#feeling hopeful
socialbutterfly19 · 2 months
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Get up every day with the mindset that things are gonna be good and make it happen. I got this!!
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starryvomit · 3 months
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brasideios · 5 months
December and most of this month have been me with my hands cupped around the will to words like it’s a tiny flickering flame in the midst of a typhoon. Teeth gritted. Eyes squeezed shut.
A sentence here. A paragraph there. A feeling. A scene. Little more than that.
But in the last week or so, the typhoon seems to have started easing off. The flame has gained some ground. Consumed some kindling.
Tentatively, I think - maybe - I’ve turned a corner. Maybe. At least I feel like writing, and that’s nice in and of itself.
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My face while rewatching Once Upon a Time! This show has helped me get through some tough times! Unsure what my future holds since I’m leaving the family business, but Once Upon a Time has been my inspiration to go forth and figure out what I want.
Might do another post talking about how the show saved me when I was watching it in high school. ❤️😊
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ladytanithia · 2 months
Feel bad that you got a fake ask, so he's a real one. How are doing? How's spring treating you? :)
Aww, thanks, Eve! Spring is treating me great now that I'm on vacation! Had a lovely rain this morning and enjoyed it in my robe with a cup of coffee on my front porch. How about you? Do you get a spring break?
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Feeling better every day🫶🏻
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lil-rin · 2 months
56 days sober
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shvoowsh · 11 months
no bc romanticizing my life (and regularly taking my meds. cannot forget that influence) is so cool?? it’s 2pm, and i’ve already showered, done two loads of laundry, folded loads more, made breakfast (and actually cooked for that), made lunch, done dishes, cleaned a few rooms, and made my bed! but not just that, i’m happy. like actually hopeful and creative and all that jazz. i’ve been coming up with fic ideas (both cursed and not cursed) and ways to express myself. it’s good, and it’s progress.
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barbwritesstuff · 2 years
As a writer, the goodreads choice awards this year have left me feeling weirdly hopeful. There are winners I liked and winners I really didn't like. Writing quality is wildly subjective. Even if I feel like my writing is weird and awkward, others might love it. You never know. 💙
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Good luck tomorrow
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mommeebusiness · 1 year
Had my thyroid checkup a little over a week ago. Still not at the levels I need to be for surrogacy, and health in general, but definitely closer! I go to see the thyroid specialist on the 10th, so I’m hoping my levels get checked once more to see if I am any closer to a normal level. Once I’m at a normal level, my surrogacy journey can continue!!
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r3b00tp03try · 1 year
A Crow of Hope
An original poem!
An ebony bird lands on my shoulder,
Have you ever seen a bird look concerned?
I’m sure there are others nearby.
They’ve just sent this one to check in.
We have an understanding,
Or, rather, it understands me.
It can see the thoughts in my head,
And I know it wants to make them go away.
“Somewhere”, it promises, “Somewhere in your mind are thoughts that shine”.
But we both know there’s too much dark in the way,
For now, at least.
They promise the dark doesn’t stay forever,
And it seems to agree.
I keep the trinkets it brings me.
Scraps and shreds of hope,
Pretty words and flimsy promises,
Goals and plans and infinite possibilities.
I keep the trinkets it brings me,
Because the dark in my head is afraid of them,
And it feels like a fight I can win someday,
And not a fight I’ll lose.
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fuscorooni · 11 months
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“No, sir. Don’t thank me, Warden. We’re all part of the same team. Good night.”
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idontwantthisf · 10 months
I'm going to recover for my family, I saw both of my parents crying. I don't want to bring them pain and suffering I can do better.
I'm going to be happy, for God, for them, and for me
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aspiringorwhatever · 1 year
I’ve been feeling a lot of shame lately when I look back on my life and my actions. I’ve been a selfish person for a good majority of my relatively short life. I used to think that I wasn’t, but taking a hard look means facing hard truths. It’s always been all about me. My sister would probably agree with you… her therapist too. The world was mine to take and taste. I used to give leftovers to the people around me, the people I loved. You can have this bite of attention, or this morsel of understanding. My problems and my life are the only thing that I can see. That I could see. I’m glad that I have learned how to expand my vision but it was not easy and it is not for the faint of heart. What I had to lose to gain even the smallest bit of insight wasn’t “worth it,” but it was necessary.
I would’ve never reflected back on my imperfections if I didn’t have to face my mortality. That’s what happens when you lose a parent, or friend, or just someone who touched your heart at one point or another. It could’ve been a hard hit, I didn’t specify “touch” as only good, but contact is all it takes. When they go you realize that you could go too. At any minute. What sprouts from that can be breathtakingly beautiful.
I realized that every minute I was spending judging myself for being young and dumb was another moment I was wasting. Rehashing it and feeling like I should’ve done something differently keeps the wound wide open. I can’t go back and change anything. I can, however, forgive myself and remember that version of me was doing the best she could for herself. She didn’t know her worth, but she does now. I can give her a hug and let her rest. It’s the only thing I can do to move forward and let the stitches do their work.
Shame is just your ego reminding you of the feeling of trying something and failing, so you won’t do it again. Let ego be the death you don’t mourn, buried next to your selfishness. Time is growth and growth is time and we are all just trying and dying. There’s no in-between.
That’s my rant for today. Here’s a frolic picture.
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maniatothemaxxie · 11 months
Also for those wondering, I am a up and coming writer, an up and coming artist, I came from Twitter to extend and explore the places to learn about well… how the internet works. It sounds stupid sure, but hey, I don’t mind it
Also I make books, currently working on a semi-fan fiction novel series called ‘ The Trail Takers’, just wanted to test out to see if things could work for me being an author.
Might probably post it here but depends if things go okay
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