aunt Mackenzie's.
Harold: Aww! [retches]
Duncan: Uh, General Crazy? We’ve got a situation here.
Harold: Too… much… [coughs] mud.
Chef: Ring the bell and report to the infirmary! Your tour of duty is finished.
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
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Chap 7 fear factor
Iris pov
The Gophers and I walk to the camp fire of the bass. When Duncan saw me he got up kissed me infront of everyone. "Well hello to you too." I said breathlessly. "Do you two mind some people don't want to be sick." Courtney said pulling us apart. "Why are you here anyway?" She asked looking at the others. "Owen stunk up the cabin needs time to air out." Trent said. Duncan pulled me in his lap. It turned into a fear fest of sharing. "What are you afraid of Iris?" Harold asked. They all looked at me wanting to know. "It's embarrassing especially since I want to be a doctor like my dad. I am afraid of being covered from head to toe in blood." I said holding my arm blushing. "Wait I thought Chris was your dad" Harold said looking confused. "She means her step dad dipshit." Duncan said glaring at him. "Ok gosh didn't know." He said before leaving. When everyone left I sat on the log next to Duncan. "You know I get why you have beef with Courtney  but I like her. Is it ok if we..." I stop him by placing my hand on his knee. "Duncan if you don't want to thats fine. It was fun while it lasted. Your a good kisser by the way." I said smiling at him. He chuckled "your not bad yourself" he said kissing my cheek. He left leaving me by the fire. When he left tears slid down my cheeks "guess you can be first place after all Courtney." I said when a hand rest on my shoulder.
*Time skip to the morning.*
I sat drinking some coffee. "Hey you ok sweetpea?" I look at Chef and nod. "Listen Iris when I was your age. I fell in love with one of the most beautiful girl. Well I thought so at the time. I got the courage to tell her how I felt. She rejected me and that hurt deeply. My momma she told me that yeah your hurting now. He is not the only one. You will have your heart broken many times in this life. You will also have joys and eventually you will find the one. So chin up soldier the war isn't over yet." He said nudging me. "Thanks Chef." I said hugging him. "Alright you finish your coffee and I will get breakfast started." He said before going in the back. Everyone walked in and sat down. I sat with the Gophers making thim look at me. Thankfully before anyone could say anything Chris came in. Chris [after he whistles] : Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call… Phobia Factor! Prepare to face… Your worst fears!
After people made remarks and laugh Chris smirks. Chris: Now for our first victims, Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It’s… Sumo time!
Heather spits out her juice.
Beth, Cody, and Lindsay gasp.
I just look at him worried.
(Confessionals Iris)
You have got to be kidding me. This is wrong on so many levels. *cross arms* I hope its fake blood.
The challenges started  Beth jumps in a pool of worms. Heather trips a Sumo. Sadie and Lindsay had to where a wig. Izzy and Owen went up in a plain Gwen gets buried in sand. Tren got followed by a mime. Cody had to defues a trash bomb. Bridgette went into the woods. Duncan had to hug a standi of Celine Dion. Then it came to me I stood on a platform Chef and Chris had a bucket in hand. "Sorry honey it will be over in a second." Chris said before they threw blood on me. I scream feeling the woar sticky and slimy. I had to stand ther for five minutes. I was skaking trying to keep my cool but I wanted to cry. Chef hoses me off and Chris held me. "Its over I'm sorry your ok." He said petty my hair.
"You showed no pitty for us." One of the campers said. "Yeah well your not my kid. I didn't want to do this to her." Chris said letting me walk to the others. "Hey if you can't stand the site of blood your going to be a shit doctor." Heather said thats when I punched her. She glares up at me but freezes when I glare back. "Whatever that was a lucky shot." Heather said walking away. 
Tyler couldn't pick up the chicken. That left us to second place Courtney. I smirk knowing her fear. "Alright Courtney I will give your team triple points. If you can jump into this pool of green Jelly."  Chris said making her climb. "Ooo it look so gross. It is probably warm green slimy snotty." Gwen and I said getting in Courtney's head. She told us we won't get to her but we did. Duncan encouraged her making me curse under my breath. When she got to the top she chickened out. The Gophers and I cheer.
Courtney [sniffing]: I’m so embarrassed. How could I be so weak? I deserve to go home! Ugh! Okay, stop it! You’re pathetic! Show some confidence, Courtney! [whimpers and smacks her own face]
(confessional off)
Chris "Alright Killer Bass I will see you a the bonfire."
Chris: There are only two marshmallows left on this plate. The three of you did not complete your challenges today. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return. Ever. The next name I’m gonna call… Is… Bridgette. The final marshmallow of the night goes to… Courtney.
Duncan: You’ll get that chicken next time, dude.
[elimination music]
Chris: Looks like a new pecking order has been established here.
Duncan: it’s not like who could cry… Fowl.
Geoff: Time for Tyler too… Fly the coop.
Bridgette: He won’t be flying high tonight.
Courtney: Okay, that’s enough.
[boat motor running]
[sad music]
[chickens clucking]
Tyler screams
(confessional: Lindsay)
Lindsay: Aww, I’ll never forget out time together Taylor– uh, Tyler! [blows kiss] Bye!
(confessional off)
After the Bass left Dad and I sat by the fire talking. He offerd some advice. "It wouldn't matter because he will pay soon very soon." I said  before the camra stopped rolling.
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