mysharona1987 · 3 months
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Keep screaming about this. Keep screaming until people finally understand the seriousness of what could happen if Trump is back in office. If any republican is President.
Many Republicans only see party. They don’t see country over party. Every thing on this list and much more will greatly impact their life too. Point it out to them. Go over the list with them. Share videos with them. Share the Project 2025 website with them. Do whatever you need to do to spread the word to those who need to hear it the most.
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A venture fund and a real estate startup – both with links to far-right organizations – are promoting a residential development in rural Kentucky as a haven for fellow rightwingers.
The promoters have presented the planned development as an “aligned community” for right wingers who want to “disappear from the cultural insanity of the broader country” and “spearhead the revival of the region”.
The development was announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, and in a special edition of the New Founding by Joshua Abbotoy, who is managing director of venture fund New Founding and principal of real estate developer Kentucky Ridge Runner LLC according to company records.
Kentucky Ridgerunner, meanwhile, is an LLC founded in 2022 with Abbotoy at its head according to Kentucky company records. It is the main vehicle for HRP, and owns the bulk of the land which is up for sale to buyers with rightwing sympathies.
Abbotoy’s father, Mark, a real estate appraiser based in Hartsville, Tennessee, is named as managing partner on the Ridgerunner website, and Lazar Lazarovski, a Nashville-based tech entrepreneur and realtor, is marketing director.
The website currently advertises two developments in the vicinity of Burkesville, a town in the so-called Eastern Pennyroyal district of southern Kentucky, around 20 miles north of the Tennessee border.
One of the developments, christened “Longhollow Acres”, is described as “a rolling 550-acre farm situated six miles northeast of Burkesville, and about half a mile to the river”. [...]
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sjerzgirl · 3 months
Oh Idaho! You've lost your frigging mind!!
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
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nando161mando · 4 months
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months
I’ve recently felt myself drawn closer and closer to ares as of late. Ever since I got asked to leave the free Palestine encampment I protested at this April for “being too aggressive in my protesting style” (I understand why just to be clear), I’ve come to accept the fact that I’m not a peaceful protestor. The most successful revolutions are always the violent ones, as well as the ones that maintain peace and justice afterwards the longest. Why reason or “make a statement” against a nazi or other oppressor when you could just cut them down where they stand and end their terror right there? Ares didn’t “reason” with people who sought to harm or ruin him and the people he cared about, he decapitated them with a single blow of his sword. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the democratic process, when it works. (Don’t smite me Themis 😭) But unfortunately, the more evil and corrupt people are in power, the less effective it becomes. The point is, SOMETIMES, Violence is the answer.
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kaze-no-yurei · 4 months
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Always remember this. There are two types of Muslims. Extremist Muslims and those that silently support the extremist actions while celebrating at their homes protected by the ones they commit these extremist acts against.
For any Muslim triggered by this, I'll believe your words the day one of you publicly condemns actions like these. Until then, anything you say is null and void.
Trigger Warning Blood and Violence in the video attached below.
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panspanther · 2 months
Bad Faith
Saw a documentary called "Bad Faith" - it's about Christian Nationalism, how it has grown over many years into a well oiled machine bent on the destruction of our government.
This is a HOSTILE take over, and they advocate violence.
Watch it
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
North Carolina seems to be the vortex for MAGA extremism this year.
We thought that the GOP candidate for governor Mark Robinson was off the scale.
Meet North Carolina’s GOP Governor Candidate: A Hitler-Quoting Extremist
But Michele Morrow, the GOP nominee for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction, makes Mark Robinson sound almost mainstream.
In other comments on social media between 2019 and 2021 reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Morrow made disturbing suggestions about executing prominent Democrats for treason, including Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer and other prominent people such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. “I prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad,” she wrote in a tweet from May 2020, responding to a user sharing a conspiracy theory who suggested sending Obama to prison at Guantanamo Bay. “I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death.” In another post in May 2020, she responded to a fake Time Magazine cover that featured art of Obama in an electric chair asking if he should be executed. “Death to ALL traitors!!” Morrow responded. In yet another comment, Morrow suggested in December 2020 killing Biden, who at that time was president-elect, and has said he would ask Americans to wear a mask for 100 days. “Never. We need to follow the Constitution’s advice and KILL all TRAITORS!!! #JusticeforAmerica,” she wrote. CNN reached out to Morrow and her campaign multiple times but did not receive a response.
But wait, there's more!
Morrow also promoted QAnon slogans and tweeted that the actor Jim Carrey was “… likely searching for adrenochrome” – a reference to a conspiracy theory shared by QAnon believers that celebrities harvest and drink the blood of children to prolong their own lives. Media Matters, a left-leaning publication, was first to report the QAnon tweets. All together, Morrow tweeted “WWG1WGA” – the slogan that stands for “where we go one, we go all” and is commonly associated with the QAnon conspiracy – more than seven times in 2020. Central to QAnon lore is the notion of the “Storm,” a belief there will be a day when thousands will purportedly be arrested, subjected to military tribunals, and face mass executions for their alleged crimes, with Donald Trump leading efforts to dismantle them alongside other QAnon “patriots.”
Morrow seems to get off on executions a lot. Her addiction to QAnon (who hasn't been around for years) is not at all out of character.
Sadly, such Republican candidates are hardly unusual these days.
To defeat such MAGA fascist extremist psychopaths it will be necessary to become more politically active in real life this year. That means volunteering, donating, and being more visible as pro-democracy Americans. And not just in North Carolina but nationwide.
My new favorite slogan this year is a classic rallying cry from civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Nobody will save us from us but us.
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Here’s a thought for the far right, if you think the UK is overrun with Muslims and you dislike said Muslims how about you fuck off somewhere else?
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sher-ee · 5 months
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Women - WAKE UP!
This will not be the end of their tirade.
They will come for birth control.
They will come for LGBTQ and marriage.
They will come for civil rights.
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The murder of six people at a church school in an affluent, largely white enclave of Tennessee’s largest city one year ago sparked a mass protest movement for gun control by Nashville parents. The Republican-dominated legislature met that movement with some spending on school police officers as a gesture to the outrage, a law shielding gun and ammunition manufacturers from liability as a gesture to Tennessee’s powerful gun lobby and the expulsion of the two Black lawmakers as a gesture of warning to people causing too much trouble.
Other antidemocratic displays over the last year would be just as outrageous, if people outside of Tennessee were still paying attention.
The temporary expulsion of Representatives Justin Pearson and Justin Jones was only the first cautionary tale in a saga of retribution that has continued apace, activists say.
Conservative domination – maintained by gerrymandered districts, disenfranchised voters and an increasing sense of political despair – insulates Tennessee Republicans from political consequences for unpopular decisions.
Challenged in public by increasing activism on the left and apocalyptic rhetoric on the right, Tennessee Republicans stopped just chipping away at democratic norms and began hammering full-on like coalminers on Rocky Top. [...]
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immaculatasknight · 10 hours
Campus brownshirts
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bostonwalks · 2 months
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"Israel must launch preemptive attack against Iran"
...For Israel, per Cicero, “The safety of the People shall be the highest law.” In the matter of impending war and accelerating Iranian nuclearization, the safety of the People of Israel could best be served by waging a just war against Iran while that enemy is pre-nuclear. Though a not-yet-nuclear Iran could still wage catastrophic war against the Jewish State, it would be markedly less catastrophic than any war between two regional nuclear powers. This is the case even if an Iran that had just crossed the nuclear threshold were “less powerful” than an already nuclear Israel. In any such nuclear conflict, even a “weaker” Iran (assuming its nuclear weapons were “penetration-capable”) could still wreak unacceptable harm on Israel. All things considered, if war between Israel and Iran is expected, it would be more rational for Jerusalem to enter such belligerency as the sole nuclear combatant and to wage this war such that that asymmetry could continue. Nonetheless, even during a conventional war with Iran, Israel could decide that the expectations of “escalation dominance” had become overwhelming, and that an Israeli escalation to nuclear combat would still be rational. An example could involve an Iranian nonnuclear missile attack upon Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor, Iranian resort to radiation-dispersal weapons (dirty bombs), and/or the combat involvement of already nuclear North Korea on the side of Iran. In all such complex scenarios, Cicero’s counsel would remain primary and incontestable: “The safety of the People is the highest law.”
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azspot · 10 months
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Ted Rall
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